July 6, 2014
July 6, 2014
Our Gratitude for God’s Blessing June 29, 2014 July 13 $ 904.00 $ 1237.00 $ 24.78 2165.78 Second Collection: Peter’s Pence - Brianna Wood Tori Bennett LECTORS Nikki Lozano Mikal Willimon MIN.EXTR ORD.HC Dwayne Thompson Mike Ralston Barbara Stavlo Diane McLain Carla Willimon CANTORS — Rosemary CHILDREN’S LITURGY — — $199.25 Meetings and Important Dates! Aug. 9-Annual Faith Formation Conference at St. Mary’s Cathedral in Amarillo. Aug. 17– Gruver’s Jamaica Sep. 7 Spearman’s Jamaica 13 Julio Domingo @ 11:30 August 9, 2014 9:00A.M. - 3:00P.M. Cost: $14.00 per person Please come by the office to fill out your registration form. Favor de venir a oficina para llenar forma de registración. Families Scheduled to Clean the Church SPEARMAN Domingo Gruver @ 1:30pm Virginia Martínez Francisco Trejo LECTORES Bishop Zurek and Father Gregory Invite all Catechists Mandatory Annual Faith Formation Conference El Obispo Zurek y Padre Gregory Invitan a Catequistas A una Conferencia Obligada de Formación de Fe. St. Mary’s Cathedral Parish Center Amarillo MIN. EUCH. Rebecca Rodríguez Rita Vásquez Yaneth Valles Tomasa Cruz Maribel Mendoza Esperanza Vega CORO Coro De Niños Cristo Redentor COLECTA Rita Vásquez Manuela Bonilla Manuel Mendoza — ACOMODADORES Luis Carbajal Nicholas Carbajal Cesar y Maribel Mendoza 13 Julio Rosario @11:00am Rosario @1:00pm Familias puesto para limpiar la Iglesia en GRUVER Julio Julio Julio Julio 04– Leticia Súchil 11– Beto y Ana Tarango 18-Noe y Noemi Tarango 25– Oscar y Cande Tarango Martin Ochoa Jr., Jovita Ochoa, Don Kjos, Rosa Rojas, Petra Lozano, Elva Sullivan, Jesus Castillo, Carla Willimon, Rey Garza, Virginio Ortega, Wardell Volden, Eduardo Tornil, Gabriella Quezada, Violet Ortiz, Robert Cantu Jr., Domingo Ponce, Laretta Cook, John Lopez, Ciria Vela, Joe Avila Juliana Carmona, Edwin Altamirano, Margie Torres, Juan Martinez, Albert Avila, Rose Lopez, Eli Vela, Johnny & Viola Garcia, Shyann McKnight, Roy Diaz, Marisol Hernandez Cruz, Javier Borunda, Juana Diaz, Maribel Moreno, Teresa Federico, Monse Gonzalez. Please let us know of anyone that needs to be added or removed from the list. We would also like to know how they are doing. You may call the office at 659-2166. Pray for... Un cristiano sin la Virgen y sin la Iglesia está huérfano, dice el Papa VATICANO, 29 Jun. 14 / 08:58 am (ACI/EWTN Noticias).- El Papa Francisco se encontró la tarde de ayer, ante la réplica de la Gruta de Nuestra Señora de Lourdes, en el Vaticano, con un grupo de jóvenes, a quienes dio algunas pautas para su discernimiento de su vocación espiritual, y les aseguró que sin la Virgen María y sin la Iglesia un cristiano está huérfano. El Santo Padre indicó a los jóvenes que la vocación se busca como un niño, sostenidos de la mano de nuestra madre, la Virgen María. “Para hacer el ‘test’ de una vocación cristiana correcta, hace falta preguntarse: ‘¿Cómo está mi relación con estas dos Madres que tengo?’, con la Madre Iglesia y con la madre María”. “Esto no es un pensamiento de piedad, no, es una teología pura. Esto es teología. Cómo va mi relación con la Iglesia, con mi madre Iglesia, con la Santa Madre Iglesia jerárquica? ¿Y cómo está mi relación con la Virgen, que es mi Madre?”, cuestionó. Francisco confesó que “cuando un cristiano me dice que no ama a la Virgen, que no le sale el buscar a la Virgen, a rezarle, me entristece “Recuerdo una vez, hace casi 40 años, cuando estaba en Bélgica en un convenio, y había un matrimonio de catequistas, los dos profesores universitarios, con hijos, una hermosa familia, hablaban de Jesucristo muy bien. Llegados a cierto punto, les dije: ‘¿Y la devoción a la Virgen?’”. A esto, recordó, ellos contestaron que “nosotros ya hemos superado esta etapa. Conocemos tanto a Jesucristo que no necesitamos a la Virgen”. “Y lo que me vino a la mente y al corazón fue: Pero… ¡Pobres huérfanos!”, dijo Francisco. Tarjetas de Agradecimiento han estado llegando a nuestra Iglesia de pate de los Graduados. Agradeciendo a todos los que ayudaron con los regalos. En especial a las señoras de Women’s Guild que organizaron la cena con ellos The Senior Super. Jennifer Crowl Seth R Carson Ryan Schnell Jerry Tang Kelsea Miller Servidores Misa de los Martes y Domingos Comunión a los Enfermos Los Domingos 06 Julio 13 Julio Rebbeca Rosendo Rebbeca Rodríguez Martes @ 7:00pm 08 Julio 08 Julio Lector Mica Ortiz Ministro de Eucaristía Viaje a Tierra Santa y Jordán, con Fr. Gregory Octubre 09-19, 2014 Todos Invitados Espacio todavía disponible! www.crosspointco.org Ago. 9– Clase Obligada para Catequistas en Catedral St. Mary’s en Amarillo. Ago. 17– Jamaica en Gruver Sep. 7-- Jamaica en Spearman 04– Bonifacio De Leon & Gladys Valdez 11– José Lorenzo y Sofía Animas 18-Juan Diego y Blanca Raya 25– Heriberto y Maria García Decimo Cuarto Domingo Del Tiempo Ordinario 07/06/2014 Calendario de los Ministros Juntas y Fechas Importantes! July July July July ALTAR SERVERS Para leer mas de este articulo www.aciprensa.com Loose Envelopes Children Total Liturgical Ministry Schedule Saturday @ Sunday @ 5:30pm 9:00am MONAGUILLOS Cargo 6/15/14 6/22/14 6/29/14 7/6/14 Cruz & Campanas Lizbeth Lopez Angela Mendoza Yolitzin Hernandez Itzel Gaytan Lavabo Kaytlen Galaviz Odalys Rosendo Leslie Lopez Samantha Gonzalez Angela Flores Edgar Lopez Erika Vela Ever Briseno Incienso Incensario: Arturo Camacho Naveta: Nicholas Carbajal Incensario: Milan Salinas Naveta: Ruben Lopez Incensario: Fermin Dominguez Naveta: Lucy Lopez Incensario: Libro Esequiel Munoz Eduardo Galaviz Adelina Salinas Crystal Mendoza Altar Anastacio Salinas Johann Hernandez Dahiana Ramirez Brizeth Pena Rene Dominguez Naveta: Rodrigo Ponce Segunda Colecta~ Junio 29~ San Pedro Muchas gracias por su generoso apoyo a la labor de nuestro Santo Padre en la Colecta Peter’s Pence. Nuestras contribuciones serán combinadas con las de nuestros hermanos y hermanas del mundo entero para ayudar al Santo Padre a brindarles una ayuda imprescindible a las personas necesitadas. Su generosidad es un acto de solidaridad con la Iglesia universal al responder al llamado para convertirse en un testigo de la caridad. Que Dios le bendiga. For more on this article: www.catholicnewsagency.com Pope: a Christian does not announce himself, but the Lord By Elise Harris Vatican City, Jun 24, 2014 / 09:50 am (CNA/ EWTN News).- In his homily for the feast of John the Baptist’s birth, Pope Francis emphasized that a true Christian puts oneself aside in order for God to be seen, as St. John the Baptist did. “A Christian does not announce himself, he announces another, prepares the way for another: the Lord,” the Pope observed in his June 24 daily Mass. Celebrating the feast of the Nativity of St. John the Baptist, the Roman Pontiff explained to those present in the Vatican’s Saint Martha guesthouse that the cousin of Jesus had a threefold vocation: to prepare the way for the messiah, to discern who he was and to diminish himself so that others would follow Jesus. Although many began to follow John because “his words were strong” and went “to the heart,” the saint did not give in to temptation “to believe that he was important," Pope Francis said. Instead, when asked whether or not he was the messiah, John replied, “I am preparing the way of the Lord.” This is the first vocation of the Baptist, to “prepare the people, to prepare the hearts of the people for the encounter with the Lord," the pontiff said. The second part of John’s vocation was “to discern from among so many good people, who the Lord was,” he continued, noting how “the Spirit revealed this to him and he had the courage of saying: ‘This is the one. This is the Lamb of God, he who takes away the sins of the world.’” Pope Francis noted that when John declared that “This is the one! And more worthy than me!” the disciples left him and followed Jesus. The third aspect of John’s vocation was to diminish, and that his “life began to descend, to diminish because the Lord would grow until he was destroyed.” “He must increase, but I must decrease,” the pontiff said, adding that “this was the more difficult stage for John, because the Lord had a style that he had not imagined.” John the Baptist was imprisoned at the end of his life and had to send his disciples to confirm whether Jesus was the messiah. “He suffered not only the darkness of the cell, but the darkness in his heart: ‘But, will it be this one? Did I make a mistake?’” Pope Francis said. It was not clear if Jesus was the messiah, because he came in a much different way than expected, the Pope reflected. However, since John “was a man of God, he asked his disciples to go to (Jesus) and ask: ‘But, is it really you, or should we wait for another?’” Trip to Holy Land and Jordan with Fr. Gregory October 9-19, 2014 All Invited Space still available Second Collection ~ Peter’s Pence June 29 Thank you for your generous support of our Holy Father’s work in the Peter’s Pence Collection. Our contributions will be combined with those from our brothers and sisters around the world to help the Holy Father provide essential relief to people in need. Your generosity is an act of solidarity with the universal Church, answering the call to become a witness of charity. May God bless you. We have been receiving Thank You Cards from Seniors to our Church. A special Thanks to everybody that helped with the gifts and also to Women’s Guild for putting together The Senior Super for them. Jenifer Crowl Seth R. Carson Ryan Schnell Jerry Tang Kelsea Miller 901 Roland ~ PO BOX 127 Spearman, TX 79081 202 E. Hwy 15 ~ PO BOX 238 Gruver, TX 79040 www.sacredheartspearman.com 07/06/2014 Fourteen Sunday In Ordinary Time Office :(806) 659-2166 Fax : (806) 644-2166 Rectory: (806) 644-0132 [email protected] Fr. Gregory Bunyan Tues/Mart: 2:00 — 5:00 P.M. Wed/Mier, Thurs/Juev, & Fri/Vie: 10-5pm Secretary-Cindy Lopez Mon/Lun., Wed./Mier. Fri./Vie. 10:00am3:00pm Pastoral Council/Resp. Richard Wagner/Fancisco Trejo Finance Council/Resp. Phillip Renner/Cirilo Cruz Bookkepper/Resp. Wanda Wagner/Sylvia Borunda DRE-Olivia Mendoza/Sylvia Borunda RCIA– Davin Winger Youth Minister/Resp. Patricia Hernandez, Brenda Terrazas, Alberto Camacho Charismatic Renewal/Resp. Maria Gonzalez Eucharist Ministers/Resp. Dwayne Thompson, Rita Vasquez, Anita Marquez Lectors/Resp. Rosemary Parks, Yaneth Valles, Tomasa Perez. Altar Servers/Resp. Buster McLain, Griselda Lopez Choir/Resp. Diane McLain Usher/Resp. Javier Mendoza/Juan Aguilar KOC/Resp. Jascha Fishburn Guadalupanas/Resp. Margarita Lopez Women’s Guild/Resp. Ana Fishburn Why Catholic?/Resp. Rebecca Rodriguez/Linda Weller Mass Schedule English Español Saturday/Sab. …… 5:30P.M. Sunday/Dom. …… 9:00A.M. ….11:30A.M. (Spearman) …...……...………1:30P.M. (Gruver) Tuesday /Mart. ………………….7:00P.M. (Spearman) Wednesday ……..6:30A.M. (Gruver) Friday/Vier. ……………………6:30A.M. (Gruver) Adoration/ Adoración Ultimo Viernes del Mes 7:00-8:00P.M. (Gruver) Thursdays/Jueves 7:00-8:00P.M.(Spearman) Confessions ~~ Confesiones Spearman ~ Saturday/Sábados 4:30P.M.— 5:20P.M. Gruver ~ Domingo 2:40P.M. — 3:30P.M. CHRISTIAN FAITH FORMATION DOCTRINA DE CATECISMO PRE-K — HIGH SCHOOL SUNDAYS/DOMINGOS 10:15—11:15A.M. YOUTH GROUP GRUPO DE JOVENES Wed./Mier. @ 7:00P.M. in Gruver Wed./Mier. @ 7:00P.M. in Spearman RCIA: Interested in Catholic Faith? Contact [email protected] ORACION CARISMATICA CHARISMATIC PRAYER 7:00P.M. Miércoles en Salón Parroquial de Spearman– Espanol. 7:00P.M. Wednesday in Parish Hall in Spearman in Spanish. ROSARY/ROSARIO Wednesday in Gruver @7:00am English/Ingles Domingo Spearman @ 11:00am Spanish/Español Domingo Gruver @ 1:00pm Spanish/Español Viernes en Gruver @ 7:00am Spanish/Español
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