Neurodegeneración y neuroprotección en el sistema nervioso adulto
Neurodegeneración y neuroprotección en el sistema nervioso adulto
Abril 28, 2011. F. Pfizer/ISCiii. Hotel Eurostar, Madrid Grandes retos actuales en la Investigación Biomédica e instrumentos para el desarrollo de una investigación de vanguardia en España Neurodegeneración y neuroprotección en el sistema nervioso adulto José López-Barneo Instituto de Biomedicina de Sevilla (IBiS) Hospital Universitario Virgen del Rocío/CSIC/Universidad de Sevilla Sevilla Human brain Neuronal networks Neurodegeneration: Progressive loss of neurons without an apparent cause (traumatic, infectious or ischemic) normally associated with age Enfermedades neurodegenerativas más frecuentes Enfermedad de Alzheimer y otras demencias Enfermedad de Parkinson Otras (Coreas, Ataxias, Esclerosis lateral amiotrófica…) (Pérdida progresiva de neuronas y atrofia cerebral. Alteración de las funciones motoras, sensoriales, emocionales y cognitivas) Neurodegeneración: reto biomédico del siglo XXI (Problemas muy frecuentes. Curso crónico e invalidante. Alto coste para las personas, el enfermo y sus familiares, social y sanitario) Neuronal loss in Parkinson’s disease D. Tremor-rigidity-bradykinesia (Shaking palsy) Cuerpos de Lewy Dauer et al. Neuron (2003) Grandes retos en la investigación sobre enfermedades neurodegenerativas - Comprender la etiopatogenia (Pathogenesis) factores etiológicos y nuevas dianas farmacológicas modelos que recapitulen la enfermedad - Terapias avanzadas (Advanced therapies) Pathogenesis of Parkinson’s disease Feany, New England Journal of Medicine (2004) Mitochondrial complex II (Succinate dehydrogenase) SDHA SDHB SDHC SDHD Hederstedt, Science (2003) Selective dopaminergic neuronal death in SDHD KO mouse WT SNc VTA SDHD-/- Patient-specific induced pluripotent stem cells and dopaminergic neurons CIBERNED’s “Parkinson Cooperative Project” Cundiff and Anderson, Current Opinion in Genetics and Development ( 2011) Local and retrograde signalling of neurotrophic factors b Soma Axon terminals c Axons (pre) Dendrite (post) Sweifel et al., Nature Reviews Neuroscience ( 2005) a Effect of trophic factors on the nigrostriatal pathway Str SN Toledo-Aral et al., unpublished The glial cell line-derived neurotrophic factor (GDNF) is a potent dopaminergic neuroprotective agent Embryonic mesencephalic neurons + GDNF - GDNF Lin et al., Science (1993) Conditional GDNF “knock out” mouse Birth 2m 3m TM Protein DNA, H Pascual et al., Nature Neuroscience (2008) 5m 9m RNA Histology Striatal DNA Death of mesencephalic dopaminergic neurons in the adult conditional GDNF knock out mice Wild type GDNF -/- SN VTA Pascual et al., Nature Neuroscience (2008) Adult conditional GDNF knock out mice GDNFKO WT Hippocampus Pascual et al., Nature Neuroscience, 2008 Cortex Arcuate N. Selective GDNF expression in the striatal connectome GDNF+ (<3%) Synchronized PV+ striatal “fast spiking” interneurons Striatal neuronal output (~90%) Humphries et al., PLoS Computer Biology (2010) The human carotid body; an abundant source of GDNF Weir, López-Barneo, Buckler & Archer, New England Journal of Medicine (2005) Villadiego et al., Journal of Neuroscience (2005) Neuroprotective effect of intrastriatal CB transplantation Autotransplantation of CB cell aggregates in PD patients A C B Arjona et al., Neurosurgery (2003) Clinical and neurochemical outcomes of CB transplanted PD patients A B 160 3 years: 15% to 48% (n=3) Blinded UPDRS III score in “off” 140 140 120 120 1 A1 2 A2 100 100 3 A3 4 A4 5 A5 6 A6 80 80 60 60 40 40 20 20 Pre 6 12 18 24 months Arjona et al., Neurosurgery (2003) Mínguez-Castellanos et al., Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery & Psychiatry (2007) PET, baseline and 12 months Neurogenic niches in the adult central and peripheral nervous system Kokovay and Temple, Cell (2007) Identification of stem/progenitor cells in the adult carotid body (neurosphere assay) bleb b c core 50 µm Single deposition experiment 50 µm Pardal et al., Cell (2007) Mouse carotid body neurospheres Neurospheres Carotid body TH TH / DAPI Intrastriatal grafts Neurospheres Lopez-Barneo et al., unpublished Carotid body GDNF Neurodegeneración y neuroprotección en el sistema nervioso adulto