Advertising Rates
Advertising Rates
Advertising Rates Valid from 1 February, 2011 2011 Ringier Axel Springer CZ a.s. is a publisher with the biggest readership on Czech market, whose portofolio consists of 21 printed dailies and magazines and 12 Internet servers. Our titles are read by more than 3,8 million readers. Ringier Axel Springer CZ a.s. is a clear number one among publishers of dailies with its more than 1,7 million of readers 37 % market share. On magazine market it is in the second place with 2,5 million readers. Ringier Axel Springer CZ a.s. is a part of Swiss-German publishing group Ringier Axel Springer Media AG. Besides Czech Republic, it is also active in Poland, Hungary, Serbia and Slovakia. Publisher Ringier Axel Springer CZ a.s. Komunardů 1584/42 170 00 Prague 7 ID (IČO): 40766713 DIČ (Tax Identification Number) CZ40766713 Blesk comes out daily except Sunday and holidays Nedělní Blesk comes out on Sunday Central admission of advertising and promotional inserts Komunardů 1584/42 170 00 Prague 7 Blesk Phone: 225 977 478, 481, 639 Phone:225 977 479 - 480 (agency sales) Fax: 225 977 473 Aha! Phone: 225 977 635, 243 Fax: 225 977 248 Internet Blesk e-mail: [email protected] Blesk magazín TV comes out on Friday Aha! e-mail: [email protected] We do not accept orders by e-mail. Bank Aha! comes out daily except Sunday and holidays UniCredit Bank Czech Republic, a. s. Na Příkopě 858/20, P.O.Box 421 113 80 Prague 1 Account number: 01441000/2700 IBAN: CZ82 2700 0000 0000 0144 1000 BIC: BACXCZPP Due date Invoices are due 14 days from the date of issue. In case of advance payment (payment on account with dailies Blesk, Nedělní Blesk, daily Aha! and Nedělní Aha! minimum 3 days prior to publication, with Blesk magazine TV and magazine Aha! TV minimum 10 working days) we offer 2% discount.. Nedělní Aha! comes out on Sunday VAT All rates listed are exclusive of VAT. Business terms Magazín Aha! TV comes out on Thursday Subject to General Business Terms and Conditions for advertisements and promotional inserts inRingier Axel Springer CZ a.s. This price list is valid only for commercial advertisements and promotional inserts. Price for personal line advertisements and non-commercial ads (charity or foundation content) is set by the publisher in the special price list. Ringier Axel Springer CZ a.s., Registered in the Commercial Register atMunicipal Court in Prague, Section B, insert 867. 2 Blesk | Aha! DVD+ Agenti z podsvětí jen za 58 Kč ÚTERÝ Platí do vyprodání zásob 16. března 2010 • 9 Kč Číslo 63 • Ročník 19 • STŘEDNÍ ČECHY Zlata Adamovská Náplast na Johnovu nevěru? Velký prachy! PRAHA – Zlata Adamovská (51) už má náplast na zradu manžela Radka Johna (55)! Na jeho utajovanou sedmiletou nemanželskou dceru herečka zapomene při natáčení Sanitky 2. A ještě dostane slušně zaplaceno. Zatímco v původní Sanitce měla Adamovská dvě stovky za natáčecí den, dnes hvězda její velikosti dostane stokrát víc. Role Elišky po pětadvaceti letech by tak herečce vynesla bezmála milion korun. nevěrný manžel, zadostiučinění. „Na otázku, zda bych šla do Sanitky 2, jsem kývla,“ přiznala herečka Blesku. A zdaleka to prý nebylo jen kvůli honoráři, který pro herečku jejích kvalit může znamenat velmi slušnou pojistku pro případ, že by skončila v Ordinaci v růza den by si mohla vydě- žové zahradě. Hana Höschlová O honoráři má tedy Adalat kolem 800 tisíc korun. Podle informací ze štábu I když zraněné city nejde movská v zásadě jasnou Sanitky 2 má Adamovská přepočítávat na peníze, pře- představu. Teď ji zajímá, ve scénáři zhruba 40 natá- ce jen je to pro Zlatu, od kte- jaké osudy scenáristé její čecích dnů. Při 20 tisících ré se před časem odstěhoval postavě Elišky vymyslí. „Jsem zvědavá, jaká po těch letech bude. Eliška byla poněkud submisivní, věřím, že už vyzrála,“ míní Adamovská. „Bude zajímavé ztvárnit někoho po tak velkém časovém odstupu,“ dodala. Také už se těší na kolegy, s nimiž v roce 1984 Sanitku natáčela. Naprostá většina z těch, kteří původní seriál s režisérem Jiřím Adamcem připravovali, totiž kývla na další spolupráci v nové řadě legendárního seriálu. Foto Blesk – Michal Šula Česká Miss 2010 Takhle holky bojují o titul! Finalistka České Miss Barbora Hamplová (19) je před sobotní volbou královny krásy doslova o prsa před svými soupeřkami. Modelka, která se účastnila i soutěže Blesku Dívka léta, při prezentaci extravagantních šatů inspirovaných českými a moravskými kraji neuhlídala své vnady při převlékání. Ještě než předvedla model s motivem severočeského Ještědu, se tak ukázala v rouše Evině. 9 771210 533015 10063 Počasí v Čechách Více čtěte na straně 22 Foto Jakub Ludvík Radek John Finalistka Barbora Hamplová neuhlídala svoje poprsí Co skrývá Zeman v Zemáku? Čtěte na str. 12 a 13 3 ºC To budete koukat Miloš Zeman to s volebním tažením ve svém autobusu myslí vážně. A litry tvrdého alkoholu v něm rozhodně nesmějí chybět. Becherovku vystřídala slivovice... Čtěte na str. 2 a 3 linka 724 249 000 Máte pro nás tip? Horká[email protected] Daily Blesk is the best-selling and the most widely read title in the Czech Republic. Full-color newspaper publishes well arranged current news, features and sensations at home and abroad, supplemented by numerous photographs and clear info graphics. Great emphasis is placed on comprehensive service topics with practical advice and recommendations. Thematically, it is focused on women who make 65% of Aha! readers. On Saturday it comes out with supplement Blesk Weekend. Published in three advertising mutations: Prague and central Bohemia, Bohemia and Moravia. Daily Blesk is published in mutations Prague, Prague and central Bohemia, north Bohemia, east Bohemia, west Bohemia, south Bohemia, north Moravia, south Moravia and Brno and surroundings. Deník Blesk has been published since 1992. Deník Aha! has been published since 2006. Average sold circulation for October 2010 is 403 752 pieces. Average sold circulation for October 2010 is 100 607 pieces. Source: ABC certified circulation CR 10/2010 Source: ABC certified circulation CR 10/2010 Readership is 1 426 000 readers. Readership is 238 000 readers. Source: Media Projekt, SKMO, Unie vydavatelů and AKA, realisation GfK Praha - MEDIAN, 2. Q - 3. Q 2010 Source: Media Projekt, SKMO, Unie vydavatelů and AKA, realisation GfK Praha - MEDIAN, 2. Q - 3. Q 2010 Print print...............................................................................................................newspaper coldset color..................................................................................................full - on all pages (CMYK) paper........................................................................................................ newspaper 45 g/m22 Printer Ringier Axel Springer Print CZ, a.s Černokostelecká 613/145, 108 00 Prague-Malešice Formats clean dimensions.......................................................... 263 mm width x 380 mm height center double sheet.................................................... 554 mm width x 380 mm height number of columns.....................................................................................................................7 mm on 1 page............................................................................................................. 2 660 mm column width.................................................................................................................... 35 mm gap between columns......................................................................................................3 mm number of columns 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Width in mm 35 73 111 149 187 225 263 regular number of pages Blesk..................................................................................16 - 32 regular number of pages Aha! ......................................................................................... 16 min. ad area.......................................................................................................................30 mm min. height of display ad..............................................................................................10 mm min. ad surface in editorial part..............................................................................740 mm Blesk | Aha! Daily Aha! is the second most widely read tabloid in Czech Republic. It emphasizes fast, accurate and current news and brings information from the world of show business in an entertaining way, as well as interesting reports and sensations from home and abroad. Complaints Complaints will be accepted up to 14 calendar days from the date of publication. Deadline for Orders 3 working days prior to publication Deadline for submitting materials 3 working days prior to publication Data materials Materials in electronic format - according to technical specifications and procedure on page 26. Cancellation fees 7 - 4 working days prior to publication...................................................................... 50 % 3 working days and less.................................................................................................100 % 3 Blesk | Aha! Discounts for financial volume Discounts for financial volume are understood for gross prices, e.g. after adding up all additional charges and before subtracting discounts, without VAT. If the client signs a written agreement with the publisher, the financial volume achieved through items Blesk, Blesk magazín TV, Nedělní Blesk, Aha!, magazine Aha! TV, Nedělní Aha! can be added up and after multiplying it with 0.8 applied together according to the valid discount table for daily Blesk. from from from from from from from 1 500 000 CZK........................................................................................................... 5 % 2 400 000 CZK......................................................................................................... 10 % 4 600 000 CZK......................................................................................................... 15 % 8 400 000 CZK........................................................................................................ 20 % 16 800 000 CZK....................................................................................................... 23 % 24 800 000 CZK...................................................................................................... 26 % 40 000 000 CZK..................................................................................................... 29 % Nation-wide display advertisement Blesk - line ad always comes out on Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Saturday. Aha! - line ad always comes out on Monday, Wednesday and on Friday. Price calculation for line advertising The price of line ad is calculated by multiplying the number of lines by price for 1 line. None of the discounts listed in the price list apply to line advertising. Discounts for quantity from 3x ................................................................................................................................... 3 % from 6x . ................................................................................................................................. 5 % from 12x ................................................................................................................................ 10 % from 24x ................................................................................................................................ 15 % from 48x ................................................................................................................................ 20 % Discounts for color discount for black and white advertising................................................................. 30 % BW + 1 colo............................................................................................................................ 20 % BW + 2 colors........................................................................................................................ 10 % Surcharges for consistent placement....................................................................................................25% for placement in line advertising................................................................................. 100% for erotic advertising........................................................................................................ 100 % for editorial page................................................................................................................ 100% for 2nd page ..................................................................................................................... 200 % for 3rd page........................................................................................................................... 120% for title and last page........................................................................................................ 350% Combination discount 2 and more titles*.................................................................................................................. 5 % *Combination discount can be used for purchase of advertising space for one client, same format and coverage region within one advertising campaign and combined with titles of group Sport. Agency commission We offer 15% agency comission from the basic price for mediation in advertising orders and advertising supplements. Special terms for advertizing on page 2 and last page Advertizing on page 2 and last page is only possible in nationwide edition. Ads with following parameters can be placed: - p age 2: minimum ad size 300 mm, max. ad size 560 mm, max. height 185 mm - l ast page: - minimum ad size 200 mm, max. ad size 560 mm, max. height 80 mm Special terms for advertizing on page 3 Advertizing on page 3 is only possible in nationwide edition. Ads with following parameters can be placed: - minimum ad size 740 mm, maximum ad size 1295 mm Price of advertising is calculated in full color 4C. 4 1 line / 30 characters Blesk - Tue, Wed, Thu, Sat 352 CZK Aha!- Mon, Wed, Fri 231 CZK Nation-wide advertising - standard formats 1/1 page day ofpublication 6 col. x 290 mm / 225 x 290 mm Blesk Aha! Blesk + Aha! Blesk Aha! Blesk + Aha! Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Sat 696 388 CZK 191 041 CZK 779 163 CZK Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Sat 535 920 CZK 131 544 CZK 586 033 CZK Fri 835 666 CZK 191 041 CZK 901 449 CZK Fri 643 104 CZK 131 544 CZK 680 141 CZK junior page B day ofpublication junior page C 5 col. x 270 mm / 187 x 270 mm day ofpublication 4 col. x 220 mm / 149 x 220 mm Blesk Aha! Blesk + Aha! Blesk Aha! Blesk + Aha! Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Sat 384 615 CZK 102 878 CZK 428 019 CZK Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Sat 257 488 CZK 67 610 CZK 285 436 CZK Fri 461 538 CZK 102 878 CZK 495 557 CZK Fri 308 986 CZK 67 610 CZK 330 651 CZK 1/2 page vertical A day ofpublication Blesk Aha! Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Sat 433 048 CZK 115 433 CZK Fri 519 658 CZK 115 433 CZK day ofpublication Blesk Aha! 373 931 CZK 98 889 CZK Fri 448 718 CZK 98 889 CZK 1/3 page horizontal Blesk Aha! 249 018 CZK 64 668 CZK Fri 298 822 CZK 64 668 CZK 1/4 page B Blesk + Aha! day ofpublication 3 col. x 380 mm / 111 x 380 mm Blesk Aha! Blesk + Aha! 481 566 CZK Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Sat 333 564 CZK 87 364 CZK 369 575 CZK 557 610 CZK Fri 400 277 CZK 87 364 CZK 428 149 CZK 1/3 page vertical Blesk + Aha! day ofpublication 2 col. x 380 mm / 73 x 380 mm Blesk Aha! Blesk + Aha! 415 136 CZK Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Sat 225 302 CZK 58 539 CZK 249 212 CZK 480 798 CZK Fri 270 362 CZK 58 539 CZK 288 775 CZK 1/4 page A 7 col. x 120 mm / 263 x 120 mm Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Sat day ofpublication 1/2 page vertical B 7 col. x 185 mm / 263 x 185 mm Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Sat day ofpublication day ofpublication 4 col. x 380 mm / 149 x 380 mm 1/2 page horizontal Blesk + Aha! day ofpublication 4 col. x 185 mm / 149 x 185 mm Blesk Aha! Blesk + Aha! 275 417 CZK Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Sat 220 798 57 086 CZK 243 981 CZK 319 144 CZK Fri 264 957 57 086 CZK 282 754 CZK 1/4 page horizontal 3 col. x 185 mm / 111 x 185 mm 7 col. x 90 mm / 263 x 90 mm Blesk Aha! Blesk + Aha! Blesk Aha! Blesk + Aha! Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Sat 167 735 CZK 43 005 CZK 185 029 CZK Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Sat 189 189 CZK 48 708 CZK 208 874 CZK Fri 201 282 CZK 43 005 CZK 214 483 CZK Fri 227 027 CZK 48 708 CZK 242 095 CZK 1/6 page day ofpublication day ofpublication 1/8 page A 4 col. x 145 mm / 149 x 145 mm day ofpublication 3 col. x 110 mm / 111 x 110 mm Blesk Aha! Blesk + Aha! Blesk Aha! Blesk + Aha! Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Sat 175 067 CZK 44 922 CZK 193 151 CZK Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Sat 100 370 CZK 25 676 CZK 110 668 CZK Fri 210 081 CZK 44 922 CZK 223 892 CZK Fri 120 443 CZK 25 676 CZK 128 293 CZK 1/8 page B 1/8 page horizontal 2 col. x 185 mm / 73 x 185 mm Blesk Aha! Blesk + Aha! Blesk Aha! Blesk + Aha! 112 536 CZK 28 759 CZK 124 057 CZK Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Sat 106 453 CZK 27 232 CZK 117 375 CZK Fri 135 043 CZK 28 759 CZK 143 818 CZK Fri 127 743 CZK 27 232 CZK 136 068 CZK stamp day ofpublication 2 col. x 56 mm / 73 x 56 mm Blesk Aha! day ofpublication 7 col. x 50 mm / 263 x 50 mm Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Sat day ofpublication TITLEPAGE junior page A 7 col. x 380 mm / 263 x 380 mm Price for non-standard ad formats - calculation from column mm day ofpublication Blesk + Aha! Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Sat 155 232 CZK 39 312 CZK 170 809 CZK Fri 186 278 CZK 39 312 CZK 198 068 CZK 1 mm / 1 column Blesk Aha! Blesk + Aha! Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Sat 308 CZK 78 CZK 339 CZK Fri 370 CZK 78 CZK 393 CZK 5 Nationwideadvertising Regional advertisement - Blesk Price calculation for non-standard format display advertising Basic price - agency provision The price of display ad is calculated by multiplying the number of columns by the height of your ad in mm, times price for 1 mm according to the respective rate. The price of panorama ad is calculated by multiplying 15 columns by the height of your ad in mm, times price for 1 mm. After adding in all additional charges the discounts are gradually subtracted. We offer 15% agency commission from the basic price for mediation in advertising orders and advertising supplements. Local price Local prices are valid for regional trade, crafts and business ads and can only be applied for clients own ad. Price of advertising is calculated in full color 4C. Price for non-standard ad formats - calculation from column mm whole Bohemia Prague and CentralBohemia north Bohemia west Bohemia east Bohemia south Bohemia whole Moravia north Moravia south Moravia and Brno Brno Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Sat 184 CZK 134 CZK 47 CZK 42 CZK 43 CZK 35 CZK 128 CZK 61 CZK 68 CZK 45 CZK Publication date Basic pricefor 1 mm/1 column Local pricefor 1 mm/1 column Fri 216 CZK 158 CZK 58 CZK 50 CZK 51 CZK 42 CZK 155 CZK 70 CZK 84 CZK 53 CZK Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Sat 155 CZK 112 CZK 42 CZK 35 CZK 37 CZK 30 CZK 109 CZK 51 CZK 58 CZK 40 CZK Fri 184 CZK 135 CZK 50 CZK 43 CZK 45 CZK 37 CZK 131 CZK 62 CZK 69 CZK 46 CZK • The publisher reserves the right to to specify contractual price. • All rates listed are exclusive of VAT • Discounts cannot be compounded • Subject to General Business Terms and Conditions for advertisements and promotional inserts Ringier Axel Springer CZ a. s. This price list is valid only for commercial advertisements and promotional inserts. Price for personal line advertisements and non-commercial ads (charity or foundation content) is set by the publisher in the special price list. 6 Regional advertising - standard formats - Blesk 1/1 page 7col. x 380 mm 263 x 380 mm junior page A 6 col. x 290 mm 225 x 290 mm junior page B 5 col. x 270 mm 187 x 270 mm junior page C 4 col. x 220 mm 149 x 220 mm 1/2 pagevertical A 4 col. x 380 mm 149 x 380 mm 1/2 pagevertical B 3 col. x 380 mm 111 x 380 mm 1/2 pagehorizontal 7 col. x 185 mm 263 x 185 mm Basic price Local price Basic price Local price Basic price Local price Basic price Local price Basic price Local price Basic price Local price Basic price Local price Publication date whole Bohemia Prague and Central Bohemia north Bohemia west Bohemia east Bohemia south Bohemia whole Moravia North Moravia south Moravia and Brno Brno Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Sat 457 626 CZK 333 271 CZK 116 894 CZK 104 458 CZK 106 945 CZK 87 049 CZK 318 349 CZK 151 713 CZK 169 123 CZK 111 920 CZK Fri 537 214 CZK 392 962 CZK 144 252 CZK 124 355 CZK 126 842 CZK 104 458 CZK 385 501 CZK 174 097 CZK 208 916 CZK 131 816 CZK Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Sat 385 501 CZK 278 555 CZK 104 458 CZK 87 049 CZK 92 023 CZK 74 613 CZK 271 094 CZK 126 842 CZK 144 252 CZK 99 484 CZK Fri 457 626 CZK 335 759 CZK 124 355 CZK 106 945 CZK 111 920 CZK 92 023 CZK 325 810 CZK 154 200 CZK 171 610 CZK 114 407 CZK Publication date whole Bohemia Prague and Central Bohemia north Bohemia west Bohemia east Bohemia south Bohemia whole Moravia North Moravia south Moravia and Brno Brno Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Sat 298 865 CZK 217 652 CZK 76 341 CZK 68 219 CZK 69 844 CZK 56 849 CZK 207 906 CZK 99 080 CZK 110 450 CZK 73 092 CZK Fri 350 842 CZK 256 634 CZK 94 208 CZK 81 213 CZK 82 838 CZK 68 219 CZK 251 762 CZK 113 699 CZK 136 439 CZK 86 086 CZK Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Sat 251 762 CZK 181 918 CZK 68 219 CZK 56 849 CZK 60 098 CZK 48 728 CZK 177 045 CZK 82 838 CZK 94 208 CZK 64 971 CZK Fri 298 865 CZK 219 276 CZK 81 213 CZK 69 844 CZK 73 092 CZK 60 098 CZK 212 779 CZK 100 705 CZK 112 075 CZK 74 716 CZK Publication date whole Bohemia Prague and Central Bohemia north Bohemia west Bohemia east Bohemia south Bohemia whole Moravia North Moravia south Moravia and Brno Brno Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Sat 235 055 CZK 171 181 CZK 60 041 CZK 53 654 CZK 54 931 CZK 44 711 CZK 163 516 CZK 77 926 CZK 86 868 CZK 57 486 CZK Fri 275 934 CZK 201 840 CZK 74 093 CZK 63 874 CZK 65 151 CZK 53 654 CZK 198 008 CZK 89 423 CZK 107 308 CZK 67 706 CZK Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Sat 198 008 CZK 143 077 CZK 53 654 CZK 44 711 CZK 47 266 CZK 38 324 CZK 139 244 CZK 65 151 CZK 74 093 CZK 51 099 CZK Fri 235 055 CZK 172 459 CZK 63 874 CZK 54 931 CZK 57 486 CZK 47 266 CZK 167 349 CZK 79 203 CZK 88 146 CZK 58 764 CZK Publication date whole Bohemia Prague and Central Bohemia north Bohemia west Bohemia east Bohemia south Bohemia whole Moravia North Moravia south Moravia and Brno Brno Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Sat 157 362 CZK 114 601 CZK 40 196 CZK 35 920 CZK 36 775 CZK 29 933 CZK 109 469 CZK 52 169 CZK 58 156 CZK 38 485 CZK Fri 184 729 CZK 135 126 CZK 49 603 CZK 42 761 CZK 43 617 CZK 35 920 CZK 132 560 CZK 59 866 CZK 71 839 CZK 45 327 CZK Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Sat 132 560 CZK 95 786 CZK 35 920 CZK 29 933 CZK 31 643 CZK 25 657 CZK 93 220 CZK 43 617 CZK 49 603 CZK 34 209 CZK Fri 157 362 CZK 115 456 CZK 42 761 CZK 36 775 CZK 38 485 CZK 31 643 CZK 112 035 CZK 53 024 CZK 59 011 CZK 39 340 CZK Publication date whole Bohemia Prague and Central Bohemia north Bohemia west Bohemia east Bohemia south Bohemia whole Moravia North Moravia south Moravia and Brno Brno Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Sat 264 654 CZK 192 737 CZK 67 602 CZK 60 410 CZK 61 849 CZK 50 342 CZK 184 107 CZK 87 739 CZK 97 807 CZK 64 725 CZK Fri 310 681 CZK 227 257 CZK 83 424 CZK 71 917 CZK 73 355 CZK 60 410 CZK 222 942 CZK 100 684 CZK 120 820 CZK 76 232 CZK Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Sat 222 942 CZK 161 094 CZK 60 410 CZK 50 342 CZK 53 219 CZK 43 150 CZK 156 779 CZK 73 355 CZK 83 424 CZK 57 534 CZK Fri 264 654 CZK 194 176 CZK 71 917 CZK 61 849 CZK 64 725 CZK 53 219 CZK 188 422 CZK 89 177 CZK 99 245 CZK 66 164 CZK Publication date whole Bohemia Prague and Central Bohemia north Bohemia west Bohemia east Bohemia south Bohemia whole Moravia North Moravia south Moravia and Brno Brno Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Sat 203 855 CZK 148 460 CZK 52 072 CZK 46 532 CZK 47 640 CZK 38 777 CZK 141 812 CZK 67 582 CZK 75 338 CZK 49 856 CZK Fri 239 308 CZK 175 050 CZK 64 259 CZK 55 395 CZK 56 503 CZK 46 532 CZK 171 726 CZK 77 554 CZK 93 064 CZK 58 719 CZK Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Sat 171 726 CZK 124 086 CZK 46 532 CZK 38 777 CZK 40 993 CZK 33 237 CZK 120 762 CZK 56 503 CZK 64 259 CZK 44 316 CZK Fri 203 855 CZK 149 568 CZK 55 395 CZK 47 640 CZK 49 856 CZK 40 993 CZK 145 136 CZK 68 690 CZK 76 446 CZK 50 964 CZK Publication date whole Bohemia Prague and Central Bohemia north Bohemia west Bohemia east Bohemia south Bohemia whole Moravia North Moravia south Moravia and Brno Brno Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Sat 228 525 CZK 166 426 CZK 58 373 CZK 52 163 CZK 53 405 CZK 43 470 CZK 158 974 CZK 75 761 CZK 84 455 CZK 55 889 CZK Fri 268 269 CZK 196 234 CZK 72 035 CZK 62 099 CZK 63 341 CZK 52 163 CZK 192 508 CZK 86 939 CZK 104 327 CZK 65 825 CZK Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Sat 192 508 CZK 139 102 CZK 52 163 CZK 43 470 CZK 45 953 CZK 37 260 CZK 135 376 CZK 63 341 CZK 72 035 CZK 49 679 CZK Fri 228 525 CZK 167 668 CZK 62 099 CZK 53 405 CZK 55 889 CZK 45 953 CZK 162 700 CZK 77 003 CZK 85 697 CZK 57 131 CZK Regional advertising Blesk 7 Regional advertising - standard formats - Blesk Publication date 1/3 pagevertical 2 col. x 380 mm 73 x 380 mm 1/3 pagehorizontal 7 col. x 120 mm 263 x 120 mm Local price Basic price Local price 1/4 page A Basic price 4 col. x 185 mm 149 x 185 mm Local price 1/4 page B 3 col. x 185 mm 111 x 185 mm 1/4 pagehorizontal 7 col. x 90 mm 263 x 90 mm 1/6 page 4 col. x 145 mm 149 x 145 mm 1/8 page A 3 col. x 110 mm 111 x 110 mm 8 Basic price Basic price Local price Basic price Local price Basic price Local price Basic price Local price whole Bohemia Prague and Central Bohemia north Bohemia west Bohemia east Bohemia south Bohemia whole Moravia North Moravia south Moravia and Brno Brno Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Sat 137 511 CZK 100 144 CZK 35 125 CZK 31 388 CZK 32 136 CZK 25 876 CZK 95 660 CZK 45 588 CZK 50 819 CZK 33 630 CZK Fri 161 426 CZK 118 080 CZK 43 346 CZK 37 367 CZK 38 114 CZK 31 388 CZK 115 838 CZK 52 314 CZK 62 777 CZK 39 609 CZK Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Sat 115 838 CZK 83 702 CZK 31 388 CZK 25 876 CZK 27 354 CZK 22 179 CZK 81 460 CZK 38 114 CZK 43 346 CZK 29 894 CZK Fri 137 511 CZK 100 891 CZK 37 367 CZK 32 136 CZK 33 630 CZK 27 354 CZK 97 902 CZK 46 335 CZK 51 567 CZK 34 378 CZK Publication date whole Bohemia Prague and Central Bohemia north Bohemia west Bohemia east Bohemia south Bohemia whole Moravia North Moravia south Moravia and Brno Brno Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Sat 152 186 CZK 110 831 CZK 38 873 CZK 34 738 CZK 35 565 CZK 28 637 CZK 105 868 CZK 50 453 CZK 56 242 CZK 37 219 CZK Fri 178 653 CZK 130 681 CZK 47 972 CZK 41 355 CZK 42 182 CZK 34 738 CZK 128 200 CZK 57 897 CZK 69 476 CZK 43 836 CZK Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Sat 128 200 CZK 92 635 CZK 34 738 CZK 28 637 CZK 30 273 CZK 24 546 CZK 90 153 CZK 42 182 CZK 47 972 CZK 33 084 CZK Fri 152 186 CZK 111 658 CZK 41 355 CZK 35 565 CZK 37 219 CZK 30 273 CZK 108 350 CZK 51 280 CZK 57 070 CZK 38 046 CZK Publication date whole Bohemia Prague and Central Bohemia north Bohemia west Bohemia east Bohemia south Bohemia whole Moravia North Moravia south Moravia and Brno Brno Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Sat 134 939 CZK 98 271 CZK 34 097 CZK 30 470 CZK 31 196 CZK 25 392 CZK 93 870 CZK 44 254 CZK 49 332 CZK 32 646 CZK Fri 158 406 CZK 115 871 CZK 42 078 CZK 36 274 CZK 36 999 CZK 30 470 CZK 113 671 CZK 50 783 CZK 61 603 CZK 38 450 CZK Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Sat 113 671 CZK 82 137 CZK 30 470 CZK 25 392 CZK 26 843 CZK 21 528 CZK 79 937 CZK 36 999 CZK 42 078 CZK 29 019 CZK Fri 134 939 CZK 99 004 CZK 36 274 CZK 31 196 CZK 32 646 CZK 26 843 CZK 96 071 CZK 44 980 CZK 50 058 CZK 33 372 CZK Publication date whole Bohemia Prague and Central Bohemia north Bohemia west Bohemia east Bohemia south Bohemia whole Moravia North Moravia south Moravia and Brno Brno Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Sat 101 408 CZK 73 851 CZK 25 340 CZK 22 644 CZK 23 183 CZK 18 870 CZK 69 778 CZK 33 253 CZK 37 069 CZK 24 262 CZK Fri 119 044 CZK 87 078 CZK 31 618 CZK 26 957 CZK 27 802 CZK 22 644 CZK 85 425 CZK 38 160 CZK 45 792 CZK 28 892 CZK Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Sat 85 425 CZK 61 055 CZK 22 644 CZK 18 870 CZK 19 948 CZK 15 995 CZK 59 420 CZK 27 802 CZK 31 618 CZK 21 566 CZK Fri 101 408 CZK 74 402 CZK 26 957 CZK 23 183 CZK 24 262 CZK 19 948 CZK 72 198 CZK 33 799 CZK 37 615 CZK 24 801 CZK Publication date whole Bohemia Prague and Central Bohemia north Bohemia west Bohemia east Bohemia south Bohemia whole Moravia North Moravia south Moravia and Brno Brno Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Sat 114 378 CZK 83 297 CZK 28 899 CZK 25 824 CZK 26 439 CZK 21 520 CZK 79 567 CZK 37 919 CZK 42 270 CZK 27 669 CZK Fri 134 270 CZK 98 216 CZK 35 662 CZK 30 743 CZK 31 358 CZK 25 824 CZK 96 351 CZK 43 513 CZK 52 216 CZK 32 588 CZK Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Sat 96 351 CZK 69 622 CZK 25 824 CZK 21 520 CZK 22 750 CZK 18 243 CZK 67 757 CZK 31 358 CZK 35 662 CZK 24 595 CZK Fri 114 378 CZK 83 919 CZK 30 743 CZK 26 439 CZK 27 669 CZK 22 750 CZK 81 432 CZK 38 541 CZK 42 892 CZK 28 284 CZK Publication date whole Bohemia Prague and Central Bohemia north Bohemia west Bohemia east Bohemia south Bohemia whole Moravia North Moravia south Moravia and Brno Brno Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Sat 99 250 CZK 72 280 CZK 25 352 CZK 22 655 CZK 22 446 CZK 18 879 CZK 69 043 CZK 32 903 CZK 36 679 CZK 24 273 CZK Fri 116 510 CZK 85 225 CZK 31 285 CZK 26 970 CZK 27 509 CZK 22 655 CZK 83 607 CZK 37 758 CZK 45 310 CZK 28 588 CZK Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Sat 83 607 CZK 60 413 CZK 22 655 CZK 18 879 CZK 19 958 CZK 16 182 CZK 58 795 CZK 27 509 CZK 31 285 CZK 21 576 CZK Fri 99 250 CZK 72 819 CZK 26 970 CZK 23 194 CZK 24 273 CZK 19 958 CZK 70 661 CZK 33 443 CZK 37 219 CZK 24 812 CZK Publication date whole Bohemia Prague and Central Bohemia north Bohemia west Bohemia east Bohemia south Bohemia whole Moravia North Moravia south Moravia and Brno Brno Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Sat 60 021 CZK 43 711 CZK 14 994 CZK 13 249 CZK 13 564 CZK 11 041 CZK 41 295 CZK 19 461 CZK 21 938 CZK 14 195 CZK Fri 70 459 CZK 51 540 CZK 18 504 CZK 15 952 CZK 16 271 CZK 13 249 CZK 50 561 CZK 22 583 CZK 27 100 CZK 16 909 CZK Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Sat 50 561 CZK 36 133 CZK 13 249 CZK 11 041 CZK 11 672 CZK 9 356 CZK 35 165 CZK 16 271 CZK 18 504 CZK 12 618 CZK Fri 60 021 CZK 44 037 CZK 15 952 CZK 13 564 CZK 14 195 CZK 11 672 CZK 42 263 CZK 19 780 CZK 22 261 CZK 14 675 CZK Regional advertising - standard formats - Blesk Publication date Basic price 1/8 page B 2 col. x 185 mm 73 x 185 mm Local price Basic price 1/8 page horizontal 7 col. x 50 mm 263 x 50 mm Local price whole Bohemia Prague and Central Bohemia north Bohemia west Bohemia east Bohemia south Bohemia whole Moravia North Moravia south Moravia and Brno Brno Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Sat 67 296 CZK 49 009 CZK 16 812 CZK 15 023 CZK 15 381 CZK 12 379 CZK 46 815 CZK 22 065 CZK 24 597 CZK 16 097 CZK Fri 79 000 CZK 57 787 CZK 20 747 CZK 17 885 CZK 18 243 CZK 15 023 CZK 56 690 CZK 25 320 CZK 30 385 CZK 28 588 CZK Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Sat 56 690 CZK 40 513 CZK 15 023 CZK 12 379 CZK 13 086 CZK 10 490 CZK 39 428 CZK 18 243 CZK 20 747 CZK 14 147 CZK Fri 67 296 CZK 49 375 CZK 17 885 CZK 15 381 CZK 16 097 CZK 13 086 CZK 47 912 CZK 22 427 CZK 24 959 CZK 16 454 CZK Publication date whole Bohemia Prague and Central Bohemia north Bohemia west Bohemia east Bohemia south Bohemia whole Moravia North Moravia south Moravia and Brno Brno Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Sat 63 659 CZK 46 360 CZK 15 903 CZK 14 052 CZK 14 550 CZK 11 710 CZK 44 284 CZK 20 640 CZK 23 267 CZK 15 227 CZK Fri 74 730 CZK 54 663 CZK 19 625 CZK 16 918 CZK 17 257 CZK 14 052 CZK 53 625 CZK 23 952 CZK 28 742 CZK 17 933 CZK Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Sat 53 625 CZK 38 323 CZK 14 052 CZK 11 710 CZK 12 379 CZK 9 923 CZK 37 296 CZK 17 257 CZK 19 625 CZK 13 383 CZK Fri 63 659 CZK 46 706 CZK 16 918 CZK 14 550 CZK 15 227 CZK 12 379 CZK 45 322 CZK 20 979 CZK 23 610 CZK 15 565 CZK Regional advertising Blesk Publication date TITLEPAGE Basic price stamp 2 col. x 56 mm 73 x 56 mm Local price whole Bohemia Prague and Central Bohemia Bleskové zaměstnání north Bohemia west Bohemia east Bohemia south Bohemia whole Moravia North Moravia south Moravia and Brno Brno Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Sat 92 736 CZK 67 536 CZK 23 688 CZK 21 168 CZK 21 672 CZK 17 640 CZK 64 512 CZK 30 744 CZK 34 272 CZK 22 680 CZK Fri 108 864 CZK 79 632 CZK 29 232 CZK 25 200 CZK 25 704 CZK 21 168 CZK 78 120 CZK 35 280 CZK 42 336 CZK 26 712 CZK Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Sat 78 120 CZK 56 448 CZK 21 168 CZK 17 640 CZK 18 648 CZK 15 120 CZK 54 936 CZK 25 704 CZK 29 232 CZK 20 160 CZK Fri 92 736 CZK 68 040 CZK 25 200 CZK 21 672 CZK 22 680 CZK 18 648 CZK 66 024 CZK 31 248 CZK 34 776 CZK 23 184 CZK Bleskové zaměstnání (Blesk Employment) Comes out on Bleskové zaměstnání (Blesk Employment) comes out on Monday. Coverage unit Prague area and Central Bohemia Ads admission Komunardů 1584/42 170 00 Prague 7 Phone: 225 977 462 Fax: 225 977 473 display advertising1 mm/1 column line advertising1 line / 30 characters Basic price 106 CZK 149 CZK Local price 91 CZK --- 9 Regional advertisement - Aha! Price for non-standard ad formats - calculation from column mm Price calculation for display ads Prague and Central Bohemia Moravia The price of display ad is calculated by multiplying the number of columns by the height of your ad in mm, times price for 1 mm according to the respective rate. 52 CZK 43 CZK 44 CZK The price of panorama ad is calculated by multiplying 15 columns by the height of your ad in mm, times price for 1 mm. 40 CZK 37 CZK 39 CZK After adding in all additional charges the discounts are gradually subtracted. Publication date Bohemia Basic pricefor 1 mm/1 column Mon - Sat Local pricefor 1 mm/1 column Mon - Sat Price of advertising is calculated in full color 4C. Basic price - agency provision We offer 15% agency comission from the basic price for mediation in advertising orders and advertising supplements. Local price Local prices are valid for regional trade, crafts and business ads and can only be applied for clients own ad. • The publisher reserves the right to to specify contractual price. • All rates listed are exclusive of VAT • Discounts cannot be compounded • Subject to General Business Terms and Conditions for advertisements and promotional inserts Ringier Axel Springer CZ a. s. This price list is valid only for commercial advertisements and promotional inserts. Price for personal line advertisements and non-commercial ads (charity or foundation content) is set by the publisher in the special price list. 10 Regional advertising - standard formats - Aha! 1/1 page 7 col. x 380 mm / 263 x 380 mm Bohemia Prague and Central Bohemia Moravia Basic price Mon - Sat 122 860 CZK 101 595 CZK 103 958 CZK Local price Mon - Sat 94 507 CZK 87 419 CZK 92 145 CZK junior page B 5 col. x 270 mm / 187 x 270 mm Bohemia Prague and Central Bohemia Moravia Basic price Mon - Sat 67 855 CZK 56 111 CZK 57 416 CZK Local price Mon - Sat 52 196 CZK 46 282 CZK 50 892 CZK 1/2 page vertical A Bohemia Prague and Central Bohemia Moravia Basic price Mon - Sat 76 400 CZK 63 177 CZK 64 646 CZK Local price Mon - Sat 58 769 CZK 54 362 CZK 57 300 CZK 1/2 page horizontal 7 col. x 185 mm / 263 x 185 mm Bohemia Prague and Central Bohemia Moravia Basic price Mon - Sat 65 970 CZK 54 553 CZK 55 821 CZK Local price Mon - Sat 50 747 CZK 46 941 CZK 49 478 CZK 1/3 page horizontal 7 col. x 120 mm / 263 x 120 mm Bohemia Prague and Central Bohemia Moravia Basic price Mon - Sat 40 857 CZK 35 602 CZK 36 430 CZK Local price Mon - Sat 32 781 CZK 30 322 CZK 31 961 CZK 1/4 page B 3 col. x 185 mm / 111 x 185 mm Bohemia Prague and Central Bohemia Moravia Basic price Mon - Sat 28 113 CZK 23 247 CZK 23 788 CZK Local price Mon - Sat 21 625 CZK 20 003 CZK 21 085 CZK 1/6 page 4 col. x 145 mm / 149 x 145 mm Bohemia Prague and Central Bohemia Moravia Basic price Mon - Sat 29 557 CZK 24 441 CZK 25 010 CZK Local price Mon - Sat 22 504 CZK 20 816 CZK 21 941 CZK 1/8 page B 2 col. x 185 mm / 73 x 185 mm Bohemia Prague and Central Bohemia Moravia Basic price Mon - Sat 18 663 CZK 15 268 CZK 15 624 CZK Local price Mon - Sat 14 203 CZK 13 138 CZK 13 848 CZK stamp TITLEPAGE 4 col. x 380 mm / 149 x 380 mm junior page A 6 col. x 290 mm / 225 x 290 mm Bohemia Prague and Central Bohemia Moravia Basic price Mon - Sat 86 276 CZK 71 344 CZK 73 003 CZK Local price Mon - Sat 66 366 CZK 61 389 CZK 64 707 CZK junior page C 4 col. x 220 mm / 149 x 220 mm Bohemia Prague and Central Bohemia Moravia Basic price Mon - Sat 44 973 CZK 37 189 CZK 38 054 CZK Local price Mon - Sat 34 594 CZK 34 000 CZK 33 730 CZK 1/2 page vertical B 3 col. x 380 mm / 111 x 380 mm Bohemia Prague and Central Bohemia Moravia Basic price Mon - Sat 58 260 CZK 48 177 CZK 49 297 CZK Local price Mon - Sat 44 816 CZK 41 454 CZK 43 695 CZK 1/3 page vertical 2 col. x 380 mm / 73 x 380 mm Bohemia Prague and Central Bohemia Moravia Basic price Mon - Sat 38 954 CZK 32 540 CZK 32 625 CZK Local price Mon - Sat 29 659 CZK 27 434 CZK 28 917 CZK 1/4 page A 4 col. x 185 mm / 149 x 185 mm Bohemia Prague and Central Bohemia Moravia Basic price Mon - Sat 37 785 CZK 31 246 CZK 31 972 CZK Local price Mon - Sat 29 066 CZK 26 609 CZK 28 047 CZK 1/4 page horizontal 7 col. x 90 mm / 263 x 90 mm Bohemia Prague and Central Bohemia Moravia Basic price Mon - Sat 32 042 CZK 26 497 CZK 27 113 CZK Local price Mon - Sat 24 648 CZK 22 799 CZK 24 032 CZK 1/8 page A 3 col. x 110 mm / 111 x 110 mm Bohemia Prague and Central Bohemia Moravia Basic price Mon - Sat 16 645 CZK 13 618 CZK 13 935 CZK Local price Mon - Sat 12 668 CZK 11 592 CZK 12 351 CZK 1/8 page horizontal 7 col. x 50 mm / 263 x 50 mm Bohemia Prague and Central Bohemia Moravia Basic price Mon - Sat 17 654 CZK 14 443 CZK 14 779 CZK Local price Mon - Sat 13 435 CZK 12 428 CZK 13 100 CZK 2 col. x 56 mm / 73 x 56 mm Bohemia Prague and Central Bohemia Moravia Basic price Mon - Sat 25 684 CZK 21 022 CZK 21 511 CZK Local price Mon - Sat 19 555 CZK 18 089 CZK 19 066 CZK 11 RegionaladvertisingAha! Regional advertising - standard formats Advertising combination Blesk + Aha! Price for non-standard ad formats - calculation from column mm Publication date Bohemia Basic pricefor 1 mm/1 column Mon - Thu + Sat Local pricefor 1 mm/1 column Prague and Central Bohemia Moravia 207 CZK 155 CZK 151 CZK Mon - Thu + Sat 171 CZK 131 CZK 130 CZK Basic pricefor 1 mm/1 column Fri 235 CZK 176 CZK 175 CZK Local pricefor 1 mm/1 column Fri 197 CZK 151 CZK 149 CZK Price calculation The price of display ad is calculated by multiplying the number of columns by the height of your ad in mm, times price for 1 mm according to the respective rate. Price of panorama ad is calculated by multiplying 15 columns by the height of your ad in mm, times price for 1 mm. After adding in all additional charges the discounts are gradually subtracted. Basic price - agency provision Price of advertising is calculated in full color 4C. We offer 15% agency commission from the basic price for mediation in advertising orders and advertising supplements. Local price Local prices are valid for regional trade, crafts and business ads and can only be applied for clients own ad. • The publisher reserves the right to to specify contractual price. • All rates listed are exclusive of VAT • Discounts cannot be compounded • Subject to General Business Terms and Conditions for advertisements and promotional inserts Ringier Axel Springer CZ a. s. This price list is valid only for commercial advertisements and promotional inserts. Price for personal line advertisements and non-commercial ads (charity or foundation content) is set by the publisher in the special price list. 12 1/1 page 7 col. x 380 mm / 263 x 380 mm Bohemia Moravia junior page A 6 col. x 290 mm / 225 x 290 mm Bohemia Prague and Central Bohemia Moravia Basic price Mon - Thu + Sat 509 667 CZK 381 813 CZK 370 786 CZK Basic price Mon - Thu + Sat 338 154 CZK 253 738 CZK 246 638 CZK Local price Mon - Thu + Sat 421 447 CZK 321 326 CZK 318 924 CZK Local price Mon - Thu + Sat 279 316 CZK 213 623 CZK 212 259 CZK Basic price Fri 579 544 CZK 434 221 CZK 429 745 CZK Basic price Fri 383 790 CZK 287 965 CZK 285 143 CZK local price Fri 484 773 CZK 371 550 CZK 366 964 CZK local price Fri 320 673 CZK 246 424 CZK 243 633 CZK junior page B Basic price Mon - Thu + Sat 5 col. x 270 mm / 187 x 270 mm Bohemia Prague and Central Bohemia Moravia 265 955 CZK 199 563 CZK 193 979 CZK junior page C 4 col. x 220 mm / 149 x 220 mm Bohemia Prague and Central Bohemia Moravia Basic price Mon - Thu + Sat 177 650 CZK 133 271 CZK 129 525 CZK Local price Mon - Thu + Sat 219 680 CZK 168 013 CZK 166 939 CZK Local price Mon - Thu + Sat 146 762 CZK 112 196 CZK 111 462 CZK Basic price Fri 301 847 CZK 226 482 CZK 224 262 CZK Basic price Fri 201 678 CZK 151 293 CZK 149 799 CZK local price Fri 252 206 CZK 193 810 CZK 191 615 CZK local price Fri 168 538 CZK 129 466 CZK 127 981 CZK 1/2 page vertical A 4 col. x 380 mm / 149 x 380 mm Bohemia Prague and Central Bohemia Moravia Basic price Mon - Thu + Sat 299 446 CZK 224 693 CZK 218 406 CZK Local price Mon - Thu + Sat 247 343 CZK 189 170 CZK Basic price Fri 339 857 CZK 255 001 CZK local price Fri 283 966 CZK 218 216 CZK 215 744 CZK 1/2 page horizontal Basic price Mon - Thu + Sat 1/2 page vertical B 3 col. x 380 mm / 111 x 380 mm Bohemia Prague and Central Bohemia Moravia Basic price Mon - Thu + Sat 230 137 CZK 172 647 CZK 167 794 CZK 187 961 CZK Local price Mon - Thu + Sat 190 123 CZK 145 344 CZK 144 393 CZK 252 503 CZK Basic price Fri 261 265 CZK 195 993 CZK 194 058 CZK local price Fri 218 333 CZK 167 717 CZK 165 794 CZK 7 col. x 185 mm / 263 x 185 mm Bohemia Prague and Central Bohemia Moravia 258 567 CZK 194 019 CZK 188 590 CZK 1/3 page horizontal 7 col. x 120 mm / 263 x 120 mm Bohemia Prague and Central Bohemia Moravia Basic price Mon - Thu + Sat 169 492 CZK 128 568 CZK 124 938 CZK Local price Mon - Thu + Sat 213 577 CZK 163 346 CZK 162 302 CZK Local price Mon - Thu + Sat 141 341 CZK 107 956 CZK 107 217 CZK Basic price Fri 293 462 CZK 220 190 CZK 218 033 CZK Basic price Fri 192 730 CZK 145 997 CZK 144 545 CZK local price Fri 245 201 CZK 188 426 CZK 186 292 CZK local price Fri 162 400 CZK 124 658 CZK 123 193 CZK 1/3 page vertical 2 col. x 380 mm / 73 x 380 mm 1/4 page B Bohemia Prague and Central Bohemia Moravia Basic price Mon - Thu + Sat 154 936 CZK 116 497 CZK 112 634 CZK Basic price Mon - Thu + Sat Local price Mon - Thu + Sat 127 746 CZK 97 578 CZK 96 911 CZK Basic price Fri 175 933 CZK 132 245 CZK 130 350 CZK local price Fri 146 775 CZK 112 670 CZK 111 347 CZK 1/4 page A 4 col. x 185 mm / 149 x 185 mm Bohemia Prague and Central Bohemia Moravia Basic price Mon - Thu + Sat 151 652 CZK 113 715 CZK 110 490 CZK Local price Mon - Thu + Sat 125 323 CZK 95 478 CZK Basic price Fri 172 256 CZK 129 169 CZK local price Fri 143 996 CZK 110 288 CZK 108 975 CZK 1/6 page Bohemia Prague and Central Bohemia Moravia 113 719 CZK 85 252 CZK 82 151 CZK Local price Mon - Thu + Sat 93 990 CZK 71 170 CZK 70 683 CZK Basic price Fri 129 204 CZK 96 866 CZK 95 889 CZK local price Fri 108 023 CZK 82 888 CZK 81 902 CZK 1/4 page horizontal 7 col. x 90 mm / 263 x 90 mm Prague and Central Bohemia Moravia Basic price Mon - Thu + Sat 128 557 CZK 96 399 CZK 93 665 CZK 94 809 CZK Local price Mon - Thu + Sat 106 237 CZK 81 146 CZK 80 590 CZK 127 875 CZK Basic price Fri 146 022 CZK 109 498 CZK 108 401 CZK local price Fri 122 065 CZK 93 699 CZK 92 598 CZK 4 col. x 145 mm / 149 x 145 mm Bohemia Moravia 113 092 CZK 84 921 CZK 82 578 CZK Local price Mon - Thu + Sat 93 165 CZK 71 319 CZK Basic price Fri 128 247 CZK 96 287 CZK local price Fri 106 900 CZK 82 212 CZK 1/8 page B 3 col. x 185 mm / 111 x 185 mm Bohemia Prague and Central Bohemia Basic price Mon - Thu + Sat 1/8 page A 3 col. x 110 mm / 111 x 110 mm Bohemia Prague and Central Bohemia Moravia Basic price Mon - Thu + Sat 67 313 CZK 50 335 CZK 48 491 CZK 70 886 CZK Local price Mon - Thu + Sat 55 515 CZK 41 902 CZK 41 719 CZK 95 365 CZK Basic price Fri 76 478 CZK 57 208 CZK 56 627 CZK 81 305 CZK local price Fri 63 821 CZK 48 842 CZK 47 951 CZK 2 col. x 185 mm / 73 x 185 mm Bohemia Prague and Central Bohemia Moravia 1/8 page horizontal 7 col. x 50 mm / 263 x 50 mm Bohemia Prague and Central Bohemia Moravia Basic price Mon - Thu + Sat 75 472 CZK 56 436 CZK 54 821 CZK Basic price Mon - Thu + Sat 71 392 CZK 53 385 CZK 51 858 CZK Local price Mon - Thu + Sat 62 244 CZK 47 105 CZK 46 776 CZK Local price Mon - Thu + Sat 58 879 CZK 44 559 CZK 44 248 CZK Basic price Fri 85 748 CZK 64 143 CZK 63 491 CZK Basic price Fri 81 113 CZK 60 676 CZK 60 059 CZK local price Fri 71 557 CZK 54 886 CZK 54 225 CZK local price Fri 67 689 CZK 51 920 CZK 51 294 CZK Bohemia Prague and Central Bohemia Moravia 103 973 CZK 77 754 CZK 75 528 CZK Local price Mon - Thu + Sat 85 759 CZK 65 443 CZK 64 974 CZK Basic price Fri 118 133 CZK 88 374 CZK 87 476 CZK local price Fri 98 592 CZK 75 621 CZK 74 709 CZK stamp TITLEPAGE Prague and Central Bohemia Basic price Mon - Thu + Sat 2 col. x 56 mm / 73 x 56 mm 13 Regional advertising Advertising mix Blesk + Aha! Blesk magazín TV | Aha! TV Blesk magazine, the most widely read title in the Czech press market, is a Friday supplement of daily Blesk and is not for sale separately.It includes a fun read for the whole family, interviews with personalities from the society, sports and politics, and of course detailed TV program with tips for the whole week. Aha! TV is the Thursday supplement of daily Aha! with a large TV program for the entire week. In addition it contains interesting reads about the personalities of the world of show business, sports, politics and culture. The magazine also contains Aha! cookbook with readers' and celebrities' recipes. Supplement Aha! TV is not for sale separately. Supplement has been published since 1992. Magazín Aha! TV has been published since 2006. Average sold circulation for October 2010 is 533 600 pieces. Average sold circulation for October 2010 is 119 654 pieces. Source: ABC certified circulation CR 10/2010 Readership is 1 864 000 readers. Source: Media Projekt, SKMO, Unie vydavatelů and AKA, realisation GfK Praha - MEDIAN, 2. Q - 3. Q 2010 Print print............................................................................................................................rotogravure color.................................................................................................full - on all pages (CMYK) paper (Blesk magazín TV) . ............................................................................ SC/A 51 g/m2 paper (Aha! TV) . .............................................................................................. SC/A 56 g/m2 Source: ABC certified circulation CR 10/2010 Readership is 336 000 readers. Source: Media Projekt, SKMO, Unie vydavatelů and AKA, realisation GfK Praha - MEDIAN, 2. Q - 3. Q 2010 Cancellation fees 24 - 17 working days prior to publication................................................................. 50 % 16 working days ad less .............................................................................................100 % Discounts for financial volume Formats BM dimensions 1/1 page bleed ......................................................................... 215 x 280 mm dimensions 1/1 page clean ......................................................................... 198 x 260 mm number of columns................................................................................................................... 4 mm on 1 page .......................................................................................................... 1 040 mm column width................................................................................................................... 47 mm gap between columns.................................................................................................3,5 mm cropping mark....................................................................................................................5 mm Formats AM dimensions 1/1 page bleed ........................................................................ 195 x 244 mm dimensions 1/1 page clean.......................................................................... 181 x 228 mm number of columns....................................................................................................................4 mm on 1 page .............................................................................................................. 976 mm column width .................................................................................................................. 43 mm gap between columns . ..................................................................................................3 mm cropping mark....................................................................................................................5 mm Deadline for Orders 16 working days prior to publication Deadline for submitting materials 16 working days prior to publication Data materials Datamaterials in electronic format - according to technical specifications and procedure on page 26. Complaints Complaints will be accepted up to 14 calendar days from the date of publication. 14 from from from from 1 200 000 CZK . .......................................................................................................... 5 % 1 800 000 CZK . ....................................................................................................... 10 % 3 600 000 CZK . ....................................................................................................... 15 % 7 100 000 CZK ......................................................................................................... 20 % Discounts for quantity from from from from from 3x . .................................................................................................................................. 3 % 6x . .................................................................................................................................. 5 % 12x .............................................................................................................................. 10 % 24x .............................................................................................................................. 15 % 48x .............................................................................................................................. 20 % Surcharges for consistent placement ..................................................................................................25% for erotic advertising........................................................................................................ 100 % for editorial page 100% Agency commission We offer 15% agency commission from the basic price for mediation in advertising orders and advertising supplements. Standard formats 2. PAGEcover 4. PAGEcover BM 1/1 page bleed - 2nd page cover AM 1/1 page bleed - 2nd page cover 215 x 280 mm 195 x 244 mm Blesk magazín TV Aha! TV Blesk mag. + Mag. Aha! TV 440 000 CZK 155 000 CZK 493 000 CZK BM 1/1 page bleed - 4th page cover AM 1/1 page bleed - 4th page cover 3. PAGEcover BM 1/1 page bleed - 3rd page cover AM 1/1 page bleed - 3rd page cover 215 x 280 mm 195 x 244 mm Blesk magazín TV Aha! TV Blesk mag. + Mag. Aha! TV 410 000 CZK 135 000 CZK 463 000 CZK BM BM AM AM 215 x 280 mm 195 x 244 mm 2/1 page bleed 2/1 page clean 2/1 page bleed 2/1 page clean 430 x 280 mm 410 x 260 mm 390 x 244 mm 374 x 228 mm Blesk magazín TV Aha! TV Blesk mag. + Mag. Aha! TV Blesk magazín TV Aha! TV Blesk mag. + Mag. Aha! TV 485 000 CZK 165 000 CZK 527 000 CZK 560 000 CZK 197 000 CZK 650 000 CZK BM BM AM AM 1/1 page bleed 1/1 page clean 1/1 page bleed 1/1 page clean BM AM 215 x 280 mm 198 x 260 mm 195 x 244 mm 181 x 228 mm Junior page clean Junior page clean 128 x 198 mm 113 x 181 mm Blesk magazín TV Aha! TV Blesk mag. + Mag. Aha! TV Blesk magazín TV Aha! TV Blesk mag. + Mag. Aha! TV 365 000 CZK 130 000 CZK 421 000 CZK 280 000CZK 99 000CZK 322 000CZK BM BM AM AM 1/2 page horizontal bleed 1/2 page horizontal clean 1/2 page horizontal bleed 1/2 page horizontal clean BM BM AM AM 215 x 138 mm 198 x 128 mm 195 x 121 mm 181 x 113 mm 1/2 page vertical bleed 1/2 page vertical clean 1/2 page vertical bleed 1/2 page vertical clean 107 x 280 mm 97 x 260 mm 97 x 244 mm 89 x 228 mm Blesk magazín TV Aha! TV Blesk mag. + Mag. Aha! TV Blesk magazín TV Aha! TV Blesk mag. + Mag. Aha! TV 219 000 CZK 77 000 CZK 252 000 CZK 219 000 CZK 77 000 CZK 252 000 CZK BM BM AM AM 1/3 page vertical bleed 1/3 page vertical clean 1/3 page vertical bleed 1/3 page vertical clean BM BM AM AM 77 x 280 mm 66 x 260 mm 67 x 244 mm 59 x 228 mm 1/3 page horizontal bleed 1/3 page horizontal clean 1/3 page horizontal bleed 1/3 page horizontal clean 215 x 95 mm 198 x 85 mm 195 x 82 mm 181 x 74 mm Blesk magazín TV Aha! TV Blesk mag. + Mag. Aha! TV Blesk magazín TV Aha! TV Blesk mag. + Mag. Aha! TV 155 000 CZK 55 000 CZK 178 000 CZK 155 000 CZK 55 000 CZK 178 000CZK Blesk magazín TV Aha! TV BM BM AM AM SERIES 57 x 280 mm 47 x 260 mm 51 x 244 mm 43 x 228 mm Aha! TV Blesk mag. + Mag. Aha! TV Blesk magazín TV Aha! TV Blesk mag. + Mag. Aha! TV 34 000 CZK 112 000 CZK 124 000 CZK 43 000 CZK 142 000 CZK 1/4 page horizontal bleed 1/4 page horizontal clean 1/4 page horizontal bleed 1/4 page horizontal clean 215 x 73 mm 198 x 63 mm 195 x 63 mm 181 x 55 mm BM AM 1/8 page format A clean 1/8 page format A clean 97 x 63 mm 89 x 55 mm Blesk magazín TV Aha! TV Blesk mag. + Mag. Aha! TV Blesk magazín TV Aha! TV Blesk mag. + Mag. Aha! TV 124 000 CZK 43 000 CZK 142 000 CZK 49 000CZK 17 000CZK 56 000CZK Aha! TV Blesk mag. + Mag. Aha! TV 67 000CZK 23 000CZK 77 000 CZK MAGAZIN AHA! TV BM logo in TV program A 40 x 33 mm AM logo in TV program A 43 x 18 mm A Blesk magazín TV Aha! TV Blesk mag. + Mag. Aha! TV 27 000 CZK 9 000 CZK 31 000 CZK MAGAZIN AHA! TV TV TV BLESK MAGAZÍN B SERIES 215 x 40 mm 198 x 30 mm 195 x 35 mm 181 x 27 mm PROGRAM 1/8 page horizontal - format B bleed 1/8 page horizontal - format B clean 1/8 page horizontal - format B bleed 1/8 page horizontal - format B clean Blesk magazín TV TV TV PROGRAM 1/4 page vertical bleed 1/4 page vertical clean 1/4 page vertical bleed 1/4 page vertical clean 98 000 CZK BM BM AM AM A BM BM AM AM 107 x 138 mm 97 x 128 mm 97 x 121 mm 89 x 113 mm Blesk magazín TV BM BM AM AM BLESK MAGAZÍN 1/4 page format A bleed 1/4 page format A clean 1/4 page format A bleed 1/4 page format A clean B BM logo in TV program B 54 x 65 mm AM logo in TV program B 89 x 42 mm Blesk magazín TV Aha! TV Blesk mag. + Mag. Aha! TV 57 000 CZK 19 000 CZK 64 000 CZK Abbreviations: BM - Blesk magazín TV AM - Aha! TV 15 Nedělní Blesk | Nedělní Aha! 25 NEJ PġÍBĎHĩ ROKU 2010 NEJsilnější příběhy Česka Co dokázali neznámí Češi Kdo změnil životyy jjiných ý Lidé, kteří přepsali hist historii Dojemné Dojjemné zvířecí osudy 13 KČČ Neděle e 26. p prosinc prosince ce 22010 01 0 Číslo 52 • Ročník 19 • ww www ww..b ww b ble lesk le les sk.c .cz Láska ze štědrovečerní pohádky Mádl sbalil princeznu! Čtěte na str. 4 a 5 Počasí Strana 46 -6 ˚C linka 724 249 000 Máte pro nás tip? Horká[email protected] Weekly Nedělní Blesk has long term been the strongest title on the Sunday market. It brings current information with emphasis on news about Saturday events and a number of interesting interviews. It offers attractive sections like people, countryside, health, auto-moto and cuisine. It also contains television program for the whole week and a big riddle and crossword supplement. 100 rad od našich babiček! ³ Jak porazit nachlazení ³ Jak odstranit skvrny ³ Jak péct sladkosti Strany 23 až 26 Karel Gott Neděle 28. listopadu 2010 Čísloo 48 Hádka kvůli Slavíkovi! Nedělní Aha! is an extended Sunday edition of Aha! It contains mainly current news about weekend events and relaxing and entertaining news from the world of show business. It is published in two mutations Bohemia and Moravia. Strany 2 a 3 10048 9 771804 209005 A může za to on Libor Bouček It is published in two mutations, Bohemia and Moravia. Weekly has been published since 1993. Nedělní Aha! has been published since 2006. Average sold circulation for October 2010 is 254 499 pieces. Average sold circulation for October 2010 is 89 557 pieces. Source: ABC certified circulation CR 10/2010 Readership is 732 000 readers. Source: Media Projekt, SKMO, Unie vydavatelů and AKA, realisation GfK Praha - MEDIAN, 2. Q - 3. Q 2010 Print print............................................................................................................. newspaper coldset color ............................................................................................... full - on all pages (CMYK) newsprint paper.......................................................................................................... 45 g / m2 Printer Mafraprint Tiskařská 2, 108 00 Prague 10 Source: ABC certified circulation CR 10/2010 Readership is 171 000 readers. Source: Media Projekt, SKMO, Unie vydavatelů and AKA, realisation GfK Praha - MEDIAN, 2. Q - 3. Q 2010 Cancellation fees 10 - 6 working days prior to publication .................................................................. 50 % 5 working days and less.................................................................................................100 % Complaints Complaints will be accepted up to 14 calendar days from the date of publication. Formats clean size......................................................................... 204 mm width x 276 mm height central double page ...................................................428 mm width x 276 mm height number of columns....................................................................................................................5 mm on 1 page .......................................................................................................... 1 380 mm column width .............................................................................................................. 38,4 mm gap between columns 3 mm number of columns 1 2 3 4 5 Width in mm 38,4 79,8 121,2 162,6 204 min. ad area ..................................................................................................................... 30 mm min. height of display ad...............................................................................................10 mm min. ad size in editorial part.....................................................................................300 mm Data materials Materials in electronic format - according to technical specifications and procedure on page 26. Deadline for Orders 5 working days prior to publication Deadline for submitting materials 5 working days prior to publication Agency commission We offer 15% agency comission from the basic price for mediation in advertising orders and advertising supplements. 16 Discounts for financial volume from from from from 800 000 CZK . ........................................................................................................... 5 % 1 500 000 CZK ....................................................................................................... 10 % 3 000 000 CZK ....................................................................................................... 15 % 5 900 000 CZK ...................................................................................................... 20 % Discounts for quantity from 3x . ................................................................................................................................. 3 % from 6x . ................................................................................................................................. 5 % from 12x ................................................................................................................................ 10 % from 24x ................................................................................................................................ 15 % from 48x ................................................................................................................................ 20 % Discounts for color discount for black and white advertising................................................................. 30 % BW + 1 color.......................................................................................................................... 20 % BW + 2 colors........................................................................................................................ 10 % Surcharges for consistent placement.................................................................................................. 25% for 4th page cover.............................................................................................................. 50 % for erotic advertising.......................................................................................................100 % for editorial page ............................................................................................................ 100 % for 1st title page .............................................................................................................. 350 % Nation-wide advertising - standard formats 1/1 page Junior page 5 col. x 276 mm / 204 x 276 mm 3 col. x 180 mm / 121,2 x 180 mm Nedělní Blesk Nedělní Aha! Nedělní Blesk + Nedělní Aha! Nedělní Blesk Nedělní Aha! Nedělní Blesk + Nedělní Aha! 291 732 CZK 135 240 CZK 353 960 CZK 118 012 CZK 54 508 CZK 143 018 CZK 1/2 page vertical A 1/2 page vertical B 3 col. x 276 mm / 121,2 x 276 mm 2 col. x 276 mm / 79,8 x 276 mm Nedělní Blesk Nedělní Aha! Nedělní Blesk + Nedělní Aha! Nedělní Blesk Nedělní Aha! Nedělní Blesk + Nedělní Aha! 179 105 CZK 82 725 CZK 217 057 CZK 120 634 CZK 55 719 CZK 146 197 CZK 1/2 page horizontal 1/3 page horizontal 5 col. x 136 mm / 204 x 136 mm 5 col. x 90 mm / 204 x 90 mm Nedělní Blesk Nedělní Aha! Nedělní Blesk + Nedělní Aha! Nedělní Blesk Nedělní Aha! Nedělní Blesk + Nedělní Aha! 147 849 CZK 68 289 CZK 179 178 CZK 98 744 CZK 45 608 CZK 119 668 CZK 1/4 page A 1/4 page B 3 col. x 136 mm / 121,2 x 136 mm 2 col. x 136 mm / 79,8 x 136 mm Nedělní Blesk Nedělní Aha! Nedělní Blesk + Nedělní Aha! Nedělní Blesk Nedělní Aha! Nedělní Blesk + Nedělní Aha! 89 619 CZK 41 394 CZK 108 610 CZK 60 049 CZK 27 736 CZK 72 774 CZK 1/4 page horizontal 1/5 page vertical 5 col. x 67 mm / 204 x 67 mm 1 col. x 276 mm / 38,4 x 276 mm Nedělní Blesk Nedělní Aha! Nedělní Blesk + Nedělní Aha! Nedělní Blesk Nedělní Aha! Nedělní Blesk + Nedělní Aha! 73 771 CZK 34 074 CZK 89 403 CZK 60 933 CZK 28 144 CZK 73.844 CZK 1/6 page 3 col. x 80 mm / 121,2 x 80 mm Nedělní Blesk Nedělní Aha! Nedělní Blesk + Nedělní Aha! 53 119 CZK 24 535 CZK 64 375 CZK TITLEPAGEBlesk TITLEPAGEAha! stamp - Blesk2,5 col. x 61,5 mm / 109 x 61,5 mm stamp - Aha! 2 col. x 63,5 mm / 79,8 x 63,5 mm Nedělní Blesk Nedělní Aha! Nedělní Blesk + Nedělní Aha! Nedělní Aha! 154 288 CZK 71 263 CZK 186 982 CZK Nationwideadvertising Nation-wide line advertisement Price calculation for line advertising The price of line ad is calculated by multiplying the number of lines by price for 1 line. None of the discounts listed in the price list apply to line advertising. Price for non-standard ad formats - calculation from column mm Nedělní Blesk Price for 1 mm/1 column 223 CZK Nedělní Aha! 103 CZK Nedělní Blesk + Nedělní Aha! 270 CZK Nedělní Blesk 1 line / 30 characters Nedělní Blesk 176 CZK Nedělní Aha! 115 CZK 17 Regional advertisement Basic price - agency provision Price calculation for display ads The price of display ad is calculated by multiplying the number of columns by the height of your ad in mm, times price for 1 mm according to the respective rate. The price of panorama ad is calculated by multiplying 15 columns by the height of your ad in mm, times price for 1 mm. After adding in all additional charges the discounts are gradually subtracted. Price of advertising is calculated in full color 4C. We offer 15% agency commission from the basic price for mediation in advertising orders and advertising supplements. Local price Local prices are valid for regional trade, crafts and business ads and can only be applied for clients own ad. Price for non-standard ad formats - calculation from the table Nedělní Blesk Nedělní Aha! Nedělní Blesk + Nedělní Aha! whole Bohemia whole Moravia whole Bohemia whole Moravia whole Bohemia whole Moravia basic price for 1 mm/ 1 column 120 CZK 108 CZK 72 CZK 35 CZK 151 CZK 123 CZK local price for 1 mm/ 1 column 102 CZK 93 CZK 60 CZK 31 CZK 128 CZK 106 CZK • The publisher reserves the right to to specify contractual price. • All rates listed are exclusive of VAT • Discounts cannot be compounded • Subject to General Business Terms and Conditions for advertisements and promotional inserts Ringier Axel Springer CZ a. s. This price list is valid only for commercial advertisements and promotional inserts. Price for personal line advertisements and non-commercial ads (charity or foundation content) is set by the publisher in the special price list. 18 Regional advertising - standard formats Nedělní Blesk 1/1 page 5 col. x 276 mm 204 x 276 mm Nedělní Aha! whole Moravia whole Bohemia whole Moravia whole Bohemia whole Moravia Basic price 163 944 CZK 147 550 CZK 98 366 CZK 47 334 CZK 207 484 CZK 169 010 CZK Local price 139 352 CZK 127 057 CZK 81 972 CZK 41 924 CZK 175 881 CZK 145 651 CZK whole Moravia whole Bohemia whole Moravia Nedělní Blesk Junior page 3 col. x 180 mm 121,2 x 180 mm whole Bohemia Nedělní Aha! whole Moravia whole Bohemia Basic price 63 639 CZK 57 275 CZK 38 044 CZK 18 299 CZK 80 481 CZK 65 558 CZK 54 093 CZK 49 320 CZK 31 703 CZK 16 208 CZK 68 222 CZK 56 497 CZK whole Moravia whole Bohemia whole Moravia whole Bohemia whole Moravia whole Bohemia Nedělní Aha! 1/2 page horizontal 5 col. x 136 mm 204 x 136 mm Basic price 98 618 CZK 88 756 CZK 58 955 CZK 28 363 CZK 123 418 CZK 100 532 CZK 83 825 CZK 76 429 CZK 49 129 CZK 25 122 CZK 104 619 CZK 86 638 CZK whole Moravia whole Bohemia whole Moravia whole Bohemia whole Moravia whole Bohemia Nedělní Aha! Basic price 65 738 CZK 58 548 CZK 38 890 CZK 18 706 CZK 82 270 CZK 67 014 CZK 55 295 CZK 50 416 CZK 32 408 CZK 16 568 CZK 69 739 CZK 57 752 CZK Nedělní Blesk whole Bohemia Nedělní Aha! whole Bohemia whole Moravia whole Bohemia whole Moravia Basic price 80 569 CZK 72 512 CZK 48 165 CZK 23 169 CZK 101 880 CZK 82 988 CZK Local price 68 483 CZK 62 441 CZK 40 137 CZK 20 522 CZK 86 362 CZK 71 518 CZK whole Bohemia Nedělní Aha! whole Moravia whole Bohemia Nedělní Blesk Nedělní Blesk + Nedělní Aha! whole Moravia whole Bohemia whole Moravia Nedělní Aha! Regionaladvertising Basic price 53 249 CZK 47 924 CZK 31 833 CZK 15 149 CZK 67 341 CZK 54 854 CZK Local price 45 262 CZK 41 268 CZK 26 248 CZK 13 417 CZK 57 084 CZK 46 780 CZK Nedělní Aha! Nedělní Blesk + Nedělní Aha! whole Bohemia whole Moravia whole Bohemia whole Moravia whole Bohemia whole Moravia Basic price 48 328 CZK 43 495 CZK 28 587 CZK 13 749 CZK 60 482 CZK 49 266 CZK Local price 41 079 CZK 37 060 CZK 23 822 CZK 12 046 CZK 51 269 CZK 42 457 CZK Nedělní Blesk 1/4 page vertical B 2 col. x 136 mm 79,8 x 136 mm Nedělní Blesk + Nedělní Aha! whole Moravia Nedělní Blesk 1/4 page vertical A 3 col. x 136 mm 121,2 x 136 mm Nedělní Blesk + Nedělní Aha! Local price Nedělní Blesk 1/3 page horizontal 5 col. x 90 mm 204 x 90 mm Nedělní Blesk + Nedělní Aha! Local price Nedělní Blesk 1/2 page vertical B 2 col. x 276 mm 79,8 x 276 mm Nedělní Blesk + Nedělní Aha! Local price Nedělní Blesk 1/2 page vertical A 3 col. x 276 mm 121,2 x 276 mm Nedělní Blesk + Nedělní Aha! whole Bohemia Nedělní Aha! Nedělní Blesk + Nedělní Aha! whole Bohemia whole Moravia whole Bohemia whole Moravia whole Bohemia whole Moravia Basic price 32 042 CZK 28 837 CZK 18 951 CZK 9 014 CZK 40 526 CZK 32 664 CZK Local price 27 235 CZK 24 568 CZK 15 792 CZK 7 896 CZK 33 991 CZK 28 149 CZK 19 Regional advertising - standard formats 1/4 page horizontal 5 col. x 67 mm 204 x 67 mm Nedělní Blesk whole Bohemia Nedělní Aha! whole Moravia whole Bohemia whole Moravia whole Bohemia whole Moravia Basic price 39 363 CZK 35 427 CZK 23 532 CZK 11 196 CZK 49 786 CZK 40 554 CZK Local price 33 459 CZK 30 507 CZK 19 401 CZK 9 808 CZK 42 203 CZK 34 949 CZK Nedělní Blesk 1/5 page vertical 1 col. x 276 mm 38,4 x 276 mm Nedělní Aha! TITLEPAGE whole Bohemia whole Moravia whole Bohemia whole Moravia whole Bohemia whole Moravia 32 513 CZK 29 261 CZK 19 230 CZK 9 147 CZK 40 860 CZK 33 283 CZK Local price 27 636 CZK 24 929 CZK 16 025 CZK 8 012 CZK 34 636 CZK 28 683 CZK whole Bohemia whole Moravia whole Bohemia whole Moravia whole Bohemia whole Moravia Basic price 28 042 CZK 25 238 CZK 16 764 CZK 7 886 CZK 35 515 CZK 28 930 CZK Local price 23 836 CZK 21 732 CZK 13 819 CZK 6 985 CZK 30 106 CZK 24 931 CZK 20 stamp BLESK 2,5 col. x 61,5 mm 109 x 61,5 mm stamp AHA! 2 col. x 63,5 mm 79,8 x 63,5 mm Nedělní Blesk + Nedělní Aha! Basic price Nedělní Blesk 1/6 page horizontal 3 col. x 80 mm 121,2 x 80 mm Nedělní Blesk + Nedělní Aha! Nedělní Aha! Nedělní Blesk Nedělní Blesk + Nedělní Aha! Nedělní Aha! Nedělní Blesk + Nedělní Aha! whole Bohemia whole Moravia whole Bohemia whole Moravia whole Bohemia whole Moravia Basic price 82 326 CZK 74 093 CZK 40 220 CZK 19 341 CZK 85 103 CZK 69 323 CZK Local price 69 977 CZK 63 803 CZK 33 517 CZK 17 131 CZK 72 141 CZK 59 742 CZK Notes: Notes: 21 Reality & bydlení ZD AR Reality M Příloha deníku A &bydlení Zázrak jménem domácí šatna Blesk Reality & Bydlení (Real Estate & Living) is a free monthly newspaper supplement comes out every last Wednesday of the month in Prague and Central Bohemia region. It offers practical information from the real estate market, tips for interior furnishing, interior trends and expert advice on living and real estate. Červenec a srpen/2010 Blesk Reality & Bydlení is not sold separately. Monthly has been published since 2009. Readership is 435 000 readersSource: Media Projekt, SKMO, Unie vydavatelů and Nájemní smlouva Podpis si rozmyslete! AKA, realisation GfK Praha - MEDIAN, 1. 4. 2010 - 30. 9. 2010 Print print.............................................................................................................................. rotogravure color................................................................................................... full - on all pages (CMYK) paper ....................................................................................................................... SC/A 51 g/m2 Printer Slovenská Grafia a. s. Pekná cesta 6 , 834 03 Bratislava Formats dimensions 1/1 page bleed ........................................................................... 215 x 280 mm dimensions 1/1 page clean . .......................................................................... 198 x 260 mm number of columns .................................................................................................................... 4 mm on 1 page ............................................................................................................. 1 040 mm column width..................................................................................................................... 47 mm gap between columns................................................................................................... 3,5 mm cropping mark...................................................................................................................... 5 mm Deadline for Orders 16 working days prior to publication Cancellation fees 45 - 17 working days prior to publication.................................................................... 50 % 16 working days and less..................................................................................................100 % Discounts for financial volume from from from from 1 200 000 CZK . .......................................................................................................... 5 % 1 800 000 CZK . ....................................................................................................... 10 % 3 600 000 CZK . ....................................................................................................... 15 % 7 100 000 CZK ......................................................................................................... 20 % Discounts for quantity from 3x . ............................................................................................................................... 10 % from 5x . ............................................................................................................................... 25 % from 10x .............................................................................................................................. 35 % Surcharges for consistent placement ................................................................................................ 25% for editorial page ..............................................................................................................100% Deadline for submitting materials 16 working days prior to publication Complaints Complaints will be accepted up to 14 calendar days from the date of publication. Data materials Materials in electronic format - according to technical specifications and procedure on page26. Agency commission We offer 15% agency comission from the basic price for mediation in advertising orders and advertising supplements. Advertising Schedule 2011 Issue number Publication Date (Wednesday) Deadline for Orders Deadline for Submitting Materials 1 26. 1. 12. 1. 14. 1. 2 23. 2. 9. 2. 11. 2. 3 30. 3 16. 3. 18. 3. 4 27. 4. 13. 4. 15. 4. 5 25. 5. 11. 5. 13. 5. 6 29. 6. 15. 6. 17. 6. 7-8 27. 7. 13. 7. 15. 7. 9 27. 9. (Tuesday) 13. 9. (Tuesday) 15. 9. (Thursday) 10 26. 10. 12. 10. 14. 10. 11 - 12 30. 11. 16. 11. 18. 11. • The publisher reserves the right to to specify contractual price. • All rates listed are exclusive of VAT • Discounts cannot be compounded • Subject to General Business Terms and Conditions for advertisements and promotional inserts Ringier Axel Springer CZ a. s. This price list is valid only for commercial advertisements and promotional inserts. Price for personal line advertisements and non-commercial ads (charity or foundation content) is set by the publisher in the special price list. 22 Standard advertisement formats 2. PAGEco ver /1 page bleed - 2nd page 1 cover 215 x 280 mm 3. PAGEco ver 75 000 CZK /1 page bleed - 3rd page 1 cover 215 x 280 mm 1/1 page vertical clean 97 x 260 mm 90 000 CZK 1/2 page horizontal bleed 215 x 138 mm 34 000 CZK 1/3 page horizontal clean 198 x 85 mm 1/4 page horizontal clean 198 x 63 mm 1/4 page vertical clean 47 x 260 mm 25 000 CZK 17 000CZK 1/3 page vertical clean 66 x 260 mm 1/2 page horizontal clean 198 x 128 mm 1/8 page format A clean 97 x 63 mm 10 000 CZK17 000 CZK1 494 CZK1 630 CZK 1/16 page Junior page clean 147,5 x 193,5 mm 50 000 CZK 34 000 CZK 25 000 CZK 2/1 page clean410 x 260 mm 60 000 CZK /1 page bleed - 4th page 1 cover 215 x 280 mm 85 000 CZK 2/1 page bleed 430 x 280 mm 215 x 280 mm /1 page clean198 x 260 mm 1 1/2 page vertical bleed 107 x 280 mm 75 000 CZK 1/1 page bleed 4. PAGEco ver 1/4 page format A clean 97 x 128 mm 17 000CZK 1/8 page horizontal clean 198 x 30 mm 10 000 CZK 46,5 x 62 mm 4 000 CZK Reality & bydlení 23 Promotional inserts weight/piece: price for every 1000 pieces to 10g/piece to 20g/piece to 30g/piece 1 762 CZK to 40g/piece 1 903 CZK to 50g/piece 2 037 CZK Deadline for Orders 21 working days prior to publication. Delivery deadline Dailies Blesk and Aha!....................................................... 3 days prior to publication Blesk magazín TV ang magazín Aha! TV...............10 days prior to publication Nedělní Blesk and Nedělní Aha!................................... 3 days prior to publication Surcharges General terms Promotional inserts Packing and Transport of Inserts • Palets. For transportation of inserts stable and durable 80 x 120 cm plastic or wood Europallets can be used. Pallets must be approachable by high-lift truck (or hand pallet truck) from all sides. • Column in a layer. height of stack made by inserts must be 8-10 cm. Individual packages in the layer must be freely loaded, not bound, wrapped in foil or taped. Packages in one straight layer must be of the same height and all spines on the same side. • Layering stacks on pallets.Cover each layer of stacks with cardboard and do not cross stacks. Pallets must be stacked closely, outer edges should be even. • Maximum pallet height including the cover - 110 cm, maximum weight of pallet - 700 kg. • Pallet covers. Before stacking pallet is covered with two cardboard sheets against damaging and dirtying bottom layers of inserts. After stacking, the pallet is again covered by cardboard sheet, wood cover board, protective foil and is banded. Supplements must be secured against damage in transport (mechanical stress) and against dampness. for exclusivity of inserted ad.......................................................................................... 25 % Accompanying documentation Cancellation fees 50 - 22 working days prior to publication................................................................. 50 % 21 working days and less...............................................................................................100 % Complaints Complaints will be accepted up to 14 calendar days from the date of publication. Agency commission We offer 15% agency commission from the basic price for mediation in advertising orders and advertising supplements. Data on pallet slip must be the same as on the delivery note and the order. Pallet slip - must contain following data: name of the periodical (where to insert), name of the supplement (which is to be inserted), date of insertion, number of inserts in a stack, number of inserts in a pallet, total number of inserts in the delivery, number of pallet, total number of pallets in the delivery, weight of the pallet, address of supplier (name, telephone) Delivery note - must contain following data: name of title (into which it is to be inserted), name of insert (which is to be inserted), customer/person ordering the inserts (name and phone), number of pallets in the delivery total, number of inserts in delivery total, date of delivery of inserts from the producer, sender (name, phone) and receiver (name and telephone). If these conditions are not met the printer has the right not to accept the delivery or not to insert the supplements. Delivery points for brochure supplements Volume discounts are not given for prices listed. Dailies Blesk and Aha! BOHEMIA RINGIER AXEL SPRINGER PRINT CZ a. s., premises Prague Černokostelecká 145 108 00 Prague 10 - Malešice Phone: 225 283 111 Moravia RINGIER AXEL SPRINGER PRINT CZ a. s., premises Ostrava Na Rovince 876 720 00 Ostrava - Hrabová Phone: 596 668 111 Nedělní Blesk and Nedělní Aha! BOHEMIA MAFRAPRINT a. s., Prague Tiskařská 2 108 00 Prague 10 Phone: 225 068 112 Moravia MAFRAPRINT a. s., Olomouc Pavelkova 7 772 11 Olomouc Phone: 583 803 112 Blesk magazín TV and Aha! TV RINGIER AXEL SPRINGER PRINT CZ a. s., premises Prague Černokostelecká 145 108 00 Prague 10 - Malešice Phone: 225 283 111 Before the insertion of materials a sample of the insert must be provided for test purposes before the required deadline. 24 Technical requirements for Promotional inserts Deník Blesk and Nedělní Blesk Deník Aha! and Nedělní Aha! Formats of inserted supplements Minimum insert format: A5 = 148 x 210 mm Maximum insert format: A4 = 210 x 297 mm Formats and paper weight for individual sheets Minimum paper weight A5: 150 g Minimum paper weight for bigger format sheet - up to A4: 120 g/plain paper, 140 g/glossy paper If the paper weight for A4 format is less then listed, the insert must be folded one more time (to A5). Formats and paper weight for double sheets Format A5/4 page - weight of paper used must not be under 100 gFormat A4/4 page - weight of paper used must not be under 80 g Formats and paper weight for multi-page inserts A5 to A4 – range from 8 pages up – weight of paper used must not be less than 52 g Blesk magazín TV Aha! TV Unacceptable inserts Inserts must not impede machine insertion of these magazines into dailies, thus following are excluded: • inserts glued or stapled to magazine cover • inserts stapled, inserted or glued whose width would affect shape of the magazine • all 3D inserts and inserts with 3D samples • inserts in foil Inserted supplements minimum format: 148 x 210 mm maximum format for Blesk magazine: 210 x 270 mm Maximum format for Aha! TV: 190 x 240 mm sheet or double sheet - minimum paper weight: 90 g insert – minimum paper weight: 52 g Glued supplements minimum format: 105 x 148 mm maximum format for Blesk magazine: 185 x 250 mm Maximum format for Aha! TV: 170 x 200 mm paper weight: from 90 g Weight of inserted supplement Total weight of inserts should not be over 100 g. Sample inserts Minimum of 10 sample supplements (in their final form) must be supplied at least 10 days prior to insertion. Exact maquettes can temporarily substitute the samples. If the final samples are not submitted on time the supplement will not be included in the periodical! Bookbinding extra Stapled supplements • minimum format for double sheet or file for Blesk magazín TV and AHA TV: 105 x 148 mm (deliver in clean format with only extra 3mm for header/ foot trim according to hinge type, header/foot insert uncut, without foldover) • maximum format for double sheet or file forBlesk magazín TV: 215 x 280 mm (deliver in work format 220 x 286 mm, insert header uncut with extra 3 mm for trim, last fold-over at least 8 mm) • maximum format for double sheet or file forAha! TV: 195 x 244 mm (deliver in work format 200 x 250 mm, insert header uncut with extra 3 mm for header trim, last fold-over at least 8 mm) • double sheet – minimum paper weight: 90 g • insert – minimum paper weight: 52 g The agreed number of supplements must be increased by 2% for delivery to the printer. It is the so called bookbinding extra, which includes supplements which are expected to be damaged in transportation or by machine insertion. Technical quality of supplements • The submitted samples must be without fault and workable, without any need for additional manual modification or manipulation. Inserts glued together by fresh paint, electrostatically charged, damp, with bent edges, creased folds or round back, folding picture materials and altar fold cannot be processed. • Folded supplements must be folded crossed, rolled or in half. • Multi-page inserts should be folded along the longer edge.In case of stapled supplement, the wire diameter must be adequate for the supplement spine. Thin inserts must have glued spine. Trimming must be done in right angle, in format size, evenly. • Processing special format inserts is not possible without previous trial (must be consulted with a printer in charge). • Processing of 3D inserts or supplements with 3D samples (e.g. keys, discs, liquid soaps in bags etc.) is not possible. • Additions to supplements, e.g. cheques, postcards etc. must be glued on the inside of the insert and their dimensions must not exceed the insert format. • All inserted products must be made on material which does not absorb newspaper ink or the surface must be appropriately treated. Promotional supplements The production of the daily or the weekly must not be jeopardized by none of the above mentioned inserts. 25 Technical requirements for data materials Data media for delivery of documents CD/DVD-R/RW (format ISO or Mac) Documents by e-mail Send documents to address: [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Files up to size 20 MB. In subject write: name of the Customer/motive, date of the 1st publication, ad dimensions, color Attachment:name of the file without diacritical marks in maximum length 12 characters+ file format tag (*. pdf, *. tif) In case of technical problems send your advertisement to our ftp server. If you do so, alert us by e-mail using [email protected]. We will confirm data processing from ftp by e-mail. Without this confirmation data materials sent by you cannot be considered as accepted. name: prijeminz Password: 12345 Message which does not fulfil requirements mentioned above may not be processed. Implicit interventions in data materials (see warning) Uncompounded transparency in documents is removed. If the total ink coverage is over 240% in bigger size color surfaces, data materials are adjusted, which causes change of color. This applies to daily Blesk, Nedělní Blesk, Aha! and Nedělní Aha!. Such changes of data materials are executed by the graphic studio without warning the client. Data materials for further processing Photos - original, black and white and color, max. format A4, electronic in formats TIFF, EPS, JPEG, BMP. Logos - original, quality line data materials, max. format A4, electronic in EPS, AI, WMF, TIFF, BMP formats. Complete and readable typescript, electronic text in MS Word, *.doc file. Do not insert images into MS Word application, they must be sent separately in above mentioned formats. Print Shade value increase Black cca 30 % + 5 % Azure, purple, yellow 30 % + 5 % Hues range Formats PDF TIFF In order to decrease the volume of data formats can be compressed using Stuffit or Zip. Hue values in light close to 0 % in deep 85 % of display covering. In light sections cca 5 % of coverage is lost in transfer. In dark parts of the image individual parts of the image with firmcontours based like full shade, but another level of shade value must show cca 75 % of display covering under depth 85 %. In black print a 30 - 35 % point increase must be taken into account with tint (50% tint) v. paper copy. A control color proof must be supplied with every ad and in some cases individual color separations for overprint and incision control. Advertisement proofs Technical requirements for data materials General: color scheme CMYK, shades of gray, no direct colors (Spot Colors) image data resolution (the final size) - color and in shades of gray opt. 300 dpi max. 350 dpi - black and white images opt. 600 dpi max. 900 dpi Contoured text or attached in PDF. Recommended minimum font size is 6 points. PDF ■ c reated by Adobe Distiller (direct export from application is not supported) ■ according to specification PDF /X-1a for commercial print ■ PDF version 1.3 (compatibility Acrobat 4) ■ All fonts embedded - a subset of 100% ■ no direct colors ■ without color management and ICC profiles TIFF ■ compression LZW ■ no transparency ■ without levels Data in the bleed format must have bleed 5 mm from each side! Color Blesk, Nedělní Blesk, Aha!, Nedělní Aha! - maximum color coverage 240 % (colors total).. We recommend use of color ICC profile ISOnewspaper26v4.icc for data separation and ataining required color coverage. Profile can be downloaded from, user name: blesk, password: uzivatel. Black color for bw ads: K 100 %, grayscale. Small color variations in register and shades are possible and are within technology tolerance. Blesk magazín TV and Aha! TV - maximum color coverage 300 % 26 If the client does not express himself about the proofs sent one day prior to ad publication at the latest (10 a.m. the latest), the proof will be considered approved. There are maximum two proofs per advertisement. Data materials submitted after the deadline are not entitled to proofing. Warning In case the client submits the data materials for ads or the finished ad after the regular deadline or other given date agreed upon by both parties, the publisher has the right to charge the client for resulting costs, up to 3% of the published ad price, minimum charge is 300 CZK.Settlement of above mentioned costs does not influence force of point 2c of the General Business Terms and Conditions for advertising and Advertising supplementRingier Axel Springer CZ a.s. The publisher is not responsible for mistakes or discrepancies in the printed ad resulting from not respecting technical requirements or not taking into account technological limitations listed here. If a preview is not submitted with data materials we will not consider complaints regarding the graphic appearance of the ad. If color separations are not submitted with data materials we will not consider incisions or overprint. If a control color proof with appropriate color on paper whose properties are corresponding with the target media (hardproof) is not submitted with data materials we will not consider complaints regarding the color rendering. If data materials do not fulfil technical requirements listed here, the publisher has the right to refuse the data materials and inform the supplier of data materials. In case the data materials are delivered after the regular deadline the client loses the right to complaint regarding the ad. General Business Terms and Conditions General Business Terms and Conditions for advertisements in periodicals published by Ringier Axel Springer CZ a.s. 1. Scope a)These Terms and Conditions govern the publication of advertisements (display and line) and the supplements (ie, the inserted material) in the periodical titles published by Ringier Axel Springer CZ a.s. (the "Publisher"), as well as in other periodicals published by the publisher. b) The currently valid Advertising Rates constitute a part of these General Business Terms and Conditions. c)Those legal relations that are not regulated by these General Business Terms and Conditions or by a special contract are governed by the Commercial Code. d)The Publisher reserves the right to variant procedure in fixing the price implicit in the currently valid Advertising Rates Price lists and their supplements in case this variant procedure is caused by a misprint in the Advertising Rates Price list or its supplement. 2. Order a)The customer orders the publishing of the advertisement or promotional insert using a written order. An order made by fax or email (if it contains an electronic copy of an authorized person‘s signature) is also considered to be a written order, provided that the identity of the person placing the order is made evident therein. b)The order must contain all the particulars required for the due publication, particularly the customer’s corporate name, registered office, corporate identification number, taxation identification number, banking information, the name and the signature and specification of the position of the representative authorized to place the order. In the case of a natural person, the name, personal identification number (birth number) or date of birth, permanent residence, mailing address if relevant, banking information, and signature are required.Furthermore, the periodical title, publication date, type of advertisement (i.e., display advertisement, line advertisement, promotional insert) and any other information concerning the implementation of the order (e.g., unit of coverage, placement, column, mark, color) must be given. c)The customer is responsible for the timely submission of all materials that are necessary for implementing the order. The Publisher is authorized to notify the customer of evidently unsuitable or faulty materials. The customer is obliged to provide the Publisher with a replacement for apparently unsuitable or faulty materials in a timely manner. If the customer is in delay in providing a replacement for apparently unsuitable or faulty materials, or in the event that he insists on the use of the apparently unsuitable or faulty materials, the Publisher shall be entitled to withdraw from the agreement and simultaneously shall be entitled to charge a cancellation fee in accordance with the currently valid Advertising Rates. The print quality depends on the technical standard of the relevant periodical and the print materials submitted by the customer. d)The customer is responsible for the error-free content of the advertisement and that the text, visual, and graphical materials intended for the advertisements or the promotional inserts are in accordance with the applicable law. In the event of third-party claims, the customer shall hold harmless and indemnify the Publisher against any and all damages arising from the publishing of any faulty or legally inadmissible advertisement or promotional insert. e)All of the necessary materials for the publishing of the advertisement or promotional inserts shall be made freely available to the Publisher for its use, and the Publisher shall not be obliged to save these materials or return them to the customer. f)The Publisher has the right to ask for an identity card at receiving the order. g)One customer can order max. 20 line ads at private line ad rates during one calendar year. h)With line advertising order, the client is entitled to just one modification of the text. 3.Conclusion of an Agreement a)The conclusion of an agreement shall mean the confirmation of the order by the Publisher (directly in writing on the order or in another common manner).In the event that the order is not confirmed by the Publisher, the agreement is considered to have been completed by the publishing of the advertisement or promotional insert. b)The acceptance of the order by an employee of the Publisher cannot be considered to constitute the conclusion of an agreement without other requisites. c)The Publisher reserves the right in every case and at all times to refuse to publish an advertisement, or to withdraw from an agreement, if there is a justified presumption that the publishing of the advertisement or promotional insert would be contrary to the Publisher’s interests or the applicable law. The promotional inserts in their final form must be delivered, either in printed or electronic form, in a due and timely manner to the Publisher for approval. Should this obligation be breached, the Publisher shall be entitled to refuse its insertion, and in this case the Publisher shall be entitled to apply a cancellation fee. d)Should justified doubts regarding the customer‘s solvency arise, and should there be no adequate and timely advance payment provided, the Publisher reserves the right to refuse to publish the advertisement or promotional insert, or to withdraw from the agreement without further notice. e)In the case of refusal to publish an ad or a withdrawal from the agreement pursuant to points c) or d), the Publisher shall notify the customer without undue delay. Publishing in this case is not responsible for the costs incurred by the customer on such unrealized advertising. f)In the case of the cancellation of an order by the customer, after its acceptance by the Publisher, the Publisher shall be entitled to apply the cancellation fee in accordance with the currently valid Advertising Rates. In any case, the cancellation of the order by the customer must be made in writing. 4. Framework Agreement a)Should the customer intend to publish advertisements during a certain period, to a certain financial extent, or in a certain number of advertisements, he shall have the option of concluding a framework agreement with the Publisher on the publishing of advertisements in the prearranged amount, and for a period of up to one year. In order for such a contract to be valid, it must be in writing. The contract must specify the period of time during which the agreed-upon financial volume of advertisements, or the agreed-upon number of advertisements, will be published. Furthermore, any discounts ensuing from this, the periodicals used, and the coverage unit, as well as any other provisions, must also be specified therein. b)The customer and Publisher may also agree to include, in the volume of the advertisements stipulated by the framework agreement, such advertisements as were realized within a period of one year prior to the negotiated termination of the framework agreement, provided that these advertisements were paid for in a due and timely manner. This shall be conditioned upon the price of these previous advertisements not amounting to more than 50 % of the overall volume of the advertisements set out by the framework agreement. Should the customer be entitled to a discount from the price of these advertisements, as a result of including already-published advertisements in the framework agreement, in accordance with this paragraph, this discount shall either be paid out after the expiration of the framework agreement or before its expiration, provided that the volume of the advertisements envisaged by the framework agreement has already been exhausted. c)An order is always necessary for publishing advertisements in the framework of the agreed-upon financial volume or numbers specified in the framework agreement. d)The discounts ensuing from the framework agreement will only be provided in the event that the advertisements are published in the agreed-upon financial extent, or in the agreed-upon number, during the time period specified in the framework agreement, and paid for in a due and timely manner at the rates established by the valid Advertising Rates (or agreed-upon amount). Otherwise, the right to the agreed-upon discounts shall cease to exist. e)The volume of the advertising agreed upon in the framework agreement can be increased, even repeatedly. f)Should, during the fixed time period, the advertisements not be published in the agreed-upon financial extent or in the agree-upon number, for reasons for which the Publisher does not bear responsibility, the customer undertakes to pay the Publisher the difference between the price for the agreed-upon and the actually published financial extent of the advertisements, or number of advertisements. This difference will be decreased by setting off against it the discount for the actually published financial extent of the advertisements or number of advertisements. 5. Implementation of the order a)Unless the date of publication is expressly agreed, the publication of advertisement or brochure inserts depends on the capabilities of publishing. b)Unless a definite location or placement unit is expressly agreed, an advertisement or brochure is published depending on the capabilities of publishing. c)The Publisher must be informed in a timely manner of an order of advertising or promotional inserts that is to be realized exclusively on a certain date, with a certain placement, or in a certain unit of coverage, such that the order can be confirmed to the customer. d)Advertisements are published whenever possible in the corresponding section, without requiring an explicit agreement. e)The Publisher reserves the right to mark the advertisements as paid advertising. In the case of full-page ads publisher reserves the right to designate this in the ad space. In this case, the advertisement will not be considered changed in form or as defect in performance. f)Should the customer order an advertisement in a size that does not correspond to the clean dimensions or to the division of page into columns, the Publisher shall modify the advertisement in the usual manner. g)Should the customer order an advertisement without graphic processing, the Publisher shall process this advertisement in the usual manner. h)The Publisher is obliged to gather, hand over, or forward replies received to advertisements published with a reply designation, all within a period of two weeks from the publishing of the advertisement. The Publisher may destroy replies to the reply-designated advertisement that are received after this deadline. i)The Publisher shall care for the received replies to reply-designated advertisements, with the care of a regular business partner. j)The Publisher shall not accept replies to the reply-designated advertisement that exceed the C4 format (228 × 325 mm) as well as books, catalogues, packages, or goods. k)The Publisher reserves the right to publish small advertising (less than 400 mm space) in a different coverage unit than specified in the order should the need arise. l)Publishing is authorized, in case its published title is transferred in full into electronic form and distributed in that way (in particular via the Internet or on electronic media information), to also include in this electronic version published advertisements consistent with these conditions. 6. Payment Conditions a)Unless the parties agree otherwise, the Publisher will send the customer an invoice without undue delay after publishing the advertisement or promotional insert, usually within 7 days from the publishing. The invoice will be payable within 14 days from the day the advertisement is published. The Publisher can also send the customer, on his request, a document on the publishing of the advertisement or promotional insert, along with the invoice. b)The Publisher can also send the customer, on his request, a document on the publishing of the advertisement or promotional insert, along with the invoice. Depending on the nature or advertisement or promotional inserts and extent of the order priority previews are provided for print pages containing the ad in PDF format by e-mail. If because of the nature of the advertisement it is not possible to send such a document, or if both the publisher and the client agree, it is possible to provide clippings, copies of pages or complete issues. If it is not possible to obtain these documents, the customer receives a confirmation on the publishing of the advertisement or promotional insert. c)In the event of a default on payment, the customer shall pay default interest, in the amount established by the applicable legal regulations, on the outstanding amount, for each day of default, and the costs related to the collection of the invoiced amounts or partial payments. In the event of a default in payment, the Publisher may refuse to carry out any further performance, including performance under a framework agreement, or make the performance conditional upon a reasonable advance payment. d)Should the customer not specify the exact size of the advertisement, thereby leaving this decision to the Publisher, the customer shall be charged based on the actually-published size of the advertisement, according to the type of advertisement. e)In cases where the customer (especially advertising and media agencies) is ordering advertising for the purposes of third parties, the volumes of the advertisements for these parties cannot be compounded for the purpose of specifying a provided discount level. f)The Publisher reserves the right to specify other prices for special issues than those given in the currently valid Advertising Rates. g)Special Advertising Rates are specified for printing non-commercial and line advertisements. The judgement as to whether an advertisement is of a commercial character lies with the Publisher. h)Should the order not be realised for reasons for which neither the Publisher nor the customer bear responsibility, and it is not possible to publish the advertisement or promotional insert on a different date, the customer shall only be obliged to pay the Publisher the expenses connected with the order that the Publisher demonstrably incurred up to that time. i)Any overpayments (amounts) up to 100 CZK paid to the publisher for realisation of advertisement are not sent back to the customer's account - they are payable to the customer at the cash desk at the publisher's headquarters. Financial means sent to the publisher's account for which the publisher does not obtain an order within a period of three months are forfeited to the publisher. 7. Complaints - substitute performance a)In the event of an entirely or partially illegible, incorrect, or incomplete printing of the advertisement for which he is not to be blamed, the customer shall be entitled to a discount from the price, or to the publishing of a flawless substitute advertisement, but only to the extent to which the intent of the advertisement was damaged. The customer is obliged to claim this right from the Publisher in writing within 2 weeks from the date the advertisement was published, otherwise it expires. The Publisher has the right to choose between the options specified in the first sentence. Should the Publisher not publish the substitute advertisement without undue delay, or should the substitute advertisement be repeatedly flawed, then the customer shall have a right to a discount from the price. The approach is similar in the case of promotional inserts. b)When publishing repeatedly occurring advertisements or promotional inserts, the customer is obliged to inspect them immediately after each publication, for their completeness and correctness. The Publisher shall not recognize a claim to a free publication of a substitute advertisement or for a discount, if the same flaw appeared during the repeated publication, without the Publisher being directly notified of this flaw immediately, no later than 3 days after the previous publication. c)In the event that flaws should arise during the typesetting, printing, or insertion that are the customer‘s fault and were not obviously discernable during the acceptance of the order, the customer has no right to a discount or free publication of the substitute advertisement. d)The Publisher has the right, without the customer’s prior approval, to modify the materials for the publication of the advertisement, such that they are in accordance with the technical specifications for submitting materials, which make up part of the current Advertising Rates. The right to make a claim does not apply to the differences between the delivered materials and the published advertisement that occurred as a result of these modifications. e)Revision is only provided on the customer’s explicit request. The customer is responsible for the correctness and completeness of the revision that it has sent back to the Publisher. The Publisher shall take into consideration any revisions of which it has been notified during the fixed period. In case of line advertising the text stated in the order confirmed by the customer is considered the approved proof. f)Only foreseeable and demonstrated damages will be covered should the customer assert a claim for damages in connection with the Publisher‘s faulty publication. The maximal extent of foreseeable and demonstrated damages shall be the level of the price for publishing the advertisement or promotional insert. g)The customer understands that the Publisher is not responsible for deviations in the size of the printed advertisement ranging up to 0.5 % of the requested size occurring as a result of the technological approach used during the production of the periodical. The Publisher is also not responsible for any technological error during the printing of the advertisement that results in defects in 0.5 % of the copies of a specific advertisement, or in a missing insert to the extent of 1 % of the ordered number of inserts. Flaws in the fulfilment in the extent specified in this article are not considered to be faulty fulfilment and are not subject to damage claims. The customer is aware that should it deliver the materials for printing the advertisement to the Publisher after the deadline, and the Publisher does not refuse the publication, it shall not be entitled to launch a complaint. h)The customer is aware that the Publisher has the right to establish and change press run of titles published by him.In the case of a decrease or increase in press run compared to the expected amount the Publisher will inform the customer without undue delay, this fact however is not considered a defect in performance and does not give claim to complaint, even in the case when given the number of promotional insert items supplied insertion is not possible for the entire print load. 8. Protection of personal data and other data a)The customer and Publisher undertake to protect, against abuse, all the information that they provide to each other in connection with the realisation of orders. b)By concluding an agreement on the publishing of an advertisement the advertising customer agrees to the Publisher being entitled to process, as the administrator, the personal data provided by the customer, including the person’s first name, surname, telephone number, address, and any other contact information provided by the customer, and information on the advertisement ordered by the customer and about received or unrealized payments of the Customer. This data is processed for the purpose of publishing the advertisement and offering business and services by the Publisher, all for a period of 10 years from the acceptance of the advertisement order. The customer is entitled to withdraw this approval at any time. The withdrawal of the approval shall not prejudice the right of the Publisher to process the personal information to the extent specified by law. The customer has a right to access his/her/its personal data. 9. Resolving Disputes Should a dispute arise between the parties in connection with the conclusion of an agreement for the publishing of an advertisement, such as must be resolved in a court of law, the Publisher and customer agree that the court of competent jurisdiction shall be that having territorial jurisdiction over the Publisher’s registered office. 10. Changes in general business terms The Publisher will inform the customers that have a framework agreement with the Publisher, pursuant to Section 4 of these General Business Terms and Conditions, of any changes to these General Business Terms and Conditions or the currently valid Advertising Rates, at least one month before these changes come into effect. Should the Publisher not adhere to this deadline, orders made after the change to the General Business Terms and Conditions or Advertising Rates shall be subject to the original General Business Terms and Conditions or Advertising Rates for one month after a notification of this change has been made. If there is no notice about change in General Conditions or the Price List, the advertising orders will follow the original General Terms or Price List for three months from the effective date of new Terms and Conditions or the new Price List. 27 Advertisement Representation Prague Komunardů 1584/42 170 00 Prague 7 Phone: 225 977 478 - 481 Fax: 225 977 473 Advertisement RepresentationÚstí nad Labem Mírové náměstí 37 400 01 Ústí nad Labem Phone: 477 011 777 Fax: 477 011 778 Advertisement RepresentationBrno Šilingrovo náměstí 257/3 602 00 Brno Phone: 515 500 772 Fax: 515 500 776 Advertisement RepresentationOstrava Čs. legií 1364/20 701 00 Ostrava Phone: 596 668 334 Fax: 596 668 338 2011