Papa Francisco comparte la oración que reza todas las noches
Papa Francisco comparte la oración que reza todas las noches
Liturgical Ministry Schedule Our Gratitude for God’s Blessing June 19, 2016 Loose Envelopes Children Total $ 2413.00 $ 1288.00 $ 37.00 $ 3738.00 ~ Second Collection June 26, 2016 ~ In the second collection today, we are supporting Pope Francis in his charitable works. The Peter’s Pence Collection is taken up worldwide to support our brothers and sisters on the margins of society, including victims of war, oppression, and natural disasters. In this Jubilee Year of Mercy, the collection is an opportunity to join with Pope Francis and be a witness of charity to our suffering brothers and sisters. Please be generous in today’s collection. Saturday @ 5:30pm July 03 Sunday @ 9:00am ALTAR SERVERS — — LECTORS Cathy Davis Mike Ralston Ginny Grotegut Dwayne Comp Diane McLain Barbara Stavlo Erin Bergin CANTORS -- Dwayne Comp COLLECTION — Armando Martinez Greg Slough CHILDREN’S LITURGY — Summer Break MIN.EXTR ORD.HC Decimo Tercer Domingo de Tiempo Ordinario 06/26/2016 202 E. Hwy 15 ~ PO BOX 238 Gruver, TX 79040 Papa Francisco comparte la oración que reza todas las noches antes de dormir VATICANO, 22 Jun. 16 / 01:16 pm (ACI/EWTN Noticias).- Durante la Audiencia General de este miércoles, el Papa Francisco hizo a los fieles una confesión personal: la oración que reza todas las noches antes de irse a dormir, para pedir a Dios su misericordia y que lo purifique, tal como hizo con el leproso del Evangelio. Durante su reflexión, el Pontífice explicó que el leproso clamó a Jesús: “Señor, si quieres, puedes purificarme”, es decir, “no pide solamente ser curado, sino ser ‘purificado’”, ser sanado integralmente, en el cuerpo y en el corazón. “La súplica del leproso muestra que cuando nos presentamos a Jesús no es necesario hacer largos discursos. Bastan pocas palabras, con tal que sean acompañadas de la plena confianza en su omnipotencia y en su bondad”, afirmó el Papa. Calendario de los Ministros En la segunda colecta de hoy, apoyamos al papa Francisco en sus obras de caridad. La Colecta Peter’s Pence se lleva a cabo en el mundo entero para apoyar a nuestros hermanos y hermanas que viven al margen de la sociedad, incluyendo a las víctimas de guerra, opresión y desastres naturales. En este Año del Jubileo de la Misericordia, la colecta es una oportunidad para unirnos al papa Francisco y ser unos testigos de la caridad para nuestros hermanos y hermanas que sufren. Por favor, contribuyan generosamente en la colecta de hoy Families Scheduled to Clean the Church SPEARMAN June 24-Weller Dwain & Linda,Werner Eric & Connie July 01– Willimon Mikal & Carla, Wood Matt & Sherrie July 08-Aguilera Jose & Ana, Aguilera Jose & Felicitas, July 03 LECTORES Domingo @ 11:30 Yaneth Valles Gustavo Lopez Domingo Gruver @ 1:30pm Justin Dominguez Ricky Gavirio MIN. EUCH. Rebecca Rosendo Tina Rosendo Yolanda Bonilla Cristina Lora Silvino Lora Jose Lopez CORO Mariachi Espíritu Santo COLECTA - - MONAGUILLOS Victor Robledo Johann Hernandez Kevin Lopez - ACOMODADORES July 03 Luis Carbajal NIcolas Carbajal Rosario @11:00am Felix & Trini Trejo Rosario @1:00pm Francisco, que invitó a abandonarse a la infinita misericordia de Dios, compartió entonces con los fieles parte de su vida personal. “También yo les haré una confesión personal. En la noche, antes de ir a la cama, yo rezo esta breve oración: ‘Señor, si quieres, puedes purificarme’. Y rezo cinco ‘Padre Nuestros’, uno por cada llaga de Jesús, porque Jesús nos ha purificado con sus llagas”. “Pero si esto lo hago yo –aseguró el Papa–, pueden hacerlo también ustedes, en su casa, y decir: ‘Señor, si quieres, puedes purificarme’ y pensar en las llagas de Jesús y decir un ‘Padre Nuestro’ por cada una. Y Jesús nos escucha siempre”. Antes de culminar su catequesis, Francisco invitó a hacer siempre una reflexión personal. “Pensemos en nosotros, en nuestras miserias”, y así, todas las noches “ponerse de rodillas delante de Dios y orar: ‘Señor, si quieres, puedes purificarme’. Y háganlo, háganlo antes de ir a la cama, todas las noches”. Quinceañeras Próximas Necesitan hablar con el Padre dos años antes de la fecha de su Quinceañera. Requisitos para las Candidatas de Quinceañeras. 1. Servir de monaguillos en cada Misa. La responsable es María Carbajal contacten la al (806)330-0837 2. Ser miembro del Grupo de Jóvenes todos los Miércoles. La responsable es Patricia Hernández contáctenla al (806) 3380714.. 3. Asistir a Misa todos los Domingos. Para todos los Maestros de Doctrina CCD de Spearman y Gruver Conferencia Anual de Fe Sábado 6 de Agosto 2016 St. Mary’s Catedral, 1200 S. Washington Street, Amarillo Favor Registrarse par el 20 de Julio 2016 Preguntas? Llamar: 806-383-2243 o correo electrónico [email protected] Servidores Misa de los Martes y Domingos Comunión a los Enfermos Lo Domingos Nota : si su Misa de Quinceaños será en Español, por favor ayude en todas las Misas de los Domingos como Monaguillo. Martin Ochoa Jr., Jovita Ochoa, Don Koss, Rosa Rojas, Petra Lozano, Elva Sullivan, Jesus Castillo, Carla Williamon, Rey Garza, Wardell Volden, Eduardo Tornill, Gabriella Quezada, Violet Ortiz, Robert Cantu Jr., Domingo Ponce, Loretta Cook, John Lopez, Ciria Vela, Joe Avila Juliana Carmona, Edwin Altamirano, Juan Martinez, Albert Avila, Rose Lopez, Eli Vela, Johnny & Viola Garcia, Shan McKnight, Roy Diaz, Marisol Hernandez Cruz, Javier Borunda, Juana Diaz, Maribel Moreno, Teresa Federico, Monse Gonzalez, Sasha Ortega, Olga Abrego, Eva Espinoza, Vera Martinez, Saul Pray for... Chacon, Melisa Almanza, Gumme Garza, Maria Del Carmen Ramirez, Art Maestas, Pablo Perez, Ramon Jaquez, Felix Sandoval. Please let us know of anyone that needs to be added or removed from the list. We would also like to know how they are doing. You may call the office at 659-2166. Si su Quinceañera será en Ingles, por favor ayude como Monaguillo los Sábados a las 5:30pm. O los Domingos a las 9:00am. Gracias y Bendiciones ADORACION AL SANTISIMO SACRAMENTO El próximo Jueves 30 de Junio el Santísimo Sacramento estará expuesto en Spearman a las 7:00pm están invitados a una hora de oración intima con Jesucristo en La Santa Hostia. Para leer mas ~ Segunda Colecta 26 Junio 2016 ~ Año Jubilar de la Misericordia “MISERICORDIOSO COMO EL PADRE” DICIEMBRE 2015 NOVIEMBRE 2016 June 26 July 03 Rebeca Rosendo Rebecca Rodriguez Martes @ 7:00pm June 28 July 05 Lector Delina Torres Gustavo Lopez Ministro de Eucaristía Rebeca Rosendo Rebeca Rosendo Pope delivers weekly catechesis alongside his 'brother' refugees Vatican City, Jun 22, 2016 / 05:22 am (CNA/EWTN News).- Joined closely by just over a dozen refugees at his weekly public audience, Pope Francis said that in following Jesus’ example, the Christian excludes no one. “Jesus teaches us not to be afraid of touching the poor and the excluded, because he is in them,” said the Pope during his Wednesday audience catechesis in St. Peter’s Square. Just minutes prior to the pontiff’s arrival, after making the rounds in the Popemobile to bless and greet those present, he spontaneously invited 13 young refugees to join him on the stage before the public. They caught his attention with a banner that read “Refugees for a future together.” As they sat cross-legged in a row, divided into groups on either side of him for the duration of the hour-long audience, Pope Francis referred to them as family. “They are our refugees, but so many consider them as excluded. Please, they are our brothers,” Pope Francis said to applause. “The Christian doesn’t exclude anyone, he gives a place to all, lets all come,” he continued. During the address, the pontiff said that in meeting a poor person, the reaction can be one of generosity and compassion, also offering a coin. “But, we avoid touching the hand. We throw it there. And we forget that it is the body of Christ!” “Touching the poor person can purify us from hypocrisy and make us concerned for their condition,” he added. Taking up again the theme of mercy during this week’s audience, Francis cited the evangelist St. Luke’s account of Jesus healing a faith-filled leper guided his catechesis. The Gospel passage tells the story of a man excluded by society and even prohibited from entering the city who enters anyway to seek out Jesus. He reaches out to Christ, saying: “Lord, if you wish, you can make me clean.” In the Gospel account, the leper is healed when Jesus answers, “I do will it. Be made clean,” the Pope said, acclaiming the man’s great faith. “This faith is the strength that allowed him to break every convention and seek the meeting with Jesus,” Francis said. He explained that the leper’s plea shows that when reaching out to Christ, few words are necessary “when they are accompanied by full confidence in his omnipotence and goodness.” “Entrusting ourselves to the will of God means in fact putting ourselves back in his infinite mercy,” he said. The Pope let the audience in on a little secret, saying that he makes the leper’s prayer of “Lord, if you want to, you can make me clean” his own every night. “I pray five ‘Our Fathers’, one for each of the wounds of Christ because Jesus cleansed us with his wounds,” he said, inviting all to do the same before going to bed. “Jesus always listens to us,” he added. Christ’s disposition in healing the leper and asking him to go quietly to a priest and bear witness to the facts shows us three things, said the Pope. First off, he explained, God’s grace doesn’t seek sensationalism but rather discretion, “patiently modeling our heart to the heart of the Lord.” Secondly, in asking the leper to register his healing with a priest, he is readmitting the leper to society, added Pope Francis. And finally, Jesus asks the man to bear witness to the miracle to the priest and thus the leper becomes a missionary. Concluding the audience, Pope Francis greeted the refugees who had joined him on the stage one by one, offering them a rosary. A representative of the group told CNA that the refugees are being assisted currently by the Catholic charity organization Caritas in Florence, Italy. To finish reading this article visit: New Head of School for Holy Cross Catholic Academy Upon the recommendation of the search committee, Bishop Zurek has appointed Mrs. Angela (Angi) Seidenberger to serve as the next Head of School at Holy Cross Catholic Academy. Mrs. Seidenberger is currently the principal at St. Joseph Catholic Academy Elementary, Montessori, and Preschol in Amarillo, a position she has held since 2008. She recently led that school’s successful accreditation review by the Texas Catholic Conference Education Department. Mrs. Seidenberger’s entire teaching career has been in Catholic Schools. She holds a bachelor’s degree from Tarleton State University and a master’s degree from West Texas A&M University. Mrs. Seidenberger will officially begin her duties at HCCA on July 1, 2016. Quinceanera Requirements for Candidates for Quinceanera: 1.Altar Severs in every Mass. Buster McLain is in charge. 2.Youth Group Member with Patricia Hernandez 338-0714 3.Atend Mass every Sunday. Note: If your for Quinceanera will be in Spanish, please help Spanish Mass 11:30am. If your Quinceanera will be in English please help the English Mass Saturday 5:30pm. Or Sunday 9:00am. Thank you and Blessings For all CCD Teaches: From Spearman and Gruver Annual Faith Formation Conference Saturday, August 6, 2016 St Mary’s Cathedral, 1200 S. Washington Street, Amarillo Please Register by: July 20, 2016 Questions? Call: (806) 383-243 or email: [email protected] Jubilee Year of Mercy “MERCIFUL LIKE THE FATHER” YEAR OF MERCY DECEMBER 2015 NOVEMBER 2016 Next Thursday June 30 at 7:00pm. You are invited to a intimacy prayer moment before Jesus in The Holy Sacrament of The Altar 901 Roland ~ PO BOX 127 Spearman, TX 79081 06/26/2016 Thirteen Sunday In Ordinary Time Office :(806) 659-2166 Fax : (806) 644-2166 Rectory: (806) 644-0132 [email protected] Fr. Gregory Bunyan Tues/Mart: 2:00 — 5:00 P.M. Wed/Mier, Thur/Juev, & Fri/Vie: 10-5pm Secretary-Cindy Lopez Jueves/Thursday 9:00am-3:00pm Evelyn Garcia Lun., Mar., Mier./Mon., Tue.,Wed. 9am.-12pm 2pm-5pm Vier./Fri. 9am-12pm Pastoral Council/Resp. Richard Wagner Finance Council/Resp. Phillip Renner Bookkepper/Resp. Wanda Wagner/Sylvia Borunda DRE-Olivia Mendoza RCIA– Davin Winger Youth Minister/Resp. Patricia Hernandez, Brenda Terrazas Charismatic Renewal/Resp. Maria Gonzalez Eucharist Ministers/Resp. Dwayne Thompson, Rita Vasquez, Anita Marquez Lectors/Resp. Rosemary Parks, Yaneth Valles, Tomasa Perez. Altar Servers/Resp. Buster McLain, Maria Carbajal, Teresa Ayala Choir/Resp. Diane McLain Usher/Resp. Javier Mendoza/Juan Aguilar KOC/Resp. Jascha Fishburn Guadalupanas/Resp. Margarita Lopez Women’s Guild/Resp. Ana Fishburn Why Catholic?/Resp. Rebecca Rodriguez/Linda Weller Mass Schedule English Español Saturday/Sab. …… 5:30P.M. Sunday/Dom. …… 9:00A.M. ….11:30A.M. (Spearman) …...……...………1:30P.M. (Gruver) Tuesday /Mart. ………………….7:00P.M. (Spearman) Wednesday ……..6:30A.M. (Gruver) Friday/Veer. ……………………6:30A.M. (Gruver) Adoration/ Adoración Ultimo Viernes del Mes 7:00-8:00P.M. (Gruyer) Thursdays/Jueves 7:00-8:00P.M.(Spearman) Confessions ~~ Confesiones Spearman ~ Saturdays/Sábados 4:30P.M.— 5:20P.M. Coro de Niños Practica los Miércoles 5:00pm. en Iglesia. CHRISTIAN FAITH FORMATION DOCTRINA DE CATECISMO PRE-K — HIGH SCHOOL SUNDAYS/DOMINGOS 10:15—11:15A.M. YOUTH GROUP GRUPO DE JOVENES Wed./Mier. @ 7:00P.M. in Gruver Wed./Mier. @ 6:30P.M. in Spearman RCIA: Interested in Catholic Faith? Contact [email protected] ORACION CARISMATICA CHARISMATIC PRAYER 7:00P.M. Miércoles en Salón Parroquial de Spearman– Español. 7:00P.M. Wednesday in Parish Hall in Spearman in Spanish. ROSARY/ROSARIO Wednesday in Gruver @7:00am English/Ingles Domingo Spearman @ 11:00am Spanish/Español Domingo Gruver @ 1:00pm Spanish/Español Viernes en Gruver @ 7:00am Spanish/Español
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