epifany of the lord january 4, 2014 epifanía del señor 4 de enero 2014
epifany of the lord january 4, 2014 epifanía del señor 4 de enero 2014
EPIFANY OF THE LORD EPIFANÍA DEL SEÑOR J ANUARY 4 , 2 0 1 4 4 DE ENERO 20 14 E PIPHANY OF THE L ORD JANUARY 4, 2014 A tradition of Epiphany invokes the Magi’s blessing upon the household that hosts the party. Guests typically read a brief, responsive liturgy that includes the biblical account of the Magi’s visit and then “chalk the door” with a series of marks. The markings include letters, numbers, and crosses in a pattern like this: 20 † C † M † B † 14 The numbers correspond to the calendar year (20 and 14, for instance, for the year 2014); the crosses stand for Christ; and the letters have a two-fold significance: C, M, and B are the initials for the traditional names of the Magi (Caspar, Melchior, and Balthasar), but they are also an abbreviation of the Latin blessing, Christus mansionem benedicat, which means, “May Christ bless this house.” I have copied a format for this prayer that you can do together as a family at home to celebrate Epiphany. Peace be with this house and all who dwell in it, and peace to all who enter here. In keeping the feast of Epiphany, we celebrate the Magi’s search for the infant king, the Christ child’s appearing to the world, and the peace and hospitality shared between the Magi and the Holy Family. Let us hear again the Magi’s story: In the time of King Herod, after Jesus was born in Bethlehem of Judea, wise men from the East came to Jerusalem, asking, “Where is the child who has been born king of the Jews? For we observed his star at its rising, and have come to pay him homage.” When King Herod heard this, he was frightened, and all Jerusalem with him; and calling together all the chief priests and scribes of the people, he inquired of them where the Messiah was to be born. They told him, “In Bethlehem of Judea; for so it has been written by the prophet: ‘And you, Bethlehem, in the land of Judah, are by no means least among the rulers of Judah; for from you shall come a ruler who is to shepherd my people Israel.’” Then Herod secretly called for the wise men and learned from them the exact time when the star had appeared. Then he sent them to Bethlehem, saying, “Go and search diligently for the child; and when you have found him, bring me word so that I may also go and pay him homage.” When they had heard the king, they set out; and there, ahead of them, went the star that they had seen at its rising, until it stopped over the place where the child was. When they saw that the star had stopped, they were overwhelmed with joy. On entering the house, they saw the child with Mary his mother; and they knelt down and paid him homage. Then, opening their treasure chests, they offered him gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh. And having been warned in a dream not to return to Herod, they left for their own country by another road. This is the word of the Lord. Thanks be to God. (Participants now take turns using the chalk to make part of the Magi’s blessing on the inside lintel of the front door: ) May this home in the coming year be a place where Christ is pleased to dwell. May all our homes share the peace and hospitality of Christ which is revealed in the fragile flesh of an infant. Amen. Fr. Christopher Plant, Pastor LA EPIFANÍA DEL SEÑOR 4 DE ENERO DEL 2015 Una tradición de la Epifanía invoca la bendición de los Reyes Magos en el hogar que tendra la fiesta. Los huéspedes suelen leer una breve liturgia de respuesta que incluye el relato bíblico de la visita de los Reyes Magos y luego "tiza la puerta" con una serie de marcas. Las marcas incluyen letras, números y cruces en un patrón de esta manera: 20 † C † M † B†14 Los números corresponden al año presente (20 y 14, por ejemplo, para el año 2014); las cruces representan a Cristo; y las letras tienen un significado doble: C, M y B son las iniciales de los nombres tradicionales de los Reyes Magos (Melchor, Gaspar y Baltasar), pero también son una abreviatura de la bendición en Latin, que son: Christus mansionem benedicat lo que significa, "que Cristo bendiga esta casa." He copiado un formato para esta oración que se puede hacer juntos como una familia en su casa para celebrar la Epifanía. Comiencen cantando un estribillo de una canción conocida de Navidad ("¿Que Niño es Este?", "Venid Fieles Todos" o "De Tierra Lejana") Líder: El Señor esté con vosotros; TODOS: Y con tu Espíritu. Líder: íQue Cristo habite en esta casa y conceda paz a todos sus habitantes! TODOS: íY todos los que entran en ella! Líder: Oremos. Oh Dios, que una vez usó una estrella para guiar los sabios y a todas las personas de buena voluntad a su Hijo. Que la luz de Cristo nos guíe a reconocerlo en las epifanías de cada día de nuestras vidas. Al cruzar este umbral cada día para trabajar, estudiar o jugar recordarnos nuestro verdadero propósito – de amar a su gente, hacer su voluntad y llevar a otros hacia ti, como lo hicieron los sabios de la antigüedad. Que todos los que entran aquí encuentren su amable hospitalidad en nuestra compañía y que todos los que habitan aquí Te busquen en el rostro de cada invitado. TODOS: Cristo Bendice esta Casa. Invite a cada persona presente a marcar el camino de la puerta con la tiza. (Proporcione una escalera de mano o ofrezca asistencia a los miembros jóvenes de la familia, ya que es especialmente importante el incluirlas en esta manera.) Si es posible, concluyan cantando otra canción ("¿Que Niño es Este?", "Venid y Adoremos" o "De Tierra Lejana") Líder: Que Cristo habite con nosotros, que nos guarde de todo mal y nos haga uno de mente y de corazón, ahora y por siempre Te pedimos por esta y todas las cosas buenas en el nombre de su hijo, Jesucristo. TODOS: ¡Ven, Señor Jesús, en nuestros hogares y en los corazones y permanece con nosotros ahora y siempre. Padre Christopher Plant E PIPHANY OF THE L ORD JANUARY 4, 2014 Transportation will be provided from Resurrection to Prince of Peace and back. The bus will begin to board at 3pm, and depart at 3:30pm on Saturday, January 10. Return: They will start loading people at 8:00 pm and as soon as all are in the bus they will bring everyone back. LA EPIFANÍA DEL SEÑOR M ASS I NTENTIONS ♦ I NTENCIONES Saturday, 5:30 pm † † 7:30 pm † † Sunday, 7:30 am † 9:00 am † † 11:00 am † † 12:30 pm † † Tuesday, 8:30 am Wednesday, 6:30 pm † † Thursday, 8:30am † † 4 DE M ISA January 3: Alfred Galaviz Rudy F. Castro Quintina Vargas Amelia Salazar January 4: Epifany of the Lord Bishop Michael Olsen Antonio Martinez David Parrish Charlene Parrish Phillip P. Reyna Ignacio Pena Rosa Ochoa Carmen Mandujano January 6: St. André Bessette Ms. Stankavich Steve Sarnowski January 7: Edubijes Cantu Simona Castro January 8: Sergio D. Garcia Dr. Thomas Nguyen † - Deceased PRAYERS FOR THE SICK / ORACIONES POR LOS ENFERMOS Martin Benitez, Mary T. Rodriguez, Lydia Rodriguez, Eva Reyes, Ernest Mercado, Alberto Chavarria, Leticia Williams, Rose Martinez, Minerva Mejia, Felix Rivera, Eva Flores, Reuben Flores, Cecilia Yargo, Gina Hernandez. Names will be posted for three consecutive weeks once a year. Los nombres serán publicados durante tres BAPTISM CLASSES CLASES P RE- BAUTISMALES Next Baptism Classes: Wednesday, Jan. 14 & 21 7:00 pm—8:30 pm Admin Building –2nd Floor Both classes are required. Please register at the church office. Please do not bring children to class. Thank you. Próximas Clases Pre-Bautismales: MARTES, ENERO 13 Y 20 6:15pm-8:30pm Lugar: 1/13/14 - Middle School Building—RM 206 Lugar: 1/20/14 - Edificio Administrativo—2nd Piso Debe registrarse con anticipación en la oficina. Para mayor información llame al 713-675-5333. Se les pide no traer a los niños a la clase. Gracias. DE ENERO DEL 2015 THIS WEEK AT RESURRECTION ESTA SEMANA EN LA RESURRECCIÓN Monday, January 5: 7:30am C.C..……….………………………………..…..Rectory 6:00pm Rosary…………………………………………...Church Tuesday, January 6: 8:30am Mass (English)………………....………………...Church 6:30pm HS Youth Group…………………………………...Gym 6:45pm Choir Practice……………………………………Church 7:00pm Hispanic Ministry……………………………….Rectory 8:00pm A.A……………………………………………...Rectory Wednesday, January 7: 9:30am Legion of Mary……………….………………....Rectory 5pm-6:15pm Confessions………………………………...Church 6:00pm Rosario…………………..…..…………………..Church 6:30pm Mass (Spanish)…..………………………..……..Church 6:30pm Knight of Columbus……………………………......Gym 7:00pm Grupo de Oración………………………………..Church Thursday, January 8: 8:30am Mass.………......…………………………………Church 6:30pm Middle School Youth Ministry…………………….Gym 7:00pm A.A……………………………………………...Rectory Friday, January 9: 10:00am Legion of Mary (Spanish)…………………......Rectory Saturday, January 10: All Day Private Event...................................................Gym 4:30pm-5:15pm Confessions………….……..…………...Church 5:30pm Vigil Mass (English)…………………...…….….Church 6:30-7:15pm Confessions…………….…...…...………....Church 7:30pm Vigil Mass (Spanish)……….…………………....Church Sunday, January 11: All Day School Event……………………………………...GYM All Day School Event………………………...…Admin Building 7:30am Mass (English)…………..………………..……..Church 9:00am Mass (Spanish)…………..….…………..…….…Church 11:00am Mass (English)……………..………………..…Church 12:30pm Mass (Spanish)…………………………………Churc Legion of Mary / Legión de María The Legion of Mary meets every Wednesday at 9:30 am in the rectory conference room. La Legión de María en español Legion de Maria – Español se reúne todos los viernes a las 10:00 am en el cuarto de conferencias en la rectoría. Para mayor información llamarle a María Martínez 713-6720933. JANUARY 4, 2014 E PIPHANY OF THE L ORD J OB O PENING AT R ESURRECTION H I G H & M ID D L E S C H O O L Y O U T H G R O U P Therewillbenoprogramminguntil westartbackupagainthesecond weekofJanuarywithhighschool youthgrouponTuesdayJan.6thand middleschoolyouthgroupThursday Jan.8th. HaveablessedChristmasandaHappy NewYear!BriƩany & MaƩ Resurrection Catholic Community is seeking a Pastoral Associate. The Pastoral Associate of Resurrection Catholic Community has the opportunity to work as the chief assistant to the Pastor in nurturing and inspiring the people of this community, especially its leading volunteers and staff. The Pastoral Associate serves in the following ways: • Participates and coordinates the liturgical life of the parish • Assists as an Ex-Officio member of the Pastoral Council • Leadership development of lay leaders and teams • The areas of responsibility may include: Evangelization and Service; Worship and Spirituality; Parish Outreach; Organization and Administration; Marriage Preparation and Annulment Work BUSINESS ADVERSTING - PUBLICIDAD DE NEGOCIO Interested in advertising on back of the bulletin? Call Rose Ann Mendiola at 832-630-0280 Estas interesado en publicitar en la parte posterior del boletín? Those who apply for this position must possess the following qualities: Manifests a deep faith in God; Witnesses to a spirituality of communion; committed to engage the gifts of all of the baptized for the Mission of the Church; possesses leadership ability; takes initiative; manifests a hospitable attitude; possesses a sense of humor; is compassionate. Habla con Rose Ann Mendiola at 832-630-0280 They should possess administrative and organizational skills; committed to ongoing formation and education; involved in spiritual direction, annual retreats, and other ongoing formation opportunities. Their academic competence should be reflected by the possession of an Associate’s Degree or higher. They must be fluent in English. Fluency in Spanish is recommended but not required. Every Wednesday from 9:00 am—5:00 pm To apply for this position or to find out more, please contact the parish office: Father Christopher Plant Resurrection Catholic Community 915 Zoe Street Houston, Texas 77020 713-675-5333 www. rcchouston.org CONFESSIONES/CONFESIONES Wednesday Spanish: 5-6pm Saturday English: 4:30-5:15pm Spanish: 6:30pm-7:15pm Todos los miércoles de 9:00 am — 5:00 pm Bulletin Deadline: Monday 10:00 am Email announcements to: [email protected] ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS (A.A.) Meets weekly on Tuesdays and Thursdays in the rectory conference room. Tuesdays at 8pm and Thursdays at 7pm. 713-703-8360. G RUPO DE O RACION El grupo de oración se reúne todos los miércoles después de la Misa de 6:30pm en la iglesia. B IENVENIDOS FELIGRESES NUEVOS Bienvenido a la Comunidad Católica de la Resurrección! Si a usted le gustaría ser miembro de la Resurrección por favor comuníquese a la oficina al 713-675-5333. Si usted no es católico pero interesado saber sobre el catolicismo comuníquese con Carmen Valdez al 713-675-0350. LA EPIFANÍA DEL SEÑOR O U R L A D Y OF G U A D A L U P E — C A N D L E S T A N D N UESTRA S EÑORA DE G UADALUPE— C ANDELABRO Light a votive candle for your special prayer intention. Minimum suggested donation of $2.00 Enciende una vela votiva por su oración especial a su intención . Donación mínima sugerida de $2.00 4 DE ENERO DEL 2015 www.r c c h o u s t o n . o r g 915 Zoe St, Houston, TX 77020 713-675-5333 ● Fax 713-673-3605 Parish Office Hours: Closed Saturday-Monday Tuesday - 9:30am-4:30 pm Wednesday-Friday 8:00am—4:30 pm Office of Evangelization & Catechesis: Carmen Valdez 713-675-0350 Weekday English Mass: 8:30am on Tuesday & Thursday FREE THROW C HAMPIONSHIP Contest Announcement Local K of C to Sponsor Youth Free Throw Championship All boys and girls ages 9 to 14 are invited to participate in the local level of competition for the Knights of Columbus Free Throw Championship. The local competition will be held Sunday, January 18th at 2 p.m. in the Resurrection Gym – 915 Zoe Street Houston, TX 77020. The Knights of Columbus Free Throw Championship is sponsored annually, with winners progressing through local, district, and state competitions. International champions are announced by the K of C headquarters based on scores from the statelevel competitions. All boys and girls will compete in their respective age and gender divisions. Since its beginning in 1972, over 2.5 million youths have participated in the contest. All contestants on the local level are recognized for their participation. Participants are required to furnish proof of age and written parental consent. For entry forms or additional information contact: (Erica Gillette at 713-628-4402 or Email: [email protected]). Weekday Spanish Mass: 6:30pm on Wednesday & Friday* *La Divina Providencia In Honor of Our Blessed Virgin Mary 1st Saturday: 8:30am Bilingual Mass Vigil Mass (Saturday): 5:30pm (English) ● 7:30pm (Spanish) Sunday Mass: English: 7:30 am ● 11:00 am Spanish: 9:00 am ● 12:30 pm EUCHARISTIC ADORATION A DORACION AL S ANTISIMO Every Wednesday: 9:00 am - 5:00 pm CONFESSIONS Wednesday: 5:00 pm - 6:00 pm Saturday 4:30 pm -5:15 pm 6:30 pm -7:15 pm ROSARY Monday: 6:00 pm (English) Wednesday: 6:00 pm (Spanish) Misión La Divina Providencia 7913 Munn St. Houston, 77029 713-360-7173 Misa dominical en español: 9:00 am y 2:00 pm 6:30 pm los viernes
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