GETEC GROUP A N N UAL REP O RT 2 015 GETEC GROUP E FFI C I E N C Y I S O U R B U S I N ES S M O D E L . D R . K A R L G E R H O L KEY FIGURES NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES 2015 2014 1,165 980 OVER ALL PERFORMANCE million euro 798.2 721.2 ANNUAL PROFIT BEFORE TA X million euro 40.0 33.3 EQUIT Y CAPITAL million euro 187.5 165.4 40.0% 44.3% EQUIT Y R ATIO A N N UAL REP O RT 2 015 D TA B L E O F CO N TEN TS E FFI C I E N C Y: D O I N G T H I N G S R I G H T. P E T E R F E R D I N A N D D R U C K E R * FOREWORD 6 PROJ EC TS 10 G E T E C H E AT & P O W E R A G PUT TIN G ON TH E PRESSU RE 12 GETEC EN ERGI E AG PIONEERING SPIRIT 16 GETEC N ET AG COM MUNIT Y SPIRIT 20 G E T EC G REEN EN ERGY AG G R EEN P OT EN T I A L 24 G E T E C WÄ R M E & E F F I Z I E N Z A G T H E C L I M AT E I S T H E W I N N E R 28 GETEC M ED IA AG W E L C O M E TO T H E F U T U R E 32 SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY 36 A G O O D MOVE 38 M ANAGEM ENT REPORT AND F I N A N C I A L S TAT E M E N T S 42 GETEC GROUP 44 G R O U P C O N S O L I D AT I O N 70 G RO U P OVERVI EW A N D L O C AT I O N S 72 F I N A N C I A L S TAT E M E N T S OF THE SUBGROUPS 74 G E T E C H E AT & P O W E R A G 76 GETEC EN ERGI E AG 82 GETEC N ET AG 88 G E T EC G REEN EN ERGY AG 94 G E T E C WÄ R M E & E F F I Z I E N Z A G 10 0 GETEC M ED IA AG 10 6 IMPRINT 112 5 6 FOREWORD FOREWORD One of the main strengths of the GETEC companies and the GETEC workforce is the ability to identify and react flexibly to industry developments and market changes early on and to consistently develop the right answers and suitable solutions for GETEC’s clients. We are navigators in an increasingly complex energy environment. A glance on the framework conditions of the past fiscal year illustrates the need for these special skills of the GETEC GROUP of companies. Energy markets continue to experience turbulence. Major distortions on the energy markets and policies that are unable to safeguard stable and reliable framework conditions cause a major burden for consumers and companies in Germany. The transition toward renewable energies is compulsory based on climate policies, and a heavy price was paid for it via the mechanism stipulated in the Renewable Energy Sources Act (EEG). Because of the sector amalgamation postulated by the Federal Ministry of Economy, the abnormal developments on the electricity markets that can no longer be ignored are expected to escalate further. Energy efficient, work place-generating decentralised supply strategies such as the combined heat and power generation are being cut back in favour of new industrial-scale technologies such as offshore wind power. The energy policy framework conditions in Germany continue to be hampered by legislative disparities and inconsistencies. GETEC ENERGIE HOLDING GmbH GETEC heat & power AG GETEC ENERGIE AG GETEC net AG GETEC green energy AG GETEC WÄRME & EFFIZIENZ AG GETEC media AG 7 This has caused significant problems in the energy industry, particularly among major established players. Innovative medium-sized energy service providers such as GETEC are more likely to be able to master these challenges. For instance, the companies of the GETEC GROUP were again able to boost their sales volume and income in this difficult market environment in the past year, because they act quickly and in a flexible manner, consider changes to be an opportunity and continue promoting technical and administrative innovations. rience within the company group. That’s efficiency too – and that’s what we do on a daily basis. Our actions are guided by a vision that keeps the companies of the GETEC GROUP on track to success and growth in spite of the difficult framework conditions: efficiency. This does not only relate to ultra-efficient technologies such as the energetic exploitation of specialty gases or the optimisation of significant ancillary cost areas for the real estate industry, but in particular to focused, targeted actions based on excellent know-how and customer-oriented structures. With the acquisition of Imtech Contracting GmbH in August 2015, now called GETEC Contracting GmbH, we have not only expanded our investment portfolio, but incorporated additional strong expertise in the field of energy service contracting into the GETEC GROUP, and thereby solidified our claim as market leader for energy service contracting. This year, we intend to successfully complete the integration of the new business into GETEC heat & power AG and GETEC WÄRME & EFFIZIENZ AG. The company’s previous headquarters remain in Osnabrück and will be expanded further. The secure and cost-efficient availability of energy is an important locational factor for many of our customers. The competitiveness of many companies is often dependent on the economic viability, the environmental protection and the resource conservation – in short, the efficiency of the energy supply. Our vision of efficiency is going one step further: We achieve economic benefits for our customers by developing innovative solutions and sustainable concepts, utilising the positive effects of the energy legislation and by consolidating know-how and expe- The GETEC GROUP continued expanding its business activities in 2015. The subgroups GETEC heat & power AG, GETEC ENERGIE AG, GETEC net AG, GETEC green energy AG, GETEC WÄRME & EFFIZIENZ AG and GETEC media AG have further developed established business models and conquered new markets, and thus solidified the foundation for further growth and economic success. By taking over the supply of heat to the City of Turek, GETEC heat & power AG has set foot onto the Polish market; in addition to Germany, it is now active in five European countries. With the innovative thermal oil system set up at the Haltermann Carless Deutschland GmbH 8 FOREWORD chemical company, our industrial specialist has successfully broken technical ground and produced a masterpiece when it comes to innovation and efficiency. GETEC heat & power AG is currently developing a method for transforming heat, which will be ready to be launched on the market shortly. Its purpose is again to boost energy efficiency in the production process. For us, efficiency also means providing customers with services from a single source. GETEC heat & power AG is broadening its portfolio considerably in this respect: In the future, we plan to offer all services for the operation of energy intensive industrial parks under the label GETEC Infra. This likewise relates to the leveraging of resources, the creation of synergies and the identification and improvement of energy efficiency potentials. Our energy trading firm GETEC ENERGIE AG is developing innovative projects to safeguard tomorrow’s energy supply: The largest 2nd use battery bank in the world to date is currently being built in the Westphalian city of Lünen. A joint venture between Daimler AG, The Mobility House AG and GETEC ENERGIE AG will operate it on the premises of REMONDIS SE and market it on the German primary balancing energy market. Special about this approach is the economic utilisation of used electric vehicle batteries, which are given a second life in the stationary battery bank after having been used in an electric vehicle. In Lünen, they will be combined to a total capacity of 13 MWh. Fluctuations in the power grid can be balanced with smart energy storage systems. FOREWORD Other storage projects are in preparation. This is an active contribution to the energy transition. GETEC net AG, whose core business is the operation of areal networks and metering services, is increasingly focusing on the network infrastructure design. Since early 2015, we have been working on the cross-border power cable project between the Netherlands and Germany. GETEC net AG is also expanding its business activities within Germany: For the first time, we are involved in a communal utility, which safeguards a state-of-the art, efficient and reasonably priced range of energy services in addition to communal services of general public interest. The communal utility Gemeindewerk Seegebiet Mansfelder Land GmbH was established in cooperation with other partners. GETEC net AG will be tasked with the commercial management of this company. On behalf of the communal utility, it has already been awarded the contract for operating the communal power grid in the Mansfelder Land district. With the inauguration of ten wind power stations at the former military airport in Zerbst in late 2015, GETEC green energy AG has completed the energy park Zerbst and transformed into an energy transition showcase project. The wind turbines were set up in cooperation with Siemens AG and are generating a combined power output of up to 30 megawatts. GETEC has already set up one of the largest solar parks in Germany and a biorefinery on the converted spaces. As a result, three types of renewable energy are combined in a single location, namely biomethane, solar and wind energy. In addition to increased research and development activities in the field of renewable energies, the topic of battery banks will play a major role at the Zerbst location in the future. The goal is to establish and operate a large bank as early as this year, in cooperation with partners. In addition, there are plans for a project aimed at converting CO2 into useful energetic materials. In its capacity as comprehensive ancillary cost optimiser, GETEC WÄRME & EFFIZIENZ AG is expanding its portfolio with metering services. For this purpose, it has established the GETEC MESSDIENST GmbH subsidiary, which specialises in particular in the compilation of a precise and reliable heating and ancillary cost statement. After the strategic partnership with Deutsche Wohnen AG, additional cooperations in the real estate industry were established in 2015. GETEC WÄRME & EFFIZIENZ AG together with its subsidiary Bayernwärme GmbH now supplies all properties of the GBW GROUP in Southern Germany. Energie für Schleswig-Holstein GmbH is another recently established partnership; it is a joint venture of GETEC and wankendorfer Baugenossenschaft für SchleswigHolstein eG. Thus, the foundation has been laid for further growth with innovations and new products, such as for example with tenant’s decentralised energy supply or smart meter technologies. With SYNVIA, we have created an end user brand for the first time. GETEC media AG provides tenants with television, GETEC ENERGIE HOLDING GmbH GETEC heat & power AG GETEC ENERGIE AG GETEC net AG GETEC green energy AG GETEC WÄRME & EFFIZIENZ AG GETEC media AG internet and telephone services via its cable network, while GETEC home GmbH as a subsidiary of GETEC WÄRME & EFFIZIENZ AG additionally supplies electricity. The SYNVIA brand was developed to bundle energy and telecommunication products into a single all-in-one package. During the set-up of the customer service and the product and process development, we consistently pursued the “everything from a single source” approach. We are harnessing the expertise of the GETEC GROUP of companies for the creation of synergies and for the efficient use of existing resources. We owe our success to these efficient and innovative solutions in all business activities of the GETEC GROUP. The GETEC GROUP achieved a considerable boost in sales and earnings in the past fiscal year. Losses in sales and earnings as a result of warm weather and continuously declining energy prices have been overcompensated. The turnover rose by 12.1% from 698.3 million euros to 782.6 million euros. With an increase of 20.3% to 40.0 million euros, the profit before tax experienced an even slightly greater boost. The capital resources have likewise improved. The group is capitalised well, with equity capital in the amount of 187.5 million euros. GETEC is on solid footing. We are as diversified as never before. We strive to expand successful, established business models and shape future markets. The creativity and innovative minds of our highly qualified workforce will allow us to continue blazing a trail, develop efficient solutions for our customers and master the challenges associated with the transition toward renewable energies. with our full commitment and dedication. On the following pages, you will learn what is driving us and how the vision of efficiency controls our every-day actions. Magdeburg, 30 May 2016 We are still committed to and continue the intensive pursuit of our social responsibilities: The on-site day-care is now fully operational and the large number of “GETEC children” enrolled in it indicate that the decision to establish and support the childcare centre was the right thing to do. The same is true for the early extension of the main sponsorship of the handball club SC Magdeburg. It is a successful team in the first federal league – and has recently won the German Handball (DHB) cup – thereby creating a strong identity-promoting effect for the people living in the region. Just recently, we extended the contract to secure the name rights in the GETEC arena, the home venue of our handball team, for five more years. In addition, we are sponsoring a number of other small- and large-scale, cultural and social projects as well as popular sports. Efficiency is the guiding topic of our annual report. According to Peter Ferdinand Drucker, it means: doing things right. That’s precisely what we do, with our services, innovations and the vision toward new business activities and markets. We consider challenges to be opportunities and act as partner of our customers. You, our customers and business partners, have again shown us your confidence in the past several years. We would like to thank you for this and for the fruitful cooperation and at the same time see it as an incentive to keep earning this confidence 9 Dr. Karl Gerhold Managing Director & Shareholder GETEC ENERGIE HOLDING GmbH GETEC GROUP 12 PROJECTS PROJECTS 13 GETEC heat & power AG HOW TO PLAN, FINANCE AND REALISE HIGH EFFICIENCY PROJECT Energy production plant, Speyer P R O J E C T PA R T N E R Haltermann Carless Deutschland GmbH The chemicals company Haltermann Carless Deutschland GmbH stores and handles naphtha (crude petroleum). This creates vent gas in the storage tanks. With its C 4 /C 5 -hydrocarbons, this breathing gas has a high calorific value, but its heating value fluctuates. On behalf of Haltermann Carless in Speyer, Germany, GETEC heat & power AG has taken on the challenging task of utilising this hitherto untapped potential and developing an integrated energy concept that is efficient and protects resources and the environment. PUTTING ON THE PRESSURE REDUCING COSTS, PROTECTING THE ENVIRONMENT, SECURING THE LOCATION GETEC ENERGIE HOLDING GmbH GETEC heat & power AG GETEC ENERGIE AG GETEC net AG GETEC green energy AG GETEC WÄRME & EFFIZIENZ AG GETEC media AG The expertise of one of the leading European manufacturers of speciality chemicals and solvents, testing and reference fuels, printing ink oils and high-purity hydrocarbons and the expertise of the innovation leader in the development of customised energy supply concepts is combined in this joint project between Haltermann and GETEC. The alliance has resulted in a highly efficient, unique industrial heating system tailored to the specific needs of the company. It was ceremoniously inaugurated in September 2015. “We put the company’s energy supply on a new footing and in doing so laid the foundation for a 15-year partnership,” emphasises Volker Schulz, CEO of GETEC heat & power. GETEC put together a customised, innovative and comprehensive package for its customer in Speyer: The services the contracting specialist from Magdeburg provides range from the development of the supply concept through financing, planning, construction of the system to service and maintenance. GETEC supplies the required heat on the basis of 14 PROJECTS PROJECTS a heat supply contract. In addition to remote monitoring of the system from GETEC’s control room in Magdeburg, the system is also monitored on site from a control panel in Speyer. This enables specialists to respond quickly to error messages. In addition, the on-site service is secured by GETEC Industrieservice GmbH. The heart of the investment in Speyer is the thermal oil system: The production process requires thermal oil at a constant high temperature level. Two natural gas fired boilers with a nominal heat output of 8.65 megawatts each heat the oil to 340 degrees Celsius and feed it directly to the consumers in production. In addition, a steam generator heated indirectly with thermal oil provides up to 13 tonnes of saturated steam per hour at a pressure of 21 bar. “By using state-of-the-art burner technology, we were able to integrate the previously unused vent gas into the combustion process of the thermal oil system. The process gas is used to generate heat – safely and environmentally and resource friendly. This technical solution is unique so far,” says Volker Schulz, highlighting the ingenuity of the engineers. Thermal post-combustion of vent gas is thus a thing of the past. The heating oil previously used as support fuel is no longer needed. The calorific value of the process gas is significantly lower than that of natural gas, but it still ensures a noticeable reduction in natural gas consumption at Haltermann Carless. “The resulting cost savings and lower environmental impact are important locational and competitive factors for an energy-intensive chemicals company,” explains Volker Schulz. By outsourcing the complex tasks of creating an energy supply system, the well-established firm Haltermann, a subsidiary of the internationally active HCS Group, is able to focus entirely on its core expertise of creating high-purity chemical products for the automotive, pharmaceutical, cosmetics, printing, laboratory chemicals, electronics and plastics processing industries. “All of our energy concepts are as unique as the conditions at our customers and the project goals we implement for our partners,” says Schulz. “With every new order we rise to the challenge of taking visionary approaches and using our expertise and skills to explore new paths.” The market leader in energy service contracting with its vast experience in developing comprehensive energy concepts for the chemicals industry aims at stepping up its role as a service provider of complete solutions for chemical parks. The service portfolio of “GETEC Infra” includes comprehensive solutions for wide-area supply of industrial and chemical parks. Here GETEC is not only responsible for the optimised energy supply, but also for related services pertaining to network infrastructure, site protection, logistics and infrastructure as well as the management of the entire site. Water supply and waste water disposal are also part of the portfolio with which GETEC is further expanding its expertise in the industry sector. The project also involved the construction of a boiler room in which all the metering and control equipment and auxiliary units are housed. The central power plant was created on the perimeter of the plant site and new lines were installed for the steam and thermal oil supply on site. Only 15 months past from the signing of the contract to commissioning. The thermal oil system was built in four months. GETEC ENERGIE HOLDING GmbH GETEC heat & power AG GETEC ENERGIE AG GETEC net AG GETEC green energy AG GETEC WÄRME & EFFIZIENZ AG GETEC media AG Pierre Hörler, director of sales and authorised signatory of GETEC heat & power AG, on the occasion of the start-up of the thermal oil system. NUMBER O F EMPLOY EES 337 T URN OV ER IN 2015 EUR 254.5 million C O RE BUS INES S Energy supply solutions for industry, complex large properties and communities at home and abroad, implementation into energy service contracting or as EPC/general contractor, takeover of large heating and cogeneration systems, energy efficiency projects, procurement optimisation B OA RD O F D IRE C TO RS Volker Schulz, Dipl.-Ing. Hans-Marcus Knoll, Dipl.-Ing. (FH) C O N TAC T [email protected] 15 16 PROJECTS PROJECTS 17 GETEC ENERGIE AG EFFICIENT BATTERY STORAGE SOLUTIONS WITH CUTTING-EDGE POTENTIAL PROJECT Second-use battery bank, Lünen P R O J E C T PA R T N E R Daimler AG, The Mobility House AG, REMONDIS SE & Co. KG The focus of the German economy and the federal government on the transition toward renewable energies and the associated efficient resource utilisation is steadily increasing. For instance, one of the goals is a massive incentivisation of the use of electric vehicles. But the question arises about the afterlife of the batteries from these vehicles. Discard them? Recycle them? Are there any other possible and economically feasible uses for them? PIONEERING SPIRIT UTILISING KNOW-HOW, RELIEVING NETWORKS, SAVING FEES GETEC ENERGIE HOLDING GmbH GETEC heat & power AG GETEC ENERGIE AG GETEC net AG GETEC green energy AG GETEC WÄRME & EFFIZIENZ AG GETEC media AG In cooperation with the companies Daimler AG, The Mobility House AG and REMONDIS SE & Co. KG, GETEC ENERGIE AG is in the process of realising an ultra-efficient battery storage project in Lünen/Westphalia, which is considered a cutting-edge component in the transition toward renewable energies. “We have developed and realised an economically and ecologically worthwhile solution for the use of battery storage systems – entirely without public subsidies,” says Bernward Peters, CEO of GETEC ENERGIE AG, in response to the question about the economically sensible usability. For this project, Daimler subsidiary Deutsche ACCUmotive GmbH & Co. KG is building stationary energy storage units from used electric car battery systems. In all, nearly 1,000 of these systems with a total capacity of approximately 13 MWh are being used. As they are designed for the demanding use in automobiles, the energy storage units meet strict safety and quality requirements. The technically ultra-complex control system and the battery management were redeveloped jointly by the partners for this project. 18 PROJECTS PROJECTS The company Enbase Power GmbH, a joint enterprise of Daimler and Coulomb GmbH, is responsible for the set-up of the system. Coulomb in turn is a joint venture of The Mobility House AG and GETEC ENERGIE AG. The Mobility House AG is considered a pioneer in the field of innovative charging and storage solutions for electric mobility and has been involved for some time in the development of technologies for mobile and stationary clustered storage units from vehicle batteries. GETEC ENERGIE AG is also contributing its expertise. Moritz Matthies, Director of Business Development, refers to the procedures outlined in the “White Paper” and to the fluctuating power supply from renewable energies, which requires all participants in the energy market to be increasingly flexible. He explains the company’s role as follows: “Simply put, we can use the battery storage system for example to stabilise the power grid, that is, to balance fluctuations in the power grid and to maintain the frequency.” To achieve this, adequately pre-qualified participants feed energy into the grid or store energy from the grid in the primary balancing energy market. The transmission network operator pays a fee for the generated flexibility. The battery storage project in Lünen is progressive – including for GETEC’s customers. For this reason, experts at GETEC have long been studying additional possible uses. “The grid utilisation prices paid by our electricity intensive industrial and multi-site customers is an interesting aspect in this context,” explains Moritz Matthies. “This storage unit allows us to relief the grid in case of bottlenecks. The lower the peak power consumption is during the on-peak time, the greater are our customers’ savings in network usage fees.” Peak shaving represents a further savings potential, GETEC ENERGIE HOLDING GmbH GETEC heat & power AG because peak power consumption incurs considerable electricity costs over the span of a year. Batteries help prevent these peaks, thereby saving costs. “As for power stations, the system additionally offers the possibility of a self-contained start in case of a power outage,” Matthies points out. As a result, the possible uses are very diverse and can be customised to meet the customer’s needs. Jointly with Coulomb GmbH, GETEC ENERGIE AG bundles its know-how for the planning, establishment and management of battery storage units. Stefan Ritter, managing director of Coulomb GmbH is convinced that “the battery storage system can be operated economically from the start.” According to Ritter, this is due not least to the many years of experience in the market and the specialist know-how of all parties involved in the project. “It is obviously more cost-efficient to work with used systems than to use new storage units,” he emphasises. What’s more, this helps improve the environmental balance of electric vehicles. Other projects with used as well as new systems are already in the planning phase. The project partners have already solved the question with regard to recycling. Once the batteries have in fact reached the end of their life, they will be recycled by the partner company REMONDIS, which is in the possession of the 2 nd use battery storage unit on its premises. However, the involved companies are certain that it will be at least another ten years until this happens. That’s the projected current lifetime of lithium ion batteries. GETEC ENERGIE AG GETEC net AG GETEC green energy AG GETEC WÄRME & EFFIZIENZ AG GETEC media AG Moritz Matthies, head of Business Development at GETEC ENERGIE AG, pays a visit to the second-use battery bank. NUMBER O F EMPLOY EES 370 T URN OV ER IN 2015 EUR 441.8 million C O RE BUS INES S Energy supply, energy marketing, marketing of balancing energy, energy trading, direct marketing, processing services for energy providers B OA RD O F D IRE C TO RS Bernward Peters, Dipl.-Kfm. Christian Holtmann, Dipl.-Kfm. Götz-Friedrich Wedde, Dipl.-Kfm. C O N TAC T [email protected] 19 20 PROJECTS PROJECTS 21 GETEC net AG HOW A COMMUNAL UTILITY CAN BENEFIT THE COMMUNITY, CITIZENS, COMPANIES AND THE ENTIRE REGION PROJECT Communal power grid, Seegebiet Mansfelder Land district P R O J E C T PA R T N E R Communal utility Gemeindewerk Seegebiet Mansfelder Land GmbH This idea is appealing: A modern, citizen-oriented community is not only focused on the communal concerns of its residents and companies, it also strives to provide a stateof-the art, efficient and economical energy supply and thus to achieve a typical win-win situation for its citizens and the community alike. COMMUNITY SPIRIT GOOD IDEAS, EFFICIENT STRUCTURES, MANY ADVANTAGES GETEC ENERGIE HOLDING GmbH GETEC heat & power AG GETEC ENERGIE AG GETEC net AG GETEC green energy AG GETEC WÄRME & EFFIZIENZ AG GETEC media AG A utopian vision? Not at all. A so-called communal utility committed to achieving precisely these goals is being set up in the Seegebiet Mansfelder Land community in Saxony-Anhalt, which has nearly 10,000 residents. Its key actors are the community, the company ROMONTA AG headquartered in the community and GETEC net AG. In the 1980s and 1990s, municipal utilities in many places were divested in their entirety or in parts, usually for the purpose of reorganising the communal budgets. A trend toward recommunalisation has emerged some ten years ago, which is obviously also backed by financial considerations. Aside from the concession levy, it is particularly the profits generated by the network operation that may play a significant role. The community has established the communal utility Seegebiet Mansfelder Land GmbH as a wholly-owned communal limited liability company. GETEC net AG will be tasked with the commercial management of this company. The advantage for the community: It can initially start without its own workforce, since all responsibilities will be taken care of by GETEC net AG as defined in the corresponding service agreements. 22 PROJECTS The core business of GETEC net AG is the operation of socalled area networks. There are currently more than 110 area networks throughout Germany, which GETEC net AG is in charge of. The infrastructure of an area network is planned, set up and operated independently of the upstream network operator. This applies in equal measure to the on-site transmission lines as for example to the switchboard plants and the transformers used to convert the supplied electricity into the required voltage. The required electricity (public medium high voltage network, between 10 and 30 kV as necessary) is taken over from the upstream network operator at the supply terminal, while everything else on-site is part of the area network (private medium high/low voltage network, 10 kV/0.4 kV). The area network of ROMONTA AG has been part of the networks set up and operated by GETEC for many years. ROMONTA is the world’s largest producer of crude montan wax. The wax has been extracted in Amsdorf, a village that today is part of the Seegebiet Mansfelder Land, for almost 100 years. The communal utility and thus its customers will benefit from experience with the technical operation, the network planning and the network expansion by its own workforce at ROMONTA AG. PROJECTS advantages, which are reflected in a lower price for using the network. ROMONTA will equally benefit from the cooperation. Heiko Mevert, chair of the GETEC net AG executive board: “The further development of the site can be planned and realised alongside the goals of the communal utility. The energy generation units at the site can supply the region with energy on a priority basis as a so-called virtual electric power station.” Not least, this also contributes significantly to the move towards alternative energy, namely to the development of decentralised efficient generation structures, smart networks and metering systems. However, the growing incorporation of renewable (wind, photovoltaics) and decentralised (cogeneration unit) energy generation is not only beneficial for the environment. The regional value creation is broadened significantly, for example with the combined heat and power generation, with renewable raw materials or with a greater stake in the local trade. These are additional positive arguments for the customers of the communal utility, enabling its presence on the electricity market not merely as an inexpensive supplier. The establishment of an own electricity brand boosts the customer’s identification with “his/her” communal utility, thereby ultimately also making a valuable contribution to the communal budget. Andreas Bork (on the right), project manager of GETEC AREALNETZ GmbH, discusses the details for the control station of the communal utility with Matthias Amt of ROMONTA AG. NUMBER O F EMPLOY EES 60 T URN OV ER IN 2015 EUR 33.9 million C O RE BUS INES S Electricity and gas network operation, area networks, closed distribution networks, meter operation, network services B OA RD O F D IRE C TO RS Heiko Mevert, Dipl.-Ing. Dr. Karl Gerhold Olaf Beyer, Dipl.-Ing. (FH) A technical connection with ROMONTA AG’s existing area network will be established to achieve an optimal and efficient supply of the new communal utility. Particularly the connection of the ROMONTA area network to the high voltage level provides the communal utility customers with considerable GETEC ENERGIE HOLDING GmbH GETEC heat & power AG GETEC ENERGIE AG 23 C O N TAC T [email protected] GETEC net AG GETEC green energy AG GETEC WÄRME & EFFIZIENZ AG GETEC media AG 24 PROJECTS PROJECTS 25 GETEC green energy AG THE ENERGY PARK IN ZERBST IS SETTING THE BENCHMARK FOR ALL THINGS RELATED TO FUTURE TECHNOLOGY PROJECT Energy park, Zerbst P R O J E C T PA R T N E R Siemens AG The rise in renewable energies creates growing fluctuations in the power grids. Still, it is possible to stabilise the grids by means of renewable energies. GETEC green energy AG combines renewable energies and state-of-the art technologies to develop these potentials – to achieve a resource-friendly, affordable and safe energy supply. With the development of an energy park on the 400 hectare site of the former military airport in Zerbst (Saxony-Anhalt), the company has created excellent conditions to study future technologies and master the challenges associated with the transition to renewable energies. GREEN POTENTIAL RENEWABLE ENERGY, STABLE NETWORK, NO CONTRADICTION GETEC ENERGIE HOLDING GmbH GETEC heat & power AG GETEC ENERGIE AG GETEC net AG GETEC green energy AG GETEC WÄRME & EFFIZIENZ AG GETEC media AG GETEC green energy AG had laid the foundation for a comprehensive utilisation concept with open-space photovoltaic systems. The solar park established in 2011 was followed in 2014 by a biorefinery and in 2015 by the launch of a wind park and additionally the set-up of a transformer substation. 196,000 photovoltaic modules with an installed overall capacity of 46 MWp, 10 directly powered low-wear, low-loss and low-noise Siemens wind energy systems with an installed output of 30 MW and a biorefinery with a generated gas power of approx. 7 MW (3 MW electrical power) have been combined into a green, three-component power station in Zerbst. When the energy park was first set up, the focus was on the efficiency of the energy production, but as it is being upgraded, topics such as the capability of a self-contained start, balancing energy and storage technologies are be- 26 PROJECTS coming increasingly important. The target is to store 25% of volatile power by 2025 – and GETEC green energy AG board member Chris Döhring is strongly committed to reaching this benchmark. “We are already generating a storage medium with biomethane,” says Döhring, “in 2016, we will collaborate with the city of Zerbst/Anhalt to simulate how our biomethane can help supply power to sensitive areas such as hospitals or nursing homes in extreme situations, and then restore the frequencies and gradually reconnect customers to the grid.” This simulation of a blackout is designed for other sites to learn from the gathered insights. It may be possible to maintain the power supply of hospitals in Magdeburg during extreme situations in the future with the support from the Niederndodeleben biorefinery; the Elsteraue biogas plant would be relevant for the chemical park at that location and the city of Hadmersleben is likewise expected to rely on the power of a biogas plant set up by GETEC. The combination of three types of renewable energies and the co-operations with the Fraunhofer Institute for Factory Operations and Factory Automation as well as the technology partner Siemens AG creates the breeding ground in the energy park of Zerbst, which strategies for grid stability and energy safety can thrive on. It has been proposed to build a large storage battery in the near future, for harnessing excess wind and solar power. Electrolysis for the production of hydrogen is another topic relating to a variety of possible uses. If necessary, hydrogen can be converted back into electricity or used for methane synthesis together with the carbon dioxide from the biorefinery or supplied to the chemical industry. Excess carbon dioxide from the biorefinery in turn can be used for the production of hydrocarbons and other basic chemicals. PROJECTS local companies; as partners of the biorefinery, agricultural companies gain a competitive edge for the sale of corn, grass silage and beet chips. Among other animals, bats and insects benefit from the compensation measures aimed at protecting nature; an herb garden and a nature trail have been established. GETEC, the city of Zerbst/Anhalt, the company VHS Bildungswerk GmbH and the grammar school Francisceum in Zerbst are jointly breathing life into the information centre and the meeting place in the energy park. Volunteers are pouring their heart and soul into the preparation of children’s parties, guided tours and school projects on renewable energies. Chris Döhring considers the energy park of Zerbst to be a pilot project that demonstrates the exemplary management of conversion areas and a regional development that is beneficial for all parties involved with long-term partnerships. This can also serve as an example for the revitalisation of mining landscape reclamation projects in the energy region of central Germany, Döhring points out. In the future, the company also plans to use its know-how for decentralised energy projects in other countries. Concepts intended for example for vacation islands are in demand, enabling them to achieve a self-sustaining supply to the greatest possible extent and to considerably reduce their reliance on oil tankers, by harnessing hydroelectric power, fermenting waste products, solar and wind energy, combined with cogeneration plants and energy storage, depending on the local circumstances. “We develop creative and flexible solutions that are tailored to the regional needs and requirements,” says Chris Döhring. NUMBER O F EMPLOY EES 21 T URN OV ER IN 2015 EUR 32.0 million C O RE BUS INES S Regenerative energy generation, site development, fuel and substrate management, plant design, implementation and operation The energy park of Zerbst achieves a unique link between economic viability, climate protection and regional development. The city of Zerbst/Anhalt and the region benefit from it: Conversion areas were harnessed again and redesigned; construction work was and is assigned predominantly to GETEC ENERGIE HOLDING GmbH GETEC heat & power AG GETEC ENERGIE AG GETEC net AG Marcel Schöbel, project manager and authorised signatory of GETEC green energy AG, is responsible for the development and realisation of the energy park Zerbst project. B OA RD O F D IRE C TO RS Chris Döhring, Dipl.-Ing. C O N TAC T [email protected] GETEC green energy AG GETEC WÄRME & EFFIZIENZ AG GETEC media AG 27 28 PROJECTS PROJECTS 29 GETEC WÄRME & EFFIZIENZ AG LARGE-SCALE PROJECTS WITH THE REAL ESTATE INDUSTRY HELP REVITALISE THE LINE OF BUSINESS PROJECT Strategic partnerships in the real estate industry P R O J E C T PA R T N E R GBW Group, Bayernwärme GmbH THE CLIMATE IS THE WINNER LUCRATIVE ALLIANCES, OPTIMISED SYSTEMS, COLLECTIVE SUCCESS GETEC ENERGIE HOLDING GmbH GETEC heat & power AG GETEC ENERGIE AG GETEC net AG GETEC green energy AG GETEC WÄRME & EFFIZIENZ AG GETEC media AG Nearly 70% of all heating installations are considered outdated and inefficient – the refurbishment back-log in German boiler rooms is detrimental to the environment and to the tenants’ ancillary cost payments. With strategic partnerships, GETEC WÄRME & EFFIZIENZ AG relieves companies in the real estate industry of the necessary investments into their heat generation and consolidates the tasks ranging from plant optimisation to the service charge statement. Alliances that enable all parties to benefit – real estate companies, their tenants and the service provider – are established in this fashion. Resources are protected and carbon dioxide emissions reduced. The first major project of this kind was launched in 2014 with the establishment of the joint venture G+D Gesellschaft für Energiemanagement mbH by GETEC and the real estate firm Deutsche Wohnen AG headquartered in Berlin. Within the scope of this cooperation, almost 1,000 plants were added to the previous inventory of nearly 1,000 energy supply plants for residential districts, hospitals and nursing homes overseen by GETEC, which have since been analysed and gradually adapted to the latest state of technology. Another major project was sealed in southern Germany in 2015: GETEC subsidiary Bayernwärme GmbH has started to bundle the heat generation of all properties owned by the GBW group comprising 30,000 apartments. In the medium to long term, nearly 800 central heating plants will be taken over, analysed and optimised for the Bavarian real estate company. 30 PROJECTS “One of the considerable advantages of this long-term cooperation is that we focus on the entire portfolio, including all beacons and laggards. That’s how we gradually optimise the entire plant inventory,” explains Jochen Schmitt, director of the GETEC branch office in Munich and managing director of the company Bayernwärme. Not only is energy efficiency a compulsory prerequisite for climate protection and an important factor for the successful outcome of the move towards alternative energies. Heat generation using state-of-the art plant engineering and smart controls likewise increases the appeal of residential districts, because the greater efficiency has a stabilising effect on the development of the heating costs over the medium and long term. By reducing the resource consumption and CO 2 emissions, real estate companies can continue working on their positive sustainability reports and use the improvements in climate protection for successful marketing purposes. Particularly impressive results are achieved with the combination of sustainable construction and renovation using innovative heat generation concepts. GETEC engineers develop customised solutions for each object. The energy modernisation with increasing surface areas in the GBW real estate inventory represents a special challenge. As apartments as well as areas to erect new buildings are scarce in major urban centres in southern Germany such as Munich, Nuremberg, Regensburg and Würzburg, some of the buildings are not only remodelled but at the same time built up with the addition of storeys or expanded with extensions into the inner courtyards. GETEC develops innovative strategies that incorporate solar thermal systems, near-surface geothermal energy, biomass or cogeneration systems into the overall conceptual design in an economical and technically feasible fashion that is suitable for the buildings and their surroundings. PROJECTS 31 these strategic partnerships help us to keep growing with the real estate industry,” says Michael Lowak, spokesperson of the GETEC WÄRME & EFFIZIENZ AG board. “Our technical know-how and our wealth of experience enable us to evaluate and analyse major portfolios very quickly. We are familiar with the market, the energy management and legal framework conditions and we speak the same language as our partner companies.” Our services range from facility design and modernisation concepts to financing, operation and maintenance, metering services, vacancy management to uniform as well as incontestable service charge statements – with guaranteed transparency and high data quality. “Housing associations enjoy a considerable lawsuit cost advantage and are relieved of many responsibilities, enabling them to dedicate more time to their core business,” Michael Lowak points out. It is not surprising that an ever greater number of medium- and larger-sized housing associations are discovering and hoping to use the advantages of these alliances, by having a trusted contact on their side for all topics related to energy and heat. Energie für Schleswig-Holstein GmbH, a joint venture of GETEC and wankendorfer Baugenossenschaft für Schleswig-Holstein eG is another strategic partnership. It consolidates the oversight of 300 heat generation plants. “We are ready to take on more portfolios,” says Michael Lowak. The foundation for further growth has been laid on the fields of heat supply contracting, ancillary cost optimisation, metering services as well as with product innovations in the Intelligent Home sector. “Efficiency is our business and a boon for the environment.” NUMBER O F EMPLOY EES 177 T URN OV ER IN 2015 EUR 84.7 million C O RE BUS INES S Energy supply concepts for the real estate and housing industry, area properties, implementation into energy service contracting, purchase optimisation, service/maintenance packages, plant operation optimisation, meter operation, comprehensive ancillary cost optimisation for real estate portfolios B OA RD O F D IRE C TO RS Michael Lowak, Dipl.-Ing. Heike Zembrod, Dipl.-Ing. Markus Stoll “We managed to attract another major customer in southern Germany, and this is very important to us. We hope that GETEC ENERGIE HOLDING GmbH GETEC heat & power AG GETEC ENERGIE AG GETEC net AG GETEC green energy AG Jochen Schmitt, head of the GETEC branch office in Munich and managing director of Bayernwärme GmbH, checks whether the system is functioning optimally. C O N TAC T [email protected] GETEC WÄRME & EFFIZIENZ AG GETEC media AG 32 PROJECTS PROJECTS 33 GETEC media AG THE FUTURE OF LIVING, TODAY – DEUTSCHE WOHNEN AG AND GETEC ESTABLISH AN INNOVATIVE PARTNERSHIP PROJECT Outfit and supply of a newly built property with internet, telephony, television, Potsdam-Babelsberg P R O J E C T PA R T N E R Deutsche Wohnen AG “We build structures designed for long-lasting acceptance, where tenants like to live and which achieve low operating and maintenance costs.” This is the mission statement of Deutsche Wohnen AG for the realisation of its first new building in years in Potsdam-Babelsberg. In its function as strategic service provider partner, GETEC media AG is also on board with the new project, supplying tenants with interesting perspectives with regard to telephony, television and internet among other things. Deutsche Wohnen AG manages close to 150,000 apartments throughout Germany. Because the number of vacant apartments is insufficient particularly in urban areas and the influx into the metropolitan areas continues unabated, the real estate company decided to erect a new building in Potsdam-Babelsberg. The project was started in 2014. It is divided into three phases of construction and consists of more than 100 apartments, with a total living space of almost 9,000 square metres. WELCOME TO THE FUTURE An existing L-shaped building of Deutsche Wohnen was closed during the first construction phase. The old residential complex for railway employees built in 1928 was remodelled at the same time. The overarching theme is efficiency and sustainability. Deutsche Wohnen proudly states that more than 70% of its residential units consume less energy than the average of all residential buildings in Germany. The new buildings in Potsdam-Babelsberg will be certified with the German Sustainable Building Council [Deutsche Gesellschaft ALL-ROUND SERVICE, DURABLE STRUCTURES, LOW COSTS GETEC ENERGIE HOLDING GmbH GETEC heat & power AG GETEC ENERGIE AG GETEC net AG GETEC green energy AG GETEC WÄRME & EFFIZIENZ AG GETEC media AG 34 PROJECTS für Nachhaltiges Bauen (DGNB)] quality seal, thereby achieving the gold standard. The line of products and services offered by GETEC media AG in Potsdam-Babelsberg is equally modern. The new buildings are equipped with state-of-the-art telecommunication infrastructure. The buildings feature fibre optic cables that currently provide an internet bandwidth of 240 Mbit/s. The end user brand SYNVIA welcomes the new residents with the slogan “A clever combination of the best”. “SYNVIA represents the new form of smart living in Germany: the perfect combination of electricity, gas, television, internet and telephone – everything simple and convenient from a single source.” Markus Stoll, GETEC media AG board member: “SYNVIA provides customers with tailor-made and forward-looking solutions.” The appropriate service can be selected depending on the needs. Most customers will be particularly intrigued by the variety of possible combinations of telephony, HD TV and internet. For example, the range of internet services starts with a download bandwidth of 20 MBits per second and ranges to a download bandwidth of up to 240 MBits per second. PROJECTS The options with respect to TV channels are equally diverse. The cable connection offering a large number of programmes is already included in the rent. Customised packages such as e.g. private HD programmes can be added to the included 49 HD and 103 SD channels. However, GETEC goes one step further with SYNVIA. Aside from the complete range of media services with TV, telephony and internet, the options in Potsdam-Babelsberg also include for example an attractive power supply. In line with the sustainability commitment of Deutsche Wohnen AG, one hundred percent green power is available. “The possibilities for a smart home are obviously far from exhausted,” explains Stoll. “Our state-of-the-art technical infrastructure and our corresponding technological know-how are prerequisites for smart meter solutions. This may involve the measurement of the energy consumption as well as for example the remote control of the heating facilities in order to optimise the energy and cost efficiency of the systems.” GETEC ENERGIE HOLDING GmbH GETEC heat & power AG GETEC ENERGIE AG GETEC net AG GETEC green energy AG GETEC WÄRME & EFFIZIENZ AG Bernd Juppe, Head of Sales and Marketing during the inspection of the core technical components of the new building. NUMBER O F EMPLOY EES 22 T URN OV ER IN 2015 EUR 8.1 million C O RE BUS INES S Setup and operation of telecommunications and broadband network infrastructures, provision of multimedia services such as internet, telephone, radio and television, smart metering B OA RD O F D IRE C TO RS Markus Stoll C O N TAC T [email protected] GETEC media AG 35 GETEC GROUP 38 SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY 39 FROM TRAINEESHIPS TO ELITE SPORTS – GETEC’S INVOLVEMENT RADIATES BEYOND CITY BORDERS As a successful company in the state capital Magdeburg, GETEC is pleased to give back to the region: as an investor in child care, as sponsor of the Magdeburg handball team, as partner for young chess players or by backing an association that provides special needs artists with the opportunity to freely develop their talents. GETEC contributes to success – both on a small and large scale. A GOOD MOVE ACCEPTING RESPONSIBILITIES, FOSTERING TALENTS, PROMOTING COMPANIONSHIP GETEC ENERGIE HOLDING GmbH GETEC heat & power AG GETEC ENERGIE AG GETEC net AG GETEC green energy AG GETEC WÄRME & EFFIZIENZ AG GETEC media AG The GETEC day-care centre in the state capital Magdeburg, immediately adjacent to the GETEC headquarters, offers plenty of space for creative bundles of energy. It was inaugurated on 1 April 2014 as a joint project of the state capital Magdeburg, the investor GETEC and the humanitarian organisation Johanniter-Unfall-Hilfe e.V. as an independent supporter. It is a building with bright colourful façades, large dark glass window panes and moveable walls allowing the flexible set up of usable space along with a large outdoor area featuring a playground, sand pits and a scooter track: feel-good conditions for 80 children, enough space for romping around, climbing and playing. Half of the 80 spaces is reserved for children of GETEC employees. “It feels good to know that the children are well taken care of and a short distance from the office to the day-care centre saves parents time every day. This has a positive effect on the work-life balance,” says Dr. Karl Gerhold, managing director and shareholder of GETEC ENERGIE HOLDING GmbH. A miniature wind power plant and a small photovoltaic plant erected on the premises of the child-care centre are evident 40 SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY associations with the energy service provider. Children learn energy-saving behaviour hands-on, and the “House of young researchers” provides a first exposure to scientific experiences. “Our goal is to help children understand and explore their world and expand their creativity,” explains Ines Knoll, head of the day-care centre. With this aim, the employees embrace the principles of the Reggio Emilia approach, to help them understand the “hundred languages of the children”, that is, their diverse abilities to express themselves. Fun learning activities lead to success: The chess club Schachzwerge Magdeburg e.V. teaches 400 children and adolescents the game of chess with a hands-on and age-appropriate approach. Some of them are now playing the game at the federal level. And as the Royal Game promotes the ability to concentrate and perform as well as strategic thinking skills, the children equally benefit from this hobby at school. GETEC has been supporting the club since 2012. In addition, the atrium of the office building served as venue for the second federal chess league, squad East for the first time in February. Energy and sports are interconnected. GETEC is demonstrating this by being a partner of the SCM handball team, which in 2015 played its 25th federal league season. For the time being, the energy service provider plans to continue its support as main sponsor until 2018. GETEC has secured the naming rights in the home game venue until 2021. In addition, the company is supporting the SCM YoungsterS and the sports bowling club Rot-Weiß Zerbst, whose first men’s team in 2015 won its 11th championship title. Many GETEC employees are very energetic and athletic too. Their participation in the corporate relay of Magdeburg is supported with entry fees and jerseys. 16 teams were at the start in 2015; a greater number than ever before. “GETEC – more energy is impossible” was the slogan printed on the jerseys of the 80 sprinters. It was a promise that was honoured at the target mark, after five times three kilometres. The GETEC I men’s team celebrated their fourth triumph in a row while the GETECINNEN I women’s team was on the winner’s podium for the first time. SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY with pulmonary hypertension are not undergoing surgery in a timely manner, their pulmonary vascular system is exposed to increased pressure and gravitational forces for a prolonged period of time. The vessels are altered and adhesions develop. GETEC extends financial support to the KinderHerz foundation for the establishment of a centre for pulmonary hypertension in childhood at the Paediatric Research Centre of the Medical University of Hanover (MHH), where novel diagnostic and therapeutic procedures can be used. On the occasion of the GETEC company group’s CEO’s birthday at the turn of the year, GETEC employees raised more than 4,400 euros for a good cause. Dr. Karl Gerhold determined the medical relief organisation “action medeor” to be a worthy recipient. The relief organisation provides medicines to more than 10,000 health posts and hospitals in 120 countries, organises health education as well as relief campaigns for refugees. A stately sum of 30,000 euros was raised on the occasion of the reception for the 65th birthday of GETEC’s founder. This amount has been earmarked for the elaborate glazing of the 13 metre high Gothic windows of the Johannis Church in Magdeburg. Artist Professor Max Uhlig of Dresden will paint a cycle consisting of seven abstract grapevines for the sanctuary as well as a monumental colourful landscape for the south side of the nave. The sum of 1.3 million euros has to be raised from donations and subsidies alone. Gerhard Andres, member of the GETEC WÄRME & EFFIZIENZ AG supervisory board, has also raised money on the occasion of his birthday and appointment into the supervisory board. He donated a check in the amount of 5,038 euros to the artist’s guild Zinnober. “It is my heartfelt wish to support Zinnober and to help the artists financially,” said Andres. The artist’s guild Zinnober in Magdeburg provides special needs adults with the opportunity to freely express their talents, without any rules, educational constraints or therapeutic goals, in an atelier with a size of 130 square metres. GETEC has been supporting this guild for 15 years. Each year at the time of GETEC’s summer party, Zinnober launches a new exhibit, which is on display in the corridors and rooms of GETEC’s head office in Magdeburg for an entire year. Children diagnosed with heart disease or pulmonary hypertension lack the energy to run, climb and frolic. If patients GETEC ENERGIE HOLDING GmbH GETEC heat & power AG GETEC ENERGIE AG GETEC net AG GETEC green energy AG GETEC WÄRME & EFFIZIENZ AG GETEC media AG GETEC’s day-care offers many opportunities for adventures and discoveries. 41 GETEC GROUP 44 M ANAGEMENT REPORT GETEC GROUP MANAGEMENT REPORT FOR THE FISCAL YEAR 2015 M ANAGEMENT REPORT BASIS OF THE GROUP The GETEC GROUP comprises six subsidiaries including financial interests under the umbrella of the parent company GETEC ENERGIE HOLDING GmbH. The operational entities cover the entire range of energy services. As well as energy service contracting models and engineering services from GETEC heat & power AG (Magdeburg) which are primarily for industry and large, complex properties, and GETEC WÄRME & EFFIZIENZ AG (Magdeburg) for property management, these also include energy services from GETEC ENERGIE AG (Hanover), network and meter operation from GETEC net AG (Hanover) and renewable energies, which are covered by 45 GETEC green energy AG (Magdeburg). With the establishment of GETEC media AG (Magdeburg) in 2014, the GETEC GROUP added telecommunication services for the real estate industry to its portfolio in the summer of 2015. Thus, the GETEC GROUP offers additional innovative all-round services that cover energy supply and telecommunications services for residential properties on the market. Through its subsidiary VERITAS GmbH (Magdeburg), in August 2015 GETEC ENERGIE HOLDING GmbH acquired the company Imtech Contracting GmbH headquartered in Osnabrück, whose name has been changed to GETEC Contracting GmbH (Osnabrück) in the meantime and which will be incorporated into the group in 2016. GETEC ENERGIE HOLDING GmbH* GETEC heat & power AG GETEC ENERGIE AG GETEC net AG GETEC green energy AG GETEC WÄRME & EFFIZIENZ AG GETEC media AG ›Energy supply concepts for the industry, municipalities and large complex properties at home and abroad ›Energy supply ›Electricity and gas network operation ›Regenerative energy production ›Area networks ›Site development ›Closed distribution networks ›Energy supply strategies for the real estate and housing industry ›Setup and operation of multimedia network infrastructures ›Fuel and substrate management ›Meter operation ›Free TV, pay TV, radio ›Plant design ›Implementation into energy service contracting ›Network services ›Implementation and operation ›Ancillary cost optimization ›Implementation into energy service contracting ›Takeover of major heating and cogeneration systems ›Energy efficiency projects ›Procurement optimisation ›Energy trading ›White labelling ›Marketing of electricity from wind energy plants ›Battery storage projects ›Procurement of structured products ›Supply optimisation ›Internet, telephone, mobile telephony ›Smart metering ›Intelligent Home ›Service/maintenance packages ›Optimisation of plant operation ›Meter operation ›Intelligent Home GETEC ENERGIE HOLDING GmbH GETEC heat & power AG GETEC ENERGIE AG GETEC net AG GETEC green energy AG GETEC WÄRME & EFFIZIENZ AG GETEC media AG * T he GETEC GROUP additionally includes VERITAS GmbH and its associated company GETEC Contracting GmbH (formerly Imtech Contracting GmbH), which was acquired by GETEC in August 2015 and is being incorporated into the group over the course of 2016. 46 M ANAGEMENT REPORT M ANAGEMENT REPORT ECONOMIC REPORT MACROECONOMIC SITUATION ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT IN GERMANY DEVELOPMENT OF THE ENERGY SECTOR The growth of the global economy declined over the course of the 2015 fiscal year. This was particularly noticeable in newly industrialised countries. The persistent economic slowdown in China is one of the main reasons for the sluggish growth. Russia and Brazil slid into recession during the fiscal year. The economic situation in the USA has stabilised after a weak start to the year and the country has modestly increased the key interest rate for the first time in almost 10 years. The American dollar is expected to strengthen in 2016, with the growth rates remaining only at a moderate level. The German economy enjoyed solid economic growth in 2015. After a dynamic development during the first six months, the upward trend of the German business activity decreased slightly in the second half of the year. With an increase in the gross domestic product by 1.7% in 2015, the German growth was somewhat better than in the previous year. The continuing positive situation on the labour market with rising employment and a favourable earnings development is the reason for the stable domestic economic development. This means Germany remains the major growth driver in the euro zone. The energy sector in 2015 was, once again, very much characterised by the Energiewende, Germany’s energy transition. The transition toward renewable energies still emphasises on giving up nuclear energy by 2022, on boosting energy efficiency and on increasing considerably the proportion of renewable energies in the energy mix, in order to ultimately achieve a greenhouse gas reduction. To this end, the federal government continues to advocate abandoning the generation of power from coal by 2040. Consequently, there is an even stronger focus on the expansion of renewable energy sources. In so doing, energy policies are characterised by frequently changing regulatory framework conditions, thereby creating uncertainties in the energy industry and hampering long-term plans. The European economy recovered to a small degree in 2015. At 1.5%, the gross domestic product rose slightly more during the reporting year than in the previous year (0.9%). The stabilisation is essentially the result of a stronger domestic economic development, labour market stimulation as well as decreased energy prices. According to the Kiel Institute for the World Economy, the rising trend in economic activity in Europe is expected to continue in 2016, and the gross domestic product is also forecast to rise by 1.5% in the current year, in spite of the political uncertainties. The expansive monetary policies on the European level are projected to continue. The Council of the ECB has confirmed this projection in March 2016, with several decisions aimed at relaxing the monetary policies. The already historically low key interest rate was reduced from 0.05% to 0.00%, the negative interest rate on deposit accounts was lowered from -0.3% to -0.4%, the volume of monthly bond purchases was increased by 20 billion euros to 80 billion euros and broadened to include corporate bonds. A protracted low-interest phase in the euro zone is expected as a result. Most predictions for the year 2016 assume consistent economic growth in Germany. The federal government is forecasting an increase by 1.6% and the federal bank a growth rate of 1.8%. With regard to 2016, it is expected that the continuing stable financial industry and rising employment figures will have a positive impact on the growth of the German economy. As reported by the Federal Statistical Office of Germany, the German consumer price index rose by an annual average of 0.3% from 2014 to 2015. Thus, the annual inflation rate was well below that of the two previous years (2014: 0.9%; 2013: 1.5%) and is the lowest since 2009. The German economic development depends heavily on exports in addition to domestic demand. The imports and exports in 2015 exceeded the previous maximum values recorded in 2014. The import growth was close to 4.2% and the export growth close to 6.4% in 2015. With the amendment of the Renewable Energy Sources Act (EEG) in 2014, a break-through was achieved in the cost dynamics thanks to the changed EEG levy and the market integration of renewable energies was pushed forward. Since April 2015, it is compulsory for new renewable energy-based plants as well as existing plants to be remotely controllable when claiming the market premium for the power. If this requirement is not fulfilled, it is impossible to market the power while obtaining the market premium. The purpose of the proposed draft of the EEG 2016 Amendment is to realise the market integration of renewable energies via a tendering model in the future, in which bioenergy plants are eligible to participate aside from photovoltaic systems as well as onshore and offshore wind energy farms. Starting in 2017, the compensation will be determined by means of a request for proposal on the market rather than by the government. The new version of the Energy Services Act (EDL-G) entered into force on 21 April 2015 when it was published in the Federal Law Gazette. Based on the amendment, any companies that do not meet the EU definition of small and medium-sized GETEC ENERGIE HOLDING GmbH GETEC heat & power AG GETEC ENERGIE AG GETEC net AG GETEC green energy AG GETEC WÄRME & EFFIZIENZ AG GETEC media AG 47 enterprises (number of employees ≤ 250, annual turnover ≤ 50 million euros or total assets ≤ 43 million euros) are required to conduct regular energy audits, which document and analyse energy-consuming machinery and processes among other things and identify potential improvements. The new Combined Heat and Power Act (KWKG) entered into force on 1 January 2016. Based on this Act, industrial autoproducers are no longer eligible for subsidies in the future. In connection with the EEG levy for own use in the amount of up to 40% set forth in the EEG 2014, the industrial CHP is now faced with a double burden as well as a disadvantage compared to the communal CHP, which continues to receive subsidies. Due to the prevailing uncertainty surrounding the development of the subsidies, the addition of combined heat and power generation in Germany has already dwindled by more than 70% in 2015 compared to the previous year. The Federal Cabinet passed the Act governing the Further Development of the Electricity Market (Electricity Market Act) on 4 November 2015. The legislative procedure is expected to be completed in the summer 2016. The basic purpose of the Electricity Market Act is to create a framework within which all electricity providers and flexibility options are competing with one another. Thus, the future electricity market is supposed to ensure the secure supply and cost efficiency, with a growing proportion of renewable energies. To protect the new electricity market, a capacity reserve is implemented, which is essentially supplied by coal fired power stations that are no longer participating in the electricity market and will gradually be disconnected from the power supply system in the medium term. On 4 November 2015, the Federal Cabinet also passed the Act governing the Digitalisation of the Energy Transition, which is aimed at creating the technical and data protection-related conditions for the digitalisation of the energy sector by means of smart metering systems (known as “smart meters”). The implementation will be rolled out in two phases; the first one starting in 2017 for large-scale consumers and generators in accordance with the EEG and KWKG, and the 48 M ANAGEMENT REPORT second one starting from 2020 for residential users. The legislative procedure is again scheduled to be completed by the summer of 2016. The energy industry continued to be characterised by an extreme decline in prices involving the energy sources and energy markets. The market distortion caused by the current EEG mechanism continued to affect the electricity markets in 2015. Based on information from the Federal Statistical Office, the prices in the energy sector have therefore decreased by 5.4% compared to the previous year. The constant changes in regulatory contents regarding the implementation of the energy transition, politically initiated market interferences and rapidly changing framework conditions on the markets lead to major uncertainty in the energy industry. Investments were generally scrutinised more heavily. This was true in particular for capital-intensive generation systems characterised by long-term amortisation. As a consequence, pending and necessary investments were delayed or put on hold altogether. This situation may impact the uninterrupted supply in the medium to long-term. The “old” energy industry is now also starting to react to the general success of renewable energies. Vattenfall announced that it will abandon its previous core operations in Germany and focus entirely on renewable energies in the future. E.ON and RWE are splitting up – into one entity pursuing activities in the context of the energy transition and one entity focusing on the operation of coal and gas fired power stations. This reflects the dynamics and the continuing pressure to change within the German energy market. The companies of the GETEC GROUP have always considered the difficult market conditions and the energy policy framework conditions to be an opportunity rather than a risk. GETEC’s strength has always been its ability to identify industrial developments and changes on the market early on, react to them in a flexible manner and always have the appropriate concepts and solutions on hand for its customers. In so doing, the sustainability and reliability of the respective M ANAGEMENT REPORT energy solution represent a solid foundation for long-standing customer relations, while at the same time creating vital synergistic effects for the realisation of future projects in the various industries and market environments. PERFORMANCE AND EARNINGS DEVELOPMENT* Because of the described framework conditions, 2015 was indeed again associated with major challenges for most companies in the energy industry. Still, the negative effects of the price and climate development and associated with declining commodity deliveries were overcompensated by the consistently positive development in the various business areas of the GETEC GROUP of companies. All of the enterprises continued working with the same degree of capacity utilisation, in addition to realising new projects and expanding business areas, not least substantially thanks to the acquisition of Imtech Contracting GmbH in the second half of the fiscal year. As a result, the GETEC GROUP achieved a considerable improvement in earnings in 2015. The overall performance rose by 10.7% compared to the previous year, to EUR 798.153 million (EUR 721.207 million), and the turnover increased by 12.1% to EUR 782.590 million (EUR 698.253 million). The greatest improvement was achieved in the profit before tax, by 20.3% to EUR 40.011 million (EUR 33.272 million). PROCUREMENT The energy required to generate heat depends significantly on the climate and weather development. 2015 was the second-hottest year in recorded history since regular temperature measurements begun in 1881, directly following GETEC ENERGIE HOLDING GmbH GETEC heat & power AG GETEC ENERGIE AG GETEC net AG GETEC green energy AG GETEC WÄRME & EFFIZIENZ AG GETEC media AG the hottest year on record, namely the previous fiscal year 2014. Several months were again partly affected by extreme weather in 2015. Aside from the temperature and the resulting full natural gas inventories, the price development of raw materials has a significant impact on the procurement. The temporary end of the natural gas dispute between Ukraine and the natural gas production company Gazprom, the high inventory levels and the tumbling oil prices are expected to have a price-lowering effect on the natural gas market in 2016. The producer’s price for natural gas experienced an average annual decline in all customer segments. While the price for industrial customers dropped on average by 7.5%, the price for trade and commerce only decreased by about 1.8% according to the Federal Statistical Office. The purchase prices for private households fell by approximately 1.1% in 2015. Because of the persistently low demand from the industry, the market for light heating oil continued its downward trend that started in late 2014. A further price decline was observed in particular at the end of 2015, because the OPEC member states failed to reach an agreement on the restriction of the oil production. The price for light heating oil decreased by an annual average of 23.1% compared to the previous year. The consumer prices are expected to decline further in 2016, as the sanctions against Iran were lifted and a major oil producer is thus returning to the global market. According to AG Energiebilanzen, the gross electricity consumption in Germany rose from 592 TWh in 2014 to 597 TWh in 2015. As a result of the higher energy consumption as well as the rising export surplus, the gross electricity generation increased from 628 TWh to 647 TWh. The proportion of renewable energies continued to climb from 25.9% in 2014 to 30.0% in the 2015 fiscal year, in absolute figures from 162.5 TWh to 194.1 TWh. The consumer prices for electricity dropped slightly by about 0.8% compared to the previous year. The reduction of the EEG levy from 6.24 ct/ kWh to 6.17 ct/kWh was one of the main cost reduction * Previous year’s figures in brackets. 49 factors in the process. However, the growing expansion of renewable energies will result in a renewed rise in the EEG levy and hence the electricity costs in the future. Moreover, the industrial electricity prices are still significantly higher than the EU average. New records have been broken with the so-called re-dispatch costs for market interferences aimed at keeping the power grid stable against the rapidly and strongly fluctuating green electricity supply. According to an electricity price analysis conducted by the Federal Association of Energy and Water Industries, the industrial electricity price was close to 15.23 ct/kWh (incl. electricity tax) in August 2015. The share for the procurement, grid fees and distribution was as low as 7.19 ct/kWh. Accordingly, more than 50% of the electricity price is made up of taxes, fees and reallocation charges. Based on the objectives of the energy transition, the independence from conventional energy sources such as heating oil and natural gas and the goal of optimising the energy infrastructure are gaining increasing importance. In so doing, the reorientation of the energy production is characterised by the growing loss of large power station capacities in the nuclear and fossil sectors and the transition of the bulk of the energy supply toward renewable energies. As a result, the demand for a local and self-sufficient supply through generation systems continues to climb, based also on regenerative energy sources and conceptual designs that pursue a sustainable and comprehensive approach. Risks associated with an increasingly unreliable power supply as a result of instable power grids due to a volatile accumulation of electricity from renewable energies can thereby be mitigated early on. For photovoltaic and wind systems, the economic viability is dependent on the investment and service costs as well as an optimised financing structure and on the hours of sunshine or blowing wind. Further cost reductions are expected on the markets with regard to the investment costs. The prices for photovoltaic modules have declined considerably in recent years, with the European antidumping tariffs having a dampening effect. 50 M ANAGEMENT REPORT M ANAGEMENT REPORT Oil market 2015 Gas and coal market Oil market, Brent crude oil, front month Coal API2, front year US $ / bbl Gas NCG-H, front year EEX US $ / t € / MWh 30 70 24 60 50 22 55 20 50 45 18 45 40 16 40 14 35 12 30 35 30 10 APR 2015 JUL 2015 OCT 2015 JAN 2016 CO 2 market JAN 2015 APR 2015 JUL 2015 OCT 2015 JAN 2016 Electricity market CER DEC 15 ICE Future EUA DEC 15 ICE Future Peak load, front year EEX €/t Base load, front year EEX € / MWh 46 9 As the future legal regulations will continue to focus primarily on the main goals of the move toward renewable energies, the companies of the GETEC GROUP are optimally equipped to handle the future challenges, thanks to the broad range of energy services they provide. The demand for renewable energy, for the creation of decentralised solutions and for increased energy efficiency in all areas is projected to increase in the future. Energy service contracting models with the use of environmentally friendly and regenerative energy sources combined with the optimisation of energy supply solutions and improved energy efficiency are the right answers to the challenges associated with the future energy supply. 44 8 42 7 40 6 INVESTMENTS AND FINANCING* 38 5 36 4 34 3 32 2 30 1 28 0 26 JAN 2015 55 26 65 JAN 2015 60 28 Further energy policy measures are expected to be implemented by the federal government. The specific arrangement of the new electricity market, the digitalisation of the energy transition, the EEG 2016 and the details regarding the tendering model contained in it as well as the consolidation of the Energy Savings Regulation (Energieeinsparverordnung) and the Regenerative Heat Act (Wärme-EEG) relevant for the real estate industry are expected to create new framework conditions. In combination with these pending legal standards, the organisation of the currently discussed sector amalgamation will presumably play a vital role in the future, according to which excess renewable energy will be used in the heating and mobility sectors. But there are lingering, in part unanswered questions about the freedom to choose a technology. APR 2015 JUL 2015 OCT 2015 JAN 2016 JAN 2015 At the end of the 2015 financial year, the GETEC ENERGIE HOLDING GmbH group recorded fixed assets of EUR 220.738 million (EUR 147.029 million). APR 2015 JUL 2015 OCT 2015 JAN 2016 Main investments within the GETEC GROUP were the acquisition of the GETEC Contracting GmbH, the setup and Source: Thomson Reuters GETEC ENERGIE HOLDING GmbH GETEC heat & power AG GETEC ENERGIE AG GETEC net AG GETEC green energy AG GETEC WÄRME & EFFIZIENZ AG GETEC media AG * Previous year’s figures in brackets. 51 renovation as well as expansion of energy supply systems and the upgrade of the hardware and software to ensure smooth business processes. The long-term financing of projects was achieved mainly with loans from the various banking partners and under leasing models. This secures the financing of current and future projects despite ever increasing project volumes. In the 2015 financial year the group companies had a high level of liquidity at all times and sufficient credit lines for guarantees, operating resources and project financing with the commercial banks, ensuring they always had the financial flexibility to take advantage of all business opportunities. Current successes with the acquisition activities such as the purchase of the former Imtech Contracting GmbH and the realisation of projects help secure a stable earnings situation for the future. Tapping into new potential markets and building on existing customer relationships will make a significant contribution. PERSONNEL AND SOCIAL AFFAIRS* In connection with the growth of the GETEC GROUP, the expansion of the business areas and the acquisition of the prior Imtech Contracting GmbH, the number of employees working in the company group continued to increase in the 2015 fiscal year. As of the balance sheet date of 31 December 2015, the companies of the GETEC GROUP employed 1,165 (980) people. This includes all the employees of the at-equity shareholdings. The qualification requirements are high for the GETEC workforce. GETEC has established an intensive cooperation with universities and colleges, for example in the form of lectures, internships, final theses and stipends as well as sponsorships 52 M ANAGEMENT REPORT to ensure a steady stream of suitable junior staff members. Every year, the group companies also offer training positions for young people in a wide range of jobs. In addition, GETEC presents itself as an attractive employer vis-à-vis its workforce, thereby expanding its ability to select qualified applicants from a large pool. Aside from an attractive remuneration package, state-of-the art workplaces and an in-house cafeteria, GETEC operates an in-house GETEC nursery school to provide excellent family-friendly work conditions for its employees. IMPORTANT EVENTS IN THE FISCAL YEAR From an energy policy point of view, the 2015 fiscal year was again characterised by constantly changing requirements and framework conditions. The Renewable Energy Sources Act (EEG) 2014 that entered into force in August 2014 had an effect in 2015 with its adjusted compensation rates for renewable energies, the introduction of a pro-rated EEG levy for the consumption of self-generated power and not least because of the required remote controllability of renewable energy-based plants. The new Combined Heat and Power Act (KWKG) that entered into force on 1 January 2016 already cast its shadows in the 2015 fiscal year. According to the new rules, industrial autoproducers are no longer eligible for the subsidy, which results in a double burden for the on-site consumption in connection with the EEG levy. In August 2015, GETEC ENERGIE HOLDING GmbH via its wholly owned subsidiary VERITAS GmbH acquired the former Imtech Contracting GmbH, which was renamed to GETEC Contracting GmbH a short time later. During the further course of the 2015 fiscal year, the integration process of GETEC Contracting GmbH and its two business units Industrial Energy Services as well as Real Properties into the GETEC GROUP was started. The process is expected to be complete M ANAGEMENT REPORT in the course of 2016. As a result of the growth of the GETEC GROUP as well as new establishments and spin-offs of companies, the structures of GETEC ENERGIE HOLDING GmbH were adjusted in the 2015 fiscal year in order to consolidate the overlapping tasks to be performed within the group, with the aim to create synergies. GETEC heat & power AG continued to expand its market position in the sectors industry, complex properties as well as communal heating plants and large-scale properties. Several projects were realised and delivered to the customer in 2015. GETEC heat & power AG broke new technical ground by putting into operation the plant of the Haltermann Carless chemical company in Speyer. In addition to the supply with heat for steam and thermal oil, highly-explosive vent gas is used as fuel for the processes, thereby making an important contribution to the environmental conservation. By putting into operation a CHP plant of Cargill GmbH in Riesa, it was possible to reduce the CO 2 emissions by approx. 25%. GETEC heat & power AG set up and put into operation a cogeneration unit for MIG Herford GmbH & Co. KG. Abroad, the company VERBUND GETEC Energiecontracting GmbH was established in Austria and GETEC Polska Sp. z o.o. in Poland. In Austria, the newly founded subsidiary is responsible for the professional heat management for eight plants of the company Wirkungsgrad GmbH of Dornbirn. By signing a contract to supply the city of Turek with heat for the next 30 years, GETEC heat & power AG successfully entered the Polish market. In the future, GETEC Polska Sp. z o.o. will provide the Polish market with services and products from GETEC heat & power AG and acquire additional projects. In addition, DIN EN ISO 9001 recertification and a re-audit for the DIN EN ISO 50001 certification were carried out during the fiscal year, based on which GETEC heat & power AG continues to fulfil all the compulsory quality and environmental standards. In order to be able to better reflect existing business processes in a single system in the future, GETEC heat & power AG in cooperation with other sister companies started plans in 2015 to launch ERP software. GETEC ENERGIE HOLDING GmbH GETEC heat & power AG GETEC ENERGIE AG GETEC net AG GETEC green energy AG GETEC WÄRME & EFFIZIENZ AG GETEC media AG The competitive environment of GETEC ENERGIE AG during the 2015 fiscal year was characterised by a radical change in the energy sector, which manifested itself mainly in the further addition of renewable energies and the continuing price decline in electricity wholesale prices. At the beginning of the year, GETEC ENERGIE AG has taken over the market communication, forecasting and invoicing for the direct marketing business for its subsidiary GEWI AG, and incorporated the employees responsible for these tasks into the existing departments and further professionalised the support of renewable energy-based plant operators. Over the further course of the fiscal year, GETEC ENERGIE AG was able to expand its trading activities with intraday trading, including 15-minute interval trading in the 24/7 business operation. Furthermore, GETEC ENERGIE AG has considerably increased its energy services involving the supply of electricity and natural gas on an international level during the fiscal year. In addition to Germany, electricity and natural gas customers in the Netherlands, Belgium, France, Luxemburg, Switzerland, Austria and the Czech Republic are now also able to enjoy the entire range of services. Spain is currently in the registration process, which is expected to be complete in the first half of 2016. In September 2015, a joint venture named Enbase Power GmbH was established between Coulomb GmbH, for which GETEC ENERGIE AG owns 50% of its voting stock, and DAIMLER AG. In November, it started with the construction of a stationary battery bank consisting of second-life electric vehicle batteries with a total capacity of 13 MWh. It is scheduled to be put into operation in the first half of 2016. GETEC net AG has acquired all shares of GETEC Kommunalpartner GmbH starting on 1 January 2015, thereby making it a wholly owned subsidiary. Staring on 1 January 2015, GETEC net eta GmbH & Co. KG founded in 2014 entered the market as the seventh network operator of the GETEC net AG company group. As a result, the GETEC net AG company group now consists of eleven companies. 53 At the end of the 2015 fiscal year, the communal utility Gemeindewerk Seegebiet Mansfelder Land in cooperation with GETEC net AG was awarded the contract to operate the communal power grid. GETEC net AG is responsible for the business activities, thereby expanding its range of services. Moreover, GETEC net AG is working on a German-Dutch project aimed at realising a power cable connection between Emden and the Dutch city of Delfzijl. With respect to the operational activities, the energy efficient core processes were further improved on the basis of the SDK standard software introduced in 2013. For example, we were able to complete the entire year-end accounting as early as by the end of January 2016. As well, we were able to comply with the so-called 1% criterion stipulated by the Federal Network Agency, which defines the quality of exchanged mass data within the legal framework of the Energy Industry Act (EnWG). Thus, the market rules for accounting grid billing (Marktregeln zur Bilanzkreisabrechnung, MaBiS) were successfully implemented. The new organisational structure and the newly created technical environment enable GETEC net AG to offer all services to its affiliates as well as third parties. GETEC net AG no longer only appears on the market in its role as network operator, but also as a service provider. The products for the market roles network operator and energy supplier that were created in this fashion are almost infinitely scalable, and a new business category was thus established. In the 2015 fiscal year, GETEC green energy AG realised additional projects in the field of renewable energy generation. In so doing, the focus of the company’s responsibilities has shifted – from the planning and realisation of biomethane projects to the design and construction of wind energy plants. Based on this approach, the main objective of the general contractor project with the company Windpark Zerbst GmbH, namely the timely supply of the power generated by the ten new wind power plants into the power grid by 31 December 2015, was achieved. Consequently, all three types of renewable energy have now been combined at the energy park Zerbst location. In the future, they will serve as a strong foundation for the realisation of new projects in 2016. 54 M ANAGEMENT REPORT In addition, the IGEA Ingenieurgesellschaft für Erschließungsund Anlagenplanung mbH shares were divested, because various projects and synergies will no longer be realisable due to the changing political framework conditions. The GETEC green energy AG branch office in Hamburg was closed at the end of the reporting year, following the scheduled retirement of board member Matthias Genske. 2015 was the second full fiscal year for GETEC WÄRME & EFFIZIENZ AG; in the context of the GETEC GROUP’s restructuring efforts, this company specialises in energy supply concepts for its customers in the housing and real estate industry, public facilities, hospitals, social facilities and hotels. In addition to customised energy service contracting solutions and the energy management optimisation, other main business activities in 2015 included the ancillary cost optimisation in the real estate industry as well as the pooling of GETEC WÄRME & EFFIZIENZ AG’s expertise with the telecommunication services of GETEC media AG to create energetic turnkey solutions. Therefore, the establishment and expansion of these new business activities continued during the fiscal year, with the establishment of the GETEC MESSDIENST GmbH subsidiary, the further expansion of the GETEC home GmbH subsidiary and the merger of the energy supply solutions of GETEC home GmbH with the telecommunication services of GETEC media AG through the newly established end user brand SYNVIA, a provider of power, gas, television, telephony and internet from a single source. G+D Gesellschaft für Energiemanagement mbH as a joint venture between Deutsche Wohnen Energy GmbH and GETEC WÄRME & EFFIZIENZ AG was established with the objective to achieve a comprehensive ancillary cost optimisation for real estate companies, and it was able to continue expanding its business activities in 2015. During the fiscal year, this recipe for success was leveraged in the direction of further joint ventures with renowned residential real estate companies. G+G Energiemanagement GmbH was additionally established in 2015, as a joint venture between Grainger Deutschland GmbH and GETEC WÄRME & EFFIZIENZ AG. Its field of activity is focused mainly on the Greater Cologne-Wuppertal M ANAGEMENT REPORT Area, the Ruhr Basin and the Rhine-Main Basin and covers the energetic management of usage and residential units. The portfolios are taken over in time slices, thereby ensuring continuing growth. Finally, a long-term contract for the complete supply of heat to GBW was signed in Bavaria with the GBW Group through the GWE subsidiary Bayernwärme GmbH, which has a current inventory of nearly 30,000 residential units. The promotion of the GETEC WÄRME & EFFIZIENZ AG’s executive board spokesman Gerhard Andres into the company’s supervisory board effective on 1 August 2015 resulted in a change in personnel. He is succeeded by Michael Lowak as new executive board spokesman of GETEC WÄRME & EFFIZIENZ AG. In addition, Markus Stoll was appointed as a member of the executive board at the same time. In the 2015 fiscal year, GETEC media AG was able to set up the complete organisation for the sales and customer care, thereby enabling it to map out all of the business transactions involving the acquisition, customer management and billing as well as the commercial and technical customer service support. In cooperation with the GETEC WÄRME & EFFIZIENZ AG sister company, GETEC media AG has additionally launched the end user brand SYNVIA during the fiscal year. SYNVIA is a product platform that covers the energy and telecommunication products for end users. Commercial and technical preparations for the redemption of preliminary permissions in cooperation with partners in the housing industry were underway at the same time. The first contracts for a new construction project equipped with the corresponding broad-band cable structures were signed in the 4th quarter. Thus, GETEC media AG was able to set up the first broad-band cable supply network and to include the first SYNVIA cable products in its range of deliveries as of November 2015. GETEC ENERGIE HOLDING GmbH GETEC heat & power AG GETEC ENERGIE AG GETEC net AG GETEC green energy AG GETEC WÄRME & EFFIZIENZ AG GETEC media AG NET ASSETS* In the financial year 2015, the total assets of the GETEC ENERGIE HOLDING GmbH group increased compared to the previous year by EUR 96.638 million from EUR 382.408 million to EUR 479.046 million. This rise is due in large part to an increase in fixed assets, not least also in connection with the acquisition of GETEC Contracting GmbH. Fixed assets rose during the reporting period by approx. 50.1% from EUR 147.029 million to EUR 220.738 million. The increase of EUR 47.600 million is due in large to new investments in tangible assets. Current assets as of the balance sheet date totalled EUR 247.956 million (EUR 226.711 million). In this area, the increase is mostly due to liquid assets to the value of EUR 9.183 million as well as receivables and other assets to the value of EUR 13.312 million. Deferred tax assets decreased from EUR 5.765 million in the previous year to EUR 5.427 million during the year under review. There was also a positive development in terms of the structure of short and long-term assets. At the end of the 2015 financial year, the asset position for the GETEC ENERGIE HOLDING GmbH group was, overall, extremely good. FINANCIAL POSITION* As at 31 December 2015, equity totalled EUR 187.492 million (EUR 165.402 million), an increase of EUR 22.090 million compared to the previous year. Taking into consideration the balance sheet total of EUR 479.046 million (EUR 382.408 million), profit participation * Previous year’s figures in brackets. 55 capital totalling EUR 1.058 million (EUR 868 thousand) as well as the addition of 50.0% of the special item, the economic equity ratio was 40.0%, representing a decrease of 4.3 percentage points on the previous year. The strong results and cash flow combined with a conservative dividend policy secured the financing of operations and the pre-financing of projects. The 2015 cash flow calculated from the annual net income and depreciation amounted to EUR 45.004 million (EUR 37.233 million). Liabilities to credit institutions amounted to EUR 107.086 million (EUR 71.568 million) as of the balance sheet date. The increase resulted primarily from outside financing for completed projects in various subsidiaries of GETEC ENERGIE HOLDING GmbH. The GETEC ENERGIE HOLDING GmbH group pursues a conservative financial policy. It is characterised by risk control and forward-looking process control. In addition to liquidity management, the financial management covers the monitoring of interest rate and commodity price risks, the issuing of guarantees as well as the communication with rating agencies. The primary objective is to minimise capital costs and financial risks in order to safeguard the group’s financial stability and flexibility and to increase the planning security. In the 2015 fiscal year, liquidity was high and sufficient credit lines were held with commercial banks that were not fully utilised. Financial flexibility was assured at all times to take advantage of all business opportunities and react to potential risks. Liabilities are paid within the payment period and receivables accepted within the payment terms. Given this solid payment management, which leads to positive balance sheet figures, the financial position can be considered stable. 56 M ANAGEMENT REPORT EARNINGS* In the financial year 2015, the result from ordinary activities increased by EUR 6.739 million or 20.3% compared to the previous year to EUR 40.011 million. Thus, the earnings situation was extremely favourable, in spite of greater competition and declining energy prices as well as warmer weather. This favourable profit situation is also reflected in the positive development of the profit ratio of 4.8% in the previous year to 5.1% in the reporting year. Including other operating income, overall performance increased from EUR 721.207 million to EUR 798.153 million. Compared to the previous year, this represents an absolute increase of EUR 76.946 million and a percentage increase of 10.7%. Turnover developed from EUR 698.253 million in the previous year to EUR 782.590 million during the year under review. Divided by fields of operation, the revenue structure for the GETEC ENERGIE HOLDING GmbH group is as follows: M ANAGEMENT REPORT REVENUE (MIL L I O N EURO) FRO M L I GH T, EL E C T RI CI T Y A ND RO O M V EN T IL AT I O N 333.475 FRO M HE AT IN G , C O O L IN G , O IL A ND G A S SUPPL IES 301.793 FRO M PL A N T C O NS T RU C T I O N 66.075 FRO M NE T WO RK O PER AT I O N 22.619 FRO M FEED - IN TA RIFFS (EL E C T RI CI T Y ) 14.427 In correlation with the change in revenue, material costs also increased compared to the previous year. Thus, material costs increased by EUR 62.449 million or 10.5% from EUR 595.270 million in the previous year to EUR 657.719 million in the reporting year. Overall, a gross profit of EUR 140.434 million (EUR 125.937 million) was achieved. This represents an absolute increase by EUR 14.497 million and a percentage increase of 11.5% on the 2014 financial year. Personnel expenses grew from EUR 44.121 million as of 31 December 2014 to EUR 48.230 as of 31 December 2015. These additional expenses are due to the growing workforce required to keep pace with the corporate growth. Taking into account the performance-related taxes of EUR 14.555 million (EUR 12.421 million), the annual net income was EUR 25.456 million (EUR 20.851 million). FRO M O PER AT I O NS , M A IN T EN A N CE A ND SER V I CIN G 9.373 FRO M T EL EPH O NE C A RRIER A ND PROV ID ER SER V I CES 8.001 FRO M C O 2 A ND F UEL T R A D IN G 5.825 OT HER RE V ENUE 21.002 SUPPLEMENTARY REPORT No important events with a significant impact on the situation of the companies within the GETEC GROUP occurred after the end of the 2015 fiscal year. FORECASTING, OPPORTUNITIES AND RISKS REPORT FORECASTING REPORT The conditions on the energy and raw materials markets and the previously discussed effects of current and future rules governing energy and environmental policies are expected to increase the demands on all companies within the energy industry during the forecast period of one year. GETEC ENERGIE HOLDING GmbH GETEC heat & power AG GETEC ENERGIE AG GETEC net AG GETEC green energy AG GETEC WÄRME & EFFIZIENZ AG GETEC media AG * Previous year’s figures in brackets. 57 When it comes to energy services, GETEC is as broadly positioned as a large-size enterprise, but it is as lean and flexible as a medium-sized company. It can also rely on a highly knowledgeable workforce. The companies within the GETEC GROUP are using these vital advantages to react to changes on the market with the highest degree of flexibility, to utilise the opportunities for the benefit of their customers with the further development of business areas, while at the same time reducing the risks as much as possible. With its broad portfolio of different services, GETEC is minimising the potential risks associated with the discontinuation and/ or abandonment of individual business areas. In 2016, GETEC heat & power AG will continue focusing on the development and realisation of major heating and power plant projects for the industry, large complex properties and communities as well as on the internationalisation of its sales activities. Moreover, GETEC heat & power AG is committed to significantly expanding its range of services as well as to acquiring new customers and client groups and to consolidating existing market shares. It hopes to generate a sales volume of 400 million euros with a profit margin of 10% by 2020. GETEC heat & power AG is launching the project GE 2 O – GETEC Energy Efficiency Offensive – in 2016 and will better incorporate the customers’ production processes into the energy optimisation in the future. Jointly with GETEC ENERGIE AG, GETEC heat & power AG has additionally initiated the project Virtual Power Plant, whose focus is on marketing power through virtual power plant utilisation. With the project GETEC Infra, GETEC heat & power AG will zero in on rendering energy and other FM services for industrial and chemical parks. Taking charge of essential parts of GETEC Contracting GmbH, which was acquired by GETEC ENERGIE HOLDING GmbH through its subsidiary VERITAS GmbH, is expected to result in further growth in sales for GETEC heat & power AG. Thanks to increasing internationalisation, GETEC heat & power AG will additionally be able to further develop the European market in Austria, Poland, the Czech Republic, Croatia and Slovenia. Given the above sales activities and 58 M ANAGEMENT REPORT based on the premise of a year of weather which is in line with the long term averages and therefore colder than 2015, the result is a stronger increase in overall performance of the subgroup GETEC heat & power AG in the planning year 2016 to EUR 273.687 million, up on the reporting year. Under the assumption of normal weather conditions in 2016, and on the basis of the macroeconomic framework conditions, no fundamental changes in the primary energy consumption in Germany are expected, and the business areas of GETEC ENERGIE AG should not be negatively impacted. With respect to the energy mix, a further shift toward renewable energies is likely, due to the existing extension and expansion programme for wind energy and photovoltaics. This change in favour of renewable energies will presumably strengthen in 2016, thanks to an increased connection to the grid of offshore wind farms and a major addition of onshore wind farms. Because of political and international influences and the climate, electricity and gas prices are difficult to predict. As all forward positions are secured in terms of pricing, there is no direct effect on the results of GETEC ENERGIE AG. However, margins are expected to remain under pressure and sales decreasing as a result of declining wholesale prices. GETEC ENERGIE AG is committed to the further expansion of its business activities in Germany and other European countries in 2016 and to providing its customers with a variety of new and attractive services that fulfil the claim for a safe, flexible energy supply tailored to the individual customer’s needs in the near future. On this basis, the anticipated overall performance for the subgroup GETEC ENERGIE AG in 2016 is EUR 434.497 million. M ANAGEMENT REPORT of the network operation division, the plan is to increase it by 50% to around EUR 30.000 million with the electricity volume carried increasing to 520 million kWh by the end of the second period of incentive regulation (31 December 2018). On this basis, the network services for third parties are to be expanded to become another key element of company business over the same period. As well, the development of the meter operation at GETEC metering GmbH as a third business activity is rated positively. In line with the legal requirements, small-scale customers will also gradually be equipped with “smart” meters. The eCore system introduced in 2011/2012 still serves as basis for future projects in the field of meter operation and is used for the further expansion of the achieved market lead for specialised system solutions. On this basis, the forecast increase in overall performance of the subgroup GETEC net AG compared to the reporting year is EUR 36.836 million for 2016. In addition to the conventional areas of renewable energies, GETEC green energy AG will dedicate its efforts to other promising fields and specialisation in connection with renewable energies and a sustainable energy supply in the future. For this purpose, one of the goals is to expand the investment portfolio over the long term. A multitude of projects and ideas that are currently being developed, such as in the field of storage solutions, have been incorporated into the plans. Based on the assumption that the revenues and expenses structure of the 2015 fiscal year will be the same in the forecast year, the overall performance for the planning year 2016 is projected to be EUR 31.221 million. One of GETEC net AG’s main business models is based on the efficient operation of the “last mile” of energy supply networks. In 2016, network fees are projected to rise slightly while the specific costs decline. Moreover, GETEC net AG’s development will still be characterised by a further operational division of the network sector pursuant to the Energy Industry Act (§ 6b) during the next several fiscal years, aimed at reporting the maximum equity yield rate as earnings generated with the network operation. In terms of the overall performance GETEC ENERGIE HOLDING GmbH GETEC heat & power AG GETEC ENERGIE AG GETEC net AG GETEC green energy AG GETEC WÄRME & EFFIZIENZ AG GETEC media AG 59 Please refer to the following success plan for the GETEC ENERGIE HOLDING GmbH group: 2015 actual million EUR 2016 plan million EUR 787.982 864.882 10.172 3.998 798.154 868.880 – Material expenses 657.719 698.286 = Gross profit 140.435 170.594 – Personnel expenses 48.230 55.874 – Depreciation on tangible assets and intangible fixed assets 19.547 25.150 – Other operating expenses 32.316 41.270 = Operating profit 40.342 48.300 -331 -160 = Profit on ordinary activities 40.011 48.140 – Taxes 14.555 14.029 25.456 34.111 Total output + Other operating income = Total operating income + Financial result = PROFIT FOR FINANCIAL YEAR This data is the result of the forecast development of results for the divisions of the companies in the GETEC GROUP. 60 M ANAGEMENT REPORT GETEC WÄRME & EFFIZIENZ AG’s focus on the real estate and housing industries is expected to increase further in 2016, as is the rising specialisation to the individual customer segments and the associated consideration of individual customer needs. This strategic orientation in response to the changing market environment enables GETEC WÄRME & EFFIZIENZ AG to acquire new customers and customer groups, develop new products and further develop existing products and services. To achieve a comprehensive ancillary cost optimisation for real estate companies, joint cooperations with companies in the housing industry are further expanded and ensure a long-term steady stream of revenue and results generated by the already contractually secured housing stock that is taken over in time slices and has long periods of validity. The activities on the end customer market will be boosted further in the planning year 2016, by means of the end customer brand SYNVIA operated jointly with GETEC media AG. Likewise in close cooperation with the sister company GETEC media AG, GETEC WÄRME & EFFIZIENZ AG is pursuing the project Intelligent Home, which provides optimal and comprehensive support to the pending digitalisation of the energy transition for real estate customers. Thus, the first steps were initiated, aimed at realising the streamlining of business processes, reduction of costs for the housing industry as well as energetic optimisations and energy efficiency improvements of the real estate portfolios by means of new technical solutions. Given the above sales orientation and the foundations laid in 2014 and 2015, the result is an expected strong increase in overall performance of the subgroup in the planning year 2016 to EUR 127.831 million, compared to the reporting year. In 2016, GETEC media AG will establish the legal foundation for expediting the expansion of further broadband cable structures among other things from the portfolio of strategic cooperation partners, by taking over grants. Moreover, the activities relating to the product range of the SYNVIA product platform will be strengthened further during the fiscal year. With GETEC Intelligent Home, GETEC media AG in cooperation with other GETEC subsidiaries is launching a M ANAGEMENT REPORT new product and a unique selling proposition on the market. Intelligent Home takes into consideration the requirements for the digitalisation of the energy transition and is realised on the basis of long-term cooperations with real estate companies and/or regional service providers. Thanks to the variety of services and their alternative combinations, it will be possible to generate a competitive edge in the form of an “everything from a single source” approach for the housing industry. The goal is to increase synergies for the housing industry market segment, by combining conventional business areas with innovative telecommunication business models. Thus, the Intelligent Home concept will add to and promote the successful sales of classical energy service contracting in the housing industry. On this basis, an overall performance of the subgroup GETEC media AG of EUR 6.979 million is projected for the planning year 2016. OPPORTUNITIES REPORT With the indirect acquisition of Imtech Contracting GmbH by GETEC ENERGIE HOLDING GmbH, the GETEC GROUP has broadened its portfolio with an attractive and viable customer base as well as strengthened the existing energy ser vice contracting exper tise and acquired new skills. The additional wealth of experience of the current GETEC Contracting GmbH represents future opportunities in the area of the expanded operation of complex large-scale properties such as industrial parks beyond the core business of energy services for the companies of the GETEC GROUP, which are supposed to be realised by GETEC heat & power AG under the label GETEC Infra. The complexity of the energy markets and rising energy prices in the medium term mean that the industry should expect a further increase in demand for intelligent, efficient and individually designed energy supply solutions from GETEC heat & power AG in the medium term, thereby generating further revenue gains. Stronger price increases are forecast GETEC ENERGIE HOLDING GmbH GETEC heat & power AG GETEC ENERGIE AG GETEC net AG GETEC green energy AG GETEC WÄRME & EFFIZIENZ AG GETEC media AG in particular in the neighbouring eastern European countries. This is because of investments into the modernisation of the energy production plants, which are required to fulfil the climate protection provisions within the European Union. It will result in further opportunities for companies such as GETEC heat & power AG. GETEC generally views legislative changes that affect the energy industry as an opportunity and not as a risk as they regularly create incentives for an efficient energy use. The opportunities for GETEC ENERGIE AG’s business areas lie in a steadily growing demand for services in the area of purchasing and marketing energy from conventional and renewable sources. In so doing, the customer is provided with a comprehensive range of services consisting of a multitude of new and attractive services from a single source. In addition to the energy procurement and marketing, it also includes accounting grid management, the marketing of flexibilities, energy data management, change management, CO 2 management and billing services. The expansion to neighbouring markets of Germany represents another opportunity for GETEC ENERGIE AG to strengthen its ties with international clients and to attract new customers with its extensive portfolio. The high price fluctuations and the rapidly changing energy policy rules offer strong opportunities for growth to the company as a partner of all businesses participating in the energy market. The implementation of energy policy rules will lead to future investments in energy storage systems and further boost GETEC ENERGIE AG’s competitive position. GETEC net AG will continue to realise opportunities during the next several fiscal years, thanks to the described further operational division of the network sector pursuant to the Energy Industry Act (§ 6b) as well as the expansion of the network services division for third parties. The development of the meter operation by the GETEC metering GmbH subsidiary as its third business activity likewise represents a major potential, in particular in view of the changed legal requirements. Accordingly, even small-scale customers are supposed to be gradually equipped with “smart” meters. 61 Thanks to the previously introduced eCore system, GETEC net AG enjoys a considerable competitive advantage on the developing market. GETEC green energy AG will continue the shift of its core activities from the planning and realisation of biomethane projects started in 2015 to the planning and realisation of wind power projects. In 2016, GETEC is expecting the first new impulses from the biogas extraction. Based on the changed legal framework conditions, new investments into a number of existing plants will be required. However, GETEC green energy AG is also focusing on the growing urgency to secure the German power grid infrastructure and the associated need for the creation of balancing and storage possibilities; in cooperation with external partners as well as GETEC ENERGIE AG, it hopes to realise promising individual solutions in 2016. Even though the prices for primary energy sources were low at the turn of the year, the prices for energy customers are expected to climb in the medium term. Therefore, the demand for smart, efficient and individually designed energy supply solutions provided by GETEC WÄRME & EFFIZIENZ AG will continue to rise. In light of the energy policies stipulated by the federal government for example with regard to the realisation of the efficiency targets, the topics energy efficiency and ancillary cost optimisation will increasingly play an important role. This often results in opportunities and growth potentials for GETEC WÄRME & EFFIZIENZ AG, which has previously developed policy-independent models that ensure a modern and efficient supply of the real estate industry at home and abroad. This applies both to residential and commercial properties, hotels and public sector buildings and to social facilities such as hospitals and care homes. In conjunction with the sister company GETEC media AG, both group companies will enjoy opportunities for growth in connection with the realisation of enhanced all-round services for real estate customers. In the future, GETEC Intelligent Home will provide real estate customers with a comprehensive package for all things related to living 62 M ANAGEMENT REPORT and housing from a single source. To this end, traditional and new energy services will be combined with innovative telecommunications business models. Further opportunities are created in the business activity of GETEC media AG through synergies in the structural supply of the GETEC GROUP with services from the associated companies Communication Concept Gesellschaft für Kommunikationstechnik mbH/TELE AG. In addition to the smart home integration, this mainly concerns the data exchange processes from the energy production plant via the control system to the data transfer from and to the consumer as well as to the real estate industry. Because of the legally stipulated introduction, smart meters will become a central data communication interface by means of a data gateway for all consumption values and the prerequisite for the communication between the producer and consumer in 80% of all German households by 2020. Because of the stringent technical as well as regulatory requirements, the conceptual design of GETEC media AG therefore far exceeds the topic of consumer data capture. The pre-existing IP infrastructure of GETEC media AG can be used for the cost-optimised data communication within and outside of the property. All in all, this data concept ensures that all data within the Intelligent Home remain with GETEC. Based on the continuing growth in a dynamic market environment, an expansion of the favourable profitability is expected for the GETEC GROUP companies in connection with rising sales. Please see the corporate business plan for more on future developments. M ANAGEMENT REPORT RISK REPORT The success of the GETEC GROUP companies was and is mainly based on the ability to recognise changes on the markets and of the energy policies and regulatory environment early on, to identify their opportunities and risks and to draw the appropriate conclusions for the business activities of the GETEC GROUP companies. This analysis and its evaluation are not only part of the management’s regular responsibilities, but they belong to the business approach of the GETEC GROUP companies and are the corresponding prerequisite for the development of business activities of their operational divisions. In view of the risks, risk management procedures and in-house controls are organised systematically, designed depending on the business activities on the level of the subgroups and regularly developed further. Reports are produced on a regular quarterly basis and in response to specific situations. The risk management systems form a key component of the business processes and an important basis for corporate decision-making. As part of the ISO 9001 certification, group-wide basic principles and control standards for risk assessment have been established and are constantly adjusted to meet current requirements through internal and external audits. A risk management report systematically and continuously documents identifiable risks, describes and evaluates the measures taken to manage the risks and thus helps the GETEC Group to reduce them or at least bring them under control. The company’s internal controlling monitors the development at the project level through detailed regular intra-year analysis and thus represents an important tool for the detection and analysis of deviations from the business plan. The findings provide the starting point for control measures to counteract possible negative developments in a successful and timely manner. Another effective tool for risk identification and minimisation is group-wide reporting to the supervisory board and the management board. With the help of regular intra-year reporting at the individual company level, the companies’ general business courses are continuously monitored. GETEC ENERGIE HOLDING GmbH GETEC heat & power AG GETEC ENERGIE AG GETEC net AG GETEC green energy AG GETEC WÄRME & EFFIZIENZ AG GETEC media AG Based on the described business approach of GETEC, risks stemming from European and German energy policies as well as their corresponding formalities oftentimes also represent opportunities for the group of companies. Presently, they consist in the amendment of the Renewable Energies Sources Act (EEG) 2016, particularly in connection with the tendering criteria, the effects of the CHP legislation in the coming years, the implementation of the new electricity market as well as the basic arrangement of the so-called sector amalgamation approach between the electricity, heat and mobility sectors in the medium term. The business activities of the GETEC GROUP are not impacted by risks that currently affect the conventional energy industry mainly as a result of the abolition of business activities related to the operation of large-scale power stations. As a company group with medium-sized character, GETEC is operating small-scale and decentralised systems, which are additionally financially backed up with long-term contracts. For now, operational risks are generally associated with the construction and operation of complex energy production plants. The excellent qualifications of the technical employees and the internal guidelines both limit risk to start with and also provide adequate security against them. No future purchasing risks have been identified. This applies to the procurement of primary energy as well as to the procurement of external finance and personnel. Price risks are largely covered by contracts. Risks relating to financing instruments are not expected. There are no significant interest rate risks due to long-term loan agreements and hedging with interest rate swaps. In addition, no speculative financial or commodity transactions are carried out. There are currently no discernible commercial or legislative risks that could pose a threat to the continued existence of the company or any other risks that could have a particular impact on the company’s assets, financial position or profitability. The revenue position and solvency of the GETEC ENERGIE HOLDING GmbH group are still secured relative to future revenue on the basis of the broad equity capital 63 basis, the dominance of long-term sales contracts and the resulting planning reliability. In conclusion, there is no evidence of any current or future risks to the continued existence of the GETEC ENERGIE HOLDING GmbH group. Magdeburg, 20 May 2016 Dr. Karl Gerhold Managing Director & Shareholder GETEC ENERGIE HOLDING GmbH 64 M ANAGEMENT REPORT M ANAGEMENT REPORT MICHAEL LOWAK , Chief Executive Officer GETEC WÄRME & EFFIZIENZ AG CHRIS DÖHRING, Chief Executive Officer GETEC green energy AG BERNWARD PETERS, Chief Executive Officer GETEC ENERGIE AG DR. K ARL GERHOLD, Managing Director & Shareholder GETEC ENERGIE HOLDING GmbH GETEC ENERGIE HOLDING GmbH GETEC heat & power AG GETEC ENERGIE AG GETEC net AG GETEC green energy AG GETEC WÄRME & EFFIZIENZ AG GETEC media AG HEIKO MEVERT, Chief Executive Officer GETEC net AG VOLK ER SCHUL Z , Chief Executive Officer GETEC heat & power AG MARKUS STOLL , Chief Executive Officer GETEC media AG 65 66 FI N A N CI A L S TATE M EN TS FI N A N CI A L S TATE M EN TS 67 FINANCIAL STATEMENTS BALANCE SHEET ASSETS A.E XPENSES FOR THE SET-UP AND EXPANSION OF BUSINESS OPERATIONS B. FIXED ASSETS 2015 EUR 2014 EUR 0.00 0.00 220,737,873.71 147,029,013.36 53,692,251.66 28,060,144.74 EQUITY AND LIABILITIES A. EQUIT Y 2015 EUR 2014 EUR 187,491,517.53 165,401,732.54 56,833.00 56,833.00 I. Share capital / Subscribed capital II. Capital reserve 75,770,191.41 75,770,191.41 III. Surplus reserves 35,012,316.51 27,460,339.63 IV. Difference in equity due to currency translation 44,163.38 -65,429.05 V. Retained earnings 70,554,518.77 54,181,867.51 6,053,494.46 7,997,930.04 B.D IFFERENCE RESULTING FROM CONSOLIDATION OF FUNDS 1,561,719.57 1,561,719.57 I. Intangible assets II. Tangible assets 154,241,356.59 106,640,942.92 III. Financial assets 12,804,265.46 12,327,925.70 247,955,591.61 226,710,738.64 9,776,280.59 11,026,397.06 176,805,391.49 163,493,140.22 61,373,919.53 52,191,201.36 C. PROFIT PARTICIPATION CAPITAL 1,058,000.00 868,000.00 D. ACCRUED INCOME 4,925,414.80 2,903,615.47 D. SPECIAL ITEMS 6,498,627.42 6,556,474.50 E. DEFERRED TA X ASSETS 5,426,788.64 5,764,649.88 E. SPECIAL RESERVES 33,429,743.60 24,113,339.27 214,163,410.16 181,448,003.91 34,030,194.00 2,424,469.62 812,456.48 34,277.94 479,045,668.76 382,408,017.35 C. CURRENT ASSETS I. Stocks / Inventories II. Receivables and other assets III. Liquid assets VI. Other shareholders’ participations F. LIABILITIES G. DEFERRED INCOME H.DEFERRED TA X LIABILITIES TOTAL 479,045,668.76 382,408,017.35 GETEC ENERGIE HOLDING GmbH GETEC heat & power AG GETEC ENERGIE AG GETEC net AG GETEC green energy AG GETEC WÄRME & EFFIZIENZ AG GETEC media AG TOTAL 68 FI N A N CI A L S TATE M EN TS FI N A N CI A L S TATE M EN TS 69 INDEPENDENT AUDITOR’S REPORT PROFIT AND LOSS STATEMENT 2015 EUR 2014 EUR 782,590,489.20 698,252,537.58 2. Inventories movements 2,775,948.09 6,270,756.42 3. Other capitalised services 2,615,230.33 2,093,178.39 10,171,822.54 14,590,145.67 798,153,490.16 721,206,618.06 657,719,068.92 595,269,859.91 6. Personnel expenses 48,229,753.45 44,121,228.95 7. Amortisation and depreciation 19,547,486.83 16,381,972.83 8. Other operating expenses 32,315,903.29 32,179,410.14 40,341,277.67 33,254,146.23 -330,429.59 18,309.17 40,010,848.08 33,272,455.40 -168.72 -303.08 14,554,626.56 12,420,995.27 25,456,052.80 20,851,157.05 54,181,867.53 43,594,749.35 955,447.19 508,428.69 -1,551,751.63 -463,769.69 17. Allocation to revenue reserves 3,995,915.15 4,087,312.62 18. Dividend payout 5,683,790.85 6,132,067.27 70,554,518.77 54,181,867.51 1. Turnover 4. Other operating income 5. Material expenses 9. Financial result 10.Profit or loss on ordinary activities 11. Extraordinary profit or loss 12. Taxes on income 13.Annual net income 14. Profit / loss brought forward from the previous year 15. Minority interests in the annual net profit 16. Elimination of intercompany profit and loss 19.Net profit GETEC ENERGIE HOLDING GmbH GETEC heat & power AG GETEC ENERGIE AG GETEC net AG GETEC green energy AG GETEC WÄRME & EFFIZIENZ AG GETEC media AG We have audited the financial statements, consisting of the balance sheet, the profit and loss account, the notes, the cash flow statement, the statement of changes in equity, and the group management report prepared by GETEC ENERGIE HOLDING GmbH, Magdeburg, for the financial year from 1 January to 31 December 2015. The preparation of the annual financial statements and group management report in accordance with German commercial law is the responsibility of the company’s legal representatives. Our responsibility is to express an opinion on the annual financial statements and the management report based on our audit. We conducted our audit of the annual financial statements in accordance with section 317 of the German Commercial Code (HGB) and the German conventions for proper auditing of financial statements laid down by the Institute of German Public Accountants (Institut der Wirtschaftsprüfer – IDW). Accordingly, the audit should be planned and performed such that inaccuracies and violations that have a significant effect on the presentation of the asset, financial and results position in the annual financial statements in accordance with principles of proper accounting and in the management report are detected with reasonable assurance. Knowledge of the business activities and the economic and legal environment of the company and the prospect of possible misstatements are taken into account in the determination of audit procedures. Within the framework of the audit, the effectiveness of the internal control system relating to the accounting system and the evidence supporting the disclosures in the annual financial statements and the management report are assessed primarily by examining sample data. The audit includes the assessment of the annual financial statements of the companies included in the consolidated financial statements, the segregation of the consolidated group, the accounting and consolidation principles used, and the significant estimates made by legal representatives, as well as the evaluation of the overall presentation of the consolidated financial statements and the group management report. We believe that our audit provides a reasonably secure basis for our opinion. Our audit has not led to any reservations. In our opinion, the information revealed by the audit indicates that the annual financial statements meet the statutory requirements and present a true and fair view of the group’s assets and liabilities, along with its financial position and earnings situation, determined in accordance with proper accounting principles. The group management report is consistent with the annual financial statements, presents a true overall impression of the group’s situation and depicts appropriately the opportunities and risks arising from future developments. The use of the opinion outlined above outside of this audit report requires our prior consent. A new opinion from us is needed, if the annual financial statement is published or disclosed in a format that deviates from the confirmed version (including the translation into other languages), if our report is cited or our audit is mentioned; reference is made to § 328 HGB. Hanover, 27 May 2016 AUDITA Treuhand GmbH & Co. KG Wirtschaftsprüfungsgesellschaft G. Gaedecke Financial auditor 70 FI N A N CI A L S TATE M EN TS FI N A N CI A L S TATE M EN TS 71 GROUP CONSOLIDATION As of 31 December 2015, GETEC ENERGIE HOLDING GmbH is holding the following direct and indirect stakes in companies that are included in the annual financial statement through full consolidation: COMPANY SHARES IN % INITIAL CONSOLIDATION Magdeburg Hanover Hanover Magdeburg Magdeburg Magdeburg 100.00 95.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 31/12/2010 31/12/2002 31/12/2002 31/12/2010 31/12/2013 31/12/2014 GETEC Arealnetz GmbH GETEC Benelux B.V. GETEC Climate Projects GmbH GETEC Contracting GmbH GETEC Daten- und Abrechnungsmanagement GmbH Hanover Amsterdam / Netherlands Hanover Osnabrück Magdeburg 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 31/12/2012 31/12/2012 31/12/2009 31/12/2015 31/12/2005 GETEC home GmbH GETEC Industriegase GmbH GETEC Industrieservice GmbH GETEC Kommunalpartner GmbH GETEC Kraftwerk Verwaltungs-GmbH GETEC MESSDIENST GmbH GETEC MESSDIENST Vertrieb & Service GmbH Magdeburg Magdeburg Magdeburg Hanover Hanover Magdeburg Magdeburg 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 74.90 31/12/2014 31/12/2010 31/12/2013 31/12/2010 31/12/2006 31/12/2015 31/12/2015 GETEC GETEC GETEC GETEC GETEC GETEC GETEC GETEC GETEC GETEC GETEC Hanover Hanover Hanover Hanover Hanover Hanover Hanover Hanover Turek/Poland Magdeburg Berlin 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 31/12/2011 31/12/2012 31/12/2012 31/12/2014 31/12/2012 31/12/2012 31/12/2012 31/12/2012 31/12/2015 31/12/2010 31/12/2014 Anhaltinische Gas GmbH Bayernwärme GmbH Bioenergie Wächtersbach GmbH BMHKW Torgau GmbH Carbotechnik Energiesysteme GmbH Communication Concept Gesellschaft für Kommunikationstechnik mbH Magdeburg Magdeburg Wächtersbach Magdeburg Geretsried Leipzig 100.00 100.00 64.90 100.00 51.00 66.67 ENLOGS South East Kft. Expurgo GmbH G + D Gesellschaft für Energiemanagement mbH Budapest / Hungary Magdeburg Magdeburg 100.00 100.00 51.00 GETEC GETEC GETEC GETEC GETEC GETEC HEADQUARTERS heat & power AG ENERGIE AG net AG green energy AG WÄRME & EFFIZIENZ AG media AG metering GmbH net alpha GmbH & Co. KG net beta GmbH & Co. KG net eta GmbH & Co. KG net gamma GmbH & Co. KG net delta GmbH & Co. KG net epsilon GmbH & Co. KG net zeta GmbH & Co. KG Polska Sp. z o.o. Service GmbH Service Berlin GmbH SHARES IN % INITIAL CONSOLIDATION Vienna / Austria 100.00 31/12/2010 GEM Gesellschaft für Energieversorgung und -management mbH Dietlikon / Switzerland 100.00 31/12/2008 G + G Energiemanagement GmbH German Pellets Wärme GmbH GEWI AG home LSM GmbH Idener Gemeindewerk GmbH LEHNINER Fernwärme und Betriebs GmbH TELE AG VERITAS GmbH Frankfurt/Main Magdeburg Hanover Magdeburg Iden Kloster Lehnin Leipzig Magdeburg 74.90 80.00 81.275 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 31/12/2015 31/12/2011 31/12/2009 31/12/2015 31/12/2010 31/12/2010 31/12/2014 31/12/2015 COMPANY HEADQUARTERS GEM Gesellschaft für Energieversorgung und -management mbH The following were included in the financial statements for the group as associated companies: Betreibergesellschaft Biogasanlage Möckern GmbH Möckern 33.33 31/12/2010 31/12/2010 31/12/2010 31/12/2014 31/12/2010 31/12/2010 31/12/2014 Biogas Fuhsetal GmbH & Co. KG Borchers Biomassekraftwerk GmbH Coulomb GmbH EKZ GETEC AG EnerTec Lengede GmbH GERO Solarpark GmbH KG Energo s.r.o. Magdeburger Bau- und Schulservice GmbH Lengede Borken Munich Dietikon / Switzerland Lengede Amsdorf / Magdeburg Prague / Czech Republic Magdeburg 25.10 50.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 40.00 31/12/2013 31/12/2010 31/12/2014 31/12/2011 31/12/2013 31/12/2012 31/12/2014 31/12/2010 31/12/2009 31/12/2012 31/12/2013 smart Energy Services GmbH Telekabel Riesa GmbH VERBUND GETEC Energiecontracting GmbH Vienna / Austria Riesa Vienna / Austria 50.00 26.00 50.00 31/12/2014 31/12/2015 31/12/2015 Windpark Zerbst GmbH Zerbst / OT Lietzo 50.00 31/12/2014 GETEC ENERGIE HOLDING GmbH GETEC heat & power AG GETEC ENERGIE AG GETEC net AG GETEC green energy AG GETEC WÄRME & EFFIZIENZ AG GETEC media AG 72 FI N A N CI A L S TATE M EN TS FI N A N CI A L S TATE M EN TS GROUP OVERVIEW AND LOCATIONS 73 GETEC ENERGIE HOLDING GmbH GETEC Contracting GmbH | VERITAS GmbH GE TEC he at & p ower AG GETEC Benelux B.V. | GETEC Industriegase GmbH | GETEC Industrieservice GmbH | Anhaltinische Gas GmbH | Betreibergesellschaft Biogasanlage Möckern GmbH | Bioenergie Wächstersbach GmbH | BMHKW Torgau GmbH | Borchers Biomassekraftwerk GmbH | Carbotechnik Energiesysteme GmbH | EKZ GETEC AG | Expurgo GmbH | GEM Gesellschaft für Energieversorgung und -management mbH | KG Energo s.r.o. | Idener Gemeindewerk GmbH | LEHNINER Fernwärme und Betriebs GmbH | Magdeburger Bau- und Schulservice GmbH | VERBUND GETEC Energiecontracting GmbH | GETEC Polska Sp. z o.o BÜTTEL HAMBURG GOLDENSTEDT GE TEC EN ERGI E AG GETEC Climate Projects GmbH | GETEC Daten- und Abrechnungsmanagement GmbH | GETEC Industriegase GmbH | GETEC Kraftwerk Verwaltungs GmbH | IDEN BERLIN HANOVER A MSTERDA M OSNABRÜCK Coulomb GmbH | ENLOGS South East Kft. | GEM Gesellschaft für Energieversorgung und -management mbH | Gemeinschaftskraftwerk Büttel GmbH & Co. KG | GEWI AG | smart Energy Services GmbH | smart Energy Personal GmbH | Enbase Power GmbH LEHNIN LENGEDE TUREK MAGDEBURG MÖCKERN ZERBST BORKEN GE TEC net AG AMSDORF DORTMUND LEIPZIG GETEC AREALNETZ GmbH | GETEC KOMMUNALPARTNER GmbH | GETEC metering GmbH | GETEC net alpha GmbH & Co. KG | GETEC net beta GmbH & Co. KG | GETEC net gamma GmbH & Co. KG | GETEC net delta GmbH & Co. KG | GETEC net epsilon GmbH & Co. KG | GETEC net zeta GmbH & Co. KG | GETEC net eta GmbH & Co. KG RIESA WEIMAR COLOGNE WÄC H T E R S B AC H F R A N K F U R T/M . GE TEC gre en energy AG PR AGUE Biogas Fuhsetal GmbH & Co. KG | EnerTec Lengede GmbH | GERO Solarpark GmbH | Windpark Zerbst GmbH G E T E C WÄ R M E & E F F I Z I E N Z A G KARLSRUHE GETEC home GmbH | GETEC Service GmbH | G + D Gesellschaft für Energiemanagement mbH | German Pellets Wärme GmbH | GETEC Service Berlin GmbH | home LSM GmbH | Bayernwärme GmbH | G+G Energiemanagement GmbH | GETEC MESSDIENST Vertrieb & Service GmbH | GETEC MESSDIENST GmbH VIENNA AUGSBURG MUNICH BUDAPEST GERETSRIED Communication Concept Gesellschaft für Kommunikationstechnik mbH | TELE AG | Telekabel Riesa GmbH ZURICH PÉSC GETEC ENERGIE HOLDING GmbH GETEC heat & power AG GETEC ENERGIE AG GETEC net AG GETEC green energy AG GETEC WÄRME & EFFIZIENZ AG GETEC media AG GE TEC me dia AG GETEC GROUP FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 2015 KEY FIGURES GETEC ENERGIE HOLDING GmbH GETEC heat & power AG GETEC ENERGIE AG GETEC net AG GETEC green energy AG GETEC WÄRME & EFFIZIENZ AG GETEC media AG 2015 2014 OVER ALL PERFORMANCE million euro 262.9 231.1 ANNUAL PROFIT BEFORE TA X million euro 26.5 21.3 EQUIT Y CAPITAL million euro 106.6 96.5 78 FI N A N CI A L S TATE M EN TS FI N A N CI A L S TATE M EN TS 79 FINANCIAL STATEMENTS BALANCE SHEET ASSETS A.E XPENSES FOR THE SET-UP AND EXPANSION OF BUSINESS OPERATIONS B. FIXED ASSETS 2015 EUR 2014 EUR 0.00 0.00 76,919,601.06 87,577,509.56 3,031,710.22 3,214,251.04 EQUITY AND LIABILITIES 2015 EUR 2014 EUR 106,551,243.08 96,474,076.46 25,000,000.00 25,000,000.00 2,897.23 2,897.23 25,935,284.27 22,047,335.16 -50.89 0.00 52,879,376.56 46,698,155.90 2,733,735.91 2,725,688.17 63,294.22 63,294.22 C. PROFIT PARTICIPATION CAPITAL 1,058,000.00 868,000.00 2,373,476.20 2,520,674.69 A. EQUIT Y I. Share capital / Subscribed capital II. Capital reserve III. Surplus reserves IV. Difference in equity due to currency translation V. Retained earnings I. Intangible assets II. Tangible assets 63,910,849.48 74,385,790.79 III. Financial assets 9,977,041.36 9,977,467.73 142,954,634.96 108,415,390.84 7,058,498.45 8,024,206.12 105,652,473.85 77,501,867.32 0.00 0.00 30,243,662.66 22,889,317.40 D. SPECIAL ITEMS 1,454,029.32 1,583,932.32 E. SPECIAL RESERVES 10,841,604.72 9,721,506.73 218,685.60 503,845.47 F. LIABILITIES 99,067,640.26 86,801,354.86 1,475,606.46 1,597,493.29 116,086.00 34,277.94 221,546,950.94 198,080,678.19 C. CURRENT ASSETS I. Stocks / Inventories II. Receivables and other assets III. Securities IV. Liquid assets D. ACCRUED INCOME E. DEFERRED TA X ASSETS VI. Other shareholders’ participations B.D IFFERENCE RESULTING FROM CONSOLIDATION OF FUNDS G. DEFERRED INCOME H.DEFERRED TA X LIABILITIES TOTAL GETEC ENERGIE HOLDING GmbH 221,546,950.94 198,080,678.19 GETEC heat & power AG GETEC ENERGIE AG GETEC net AG GETEC green energy AG GETEC WÄRME & EFFIZIENZ AG GETEC media AG TOTAL 80 FI N A N CI A L S TATE M EN TS PROFIT AND LOSS STATEMENT FI N A N CI A L S TATE M EN TS 2015 EUR 2014 EUR 254,518,670.96 220,034,431.00 2. Inventories movements 562,128.04 -1,039,866.51 3. Other capitalised services 226,031.11 647,846.83 7,548,918.92 11,478,703.29 262,855,749.03 231,121,114.61 186,556,941.34 159,060,082.57 6. Personnel expenses 16,502,228.84 16,946,631.86 7. Amortisation and depreciation 10,309,896.84 9,820,818.86 8. Other operating expenses 23,264,918.37 24,206,223.66 26,221,763.64 21,087,357.66 300,425.30 247,089.98 26,522,188.94 21,334,447.64 -168.72 -303.08 8,802,114.67 6,718,170.00 17,719,905.55 14,615,974.56 46,614,720.54 43,411,821.37 197,604.11 213,015.39 16. Allocation to revenue reserves 3,962,743.46 3,969,565.82 17. Dividend payout 7,294,901.96 7,147,058.82 52,879,376.56 46,698,155.90 1. Turnover 4. Other operating income 5. Material expenses 9. Financial result 10.Profit or loss on ordinary activities 11. Extraordinary profit or loss 12. Taxes on income 13.Annual net income 14. Profit / loss brought forward from the previous year 15. Minority interests in the annual net profit 18.Net profit GETEC ENERGIE HOLDING GmbH GETEC heat & power AG GETEC ENERGIE AG GETEC net AG GETEC green energy AG GETEC WÄRME & EFFIZIENZ AG GETEC media AG B OA RD O F D IRE C TO RS Volker Schulz, Dipl.-Ing., Chief Executive Officer Hans-Marcus Knoll, Dipl.-Ing. (FH), Technology and Operations Director AU T H O RISED S I GN ATO RY Michael Fitzke, Dipl.-Ing. Pierre Hörler, Dipl.-Ing. Heiko Lippelt, Dipl.-Ing. Reno Schröder, Dipl.-Ing. Sebastian Isenberg, Lawyer C O N TAC T GETEC heat & power AG Albert-Vater-Straße 50, D-39108 Magdeburg Phone +49 391 2568-100, Fax +49 391 2568-120 [email protected] 81 FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 2015 KEY FIGURES GETEC ENERGIE HOLDING GmbH GETEC heat & power AG GETEC ENERGIE AG GETEC net AG GETEC green energy AG GETEC WÄRME & EFFIZIENZ AG GETEC media AG 2015 2014 OVER ALL PERFORMANCE million euro 443.0 430.9 ANNUAL PROFIT BEFORE TA X million euro 6.5 7.0 EQUIT Y CAPITAL million euro 19.0 16.6 84 FI N A N CI A L S TATE M EN TS FI N A N CI A L S TATE M EN TS 85 FINANCIAL STATEMENTS BALANCE SHEET ASSETS A.E XPENSES FOR THE SET-UP AND EXPANSION OF BUSINESS OPERATIONS B. FIXED ASSETS 2015 EUR 2014 EUR 0.00 0.00 3,257,098.40 3,513,389.89 563,105.04 652,121.56 A. EQUIT Y I. Intangible assets II. Tangible assets 1,954,183.87 2,090,534.50 III. Financial assets 743,716.86 770,733.83 61,120,725.52 67,477,537.85 168,146.88 30,173.61 49,753,574.30 54,510,880.20 0.00 0.00 11,199,004.34 12,936,484.04 329,068.69 333,933.12 2,710,453.91 3,931,510.25 C. CURRENT ASSETS EQUITY AND LIABILITIES I. Stocks / Inventories II. Receivables and other assets III. Securities IV. Liquid assets D. ACCRUED INCOME E. DEFERRED TA X ASSETS GETEC ENERGIE HOLDING GmbH GETEC heat & power AG 75,256,371.11 GETEC ENERGIE AG GETEC net AG GETEC green energy AG GETEC WÄRME & EFFIZIENZ AG GETEC media AG 16,637,071.21 10,000,000.00 9,020,000.00 II. Capital reserve 310,000.00 310,000.00 III. Surplus reserves 690,000.00 690,000.00 IV. Difference in equity due to currency translation 44,214.27 -65,429.05 V. Retained earnings 8,236,050.36 6,971,632.34 -324,271.32 -289,132.08 B.D IFFERENCE RESULTING FROM CONSOLIDATION OF FUNDS 0.00 0.00 C. PROFIT PARTICIPATION CAPITAL 0.00 0.00 D. SPECIAL ITEMS 0.00 0.00 4,734,097.58 7,369,683.62 43,727,865.87 51,249,616.28 3,297.13 0.00 0.00 0.00 67,421,253.89 75,256,371.11 VI. Other shareholders’ participations E. SPECIAL RESERVES F. LIABILITIES H.DEFERRED TA X LIABILITIES 67,421,253.89 18,955,993.31 I. Share capital / Subscribed capital G. DEFERRED INCOME TOTAL 2014 EUR 2015 EUR TOTAL 86 FI N A N CI A L S TATE M EN TS FI N A N CI A L S TATE M EN TS PROFIT AND LOSS STATEMENT 2015 EUR 2014 EUR 441,845,439.24 429,102,224.67 2. Inventories movements 0.00 0.00 3. Other capitalised services 0.00 0.00 1,124,379.67 1,791,014.39 442,969,818.91 430,893,239.06 417,571,893.15 403,839,399.50 12,796,244.44 12,732,772.81 713,491.52 1,224,680.38 5,415,641.45 5,750,530.31 6,472,548.35 7,345,856.06 137,173.47 -369,510.55 6,609,721.82 6,976,345.51 0.00 0.00 2,296,031.22 2,401,172.34 9,411.82 9,285.53 4,304,278.78 4,565,887.64 6,971,632.34 5,118,657.24 39,860.76 -287,087.46 0.00 0.00 3,000,000.00 3,000,000.00 8,236,050.36 6,971,632.34 1. Turnover 4. Other operating income 5. Material expenses 6. Personnel expenses 7. Amortisation and depreciation 8. Other operating expenses 9. Financial result 10.Profit or loss on ordinary activities 11. Extraordinary profit or loss 12. Taxes on income 13. Other taxes 14.Annual net income 15. Profit / loss brought forward from the previous year 16. Minority interests in the annual net profit 17. Allocation to revenue reserves 18. Dividend payout 19.Net profit GETEC ENERGIE HOLDING GmbH GETEC heat & power AG GETEC ENERGIE AG GETEC net AG GETEC green energy AG GETEC WÄRME & EFFIZIENZ AG GETEC media AG B OA RD O F D IRE C TO RS Bernward Peters, Dipl.-Kfm., Chief Executive Officer Christian Holtmann, Dipl.-Kfm., Chief Operations Officer Götz-Friedrich Wedde, Dipl.-Kfm., Chief Financial Officer AU T H O RISED S I GN ATO RY Oliver Mävers, Dipl.-Ing. Steffen Schlumbohm, Dipl.-Wirtsch.-Ing. Manuel Telle, Betriebswirt (VWA) C O N TAC T GETEC ENERGIE AG Expo Plaza 10, D-30539 Hanover Phone +49 511 51949-100, Fax +49 511 51949-197 [email protected] 87 FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 2015 KEY FIGURES GETEC ENERGIE HOLDING GmbH GETEC heat & power AG GETEC ENERGIE AG GETEC net AG GETEC green energy AG GETEC WÄRME & EFFIZIENZ AG GETEC media AG 2015 2014 OVER ALL PERFORMANCE million euro 35.8 31.8 ANNUAL PROFIT BEFORE TA X million euro 2.9 1.6 EQUIT Y CAPITAL million euro 7.6 5.8 90 FI N A N CI A L S TATE M EN TS FI N A N CI A L S TATE M EN TS 91 FINANCIAL STATEMENTS BALANCE SHEET ASSETS 2015 EUR 2014 EUR 0.00 0.00 22,289,129.30 20,203,609.80 641,387.00 779,092.57 21,647,742.30 19,424,517.23 0.00 0.00 13,551,327.76 12,711,055.07 305,424.80 180,069.88 8,820,681.80 9,995,064.27 0.00 0.00 IV. Liquid assets 4,425,221.16 D. ACCRUED INCOME E. DEFERRED TA X ASSETS A.E XPENSES FOR THE SET-UP AND EXPANSION OF BUSINESS OPERATIONS B. FIXED ASSETS I. Intangible assets II. Tangible assets III. Financial assets C. CURRENT ASSETS I. Stocks / Inventories II. Receivables and other assets III. Securities EQUITY AND LIABILITIES A. EQUIT Y GETEC ENERGIE HOLDING GmbH GETEC heat & power AG GETEC ENERGIE AG 2014 EUR 7,644,511.46 5,790,258.88 I. Share capital / Subscribed capital 1,000,000.00 1,000,000.00 II. Capital reserve 1,250,000.00 1,250,000.00 III. Surplus reserves 184,601.66 139,369.99 IV. Retained earnings 5,209,909.80 3,295,016.52 V. Other shareholders’ participations 0.00 105,872.37 B. DIFFERENCE RESULTING FROM CONSOLIDATION OF FUNDS 0.00 0.00 C. PROFIT PARTICIPATION CAPITAL 0.00 0.00 D. SPECIAL ITEMS 4,020,495.50 3,927,933.56 2,535,920.92 E. SPECIAL RESERVES 5,479,286.51 6,103,847.47 763,604.51 824,681.14 F. LIABILITIES 19,914,610.31 18,476,780.21 492,996.00 582,540.14 G. DEFERRED INCOME 38,153.79 23,066.03 0.00 0.00 37,097,057.57 34,321,886.15 H.DEFERRED TA X LIABILITIES TOTAL 2015 EUR 37,097,057.57 34,321,886.15 GETEC net AG GETEC green energy AG GETEC WÄRME & EFFIZIENZ AG GETEC media AG TOTAL 92 FI N A N CI A L S TATE M EN TS PROFIT AND LOSS STATEMENT FI N A N CI A L S TATE M EN TS 2015 EUR 2014 EUR 33,868,491.18 30,045,917.70 57,939.39 0.00 462,869.16 464,125.20 1,392,304.35 1,326,293.63 35,781,604.08 31,836,336.53 25,378,847.79 24,171,864.61 6. Personnel expenses 3,275,957.03 2,888,087.12 7. Amortisation and depreciation 1,643,126.16 1,390,560.34 8. Other operating expenses 2,313,716.53 1,616,299.83 3,169,956.57 1,769,524.63 -261,600.62 -205,284.03 2,908,355.95 1,564,240.60 0.00 0.00 993,462.67 493,557.22 1,914,893.28 1,070,683.38 3,295,016.52 2,286,937.34 15. Minority interests in the annual net profit 0.00 -5,366.34 16. Allocation to revenue reserves 0.00 67,970.54 5,209,909.80 3,295,016.52 1. Turnover 2. Inventories movements 3. Other capitalised services 4. Other operating income 5. Material expenses 9. Financial result 10.Profit or loss on ordinary activities 11. Extraordinary profit or loss 12. Taxes on income 13.Annual net income 14. Profit / loss brought forward from the previous year 17. Net profit GETEC ENERGIE HOLDING GmbH GETEC heat & power AG GETEC ENERGIE AG GETEC net AG GETEC green energy AG GETEC WÄRME & EFFIZIENZ AG GETEC media AG B OA RD O F D IRE C TO RS Heiko Mevert, Dipl.-Ing. (FH), Chief Executive Officer Dr. Karl Gerhold, Chief Financial Officer Olaf Beyer, Dipl.-Ing. (FH), Chief Operations Officer C O N TAC T GETEC net AG An der Börse 4, D-30159 Hanover Phone +49 511 121088-60, Fax +49 511 121088-91 [email protected] 93 FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 2015 KEY FIGURES 2015 OVER ALL PERFORMANCE million euro 30.7 29.6 ANNUAL PROFIT BEFORE TA X million euro 3.2 2.3 EQUIT Y CAPITAL million euro 8.4 8.2 * The 2014 data include the figures for IGEA Ingenieurgesellschaft für Erschließung- und Anlagenplanung mbH, which was sold per 01/01/2015. GETEC ENERGIE HOLDING GmbH GETEC heat & power AG GETEC ENERGIE AG GETEC net AG GETEC green energy AG GETEC WÄRME & EFFIZIENZ AG GETEC media AG 2014 * 96 FI N A N CI A L S TATE M EN TS FI N A N CI A L S TATE M EN TS 97 FINANCIAL STATEMENTS BALANCE SHEET ASSETS A.E XPENSES FOR THE SET-UP AND EXPANSION OF BUSINESS OPERATIONS 2015 EUR 2014 * EUR 0.00 0.00 1,653,049.31 2,799,118.37 152.00 17,254.00 EQUITY AND LIABILITIES A. EQUIT Y 8,179,841.63 1,000,000.00 1,000,000.00 0.00 0.00 164,980.17 164,980.17 0.00 0.00 7,196,843.62 6,702,790.42 VI. Other shareholders’ participations 0.00 312,071.04 B.D IFFERENCE RESULTING FROM CONSOLIDATION OF FUNDS 0.00 0.00 C. PROFIT PARTICIPATION CAPITAL 0.00 0.00 D. SPECIAL ITEMS 0.00 0.00 485,515.28 909,885.73 3,322,394.65 4,271,627.65 G. DEFERRED INCOME 0.00 892.55 H.DEFERRED TA X LIABILITIES 0.00 0.00 12,169,733.72 13,362,247.56 I. Intangible assets II. Tangible assets 823,897.31 679,030.75 III. Financial assets 829,000.00 2,102,833.62 10,418,830.03 9,905,148.24 22,727.15 1,305,672.52 8,005,341.63 7,395,085.72 0.00 0.00 2,390,761.25 1,240,390.00 D. ACCRUED INCOME 40,580.98 35,436.84 E. DEFERRED TA X ASSETS 57,273.40 622,544.11 I. Share capital / Subscribed capital II. Capital reserve III. Surplus reserves IV. Difference in equity due to currency translation C. CURRENT ASSETS I. Stocks / Inventories II. Receivables and other assets III. Securities IV. Liquid assets TOTAL 12,169,733.72 13,362,247.56 V. Retained earnings E. SPECIAL RESERVES F. LIABILITIES TOTAL * The 2014 data include the figures for IGEA Ingenieurgesellschaft für Erschließung- und Anlagenplanung mbH, which was sold per 01/01/2015. GETEC ENERGIE HOLDING GmbH GETEC heat & power AG GETEC ENERGIE AG GETEC net AG GETEC green energy AG GETEC WÄRME & EFFIZIENZ AG GETEC media AG 2014 * EUR 8,361,823.79 B. FIXED ASSETS 2015 EUR 98 FI N A N CI A L S TATE M EN TS PROFIT AND LOSS STATEMENT FI N A N CI A L S TATE M EN TS 2015 EUR 2014 * EUR 1. Turnover 32,025,581.30 19,490,642.74 2. Inventories movements -1,464,021.59 9,630,078.43 0.00 0.00 163,020.98 428,706.05 30,724,580.69 29,603,427.22 26,008,954.54 23,144,921.83 1,505,368.69 2,937,947.05 90,404.83 110,246.37 721,441.45 1,011,104.34 2,398,411.18 2,399,207.63 808,648.93 -73,478.46 3,207,060.11 2,325,729.17 0.00 0.00 794,204.07 621,447.78 2,412,856.04 1,704,281.39 4,783,987.58 4,546,915.27 15. Minority interests in the annual net profit 0.00 12,175.93 16. Elimination of intercompany profit and loss 0.00 -463,769.69 17. Allocation to revenue reserves 0.00 0.00 18. Dividend payout 0.00 0.00 7,196,843.62 6,702,790.42 3. Other capitalised services 4. Other operating income 5. Material expenses 6. Personnel expenses 7. Amortisation and depreciation 8. Other operating expenses 9. Financial result 10.Profit or loss on ordinary activities 11. Extraordinary profit or loss 12. Taxes on income 13.Annual net income 14. Profit / loss brought forward from the previous year 19.Net profit * The 2014 data include the figures for IGEA Ingenieurgesellschaft für Erschließung- und Anlagenplanung mbH, which was sold per 01/01/2015. GETEC ENERGIE HOLDING GmbH GETEC heat & power AG GETEC ENERGIE AG GETEC net AG GETEC green energy AG GETEC WÄRME & EFFIZIENZ AG GETEC media AG B OA RD O F D IRE C TO RS Chris Döhring, Dipl.-Ing. AU T H O RISED S I GN ATO RY Marcel Schöbel, Dipl.-Ing. Ralf Schmidt, Dipl.-Ing. C O N TAC T GETEC green energy AG An der Steinkuhle 2b - 2c, D-39128 Magdeburg Phone +49 391 2568-400, Fax +49 391 2568-419 [email protected] 99 FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 2015 KEY FIGURES GETEC ENERGIE HOLDING GmbH GETEC heat & power AG GETEC ENERGIE AG GETEC net AG GETEC green energy AG GETEC WÄRME & EFFIZIENZ AG GETEC media AG 2015 2014 OVER ALL PERFORMANCE million euro 87.8 71.8 ANNUAL PROFIT BEFORE TA X million euro 1.7 0 EQUIT Y CAPITAL million euro 3.7 1.5 10 2 FI N A N CI A L S TATE M EN TS FI N A N CI A L S TATE M EN TS 10 3 FINANCIAL STATEMENTS BALANCE SHEET ASSETS A.E XPENSES FOR THE SET-UP AND EXPANSION OF BUSINESS OPERATIONS B. FIXED ASSETS 2015 EUR 2014 EUR 0.00 0.00 30,303,320.53 8,373,233.76 1,830,048.39 2,002,371.53 A. EQUIT Y I. Intangible assets II. Tangible assets 28,473,272.14 6,370,862.23 III. Financial assets 0.00 0.00 16,858,892.84 14,023,645.52 C. CURRENT ASSETS EQUITY AND LIABILITIES 1,000,000.00 30,229.67 6,662.13 III. Retained earnings 391,823.06 -92,986.98 IV. Other shareholders’ participations 2,303,653.02 565,079.87 B.D IFFERENCE RESULTING FROM CONSOLIDATION OF FUNDS 125,039.79 125,039.79 0.00 0.00 104,655.72 107,866.25 2,143,607.77 1,666,455.97 41,014,151.72 18,315,224.58 443,856.90 798,117.75 0.00 0.00 47,557,017.65 22,491,459.36 C. PROFIT PARTICIPATION CAPITAL II. Receivables and other assets 8,511,796.20 8,363,209.94 D. SPECIAL ITEMS III. Securities 0.00 0.00 IV. Liquid assets 7,321,102.01 4,280,392.82 56,526.07 32,264.26 G. DEFERRED INCOME 338,278.21 62,315.82 H.DEFERRED TA X LIABILITIES 47,557,017.65 22,491,459.36 GETEC WÄRME & EFFIZIENZ AG GETEC media AG 1,000,000.00 II. Surplus reserves 1,380,042.76 GETEC ENERGIE HOLDING GmbH GETEC heat & power AG GETEC ENERGIE AG GETEC net AG GETEC green energy AG 1,478,755.02 1,025,994.63 TOTAL 3,725,705.75 I. Share capital / Subscribed capital I. Stocks / Inventories E. DEFERRED TA X ASSETS 2014 EUR D. ACCRUED INCOME 2015 EUR E. SPECIAL RESERVES F. LIABILITIES TOTAL 10 4 FI N A N CI A L S TATE M EN TS PROFIT AND LOSS STATEMENT FI N A N CI A L S TATE M EN TS 2015 EUR 2014 EUR 84,672,925.44 69,810,004.96 -481,262.36 11,983.28 3. Other capitalised services 1,635,543.29 735,227.81 4. Other operating income 1,992,414.48 1,201,580.04 87,819,620.85 71,758,796.09 68,572,873.71 59,878,487.75 6. Personnel expenses 9,624,457.89 7,509,838.91 7. Amortisation and depreciation 1,992,373.63 766,133.02 8. Other operating expenses 5,695,090.79 3,525,767.32 1,934,824.83 78,569.09 -199,754.84 -33,825.72 1,735,069.99 44,743.37 0.00 0.00 656,369.26 103,774.12 1,078,700.73 -59,030.75 14. Profit / loss brought forward from the previous year -92,986.98 -2,376.12 15. Minority interests in the annual net profit 570,323.15 24,917.98 23,567.54 6,662.13 391,823.06 -92,986.98 1. Turnover 2. Inventories movements 5. Material expenses 9. Financial result 10.Profit or loss on ordinary activities 11. Extraordinary profit or loss 12. Taxes on income 13.Profit / loss for the year 16. Allocation to revenue reserves 17. Net profit GETEC ENERGIE HOLDING GmbH GETEC heat & power AG GETEC ENERGIE AG GETEC net AG GETEC green energy AG GETEC WÄRME & EFFIZIENZ AG GETEC media AG B OA RD O F D IRE C TO RS Michael Lowak, Dipl.-Ing., Chief Executive Officer Heike Zembrod, Dipl.-Ing., Chief Technology Officer Markus Stoll, Chief Operations Officer AU T H O RISED S I GN ATO RY Thomas Otto, Lawyer Dennis Holland, Dipl.-Ing. (FH) C O N TAC T GETEC WÄRME & EFFIZIENZ AG Albert-Vater-Straße 50, D-39108 Magdeburg Phone +49 391 2568-101, Fax +49 391 2568-120 [email protected] 10 5 FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 2015 KEY FIGURES GETEC ENERGIE HOLDING GmbH GETEC heat & power AG GETEC ENERGIE AG GETEC net AG GETEC green energy AG GETEC WÄRME & EFFIZIENZ AG GETEC media AG 2015 2014 OVER ALL PERFORMANCE million euro 8.3 7.7 ANNUAL PROFIT BEFORE TA X million euro 1.1 2.6 EQUIT Y CAPITAL million euro 1.9 1.8 10 8 FI N A N CI A L S TATE M EN TS FI N A N CI A L S TATE M EN TS 10 9 FINANCIAL STATEMENTS BALANCE SHEET ASSETS A.E XPENSES FOR THE SET-UP AND EXPANSION OF BUSINESS OPERATIONS 2015 EUR 2014 EUR 0.00 0.00 9,299,159.30 9,533,802.41 8,683,481.86 8,971,494.41 EQUITY AND LIABILITIES 2015 EUR 2014 EUR 1,909,639.63 1,832,887.36 1,000,000.00 1,000,000.00 0.00 0.00 52,718.28 43,114.13 IV. Retained earnings 516,591.21 695,308.40 V. Other shareholders’ participations 340,330.14 94,464.83 B.D IFFERENCE RESULTING FROM CONSOLIDATION OF FUNDS 426,611.35 426,611.35 C. PROFIT PARTICIPATION CAPITAL 0.00 0.00 D. SPECIAL ITEMS 0.00 0.00 334,463.99 445,560.81 10,544,867.59 10,129,277.51 33,187.22 4,900.00 0.00 0.00 13,248,769.78 12,839,237.03 A. EQUIT Y B. FIXED ASSETS I. Share capital / Subscribed capital II. Capital reserve I. Intangible assets II. Tangible assets 574,200.85 562,308.00 III. Financial assets 41,476.59 0.00 3,610,815.28 3,227,499.23 220,101.74 124,165.86 2,100,604.55 1,658,923.95 0.00 0.00 1,290,108.99 1,444,409.42 27,237.55 37,906.24 F. LIABILITIES 311,557.65 40,029.15 G. DEFERRED INCOME III. Surplus reserves C. CURRENT ASSETS I. Stocks / Inventories II. Receivables and other assets III. Securities IV. Liquid assets D. ACCRUED INCOME E. DEFERRED TA X ASSETS E. SPECIAL RESERVES H.DEFERRED TA X LIABILITIES TOTAL 13,248,769.78 12,839,237.03 GETEC ENERGIE HOLDING GmbH GETEC heat & power AG GETEC ENERGIE AG GETEC net AG GETEC green energy AG GETEC WÄRME & EFFIZIENZ AG GETEC media AG TOTAL 11 0 FI N A N CI A L S TATE M EN TS PROFIT AND LOSS STATEMENT FI N A N CI A L S TATE M EN TS 2015 EUR 2014 EUR 8,055,728.79 7,603,337.12 0.00 0.00 51,082.31 0.00 184,500.46 86,456.68 8,291,311.56 7,689,793.80 5. Material expenses 3,801,282.47 2,624,598.03 6. Personnel expenses 1,372,077.38 1,031,887.17 7. Amortisation and depreciation 986,671.86 846,504.96 8. Other operating expenses 797,510.77 511,706.17 1,333,769.08 2,675,097.47 -184,076.89 -58,174.96 1,149,692.19 2,616,922.51 0.00 0.00 644,051.03 1,051,215.27 505,641.16 1,565,707.24 14. Profit / loss brought forward from the previous year 695,308.40 0.00 15. Minority interests in the annual net profit 245,865.31 12,344.28 9,604.15 43,114.13 428,888.89 814,940.43 516,591.21 695,308.40 1. Turnover 2. Inventories movements 3. Other capitalised services 4. Other operating income 9. Financial result 10.Profit or loss on ordinary activities 11. Extraordinary profit or loss 12. Taxes on income 13.Annual net income 16. Allocation to revenue reserves 17. Dividend payout 18.Net profit GETEC ENERGIE HOLDING GmbH GETEC heat & power AG GETEC ENERGIE AG GETEC net AG GETEC green energy AG GETEC WÄRME & EFFIZIENZ AG GETEC media AG B OA RD O F D IRE C TO RS Markus Stoll AU T H O RISED S I GN ATO RY Götz Bittner, Dipl.-Kfm. C O N TAC T GETEC media AG Albert-Vater-Straße 50, D-39108 Magdeburg Phone +49 391 50860-600, Fax +49 391 56860-699 [email protected] 111 11 2 IMPRINT Publisher GETEC ENERGIE HOLDING GmbH Dr. Karl Gerhold Albert-Vater-Straße 50 39108 Magdeburg Germany Phone +49 391 2568-130 Fax +49 391 2568-120 [email protected] Person responsible according to the German press law Franziska Artz Christian Faßelt Concept, editing and design genese Werbeagentur GmbH Printer Stelzig-Druck Quote *Peter Ferdinand Drucker: Managing for Business Effectiveness, Harvard Business Review, No. 3, May/June 1963, p. 53-60. Photos Michael Bader This annual report is printed on FSC-certified material and produced in Saxony-Anhalt with environmental sustainability in mind. W W W.G E T E C . D E