Will Cure Rheumatism - Rockaway Township Free Public Library
Will Cure Rheumatism - Rockaway Township Free Public Library
VOL. DOVER, MOKRIS COUNTY, NEW JERSEY, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 22, 1877. vm. T H E I R O N ERA Jiusiji«i8M C a r d s . l O B L U U D XTCBX 8*.f GMUkiT 1 1 tt. * . BUNNETT, SI, D , VEGETINE IS THE .VIMLii. NO 2 110,T JOE UKAKI-M-B. form ii) jjruct'BMon; give m o u cuuspiCL IMlililueriaIn that great hownhaa hcod ot tho OU»(JIUCI», JIJJIJ we'll njjrch aloug." .it now .vhi'ii this d incline prevails to Tho m'ati wasn't Mnliliig. H i t face ,vn limning eiU-nt Unimgbout thin city By the lont nf Marob tbo valley wa.i Little-paw Mu lUiin wbicb • Tbren klnpa CBIHO rliliiw from fir atrar. \a\c ; liifi <>,vcs lind uu unxioiia lonk. nm 'at flood of i lnuliiiiD ut Sooudu.v, soilnty, itml ie bringing sorrow t o BO clour of s IOW, und greoa graaa, variogat. 'lL-imir m l ami'iriiid l i a l t i u r ; Tlio thnupunds wlio have vihitod Y<» it wus pl;iiu ciidu^li llnit lio ronlizoJ tli< k' ijouM-lioiilh, un#ything thnt will ed with tinwiirs, took it, ty sliauff and i nnly toon \ o n-lic IOIII out oftliB Lint were tL.'J, EDITOR I»D PaOBIElOIt. Sir. kvaexaCtoamn, tho wfltl-known drugit.; in tbe S|>riugund Bummer can form can of hia | ut hoar on nui-tli. Tb< PinfSICIAN & 8UUGB0N, toujili-ale tht> Bcouryt! should he u tliuj IntTcllcil bjr u.ulit auit tlicj'ilopt bj il place. Warm wealber followed. On into tbe boso of the block topped moui: lot and apotbettir?, al Hprinrrvalo, MHIEO, Offloo en Horrii Strmt neir Blaakwoll. IwtftiflTlrKBtrpnunt troubiid with Itlkeur Uiolr Ruldo wai a Ccmtllul. wouJvrful it ta i( a fnint icten of ifa njipcuraticc ilun'np April 10th the thermometer marked 78 C iuiu in scared of m'lver. procession ir-.a formed nnd Joo laatchm lined—at Ivast ttieth Ahuudnu pbyai-' Cor. Blackwell & Warren Sts, latlim lo try VtOETIKE. • T H U M B U P RvmcniPTion o Winter. Lutu In September ur early Uut the motintaiu peaks ware covered « HUH f,"ivun t h e world n niinple euro i,V fur tin- trpi> atuti'iidilv us a soldier We were not in luck, nnd, tliougli rnch (Oppomte Doior Cflnk,) ! Oclol.or Ibe Bicrriis nre .ilockcil ' fur t'ue ailment—cmo which it iaosacrtcd puuHte. HIM 1:IIIO» nml f . t t wiv an wns n'"°niy aud (libwuruged, tliiTo long time, and the snow wan so deep in MVEU.N.J., i»w, .mil ttio vntloy'iR eiitofTfionicoin- tlio jocky tiails tbnt visitors did uut was uo excune for niunler. Wo bm) TALE, Ux.,Oal.,iiaili, 1870. vtr f..ilM. Eti tlutcB Una should vmt ? \ but 1,8 \m li^ltcil Itcsiili* tbe olir Diieuiei or Women and CfcilOreD, and of the Uue Year,. -.' T - I , V - ; . - • ' , - . «-_;-K. uiiieiiliott witlt tlieouHtla tvurlil, LQHI ' : E j t and E a t Bprclaltlci. , • : inty of yditr fumil.v b e iittmlked witli th Vornnl Fulls and Glucier Point an- mtided togullier t o sliupo and tttiuro ...iceayw ago lasl h i l l wa OQce Honn,: 7 t«i U A. M.,1 <u 3 and 7 to B P . M, ikim nek trltti riiiuiniititiiii, Han uunblu t at tbo firdt tourist arriv.id early in il the cud of tho mouth., As tbe drifts like, an J if fortune smiled on one. nil IJ]|)II(1KTIII. if,, not ho ubraiL'd, aeitia iii'ntJ, lie bind : IOTO uuhl tlio.ucxt April. Ftum Hint tim ipril by wuy of HiU's Cove. Ou thiv ii the Siorrns melted the Merced rosp roultl receive bciieQlH. nttl ttirttt Tt)»r(i «RO tills Tall I auRitred uverj BuyH, tie my nrniB hdiiiul toy bacli, dr.Uy titid H|)L'f>dily anted without a «IooJioB vlth rhoumstlsni. BumutluiL-B HILT. :in»! ri.iy a party, of Poiitiflylviiu FUIIP P . bUlTR. i ir. " Whi-u it was nigiug in England rniiidly, and the great fall of the Ouo uight, whon tho J a / n toil of fifty, mil after you lift uio tip, tin my font torontd lie week*at ajitiw tint 1 ooutJ not atop irc.ed tliulr wuy iu viii tlio river truil, ite appeared in all .t-s glory. TourisUi sevon men yielded an estimulo of on gpthor. I t you luake u bituijle uf tlm, few ye,\rs iifjo," buys lie/'Iavcompaii>ni> mrp; thma attaokn wore qnlto often, I SMITH \ IVJECIE, i Inrbaui llki1 blumuiuliid aliumid t r e t , ! iulTk;rC(i uver/tliinff tliat a mail could, liver ut no \vugoiw i.ornbgea appunrcd until ieil Dr. Fiiftd ou hid round to .viiueys . PHl'SICI.lS and i SUIIGiiON, were awed by duy, nud lulled to HIBOJI by SO, S -HI-R, uu ymi'll get a bail uuuiu utl tliroiiffU I Liu (ho ntinurs cursed nuil no yeti-fl »co liHf aprftiK I comnKneed IH' tbp tUrce kiupa ride Into (he wen, IIGU WTOU litter. Tlio first fmnnln vii i a t n i g l i t Tbo tiukliug of sheep belli felt like striking eneb othc VEGKTINE.ml f.'lb'.,f,l it up liulll 1 Ii: .lie SO-C.II!R.. 'ivi'iuTorful uitrtia'Ite perWo woi D O V E B i N. J. en atven tottlcn; tnve bud no rlit'iiinnt.Biii Tliruiluli tlic dusk o r illHUt uvtr lillli end iltlla, J or wim n Mrs. Jir|isfii!, of Brooklyn, K -Aiul liimulliiiA tiirjr aGtlilutl whb bcird olt lirfDatt. is nguin Lonnl near Litmnn'it orehnnl, ihort of proviBioiiK^ new timls wcro i When J-.L- Ntoud on Ibo b:irn-l, tliu .-•• Iliat time. I alivuyn advise oxcry BWOKWEli KTBISET, " lhatlsiroubleawitli rjiQimntlHtn totrj'J ily ntiu'ly fifty jrars old. .During » mnUmci talked. • • tlioy i»u«ril to rent, id tbo clucking hou wus HDOQ with her ;d, and fbe tnon turnetl in for tlie i no(H(Miroui]d his lift!I:, Ilieuiuu full b.ick ro|i|iii)^oii nil aidtin. 'Ihu reined^-, to and not HUITCT for .vitam »« I bare c ... Wilt. lUo peoBle tliOf met al tliu wiyildo »dl«, miversution nilli tlie wife cf u formei Sjiring chickens. •titement Ii cratuitnttR B» fir as Mr. Storekeeper Harrin ifith a drferuiiautiinj to strike fur i a little. Ho looked frutn muu tu muii f HJ iMjiitl, miiHt bo Himple, All be ' n« Is cuacerooti. Jonm, c l c . itel j>roprietor, who spoilt two Winters cnngbt his first fish—a sucker—but from other locality if tho next dny'a woili wtlh tleudy eye, g Of Ilic clillc) tbat la born," u l ' l Ilnlliur, tl up ut tlie limb. juk wit It lii IU wus ]>ovijer of sulphur and .J OI1N P. 8TICKLB, l IIKHIIIB, I iiray yun, tell ua tbo vam. ia tbe v;ill<y, tbo' writer bus gleaocJ thut time ou trout ran up tlio stream, ithould exbibit like barren roBults. DJ over ttie buidu of the me i quill, mid ivitb t\wnt; he curca every then" l ronijc BOHOOLS ntvy intercatingitioidouts. nd.tbnuka to the Iurlinn, were hid he [»iii tbo gtcoii piuirie. Tliu einl, )atiui]>, witliuut rxcLjitiuu, Ho p u t a At midnight thore was a grunt a idbavurldditufi rlddf u Car, ouKTj 1 B.T Oct: 1 tbe tdnriata hnd all left, and 'ore the guests at the buteis. As the :t was not un Indian uttaok, ufl eacli ; AND . • : . . . : ' ToBudindtr r.blt>tIiuKlu tor the Jew*. iu hud m U l thn tsm^ witb million uuapuonfuJ uf tinur of brimstone iuto a ie loteln wcro oU»cd. The Atiddlo hor- loat aiivae out of the ground tiugo rocki miuer anticipated wlicu bo ruuhed out of sparking jewels, A Kcoicof atitulupi OBot o » OEO. niOBAIlOS 4 Co.'l 8T0HE, IUASTKU IN C H A N C U U V , i ponjilt) iiiBwcred i "Yun ask tn vain ; vino glass of water uti<t stirred it witb es, over t h r o bimdrrd iu numbci'. bad wore iityttwhed Sromc)iBna mite higbaud mt a borriblo taurder bni3 been com- wore trotting along a mile unuy ; tjreu w w ot no k\og but Usrod lb» H«aH" lis (lugi'r. itiHt(?iid ot it sjioon, as thosulHAS ENTIRELY CURED SHS. :brj tUonulit LIIB wlao IUCII wtro uitm IIUBIIB, on Heiit to Big Oak Flat und 011 toward camo thundL'ritig tlown tbe sides of tbe jittod. and tbe uiuidoiBi? cuptui >re sailing lowurd Ibe It ickiut >bur doiu uut readily amulgutnate with PnaclalofllR *„ IlOiTOK, October, 1B70. tliij ipurnd tliulr boiaoB BCIUU lbs iilalu mora. where tboy were wiatoreii. Twc til ley. So nn morons were they a t one by one oftbOBontinelB. A miner nuinad with lazy win^t; the flowers never seism L% llll.l'J M. rn.-H.ttVBrsrci»^ • • '• • like tIJcti ID b«*ta wlio caunut wilt. ivutcr. Wbou tlie Hiiljihur waa weiltniiJ. J. VREELAND, .Dttiu.Ba:—Mj-ri»pBht(fr, »rtor IUVIIIR t (ore ktllcO by Ktizzlien wliilo workiuQ mo that the onttso was laEJ to "au other udHU thick iitid beuuiilul an then. JoHoph Hivuii',but hardly kbowu ill caul] 3d ho gnvo it its a gargle,- nud in t e a •onro mack ofwhcMJpluK CUURU, *»• ]<.•» in MOSES BlkNCHAED, f it tho iluijgproufl'tmil known ns tbo Iu< nrtlni'ioko in T r i &tcable Ktitoorhuilln. Heine wvimtl t>v a »y any olber nurac tbnn -'Joe," occuFor H mitinto wu nil looked umilh intes the patient waa cut of daucrer. j rod the drvut, wbo bid Urard tlili tiling, Mend ata'trlod Uin Vcgeliaii, and slier UHTDR no Cuuuti. The guides i>l] tUmppaareil, ocl for lie whs men •adqumtluacd tb«nt, Aauccountot a Winter spent iu Yolied it tent in company with nn oh) umn snril, nnii Iberc wm mnnQtlnug iu l)u mxtr-uc kiJJa every wpocies of Sungns $ Tew boltloi wm fully iWorod to hetltli. . Jobbing promptly attended to. . o MA8TEB IK CHANCKHY, •1 only ton people rcmuinoil, throe la- cinite would not be comploto without iamnd Arnold, Tbo two were on good d i '-aa <l°Vn Into lluthlthcm Ihivrhcon Kjtreat nitTuror from Itlioiimti•iuiou lliiui soHeued every ht'iirt. a mitti. bcjist. nnd jilunt, in a tow miu- U >tlp|l IUD ttdlngaof ILIt tiow king." Um. I liaro lrfcn«ofit«t IIOMIM of tlio VoKD O \ E B , N. J . DH, six white men, and tin Iudinn, For lelftiling tho uOvouturtu. of tbo well- terms, buf while Arnold hml aixiu. 8300 Sbopi on BtMCKTYELL St., ucxi to Oafle Iuf tcitj of Bpitliug out the gurgle, ^V . Ino for tbis complnint, •nd am liappr lo snr Wbou wo looked up at J o e again, wt nd tin atore. 11>M entirely onreil hip,,. I liaro recommend* . I l i t a ) ' . liimbur.lll. : omliB Uicro biid.bodo no ruin, anil tho nowu AJrs. Yelvorton- Tito story in 'n gold coin, ticquircO in other Offii* *i»cr A. Wlaliton'. tboj toite «w*j-1 and tbo Htnr atoud 'till, lardly know him. All t b e hard 10 rocontraoDdpJ tha mvi.llo.viug of it, ; lMfs'.t • - ' B l u r ' " ' idthoTunotino'tootlioritwllii tlio simp K ~ « oulf uu« lu the (pay of morn i . Contrwta taken, and material fuinLhod. alloy wos vary Ouety. Tlio grivsa, In told by tbo wita of u uilllloualro largely ions. Swain hadn't a dollar tmtwide of lines bad melteil out o M m fnco, bii ill*. It ii a great oleinper nnil purJfioi II utopjieJ, It SIDIHJ itlll of Iti owp free will 11 fitrcicu casuti iu which Lo Iitid been >er, retiiiiictl its frefilmcss, nud flit.;!r(jg iutcreated in tiio celoUrak'd ifn^niiintl & "ood-.t ttpbMUit ' -* ' FCI fund, Tlio gold voa bur% / T A I I f f l O N H O t l S U . ' •>•••' ' . were full of teura, aud tiioro \V»H a iVcd iu font lu the uh-k at timo, whero ulljr rtmtnond it. loep bolta w e r a l i W d i n ]«>or I,iimi Efy mine. Tho Eugliab Indy wna B iod iu the earth uudcr the \,c<\ a nhidi iob in hi* thront, aa he lurncJ nud * Corner or Blackwoli and Biu.ei Hta, ie fitugus WUB too nearly rloaiug to al•oluird. "Lumon.yon will wuieinber," biir in ed Lliat tCtin Bjient Uireo mouths i int got tua Ilia ttren klus* rwlo tbruiiult tits gito »ui t tbe two slept, ami Kwaiu euuld >» tbe gurgliiip, b e blew tbe milphiir j BUEUMATISM Is a DISEASE bf the HLOOD. "id tha Indy, " WUH the first nctllor in Sb lit it by night without nrouning his "Jluu't blame me, boys—it is my luat Jloujjb u qtiill iuto tho thrust, and uftT)ie blood In tli!» dlsa&sa is found lo con- Tlirunub Uioillsut alrnot, till tUnlr Unra a tun, Tie^viiltey. Ho "dial »boat two yeurs ho valley. Sbu went lo Oloud'a R»st, anion. Hail \\e Beonred it during tbo tain an excess of rmam. VEOETINS ncte by ook ou eirUi | Nowdoyour duty I" iljfhtd ai thor cutnred the urcit Inn ytr<l; i-the fungus had Bbrimlt to allow'of it, no Luke, aud alltnbcd to every igo.'and never Hpnnt a night awn? froth i id Jobbing, ' onvertiug toe tlood from it« discftsod con- ut Ilia window word «|medpitid Ike ilourt «r< Mot n mail UIUTUJ—uot a man could ben (he gargling. fiortei and CarrUges to Lai. • Ifo never (oat a pojultit of intcroHt Slit* know the traits as liy and nitide off ue wouiil Invo been foaemito aftur btjhad enteroJ i t . " ] dition to a healthy oirculnttnn. VZOETINK UrttJ, LUIE, PLASTEH AND CEMENT, pvcrhaulcd vury ti.uiokly, an'l his |mn move. ient from riipbthoria. If a patient'banoll as tbngmdas, nnd frequently mndo regul&toa the IHIWDIB whlcli la very important Tfo ftiiow full ip,tl)u vAUpy liufure Ijior Fiiralibod at iliort notice. f sbmeutnothiug less than banging. I t nf T. LK i thin ooaplttint- •- Oae battlo of Veuetlne Anil ouij • llflUt in the atalile burued. Tukiug a swift gluuo'e ovor t h e j ml gnrgle, U k u a liV3 cool, put it ou a rpmbor, Olnnd's Ilest, Muiint Dunn, ing etcuraions UIODO. I t was {jetting fn-o.u'jJfr.'"JliB IrotiKta.OIllco,": D fli givetnilpf, bnt to pffort a pemonnont nd crartltd thore (n lha gooated hay, iould bo no more E f be added inmilor to 1 and another up tbo iDonuluin side, Joe 'el, und HpriuUle a apAmtal or twotud Uonnt Starr , Eiuff «tood bcyoud louglato iu Bttptembcr. thu ncnaoti of rolt tnunt be talon rcKulftriy and tuny i tint air nude iwoot b j tlio brvalli of kius, tbe robbory, and that night, wlion wo all softly said : "God forgivo me that I i j l i m r of btimKtono at a time apou i t ; hem liUu grim seiitricn with wbilo hel- ionns ,u tho fiiorrau, alien alio resolved k TQral bottles, ettpccMly In awe at • litDctbllJ Ju IbdiEiijgcr Jaj— tolt BO bitter ngniitBt luok, aud ivbeu vta uot n better iqnii W.8. «t.E, P. DeCAMP, UElBBoldbyaitd innBtandins. V VEUETUElBBoldbyaitdrug i" it tho Buffcrer iiiimle it, and the fungus vblld that would be Kluu uuo da; ots, aud sent a fait flow of water over ) depart, via Inspiration Point, intendAND MASTER INOHANCERX, , lntfl. Try it, and your Twdict wiU bo tlio partners felt BO muoh IJkoutrtklug ouoh f a kingdom uut huuuiu, Uui diri:... ' He full forward offtbobarrel, hia owii vill die. If plentifully used, tbo whole 1 Ie Vorim) und Nevndu FullH, Uut not, a g to pass the night a t Clark's. Ju tho Offlo* in the National Unlta JUnk Dulidln^ NEGOTIATORS Si. PROSPECTORS iroo M thnt of Utouaands before you, v itlier, Joo Swnio murdered t b e man 'xecntioucr, und uo man dared look up room may b e ill led almost to suffocation; irop fell from tbo Jii[) of tho Ricnt Tioa- morning hpr liorse was ut the donr , " I never found eo mnoh relief asfi Bit mtcUfuu boilde l i b plaua cf r«>t, A Si., DOVEB, H. J vbo had dono tho most for Mm. Holtilil tlie bmly hung limii and Hfolesi. lor.Iron OreB^ait4 uBfliof ,YE<mrNE," wblch is composed ilnabed " aud bridled. Forsomo rcabopitiicnt a m walk about in it, inballito, Tlio liim\of tliis wontlurhil waIQ the ereu How or Ilia breath, lDBivelj of BsrkB, Hoots and Herbs. Joo bud WL-ukuiKul, uud tbose who huJ ug tbe fnmeH, witb doors and wiiulowa itlieguiJo was lute. Knowing tho aa gettliiR away with'lbe gold wbun ho ; ur tbeji$ ur life aud tlie tvstti TiiH tviiH plitlnty' markt'd nptui tlio ruck A. OIU.EN, was baited, and though he in ado a Bbarji ot on bis "gaino" bti'1 lost. Yet, when ui- In li :mit to tho Fuiul. slo dashed off without tut. "Onr townsman, Wm. I I , Sowilen, ' ,000 lcet high, i t looker! as though <u, VtJGEflNBJ,". wja B BoHton pbyaSuIau, P. O. at BOONTON, N. J.; 'linn no equal an n blood purifier. Heai-iiifc uiting, having word for him to follow. tight fur liberty l,n was t1i><l lumd nuJ '0 talked it ovor in low voices ut the i(\., i**w yoarB sinoe lost a child b y . ' l« fiel ; iimonso tnr-barrol bad beeu bumod in Furnishing Undertaker lot within five minotea alter tbe Brut itinp fire, wo agreed tbat hmvo .TOD'S be disease, and a few wtieka ago his . sf its maViy wonilcrful curea, aftor all other iiq circulnr biusln bulow, and the lueo of Nearly uu bom- went by before tlio guide remedipi hw) foiled, I visited the tnb oratory ilarm. LICENSED AUCTIONEER AKD CbUMIfijravu.Ht net uf life timo wosshowu wheu inly othor, a little' girl aged.'about 0 lifi groat nxk bud been btnekauod by its vim iu the saddle. Four hours ofterind oonVlnsed niysetf of its fion.iiue mcrii SlONEIl OF DEEDS,^ '' ^ " . ' ; t is prrniired f;om fmrkB, roota nnd JiorbH, Arnold wnsdend, atolibed in tbreo or .bo teudorueiis was allowed to creep Into 'ears, was ulso taken with t h e m a l u d j . !'', unnke. - T b i ludy siiys sbo viaiteJ the ard Ihc skios wore ovcmiBt, nnd a luriliBtiijrrli fur tUsboUy's burying. • cb of whkli Is highly cfftiuUve, nnd they availed bimBolf of the above remedy/ ' /."' , All OTiIor» promptly ittaii'h'd to. , ur places, nnd tb» gold was found iu IIIH heart, atij his eyes to till .witb tcan. muJe by tbo fulling' water iu tho Us snow Bquull brolte over tho Sierras. 1 tbo mother wondered anil howed b«r be«3, a compounded in IUCII a miuiiier an to proi|it] roclt.' I t sedmed'lo bo fmin fifty to Much anxiety wan expressed concerning foe's belt. There mis no show {or tlie —when bo proved ta us that be bud n ind in about tlireo daya sncoesafally ._..--• • SuicKweu. BiBtrr, I. .*. t ..Dor" 1 . •"*• •*• Qd'tait m »llll a« • BUiuo ur stone | ico Astonishing results." h*»rt wiii iroublnj, yet Diimiurv^ - ^ ml.—Detroit Free Prett. >arcd tbo suffering little one,'plth'ougU '' irderor. Ho could not even plead iniIniudrcd feet deep and was jiurtly filled Mrs. Yolverton'g wifety, nnd i t m\n in I tbo ingel lutl aalk'' KOHOK MrClUCKKH, . ' : be case was a vbry bad o n e — J E T , . •. it It Hiitor cfeur M crystal. Uoaeutl. Iho creased when tbo guide returned alone pulsoor heat of passion. Indeed, ho HU and of UtTid'a Itironfl,' ~ UlKTlrAOTDftKB OF A .Ildiikcjrln Court. irfucn sbo Bi.w bouldcrti many Ions in Umg after iiigjitfiilf.' He told au alnrm- tvns uot (bo one to ficcli to nyoifl cxmsffr ,' N..T. ,t •'•.- P O R T NOTHTNG EQUAL I'O I ? , ' lion tttp tf n||i r<ide out or tlie tliy ii»le, On tlio arraigiiTno.it of tlio prisonors An leii'prtnle of Androw Jackson, ig story. H e lind tukcu He made a atntcincnt to ttie Qiglit ni)(] rouud'anirmrbios, WLoti tbo BotTB SlLBM,WaiB.,,Nov;Htbl 18Tfl. With tlin'iiU'tl'ijr uf booi/i in i>rin|U «rr»r f T*0n ili Ibo niiiutlpjl linos or .loimBfil VIICQ Andiow Jackson wan & young B. H; It. BTETKKS : iHib lu full pliyUHcy mo sent aVuuuun piil titHiipli Bpcod (Unt Uia Uonto van [iflVpt that ho had deliberately murdered ii tho Tomha Police 0<mrt yesterday J ' (Him Ken fork tit Urarrmol al LOWEI : lliej went uoi back lu Uviod tbe Krtit, * Of Enrr'DnMvtlali." DEAD BIBI—I havo boon troubled with tliuj Won- lil« iitkllue iud learca lili luie, >wu, but bud not scon the 1n<iy. After iud robbed tlie goud old inim, oud /id- inruing, & monkey approached, llm bar tan iittendicg; oourt a t , XtflgerarilU.' otind tbo hiigc atono busiu like1 bugnScrofula, Canker and Uvcr Coinplfliut for And mturuoj tu tliclr liniia-k lif anqllier v«r• Out. Blick.oll ind Ingan Hia,, novKHJ n. J . itlt the rest. He wore n scarlet coat, ?enn., be lived nt B hotel, fntuooa for a auow I'Cguti to fall ho thought lio was ledi Q lhi over did moBDygood Particalar attention paid to repairing and isa on iior, for (JO could noe tha fresh i t i Inm "Now, boys, thcro'a ao lisa in a great and a velvet cap triinmod with'gilt lace. ;ood obeer.' Ono day, as ho sat on the Mlotinf... : • ,'';,:>1> sut, a youbb camo blong dressed in ; . wccUingalong flr«t-rnle( and still usug oatpriiito of bar homo, Ho aLoutctl 'US3 over tbta matter. Put a guard uver IIo pulled hard.at tbo string by which An (bo BCison tlio Hiotrn Cison ntlvnnond ntlvnno iH t B Vegitine, Iconelftef tjjorp In uotliliig Mmuilliulll. ,' piuk of •fashlou, liis . eyes Bxod on . 1 igaln aud a^atn, lint, beard no answer. io, and tlio rest of you go buck to your n Italian hold him, and being led tn .OVBIl LABORATORV.'' '^ < tinl txi it for Btioh cnmplninU. Cat) t)e»rfd witb;suow, and awbitcourb A tita' but io MQumoull), and not jam lilu mcy, replying not t o t h o salatcn : ' ; iau be prcHscdliia jaded horse forward lo'cp, Ifou'll bang ,me, of course, utitl iiout ot the bonrli, climbed nimbly t o • recommoaa It to eTorvhody, 1 er tbe valley, Tito t was spread ! '''Vff'AlL ITSBBAN0I1E8AT.; | •tV '' railing that separates prisonors from rbicb i t was tbe custom of tbe tiniesfor yla.aj. »n:l A>>l,nii or >ll loialptloDi or ., Yours truly, ns rapidly its possible, but ihe tbiok taps morntujjcomeslBball bnve n IOi a lUro oroonunnjjt and a pltiitja ar«. ; bcop were ourra ud for tlie "Wintor, and Sfns. LIZZIE SI. PACKARD. ' \ tho presiding magiatralo.' Btoadjlng mgera to 'give each otbon At aglnnoo •••' ' ipuor.tielinad m i l « d r u n k » r i l , l i « i ^ . iiu applca tlanglotl from tbo of the plnos shul out tho light, and tbeqacsi to muk«, Islmu't try to got away, No. 18 Logrange St., South Balem, MOBS. iniaellon that perch by eucirclluff the ,. \ fWBSOU.1 MADE. '"•"•• Reach a Uud out to Honinouili, ulve Uoumoutb I ' orchard, h d 'll (nusiq i now Tell so lust tlmt Ibe tropks hxoamo aud J'm not going tolPpla,y the baby wlicii rou witb bis tail bo turned his wry face 'uokson saw t h e fop, and determined to fu intuoo's toari " " . , ' • • ; • llt.tcfclmge.irfU bo fiirnlilicdon application, >lay t b e purt ol Dotiifaee.vVHe wolcomodiutitiot, Ho wos ubtlgud to nllght to tho last hour comes. b iu tliooold 1. DIBlWniTB, i. Gad I wbat a ravaBa of «ln and rttfty | i ' toward Justice Flummer. chattered vol- e& Ibe silent stranger witb distinguish. 1 o: o: DIBlWniTB PBMTATi HOOM ,rnce thorn. Fiuully lie lost tliora aitoJoe Swain was known atnnng us a s a t last entirely it * wreck of iht youth once ta geulil nud e«}-1 • "..DovorMorria.ConntJ'M.J. g y cciiacd. jnther, and was oompolled to return; ibly, pulled oil life cap, and bowed with ed politeness, and the oompany^about ; B. STEVENS, Boston, Mass, ime man. He had fought Moxlcaus, h river, i Mi io fish xan Hoi'D the Mirror , EXTRACT.IM G, Lanterns were, procured, and a party [railed Iudiaas. nnd killed tbrco or four profound grarity. Thegraj hair brist tbe Bre made room ior b i m . ' ' B u t tiio tbabiail out to Monmanth, uivii Uu u mouth i and tUd Bridal Veil iko was fi «iETME i i BOLD ,BY .UL DBUQOIBTB. led thick on the top of bia bead, and lutomotou was not to Wwon/to eonvornickly apt out in ecaroli of tbe plunky fvbito ruffiaua wbo lind mado tkotnselyes '•iTiioil iiflti Inirl.'imny.'fiolmes'.HoloW 1 1 B ie faes wtis wriuklod, BO that he looked iatioa. ; H e ..walked ,dp ( auii. down tha. vuinan. Tu'e eky msB aa black OB a pall^ a" terror to certain looulUies,'. "Arni'eii op ptoiiiily WB niirmlnltej ountWuiu tils iclusod by tho BDOW that fell from tbe : ilontab iii'gly liko a very small and very ivTO additional charge for oxtnoting om Dontemplatlng his own firocea, and .. • 'bon tin cpuutrydfoiatided bla gl|"i*for lier r*iuol tnd they kept tltB trail with di$cuUy, with bisbowipknifoho would lavo beon Tj rtofflcotliitreluiorM. Wenonoi Lust Arrow, and tho North and South low fata Voice in the A ild man. ' • •csently exclaimed comniahdicgly :• , , dayligbt, liawaver, the utorm igletntlfulictBQtteetbJpr" ••.•.•.'•'•.;.•...;; A N D i " •' . . . match for any four of us, and Jt mas sat to llQtttaoatfi, a taaHiotd, I want copper. 1 - Supper was , -, I. and tboy went farwurd'with inWiiat ta firis?" JnBilce Pkmmor l wing to hia presenco tnoto tbun tbat of teatl untiiiel Honk, the Three Brothers, aod FIFTEEtM rjOL..L/ e iread and the stately youth devoured oroasod suoetl. Abuut 0 A. M. they beard asked. . . . . . . myorjeelfie that oar villidgo wns cot 1 loPleuuK, of Error tlmsUve, itliedrol Bpiro glitlored in the moonALL.' VvpKKl>VAiiiiA ., Then be resumed bis wall., a&Bwor' " "''"'• I O T V B B , N .J . ; . , 5 ; > tliejibrill ueigbing of n liorao, A cry of joy "A priaonur," replied Officer Hatton. 'ermtMtared bjr putlom that drag io tlie grave, troubled with, the roughs and gnmblere igbt liko turrets of silver, aud El Cnping 'not R word to the remarks ' of t h e LVI watchul bltn ilntt duapsr and fuler nacli rung through ttio pinea, Mra. Yolverton His namo is Jimmy Dilleo. I arrested who attached themselves to the otlrar i with iU yant ioy wall resomblod the roa. Hardware Btoro and »«r•.. . circle of lawyers and judges, and TFBS louni sitting1 on a hollow log, witb him for assaulting Mnry Shea." camps like leeohea, imoua winter Iialoot) of the Czar, leacti a hand cut ta Moo mouth, giro Uonmonth ron Bank.) '"• -«.'J. a*A'liMBi»r A^cM&c'tV' •': s bridle of bor lioruo wound round her "A monkey arrested for assault 1" t h e roctcson grew more and more w.mtkfal. / Munief.wpaaorimo that could not ho Mure snows fell. Tho mountain puss* 1B-J. . - . • • " ;' > • 'Litndlnrd, I want to go t o b e d l was the , \tm~. Her story wnB roamrkablo, JVw Emlilatod in, a" raining camp. Hnd it Coo late to wtlors him !—'(!• nuTer.tao Ut* were twenty feet deep, nutf bat slie \w\ |o.nt IICF way the day before Jimmy bliukod ltis eyos. showed bis next d e m a n d ; and ha added, I want a [o »trlMtor• loul drininB down to Iti fits. • been anything else a majority of the CUCCB were bidden from sight; Thn iom to. myBell,.' Jackson rcpreaenied lib tried to retrace ber Bteps. but want !ii beart U not dead | bplog t"lra but* ttorfi th '•.'" , ; j o H , V D i i t o M M E R t B ; • . ; - • men would have beon tn favor of letting :ccth, and bo<\ed a goad many time?, tufie domes were overoanped. nnd tail iat tbo bouBO was foil, nud tbere vr&B :lll Ziirtaer astray. Nervous will) exthough the proceeding, aa lio viewed Joo jump tho diggings and go uapwtiuealieot their.beada to the ground. g S t u b • bind cut ta Monmoutb, give Monmouth i loainglf) room fo be had,, the young lei- . ilement, eho beard tlie halloo of t' f i d iBhod. But vbea they looked ! • on tlie ,t tbe dend of night tbo winds orose.the tewl • s very fuuuy iudeod.' .ow w n s n o t t o be moved.. Jacknou din-' ' ;uide at a great distance, b u t had uo way • " W l i e r a . i a tlio complainant?" tbe white-faced and blood-stained corpse of &1]O,T trembled, nnd a Bound of unified m n l l r anaud bin, and neicr deipfie if nutiwering, -Tbe unuw foil no fast that ippeared, ' shortly bTKE;kj.,iotfliyVep>byChaii,^tsOB ( p p , y returned,, on_ brother in mlna, but help him to rlis. the good old man wlio t a d been liko a TuHtido asked, iuindor was boartl, I t wan an nvnlutiplio tbe eonld not sea tea J*cet, -Thinking tbo d haa completely "roooVatod and' rofur i h guoat's room was now ![ wa win, wbit a npture will be our reward, Mary Sliea stopped forward. 13he took ounoing tbat the father to all of tliem, eaoh heart hardenrom tbo groat South Dome..' A anuwy lfl!be4l-'jl,:.w>. as-to.,fiive.s6od andjumpia Instinct of the. borso would i "relievo her »or iloomouih tpila othtniwU will be lonl,. her forefinger out of a handkerchief and ready. Tbo two went but. .'of ttio front ed against tlie murdarer, aud eaoli man coommodflUona to both man and beast, 'ihe >H weighing Ihousandd of tons lind fal[ram trouble, she guve him u free ruiu, BAB will be supplied with the beat brauti;of dbowedd tbat it was lncorated; She Btiid door, all the company^ d 1 O.onO foot into the valley beluw. ^ " 1 ' "••' • • ' " • nnd bo wandered aimlessly through; Ui,e TJIQOOBS and BEOAIM. Donrd Trill'Mlfur- S * ? ^ . ' ' ^ hat sbo bo m* a neighbor: ef ...Jimmy i n theoofu cri ; EBA-DTATIONS,)he dreadful jarrinij awoke tbo Cnp of "" •'""• MEDICINES, ••• • • ' : •' : B 0 T E E , N . J . • , . : , : : ' • : ! . • / ulBliBd.by:lli6 day or week, on reasonable 'Joo Swain must br.ng for 1MB I" woods for huurs, Dropping tho ehurt Boltl alley, .that;; notorious adjunct of the cracks of which a light was sliloiug. ,;u\-r. l)orty,< and a second avulnoolie was Strong bntlor—A'billy goat. • The placa ha, Moo ontlrelj jullitalta > Heal Ttiero w a s t i o n o e j o f a trial, When nhrubhery. £[iglit vau tailing, uud tbere Mulberry street.; tbat kindly t t t b tsite i k i d l offered ffd .'There's your room,' uaid Jaelt8pn,v 'Do }$&'{. ecipituled upno'tbo plateau below No, a.aoDer;/.Th.ierJ.beBtbnnd>or ,(/* ; ' "Jooe, it ia cloven o'clock. Toll tlmt Vm up Inllin .tbo uto«n. r She BAW fl.huge id was brought o a t nftor breakfast ho him asrjoli of.'oandy; tbat be grabbed you mean to insult rae,air?.V r 'Np inaalfci: ~ " ! off its proBtrato pine. • I t was: boflQW, (iad Foreign and DomeirticSegarg anJtg mou to sUut t b e front dour from poin it all, sir, you vowed yoa.--wonM n o t V ' i . fl coDynned la MnEobtion'. witi tils it greedilyi jit^d b i | her liuger..; "Boys, I don't want any lass over this Houw^ Anlnritallon In oitended toiJlmy litu cout witb ngroau of l-oliof, and would tiflord shelter until morning. She Jimmy;8at pn "tho "tbo railing wit witliibiabead iloop ia a rcom with- any one, and d e r ' ; ~.'.''•', Jimmy sat 'on old friends and tha general pabUa Ui give s Royul.Arohsont an enormous slide tied her homo to a tree, wrapped berself :bing. I killed ihe old man;' and i t is m one' Bi3e, and couetantly taking GOD. EW.DC is ofton tnintiiken for -landed a room byyoarself. v",Therait- .'•;* i e » " « a i * - ' ; • - • • . • • • - • • • - • •;• • • • ' - * w ' Maine in Wfluliinetou, wufob is rongli in her shawls, and orent vitbin tbe hol- 'our dnty to swing me op to a limb. tha shore ot Uirror IAUO. iBir.' ' I y o w l will not sleopjthere,*-1 ' . . IIB cap find- putling i t on again, ,. T-V ^ - . ., >'.. A H D A L 1 , m Biflln© o r Uwiuy, wu've lorgottoo %p.':", '• .'-•I know what I was up to, and I knew I'd Aatnnrt Uinwfoiiowod. OJJ Toaeuitte low'log, • ' . ' ' ; . . . . . Baid tho dandy. 'B.y t h e - E t e r n a l / v o a / - : : though sncQcsaively iorsettiBg and liob, CARPENTEFi aiid;BUItDEB, bavo to itreloh a rope if I cuuliln't get oegan to roar, hut hli throat was quickly rememDering that bo was in' o court of shall i' exclaimed J&cksbn. ;aiia; g r i b - ;>.r..' 'harmaiteutlcal. Preparations. But BTIO could, not sloep. ^ Her past A Dutoliraan repealed tlie adage vWrds; [roKcn. Hia frout became a mass of away. ^ I don't deserve a kind word, •••- TABEBNAIXB H i l i , BOTOE, H; J j • biDg.tho yputb, he Bout him 'aijoiie t o i a ^ V .;ustioe. f R teatber flock * tOKether," tliusly : litterinp; icicles. Tboy resembled the ife danced boioro h'er eyes. Bho thought and I shun't look foV any aymuatby. v What do you think ought lo be done into the crib and looked Ui? door, . And"',V- ' PHYStOUHS AND DEAI*EH9 B U t P I J E D 'Birds mit one feder goes mlt deinliipcs of a ponderous orgiiu, a u l were of ber tea years' etruggleforihe name of Tlio request I wanHo make ia thut j o u there he staid all .nigti^j-and-Jti..thV'.-V V* lives." « .. i with Jimmy ?",asked Justi n [rota an inch to a quarter of a milo long. wife, with all its attendnat agony and dis won't bBBff mo till eon sot, I know It's morning bo WAS releaaed. breakfustleas''•'•':._';>. "Mr. Smitli, is jour onutainer Brown, Way/Bir/ijMrt. Slieanusvewd, a of taind. dneaoone vritb her bruta bad to have one of these atHiIrs hanging by t h e impetnoas Jackson.'-This laft0 .v nan to be trunUMl ?"—" I kDow of no During the twohoprBiii.wli-iob tbe BUI, Pre.onptlonaciirolttllypr(ipit«a. None but t ever liefofe tier. He bad around camp all day, but yet i t ' won't Ihink^eonght to he looked u p . " t a b related by au aiiciont lady ol llog--'; ••HUS DOTOS n.ta at tlio bait qaallt; acl pn- me tuoro ao. Ho ia to bo trusted for imilod upon tlia vallev tn'o oolora ol the plead vritb her, and offered even half hia •fBut we can't imprison a monker, you make no gront differenao to you an .long ' •ainluw were reflected from the immonso ewvillo.. ' . • ) ' - v l v • •••-.: •. • . > •••. \"y 'rid iyoralbklo Ho Hulled Btalta P l a r a . - iver; hotioverpayu." fortune i£ B!)O would relinquish bar BUH. as you are working Fur almost, nothing. know. <;. Tour remedy is to bring a civil iptBia.orUienoBlipproToaformoh. . Tbo Bviunntiietio ' p ° o t o f Ibo Newark iurlsBS.*., Neyaila and.Yornal FalU bris••• fttroiibed, anA «*nlrMti UJtnn XonUt work. suit 'against iho owaer for tlnnxigea," '. .f. Bfirore (ho Court. • T; :_ <:\:f^ Joarior wont home from, tlio' 1ata*t led with aiivory'. fretwork, . and ,icy Hheretpatiii all proffers, -. His rago over* \ow,thea,ull h tavor of .waiting HI 'A (ill aiKttimtnl d":. ". ,' : \ • .Tliol«il«tW« i t « » J - J •'And ain't there any jiiBiice to bo had iahaand BpbolfUitlDni fur bnUdwR*,CoBtraot( Teased kindling wood inquest and wrote •dgGB jutted from Inspiration Fointand c t r a o b i a . 'With clenched fiatandteeth nonet to hang me, soy aye 1" TTncio Abe, what:does this tneau?'* :•-'; i«ty'branoh-(ir Ibo ; ; ! ' • . . ' ' • ' H I M aafl material.)fumuhDd. ?*••''•* igainst tbo miserable brute ? " be following parody : OBlced the oourt of en aged, colored gsu* , y.: 31 Oapitnn. Then camo n strong wind. he bitterly cursed- nor for marring hit lBaitoteett'' 1 - / '• "Ayo 1" shouted 'every man around " I don't knVw of any law that makes tleman who- limped out,aqd>looiod ' • • Timosnre so bnrd tbnt some ol'tlie :hej orosbeil cgainat the rouks like pistol pros'iieots lit, life, and, hoped that she i m . iDd"pTeiJ,Uiln([ MBBlly.found I n a iltag atorB ' • . . • • • • ' •• ; i monkey erimini.lly liable for biting." aroanA aa if he expected.toaoe ghosta. '•'.:",;,-;• Qoal gittfld orotora on t i n platform on-. ihots, und-were bnriod in the encrusted wonld dioa'tcrnble dentil, faraway from "Those opposed will say no I", WOMB that Ibey will loctoro tliis wintoi Mra. Shea was exceedingly indignant, ^ i ; >C^Hi DAtRYMPLE. " I pray to .God,1! " I t means dat I w in a , anon below. Again the feathery: flakes home" and friends, ' Not a voice was liaanf, , ., or chickens, tt»|>Iia and oordwood. and, as 4.10-wrapped her h a r t finger fn boBoremod,"that you,may never be al. camo down/ They were light and fleecy, replied Uncle Abe. "Iza'done ffjoe n "The ayes have it,' and I am t o b e [orri.(own, K. J . , Jane 71B., 1B77. • A mnn wbo IIOB beon nn'.imeternte and lay upon tbe topaof the modntittns owed,. tio.-priviligo ;Iutb8 b u o g a t anndown," ooctinned Joo. " I ber hand kerchief, she exclaimed : " I b i s de spout onless you' goes'Hght'on me." . . . _ o, . j . mokcr lor twenty yeara hns auildenlv is a nice couutry.Ior justice.,",~ OOHSCO THE i p E O H A N l i m O BEST PLEASES md iiorniaiiontly given np tbo pramica ike feathers. -With the flrat breath of hollow pine she knew sbo was faraway want to write half adozfla letters, sleep "XougottightIhar'V^';^ : ' : Dilleo. tb'owDRr of Jimmy-, aaid ,iha : ir BIS OUSTOIIEIIS' 18 ITE WHO STAYS i o knocked tbo asbea off ilia piiio iuto air odWe tlio'siioiF slidea. : Tbey begun from borne and friends.' Her husband's for two or three houra., and I bono j o n Waal, sort o'tight, b n t I knew who • the monkey was wildly fond of candy, eg of blnating powder. ; at noon, and-Install thirty minutes. I t iorrib.0 words ' muff in liar ears lot won't crowd in on me. Holcc^your tree, I was nil de timo, nh' I could'ioep d e ' ; and In his frantic delight'lmd uninton__ ivmagnificent eight. As they crasiihours, ant) aho thought.Blie wonld lose sidewalk like a,bbok.!V: J-'J>, : i . ; '/. : ".^ get your rope ready, and when the time Mark Twain soys tbat nothing! scema tionally bitten Mfl^;Shea. to plcnae aflyao much ns to. bo nlatakon e d ' o W ibovcliflB BO lloeoy and white, her BeueoB. Suddenly aba heard, a' comes I'll be on band." "You wore trying io.en.or a vacant invites' tha attention of tlie ladies to her " He in discharged/' Baid the Justice, ot a bnckleborry, nnd if it cau Id baked tbey iookedJikn water dashing over t b i scratching on tbe log. ' t h e scratching ;Ti'»»JuiiIriahia ataialnitie atorf'ultk building, they say, lha offleer thinks- .'l If Joe hud born a captive in tha baudi i a cake and palmed off on tbe unwary Jimmy glodfully tried .to climb up the Ua. was followed by,> heavy breathing. A of tbo Indians, and was to b^burnad al you meant t o atenl tbe 1 door-kriijba and , i a currant,, it die* liappy. ; ; inTTTVinVl " ' *"* gas flituro on ibo Justico'a deak, and to . JV\t ,^. ^ U ^ ^ Jab ^ V «au« .aav•. ^ « wild iinimal wus entering. Blio recog- tho stake a t snnilown,. every' rotn lead pipi9." . ' - ' ;' '-!.•'•1-'*J:/. . • ;: ' lit on tbe gluas globo. Then be reached ANow I p r k b o l e l proprietorndvertifl Twice during the TVinter were tbe n i z e d : t b o ; ' s c e n t ' I t waaa.ljear. I t ap t"ittiaiaau{jiaaa a«»U"»I " Fo' >le Xittwd, boss, b a t Oat ain't m y J tot a bir-keepec recently; nud bad mow BtorniB ushered ia with tbimder ironohed her BO.claao thatahefeltiUUot would have wagerod bis outfit thai to Bbako hatids with bis H o n o r : but, banging around " Strain would have tiiod game. I n ' (bis being repulsed, ho Boreamed Inud and stvle, no how. Izo been vlDiF remoTed . 11B marlot—the.oldeit n ivcr two tbouHund answers, ^Tulasiums >nd lightning.: High winds pravaHcd. 1 iicutti bnher'c.ieek. The crnol worda case, where he VOB to meet'a disgraceMoyamenBiug mos1 twenty yeurs now, 5j 7 •-- : .'Dover—to bit - • o oorroborato the report tbnt bnatlrcda loug like a hurrah, took qtT bin en] and dia ia do fust t i m e ! wos ever , .HQ r^1|.*B».|]aBa.Bfca a. * V*> ***•• — — • -—. . , *. f^ FBE8H HEKEOTIOlJa CpNSTAKTLr JB1NO it Yale'grndnntea are ont o£ o--•*--- Cbeir wailsVe^G board, b n t their breath o[ her huBbnnd Bgaip rang tn'lier «an t and ful death at tbe bands of men' wlio bad scvoral times in a seODtit], aud bawod so ;N.E;W,,B,UIC.DJNQ; WUB felt lightly in the valley. " O n c e , " sbo gave bereelf ,up; for lost • ? n t the Hlaal- I.'members -. ! . « . : , . „ .. • , . : . . . - , | « A L 1 E : - • " ' • ' - t worked and fougkt besido him '•' foi low that bis feet slipped from the railing V.t jotcA of wautin'to 6 lte n e u t . • •• • i , - . ' • 1 remnrku the lady, " I wiw all the water bear proved more merciful (ban her AMitwanltoo paper bns tbis t moatlis, mostof tho minors thongbtlio'i and bo liung by liia .tail. Hia owne of bein* aroun dat bouse, b a t loss what carrieil • oloar Rhovo the peak'on tbe left sworn protector. pptnonnl item : "Those wbo kur Finding the-log al- take the noose without the quiver of fur I can't say. I Bpects.I.waa drunker carried biin out of tbo ronm.^-iS'u*., of Yosemito Pull. I t was a tempest. ruady tBQanted.bebauketl out with prelid Mr. Wilson, ol tbis pluce, pel d a n l ' l o w e d to bo. Doon'. b e bard o n will rQgrot t o hour tbat bo was OBsaulted Tbo auow was curried up the taca of tbo cij)iute T.asto nnd Bought other quartern, muHole, but tbere wore two or thrco n-b the olo n a n , .boss, koae dU\wks a faaid. THOMiSBIHGIlTj In a bratal matiner'*laat week, but wan mountain liUoBtcftro, an(l tbo spires of A Beautiful Hon-e M.nlc Into Kludlln ; whetber'^hrougb Inftr ^or autoDiBhment winter on ua p o ' folks,-an*, faa'jess : not killed." 'Be is a brave man, but when b e Cathedral Book nnd tha Three Brothers nbe oould t o t say. , Momentarily Bh „», . • UUBA0E, 'Warranted alwaja to n'C'are:to be_ fcn^d.i .'.;. WQDDPORt"iBORRISCp,' MfH"pieken' up flesh a little now." • • • ' ' •' Utica'a baunted hobBe was oot up.in My uon, would you suppose tbe moaned in the gala like n great JEolean takeshis last look around he will weakiku'etota-int!i«8™'»'P" l t l " l M 1 : •• awaited bis return. When day brok 5 io OINOIKNAII HAMS, Lord'B Proyer ooild he onttrarcdin a " W e have tbe nkcbinexy t o ' s a w y o t t to kindling wood last Fridity. I t waa en." ,' • V .. oratjjiaana Btaiiinnieolii a«4w--. iorp.'V Atanotbertime thu apray ot tbi and be camo nut, ehe crept out into the i« beil In the nlarknt, Wa m k e a <poclaUl BDt>:e no iurRor tban the area of a nickel in t w o i n fonrBBCOnas,"-; '- .•• \ --..-- • •, rotten aboil on railroad land, anr Before the day wns fonr hours olt f IIUIBIT all oar own iaeat, ana tlioroforo knr- cent?" "Well, yes, ratlier, if a cent is all drenched the hotel aver" a mile away ' OHEAFEBTHAK ATilK!O^HBBSTOIffi pv and thanked God for preserving " I know you bus, boss, b u t I object-;r was nnoocupied, nave wlioa snooks were MtttiforOioboal. i l l a i i l i o f . . . : there wasastranffo wager botwoon twc : as Wff in everybody's tyre-ns.it is in rotting tbe Indian to tbo'skin, & e u ., ' ,' ~*.:.:iH HOBBIB COUSXXC ' i ''" her. Hbe found ber bone secure, aud to ntofce ol onr men. I t was rifia agaf dst rifle thai skylarking over tbe Boors. Last sum- to do oporalion. l i e . willing, voiiw. I '..hhik tberp would be no diffl- ,uoppn sawmill bad to stop worktt VZICtSVASXiZIISr Heated herself on the log,' satisSod tbat v , ; .L. -• •'. * mlty inputting iL on about four timi i ; i,'S'TJ'ir T ? U ! 2 show a •woman's hcarl mBr spirit luces were seen in the -win- promipes." • _ l e o v o . ••'' ' • { ; ' I ;..:/;.:/>'• [i ••' eplon hauaiui Mon.»a thoy'appcar in thi any further efforts to tlud her way would dows, and wben tbe thunders rolled, * "Will you promise n o t ' t o drink any ' " w a t a , and .ola al rcaBonajfe prtcoj. before be ewung olT. Wbon young McClicek reaa thatft'fnaTho bleto«l>»art"lprioai paid in oaah, Tbe moonlight nights' WerefihnrUb n tIJrovt tbo lightning flushes disclosed blood- more liqnor for a year." . •. tory for ranking buttor from tollow br Tbo doomed mat) wna loft to ltimBe! 1 Yolverlon was conducted back to wonderful. la.thc clear/.tmospher^ t i e curdling mnlorinliziiUoQ in tho wretched •'Sartin 1 will." • • • ' . . . Sirs. " h o KBjVet. Onatoraera aappHi^ by w«uui pecn Gtartcd in n nofgliboriuR t o w n ! all day loug. A^tioog guard was pin glowing disc,Beomod;nearer tban tbe tlie valltiy, b u t left i t within Uireo days. cnement. The neighbors verc super"Tou mean that, d o you V" or' jlinlJDod,1WimBnli'ood,'atd 'their Mntn%l nTnbedaia,11inr,qaj.anll8Blnraaya. . . . marlohia loufllndy feel bad bj,oponly BnBKoatiufflhat.Bbo send her » butter11 bright domes,, Tlio duggy minareta and Dud spent tha "Winter Icoturlug in tlio etl around bis U n t , b u t no otto entered stitious nnd iu need of flro wood, and 17-ly' • '. " I jess do, suh,11 '•.',. . • •;*' it t o interrupt tlm work of hia lost hours, tbore and have i t converted/ before pinnacles BIIODO with it strange ligbt,ani] States. :ous[)iraoy waa formed l o destroy thi "Well, tbon yon cmn go. , 1 iball i n placing it on tbe table foi dnty. Tho oorpso of his victim was buried a t throw gigantio Hbadows acrosstho^nllev. munled boiiso. T b e bolder spin itraot ail tho officers to keep.'an eyo o a Master Charlie, aged tour years, was the foot of tuo lone treo on which J o e A MassnchnsoLtfl man Jost bis lintumer. I b e pale gfinltt.gs.af thjiioioloiji not ploooed on being w p t w d by his oroaeoil tho threshold witli axes aw yon, and tbo flrnt iimo you crook your He gave one of tho boys n-Boand tliraalimotlier for Some misouieTous pmnk, and was to swing, and w the six men carry- batchots, and .soon there was a howlinf elbow yon will bo hash for m y mill." cd tbo boli'oidoi? of'BlioSU^^nVetii in it for laBing it. Not long utter the i ATTOBNEXS 4 00UHSEUi0BS.iT showed bis disploasura in hifl.face, whon Ing the body passed near bis tout tho mob nt tboir lieoK T h e doors wore "Bo same, sab—de name ; an4 uow Izo father found tbo musing hammer where the light ot tl)Q ta\\ moon emali *•<- mother reinntUod : "Why. Charlie, murderer oamo out and stood witb unbo had left i t " Never mind.^soid he BIOS parties wore fonSed. The liidiea i a astonished to ecu you making fncea taken down, tho window eills pulled gwino up home an' boe in de garden an' Ul .Cor. Blockwelitiiia,fiaHJiJt,S^«. t n i n n t o console tbe boy End his con' went around tbo ynlloy^p; snow shoca, at your mutber t" Charlie brigntonod covered bead t o show bis laspeet fcr out, and tbo staircase knocked to pie- ooioy liberty."—Phila. Paper,' tbo doad. He wrote five letters, drew kecne eonstanUy on h.nd tfi'e ffeehest pattern' and enjoyed tlie rarastght from diflvrcut np nl oneo and retorted.- "Why, I tried ces. Men, women nnd children, armed l l l l l n t j d " " and tancj snoda^nd ll pr" upftbrief will, ate n full rocal about mid, Inugh but my face slipped." ;lj)B rABTI0m»B9,AI>»BE8 af witb aledgo luimmurs, saws and batch* Iwo French Indira »ro canvjraiiiB ol poiutaof>baer«ilon. - Tho cold, dry A very little boy, utter giving nttornoon, and half an hour bqfore nun-• imUSEIlAOTpnESBHAKINO W011K tho atiulilioiB nnd Jcmcrils of tholrk lowl els, labored' together for tlirco boars, body a good night bias, fcueoled ... ____ ) 1 J 'ButIpBW, in« in tbe down bo waa ready. Before starting for toic sci. Snia one, »«li a l » ' » " '• intHe tiATEST'fiTYtES promliUy and motler'a side to finy bis. evening prayer* p , ''wW .'a iDin«lcr i when tlie autil at last tho timbers were torn asunDR one tliome tho treo ho said.: After I am gone yon t tl i diamiiDR hcrboantilal ojes, "IUavo norertoow. raadwiir. IT«W York c u r t ' !'. afaototUr. ThB ladles af.Sncoasiinna, der nnd tho chimney Ml with a crush. He repeated, " N o w ! lay m a down t a . ' tiio lalirwos IiUBhod created 'of his, recently, i "r hoi M tmjmoo nr))O»0IDre«lljpurIei!l. ]] find my-will.. Tho letters in tbon sleep," oto.t aad uoutiuued, " God blefls ' Ti'dnity ore inrlW lo call nod itamino A hundred bopgara Ecrntnblodfor,theprpn nnd muma, nad make them.good hflitHpanVisr yollod a man from I •» to ba forwarded coon as convenient. STOOit AMD PBI0E3; tbil allery, wbo was dreaming tbe haprafters, shingloa and broken timbers, OBristinns : Clad hleaa little Jammle and g p the gallery, wbo pinion, with a m i l " °» " » ' *™> ! fnjr'. tW. 'Winter onfl of the ladies .he i i r y * rame of py hour* nway in nn .mnginiiry*rameof This is aohabby old suit of ololbes to bo rben they toi^bed tbo ground, ami b a k e bim a good boy." His .mother . lip. . bauly^nrned by tbo explosion ol a euehro; I t is needless t o nay that bo hung in, b n t it's all I had, andlcoultln' added, "God blew everybody." At this A citizen «ho aw»™« " 1 1 went out en the next deal, buinc BsaiBlec go r o a n i borrowing. Haves you got th worm-eaten fire -wood was piled up.-ia last sentence b e v i a silent.- Hie motber : hetOBene lainp.- : A doctor wtii wanted. went every collnt In tho neighborhood. T b e repeated a seconi) timo and a third time; donnM 1"«1 » ' " B 0 ' • " » " ? • t o , " 1 , x one of t n e doaoom with a lull band As there van noaa In tbo valley, tbo men b.T b.T one of tn rope and tbo barrel ready ?" ' ' spirits vill now bnve to go torooat some- when lie mined his head, opened tMsSU-o., dny o oi hi. mil. !»J'T" te^Sdeteniinetl 16 foroa their way throngh o't clubs.'•., . mi . t beautifal ejoa, and said : ''Everybody "Yes, OTerytbihg is allieady," replietl where .else. ,tod : "John, bow many brothers ani the • Siorras.' By tho nao of Bno*r slices : • "Alcohol.will oleati silver," Yei, *l rofiutod :" b a t Bob, Taammi. . B o b droVned my. a voice. ^ r a have sistera have you got ?'* "Idoii't know, the lady was finally drawn; ont on a baud Cohol well atnok ,\o wUI oleaa out all the c a t t o - d a y . " , , . ; . ; • ' - . . ; • • ' . • ; ' • ' • ' The Pop* continues to improTe. SiwOTOil tlmboy ; Vlhiln'thoenboii sle3. On roachinB tbo Ooscides a t e mot •ilver yon ] M W t BBNJ.fI.VOGT/ Will Cure Rheumatism Head His Statement TOnNB'/p AT LAW, Counsellor at Law L.W. THURBER, ' DOTEE.'N. J. " RPOKAW4.Y.N.J. Carpenter and Builder,. IRA C.COOPEiR; DOVER, N..J. I. B. JOIXEY, proprietor. Mason, and puilder. C PASSAGE TICKlitS - RAM, & 's STORE, VEGhETINE Qarriages and,9l9igliSi D: OIIKSAN D MINEllALS "-'•' V-EQETINE Alleiv-Patoer & Son;;'. Carpenters " .:.. Builders. OLD ESTABLISHED STAND I , Jobbing promptly attended to.. SHAVING AND HAIR CUTTING (IQBRISTOWN.N.J. SUSSEX sf;R|EJTj DYE. STUFFS. M. 6VI; Searing BUILDERS, TOiljET ARTICLES • Jobbirig'iii General. Thel Old Reliable Market in NEW QUAETEBS1 MIYANDKNCYGPODS; . ESI3S^Kr,.W.,;o /AND VEGETABLES, i Irs. %k. TODD, MlUlncr and Dressmaker, SniWA, N. J., 'Wilson Sewingiiyiachine Go.,; FATHER'S •fflMEPY SSMl^S^ ber LuBhaud and was taken to Ban Frnu CISCO, THE THREE KINGS.. THE IKON ERA. iriiiH Hii'ltit>i Vfiir Sir. K. HI>U1 miuniiiiitiiiH lo il,Tii:f.VH), wlicii liitt N I I M jirtIn (.nfvr tu olilnin HUIIII]IB wiicn bin rfijnihi- DESJ H. VOUT, Editor and I'nip'r Saturday, Dec. jJ2d, IS77 "Nulsfor Bullionislslo Crack." Under Hie iibovc nnplmn tlio fi>1l< ing is fionttoufi, w i n d weyivebueui of tlie poinU it coutuinH, without agr ing witti t i e greeul-nck tbcurirti of tlie Writer: Tlie V. 8 . public debt was highest OP J n i y l . 18C6, being. 82.788,425,878, and lowest on Deccmhor 1, 1877 2,OiB,027,O(Vi, OUSTS Prui-uro j o u r Clint;,inns true. Nows bloom in Morrintomi the yi'ar round. it bin iil.uv, nU'i fiiriiinbtd errtiiltttU-H from 1'lis in-' • til'iLion ibcftuH IUUUT he |<:irtin reipiiriHB the atiuiipn fur n.te I'licMp i-trlilli'itl'^r! wt-ro not diitt'ii nl u u ; ttniv, li'ttviitu Hie iufrrpnee Ibnt th« [mrtii* A l'limlng KlnuuP-flia firing of Lire ri-ni.ledut K. Iml mi ii umllur ot fuet it liu*„..,.<!<rUii>L'il Unit tliuv ft-'TL- fiiyuy.-il in tblti vleinity l-y tntmpH. Cnii tin- " lJiiM lii(jl(. of SUMCX" near h i f h onnuj-h t o (netIt- Iho S u n ? I'irtil of wulllug for ttie Boontanpoi ti fuvor. Cir.-I, T E E D 0 V E E BANK! FROM Q-JH GRIN A-ILL " Ktlmwitl uiiidniKK," ( t o . o.l\i:i; Unrrison b,j,iu" t o »our ou Uie Prei DOVEH, N, J., Dee. 20th, 18T7 NOTICE. Tlie luiiniitl moetiuH of the Stock Lolders of io Dover Bunk for tlie election of Dirtiutom ill he held i» their buiiiuB room, on Tuesny the Hth day of January, 1H78. Tolls peu from 10 o'clock to 11 o'clock i. K. HOLIDAY GOODS KALK AT T t l E UMMv VAItU, NDERS. D. A. NICHOLAS. 00 TO 'Ibe jirecnL-inuN .-l.ili] now wrilcH to S n n U T Ii: (1) i.ll i i-i>iee» Brown in I M .uclue Ui iiiiiust i t . rity. liiinnets of evcrj- iiiiii^iuiii'lii niiitLTiitl me WILSON VATSOIT., nf Smith 40 Ilcckmun St. N. T-^.nillioiiiie, o *sno, Slii'tliiml nenl nnd of linod witli Kxhlv, c m ! from $700 Dry Goods Uox-l.lculrd llmuic^H or mctliutn dpj)ili np- flcial returnH the ltwniiat. Unv>» m *lu* ii-nr ou the front lirciiiHlis of tlie latent l',irfilth tins priWiug the MirrenoVr wnn 10 officers and 182 men killml, 45 oflice.8 Dt'conited canilles tout from fifty centH nud 1,207 moil wounduil. Tlit- Turks lost 4,000 killodaml wininiind; Ilin prison- itmco up to SJi/n puir, ucuordiug lo lciiglli, erH include 10 PUSIIHH, 128 HIOIT ofUcevn. lizoand deconitiou. 20.000 infantry, 1,200 cnvulry. Seventy HUU-N n l ril.iHHi, with tbe eiiiln fiuitslic-il itevcu cuniimiB were alan unpinred. Tut.1 vitb Uvwe-U of viirioiw kimls, nro men on Turks fouglit like lions untl Osumii PUHIIH, who Hiirrfjii'lerod unconditionalutlL>a nn.l oilie ly was allowed to retain hia sword. . l« Sixty bRttallicna attacked tlie Hut elans OE ViWnicmlny at Metclilm, nine id j f t lendH Iliis flPitriOU. miles Boutli of Kustcimk und Viiro re- D e c i i c s l l n n of lace, with brmul cuffs t o pulsed after seven houm fighting. Tlie nntiili, luiti intfiiiilpd t o b u vrorn cm IN! do of Turks say thut 3,000 Hiissians were kill- the hluevo nro cniniuu in vogue. ed. The Russians .IIIVO obtained a arm [•titlomcMK dru.'is i-unlx, fnn-k cnntH, er (outbold ou tlio llii.knn Passes. Ii Armenia the RiiBsiuns are taking Bte]>s :bi'v luivu lifon for • to aiirer comiuuuicatiiiu licU'ocu Ei rum unJ '[reliizond. - of luc r linen, o embroiders! w\ n M iuli genemi tine. (Jencml News. ciunbriv Iiiiviiig r e Int mo BiiiL'C tlio wnr.— Ex. A ufly-ynir Tliert) will Lc » gr«cd Spooling Mulct for Wo should judge wat, full, from tlio way it ncU'd lant Suturold wrtuau who ittirvcd t 30 Turkeys and 30 pairs of Chickens dentb in St. Lou IK. wan given n hniidnouic fuiunil b y b c r friemlB. Of t o n rue s h e a p predated it. u Kliiiqi yonni^flcr wlin biw nn eye I AT VUilTTl 6T1T1DH ON CHRISTMAS DAY, DECEMBER 25th, 1877. •ha lniK boon lyiuy to him all tbuxo j»n II are r mime [fully lliTlltd. ANTON BALDtJS. J[r. Uznl Canleld IN n enndidato for Con Morris Orphans' Court. ion riens Jtidgo of Warren County. Veil, OCTODEU TEUM, 1H77. liHHPiixnn fCL'ins to bo In tlio mnltcr of Dennifl Osbom. Exoct Lno Cnufiuld vnrk-ty. of Julia X. DielierKnn, decensud. ltule 1 HIIOIV tnuBo why thero uhouldnot bo a ~'~ The Democrat*! uf Ciilifurnta have olocted of landH. Jiu. T. Furley U. X. Seimtor. Cousidurin iow Farley linve lo conio bin niilesgo will Dennis Ofiborn, the Eiecntor of Julia A icieriimi, lito of tlio County of MoniH Ruiouiit to no small item. icuaHcd, having mnde and exhibited to tUfi OccnHionnlly wo lit1 or of n tmmp flhogeth Court, under oatb, U jUBt and true ntcouul uniiitud in n Lnni be In of tlio personal utitate and debh of wnid dnhfHpi[)D, but 6u«'h hiHlances are too infrc to(u«d, an fur M he Una been able to dincov" tbo Hftiiio, by which it uppcara tbnt tbo pi queut for thu public good. Ronnl estate of said di'tuawd Is iuiufficie iKHl liiifji^rie, i u tbo form ot fl It is not iirobablo tbnt the sympathy tbi to pay nil bur juiit debts, and Btatlug thut and cbeiiiiKctle!* for very y o u n g girls, :i>norally OIIBIH for tbe ttiunll dog in n Qyl mid docenHod died seiEod of lamb, tuwmcnk, hereditninonU nnil real ealata, rituite m tho PuriH fiUiLinn dvHtined to bteuiuo vury ,'ill lung prevent Uudc Bam from gmti] Oounty of Jlorrii., nnd prnying tho ind oi popnlnr in New York. tho l^jurt in tbo i-reintaa. Tbunlon. it Ii ie Lnmlmlic roditigoto, a tilicplo pnloMcFndJim cotiHtiks bimticlf witli tlia re ordered by the Court, llial nil iiereoun inter j n i i h a Rinull diiubl« rajiG o r Gurridt ol estcd in Ihe IUIKIH, U'uuiiieutri, liLTCditamoati ikctioii Unit tlio op urn torn who havoputu; u:iti-rhil of tlie gunueut !B tbo popnlui »ud rcol CBtflfo of Haid dt'conswl, do npptai ti job to miilio IIIH fire COK! him IIK n beforo Ibo J n d c s o f this Court, nt tbo Utitirt poKHitilu will get nil the Uru thu>- wi Houm in MorriHlown, on Mouday the 18th IP nrwtHt t h i n g In candle decoration it dny of February A. V. ISTB. and flhowcauso, nf IIOHI iiftcr nwliilo. to paint tlie caixllo entirely Illicit, and on ir any tlipy Imve, why BO much of tbo sal. The 1'orto of Turkey ban iHsucd n • ( , tciieinuutH, bereditamentH and re this giouuil to throw diwhe* o f g o l d i u b r u a-skiiig Intcn'cntion, nud BOjing Unit hotli .,,...o of said decpuficd Hhould not bo sold kt-n, lotigitudiitnl, horizontal o r dii will bo sufficient to pay bnr debt*. :ountricB bttvo fcught enough to E. E, WILLIH, flurrogol their honor. Which ia alwnyn tho opiuioi j i r g o l m ^ l o s n m l BIlies of mutnl nnd jot wur o u fiiHhlciii»llu cmtuiiicH made ivy dress fiibrictt, ouch as boiircttua, clmu, cuuul-,' h n i n u i d kuotteJ »ilk nud wool gnoili. MORRISTOWN. Witli.ft'nr a n d trcitiblini,' wo bide tbe t i n dny. of the bottom dog. AT THE HAT, CAP, PARKER'S FUR and GLOVE or u by liri.li SHOOTING MATCH! Tbo Po,ie> has granted n diapcri Ration authorising the mairiugo of tbe King o tipnin with tlie Princess Mercedes. Tho Philadelphia reraaMiont Exhilii tion in in debt 6275,000. Ita total receipts riocs Muy 10, havo bawn$lG7,800. General Huertii, luriaer Governor Q Sonorti, iBBuiil to ho in Muxieo with tw ttioiiHand American fllibustura preparing for an iu< The sum of 8144,992.18 was turned into the city (rfiaaury to Niw York Monday in settlement of "King" suits. The mocey same from Sweeny and Woodward. , Tbe laborers employed nn tlio Lncliin Canal, Camilla, numbcriiig about hvi thousand, struck on Monday. They want one dollar in place of ninety cents fl(ky. The*Virginia (Ner.) Enterprise snyi "lii tbe Consolidated Virginia office yesterday wo sow $600,001) worth of silver bricks, and outside aut a bepgnr. BotU wero types of Ncvudn—tbe latter tb more common typo." roil BIG A1TI0I SALE, HOLIDAY GOODS O. O. JENSEN, California is experiencing a heavy rail storm. A Georgia paper nslm the State Lngis luturo to tmsa n law m n k i i ^ t on oflcuu to giro tobacco to miuora."*""" HARD AND PALE BRICK COME TO THE Iu DOVEK, on stmsK niniET, near tbe epot every uUcrnoon nud tveuiug. andualfouinllM!! worth of flrnU;liinH Uiiiiui-tH ul Li.l nuil of volvtt nro cmiHiili-r- will bo in voguo. $737.aOS.81 reaf I tlio mnsl Klylish. U"u utu liii)--i>y to hiiitu tlutt Wf ui'ic in e DRY WOODS, SHAWLS, England's bulwark—bur |iublio dub UiulrciiSHl t.lnc-k Hw.-dif.li yl..v.-M nre vtr.v rot 1-iht weik when wti •.tnh'i. tbnt Uroudwo J» funded at 3 per pent, nnd IIPILI nt pojiiilaT for (lemi-loili't. CLOAKS, LADIES' SUITS, v,on nut imlirtt'il homo, tlm (iiraiiutii.fi interest lieiner ii Tim iii'ixt fii-bimnililn fur HIQIOH nre of 1JIIE8S O(I»DS, IlI.ANItETS, A good fitld upon which tlie oFpIrauU ft valu»Ufl in preveutina "liard times." bliicfc, whtiu or hilvi-r fm ftirn. MKEN GOODS, etc. All to bo Bold to tlie thu I'resiilfiicy tif thu Hcnnto m a y comnri F u r liniu^H nml fur bonUiiliK» T U liuving America, richer (inatcriully) tliau Etiflle at their own prices, l'rlvato anle ft ni'Ki) their dilfcrL-ucoe—CnuJleld. lftnd, ptiyn Imr and Cierumtiyfland 7 per lioura each forenoon, While tliio Mintber may be n nico ejiell ft Tlio Mil' of d«-mnilf>l CIWHULH nuil ciirfn ccut. for bottling its public debt, w! A. D. ItOiilKSON, ConiiRDL' tlie poor it ciuiuot be Hiiil t o lio liu ice o ir OhriritiniiK prt'sciits in oiiurmous. partly explains tlio ruiu of millions. Tbf fiiBliimiiitilc fur for the uuclt Iliin win- mnijoiiiijiit for HID ice giitlitrcrs. The greenback, or people's [inrty, neck r is tlie fur xtole hnrdored with lure. llatlu't folks belter Mop p r a y i n g f o r tlie by fluliatitiiting grt-Pii line tin for liutioim' BLACKWELL St., Dover, Ii. X Kiuldinsfd mill Janmiri! woven velvetd arc bank nuteti, and fumliug suid debt ol rjiilli'imiuiii till HUCII wnlnwngri a s IMorr ?(ilim_>il to biivu Lilly n tumjHiniry rei{>u. home—ill 3.C5 pcrceut. Bonds—saving ill Putei-Hon n-liro from dfficc ? ll.aiij-liMlii'M off,i-.liJiount..ito« n - j t r t t h i 50 millions iu interest, and having otli TL-uHmkdttrjtuu-ii Gnicntiitck Club hnve irii-^tti d ji-t iriiisiningn nud ciDbiniik'ricK. or 60 millions circulating licrciiistei.il «)' T-u- RVI'K.V riutt witb the jewel embedded fguiil/jiii fur niiotlit-r Itriii. Bonif puupl D Y E I N G AND OAHI'ET WEAV.WO, o( •d si low«t n t m . in Europe. To revive trade : Mnko labor aver do know u h e n they nre licked. •IBL'I ClntbliiKSiore. In denmud, uniting nil [uirLo of the ouuu Th.) fellow who never liuigbs uliould tcoji incut. try, aud giving jiroBpority to u cnwlicJ i fauingii iijipcir on ninny of the vny from t h o P r o I net ion utiUrtniumi people. Wliy this wlawiry to Europe ? •Ht clonks where n cjiiiet efTuct i s Tbo rovulmou of hiu imturo might kill Lii Will bullionisls crack tliond nuts ? Tho U. S. Bonnte is n o w full f o r t h e first bimud nt. THIS EASTEHN WAR.—AccnnUne to of- GREAT ATTRACTIONS 1OO9QO O ESTABLISHMENT Of AN ELEGANT AS iOItl'MJ3HT OF1 J. HAIRHOUSE, THE LARGEST STOCK CARRELL, &PEOTALL,Y SELBOTED FOR • JEWELER, Holiday Presents, h u ] t i » t rocclTod many IIDIT novcltioB for thti HOLIDAYS, lo which special flotillastion im It oil. In tdditioii t o my Jr.r^o utock of at Ihe popular DKV GOODS BTOKIi of " Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, M. H. DICKERSON, D OF WATCHES MORRISTOWN,N.J. 3NT. OT. ' JEWELEY, you will fluil o flno natortment or Stem-Winding and Stem' Setting Watches, (IN (JOLD AND SH.VK1L CASES,) FRENCH OLOOKS OF liLEOiMT DESIOrla. In F U K B we carry tbe largest aucr1. merit to bc found ibia aide of the city, an! nt oitj prioea. We keep every kind from the commonest set of children's fun to the finest set o l Sable, Bcal nnd Mink. If yon Intend buying don't fail to Intrpeot our Block. WanumofMtura otrn aniiAT SPEOIALTT XIS CLOAKS SILVER.WARE and VASES, Diamond Rings, of CLOAKS has been largely're Lockets % Charms, Our assortment planished and Is now more extensive than ever before. Gold Chains, nf all Joacriptlonn. Oul.l, La.llci Opera i Guard Chains. Seal, Cameo and Plain Onyx RINGS. Iiculud W tlopculorM and J itrrt furuUlicd ) ordur. Thu jiupular Boutimciu of ocouomy linn b( r-pl in vii'W, ami by rt'duotluu in labor u jau-rinl will onablo mo to ufrjr K coda nt nn idvuiitnRouuH priccH than ttor before. Comi LUJ HOO fur yourndr. WatclioH. Clocko Jornolry alanno *nd runalrud In tliobuat c lie and warranted. ENGRAVING NEATLY DONE. DOVHT, J u l y BtU, 1HTT. SHERIFF'S SALE j Climccry ol Sew Joraey.—PI. fa. for nnli OAEEELL'S. HDITIDLE POB JUST OPENJSD AN ELEGANT LINE OF LADIES SILK TIES and HANDKERCHIEFS CHRISTMAS PRESENTS ALIO i FULL LIMK OF SILVER PLATEIMVARE. FUR TRIMMINGS of'all kinfla and aell thom low. In I I ATS we deal IiABQELY. We buy from fint hands and anil olou. When you want a ntw t U h b t or cap j o u will find It at ANOTHER LARGE LOT OP OUB 50 Ct. 2 BUTTON KID GLOVES; WHICH AHi: A GBNUINE U Alt GAIN. ' An liumciiBe assortment or SADIES' mid CHILDREN'S In tbti &' partment we taka the lead as *e JUTO in connection with tbo store a FAOTORT IN T H E COUNTY. •where VA manufactnra nil Iclnds of OWJVU Bud retail thcia atwliolDBole prlcos. If you l i n e a difficult band (ofitcoma In and leare jour meaaura and we Till make you a pair ' i Ofiannery or Now J^rsey.-FI. fa. for ialo marifiRfld pretnlMii. Wlierelu L. fordba to order with no extra* obarRC, When v« tull you B BUCKSKIN GLOVE you u n Walter a, C £oeanVnd'Hri.Wa"wH.'jJ! B ' aro defendant!!. Itetnmable to Febror rely on It ai we get the dittos In tbe natanl Terra A. D. 1B7B. stato and bate them tanned, thereby romorNEIQHBOUB & 8MITB, Bol'ra, Y Hrlue or the above Hated writ of finr ing any doubt as t o their genulneneu. If faolan in my band*, I itu.ll axpoae for aa you want it I'ubllo Voiiduc, at Ibe United HUtes Hot nHorriatown,H'j.,on MONDAY, the Hth da] of JANUAUY nex A. D. m a , between tbe hours of 11M. and from Btook or made W measurement, call OD o'clock P. H., that fa to wy i t 3 'dock in tb ifttrnoon of mid day, all that eerlaJnlrao plecn or paroel of land and prcmlnei, iltual and lying In tbe tDtrtubl^ of Ituxbpry, Jn tl SHERIFF'S SALE! B Knit Jackets, Mitts, \ Kubias, Gloves, Skirts, Shawls, &c '• WHITE SHIRTS mortRBRUd nrurnUos, wlicroln Thu Mtnu Morris Coanty Surrogata's Offica OA3EVBUE5JL.T-.. The ilnTHCH of Ibe national cnpiUil Cm Sftvlnge ilauli of Duvtr, Nuw Jcrioy, aro eoro< NOVEJIIlEIt ITtli.tSTT. . piaiuaniR, and Obriln V. 11. 'caritig, IBKIK Ibo fact that the wife of Uio KJoridii So nut CM cinnlDi at a heap ot itonei on R rtHk W.Uoarlnc, AilminlntratorB of Juuuli Hu i tlio matter of Jolm D. PI or ion, Adtnl q lor UNDERWEAR, IK Ibo hiiiKlHnniGKt womaii in WiLsliin^ the uortli aide of Ihe road leading lo the roiling, d c o a i c d , Murlln V. B . Bearing, In jgtrator or Annie M. V\U«ont doecuod. Ku ienoo orPbilipShatter (boioR ttooia borne- K M I T J A C K E T S , cotton and mol, xquinHo KOIH of DUCIIORHO litce, conninlW. Heariug, Mary A. WUiteliPBd, Witlnim BEFORE TOXJ PUBOHASE YOUB iH nccoiintoil for by the fuel thul rujjato's Onlur to Mmlt CrudilurH. iteid of Caleb JODDIBRS) which rock being • bill bost. HECK WEkB. In all >t;lu Wh!U>licad, Hrrlba T . B u t c l n n l , Juue j of u res I on, which also forum a deep col- inftnative of Now Jvncy. NaiipUcnlinn ol tbo Rbnvo-nimcd Adml jornor of tb« landa of Caleb A. Llpplncott, »t Uululinnl, JncDli C. Bear I up, William Bunrii lar nronud tho neck, a BUHII, and piiir of deep iBtralor it IK ordoiod by the Surrogate tli ranninn theoce (1) ai tlio neeOla now DOIQI F . l n e n Collars, 1'liibb Storing, llargatot Peoi>lo now Login lo gn back to tho ilayn llargatot A A .. Smith, Smith, Olinrlv Olinrl id Admlnimntor glfu public notlco io fl F1liibblStoring, north four and one-lulf degrees e»it fourteen l QborKoPftienn, rKoPftienn, Cbsries C b s i e P. P Oaitc O cu(&, aro shown nt U'liding F. Btnllli, dltnm or tliu onUto or said doccdent to brli and ahty Units to a atone heap being of their fntlicm nud jilnco more conQdoncc Thnmiu J . Halsry ami Cuffs, D r a w e r a , l i Malthun ] . . ]t. ] TbcHO Beta nre to bo worn ovir tin rluliost in tha uliI-fuHbiunrd titocking tlinn in tbein tlictt- dcbtK, (lemnnds und clilnm *R»ln»t tL ir corner eflandfl owned by aild LJppinThnin«>n, ore defendant a. lleturaablo I efendant a. KRmi>, undiir oath, within nlno mouthi fror cott; (2} thense along hii line north BO Tent silk D&d-^Tol'ot dromes fur full di CALL, AND SEK ODIl F b r u j Tem A D. D ibTS. ibTS • D u u k s k l n Shirts, ' m, A. modern Trust Company, which has a nlig- lliinate,hysattinunp» cony.cT this oruei leran doRrsoi eaat fourtten chaloi attd vigb domi-aolr toltots, .' ^ MOBKII U ffitliin tweiity d»J« lieruiftor. iu llvw of It link! to i he»p of alotui, another oornor ions I'reaidont at itti bead. • • •'''. Breast Pruiectori, moit public In lUO tho ^uuiltpf Countyor n*W Llppincoirs Uuda ; (3) noatli ilx itgn IlltC places piaCCB in « . MorriH twain fc Lato udvlHca frum Turin sUlo Hint what tl n d olao lso nltlitn twoat DISPLAY. woit DfneteDn ebalna and twenty llnki to t When will the country prfins tary tin > f tuontlifi, nnd wltbfu tfiB tfiB Bald said tWOu o p o u n o w n MIKK, o called fur atoles will be very imptilnr centra or tha aforoiild road on L V. Soydei i by advorllHlns tbe eamo iu t h e laoN E m t 1» > fiKlm in mj hauilu, 1 uhml expose for «ak line; (1) muth elghly-nlne, and oao-bilfV me of iho DenBjiapvn nt tbU State, for tliu Banii a t 1»OU1B Vendua. at t h e TJnJiod atatci Hotel, thin winter.' ; : A fur Hole cousinta of n bund, old phrnBO, •' tho Btjucul of tlie dying porki Rru» weit fourteen obxlaa and seveDty-aevoti sad In faot anVtbliig that }a*-kapt Iifa <kaU 1B Murrfstown, N. J . , on biking tbe form b'fa prtcat'H slole. It IK heard iu the hnd 7" An indiguant public llnki W,th*plMt of beginoinp;. conUlning "", FoinlalJliB Eatablhhmont. CaUon MONDAY, tho 21H do? of JANUARY ptuned xonnd tbe ueck, and dencends iu a bcgiu« to think IhaL this unuitmt porker Ii or 6li*ll nccloct tooxliltiit liia' or h e r debt, £ ity.three and 70.100 acrei, mora" or lew. next, A. D . 1B78, between t h e boor* of 11 V . i[ueulcd through tbo sanctum long enough. nand ami claim within t b e iajd period or ni - Ibotame prerolMi deacrtbed ID a morM double baud to Ihe feet II In liued with dfi o'clock i v u . , that la t o tV l k nontlia, public nullco bulug siren as »rore««it •William H. Camp, of Cnmp & Oaborj sntiu offtflniG bright oolnr, such as flii Tbo cundidiitcfl for tho comity ofiloeH lo be IUCII t h s atternuun of said day, all those tracts c jcli creditor shall b 1me forever debarred dobsrrcd of of 111 rcoli of land and promises, licrelnafter pm wholesale grocers, of Newark, niio was ruby, Knpjibire bluo, turqucUo, blito octlun thamfar thprofor aRilnst aRiinst tbo t h e mid ttaid Ad Admit flllud by tho peoplci of Warren nuitfullnie >rr lii-r nctlun ifonlarly dtictibod, iltnalv, lyiuc aud buhii; iu .... ^_ aA A. true copy • »WA»rtfrom t\,« s n l tlie n r t l A h mlnotea. lalrator. snpponeed to be worth $200,000, died HttMw;nuil there nte doon nufln to mntob, .lriiiuly nnnmuiclng tliemsulvuu by tb< tLo towi.ilitp o( ititndolpti, i n tlio (Joiiulyol 6!M0w K. E . WILLIB, Surroffaltd, pennUesa and $25,000 iu debt Mr. Camp Morrb, aud HUtc or New lonoj, bounded and m. Tt iu not probable Ibal tho ofHuo wll wna struck by a tniiD nl the Centre atruet BoliWitbtbo Btolo, wbkii isfiMt^ucd with tlcBcrlhod a i fullovra: In Chancery of New Jersey. iuek tho niaia in lliut county fur HOIUO ytan tbreo ti(iwn of sain ribbuit, ami Bimilur boTHK F I I H T LOT bfglni at a aaiiaftafl bnih railroad depot two weeks ago last Satur,.,.. M0RBI8T0WN, National Union Bank. sUudluc on iho bank ol Mill Brook, below U To Henry S. Torboli, William 8 . n n n i n p ; o OOPIO. day night. Ho died on tbe followit ornament the cuffs ticnr the elbow. Tlio f m m (Vn 1B30) or rJnniutl Boarlni;, beinc t Audrnn J. Mlllxpnngh, Prodoriok J. CQUDII Dovra, K. J.'.Dec.Btb, 187 i Nor. 8ath, 1877. atole la made in nknnk, bearer anil otter, and day. jRlBulog torucr of land thai Jdlm Bcarim and Josse N . l\iAh>*. Two weeks ago Jones tacked on his kitcbon tn'flhancory of K»w Jeney^VCVt,'tot late o ELECTION. DATE A JW docuaied, purobasud ot Andrew Urlau! for IUifisinn priuceBses, iu mblu. For even- door tho following legend, " Tramps requirnortDaBed' promltei. Wherein Antkone: < Y virtus of t o ordor of Uio Contt of Cha Ninety bodies havoheen eav°d from r\MtK snimnl olentioii Tor tlilrlcon Dlrnetc lue (11 north tlilrlj-llTe d.-grei Zeekia complainant, «ad Eleaoor Dlanohsr eery ol New Jersoy, made o u the day i a i u t : thence [2} th ixty C tlie United States steamer Huron ; of ing wear, grebe and ermine are substituted. ed to work one, hour for each nicul given L of UIIH liMik will bo held at tlie U i n U r Ii defenuauti Baturaabla to February Tori duto hereof, in a taiiuo vdittoia Uonrvlli FTOUBI' on T U I X D A V , tho 8tb tlsy of J a n u a i tliesa the bodies of eight officers am fhoni." Ho line received but one call nine A. D. 1818. . --•• . r ' ' mpUluant, Mndyoa utid olliera a r U'scnrour ; thence (J) north ciclii itkt, betwcuo t h e b o n r a of 10 and 11 A . M . aerenty-ono men havo been buried ntiJ you n r e required-to opiiear am JOHN F . KTICKLE, Bcl'r. IL fifteen oliaina anil aore»ir-lli md ascertained from tho visitor tbut be -4W J A Y S . T R E A T , Cwliii plead, itiBwer or d e m u r t o the bill of sai< marked. Most of tlie wreck is under • ibu lane that lea<lB from Hatui IT Tlrtne of the abova staled writ of fiei louldn't read. KEAIi ESTATE 1 to Jolin Heariufi'g; ibrnco (4) BOI t facial in my h i i d i , I ihall expoie for t a t water, and ihe whole alar-liourd aido rip* Tho mloord at Bunt I JB town hnvo stopped Janna^j next, or tbo (aid . igut UUUICHI) wee I one clialu a u i t Public Vendue, a t the United Utitei Uo. jjedoff. I t ia interesting to know tliat work. Sonnlorn Coakling and Gordon called ench " " ISOSANCERY OPNEff JEIlBEr, conFcBBCrJ iRKinit von, lwentj-»B»ea link*; llencu (S) norlh abon Captains ol Steamships in Southern Bthroen John B. Little and Elisabeth bii wilt, Tha Mill . bill Ii filed tlo o forecloin I a mortj •even dcRreci wett twontv-onfl cbnim •tu lliickcttiitown htis nulto & number of tlpHtl- ittier hard tiatnca in tho U. SI SonaU compIilniVf. and Job L, tawreort and M117 MONDAY, tbe H t h d i y o f JAWJABr ., by a i i n n l n g F . Senrlnn anil wife to , trade havo lately found tlio westerly curaixty-ftRhi HUHH intu t i c rotu Ibat IcaJs by I Saturday, nud to nroid a duel both ntti dii hla vtfa, B*rah Tan Dontn, OH on R. VH text, A. D, ISTB, between tho bouri of 13 _ Henry MoF.rlnn, data a Aoguitt l i t , 1873, oi meeting liouau; tlicnco (0) Houtb Gighlr i rents UQusually strong, and that during ute fnmiliM. OU Monday. It would appear llmt tbi DOVER! Daren. Frinein h. Van Doren, UIVMM Kit' indO o-clook P. U., that ia to lay i t a o elool hniln in tbo town of Dcvor, lUaduliili towr -'t-ct west BCTCII olnlnu tn<l forty lluku t o the past few years many f.ercuanttne.j Tbo Suetiei Itailrond has declared a divin Ibo aftcrnoen or Mid day, all Iba followln ley, Miry B. KIDBOT, Willlun S, D. KIDKC;, •blp, S b r r i i Connty, N. J . , wbleta n i n l F i n Hie fblhnrinz Diportmonti ihlob t i n ; rncr at tho ichcMiI houno l o t ; thence ( of culn.musio Uiau ebivalry ia ou W. B. MATTOX, - - Eaiiiiicai whose masters have had experience i dend of two per cent Jtmcrlbtd tract or p a n s ! of Uud and prtmiae recorded in t h e Jlorrii County Olcrk'a ODIc Aognilaa T, Kimey and £rneat Kinicy, df _ . a t h fourti'cn degrees enst four clialm olfcrlns »t prlcen Io lull tbe itooi. national kgialaturo. i l t a i t e , IJIDR iniTbtl»g in Ibe towhihlp o In tiuuk X 2 of mortcuffCB, paRo 101. Ac. rtudaala. •,. i: J.CALLKH,flol'r. the navigation of our Southern coast el K bty-arollnliiUi«uothercornorortheicl U o u a n a r , ID Iht Ooaoty of Morrii a n a 8ta Protracted meetings aro being held in the And yon Henry S . Turbotl, William S. Jonhomo l o t ; tfnace (8) imrth cifih(^tcljt Lave been wreaked near tlio plnoo of tLo By vlrtab of * certain ordar of tLo Court cr A Georgia oUrgyman walks thirty mill if How fetter, iDd bntltd, bounded and d nlnRH »nd Andrew J . Mlllspangh, aro made grcoi nrcul uitjlit clialut Rnd eevoty-Qvo Ii Ohaneer; of New Joraay, made in l\i* ibjte •"""Huron dinaater. WtwhingtouM. E. Cburoh. orlbed as foil own, to-wit | • .: • . aofendantB, became you jointly mnvoi-cd to a hickory troa in R line of t b r ncliool !.(.„ each week to fill his appointment*), bc«id< JANUARY lBt, 1878, MISS ASHBUR stated eaOBe, boarlmr date tbetweiilv-flflh <2ir Boiog tbe same Iitof linii rndnrcmUdathk Jnilfnicut agaluRt ai»nnitig F . Btorluc, wliic Hnmburgn. Sussex' County,' has four l o t ; Ilicuco (9) aon b aevcu degrcca cast olr HAURIS'S Combination Comedy and Vorlef Ootober, 1677,1 tbatl expoio to lalo, at pub* working two tlays each %eck in a bricl Troupe. were conveyed bv John JL.Driant aad Harrie of The full strength of tba oompno, chamaaiid aixtj Hnkii to a itouc h e a p : UIODC in an tnmimbranco on unit] landa; a n d jui lie Vflodoe, at tbo Manilon Hoaae In Davnr, In churches and hut pqaoongregntion.. D. bla wife lo John BUnctiard, bjr docd n ibe Postsf Abuses, yard, for corn to feed bin family. If thut will present tbo popular nerio eomla drama (101 south rimrtccti degrcco WUBI ten cbabi Fredenok J , Colinant untl JCRBO N . Bqllon * r ( Ooanty cf Morrii, Hevr Joraoy, on anroyauee dated HvenkaDtl. day of Santeraundo dcfcniUntu, bcciuao yoft jointly rocoraouclKbtv-tbrcuiiiiks to » nlono buap; tti Tho Warren bounty Poor House is OT mnn'fi rnergjr was combined with a modem Wo oro hulebted In A 1). Iluwsn, Thi HOKDAr,.lho lithdayof JANDAnV, 1878, jer, A. D. 1810. and rocortkd.in the :£orr erud a Judgment against mid MnanincF.Hca crowded, nnd ban 1/ifi regular pBupnrs. Coanty Itecord br Decdi. in Uberfit, on p a S « bclwwn the honra of twelve, noon, andfiveIn theological education ha might instond IWo ' - - ; , wlilcU la a n eucuDibrance on Haid lands. Assistant Foxtnituter-Oouotnl, for a copy XU, Ac., and whiclifpretalicB aro ID that deet NEIOHDOCR k SMITH, tha afternoon, that II lo aay, at three o'clock on store feed and toko an occasional trip his annual report, -which, in niMtioutoIho ITau. Lewis C. RDOHO, B prominent citiz , (12)" ~*o u i lj*\wc*l TC deicribtd aa fallow!,-to-wit: SeclnaiDg a t iin tbe afternoon of laid day, that certain (arm. Solicitors of CumpUltmnt, ft wpit Bovei. o U l m lo MI old »be»eb" t •take standing on the went nldu of Newi tree I altnats, lying and beiug in (ho tonuililp ot Europe, facts and figures wbluli wo have ilrenily.pub* if Pbillipuburg, iiid hut Saturday night. J(r. Dob Mittot " hi* hvorltft cL.rmctor" „ „ b r i b e bronk below tlio a»w mill; ibei. on a courno auath eight dctrwii wtit dlilanl Tiniothr Toortli-i ; M I H Atlibnry Harrli, M M Bandolph' In tlio Couuty or Monii and BUt« IlsheJ, goes HtlU raoio eiteuRsvely Into tho (I!)) dowa t b e brook to the bemnnitijr, contain, Dated November 15th, 1677. fib-Gv* Annihilated again 1 Womighthavo kuov one hundred feet from tho fourth corner of Xitntua ToodlM ; wr, joiin K. uiiKiitmu, tiic i A coin 130 yearn old, was fpnndftshort ice; fort^nlw .crea or Un.l, ino.c or C . details ol (he abuse of Hie sale Df prmtiUjR tfma ago by J. J. Eellls, on the Blalnl lot of lind conveyed by Freeman Wood a t otMwwlecmor, vthieh sifd farm oonslili or two entf-a Dutch Comedian fa bla »p«cl.Htlr« > Mr from past eipeiieuc,e that Huoh would bo t T m hxooxs LOT IN W. bilfof tlio tract of land U»rret. tlie f t u r l t * Ttnor In lilt Btfrllnc fin wife t o Jamea TianrT, b j deed' bearlnz dali traotB "or loll of land, bounded and ilcicrlbtt stamps ot fourth close offices by wbich the nilwny. result before wo tackled Brother Garrison motitil mil Motto flonci; Mr. S. Edwarda, wltli Cillcd the law mill lot and ono-balf of the «•* SHOSS March Bth, IMS, a n d o not all. ing 14-1001 of ai nalariea of the poatnwiters in Dover BCIBCIIOU rrnm bin DuilKet of OeuulDo Irlnh Cnml raill that Hand on Maid lot, boKinulng At -*-o, and from tfaenoe rttnninx (1) alenit thi ten In 4 lino or laud formerly bo loaning to llr. Jouu RimeruoB, ol the Warren Jour- But wo know our enemy will be wngnfmi floniri. tnd a liott or ial«ut In a full and varlod r IIHCII itnmp bjr tho brook bulow tbs law toll it aide of New atreet iiootb eiffht d e m « a many other .ilncos, ichcrs tlie mluries Yonojf, and In• Franci* Ocnrad'i lino; moua now that be lias ua down. Itcupec mt. For full particular* loe *tna11 bllli. Ilbeiug the lastcarnnrof Dio above clcscrlbci . _ j | arty foot to J . W. Coo'i corner; tbence Famei U, isftenndiJnto for Heading Clerk of tho tbenco rnunliig nortb-eait twooty chaln« iBHiOD 3E eta. • • • Iteioi-TMlfl«*ti,50 ttnougli for tho anpport of Ihe incumbent, tract; tlience rnmiltts (1) nortli eiRhtv dean* ,'i) along taid Coo'< lloo ioalh eighty-one •rum our weakness, dear brother, and condone ;benoa lonth-etat tare* cbaiu* and mitt-fonr. r OBILDItEH HALF PUICK. State Senate. wait two cbnini and eiitT-flvc linlii to a bunch Iti Ohanoerjr of New Jerstj. Fl. fa. Tur s»le o degrooa iroit one hnndrOfl fast to annther e a r . linkB are tfcrionnly affected, und tho GoTer to a amall bronJt or run of wit or; I lie no enormity of our olTuiico. Let ua behold tbi ifclieitnut Kproulii; thenw (2) north twonl ner of said ODO'S l o t ; theaeo h) norlh seventy mortaagod prenlau. Wherein Martin V. B tame,aoalh ton dog reel eait twoh* iujnrod to » mnch [jTuntor extent; tlio About flOO poundi of pnrlc wnro nfoleu light of tby reconciled countenance, and no ilnjjrecB cait three chains to an apple tri S v o r o e t t o a Blake; l b e n » ( i ) loalh elrbt op Iheand ^caring and Isaac W. annrius arc ciiraplalnclshtycurbt links ta a Gpantiti oak; btlow tbe race; tlienca (3) north fortj-t? J l l two riogrcei o»il ono hnndrod foot to tbe woi chains •cc« in ml en !u Now York betweon Uio qunroiu tlio Suaaoi County Poor Honeo autB.indlKcbr.idTillyer.MarvJaima-fnvur, tbfuoeabnRJimoiYoung'i old llnetoapDil will freely admit that your olinrocter cannol ilfcreeiinit four Chain* md dglily llnki lo •Ids of Maw street tho place of benInntniT, ooo Sai-flli Jnnc Phlllipi, ami Tlie hover Bank o in aald brook; tntnoe nortti-woit thirteen l e » ending SopU 70 iinO '77 being $3(11,27. be Im-peach^d. In short, you keep quisl iliko; thoucu m;amith twche decroes we talnlng flrteen baodrodtht of an aero of tta< ehalna Dover, Htw Jersov. «ro dcfendintti. Itetur. and •igbty-slx llnki to tho bcRlnalng, 18 VISITINO Thirty of the nixty-Beven pnget. of tho report .oTtsn CIIIIDR to tlie bpelnnlDir. coufalnlng oi mor» o r leta, t i by reference to » l d deed or ti able ID Fubrairj Term, A. D. 1E.B. Atrs. Sarah Bartholo of Knowlton,, about UB, dear fritnd, nnd all tha torlnret eonlalniDir Jtwcnty*tl.ni8 aerei nn& threo^uarWOOD and WILLOW WARE, tbo record tboroor will follyappear. • ' icro anil twenty tmadredthi of an acre. , •re filled with .nslaucen of thesa irregularitint can be tuilictud by tlie icquIeiUvei . - SlticES DLAXCHAUD, Hol'r. ll I Tbe Two Lotmbnte duicribed are the nan ; ties, And yet cue quarter'of thorn are no Warren County, is 107 years olil. Ilcr hus- our iCAdcrs will uot Induce us to "peacli Tm BWOKD LOT bngini a t * cboatnnUrep, Dy virtne nbnvo italed (tiled writ til" fier flcr Dy Tirtnc r-T r.r tbo tbo nbnvo writ r\T Ibat Samuel Sonrine conteTed to nald Jaci TUB above deiertplioa wa« taken from thi boiog tba boelDuiiig ot the abate dcictibed racks '"'"' In ' mv lh--nd», a n d i , I>lm!l I tha!l expaio for Bale ealua at named. Somo ofllcoe hiivo lae-rctvued thei band was a soldier of 1812. HiarinR, by dotd dated Ancnst 291h, 1839, at n l d morlBafte given b r the aald £Ioan< lot, »cd from Uienoe running north, fortT-four "- JO" Public Vouduo, ai tbo U i m d UUtcallolul, UUt U l l in i 'H re-:nrdnd ID tho Morrli Count j Itocoid il tboUufttid Tho now hose earringo and uniforms of Un sale* throe hundred per cant 40 per ceul. llanchird to Theo. Blanchard, and Milcne degreei and forty-flia nilnnwi oast twBiitj-on« MorriBlown,S.J.,on i t least so tlio j o u o E people ihinV when (ho; tepdi, In Ddok W 3, foh. 207, Ao. A Tcl-rl.'.o OtiilliiprnHon, *-- ' h e taid Thoo. Blinchtrd to t h t iala Ai cbaini and twenty-nine Hdki to a leinlBg Hnukcttstown flro cjmpnny are ei pec ted 's> of wfaloh IB ol course profit. There ia, however, to bo deducted h-am thi . MONDAY, the Slit dny or JANIlAttY l e j Zcck. -• cbeilnat tres; thence north forty degree •it '< ~'cloctc nn XliitrBday after above describediin-mlBea a ]rtt of land Ibat na f a parade don C b l t A. D. 1678, botHOon the linnrgof Ii JI Among the bum.ml iiixtanccB cited we " •PIEI18OH JU TOEEWAN* Sheriff. ^««l aiz cbaloi lo the middle of tbe brook! -t|>!i>v..it of a boiler i n tin Jacob HenrinK conveyed lo Martin V. B. Hont- lOlt, tod 5 o'clock P JI., that I* lo My, at a o'clooU Limning, n Nawnrk huckster, hi . ..IPCO. •'. ;>'.i 03 Barclay Htrcet, New DatedUoT. 7111,1877.-, [Pri.fi.17 20 _hBncA alone iho brook north levenly-nlna dfInB, by dwd baarin. date Jannary 2Sd. IBM, clip tho following, wliicb coucc run thin neigh1 a ibo afternoon or jrwiddaj.all raid d a j , all t.mt tlint tractor tract-o ereia nnd fifteen tnfnutea woit two diami and and u recorded In tbe Morris Cnnnlv Hocon received a verdict against tlio SUKRCI Ilni Ifnrk, cco'.piiti('uj Orui!»0cld & Son, borhood :. .rnrcol of land l aud p r e m i s e , lioroinnfter u»r tblrty-ilx liDki; thcuco sonth forty-rour atofDecda, in Boot Z 5, picep 414, Ac. road of S 1,22!). 73 for a refusal to carry hii con feel Jtni'r:;. n S*,IMC Tint five story facto> frreca and fortj-DTo minute* west about twoulj t cularly dtmrllicil *ituato, l.vhiK anil lioitig (i IBON AND STEEL, . Tha . poatmnsUr at V n PIEItSOIf A. tllEEUAN, fiberlff. flio to^BBblp o r Jcflunon, In Uie County of ons ohaloi to a If00 fortnorly bolongios t« ry cxteuda ^ Ko. 1 College Plaor-, cuusDateii Noi . 13th, 1B77. write* tbfit, "for a fow yenn lack one of tLo freight. [rrs.ft.»10 Morris and Stale or New Jorsoy, bonDiteil ant Oarlck Clark t tbonca along tafd lioo 100.it QAS PIPE «KD FITTMQB, otl Ibo iBBtnnl death of (rum thirty to largest dry-gooila Btoren in tliiu town hi own ; 'orty-two tJagretw e u t mvon obaici and tliirtj tlcscribbd a nii full folium.; ,' , Tho dwelling bouHo ol Bnvid Cobb, at Ox. niucty pcrsttns, mostly young girlaaud been selling poatngo HtampH hi qunntitiuH i four llnki to tbo beslnnlnff. odatalnlns ioreo< •JuaiB dJii't fail to call and lee un beforu pui Uecmmngat a hickory trco (licinfftlio same ford,wns burned on Saturday night.Slii PnENITTJKE, OAEPEIS, tecnaorci. inoladltiir tho CBUte and W e n t unit purtihaurs. Thu buppusitUm in (In bojH. wounded from twenty-livo t o thi cbasiufr elrwwlicre, u wo are tree tioecrilied In a certain dcud from 3nm ALL STANDARD QUAXJTIES. orthe defendant, fi.r.1, Vao Dor«n, aa tenant (•••turn.bud t o icll DcCump to Daniel llabbil, dcccaxcd, datiil they procure thorn from soaia of the iulau during the abscnoe of the family. Losssboul ty persons, en used tl>e destruction of fit • • mrx'-ranc nou a dower ia tbo one-fburtb part thereof; and July 7tii, 1817, and roeoniod in tliu Clerk's OIL CLOTHS, MATTIN03, &o post omcci in eicbauge for soods." $l,G00; insurance, $700. buildings and (he partial destruction o: AltE COlnKQ AND the eitato or Ulysaei Klnaey ai tenant bj itia Offleo of tlie OotintT or MOITIB, iu book F F ol Tbs fallowing caso trill atibrJ some etpliv curteay in the obe-fouxtli part thereor. Todeeds, pigo. 21 ind 93, A-e. Sola trao bolnr mod an aj nation to this comjilalat; Afirmongiigoi The barn of John Angle In Prelinghuytej tnativ more, n n l gether with all and lingalir the bcredl lament 1 In fact nearly everything a t MERE COST, n corner at this 11 rim (1871) of land of Unralia POWDER, FDSE, SAMUEL; TBEWARTIIA aHate, lots of nbont $330,000. io nmnulnct-uiioB pMlor-orgnuu in Wtvibing townaliip, Warren County, WHO t u n e d ibit h no batnboic. • • wo want lo change a and mnl ftotn thence a* tlio needle 7, 79, «1, 81 >sd 80 Veioj SL, K.IT York, and appuTtenanoes to the' laid' premlici belonging 01 in any ' ton, N. J. t reported to the chief B pee in Friday evening of last week, making tbi Ktock if posBlblo, i o don't fall to call for yoi travened IDA. D., 1871,(1) mutli ten ilugreeH Iiasstoclcil the well-known ill orders b j roaU oromp-Jj attended to. AND. . • wil; get a barfitin. Our itock comiati In part o •Kont of Uie demrtiuect that iboy hud "ROII fourth fire in that section from' unlcnowi The Winters of 1837-8, lS-lT-y, 19:7-8 a] weit two chtinK aud ni» linlra j thence{i) norlb ktcveuty-nlna decrees eist Iwo elisirm and *lny BUorsftQ for $100" to a poHtauuiter in Ton 80T-a were remarkably mild in their tenillntit to the tniddlo or Ibe ttirnplbo mad leadoeuee, •'agreeing to taks pay in inotull causes within two weeks, MINING MATERIALS, pornturoM, and present acpenranccs seem to ins from DuverttiSparta; tfaancs alonR Hid menU of *U5 erery three mouths in 3 coul llr. Timothy CaGo, Superint«ndent of ihe raad (S) Bontb twonl.v-r<»nr deprcci oant »Ix iudicnte that tbs. tempcrntui of tho Winter KtiiniM," UiDt "he 11 111 stamps, he vent ve Scptumlur p clujaa and ilily link*; tJicnco (4) (QDth tun In Chanceryof New Jersey 0876), S30 In 3-cont etampa—$5to prc-iwy Sussex Railroad, has been appointed Supoi of 1677-8 n-ill also bo noted ft r its mildness. lictfroosoaol nne«|iain and olpliteon links lo Cor. Dlackwell and Morris Street! m i g h t ; " and thnt on F,hr,,.n G, (1B?7), ' lendeut of tho Green Bay A lUnocEoU II. William C. BonntinK'a line; tilouca (5) BDuth Fl. fa. de bon^t Ier. Jadebt. Oodoeketol TOPHIHSAST. UEBVS and UAIlY A. bli '••y-twodegrocawobl tlirno chains ind elcltt they received fr thp p t l ! It.; dndis mccocdcd in hie lato position by U will nnd In ill ag«i mbtlmo father* am] mli motlier* imnsathe loftytrnl uaonjt the lowlj, SMOKERS and CnEWEItS A11TICLE9, By virtue of an ordor of the Coorl of ClanIcKid lletter purporting to coatiilu $39 iu *s EOU, llr. Erring O. Case. Id *• '""'EiaHBOrjEiBUITH.'Atl 1 ,.. srj of Sow Jener. made on U« < ar el 3-«eat suimps, but which was found to him »Dd there you will «lifi flnrt Dt. C u » - | Wltil Clurry itouth Blity-eiglit dt'KrecB neat *t\x cl'sii^to a WHITINOPAT] and everything olio neoded t o stock thi stone lino in n, line of said BountinR's jaad; By rirtoe of Ibe .bore listed wrll of jet) uie date bereor, io' a canae wherein Itlcdard ••nothing in i t " They mibmhleti tha en- Tho market Tor La France fire engines id fitneka, t a d Santonins Worm Ejrnp. Terrell ti eomplaicant, and yoo are doEimunu Clirlsliuiu Tree or fill the hnbj's stocking. velope—-a nuiall ona df Idler mze—Io slio' i uewtebcld romtdiea. PENS, PENCILS, INK, • Ton are reiiaired to appear and plead, d*mnr „„, „ Churches, 8undaj School Pnrtlcii nnd fam, ....„,„„ - j d Ufty-lwn UnTta lo a st u that ftcould ne*or could IKITO cuuluitied 1, not bo very brisk, as that company ban al MTJOILA0E, PERFUMERY, JEWELS. ilies supplied at rates to suit the times, a: cliQfllnul trco: thence (S) «onlli sotonly dor anawer t o Iho conjplainaat'a hill, DO or p Morrlitowp, H. J.; oft . 300 3-cpat ntampa, and Itaftppwirnncoceilowed ono of their engines to remain in Bol i; i m c l i t i i n c d efure tlio fonrlh daj of Januiry next, or tbi b'reeb west eleven clmlo* nod efchtT links lo s tuinly nnaUiined thin theory. Tlis pnrchnB VASCY ARTIC1.E1 Ktid NOTIONS, for seven montha. It bos gone now .MONDAY, the 7p. d V of JASUABr out,'' aid bill will bo takenaiOonreuMdaeilnitJoaitOM he»p (an old corner;) thi-nco (0) north of thi o*8in with KlnmpH won a trrfuil iiixm together with $lo that a councilmnn loaned i n t b e Ftist Office a t D o v e r . N. 3. Till kind*, Ac. Alia DAILY AND WEEKLY The aald bill ia Ulei to forecloao A inurtgage liirlcoQ CIUIUH ind nevouty-lhree llnbs ID tha Government, which the flnu could at HECEMDEH 21st, 1877. inntlior.ol.l corner; (10) miulh acTonty-lwo Ivan by von Phlnete T. Itcuvs wai *' te ; D '5 dock F.H[./itailalfJSSlootoak'h-fi,; PArEIlS, MAGAZINES, rEMODICALS, Ao. loeat regard with complacency so lonj; DJI tho ageut. Ifrfl. SlaiUin Dakar, Miry A. Bray, of our own manufacture at thelowest prict-- •li-crt'Ci cant levcnlccn'clinlnB and Ivrbnty-Bvo itUraoon of laid day, all that certaia tract or lannina; U* Xlrkpatrtck. dated Doe. lltb, locv they wen bhnricR tbs piiun, if they did not, t-Iw Wm, m. WOODIIUPP. R -1U CUus harfiiH Rone into banlruptoj lints lo thp plnco of besinntns, ooulalnlnf; Josoph Custerline, Thu MeKauiuro, Blackwell St., Cor. of Essex, parcel of land and prcnfaei, hereinafter par- - landaia tbe towmlitp of ptinlolph, io tho Tho Warren Foundry we learn is now do .twenty lores of land, bo tliu same more or W%% _nnty ot Morrii, Hew Jonoy, which nti iudofid, solicit the tnulo; bin whim thupnstonUrlydciaritad. iUmte, lvlnir.nd being in iudofid, solicit the t n ; wh Bridget O'Connor, l(obt>rt Phillips, npinlitcd thi Cindy Man his Aistanoe Being Iha nuno lao.1 and premises vlilch HUtdd t th ntt ltliti ing vory little business, and hoe n ho ownilito or nandilph, In ihe Comity ortnprlgani I" recorded in Iho Olurk'i On1» of numter adds to thi thin l lmuddauothvr D O V B B . N . . J , , . 1 , ","•.. P. Bmitb, . AUco Sayre, allot.] Martin ennveyrd to Ibe Biid Mirv Jane Uorrla and Stale of Mew7er»ey, bovBdad act a during tbo lust two doya, in place of a KBU™. pipeline, they «udd«ulr become ,ikeu Tilljcr.ly deed licarlns date May lit; inn, T b y "aduBiruedbr i.ld Klrkna'flck to Anion O. P. —irilMrtiBf follow!; • -.:•! ' DANIEt P. BEAT to tbo enormity of nfu ttHeUne, anwith in per dny, which ]t bus been using. This nnd recurdcil in Ibo Morris Uonnlv lli-ourd oi would call tbe nttontion of the laaies of tills THE PIHST of thi* IUl. >|nKPartorthar«ll nUte, wheroolHar- Sejmr, who aiiiRced (he lima to paid BlcUrd mbll .eotlon to Uio fact tint Bh» h a . jtist rra,i.»d air of rirtuonH in dig mil low draw tht ffo ^MGB, in Book Bfl,pagoii JM, 155. &c, ll A.BEEMER,p. JI, dullncwi,it is hoped, wlU not last long, an thi . . McColinlji died aciwd, leaving tba laid [•enoll; and von Fblncai T. Iteoro ire made a I large and Tory fins stock of • ing oonolnHiou: "Wu nrcBiirue nay mnu dehndant fn laid csnae beoinie yoB own tald . •*»!« "f «rJi, 10 ct«.. or JJ Ki<r t u r Cardi p i E n a o r A, FUEEUAN, Hherifr. Eliza King and Fannie Jlaltny; her two alitera wha u potttmiuiter would defraud the (lor- sundry bos tlio prospect of n now contract, O O w c U , Btniplti • eu, j . Uvtna k Co. and beiri at law. her ani-flvinjr, and to whom andi; and yon Vary A. JUevs are mad" a deitcd Nov. 13th, 1S77. [pru. ft IU 00 KBti.u, Sew Toft. j*...+4* trnment would also itciil nn nrgiin if he hich will brighten matters up.—Free Preen. DIARRTKD. •lid real eitat« <{eHand»d'in/the part faanbi fendant. bccmtiie yon ut tbe w i r o o J n l d •hUea« T. Jl«ve and bivo' or to" «"»'M tD ronld, oi send a begun registered letter." red llei OIL ths -wnlU aide of tbo fori PLATTER—HUTCH INGS—At tha to tbo people of Dover ie extended by tor FALL and WIOTEK WEAB Inolndinn »nd IUTOWBTI. Illmtnttil Pric. liava aome Intereit in laid laodi. Among notices of application to tbo i. . . In a spirit not or dliiuo clwrity, but still 5 from Port Orata to Dsnbam'a ' * • deuce of Matron Willinmn, Mt. Uope, on r^TT-VTC! U T U J . N O LUt frtc. OBXII- V U T U X Qua sll tri« newest jinttjTns and noveiti.i. AIsS rioa at a Hake iLuidlng-en a « k SMITH, with an eye Io basin CM, they cloeo tLo lett Legislature, we notice Uio following : Tuesday, Dec 18th, 1877, by lhi. Dr. s full line of all articles for LADIES TCtUB .WM. HAKRIS, Bollciton O U l n a n t with the request: "Flau* Walot hixnaj Aikmati, HRV. D. E. PLirrsn; of Rocklll> tho pnsmgo of nn act, reducing the fees of comprising . • .nndrad and tflr-tbne feel Trot BN<I if yon can. Ret our money," <ti r * f \ ? t SANFOItD'H litDICAt. •HE JEVTELEli, *ho luTiten Ml to einmine iwny, and SUBIH It. Hirrcni.ias, of the various officers of the County of Warren. IT K I 1IUI1G Or Otarrh wll) not la> roo ucacribvd ai the beginning corner of tbo DalarlKovttnibtr.^. I8TT. [n Chancery of New Jorsey-Fi. tt. for sale o( DraBHTnmBrraas,nDOHraoB, ' Not far from the above cily of Wiuiliin UsstockofnoodssulUblefor louda. 11 i f I f i t i n H r nil*** » d •pae4llr enra, ot «»ld pirtiet of tho flral part con?«y to oon mortgagedpremlnon, nhcrcln I»a«o K. WhtleUn, H. J., in Bitnall postunice wbrch will For the pmtuigo of an act, abolishing the of. PAPPE-KELI.Y—On ltcad ii doinplalnant, md Tlio Irouia Ltnit TIES, CTJPF81HO COIXATIB, STOGKINas, lvlTMtcr8tomi«.by dwdofeven d,to h . " P E c o n i b c r 121b. 121b.1B7 1B Wtlla, FarsoftCo., Aurora, H. t . be decanted l>7 its inili'il lettur K. n* will fic<i of Snpcriutendentof Common Schools of b tub, and on a onnraa of northflfly-twoand tv I n Clihricoryr6f New Jersey kntl Improroment Ocmpiny and JOIID JIOby Ite<-. It. 8. Penglen, nt the Jit. Freed o F Wm. Dowtn, E»q., Mention. Clraut BIHO iU pofltmaMer, from whom tho otll WilliutnB, «ro defenilanli. IWunaUlo to inriolhernoocssarfcs o t ths"touVi. I h»TO lalt dcRTteawMt farly~*oiit-rett from tit* Warren County. For tho paiwigo of an net Parsonage, GEO. UBHnr Piritc of Dor mode arrangeneuta Ly which 1 can order lortu-woit corner of Ihe home on ibU alot; To Eltaa M. While and Anna H> White hii wifeFebruary Terra, A. D. 1878. . mmen*. He, (Mr. K.,) m i npmltil M FOR A CASE nA tKtiltt ty mall. Price, wltu mid Miha II. M, KELLY, of Irouia. ipowcring the peoplo of Wftiren County to thenea atnnjr aaid road (1) aoatb teron'- - - I vlrlo. of an order cf the Opnrt oilDhwiDuntnmpn impn>perly by a pnntnl ck-r i l tnhafrr. It. Bold PITNEY k Y0DN0BLO0D, SaVn. Silka, TriBiming's, etc., nd a halt A T M I c u t «n> hwuted '.Clock!, Cbilm, Jewtlrvofall Wuhington in a cow inn mention of uliich tlcct three Commiiwioncra, to torforra and .rtuo of Ibo above stated irrlt or florl the following 1M as extmel. Tit: " I winli to' Heroine nil tbe powers, righln nnd autborily, DIED. •ell* In mv Undo, I nhall nipono for «sle al ftnd haTO a full line of sn'mples from -Rbioh nth twelve and a hiir degnea went one !arc« ia complainant, and yon and olben « « i VOLTJUO PLUTEDII arc the best. •all Tour attention to the KtleNof posbijp iow exeerised by tho Board of Chonen Freei 'ublie Vcnduu, at tlio United Sl.toi Hetel, In ^ tosoleoL Aspeeltlty madsA-. jndred .nd Ibirlecn hot lo . .taka ' DfendantB, yon are required to •PP°" •J'.'J stamp* and poNtnls to the bushier men of .liYiuimuner'^a Aorriatonn, N. J., on IB north bank br tha Morrii Cant" e*A deamr or anaFo?to tha oomjilunant« raij-tuiBof Alilridim tliis place by tmrtlen ontnide of tliin pout nf- lolders. ilong laid bavk (8) nortb ilitr-tbrv. _ „ . . . . 111, on nrboforn tha aeoond diy of Jmttiry 10,000 AGENTS WANTED TO SELL MONDAY, Iho 28th diyotJiNUAIlYnext, BM. Tbe difleraut flnnn here in the orgnn L D. 1878, belweon tho boirs or lii Jt. nnd G Df which I bale a full stock. reat one.hundred and nrtv-flvo feel; tbtnee ext, ar the aald >U11 ill be taken aiconftiiod H.M.Rhodeu, formerly of ITftckellfitowo, and pinnobwtiiieia nro getting poabigosbtmpt •clock P. M.. tlial ii to ia.v. at 3 o'dnch In the 1)1 north twelve and a bau degnsn eaat terfrom nil pnrtn of tbo country in exchange for one of the wealthiest real estate Dreaa and Cloak Hairing r 4 n feet to the boglnninn;. Said partv of iu w U I j W ^ »'»»•nu«iii«d l i e tnroson of laid day, ill lint Iran or parcel wnana. I knoti ona firm (tint ba'p rTiivod Hewnrk, him mnde an ussignm Tiand and premiiei, tiKrcinafler iMriieniarly flrat part, however, exoipk ui rturVa tha DAltAV—At Mount Hopo/niwpmber i oUdaJI diiposi of 100 D R pl«no. and Ifr. nll.itH branchea. carefully attended to. IBI, morlbod, situate, lriu and brine 1» the toitn oni and mtaerali Ijinr and b«Inr tn. dnrina iha hut nix months over S71K) worth Ilennan Lehlbnck for tha benofit K r .n.,ofB «.o!»» m a l « , . t l o » , , prf™. B I 1S77, KLLZS DUIAT, aged 55 yearn. vl Intonta mil tmnertul blow erer dealt Ironia, ia the County of Mnrriiand Htalo ol Ilemectfull, soUeiting tbo patronage- ot Iba n ur QQder Iho Bald lot of fand to uUTpar^ uf «tnmp« from the South a a l JlTest. Tiion dtrann drink, bj tue veteran a u h T aw Joraoy. ltcRlnmniiat tltotnteraectton of ulio«, I premise don. and cartful attention _ of ths fliat part, their bain •ad aarfana aro iieierftl other merchnnts that urn aenthug itorn. Mr. nbodeB wns nt one time P m l - 0DHTI8—At Itockawny, Deeember lClh. _j red. WATEBS' pl.no. -tiJ;%rgaii» «r« e centre line or Main Htrret with tbe centre to tbeh' needs. .HTIIUK. A hook Io iltrtle and *nH htn Mis. D,o . WIGODJB. ore«r. with the rtoht liberty and prMleM R 1877, jAxatccTis, ngedliOy. «ut n grent denl of mail matter that IWYO u ~ mt Df tho Ninth Word Dnnk, nnd he WM best mado, wammted for fhaytSn. HL ia nf Cliottler Avciinn; then en (1) north h l Virld plctnrci and proofi, how it lo diir., mine »nd awrrli for, and renove.lba bimRht a Btnmp from tbti offico for jcni ilao Preeideiit of*Ui« People's Favings Inttl, HOD!, liomo, loclotr, etc. Unfoldi d a ! Onat todqoSn, to fcnly^lghtilcCTeea ta>t l.ro liudnt. fmti name at any and all tinui UBrearter, doing no IAHQF. MIXED CAHDS will) name I I I north lixtjttTO degrrcn went Iwu hnndred k f Inalriato Ai*Inmi, n , Qoiptl TernTern inneattiaryjamite. loMlitpramlaea. Bclnr I will ffiT* you the nnnio of , (K.) lUon, wbich suspended last month. Hii ttdthlrlr foutt (3) B<»II1J two anila hiirtlo- CHEAPEST BOOK ca^c. 13c. '.i ttl hont c.xe, 9c. 80 icw- iraane.. Woman'* Omiida, Fraooli Mnrphy, Mnrphy lie aatna landi and pretniiti onnvtyetl lo the T* flfiO.' Or rtopa, US; pmhiMuUr i t - ^ —,N. J., Out «old in failure waa eaneecl by nbrink*ge in real es•aei west two hnndrod ind tvfentvfwt; M) •uliJbitfon, tf d do., eto. t Oa\j O\ 17.. 17 I t i aafo Ii cinlsllh!. Oaiflti 10c. F. WASH- 'ruli tbli town- yehterduT, l l n y l . 1877. pOfilHgi ; rrtopi,» m p., «ras i ». IKTflEWOHJ). , : •rrrlloni. OUU DIlltES «llh 3.000 Him I » • <MH1 from Jobn D/KIDK ana wife and BHOIO M stamp*! to the am a an of 175—25 sheets ol tate valaefi andrndorsinnnotcB for friends in D11N X Co., Middloboro, M m . Ureia 11 all other*. . PrJceajuitrDdnced alodSept. lSVb,lB71. Bald d "" 17K7J M.tnlJcoot HolM.j Booki, Besutlful ^Wley.dalftd'SBBt, WVb,;lB7i; BUddi 8-tmt *U»mr^. TbU I know for a fact, BS il innnchd distress. He Is a man of high charet.ll Send for tenni. "^2 ordad In Vorrii Oouniy Beeorl of B Jurenilo Book», flupnrb Jjlblo.Knd.Pr.jBT i» mtawi iu tbe rrarohfiOBr'i book as nboro.' « * T , nnd la mucl) «Bpeotod in Nowarlc ik£B.paggi3U.fto. r-iv-rj-t \-;:': 1IUUBAHD DOOy.. Pobi., ATFja180KB r MinufL Book., t l m i n l j t i n t m r 0.1.10^. p S S " v . TfllH»niora8t.,rfc|Ud.lpbia. .i Daolen, « £ u t UUi ttoset, Vn Q HOLIDAY PRESENTS, I M; H. DIOKERSON, BLACKWELL St., DOVER IHITLOCK&LEli Master's Sale B I Moller's Opera House, FIRST-CLASS GOODS NEW YEARS'NIGH DRY GOODS THE TOODLES! o SHERIFF'S SALE! fPfinFTJUV f T IICO WA'D'D l liUbfi.JlJ(i |jLAbb|||fAni! Santa Claus CHESTER, Woodruflfs STOVES, TEAS, COFFEES, and SPICES, Christmas Presents, THE HOLIDA TS VERY OHBAP. M.H. MOSES & Co;, Sussex, Street Store Toys, Candies, Fruits, Nuts, TOBACCO, SEGARS. Candies, Toys, Nuts, Fruits, SHERIFF'S SALE! MRS. D. G, WIGGINS DRESS and Christmas Candies Cloak Maker, HOLIDAY INVITATION Ladies' Dress Goods SHERIFFS SALE! PRESENTS, Great Ojfer lor Holidays 50 '-•'] •: THE I RON ERA. Alrirgu nwsortiuiut of hul'ihty blippnvat Urferor I UeajjauV-. VI. S. Hubliilt'H now BUK-U of Underwear SATUBDAY. DKC. 2id, 817. atagrciilrnluctiou. There In no" truth in tha'report that the ibi?«w tmiu will Lt- takot olf ihe road. ADVERTISING RATES. Al Wellington the Morris &. Vmex Road receives a traffic from .fi 10 inilen of roads, 3 urea. l H O . i-wx. *Oo bourn of good solid fuu at the Pro* l 2r, $ 1 fiO9 1 ro 1 Iuub. tection ciilcrtainnHnt on Chribtima niyliL 2 £0 8 .10 i ur, 2 " 4 £0 E 76 a no 1.75 A mtind Qiiiintri;! opining, with entirely 4 " «• 2 25 a co 4 fiO fi 50 local reference nt (he Protection entertaina 7C 4 2 5 6 CO 0 50 6 " ment Chriatniiw night. ^ 8 • G 25 7 00 LOOAL 8 GO 4 60 6 GO 10 00 1 Column. Potur Chiuohfleld, E*q M hits relurniid to' ClicBtcr, Merry Ghrietmia; Holiday EnteriainmentsOlirihliniui 1'r n c euturtiiiuuient of Geo. Moore, o f PottenTiUe.latclyloet B U r k w i l l Klnit^l H. V,. 8nl)U>ib ttdi.xil Uie Clirtpi'l on CbriKtumHl ovu. T h e p l a valuable horse, will h e uioru iwrnWutiieiy.fiMnr.ilcd tliiiu e T h o pubjic school closed yenterdny f o r buforo ai.il Hi-: i-xiTfiw-N will ba of tliu u i t h e winter vacation. llx. Jteu'b p u r e g u m booti a t Itodcrcr &, H e a Concnrt nud uliictiliomiry euterbinmiiiit gnu'n, opposite tho depot. i n Hit.' Fitiu Hotib I I . ii. Uliurcb, » n CiirimGood niusio a n d singing a t t h o Protection uiiui cvo. i l i u i c imiltr tliu HUperiulinduucb entertainment ChriHtniOB n i y h t ' ' of I I . ' K M. y ( ,iiii K . ,<u-.l iLii: i W u t i u u i i n T b o canal Una b e e n drawn off t h e h u t fuulurct uudur tbo d i m ' t i o u ul Mr. 'A. LUMUCl«rk., ' w t c k nnd voht, n u m b e r s o f Jluh 'oken. Within t h o poat t h r e e w e e k s seventy n e w T h o Cliriritmin truo oiitrrtaiiuneiit, pf Ilie M n . EI>ITI>H :—The Slioiiguiii Literacy a n d A FEW OF Draiuotio AnitociitUon gave t h c i r j f o u r t l i r e g ular fintcrtaiuinout n t t h e residence of M r s Colley'H, Ul, t ' r e o d o i n , T h u r s d a y evening NUMEROUS C Due. Oth, cuiwiHtlug of vouid r.nd ius I ruin uut-J :, tabluitux, e t c . L o n g before t h e time a u L O t u i a d for tlio curiaiu t o rise, the p n o p e CAMPHOE a u d n e a r , " a n d when t h u h o u r arrived t i e IVUH coiiifartnbly flllud with an a p p r o ciativc oudiciice. One ]mrnnn becoming oiupwhat reBllneS would cernniounllyiii'jiiiie CURE! if tliu ludy uf t h e houKe " bow ueor ITCUL aubsochers bavo been added to our liul. tout wuti ready, f o r he felt b u c k w h e a t B bbntb Suhool pi tbuPrt-BbyturiflnChurth h u n g r y , " b u t OH tbeac cuturtainmuuU d o m BHEUMATISM—It nill complotoly core 00 cases in 100, and greatly Gonts' Bilk handkerchief* ecarfu, muffle wiU ha h u l d u u Wcilutiwlnj ovL-uiny m - i t . fumitih rcfreHhiiienUi, b o h a d t o g o on hi T h e cxcullunco of t b o exurciuos i n tho past Slaves, ota, iu great vaiioty at Piersou'p. ulieviuto (ill nut excepting more than 1 in 1,000. a MOB. a nun. t t M 0 B - 1 XI §nc*. way rejoicing miaut b u c k w h e a t cakcH. T l . Rkattfl nud sleds nt Berry's hardware Rtort makoa f u r t h t r notice uiiuoccBxary. CHILBLAINS OB FEOSTED FEET-!)!) in 100. $ (i OO 8} HI following wan t h e p r e g m m m o ; 9 8 W8 I 4 60 thiniiccBt things for a OhrimmDi) 1 Inch. Pruteetiuu Monk nud T^idilor Compiniy't* 6 50 10 (H) 17 S 00 • PAliT I. -5 " Just 171! reserred ncala bud Uou Uktu foi V.irtuiy (.•nturlaiuniHiit i u llotlor'fi Ojieni SOUE THHOAT—Sure. STIFF NECK—Can't be beat. At the rt-ynlur n in:uuuiciiliou uf Vroxp c r»o 0 00 14 00 23 1. SONO—Life of a Bird. Chorus. mirio, Dover, on CliriHtmiw ni^bl, 251 b. intrin iin which they have in [bem a oo 11 00 18 00 27. tho Protection eutortainmeutup toyestorda] LodHe, No. 'ii, A. F, nnd A. M., of Client 4 *' 'J. I t K A D i K a - E x l r a c t f r o m Macaitloy. SPKAINS—Never fails. BUDISES—In all oases. [UHIC, slinntrulAf, Furua uml l i m u m . T h e But wo finiil to itll the fcfilal day olou Monday evening, thu f< llovring offlcei i o eo 13 00 2 1 00 DO Ilia revival meetings in tlia- McFarhn n " &oou. Itov. l t . B. Fungi. 1 3 60 16 2 5 ar. r,o 85 4 Column. igHowt t h i u g out. jiuca ^-ilb cbe'er. Hot II. £. Church buvo been umrked this w v»t-re fluoit-il itnil iUHlnllcd for (ho 3. B O N O — a r a n d i n a ' u A d r i o c . Mr. W. V. 0 . Kiusoy will lend tho prayi STIFF JOINTS—It boaU all. LAME BACK—Infallible. lfi 00 io m 29 fiO 4r> } II by increasing Intercut and anumbflr of conMiss E . L . Outli T h o "Miwt Anlitury Harriri'M Tronpo" will There will bo thona upon whom the ruleutacting of tlio Y. M. O. A. tomorrow after 1 6 G O fl7 *fp sr> oo I« cr. Tersions. (. DECLAMATION—PrngrcBH. Aurou Wolfe. ICHS Imml of povurly tiu-i uflliuiian is lai< y°W.' M.~-Cliarlca Hirdiu. BITES and STINGS—At all times. CUTS or WOUNDS—Good. 8 2 00 41 00 0 5 00 lno noon. ». DuixjitUE—Aunt Itoxy. 8. W.-tieo. W. H..w«ll. wiU onlylm Migucutcd 1>y A largo lot of silk handkerchiefs lu thi Thoso QuiltB of W. 8. Bohbitt'B wo uuder. milieu, w i t h a full troupe o n New x*e»r'B MiHSCH A. M. Uolley a n d A. Wolfi fEBOXHTAO* ADSKO IOB KZTBiS. LOCJU, H of iliu blcHsiog it brings to J. W.«-M. U . UuglonFOB ALL PAINS-Absolato-try it. BUKJiS—Safe and suro. niglit, in Mollur'u Opcm Hnituc. J. T A B L E A U X — W o m a n ' s I t i g b t s . .osl beautiful colors,' suitablo' for L olid a; TIOES 16 OEKTI FXB O N * . stand are still before the market. Thoy otbur?. Lut IIH then iu our Heama of joy Tretwarer—Wm, M. lludil. Woh*e, CuUor. C u r t i s a n d otliei p T h o acliolnrn of t h a Union School ITous , n t Piersou'u opposite t h e P o s t PIMPLES ON TEE FACE—It has no equal. are very cheap. rgi-t onrunfortuuuto ouou, but mtbci '. SONO—Milkmaid. Tyler—Wm. DniU-y. D. L. & W, E. I . TIME TABLE, Offlfc. S a l b n t b Bcbool will b e treated t o a fine ourgmtlludo In Him WIIOIIOH given O . Quiinby a n d A . Combe Tuetiday, Deo. 2(ith, beh;g a legal holiday; Proxy to Oraud Loit«o—JobnlL Driukwn. FROM DOtKB OOIHO * £ I T ! Put up in 25 and 50 cent bottles. The 25 cent bottle holds as much Christmas true and a p p r o p r i a t e 1 exoreirt1 Spcoinl altcution in cnllud (o tbo immen ull these gwd Ihingn totm, by mnkiug hnppy i-Aiir I I . tlie Pout Office will clotte at 10:30 k. u. aud Through Hall, 9.33 A- M.;; Oswogo g Eipress, p ChriBtmaa ove, stock of Indies' claoka to be Been at M. ] reunin closed all day. as a 50 cent bottle of any other kind of Liniment A 50 cent tine >1uy nt luiiat HOIIIU ctlit'f hnnu :. MDBIO - B e a u t i f u l D a n u b e Claru CouditCinoinuali Lodge, No. 3, A. F. nnd A. M., ~ E t Exproii, E 153PM ;E t (,65 A . M M . ; E«»ton 1.53P.M Eanton r A T i o s - K e w Church Orgiiu. Dickcrson's. Anol , Tliiiii RIUIU came to an ni n oulmiuat'flic liwliea of tlio Cliuroh'of O u r l a d y ol bottle nearly five times us much. Tbo most lioautiful and novel designs i J i p r c i l , 8.90 P. H-iOBWegoEiprcM, 6.8T jny ilio wnriln nf tbe hlimler. "luas- of lIorriHinwu, elected nnd huiuU&d tlie foi >pened thin week. Mercy at Whippauy will hold a fuir coin t. T A B I S A O X — P r o s p e c t ahead. If.; HioketUtown E g r e s s , 7.25 F . M.; Harrli chlidnin'B fancy furs can bo had at Pierson't lowing OQ Moudhy evenlug: b IIH )6 Luve ODUO it uutp oue of tlio i n g Chriritiiios Day a u d cloning Hav . E . CoinU., O . P . CurtiH a n d W . Qtiimby. W. B. Babbitt, of MorrlHlown, tho dry al " wuy down prices." t m r g Special, 10.86 F . M . V.U.—Win. ikekn. Jr. . nf these, my brethren, ye have done i t I. BONO—Whip-poor-will. Year's n i g h t goods and carpet 'merchant, wishes us to Rodo or & HeaRan have a One assortmi 8. W.-Dnvi<l Y. J'llinson. rBOU DQYS* OOIKO KABT i BouiioqnT—Aunt Maria's half hou untonie."* • i J. W.-Johu Bird. wish you (for him) a Mtrry Christmas and T h e McFnrlitn u l r o e l l l . E . Sublmtli fielion] S o H O - Q o o d Night. Chorus. Hmrriibnrff Bpedil, 1 «.28 A. M . ; Dover El ' MtfiH1 wool lined beaver balfl. and slipTronatirer-J(init!8W. Carroll. a Hnppy Now Yonr. -ill hnva a Clirlrttmiui trco, witlt ujipnijirlFrom nged HJro to prattling Intby in every p r . i i , 7.00 A. M-; Htckollitoim Mill, 7.83 A aecrulnry—John M. Moure. B y f a r t b e mod attrnctlvo feature of Uie pern, well made aud at low figures. oto exercises, on ObriBtmnB u i y l i t mstiliold where thu Km Ili.^s ite wuy, we B. JJ.-LUIIIH Arm»ir..iiK. IS.; E » i t o i i J l i p r o M , 8 . « A . H . [ Binfibamp to 'ba Praubytirian Ohurch is bring, bona fair wivH.tho exceedingly laughablo farci The railroad compnny IK engaged in J, D.-Wm. U. Uretiu UU itH innmteH all a MEMIT, MKHIIV CIIIIIHTfiure cure fur Conglw, Colds, Bronchitis, Hocrseness, Asthma, and all affec• Z i p r e i i , 3.07 P . H . ; TUrouftb 11.11,3.17 F. M. tifully trimmed for tho hoh'doys. Rov, Mi T b o Stftuhopo « . E. C h u r c h will h o l d a MttiiiR up a Bubstnntinl freight boimo aai M. of C.-Obna. Korstiue, O. A." Fiiir- mtitted " A u n t Muria'B half h o u r . " M tions of tlie tliroiit ntid lungs that may lead to Consumption, Tlnu syrup ia Hjr r s c n i e E i p r a i i , B.03 P . M . ; EaHton Accom. Ilalloway will prench n Cbrintmng. Bennon fuir a n d festival i n CInrlt'a new building, l y f o r amatuura'thftt t h e y till d i d exceedilegrnphoffico in Ihoplaceof those defltroyed Chrktnma E v e , day a u d n i g h t . urely vcgttulilo uml is one of the bent remedies known for tliroat or fuug u e d n t l e n , 6.38 P . M . i Sunday morning, , J. 0 . Ingly well, n n d t o pnrUculni izo oocb It Always Fayi Make your husband or boy linppy on troubles of nny'khicl. Being of a very healing nature it cannot fail to lie of ' CHESTER BRANCH : Iinvo n o t tbe spneo s o to d o . Wo underatand A decided improvement bos boonrnndob;Christmas by preaonting bitn with oui T h e D., L . A W. telpgrnph opi-mtorn hn Tliii IR ono of tbo mont rcinnrknlilo scodonA rrcnt benefit lit nil enses tvhero the lungs or bronchial tubes arc effected from WKITWABDr •TATIOKI. K1ITV1RC tha people of port Oram about their FCIIOOI eiitertaiiinienla t h u s fur have boon a a re-unitm n t i b e WHTOII IIOIIKO, HacUol jr innny yrara, and it is nltended with many AlRdlkon Ohapler, No, 27, it. A. J t , of ny cause. In ordinary coughs or colds it gives lanou'B ovowoate. Tbey will sell you ono A.M.,,P.i i., M. P.K, town, on ChTtHtmaH ui^lit. [•mnrkablu circutustances, chief nuiong ilorristown, ou Tuesday evening d e n i e d t h e aiiccDBB. T h o uieiubcm of t h o aBsociatic 8.00 4*8.65 boune, by removing the rocfas that surround Chester 10.57 6M lire t o t b a u k Ihoso p a r t i e s w h o h a r e s o Hortou I t t n d i u g s iu Uoimtoti mi CbnKtinnn n i ^ l 10,47 e.« 8.07 Mr It aud beautifully grading the grounds. hiub, probably, in the "hard times." This (illuwitig: A broken ailo threw a coal car from thi uy Mr. A. Hoim-Clork. I'rocee.ln for S n 1 10.87 6.49 Iroola • 8.13 1.80 .cheerfully t h r o w n o p e n t h e i r d o o r s f o r tbi M. E . U. P.-Chan. L. Chovoy, cireninstnnco" is nttoiuled liy many con* Oar renders should keep hi mind the fact 10.27 6.W; Soeeaimnna 8. IT 4.1(1 Lrnck at Port Ornm yeBt:rdiiy morning, but ay School purposes. 1!. K.-Sunmel llrant, ' reception of tbo anBodaliou. I t i s r u t u o m 0 88 fi.30 4.60 that we hnvc nn excellent dyer and enrpet MoCain«IIti L0.1T idomlioiifi of economy chief tunoug which Is J-l B.~TI»!)iim9U. Johiiwin. Fortunately no other damage was doua to ,nd effects a care in a tow doses. It is perfectly harmless find may 10.08 6.ta\ : B.OT Hint this OEAocmtion will give anoth<-r e n t e r U.&K.JDDBI a 8.2(1 Eiitorlrtininnnt uf t h o Methodist poonlo 10 consideration uf IiiOiua' dinks. Thin nr- a of IL—Sidnift' W. Klullur. 10.05 6.2B, Fort Onm ' . 8.38 5.10 weaver in Deter—Mr. O. G. JcnBeu, whose io train. be given io. the most delicate with safety. Idinmout' after tbo holidays, a t which time p o r t i l o n - i s in tlio Olmjiel uf Iliat placo < elo of fciiilnino wearing apparel in tbo inost 11.00 •/,DOMI*.. . 8.8K B.2G quarters nro In the old Presbytorinu Church. V; S.—E. LaCluro Vout. 111 b e prcBtmlcd BOUJO find-class pieces, thi Jt. A. 0.— Cburk'H H, FrwiL Qiufortabla iuvcnttou yet produced for those If jou wniit to ninko a bnndfiome and sen Mr. S. L. •WilUomn has greatly Improved Chriritnuut ovu. M. oflkl V—D. REvaiw. jinrU of which they aro n o w nt inlying. Wi io facilities nnd oppenraueo of hid meat OEHTE^L B, B. OF HEW JERSEY, tipciitlonl u[>on UB, and for once masculinity 'II. of U V.—Uonry Unilou. ilble liotidny present, for a very liUlo mouoy At Vnnnttn Station l i t r e will b e a grain! bopo tlint tlie nsMocintion will m e e t with tho nniket, Opposite the depot, by erecting'au hooting mulch Tor lurkoj a uml cblckoin infiiiuio prowl nt tho expenditure,for beiiidea moH'nnniaE BIUNOH. II. ofH.i V,—D. H.lIIukH. to Pienioa's and' purchaao n act of lodii CCCBS that should attend t h e m iu t h e i r OF T E A C H . ' j , . • * - . • . • DOWH T m u m i lending a clarin to her form t^ia Ialcat style Tyler—D. Miicluunru. or cblldren's furs. Thoy ore almost giving iwiiing In /ront. ory effort. T h o muni a woe p a r excellence A laughable exhibition of Ethiopian jui clonk is to her it fioureo of healtb, At tbo i'.W •9.M G.G! NowTork,. B.'«* icin awny.. All t h e MorrietonTn churches will obacrve Death of a haithful Firs Dog id appreciated by tboao prcaout. 7.S0 8.80 FhiUdtinnla, 10-90 6,11 loo will be presented in the force "A Sijuii :he Chrislmas Bcoaon in various ways, mmaiiocii.oiit of tbo soiwoa M. 11. DickerThe stock and debt of the Cent ml Railroad 7.48 4.40 6.10: 10.55 Hrgbflrldge^ Our readers who wtira at MorriHtowu on MAaiBTEn n, F-sq-, oue of our oldest dry goods deulor a Day," at the Protection entertainment 11.18 8.37 1.97 4.10 'orago #703,810 per mile, wbilo tboavcrngo 7.10 4.0B 11.82 llTddieValiev, 4, was imlueed, by tho beauty, durability,tlio occasion of the fireman's parade at that o.se Pine Brook. itock and debt of tbe Morris fEasoi main in Clirintinaa night. 7.07 8.5S 11.47 Germio ValfoT, Roush on the Sussex Senator. .fi.47 Tbo Rtate having tbo. preference on tin T h e Kownrk bunk fniliircs havo affected ,ud olicnpnCBs of this olnes of goodn ta lay in placo three ypfirs sinca will rumen 7.01 8.31 L1.68 Nftugbright, tie Is $4n4,37ti per n.ilo. 'ilie net receipts 0.83 "Frank," tliedogthntncconipuuiodHuinano T h o New York S u n , evidently I n t h e fl.BB 13.03 BartV. e.w 8.22 <f tlia Cfiitml for 1677 vere $l,fir>7, n70,nod lockpt. it Is bolleved that tbe trial of Stew ijuilo a number of rcnidcntii here, who, t r u s t , stock of different Hlylen and quniities and Ooinpnny of Eaatou, of whom tho EaKtou tercet of some o t h e r candidate, goe .3.09 7.03 Flinders, fl-48 8.18 irt *1U be commenced on tbo first day of iug t o tha rtounduesa of t h e concern, h a d d c itraduca tliu; to h i s customers. H o tbc; njis 3.55 ! tbe Morris k Essex $1,184,728. 7.1S ,9.38 Kcnvl!, Express of tbo ltJth iust, saye; inntor Ward, " tho Bald E n s l e of 8UH juimonccd 1 eyutcin of advertising In 0.55 .3.10 • approaching term. T.85 Fort Own, a.ao A diagram of the reserved seats for. Proposited their savings tliero for security a n d flio XX COUGH SYRDF, CAMPHOK CREAM, and SUN "FrntuVtho faithful old flrcdogofthe I t b e following m a n n e r : :oIuniiiH whioh o x o l k d our.'eurionlty as t o Have you ncen lbs new goods which W. now t b o ; find them t o o fnnt. tection Hook and Ladder Company's enter. CHOLERA MIXTUEE, can alao be had of S e n a t o r F r a n k Ward, of Bussex c o u n t y , tho rcnult, nnd .which d u r i n g t h o Hint week Humauo Firo Company, died list evening Dabbitt, of Morristown, In now offering : vna put In Vought <t Kill gore's P r e p n m t i o n s arc i n progreRs f o r n concert io Is making n personal canvai lid not m e e t liiq cxpcctatlous. A pm-Hintent at tho bono houso of that com jinny. "Frnuk" Irug store and Brecae'a book etoro ou Batur- >r Ohriiilinas trade; they are cheaper than i n d exhibition on OliriBtmns e v e , t o bii h e l d it t h e Slate, won elected t o t b o Sotiote i n P A S S I M TUB HACKETTSTOWN BOALES, VIA mo of o u r columiiH, liowever, duriug t h e s c a - was a reninrbnbln animal, and Las quite a ounty e v bef or ky ntgbt and before the store closed that lu tbo 11. £ . Oliuroh. M . & E , E . B . TO PEHNSYLVAKIA, FOII He was tioni nt tho IIOURO of the ill. l l i o people o f auBsci like tli( 1011, IIIUI vinuicated o u r asNortionH that, if a liiiihry. renlng ouo hundred scnte were soli]. Our friend, Mr. E . M. VOHU(,', b o s ceased In tbe Presbyterian Church on Sabbath mt of thn rural distriola of N e w Ji Company, of Philadelphia, Itnlor h a s a good iirtlclu nt a reobounblo price Mnriou UOB TWO WSSKB ENDING THURSDAY EVENI t ii reported, upon what 1B thought to be IB pastor will preach a ChrifittuiiB sermon > t e a c h at Hanover Neck n n d t a k e s charge lio peopln will b u y if t h a articlo conduces t o about t h o yei 18G2, h i e m o t h e r b e i n g t h e woro Btrongly i u f a v o r o f t h o r e d u c t i o n of IHQ, Deo. 20th, 1677. ;ood authorilr, tlint tbe AdaniB Express. L tbo morning, and In'tho evening will if t b e s c i i o o l a t L o w e r Moutville. M r . Young tbo legal- r a t e of i n t e r e s t t o six p e r c e n t . ibcir well being, l l r . D. bos expressed t o property of Hoary Hhnffer, tho.ronoimed •TAT1OK* FSOU. TOM. OWT Company has bought out tha Delaware, a tenoiior of great proniieo.ftud lias nlioady peat, by reqbest, a Bomon on •' Tho-flgbt 71 10 complete BatiKfactlonat tho r e s u l t or t h o hird bnsomnu of tbu Boston Club, then llv- oforo b e could g e t t h a nomination M r . Hickettitowu, Lneknwatina and Western Expross «oupauy, : Faith." an golden opiuibnH i n h i s uow Hpherc. . 1,850 13 Yard h a d t o pledge himself t o ..introduce a ig nt hk home in Philadelphia. I t appeared iiperimeiit, an lio calls it, a n d mnuy utn ond will assume control of* the entire bueiA now building has boon erected and is Miss 61. B c r g e r , also a former pupil n t o u r OkoaterR.il. (Hortont, Corwin'e, bo tho height of tlie dog's ambition to lay i!U f o r t h a t p u r p o s a , a u d t o press I t a n u m e r o u s lndy cimtomorn bavo t i p r c s u e d SnccaiuDlia, TanatU a n d Choiow occupied by tho Library Association of ichool, aud a graduate of tlio Truntou N o r Dund tho house, nnd whon an alnnn of flro Irongly tut h o could. H o , d i d introduci of the latter company January 1st. i r Batiflfnction i n t h e i r purohnsea. O n mal School, has t a k e n ctmrgo of t h e school a t 612 H t e r Junction B t i t i o n O asBOutidcd, would start out nnd run franti- i c h a bill a t t h o following session, mndi Itev. A. M. Palmer will prench a Chriiit- Shatter, k most excellent library is the mint o f tlie "Tory mild woalhor mituy lift' . S30 1G U a n o v e r Neck, a u d s o far h a s a r e a t c d a good Port Orara ', ipeoch Iu I U favor, a u d had i t referred cally up tlio Btroet, bnrklugt coutinuouflly. i sermon in his Church on Sunday niora- result of the efforts of a few ladles and gendeforred thoir winter piirchawa^aniUhiBfa 107 08 Dr»koTllle..... ......... a committee w h i c h he controlled. A b i g of ttmt place, ng, and lu tho evening a sermon especially liflH induced M r . D . to replenish* his ntouk of Ho was ID a hou&o iii Philadelphia once whon 1 209 16 Waterloo O u r school w a s closed a week i n c o m o iHurnncB company tbat wauts t b o rate of dupted to the preHcnt gracious revival work tlio appearance of a very ahs, which tho Indies will find ju&t as do- an iilnrri was sounding, nnd none of tlio icnce nf t b o indiflposition of t h o teaoher, i t c r c s t k e p t a s it i s , set its lobby agents a t ToUl ' doors being open, bo leaped through a pane UiB churoh. Tcjt| " TIIJB inan^recoiToth iild spring day. Tho air woa balmy, ibora i l m h l o a u d i i l j t t l o olienjiorif a n y t h i n g t h a n i t bo h u resumed IIIB dutien, a u d waa w t l l 1 lass and hurried after his company's ork, a n d i t io said tbat thoy b a d pockotsful nncn and catctb. with them. ' I^uko, zv, 2. ere tlirown open, and tho skies bore the 1 r i n g Uie curlier p a r t o t t l i c Beawn. . G o e n o n g h to r e n d a t Itockaway last week. LO0ALWTINGS. m o n e y . A few wocka after t h o inlrodi carringo. It is snld tbat whou he v u youn# We understand that old Eanta CIBUR this ippearanoo of an April afternoon, vrbon ind look a t t h e m w h e t h e r y o u purcbaH Remember tbat we have made great reductions in. our DRUGS and On S a t u r d a y wo upeut a p l c a s a u t day a t would ait among a crowd of nion aud lis- on of t b e hill, o n e of those a g e n t s visited' las included En hie inventory of Ohrlafc- ihowers are threatening. ! MEDICINES. All PATENT MEDICINES that we formerly sold lor $1 now Ohatbam a t t e n d i n g t b o m e e t i n g of the Went ie m e m b e r s of t h e J u d i c i a r y Committee, m Rttciittvely to oil thnt wau said, turning J/ pifte, a full anaortmoct of Tompklns' Holldoy pmenta by tha score at Berry's Morris Teachers' Association, a r e p o r t of Court opens TueBdfty' , Jan. 111th. sells for 75 cts.; 60 ct. articles at 3$,ctfl,- 26 ct. articles inow 20 eta. Mnter/aL of wLoni wero well k n o w n t o b o opposed -ou one to nnothcr aa tho/' would (aka np caps Tor domestic use. In this the correot- hardware xtorp. Tool cbesui, Louse fur- rhiBS'yoii will n o d o u b t receive from Uio YeBtorday was the shortest dorof tie yenr. One Df tho crying ovils of tlicsc hnrd tjmes t h e bill, a n d Baldt " F r a n k Ward i s o cotiTcrsatlon, and seemed to know all s of Ills judgment Is nbown, us there IB uinliiug toys, allvcr^woro, Quo pooled knlvon, iroper source. .Sijuire T o t t e r w a s tliero iu tho lack of intercut throughout tho counChriBtmaa toy trunkn made exoresaly for ;oing t o r e p o r t t h a t Six p o r C e n t , bill t o that WAS Raid and doiio. After bo was at the hing HO well cnlaulated to confer a lasting indBomo carving sets and tablo cutlery, nil force, a n d in somo of t h o uisoiissions did ry in tho nevft-napan. Ono would eny It in ltUlidAy preaonts, chenp nt Plerson'a. moiitbo 1x6 know all the members, norrow a n d a s k t b a t It b o r e f e r r e d t o thi lefit upon the household. Be suro to go and see. 1B b e s t lo floor h i s oppDutiiibj, a u d Imparted auwof the "bardtimes;"—people havou't ad whenever a stranger showed himself 'udiclary Committee, a n d w e w a n t y o u t o B. L. Drown, lato of Morristavrn, bus Application will ba mado to Uio next Log' DRUGGISTS A N C R E G I S T E R E D PHARMACISTS, Ur. Alfred Beau-Clerk will give an enter. good dual of life t o thB m e e t i n g . Wo wore mouoy with whichtobuy newspapers, It Bleep I t s last s l e e p . " Beuator W a r d ay or night bo would bark, and atmrl. He or an net authorizing the adoption Inmont, conniuUng of recitatioiiH and read- jlad t o fltid t h a t H r . Itcynolda in hia exceljtakon the Madison House, MorriBtown. a Is not BO. I t 1B bocanBo of tbo bysiaesR r o r t c d t h e bill precisely a s t h a b i g insurthe Virginia Bj-stem of taxing drinks at tlie' gn, i n t i e II. E, Oburch, Boonton, on ;ently arranged p r o g r a m m e h a d pressed i n t o leprensioii everywhere uianifeHtSd, and con- aiild follow tho-pipemen Into tbo burnhiB •Si B. Hill, ot Pompton, haB Invented a io company's a g e n t h a d promiseil, a n d lildiugH, and has nuocceded in Belting four y p t o t h e AHSO. icquont idleucs* of iudividuala who would, xew brusb, for which bo has obtained a ir by the use of a registering instrument, JbrifilmaB night Froceedn for tbe Sunday five stops up a ladder at a flro. Ho was Judiojary Committoe gave i t a quietus ;he service Home who wcro new acr i n wbteli 6uch a law would^rld the people of a luhool. Maeio will be interspersed. dor ordinary oircnmstances, invest thoir DBDB ItUim XEEB EEEE BB8S EEER iw t Q ^ P w i i i t »r.a;Oar«~Coo B U« a n d B ifortuuate enough to ho run over several accordingly. Thoao o f . t h o Now J e r s e y >nt!j or their labor in Improvements whlc1< K II B E 1! B BE It Is not at all Improbable that Senator intiou, nnd tho adinirablo ma - Sherman Broadwell has been committed ireot State Ux, as a btrge revenue would be B , B 11 " H E E. R B Senators who do n o t know i t already, will btained by the use of tho inetrument, anflcld may be the next' President of tho Mr. Qrecuo, of Long 1911, dlKCoursed on tha would give material to-,nowspaper men. in nsg by tlie IIOBO enrringo. Fmuk was DDDD imilll EEE £B£ ' BS63 EEE to JaU in New York for perjury In detanlt of Vie all knovrtlintwhile thoee in robust ttio shape of interestingarllclcilongor abort, iw understand tbo. motive of certain S t a t e iroughttoEastohinl871, add presented to Tho Engineering and Mining Journal uyn ~ S B II II£ £-. E ' S SB . B Tuoratcrson Guardian aud other ses and Intricacies of grammar, nud the orf 20,000 tall. . . . E. '' S S BE i rarely taka, col^i, "weaMy persons are _ H EE E :ials who.aro canvassing f e r M r . W a r d ( BR H BE -rolico Coptnin,' John Hnggcrty,- bnt the * -mek-ttf -the pig.irou -raarkoli -..Truta raminent Democratic papers throughout Iplnal nnd iuterestlng manner ia which Mr. but always of interest to ibo public. We alB E£ 8 S S EEEEE E Bey. Dr. Magio, of Pleattnt Gnve,.,hin [ soon .farmed an attachment t o tbo Hu- or i t i s n well-known foot thnt thoy a r e Jected by the, slightest ohangea of temper- DDBB It • B E££B EEEE . 8£<SS. E. M. Young handled primary subjects, did way&.likfi: to Idkowjwbat otli'ern aro doing in Mltlod down to Tcry greatquietness, and fceeu holding a uries of interesting meetings prioea are'deoideuly weaker, .'nlthough nom- i« State ore talking"strongly !tf WBfftTOr,— credit to Mr. i^uolda'dkcriuiiuatiori, .Nor fighting the great battle'of lire.'inHjm InlvrnoFlro Coinpauy^ntl remained with them Icvoted odheronbi of tho Inaunuico c o m p a n y . iura.. Tho leason ia thnt the weak blood Jas. Cain, the old^stabllshed shoemaker, ; CBt is cscitcd in the individual who is creotliasoauBeil the debility, fails to import jrtLUUe Brook, m y BonntorBBrohonesUyhtsitatingunder ;ll hiHdcaUT. "Tbo apparatus of tlie com. ould ws omit tbo Interestingaddre inally unclianged. We loam of no business Sussex etrcot, wbouo custom work ie n house or wlio breaky lils^ nepk in Ihe and wo ie perauaslonB of theso offlclals, let t h e m rigor to Uie 'orgauVof respiration and perThodomestlo troubloaof Mr. and Mm.worth reporting. We quote No. 1 foundry, novn far and near for Its excellence, lias )gden, on "Bohools as they ' I s oxilibUlngsn-elesfitit iitoek of. " iBipt, We wore about "to'say we were iaur novpri'loft .ft'e bouse on any occasion Toodles B.t the Protection entertainment pnf 16(319; Ko. Sfoumlry, $17@16, sod forge uat received on Immeuee ttock of boots, t h o u g h t as h e p i c t u r e d t h a old buildings a n d iorrv that UIIH state of affain no longur ot- jut that the faithful creature acoompauled it. i q u i w w h a t M r . W a r d ' s r e p u t a t i o n w a s a s iptration, thus flenlicg the pores and olosing Uo only avoouo for the harmlcBs t-sonpe ot a t h o rough eeuts, w e could take h i m losonn: ; i Ohrlstmu night We aro reriilnded of an editor with Ilis h de wil( be retained by the Hutnano m e m b e r of tlia H o u s e , a n d t h o y will find u-ge port of the wasU) produots of the body. ibbors and arctica, whlcb be IB Morrla C o u n t y whleh nro still t h o a o h o o l whom wi) were well acquainted who, on the' 'boyn," who^haro placed hiu body In tha further evidence t h a t a n a n . w h o is falne These acrid BacreUona irritate tho Throat, Elegant dresspfttterofl and hnndrodB of nor* illing nt prices that will astonish tho public. uses of t h o olden time, h i s own c o u n t y , 'Is unfit, t o b e trusted witncsB 'sfjiud was being mado to foel tha inds of a taxidermist for preaenratiou. i allies suitable for hblidnj gifts may ha found Hr?P. L. Londy eailod last week for tlie J.-Tye&ley Sammls/recently on Ibo corner Lungs, Nose, Head, or other organs, producMr. Osear U a r d y ' f p a p e r w a s a carefully 1th larger Interests/,': 1 ;: T tonesomouess of his poulUon by a lawyer iBt Indies and Soutli America, whore ho '. Dlackwell 'and Morris Btt.' has opened a atBaker*Beemer'a. . . '.; ' andftgreat variety of ing Coughs, Colds, Catarrh, Bronchitis, olo. p r e p a r e d a n d well digested o n o , nud e u r o who hold a grudge flgninrt h i m . . Bald tha Tha Young\ People's finterta/nment ' !•• is.Bnecinl corespondent.of tho N. Y. aw marlct in tha building next to Morrirkor's Ginger Tonlo acts like'a charm, Wholo car loads of Christmas twos are' t o a lively discussion. Tho p n p e r o f tbo lawyer i "Now, Mr. Editor, In tbta crimin. i l i o • third ontartainraoat of i tlie Young A Great Temperance LectureirmononUy cures these disorders, is ple&s> jjaBfling over the railroad from* tha Pooono [oralil, and with a view to obtain Inform*, m'nbook Btoro, on SUBSDX Street. 'Weelej bounty Superintendent was a n excellent o n e , Imntkr now being t r i r f ^ I suppose you o l i o ' s Union of t h e P r e s b y t e r i a n Church, on regarding tho new lino of Bteamers re- aowB bow to keep a market, and tho good worthy tlie m a n , a n d tlio occasian,fullof o b . Mr. 8. 8. Llutlsiey, of this place', t In taste; promptly opens the pores and mountains to New "York. angrtitulatcd yourxolf on IU occiirroace boThursday evoiiing, ndded frenli L t u r d s t o 33, wo BiippoBo, o n e of t h e most remarkable intly aubiidized by the Venezuelan govern; ielfl the poisonous accumulatioaff, allays ings of'this life In his line will be displayed lorvatiou, w i t t y sayings a n d c a u s t i c remarkn, useof of tbo interest it .would create in ielr nlrendy cstiiblibhod r e p a t a t i o n . I n t h e The proposed union of tho PleasantGrove lompcranue ltcluree last F r i d a y evening t h a t •uu between tbat country and tbe •Et abundantly. He BIRO . asserts that b e a n d w e aro i u hopes of some d a y seeing i t in mr pnpor; it Was a source of profit to you, local kritatlons, and instead of nauseating iitioimry p a r t ; o f thoir outerhiinuiciit •nd Bohooley'i: Mountain Prtsbyteriftn HOB ever heard in t h i s ,or any o t h e r town, Initc4 Stetea. ; '•; be stomach and oonstipatlng ibebowelsVaB boanil to sell cheap. prlut. M r . Berry rondo a good president, i." " No more no tlinn to yourself, I appros Suele Critteinloti watt i n t r o d u c e d a n d In always pure and freek' charges has coma to naught. . ;.'.< v ' t h e hooulams a b o a t town were gathered Io mnst cough medicincfl, invlgorntcfl the a n d bliss Howell proved, whoii she'read tho liend, replied tbo editor, nudaBmila wreathrecllfilion o f ' T r o w b r l d g c f e "Aathor's Mr. B. O. Ouerlu of Morristown, has ao- HalrhouBC, th.e Jeweler, has tho flncBtOBother,'Mome d r a n k mid Ruiun Bobor, a n d intbro digostivo apparatiiB and.blood.^ I t "We have seven mon employed in the En* n t n u t c s n f t h o last meeting that ulio i s iUPUT i>d Uio funtures of the Court. The fact Is, iglit,"oviuced rare giftu of voios n n d m a u Drtmeut of holiday girta ever Been n t his g u t i i r Bcourow weio o u t i n fall force, hus not only effectually euros Coughs; Colds, qulred a new road team that are said lo havu people forget thnt wo depend upon tbeni at tbat coniplutuly cnplivatoti l b s htrge liuand have turned out a vast quantity of a t aocretarial w o r k . . Ur. O a r r a b n u t , of illing tlio linll protty.fnll. Of t b e concourse, trotted In 2:00 in double harness. . roll iitooked place, includlug ladles' etora- ib work for weeks past, Ii'if such is thoChatham, introduced in a spirited ranuner a iatahh, BronchiUe, nnd gives the strongest IOLCO in nttendanoo. bin.. I^eury McFar", Ending gold wntcheB, and all other kindu of 1 'Pop.* 1 Sandforf,;pretty-woll honzlnea, won iopo lo ConAumpUye^>bt\t:ninoYeB all Dys- 1 - •mak'rlnl" ' ' •just just rMaordfor.U8,'fiud The telephone and concert entertainment n grading district school*, a n d nta of *ffnlr8—tbo demund for low priceu nghiu delighted o n r people b y rentHpg keepers, riagnia every farm, beautiful [KB o e n i m l o r n a m e n t , a n d aroused all i h o gaod or evil to tlieir nelivily ia w«rks for given for the benefit of engineer Jas. Wright Uwt th'cro baa boon but little profit In it, Itogsther, UIQ t n c o t i n j was n n crnl soo Di pera chailia, silver plated ware, clocks, jow> 1 Ilnmlot, with mntcblOBs inanto onsscdnem of tho boys b y m a k i n g a ITS we juiiiiblod tD*tbt!Oi f p f j t p V l w u s t l f c on Tuesday evenlng^vas successful. iwever, If wo can help our friouiU; Increase D ts and a thousand'other things that h a v o nmittud a n y o u e w e m u H t b o e ifcctiou, causing al) to listen i n rapt at. upoooh while awnlltng t h e appearance of t h e ;be, Constipation^; Aflld^StoinKh,; B*"' ^ ' . ^ ' ' ". •" .. ; • The Crane Iron Works, Catasaquft, put ou ought to look a t ' ' ' ie!r business thereby we shall feel that we as wo h&ve mislaid o u r n o t e s . Oh 1 \ tntioa for inoro tbaii hitlf au'bour to t£e otnrer. T h e lecturer soon after arrived, pirits, KervoiiBnem, L i r e r . Complaint, 1 ' : • The best brands of ' their largea* furnace In blast last weck.makworking in a good cause, and nifty kopo locjuonoe with wltioh eho inventad fcjboke-- i d b e g n n a r a m b l i n g discourse, that only loated Tongue,' DlarrhcKB," iuid' Bowel DIBL. Wardell died etiddenly a few rcalizo eomcthlng when better timeg op- pt, Mrs, Siwmous; whioh Is tha Kernel's At a mooting of tbe Yanag Mou's OlirJs- ipenro's grand cfjniposition, .' Mra. Dr. Hur• ing four of their six now in operation. ' cokod lauQhler, c a t calls, nnd a babel of rifa, waa thera—at least Mr. Beau-Clerk FOREIGN AHD DOMESTIC rdere,' •Wakefulnera, Vand .Hheomatlo' and ayB'figo at tbo residence of his brother tlan Association on Friday evouing-of last irruptions a n d quizzes. " D o c " S a n d Slxty-fllxcanujf pt&iron passed down the gave'" Mrs. Simmons on Corporal Punish- week the following Hoard, of Directors was ls read "Tlio Famine/' from<-Langfoltow'fl :onmlgio TolnB. Bay from your drnggiat, 1 Qcorgei in Bo onion. ' Ono week toforo his ABaD.eitarnalapplic&tlonCampimr'nream jnt," ^nd for oiico bo had to laugh blmself elected for ihe prommt yeiir: " • ; ;': 'Iliitwalba,'. wblcbfia to our thinking owe of ird took lt nil In w i t h canRldernble gravity oughtAKiDgoro, Doveri'Oram, XIuico& Morril and Essex ID OUU day last week to Hodeatlihe called upon his brother, and'said, sarpaaaos any tiling yet discovered. Kheuie moat difflcuHof motlorn English" compet- rdomonnor til) one o f t h o bays h i t e l m o n o., P o r t O n u n i P. H. Jenkins, Chester; at tbe jumbled np protorbH and tlio quaint . boken,from various Pcnnsylvanian furnaces. " Well, George, I liuve coino to see youniatism, faoe^aho, neuQlgin, pain in ride, sayings of tbo good lady. In tho morning rrrefiliyterinn Ohtirch—Dr.. P. A. Harrlx, itions, aiid bur rich volcoand iwrfect'styfe l o e ' a r w i l h a bean, when h e asserted h i s r. 6. Cnardavoyne,'Btanhape, a $ 1 bottle DOTEB BAKE BBUjDIHG Hear the fnnoy local problems that will m. H. MiiKO, Jay 8. Trent. - .. ' - . lud n now (beauty la tha deutli'scotf? of Ignltyln¬ljerbriofsneooh, which wound lSaln( and will sUy until I die.wbieh will bo a samplo.botUe at 15 eta., and.tests.its :kor limbs; outa aud wounds of. every bereoiteiluBceiiepoem "ThoLodyofLyoofl," Blackwcll Street U. I;. Ohuroh^-Gnrrott be propounded by Bonos and Tnmboat the Although in excellent health at the ,ain eltlier bowo or man. ItontyreqairoB andg«Toami<J4niucbniorriinont," Tlio Iriah 3amomnt, Jos. HHey. J. Unmbnll Lowy. fliighins'VVilor" thatwe- never roaHzoihflw i t h tha castignUon'of tho u n i t nrohli extraordinary merits. 7.tf D O V E R . . N. J . Protection cntertalnmenton Christmas niBhL Frci Mctbodirt Chnrcb-^W. V. D. KinBoy", «.Bev. Mr. Hillowhy nlno gave' to 'the rbo came' witMn h i a reach. Confusion imo to died just ono week later. be tried nnd'no house or BIAWB will bo achoolniftBtcr'B MHlmd of Tcnc,iinSlho AlF. Senring. J. "YV. Soaring. ; Before you buy jour holiday proMnts call •llttttlo of Jvry" tha ^wonderful force of oxd supreme—tho a i r w a s laden w i t h The main building for the now forges nt rilhout It. For sale wh,olcsalo and retail at phfltet."- "We cannot oloae without tecdorlng t,Ejiiseopjil Ohurch—Anna Elliott, Mun&on .rtmtbn tbat tbe pioce re^niras.': In thevociferous applause, a n d , t h a lactui and see the grand display at M. H. Dloker- art Oram ie about *udoeed, Tho building A Tttne*iftiBortd Sp*wf3e;_Th»i long u d •ought i Killgore's, corner drug etoro, tbligatlons to Mrs, Tolmodgo forn jnott ncceiBful ciiicor ol Dr. WtnuBT1! PIKX TBKE aon'a. Bead LIs advertisement on cpposlU Ich I r i s h story of " J i m m y , B a i l e r a u d t h e ({iking i t for encouragement, forsook h t a toe stock'house will ToUov, &nd it i s lover, and merchants generally throughout excellent repast which. Squire Potter uuiBted On Saturday cpenluri the Directors olaotod COBDUL, ta contnited with tlie speedy :>*]," JIolYiu.Youug elicited h e a r t y l a n g h t e r netcs a n d launched ont i n BUOQ a t o r r e n t of thought all will be in rcadiocBS for work in to county. lie following oflloern for Uio year i • roilapio of noitrnms devoid of eD1»oy which uiatodoJuBtlcoto.. " ' itiflgroa£ apjilauaa b y hia • perfect rendition. Dnfused EcgliaU a s \\t^ never before beard, STO from tiros to time boon puffed Into ibrtel Large loU of Hew Jeney iron ore are now tho Spring. There will he four fira worked, Pretltlent—V. V. Wolfe. . ', "Woodruff, Vf. O. we mean, has his estabPhe muatciil p a r t of tho e n t e r t a i n m e n t f t c r a while h e b r a n c h e d off o n another •torioty doilnft the tircntv'odd yetrs that passing over the New Jersey Control road, nno" should the Wilson process prove snoVice President— II. P . Sanderson. ; slimcnt ot Ohestor crammed full of beaut), PORT, MORRIS, Ills celebrated mcdiclDo l i u boon sold, affords of t h o htghaat order. M r . Itoeppbr, i b j e o t which shnll h's nameleas, a n d w h i o h Socretrtry—J. M.tnbnll LonSy." and being forwarded to the furnaces u p the cessful a t Bockawny, i t Is probable that deul toys and confeotionory. Wo were.irarTreasurer—A, Jndaon Coo, hia flnte, newnmpnuied b y l i r a . Boeppci ild n e r o r hn.vo been. dUouasad i n t h e proof thnt tlio Ameriein public continue! ta There will b o a ClirlBtmns t r e e i n t h poio its confidence In deserting articles only, i will ho put up at this plaoo. irifled to learn that ho has $800 invested in 3 c h o o l h o n s e o n t h e evening of t h e 3CIU— in t h e plnno, was twlco' on t h o p r o g r a m m e iresono* of boys. D u r i n g the whole of I t a ?he lino Troo T*t Cordial has IOOR bcon roCogE . M.: Qulmby, of Morristown, with B Mitt E. A, Sboenmkcr'B claw in elocution ond Now Year's nick-nacks,' nnd not Ohrintinaa eve—nnd Sautn Clnus hna \ale of-rthe Drakevil/e^urmcfi Property. md received long n n d licarly XNOon.gs. A •erfect pandomonlnm of confusion reigned, l d aa tlio lending tpecifie for Ccninmptio, coaple of'friendi, baggfld four hnndred head will tnld its first session on Friday oTcnlng, ' tho universal Bantrt OflUBOf that whole promisea ench m e m b e r of the S u n d n j S c h o o l >inuo qnnrtolto byMlajiesHose, Oon'dtot a n S rbioli t h e lecturer look for n sign of merited O n F r i d n y last, in K e w T o r k , t h e r e chitlfl, CoQRba, OoWi, Asthma, Dlptheria, ll other dUeiaei of the breitbfng OI"C»OB. «f duckB, partridgeo and quaUi in Maryland Jan. tth, at twlf-past seven o'clock, in Sic- Dgion can't.bo satlsOcd with what h« con p r e n o n t o f s o n i e k i n d . T h e r e w i l l u c s i n g - ild at a u c t i o n , b y o r d e r of t h e assigneo of mn a n d J e n n i e Berry, a n d a p i d i i o doott pproroL I n concloulon h a s a n g a song, uie M r . nnd';Mru. Unirbonu), w o r e . ToryJhie ; week:befor« last ' ' ~" •ok n p a collection a n d called for a voto a s Davit's Hall. Any one desiring tojoln tbe at Woodruffr with whlob to fill thr ing b y tbo Sabbnlh g o b • pi cbl|dr e n > n few IpHorfySons., ( h o b a n k r u p t Biignr yefln ders, ; ]eed, a n d • a ' vbenl - s o l o liy • Mri,- Treat, "a ,-h'etbur t h e lecture uliould b e repeated, - Erery day the LeWgh Valley and Lehigh olaescari do so by leaving their namea with iklngs of tbe little ones, then he hadicleot pieces, Rung b y i q n o r t e t t o , a n nddrcss i large Bchedula o f p r o p o r t y , o f v h i c h t h e raYi-1 -hereupon t h e audience h e l d tip t h e i r h a n d s , dorof uloua, Anuoilonn, urinary Troublca,Qra< r nf tho and SuBquohacna Ballroada carry large loto Slri Jay 8. Treat, Miss Shoemaker being out better go to Fox Hill. : . '[• y M r . Tumblyn, a former lur Ine' is i n t h i s State t Not* of W. K. iluctl l.vSIr. HairUouHoand MIsi Adfllfl Ltndmild j , ii trio by Miatos Beach a n d Hnlsoy a n d tood n p , a n d finally gave h i m t h r e o o h e e n . Jropy, Dohility.j Conatlnallon, ind FenM of Iron from tho Vallijy furnaces, on i u way of toira:" I t is very desirable that those in. TUe Second M. E. Church, of Dover, will Kubool, mid volunlarice on t h e organ by H r , Btephous, Draluivillo, 9S,84!U&, for $ n. S m i t h , a q i m r l o t t o b y M r s . T n - a t . M r e . W e have n o d o u b t tbat i n giving tills lei labcstho to the seaboard markets. tending to join the ehwabopresenlat its flint have a Christmas Tree and treat for their 8 , D , Could, organist of tho Preubyterlau t r a c t o f hind n n d i r o n mine, Drakeville, WcOtham Watohmfrom$12 , _jttrcljr cradioktcs the iril a n d M ^ r s . T r e a t and.' Gage, 1 a onorutt .re l l r . Llnduley, w h o In a new corner I prrlfl County, cbnlainlug 020 acres, with to which lt la adapted, bntalio that I n speaking of the bad BcctloD.of rood in meeting.* FrtVAte leBflons at $2. CO per lesson. Bumby Schcol on Christinas night. There Church, of Dover. pwards./beat quality p. s . boys a n d t h o opening a n d ' c l o n i n g ohoi r place, was actuated b y tbe best IDOUYPB, Iwelling hoiiss, b a r n , two tenemoat houscB, in la romixkiblv prompt and ihoronah. Yes, sir I we ore going t o have an organ The' tjpott Ia he'ooming moro goneral tlint will bo speaking by tbe children, singing and Hanover township hut week we should have aKTlETT with ohronometOT rn»tfl a f t h e m e m b e r s of t h s U n l o n wero each m t w e think i t beat for M m a n d for t h e InicUIteHtofexpcriuncehasdomooatratcd 1., for $l,0Q01 tract of land a t Crakovine, <"<— >n every ptitlenUr. Sold by ill •Bid it is located between' the residence of Preaidefat Sloan of the D., U& Vt. BaUroad other intersting Bierciaes, nnd on Hew Year'i in t h e chapel, a fiitcen-Hton, sub-onus nod i i n 3 oz. oase, Teduuud well r e n d e r e d a n d added t t o tho camploto- lercBts of tbo peapln to s a y (lint h e should Inctpal depot No. 91G Filbert Bt, has lisued ordora to the enginearfl of ttio road niglit the.School will havo a grand entertain, &n ootaoo conpier, n t t h n t ; b u t wbetbor i t is Morris c o u n t y , oonlaining.14 a e r o , more o r Theodora M. Peek and Howtll'fl Bridge. 9 of this g r a n d c n t e r t a i n n i e n t , . - - . :it b e permitted t o deliver any more leoless, witlidwellingihouBO, hl(wt farnaco f o r cbupied w i t h a 3-lint;, a smglo link, o r : ires In this section. M o s t of those w h o go Mr. B. O. Ifagie, St., of, this town, con-that orory man connected with theBrotlier- ment in tbe Church. Headings by the pop. ladies' solid cold American 2-liuk nnd a d e v i c e , I ain not nbla b s a y nt moltiug iron o r e , b u t l d m g , h o u s e , bl ) b e a r h i m only d o so w i t h t b e Intention of trifantes a Tefy interesting and. entertaining hood of Locomotive ongineors either quit ulttr Mrs. E. T. Biscoe, of Farsippany, and Lucky ii the baby whoso, mamma vno Watches from 5 so up. tills p r e s e n t w r i l l u g . M r . C o u l d WAS here Furnaco fnr "BnteltlnB I r o n o r e , b u i l d i n g m i The Next Petit Jury, v ridiculing h i m , find nalng h i m a s t h e con. -. article on tho growth of Americaiv.elUeB tothat orBonlzotloa or Uio sprvieo of tbo Corn- muaic, speaklngj dialoguea, eto,",by the mom'n Bnlpliur 8u»p, with which to w u b the hinery, e t c , f o r S00O('boudB nnd mortono n i g h t t o test it nnd p r o n o u n c e d it a good ira and friendit of the school Gents' solid •old Amorioan The following "persons were o n Tuesday trot figure Df a g r a n d burlcsqne. . on Uie l i t of January. I t is said that memBcritmcr'B Monthly UagftzinQ fur January, other Ittlo iDnocont.. No prickly h o s t , g e s o f Jacob • ViuiDyke, ^ Hnckettittown, it, and what be e a j s n TVatoteB from i 15 up.Tbo effluvia arising from tbe bare bottom awn in tha mnnncr prescribed by law to bersof tho Brotherhood, tava, inijuoed Mr. rash,ranannoy thofntant cuticlo with which n o w o u f . . ' ; ' • • • • ' ' ' " ' ". • ' •'•' .'-.'' if the canal may be veryexbilirtitingto the there In n o use of auybndy In- t h a w p a r U fl.OCO, / o r f 8 1 0 i'do. of , R M . H a b b a r d , servo as potlt jurors at tho January term of hU cooling and.purifying antlaoorbutio comes Sloaa t o do this In order tbat they may have ^ All aHAJ)ES and STYLES on lladison ,has formed a Village ImproVeRahwny, $2,000 f o r 6 8 0 , j . iempl°7c<l mulo and physicians, .but togain-Raying. He will b e with u s o n C h i Morris Courts: 'V1."/ - . ; • ! - ' dally contact. Sold by all rimggUts. hand to select from. . ' monl Society, with'aCommUtoebf 17, at tbe an eicneo for severing thoir connection with lose In tho vicinity it smells of pestilence. mas nujlit, aud I have n o donbt will b r i n g IUndolph—CbM. PiJraer, Daniel Holler, HILL1* n*m and Wmassu 3) re, black or The Protection IntertatnmoQt, head of whioh I s Jo.lge Lftthrop. About it-• A Handsome ^of/eht/'on. . • m, K. WiUlomson;1: Vincent B. Clark, JOB. T h e variety e n t e r t a i n m e n t t o bo given b y owQ, fifty conts. Tbla weather also breedi death in tbe cellar, out t h e bent a n d uweotent niunic there i s in CLOCKS. JEWEJLRYj SPEC$700 has been subscribed for the purposes/ Tlie entartainmeat in the M. E. Chapel at which rises from .decaying canbagca nnd it. I t will b e preueuted to tho Malhodlsl •Wo droppotr i n t o t h a establishment ofMi Vf, Brlnnt tH*'-'Protection Hook a n d L a d d e r Company i n Port Morris on Christmas o « promt.ios tobe other- vegetables through tho floorn into Society t h a 1 ) uvcutng, when everybody Qoo, M ' C m c k o n . l n this place yesterday of protecUon against fire. ' ': ' " Hockaway—"William EsUle, Mnitbiwi B . Holler's Opera H o u s e n e x t Tuesday evening Heiltli ii on Inesllniablc jeffo'. Tlio cough or write for price-list. Tour ChrintaM dinner will not be com- i fine oniu A Chriatraaa tree will bo provid- occupied rooms. Dlplth'eria on'd typhoid and bia wifo aud children are cordiully in mortiing nud t a w the lifludaoment oollcction Kitohel, Adnm Earles.' ill b o one of tho m o s t a m n s i u g aai e n t e r doprlToi vpu or It mftT tkki four Ufo too..' pd, *nd there will be addresses nnd fineinu»f n l c i g h i . t t i a t w n i , p n b n u l y p v e r soon i n , pletounless you go round to Frank Cox's lining fiffnirs ever wltnesaed In Dover, a n d fever will go band in hand in such familic vitcd toatleud. itoxbury—John N. Youngs. )oe bottlo or tiaiq'a.Bonoy of Horohonad and N::H. WHITE, 441 BROAD St., ' neat : markbt, on AVarren street and select JcBlflxoroiaeB, A epleriaJil now organ, with as neglecttoguard against this unBcasnnabli The society bad a surplus fuml of (28 ou Uifl town, Tlicra'nre nbont a dozon swell- .Oheatet-rHenry H. Dollioker, John U..D. io unnnually large n u m b e r of r e a m e d wilt iTort tlieeiil, ind IITC jou from con: flftcui Blopn, sub base and octaTe coupler, •-from, his fine stock of poultry,, meota, vegow sold warranui t b e s t a t e m e n t that t h e collectioim." IL N E W A R K , N. J . weather and allow their winter's supply of bnnd trom thnir l l i " I odies on exhibition, r i c h i n henntifnl pnni B*me.ffo ffl K. PhiUiowe'r, iptlon. Will yao welRh Ufa igiinBt a htlf , • Goorgo Wook. oune will b e packed to i t s fullest capacity, etables, frulU and other ediblei. . . . which iB^oinly t i e giftof friends^ of the vegetables to decay in their bonnes. p a i n t i n g a n d trimming, w h i c h ho, h a s « agreed tliattliifl h h sum should bo appro-' work, p dolltrT ' Sold by ftll drngRiil J h H d l y Jeffenon^JohnHeadley. gR (?PP."-M. & E. R. E. DEPOT. ohutch along tho line of. tbe road,-will bo 'ho flrat pnrt of t h o progromma will b e c I'ik' T t h l D d f tl i t , tthat h tare r eijual t t b priated lor tbo purpmo of buying an organ, prepared p j l totbe e lu 1 minute. At an entertainment In tha'new South preBonted'onthiB occafiion," whcnMtsmerita fur tlie w I'ikc'a ToOthacliD Dropn c ^Honnl'OUvo-Wnilam Wnilam K. MJUcr, John Eugene Carrell, at llorrintewn, Ii a very rognlnr minstrel opening, mud a n p of jokei lih Th 1 rk city etitabliBhnieut. Thceo h street Churoli, MorristowD, on Wednesday wiU be brought ont by' Mr. 8. D. Oould, c large dealer In genta' furnishing goods of provided Mr. W. K Dny, our Eufiuo Dck of f any i t hn D. Budd, Richard Ap. a n d c o n u n d r u m s h a v i n g local reference, npatcher. w- uld mitto tbc hnlnnco ontuido of ltends to soil id jUnt one-balf the p r i c e be •venlng, were exhibited two marble baa re- Dover. SatooK'a MANDIUIX Fixts will bo found &Tory dcBcripllon. Ho ]B also a large manu- Fort ll'irrip. Mr. Uuy haa sucnoetled in do- u e c d t o reuei TO,, n u d t h a a o . w l i b in l e n d b u y . . solos w i t h choruaca for t h e company.a t r i o of ; to pnRaosa those quollUoB ncoossftiy to Uie OOTOOEIt TE11M, 1877., •iWashtngton—Morris H a n g h r i g h t , A n t h o n y Uefs,,tftluod at. $l,00O, which were cut b a r m o n i m n a n d n goriernl b o d g n l of fuu thnt total eradication of nil bilious attacks, DroeM has done a lively business in hoi facturer of gloves In great variety, nnd we ing «o, by the .nld of bin friewdn. Awinta i n g a sleigh will n e v e r find's b e t t e r opportun_tho Witter ot Joaopb Roderor, £«<mtor of Rome by the great artist Bartholomew;. will cause mlrtle t o reign anproine for half prompt to start the secretions of tha liver, n i t y tlmu iK to scoi{re~one; /BeBJdes. h e h a s day article* this week, aod baa been com- learn tbat besides selling them ready-modi Superintendent Frank J. Griffith taking i JobnHetnl, deccaaud. Rule to shop came p Mo^triUe—John W. V a n D u y n e , J o h n Vf. and giva a licoltuytono to the entire RjHtem, Why there should not he * sa.!a or lands On Monday' morning, as Mr. Samuel died to. replenjah hi* stock. *Tho rtore oTor his counters he hu made to order froi nctiv<> port In tho wotV. For further purtic- viiriety o r c o m n n i u a r w o r k ; ' e n a b l i n g tho s , bonr. afterftsoloction b y t h e D 'cung, -Abram L e a c h . Indeed, it is no ordinary discovery In med- TOHKFH UOSEnEn. the Exeenlor or John i 8tephcn«,'6f l i t OUte.wan driring ona of hia re»pnta a'beautifui appeoranoe, being filled actual 'measurements of tho hind of c u nlnw, If there nre nuy, wuit nntil ueil w*ol [inrchnso. of tl good sleigh far guneriil pnricaJ uoUnoo to h&vv mvont«i n remedy for J Hetul.lnleortho County or Uorris, df l &Iurr&—Danlol'Alexnndar, Lewis F i c r s o n , archestra that has been formedd for tlia •; horses out of tha BUble,ltwaa attaokedby towpl^on>i0».books-of all kinds,from Individual over five hnndred pairs.. We these stubborn oatuplainta, which develop satetl,-'bivlBR nude and exhibited to t h h The rosorvoir was dmwn off this wook nil poses a t a p r i e e ' w i t h i n tbo rcnoli of all T., -William T . Snuddon.'nohfirt P . K t c l i e l , n laughhble furoaj entitled >(A Squi il the rcsalU produced by a heretofore free k>nrt, nnilor natk,> Inal and true account of , a tow belongbg to a Mr. Young and BO tertbe baby's picture primer to tha most ele- iQlgratulato Eugene oa such a substantial it U snld more tban fifty busliclH ot Hub bin Even i f yon dn not inltt • u . piurcbaBej Day," will bo prodnced, comically illi iBaioPorceJs, ; ' . iso of calomel, a mlnen.1 justly, dreaded by lieporaonjl esUto anduebti or a aid decetied Irotlble p f n V ribly gored that i t bad to be killed immcdl- \nt gift volume, pboto, scrap and auto- business in theso tlmeB, and do not wander bcon Uken tret in it. trating the Elbiopinn^eyBtem of disponsi u be baa been able to dl« oontcn—Ianaq H . RIugBland, J o h n A. nankind, nnd acknowledged to he destruc- s tt mUr o , by n b i o h It appears t h i t t hie e peraousl lh " a t e l y . , . , ...-:. - •• " Then Miss Aggie Gngo—whose r '•">'(, is mother matter tlmt pbonhl go im np albums, toys, games, diaries, writing that ho endeavors to still further IncrcAio tive in the extreme to the human system. lOrden, J o s e p h Cooper. -, " 1 tnantliclent lent to t o pay pay ula builncss by advertiiingin^our o " " itation of "Hock of Agon'' at tbe receni That the properties of certain vegetables At the meeting of tho Weit MorrU Teioh- dcsiB, pnpetoria In every imaginable ahape, , and atatfng that said deibathnm—Henry W. Young, Samuel E . comprise all tho virtue! of calomel without c e a i o d d i e d • d or lands, tiineraenia, her itortainmont made for h er* •• era1 'Association - at Ohftthani last Saturday andK million or two of other Ihlnga, suit; Bichanls, Willinm R G e n u n g . its injurious tendencies, is now an admitted d l nil real real eatato, e a u t o , aitui'Bitutte — i n t'* : finch a well deacrved reputation a.s un elocu- fact, rendered indisputable by ecionUfio Connty of M o m s , m d praying t h e . t i d of t bhie EOT. JOB. U . Ogden, the oldeBt .Presbyterian ible for'everybody.'/: • '. Mendbom—Bobort M. B a b b i t t , J a m e a B , tionist—will recite Lougftillow's beautiful refiearchciii and, those who USQ the Man-Court iciliepreinlippi Tlicrcfure.itlsorderefl toinirtoriiiNew Jersey, dellTored an InterTlio motion for tho-re-argument of tbe by tbo Court, t h s t &U pomons intoreited in t h e Bowuan, Tbeodoro W. P b o c n i i , Stephen a ••SanOitlphon." I n ronelimiou the drake Pills will bo fully RaUnflod that the bent Una*, Una* loiiumonu lictedHmc -- - ' loii ' «tIn^addre«cm."BohoolBorthe Present cast o< tho Mdrriflana EBsex'BaUroad ComByrnm, J o s e p h CampboIL ' . • M serio-comic drama, in two acts, "Toodlet,1 medicines tire those provided by nature iu c i t a t o or uiddoccaBCd, do appetr balore tht . and Uio Part." •••"'•-' pany \ s . the State,. has boon doniodbythe tho common herbs and roots of the field J. _..„_. i r _r thla Oonrt, *t t1i«. Oonrt Honae, in F o q u a n n o c k — H e n r y J . Btami, Walter rill bepretiented by a fall onnt of ladles ai These FUIB open the bowels and co llornatown, i>n Tnc-idar,' tbe twfDty-iccnnd :lieir houses. ETwyboay in want of OhristrnftB toys and Supreme Court of tho Uclted SUtan. J . r untlemen well known in our town, v h o I all billions dorangemeuUi without salivation day of J»nu«ry A. D, 187B, and nhow eaaot. If Anroi J n g b r o u g b t to Col. Cortlondt eonfectiouahonldkoflplnromomlirancetnat Shipman, 'Esq.-, presented to tlio Cocrt Poanoio—Alfred Englea, A l b o r t L i n d s l m U nro nnro will render It motit effectively. T or any of Uio injurious effecte of calomel or an? thny lute there witb his rpgimoot' bo „ —iraanneriiooPwj'' m B m U o U r . Twwartha, the " Cindy aJan," has hiiErrors and Appeals of "thia State, tha mn William T . Main, J w w p h K u n y o n , Ahrara B other poisons. The utcretion of bDo In lo entertainment will make two hoars ' marched in pursuit of the ivo b a U M o W r t y of Uie Inflini w no ba BB w •tore packed full of good things forlittleam data of tho'Suiireme Court of the United Btovens.. • ' . genuine merriment, anil will prove a hap; promoted by these pills as will bo seen by • • ., i ho twioo got eight of on a iid soigt£ttYhfi;.forb*}BS. Eoiog her. the altered color of the stools, and dtsnpbig folks to enjoy Christmas with. Bead his Stntefl, directing aaid Court to enter a reTi KKW paed himself with HO H a n o r e r — ^ 0 1 ; Scott D e C a m p , Charles ending of tbe glad holiday in our town. DUv penrinR nf the sallow complexion and c l e w ^n, exolmngcd aomo shots "witli A m U Balof their opinion In the.tax cow) of t "a6>eTtIsemetl.'" r ' > ' • ' recoiled wit with j , tuongh nt too great a distance, p i ^ t b y rtscoilcd gramflof reserved Beats can be Been at lh<BlBgOfthotOORUD. Og^dcri, _,'•'. ' ; ' " . . • ' " endonvored to Bnrroiind tbom, h u t Finding, nf Ur BOToral nttomp ts, thai flrngfltoro of.Vou B ht & KUlgoro and thi Amplo direotionH for use ftocompany cadi The Temperanoo Union at Feap&ck now abovo railroad, and .also the opinion of tbi iln ; t b o ; alt nindo tbeir escape. I n oonli 'not force an enlranco, tlio In m mm o Supremo Court of the State In conformity U USy" i i a »p»nkln|[ drtm*, enJ tbi number of bookstore ofS, H. Breese, where tickets box of pills. Prepared only b y J, H . noinberi 173 member*, and the proprietor . -woman collected a heap of nnmbimtiiiiiui, ui iw, W. ra that KTD immodUttl/ cortd utiiuuslis, cold*bs procured. TJahers will bo In ettendam Bchenck & Bon, *t their priudpat offlc T n * d y of. the hotel there ban dosed it,' giring npall tbe opinion of Uie Supreme Oouxt of 1 flro to.tho promlsea. Retiring n k o n , afrom Mr flight :th*j left youn ind croup b r B r , Oon'a Wild C i e r r j tnil fiinek* to scat tbo audlanec i a the placos thoy : oomer Slxtli and Arch Sta., PhUadelphi d M CRON OO 4 diatnoue to sou ttio roanlt, tbo hk had to pay the rent "amarago." 1!« sold TJnltod States, . T b k irrovocably ,setUea Uie t thui from lhc \n aufa^Crr-lerliDi nf the virtue of ttwt ( n t t u d for Bale by till dniRdflta and dcaUm. h tbey hid Ukon, ' qn'cBtiori of taxation of Ihft * ™ choose. Tickets, 25 and 3E. cents, watched bis oppurtunity, anil ru U • the avrmi oi'tha. honso: only, fipmt twenty d t 6 t t h i l ih anvngos." i prlca trenty-Ava cen^ per hot. nidlvlne. Pric« 95 and SO ctuta, 27-whita oat with a ooaplo of bucUeta, hi MWh Biilroad Company." '; : 8 0O 6 60 8 00 10 25 15 00 19 01) 10 12 .The bint brand* of rubbers, in all widths, and a t tbe hycBt figures, afc Roderer Heagauty opposite the depot' Mr. FranL Ij. Easton, of Bparta, brother of Miss Eiieton, of our public cahool, hud two fingers cut off by a circular saw on Mon. day. . Shongum, Masonic- lttifun 1 we ti)ip.aii- u^Miii ilie niitul ilay ol At a K ' d i i l u r C'nnuiunication of Acnci u r tviviotir will bnVu b m n c.lfalimtod will.Lcul^.t, Nil. 2 i, „( A. V. n n d A. ]VL, hold ikll thu ylml liinllvilua U u l u.iiully decomp m y t h t i r l.-l(;,i rtMuii on Wnlucfidtiy evuiiii: nil wliort-uwm uml i b i u k i h u n n u i l>.c. lilih. 1H77, ilie fiillowiug were d e c t e u <>nh(! u i l i v i t y of Him wiio bronijl.t and iijii'iiinled ofnbiiru i o r IIJU cumiing Muo n eurtb n u d good will t o ^ n e u , " will n g M M u l rfcoguilioD, anil Rind i « r W. H.~Pierc« EngcrK. • p m i i i . will HK.-..11.1 ferni 4(1 . i w r (lie b. W.—liilwiml H j{jnn>. l.iud. H o w !lic a d v e n t cf U;o glud Yule (id<! .1. \V.—Unvlil J«uki,,H. our"tiiBtrH t i n y l r with jil* n*tire in M I Treiimirci-r, F, Jncktun. Suurctiiry-K. J), Gould. latioiinf il.tjii.vH. T o n i l it uoim* a S. D . - W . V. CurUs. of cheer. T h o Cbmlm>i*lroLH will J. U—Nil U n i t . WilrtW. . iwiuklu v i t b myriad lightu, u i o t i n g little TylL-r-Jobu Vi. Venner. Li ilitucc u-ilh <1 ligiit, itnJ ilji; )<tf{uiiil c M. of C.~ Guo, W. Uoiiunn, Jmeph Ayem. isit of Kuutu Cliiufl will h^ jrtuUzcd i plutlioric HtockiugH m i d bunlmivd plates, Tho nbi,ve officers worn duly iDslullod i trcnHiiree, too, tliiit carry w i t h Past Mwtur Tuo*. Ii. Critliiuduii. Pwd M them always u w w l t h of Hflfccliou v i l ) b r i g h t - l«r Win. H. Ijimibort wug elected Proxy It' en tliB hciiittliolj, uDiluvcry ouu will b e m a d e rcBciilaiivo'to tbu Gr.mil Lodge. •iobcr b y these (okooa of l o r e thai I " THE XX COUGH SYRUP.- A INSTANT RELIEF, • . « - « ample Bottles 10 cts. Regular size 25 ""i 50 cts. per bottle. VOUGHT & KILLGORE. Proprietors, D o - V H S D F t , 3NT- 3TNEW YORK DEPOT 8 and 0 COLLEGE PLACE. Weekly Statement of Iron Ore m L . T . J . l . L . ^ . « . . . ' J TJ.« , N. Beach, Koekuway; Josiuli Meeker, Succiisuinm; :. JIulsc, McCiiiiisville; Jenkins & Co.,Mine m i l ; G. i. Coe, Wnlnut Grove; David StryKcr, Ironia; F. N. enkiiiH, Olicster; A. Roberts, Drnkevllle; Allen, jungor & Co., Port Morris; P. C. Woodlmll, Flanders; . Yunarsdnle, Stanhope; J. 1). Plcrson, Sliippingport. A s k fox XX Cough Syrup and t a k e n o other. Gift 1^ ;pBija STOBE, P PICTUBE FRAMES, "Wall Pookets, Household Ornaments, Confectionery, BOOKS, BLANK BOOKS, Stationery. &o. • . SEQ-ARS. AMERICAN WATCHES I p a g e . ; - . . . -. • _ ; • • , • Morris Orphans Court. • . I t ? V . - . , _j l n f L *• ' « « » . • « « # • H . A h l n n iniof, May Wh, 1770. DOWN! AGRICULTURAL. UHMIB OR Horse*. CUSTOM DEPARTMENT and rats entirely upon his long experience in business not to misguide IUII) U h i i u English kiufc'. Tlivrd ..ru in All h e asks is a cull from one and inn ;.ill tbi tin. public of Dover and vicinity. horees iu Hie l'.ii it.,1 S...I.-'--. :l otlaT btiiiu uuiu).jln l<i^i':iiL-|-. J . i^t itu nil anil to compete with other pUcoa. Tha latest stylus of . _ kginc tlie jioor b> « " • ' " < " • " »u uloi,ec..utnet witb a luicU lii>jt;>i o f li.ir niMn• liMfbalways on hand and the prices you nill judge for yourself. •r.wsittcliMvi: i • . . 1 • OJ, Ootobor Wit, 1177. 1869. GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS 1 tLorXm«U-'Tiu ' auItiuiCDt the ( o L>i-i) ii ;: 1,,-:.! utii.-tl.i s Hie out o i tlifl poor ii ilium's k'iti-D, li-u.l , uu ,1 tlll'IJ liii-li. o!;. N.I* ngv offers to the public a large stock of Buffalo, Wolf, and Lap Robes, a w i y from ilmi^o r ; ;r.! t i i u . . J of the above goods baring bees bought Tor CASH allows ma not to be undersold. K. K—CtaxYa Beet Horn Clipper for rale' liini sen and IM s.iijjlj--.. win. MJ- r.i'j « ii-:.. • V i i . l l t , j l t , l il -i 4 ii,i ' fears will not Ii w over bia alijTiiiiis. W i t f i i l U l i , .fill e w i i 1- eat IwMO uinl J r in) and guntlo bim !;; limi wit.j <i:il l .- ):!•-• D. S. B1UMC. IN MORRIS COUNTY. •orriBtown, Oct. 12th, 1877. BABBITT & TKOXELL, NEXT TO IRON BANK, MORRISTOWN. time u near ... ofaueien t tint KIND: Tbo E !-„;«: Our HHBorMnent In alldoimrtmnntK in niuch larger tian can be found outride the large cities, and no one nudeniolla us. Uxomluftof goods and pi-icon requested. W. S. B A B B I T T , ; MOBEI8TOWN.IT. J. i, N. I., April nil, 1877. MORRIS COUNTY MACHINE & IRON-CO. DOVliR, N. J. Freeman Wood, *<•<" MERCHANT TAILOR, F A L L PASHIONS. NEW FALL GOODS. ill SIJICB Striped tfiJ Plaid Bulling, All New Ht;ltm CnHlmarte, .UklmlBorBciveriforOTEIlOOATS, • All kindi EORIIBII *ad Krenob Olatbi 11 Hew OIKKIR »t the LOWEST H1ICEH, H from.7Ee. tb 110, All k .11 GirmcDte mida to onlor and w*r«.ntod. All who want GOOD FITH, t t i e Bn n; if ' tbw WAte :intijn.::l?o •)• ii,.?M;«nMi' I be did licfon1, ior iit-'^(tulbe n|jii>i more than tbo ulij.-ct; il tin is tmlkv.anO. won't diuw, 8|iiilJF.'t!ie: wbiji, :jop 'wilt uotido bin bud nat'trc a n j ta. t t q you jnny be worsted; if boj^'fiiji ream him tofl^ht soili^.V^tnotlptt^-.^ battle uiur uff/Va^iD-ibo eud-f^ojijgot what you b.tfgaiuedfur;; it in brute 'pit-. tcdt(j>[nst biutp. Daiim'coijqaoi' your liorae with tbot anjtorior iQlulUflfpnoe that God, lias given you.^r.-wboiibe Beoa'you bare citeamveiteifiiiia lie ml j . A^ they liiivo jtiMt received for SPltnca and SUMMER, comprising "everything new iiud donirublo fur Indion wea;*. A completo new stock of OF'.A.isro-sr iu.aAns;,; Joseph Colyer, ITATB F I R E INSUBAKCE Co., Capitul, 83110,000. B0TAL OP LIVBEPOOL, Oupital 810,000,000, FKANKUN OP PHILADELPHIA, Capital gli.OOO.OOO. READY MADE CLOTHINti, Fanners Should bettui.iiei.8Men, ' P. a: HOFFMAN, I suppose- we are : all apt to over-esti • .••.•,. • .•.• UE11CUANT TA1L0E. : ;^ <SUOCESSQR TO BALLENTrNB & COLYEft) mats qualities wbfch we do not onrselre» Hotriilowo, OiloHr l i t , i ; possess.-. I t is BO wiUi.me; ttiid iJOMlbl,! ; •: ' MtNUFAOTtJKEB AKD H K I A H I S B OP - . from tbUoauaeda.i vonde^jit; Bod ail Once Tried, Always Used I mire, and > « D . ^ . o t tbtf^oirJeasion b( MEI^S, BOYS':AND CHILDREN'S teal bD8ine«'l)astlboti.;V'T|ito.iait:ifl| fact; a quality of mind ppssettsetf;. io euob yarjiog degTeefl, that we* find iii "all pro* f^BflioDB and trades, tome, .ot many, the aim of whose lifo is to'make inonay Tbey aaually succeed, wbEIo otliers, witb SoIf-LnbrlctiUiig, Non^Fric precisely tbo wimu uiiporluuitivu, aud of equal ability, di&liaguiab themselves ia tioriai,:Exc*eaiiigiy some other way, I t ia this business ability that enables tliri/ty German's to work in atuiosf enory farming hood, tako farm» on sburpj, Sny'littla fnrniB of their own, grndtW j become JLiJapted for all kinds o! posaesacil of BO rancli property that tb familiar first namu iadropimd. and "Mr. Engines, nnd Hot iiiidColi BcliwarU" Isktion-n for und Dear us tb best farmer in the nisifibborhood.^ At W'toi^^^^|peiE«:'' tiome bo would Lavereniniued tbB plodding peasant,- here, witb Iho'abHOltitW [Sjios, Herring Bond Mixtarea; ind;a freedom to "dig or die," Hane'gaiiia ft. plsci tn«nar»etored"lQ Hope Fartn from on in every Variety from $7 to $20. II-AST . elgbtb to three inches, Ttryltiff b j 1-SiD.pi will to do, UDCI ii.luyui>aitd iuvejimon-; } ia coila of 60 to 150 Ibi, fur shipment. iOMW. ioJ*2C t o ; f f e OVERCOATS, O V R C , fromi $7 e,v» not in bnoliH mid '•«ociiriticii,"wbicb »'• -.--,. Price*, Goto Con* 11.00 and H e a p Core *, £rpia">$ll in'i)iigoiiiU8 COAT and are absurdly iii>.9eiire, but in ..liis^ DireolloBK for Using tho P«f1.lng.—Brei tho trade. . ; / tiiBinesa. Of course be bas evern'wot lotntu, nere« an tha eland snffioleut tu a l » tbe paokiog to Iho boxi, When It btglni ful care orur wliat he; bns. enrned leakrantbo not* back until the leak atop*, Lurdly. Slony an Iriabman .'(B *otk' therebj allowing It to expand. Nerer run with ir ••."..-•• ..• •• , gradnally to tbe froct m tbo aatdeVay, Tliat we will ihike «OT. GAEMBNT TO OKDEB it.iv PEW HO.^E® iig'itcomprciiion. • Alto, Iliibbcr HOBO of all alsen awl qnaflttca, but the GeromnB buvo tbe nilvimtago in NOTIOE,'Bt ihe SAME rnioE us in Btock. • i:- (. .;:••"* nul)lierB«IUD(j, Tub.nSiBtefttnP»cklnc, Antlbeing better educated, nod ^trained to Dril'l ,TaD«i?Dniko T a & , greater indepeadenco, I t ia ratheriiard Beprcsentod by f JAMES to see the fluo n!d> farms (bus. pass into Bopt.M, 1B77.1 * •••• the bands of fowignere, who aro often untutored peopto, but they bavo bnirinesa talent—not nccoaHurily an inordinate IOTO of mnnay, hut love of makina forbld t it, and the ability to know wbat to ttiru their bauds to to gain it. Wo ought ti tba premiidS of tbo a » v i j Tawasbin, wltb dog o develop tbia faculty iu oar children, ..It6U.m ? * ! " ^ j witb nil care tbnt i t dues not rou intc »jJ|ook«»»>,-S. J , Oct. Sllh, 1877, avarice, and tbot they gain, ot the 815 BROAD St., NEWARK, N/J. time, in tbocourte of their cdncution, notions of colturoand reflnumeut, wli.cb Mill allow tliom( to properly aso the! In Chancory of New Jersey. Karris County Sarrogata's Office. meariri.-^lmwicaH, •• • ' a'ilcDT? H. Turboll, Willtam 8. Jennlno ; DEOEMnEll ad, 1877. •/; ; •; PHCZNJxi FINE 815 BROAD ' ' *. Mlllipaugb, Froilcrlck3. Oouna and J e n a N. Boflea.. lY virtue of an order cf Ib* Court of Oban_ J ccry-or J»ow JorBoy, made o Iha day r .lie date bcrcof. In K canue whoroi Faii-huMi F l ) cumpiaiaantTtnii mpUlnant *nd you'Md you u otliofi... B' ID the matter of Honry Tbotn», o n • o f the .Executor* of IUcbara Thomss, dee'd, BorroRdto'a order to limit oreditare. ' ' " ' ' O N application of tlio aboro-nnnad ntorlt In ordered bj the Snrrogat, ... tlio Hid Eiocator give pnbilo notice to th< •reditorii of tbtt o i u t e or laid decsdenl tobrinf in tbolrdebts. demim.ssndclalmaaKaluit tbi fttlt« OD l > >#bjwi v THH v ^ tamo, under oatti, within oina tnontha. fron nUHi acxt. or Ilia aaiH bill will tbia date, b j letting up a copy of this, order conroiiei)n»inRt,von. if.tli.ii twoiity' days hereafter, la" ttvc of>.thi TUeialdlltHihJod I rnoti nnblio PIICGB In tbo Conntv of llorrii fr KIVSN liy M inning P. Su „ two moiitbi, and.*\m wlthlu tue HUII tireni ( U l d p Henry SlcfarUo, McfarUo, (Ulml-Apnl.. .'dayi by advortlilng tho same In tbo lit'oM £ s ID tho town of Dorer. lUnuolpii .towu nne ol the newipapors of tula State, far the tin MorriBCopnly, N. J» whichufttljtStaIk MMA&artlnjs (ilia BarrogiitoJqjRinK fthy fo to club together JJDU ael j a o ] ' ' ' d l fn the H a n * Connty Olcrli'l Offloo,' tuer notice to be nnne«»Btrv);an<)irany e n d etc., along tbeiir forms,' .aio'il ' J - •hall licglcct to eiliftlt hla or her debt, di ndandotalrowitblntbfleild period or ntn that no cfttlfo 'inijliowed td'/ratf f n " t b e L j ^ ; - jn"J XiTi^^rMinS|A1iiih;ari/tnidi ntba, piblic notice being siren as afortntii u creditor (lull lie Torevor deltarrod or It pp tier actitin brrufor actlnit tbo said Eteen< 50 trees can , . .n oneiimbntiM' ou nlflJihdi-jJiun.jon, .- A trne COIT Troni tim ralnutfl*. . • teodson tbo road 100 rods, 50 MOw , . . . . ; ; ' , E . E . WILLIS, 3tirroB»l«. Froderick J . ;;-;BappoBeTibat .ufAnn.,5? aerend»nts joasro roquiron to!»ppe»r »u. » ^ ^ £ f t r f S ^ ^ YpUNGtADIESIGENTS IHAAO W. BBABINO, !.;CIIAIID GHOBOK, ' s s c x MCPASLAS, AWUKOS COLtUUCB ilEACB, CiipiUJ 83011,000. STAMDABD, Trenton, " !BY OF OOVER," N. J, TTT& IWTWKnr TH« KATIOHiL CyiOK PAKE, Choice Lots in Dover, STEAM ENGINES, Op«o d*jlj |n.<m 1, "o'clock k. M. to IRON and BRASS CASTINGS, FORGING of all DES0EUTI0N MAHAOEESi GEOHOE B1CHAKDS, EPHBAIM LINDSLEY, L.W. CONDIOT, JAMES H. SIMPSON, COLUUBUU DEACH, W. H. LAMBERT, L B . JOLLY, XNtlT McFAn'AN, rnildent. KPHIIA1U LINDHLEV, Vice Pnaldent. JAY 8. TBEAT, Tnaeoror. Pntcr. Feb. H. 1879. 11-tf The New Empire Hot-Alp,Gas.& Batse-iiurn. Hucceiiior lo 8egur'» Daak anil BEEMER & PALMER to tbe "Union iiauk at Dovei**' lPgCpokingStnve. DOVER, CHESTER, and SUCCASUNNA, N. FLAG STONES, CXJUBINO CELUK.STErS.COI'ISO. BILLS, LINTF.LJ iNO CISTEHN KEOEB, Dover Savings Institution, OFFICE IN DOVEB BANK. TIN A» JAPANNED WAR B T O V U S , «bo. •PUKHAOES AND EANOES, PLUMBING,WORK A SPECIALTY, and employ only praoth PLUUDEItS for this bnnob or ttio t n d e . WOOD sawed in Stove lengths. Tm.ii ,M\m, 10 cla.; Mlno Hill 75 «ll Ordnra u a j bo addreiBed throngh the FOB Office Lock Dai 38! or left a t A. BeemBr'aofflc, la Ulacawcll Ut., uoar SOBBOX, or at ilie j a i d . ». B. PALU£I THE ODD STAND. JOBS HANG£ JAMES B. LEW19 WA11UEN StQUll . ' - Presiden Tlce-Pwaldeoi - Troaium .TBUHTEEUI nonrj BaEer. . Jotaa Bane., ^ U. ,H. DIckeriwM. - . Jamca B. Lewla, Tto.. H. Orillendoo, Jai. II. Nalghboitr, Atos WlRbton, 001ua.U.Tauit, 1u.U.t, fitephan 00. D Dorrj, JOB. Boderor, fithan rr RlmoB Uiiol, Datld JBDUIII, A. Goodato, SaTld V. Janllne, • Jaa; Tanklna, BTlr.it.rDkkerion, llkbard Ev N. Norman, Klcbard BlepbbDi, Oeoroe PWr.on, WilbamH. baker, Wm. H. UcDavIt, H. P. |and«B(tnr Wm. UcDavIt, U r t lH.V E Beari oturlea J. akrlleiiKer Uartla V. E. Bearing, U.O. Wbltlook. DRAIN Till!. WILI.runiina Brass Band and String Music from 1 to 20 plecea, for all occaiionn. ' SHEETMUHIC for bru>bindsa'od all kin orinitrutDentiRold. SUSSEX STUEET.DOTEB.N. Morris Circuit Court. . '' • i In cose. \ In nttachnient. In pnrannniw of an order of sold Com mode in tho above atated causa on tl seventeenth day of September, 1877, not! In hereby given that a writ of • attaehme was issued out of sold Court, on tho With day of AugUBL 1877, at the suit of Matthias 0. YThiUock and,James B. Lowis, ngainut tho estate o f Tho'mao Polraenr, for tho sum of eighty-eight dollars aud sixty-nlao cents, returnable t o the third day of September, 1677, and that A, Jndeon Ooe, «f Dover, h been appointed Auditor. . * . ."^WM. UoOARTY, Clark. KeioBBOim & p u n n , Dover, N . J. ' Our rainy years cijwnenoe in tbo ihOTe trai enables us to asiert with confidence onr iblll to do any and all work In tbi* line of tnulo tho entli o lathfictlun of tlie ALL WORK GTJAJRAATEED, Satisfactory D. B. . Dforcnce glron whoa reqnii .NEW T0BE.V .1871 A§ Ibo time approDohti for the ranawal jnbscHpllonB, T H £ a UN wo a 13 remind i frieudi and nellvialiors arnrywlicro. thit it again a canilldito for their considiratfcm aoppnrt. Upon IU rccurd for llio pint 10; It rolfta for a contlnnAneo of tho hearty: pailiy and gencroui oo-opt) ration which hitherto been extended to itfrum nvorrt tor ot tbe Union. -r .TIIB DAILY KPN 1B a, f<mr pago-succl c . colnmnB, price by mail, poat-pinl, 65 «:tnts month, or IB.BO nor jcar. Tho SUNDAY edition df Ton RON 1H an el pafio ihoet of 65 columiu. While giving noiriof tlioilay, It alM contalnia lirBesmo of literary ^nd miflcellanenna matter Kpecii prepared Torit. TOE HDKDAT BDK tits n e t n 42-81 areat nuceeM. Post paid |1.90 a j c i r . The Weekly Sun. 'SHEEJIFFS SALE! Iii Obanc bancerr of Now Jorsoy-FI. fa. for HBIO m ortgaged r t g a g d prontiioi, p r o n t , Wbcrdti llobert ts I* complainant, and J09011U Willlai r Orats J l l l f l r d U ll andd Jinn liliwlfe. »rc (lorondinU. , "ablo t o FofaiHiarr T o r n A. D , 1878. ' ' fi 81I1TH, SOI'M. Wlio <loc« nut know THE Wtxxix BUN ? ircnlatcs tbroughoat the Dnltod But en, < Oinada>tand beyond. Hinoty tbonFand Ii ilioa greet il« welcome past* weekly, eekly, inil' ru Hard it in the light or snide, coo nit'11 or, am o nit frktid. Hi news, editorial, •Rrlculli icu!land, ai liicrary dDpartmonti mtke Tt eBsnnimiiy tll |ournai Tnr tuo fatnilynnd tboflrculdo. Tern o dollar a jonr, pout pnlil. Tlifx prli ility o6Q*lderod, makes it-tbo cbunpeil rapsnor published. For clubs of ten, will, . . . casli, we wilt mnd i n extra copi free. Addrc"" * ' T>Y Ttrtao o X J Taoiai in i tinbllo readtte, read •t iJnbllo at tbe United olatci Hole in MorriBtown, iN, J.T on . MONDAY, th« 14th d»y or JANUARY next A.D.187B.bol«enthobonrs of 12 IX. and o'clock P. U.. that ia Io t.ar tX 2 o'clock Iu tin iltornoon or uld d*y, all that lot, tract MRS. A. VEEMEfi rarcol of und and crominei, gliuato and bell In thet6wQnltli)'oriUu(io*i)b,in tlioCoantjf Morris and BUjo of Now Jersey, buuniled anil I i n«W readj witb all the now atjlca for -Jd'JkiKpti WfllTaraB"?SZtitnm 1SB°1SL lorn of DDdlflT li. FQller and Jumon coujier Oil Clotbi. Ctrpoti. Ltmpi, Pilnti and Oili birdCag«i, F « a t W Pratt'a Aalnf01)(BN (xplosiTP.) A i i o , . '. DEALER IN CO A fi.. Hoollng, Plumbing ftmtJiit Work promptly attendnl io,' BONNELL'S PATENT STEAM 'COOKKa APl'ARATDfl. * ^ i r b a n K * * Scnles » t Manufi i ' . * ,- ' t u r e r ' i j i r l c e i ; Old Iron. Capper, Br»»i, Lead, IUBI lit I taken In esebance for ROOUI. . JAUEB H.lllllIEK 1 a, RookawaT, ray,[Iwh 1,1878. ONION HALL BUILDING Hot Air Fiima,ces,j; Of tho laical and molt taprorcl .tjiea, fci iaroiiiig pubUo and m h-ate ifulldibg.. A lal«i aSBOrtmont of BtoToa, cheap for oash.; xt anor Uu aepotU ui'made. OB . 1 ™ . Tr.aamo • Btf •;;?>"-V £"•••- - i HALL i"fl*Sbeenpnttnorfwfor the'iei»D tud 1 Concerts, Lectures,' Exhibition, j and EnUrtalnnioiita or Tariotu kind). T i l l H a l la"large, wan aeatel "lib confotUUB chain, aad may be had at reBBoa.blet.TOi. m -^»plju> J -.wmrLOOKaLMnS, S T O V E S ,• •itr, •••:.:.'".,.: KEBOSENEOIL;". .. LABTEENSAND BWTTAKU. WABE, ••'.••?>;"»".i««i*i. INSURE In a HOME COMPAN A ful asiortiient of Morria Oountj Mutual. TIN ^JAPAJf WIRE; FB0IT OASS, to., TIN HOOFINCtf EAVES, ES TBO TBOTJOHS, IiEADERH. snd ill'kinds of fpbialng' IB my li done in tho Iwat manner'ttnd «tlhe ilicrtai notlcD. Eigheit prlcos pild for old Iran. ^ Copper leai and pewUr taken in forgooda. • • > ' BOBEISTOWli, N. J, '- Olurtored tn 1B4O, ALEXANDER WiaHTON. Cecemberaitb,187i). ' . - ' • - . 1-V AIKN AT AB LOV BtTEl 1 'AtlKAOT. O. A. KOBDiOIOM THE SUN. 1878. QIMI. Wooden, Copper, Plain ind Jipiutm This Instltntion Is now orginued and ope torbuaineai. . • . . . iffico, in Cover B*tk. . •-• r ' •, ntercst iballKimmence,niuiiJng J upon . „jit daposJteA en tba first d w of HtroB, Jane September indDec«tnb«r, l'December. whlchcrer which; «Ter aba •Lsi 'Inns and HpcoiacatloaB*glven wbon rcqalmi ' at luwost market rites.' FOR SUMMER & WINTER USE Abo, i choice^ stock of IlaoktriUUIntt, Sortr, and brick ail. WEAUOSIAK THED Aiio, a Large .Aisortment of other Style* of Cooking 8MTM.•; IUURB-- i'ulor " . •••HtOToi,;Ae.,-;-;,r.1 ... U a r d w a r e , V *•. CutKory, LAUD PLASl^R, tc. ALTllECB BEBHEB. of altkindi, • BETJBEN KOWE, : M. H. BI0KBH80K, ' JOHN HANCE. IESBY11AEH», JABE8B.LEWJB, H.O.WHITM)0K, O. o . PALMEB. at-tr union HIBEL. O I ^ Y , Fine BBICK, o r AXD DZAXJCKS IN Filling* of all klndi for DlllVES WELXS, --•-• IBTT. .TTENTION aiVEN TO THE PDHCHABE nd s i l c o f all VoucU-to tlie eolleutlon ot al Notes, OticiJk*, i o . Aluo Agentu for Ihe lalo ft Drattnun J, H. M o r g n . i Co.,Londga, England, aud Jiulfoit UankiDfr Compauy; Iiviind. "' II. H. OIOKERB0N - 'j?roL_ WAllBBN BEOUQ Canhle BLACKSUITH'S COAL constantly on hanfl, wvTicrv&LSi e or.tha-Peacs and Pollae Ua lain •-•-•• Capital,-^100,000. IUHD AND TALE BIUCK, UUE.OKMENT, " CAI.C1KEU 1'HSTKIl, FliO.NT BI1I0K, •Wood and Iron -Pumps and Pipa J i i c u B. Lswia, DOVER BANK. ;NC0hT0BATED 1)Y THE BTATE OF HEW JEJ18ET, - OOAIi. Wood, -THOMJU FJiiUEAB. TJ3E» LARGE WHITE MARBLE BUILDING, Covered with Blue Signs Open Saturday Nights until 9 o'efock. ' ALLEN & MONINCTON STOVE, EGG, CHESTNUT, TO LET, HATTHIUIO. WurrLofet,! HIRSHKIND, PARKER & C o 463,465 & 467 BROADWAY. Cor. Grand St. 'dock r . if. WJANirS PHOSPHATE, RAILWAY TURN TABLES, Bone Suit, Guano. Poud'relie, ROOFINO* GUTTERS, & c , for iftle cbeap, and . OB ho enn find fta Mort t will bo paid o n depoKita made on < ire ilit flrnt days of JLuCB, J O S E , Bit C 0 6 K , - P A M . 0 K , HEATINfi' PURCHASED and SOLD aa-tf Every eoonoraicnl, prudent m n n «liO,,la I ; examine our stock before buying hu ['lie Minerw' Si)vl..£-s mm o r ILL KINDS ':: -j..:: *FACTS! FACTS!! otr. BLUE STONE, FERTILIZERS, 800,000, REAL ESTATE BETiUL it at WHOLESALE &KU " ISAAC Ut JOIMEY, J O U S W. JACKSOK, JUIUAH MBKKEB, BEKMEB. MASONS' MATEEiALS, roo.ooo. Jeraej Oit;, StTREET, A Settluir Unt Shade Trcpfl. The aetting of shade trees along botb •idea of the roads in tbo farming districts, is often advanced-.by UIB rural press an n roeana of Increasing the voluo of forms iu consequence of' Hiopieosanipeas of suah street vben tbutrees.be> como Inrge. Tbere is no iniatalto in. thfa opinion; and fanaeraiwould doirtl 000,000, HOME, lco Blrlpt Bliil from '•.- M Ot'td BO » • ' 800,000, lOvenJPftli^ •• • • / .5 00 to:.35 W PEOPLE'S, Newark, OCKHJ P«nUlonni". " - ' - i'OO to 1 0 M •HIBBBNU, " " 200,000. Atto,ftPall Lino of •' . ' ' iUlDIOAN JACKETS.' .••••.•-' - • : , • ' » * •< .200,000 UNDHltBUILlIS, DII.WEK8, • J - : . . : • •.•;•;-;iBO81EIlY, FIllEMEN'B ASSO01AT10M of rntLADKLPm ,nd kll Htlcloi^peilKiiiinK toVUcatleailin'p TbOBobicribor horebj t o a d a r i t i l l t h w k i to 111* nan)OTOuucii>tomera for Ihwr tofy llboril pBlronags in the p i i t . f t o d b o p e i . b j falrdai o a m t a G t i i w i a , •»•! "trlKl altenlion I cBB, tg. merit a cDDtlnaKDae of tbo u m e . EOHGE BlTHABDS, EPHBIIM L.TtDhLST [UDSOK HoAdMND, JAB. W.BBOTHBBTOK iLQKBT B . KlOGH, o r the fnllnfflni? flrst LANOABBIBE of MANCHESTEIi, Capitol Bio.oro.ooi), BATES, All»h(Hildgl«me*etll, ItceognlziiiR tho domaoil roroHKir ounwu, hare adiicdlirffcly to my stock of G O O D S , CANNED FEUIT8, CROCKEES FISH, VEGETABLES, BOOTS, D B I E D MEATS, SHOES, SALT POHK, «tock ot PINE OltOGEKIES. TIIICES LOWEB TUiN EVEB. B( | nl) t LONEONuaa LrVEKPOOLnnd OtOBB, C»pltiil «20,000,000. ,11 vbo Tint gooa f[oo(li »t Itie CUEATBHT EVERYTJltSa W THE LIKE OP «sr GROQERIES, AND PROVISIONS,"®» callyautborizta CIBHI compaolei—the beat in tlw world AND SKB TUB NEW STOCK OF We cou save you 23 p» Clothing U,r your ow •TuiUiU " Jlonest QOCKIS for Uu, rta^ou tbal «,'. Manirfaclure Allonr own Cloilihis anil t WOOD DOVER, IV. J . MORIUSTOWN, X. J . . I'BAKEE & BEEMER'S RETAILING AT WHOLESALE PRICES IT WILL SURELY PAY YOU TO CALL ON US. .COLUMBUS BEACH, Preo'L b. TREAT, Cashier, \Y iu.fimcrm.Ku of 1877. ISURANCE AGENT. P. H. HOFFMAN, BUT D110P IX AT tban a m• n ; " log tli.it • 1 J J U hoTttCK." Tin: kinJlv ii . . . .''_:..:;:, .;.;••;: in Iaanntocs Oompmi • ot Hurtfordi Full Uno BftcwHOfl OAJII'FT, beginulnR ftt 3 eta. per s&M, good fwisortnieiit: o f r " OouQ., Aseeta, 5,000,000 te mhktr in good ntylo for tjfl. I^rgn INGRAINS l»giuuing at ;K) cts. per yard, Jontinental iDBnmnoo OompnDy, of Ii aswrtmont w r y lur«o, and prioeti lowfr than :. Oapiul, 1,000,000 (or aiauj yents. We kecti tba bent KoodM tLife Ins. OP., of Newt made in this country, w e niea-niro ajiartments, make and lay carpetx, cut andfitoil •B.J., AaseU, 6,000,000 cloth, linoleum, matting, mfike and hniig 1877. DON'T BUY RASHLY WJinm vn ' i ..i. yield. OonDaoio Hnlual I m . 0o.,of H«wart H.J., Oapital, 100,000 Iti.l' '.V • BankingUnnr»from9 A.n. to I r.*. Prompt miteolitm giveu to ilie piirchcMi HIIII »«li- ul lioiidi anil utber Securillu*: tlie uulledion furtign anddunicatic puptr, drttla, cliecki, CLOTHING, EQUAI IS EVEEY EESPEOT TO 01TSTOK W 0 E K . A. J OOE, Collector, HORSE BLANKETS. l|isO Ui something bo tin. agiiies willUd n i l he tries to get u<ivn.f from it. L".*t Morristown, N. J. or tie FALti and WINTER trade. Also a fine assortment of timid uuturi), bi 4 first itnji il-<i i* hi gl.t Capital, - $200,000. Office, Old l i o n Bank Bulldlnc. MATTING, HUGH, MATS, LINOLEUM, DHUUUET, ice. of all description, I'LANSJX Smirrt and DIIATOM a Bpeeiahy, and is to lie sold at fo.tv cents a pair, ono of each kind, tor tho beneht of tho people of Dover and vicinity, I advise them cot to forgot the place at IT WILL PAY YOU - LABGEST STOCK, BEST GOODS. LOWKrtf ritlCES. DTCOT Good*, CoHhwcn-'S, tiitk, Bourrttm., EDIT™ Boss, OKO. H.Ruw, BitpnKH Bawata wnivtse, BlripsB, Brocail-'M. LustreK, Vt^r i, Eupangles, DingoonlK. Alpocns, VUIIOA auino, BidH, 4 c , Novdtiea ore uldcd Iron timij to timp AH thoj a]J])!iar iu inrirkft. DOVEB, N. J . [o WiHTE HOODS, a very full line, puranhed of impotU'tn ami ut i u n i o s , noil I CUE COMPANIES A1E CHEAP. DomLHt.i-K,SIit.'rti.i«, Ticks, lg, Stripci, DtiiiiuiK, I'riuU, JiuttH, arrican Matnal In>. Co., of Ho«ark r mrp, GiaghamH, **•- The n-wiit-aitrftuoe K.J.. i M t u o w r SI,03.000 i a iloaietftict) cuulil uot bo suHtaiawl All kinds of goods are Hnmuwhat io'wiT ami mine iTl.ftnh' Mtitnal 111*. Oo., of Newark clnHtpr than hefor<; tbo artvani-e. Ail N. J., Areauoier 600.000 best priuta ore sclliiip ut 7 et«. pnr y»rd; I wide DREW CAUOBEC, nt'W stylo and oiunn's Mntual Ini. OD-, of Newaik, alora for « fit*. Our LARGE CARPET •N.J., Anela o».r BOO.000 ,0011 Is fally stocked with M o r r i s t o w n , TV. JT. OP DOVEB, IfEW JEH6ET, AXD LITE Insurance Agents, D. S. BBINK, wonder if jour lit inw gi.es b l . i id. ' O . ' ' < ' GEORGE FEDEE, any lurgog.itlii'n iii; I'Lwi-iin:;tti :i 1,(1 . l i l t ' will be Biir|irisetl ID JWJ ail!) • : u i i t t i - '• VKXT DOOR TO T H E POST OFFICE, DOVER, N. J. ..i i • l i . l i . ; . bcr of blitiJ.-i Or.i , n i c .JI.S i u the eye aliau.->i 1*!,y.i,iJ I - . H J I . - I in'.-; ; > i u . i - - . i.i; i i w h U e r g h ? B.U it i f w ^ i w' ul.i SCl'l I ibi'se blinds fur sal ety. U l l ' l Wl- ll.tVC cautious borvctu rn ufier driv rug » wild T O "VISIT TIKES horse put uu ari.liug bridle un il rick tlteir pn-C'OiiH ti^ c h j > « i i 1S"7"7. 0EKr.au, riff &B- ONE PRICE ONLY.-Stt DRY GOODS & CARPETS. NATIONAL UNION BANK FASHIONABLE f . & ,G. H. Ross & Breesd, PEOP-LE'S S T O R E ! WHAT WITH 1 WITH PRICES FOR s there ii auiuingiu which men are so bliud to their beat iuturiat us the blind ou tlio borae'ii bridle. Iu everyM. H. DICKEBSON'S. thing cleo we discard old time imagus ILS READY-MADE or MADE to ORDER, new improvements como U[i to tuk<their I'lace; but tlie borsc. the 0103: useful as ftp]I as tlic most kuoning of FOR THE FALL AND WINTER OF 1877-and 1878! nil our domestic animals, amst bo tortured with tbt.*e cruel bliuJs. I l is ru- The imdersisued guarantees ever)- Runneut be will sell to u cusiomer A ftPLEKDID LIKK 0 7 UUd ot Eiug Ueury. tl>a VIII, that Iu.v- m,l tliut no opponent c m equal him rtguriling prices or Btjles, 111 iug a Bpuu of nutcli-cjttl hur..M lio or-,vliich he will in:ike goods uji to onlur «iirrontetl tofito r no sale. dcroJ blind* put ua tlit-ia ; Cbu I'obil.*". His P I E C E GOODS consists of all ermliai uud matenuls, and of LADIES' AND CHILDREN'S lulluviij auitau.l i.hm lli<! cibU'iffl •*- suiiEios OB DJMESIIC. He pays porsuuul uttuiition to lus cuiie gcnir-il. Thusfrrt»vcr rlim* Imu •drcd and fifty year, IMI^WUU j. i V c IK, U OLOAKS. 1 A SPECIALTY. 8. UAIJiJlTT, DOWN!! Now OPEN The RTJSSO TURKISH For tLU CoinpreliooBire, Superbly n i m l r a t m Qiilory of tho prtm-nt ranraantotn •trnBgla it tho Eftnt. H i ttDoarate Uam, £ln» and m»P' feature. ciTCB a OonotTj, will: gives a Oraplilo Oraplilo Htitor.r Hlitorr of of etch et Biitorio tad IJgwriptlToSkotobei ol the prim, IliitoriotDd DgwriptiToSkot ea qua CUB torn a and'doitlro tnaniicrs*pletnreRniie < leiliDti. DeioriLei tlio mettle life of tba conleiUnti elcgaul J-.ua, Engrtfiiici are iptotal 1 ™.tKan*a> 1HTJUKI A I D VaVP DnEADFUL UA93A0ItE OP infinlgaria; tbe Frightful Tarklih AtrodtloV laotherplacei; thanpnilngof tliomuneiIn "orftgovini. I t fflvai the Stirrinn Battles id Tlirilliog Incidents or. tlio war, u d is tbi abd_ o»t ranotpntlnB ranoIpnllnR and uf llio Itio aBo, aiio, Dtoxt and «ulttREWork «ulttt>gwork uf vHh.B aro A ^ « two _». of _ *p -^^.^. Agents r o m pat i-— n dJ' tr o a d^_^ y _ u l1' e s-. ProgpeomiBookatunreadj, : . . . . - . ' Al«o Agontf. Wanted on onr aitAND COMB1NATI0; IO3PEOTUB reproientfnK OAU, At ornciinmn NkTIONALlKONBANBl •^~ ':irada«ai" Those Bed Springs AgEii Seify! JAS.M. _ DT: InTBDtloM of: the lfltb mtury - , - • • - 7 - " : oiury to MOBBISTOWK, S i sityto-eT_, . ipart. . # , - ' . . ; • - • • • ; v . ' N " ' ' * - •'••• 150 Distinct Books meiit,Mnay be'olaned Bed" Bi-.._-_ , . _ hetetofow.tie prioes hava been bejond the ofUnlvonillptoreit, IttacluJes ->"i-ni touch ql many who were oonipelled to krom IdtemilinillrdietboUonftConniltlliK BIoBraphic*l, nintorioil, r ' ' with aching boost iipbn thossboirld .cross Ufe.aod.F(re Iunraice-Coinpan;. Ibil > laneoas Works, with Hi«,' •UU. until OuUer come 46 Uiolr relief by in- pnbllo aoknortcdRine'ntibo, naae oftba of etch Banh, Rpeotmen Ptigos wid-^,™, IlloitratlDns. Hales made from tbii Pruipeotui pdnoinuv ' Irom theci.tDla At] of the roll amoinl" m *bcn all single books fail. Alia on oar; Vj .'/« Iaoianoe (tl,6») oil ihVndhth Slreel Cbunk lhMt rebale of Interoat, for 1»BI b; IU « FIIfE FAMILY JBIBLES, on tbeioih lnit.','and'to expreia our t n " ENQLISITaod Q E R M A V , PROTESTANri.appmlatloa oftbelrUbenlsodpromptK CA'iBOLIO. Mm InraliBb Illraud aid. • n.p.MArsn.1 and onpi'rb blndtuRa. Nearlj 100 t l * ! « . Siip^ JlteaBirer Boolt siVKjibjl"! Uorrtrtoirn, H; J.', Jani'arr'jOlb, 1877.1: tSil*-*Ia«l"* *° d '"J 1 '!""™"^"" « T e r ' JOHN E.'pOT'lEB k (JO^'p'obllahfl'ra. 30-ly THILADELPMA. ; which after a trill of three j w n, hare pr iy^rJ;T|n1fVare Store, | DONT YOU FORGET: i t • T A I I I I OF 1877. Fashionable Millinery :be north-woet AND itroett, frlilch point is dlitint six fart :oanu> north elufon deareci and twenty minJlea aait from tbo Bouih-mit enrner of tin tiro alnresild alrcetB, tttilch ia also the curnoi THE of Lot No, 20; tbouourunnlnir, sstbo compnai pointed in 1BS9,,(1) uorth Ufieon minutes wen o *eRtBriy line or bridge itroot OHL NEAJU.T OPlJOaUB KiTIONAL'UHlOK U K ! """"'w *ed ilily feet; tho nee {!.) parallel to aPlLDUlO, BOTEB, Jf. J, Dlackwetl itrent sop,b ekjlitj' largeBt and mo it complete stock •/Jlillf. neit fifty foet to tbe northeast w.^™. 'o. IB, bolofr also it. tlie Hiuibotlr line or Lot oory and Fancy Goods t o bo fonnd In^Dovor No, W i tliouoo (3) at liuUt anglea to Ulackncl! •IreettontherlralonstbaeiHlorbliueoftiitd Donncte, Ilate* Flowers, F e a t IjOtMo.lSoneliDDdred.and fltty fuut to the em, UlbbonB; l.acei-.rea ornor oflliOMUt) in tbn uorlh line and imitntion-Neckties atrwt j tbonce (4) alonn aald lino and Ui»ws, Collars, . utrofit oortb oiRlity-nlne degrees Mil foot- loot l i t incite* • tbono« (S) •long , L.nce n n d Lilaen • ' uid Hue or HlackTell atreot Booth m e n l y lets, Grapes, MolirnIuK fionneti (•igbt doRtecB e m rorly-BCTun ft>ot (p tlie and KOIIB* IIKDO or beetnqing. Bald promised iro inblcct a a n r t a l n mineral renervatlon In still cftDd ' Afineaiiortnent of * lo iiid Joieph •„ Wilhamn. Bclnp the m.mn ibei dracrlbed ID a morlRige from Jonepli ami and wife to and llobort F. Oram, J JI»J aOtb. 1B7U. and rocortlod In tho Alw,«tefy Urce rarf«ty o •' rii Connty Clork'a Office, In book 8 1 of —^ea, puffo B!U, A c , i,nd .n which iMil e "Id racrrallon It rocltiil. 3RErLA.CE TOflUY• A X I I I SCX3ST33IB O F F a n c y OOO<1N. HARDWARE i the nifirktt . Fronj "$* to tG: -while oth[ifrom ©8to*l2.B>;a no better. . ' ; . , TIIB Abon out UiJiitraUB a set tekdy for IB bedstead, ihWing, th*» "prings to be d6able--bTBolng^i,-«ch olber^* pair '" " nmd6 o* ONX FISIIJ^BV BKSI ITTJCEL WIBL M e roputatloyjof theBo HurinM haTO b « B Latest Styles & Newest Design be procured 10 mav'jpUcea for "CO conts wbbUaned oa-Jiali aim meritj aa I hare of; each, about" JbV^o, incjiys io diameter fend to takf;-Mn avay after trial, if Bot.aB ldto.Mffee'tJigli. Non ^mailersboujd ropreaentadV.and baya.yet.to take oiit.tcs HAK0ES"aHd. B E A T E H S , t a n ' TO»razT.*.:'.0n tlio rantmrrV pfolea haVing ani* an;coi araicomeqtlontlT the TE e^aa tyees"ib*i) sizo of wajking winos, taken a u.: on Irlalhais doibled andtnbla DEBIOK. • W W a n t t t r a ' I ' S H S on ore often! planted, grow very Blow and JODUINO,,1. th. lowcil HABD-PAH r fleldpm'flourish' iir the:-lifgbwaja. Set DnraWjk St tin wire or ercrr "•""' AHrial la toapeoUollj.ioUcIteol on i «r Thl» Inititntlon l i pato -""— .tMer.bj.ioattl.eaid, ri none but those that'rre of good aire nnd mondedby the leadlos btulneii>i IrTChancery of New Jersey. fam.inifdamea etrolgbt, and trust no man ti» set tbom •k andTiotnUy.becanier " " Agents wanted. • Addrets, To FHfE^IX DADCOOK »nJ JOHK BABCOOS. ILACKWELL El.^ NEAB UOBBIB, by the iob r unless. you wantjholf to die SUSSEX St. GROCEft, id tjritcn) of teaoblng • J E OtJTLESiD V v l r t a a or »n order nf thcr Oonrt of Chun' and tbe remainder to drag along a sick- cerjofNow Lbat of any Saitnoia Sobw B-.cti.nDi!.. K.J..Ooil.aiiUS".Jcr«oj", tnado on tbo day ct Uif ly life. Tlia tree fibonld be set in tbedate hereof, in a esmo whoroln Aodrcxv Bnv Ii and jna anil other ' e a r s L*dlea «nd: Omatii'jt^inaghlr pre*SAVB MONET fall, tbe roots well proaeiTcd in digging compUln&nt, ita, jou are rcc]\itrM. i o sppcar sod pli .Ihem ap, tbo tops cut back, boles dng niwer or dotnnr to tbo bill of i»id compl. Groceries and Provisions/ SWITCHES, BRAIDS, Ac. elglilh * " large, and good rich EOU lilted ia around mti. on or bororeiilltho will be tiken »s Agents for Piiitiokj 1 Sealot a n i l e r the roots, if it bat to bo brought froj nnitTOu. • . . . . mfd bill Is filed in roroclme ara<rijuyzii wllllg«r'B Safes. ' ••.'- • O A N K E D GOODS, ' :•• a n d ^jlN STORE "ot another locality, as it doesn't pay to rtio Dod bj niiil Andrew Bar. Bl*on lij John w . T. Q.ROOKSFBLIiBR ike and wife to EHaa M. llodgirm, on landi Blight inch wort. ZEPHYEGQODS, PIEI13ON A. FREEMAN, Sliorlfj. Succasunna, NV X .. tha temnililp of Itcxlmrr, Morrl* Octintj, 'oreign and Domestic FRUITS, Nor.Sth,1877. [Pri.N. 10 00 ba-TJn([.coBimQiio&d.the:nuui^fMtur> o f dated March Z7lh, 1811, and recorded in book SFARHOWS TAKING CAP:.' or A SICK U, *• »'portBBBiti.pBHc SM.Ao.; nndyon PLmptEme joi 'tin' sot Sloiea, Wfi. T Enalnen men IreqnenUy eall ^ j «DBBER VALVE ' -Hrttenta1onn»«i,Bjdal«ial"»"BHID.—In the Jereoy Oity forry bouse of nlxBabcoch are made » defendant bacanio idln or gaata to fill TaoanelBimsanatiiii'' Goods. yon with John D»l>coct received a judgment the Pftvonia ferry,' jMterdoy, the pis- .Riinit Hid John W. Drake and Iberebv m i ; "Veg-etables, ; MOBRISTOWN, flcngers deleted with mnch interest a ilsfm to havo loma lntere«. In aald landi and and made np Leak! Chlm .Jolm lUhooctaromadD » defendant beflock of aparrova taking cure of one of _jie • i j r . a l l o'clock ii prepar^"to,fttinlBli theso'very jon *itli riiomli Babcootc raaoTereda ind inerylhlnft oUe pcrtalnJtif; to Ihe trsao; BUO/IKO, • P ' thDlr number who vtas evidently vory adginiint RRalnit Bald Jolin W. Drakfi and Only nleable fiooda kept and evorrthine *olil Soad for bandiome ipeenmon of p u Wrk, iUdoring th«;o larHclaBatfednceapricei: ; ; ---—JlBiId day, all that tr l i r c n l a r * ; e t e , '--• ; . • • ' ' ! • ; , '•'"' " " ~ '—'• " -ikim to b a n lame interest In npon correct rciiresontiitfoni. Thirty day*' trial giiea on nil Ftunps,'and nek. Thfirowasmuobobippcringamong of land and preminet, hotxinmiBr w. p . anEapFtr, Prioo RTJ8SEX St., near tho OJruer i o charges mtde for placing then, in poni tlott tho birds, until it was finally settled to Bnilders*, Capr^iiffe Makera', HEioHuoun ft fisirrn, • 43-Cin p POVUn, K. J, XhlBpumpiill 1net'inex* evoa Is tha put tbe patient behind tbo top cornice p/IrDnfa,'in the Oonn'iy Sf Utirrhf' Holldtonor Complainant, LACKSuitTIIB? knd UlVinac "tippliei dartdbulhf.. " ;; •.. V V :.:U •:•. • « ! < • • » - « for of a milat. Tbe sick bird was then car.- BoTBr,MDrrIiO*.,N.J. Thin pnnp dravii • buml ol water ia two' ALL FASHIONS OUT! e. Mjll,i Gnat IMooim T71h,lB77. ..-'• W-B-* • riedTbetw&en thres ot its companions lino of Choirter Artnoe; tbeaco ( l ) [3) north sixty and deftly dropped into tbe clioaen l t b M U A c a K U o r l l lh th MME. DEMOREST'S volTcni. IltniirRlwi place ' Then a dozen sparrows perobod 2S' ; " *»70. " lOalopi, «« liSwd,VaF topa,S^"" »05i Salop,, UMrr«o. ;Ore*t (Ventcm d .M,1 Iwnl, f i t ) It draws water direcuj fron>:the'D<jtt6m oi \ on tbe telegijph wire, nad cbippered Portfolio/ 1 ., t j i w o d , , itope, (DO; is perfect order, tot rff.Ta. . 60-4* caitonolin.dreJa eeds, r e r t i l l z e r B j &c\ - w^llao th^fc it U alwaji puM and I rest - londly at tbo pa&tongers beneath. . Dlic.l icdo at bait Drici V ' ' l l 110 OUTFIT FHE1S. , "What to Wear,". ..f EI »WATEB84 S0K8, I W t a _ " « n 1«V *een, the siok aporrow was ••• !Vand "filkgtudne.'f len, (OEait U l i Hrxt, New York. Paints, Oils, Glass, etc. as cAnns, bundled np ia BOOO ttraw. P.; 0. VIOKEBT, Dated Kor. 2011], 1877. Aifortmcnt ofFitternB.' B^nd rorcttalogna.. SEARING' B UKV. TOOBIOCZa. . j i k i i » . ! T if.0; ISP* W, B. B A B B n % MorriilQwn. V.H'.* '• korrUtomi 8ept.Ssa,lB7«.•'-. \ , ARNBT S.H; ferry's, SIGN OF THE PADLOGKi VOORHEES BROTHERS, Obain Fiimps.