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Auchterlonie, P. (1982) 'Collections in British libraries on Middle Eastern and Islamic studies.', Working
Paper. University of Durham, Centre for Middle Eastern and Islamic Studies, Durham.
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J...... •• ;:,joJ. .....L.(,_
~ ......II
edited by
hpo<o Seriti
No. n \1912\
ariti.h O~z.niutions
eonoHnlld vith Libra~y fac;lit;u
lIidd'o [ntern and h ..... ie Studies
Pr..,tiul iftfo~_don on addsb !(atiOOolI aDd llftivouit,
Librades with Calhai"... in lIiddlo Esstn...."" lsi_it
IInion Glltalolua of Asi&n ""btieu;o,," (UCAr)
n.. I~idsh Soc.iety for Middle tntern Studies by
DuN "'fWDOd
n.. Middle taU Libra..... e:.-iuu by PauJ Aucht"rJ"nio
ThoI adci." Library: itS rol. and ."n'cn in the Held
of hi_Ie Studi.. by 7."in H 5afodi
lellOUrcu for Middle East Stndi.s in C. .bridr;o by
RabIn aicrwoelJ
Niddh E.... t Lib".., Rcl""rt .. in Our"". b1 JIll
Middle [.ntnn res""rc .. at Exnn univusity Library
by ,..rvl.... ForQ"'Ih.J
n.. Arabic aOil f'Halan CoHections in tho lnolil Offica
Library b, uranIa SIDS~WlI1io..
Middle t ... t .... chi"... in tho India Office reco~da ~y
ltiddlo Ea.t".... LitHatnra ill !taochuu~ Librari.. by
/:livid !lJ"ad"
Kiddtc Eastern and lsl_ic Coll"ctionl at Oxford by
Diana Gri.-ood-Jonu
The Kidd Ie [nt and tho Librar, of the School of
Oriellrd and Af~ic'" Snod.iu b, v T 11 hrfl/
Tho contribution of SCottish Lib~oriol to Noddle [astern
S~ud 1.. by 'ranc". A!><Prcroaby
The probl .... foced by L&ne.. te~ univusity Libruy when
uUbliahi08 1 na... librlry in Arabic and lsl .... c Studies
by hul A""ht.rl""l.
~c.nt d.velopma.atl in I.lamic bibliozraphy in Brits'n
by .J.D. P8<l:r.,n
The roh of tM Ubrarian i.n Kiddh East"~n Studiu by
Paul """"c..~",,i.
_ t of LIla uudes In til .. ""l1..,uOl\ _ u fir~t given •• pa.....
• t die 'lnt "nd S.'ond international Llhr,,'y C"on!eun". . 0'9anhed: by
tlM Middl. ent Lltlu"~5 C<:'."dtu~ (Ml':LCOM) At Ab-"n-Prov~n,,~ In lIa.,,"
un and at Odore! in "'pdl ueo. Suppl....enury papera wera ~=I .. lonacl
bot the edito. to cova. thoae ""'tionai and unlvuslty libu.... auocbtecl
.1~ MELOC". whl"h ~.e unable to attend either conference.
..sclHi_1 papau deKrH>e the hlatory and .."uvlt;u. of the lIiddle E.f,n
L1bcariel Committee ltself, ~~
Socia.y fo, Mi~l. Eal'.'n
at..,Un (BS~l, and di&<:uu technical end blbliO<Jraphical . . pects 01
Mioioille £asttrn and lIl""'lc libu"anahip,
It wn aho conddered u... ful
to open this ..... k with...,.. practical Infor. . tlon on librarl. . ene! a brial
blblioguptly, despitt t!>e fact that luch info, ......on cl'"-'II upldly.
,..d>er o • ...,.~ I,lp"-t...-..hu lnfo.... tion 5hould .,. cbulne<l tr.,. tna
lib.adet concernecl o. the Secuta,y of tha Middia &aSt LH>uries C~ittaa.
Three retent delcrlptlon_ of Brltl,h OrIental libr.,y collection. not
aaaoclated .Ith HELCOM are,
.u..oncll. S. ~,e Joyal Aliatic Soci.ty'
It I history an<!: tr •••ur •• ,
adited by St.... n S!-=oult .,..,d SIIIIOn Di9J>}·.
....I<lan. BrilL 19"9
leel! pp.I-78, , IH-iS7)
Allen. II. 'Tha ~ellc.,.e 1... <1tute tor the "htory ot 1\I!di.c!n.:
1. . l1br'"-ry and oden ...! collectlonl'. In' RePOrt ot t"," Conference
and Annual ~tinq ot tbe SCORL1. Advlaorr (aaaittee on Orientalilt
""tarlala, 1981, pp.5 }O
''file Oriental collectlonl 'n Th. >iellctDC! Inltltute foc the Hutory
ot I!i!d!cin., Loondon', Jou.".,l of 0,., llOval ""'.tlc SocII!D'. 1911.
The edHOr ,""ul<l lUt to acknowledge tho Ulistanc. 'liven to hi. by all
-..bera of ~LCOM In collectin'l the infor~tlon centained in tb.1 vert,
aapac!'"-!ly Dr. Dacet ~ood of St. Antony'. Coll"9l!. axfo.d. founder
aeeutary of 1lItLCX:II, ""'" Ita Chalr_n. an<! the only per_ ""., 1111
attended aU ita _etin'll<, .nd Profl!sao. J. D. feu..,.,. t..,.t~ ProtallO.
of .ibl1.......phy vltb uh'.nce to "'"ia and- Atdca In the Univ.rsity of
London end- for"",r L1br .. ian of the School of Driental an<l Afr!can Studie",
London, aho conceived t!>e lde'"- of th" Mld-dl. Ealt Librarle. C~lttee in
the first plece.
T!>anka au alao due to Dr ••• 1. r..l.... ot tbe
\lnheralty ot our!>_ for ...1"9 the vorl< WOU<Jh the I"a•• and to 1Ir••
Clt.htine Nightlngal. fot t)'pi"" the caa..e-,.ady copy fr.- ahicb thit
wo.k vet produced.
Unive. .ity of J..IncUter
OCtober Inl
canal UUle .. or tllto
Ttle Teaching of
UnenU It\!diU ir. Britli.ll.
Ioondon, 8.II.S.0., 1975.
'ord9fl Oftice. Rlpcre of the Inter-De....rt_cu.! Co..".J.•• lon of £nquUy
on Ori.ct.u. SIaVOJlte, Eoalt EurOP!ac and "'frleac Studi.l.
tboo Eilr! of Stubrouo;h).
LcI;<Son, R.M.S.O., 1947.
Ullt_n.. ~ Cranu Co=itt..,.
RePOrt of the Sub-Comcitee. on Od.neal,
Sir WillI"..
Collhon, R. o>ra"tor/ or lUlrariu and lpedal coI.l.actions or. Alla
and North Africa. londen, croabY-lock"oor;l, 1970.
A n_ edition of thi" ""rk UlIIJ.t": e.o Ubr.uuI .. Uh M1<:kU. ,taaurn _
II1~" coUect!""1 Ie ~1n<j Frepared under CIe .""'1'10'" of ~ Middle
last l.1brar1e. ee-I t~ by Dr. I. "-tt;on.
Oriomul Man"",cdpte
Pea:noo., J. Il. Ori"""",1 llIllu"",ripu In Europe ~ Nord! _ r i c.. :
• !U!!y.
(Wbllotbeeil AsUUca, 1) Zug, Inter-Doc., 1971.
KiddIe £aal. Ll..brarl ...
l.nform;otiOll h""" the secnlt.ary,
Brltiah Society for KiddIe
Paul Auchurloni*,
Uni~r.ity Library,
Univwraity of Ex.ter,
Prl"". of va.l... _ .
2o<ater. EX4 4PT.
L.,fora&t.IOft fr_ Ule Se<:nt...-y,
Or. Derek 1IOpWC><><I,
St.....t""'y·. Coll~,
OXford, OX2 6.W.
on Orientalist ~t.. ri.l.. ot the St.lndinq
of N...t.1<XU11 4J:d Unlnulty LibrAri.a ISCOlll1L/AOCX»ll.
l.nf"ra&Uon froa tlw Se<:r't'tery:
Mia" L. E. Forbee,
Univu.ity of O""h...
IUvet PUI.
Durhalll, Dill lTl!.
'I·a.ITS Ill'!'!! COU£CTIOllS IN IUOOU u..8T£lU;'>':1O I~I" ST\IDIES
Pull UCI& of U. libruy, f o n _ by "" .. c:ror>y,:; Ct Rhhr« ... t1<l11
1f ".u.
CondiUons of al1l:l1asuln to th. lihruy an<'! f.."lliUu "U.. rae! .
Aberdeen lini""rslty Ubu:y.
l1tl9'. =11"9", Abo.rd<o"". A.!':! ~ua.
t.berdftJl {S'nl 0224, 40:41.
cIo.u:~ •
Stullo4nt-s and H"tt of LIIo. ur.... ...,nity, oU.. rs on "Wl"'aUon to Lh~
und1D9. photr>-c"5')'lz:g. lrUr-library L....,
2J.00 OloD •• Frid.1
17.00 {Sat. I
11.00 (Sun.)
& East.r
....""U=s, 9.00 - 22.00 {Mon.-Frtd.'
9.00 - H.OO {sn.l
Clo. . ~ S'.u>!&y
9.00 - 17.00 11Ion.-Frtd.1
9.00 - U.ca (s..t.l
CloM(! Sunday
Unl.... ra1ty of Bath Library .
Ch""rton Down, B.1th. lIA2 7AY,
• ....h (tml 02251 61244,
C. -.nnise.r & C. Jniqht.
S"",ft iltI<l st~t. of th" unt..,.uity, o<.heu "" "pplicnlon to th<o
~dinq. pnoto-topylnq. inter-librArY toan.
21.00 (_.-Frill.l
11.00 (s",t.)
18.00 (Sun.)
17.00 (Mon.-Frill.l
Cloud S"Wrday snd S\lI:>d.>.y
Ilriti"h Library Il"hunce Dividon.
Depart_nt of O<lental
arod Printed Books (OKPBI_
14 SUIte Str"cr. London • .:1£ 1lJC;.
Lon<Son (sm Oil .. )1> IS".
Y. II. S.. f",U {I\ ... htant )(''''p<lr),
II•. )(.II.. n d" line IAral:>iclJ
II. J. Goodacr" (Arabic-): H. I. wai..... (P<>ni .... and Tu:rkl"h),
N. D. Grt-oo.!-Jones (Orienta! IIcc<o.d""... I.
racilitie. qranced for rc"arch and referenca for ~terial not re~ily
ulllilabl. cls.eooheu on sWllcsdon ~o the OrlPflLal Rc~lnq
No len<llng, limdt~ Inter-library ioar..
PhotoqraphY an<l micrOfilming
On application.
lO.OO - 16.45 (*,n.-Frill.)
10.00 - 12.(5 ($at.l
6=d.Oy>I. DKe_r Hth·26th. J;o.nwry ht. Good f"Ud.Oy and tJIa; _
pre.,.,dinq the Int coq>1etC! _ek In OC:tober.
~f.. rence
Brtti"h Library
Gren Russ.,n str..,t. London, WClll lOC;.
London ISTD 01) 63& 1344.
P=ll1ti ... 'F.... ted for n..-arch and reference fer . .terl...1 not readily
available elacWhar" on applIcation to the Readinq~.
No lendIng
or Int.r-Ilbrary loan.
Photo<;raphy and microHlodnq On application.
9.00 - 21.00 (TuU .• ",,",d .• Thurs.)
9.00 - 11.00 (lion •• Prld., Sat.)
Sund.o.y•• Decc:ber 24th·26t:ll. J;u\..ary ht. Goo<! rr1aay and th<o ......
p.....,..."ift9 the lan ~l"t" _
11>. Oi:tc>ber.
DIY.slon (BLRD).
8tit4.,,, Library Lend1n\l 01y111on (DLLll).
Boston spa, wetherby. welt rorkshlr". t.523 7BQ.
Spa 11ml 09J71 843434.
lll.adin\l rOOl! opQn without " •• trletlon.
1.'0 lendinq to Indiv14u.oh.
Photo-t;epyinq. llot"r-HbrArY lOat\, t.ran,1at.1on scnri<;fl .
9.00 - 11.00 (_.-Hid.)
kt\lrdlll''' and sun400y&, PuI:lHc
C&dlrid9" unt ... nlty !.Ulr~ {alLl
_t _ .
0223) 6.14H.
'!bose wl-'>.I"1I ........ tl>oo ~ruy .. hoIl1d Do>I<e .... aten "nq",."y it.
dnn"., "Dll ."""'105 eupply ..... "cadec:.ic,ol letter of i.lItr~"",Uon.
~rt•• ehould be .ddr••sed to the A40Usslo"e Otticer.
lntGr-l1bn.~ Lo.ms,
t:;pl.,,'i rOOlll1
readers for 16_. •n"- 35....
c:.icrafil •• IUcrotich. . .nd trlcrocard, dl for... of ('hoto,.raphlr
npro<!u<>d.,., •
l':l.OS (Mon.-'dd.l
o~ ~nu
1l.00 (sat.)
closes at. 11.15 t 16.55 F'rid.l.
no.. u . Il<>cx>. the OUiCi.l Publi".. tLO<le Ilo<>o< ..,,, en..
IIo<:r= <:lOU u 6.~S t.h=<>gtIout the flU!:.
Four QUarter-deye,
let Inclu.lV8'
flrse E _lO);s
Pull Teno)
~ddle ~.t
.. week In
Fr~d ..y
Centre Llbr"ry,
tc Janusry
tc E.""e" Non""Y I"cluelv•.
of Or,e"tel Studi".,
of C4.a1brld9'"'
~v"nu., C.~rldQ'"
CDl 9DA.
022Jl !ins:;.
Or. R. L. Bidwell, M.A .• ~~.D. iL~~ Mrs. ~. F.rq~.
All me~t. af the university, ~o.chin9 s~fr af C~~~r ·~~rai~i.a
an~ pcl~chnics vlth a lottor of Intro~uctlcn. othsra on applies·
~ion to the l.U>r=lan.
!.er.<l.inq. phclto-copyinq, intar-library l",.n.
9.00 - U,OO Olcn.-rrld.
9.00 - 11.00 iM<m.-Frld.
elOted on Saturday ••
On. w.,ak at C'hrh"""'o. tht.., days a.~ Eutar.
cadlr~ {STtl
llurtIea Unl""ulty Library. Oti.nul S<o<:Uon.
lInive""1ty Library, Or1enul Soctl"n, Elve. "ill, Dl,rrh.... 0111 JTh,
{STD 03851 64971.
ku..rvcrth (Asai.n.""t. r.U:rulan fer Mood,la.,val ~ IlCdenl
""'ar ~t), lis. L. E. Forbes {J:ft-per ot erie""",. lIOOI<al •
1lnI • •Jill
Th. U"lva..it.y ~btary .. xiat.. t.o .erva medb."a o~ the Uni'~rsi~y o~
Durhs~ but tho Librarian is prepared to qrant faciiities to "tha.a
to e.....ult ....t.ri.l not avdlable eh_heu provicled no l"con.....~l ..r.e.
to University _ani is lik.ly ~ ",..dt.
Land.1...~g. phot.o-eopyu9'
Ln"r-l1b",ary loan.
12.30 (sat.. I
, ~"
12.30 (Silt. )
17.(0) (Ken.-reid.)
SOOCOfle 1l&1! ef
t ... t.er
july And
of ""'9'W't
lilt J""uary includve.
n... Ooc~.,u.ucn unit. C..,u,,,, {or lU4dle &llltere an<! Islaal-c Studt... ,
Unt_nity o~ ~~...
£l""t lill. curt>.... CIty. Dn JTR.
Durham !STll 0385) 64no - dheet U"". Dr ~4Qll.
Dr. R. I. Lll"lus (A. . isU.nc Dlr.ctClrJ,
Ito 1er.~"q Or Int...... libr.. q
9.00 - lJ.OO,
14.00 - 17.00
On" .. _k ~t Cl',rhu... ,
tllre.. day.. at. £ast."."
Edinl:l,u·9l" lin! ,....sl t.y L1.br."Y {£tIt.,.
C"" ...qe SqUIl"" !':l!ir.t>=<;Il. DIll 9U.
ISTD 031) 667 6011 .
fran"... M. IIbtteroOlby.
St~nU ..nd sUff of the uni""rslty,
others or: .pphcat..ion to
t.l'A l.U:tarian.
lAnd.t.n". ~"o-copylnq.· Lllt....·Hhr."Y I.,..,.
22.00 IlIOn.-T!lurs.1
19.00 (!'"rld.l
12.l0 (Sat.)
17.00 (Mon.-rdd.l
Annu~l clO'lure of One week for pl""~ uln~en..nce, usWllly l!urln<,1
the ~eeonl! .... t of Au~st.
Vni_rnt.y of Exeter Ubrary.
Princs of
EM 4:PT.
Exeter 1ST'D (592) '7011.
1?,llli ... uchterl .... i •.
ep.n cc an for ... ference, bo=r_Lnq :...ieJ.red
to .c.odat1c scaff.
orficers, aa&1nistrative assistants, senior
tectmicl",,~, ..:perllDental oHlc<ou, ret1red ...._
... of aca6emic
ltaft, format atu<!ent..
L4ndinq, photo-copyin<,1, int.et-1Lbrary
st~nt., ~niat:r.ti~
• 1:;-
•· .,
" "
'"-1"', "
U ... N
, , .•
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.<: "CO
Univ....1t:y Libr;try, Uni~nity of
""Hriqq, Lan".sur. UU 4YII.
Lan"........ 1ST'll oS2<t' 65201.
All ..ub.... Of th~ Uni~nlty, tea"hinq .,.aff of cthn uni","uiUu
o.n<! p<>ly,.",,,hnic5 with a l.tt"r lOt introduction, oth.... on ~plic.~
tlon t.O the Sub-lJ.brar'.&ZI
oSIlr S",rd". . ).
[,o,ndlng, ~to<:opyinq, Int... ~library 10.".
8.45 - 22.00 (Mgn.-Frld.
9.00 - 17.00 {So,..l
14.00 - 19.00 (Sun,l
9.00 - n.15 (Mon.-ThUrs.)
9.00· 16.1!> (Fr"Ll
Cloa~ Sat ...nd S..".
On"' ...... at C!'.ris~s. tl".r". da}'• •'t E.>s't"'...
Leedll Un1v"rslty Brothurton
Le"'dll, l,.S2 9.;ry.
Leeds 1ST{) 0532' 1175L
M. C. l»;vi ....
S'tudllnts;md au.!! of U>e Wl.ive ... l'ty, otch",... or. .. pplu".. tion
~h", L1br.. rian.
Le/ldinq, pho'to-"opy1Jlq, Inur-lilir"ry loan.
9.00 - 22.00 IMon.-Frld.1
9.00 - 13.00 (Silt.)
ChrhUo/l./l ....", E.n.... r ....".tl"".:
9.00 - n.oo {Ho<>..~Frid.' .
9.00 - 13.00 1S.'t.1
SU-r ViIlc.....ion,
17.00 (Mon.-rrid.)
9,00 - 12.30 (So.'t.)
C1osll4 Sw.dillYs.
.;rol-.... ltylandlll:ni"" ... ity Library of MIln<:he.'t... (J.R.U.L.M.}
OXford I\.cad, Manchester, KU 9PP.
Manu.cript. collections an in the Special Coll.cti"ns lJ.brillry.
Deansqate, Manch",.ter.
M4neheoter (SDT 0611 273 )333.
Dilvid ac-~.
.-.11 _1II>t... of ~ Univeraity,,and ........ of oU.r univeraiUe.
witch proof Of identity; othC!r. em "ppl1c.tion to th<I Dire"tor.
Lendln;, inter-l1bnry 1<>&:1, photo-copylnq and photoqr"phi" work,
<Inquiry ...r"tc.. ""~ 1ibr"ry in~uu"'t..ion.
Jl&in Wbrux:
...... u ..... C1:rht£>s "acatlOll from J"" .... ry
~.ter ~ati~n
(.xcept Soly waakl:
21.30 11Iol>.-Frid.1
LJ.oo Isat.1
Olrbt_......c.tion to Dltctolber 23rd . ... Iy
IftQlr. "'"
9.30 - 17.3<> (Kcm.-Frid.l
13.00 (S.t.1
Deansg.. t. Building: term tims and "ac.~10n,
9.30 - 17.30 (JolCln.-rdd.l
:3.00 (sat.)
.a.. K.rln Library c.:llf (no .ervl.,.S p.-cYl.<lcc
Kich... lau .u;d lAnt t"""-',
13.00 - .8.00 (sat ......,d Sal.
~ r t.re (<:IItil co:q:oletion of "unc ."....... ~.atlonsl,
~I..)Q (sat._
Ll.OO - 21.30 (Sun.)
Sundays, Unh'ersHy holiday. and datu indicated in the Unh... n'~Y
lU=nac (t<! I>a fOUl".d in th" Univ<lrshy c.. hndar1.
closin9 froc December 24th to January l.t lnclusiVQ.
"'-''',.,',',."" I.tI.
_ ' e i . " Ul:l.ruy, Uni""1O"~ty of O>:ford.
Odord. OX1 3a:;.
Depare->t of Oriana1 _ ' , _
LUrat)', Broad Str_t, thf'crd.
o>:fo"d urm 09651 44675.
A. tl. S. Roberts (Sub-Libra.. i"" N>d ':'''p'''' of Otier.ea.l Ilooic.).
~. A. May (Heb ...... ),
D. Barrett (Turki.h), C. ~k.fleld (Axable
..,d Persian).
SUff a.nd .tlldenu of O"ford lJTliversity.
All otilers en ..pplic..tion
te th. l,.il::... r1an.
Photo-copying, no lending.
22.00 (Old Library and Ca.-r.. '
9.00 _ 19.00 (DeP1;. of Orlenta.l IlDOt.]
".00 • 13.00 {sat.]
Closed S=e.ys.
v-c: ..t1on:
9.00 - 19.00 or 11.0;> ll!<ln.-rrld.l
9.CO - H.OO (SU.,
Closad Sundays.
ona ....et at CllrhtlOSs, one "sll!< .. !t.er the S'--ler IlatIIr. IIQlidl}',
thre.. day. at Edn.... , !:nca"nh cay (tint Wednesday of the sumner
Middle £ast C..,ue UCu.ry. St Ante"y'. cou ...... , ll'tll.-. ..sity of
66 WOOdstock _ , o>:f""d, ~ oioJ'F.
oe ...,); Hop>o'O<>(l.
t,a stud<onts 0.:,,1 U'fU>arch"r" ... i~h a lett"r "f introduction.
~n~, Int"r-llbr4~ 1~~_
OJ.leI _ 13.001
14.00 ~ 17.151
CIOM" Silt""d"" and s"""..y.
Ori.nUI Institute. Libr...... 1In1""';'-"i<-y Qf 00<10<.<1.
l"uI'ey t.na, OXford. OXI 2t.t: .
(snl 08&~l
One "'eet at
St:. ""<In.....
Martyn lIinty .
AWra .... on OJ><On to ....d>"u of ~. untv"..-ity of Oxford ;u>d to aUlar
penon_ .at ~h" disc,-""!",, of the Lillrari"".
Loen<U"'i. sound-proof
l'OOIO. lIUc:rofil.=. read"r. typUl'il f."llit.1u. pnoto-eopyir.'iI. inurlibrAry loan.
21.00 [Mon.-f'nd.)
17.00 (Su., Ot:h·7th ....."kl
1"1.00 (Mon.-rrid.l
U."... -Fr~ •.•
ChIl'~$ .nd Ease"r ~~ for t~ CWO days of
SL C,h.s' 'air I."rly S"-p""_rl
Unlvonhy Court, North Streot. St. lIn<lre"'•• fife, KYi6 9TII.
it. Andr--. (S'i'D OlJoCI .anl/ .. /S.
J ~ ~dd.
Studenu aIld ....... ££ of tM l'ni".... Uty, oU-...... on appU".U_ u>
t.hlt LJ.brlHia~.
l.endi~g, ph<Ito-c0i>Ylng, i~ur-library 10.....
9.00 _ 22.00 (ItOn.-l'rid.1
9.00 - 12.15 (sn.l
Old-st. ." u.d E"$Ur vac"tion:
9.00 - 17.00 CMon.·f'ri<l.l
9.00 - 12.1~ :5.o.t.'
~ r Y"cat~on:
9.00 - 16.00 O'on.-frid. onlyl
P.nnual clo"uc~ of on" ",,,.ok, u5u411y I<hortly
third tHm.
Cloud Sunday".
Sdly oak Colleqe. !..lbr"ry.
Modn91....., 1296U:.
th. cnd "f the
SlrOl1nllham (STIl On) 472 423l.
f! • • • Wll11""",.
ltiu f.
;opplic-atiOOl to die Ubr"ri"".
o[ J1no1no;h&••
Collaborates Vith the URi""ralty
SChool ef O<le~loll "",d ;\fn~..,.. $,Ul1;'~$ lso.oS) , '·~noc~ .. t~'
Londen. W:1E
1:0. seheHel<l olnd P. J. 8. Col,'i"
Lcfldcr. ( = 01) <'3' lJil6.
P. ;~I''''I'<r .1:<>,,-
,.>on <U\d ..... "'h.. e"IC<JY1.
teachlnq statr ef ~ unlvers.ty et
lU Cellegu ..ml
ef til..
peuen ""
p.rcdllCUcn ef ... ti$f.~l:ory references.
1\ nfundable depodl: ¢!
E50. 15 required [rom external .. mbc~s fo~ bcrr~.nq prlyil~ •
r""""". car<.. h. Inter-library leans. le"d.1nq. photo-copyl"" •
9.!Xl _ ::0.30 (M<m.-Frid.
d"nll" teno "...<1 taac.r vac'"t101nI
'.00 n.!Xl (Mcr..-Frtd. durl~9 ct-.r1st_S ",,<1 s"""",r
Clesed Swu1ay••
Chrht. . .
Ch~ln . .$ D.1y. IllIxi"'l o...y and the werk"'9 day
l-.1iately fellowln9 the ~l.ic lIe11days; lie" y.... ~'s o.y,
at 11.00 en M.>.L:."1dy 'Thursday until 14.00 en U:. rellowl.n9 Tuesday;
on 9anl; IICli<!aoys ..r.d tile precedl"'J saturday.
Lists the ""'1u;'Uuon. alnce 1'J65 by Brlthh lib..,,;..,. of all boQlr..
p.Wlhhad In .... l" in ""y lan'lllaqe &tiC of books published 'n NeJrth art<'l
Nonh-I;,sn "'Crlea 1n I>Qn+Recan sc:rlpt••
Book. publl.he~ 1n the Sov;'et UnIon.
Pariodicals and n ....spapeu.
Books on pura SC1enCS ~ cnQlneerinQ.
Tha aC'luhltions of th. SChool of OriUltlll ..,,~ Afrlc""
studias lSOASI. ~'hicb has its """ pnnted eauLo<]\IC!'
th.. acq".n1t1"'" "r the _1.1.... Library _
Brit1sh J,ibury for ecruin period•.
51nea 1980, lila tcquisition of Asl.... book. publhhsd
In W",ulrn 1..,,<j1.I&qS. Us not re<:>Or~ by UCAP (but
should be "" re=::d at th.. o.itish l.ibury Lenclinq
for Intar-L.1bn.ry
llequ,uts fo. t1ahrial In .... 1"" lar-quaq". published in Asia, and for any
JIll." publi".tl.o" before 1960. should be sant to SOIlS, .a"lUdlas. of
YlI.. th... they can be found. 1:1 "II.. sa.o.s prlntac! "atal"'i\>Of, or the pr1nU<!
caUloque of OCJ\P l~ YOh. Loncion, Moln... U, covering 1965-11).
H tha
book i. not held by SOAS, the request will be passed On to tho> Edito.
of UCJ\P, Kr. David Hall, .me is • _d>er of the SOi\.S .uH.
if, ""
cl>ecklnq lin rscor~s, II' ,,;>nnot find a Loe.tier., he "'ill PlIU the
request on to the! Bl'it1a1l Library Ref"renc, Oiv15l= (O<>pt. of Oriental
Manuscripts ""'~ Prlntad BoOk'l "lIich ..ct• ..... ba"l<-up I1brilry ~ _y
lend if the booI< i . i.n "" Asl"'" 1""'...... 9".
E. Ila.U,
E<lltor. Unlor. C...... loque of ....1"'" PubU"ilUon.,
SChool of Oriental ....d "fri""" St"di ..' Lillr..::y,
MaLat Str""t,
t<:ln<l<>n, e l l 71lP.
OoIr.. k Hcp>tOOd
'It» tort"".... ot 1U<ldle ~urn st:1.'d~"Jl u: B<-~U= ~"" y... ~ed
.*~,"I:'i to <.be pr"Yil.ill"9 ""U""",. Dr 'iO"",.".,.."tal:lOO<l..
11: 1947 1n
"fterm.th of the ~ond world war" QovernmQnt appointed
l~e S".rbro\19h Ccem1811onj! repon"d that i.n .. chM91ng world
adtAin bed to prep""" tor a n..... rdatlonohip .,iUl <.be Ust otl th. ~.i •
..n ItrlQwled9" and a better understanding ot tha ar"".
"d.Ucn ot tho! Ccal1 •• icn • n""b... of ""i"",n1ty pons _rr
11.t1h.d In orlenul lInclU<li.1lg Miadl" Eut"rn) nwli"".
. . . . . .ge ot InUre~t In th" ar"•. conH~d by th" foundino in 19·1(;
~ tba ~soci.tlon "r Br1tleh Orl"n~11.t. wh.ch ~d "s Its a.. "t.d
~ ~ ... the CO-Ortli,...ti= of the act~vlt1... of Ilrlt:i.~ orient"lJ.u
1a " r to adv;o:)ao and J.J.U·.... knowLed9" or Ib.s::""" ctv •• i""uons.
'De U~:l"Uon V1"yed. =u1 Ito d;..,._1"Ucn .n 1'180, .. u... ful roh
althoggh th" wide .r..a and spr.. ad of disciplin"s cover"d _ all the £.~.
t~ "&rli....t c:lvilisation onward. - h.s w"&k,,ned it. Inteqr"tlve ".pect.
lr.t"'.iC ,..... o.:ppor~ln" t.MSe .tud••• l ....... Ad in ttle
Trua t.o ro"",
i~ ~int..d an~". body Ith" sayte. COQni::t.e~lZ which report~ in 1961
tbat Britain', role in the world was ch~qing a"aln and that the time
Ud """'" <:0 Stud"; th~ I1v1r.q "oci"ti~~ of the "",,-west.em werld l~ " n _
_ ....st.
·On_raln." stu>uld r.ot. ,he bc~ uea .apec1all"t~ I<I=..-J."t.•.
~apher•• other soct"l .eler.~;.~.l ~l~ b4 tr".r.~ ~ cr.ate " batt.er
iQ!o....d public and to lncr.a.~ t.he tot.al ~ t of kr.owl"d~ ~n ~re"t
Jrltain of the nOn-~.t~rn world.
The gov.rn~nt scccpted the .oport
..tt.h " will 41Id .any new posto 4nd "r~a ecr.~.n in MiMh EaJltern 0Ul<!
Other e~uO:ie. were c ••"ted.
Cor.• eq~~ntly I:~rs of undcr~ra~~t" ..~
poo;t"'"9t~t.e st."""nt. al"" .nerea.";.
tUti_ unt.:il tiloIr" w" " further "plO"r'1" ::. 1960.
There de""lo...... slowly" corp cf HI<MIe U ..... rn .p"<;ealUU iJl
1Ir1t.Ain '~I", tllOre OT Ie. . kne.....nd c.,.,..U"",. co-op. . a~e<i wl-th the OICr.
trAd:itlonal oricnt.l:i.t•• A••b,.", and cth~rs.
In 197j . . . e,109 or
all thou p.or. . .lo.....11y Ir.t"rested In -he IUd.He r.St "'clded to> lo<;.::d
no. 8nthh Soc,,,ty ~or lIidC.le £'lst"rn Stu:lle. IBSI':!:SI.
rra "lIZ. 1.
to .""o"r,,9" and p~t." the IOtudy In th" United ~n~ of the Hldd!e
r.st.rn cultural rcqion trotlo tloe end of ehuie.. l antiquity and ,he n u
of I.lea" l.uch ..... tho discus. ton sr.d he.. rt.saar"hin~ that ~nt into tloa
production of theae last. sisteer. ..... d.~ _
'The i-"P~hd IT.tO"',"o" """
to brldqc ,,",y qap bet""." tt.e trlOdtti.o:aH .......-6 the' . . . . rn1ns.
The (,rat prelOide"" of the Soc:ety WAS thR id""l per~ to arte~t to
build this bri".....
1I1Mrt Hour""i had long be~n " ""d><Ir of th<>
Qri ....... l F..cuhy In Oxfor<l. a coU\laquG of Gibb. Schacht ""d others. "",,he ~~ a1"", O1rector of th" Hlddt" East Gentre. an inst.it~tlo" which
received -Rayter" nC09Dl.uon u.d
AI be ... id i.1I hi.... pn'ddent.ial
"Th. HayUlr comit.tee was nqht, i t u"... t.o ce, /lOt only
i/l ue1nq Ul..t tholc. would b. Il qUlltsc int.cest ir. th@
cultunu ..... ,d societi•• of
b1<t ill un.se"stall41nq also
tluot U>os. wno pur. . . dJ.n.rent dl ...iplir.... b<.:t are
.nt.".. sUld 111 the s _ .arra of the ""dd <So share a d.q>
COD:IOf\ internt.
~ an nOW an acad.<I11c co"""unity •
.. ithin c• .-tun obyioWi limits. and _ hays so- c..-on
profe.. a1onaJ. """'c.m.,
1M a". ell O/O'Cupi-el with c ..rt.ai.n
preble. produced by a c=lolneUon o! two tecto".: tiwI
qc"".nq demand fo" study and "eachlllq of Middl. Eas.,.. rn
aubj.cts. alld t.he Hnanc:ld <:ris1l "hich hall suddenly
"nded a long period of s~sion in higher educ.tion.
At ~nts of financial strinQeIl<:y. _ need to CO-OpS"ate
""'re closaly thAn in tt..s of _ _.lon. and. thIS Soc:.le"y
,,~ ~ ..lp us t.o wort out. way .. of doing so,"
BSMES hu had th_ obvious '",a""le of MEsA (Middl. USt St.udies
Associatlem of ~"th _d"al to .-.latAl. but with at lea.t two _lo"
dJ.ff.rences - n~n of tho,... ,-"".r.llt.d, &:\d U-""e,
n.. to"al
_sible "",:,,'-0,, h ol>viously 1IlUCh _11cr in Britain than i t is ill
Norlh ~~rica aven thouqh ~mber$hip is open to all interest..d ill the
Middle test, not .olely to a"adem"s.
The SOciety at prasent h"s 252
_dler" in a<Sditi"" to 250 sub~riber~ to its Bulletin.
To date IISIt&S
bas been ti.nar.ciaily er.t1rely .elf-~rtinq ""d
u.""I""d no 'P"""'U
froll outdde
Med>enhip Ie ",;:,..,c! and includes univerdt.y
t... llchers ill "II aspect.s of Middle £aStern ,.t~dlee, "etired diplomats,
joum.. lists and broadcast.ers. privat.e ,.clloi"rs, librari .... ,. and srchiviat.a,
&:\d bu&ines_n.
No 'P".at dfort. has been ~ t.o ~"Cnllt student.
altboUl,lb so,.., haVlt j,,~,..ed.
l'any ..... t.iOllolhtl.,. are included ......., the
Soci.ty is parUc"lariy ple"secl to _1c....., ,ts _"*,,,rs fr"", the Middle
lIaS IISIU:S a"""ee<led ." ns aJ.U:
CetteinJ.y It hat »rO\l"_ a
_un,] pl...,e for tho.., 't:te""n-el in diff........ t asporta of t.hfI Middle
sc- bu&lnesnrn and joum&lisu have coq>ldntod thal i t 's too
S".., acadeo:rcs si..ubte 1I0rror al the tho"qht. of non-aCSclCllDic
Probably. thenf"r", the balanc.. la about right..
Society haa &leo ._"'lee! both as a presa.,.... qrC>\19 and ~.s..... , and ...
the ""ly body capabl. of otganising certain projects.
A valuable
f . .ture of t."," Soci ..t.y's lHe it the opponw>lty It. ptovido.. fot
tepres"nUt1v.,. of different univec.itiCl. to disc". . pfi>bleze of ","tual
intUClst., to arran.... uchanqes of teachen and st\lclenu.
Ther.. remains
IlIUcl< to be done In tI-.is li.. ld e.pecially ",t .. t.r- vben ther" is the
<lan~r of loslnq utabl1ahed pona on t.h. retir. . . nt. of the holde ....
Tho f1r~t t~r valuers cf the &ullet~ wtre publl.~d ~~rcl~l~y.
" . . . ~ n~ taken ~ver .n~lrc rC3pon3ibil~ty fgr prod~ctlon and
IU ""<:(:"5 I. ,-sry 1."'1e1y due to tl'.e dolvotl.on of Ita
t.or. Dr. Durk utha/o of llime:t>esta" l:nlv..rsity.
Editorl.. j pol1cy
to l"cluele .. nn"" cf diU.erne iteC5'
a",,,de,,,,,,, .. rtld ...
papera 'liven "t tl,. annual =fers"""l, r.~rt. and " ..,,"" of
... nit), .."d ",thor ""11,-lti"., a biblio
"l>lcal and book "evi"..
1u:I occasion.&l IlwslrtUr .. d
i;Kea ,,_. OXIcernu><_ for """'11I'1_,
""....,,1> can prev,"'"
.ppolnt.... nu cr
L\tiJlq Ichola.... ' .ch.cJuln.
... ... ·orq""l ... t101l 01 t .... !NIhtw'.
t i , currently bG.nq oons'dvr.cJ.
1.'lle """ ....1 """rHence 1~ .. ""''1' dHfeunt affair fro", t~.a< of "lESA.
cc.mitt•• "hoes•• thre. Or fOur tl>~. or,a Invi~. u" 10
t .. ape.aI<..... to prepare e0011 papt...
l~ t.ol<,," ... ~ l . . dUl~
~f - in 1979 i t ...,. the rol.. of SlIfi '""v
'Ihe pa~rs "".. noLl'd
. . ttli. U1ur nO' to boo pubihho>d In .. =n~cuv. vol"",,,.
ThO' cthe~
~ u .. c.nrully cho.~n to c"""~ • I>rca<l. a.,.,ctrm: or lMaren.
llUUI'lqU!.lIcd spou"r La also ~n"1t"<l. to <l.eU""r the l<eyr_e addru
ill the pUt
incl_<l. th. BrH_;'~ 1<d>a.s_r to Syru. tJ>
ian BrIU.h Re.i<l.e"t \.,I Ole Gull. iOnd til" chiOln:::.an of tJ>e IIorld "f UliOll
Althouqh it is hopood that all th...... ion. wHI intuul iOll
. . . . ,• ..,.. provisl.OII La IOiI.<k fot ",,"a _ciil.lho>d ,~ur.... u ••=h ...
_ i s h , ""'rsiil.tt Dr l-Ulruiu.
"=ban of
nt"""'4nq tJ>,. confer""""a
e.nt lW~ &n<l. do not ... ~h a""M<! 100.
It is plil.tt
d .n t.htt ~"ture to hold In il.<ldiUor. on..
the pr""""..<!.ln'J" .,f ""I<::b "''1 also be
u.. ",
'l'\ro pr<>j.cu iOr" bein9 u::dert4lten un""'r this bud.
" _ e r of
IIIIIE:S, Dr, Pet... s:1.... htt of D<:,.n..m Uru_uity, La pubhsh~n9 a Hst of
t>Dq>leted these. an ItiMl.. £.on• ..., topic...
~ i . d.o hil.lpinq to
OI:IqlH. " cOqJllter H.dn" o~ th........ In proqt.... iOt a\1 British
WlJ..... rsiU...
'Ihl.. Hst \t1l1 b& "v"Habl. ~or consultation by aU
- " u of the Sociaty.
Much .tUllUon h&s baen p.u.d Ir, British un.".rsIUe. to thos probl_
nudanu ot Arable eecow>Ur '-" firMn,. .dUlbh Aril.hlc C<JU....... 1.n
lnatitutions in ths ItiMl..
The <:lo.un of th" Kiddi. Ea.t
Cantrs for Aril.llie StudIes in Sh"mlar: hAs addttc1 to th••• diUiclIlth ••
IIQIl:S hiI.s W'Id.rtak"n to .",""" the pC>I.Lbl.Utie. of ssu.bl1shLnq .. ~
year co=u in an Ar.r: =ery for all ad~U1b .ttlldclu of /t.r,u,k.
JoIeOItH<u of the Society have bad diSCUUU>:I. w~th th. "ar1OW1 bodl..
concuned In Bdtaln and th.e Anb world.
Althou<;;h. .,r"",r. . . h dow
the Soci.ty ha. at lea." proved it. val"e a. a eo-o~natln~ group.
II "r", <S.>y confer.nc.. of !lrlti.!> uachen Of A::&blc " •• held to
discus. the project.
Ttl. SOCut)· ha. been w>of!1claLy recoqni."d • • • apal<UO>&fl for
!'Ll.ddle Ea.tem studiu In Gr.at Brlhin.
It nt up " coll101ttu in
197B to v1l1t universities to d,,,,,us. tile devdop... nt at Middl.
US""rn nudie. dn.... tlbo publ1eauon or thoo lIayter ..eport &nd to
. . c~rtaln ><heth.r r""da h.>d - . , eroded a ..,d post. fr=en or abolished.
Th. Un,vcrsity Grants ComQit~e (til" body ra.pon51ble for distributing
Unance "0 LllaV<1rdUes) vu pr.... ent..d with tho ,,~tu.'s report: On
.rJI c""PI"",on,
-n... lnfo.-t.on ,n che rapert..-as c:erta.ul.ll' ,,_fill
b,," H h r>ot e_"te~ u-.. t 1t ".11 eHcit -"I' l.i..nandal blndits
"specully in til" pr"""n" ."oncoote cl1 ... t. In Britain.
The KLddl. EaSt Llbrari". ~tte. (~ELCOM) w•• eatablished in
1"~1, also •• a roBult of the Hayt.r report.
Its tw:"tion is to
co-ordlnat. the purchasin; d.~ otller pollcl.s in dna ~~ddl. &astern
Held of Br1U" Hbrar'e,..
It h.as wened in clo.... =-operat1on with
~, Albert Hour.". IlaVin~ baen pr.sldc~t .~~ ~ pr.~ent ~ri •• r
"ecr"tary of both bedi...
One sessian of
u.nual confenn". h
d.""tlld tD l~r.ry aHa. . . and. the bibUa<Jra.,t-.1cU aect.1or. ot tile
1I1J1l"'tln las .01"~. bee!: ""'itO'<! by
...... r of KELCOIl.
I'or.l"" Ottic••
Report of tile Inter-....partmool1ul Coo:lIlJ.uon of Enqdrx
""' OJ:III'nUll, S1;Io""n1c, E.ast E"n?P'!a:> and Af"dc.u> Stud1<la.
the E.arl ot scartJr<>\lghl. London, 8.II.S.0., 194;,
un1ven1t.,. Gran'" CO<=1tu.... RePOrt of the Sub-eo-t.ttu on
Ori.nal, SI.,,,,,lc and £&at EuropeatI, ""d Atri"... Studi...
Sir 1oIilli... llayter). Lontlon. 8.)I.S.0., 1%1.
The Kiddle Ea"t Libr.ri •• Co==itte. !~~) .... fo~d in 1967.
It b... no offid&! oan"Ut"tlor. or lonoaJ. _:::beuMp, otl1ltr tMn tll.t.
~ l"1 tIlll Ow.ri~ C:O-;,u<>ners, but, blr."ic:&!ly, it c:c:::p.......
• e,A.-'c: and library repre~t.ti,,". fro~ .11 til. aajor in.tit.ution.
dPJ.1n'1 .. ith tile llIOClllrn, I.~. poll 600 A.D. Middle &. . t.
,eoqr.phical dorinition of Middl. East Is that it ir.~lude• •11
colDltrle. bet""n Ka .... ltar.h ItO<! Ughatlhtan, i n... l L·"i Sov. . t
c:.:nu.l Ash ar. not. e"clude<! but do ""t. fen> tho! p"i~ i"te ...n of
til. CO.,".:I.t.te••
KUCOH'" ob,ectl.""" - &poOrt frOlll pe .....
....1ttlno; dt.~uuion UI:IIIq
Uke-sinded libr&:OI..,.,,, - .... til.... ,
""ea "peeUhutlOt'.
Pllblhll:u>g ptoj"cts
Cont""t" "iU> other abury gro'¥"P••
An. Speci.HuUon
Area lIpiIclalhaUilCI.
41"<:\1"".': I t the very ..... 1~.1t _et.l.,,'i'
and ....ulted in le". .r-usad ~te.. i.l" ba~'i diYI~ ~p ~9 libr... ie"
on • <J"Ogr-aphlcaJ bUI..
L<!UIl..-u.ed ..aterial. "en d~flnlll<l ..
offlcl.l pUbllc.ticn&, .t.ti.tic.l ~t.tl.l, offici.l 9.zatt•• , bdnk
reporta, pol1tic.l cpll..... r. ""'li c • • to i""luil. n~.p.peu, H ".'
filit to be .....t.fui uae of 'C'rca r~tC.' fot .11 libr ...i." to
c:ollooct a.ll .=11 _utiah froal ttle ..hole Hid<ll. &a.t. ."d tile
foll~ln9 .c:!lema ..." .voly.~,
School of OTie"tal and Afrlc",,"
Lil>y., Sudan
Afqhanlst"", Iran
Iraq, At~~.or. p."l".ui.
Clo:brld9" Mlddl. East CoIr.ne
Jord"". Lebanotl,
OXford ltiddl. U n cant..e
syn., Turkey
(E9YP~ "as olllitUc! from ~he "che_ ... bei"q <of ~.n1,ral i-.:pCIrt.an~. to
...,st librad... 1
serial., books aa<l.
n t • • cll.iJ>g II...... to ~ ~xUnt. foH_ t.1Ie
Abc..... ~raphJ.cal bl , and dtl>ouri> tha i>Ollcy lIu been r.-.,,~ned
••""ral t i .... , no .... jor cllanqu have yet h•• n tr4d ••
Ion of U'p<mBUl111U"t but to .... Ut me_r 11b.-...-i ..
[ffort..o< h.. ve been -..de t~ ......id d~Hcat.i
&... tern ~ .. ublOcupUOl'1'" but yet- tc .:lS,..-e th.t
tnt cop! ••
L'~ ~~ n~.. r .. of th. D"-jo.- newspaper.. art "vailable Ln .. t 1...... 00 on..
ReCantly" l i n of current w" .. t"rn-langll69" n r h h h .. l>etn
clrcubt"d for th" S _ purpol'e.
KEt,CQI ha" 4lsc collaborat"d vlth
8n"... h !.ttor.. ry lItfer"",c.. D'vi.ion (QUida.! fl'\:bl1cadons Lil:nryl
vtncn hor.. new t-~on over respan"ibHit)' Cor oCr'Ci&1 9&r.tt... and vith
che 8rlt1ah L1brary ~n"'ing DivUion, ..hich nov co11&<;u """",lop"",nt
plM' on & ..orld-w1de basis.
~'1th "h.. ",,,min of llayt.qr "",nln .nd
Curth.. r budg.. t r .... tric~on.. llk.ly. ~ELCOM'. rol" ln ~~'S "rea 1. llkely
~ u.o." on Ar. add.d si"",fic..""".
1't.i.. u "urrently Il£.LCO..... _Jar ar_ or ..cu,·ity, W date. tt.r_
btb.toqr.optU.... tw'"e """"nRd frOD t!ELC(»I. h _ 1IOU ..... in vauaus ..... ~.
,r prep.lluu= ..... 4 "".. pro) ..ct- hn "",,,,, t"",,,orarily Gb.. lve/l.
11'e fi.-"" .. 0'-11. to be .. ubluNld. th.. br"J.P..ch.Lld of Prof.... so< Pt.. rson,
vu. Klddl" EaSt ..,..<1 Ish.. , .. bibl,oqupht".. l tntrod""tton. RditRd by
Dt<-el< /Ioi'VOOd .. nd [limo..a GrlDlOOd-Jo.... ~<l. pl'blisb.. d by u,e Inter
Dl:>cwooent"t1o:l C:n.pany of Zug. ~~t-zer1And tn .1912.
The bibHo.,npt>y
.. ~s dl" ruult of a cone-renc. hdd in 1970 4t ..hich v.. r1ou~ .cadeDic.
~'" llbr~c,&ns "ere ~sk<>d ~o 1~5t ~~, ba$~C firty booI!.. in numerou.
Held. of lIiddh EUtern and Id~c studi••• ""kh ...,.",xd be r.._
.. n.... lU<lllle £aStern ~ibrlU)'.
Deepa. cr... ,,,,n coV<!ra'l", 1;:10.. VDrk
c1""rly r1l1ed .. '1ap in nL.ting bLbll09r"phy. u it "'-3 quickly
reprlnted, ""el. .. uviscd and enlarg"d edition. "dl""d by Pi"".. Gri-"OOdJar."" was publi.hed by lnt"r Doc ln 1979.
The e..rand work ",..I ~ot~... r l"n'J-chcr,.h"d pro)"Ct of prof ..l..,r
!'urlon'., "".Ly the "pdlltlng of Gi"sopp' Ga.brioH'. lI&nua18 d1
blbHognHa =oIu1..a..,.. ( _ . lQ16), which aPP'fuw in 1977 p>E>H • ....,
by the H.u'VO!s:;ec Pru • • • Arab 1.1a=1c bLbH:Njr.. phy' the klddl" t..t
l..ibr..1)' eo.o..n... 'i\I,<!II, edit-.:l by Dian~ Grl....aoo:l-,lon" ... [)er..l< 1k>p«>Cd
....d J. P. Pe..rson.
-nus bibhoqc.phy is nl;lt, a. 10'"" peep!.. h,v.
1_\l1ned, 8 topi"al bib1iognph,. or th. !<rab world, but rath"r 8 quide
to sourc". of ,n!o...."ion. 8.\1.
ancycIOpaedi .... m.nuecrlpil, .. rchives.
papyri. caps. lwrsri.l. e"c.
.....a1n. H h..1 _
tul. "'-..::h
... , Uw.t. s'"'Iud is planned on Iranian HbUog"'''pt>y un
thl editorIhtp of Profuser 1,. P. n",ll-Sutton.
Thl papars ror this hav" baen
.uboJ.ttad to th.. e"'1tor, and puhUcaUon 18 expected in 1993.
I t h..l,
..........r, been diff"."r.tly e<>11C"'~vRd mood vHI cod>ine .. quid« to s0urt:<08
of .nfonostlon vith cor.c1~ biblloguphl ..S on ar....s of lr-.ian cult ....
such ... his~ry, pOl.ticI, •• liq10,,", edUCAtion and 1....
tt>a ch1rd pUl>h~.uon "AS ~~ .. igned _roo tor locd =US""PL1...-.,
fteally, to help "an tim ratlon;t.H ••t1on of Arahic •• rhl
In l'r7 """M11 publish....! the Union catdoque or Ar.o1l.c
,au ..nd n_spapc;u Ul llritl"M hbnri"., edh<'ld by Paul
urlonh ""d 'fnh: I!. Saheli.
It lists 0"," ... 1,CXlO title.. of
..-lIs eH.her "holly or partly ,n .....abie hald by 29 Butt511 librdt1u
....... l ..tH sUP!'Le"",,,Ud by the holdings or tM" Institute of oc.""loV
t Studin Libury, University of Sussex. w1l10h wen publl.hed in tlw
leU" of the "tltish society for tHd<1h tastern Stu,he", '101. 4121.
"7, p.lo2-112.
'!'his cat"lo~ue hn d8<l ~.wned a sr<ju<ll and ..
... caraloque of Nuhn " d a h in arlthh libraries is being
~ e d by uuuh Si. .-liill1""-,, and will pr<>b,u,ly boo. p...tlahed tn 1'182_
rhe ~St ambltioue project launcn.d by KE~. at thg in.c ••riVe
Of Dr. Doorall 1IOpWOOd, re.... l"" lr-Ao ......ablC....
llDfon"""... ly. ,t .ho
Igs K£LCOI" '1tNte.t di$a?PO.nCMnt..
JlIlM:< Arabieus 15 An I~s
to tlfty Arab1e-lan9"'"II" ~ri<>d.1<:alS [r"" u.e ye.r of their tound&",cr.
to 1%0 and containa &bou.. SO.O<X) .w:>lect .ntr.... witho"t indot_•.
oa ~latlnq the index. it wa~ ~hI~ ~ "lrut. wt~rr it~ arrIval
polIt-.:5.l.t.ed th.. outbrNl< of the Civll Itt.r by .. f_ days, -.l. 1n IAtb&nof\
It lanqu.1sIMa .Ll1l.
se""rd att~ hlI-. be~n
i t to
_ther location. b1.:t probl_ of transport ..:>d fl:r.dinq h ...... ICI far
"fied solution.
Of ~£LCOH·. thr.... rr~ining prOjecta, on.. - .. 9U1dc ~ 6rltieh
Ubrarir. wItl1 Middle ~etrrn a"iI U14l:ll.i0: 0:01l00:tlon5 - 1 • • u l l i.n iU
..."ly 5U\lU. th.. seo:on<l hn o:ulo,;nat..d in th~ pul>lhh.l.ng of thi.
YOl~. while the third i. d,,"~ribed in mo ... detail bel~ under th~
h4adin\l of co-operation.
~ r~lat.d aapact of ~LCOM's pubLishing progr~ ha.. been iU
<:c:Itribut.ion to the BuUetin of th.. Brlthh Soci..ty for Middle Eaettrn
The Bull.tin lIa. alway. contained .. bibliographical ..action
vi .... bibllograp/>I"" an<1 rU....ne.....rlt••
i"" info
t1on "'" Is1ao:ic _
.. P'l!'>U .._
in WOOatern i""9"49""
other thaD Fr dl UId En<jIhh, and
.... c-arty u.. oco:a .. ional artio:h on IUd,ll. &I.t,,=. bibUo.rr.. phy and
ed.1cou Of thu "cUon b.a"" t>p to ....... bean MZLCQI _ n . and
dtl>ouogh Ul.. to...... of tb" Ilu1leti.:> 1.. about to be chanqed. it 15
1ID11tsly that tlle bibllogupbie.ol ""ctier. with i u KE!.a»I ~tor will
Within lIr-1tain, II£LCOK hu always report@d to t.h~ Advlsory
on Orientall .. t MaterIals of the Standing COnference of
llatl"""'l ;on~ IJn1verut.y U.bn.r~e" ;SCOlIlIL/ACOCIlJ (fo~rly t.ho< SCOlIl1L
Cro'4' of Orlenuli"t. L1brari•• /GOL), ha" =de C'CQIlInU to vAl'i",...
British Lillnry worlcJ.ng putlea an~ hn maintained .. very c:lou relation5hip "'t.h t.he Britl"h Sochty for Middle Ent.. m Stud.i....
It<>o<a....,r, "tlllUlated by r.qu.l~ .. ttendan~ at i u t:Yl ....-yearly _tin'J"
of lU>rar~"". f~ rr.....,. ""d tM ,.ed.ral Rap,.blie of Ge..-ny, JG!:t.eaI
launch<!d " ...rie. of lnUmaUonal Library Confero.ne"", for l'lld<ll.
Ea.tern Libr"..ian..
Del89atu frOlll C.... t Britain, Fr• .,ce, the
!'leth.. rland:<, th.. feder.l Rep"'lic: of Ger=ny, Spa..in, lIun....rv an~ israel
haw at~d..s tl>. fint. thre. =ferottlCe'" in Ai",-en-Pro""""e in 1919,
in OJ:fot'd in 1990 lI.fId ~n . n Berl~n 1'1 1981.
ThI! eOllferenca for 1982
"Hl be hald 1n P.ri..
The firsl t."'" $yq>o"ia ~calt llllOiniy "lth
Hbury N"ter", atd the Ilritl.h c:ont.r1butiona .re publlahed 1'1 this
Tbo ~ _ of the third ceof.. r_e• .,
'Ori."taHn.• and tl>o>u
c:=t.rU>uUon to .c:l>ola....hip',
library "I.te
_r" naturally di.=U<td
and the Berlin confer.nee provided a u•• ful for"", for debat" on ",utnal
However, the th.. me of Orl ..nt.ali.t" provl!d "tlmulatinq and
rei.v""t a1nca za>cI> of t..~. . _terid '11th ""1<:1> Ilbu.rt,.,.. in MiMle
&a5tam at"""le", d"al is i""d~ly writt.en by ori"nQJ.iaU, h<::Iw-""r one
Py de fin" the...
it I" a th.._ to wh1c:h ("lour. !Il:LCQOI c:onhr""~a
wHl probWly rRtllrn, .. nd it. 1. ".£l.COW. fifth and final p>:oj."t to
a-dit oJ",l pcl>U,,1:; the. . pape.s on ",rl...,talhtc whteh havoe ..lr.... <!y _
. .I i.venod.
Bopet.uly, tht", "urYeY aIIovs that K£l.CQt'a activitie. over fift.aen
y .. ar" ha_ been p<>rp<>... ful and ClOlISt.ruCtiVO,
Area "P"cialiaation h.o.
11><1 to a IllOr" efficient un cf re~ollr"•• ' til.. pcl>Ucat:ion. haY" f1Ue~
~y l ..cun." in "xi"t1n~ Middl. Ealtern bibllo~raphy ."d int"rnational
co-operaUon hal' prod"""'d """.untiai, U le.s t&nljll>le t..neUt.,. to &:11
Mitl> rcl""ed r..."",. f"'rKast lor ..11 _ r libraries,
there h no doI>bt t.h.4t. HU.COH "111 h.."" ." iq>ortant rol. to phy in
th.. futur. of Itlddl.. &uttrn and 1alalO1c ,.t\ldi". tn ~rita1n.
TIlE BlUT1SH Lffl.llAll:Y,
Yaeln H. Saf.dl
1961 tile hidsh Govwrn-.:~ set;
"p •
~tt. . t.O 'n ....U9IOto•
report on th. 'fU'Oni<:cl of U.e
~lh""""t of ""Hied naU-..1
IlbrlUY t .."il1uu.
"'h CO<I:II1tt
"kich c.- to ba knOW'! •• tlI<I
Painton OO~tta~ "Dn"lu~ its It~i•• 4nd deliberations in 1969 and
published a "eport r.t~ndln9 the •• tting up of • National Librari ••
Au~rity whith would brinq toQethcr ~t ita control en. . . jOt national
llbr&riea iI.1r.-:!y en.llbllahed.
rurt.her tee
ruati.=1 _ .... alao
.1lba1t~. reht1.r.9 t;l the ""rUn,. of !;ha propo.o>d A1.:tl>orLty and tn.
OJ:;anls.oUon of itl e<;>nstttuent Hbu.ri....
Suh.....,.mtly, in January
1971, • White Paper entitle<! ''!'hI! !lentil> Library' lola. luhtnitUd to
p&rll~nt. according to the provisionl of ~ich It 1oI~' decided to
utAbUsl> 0... IlrL".hl\ Library
averiLll relpotldbllay fO" the
of til. Brlthh i l < I _ tibruy. the ~t1Dn111 Refaren"e I.1bn.%:y
for Science and lnuention, ~ ~tion&l CQntral Ll~.ry. tile National
Landtng Library for Stience &n~ Toehnoloqy and ~ho Britloh Nationel
and a halt y~4U "Hit It period of
intenllive etfort~ d .. d _Inly at tha plann.1r... and co-ordi""tion of tne
amalgaaatioo of tn.. . ~jor library group. ~nto the Britl~h ~brary.
vIli.cb actually c - . 1nU> belng In ';"ly 19') ar.d ""leh ht.B si~ bll'"
It&illld II' tllil
i"l'Ortllllt 6evelcpDl!r.t In !,bnry urvlce. of dUo
It W~a .ventu&lly or..""i.od in tllr.,~ main ~v~aiona,
The Ref"rer.e, Division .. as fo.--.cl I""'" the library depan . .nts of
the Brlthh Hili..".. wltll tlle1r coll.cUor.B oI boolts ani! IroatIU.CriptB,
theu e""""rh,,,,,o &n<!. t.ra<Uu"",. and u..lr exedl,""t repuuuon Whlt:h
daUB boock ..." than two hundrlld ,u.n.
~e ... in Da;>ancer.t,s oI
t.h. Ref.ran"e Divhlon au 't.ill lo"ated In Lonclon and are !!'IOStly
hOWled In eh.. atlehh Mu~""", building in BlOCll'lllbu'l"
Theu are
tll.. [le~n nt oI Printeel 1lOOks '11th Ita aul>-depart""'r.t.,s, thlt
Offi"ial '
lic.Uon. Library, tll. Map Ubrary, to"e "\;Si" Utr.ry
an.<! the _~per Ubrory, the Dap.,rt<lBnt o! t..."urn} ""'"seupt.s;
the Depart_Ill oI Orlan"'l 1l4t:\OS"npt.,s and Printed aook ,.
h located in an edjacent. building In Ston Str"et.
The SCien"e
Re!er..nc. Library 18 aho In t.ondcn Ill1d r",.-- part o! th~
u,!Brsnce Div1alon, but h pr... ntLy l<>ca~..<!. in IlCU>orn and
n.a.. to<J"ther !ono the fin... t \Iroup or r .. ~.uc!:>.
1ibr."i•• in the world.
'nIB _ill objecUv. of <hi! Rehrene..
Dlvhlon ia to provide the ""tional Mod lnt.rn.tional <:<>mIIIllHy or
Ubrari",s. sehol.... ",d ....... rch.n with compr.h..n';v" library
fadl1Uu in all tho> .... in dladpl1nu. and in the .... 'or cultur.'
and langu&9B5 o>f th.. ""rid by givlnq quick an.<! <!.irect accus t.o
ita bccl<s and ...,,=crlp~s wh.id: -.rot to ""r' than 10 Idllten
~ ~D<llnq D1v1&1= •• .,.rh.apa th8 w~n interlmcl.in9 Ubrary
In the 'otCrld 6ftd. vU forBled by th<I ~9.... t1= of tbe JUUon&!
C..:'tra! Llbury .... 01 tllol Nad=al L1tnd.>.n9 I,ihrary for Science &:lcl
It: h now located at llOa"on Spa in W~st YorJ<ahlu.
na _in funcHetl 1a to pJ;ovide i n uuu with blblio9"aphic i t....
not "v.iLable to the.. [r.,. local .cure.. , dtller by 1....d.ln9 thoI
Clrlqinal .....,."h.lI to the )o"d I1b"4ry, or by repru<!uclnq it In
approprlat.. photowo<_
lUI Midin",_ a=IOr\C to ...... than
S -.l.lllan bihUO<j"aplac He... includinq _ra thaD 2 -.1111=
doc1.Il:Ien..,. or: aitratllll.
It _1nt&1". the Uni"" C"talO9'Je of _ s
c"qethar ... lth supplementary index•• of In hoHln9s.
The Library
als<> proviel•• prepaid intunation.l l,tIndlnq Service and Ov"n •••
Photocopy Service which have b...... da"i ••d to enable the a.,holar
.An/! r"Marche" thr0\>l;lhout the "<>rld ttl 1Ia". rudy and fdrly ch....p
ace. . . to one of the lar.... n coll"cHona of ~ti.h. ~.pM and
nporu l..n th<I ""dd.
""""'9 lu f .... auppl""'ntary I_cUona 1.
erfieien~ translation ..erv.ea, . .inly f ..~ otha.. i"~9Uaqs.. into
En~lish .
Th" Blblioqr.phie Seniee Divhion'. pri ..... y function i. to caeo..d
a ltery eno. . .ive .eleeUon of cha prJ..nt.d =:attu <lequire<! [0.. the
Refarenee Division.
It also ~H.s at><! publ11hu the Bt"iUsh
NaUon'l1 Bibl1o;nplly, ;or.d """'trol. UIor National Ser"al. DOot,a cantre.
It offe .. s the publiC a wi4a rL~qe of bibiioqraphloal ..arviea.. , the
IlOSt llqJOrtant of which ant BLAISE (BriU,;h Library nut"..ted
Infer.... lion Se~viee) and the llK/MAflC (M.o.ehins Readable cat"!oquel
!lUllS!: 11 a uni.que lJl::-bued, on·lins lib.."ry aystell ""ieh
is already conudered aa ene of the Larqsst ~ur..r i...., library
...rvie.... in the "Cdd.
WIth cha Intr<>d""rlon of LOCAS (Leeal
Catal""IU! S.rvit... l .."d cha Selective R1tc:crd &arvl"""" it~_
""nibl.. to prori.de co,,",uu.. lsed urv1ee. f .. Olll KARC record", qlfn.. ratK
by u.a British Library, by tho> U.S. L1.hrary of Cool""......nd by other
national lillrarieu.
'nle BriU..h Library 1 .. "lr. ."" plannlnq naw
f"cHiU ... [0.. llUlSE with addi-tional dat&ll.a.es alld is .ucc.... full'l
dev01Qpin~ further eCBpUterisad faeiliti •••
""S of el,. lIlC",r illl'Cln.a.~t dep&r..-.e.. of tha Ilrltis.h Ub..e!),'.
Rahrenee DivisIon, and ""realnl'! tlIa "",st rale"""e to tbe aut>teet und....
dl..e"n1on, is tlI" IJep&rtlant of Qri"nUo! l!ar.lISeripta ....d Print.., 1l<>Ol<-"
1t. . . . in funeU"n 11 to provide tha public at l ... ~ "ltil til"
widUt possibl" ..... vie. and to an<LloI" .ehohn both II: hOIllll and abro..d
~o e .....)' out Ulalr r"se• ...,h by ~ivin9 th81ll nsdy aeeen to ita eOllsedon.
and "xpsrtlle anll by qener"lly ....s1sU"9 <he", to the full.... t axtent
Full bll:.UO<p""phle"l !..nfe....... Uctl on tile eolleetJ.ons of botl>
an~ ~usc(ip~s
either in publlShGd
~~~~~.~'.or coll
O>l e.,.<\•• fU.... IIIlcrofll. . .:><l ct.'",r 1n<le'","s.
... ~icn. of bo~b book. and ~~5Crlpts .ra con~lcu.lly
Tba Ll-btary·. polley u ~o .~t.1n
elldve acquuiUotl of On..ntai prlnu~ book. tc ~h.. iullu~
t ~.lble.
(llenern~l"'qu.q.. book., •• riah 4lld o~her ••n .. ri ..l.
ted by <;Urn,m _ui.itt......
"::::":':"~, ~ tb. Kiddie £a.t lOre kept in the De~r~nt of trinted
IIlth PlO-rtlcular referallc, to the Ulol..l:liC _te .... '"
to msntion tbe following,
'!hoi ArabiC NIlUScript ccllection ee".ht. of &!>out 1.000 lEan .... ctipt.
QCCtainioq aany spl.nd1d .pacia.ns of c .. lligraphy. 111uadll4t~otl
..-'l Il1niature painting.
It also 1.nc1"llu a very 1"<;<0 n~r of
dftiqu•• auLograph or early 001'1....
J~ l. qcner.l1y con.Idered
to be one of ~b. flne.~ collections io ~h" wedd and en" of tbe
"",st iotpertant pri"",'Y lOClurces for Arllbic and 181..... c .t"diu.
The coHaet.icn of Ar.tlie prir:ted bock. cf a!:>out ~O.OOO vol...... i&
&.bro... ~tI!b.nsl"'" "nd U
1spr""lO!vtl both In n _ r &Cd in
For deacriptwe deean. "nd c"UI""u. infot.,.Uon on tn.. sa
coll ...tion.
For a&nUll=ipt,,CURETON. w. and RIEu. C. Catal09~s ecd1eum ~u,ctiptotum
Orhntall"'" qui in lIusco !ritannieo uservant"r. Par• •ac""da.
cedieu auh1e"," ~lactQn.. London l846-11. p.1l88. Aiso
adltlan of 18il. ~da~ cf pstsor.al na.8•• titl", • •nd
lteprinUd by GaOt';! 01.... V"rlag. HHdunei ...... d s"w York. 19i9.
lUEU. C.
S'fl'l_nt tc lb" c"tatoque of t.l'uo Aral>iC ... r:lllOCr1pt"
LondIOn 1894. 51.951.
i:l th" IltiU.h _ _ •
£LL1S, A. G. and tDWNlIlS. E. oasc:riptivl> list of th" Arabic
.....usctlpU acquiud by tha TTusua" of U>a ilritlsh Itusa"",
.i:lce 18'34. IDndion 1912. p.120.
Cl.",,1I(! llIventory. 1I1ue slip cn.u09"" of Arabic -..""crlpu
"cquired sin"" 1912.
For printa<!
a.I.IS. A. G.
C:SU-l<>g,,'of M@lc boct~ in the lIritJah II....""'.
London, 1894-1901, VoL J. Il\4e". . , by A. s.
Vol". 1-2.
London 1935.
F1JL'lUl. A. S. _
~ic printed
Vol ••
t·J rcprincad 1961.
ELLlS, A. G. SUpflI..-..tary caU-l2qUR of
took.. 1tl tha IIrltl....... 1t....11... l.Ot><lon 1926. p.6,
coho 1188.
IVL'fCIt;, II. S • .one LINGS, Il. Soo<:ond ''ft1E:lellYZY CU...1Oq1:!
of Anb~c pnr.t.c! boal<.. ill the BritI.1I
LDndon 1'1"". ~.JX' =la. UJZ.
LlllCl;, ft. a:lI:! SAf"ADI, T. II.
TIu.r<i .. "f'Pl ......"tary ,,"<lta1 0S"'.
of ""'..tae print.., books in We Ilrltisll Library, 19511 1'>6'>.
London 1976.
~ vola.
Card and bh.".~.llp caul09"" of Ilralue .. nnu~ bo<lka "cqul"ad.
"!ne. 1"")0.
The Pars I..., mu.uscnpt coH"'Cti"" of akout ,(lOCI 1tarI",cnp"a i '
ol1~ cons'<ar,,:l en. of the ""rld'. ""eat =l1ecn"", &till containa
..... of til" f<"en ",x~I...,. Ff . .la=.1" .,...lnU<\9, UIUII:.I .... t>on &till
n.. Q.IlC'ell""c. ecliacU"" of 'arsu..o. prh:red booI:,.
;oz,o""~,,, to _1I ""-r 10,000 ""1.... 5.
P.o.r "',,,riptive ","""ila ...,<1
cUatoq.- .Afcr::oo.Uon on t.!'tau collen,e.." a~ th<> foll_'''9'
R!LU, C.
J vol...
Raprlntad 1966.
S:lf91_nt tc thol c .. u.l"'C'&
e.rithll. ftuu ..... 1895. p.]l").
II£JUDInI-OWElI.S, G. ft. !land-Un of P"rsian lIIal1uscnpt.t acquired
by tne lIrHah ""..... f=,. 1895_1966. Lon<tcm 1"68, p. U6.
Blua·allp "atalogue of Petaian Z&Du.e~lpta acquLtad ai"e. 1966.
Cla"sed Inventory.
G. M.
1965. TtJ-OWEl'S.
Revh"d edition
TITL£T, If. M.
p.n; 1'1.24.
"-rd",.. IllUSLrated Manuacrlpu,
COtel"'l'a an,j
aub ...:t In<Se,. of Il1nlaturas tn>lJ> P.rsl.... MnCSCri ts and au..b
thoo British Libr!ry an<!
the flriUah JIuae_.
l.cndon 1977,
POt printed ~I
£DWAROS, 1':. C4U,109U01 of th. Penian printe<! book. en the
Br~t1.h ~UI"UlO. LD"don 1922, p.vHi;
coho 96B.
Card cate!O<J'.l" of pauian prinU,," book. aequire.! sl.nca 1922.
Th. Turkish UJlusctlpt. <>cHeeriOR of 4bcx"t 1.'SO "",1.-. co~~.."
all u.1! h:pott4rtt .. \Object "r".a &lid 1<:<:had... sphr.<ll.d a _ l _ or
~co.u: eel119tilli'hy &lid IIiniatura pa1r.tlllq.
",., printe<S booIr.l
eoUection consiau of About 9,000 "Olu~. . , Incl1>llin9 tIIcH vz:i",t.en
in the Tunic l""o;uaqes ot C""U.l Ad,".
rot d".eripU"" 6rt.aUa
For Eanuscrlpta,
RlEU, C. Catdoqu<! of til.. Tu..klall -..u-eripu in tIIa B.. IUsh
HI1II_. Lonckm 1886, p.3711'upcrary hJ.n<'llht of Turkhh IlI&1\U.~r!pt., 1888-HSS.
Typusc .. lpt by ~. K. MeredIth-Owen., p.48.
Blue-sllp c.t.lC<Jl.l" of Turk1$h manu.crlptl D"'lul ..ed 11nc. 189S.
Prel1min.'Y 1IIt of lIIIIlIusc .. ipu in lllllqu4\181 of Centul All.
and Sansk .. Lt, f .. em th. coll.etlen. =-de by Slr Mare Aur..1 StAln,
K.C.I.E. TypeI".. lpt by L. D. &arnett, p.18.
!lERmI1'll-OHDlS , G. N.
"'p..lnt"" 1910. p.12,
minl .. t~.s.
ll.indlLn of T\1rU.tI iH=t,...rRd. _ "...... pU ;.n U. Suush
Type... rlpt. by G. I!. 1W!.. ..,.tth·Ooter... 1'l61, p.2.
C4taloq.- .nd .~:lecr index of 1II1nl.".,..". froa Tu.. kish
1IIlIn==lp.... In pn'p<oratlcc..
For pnnt"" book.,
CLrd eatalgqua Of Turkish booka.
The Urdu collection amounts to about 165 .ar.uacript... ~d the
p ..inted beck. collectIon la fairly co~..chen.lve and intlude.
aany icp<>ttant and early publicationc.
Pcr descriptive detaih
and cat&lOlJulI Information .... th" foU""inq,
nand11at of
~~ Crd~
llrhf OS'... rlptlor.s of 11 I t _ &eq\'lred .. I"coo 1897.
CataI~ Of thlt Ut"d\o """,,,,,,.. ,pta In th" 1!:r!U.h Library.
c::l;ass.,s inventory.
Fer pr1nt.-:l
PLlJl'JlAlW'l'. J. r. CaU.loguot of RiJldl:nanl pr1r.te<'l book. In
tho. 1JJlrary of the Brltl5h "U&GUllI. LonClon 18!l9, p.n, cob. 458.
Supp1_ntary enaloque of H.1nd"stan.t
acqW.nd during;
the yaar. 1889-1908.
London l~. p.g; cola. 678,
Slue-slip cat.tOqUe of Urdu bock~ aOqUirad durin" tha yaara
19i1)-{,() ,
1lUJIIIi.l\JUI'. J. ".
booIr:~ ill the Ll.bnry of t.he Brlthh
Sacond 'UPP1~nta~ catalogue of Urdu bocka in the Brit~.h
Libr.. ry. acquired durin" tha yun 1910-60,
In pro.paration,
Card Calaloqua of Urdu booka ~cJrad aince 1961.
'nla I'ullt" col1ect.ior.s consiat of Ab<l"t 70 ....""scripts and 600
For daUila, sae tha foll".d.n'l:
.. I
rOt ...."Ktlp::"
SLmUIAlID'I'. J. ". and MACKENZIE. P. N.
CaUloqull of Plshto
lIlan""cript:s in til.. ll.brari... of ctle Brithh Isl,•.
Por printed booka:
1lLIII'J!ARD'r. J, F. C&tdoq>:.. of '""lie" books. Cols. 54. In,
cat..o~"9'Ja of BU><h, PII'l&b~, Sir.dhl
;uu! I>-~Sht., punt"d
~n ena l.U>nry of cna Bneun II.,. ."",.
London 11l~J. Col •• 27B.
64, 24. 54,
Card catdoque of "alllt.<> books.
~ Kurdish c"ll,c~or. ~.i.tl of 4 ~UKr~pt. and about 250
printad books.
For fl1ttller detdh, .... ,
fcr m.r.u<:ripts:
lturdUh .......,.Crlpts In tha British Library.
'l'YPucrlft by P. ~"'1,,1'. 197~.
For !-rillee<l. bool<s:
C... rd catal"'lue of l:""dill!l book$.
VII The Mala;' =ll~et.l= of about. 55 m.r.uaeupt:$ ia .... H
Tha *lay coll....tion of print:m boot. "f About: 3,500
It:~ms i. maInly aVAilable On ea~lOgua carda ~d typ"d indax ~ile•.
n-",y include a large nu_r of Isla.d.= "",Uriah in J.wi .cript
and IUdI' .printed book..
Se<t a}.c t.ho followlA'\,'
G, It. De Kal,lsc~.. lIan<iold:riftar. in hat. Ilrit.ish ""HUll.
IIijdril.o;en, Itonlnkl.i:lk tn.ue"ut 'fOOr Tu.l-, Land-en YOU.. .~. S"d, 3, 01.6, 1'.96-101. 'I'ha Ha~ 1971.
c...uJ........ or ...."",scnpts
P. voort>o".,.
ir. Jndoo:::esi.""
dnt~ by Y..
'n;, p.62.
l_o;u.o<jes U1 U ..
C. P,cI<ten ..,..<1.
For prlnt.ed books:
catd "auIO<j'u" of 144t..." books 4"'iuind l.>ol!ora
pukll1c"~lcms ",,<1
Typelcrlpt by R. Aboe llasan, 1970.
A ~)Or , ••cure of OMPI ts the h'9h standAre of its pr,ntad
Its narf .on traq"""-dy •• ;oc<;<! by clwl
t.O 91"'" "'''P''rt ;oCvice cr. Isl&:i<: cult=" &lid ..1....y5
cu.l poor-.onally .... <1 "c""'PUy 'n &I>sv«nnq '",,_Hi ... fr..,
schoL...... ....." rl.H•• th.. rs:
0l0' o.pan-nt ,tv.> Flovides
pnotoqrapblc service •• U..
for IoIhlch ,. oont,nu.lly
The Orunu.l I14tsdln'l IlOOO> hal .. very 1.......
collecUon o[ _jOt ."hun". worl<s en ut • ., on 0l"'n
The Dopart_nt .lso plays .. l.uge p.. "" In the 5rJt15h W-l>r.ory's
proqramme of exh1bltions.
Seva.al exhibitions en Islaui"
th..... have been held during th. p;o.st f ..... yun, incl ..din'} a
l=ge and la:p~e.. i"e e,,!,ibltion on c~.e Qur';;n, .. _jer
n:hibit.l ... en I<;bal. and an axhlb,uon
Ar..ili'..- .. rint'-"-'}
tfr'" t.he late l5U1. t.e ~~-!1th c<tnt\;.J')'l.
(M'B ........ "'"'''-''s cle.e HnI<& .nth etner <lepart_nu. l.ibuLi.s
an~ naClonal instltutiDDs with .i~Lar Inc"rests and ebjcc~V8S.
both ac ~ and ~~d. and .tD officers partiCipate actively
in t~e WOtk of nation.L .:and international qroups, "O~tt•••
and <XlMer'mces concerned dt~ !lidd'" E"e~.rn and lSl.<oic
Current development and r~ture plL~. ,n me Br.tl.~ Library
'J"neraLly &Cd in OKPB ~n p,>.rticul&r, 1ndl".t. t","t tke "".. vi"".
r ...."- .. ed W the publ1c wU: be _ir.tai"ed at their tr.adlt:ionally e.cellent level ••
~ Unl~"ruw Ubnry IULC1, u a c<>py ri.,l,t Hbrary, has
prAet1c~lly ~ll 51~lficAnt book. publl.hed in Er..,l1sh since t~ ~.slnq
of lh. ~ct..
I t 1. worth not1o., ~t the L~, unlike the Kriti.h
L.1hury, dou ""~ reCtll ....... cOPI' of .....eh book i11,\t.o...Ucally but hu to
c.u. it .on1 aD OIUu1Drl~ "«l1 OCC1,\t.
,\t prea-.t. t.Mt
_ a . to be
6'l""l""t" fen.:ls ror thO' pu.rcn;o.,.. of bOoka p.,pH.hed .alo
d and the'" .. r"
".<1"'"d .1th"r on tne in'tl.tiV<> '-o! the lib ......." nan o. Oil the
,",C_,,:1atlen cr ...,_u of Ula Uni.....r.ity.
It. is not po.sibl.. to
9 1ve .. prac15e hq"re for -.110' hol,Htl9s in M.ddle EA.tern lan'1";o..,. . h'lt
~t ""'"
"". "'-",0 o01lQ1,\t :,000 books 1n Arabic, ' .. ui"" and Turlchh ara
.,tller Dl\ order. Dr beit.., cataleqU'Od D. beinq otruo .... i ... preI*• .cl f"r
PL~Cl-"q Dn tha ~Iut" ..... s.
_'- of the." book. are on open ac"" •• and
_y bot bc... ""ood for ""Hod. of 1,\p to thra" .,nth..
Thera Is a ",cod
collect,en of book. prior to 1800 b1,\<' tbase ~ I~ta. booka of
p",uc1,\~ar v.. l ........ y not ba l.4ltan OUt of the b1,\1ldu·-9.
apac ... l1st eoll.ct1ona Df vh1ch th6 Pick..n Collaction of Or'an l
Jl1,\UC u
E..... ~l. . nq (>D...... sed by the ut.C is <:<:4er
.ocf SD tha.. th~r., 1S no ne~ to 90 trom bujl~lnq to bu.ld.nq.
The Orlent~i r4"1,\lt~ ~l~h Dvar i2,000 11tlaa La ~ •• qnad Fr~r'IY
for 18&chln., and "Dn=anlr.. ta. on tha book. ~a1 aced by under9rad~t.a.
It h... al.o, havc~r. val1,\ahla works which one" belonged to tormer
Pro[usor. aUC:, as t. G. Il>:own~ ;and A. ~. Arl:erry vlUch ..... alnady In
the U'~.
The J~lami" coliaClion Or Prof~a.or Ro~rl"'" Smith, a
pier..". in tha finld. of S..,.J.t1C r.liq1on ...,~ soeioloqy, 1. in the
l>.brary of Christ'. Coll~.
~a K1ddh £ast Ce"~u {)lEel "i\.h o~~r 5,000 l1un . . 1n th~ a..bulidin., ;os tile Or( ..ntal faCUlty an.1 •• a "P"dal1~ library for
r .....a.ch purpo.~..
undar thn ~ sra. apecl.. Li.ation achaze It
."9"rda ita p ....... r;' d'lJty ;o.s colieCtin'] l>ooj<.s pubU"had .n ano! about tha
-'rabian '"",na"la and e.cept vlle •• n.,c~aary for th1a ~~"t deal'
not in .,anaral buy books pubiished in lha UX vhich vould duplic.. te
tho.. .~ail.obla In lha ute.
~s of ~ddl., E~t.,.n interest call alao be !ouoo! 1n th..
llbrariu .UCh •• thool.. of the wv, Div1l1.ty, Eeonoaics,
Geoq.... phy, ""tilr""",l"," and otlwr Fa""lt.....
n...... ar., a1&o ..... 1n
the lib.arlaa ot indlv1du,01 Oollaqaa.
and G. P. l!adqer.
C1:I.... d'..i..ll CcUaqe is blOildini • c:oU.."uon of the archi"". of
_em politieal Uiur@c. wtll"h in addiUon
to tl>oae or Churchill
Mud! inc<uc!e thou of other UateulOt" sueh ..... Lord Lloyc! ane! Lord
n,ere "r" _1"0 tha papara or dipl_u eueh ... Sir Huqh
Colleqa LLbrade. ~"" hol<llnia "uetl .... "h..
PoIpa"" "r Sir -..ld Storre at _rol<e M>d C. l'I. Douqtlty . t Clius.
The p;o....... of w. s. llh:.~t .~.. at ttl.. fit%Wilh_ .... s ..um.
The ~ tla. unpUbliahed ~te~tal. ~rticul... ly d.allnq w1ttl Aden
a.ne! V.... n hut allK> tM ;>Apera ."" photoqr..phe of Bartr_ '!'howe ,,,,4 th"
diar.e" Of 51r Charle. a.lir.~.
ArtHaeta of Kiddie Eastern 1nt.. nut can be round in "arlou.
UU.au.... u,,~. aa <ha fl<twilUaoo and tl>oae or the ..... cl1&eol ....ied.
I\nth~opolOqie. . . .~d
facu.ltl ••.
CalObridll" Unl".uity L1bury. Cunent aerial& .. " ..ihbl. . . n the
Unt"er.'ty L.brary ar-d in other libr...ia. cor~ect..d with ttl.
E. G. Browne. A
<..oloque of
Pern"" ....."uscrip~ '--" tM
Library of the Cnl
Uy or CaJObrid9'"
ClIJobr14..- Unl,",,~dty
..I .....rl".rry . . . . . .con4 s,,",pla=n".ry hand-h." of tl>e 1!uI'._"4'"
....~uacr. . . ", tile Uni_rait ""d CoLle a c! CUibrld
C&=brldqe UnlYeralty Pr. .a. lq 2.
1 Iw...., to.~ ">!ked to ~ ."th • roOa on WI> rrot:l_ 01 .cquHln'i
_te.:rLol publishltCl u' t-h. Arabian ~.nin.ul..
H ' . nO .""'9qerat10r.
to "y t./ln th.. r .. I. m> beok.hop Or ",... ncy !n th.. P"n!nsuh lu"lf
ch provide. any ... rv.e.. to Overs.. ,,, c""'==Cu.
~ book.hops at ..
o!~ re..sonably "ell .t.ot'JLm:! "ith local pr<><!ucU .." ,. =cl tll"r.. is r",
ru.1 .LbaUtu\..e tor .............. , vl.H.
Kcly <:of the lICU ..-.pert"".
~ , how.ver, . . y "ppe~ .'1 th...... t.loqc.. s <1 l .. ad'r.~ suppll .. rs "
"VAad, kirut Md oc .... ionally Cf,HD.
For .h.. ru' the b<on .h...
C4Il do is to rud
1<><: ..1 n""..p.o.,,",r" to which 'he Centre 5uhKr1b<>. and ~ to s"e $OD8 .ndon of 'I.." po.:bU ... t'cr,£,
this i" no~
. . diff1c:ult ... it. -.i¢t sauncl becl<uq thoy .r.. = t '~ry o<:JU>ro"",,.
~ M .uthor .. rod" titl .. h&,~ b.cn id.ntlf'~, .. l.t... r to til.
niter ..111 oft.... rro<!"". . . tr..., copy troll ....... na.ure..1 to find tnat
hi_ .... rk hu a.UCact.. <1 atunt10n 1'1 c.>.trhr1<1ge.
I! tha is no, pucU ..al
..... h.a. to resort to UI.. 'olel bny net' .. nd try ro t..v.... <;ontact 1n the
p1&ces where booiu ar. po.:bluned.
':his _y be .Hh'.. L~. oCnchl lr.
pul>apa the Eld>usy or tile British cow'lci1 Dr .. [or_r It\>dl<n. ><1>0 ... 11
be p:r~cd to t.al<., U ... troubl. of 9"t:tLn<;l • boc!< IlII<l dUl.. r S<'ndin9
or br1n9in\l 110 back: occulon1lUy t./l15 ....y prO<'!uce SOdth1n9 unknown
t(l ilia LLbruhn heu.
Obtaini09 publication. from Arabia by .uch
....... h very hIlrd war!< bL:t rIC bf><.t.r _U-.od Ilu y",t b<>en found.
In Dur""" the collechen ot book. conc.. rned .uth th.. Middl. Ea.t
i.n the O".entul Suctien of the IJni""ult.y LU,,,.. ,,y.
Ou"ha.tll ranks u the thlrd oldu" of t.h. En<jU.h (.. lthcUqh not of the
Brlt ••hl ur.iverait.:.a, ~"inq been founded in 1632, and the L1br~ry w".
fo~t.un:ot. in lllhnlt1o<j lI&I1y of t.he lIUCh url1..r collectioll. ~ by
the 8ubClp. of Ourh.o:o. N>d other. c:co>nect.ed wlth the C...._ r . l 0" the
Th,ue 1IpotCi.e1 coll""U.on. are ""'''9 tho! ..,.", 1r.ur" l.no;I in the
B"ahh Isle..
(When. j..~ I5H, the Unh..".it.y of C.....,ddg
,u .."kinq
to r""iutin lt. L:l.br&lY, "he lIi"hop of Dud' ... , JQI• • Pllkl.n~ton...u
""",,n~ the principal beneractou "ho aqr ....d to p~"5"nt books,
donated tw.nty vel"".. of histories.)
15 con~.nt"aU<l
_"""r, .. HI.. than "arly coll-.:t:o"",,,
&lid "he Cat.hed".1 LibrArY.
wcrk. of Orient"lls.. int.r"st., the DOdem d.vel~t. of
on=.'-I.l Srudi•• in Durl>a:ll d..t •• frooo :948. and d •• Ori...,tal S..etion
..... u~li.Bhed ..... "par..te _""tion of the Univ.. uity Lib"ary 1" 1950.
Oriental Studiu 10 to be 1l>tnprGted in the wid...t .en•• , fro.. No%th
Africa to Chin.. and J~. and Includ1l>q both the anci.nt and :odern
Ijur U_t.
lIi"hb: thl. field the LJl>rary COYer" certain beoad ae••• ,
and '-11 each tend. to concoo"tr..t ..
~i"uhr part of "he coll..",l",,,
in ::...... ,""ei..,,, IIoear Ea. .... ~9Yl'<olO9Y .....:I COptic, lIabr.... and Old
in "h. . .,HuYal <0 ~rn period, Orien~al C~.rhtianlty
(includ1nt,) nO" only Coptic bu" also syrlae, Aruo.alc, Ethloplc, A....anian
and Guoeqian), t.h. cl
lcal Uteratures of Arabic, Pusian and Turkish,
the history or Ill
rellqum an(l culture. the Arabic, Persian and
Turkhh lar>q>Jagea, in the DOdern peeiod, u.. political, flconccl" and
..,ej.;(l h.utory of tl>e Near Ea"t (...,. tlonh A(rlc. <0 Alqhaoistan.
l.t>cludinq TUrkey, ....>d eolle""lons of .,cern Arabic, Persl.an and Tu:rklsb
.u"bore, on "h. hiatory o( Cant"al A.ia and the Jran1a:> alI<l Turkle
lan'JU'!q. . of the u u - hole."•• of "he ar~anq_nt of _t"rial in D".rt._,
ebh fo"",. an .,uHy Identifiable ..."rkin9 collect.ion.
There 111'"
collections too in c)..uical Indi"'" studi"', particul.rly on rellqiou•
• I'poets, inch;d1nq Sanskrit., Peakrit and "aU texts, and • ce~
""""",t on th.. hlede period. end a 'ub~tial c:ollact1cn .... the Far
COl\c... tr.~inq on Chir.. ,
its h.1story, la::w;uaq......., l1tar."""e in
an peelodI'. but .lso e><t.e.-.dinq 1l>"-O J.pa.. .... llD<l. lDrean.
'ft>a fialCls
j~" 11_tad al ... include collection. ln A~lan (s1.abl.), Urdu (mod~r.t.l
lturClish, (i.llorqlan, Mongolian, TUl"tan, ate.
In 1976 t.h.. ~anqB of th.
Durha..ol t.'CILl.ction . . . . . nationally rI'coqnind ..hen th.y Wfln easiqnatell
a special souece b;tck-up librUy by the llritish Library t.el'ding Divl.1on.
0." ..
tM Ms=~ deve1"P'*"t of the L1brary. vbiell i£ t = p&r&.llel. tN
~ " of Ori..,td S"l;dles in DIlrIw:: i.n ",,,,,,,n.l.
The S<:bool of
'3I1.CItal Stl>die. be9an . . a g"hool of Nau I:.."a.... S"l:IIii••• anelent.
..... d ..xI"rn,
in 1952 lect.ureships
Chill""''' and IndIan
pbUolJOPlly """a ~ed.
In th ... p"d.od of tIM 1950•• holdillg. _r..
bullt up fro= a handful of b<x>k. to an ..xtansiva _ in "aSOla aue:h a.
Igyptol"9Y and OrIental Chrhtumity an outatandinq _ =11<><:"ion.
.....ehI"ved a. 1II.,ell by the .. tforh of tha te.ehlnq as the libraT~ ,.UfL
111 flnd1nq. and often pru .. ntinq, book" ""d in " .... rehing .."tivaly on
tbe Libruy'. b"halt whQO trav.. lllnq in til. MIddle East or dUlOh.re.
'nle Libruy 0'0'<0. the gr..atest d~t to Prolanar Th.ck.. r, firat Dir.ctor
of th.. Sehool of Or1ent..1 5"udies, and to Hz. fo.t..r, ..he .... "ppoint.d
... firat ltCepate of Oriental /loot..
Profa • ..,r 'I'h.."k.r'. inl"u,tiva in
...,.... 1nq both boot• .and funds. and hh .trong. "et've and Infonr.ed
aqoport up "0 II . . r.Urfl:tnt ir. 1917. _re an l..r.va1=bI.. a ..""t ro "h..
..... • ectl.on of tha LUlruy:
tJla Uadltl.on is ..... J.n.u!ned by hh
_ . a o r and all ..-ber. of UtI. 5ellool of Orlan".. l 5t."'H....
1Ir. Fo.ter'. lndetat1",llbh "",,,t L'l<! In"blata knowledg" of the o:cllecti.e>n.
in M. <:are bult up a libra", vl\1Ch ""'"ld ha"" be"", ..ehia_ by no
od>Gr - " s .
TIl. dtbt to bctl: U .-n".
In 1951 eN School "f Ori""'td StudI.... or. :.M init:l.."I .... 'f
Mr. Riehard lIill. began the ccU=tUJn or papers an<'! other raeord.
raiatinq prilr.a.rlly .... """ Su<I.= 6Iorillg the C<>nc5oIoinl= ....r1Od 1999·1!1S'
....kh fo""",, the
~rduv •• L">d vhieh .. n
rorzally t.akan 0""< froa.
til" SehooJ. by tha LUlu.ry in 19~6.·
The Ar"hIve e<>I:'F"he. awroximatelY
600 boxes of official. a..,i-ofhc,al And pri".. te " ..!"'r•• ha"_an 1.000-
10.000 phot"llr"ph.,
portr<liu. "'''.''W11 objacts and ..,..,. thou.ands of
rd.. vant. pamphleu.
fJ ........... r ••1 ,. c:on.~antJ.y being .dded.
It holds
eo... 300 HahdI.t doe~nt. in Ar<lbic: and ,,1 ... con".ln" s~.t.~11al n~ .. r.
of pap.... ul"Unq ta Eqypt. Arabia, Palntin., Trar.ajordM, Syria and
Urie"" atat". bord"rinq an th.. Sudan.
The /l.rehiv. ia af Intern.tIonal
iIIport..mo.. for tha atl>dy of 19th-:lOth c .. ntury sUtlanu.. an<'! tla... U.~"rn
A fa1rly datanlld Uat Of holding. as at 1961. ""d " s..-..-ry
of addItio"s to 1918 ia published In Mll<:th..... fl. and \(.1o""'\lht, II. D.,
auld. to """,,,aerlp<:. and doe.,..,n". in the 8riU.h Islu nlatinq to th..
lUddle East., ad. by .1. D. P.... rson. o",,,,.d Univ..rsity P<ua. 19l1O.
tba .r~lc doc~nt•• the•• , . . . ~~.dli.t, Har.dliat of ~abic ~nuacrlft.
and Uth!>qr.. pha. by R. L. lIi11. r_I..., .nd _ndell by D. <;<1,...oo<l-.lon....
val1abl" in e!-oq.apl>.
WIti'. half he. the I!r'tah L11lrary •
tlon "",r). has bean e .. rr1~ out afId the /l.rchi .... hII. baan 11.to<:'lt
For .. DOno detailed deaeriptio.., of the s ........ Ar,,~n....... Arper.du 1
this .... per and L. E. FCTbIl•• 'Tha S ~ Ard\h... of tJl.. Uni"".uity
of 0urhaJr.· 10 "!.ddt. east St.""Hn and Librarie., a r.l1Clt.atlc:n
'00luor for Prof.....r .I. D. P..u ...... ad. II. <;. Bl<><rfldcl.. Londor;.
Man.... lL 1980.
• handlist "'111 ba h~ulld in 1982.
Partly.s a "esult· of this """h1"".
'""'" tha int.",. .t of
.....'" of the School in tNt I11Jotory of the Sudan,
tha I.1h",..,. coll.ct•• in.,fOlr •• fund. an<! .taff·ti_ all..... a 9 .... t."
",anOJe of
t.arJ.a..l or. tNI Sudan, in both E:n'Jliah """ /U"ahit, t.hMl on . . . .
oth." are
of t.ha
Tha map azul p&qlhlflt toHetHon. in
~t!cu1.r .houl~ be mention.d.
Gnl ...... k'.n Ku&aum of Or!....u,l ~ _ . op<"'ad.
Thta ia
to the Wb"ary """ SChool of Oriantal
Stud!e •• and the Oriental Slt<:tl.on i. alao the Library for thOt H". . . . .
'I'tJe rupon.thiUty h met by • n .lloc..tion of ro"9hly 10\ of libury
funds (.xcl,,~1.nq th.. ~pflchl Hiddllt ~1I.t C.nt.re fundal - ro""hly 10\ of
••ch ar . . fund \I!th1.n t.h. Ori..nt.l S.ction _ to .rt.
Altho....h t.hOt
Mus.",., is lllt.r.nad pr~rily in Far hat..,n '""'" And_t. _ r £aat......
art. thlt Library buy. fdrly ltVenly in ...n .. r . . . to ...inUI" .. 1>4.1c
r.ference coll.ction "hara"er po.sthla.
In 1960
hous.d in !ts ...." bu.\.l.dU"J n.>;t
In 1'162, followinq the H.. yter R.port, tha Centre for 1I1ddla U.tern
and Ul~c Studi. . "'..,. 1n4uqurllt<ld,
It. objact ..... ~ da.. lt1ep Mio5dl.
EaSt.r.! Studi•• not only in thOt School of Oriental Stud1c. but in other
d&pan.&ent. of <:h. Univera!ty. thrDU'lh <.eath!"" posta in thOt ,,_npby,
eton",,"lcs. poHtica. aociology &Il~ &Ilthropoloqy dep<>rt.....u,
This hlld
conu<\er'lble imp...,t on the Lthrary in t n.... of d.""",<'IS and fund~.
(Curru.tly IIOlIIe 60
of 'he ""ad ,e n.ff au uaoeat-d wit.h <Joe
\IOrk of the CantO'. for lIid<!.l. t .... t
~d IaI&JD1c StLldle", and about
15·40 po.tqr.:>d=::. . . .ra -.g'6Ij1ld :;..n raM...-ch en the cor.U:IIpOrary M!ddle
~ Dep.. n..ene. of ':"'1tl:ropolD9Y. EcDr.<>ll1cS. (;ltDqraphy, Pol1t.1c.
and Socl01<:>qy ",,<I Socl,al Policy d l o(fer eo"""... en ~hot 1I1ddl.. ~.n ...
und"rgraduat" optlonG. a~t..n<llt<'! In ..ny on. yau by"""'" ISO ~onn"r.
dev~"" .tll6ent•. l
Th" tonsequ"n"•• for the Wbrary were ..ppar"''1t 11'
three "']00' .. r.....
l"""st.1y the scope ..."'1<1 n ..tur. of ~he lIidd1. E... t
coll.cUons v ... oanu<le.-4bly .:qt4n<!Itd,
'-'I . . . . .ubj.cts l~ " . . aqa1n ..
case of b"ildU"t\I "" frail ~. ~lr"'in<;l.
",. t.th~uy v ... onc. "",~e
(ort.~t. 1n the activa cooper..tion of loll" t ...ching "" .. ff. and ma.ny 8llall
but valuable . .ction
ithin th. Library refhct thl", cooperatinn.
are to. newspaperl,
c"i~ad rQgularly from the sa.. l.t ~ ..pub'ici of
CltI'ltrd A,,1. . . . w.ll a. fr"" Turl<ey. fran and the "rab cDu.'1ul..""
c:oll.ctlDr.s In SIDC!.rn I'era.=. =I<~ah iL'Id /lrablc liter.t=••• in _ e n
=I<>sh poliUe. and econoaucs. on I.luic = u n f t i. . 1.n 1ndDn.ui.. , a.nd.
the current inter"st. Ln ml"rat.ion Bnll urbanis ..::ion. p"rticu1.. ~ly Ln Arab
Nonh /lfdca.
S.tondly. thu lar,!" eI('4l\Ucn 1n'-ol....... c.rt..in eIpand.on in f~'
tl'. . 114ft... Report .1:><;!1td out til. School of Orhnt4.l and "fr1.c:an Studi..",
and Dt>rh.a& •• tl'.e two cri.ntAl iiorarilt", ... ritin<;l • "'pecifIc lU>r..ry
at p....ent, the lI.ddl" l:4.. t, indwlinq Ial.... and til. Islamic
lanquaq..", tUld litar.ture., accounts fo" just o .... r 50\ of the total f"".d.
of til. Orl""1;..1 S..ctinn.
About half of ::111. is r.servlt<'! fOt the n.ltds
of the Centre rehting ::e ~e .,;>dern IUddl. EalIt.
ndrdly, ill _lor 4"vd~~ '-" ~.r.• c~i= wah
lliddle £.0 ••
creation of ~. C.ntr .. ·~ ~~tlon Unit lr. Octoh•• 1970.
c~u~ 1912 IOhU ha,. bHfl
at Eh·e. Hill. do", ~ t~ ori.=UI
~ of the LUa ... y; coopeution ber""en "h-' Una MId 1:h. Library ..
aU_Iy clo... up"cll11y in cHeung aSllhun". to asurcl..,u.
y do t.h.. coUe"UQll. """ph"""" .... <:1> otha., but th" S""lor OOC\AeHUd. for th-. Libnory Out cf
Ilid'l.l" ~a.c ~W\d.
Ttl. "antral purpa
of the Ooc"",,,"tat1on Unit
,..- Anh"""t 01.., co-ord1J1au,. purchu
I ...
to ~nit.Or
curr..nt economic, Ilocial and political developmentS in
ttW .'"9ion and to proc'lr" and .... k" Ilvall&bll
Otl ch. "idest p" ... ibh 5<;411,
priaarY Eaterial •• lating to the nod.rn Hlddlo East.
Un~t con~uo.
_ _ lSO,OOO publienlOll", .,St of w/llch cannot be f'''''chased throu9~
. . .1 chanrutl..
Ie. boldinqa ",dud. pri...u, dAt. in ch. to.... of
.aporta end .".,,1."1<:...1 pub;tC.1:lCnS (ac minl... a.,_l.
hV<!15:' npo~~s prod."",..t b). banks. c!lM:L<tu
or ~res. trade unIons and ~ol,tUo.l ~rt's., ~ethrr with
.....lic.tlon" o~ the. "11' Inte",..ucnal or9.... 1. . tl"". vorkin<j 1n d ...
l':"""'P1e. of ....tHhl -===1nRd In 'hu <;L&tA-bu;k 1nd~e
otrlcL.l <;u'eu.u of IUddle r.......... =u:~rl.... PCt'''l.aC1O:. c.nsus up.:lru
011 _ t c:ou,"orl." c... 1950 ;or.<l 1n ..,.. "sses nrLic:r ~at.s. c...,,,us
of eqrlculturs .... d tndu.try • • t.ti~tlc.1 y•• rbooks. f~teigr. tr.~e
....tistics, ....t1olla.l .... d r"",iOll.1 d,".. lo~t pI ...... ,,~bs... pl...~.. U>9
nport. an<!. Fubl1e,oU"". of the Arab Lc>a9""-. l;EIrro, P'AO. llNlDO. 'JPD: • .and
Th. Unit h... qood cover.qe cr ~ •• ic do<:~nt.ry mater,.l from tho
urly 1960" on",.r"' .. , ....d In ""'"0 cas.,. ""'" {or so,.. cO\1nt<iu fro", 1"4~.
M\1Cb or tho material is In tho o~iq,n.l l~"q""q. I~ •• blc, Turkleh.
F.ui.... Or Hebn'''l bue: lr. many case .. the do""""onu ue ollie Fu.blhhod i.n
uqlhh or F~ench tr 81.Uon.
/Ill the c:o""trios of the Arah >.'O~l<1 ou
coversd by th. coll tion, toqnhor with ... fllll....1ot"". Ir..... arael,
F.kht .... ""d Turkay.
The coLl .... t.OIl is rully catalogued. ~d full c.t.1Oq~. snttia• • ~s
pro,,!.<Ied fo~ all doc:..-nt. ~~cdvrc!.
The cat.•log .... h;os baan lSesl.qned
specifically lot the collactlor. in Drd.r to psraie •• ""~h flaKibllley
as poe.. lbl" to _ec ~ v.ryir.g in!c:~e~ requir.-r.ts "r ""erR,
Aceas. is provided by 9&09~aphic aru of interest an<!. by qcncral subject
Intu~st. end In adllltiOll • thel&aurus COIll::ain.i:lq 0Vt!~ " " " l"'Eldred. key
vor4a providas an .pproach fn:- nar......r "ubject arus. chua ,,,, ...It<;1:19
s_n::h pa.r_~er-e to be ~aad.Hy "Idc::ed or .astrict""" ....d s"9'l"1It1:l9
links bc:t...-n subjects.
Gen.rous cooperauOII and .uisUU"."" r ..... che qo"'e~::s or tl>o
r&oJi"". collabor.t1..... rtarl'J"l"'"l't-s lISd. "'!th other Inn,ituUOII•• and
the Inval:>Ahl" ••"Istanoe of ~ r.. of the ...ad.-Ie staff and po"tqr"""'te students on res.arch vhlts to the <""",Ion an~r". an accusion
qrO'o'th of between 200 end ~ 1<<=1; • •"",th f."", KeS thlrty-f!"'"
<:ount.ie'. cove~1ng s "ide ..... qn of economic, political. social and
[v ..ry efforL u ...Je to t ..... IIbr."$>: of """
Ln a ... lda rd!l9" of r~~... rch fidd. d!ld to obtu" pu..... ry
dac"",c"u as aoon as p<lUili,,, after t-h .. dau of pulll1cal-io".
The UnIt
,,,~e."e~ .. qr""ln.. n\l:lller at """"al. 'l\",rtarly, ...,nthly ""d .... eHy
,till publ1c.t-lons recalv." .r.. ne"""Uy .v~ll.bl.. fer cons~l_
taHeli wlU'l1l ~ day
f t!\eH lrnvd.
r""""t l.lopJnant: reSOlUee a:a.ae .... UAbl. ler ' ..... ard> UI
Dur ....... ,. a collect-lon of <.he papers of 'Abb.>., Hil.... II (1614-L9441.
h n Kh"dh... of E'lyrt l..... I\pperI'U" II to this p"p"rl.
In lUrch 1900
thUe ..... ca d"l'OsitfOd In the Odental S..ctian ef the unlwcsity Lilirary.
h Un .of th.. papus has be.. n pre""r"" and h .waHabl. fer pureh.as...
The arc"""l"'""'''' of t.he Orier:.:.al collact1Oll1l has ~lo~ Ir""" tIM
t"ct.ory cULlln~ ab(",..
Th. Lib.... ry h... groom in sue fr"", e.~.(XXI it.....
•" I~~. ~.J1,OOO >n 11Sb, c.9G.ooo in 1'171 t.e ".127,000 Items In IgaO.
This h~» inel~d.d the ."panelon of :interests !Lnd aren eova."d .... "all
as natuul 9'....·th.
TIle Lilira.y still .h"re" th .. s _ "ceOllElOdation
.... th the School ef Orler.tal Studu. as it did in 19!>4, the "~~"'g~t
And -I~•• ,fle.'~~n of ,he book. ~,cb Wa~ c.1g~lly enosen to ac~·
=au ... """'.~"l~~
11.", iot: b.s. been .:q:ArMled, • __ t • • raU,.~
fore'bly. l bol.;1 lh.. Fh • ...,t
of . . tenaL
'rh. el.... lf1e.. t>on
~. b ....d an thO' or, ..nt..l lanqudq" and 11~r"t"r. section of the Libr.. ry
ct Conqus.: thi~ '" ... uinlld fo~ lIterary .r.d linqtliati" "hues: fer
ether .ubl<CU th"... 1. a cl"ulhc"tten hy 9 .. oq"~rhical ragion and by
cour.L<y, and wlth,n this by sullJ"ct el"."'fte.tlon.
TIl. fciL ~.. taLcq·"" 'f the coll.. cucn , • • V.nUlle in tM ~tion,
t:-.., ."thor eat.leq",", ,. a1..,. a"a,~able u-. u.e aaL.:: ..n. seoodOll> ct:
[h'rt.... l:"H'etsC~r L.U:ury.
'ftln>uqh u.. Cnivooruty L1J>..uy. tIM sect>.on'.
h:>ldlnq. ara ,eport..d t.<> the :<oru. P."910na1 Llb....ria. Bur.."". an<! til..,ce
to tk.. nattonal U"jon C"t.. loque of 1loOk. u tM Ilrit.1Ih I-ibruy Lending
Dlvidon. Boston Spa.
~oldln'l. of ,",arks ptlbllsh.. d in A.i" at. also
rapottl'<! dinctly to the Union C"taloqus of A.1.." publie"t>ens.
the Seen"n an a"tl>o~ aM .ubject ca<.&l"9"" u. =ta1ned, ""d frOD. 1974
"",...ard. u....... • n Uti. eauloquu for vorks lr> oriental lanquag....
riled a.c=rdir.g t.o tha lang.... g. and script e"n~=ecl.
tn>s.... has alvay.
beGn • • ~r"t.. t,tl" cat~l"9ua fer Chin"s•. 1
'l'h" Libr.ry'" "cqu1.ition. policy .....ks to "",int"in th.. coll.. ction
'0 ll"htioq n"'d..
Blank•• ord"rs aLe not "he"d in any country or
"ith &Ily book ... 11""5: 8~leet1on is by th.. ac~d ....ic and library staff on
tll.e I>.os"" ef inCo ..... tlOn a"dlabl .. troa all .0IUe....
Oo:"... lo::"l1y
.l.br"ry ~:.aff are Able t.o ..alt" bo<>1<~buy1nq t.our. vhi.ct. are in",,,luabl.
1r. Heuring vorks ""lee vm;;1" be
or unol>ta..in~l.. r".,. the m;:,
t ... ckU>q staff in ",ado=> depare-nts "lso <JI"'" COI:\sl.d.rabl. a. .istance
in this ....y.
Th. Cri..ntal Section ... rves not only th& Unlver"ity of
bute also teh" nonllern r ... iOll of EIl<;lland, b41"auu it is t"" onl)'
Wqto ori""ta1i&te "oll."Uon in th. North Eaat, and aelVU ,,10" th~
IlAt.O",,1 aDd Ulteunatei<>nal u"urrh = 1 t 1 ' {pllrt1cuhrll' tlu:oUllh thQ
Ilo<;:.-tltal:.ion collect10nol.
It ~ tilh "itholJ<C u..
IqIPOrt of • _jor c:opyriqh.. libra.ry "itilin ~y rNCh,
.-J,.eo:tJ.oa '""'" acquhlUOII ..n be carried on also :ill. Ul.OI Udd or
.-to.Uh publlCllUo:tI. in order t<l uintain a balane-d colhcUon "lUl
."rflci""t doIpUl <Uld r'""9a for ruur"h.
Th. Library benefit. qrntly
f .... t.hoo 900dwill, !.nfol1lllltien and donaHon" of "hidn~ achola ....
~l>J.'" an4
".. suff1ll9 of !:h" OriltnUl S-.::t1on 10: keep.r ef Ori..nUl Ilook.
Ul d>&l"1I" of til. S...,.. 1on. t.hr_ 9uduau subject &pQCialht. lAn"lt."1:
_ un. X..,i.eval And *>dern llO!"r £Ut, Fou- £.an ol."<l Indial, 0::."
non-ori""t.li.l:, on. se"r.tary/typl.t/llbrary .... i.tant and
t.hr_ pa.rt-t!aQ lib .....'}' "uhtanto (thR ba.ic ••tabli&hMnt h occ•• 1C1\ally au~nt.d by te:porary poatal .
Th.a. at"ff pro"ld. th" Dermal
Uonq.. of rudor ser"i".... and also .".".t req"".t. fr"", eth ... 1illrariu
and U>"l"l"""h .. ithin
Ncrth E
, ."" i"""eo:! naticn-wid., •• !u
•• r."urce. pe.-.J.t. ViaiU.... r U'ch...... ith .cAd-.lc !ntro<:h,cticm.
&r. . . . lcDat,
it 1a appr...,i.t"" if Q<!vanc. nodC41 10 <;iV'Vl, part,lc<;.larly
fc::r Ul.OI .... of th. Suo:!"" Archh·t. ."", th. 'Abhi.. IIUd Fapeu.
Daspit. it. occ•• tonally idlo.yn.cracic "lu.Hic.Li"", on. of the
....in vhtut!. o[ Ourh... i. the "'''t!ua1bll1ty of o:o&t o[ the coll""tion u
• workinq lillury; _ truSr. that _ .. Hl .... int..in thi. r.r"dIUon.
Th& Sudan Archive, .. collection of ~he ,,,.p.n of fOl'lller offieid.,
soldun, 'Huion.de.. , bus1n~ ... r1ell and ir.d1v1duals "he n"... 1Od or
l .... ad In t.h~ Sud.an durinll ~ht! An9lo-Egyp~ian Condrndn""", ~riod (1899_
1956) ...... beg"" In 195~.
'l'h. Arc!ave corIu.L."e oHid.. "
~..."HicLilI ...-..:! ~r"Vilt. "",pere
which ~ ~ .n IIrNt doItall th~ Suaar. und.r MahdUt
rule for Lb. r.rI~ 19H-lI1111 .... ,d .n leu ~ .... H for u.e p"rlod 1920
It holds eo- JOO ","1>:H.t document. in ;"rabie and de<>
contains .ut>stantial nucl;leu of ,,"pen r<'la~illll t" £gypt. Atab1&,
Palestin~. Tr~sjordan, Syria and African ..lOa tee bordering on the S~an.
The collRct1on 1nel~. the papets of ~ner.. l Sir ~eQ1n.ld Wingat.
(18&l-19SJ~. Sir Rudolf, aaron 51at1n (lBS'-19J2J, Br1qad.ler--canetal
Sir Gilbe.... Cl;>.yt.on il01S_1929J, sa lIaroId ~lc!'.... 1 :i882-19691, the
Sudan parue of SH Ja-e _neon &lie! the ~t" ot t~ Cor:SOft
"-'rial College Truet Fund toqetl-.-r vith over SOO .....11 • ., c"ll.ct1<:m$.
It """,e1st. of a&p'C'JIi.cuIt.ly SSO be""e cf papeu, O\'er 5,000 photoqraph.,
eevent hundred ....pe. pOrtr.. lt", ""'...... obj.cts ",,<1 .. larll. alllClun" of
related prJ.nted materlaL
!'l.v""".t.,,1 'e con.tantly beJ.n1l add.d.
'1'1\. ",,,n! l.ndex of tl>e Arrhive h in tVO pert'"
an a1pllabeUc"1 n~
index of p<!u<m.1 And phce n""",s pl ..e ."..-,0, .. ubjects, end "" inv."tory.
Th"re 1.. a .;-eog~iphft<! Han~l(s~ of Arabic :anu""rlpts end litbeqtaph5
1~2'J I t _ l by II. :.. Ii,U. Jr'd <!rift 19(,1;. nv1se<! and uended by
D.. Gr'
; '-Jon"'., :9-J. vhlrh inc:'-" Er..ql1sh trans1.atinns.
Fer ~
of tt.e hoq"r =1:ect.ions of e!oc-.:oc;ents U'. the "~chi..... the rtl",....,t card
catalogue en~oi,,~ t~v.. beer. typed , . t in ~e fo~ ot list•••. 9.
p..pers of Or rdulng t.o I\o.ab Affaire, Clayton, U"nop L. H. Gwyr.r.e.
el-KhelIc". al-Mllhdl, Cui Neufeld, SIAtin, C. 1\. ~'1l11.Jl an<l iiin.,at..
""<! photoc;epiu of th~~e Usu ran II......d .. available ~o int""utad person •.
Draft lhU have .. Iso
d. for colhcHon. ot papers not rov"red
by the car<! c;otalogue.
indude II. ". "'llan, R. t. II. ll.I.11y,
........,<1 E ..... Ilollfour. J. r. Itoss. ,.. II. C. 1lo1tor.. G. I. Ilr~, ol_ ....
C1,a&lr.e, Gordo:: IMSlOn.... l Colleqe Trust F"".d. r. D. D. 1en.d.r5Otl, IE. H::..lhYe","'i. C. A. E. Lea, B. A. Lewt", e. A_ Ki>cMl"'had. ol. G. 5". II.O.Cfhail.
t:. N....t>old. ol. W. Roben5Ol\, t. G. 5.uafleld-KlIU. 5". II. Su,pson, J.
"'l.nde.~, II. E. and G. L. '"",tH, ano. th" ... can be <'<V\8ulted At Elv"t Hill.
Il ie hop.d to .~lOl\o. <h. covnag.. of tllu~ l1ate.
tlle Sudan Archlv. is open t.o alt bor~ fide scholers and oe ..oioellers,
lIt.~ should .tate tMi" .,.,a-en' t"r "lshl.r.,. to ..... the Arehtvo.
Ar. nor:.ally recpUre<I to prodd.. a l.tt.r of introduct.ion f
Dn-ector of Studt....
Staff '""" r .... c. 1::. vltich to rnnMt
t •• l.t an
liltit"" and ed'O"an"" notiee of a p e r _ l viait to the ,:,eper of Oriental
Boolu; should be 111 v..,.
HHJU 11 PAPp;JlS IWIVDIS!'!'\' Of" 0IIlUlNl,
,.......JDn .c.
_ce '-"
the per...... l papctu ; Ab1>... Sd..,i U, ",Hch
of hie f .... lly unttl 1980 WIlen thory
<!eposite<! en I""" :.0
tbI oai...rs>ty of 0\:,",,- by t.h. IIoh.oI:ed 1.11 Ft:ur-dolt1or:.
Th.y ac,,- housed
with. U.. Sl.dan AreM .... In the OTient.a.l Secti",,, o! t.ha \;,avecuty Litcacy.
_ _ 1lUa.i n , th. ;caat-lJcut·qr.and1OOn of Itoh&-.l All., V". lx>rn ""
UUl July i874 .and s",,"... ed.~ h14 f .. Uwr, MoJ.h.:I-=acl 't'&'.hq hsh.a, ... Khe,h_
111 1892.
':'he p.apot.. ~r t.h. perl"'" of Cohas Hi1= U'. Khe<l1".te
1892~i9l. and .Ilt-..d aft.r I:i. oepo.lt~= .... , o.,,~~ l~l. =oH. h~
4uUl ... 21ft
19H at car.."a.
OffiCial, ~l'C1cal and Dipt.... t"
'n>.i. a""dOll centaln. torr••pc><><!.."e cr. EorrP::La.., llIt.. rnal affair"
political, ....,1.a1 .nd
~ tha Br1tl.h in ~..t 01:".11 U>s S:xla::t,
Eqypt'. rdadens with JUtal.n, l=l<ey and th rest c! ':=opot, the
lbedh·e·. relationa .. at. other roydty a:>d his d41pcaltiml..
1be Fa"",ra
..fleet. Abbo.s HI1&l II'. in....,l......,nt. "it.h t.ha EqypU"" " .. tiorw.1ist. ..........
_ t and hI. coofll"t. Viti. Britt"'" ad&ln!4trators.
Afu~ 19H thory
"""'" hU <:on"ln""" Ir.Ur~at in E9l'Ptidn lind Ew-ope= ""UHe".
B.ta.... , 8u.in••• Inte.....a,
P.oper.. y
The... fll.a cor>t.aln ClOrr••pcr.<ler..ee, ~'">'Drt~ ...">d a=-nunta relaHnq
Abbas 1l111d 1I'a .SUt•• , property, bual.:,.u "'t..noses "":! In''.rt....nu.
They ahow hi. endeavoura to ~roYe ~le •• tate~, oln/!, dU~inq hie eKil.,
to reClO..... r his eaqUllu.,"" preparey.
thia ..".tiO<l inelud.a l.tte. . [roc ~ s lIiloU l!'~ fa.,ily an<!
fcc. tho.. in dipl~tle elrel•• , r.pr.5£Rtacive~ of the Ch~h.1
tIll.d autho.a, eoneernin<;l ~ . .onal _tt.n, lthedi"at patronaqa, and hia
Europ..., tra"ah.
PhotD\lraphe Of Abba.. HUm II >ire al= indudad.
Th'" papa.. , .. ritt.... In French, Arabie, Ganaan, ~qli5h and Ottoolan
Turkish ~ d. . so•• 326 fn •• "":! about: 140 p"qoh1"t:s.
the files
cainly conal.t ot corre.pondenee ...1tten te Abbas Hilmi II and aI"
atran;ed and li.ted Chronologically .. Ithin . .ch lectlon as far a.
MieroflllllS Of the po,pen are aeeenllile to bona fide
r . . . . .eh ItOrk".1 \tho ehould make ad"""ee applIcation to the Keeper of
Or1cnta,l Book, ltotln; the natura c! thair re."a.ch, th" use to which
it .. ill be put and enelo.ing a lettac or r"e~ndat1nn lif appropriate)
ftelll thalr .upervll1Or.
Bafote gr""t.in; It.ec.. n ttl.. Unlv ..rclty muat b.
sa"U.fud tl1.o.t. .. he Ilcc.~"t• •.,. ...,,6ed ." • •" .. 1<>\;. and n...,. . . .ry
aoW"C'O ot in.for1llll.t.ion ."d rG~aro:h wa"ke"....... t. .iqn • ""itt""
"l18t of th" /lJ>b•• qill<l II papru 1. ov<d1lLbl", pace
't'h"r" h • "pll.u.t" Hat of the _hIet...
Reque.t" fo" copiu
of l h u and any furtllec llnQu1d. . Bhould be .dd...._
to the l:eepr.r
of Ori""t.l _
Parvine Fon>uqhJ.
Middla &a.t.rn .tudi•••• ~uch at Ex.te~ Univer.ity hava Indeed a
..-ry abort h.LJItocy.
thdeu, due to the coaatAtlt attorta of
1'rO~... r Shaban, llead. of U>"- ~U:ant af Arabic an<! Ial&:ll.1c Studi.s,
. . the on. h.o.nd in o.ecurin9 ~.rous 91fts fro", the Ar.ob Stat. . , Il1Id on
t.be othAr in hI. frequent booJr.-buyl.r.<j tdps to the Arab World, the /l.rabic
MId IsluUC toll~tl.on, dUpU. i n younq ag., ~... s qrovn into • quite
luve coll.eticn ""!eh I,. .till 1r:~. . 1n'1 very raptdly.
H . l l stlU"tad in Oecae>bt. 197) when Profe~""r ~1>1'b"" r.ceive<! a
.p.ft of ES,OCXl [roll Abu DhabI.
lie ........ 'iI1ld to s ~ It aU in two days
in vuious Beirut bookshop•.
Ttl.a history 01 this unlversity'~ 1nvol""...nt 1n Ml<!1:H. UaUrn
can be s_dsl'-<! as follova,
the p.ebr_ lanquaq. has _~.
taurfllt et the lleparc.ent oC 'I11ao1"'lY sir-<:. 19~ (tM year that the
university Coll ..." of the Sou"h lIut officl.411y bet"'" the university
oC Exeter).
Ttl.e .&l:le Il<Opoort_nt has beW> offed.1\'iI <:Our .... in ISllU:>
and Arabic 1v.qUoll<J• • 1nca 1972.
The Cully fledqed Depart"""', of II.r&l:~e
...,.:I Jallllrle studies ..... f"..... Uy .stablish.d ill 1979.
'"'" oe....-......t
of PeliUt. start.d a caurs" on MIMls Eastern politics in 1979.
oth.... clepartc:encs too, for eUlllple History ar.d spanlsh, havtl had •
<oUr80ry inurnt in KiddIe !an.rn ...d Isla::ic <-<>plcs and havo .<:qUlt'"
booJr.s on th."e .~j.cts.
Library .....t.rul. rd.~ed to u ... Middl. Ee$L .r. scattere<! 1<1 .... riDu.
nct1cns of ~.h.. Libr..ry.
I wl!l da.ol ..ith . .ch MC"icn s_rat.ly.
Th. Main Libr..ry
the Mall. LibrGr;' is aJtuaUd J.tI Pri.nc. of ....1••
Ro.od. al_st . t the ha.. r~ of the Ilnh.....1ty.
I~ 15 lr. tWO '1t'O"1'1d floor
tCOlSlI of th15 buildin.. , known as th.. Ar..bie ROOIIlS, "'her~ th,,- bun <>f th..
Mlddl. [ ...t.rn r"SOurC.S II heus..d.
It coepr1s.s books on Isl~ and
Arabtc 1<L~9\1&~. end lit..r .. tl1 •• , of .r.t.. raSt bath to under9raduat.s and
r.seercb worJr...rs.
TIl. Frlnted boOks of chi'- C"ntr. for Ar~ Cull Stud ... s
(""'inly in We.st.m lan~\lil'1...1 It"- .. lao house<! in thue t"'" rootlll.
C<tntr" books az. ~stly on such subj.cts .s poLitlCs, .cor~lc and
socIal conditLcns end history of MU!dl. Eastarn e<>ur.tri"s, D&1nly for
cho U&e of r ..s ••reb workrr•.
Ttl. building kr.rnm u
Anything \/h1eh <;oes into th.... tWO tQOc.S ie bou<;ht out of the !und"
of the Dep&n*nt a! Arabie and 'slu.te Stud~e5. or the Culf C~,:".
Books bo"'.lht by ath~r d"port3*nu .... ah"l_ in other l"'tt. of this
bulldinq according to their sWlj"-,,tS.
For instant" on th. IJppU Stack
on. ~ fW4 boolu; on Isl;l.D1e ut., othU.. on the Lover St.ck tner....r.
41';. ....
books on Kiddh Eastern IIhtory and 1'011,,1.<:,., Hh".,..o-IU:a,bic Ilt.eciOt.ure
11t......"ur•• and it. fev 1'4!r,,1an liurary t&ltts &lid
Heb~_ \.Ju:qua~ _
diCtionar ....
~"r1.odic"h, t:hll no.:aber of periodicals .... 1ti&U. &aat.ern ,.....I.bjeet.
<100" 1\Qt. .""ee<j~.
All tn. Cl,:rr..... t hINes ue kept. in 1l....Ung Ito<>oo 1
{ground floor) and tne bound back nueber. are kept. on tile UpPQr Stack
alongside otha .. periodical".
Lib..! ! ) '
Thts lUlu,,}' is s1tua".d ,,It.hln SO
ot th" i'IOI.in LU,rul'.
thil, llain Ulll".. nity I.1brary, it Is lI<W ar. ute".icn of the pr"..... t M.it..l.n
The Clldltrqrad.,."" lleadJ.r.. Roo= on :.h. \Ir'OU!>d floor ccnt..-ina
steek of baste Uxt-book.....'d works of r,f..nne" on all aubje<:u
includl"q Heb...... Arabie and lsi_Ie atudlu.
Tha .,nihet!"" on .Judaiul
and Rabbinic lIU>tr'o' h I>ou• ..,. in t.h.- baae:ent of tilt. building and b
• .oW "" be Dna of the beat 0011..,"10". In the unitad ltinQdol:l, "ett cnly
to thos.. of London &I'ld Sout.haq:>um.
The ~udlo-Vu"",,l SktOlon of u.. l.ibnry U &1.., b ....." ll> thiS
This -.cUon I-.a. Il cnnaideral>le nu:bctr of Illw.a ... Ill,l<Il.
Ea~tern toplc~, •. ~.
decoratlvA and ~ppli.d art~, hi_tory, archaeology,
.thnic carving_, bronzu, hlil1lic Art all<! arcbitecture, ae .....11 u a
n~r of e.~ee and ca._e~c•• of vartou. Arabic di.l~t_.
School of I:dueatwn Library
Until 1979 St. t.da'. Coll ..." of Ed=ation in l!uv!trH lIIOad ...."
t1w Unl.... rdty.
." 1979 ~t mergad viti> ~ UnivArsity'~
Institute ot EdUl;au"n aituat"" in Gandy Str"n, and D"..art<utnt of
Educ..tion based in T1>ornl.ea, 1'1." North lInad, and tl\<! th... e" ot tb"..
tog.ttl"" fo.... the unh....... itl"s 1ic~_1 of E<:!uc..tl.,.. in the fo"..r St.
Luk.. 's College.
Ac=rdU:.91y ti>e Iltlnriu of Gan"Y Street and T1>ornlta
...re aoved to St. t.~e' • .."d tb.. books are b.. Ln~ ~rAdualll' ro-cAtalogued
~d Inteqratad in the lit.Luke'. coll~tlon.
ind.pe.n<iolll~ ~n:,,_
The origizw.l H. t.uke'_ =llect~ ind:Jdte books or:: Mi.ddJ. .. &IInarn
history and ~e<>9taphy. while among thoe.. from Thor'll... there are. C.II
book, on educ ..tion in Middl. Ent.rn ccuntdn.
In the Gan<iy St.... t
collection wbich as y.t i . not reo-catalog_ and U lIU>... ad _par~uly
a n=btlr of books on the hi,.""'r]", gel>9"'aphy, eduoetion,
SOCloloqy and ~~th~looy ot Middl. Eaetern count ... i,,~.
Cath..n-al Lib ....... y
Th. Cathedral Lib... ary ie houslld in the Hiehop'. Palace and h
adml.nhtared by the Univera1ty.
I t c~i••e the Catlutdral A...ch!_e,
and boob on _Lnly theological ana local history subjecU.
Apart f ......
• <:opy of UIt e-ur'iin and" f ... Blbl•• in , ..doue Iliddl. e..urn lanq1>A9"~
iU only other linl< "ith Middh E.o.&1;.8rn studi. . is throuqh the cook
b.q"~.. thood U> i~ b~'
C...~or. 1'. C. Cook in laS"'.
CQ<lk, who w.o. at th,. s ..... ta.. a lir.\i"-.ist i:lurut.,<! in penlar. and
A:"3bic. h,.<1 eoUoct,.d a number of l1ter1Lr)" books ""d <Uw"". J..n
,,,uiAn ""cl AU,bie which an s~ prenent in the .. roc.. nn of catal<>'\llllr.'1.
Law !.ibn,..\,
"n>ts <iepartaomtal "bIary .mict, is
""".....1..... _ H ncc:ber of books "" Ish.,de 1....
ThJ.s bu.11du:<;l i . tll• • ctuaJ. nan of ell. ~re-nt of Arab!.c ",,4
lSl_1c St...,1...
Iu..-11 libra.,. coac>rl .... books bol<>r"llnQ to
Profusor Shaban p",rso:Wlli' l_ar.t to bs . t t " di.panl of tlwo n.""~nUl
•• w"ll as any dupllcate• •ant there f~ til. ~ln Library.
Hovever •
• ine. til. .,. is • •• yet. nobody to l""k atur thh collection It 15 in
no partlcIIl.r order and not uaually open to eGad••••
Centre for Arab Gulf Stll<lies! OOclllll'",tat,on Centn
Th1. is houssd In th" ""nex r"ntco trOll th" lIuthh Council,
'ituatsd very near to Thornl...
(Infor .... tion on thlo Centre is
providltd by Dr. M. Ei-A:hilri 1n the IIppc:r.<l.h to eM ..... per.)
"n>1s _y bot "".th -.nu.onlnq <.hat tt.. c.ouIOlJUir.q fUl'lCtlClCl .ot
IllaIt.r llalvtlrslty !.ibu.ry ""'. bOitn autollllated sinc. 19711.
bee.r u s
-.:.I:>er of U-.. SlGUCAP (South _ . t Acad-.t" Lil>.arlu C""....... Uve
Au~ti.on Project) which has about a do~.., other _ r . .
thi. sr..te.. Jt is p" .... 1bl" to _kG '-sO' ot cstal09\1. re=r~s prodU<:<td by
oteller libr.... l •• which " .... ••
<1 eHort.
Thi,. c.paclty
" .... be llS4<! 1:1..... for the ccm.1<lual>le
k ot crutinq the cstalogUli
r.cord,. for materials not held or recorded "l••wheeG.
Into this
Cil.teqory r..ll "h",at all th" It""'" in Middle E••t"rn ~""qu"Q'" ...""ived
by the L11>rary.
It is hoped ultiloa".. ly to J..neorpora"" thUG records
into th.. Ilrlthh Library d"til. b ....
v. _
lutn~ITY Of' a = i
The entlu contents of Lb. Il\fo~tlOIl Centre or. E,uurn Arabia
(6I>o"t lO.1XlO lU... ) ..hlch ..u pure""-""" in th,. Sprinq of 1980.
thrO\l'1h " 9"""..au" gr,""t by Sluoll lnUrnationa1 Pa=1.... CooIp4ny.
'rhh c:ollecU.<m .llC:1,,"1ve.ly cover. th" Ar&h "tat•• of til" Gulf,
especLdly sin". 1910.
ttl. EU,.m.th Collard COllo:<:tlOf1 - .,tl.&atrd ro"'9h~y ..t 4O.()lX)
It.... - ""leh h... b.... tran"C.rrrd f = tluo Il1ddh Ent Econ"",lc
0I'1••t libr..ry to E•• ter for the 0. . of our .tud.nt. and r .....rcher••
Thh coll"c<:1"", h.o. a .. lel.r
co....ring ttuo antlra Areb _del
.......11 a" other ltiddla Eastern col.rltdu.
The subjects covued in both collections inclod."
econoaic st.. tbtlc.,
davolop"""'t plan. ;md PrD9r...... Clepart-.t;l.l reports. c""tra! bank
r~rts. ""'1..1 aw:vey. ""d mini.uria! .tau.ment".
In aClClltion th ....
ar. Claily n_"........r ......9az.1tl". and joornaU '(roD the Gulf .Ute"
...11 .." • nUMber of unpubll.~ r.port. on rhe..
Ther. 1. al.a ..
substantia.l nu.b",:- of boot" and pres" CUU:in... frOZl thO'- intnnation.1
pun conc.rnin..- ch......ab Culf dnc. 1970. and over .. 1oo>gar pul-oCl for
tlla "nUr• •r ....
Unula Si&s-Vllli.aloll
1'tIoI lnd..:... Of Her L.il:rary ....... f.:ncti<xls
«tice Ilecorlb - drscdbe.::!
vith <.hr ind....
u: "
a"POute conUibc.tion by PftleloP" TullOn
_ bIIt __ od'l1n.o.lly .an Wapoen<knt iJlsUtution, enabhsh«! in lllOl
....,JUc:ally for the =UrctJon of ori_tal verks .....~'" a' ISUCh ... F.........
the -.rUest collectlo."l of Its I<Jnd iJI tM. COI:ntry.
Tlois "hart
.s.crJption is lnte<:.ded as .. general Jnttoc!u~ion to t"" colleoct1ons.
qivinq a brief &CcOuc.t of the history and ester.t of the -..nusc.ipts and
prtnted books ..no! listir.'l th" pubUshed and ur.publhhlld. cstdoques and
Thl proposal to fo~ an of tic lsi coll"ctlon of orlllnt", ~usc.ipts
w.s fltl~ mada formally .s a~ly la 1798. whQn the Court of Directors
of th. East IndL> Colopany "roU in " public , .. t t.. ~ of .....y 25th IIOf',
1:/4/647 Benqd Dupaeeh_", 1'1".-130-39)
We ""dautand ie II. . bun of late yeus a fr~u"ne
p ..."tiea """""'lOUr Servar,ts, uraclally :In Etn'lal. to>
~ks Collsctions of Or,sntal Man~crlpte. ~.y o>r which
hav" "ftc....."rd. bacn bro~ht Into this Country.
re... :lning in private h&ndll, e1Id boIJnq iikd}' in a c",""".c
of t~ to pass into othen, 1:'. ""Jell prob.>bly no uS4/
can btl ...... of
th.y ar" in e..nqH of btIir.<;
ne<J1.cted, ar.d at length In a \Irut . . . ......, lort to
Europe a .. _11 sa to Jl'Idla ...
1'0 pr~nt i." ·part thh
iJljl,1l"y to r.<ott.... _ h.oV<l tl>ollqht that tho:- I>ls-r.h,utl.on
of a public Repo.itory in thh Counttl' Cor Oru,nt-aL
h"rUJh;;S, ""u.ld boo "Hf"J •••
ty such ~ Collactlor. tl-.o:
I.Lt,r;au.r. of P@r"ia _:ll'lal: 4an lLdla eay be
pr.s.~ U:. th-ls CoUltry
of ,799 tha S&naAr~t .cboLar ~rl~~ K~lkLns (174~la)6
of Viractora off'.~.g hi~ Scrv'Ce$ ;as curator of
tNI p~ad library aa! .......... ubalttUlq also .. rlOP"rt r......-ndl"'il
th.o.t ill -'clLtion to ....,."",:z·lpts and prlr.tad books. it "b::luld contain
~. ch.or:s. vJ_s. coins. -.ala. stat.,.s. 1r•..,t:1I'U""". s""c1tUlns
of nat
l Iu.Story. ,,~ ",,11 ... artlf1c:tal prc"bction5 ar.d taer.nlcal
Aft.r p:<otr;actcd naqotlat1Ons • btlr...... ~;as ."tabU.had
and Wllkina was ;appointad its u.n llbnrl.u> in relln:ary i80l.
~ ~Lnn1ng
appl,~ to ~ C~rt
kecord. of the I.ibrary' • •arll.st acquisitions (lOR, MSS EUa [/~391
1-2B l.JbU.ry D"y Boo!u; 11301-L94B) lhoot that tn>eh ""'tHi..1 ..... " coHac:tad
Of thl klrld ..-hlch Wilkin. had a"vIN\lod.
The Urn ""try to boo lUde
w&S '~~. Elephan~ ~.ad8, wi~h .everal ~t4~hed par~8', pr.~ent.d
on Nt>vUlbeor 20th, 1801.
Sull'eqyllnt qilts included b".... su......,s of
Kindu deltie •• the 'TUsk ot a fi.n S&id to have bean found many y.ars
<\qO sti~kin<J in die Bo~t.oIIlI of an Ind.i.....,,·. _
on July 29~b, 1808
''Tippoo's !'lusi~al 'n"'r', a 1lC>(ie.l tig.r d..pl~t6d in the act ot
d.vourir-9 .. arit1.sh cilrilia:: cocnns::t"'ll 50 t..""t by turnln9 " hendle
and """ .... t1n<o a k.ytIc>ar<! on. =ul.d ~ ~Iw tig.r·. qrovl t.oqe.ther
with his viet:t.',. dyinq ~!'Iri.k,.:
Thn:>uqh subs"antal 9if... <UId purchas... ...&I d=in9 U>e 19th ~
1Mr1y 20th ~entlUi.s. the collection. i.~ ~hs India Office Library,
thouqh no" depri....d of ""st of th.ir 'curiosities', constitute """"nqs"
the 1"r9'"'' ilI:.d lOO'" i.aopor~an~ in the ...,rlA.
",. i\rel>ie .and . . ui....
prln~1!d _ . end ,""""scrip..... fo... s UIliq_ record of th.e Ih:erary
history ot the Indi.n sub-contin.nt. besides ~ln9 to knowledqe ot
islam and AfqhAnistan, Ir.. n ~d oth.r Middle Eastern enuetrie••
Thu. at.. now lOOr, tha:: 6,SOO ""rslan "",,rits In ",~r 5.000 IInI.-.,
and .o.bcn;~ 4,5CO Arable or.'" in J,OOO vol"....s.
'Thouqh DO." ..mj"''''
.te ...11 represanteO. "h. collaction 18 particularly important for lu
In.dlan h18torical ""d
11910..... ""rks.
-:1u> ...."uacript. or1<jinat. IlOstly
freel Indl. Or {ron: Ir , via India. be~ the 16th omd 19th centuries.
Th. old•• t dated Arabic manuscript is the ~itib al-alfi; of Ibn al-S1~It
1461/1069). a1thouqh SO&a of the luflc Qur'ih. are probably ~11er.
"""'nq5t ~h.. Peuian -=~scrlp... dI.re erG ~y fl.:1e ~lLUPI ... ot s.af.vid
and M"9hl,ll Elr.!aU"" p.aintl.I:IJs.
~fur u.a c.pt"""
r Ser:lnlJ"p.at"'" hy t... .. Br1t1sh il'l 1799. T~pu
Sul"",,·. libr"ry .... transf.rred to For~ \fUll.luo Cell ...... C.leurUo,
and inspected there by Charl.s Ste... r~ ~ho d.. scrlbed 1.090 work. co~r1s
'nu.rly 1,000 vol""",., of Arabic, Peralan and Kindy lor BlndustAn.,.1
MVluscrlpta, In .11 <.h. various branch. . of
MVly of th.,.. "'re boo.J.lItifuliy writt.,;, ",>6 hiqhly ornamenled lC. St_art.
A de.cr1ptlve catalosue ot the OrlenUo1 Library o~ the l"te Tippo? Sul~an
Of My"'r. lCu:bddqe, 1809, pr~f"ce p.vl.
se...n.l of the bu.t 0llUl1iscrip'" ..are pr......t • .,. to t.he 1Ur.lj, the llO'f.l Asiatic SOCiety, and the
uni"arally lib""riu of O:><ford. C~rid\le and Dublin.
197 volume ..
ardvlld at: the Indi. Office in UI06 and the r"""'inder " . . k.pt .10 Fort
Willi.., CoIl.... "".U1 it clostd in 1816.
The colhCtiJ:lr\ _s the:>
transferred to the ~.iat:1c: Soclet.,. or 11........1, but. 193 vol....... of
duplicate. "era .ent to the tndia Office.
~lchard Jo~GOr. (1153-1907, a.nq&l Civil Service 1770-90, A•• tatant
Realdant at Lucknow 1780-81, R"aldant at Uyderabad 1784-85, Ch41rDan of
the General BarJi: of India 1786-90).
716 orient.&.! manuacrlpo:a, . .auy
1'"...1ao and Arabic. pw:cha,,1Id in 1807.
Johnson'. ear••r in lnd1a. upeclally ..hiu at LlICllnov and
lIyderAb.od. brought 111.11 into "lou ccnt."Ct with ttl. luditlll .....1""".. and
.>:thea of lib 4&y. with 1ofhou help he aequi.. ed .. unique callact1or. of
....,,'u'cri:pt. and ll:ilIh.tur....
Se ....re Hna::d.•l dHHt\l.1Uu ;an1S til
healUl tor,,1Id lIim to offe.. hh libn.'1' to tile In,H. Office who paid in
1807 E3.1SO, con.~rably Ie •• than til" original eoat. tor 71~ ~u­
.crlpt-. over 1,100 lDinLaturea ar'" .x~le. of e.ll1Ilra¢ly.
oriental -"ua"ripu include not only 010.,4 and lO1nuture. . .bi"I> he
~ •• ionll<l h~lt.
but earlier
fro. It an a....11 •• India.
of exceptional Arti"tic merit
aa.tleg" (17JZ-181B, &engel Civil Service
1772 and
.a:.ua~r1pu, pur~haS4td
Governor of
and P~r~ian
RaBtinga' col1actlon. tikQ Jo~~~' •• waa tcr~ at ccns1~rabta
.xpanse for 1115 """ p.ua<ln..1 u.e ""He in I",Ha.
n>o\:qll ~1er than
Johnaan's 1t alSO eonutna many l.q>Ort...~t ""'rke ",,,1 so_ tine lll"an.t~"
Peraian manuacript ••
B1'.poEe eollactlon.
In 1053.
This c;o1J.ection ~.pua.nt. tllQ r ......"t "'f n,,, Royal Library of the
'M.t1 Shih dynuty of SOuthern I""'....
Little is Jr.""",,, of tile odq'Da
Of the "",Ue"tlon. but "n. :an"s"dpt h..... I>OU O>l t:.lW t i t l . paqe
...yin" tilet i t w. . . . cqui~ad ("'r n.., Royal L.bnry In oeo 1I47S1 (Loth
8%1, whHa tha "itl' was nill ""du' aa~....ni rul...
The Library
eontin\lltd t.o "row and tl<>U..<"iall u;nc!ar til. 'MIIIl Shah. and e~n .ttar
Bijapon ten to the Hughal [_~t Aurar..,zeb in ;686.
'roto 17&0
....til tha :aiMIe of tile 19th "ant\Orr, tile \.1brary, toqatllar .. ah ot!>ar
buildin'il"" iD Bijapcre. tell 'DtO a sU'.e "t d1ara~ir.
deliberatIon it .... dacld~ to •• tequard t~~ ..hole .-r.".crlpt ,,011eetion
by .endln" i t tOl Enq1and.
Ita .~c1.1 IDtenst a u III th~ Ia.9"
n~r of raLlqious ••d! la~l "",.k. It centaln •.
Th. floyd Soeaty ""UacUon.
dapoaltad or. par=acent loan In 1876.
".nu.n ..nll
ArabIC ..orks,
'Itlla collection I. aa6a up ot t"'" ._Her cn. . , tt.e hrn pusa.,te<'!
by Sir 1I11H_ and Lady Jones. t.o the Society In 1792, ""d tlla . .con<!by Hr. BurJorjee Sorabjae A$l\hurner.
It eon~1D. ~y ZoroastrIan
tlaIhl coUactlon.
urdu ••dapcalted. In
J,710 \"OIlIIIlO. ",t ;"cablc. hui"" .. :1<1 ...-
Thls coU.ctiotl
"hat r-..ined is: 1858 of tM Royd
Tb. ua_ll.er Illlndltialo de"" .. lJ>ed to"," eontIB:U
U beinI;J in 1638 'four end t_cty ~ """,.,.""ipta, eo .. iehly
bound. that they _re yal..-d at sbe Mil1ians fo",r hu:ldreCl and sixty
tnr... OIcuaand, ~ev.... hundred thlny on.. ltopiu' (The VOY"9"" .."d
trevel" of J. "il>en d. l'I4n<lelslo ••• I t... J. DavIes (t.on6Qn, 1'69),
Bet_en then and 1858 lIoSnuscriFU _r.. beinq 9iven ..... r «>
a••ds or Stat. and
&S "4J"ly .." 1810 _ ..e coai.n<;l 1IIto t
l'I.."d" or privat" ool1ectou.
In 1859. the Gove=t of lndl.a
purchased the manuscript. of the Royal ~Ub.. &ry for 14,955-~-5 R. . . .t ..
""I. orqaniaed by:;ohe Delhi Priu Jlqenu.
Aft..... nee 1,120 vol","",
had btl"" sold, the r ..""is:der of tll. "oll."tion ",as tr"" .. ferre<'! to tll.
India Orti"" lJ\ 1876.
Lib.. uy of th..
other". ""'"
1'1110 """used"t" <:"",,1st of swrox1De:;o.ly 2.900 llr.ablc ""rlls.
P..... ian and 200 Urdu UI about l. no vol"""...
thaI: " quarter of
the pruent coUeetion i" old. enouqh to MV. been Seen by Kand.elsio is:
163B. the II1<Ijorhy b .. in.. ee<rop"..Uively neent.
None of the rich
l>1ndir.<j" """'tioned. by lli. i .. preHrvecl, and C_ i t....
notevorthy for
their c"ll1'1r~ cr a1r.i"t=es.
the =--uscripts fo..... ""'i.....
collection or ""rts "" S"h _ _ qon1l:i_. _
r.l1q1.ous ""rks in
q<eneul reht!.ng «> Indi".
Parucularly int.reninq ar.. DP (Delhi
Persianl 12&], • eopy of Su1~ln v .. lad'a !btl<GniLmt r~puud. to J:>., an
dutO'lraph • .sated 69, 1129B): DP 438. a coll ..etion of orUciAl doc.-nt.
and l"tt.n by '1\bd All;;11 Ibn ""'r"ar!d, dated 922 U5161:
a.ll.s nA
(l)e.lhi ArAbie} i949, • copy of Tata'l' .al b!ya"i:" by al~a:r p"nJ.bly
d.\ti"'} fro::. ella llth «ntury.
Wl111.... Irvin. (11l4G-19n. rn~i"" Civil scrvlco 19&4-99).
"",nu~er1pta, purehaud in 1913.
A coll...,Uoo:: ot bistorJ."",l ""rt" .,"t1y ~"btU>g «> 19r.h oentury
1n'I1.... ""1<:1'1 _ra aequ.irC>d. by Ir';"!"". both ""Ue he _II ~an, an" .ft""
hI.. ret.1U1'l to ~qlan".
O. A CllUloqu! of th.. ArabIc DaI":script,, 1Jl the LU:nry of the
India OUiea.
London. 1877.
GI"". d.llu.11I of 1,050 iU""'.
C.uloq .... of the Arabic :<Wluscripts U> the Libr..ry of til.. IndIa OHie".
Vol. II.
F... e. 1: our'anie l1t.ratura. by C. A. Stony. LondotI. 19.10.
Deta11" of 1&7 worka.
Fasc. 2: SJI_ and et!>;'e". by A. .1. Ad,""ry.
London, 1936.
Detail .. of 204 ""rk ...
F .... ". I,
fiqh, by R. Lavy.
t.ond.on, 1937.
Diltall" of 4&0 ""rI's.
I·... c. 4:
oeuill oC Ho
t,y R.
Wndor., \.)40.
1:'1V£, II • . C.Ul",c",", <:.C Ul. peniar. """"uscr'ru Ul tl;t t.i.bnry of
Ind •• Ofhce. l vels.
OXford, 190J·37 ':repdnt pubH&toA<;l 1981).
This CIot.toqU" cClntdns ducdptions or 3,071". watks, l>e1n~
to 1902
the Oelhl ColllCtion and tht Roy.1 Soclsty
eoU.et-1Dn •
ROSS, E. D. and 1ftOtlNE, E. G.
c.uloq.... of cwo =lllCt-~o<\. of
&nd Arable llaIlusctipt-8 pn"ervtd In t-h.. India Offlc.. Llbr.....y. umdon.
AlUl!l!R'l, ". J. Kaul-h"t of UI_Ie J:>.UI..acrlp~" .c'i"lr~ by eM In,h"
oHi.::. Lihr.n·, 193&-8.
Journd cf UJe llOyd Ad.U.. Society, 1919,
Oucdptlon. ef Ind.!. OChe.. 110) ~ss 4S58-46JJ.
Indu Offkt L>bnq.
UIlI.I>.ic cultUtfl, . 3 (l919l, FP.44o-!>8.
O...cript-ions oC 10 463' 4650.
Prtlimin.ry d .. lI<:npt:1Dn~
L4!vy .nd Art>e~ry.
i1l>oa~ 2,2500 Pen."" -.."",~r~.. L~,
ElJR HSS 1: 201 (7 bo,,~~)
by n"",y,
preliaill"ry de~cr;l'uons af about 1,(XXJ ",...ca.tai<><J..,.d .uLic >IS>', "n
phl1o"'phy, trad.!u.an, 1I<:1en",,_ polO1:ry U>d l1t....tur.. by St-ony ....<1
nJIl. MSS 0 ~b , (] box•• )
BILGRAfll, S. ".
Cn.. l<><J".
PboUl 1:ur. t 77
f the persian Odhl.
i''O''~'''';:'''''',',:-:o,,''.;-i,,>,.''.",upc ~l ...... J.lI<l
~ •• erip~ion. ~a n~r~
ace oft-All
U;. t.t:.8
J1cy.l 1no '..c
Rand-L.st of persiAn ~~.crlptS 1n th. Delhi C,,11.c~iOr.. 10 4601-4603
A .... ry lI<:anr lhung ~t '-" caleuU.• _ r the aupuvu10n of
H. Iloc~n ~ ~~ .Ccer 1869.
1~.1 nt1th.r camplete nor very
Band-I ••" of "cable .-r.useriFt. in
t~ OAlh; CQll.~lon.
A .i.IoHu tUt of "ralae KSS.
l'.bur"ct and ~n<l~. or ti>. /lubic and renian llaIluscr.pts In
10 4609
ill tiUs in<Ie. Abstr.n-.l trao tho> prr.:.LCUS two .."rb.
l'rinud Books
Ttl. printed book =Uee:ti,Dn. 1.tlClude <Ibout 7,000 Arahle &n<l1,CJO:l
t-ld .... in aMiuon Ul ~O ""abl.e sD4 IS l'tuLan. Md.... l •.
Be~ldu, eQ"UulJ..l1., lIl<>.t ~UUl"'ro .I:=op.. "" work ••
Ind ... OfUce
l.lbnry b1!""fit.,;1 l.lI p.rtlculu frOOl the andi",,) P~us and R-.qinuI'''n o! IIOOks loci: of 186', ..""reby it ..1OCe1vvd on .. equeat. " copy of
<'vuy printe" " .. ~1thovraph<td vc .. t ~lhh8d in 1I.-it.hh lndi. until
Aequisltt"ns pol1"y fer books in ArLbte and Perslan a~d to
~ cOOll'r..hena!w untll 1~3E; ..hen it "AS cM<:1ded to ast.dct pu"c~s.. "
t.o vorts on th. history, re119101". ..." d cl....1".1 l1ur,o.tur" of t..he
Arabs 6ncI Peui......d v,ut,. rel.u~ t.o rndh.
~,,~.. t.I""ly
recent. .cquldtlon '" t..he 1...t. twenty ye ..n of tM """n Ilnd Gulf
RUid.,ncy uco .. d., u veil IlS th" Kabul L<!g"Uon files ha" broa"'''''''d
the Uh ....... y·" fh1d of inu ..est, SO th"t it. nov in additiOn .bI. t.o
obt.d" relevant. pullllc... tlona 1... all l""<;~"s ..ebtlr... U> tboH ~.a ...
c... t.oloq"",
of the 1.1buq of the lr.dia othce, Vol. 2
looncSo<l, 1917.
Ca ....l"'l'u" of ArLbi~ books "l' U, abo"t 1937.
A photocopy or • prel111nuy " .. rd-U'..d_, now bo>:nd '" .; W>l.-s.
Arrange. .nt i . by author.
Curd cat.al"'l'uc of Ar~ic an<!. Per.tan book.. 1937-'S.
Kain . . try '" """e.. titl. vith ret...enee f ...... a"toor, "tc.
Card catd09ue of I\r,u,ic ar.d Peralan book•• 1'176Un.\< .ntrle5 un<!.r author. t1U .. , "tc.
Further infor=ation on the Ind!. Office ~ibrary and various
eoUltctlon. of .at>tacript5 =d cin.lature. are 1:lc1uded U\:
The India Offlc:e Libr.ry:
a h15u>dcal 5k.tc:h.
!.ondon, 1938 119(7).
UIlERRY, A. J. " ....
Contain. 48 e~l... of particula .. ly inuruting "'"" ....cript ...
P"r5:uu> painting. in the In<!l& Office ;'!l:Ir... ry:
duerlptivt cata1cq"".
lDndon, 1976.
An U1u.t.... ted c.ta.loque of 1,).<1,4 .. int.t.... e ••
A quide to the Jnda Offic" Libr&rX, "itt. a not... on th"
Lor>dc:lol, 19Qi (revl.Hd 2nd ...,.).
India. Office Record...
The main lUchi'l"l collect lone in the 'ntH" or flee Recorde are tho~e
C~y. 1600-1959. the Bo"rd ot Control for Co.....h01o,.."n for thO! AUeir. o~ .ndh). 1764-1958. and the InM. Ofhee,
Ttl.y <l.r. thuD the pri=ry IID"""o for the ett:dy of !!;rithh
1Jlto...sU and "'e1n1etnt!orl 111 IndLl, frail the flnt """,Uct. <lot tbe
lMqillail><j of the _vent.Hntl: c ...tury \lOtil 'ndian IrIdepcru'lenc-e tbue
lmoI4red AIId f1fty yun tau.r.
ot tho eaet India
BUti.h iIop<>rlal Ulter..... wen of course no. eonHned to the Sub"ontinent.
The Co",pany, the acnd and the 'ndl.. Ottice w.... respondbl.. ,
~times Ladependently, ~t~. jointly with other 5ritieh Go'ler~nt
OIIp11rt-nU, for 5rid.h reletion" with 1;.• ."..I=r18. a" far ."".t a.
Mdc" iIIlU1 Chil\ll.
fo 1;.11& Middle ellSt they hiIId for .......y 1'..... iIIl""'.t
..,10 ... _eiba~ty for r.laUo
\<:ith the A:r4bian .i6e or the Gulf 1ItId,
in II wider
U>eir ie.tere
covarlOd Af<;llwnutaJ>. Ir"", u"q, the
Arabian Pcninaut. ar.d ell.t Atrlca.
~lr archivea 1Ir. therefore centr"l
co krabi.... , IItudln and II <:net l.lrportllr.e ~ce of """""'.neaUon for
lIiddle Ea.t e",,,:H.e In 'lenen.l.
The ""corde .....y b4I divided into two <;Iro",,,..
Firet there Itt .. the
arcbiv•• aCCU8!U1at.d 1n wnden by the 'HOIUl Gover""",n"·.
Theee con.ut
_inly of ladle O£fic. elepul:Aental r,.corels, C.-p&ny a..,d -.rei of Control
iltchJ.,.,s.cd, until <:he .....rly t-.:.ueth c""'tu..-y, r.con'!5 of the 'Proc+edlnq.' (corr_pon<l""c., ="'~
etc.', of th.. Gove~t in' indIa wlacl
war. rll9ular1y cent to wn&m for ::-.,{o.... U,,"'.
In lId:litlon then are a
n..-be.. of colloction. ac~lated by the various Ov.r"'a. adDinistratlOn.
ot <:ho Dome anel Inellan Go~e~nt wbleh were late.. .eturn"eI to the India
Ottice flltc:orde u u.,. ...t. archlVIt ~ ..oupe, for e><ao:ple, "h. rltcords ot the
Rulelency and AqlOnciU 1n the Cull (1163-1S51), thlt ne~lclencY lind later
Colony at Adltn (1639-1967) ;Uld thlt British lAsation ae Kabul HS2J-48).
'I'o<;.th<rr UIe_ two qroups f .=0'-<. n~... ilr<n:r,d 21J,ooo .....1.-.
#Ill fU... .anCI occupy about fo""t...., ltU.-tr •• of el:Ialv>:.q in the
Librllry _4 RIICOM Office.
0.." of enu 1:01:&1 abo\:.. 23.000 i t.... ilre
conc:erned antl",ly ..i"h MiMtlt East .. traire iIIlU1 th.re are anOther 90.000
which cay includ. Datllriat r.latln; to tko M~ddl. Ea"..
~u .. ther=or.
lb ..... are .~ 70,000 official publications, 30,000 cap. and 11,000
Europoan Miln".cripU (privat. paplt.. ) emon<;l whith .caU....d '<1<1<1).40 Uel
. .terl~l. cay b. found.
II. pr~ coneU'n of the lIecord OHlcII ~e to -.u.. u....... rchive. lOR
n.-111y <l.vail<lbl. co r ....archll ....." "".dble lind thia. u belnq don. in
~ ....1'.,
by the publ1eeuen of quid.....,d f:lndin<,J ai-<l. and the pr• .,.uUen of hand.U.'"
IInl'l by the publlcU1or. in >'C1nt or e:icrofon> of
The ;aD&ra1 adD1nl'~r.ti~ ~ckq~ and c~"itlcatlon _db
~~i 1.Ddta
M,. been d ••.,rU.d by .lOaD t.on"""e.. in ~ of
ix, 19701.
.... S\llIII08.ry 11lt atId 'lui:.
to each "ecord group "ill lhartly b" puillbhed in M. I. Mot,,', s""'"'ffi
to til.
India offie. ~eoord. which
to di..."t new """arche.."
o . .uri;a.la on ~ subjects u..y .. bll to stuely.
s.cUon. of dlb
9"1de an aheilldy ._1lAl:>1. 1.rl t~'=lpt 1n thlo Uad1n9 _ .
1\ g"",r"l intro,!I'tllon to tho! Kiddle E,,~ .....,h1v•• is given in
"relll"&1 sour",.. for Arabian Pen1na"la Ill\d Culf studt... in tho Jndia
Offi"" Ra"ord,' (I'. Tuson, Journal of Gulf and Arall!1l/1 5Oeninaul" Studh
iv, 1978) ""d in M. ""'rdl.......,,1 1'1. O. w.o.1m'right A quid. 1;.0 ......"aertpt:·
~d docucotnta in til. Brithh 1,,1. . . . . ietJ.:'=!! co do.. lIiddle East _
AhlCII -.!it-.! by J. O. 1'<1&,,-,:> (OXford Ur.inuity Pr..... 1990).
latter vol~ .1ao eont"ina " li't cf til, c.t~orl•• of .-.cord. Includlnq
Middle east
A brl.. f quid" to soure. . [or Mid,n. tast nud1••
1n the lOR is in p~ep"u"ion ;and h lllt;.end.d to br1llq toq.t~r ill ..
conche Co.... ell the 1n[onoation r.e.da<l by the Froe~Ct1". u,...... ch••
•• " Hu"
int«>d""Ucn to the ....t"rl:;o1 ••
110." .pecHl"a11)', uch llld'''ldwol ....rie. is beinq U.tlOd 1ll d ..Ull
and a nua:bQr Of tJle lists are int""ced Cor y.mlic"tlon 1ll t~ Co . . of
The... 1nd1ll OHIe<> R.cord. 'Guides to .. cch1v.. groups' wl1l
include d"tdL.d Lisn ot p.. rticular 'icoup. o[ recor,b. tOlleth..r with
1lltroduetory ... tui.L, ><hil. tOR 'Brle[ quid<>e' ..... i..,t""de<l to d••crlloQ
. . . . 'lO!nU"l1y all the aoUJ'"e. a ..ait.obh 1.0 th' tn41a O[!ic:e R.cord"
... l.ttl><;: to a """,ticuhc "ubject.
s... ....i.d•• "ill cocb1n. a <»talled
list "lth a 'leneral .urVQY, depend>nq on the .1re of the collection or
eUbj,,"t d".lt "ith.
The £itet or the 'Guide. to arclli". qroU1l'" d...11.oq "ith th" Mlddl.
East u, n.. record. of tJle !iritisll Re.'c"ncy and Agencie. in tlHI
Pus1an Galt IP. 'l'\.leon, Londcr., 19791.
TI",1e ....ril: Lists the l,SOO fHee
and VOL""",. of =rre.~" [r. . tlHI British Political Re.idency at
lu.hir<: and the "'1,,",c1e. at 8.oIlre1ll, I<"".it, "l1$<::"t and Sh"rJ"h, 171;)19~7.
tn addltion there llre intcoductllry . .cHon. on to"e ... ke-up of
th" rIlcll~d" """ On the adIlinh"r..Uon of til" ResidenCY ""d . .cll Aqan"y.
T:,e R... id.... t. wnd ~nt. appointed to each poet ere li.ted and 9Ilneral
I:ote. end "I'p.ndic:•• are included on other Cult Illllterl"is in <.he lOR.
A 5~ ""ide by Le.ley IIelt _1l.="09 .. ith .. .....,11 _lIftr coltectlon of
rec:or~ frDSI et... British Leqation, ~ {l92)-.SI """ otll.r :oourCe'
[or th• • tudy llf Af\lh.ani.ten 1>.1I. beel: publi.hed '"" .... brier 9u1.<!e to
.Our,,". Coc th. study of Ugh"" let"" in the Il:d1ll. otlic" Record.
_t.eri.u." t.O h publUt>ed a~ ~he end r n81,
One ftlnhtrc bU.I
te plAnnad ~o covec the record. of the Comp~y'" [a~oci.a W;
la, t1Ie Gulf ar" tM R*<l Sea.
Of the Ho~a GOvernment records, r~~aa of the Political and Sacr.t
ttc,e. and Oep3rt... nta ot the India oft tc., the COlIIPany W><! the
m ar. of IllC>U v"lue to Middl. I:.n reuatchn..
Hand-Hna are
l.labh at the R~eotd otHc" and " depU1;"..ntal g~i<l. i. in pr"p.uti~n.
Movin.. fc"", the ,,\lId •• t.O the ooc""",nu th.UdY"" thar.. au •
.....r of project ..... rth notl.n'l.
Tha 1ndh Office Libr.. ry and Record•
• • 1"rofiiJaln<J pcogc........ and "lthl.n c.rtaUl tec:Mical ""II phyuc.l
~a.int. aicrofllll _y be suppli~ t.O order.
In aOOition certaUl
ific gc"''P. of reeord. ","v. bee>:> ... l."t.lld for ""i'C'ate tr... t-..t.
_on: r"c"rot be.ir~ tlu, •• riIOS of d"l""r~td brids or -.:>rand•
. . ~ad ~ithin th. Indl. Offi". ~llt~c..l Department betww~ c.leSS and
,"",se _r"""," cover all the sdoj . .t . &oll1t vith by u... Poliuc.>l
fIoepan-nt {i... _Inly c.lul.oc. with .r.... OtlUUle lrldla and "Ith
IJ>41atl Princ.ly St:at.e.l and
he-""" C'"FCodllCed en cicn>t1eha "itl
U:l<t... l note" =d introdueu>cy ....ted.l.
Thll f1rct vol=- (BrIU." Poli£)'
111 A.1:a,
India orf.c. KeDora."da Vol. 1 Th. Kl3dh &O;.t, lBS6-19H, Landen,
laD. .ll Publishinql i. ~ ..v•• lable.
~ furthIOr ,,,luma. w,ll r.produce
....010 r<!Il:a~in9" to the Nocth Wut: FTontiec, P"uia, Afghanln..... and
CantuJ. lI.i...
.c. ".",
Finally, undu I;ha. :a".p.e"" of the Ilriti.h Aeede",~·'. Ociental
Document" c~t~ee, an .ttempt l. bein.. mad. to ~e"l in ~t. de~.ll wiLh
th. I'orahic docUlr.SnU In c.,·taln group" ot c.eOf~'.
The archl"VU
.ccWllulet"d by the Middl. !,ut posts of the Brlti.h Indian ..dlllini.tuUons
"fun include l:arge nlllllban of doc=IOnU ln I'orahl~ and to .. Lesuer ext"nt
The •• rango ir"", c<>cc".pond.nce with locd rul"....... d <lfflcb.h
tel lS<j:llI doc","""u .ucll ... ~etgagu, I ....... nd dlvorc. 'S"u""nl..
sour"• ..,t"rial they tll"s "ov.r • vida spectrum of political, e~i"
and .acl.1 "ub,.et..
Many <If them ac. un~c....al.tad or evan .I.-tr..... l.ted
and tka la.ck of any c;oq>et""t U.t Or index he. _ t that: i l l th. ""et tt>ay
la:ave tended to boo igrIored., p:articululy by Europe:an hht.Ori......
publi".tlon of YOIUllf. of augmari". of the ~nt. wlll not only aake
u.t.. racords IOCIn vi~ely ..v&1..lahi. to both En911.h and Arahic apaakin<J
M.f;Ori..... b",,- It 5bou.ld "oe 9'" SOC3O way f;O rooc1r. . . toq the caleb"
'Angloc:er.tri<:' blu vtaieh uw.nt" he.... until vary recently tar.llad to
.. l ..... froll tn. r.cerd..
Tba fust vel,.., edited by Jclllo 1I.a1a~i.a.I:ly
and _
to be publUbad :at the .....<1 of 1981, covers Uta Ara!:lic ~nts ....
tba J:anooit 1I....... ey "chi_., l904-49.
It ia hop<tl5 that :a fucthu vo1.will """"r the 1l,500 iU. . of ca ..... Malt with ty tbto IIrittd> Court. In
khcaiA, 1924-48.
David Bully
By v;oy of >.nL::"od""tlOl:l to til .. sk..tell of """.ell".".r'. librftr)'
r .........,... ""'"'l the held of Kiddl.. £a.urn .tudl. . , 1t "111 be "o;.eful to
cuU>.n. th.. h~.tory of the :academic sid. o! ~ pictur.. , .lAc. there u
" clear con...""tion bet.... en te.ch1rl>j" and reseerch Oll ehe One hanll and
hl:lr"dcs on the other.
In ..,."., shape Or !o.... Driental stud,,,.
be"" an ofUdally
'6Coqnl~"d branch of le"rninq "t Kancheste. University ever sinee ita
(o"".dation >.n 16SI.
Th.e llni_rUty beqan it. llr.. ",ith Uve Jlrofe.sol'.,
one of " ' - . ,\1.., , _ . Jam SCOtt, occupied" chair of Bdl._, an appointllent vhicll 1-.., cod>in.,., .. ith on.. in CO_ .... t;.,.. Gr.....ar and tngltsh
IAnqu,,,,,e "nd Literuuro.
Or: lIis d_tiI In 1866, seon "'"• •""c. .ded by
Tobia,. 'l'heodo...... ,,1\0 profau.cl both Beb .._ .. nd Mod ..rn Lan'JU'lq....
1901, th& llniversity crnted ~ ch"ir of Chinese, a.nd E. II. Parker, th"
Profe'llor, continued in ofUce until hia duth in 19:26, "h.... upon thl!
study of Chinue in Kanch.."tcr l .. p..ed.
'I'h. fir.t ch;oir in SemitIc
L&nq=9"" and Literature. det... fr_ 1903 and "".. OCCUJIled succ••• i""ly by
H. II. Ilo99 (1903-1:21, II ..... Canney (1912-).4), E4v.erd Robert...... (19)4-451.
""'" I!. H. _ley (194~491.
of thoI l"st t..., ,,111 DO """bt be
. , . t r"",UiAr.
In K&"lchUt...... rc...wer Il<>bert""n fi ... ~y b<rcau.e, "fter
hI. . . etlr~nt rr~ hI. unlv.rslty post in 1945, h. ~ ..s 8ppointed to the
lib,,~.ianlhip of th~ John lIyland" l..1brary, and ""cond1y b.ca,,"~ It ......
RClbe.tSOll .. ho, "" "yoUJ'\9 l"ctu. . . n !dinbu.-qh In 1'H2, fired th.. YOUll"
H. A. II. G1I:lb (lat.r Slr lI.ILIDi.1tClll G1I:lI:l, Laud~ Prof••""r Clf Arabic .. t
Oo<for4 ar.d l.t...- Director of the Klddl .. Eon" Cent.r "t lI&rvardl witb
enthusi.... for Aral:l1c 6Il.d 9Utd.ed tu. thI'0U91: hie ftr." de'lr...
",i11 be..
t.re<l a. &II l!Ill1:IM>t Old. T
.a:::.nt scholar and
bu,11oqraJlhl!., and ind_ in 1949 when Scarb~h
10•• penllitted ttl.
e.tab1I.~t of " chalr or Arabic, Rowley .~ •• tad .. chanq.. of title and
Wa" thane.forth until 1959 profeno. of 118b.e~· Lal\<JUll\l" "nd Literatur...
In 1959 with the "ppointmant of !dw".d Ullondorfr, " ... ll-kn~ S.oltl"t
now in the c~r of EthIopian Studie. . . t SOAS, the Univ
ity h~ once
"'l"in a chatr of SU>1Uc ~ .. "",d Ut••a"...,..
Prof sor Ullendo.H
v.... "ucceeded at Kancl>oo.t.... by J ..... Barr, bu.; .. Jnoc, U>e Iatt8r'.
""Par"...,. to OOtford, the s-IUe clw.tr Iw.. be"... !r=..n ..Itl> the . . .trainU
placed 0<1 unt"", . .ity spend.inq .
= ..,
Rob""n, a ""hoI. . . .Ith " - n•• kno~·ledq.. of '''dith l1t.ratur.,
Wil. tl>e Univer.Ity's firat profs.sol' of Arable.
llpan RobB<>ll'. r ..tIr
in 195a, h.........uc:ceed.cl by Chart •• !leck1nqha=, later Prof."sor of lsi Ic
StuCi•• at the SChool of Or1ental ~ African StUoll18&, Lolld.<>n, who. vith
charilcearbti.<: KIII.sty, aqr_ to ilCCept. iI chair of I:slaaic seulllil.
riltJ>er ~ • cliair of Arable.
Durlnq thoI period 196!>-61, Prof. . . . r
1lI!ckin'lham's ch"ir re_in..d unfU),,,a.
rina.lly it "as decided to
change the title once lr:<lre, and with the eppoL~t:l:ent of Edltund llo""",rth
the chair of 15),o",ic Studies b"c"",,, the chair of IIrabic Studies,
OUtside the oepartment of !I"-~r "utern Stuclies, in ,.hieh Turkish h
t.aught in IIMition to Arabic and Hehrc.... and other Se",nic latl'lua'l"s,
th""" l~ " chair ot Peuian Hudi"s, occupied unt1J. 1978 by the hte
d1etinguished acholar John II, BoY),"-, "ho had been a ~~cr of staff
eince per&ian ...."s innodueed in 1'150 and protauor 8ince 1966.
dle death of professor ooyle in 19711, the chair of Peuian Stu'Hes
..uferlld the 5<l1OlI ht.e u the chair of s ..:n.itic L""9ua9u and LitH"tures,
e~c,,-pt th"t in thiB ""se tha professer' s "ork ....as taken on by "
tuporary l1>ctunr, Dr. Paul Luft, ",ho l.a eminent In his 0""-, ri'lht es "
3chol"r of Persian culture.
Our lillrariu' story be'llns propecly "ith that "act of the John
Rylands university Library of ManchestH "hich, p"i",r to ehe ... r'ler of
July 20th 197<. "'''5 known as ehe John Ry!dndo Lib~HY'
The hinory of
chis Libr"ry, built in mI!.~ry cf eha '1~Qat Lancashi~e ;ndu~t~i~li~t
O1\d phil1l1\th"oplst Jor~ Rylands. '10eo back to the l"t~ nl.neeeench centu~y.
Shortly afee" he~ husband's death in 18ea, MrG, Ryland; decided to
c~rate his name by the foundation of a IUb~ary rich in theology dnd
hUl:larte studies in '1en"",,1.
'ro hous" lhis libr"ry she had BasH Charr.pneys
design one of the flnese "","-ern Goehic buitdin~. in rurope.
W],thin a
few yearB of Hs openin'l on January 11<t 1900, the Library had aC'l.uired an
inte"national repulOation, a reputation ..hieh I.t ow"d to tho fact thae
Mrs. Rylando had been IIble to aoguirc t~"O '1".. at coll ..ce;or.• ,
The hrst
of ehese "'108 tho pu<tnase In 1892, while the till<ary was .till un<ler
constructIon, of th.. Althorp Libra",-, b .. lon'lin'l to Earl !ireneer.
this collectIon r-.rS. R\'lando pUd al"".t a '1""rtH of a ",llUon po=ds
illld i u real value illy in the illr~e ",olhetion of "are and " ..r),y printed
~k. which ],t eonraim.d.
It aJ.o broughe to che Ll.brary the nucle". of
its collection of Odent"l an"- "e.Urn "JUluscripU.
Thl .. nucleus was
9"e"tly .mhaneea in 190L by the purchase of the lillrar)' belong in,. to lhe
Earls of Crawford and aalcarru, abu.irIec for a
hnle lus than that
~id for the Althorp !.thury, and conell1nin'] no l .. s. than 6.000 ....nuscdpta
in ..ddltion to lOO,(X)() pdnud booh.
1'h~ Bihliothec:e LL~desi""a. wHch take. its na",e from LLnduy, th~
t"",fly name of the Earls Of CraWford, h,,~ it. orL'Iin~ in ceruin pHch".es
""de by the 2Sth Earl of Crawford ,md 8:h Earl of Bal"""res durin'l hi.
eravels ln E<jypt ilIld Syris in l1l36-7.
In E'lypt he "equired f"eeh
editlons ho,,- the Bulaq pn." o.nd antique QU~'''''.s.
Beoks a.~'! ",.anu.cript.
WHe freely a""liable in thoSe days, so ",ueh .0 thae the Earl r"portO><!
buying a papyrus "for about ei'lhteen pene" Enqllsh"~
I f ind....d the
E""l hed be"e. a Hetle mote ptrslseent '~hen .n sInai, the COClex Sina1ticus
OIi.'1ht nOW "eside in Man~hestor, be't the ",:mk. of S.... Catherine's kepe
It in hidin'l, awai.tin'l the "",,,e ur"'1ent <l.~""",ds of Tisc:hrndorf.
The sue
total of acquiSitions ITade durin'l the cour.e ot the~~ hazardous ~rav~l.
t~he ~l' a co:tpatllona di..s lin n>ut:d dicl not _
.. ....,=t to "''1'
_ h , and It VIla only in 1861 thoot Lord (:u.wfo.. d .... iou.ly .pplied
1It-.lf to buildinq up lI1a O.-l ... tal lib.... '1'.
Moat of Ills (:hUl.... "" ..ks
we... _cqyi ... d thtcU9h epeci.lly coc=l•• ioned s~nt. who
with Ihts of dedd"ute.
'11\. A.-'lI>lc, Peuien, end Turkish lIlilnu..,tipu,
on the oth... hand. we ... acquir.d by diff• .-ent . .an_, •• Is .xplained in
the introduction to the Ryeland.' Ce~l09u. of tha Arabic Manuscript ••
by A. Kin,.."".. (ManCM.te". 193]1,
In •.. 1866 ti:.e IISS collected by kr. Natha!>!.l Bland ...
¥cr. purchased ... bloc ..• - • • collect~ .. lell .~cially
1'1 ~ ... ien illUllLlneted book. and in the ""'lIICIiI. of Penian
It consisted of 204 Arable, )64 persian and 6)
Tu .. l<1sh >IOrk., in all 631 vcl~s.
In 1868 ,""oth..- lerll"
.ddition wn "",de by th" pureh4n of the qnata .. portion
of the 1'ISS con.et.d by Colon.l G. W. IIPl-ilton. H.t.I.C ••
end <:<>naisd".. of 30J A.-abie, 407 h ... lan =d 7 Tu:rlc.1ah
IISS s.akln\l wltb tll.. eland CClll.e~l= • <.oed of l,:WB
Al toqetller 8111 A.-al)!.c aam'llCupts a". de""dbed by !'linqana, a.nd une. II. .
d.y not a ....at do.l has boen .. <\dod in tile val' ot codic...
n ls ......tll
nodnq, hewe"" .. , til• .,ubll.catlon in 1974 of A C.. talogu.. of Aeension.
to the Ar&llie Manuscripts in til. John lIyland" Uni".rsity Library of
Kanch"ster, oo=plled by Pcof•• sor c. E. 8oa~rth with tile .... i.tane. of
A. S. ~ .:I<i S. A. II. sae:Ecl "".<I corotalninq ol.ac:riO'tlons of an edditlonal
l:fW I t _ .
~ .,st q>-Ul-d.t., ~cco=t of the pr..... t .xt:ent enol clrC\&Stances
of the Ori_u.l """",,.cr!pta eollection. 1-., tho Jolon Rylen<l. Uni_ruty
Library is that pl'bl1.h.,d by Dr. Y. 'l'aylo .. , the fo.......- Deputy Directo .. ar.d
Ptlncipool 1C....pe ... in the ~ulht1n of til.. John Rylands Library, vol. 54
(HI71-2J, O'p.~49-47e.
~"r. ",,,y b" fO\ll>d SumlHri•• of the ,utO'dale
a"ailable In til.. "",,"ou. lanqua.,., qroupe, tOllether "itll Ulfo ......don abo"t
eataloque. of the dlffe"ent r.~re.s and about the .cope fo.- plon.er
.nd .-."uionary cotalO\lUinq .tlll to be don.,.
'l'1>a.-. 1. no nee<! to
reput aU du.t Info"",ti<>:". in tlli,. 0'1_. l>\>t In o.-d..- to qi.........
l<lea of tM extent of the present-day holdll1q _ qwte tt.. n _ u of
aate.-iala pt......,Uy ava-nellie 1'1 tM Middle Ea.t.rn 1enll""9. cat~Ori•• ,
-- 1,04) lte_, lnduthnq ruqaonu and thre. pl.ater " ...ta,
£9yPtian (Hhroqlypllic ar.d iji"utlc1
2<i Ite0i5 on papyrua and 11nan,
(D"...,tlcl -- 14 oatr.ca and 166 papyd;
ueb..... p" ..e _ t
e.4oo codle•• , .....<1 10.573 fraQk:SlltS frOla the C.i .... Geniz.II, on
end ;»per,
S..-dtan _ )75 I . . . . em parc-"t and p"per; SyrLa" __ 70 cod1e.s on
parelment and pape.. , plus 1) _1=>1'. of photostaU f ..... tile Min9~a
Coll..ction at S.lly o.K,
Ooftlc -- 47 ostraca ""e 1,0]5 r.rnclJer~d He.... plus so"", hundrg<l' ,"
,""",:.bered lDl-scEllar.eous fraqmer>ts;
42 iteo.~ on parchJ:lent and P~PH, no,", fully <l"~cr llo_d <~
the Catalogue of Ethlop1e M.>nuseripts in the John Rylsn<!s Uni~ersnl
Wbr_r;t of Maneh~ster corcpilg<l by Stefan strEleY" IManchester. 1974)
1u'JIlCn1an -- n
Arabic -- S02
He"" on
1,.183 paper
and 868 codices,
936 ,t_1llS on paper,
Pashto -- 16 it"..s
etc.) -- ::1 iU"'s on
One holdin<J' wo'thy of sp"-n.. l _nt-ion for ra"son~ wh,eh "'Hl b~
reodily appredat~cl i~ " hr<J'e hft~enth-eQr,tu,y Qur'un with intnlin"nr
pers!."" and Eastarn Tl1rk.ic tranSllltion~.
Out. of an esti"ate<l ]0
ori<J'~nal vol=es, the Library hus 14, ~ll er wllich were put at the
,Uspooal of th8 Unlvers~ty of A.r.l<llU - on merofil", - for ltA dictionary
of I:astern T=kic.
n was al~o ~he object of the special st~~ _de by
.1(00" etl<l:lann; Middle TurkLe ,;lo"ses of the Ryland" interlinear Koran
Translation (Budape"t, 1<J'761.
As far as "uwortlny ",,,~crial• • aell "" pr~nUd books and .,.riodicalo
are eoneQrnQd. the D"an~gat~ Butlding (formerly the John Ryland" Library)
don have ",,,eh eh"t i. not at prHent to be fo""" In the Mai" Library
l[onlOlrl~ the Univenity Llbrary), "impl~ bee"use until til. p".t-w"r
university expansion in the late 1940. there was neither til_ dem""d nor
the budget for subotanU.. l acquisition. ie tile /lrahie fhld, ",uell less
l.J'l the Persian and T=kish 'phera..
Wh..n IIlOnho wera ..vent""l1,. "",de
avail<lble, _ny arand"rd text. and !>aek nmilier" of pcdooieal" were
difficult to obt.ain.
Hence one is ",u<:h more likely to Und urly
nU1r.bers of 9undard period~eals wllo". history dates fro", pr..-war clay. in
th.. Dean"9"at .. Building ratll~r tll= in tile Main Library.
because the M..1in Libtary has since 1949 had funcls dvall&bl .. for tho
pltrchase of Middle Eastern ",atQri.alo, poot-war publications are far more
likely tn be found in this repo.J.tory.
l:everthdeso, a. h.r as
pe<1odi""I,, ar. eon"8rnel'!, atteepts have bun made at. both ph,,"~ to till
serious gaps.
/Is re"ards the acquisition of perio,lica15, both the
Deans,."te Buildi.ng an<l tlIe Ma.i~ Library op<lrate an "xehMg'" sysro", thtough
the Bulletin of the Job Rylands University Library, which now uOUZllly
includes U least onQ paper comlng wit.hin tile pun·i"w of Orientsl 5tu<l1u,
,"nd the Journal of S"",1ti" StUdies, which carrl"s a .. ~gnifi"ant proportion
of P"p8r5 on Arabic st"diu (philoleg)'. Lit"ratu.re, history, Isla",. etc.,
but not IOOdern politic", e""no",ics, and associatEd top~e.).
unt.il 1949 eM could ."ar"ely speak of arc OriQntal colh"tion >.n the
Tllere wllte
Main Libt"ry in ll..".y ta"". thet ""uld "",ke oense today.
ort..>H,ly fou:,dat!ons on ...hiel on" ""Id b".ld, boolc... b~ bIOI"
1 ",ch"sa<! on ..,.,. li.1ol~"d seel" .aceordl"'! ~o prote.done! n"adS, and
don ..tlon. and lJ"'luut" {.."" ""dOlll "Duren, notwl\, trD<ll
prof"'s.." ..... uch aa Cann"y ar>d Theodoru, an" from tm, Unt Bl~hOp of
~""cl>e..ter • .JiIJIl.... Prine" t.se.
In 1947, ho>«!"er, Kanchu"",r ... u on.
f .."van uni'~r.ltl . . . ."I.cted for e.. ~ked 9r~t" by tb.. Sc.. rbro~h
C~•• lOn to cov.r proposed develos-nt. in Orlsnul an4 Aeri....... st,she•.
sult of u.o S<:.rbro.... t, r"",-r.02tt.ons. " ......... rs of n,sU
....... r nl1ted, ....., lJl 1948 tbe ColJllCil of the Unl".rslty ..uthorl.:zood
th" .. ~pointme"t of en A.si .. ~t Libr.ri.... with .peeial r •• ~.Lbll.ty
for Ol'l~ntel book..
In Karch 1949 Will."", Kenlld.. h _ .. to=H pupil
"'I H. 11.. ~. Gibb • "';o.s lappoir.ted to th.. post il> queltion Uld durin9 tha
pOrlod 1949~52 h. h"d Sl his dhpouL " sp.clel 9r""t to build up a Near
~a.te,·n Colhetion on th. eXisting fOlllldfttion..
Th" ..... "!,,,nt during
that P<lrlod acQlll\ted to El.800 otl:.kh. S."''' ..U ""..,..., h&d eonddarab!y
'Ju.. t.r purch.. dnq _ " than .. "1a1hr =<lUllt todsy.
Th.I. a. . dots not.
of ="1'......."... sent the U"I........ lty'. to.... l o\.;c.l"y <tur~ that perlo<l
on ooat"I'l"ls r.hti.r:q to the lIiddl" too.t. I:lut ... tm,~ th.. "",n~ .xpend~
oa t.Kta ""d ~no,:heal. ".th • "P"'cI<oUr.: intar...t.
Nor .."n we O..."r;ook ."" tact that 1lUC1l e _ 'r. for "hieh nO payment: ........d", O'.<son"l
contacts r.sult-ad in .. n\Dber or 'lifts .u"h aa tho"" re<:"lv"d t.hrOu<;lh
t.h" lJood of!i~u of Dr. lSOyh. u h. th"n "'~., tram th" tJniv",~lty of
1.hr..n "nd ~over"",ent"l 1I0urcu.
tn 19~1 th" special 9r-..t e _ to ~ end .. ith th" end of tho
"Iul."'l"*"'I_ 4nd .<OI: • .",-=t purchas••
_de Ot."t of th. q"" .... l
Library account.
""....rth.I .... thI. ..... =t tho en<! of ,t.h. story by
~y _ans.
Mr. Ker.sd.I!e Idt for .. po.t . t Iha<!ar.. ho .....
~ee""ded l.n t.. .... waoec of 1'l53 by Dr . .J. D. L.ltham, lIho continlMd
en.'~"tl".liy t.o davelop lho coli actions ... It.h the tLrm .\OPPor<. of t.ha
1st" Or. MoKOS Tylon, th"n Librarian.
Without t.his .uppact th" futur"
could hav. b""" bleak indud becaun "ith the enll O{ the ...""....
on" had to """'P"t. with other tnur.stll.
To iLlustr"t" th. kind of
lIuppert uc.iVed. "" Med only ...,nUon one Dr c."" "",,'.11 painu ...ch ;o.s t""
Llbr;o.rLatl'. "'Jr._nt to buy "rahlc and i1llbr_ tl'P"".ic.rs for
e..talog"1N; purpo. .s and hl . . .Ul.1ngnau Co All....... tbo enablJ..-nt of 1I
n"cl."," of Turtlsh _t.rialll :1..1: tba ""y. t...tor. the ta hln~ of Turkhlt
In th. unhermity had even be"'" C<Xltecpl..ted.
1'011 in~ the r .... -..dationa of the H.. ye.r = l t t " in 1961, pro"""cts might ind.ed hav" bot""
~IOOIIly tor, as is "'ell I<novn, Manchutec ><;0.. nol dulqntlt.d as ><hat
c"",,, to b" I<novn as .. H.. yt ... c"nt,e.
1t therefore reedVild no ."..... ,k.d
qr~ts for .xpansion either in the t •• ching Oepartment Dr in tha Libr.... y.
Ttl. r . . .on. b<ohind thiK f .. Uur. to .chi"ve re<o<;nitico ley . . .."tlally.
it Wt>l.Ild appear, in Ila::>.choStU' ....... "1l1l.ll<p:.•••• rl.<;btly or "",onqly. to
....t.<tJ>llah .. cent.r. or ~ "tlldi"" Or _ _ .iAJ.br kind or Intenli....iplitl·
uy InStlt...t..
D.apit. . . U thoeso.
,,1.r...... ~""'e.s. """""'.r. th~
Na.. r Ea.t.rn Coll ....tlon has not f ..Ued to oaks .tea<!y 9~h ....d ha"
q.nerw..lly k"pt qood pace with tile teaching ....d r ••aarch requlreaantS of
the DeparUlant of Nu.r Ea.t.rn St~dl•••
on.. eon ot
~hoIt COll-=~i= 1$ t.<>&y _
.... of t.ext:$ and trana-toq<!t'-r vitl> "",rks of DXIarn ..,holars « l the hh~ry at the
1UMl_ East and Klqhreb, the traditional hl ...ie science". and
For .padal reason• • cona1dar8l>le otm>bar at book.
publisllet<'l in !(e$tern lan\luaqas on _ubjacu _""II a. Judai_. aoc101oqy.
ac!."".. tion, \I&09tI1Phy, ar.,h1tect.ur.. an., areha_logy. "COflOllica,
qova~nt, folklora, and ant.hropology ot all t.h_ Kiddla E••t.arn
<:Quatri"s ara shdvad in other parts at t.ha Library.
II. r~ard. tha
. i u of th" Collection, no .,reel,.. Hquru ean ba \Ilven but., takinq ~ha
prinelpal aub-,Hvisions. "a may u"L=a"a t.ha t.otal n""""er ot volWll&.
at around 30,000. dhtrlbuud ;as tollowa, krRbic. 11.000, Hebre...
5.500, peulan, 4,000, 'l'urkisll. 2.500, otllar Middle Eut.arn
e."a<;I0ria•• 7.000.
Wit.h rega"d to pauian booka. we should ~n~
that. Kanc~."a", l.n 1O'i,,_nt ... til t.he School of Orieltal. and "'Cdcan
Studi.... London after d1",~sions ~t "~la East. Libratiea co.-itt. .
_ti.I'<]s. he. coaaJ.tt.ad itsalf to bo>c. .inq an ·in--dept.h· repoaU.ol'Y
for 1"""ian _r.ariah of all kinds.
In ao1dit1<m .... """,lIS dra..
attent.io" ...,.1 about. 3.500 vol.,... of period1cd litaratura not
included in tlloa abov* fiqun.;
bJ • "al>oable n""la.,,, of EtMopic
IIIltada.1 dat1%>9 f .... t.bo t u . of prohn",r l111 ...dorH, ;u>d .:Ira
racantly auqmentad t.hro"'lh ~ha <JOCId offiCiI. of Stef.... , nrelcyn, 11;• •& ..
in s-iti<: ~ a . at I\anCtwner, .,1 a apacial H;.,.k.al ..h co11act.1Cln
of aabrev lit.aratura, aao~tL"'i tc 712 it~ far vhich • card
eat..al"l/""' "". ~ ... pnparad; ll: the very ext_al"" Arthur lIa.-nt.e1n
Colle~tion. rich 1n 1I.llrdc ant Ta1lrudic l1teratura; el <a1<:rofU.d
collect-ions of the IIOWIt Sin",t and Ilount Ilthos Librariu as _11 aa
t.he Gr.ek and ~r=enlan Patri~r~hal Libraria' In J.r""alem. correapon~~
to the thr"e Checkli.ta of these collecticna publishat by th. Library
of Cang"eu and contalning valuable and ofUl." untq"", ma~.. rial for a
study of Middle £;>'stern hi.tory dnc. the riaa cf Islam, fl about
100 vol"",,,s of Chin. . . lan'l"a".. and l1tentura (tIIair.ly "tnat... nthcenturyl, \11 about 500 volUlMS on Indic """qua".s; hl
tha 12.000
volume library of the M~.,cha.t.r Geogr.ph1cal Scci.t.y, ~hlch I'
part.icularly sttonq ill nin.. t ....nU, and early tlienUeth century travel
narrativas and .t.ilar ~t .. r1als. many of IIlIich. of OOU".", bear on
the _rId of Ul_, 1) the ""reha... in 197) of n.a !n. . rnationai
Afdc"" !natit..,. . •• Library. cor.t.unln'J IIIUC ...tena! on tlla North
afrlc"" co""'trlea.
ona of tha ob'vUl".. quu::i=s that vill arba ~s: ..!'>at h the
Unl.....r.ity ...llrary·. KqUis1ti""a polley?
.....Othar vUI ba"
.soe, the
fr"", aD<!. hov 1$ it. a11<><:at.,",,1
T<> t"'" flnt qt*nion
the ~ .... r h that routine ".,den an . .<Is: accordinq1y as bookMUe"a'
catdogu"• .,.,... in. ",ther on tl.a teC
ndatl"" cf tM Library ateU
ar by t.he .... chUlq ateU.
!n the ca" of Irar...... haw a stand!.nq
o~, parallel to that of ~A School of Oriental ar~ IIfrican Stud1 •••
London, v.th ..., 6W"nt fanteJ:ly in Tahr..., but nov hase<! in I<iasbaden,
\/00 aeiecu and suppliea boolts .""ordlng to an agread ,UIII. but it a
~<Obabl~· tn'" U> $ilY th.ll~ _ spend the s ..... - - = t ~al.n on addi .. """,
p=chasu in th. IranUn H.ld.
,l;s r.~ .. rd. the n""to q".. 'ti=, there
i~ no special grant Or allocation tor Oriental books, but ~he Ltbrary
D1uctor h.lIs .. h .. ays baan r ... ~ to ""k. genato",", alloc.. <>ons, a,..,.cially
..h"" part.icuhr n~a a""t be _t _
It is ~ h.>td to recollect .....
sptcial r&<;,..at.s; have .... r been t ~ olooi:>.
Clec. .l _
_ . , of "",....-_. C"IM l.n Irca unupected quart.n, _ t ....... A. a re,..,lt
of vl.i... abroad by _ e n of Itaff of ..he v.. rious departolOlnts.
~"""U find ounelv.., in .. poHtion
purd"..,. th" prl" ...
Hhr.ry ot &Ocr dec . . . .d -=bar of .taft .. ~c loS 1t.">OWn ~ h.o"
One .~l. i. the library of the 1.te Prof•• eor Fi.
y yun Frefn"'r of "'"'~"" Stud1a. at .. he L",1....r.Uy.
cquult1on of w1'l1ch title<! .,.ny g.p. ~ ..h. Li.brsry'. hol'H.n;. ef
S"".rl..n ""d ..ncior.:; 14e.opot"",l;v> ""udiu.
As for thQ q"""'on of
.".. nabil1ty, thate i. open a"". . . to tlls qr.uIOr part of our ooUe"UI<l . .at ltas can be bcr'-"-'! throt>;lh iJ:>ter-l1hu.ry lo.n..
~ rare or ••rly frL~~ book. arlO r •• :;r~~ed :0 en-thlO-:pQt r ••dlOr••
1'<> =ncl""'.. Un • • knell of !tanell.st<:r'a resour,,". l.n Orhn ... l
huratur", ..... turn our attentlon to Manchu r Public Li.brary and
not.e hrst ths J
hb LU>rary which to...... pa
of ~... C..n:.r.L Uhrary.
t ...... ty·t1'·e
...., • o;.-o<l;> of p.--inw.t eooobera ot LM J_uh
Cos::=nuy i.:: Kanel>e
r ';"spu-ad the fo..... t.ion of • special coll""u<m
of booka davoted to Jawi.h studi.s.
Thi. collection benefited conaidlOrably fr"", t"", lJ:lpcrtllllt donatiMa, on~ fro" the l'ICua Cis.ter t.odq" of
the Ord"" of B'nd Ilr1th, and the ot:.':er frC'" th. hr.. d Sunl1o;ht LU>""ry
'the =:1aet=n ll:;UOl.nec! th......t"'" of • iibr.:.-y wtIr.: the
COI:llcl1 "f M.oneheatar- ar~ salford J ..... dacidad to c
_rata t:.. .. Lord
Mayoralty of Al:::uh... 110. . by oIUrln.,- a .ubSt.ntial <1ona"10<1 to hive a
spechl rcOOl ft:rnhh"d to hOlls" the C<llloCI10n ""d to onabh n.~·
aequhitlona to ba =d..
TIl. Library, w!-.J.eh waa opened in 1956, 114.
qrawn "onsld.. r~iy a,nce tn.t date, with ae<r~i.ftlcn. in t~... "1r. of
book" 1r. Lure"".n 1 ~ . nL"urto; u> all as""a'" concernirlq . I _ i _
and the modern Sta .... of Isr.el, and it oor..'a ...s; of beth raf..rence .on!!
LIlllCu>q aequanc" s~rately .. rriUllI",L
Of partle",l..r l.r.ter. .t are
cop'•• of ....nu.eript:l fro", the I'irkowltch con .. ct1cn of til.. L-enlr.9 •• d
Stata Lilirery.
The Ultal ...ock at ..II. Jln .... rdl )960 amounted to
~,2r,1 vollZO'. L,., tile reterenc.. MC'tlon .... d ].891 vol...... L,., the l .. n"-'-"~
, .."tiOn, ~kir.q • total of ~ 9.104 \~l~..
U~fo:rtur~..e)y. not all
of the ... ha"" bean "ataloq\.lC'd, l,rqlOly bec.ua. of the lack of a
apadalut l.n Hebre'" on tlla st",U of the Lll:lrary.
In addition to tll~
.Iewi&h Lil>cary, th. Pub~I" Library .. lao poueuQS "''''10 <l-r"h1v.l ... t.del
wh~ch IS of lr.t.r••t to >'.l~llO East"rn studies.
,"",roo ..... for .salOP)
tha papers of th. ~~.ett.. r J_s Il..... ~.l. Laski 'faL"" of the noveli",Ma h&nltal, who be".... rh.>.i.--n cf t". e<lJol.r.htrat~V<I co-it.... of tho
i.h Aqency for Pd. . tin.. in 1934, ~. ""hoi"" .. nd a"'""..to' Is ..... i
Wolf 6l0tki, th.. II. P. for SUlekpcrt (1924.]51 s"",,,.l Schofiel<l
Ka=Persley, who waS c""lraan of the ?<l-r)i...-ntary Palestine Como:itt....
troll 19~] to 1945.
Of intHest t..e e~oncmic hJ..stori""" ne the
nchives of thll Manche"ter ChiUlber of COIlll:llHce, cont~ining the p~pets
of co_ittees Or. "adous Middle Eastern <:our.trills.
"!'<> conclude thts
"ection, ...... should note that since 1915 it has been the poli"}' C'f the
Public Library to provide vernacular litQrature for the us.. of .0....
of Manchester's ethnic-minority colll!llunitles.
11,is activity 1. cC!I1Ued
on the Branch LJbrary i.n L<mgsight.
Most of the lit"rature obtained
is in Indian languages, although in addition M",e 100 "01""",,, of IIr1lbic
and 500 val ........ of Peulan Uterature hilv.. al"" been obtained.
We should not rondude this survllY without so,,", ",ention of the
s .... l1 collection of Oriental manuscripts ;md print"d books in the
Chetham's Library. " Library "'hlch cla;"'. to be tht olde~t free li"ro<y
ll\ Europe and ....hiel' lias !>olen op"n ta the I'ubllc .. inee its founli"tlon
in the ",id_"QVQnteenth century.
Th...... ,. firH of all a =all eo11.."t1o"
of Ge.."izah frag"..Qnt~, pre~ented 1.0 tl,e Lil>r"ry in Ian by Mr. George
ElH~ of L<lndon;
thQ~e h.>va b"Qt\ de~cdbed by Me,r Wallen~tllin,
"GMt7.ah fr .. "",""t~ in the Chetham's Library, M''''Ch"st=, , B.J.R.L.,
L (1%7-8), 1'.159-177.
[,5 ",ell as poss""sing _0.... e"rly nineteenth
century M"hratU manuscdl'u and an albUl:l of Mughal Lndian pa,ntings,
the Lillu.ry al.o keeps .iqhteen Islamic mMluseript~, "",sUy Aubic, but
so"'" Persian, am! one 'I'urkj,'h.
The~.. haVIl been dc.crlb." by C. E.
Bo,,",orth, "'I'he "'r1lbie """,Usedl't5 in Cheth"",'5 Llbrary, ManchQstcr."
Journal of Semitic Studl"s, 21 !l976), 1'.88-108.
The Lll>rary's onentill
printed boaks are listed (aft". a fashionl in·lI. Parr Grcs....ell·.
Bibllothee" Cheth,,~nsis, stYe Bibliotheeae publica" Mane""i.en.is aD
BUIllfredo Chllth.l.m II "",iqero fundat.... Catalogi, tOIl1. I I 1 (Manchester, 1826),
This I'al'"r is a =~ht ..ly revls~ v"rsion of an "arHer ,>rUch
....hieh apl'eared in the Bulletin or the British 50ciQty for Mlddie
Eastern Studillli, vol.UI, "0.1 (19'16), p.36-~1.
That art1eh wa" itself bu~6 en matQrial contained in a pape"
r"ad by Dr. J. D. Latham ~o a ......11 groul' of librarian,. rtCeting
at the School of oriental and A!ric"," 5tudie~, London.
f rcl
.. ~
• r
S _'r,,~,~ r,,"""
d ~"1 • t><: /Ia<.I ",,,,: L.t> "ry Cii. ~ 'U:l:l'l to
'QW'I<l ~-11~ th. "'nca.2,r.qly ~oo~sore d"""~". of
nu"led'J~ I... ,-';no-;-thc ,,''104.'t')> y
:;t, t"k'''g '" 'Hher 1 !hr~rl'" 0
ll", ....,1'.
An ~~"YQH,>tl<l"7
Perh<\1lr.· The fr,rtunMt fe... my find
c_""lv~ s,u'sh<oJ 1<.
r ".~
.le" c'
"1I"'r.. ,~\_ in....
~"'lt t
to I
<.out "!>out,,,
tn.. lin. r~r' "r . .d,l u . . L/1 Ifort 1\("
...,t ", "I, i!:
rn bib
1r ~ "
~h .....1. ha.
ib ".s
~"r.: • . r.Ut
lid all
rtv 1
r r",.-~r
"·,n· ...... ' t\
,a.. .
_,n. , '
'I,'nqh IH< •
'1JlQ .~lOOUt:l_ll1
;;q;y ~f eYAr boc~ 1'.....
~<"d'" •
....ny, ~ . , ," 41Hlc,:t1eo bO/9.n h"r.. '
• "1-:.-0,, o~.• lad ..
n""- ,.It>r~'r, :l,·..
, a _te<hl
"""dl"') < :."'lU"'l". k<:l'llr,'1
........ rla! ,n Middle Ean... " VHMouhu ln its ll"l"'rt ..... n~ 0' LlrJ."nu1
!l<>'k •• "hlch two lto ""'" catdoq"~, and U I"cat~d i.n a ."parato- bull<!ing
(r~', th<o "",ill
..... lo<J"".
T~ ~"Ul'. A
Il~ COV"r"'le 1- . . . 0 d~~1> .,n<l wi<l~
• " s l>~JqH w>ll all"... , """Jqh ~gnrl,"'iI towa~da tl,. ,,1As.i.<,~1 We of
" ..Idle I!.dU" HwJ.es,
a..:,.u~~ <or thie l~~'1ua'l~ d.vi"I'm, 1< 100 1"P"'''~,h1e
~" ,,~u .... ~ .. the toLd :I.....t..n o! J::x>ol<. rcl"U,,\!
~ .. I
c .. n,; ~I/ldl.
aaSlHn •• IId' •• , but U.. !1I1\'aa !o< OI"."ntU 1.. "9
r~ 'Fpro~"'~ely
.500 tor Ar~t"
.'100 '0< ",,"~"I"" M><I
,400 for TUo:Hah. ~M"
1.,5.' t _ a_l."<h".,, Ta),k ADd thol CenU.l A..-Cdn dillLrlCUl,
i t ... becIJ.t."
.. ~ '1lD'" 0. Ih~,He f4,,,"urr. V'!riodio:;,lI. b~t =< ......"."l-ers' lUll of ~""""
'''''' ar~ r ".1""" f<_
Illdclle Eas' lin ~ ~"ed 'g the Mlden .. EaH
c ...
~M'f'.nq aloot r • th~ mo~' poon froc: ~hO : ,hr,,",}" coop<l ••tton
och<!Drm ,ndulqcd In by". p:>Our
1r.~, l, ~ ...... ~nh"leu .cnd•• rap.es"n"'U...., tt> 1'1,,""1. Eils< Llburlea C"". It' ... 1Ie-l'<l.nq., contril>"~". to
MUCOM .. Ill>Hc.tlons and "~ ....rt. c<l-n.41n IlC<luisltlO'" to the W'lj,,~ ·atllloqu
..... ln~lline'i l~ Oxford which will ~" ,168erlbf,d bc\o~·.
= ....
"part tto& ~h. Bod1l1"", """',, "hence f " Ul'u<}" of H u t 'IIlP>r~""c
.. >11 depend ~o a luge Ute~t on th~ subject o~ .tt'd;'.
for <he hu<my,
poliucs.. ....'c hh<cry and lt~uatur. ",f <rn. ~,ilS:'1e EaU, Uln
..111 l~e bet..een ~~ O~lan... 1 I:I~<ltu<" and t~~ ~4dI.. E~st Cent" •.
Tl>ot 0.1......1 lnstitu<p, library of tr.. Or, .....,ul Faculty, = t a .... apl'ro,,__tell' ::.000 I:x>ok" in .. I; lan~ ...'.l •• C'OV"Ufi<: one hlsto.y of u,. Id..-it
l'Ilddl" East
tbot ~lM vi U.l_ til ,.1800, <he hhtc:ry o! Pe"ala W tl1<.'"
and '" tl1<l Qalar po!doo!. and 'llChding. l .. rle coU.cU.n ot claasl"d
,,,,,to a~d \I.br...... Turi<h: "n<'l hruar. IH"rat"...
all r<>rlo/ls.
'I> .ddnlcl>.
cov~s tn~ fleH
f ,""d~~r. ':;r>!iS~. "tW •••
daalillq .,nh .J~"~s." ~1t.h" ~tU~ ~he IUddl. £.>5t.
Around J(X) pe~",<hc.lR ~re ~"F~Q••ntc<l :.J1 tI•• '''bury. ;~-lO' lOf wtoi,,"
He of 'l~nrral or1ent.t.l or '~"Ciflcallr Mlddl" &ORt"-."T./lslamie Int"r"5t.
It. f""eUDn" .. .,lO;arlly as a l..,-,dJ.nq ibr~ry for ,.nder'1u~uat.... In orIental
t.ha l""tn ..a
bUY~ "u~lts
"part !r"l0...",e o".da!' ,n "",tQ., .. 1 <i .... JJn'l with th~ On"" . .n t:D~,i''',
can ~ ..ncr"lly be . . i<l that ,h" Middle <;aat Centro b .. qin~ it. ,QV"Un"
"he'.. th<l o.,=t,1 Institute h .."'....
H around H100 for /lu), 'u~ntUC5.
inc! ,,'ling IOOd"rn .... <Ib. c 1 tt .. ut.ur~ .
{On.. ,""",: .""'.. "on""." "hoi l ~al''' I eo"
....... ld hav~ t.ho\lO'j'tlt If Iw h.l r~tU.d qua. how (01. ~en"hlnq ,h. 10th. "
of lOu Inv"5>'<>'. of E.qy,,' """ld h. 'l!\ li.bu~y pel.ey ", ath ""nt,~y
Ir. add"l .... to Alab :o>""tnes. U"'C"'-'«"'" .ch.>...." work
......rn "ur;,c.. ~-. it,r, In tn I"''''~_'' a. perl
• tM nutory
~U"" l~ _<I OJ
~. . «
or ....,., 1111
! . a . M.c ;n.. 1
c-r... ~I"" lr. 'MI.
Tb<I C.,..tr.. SII.
-t. ,\n~ .y',
4n<l .. 11 '""""
'Ul' be
."..i...... ly
t. Aato
""" C'''Ir,,1I nt
nd -':1 I_rIO.
.~ al'"
[ pouopIt1H5. wi>
'" tt.~ -wn ~u
In add~t_
poe~'~ca.ty 1"
1 .nOd1
d••ore ar., • n....t>o. f.r, ·,.,Iut l~tu.. "s
1 1'0 ~ur"has., .<1ddl. U Hr"
... t., ... 1 to ~ qr >1~r
,.~, d''',H.
! th~ 20' i'-.r-r'~r.t
lhu¢ is th .. lnnitu'. f r=nm"c~ an" _tot,
,~ ••
WI.·''''''. 'he 'llldl
I.:;iU Cent.re ...,ncentr.'tH ,n th" "<'C",,,,,,Lc his~oY} o! th~ .... .,~. th~ In.<l~
tute or Economic. b,,~" "",tari,l on ~cvel0l"."nl ec:""n.dc~ "nil tho ~,><
~ .... hnical ..... r~" nn oil.
"~lt~ n~",~ j",Il,"t. , .l ~ls" ,<>11~ct•
• Ut'8t1~,,1 ""'t"rul "."t1y ' ' l "h;.oll\· u
l:"rOINn lan~ua~" fr~ .. IUdd:
l:Ul.. ~n countriGIl.
1~"~"Y"l ~ntH~ y.n
ro.ne.,) "n,1 Itep
It"4 Mlddl.- 10<>,," C .. n,r.
Tho! I~burl" l tM
l'.nlhropol<:>qy. the lnll'";t.utr '1l.1r_
01 E~st.,r" IIr' IISllIr!_ tl_ _ b
(Le1<1I1, wh"l. Nuff,. d Co.l~
.:od r", MJ.d<!le £alOto,.n 1'0
nst'tute [or C'
t";~H, _r~
:;"''''0-'''' __ • uo.e ."i.nq
~.d ~11t1 ....
.toG', ...
sed works
. . ~r~"H
-1\<0 • .,....0.-00, ......
f I'orth Afrle&.
".,. :ltot<iIY },_;·5 a
l1.... et~~t of tlrtt
""" db" '"1-eeifl
..... l~t<>r. by tIOrtb A[nc ,.. or. Fr=.c
b=o<>. hpR I>
••• uY ......
~ un"nviahla t ••k of coor~ina~lnq tha mod.,rr. Mlddl& E."t.. rn
buyl"'l activities of &11 t~ &boy. l.bra ....5. ",tl> th.. ucaFuon f t.h.
_lei,"", ruts ,," t.he ,tiMI. E.lllt:~rn Dlblioqral'her. Dr. D...ek ""pwood.
he ~'ho can ,o=.""d to l.n<!iv~<l~"l libr~rJ.e~ tne purch.se of ~l,ecific
more .."propriate to tt.<!n than to too "'iddle ~~st Centre, "-"<! it l~
to hUl that ticun". r~port e"quisIOlon" or prc~l'ective Ilurch .... ~ of
The BodldlUl, too, no", uporU on d"C •• 8io,a in ~·.nern
ldngu"qu en the modern Iliddlu Eastern Udd.
Tnis I"formatlon is
l:H;or!"'rau,,l into the 'Ull'n "aulogue .,'mtioneti dt>:>VO.
rhl~ 18 basicaLly
the Middle ~nt Centre o"rd caut09ue "'ith tho .odditlOll or onn.iu for tho
hol'l1n'J~ of th.. other tibrarlel>.
Cople~ of the union cataloque are
t.... nt~.ned at the Mlddl .. East Centre, the Onente! lest.ltute ,ond in the
Oroentd! R... d,n'l Roo", ,f th'l OOdhun.
Befote !U,·'n~ ",,1!ectlOn$ of prlnt:l>d book., e br.er ."",rloll ",,"I' !>e
""'de Df other lillr<H1H of "Udl~ E•• ~en, _!lUr".~ Whl<'h d" not t~k~
rart In lhi,. unIon c~ulo~ue schorr.e'
lI'adha'" co,l""e l1briHI' ha. had since 197'1 a =al1 hut 9rowt<l9 C<lllectioll
of PeuI.n ... renal ccc.sUltlnq of classiCilt !lu~aty t",,~.....d co,'eti"q
th" hlswr\" ot lUll u>, to the C01l5tI"utto,,~1 Revolution.
Mldin," .tood at oHouc.d J,ClXl. !>ut this flquce ineil,ile. ""me AU""Hln
The Oxlord C""tre for i'c,~tg~od"ate H<!.br"w 5tu:!ie. ".t""ted lC. the vjl1
of Yarnton "oll.,cts "",,urla-i on IHael ..nil =JHll Jew.sh s'-udI"".
There i~ . . .roJect,,<t ne~' collection aL Pu~el' House.
No detailed
In[orlllo>Uon •• a\·a.lllble. but it .1Fp<loH,. thH this "'ill c""r"ntr.'Ulon
cehuons bet"eet'l ChriSClM>t1' ~nd Hl.",.
So tIIuch 'or prir.ted book~.
But of course, ",,,en of th" wealth of
Oxford I1br.HL~s lIr" In th~ir- collect.tG~s of MSS and officI~l and
unotfJ-cia1 ,r 'Frlv~t~' "aFer~.
P~t01!S of the 1'1.': ~dlectLOn' ~t Odord '.,th s""h !,ublhh~d
cat.,l"que, a" exis' can ce found 0-" ~r. 107-~ of J. O. PHr50n's Oriental
KSS In Europe Ilnd ~·~rU. Ametlo-" IZu~. 1971' ~nd neeil not b~ r~p"avd hq.r~.
On .. "i'lht ",enUon by «el' of ~n Ad<i""d= ~hat in the E!a,Uelan Library w"rk
hd no~' begun on reH~ir.~ en.. publ1~hed end unpub1hhed cataloq"es of
Ar"b1c ~ES. C8'J.nnin~ w.th MSS of tho Qur'an.
Thia proJ"c~ is "till cn
' u Nr!y "~ag"s "nd ~'ill ob\,iou.ll' tak" ~"v..ra1 I'~~<~ to "",,,,,,lete.
the wa<ihal:l P"ralan collecU,m 1t,clLldes several KSS, "hieh ",,11 not be
ovulllble for ,tucly until a hand~li~t h.1. be"" produc"d.
1-"0' oU.C1,'! l-'~I'''r<, til<> Official Paper RoO" of th.. Ilodl"i"n col!~trs
,.nqether not on!1' ,,11 BritI," Gov.. rMent derart"'~nt~l pub!ication~ and
l,arl1amentary papera but aJ SO tl>o~" ot 1.,remat.onal orqllnlOatcon. aueh
a5 l:11e YnHlld Nations, and all EEC rubl.c~tlon~, ",~nl' of "h,ch h"v" of
cvur8e aone M.ddle Eastern intere$t.
., i
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""""" "'
. .-
.. i68~:::!r.,~
:n:.. ~" .. I>.~~
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!--r~~"...... ~~i,..
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I. " "
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- ..
.... ".. I>.~S~:,~ • . . ·"~~
:-:~ ..'.@" .. Ili. _;'"g~5~:;~
I • g~:l''''''''i·C!c,,,,
" ... ~ ... <
it',. :r _,'c
... ,
..~ ""~... "'1>.,,-0.-..
_«. "
. .."
II,-ldlt !.as<. Od Ie
•• '
nu. l'H1U •
1-.1'. I>C!
c.,j... u...a
~""h ..n ~ ,
Old vt.. , thr}' .nd. r.,.1 y .nO
!"'hey or ..,
or "I th. bui. of ttl.,
'eral seur a~n.bbl1n" ho",,,. fuH
f fl( 1.lgi, ' .... r 4 'iru•• , "'lean r..oql <I?
And If they dld influone ..
,il"l'. ~~ 'hH "'--".... nl, <he" ..,St Ill> ~rilW U~ '"'iO~t.."t f ... tl.iU
t . . . . ,~ t _ _ r ' •
nU.dH,u,1 ""nllft'rCC Is urld<;nLo-lole,
tC • who _
t<.o t~_ ,'- Mn ry r offjC"ul I\<>U .... 1'01I"Y •
'11 ~tLd<iU f;,st ,,>1. f'''d f1""ty f ... t~riat hH< • th" flood ",r
n~slnn<l'n • ~.ch.).l"~ t'.t~~.,n Si.~ Alan '·"""lngh~" lon Iii. h
_ .• 1--, _~ r .~t ne, _d o:.r.., I' «,.qr "ff> 1', fr"'" tlo_~1 1 5
.".'. ~ • f . _ .
e, t..l _ L
t P l ..
U>e .,.,1 r~t1C" of ,ho> ,,'at ~r Ia<dtl, e• ...,. "here U..
~'? 'Bll r rrca..,tar<ve d.<1 n'"
ruinc1lh "all U",~e <:,f ~h.
~ . • h'~'I"'c.~~ ).n ,he cu. o£ Sir rer .. y I.<>~",n., Ill'lh
f • l:qyr' ..,-...l the
f~"" 19~' •
1" •• _ " ... a .... r
r t f < " •. ' _ .
.Ic" r a,,¢ti" t~ S'If.'" • o! polley d"t.,cl.o ,
""ar.ge. ilt homoI: Ch. <J"owl.n<j Ulu<J<o"I"" betw_ ,~
E<io/"r • .>ve"t .. r.d hurch,1l, and th" ~c"'trio'~',cn -.! lut'llo-I'rench
"el.,I.L',n. 1n "ho U,VMC ,n ehe ... ~1y 1940., th. p':>p" • • "f H . .Jolu\ PlUtb'l',
• "r tl", ,,,... ~Xl'! r~ra t ",. lOth <c...-,tury, "Lie" M" _ly .:ll&lna'.
1Or,ti.a!I I hey u, .J"~<l.;n. Ir",,! ... nd Ar..bia bu' oJ.... " .... ,,"1 .. 1 (or u.eUl<j
til ,-=J3I., dev.. .,....... t. oj th" }l<>L1I"HJ ;-aud, n .. ,~. "he 1"hc"t. pon",,,,,
I th> An'l:L·"" lIah"f 1n Jprusal""" :.Et ..... "dl"<! upon t~ ""ell",. loe,we"n
th" <l'll<..«y au,l",ri."'c~ and t.~",.e a""IOtC>(l for rerro.in .oe"vln.. ,
. he.". <o<;"t""" "'tl>_DCt....,<l.o,. .el".-__H~" and ~.po~", r
b . . i5
01 U>ot
n <M M1dtl • E.lISt.
Bul ,t I. just ~ luis, tC' J.t .. n b~ .. <Idt>d tho .. "cO"nts <>f 'h<>~" 1h
I""a .. 1evat:<>d p'''I.H"n~ wl", Actudly worked ~"",nq tile po>opl" th_al"u
'he .olf11OH d.... ly lette ...s teo nil wi!. t.-ooo loil:.la.,.. £v<!~t>tt, ~ ........ I in
".u 1'11"".... du"",-"in<J ,~.~ d.1.conloru "",:: ....1 "ven. .
t.<>ur on ""....b..ck .. roun<l tu= .. in 11184, th........ 10vin'l ,,<tenUen to det.Jl found
t"""'~Y y .. u
hur U1 accounU by J. W. ". YOlJ1Jq, M In~pee"or Ul ~II<>
~9yr-u"" Sl.irv~y Oepart.,enl, of his dedlng" with vi.1I .. g" .hu~ha dOd 0II'd3S
tM diary.:,1 D~. t:. D. 1'O".tt>~, Engli.t, SHqeon at th. ho.p ... l in Met,...,
1'1.16 "uh r_lHon.
thu•• "Hh lOll ~i. ..
..n<l fr.,Mesa '1... t>~"liy hcktllQ ,n "Hi",.1 repor .... r .. f1.ct • •1.r.cerity
et purpoa.. ~"d ~ dotdl~.u"n to tllol Job, whl~h ClOll .. t leatt b" oo".idt>nd
• posHi"" ~XJ'<.,.~lon 01 ,be imp"~ial "<,,e. when "lIh can be "
...-1 to
"'"'.... e"htl!<!, ..,tlle~ 10.,... t.n tM ceU"ct.ior. .tow 1 .... ta"our..bl
but F~;>",,;e 11;Lal..nA~i"9 flltOO.II£'l •• of the> p-re-<>CC"patlons and pr.J~lcrs
u... :1.aII>"rJal aind.. Robert '-uu·l1 • • ~ ••"elhr :.n i.'1YF~ in leo&O, wn",n'l
on that In .. ~ha,,nlbl. '0i':l.~, ~hQ "hy.ied .nd . . rd d"'l"" ..... don of th"
n ..tiv.... not ... ,.h~ nr;.tation" ef havIng to dlSd.... ~ge • "e~van" 'Oil .. eco1J1J~
,r habHua.l dr""kenn...
tho: ...... dc1om indul<}td i.rI :sobriny .,u
frequ.n.ly than onc.. " ,,_~.
If" "dda • • "'" £qyptl.."a " ......11y .. ~. t".,.,
.""h ••
with "he ""lhenv" vice~ of ~:i the reat of "",n!tin<!, "nHing the
"",.,fling of tldeetive clvil,saU"n "ith the brutality of the 5~vage_
Latterly, un,lee the ChrisLian ~l'icit of tolnation L.,stiUe" into
",-"rorn"t AH, they h"ve added dru.~kenne5 to their othu crh... ~'.
or tourse ther.. 1.5 snobbuy. Gertrud.. Bell, ldter to becorne a
I<J.nq=ker iI, Ir<lq, ~'t1t"s fro," D...... s""s ta .Johro Oick5<;m, U'e C",,~~l­
(;""""al iII JeruM.l"" ~n 1905, '1 have h"cl a """at succe~~ful "nd ,nt.ere~t­
inq jour,,"y and I ~rnv"d here the cal' before y"5<o,rday_
I went: U"rn
Salt str"lght ""t into the de""rt an<l haVing "eigHy introduct,ons from
peopl .. o[ i"'p"rtanee l "a~ at once received into the best 8edouln
Or." should add that Miu 8,,11 hersdf, beat B~ouw ~cuty
Dr no, "a~ not i"""me fro'" dtUek:
1n 0 letter from Sa Rea""r B"HHC,
~.,.itt"', soon ,,!ter her de~th in 1926. ~h" ~s deacr,hed th". - 'She had
a long nose, " .hnIl vorce, and Pari~ frock~. and went to t .... w,th "rob"
with pleasure',
FOr "heer ~nog,,"ce. i t ,"""uId be difficolt to oqu~l s~~ Mile~
La"'P""'" Ao!bassa40r to t:qy~t, In the lnCervl .... ~itl1 "h~ yaun'l K.J.n~ Facook
recorded in hls dhry for n.e ~th February 194:l, at the hught of
crisis in wh1eh Limp"on had 15sued the hm,l w,th an "lti"",tu", th~' h"
",,,st recall N~hhos to take ch~r~e "'f the qO"Hmn"~t, sr aIxlIc~te. dnd to
let hi'" lwve his
Oy 6 r._~.
The f"ll rerort of th~ inUrne",
during "hich the idnq
'eo",~;etely r;c~ed' by the ArrhA.gador, and
eventually cap!tulated, rr.akes uneasy readinq, and tn.. Sense or h=t11dt.:icn
felt by the Egyptians r1ll',kled long after the <cvolutloo that s'"ept the
kiny [rom
There is pat1>n. tOO, ,lS i" G...~cra1 /1llenby'~ IJ>cur 'to R""nle
Melnn"s, Mql1ean BI.hop 1" .J"""""l..". of 5th ';ove:nber 1917', just ofter
the baul" of B"er~heba and flv" "eel<s p"!or,, Allcnhy'. victooous entry
I\ICC .Jer05,,1""'_
He had just last hi~ ""n, aod "hilnk1ng the B,.hop for
his s'f'l'Pathy, eonclUlJ ... "ith tha affectionate and ..o1,h"cl.}· epa"ph,
'I have nothl.nq but 'l0cd mQ:oor1es of l\l~_.
The,e l ' not a clay'" lus l'l~
y=r~ tha" I '"""ld MV" had nUt~rwl~e than it ",s.
Hi' lif~ was full of
happ'ne,.s, work nnd """'pl"te 5~CC~"S'.
Mid ~he,.-c '" ~ }eculi~.ly Enyli~l". ~ ...~~e of numnur. ~il Qly 1l1u5tr"Led
b,' a tele<j"'u, .ent in IJovelllb"r 19JIl to Lord Pertl", by a JunIor in th"
emb"S5y at Ank5u in the n"",e :>f S1r Percy l,.or~L~e, nh r"ther HiU and
fermal 5\lp~rior, whe> prided h~ll1"eH On his good r~li1ti,;". with I\t<>.turk.
Sir Pe-rcy ",as ~enown~d [o~ the 1=9tll and ,",,<~~hy of h'5 ~de<:lram'" and
tlUs ene, in hittlful i,"1~ation. <un" to nVQr three pagH.
Atot"rk, an
his duthh<od, """""n. Sir FI>IC)', who "t once abandens his dlnner to obey.
The dactor" and n"nn 3~ the bedside ... ~ .....I1=oo"od,
"hen, 'iI!~,,~ t!>ey
h"d "Hh,l<awn Ills l>~cgll"ncy then ~F"0l<. to "" ~lc"l,. h"t carefully.
~"1d that hu h~d sent for " .. beeaU5~, "h11 .. ne ~'i"hed ,n no "ay to place
me in an unfair position. h~ had an ur'l€nl reque8' cc ",... l<" to "'" "" wh1ch
t ..,uld no ~ubt r ..""U
l . . . . .)'
.1~r.... I/OS. 2~_1-21!9 et DIK-.b"r ~~n. 19':;-. nt>. 4 and ~ Df J""""", ...
2Jtd, 19J.4, nO•. ~7-2S:of reb.. """, ',d, 19H.
12-l1 of I'cbroMy hI>,
19]4, etc., etc., ~c•. J~? of J"nuUI' 2nd, 1935, gtc., e<c.,; nos. l~
U of Janu.o.ry lit. 19.1&; no;;. 2 and J of January lrd, 1'l)J, ,""c .• etc .•
..nd no._ j-I of JiL.,,,,,ry ls, ~.nt. etc., etc..
IIUq!\t: ".11 1><1 du.
In the C'<lune of" 1=9 and .d",..,tutc~S car."r, h .. ~ """de an<!
lost ""1' fnen"_ .... ,d h.o.d U~.,., """ dhc.rded :<uctl .d",ca.
"I' tr ..n'hllir
.nd "'Y .. <Ivies wu the one which hn vdiu*, lOOst bee"u ... it; h"d b~n til"
..,., l:Ondstent.
for thh r .....on. that, on "ariDus occaSions,
no~ly DVe. ~ ~l . . .ndreet4 dtoFut •• h" had cpnsulted ~ ... ft •• ly ••
OlollCl~ I had bH" .. "'\.r~.a" Cab,net .M,ni.t~ lOyaall
i s . ay .. ol"9r_ no.
4~ of Ka.~",b. ,hh. 19111.
H ..... h1. rr...op.tlv., ... P~ . .ld . . ~ of <he
Republ1c t.O 'lO,.,inat. . . SUCC..SlOOr befor .. his d_1s~.
!lis """Itt aHnut
"Ish "'... th.>t I sllOuld SUCC_ h1.:::l iU Pr.lIl<fllnt, and for thi. r ..,...,,, h.
" . .tied U> Icnow ...... t lOY r ... et,,,.,. would b. ~ this J'eo~.d·.
Sir Percy
I. <1_1-11' "",...,d.
'Ily t ..u J'ropoUl " . beool: ... "Y h.os l1'Il.d s \Sa'1""
c:<lOOfll.lSet:~ ""t: only ~ _
lMrllOllally. but: d~ to t"" !0~e1o;n p:>:1CY of Ht ..
Mll]esty'. Gov.. rno:wt'.
l-owltve., 'the rup>n.,btl1t1 . . of .. pr.sldcn~ u!
the Thrkistl R.. publio- .....
vanll' ditterent fro", U>os. of .. Hettish
"*",,,s..<I<>r· .... ,d ~... r~r.th,lIl' "",s:; d.,lir.. t.l;. ~tter.
' ... ur .... t then
rals.cJ MISS.it Qr: hlS .1.1:ow aDd q ..... ped lOY land..
II. th4.nu.<l _
~or "Mt
I had Ibn., for 101•• f ....th"r..,,"'. <>! An910-Tu~b.r. fr1.,.dshlp and ",h ......lIk
b<lel< III "" 1III<:<>11"'1.OU5 st:.lte.
f ae<:<>rd1nqly de01Wd l~ lout: ~o withdraw.
I tl.>ve v ..n .. "rffi to stltld thu brief aCcoun< ~" yo .... Lordship beau"e what
"-.aU1-M " . . . 1 and qaelf
""'.seriJ:>.cJ in ",!,I" t..,leqriUl Ie,
. , fa< . . 1 . . a_re. "",i'1"" l.1l th., .nn"ls ",f Bral"h di.pl.... "Y.
dee1n t.O plae", on .. ecord by aPfr"'cht'cn of thu q.... t COI'l'l"""nl t!>at
I",,, b .... n p~ld to .,e.
I shall b. "",st qut.oOful if I e~n ue.,lve rr<><n yOu"
l,.ordshlp ~ _s8a9. of .FP .. ovd of th. ~ttl"n ... hleh I h"ve t .. l<ell.
info .... t~-It Un'!."
I "'uld rt'ltucn ..
til" OIA"y 1l\Urvl_. that 1 hod Mel ,nth h.I.& I" the
... o:>IIIbir.. tlOn f nul'. '"
.... 1 lmpl'c;>'ton~, a,,,1
tel Lo.
,I .,veryday lir., .... liey statll,n.. nt" .. ml p .... ><,n .. 1 aCCOunt. "h1C/l. oft"" toll!
uS at I ..... a' ... uch about thoB pee""""I'U",,, and 1<f10.ync.... "i ... of tll.. i ..
n rr.. ters AI U,., """nts they d"",r>b.. , wh"th",.. thlt)' b", cor.f1d""ts of kirl'ls.
Ilk.. G.. ~tr"lld. 8 ..11 and St . .John pt.Hby, or "" ""I<novn school.. Uueas iT. a
.i.s,,1.OCl "d1<>ol irI 'al ... t,-""..
Allar" ....... UaI i f on. i" t.O I>"Ud up a
""",padte ~l"t".. " of tho> !!riCtal> ptn...,,,e In n ... Hiddl .. Ea.~ ;In the 1.0...
" ..ntury ""<I A half.
ORIEm'AL lIND oU'RIC!\lJ 5Th'llI!::>
Th" Lib~ary "4S round-en at. the sa..... t.",~ as the School Hs"lf in
U hn grewn as an u.~nt.1a1 p.o.n of the School ,n vad<>us
locations, but today is housed in an archiuct"uHy-suibng and ",odecn
build;n" opened in 1913.
The Library is both a ~'Ork.illg coll"ction for
t.he start and atudenu of '-he School in "he h=anlt1es And s<o<:i"l .denc"s,
M,d for the University of London u a "hol" in i u ."ecialJ or. role of
aequirir.q ..... nridl in the "grnacuhr languages of
",,<1 Mrica.
addition, foHo"ing the tindl.!lgs of t.he G,werr.","-"." lnvcstiqatory
cOIIlOlittees concemM "iXh the devQI"l'"cnt of Orinntal and "'rric"" studi"s
in this country - tho"" p.-uia"<1 over by th. Ead of scaro,-ollgh ill' 1941
and by SIr Wi.lli"", Haytur in 1961 - th.. Ll.br.. ry has bee""," a pard-MlloM!
library in ~rs fleld.
It; SHVU u eh.. prilr... ,,· bac~-~p resource to th"
Sdt;hh Library [or Inter-llbran' !ollm' of I\~ian and I\f:d~o" lA"guage
"",rerial, and it i.. olso open for ,""Illber~hip to any bona fide external
rea<ler on sn individual basi~ both for r .. rcrcnc~ ond for borrowing.
rhr ti"", of ~'rltlng it hO~ a stoC~ or ovt:r h~lf .. million boo~s. p~",phletB
.nd periodicals. w1th usociaud coll~ct;io"~ of archivu. =nu5cripU,
"'aps and oth..r non-book ""'tenal such 0.5 pri"a. ~lides. ",irrofor"'5 a"d
sound recordin<Js.
Then is a ""''''bero.hip of m"H 10.000 rudero. and a
staff of 5),.
TIl. Main Rcadir.g """'" .eat. ~20 eMden, and there arc a
further 480 placc~ avaHalll .. t~.ro"'lhout the Libc.>ry.
Th" CHa),oqlle" of
the Library an pllbllshe<l ""- <;;. K. Hall & Co. in thne s.eq"encea, o"thor.
title and subj ..ct.
Initiall.,- iuued in 1963 l.n 28 vol""",u, three
uupple",ents have "ince beell publhhed cov"ring the .,atlods 1963-1968 lin
i8 vol"",,,,,). ),968-1973 (in 16 ""l"",u~), 1'173_),'178 lin 19 ""lim".), the
Int. pllblhhed in ig19. inCllldll1Q • vol"",e davoe-<\. t.o ",aps ar.ll ariean
<11\<1 to SOWld racordi"go..
AI"'" eveHable, on exohen~e and. by sllbscription.
is tlt" Monthly List of tlUes added to the Cat.alogue whkh uJ)-<l"te~ the
published caUloqves >I1t~. the latut ~<I<lit.ions to the holding" of all
<l.lvhions of the Library.
The organia"Uonal structure of the Libraey retbeta, but
exactly correspon<l to, tha o.ca<le"'ic organisation of th.. School, which t.as
eleven depart""""a. five of I<hich are reqional in charactu, an<l six of
which are of " dhdpl!.n"ry n"ture.
!'or Middle En" studln "hHe ie an
"cade",i" Oeparrn.ent of the Near end i'li<1dle Ust (one of the fhe regional
depart....nts) "s well as a special. Centre for Near and Middle Ellstern
The Oepo.rt.lJlent, head<06 by aeven professors, provide. teaching
and inanuction fer .. wide varlet.,- of undergraduate ""d poatgraduaU
'I1le C""tr .. has "'"' particular funcHons_ {el
offering facilities
for i"tH-diaclplinary teaching and research using the resOUrces of other
"davant o.cade:m.1c departments, ""d (b)
arranging. in cenjunction ~'ith tne
lIni....rsity Centre fo" International ""d Area Studies, the M.I>.. i'.rea studies
In the Library thore .... two •• ction~ d..aling exclusively
v.th th.. M,&I: .. hxt r~i.or> - on.. conc~rnec! viC. t"" I.l....,;.c ar.... s.
and u ... oth~ v,th tI\a ...,.,-lsl-=1c ar.d ancient Near _
MilSdl. E.nL
Tl-.. UlUnat~ of bot.h DivilO1ons ne lDlit.'" U. t."" Adviklry Sub-C~U.ee
for t.he Ncar ""d l'IilSdle Ed"t. vhich uporu to th. full Library Com1it.t.""
thG poHcy-,,;aJdng body set up by t.he /lead• .,ic aoard of the SchooL
Th1l Sub-C""""ltt..e is one of Uven CQverin" thol r.gional and dls<:iplln.ry
d1"ls100. of the Library. and i~ especially cor..etn'" vlth .equ.islt~
policies &nd the n_s of tile acadea1c x..... n _
n>:d.,t" as _11 as
the exf.errwl readea tn relati= to U ... arU.
et.e of t.he "s"hunt.
LJJ>rC"'''''s on the st"ff acn .s Secruary to the Sub-C_itt... and the
Librari.." and 0.1'''<:'1 Librar1..n al"" .tcend ""et.lnqs U oHido.
unlor LJJ>rary staff .. n ch.ar"ed vltt ... lntainir.Q close Contact vith. the
""..d.cic stdf of tb. SChool and """ny of the.. alao secva on .wtopti... e
~tt . .s "'chin t.hot uaiveui ..y o! t<>ndon SotC "" to co-ord:.nate tbe
poliel.. s of llbr.rie. 11l. ".no"s $\Ill)ect Helds.
111"" the "ssittant
L1J>ror'an fcr the llon-hl4&1c ""d ""d""'t "eor &an . t SOo\S h • _lIber
of the 'thltOlogy Cot:lOitt•• 5tld of that on Bl"'antlne Studi....
Librilry etaff et SQAS ere representative. to the n..Uond "peciAlh..,
Libr.ry Croups on "fr1<:. and lIalo which .xi.t. In Ilrit.ain, and one or
"",re put In r'"9ulor atter.d&/'l.,.. at. tlls _etil>9s of thoo Middle Ea.t LibrAries
~.Id... the ...... r..;ia>&l Dlvls1"n.. ot the Libre.., for the
M1ddle £en. other DI"'.i",,* :are al ... ccrncen:ad .. 1~h ~he "rn on . . .ubje«
Or fOtlll b;\ah, ... for I.". art and iltcha"oloqy, ...ps, periodicals, and
manu"cripts and .rchlves.
So",e of the.e: Held. al"" h.f;v. . .pproprlat.
"ub-co"",itteea WldH the ..egh of tlls Library R....urc". Cc-o..dinatin9
C""""t~u. of the "hoi. Univ.... lty.
'nwr. ate d>,." r.LaHonehtps both vith...., the fe.:l"ral uni ....rsity oJ
t.ondon. 5tld with "tiler librari.e on a COW>t.tY"ide ba.t..
'l't\e llcl>re1.h
body for mo.t of the .pecl.li.e6 library 'itO~p' 1. the St~ding Conferonc.
o! Nntlonal and Unl".... it\' Libr..tiu IIdvhory C""",,1ttee on Otlentolht
The Librarian of ~s ..t pr....nt " .. rve" on it~ sxecutiv.
eoealtte. . . . . doe. ~ ~itor of the union Ca.u.l"'lue of IIs!.lul Public_tions
lilI on e>:-offlcio c ..pecity). vb> i ...1110 .. _ r of staff of $Cli\.S Library.
vllere the iIluthor =1"" .,..t.. loop>e Is loe..,,"'.
nol. c .. ta.loq.... ,..,t. up
in 1965, records th.e .. cquisltion. of ...terial publl.hed ill lIeLe by ell
th. 1.lIIportant Briti"h lU>rorhs "ith A.ian collecttone. and now provide"
lceationa for _
200.CXXI titles.
Keny of the. . or" ot spact..l In",orcs"
for the IUddl" lillillt re<;lion.
It should alllO be .... ttoned he.e that the
L1l:Irary ep:!Ciillll .... In iIl<:q101.rt.nq -.t,ori.ol in ""~ic f ..... "rth IIlrlcill
in Iranian pui>li".. UO<lS lboth in F:ar.i an<! other lill>qUilq••l UDd"r ths
M1ddle East Lib.. ilti.. a Coc:&J.tt... SpecWi...t.lorl S",,-.
So ..,.,.h has
SOIlS Lib..ary "'C<luhltion policy been influenced by such ..'ir......nt" an<!
seh...,,,,. . . . . . .11 . . by its """'Ple>: 'If6> o( 1nter-nl.t:ton"hipe Inside
the Untvereity and ..tthout, that a """~t settiA<i out tbe book . .l ..ctlon
policy has be... pr~ced.
Its 'ieneral principl..e iIlpp!y thr'ouqllout thol!
Library. but h..re _ MY con.ider it portlcul&rly wtth .... lillt1.on to the
K14dJ.e &iIlet rS9lon.
Conseque"tly the LJJ>nry iIllas to iIlcqulre lal illl
\lOrn o! ethoL....Mp published in ond about the eountrl... of th. iIln.. in
the h""""'ltl . . and "",,1,,1 .ctencee.
IIltho""b brolldly .xcludtn'i s"t.ntHi"
Copuc ""d [~I:;.opic.
Sou are a ..pacially rara &1Id buutiful, tha
(in•• t ~xaqpl~ .,.rhap. being tiu.eyn Vd'i~ Ka.. hit1'a Anvar-l Suhaylr
..hich conatn. 27 "'qulsita Peni~ Dl.rd.arllre..
Qdlcr ....,,»scrlpc.
au 1tltenstl.r.; toe th""-,, :':lustu.uons and eaHi..rapl,y. pl'nicularly
sea. o( ~ne Ov!·in. and tor th.ir history ~h as che peraian 'Guid"
ot King,' c0"'PO. .d by .:IarOl'lJmo Xaviu. 5. .:1. and .ddruu~ to lh;-~hul
Emperor .:Iahan,,1r ,n 1609 A.o.
~ec.nCly I.lbe.t throU;h che modern
mediu. o! ~crotil..) c~. ~ibrary .... abl. ~ .~ire cn. r~inL~
five book. nee<led to COIlIplet.. its hold::..-,q. of the ll.lo.uod edlti""s rr"",
th.. pres, of thac moSt fa,cillacing princar, lbr.h~ tCu~.f.er1ka. a
HUIlg. . 1"" by blr<:h, ...1\0 fell ln~o alavery. buc lacer b.o ..... ch. fOUilder
of che very firsc T\or~hh pru. l-n Inanbul ill 1129.
'l'ha p*rsons.1
bookplate o~ Raa Taf.n {aft.rw.rds ~lIror HaHII h l . . . ie I' . . to l>II
fo_ on ""'ulIl UrlY-~U1te4 ttl.loopan ""rl<,.
A ahere la~ o~
ArabiC ..:od H.br .... boc>l<$ Fnn~lId before ,6OO",u 'nclud"" 1n ~h.
C..... logue of pnn~..d books! 1500~1599 in :h.. l.ibr.. ry of ch.. School ot
Orlant.1 .nd African Studl.... cocpiled by Lesl.y Forbea and published in
In 1"81 the SChool p.>I:>U._ .. C.talO'jluc ef the Arobie ra<U,.cr;.pcs
in ~h. Lib~.ry of th. school oC Oriar.~..' ~~~ Af~iean Studi.a. un'v.r,icy
of Lendor., =omplle<l by A. '.".,k,
LIl>~.ry ho. .. dso be .. n b"ild!r.~ up ie. =llGCC1ons
and rllcord •• ~n a~i~,on CQ ~lovid~l msnu5eriFt•
..,..d a""h payera . . , , _ ><u:>. or:.ql.r.a' co:l.cc:.cna 11k. chese oC lo'llll.&:;
In ncent yun th..
unp~I •• he<l doc~nts
In 1979 an Areniv,st w.., .ppcLnted co ~aad ~~ Archive ..~<l
lI&nuacripts Divi.lon, so thn the ",u~1Cl <lcnat.d and deposlUd ill ch..
Library ..iqhc b. properly cons.rv.<l.. cal.ndar..d and lnd<t~ed. end _d•
• valletl. for sCholariy r
Th. IIxcana,v. ataalonary racord.
""ien h.eVCl ~ recej,vN
<:oncerr.ed with ar". 6the,," tha.~ the Kiddie
e... t, but ........ p*rs<:",.l ;:apera cert.inly ,!-culd b .. necad. Th. Page~
Coll.etlen co=prl • .,. papltrs of 1I111i• ., P.II.~ ... lnh Lord Peg.t. A!!:l>. . . . dc,.!~tr"or<lin.ry ~ Turkey. 1693-1702 .nd 170~-6. end "lOr" dapos1tad on
per..... nent 1...." by Uwt Karqu.u of A.~9h_y ,n l~.
The p..pcu oC
l.t.-C<>I. n. ~. R. Lorn••r '1876·1%21 co,,,,r hucodc.!, geoqrarh'o.l anl!
parC1c"l.rly :>.nqUiStlC tcpics ari.ir.g c"l of hu c.r....r In llUlia an<!
southern Per....
O1:I\.r collections coull! b. asted. but tor furth.r
d.taU, the rudu 10 rat.rre<:! co ~ha n.. "ly published Guld. to ... nuscripts
and doc"""nt' in ~he IIrhi,h Isl.s nlatins; to the IUddle E.st ar.d Hort~,
Afrie. by !i. KaCt","", end M. O. lQinwrlqhc. citad by J. O. P. .r _ .
O>cford univ.rshy I"nu. l'-·~l.
Some ~inan..i;ol p,,"ovhlon is alee nov_e
~e enable any ."IInUS' SUllpie.,.ntary doelZIOInto Or publications to be
obc.,ned which releee to or ""t.. ~.<! the ..... cn archive collecci-on. which h.ve
b.~ pr .. s~ted.
"'a pre"'''~ poller oC "h.. Libr;ory hOW""",r. 1S r.ct. 1J\ .... neral, to "' ...
Lts precioua financiai ruourc'" for purr.h. . 1nq ..."u.or1pu an~ rare
~s s. such lwhiel\ \lCul~ inevitably ~.n cemp.tin" with th_ Crl.. nce1
ManuscrIpt' and Printed SoCk, D'p&r~t of che Br1ti.h Libr.ry. our
trll1n.dJ1 ...~<l. nll&<" neiqhbo=sl buc to .iIo iT.stead at .cqulrl.r
~ .......... rn
p.i>l1".ucns necus.o.ry
.upport t.he t.uchU\9 ....., rltsearch of t.hit
t.M SChooL ar.~, .5 f.r . . poss!t1e. othar
sckal.rs t~auqhout the country.
For ~hla ~PO" the I.la='c .apltc~.
ot t.he vo,k covltr p.,b.icaUor.s writt.en 1ll or Abo"t. t.opogr.Fh1c41 arult
st.r.t.chin.. fro... Il"aa... ~pIt.n in the __ t., t.ill t.he Vak"t. ASSP in t.he ••••
and ...... th"'ard. to t.1l.. K"sH.. ar. . s illf Ard"a and India.
Such I r",,9'0
of inuroat. is "'ltviubly dealt "1th by . .veul dUterent IHviltJcns
of tho Library; ~"t. it sho"ld b<' noted that. ror "<omv"n.en,,o, thlt
C."""s1&n ond Cant.ul ..... "" areas eov""!ll9' a nwollor of Soviet. RDp@liCI
and vodou," lanQuaQu, an 9rouped lit. pr...ene ",ith t.he ~'Hr M.d Middle
Int. Dlvision, and th. collect.iens are of _ . consld.rable sh. ""d
ror 'net"""., th. Geor9L>n "olh<:t.ion, "hieh hu be.n built
up "Hh the aeUv. a .. Utan". of proreuor D. M. Lan.. , 15 parU""hrly
'I'll.... ;",uvlUIt. n" ~"",.. vor, t.h. ccnvern of a '''F.. rat...
A<l .. Uory Sub-eo=ut.ue 0<: Cent..... l A..... "ithir. t.h.. Schocl.
k.Uon.;uatlon of library t.~""'S in ia.. Ul the Univ.r •• t.y boO", piac..d ....pons_
1.lo1l1t.y for the leo;.i liteuture of j~r!-.l1ct.ions '-" ~,,~ 1I.." .. ..-d Mlddl ..
!.In fl...-.J.y with sor.s l.l.I>r&ry, ...4. t,..'- bxJkn",c~ 11 k.. p~ .... p.ort. of t.h.
Gan&~1 Ar.<I 50<:1.01 &<:1....,.& tl."I" ..,,, to
t.M r ~ of th" tlltpa.. ,--n~
of La" 0<> .. un~Hod bolIn..
Suu:arly, . . t. UI .,., ar~ an<! .rc!>loeolO\lY
of all reg'o"s Ul ..t>1ch LhIt S<:hoc: h inur••t.od inc:ludUl'i d ... Mi,5<Sla
!.Iat., 1s coll<tct..<l U>9"~r ... " ""piluu tl\vh,on of t.he Libr.. ry.
.....-book .... t.,...isl - . l l... , p""t.o<;raphs """ sour.d ra=rl!.lnq. - . . . At . .
• vsl1abl...
Indaad It was photograp~ Df lsl..-u" &rehlt.""t.~r. ~ken by
<.h. loOt... Profe"sor 11. S. IUce ><bleh in.t.htod tI.e 2" a 2~ dl<!. COll."....o<:,
anoth.r 600 slidea r.iat.1t to t.he eaca"at.io"s at. Gnutayra, Iran.
r.f.rence works ."eh aa It. ,.. C. Cres""U'. 'lbllo9raphy of t.h,,- .r"hit..,""... ,
an-. and craft" of Ula.. , Calro. 196i-72, and 1. C. Neff's pictionary of
orient.al ruq5 ... , Johsnnuburq, 1971 .. n lo<:ate<l it> the "ppclaliled
readin.. roo" for thu D1v15ion.
Nap. for" .mot.her "pacial c&.ugory of
.... urial Md thou tor all regiona aU hound in th. Geo.. raphy and Mapa
Tha eolhcdon has 9rO"" rapl<lly line. a WaS for...d in 1973.
and shlt..t ....p. "OW toul ov.. r 20,000.
By ag~ . ."",nt "Ith th. Unlvoouit.y
Libury at Senat,. lIoun, an<l for rea"o,,' of .eonc:.y, WAS L:1Ilrarv h••
•• apon.ibilit.y fDr t.1u> provUie" of lar9" .cal.....ps of A.iIt and Afric••
it Is ccn"."trat.lng on buildlnq cp a 900d topoqraphic"t coIL.ct.io" .t.
...l1U1l 0" lart,1,. ",cal,., .uch ". l:25O,ooo.
In acldlt.ion .. "i~ sehcttcn
of ~t.1c _p....... _"lnd on suc:h topi". Ita egdcult.ur., lanq.... g<I.,
population. h.Story and arcboOaoIogy, &. . .aU a. t.0"<> plans of tlwI eou
LIIpottar.~ clti..s ~ place..
Tl-... 1l1ddl. USt is _ l l re.. rescntod l.l>
COYItraq., ,.,.. .. r. uries ....1st..
For ."""Pl., Is.a.i, 1,100,000 in 26
sheeu. 'I'Il1 Aviv, 197~-1971. A qrowltlq <:oll..,t10<: of l.ondlt&t iaIogltS
of <.h. ;o.r. . is .1a<> _rth -.nt.lonll><j.
/W;Isl.n, ~r, ....ps .arll... et..an
t.hoIt aid-nl.net.eenUl century, or .~1•• of hUtcri"al "art<>9uptly at.
n.ot. If<>U9ht, for the "xt.enlivs naUrlal in the MoIp RocrIt of til. BrItish.
Lib...ry 15 nearby.
~d"""<: depa.r~r.ts
Bafor" 1960 t.h. L1l>nry dId r.ot. .cquire of!j"LtJ. 9O""....-nt.
p@U"..t.i<m", rellan". ba1n<;l ph"eil on thlt Official Pubiicat.ion• •scUon
of th. Br.1tish It"..... Libnry and on ch., 11l>raty of t.h. London School of
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arran9inQ ~ ,:,:ubvidllot.1 books or. ~ shool""s.
Thl>S N i . for
lsi....... HE !:9YPt:.•. NN Jord ..~ •.• Yl' Iran ... ~"T 295 :::OrOlO.t:rl.anl......
NT no E=no=les of Iran •.. ~"l' 551.& CllJu.=Io.qy of lr~n. ~u:.
, d~not.s bo<>kl In Arable, agun divld.(1 I>y lub:l.~t I>y
Ceci_1 Cl"uitk"Uon, thul P 297.U2 the Qur'a.. ... , 403 Dictiona..h •
•.. , 892.71 Poetry • •te.
Rnl,lrT.:Ln<,1 to t:t.. hrat .u=pl. 9.""" un~ ..
U1.r. old el"uHtcaU= I<:~'-, Old h .... an becoDo. Ft.\ ......cb>r the new
,..,h_, ""d AvesUll PLa. beth divis1hh by U>a ~y
="" ...,,:ut.
art: J. placed.t d .... f, "ah UIlI.lIIlc .. n at: FS.
l'or t:h. convenien".
ot ....d ... s an abbrevhUd liat ot sh.lt =a.. ka ~ov..r1.."" :1Ia
whiCh th.. ""'o"k of th.. Libr"ry Is .... <an9..d on tho .h.iv... 1S roprodw: ..d in tho Library Guid...
As J>ention-.l. pravlo".ly, the .,at41"'luls
of tM L1hury ~<e .,ubllshed In book tOnlt, "ith ...... p.>.rn av.. Uabl ..
in mJ.croH~, by G. k. lI.oll of lIe.ton, K.ou.
The ..ul:lj ... t ...... aIO';"•
.....,t1.On. on the Ihdclh East c&l: be purcha.ed "'r-,ou"dy.
'!'he .ub)1ICt
and t.t:1. vo1u.e. ar" used ,n the Ca~ue Hall of Lh4 L1hrary tor
ref... enee. the r.levant adOleet &l:d "it1e eataloqua e.or1$ bain" d.ac ....ded on.,. the vol ...... of oach a"PPI_nt an publo:;htod.
Fet rI.1
.,.nn luthor "auio<;ue 1,. tully OIaint&1"od on convenUonol ~' " ,. ende
in one scquence, ~"..opt tor ClIl.n ...".
Thu~ ara no ,.pArn~ IAngua..e
".t"I09"'"" for l.he lan9""'l"~' or l.h. i'liddl. u.n r'"'lion.
Trar.sl1uraeJan scbaDe. ~~ beer. adopted ~ modified .c=or~1.nq to thB ....d. o!
the l.J.b..."y.
ror inat.....,. U.., lItHU~. :1It:... ,.1l LJ.l>rary ~ , "it!>.
- . . "au.t1otl., U Clud tor M&bh::, ""l1at U .. sy.t_ use<!. ror lIeh~...
l.a • _ihcaUon of boUi tt.. L>.br~ ot Ccnqr
~/! the Ac...!-.y of
Hebee.. I.o.nyu.a;. a"hose..
At a t u . ...11.... the Wb ry a con$lder1l'.<)
Coq11lt.nsaUon of it.. c.taloqulnq tuncUon. . . . part of • co-opent,,,e
l,lni" .. nity or London _.,h.",e, and "nil nqHd to tile Bdtuh L>.bury
WU<C cat.loque bAee, ..,... ot th.... upects FO •• p ....UclZlady dJ.fhcun
probl .....
. n u. ret""" t.o the tv::> ~... U". n . , , _ . On-h."". at
thlt Wbr.ry <a;.,.=a<l v1th the Ihddle £.iI .. t.
sutin1cally tlxy """,t&,e
about. 65,000 Ie.......
'1h. !du.ic '1... " e::d Jlidd.l .. (:...1. PI,,10,,"" ~
pu ••• ov"r 42,000 i t _ of whl.eh abo"t ~O.aoo a~ • .,.. £ueap.... n 1""..-"...... ,
"ith 10,000 On Ill.",.
The Non-I$I"",1" And ,i,ncient I'IU an/! I!iddl~ Ent
Division hal over 2LOOC' ite"",, i"cludln<; 6,000 in H~bn"', 6.000 on
Ia .... l. Usb.... l"a ~d Judaica In w•• tern lan~~qea. an/! &be"t 7,000 00
the Ancient Noa.. E t.
Yi~ish'a not. c"vet ..d ""0"Pt. for SOEe bal.c
r.t.r e. works, bet the c:olle"tl.or. of ~rn tiabr~· lit.r..t""o 1$ •
rthy f.at.ure.
AlthD".>Qh .xpanl1or. cf :'Urilry rasourees l..~ n .....
ting "".aa, ".t.h addi~.onel ~ff. 1a not 'ikoly in the d1ff1~1
.con....ic cliaf,t.. now j>r...... ,I1"'1' it is to be hoped n ... t ou.. p ......"t
lev.'s of acquUIUonl il.n~ nl.Ud . . r\'ic. . can be IlIiI.lnt.in~d. '"" that
SQAS Llllrary ""'nt.inue. n on" of th" for..=st. 'lbu.ri... On th" tHddle
tast iz: Great. Brita.1n at><! E=ope.
'"'" author "",ill Uke to tban): fir. G. Scholl.ld, Mr. P. Sal~
iI.f>d Kr. P. Colvin, ~r" of .taff of the Klddh List. Chili"",. of
~hIt LJbrary. !o.. infonu.t1on and ;,;";';'",1;:.1 r""dved :l.n vritJ..-.g ~hh ACCOunt.
n.. Scottuh l1.br.... i.s vhic;"h ..... <:enee""'" vid' 1I1.&:Ue--£alt.rn
studl.es ..... tho. . of the four older.; ""i.....rsiU •• u.. SCotland.
n-,.eIy Aberdeen. Glasqov. St. """r..... .."d Edinburgh.
The 1......1 of t .... c;"hin'il or. and r . . . nch in Middle-E.Bte~n Btudie~
to, \lMich than Iibnriu lui ..." to c..U_r ...au". graUly. and so eonsequantly does the l1.brary provi.ion.
Ahe-rdNn Ur.i_~dty offers ...i.:!"", the raC'\llcy of IhviJ>~ty,
u>suuttion 1JI Arabic at .l_tar}", onU:>ary and edvar.eed Le-veh,
Altllouojh At honours La""l it can enly be t.Aker. vith Ilabr_. "-'Id not .os
.o s1<l9la slJl>je<:t.
lance in incrodueUen fi ..... y... ra a<;lo, ""'-var.
this porl.-ieuln honours IIJl>:I"et coOlbination hn had no "tud.mts. an<l
dS yat neithar have th.",_ bean sr.y pcst-<)raduates studying Arabic;".
Gh5gov Unh"-t:Slty .....s an ,l.-,:abie de~t viCIl otUI =--bar of
....t!. ar.d "'lain Arable ""'}' be tu"" at bo.""",,"s level oniy in <:cnjune.
ti<>n V1th ;o;nother .ubjatt.
StUllent n\d>er•• both =der9udu&ta ""'"
poatlJu.dUll.te, 1::a"" .aLvays been ~!.
At St:. A.~dr.v., tha •• eo of the Ar.bie dapar~ent h... ,ncraa.ed
in tha lut t"O or thr"o yura "jr.c" tile f""""'r tirot y.ar <::ow"
boIen .plit into two.
it UnO" p",'dbh, t.o uka "'ral>ic 5tl>4i
concentrates on the r •• ding and "rirInc; of the I~uage, and aLao the
oev <:"Our", Arabk Cult.".... WhiCh can be s-::<:<lied <liS ... 'outsIde'
subjact w,=h no l<novlOl&jIt of the lsn'lU"'1e, -.:I .. IIiell is eone"rnac! vi""
thor socul, political L~.d elllt"ral Iliston' or the ~rabs.
n..ls n_
cour"" appears to be provi",! popular. "ith It ri . . in fir.t year student
numbers. "hieh In turn has led to an inrr. .se in ataffing from thrae to
Arabic St<><liu ",ay be st""ied alther a. a g1nqla IIonoW"s
degua. or in con:lur:.~ti.on vith anotholr subj""t. and ra . .a""h l. pursued
by _ _ ten to t_l"" postqradUll.tu in anyone year.
At Edi:>burqh university. 'ersian and 'i'Ud.1U- .... It tal>9"t • .os _11
as ~ral>ic .....d. lal"""""e Stl:dlU.
T1cis ",,;:""uity has tha lar9"St n _ r
of stalf and students in Midc11.-l!:aaterr. studies, ...-ith ,.ven ..-.be"s of
st<off. :uld ....11 over a hundud stud"n. . , Uhy·t"'" of vho.. are postQudUll.U •.
1M",".." of the vary1nq seale of provision in the.a four univ"rsitiU
of tltachi:r.q in Middla-I!:.ut"rn .<:bjacts, ~ of diHer....ce.. ill student
nl:llban. thoIt raaoureU pro".1oad by thair rUpltCtlva l:lJlrariu tltl1d "'"
vary to a eoc>arAhl" c1Itolr....
EstiJc.l.UlS of l:lJlrary e:rpanc1irW"1t 0=>
St. Anclnw. I>..u I>Utory an" U.wd .... t...nal or o"anUI
int~r"$t in ..arly prlntad book collectien.. , and tlrat ~t-ien" ot t.1>"
Go.~"u. Jr. .... .oI:i.o (l~911. ur.d of Euclid 111 .... .>1>.:...
For tdJ.:1b\:r.;liO unl~-ers1ty :.1.t-r.o.ry. a "'jor booat. to
no;:-!t ef bccIt" on ou,""ul l..nqua~u. c _ tr. l&.S~ "M1l Sl.:r Wl1l ...~
"'"r pras<lr.tad th<> :ell"cUer...... 1JIly in SA.."s.l<nl.. lnlt. ..1"" conUini.r"
"'r.u:oc I.n.rhl, ot hU brot.h"r .Jolin..... oneot..al .. cl>claI".
Ap.. n
fr,,", .r,l,.,rdaao lIo1v.. r~i"y ""leI> ltas noo... thot ot.Mr 11iIun".
I\,Jv .. """,11 orl.. ntal _ou.nlpt ""Hectioos. OIl "hlch ns....:rch is
p"riodic~]ly con"uct.. d.
3t.. /md ..... h. . about 100 0Ml"u5cripu,
enasq".. II". """'" 220. d. .crlhed in oJ. YounQ an" ~. Il, IIItlt",,·. 'A
CAtal"'l"" or til... lIa1Iu4Cripts. in th" Llbnry of tlla nunt"-ri",,
Gh.sq"... 1908, ar.<:l Edinlnlrgh hu o ..... r 400 ""nu"cripta which ara
d ...crlbad in 1I..... Hul<It. H. Et-hil ...:><l E. ltou,rtSOA'a .... o....cripti .....
Cat-alo,l'.... of the Aral>ic and P"nian M.uluacnpu 1lI Edi."1burq1> Univarsity
Ubrary', Ed1:ll>ur'1h. 1925.
t:dlnb=gl Ilnn-er.i"l'· ori. .u1 ......... ocr1ft :oliect:ico
.._ctoed in ~B76 "'ith the pr<II,...,utter. by oJ. B. ilaUU.. of 18~
""'1........ na..-ly u l III "'ralac or pen!&n, ..hlch had been acqulred by
~.• a qrAndhtll.... John billie of Lay. (1772~lB}}I ....... n 1JI Indh.
in particular of Chua "",ouscrlpU dinrv"" sp"cial _ntioc: tlNl .r
.... i..
al-taviirIkh of th~ Honqol vhir, Rashrd al~DIo (1247·1)181, writun in
lI.ohld d~Drn·. """ "crlptoriwn 1n -r.. brh. lJl til.. author's 0"" lUet1_.
baing dat.od 706 .... 11. (130<>/7 A.D.,.
'rIlla ....,1"""'. whicll fo=- a . . jor
.urvlvlng e~I" of .arly Per.ian paintUl~• • • 'poaa1b1y "h.. alllgia .cSt
valuabb h._ 1r. EdtnhU<"Qh Ucivtc8lty LibraX"}'. &Cd i. in rceq""ot dC!l:I=d
for ..llhliliUon.. =d ... producHon..
Anctll..r rar.ty i. "'1-B'r;;,;1'. Al It.liir
al-~iYXa 'an a l ~ al-lI.h'iUyxa, which I,. conca.p<>ran.,.,us ..itll the
......h.d .. I-ph aaLuscr1pt. _
poas1.t-ly produead iOt the _
"'t EdJ.:U:u:rqh. _Vilr. U>" onen","l """""cnpt collecc.on i., in
an,""c, a ""iIId on" •• in"" there h no pro"Lai.c:> in the acquhltl.or.s
policy fOr th. purchaM cf lPly furt.har such manuaedpc ••
The Nadonal LUlr.ary of Scotland hn not ~ far be"o <DCnt1oned,
cilia is beeaun no !'Iiddl.~E.... tem 1an",,,,,,,,, ""t..rial l. h"ld by it. and
althoU9h It doos buy or acquire geographical .cd other mata.i.. l ralatin"
to tile Mid,U..-Ea"t. It could. not t>e c:lai«oed that it llaa ill d9'!Hlc""t
ca LlJtr.t....... l.D. '..Itt.,,- H ....lJt
U c",," be seen fraa t."u bnd \1aacnpd.on of clNl ra8OUr"". ot the
fo..... Scot.dllh =.i.... :rs1cy llilr&ri. . III the u~ ot Mi<ldl..-ustern ao:udiaS
chat- ~ir CDncrtbutioft 1. larqRly • • lthcuq~ cot whelly. a lCCilll ona.
on a ..1de.r perspacti,-e. tN"ClU<Jh tl\la a'4'P"rt of local e"ach!nq .&Dod
r".lUrch. th.. lUlrarl"" M.l<e their coct.r1budon nadc:r...u.y.
T'h. UlI1veulty of !.&neuter Library h vuy younq and ItA Arable alld
Id .... lc collecdcn q.. lte ....il. about 7.500 vol~" In all InclwUlg BO
CUrrent porlodlcalA.
Sitlc" thi. eolhet~on h bardy of IUItiClll<Ol. let
Uem.. l.nternational 1l1'i"lfic.u:ce. UlU pI.""r "111 diJlcu&s th4I tllChn1cai
4i!fkulUe. l.nvohwl l.n <>rgani"ing the collllCtlon. ratt>.r than th.. book.
FLr"t of all, a re.. background duan".
The uni .... uley L:U>re<y ..a •
... eaba.he<! 111 1%4, UK' .....e yeu <IS the Unlv.u~ty, .fur IKme yun
In t _ t a r y p~se., i t -owed 1nUl • n_, Fuq><>_-built b\lil.d'1I9 11: 1970.
'!tie libtary hrvlC41. all tt>. t"acllitl<i doopartaent. ano! all the coUe<:t::on.
en I'Ic:>u.ed in the """it1 bunl!i..,.. , .~ fr"'" a -..11 library fnr _SIC
The uni""uhy tun" """lOt COUtUS In .n the _jor hel<l. of
.clence, .=Ial &cl.n"", ""d humanltie. "ith the follo.. ill9 ."copt-ion.,
...dicin" and l!"nthtry. aqricultUt" ""d !orestr~'
rchit"cture and to'ffi
pL..".,l.ng, Anthropoloqy.
Btd<l... Ar&hic. t."e foll
ln'1 1""'1 ......,. a<.
"''''lbt, t.1tUl. Gre.lt. I'rllftCb. cenY:>, It.U.&::, Rtae1en, C2:llCh end Strbo
Spec1el .tnm'1t.1Is .. ltbln the Llbu.:y .... I t . coll"cU"",. on
CZecllo.l"",""L". BdtHb SOCl.. 1",... local hinory =.:l. ~.. d _ . b~~ only
th" C",.cl! collection can be calle<! internu10nally illlP"runt.
Th. total
Btock IB 450.000 ite.,,, ind\l<lin\l 3.100 cUrnnt oedal .uhscrlptIQr.s.
libr.. ty opeutes .. CODp~urin<><l citculetior. .yBt,,"', Ul'e I. vety hea.''Y.
C.... in9 th" ..,..d ........' y.....r 1971-78, ~,JOO re<;hterll<!. !:orr""",r. bor~
440.DOO it-=s. about 60 l~s ~ .. t borr~r per y....r.
Th.. ~rilrY s~tt.d ..cquitlnQ ~t"t,.. l 011 Arab.c ar.~ lslaEic .~ue,,,.
III 1972, i ..... dletll1y follo ln\l "'Y appolnt".... c.t . . ;;ui.""nt Lib..... rian for
At""Ic aIle Ieh.lIlic StOOi ..
On ~ .rtlval. r v
[,,<:cd .. lth three c ..t"90r,,,. of probl~:
1. prac:.. lcd, ... q
u'-"':! end sluth·\n'1. 2. 't'.. cllnlc.. l. ".g. cBtaloq".....
IlDd cl ••• ifyinq.
J. In,,,11,,,,,,",,,,I. ".9. "cqui.'t~n. L.,d book ~l",,'ion .
.. fore the chit<! "I_nt.. co .. ld be COIlS1deted, it Va .. lIece. .aty t.o '''ckle
th" firse tvo "reas encl provide the fr"".l<Ork for acquiring the hook".
I ....." p"tticul..rly anll1DWI th"t Ata!:ic ..,-.:l. l.laaic .t'lCl,. . . .hould ~
flllly ir.teqrated irlto tl>e _in lUnary Sf"e_.
Gh.... " r:y beH"f i.~. u.e
e.ser:.tiel inter-depoen1!ence Clf ail c\:ltur" •• I .. i~ed to eq:ha.ise tJo.... t
AIS wer" ... ~h ...... tt of world cuLture .... Gt..,k or ItdLon au,",I.,..
Th"refore, .y flrst decidoll ..... " that book. 1:1 IItablc .cript ..hould b"
inte ....h"lv"d ..It..h book. in to"'OJ! Ot oth.r ncdpt...
It hn al"aya .truck
....... unwi. . to di.peraQ on.. '" t"eour""''', and I could .ee 11ttl.. JU"tlfi~
c.... i.ool. in ...kLnq t.h..rcb St1>dUlts and eca<lea.ic .... ft • ...to could ",ad
Arable • ...., :Karcll in. two lI>Ad, iJepUat-.l ueas. for bc>c>b or. .xaetly U>c
_ _ .wJ.ct . . . .nly t.ea~. . <.he,.. book
ltt"''' in. 41ft.r..nt .cripts.
T.I<.." t<> le. 1""11c"l cond""lon. s~ch d
clon hy l""'1~dg.. Lnvolvn
.lIdvln'1 tr",ulat.o,," .II"Y !re& tl'... ir oriqind".
I f tr...... l ..tlcr.......
sllahlld dcll chf! ori<;liA.. ls. cor.tusion Ari....
M.d lllI.ot 15 t"" ponu=
ct tr"'\.I'1&t1.O"S itlto Ar&hic t .... • stern l/l!;<;""''''•• if transhUon . . .r ..
t.pt lIitll ori<;inal Ukt.J
In.any 'liS}'" ~C 1'1 c .. net to uold lll(>qicditas. and .11..1". all hooU by c1aUlI.llrk. irre.pecti"e of lanquaga or
~h.le ~~ q~e.t.on cf .helv~g was to ~ .XCent ",thin ~ jur.sdicnon. that of iuui.Jlg lin not.
I "'... obilged to follow clI.. ext.t1llg
.y.t.... , and when tills
a~tOll:&t~. to follov the n. . . .y.u·...
tIhan u.s
t>oot i. booi"g c"U.io<;~... :c.p~t.<!r-p.-odI>C.J :abol 15 L.,. . nlld. l.zuHcat ....
auchcr. short ut:le. ::iuSlWrk. ate.
Such a SYlOt_ 15. ."callant J.r. thac>'1'.
but tho cacpuc.r pr""1r~ prod~eL~g thO ldb..ls laCk. sophistication,
eK~I •• no dlacricical. arl shown 4Ild the apo.trop~~ 1s treated a. d
HUng characc.", th·;. 'Al! <u1d 'uaar beLli tU.. c""nhe" bafore Al:!u.
I'ort""... t.ly. ~h .r..m""!t:ae",,. tb not .. £fee"" ct... e.... l""1_. b<:~ or.ly the
c.... i.te. of books Oft loan. but it i . a ,,~",1flg of ~he .ha... of things to
"~~t."-" baa. sl,.., . . . Ue'C~-.:I u.s tllChr.:.c .. l pr=e",-.•• l..:> puueular
Tbeu _"e three f""ce" of ",suloqu1nq whicll po_
pcoble.,. In :g'7~, al
the 'y",tl" of transliuratlon, bl
tile qU"$tion Of
...h.th" the booJy of th entry ~hould ba tc""dltUned or l .. ft in th..
orl.. lll..:. ~d c\ the ruin for ItnterL~ "-taD.e .........
u ~ C"Orltrovera ... : tOFle. p"'rticularly ""'e" ,·i.w.,! >=.ur,... .clon.1Iy. but
'I' th. ~dtlsh con.e"t. it ca..,lves ituH ""inly 1l1to ..h.th"" dlphthong •
• r. transl1tuat".d by i ar.d u or I' ol11d w....-.d ..h,ther th. . .postrophe i .
u.ad to sho.. a •• i",ilat:>on.
1 !!,""id~ tc fen.... tha le"i1 0: the school
of O",anul .......d A;'U". ..... Studi"a, ton&><> anti the BritiS?! Llb,ary. ;and usa
• .."d,..
i" ratro'l'eec. : now raqr.. t chla deeisl"n. l>nel H .Ui:plifJ....
.... tt .. n i f Ilil~· ..... d 1'8' u" tra"sHtacaud as w and y both "he~ co""""ant.
and dlphhonq~.
The Kiddle
Libr.ries CoaUtu.. t .... It h.r.a bae"
un~"'rtdr. .r. .La attitlOde :0 this i ... "". Wt a1nc.. l'n~. bett> KnCOI<
f'UbHeUi"". and tha Brltat. So".aty (or IUddla EaSt...... st",h .. a ,u1leCUl
haye u."d " and y.
TIl" ,.s" of ti" apostroI'll', USimUStiOll and
"s.oeiateil 1'robl. . . like the _un lett.rs are ~rR eomplax ..... d hLghliqht
• ~ COftf=lor.• ..-Iy th.at: bet""_ t.rAMliteraUon and uanscdfUOD
Tun5l1terat~OlI, t:y i1dJ.A,Uon. - . . r>ot .ttact't co reFr
r.t "",,-...:5a th.aC •• Ch.. !uncL>.on o( tunllCri1'tion _ but. ra~I,.. r too r.I'
nt nch
ch.r"ct"r of cr.. . . ll'hab~t bI /l c''''Y''nticn"l s)'llbol U\ m"oth.c alphab"t.
It. purpose is til.. c<>,wen1cr. of cr.e .cr.\l't: to .... ",tller ar.d v.c........"".
";'UI '"'""'ctit.I><!........:5 aan of "WlleAt;"".
I t 1~ a ccn.....,tion. as .it
.alphabets 4"". ani! u no~ and should n..vc< try to be • full-blown
p1>on"t.lc .ytrtam.
R.. asonir.<j thuI, I ,Hsl'cnud with til" apo.cl'¢l'lIe,
UIWht>.on. sun i"tt:ctu and "va<yt.h1n<l elsa which .. I;ht humar a dlcRct
lottec-foc-l"t.t_~c ."pc~~"r.<~tto". 10 passir.'!. 1 might ",ention, th~l
despite so",,, confu.~or., it: is geneuny p"s.i.bh to convert ar.\' West
Eurnpe4I1 <r""sliter.ltic" eyet"", b"c~ intO Arabic one.. the ccnvenJon
table ~5 known.
I t is, h""'",ver, "811-ntgh illJposdble to achieve lOOt
or even 9Cl~ "cclU"aC1 ",hen ..tto",>,tLng to .",wert a WeHttn ,,,."'~ ill Ac"bi<
eenpt back into tt" orig1nal fo=.
Ho'" ott<-" has one puzded over ill':
ob~cure col:lbi,,"tlon of I\rllbic chardete.. s, only to discover that they
reve"."n<- <".cldzihH DC Von Grun"baUl:l.
It should surd,' be po~sibl"
CO .event " tr",,51iteratlon "",he",,, to all"", for the ~cienti-f(c cor."eni"c.
of co",~n-.crip'- """",s into the Arabic "lph.. l::et.
The ."cond facet of
cdtalog"ing, n=ly the quutlon of whether CO rO""!lise the b<>dy of
entry or not, '",le nsolvad for me, ~tn~e our ~omput"r "ysta,., ..!lich
pro<luce~ th~ c"talogue car<l~ ~~ "eH a~ the book l1lbelo can only cope
"'itll. roman scripL
In any c"se, i n . W"aUrn library ..here only a 10..
proportion of the &toel" is in nor.-eo"",n script, ~ slnqle integrata~
c"taloque is the usiast to usa an~ l'Mst ""'pensive to "aintain.
larver libradu, aspirinq to n"tion"l atatu~, the situation i. different
lUld it i • • iqniUcant tnat ncent "rtides by two dlstir.quHhed libran""",
Han.. Wall1s~h lUld C. Sumner Spaldl.nq b<>th tollo.. "l'lbbHt"e l'ISg h .. <l. ;>no1
recomn:"md tt"mt nol only th.. description but also the h ..&ding should he In
the script in ..hich tne book 15 "ritten;
thie de"""'dS ""P""rate catalogues
for ..... ~h script ~no1 despite thc inherent dlHicult\Qs, ""'y represcnt the
only true wa.y to internation"Use our eatalogues.
The tnird point is tne q"".t1on of the author entry.
>lost libnorH's
in Sritatn h"ve no" agned to r."talogue Glassical "'ubi<: n"",es under their
best-known el ...."nt.
'l'h!~ <>no1oubt"dly .irr,plifies the catAloguer's task
""d MS proved th" most UUtu! ~ntry point for "tuacnts ""II staff ...lHe,
Th" authority for nc"rtainin~ th. :Out-kno"" el"J:l"nt ,s us,;,ally Ilrock"lmann;
after that. on" h"s a ct,oice.
Pcuonally, I UGC J.r. dco"end1.nq ordH, Sugln,
Library o( Congress ""II ai-A.'ia",.
'l'he "uthor or al-""lam illustrate!!
lUlothe:r major difficulty. that of vo~aliGing llX>o1e= "'rall n"",e5.
He is
!<no"" varioUGly aG al-l:irkill, al_ZirlH(, ai-Zarkali:, "tc.
!-105t libraries
adopt a un1£o,," heading ""II use • lIlultiplinity of ctOu-ref/HenlOU, and as
Hr. FOGter, tht late Kecpn of Oriental Bocks at the University of ourhda,
has ""id,
"Croaa-rcter""ce~ are like lavatories, one can never- have enough
of ehelll."
crcu-nfuencu, by =h...,oelves, are not, ho"ev"r, sufficient
to cope ",ith th" many casU of Flrab authors, ~"ritin'J in Weste," l""guaq"o
and using a romanis"d form of their n~ at variance with systelllatic transliteration.
ene solution practise/! by O"vid Han, tna ellitor of union
Catal09"" of "'da Public"tions, is to mter all " .. ian autnoro whose naJlles
dniv", frolll a !lin'll.. fOrm under a un1£o"" heading, "het-har th..y "rite in
tll.e vernacular, a Wastern languag. or both.
'l'hU5, Muh~d stand~ for
Me~et, Mohamad, Mahcmed, etc.
Anglo_Americ"" CatalOQue Rula.. 11967l
r""""""",nded using the form found in English-language sources or the forJ:l
preferred by the author when ><riting i.". W"Stern languaqu,
Thus, J"",;;l
'I'!>d el-!<li"air is ent,,-r,,-/! unIler NaSder, a_a1 Abd~l; Najlb Mahruz IE
""ured unti.er MahfO""', Naguib, dQspite the fact tha.t NajU, Mahfai: hu
never written in a wa5t"rn IMquaq.. , but ha.5 ",erely been transht"d intO
~~ ~5U1~6 •••
'.~X.. ~;ual.1 1.~1 •• ~~ ~OJ "151 ~~1~ .~~u~~•
• ~ .. ~~.. ",~ul_ ~ '"lqvflt." ~; punOJ ..... \'Il 1 ·.\ps%']..
I 'l."lW' P<n' ~~1l1 I 'Pl'{" '."tdpll'pil ;>;Iron aCl'p"""" 0'1
a::..,01 ..... ~.:••,,~ :. T."Tz~" ~ ao
I onq 'u..,."" 'I"""' OOl
~UV".l.~ ~ ""l~.~ ~ p<nNt<.
<>6 01 11.81" -Wu OP 1
'lSZH ". ',,,.; til
"n"-"lnt." •• A.J:.~q'fl tr.>P1A1P"; 1l:WOO :-rn_ 0':1
.l.t.a.:IJ o>q U1':> :11 .~ .IteovJ" :lOU 81 "HII ~"T. :l1\q 'lO:l~"1n
ArIPlO: ":l~ ."lPR". "~l.I ;OJ s"tnp-"Il.~ t • ..,bl:l0 ~
·.1~;0 .,..
:lU.;SJJIP ~
'.6vn6uwt '.".14 '~:l ;oJ lotnpat[~ A.J:sll1xn• • :l."1~
CI: ~ • (01 ~1l1"."'. nl ...... [:I 111 .... "':loa ..... \1 0", suo """Hv Sllj,l.
's;r.qo:llIlI I"'• • """:l.1 ~D UOpV"'qolC:I .. usn ':n. "'In \.!;)1'l" 'UOPV"lHUIIT:l
:>llldulicn'l"lll U1111 "II: V""4",,.
·~!.l .. "",,;rOJ
Ui":l."M ;ro) ",qv:llnS Al,va: :lOll puv 'pall""." ~ ".'l"~ )1 '''5~
~lqvqc;rd .1 t["1~ '."rpn"s :>1~1.1 JO ."n"l"s"I UVIPUI PIOU01'U~~0." .~
P"" ''''''T80 'U"'lS '!'PllPu-rO '''I''I'I!:X P"" l~U'I'lS 'b'"
1""01 ~_
o~ ~MaQ }O "1I01"~" ~~~.A u~ 8Avq " .. ~
'00£ .".1" P"pPOl~"AO
.(H""~ "'ll """ '.uol"'l'::>Hl="l" ltSl",,~d "..aT":'. O"l "'p~o "T IIOp~ bUOl
A.>:." ·.=~.~"'H n--ru """ A.>:",.~ ="'''83 .tWIN '''''1U ''OJ _ln~,.:."
~OOC! A.>: .... lI'J ,(t""- '''1.100:> ......,
"",01"1:-11_ "
~ jO ,,~ l~OIl"
'"'n lnq ':71 .0 a:>oap~. 1..
ou .ll....{ I
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oUO'''''••l'''' ou ~"'l' ....,.1'" '0 ,,~"'" IOprI-""""'l
" ~etnl" I\Sll .(,poul_
'="Hlu61a • '(satl M"-0,10 . . .,b"":;1 }O ll.~q," ,...n auvp"''1Tt " ....1.1 JO
,("FO~_ ...ll'l"
P"""'ls H6! u; u,P"'S" "l""lat Jo ."",,pS"! ""'TP"I
"\n .tq p"pnpu= h ......"" l"uon"U;';"lI'\ U\I
uop""Tn"up 10'" at
"""~'l11 :>1""'1", Pll1l "lq1l.:lV l'lIOU • b"I""l "'a,qo!il lQ,:""'l""" puo,,;os "\u.
• ,,'...."P .0 ~"l.I"., ,,~"',_ u~ s,du"," lU'lllU ~u
~, '""I Tn" ,(a'l' J"'1".'1_~ P!nO 'UOJ""}UO" '0 ,~""ST.UO" ""npcu,ul til" ~" ....
""'l'~ 'p""~""" '&1<01 ~o "."Ibl'l " .0 ,,~bol.''l':) ~n~"d Itl" ~"oo,,'
"-'0l1on 'P"a
·S"p~o:>e..:l p... fIo,lr."" .(:1.~1~ ,d"",,,,,, 0' P;>:>~oJ eq
tn" """ U<l!>c>t., ..", P~":> -""',"""" ~ "'~ " PUIJ
11''' seu""q11
u= , , _ ~ ~lunoo Ttl" ~~ ",..
Nr.nbot""''''' '''d'no- .... ln~
p:>nt.nue" '''' . 00, a"T"""q'll """'l"0 ""c. .,,,, In" """ _ ......,". atn 'J'
"""1'' 4.''1
~,~~ ~tT"
os lOU 10<:; '1='1""
""~""~"."~_,,a~~ ~A'~~'X8
"HI< ',U""X~ . _ 01 "'"uO"'''l!' ,~ .u~~<ln e~, "'OH" In", pu" 'bUlPUll
P~.... t'l;""" .. ,..... Uq'll ~lp .. ~UlI1~ " , .. ""s o. up .... pu. ~,,"bOT"~"" "'0'1
"t<\.u" Ill" "lTl \' '1:ll\S
·"""'u ~Tq1I.'" tpea ",ncd<!o u,,",b uop .... ,I1....o•
• , ...... ~'lTl
'1'l"" ,~dte "l"ql'.V .'1• • 0 ~"P--''' ,,~, ul ~IH ., ......11 ,dp".
"T'l;I"V llJ"pog. '~,,,.. ,{q...""-t"- 'I'I11J .t-"'POIl,n" !nO ·h,,"1 01 .1 ·.t:>'~a-:S",oo.l
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,sOOl "'I. _ M - "•• ~
''''1 .{_ ""n"1:l'OaO~ ;~ "",0; poo~~"."~d
.......-n ........,"'P' 'Jaqnbo, pan; u .. ~:'lu~S"
lJ1 ,,,,,",x...... <c:: fr"rn~ ...
P""" ~ _
.. S"'-Clf""_1'1' 11\' ''''1 't:'l"=""-<nw.a.Jl .. ~"""""" .. ~".IO<!
U'r POOH • •1 -,_~ .810
'''ll'' \' 'l~ ;0 .... n .."TI1if"
'11HII ,hl''W
pu\' p,,,s P~""P3 'b'" 's~~\'n~UPl U;J.-'''''~ Ul .(l.~~~d
.",,;fA ""
~tUO "UOT1"";~ .0 "",0, pi".j",.:'! a,~D'l"n. qa.v """ bUlan spu~,I'll>' '''In. \' ~:>n" }Q """1P''''',<" "'l' P""T~'" .~ uon,p" l';1 "'U
ls1 ....... ~ or we.~.rn ~.l<C• • • l.l:"., ~""" <lJ.rr.....,,,., 11> "1'9 ..... ~h 1. 10 9r ... ~-.
cl ... "lc&1 bloiraphy of ! t ~ L1.I<. Jbn I~q·. i. daaattie-d i.:l.
.. dHfuent se<iU&~~. f...,. b~09U.phl". by WUt "r Itll\;a-~d D.yhL.
S~I~ly... wort on ."flam by a1-QuKh.yri 1. cl ....ified in ..... pa ....te
sequanc" t~ wor•• by Nicholson. Li.:l.;. Or Ki~il MUi;.. r£ .. l-Shaybl.
Even H the ~h. . lcal tut ,. Cll .. v ....y ape~It1~ topl", e.9. d-Sulami's
Rhnat al-MaL ..... tl;a... I st.ill cl". . H}' it "itll.i" ~ll.a \Ien ......1 uquenc"
dassi~al Is1...,ic ta"u
.uf1slll. "'d I ;l~ it 1lJ". "ddad dna .. ntry
"",d.r tll.e Mal""",Uyah .,.der.
Thus. 411 d .... i".. l Islamic (net enly
Ar'lblc) text ...... kept t0gether in bread subject ~cqucnc... aucll. as
I<!drt" • • "fh.,. h". Qur'a"ic ~""",,",ntarus. etc.
Wit"in t"ue Beque"C".
I hoov.. applied"'y aecond "rin~ip1•• viC .• th.t .U c1asskal !sl...,le uns
are furthltr divided by period.
It. la th". po... bla to <>T•• ,,"r qu.rlu
Ilka, wha~ ~t.rl..1 do you n..ve on .1-".11ij ""d hl. ~·.tl~.. 1 oonteepotarla.?
Or, I ... L.,t.er. . ~ad ln llant .. b l ..w of tha f",,"-t. centc.ry hL)r!. "lIat .,., YO"
Tt~ uaa ef added cl.... ent.rl •• within ~~A classified catal"9~
an&l>l". oro. to brlnq teq..ther ~~e" 4r.y subj.ct. ~s 5h.l~ed uo d,rfe••r.t
Fo~ ,,~t., ca~ds ~or ail books or. spaclf!c t~ics, t.~e drlnkin;
" ...... , the ~ ..w .,~ ..... 'i...;c, Or u.. t1>oo109Y of tmybf4. ea::l t>. 'J.o~
~etber 1n the cla. . ir~ed cat .. lo;~~, ~the.. the becks a~" cl~.ilic~l
l d. . .",. <::<:lde.rn hl~c or lien"","" and whauvar th.", _in clas. c:tt1'
...y be.
'lbe th.1<d principle I
adhar'" tC is t~.." of kee~l.1lg as
....Il . .t"cial l.tl ArClic t"""tha" as po.. s1l>:....
Tl-.is cs ..gain.' the c.onona
of ~bao•• tical cl".1fLcation. b~' "f gr•• ' Fr.ctic.: ~Iae.
within til" fLeld d •• ~.ted Arabic lIterature, I havc. by ~ ~5e of •
special schedule. ~n abl" ~ brcng ~ath"r. not or.ly "i~lit by
J"'altl;, ...."icJ:t by a1-~.rfrf~ and poet ..), by al_~"un"N;l. but at!" biogn.,hlc..1 wo,ka by .1_S.fadi, Iadcoqr.phlcal "",rka by al_A~... ·l.
qr........tical wo.k. by .l_~""",khsharI, rhetodc"l "o.k. by al-Jur1inL trav.\
ne. .ativas by Ibn Jub"yr and
or prova,bs by
Th<lu wo,,,s
a.a nll c1assUhd aI ~'W1> - Classical llrablc Literature. "h••• they an
furth ... subdlvidild by .,. . !<>d. and then by subj ..ct in th" • .,rt of dlvL"ion.
outUn"d abov... ".9' poetey, bleguphy. tU~.l.
'l'll.u• • p....on ruea"ch!rio;' Into few-th-c.ntry bnliqha "ill find .11 the tuts .ond atu,hu to'J'atMr;
n.xt to thO''', h.... 111 hnd "",rks on na1)w. ~, "-,,qwt. "tc, Ire" the
i I " - perioo.
S"",h an ...""'!....."t has. 1 l>ellOVII. pr." ..d b"".. fLc1a1 tc
.--de." ,,1-.0 . .at often r"nnIT <.h.lr rt' ••• r"h to 'lIven paned. 41'-"
It has .Iao anal>l"d mr to .v~.d tl.,sLfYL"~ o;',..-atl".. l ve,ts
by a1~Mcl>arr'" or En..."ayh .... thot ....... phce i I ' 9r..-.~ic.1 work. ty
Cow.... or 81ac:t-:lra• • uo" r bIIh..,.. tt-At tha" l>oolts ... pr.. ~ .. t ""tinl)·
dlff.rer.t c ..taqor.....
Thu•• t~~ ~hr"" prlnt,pl,,' are. In r.~~'S• .,..der
to keep "" ~ Arabic ....t ... l..ol u po~'SLbl. to<J"th•• =.der ~l'1.. rut.ic
Ar&bl~ 11tera~ure, ~ cla.slfy by ~rIQd. ar", te k"F cla •• lc.. l texts
wlUi" h l... ~.~Il...... broa<!. s:obj.ct ana• • . I:d '''P''"at., f,..,. flICIdan:
UlaJUc and wesUP! works en cr...
YuaHy, I ldqht _nn=
tNot tho> dictlon.ry cataloque • ....,<:h r..voured by 0= i\:o<!.ican ""u",,'W""a,
p .....nt. "",sd_ probl_. due to the dLff.....,t co,,"";;t. ""d t"no1IIoI09i'"
in WI" in Qri"",ul and West..rn cuhurea,
A da•• iHe<! cat.logue. fOllOWln<}
otde. . . . til. shelf arrsngo=!'nt. .....d with .. COI>pr"h,..,s1ve, and i f
ry, "ultl~llJlqual, .ubj.ct index, 1., te> ICJ' 1!LIr,d, • OlUch lOO"
s.Usfactory .IL.... atlv•.
n.."., ..
an<! uchnical p""bl~lIla. 1 wlll now
book HhetiDn.
su.rtRd. off in 1972 .. lUI a l."qe e .. piu.i qran" !~ J:......it..
~d t~.,.
. . . boo.........lhr Or allocntd annually. tha 4i!flcuIUa. Ia1Jjiht
~n raducr<!.
". ~t ...... the library...,. in a po.lt1On to b"Y
..utually ....'ythltlq it """to'<!.
T1>a p...,hl_ ....... to !<nov "hat ....s
,,""t"", lIS there _r.. 110 COUr"S, no .tlKl""U and only on .. _ _ r of
I<o'l>at aubja"U ,"",uld av""tU411y b~ uuqht?
Wh.>t IIOrt of
poat'Jr4duate. . .ould boO taJ<"n on?
The "" ..... 10 ... to tha . . <ju..... ian. vue
unclHr. anC no ..u.l poUq ..." fOn::lui.te.d.
It: .... d1CCleult r.o buy
~c,,_ a=1 a1~. _re iM!viu.bl..
tn ->' •• cond ;.aper.
t v, II boO . u........ "'P'ill t!>lt nHd (0.. clo. . cooperat1or. b a t _ .... ad...... c
s"",1t an<! t:he LJJ>ra::-Jan :.n I>u:aerL"q OIlt an a<:qul.itl.on. pol1ey.
""adell.1" .Uf! ::ust be pr.pared not: aO "uo::h r.o '""9a9_ in ""t",,,l book
. .lection, 1OS"~nthl and valuabl.. tl>cUQh i"- is, but al.o in proj ..ctin..
futur.. dav.lap"""'U ;uu,! rtlquir."",nu (or the library.
!luying libury
Is not an .nd in It.dt, but: only the ...""" to an Rnd.
du.l" ,nth
th~ p~aetical
tUtr. to tha OlOn difficult Frobl"", of ..11:
n._ pr..ctiea.! Ude o( book adact,on, t>lO bibhoqraptliRS _toed
'nIa KE:U:OII bibl1"'9raphy. Middl. b n an" I,d . . . . .<lit:'" by D1.ana
c;r~·.:ron"-,, and c;. II. Atlyah'. The !"O"~-.,<>rary MidiH. bBt. 1948_
!!:!1. Both of thue .. n annot ..t:ot<! lt~.• flnt anly 5l.rtJallyl, an"
thUe> arulot ..Uon. w~rIl of th" hi9h~~t value.
an. coul" certdnly
vi.h for ••",n..r wo~k. "ov.. rinq el.ssJcIll "cable lit.1;..t:uU. in i t .
v."..t aens., ....'d lIIO<'!.. rn a"""ndary lit
in Arab~.
by A±<Irt Kartin. I!::&>anu d .. b1l>lioq p
" •• i't""'•• erabe•• and
....""I AbdulruaII:, :,nlbl" hln.o..i""l vdtt::S' and "he polY'l'lot Pal.stlne
and t:ha Aral>--hr... U conflict: by Kl-... lldi an,," 1l:ha&l=1. IJO ....... n v ..y
to fillinq the q .. P. but .V.n tha =st experi."".d librari.. n vould ben.flt
(...,11 more literature at this kind.
So, i f thar. ie • t;ho"'l'ht with
vh,eh to I ••v. you, it 15 thh,
th.t, ,,"up It. . .11 our bibiioqraphieal
.. non•• ~here h atill a v ..st hal"" ""tlI10'll, ;0."<\ "h..t I _ l d like to
.... .ecce t~.an .... ythir-ll else. I . . . qual1utiva .uevay of currant .....d
ntrn"P"cUvt Aratole ~k prodUC't:lon .
.....able historical >/ntlni.
19' - in proq ....
Coool:lridq., llass., ~u4 lIr.ivar"Hy I.ibr.ry
1974- (Now publi~... 4 by Man ... ll in ~;.
Brith!:. uxt.
Cataloquinq Rul ••
A.~i.. tion,
""'l'l....." . r l e =
IlrItls!:. text.
Cau.I"'9ui:llil Rule.
(18t ed.1 London,
l2nd ad.
C. ll.
The cont~r£!y Middle [~5~, 1949 1973,
s.l.et.ed '""~ ...' \/\OUte<!. btbliOCjupby.
Boston, .... u., C. ¥.. I!i>IL 19,5.
~schi.cht.. ~er ~r&blschen
2 \>0:".
Devey. N.
hI...." St.udua
n.o.Ji.lh, 1olt.11d.
n..&lurl, J.
l.1bury cf Con9r.....
N"jU d-c.-nl: ll1-'.uh u l ... ""'.o.:!d.Jl;u> • .L-~l­
aaJr.tat;lt. d-'u&bll'Y~' c~,""•. ~ a""'pted by ....l;sN<l
sl-....,r~t ~.\bIaad bbhh.
Calro, al~.:r",,·l:;ya al~
Ml,rlyya •• -~I-W~t~'
~4~~~-~t~~t, 1960-l~.
2 Wlla.
Kiddie t.<St and Lal...""
cl""c1.on. <ncl &0<1.
• cdi.>:> lIIn.lt~... ot
.. .tl111l1oqr""h.c"t lnUc'
L1br~ry clnuHcUioc
en Isl...., and r":~t""
P"lettlne ",R.d trAt Ar~I&r ..ell c""fl."t, an
&N>Ot.1t.e<l b1blioguph)'.
'"sUt"te fH
p.. le.t.~e St.~Ie~, 19~4.
'Ubrary oftera pI ..... ,. ttlr r'......'uSlItlon·.
:..br.. ry
of CtIn9",u ltltorzat1on Bulletin, 1'.178, p.&')4_6'>5
(aleo prlv..u r"i'ly by K£lA Presid""t. E. A. "ejko,
dat.ed ISt.l De
' . , . 19781.
[l~nt.. de h1bll02raphl. d". etudea .. rabea.
Publlcatlona Drl~t.1l1atea de rr..... ,c•• 1975.
P.. ria,
Qelaar. S. N. I.
Jalemic scIenCeS: ~.,.ion of Devey ~ec~l
C1aul!1"stlon, elI. XV} lor orlc:1tl11 llliud"..
AlIqnh, }"$Ut.ut.<> ot Idamlc Stud.e". 1965.
'laIr lbrlll1o:.
Ta'dll t.aFl! dlXU~l e1-'ul:ar1 1.-aI--aaJr.tlIblit al'ar&blrr" (Moditlcatlon of ~~ Deciaal Clas.iflcaelan for Itbrari"" 10 th. Arab Wl:>rldl.
Il&qll4o.d' Wld.rat e1-1'1a.<, 1976.
In pr09r""a,
ShaH, 101,
arabi.ebe" s"hrift t.uca,
lAiO:= Brill, 1%)-
·hpannon. of Da.....y ll<>ci.=al C1"",.iflcadon rel..t.lnq
t.o Ori<>nt.d, lsla",ic ",,0: po.kistani topic.'.
P.kht.an ~u>ra'1' Il"vh~, 4, 1962, p.42-88,
.... S.
'lIoowli .... tion reexamined'.
Library lI.e",,~r~,,~ " ..
:rotCm~~1 Servl.c... , 2t, ('!7~, p.1-12.
'Th" catdoguin9 or An!>1c bOOk&'.
L1bna Quarterl}.
29, 1959, p.tH-lJ2.
ttrr dl..,
In den hl""'iscllen Spnchen.
Yarr~..owit.z, 19l>i.
'Ser'pt <:<>n_rdon and btblioqrAFhie cancrol or
""'=.-ncs In <'Ii..-I.,11ar .cdpU'. fnu:madon.. l
LUlury 11.. ." ....... 10, 197e, p.~-n.
well ••eh. Y. N.
'Scnpt "",,~"'r"Uln: "tactic." 11: til., wodd'~
libud".'. Inc"rnatlonal Library R.,vi ..", e, 19-.
N.n,t, Olr
Dr<! -.d.
voh. in IJ
D. P....r""n
Lnde,. hlUl.i=s has ~'"" r",,~illted four ti.&es slAce j.t~ orl\linill
publiootion in 1958 • .and fow: quinqcennid sl.lPple.-:ts have dkl
eppearacl for the ruu 1959-1975.
......."...1 ...,I..... s ","u pr<><!".:cad tor
t1>e ySArS ~971-5. n<JW super-.!acl by tha f=nh "WI_nt.. pcl::~hM<l.
in 1977.
~lnniJl,. wlt.h t.ha ~sr 1976. t.l-.s Qu:!rUrly Inde" Id4lllic:~s
has been issved. and tor t.he fIrSt. t.iDa, books snd other .eparst.e
pulll1cAtions are Inclu<lad,
Ths nUl:lb.. ~ of .nticl... appearln'} In
pedOl1Ical~, C'Qn'.lreu pr""eediJlg •• faltdtatlon '>'01=80 and ,.1JoJ.la.
collective wo~k. shows no .Ig" "r diminut.lon • .and w~.sr ....,. some periodItal. ~ ~ an ~. ot.tar. srs St.4rtad,
'I1>a coq>.lu.um ot lnd"" 101...1=,. lS 1arge'y tm6ertak.en by .yoelf.
w~th ysl~~la
who .~ppl1es lists Of titles
publuhacl In the G'I""",-.p.. al<ln9 landS. as _H as in Swlu"rland 4nd
SC<mdlna"la, by hul huchtedon ... (JuHan publlc..tlona), uuuh
SiIIl.~WHlillmS (titl.. s frOll1 a .election of So~th A.ian pauo<Hcshl.
The t1th. derl""'" frOll1 all ths.. sour.. U au tyvad b}· my .file And the\·
nUEber ~t 14.000 since 1916. of which possibly cns-tlfth are books
u.d _1110 . . ,
Th. p~Hs!>eu ,1'",n""lli F"y tor tho tYi'lr"l of the
cArds anJ 91"" 101 reyaHies on nat pror",..
No other fur""", are
available. a.-.d the opent1= .. "-""r,,rore .eH-hnac~llI9' ..... c.n i.t
ocr 'cotta"" lnd~stry',
TIIa fifth 8upplQ_nt, for 1976-80 will. a
in 1982. In the style or pUyio~s ~~ppl_nu.
hc;><t<l. be published
The 1Jlte~..l;ion i . to
publlsh "''''lilly "t t.1le • ..- tima • c"t8loque of boolts Or. Isl ....
p""llshed dt:.r~ t~. . . . . . . po"od,
SevareJ .. u ....u h<lve been .... de to
f~ ..... ey to par for me wer< cr ~ilatior. "fter ths naxt sUFFI..ent.
~t: -0 t"r wi.tho"t •....", u.
The En:yclopaedia of Islam Index Vcl~cs I_III. comp.led by A. and
J. ll. P.... r.on .... d edited by E. v;on Don, .• I. "as p\lblc .. ~ed in 1979 by
t. J. Brill or !.<Olden.
It ,"""Uln" ~on than 18.000 .ot ..... for
'person•• plac.S. Institution • .nd r.otler.s' •• n~ j . 38s'9ned to covrr
the rrand1 ed.tlon of the L"cydcpaedi• • a ...:: . . t~.. English.
Ed.ton of the tl".<:yc:lopaediA plAn to p\lillie!: a """~.d Uidn d t u COE:plet.ion 01 volu.s Y. ~i .. h "',II IncorporAt.a the pre.-nt ~ne. yclu.ss
IV ;u>d Y. ;u>d the suppl ....... ~ t.o t.M flrst thee ""'l~a, lItLl.dl 1.
"rtl-ch. in ,." .ncydopAIlld1A "::Icap."lat.. the ot"U ot kno",led~..
t~ wher. tbe individual art.ic ..... "r" written nnn
."Pply e blblloquphy ..nete ..sd
l !.ntonn.>t1011 a::d !i1li.no:~in or
deu.il _y be ao... t.t..
y of the......"'icl.. bec.on a topic at: the
out-of-date by the t~ ~y ~e ~rinted and p~lish'd, and s~~uld
1.6eill.lly be kept up to dllU so fu ... is po""1J>l~ by eurn."t b1J>Ho'1rllphiu.
Schollln hit_ sU9q~"tec!. t.h.>.t A S~jKt lnd"" would bo
A valU&ble .<&Iition to ~ 5Olrvi~ off.,red !ry' 1"..,.,,, fsl-.k ... I>u~ .1.\:.
h;r,s not bun poss1J>h t.O e<><>teq>l.til the e>:tU wcrk this would
Uwt we la_ iIm In.de. t.O tl>e £tI:xclo.... lrd.i" ~f Isll.. , the 40>"'"
for which is Itor.d in .. col<put.. r and CM\ iluHy bil hrouqbt up to ditt.. ,
It would be 1nt.,rut:1:1'1 to investigat. wh.tb"r this Ind.,,, <II.i'lht fOn:>
tho! buu for th~ comltruction of a th...."rus for t:hil cllrrent indexino;
of lst. .ie took. v..d. .... tiel •• , &:Ie! so l.ad to tbil future per""'Pil
inevit~le productton of Inde" Isl~icus by c~utcr.
A GuJ.ce a> """",,,scripu .,...., ~ts L., th~ Br1tU~. I.les •• l .. t"".
a> tbe Middl. Eo.st ""d "ort" Afric., Coq>U.:I by _1 K.atthews ...d
M. Dor.t" lIainwriqht, iltId .dited by J. D. P"er&On, c.rri
the imprint
'O>:font univershy Pr
, 1'180".
It r ..pr. . .nt. the r" lt of e!foru
...d" to eli.cover All
"scrlpt-s or ocher =P\Ibli.tAod
terlil1s c=c.rned in u.y ",ay w~ch all eoul>cri"s In. tha ar_ .1llCil the MuS!!.l ........ s,
a> hoi fO\Uld In th.. Bnthh Library atld other natlon~l librari•• In ch..
area, aU other lib.... rles. publiC, unlveni"'y and ~peci.ol, in tt.~
P~llc Re~ard Office &r.c!. county reco~d affices, 1:1 l.arn-d SOCietie•.
..i.,.i""..")' "",i.t.e. and r"91motntill .."se...... ilnd U> privet" C'.Istoc!l'
I n c l _ ..... £,,11 deecriptionl af n ... Gul f r.cord. h .. ld in the In,n8
Office L1l>~ary ...,,<1 R~orel.,
th., private pap.... colloction 1n the
Mi&:ll. Ea.t centre, St. AntDny's Coll...." O::I<for<l:
""" the SIl<1.=. Arch' ...
in th. Oriental S~10n of the unl_ruty Lib~""y, Durhul,
u .... ll ••
Tba central ~r" of ~ collection consist. or the . . tQr'&!
collected .ee. years a90 by Dr•. ","t~hews ar4 Wain~1'1ht, d"r~9 vi.i~s
to ID.~lt"tlon. hold'-"9 til. collectlono, brolJ9ht up co <litre hm•.
p.mli.hod ".tal..."". and ."rvlys, 1lI'..d. fros: the
dat.. held t~·
the NaUOClll R.9iour ~f Archh-as.
Thl. pep'"'' Is not lntanded til boI a ...rv.y of all b1l>l1oq ..... ph"'~l
work oarded Ollt in rocent t:ialas in Bdn.iJ\. tr.. t _r.ly • rcpor:. or.
projects in vhlch thi., ""Iter ..... ;and l. concerned.
.• , .... P""'l
·t~<>~lql'l lIU!I!duo~
"'0<1' __ 1"" ••• "Pal lIuJ"1:1
'.olJjnbuo H .. rqn. ,oJ "lQj,uo du li
'~I~!J ',~uo "1 .~""'\ ,u"'1 lIull'''\I
•.'H • ... 'UiJijUO. 1~
"";"'''~ ~J.'ql·1
o.'uq.... ;>llY
• J".. IId<>P~"I· ~Juq! I
~uo!lJn'.'p "1 uop.d)."u.<!
1VNOlSS:l,jO~d ~
WI J.V111S lI'll,aV
'1Iul 1'10 l'lU:I
·I .. :IU~U·\U ~u!l'l"'u~
luq ".1
,..,] "'PPlIi
.. I "1 .p1IH 'II' >q "4' lIu,,,,,u)I
'1"1/1<100 I_JOjd\
'0_,. 1U1Jd_J".,nU I" lIUI'PJUS
''\->010 J" lIU!'l~"J
uo 11 :H \... 'Il<>"i
"u.a'''l JO
."Op.Ollq"J .~ .. u JO !'"'JUJU! H'" d"""
'uppcpd pu'
'<>l'!I",1 .Uo!)tI\nbo. !.w.. _u.dop 11\"'1""1;1
uop.<1!IOO JO nUO 1I0U ,(p'''''Pl
'Jopn1' JO .p~~"11 'l<' .(~,,~q!1 l"....daM
lSl1V1;):ldS ,\,MVlIUt1 .LSY3
~o 1JOlJo! :MOll
Paul ,",uchur).oni"
~yU'g ~U'i:_
eM roh a:c>d.. l oJ' ebe
~ub)"~t ';..brati"" d .."alopad by "'}' ~oll" ...gu" At """t"'5tH. ""t,,, Bl:rllatt.
Sth"lll<I.ti""ll}", thh r"prn"nn .. phU"~oph}" "hi~h 1 ah"r". lUId a""""ta
of "ni"h t .,ill diSC~,S In thl. p.""r.
It doa•• at cours", :apr..... nt.
to SCM . .,,,,,nt, tlla .it~t,cn obtdni:".g Ln a larg., 9~".. rd. ,..tverdt.,.
11brary <'ik" L&n~ ater ....~ ~her. . .y be savoral .~ivjti"a ~dlC.ted
.,ta"h aret i.rral"" " t to oth<;,r LnsUtutiona.
It ia . i = bo.."d ... ry
on th" pre",ha that th. sul>j."" s1'''",i'').18'' is • lib.... i"" fiut
and [or.....,at rath"r thar. .on .""d"lIl.1 .ond I hop" that thou dalegates who
ara dlaelr.qUllh"d 6Cadeci~ aa .,,,11 a' iitr~ia.~a WII, bear "lth any-
.....UIQ .l
perh.l.p' I em ~tAn: ."th th" t..., ar<l,U whi"h uka up "",at of th"
al"""" lU>nrla,.,·. U:J'" t""Mi"d 5"rvl"a. and book uhctlon.
Katty non-Islamic aubi""" tU>r,ori..na hava HnI. t..a ~ ."th aUher He1<!.,
,,<>nuderlr...- ""ul09"'<:''1 • alOb-pro!. . .1o".l talk and rind
. . l"et-lor. dcc"'..... ted by eha .".deoo1c .tar!.
i,. duirA1:l.
for tho hl""" IJ.hr"riAn.
Ca"al09Ui.."q . .qui.a. not only obviou.
l.inquhti." akill, but also knowl,,"';" of th.. danl".. !. for_ ot no",,,nel .. t", .. , of .....jor ... h • ..,."" SOur~". 11k" Brock .. 10l&IUl and d-A'lb. ''',,'
of 'lll th.. variar.<. =~"t1...!.ion. ba'<we"" R<lbI.t &<>CI Ba<;~.
It &1=
.-and" t:aa.lH... ruy .. ~tiI auch curious od""td p ....ti=s •• tl
pJ.. . te<l
r"PrL~u - i.s i" a • ...,r1l\t' _d i f &0, rrcc ..h1th .. arller ~otxI:. - tt>e
..ueiai ada ion loft"n th;~ info."",,~lon h hi:ldan .....1' """"",ha.. in ~h"
;ntroductionl and th.. COq>l.ex cOtrbinaUon of
anCI "",rqind 'JI~..
WiU. old... U"ta It h d.., diHi"ult at ~~. to
d.".ra1n.. dat ... of p>!Jlic..tH,n. "I..,a of pcl::ll.c..tior., pul>h.allar an<!. ........
"t ..hich POlnt • ,,,,,It,-vol=e t ...t is 00lII'1 .."".
eonaequor;tly, t.here 1~
~r.. ~ ~at"loqu~nq A:...,i" bocks than just a knowleClq" of th.. langu4q"
end til" ""'ility to apply a c.talOCjlling cod".
Cond"'orabh pnctic .. l
.. xpertiS<! in "'.... lin9 ..1th the """"I1..dtl .... of Arahi.. taxt. is 41$0 "
pr"rcquhi"" ot tha good Is.l~c libr.... i....
I ... ~.o" IOOn,.Warlr...-.n1lS"r1pt "aUioquln<; un6e. tllia Madinq; this i • • "",ry spKaUM
talk and the librarian -I' f ...1 j ... tUiad L~ l.avin<,l it to " proprrly
qualified ""ad~I~.
ThQ ~cond ~jor .ctlvit}" of t~hni~.l .arvl"... ia -lass>ficatlon.
ThU i... an a~ h,ud". tau.
Wil!r&<l CiIl,lltwU 5:J.u:. in his 1965
",,,icla '" t~ Library OU4tt.rlx. illuminat ... ~x of t~ pitf.. ll •
....1ti..nq til.. libr ... i"" wnc." undern..,d1n9 of Ial .... doa. not 90 d""p
With claulcd tuta, for a"...... ic. it 1. otun ,Hft1(:lIlt to
dHte ....tlata b<ot.,...,
on hadfth. biogr..phy, history,
th...logy, and .".... Qw::'ini<: stU/'U.... al<\~a tbair ""t.hoCIoloo;hl " ..... ba
simihr and ofUUl over-lap.
Sailuly, lIlDdern work" can present
classification problem:>, e.... "bue to place a ""rk on the 19~ cen.t.ury
kin'1doll of !Iornu or a study of Nablua bet"een 1900 and 1976.
require. consid..rable subject knowl.,d.. e and subje.et knowledq" 15 a prirl.e
requir"""",t of the lsla;nic librarian.
An incident<t1 valua of clMSUying bOOKS penoedly h that It is at this &tag" th..t th" Ubrarian can
b ..e"",a r .... Uy acquaint ..d with th" liUu.ture in I\l.s field ,'nd thue b"
in a bett"r position to e><plolt th" resources of bh !ibnlr)'.
elassif1<::ation, b""id"" locatin\! a book in its proper plac.. lind
providinq aCC"",S to it through all th.. fac..ts of th.. subject. it
represents. lids the ..<'Ided value of enllblin.. tile libnrtan to study all
the r ..cent acquiSitions in hi. field syste~tically.
In my previous p ..per, I st.ressed ~ho !leM for li ..is<ln bHW""!l
ac ..denc staff and the libr..rian in the caet.er of book selection and
Since the book nade of tha Arab "orld 10 still pOOrly
d"v,,10ped. th" libu.rian 10 the only person "00 has t.ha tiJoe and th..
re~o"rces to coo:b ..11 the "atdoguu, bibli"'llraphie~, exchange documents,
acCIt$~~ons li~ts and the otller lll"lUfarious biblioqraplliCal aid~
necusary for .el"ct~ng books in /\rabic.
lnd...d, it would be an
WU1ec.~sar'i dupli"..tion of effort "er" lll8ll:ben of t.he ..c ..demic staU
to .. "pcn<l \:ll.e ."""' lUIlOunt of .. ~"rgy in book .election as the libr;arian.
eecaus" of hls uniquely advantageous position, th" libra dan .hould
.elect so",,, of the books, but h". lik" the acad,,"ic, 1I:Ust not be the
soi" judge of wh~ch books to buy.
Tt>~~ is a lr.,..,tu for co-operat.ion.
and th.. first "o-op..ntive task. of piUlllIIOunt ~rtanee, 1a the forging of an ..cquisitions policy which defines th" field of operation ••
and dthin thb field, area. of hi..h, ",edium and 10" priority.
varlous priodtL ... reqUire definitlon thelrJ5eLv... : doe~, for "xampl ...
high priority permit the purchase of books "hich have b .... n poorly
rfIvie"..<l or "hich are in th" leu hlllil.1ar lang"a'1"o, lik" Ruedan Or
Ooes 10" priority excl<.tde ..11 books "Titt"n in Ara1o~c, or
German or ltaUan?
1t 1. . . . .enti"l to .. stablish acquidtlons g"id.,linee hand on ehe !lbove prlnc~plu. i f the librlU'f is to b,,11<1. up a
balanced collection a~d to support the teaching and research progr~e
with = i . , = efficiency.
'1'0 thio end, tha libr..rian .hould maintain
COn.tent infoma1 contacts "ith ... cll ...<:!ber of th.. teach~nq staff In
th" dep=tIllant:
it is his task to asc.. rta~n and .srvic" their .e••arch
lnr ..rests, to brinq pountis.lly "s"ful books to t.h"h at.tention, to
se"k their advic~ on pa~ticu1a.r i n... , and to coHscr and process
th"ir reco~ndation..
The librarian sho"ld also or9anise at l ..ast
one" .. year a forma.! ""..ring b..r"een hims"lf and th. <lepartl:lent in
order to revi." the acqui.sitions policy.
ln eh~se ""'~tings, acadecics
can b" "",de aware of "a"h others' libr..ry n .."da. corpOrate d"cisions
can b" mad.. on :::ajor parchasos ouoh as uria.! back..,t•• n,,"spaper
sub'criptions and microfiho .....t"ri.. l. and th.. librar1811 can discuss
aU .... he feels to be n."l"cred or oversubscribed.
Such martin"s are
particularly important it th~ depa~..nt or school hous". different
d.1lOc,pIH"'1O iil• • """"""-'C'". hnquiniCIO. 'l"o<Jr~1' 4tld hll't.Dry.
_ w r . rul. t:y ~~'"'s 110 =wuldly. ""tI in ~he d&l1y nm or
u.. hbrul"" ,"houltl o ....
book ,..lecuon S1nt. ""11' h.
c"" heve a co=pl.~. picture or ~~ sl~U&tl~ In the library.
addition to tliscu•• Lon. ~ut bock purcka ••• o~n.r u.as invIte th.
co-opeutlCn of th• • cadel:l.lc .Uff, th.y can, tor exa""le, provlda
thll librarian ."Hh copi. . ot th.ir st»d.nu' reading U.u ."nll in
atlvane., .0 that multiple copi•• Can be bought, or the loan .catu.
of puU=Iar boo... char.~.
'!'hey .hould .1'0 keep hiJII U\fo"..tI
of a:ny _,or &>p.artures !~ the pu1>ll.11ed Syllabus.
I t_l tlwlt
there UI a <:10_ for the Hbrulan UI be "",""su!ted in AJiv...."'. on all
new ver.ture•• Vhe~r uc.dergr.tlUat. cour.es or propc:sed &octorates.
It ca:: be .sa-ginq to .tud.ntlO to enrol ror • cou...," or c.......",c. a
r ••• arch project only to find th.t the nece5.ary book• .or• .,ither
out-or-prlnt Or tal<.a n.n.....nth. to arrive.
Th. librarhn .houitl
th.refore b. brought into "e.d"..1<:: pleMin~ IlI1d the .".do..le•
In the flut "
, it I ••
• h<mld be invol""tI I.n book "ol..,~lon.
or OOGI.a, the telOch1ng sterr who are the final ...bit
whilc, in
the secontl. it I. tM librad4tl vho :uIOt h.a~ie. c:onHlctin<; -".d.
00\ the l:>nds, CAke Lb. darto-c!.oy deciei<m.s And ."."". ~""t ~M
flOCClty KqUieltion. poHcy 110 a<!l'.eretl UI.
!Iavl.l>9 "'alt. 11\ _ _ depth ",ith techrncal •• ",lieu, Hal.,.." anti
etoek provhlon. I "U1 ""'" ""cHe hrhlly acquieltlons In sped!1c
and a<hl:lniBtraUon, before IlOvln'l on to proteulonll1 d.v.lop~.nnt IlI1d
u.tI." . .r"lee.
I cannot ~"ov. on ~he analysis or .cqui.lt1On techniques pl'Ovlc~
1:1 ~ dlaq"...
Tn t4Ct, I "",,1,," _I' that t~ 0",,""" of pdo"itl.s ie
.leo corr"'~, .1t1'lOuoih '" a -.all library. ,""chang. "9,,_nts are ......
iep:>rtant ~ ""P"'flsl...... boot-b...yir09 t."lps.
1t 15 .lao not only
cnJdal to kn<>v the book ,,,&<111 1:1 0 ... • • • r .... but also thlt book t"a""
at ~ an,," abroad. 1r. ordar to l,..,l.t. ,b. speclsli~t publishe"s and
tlnl.ts 1:1 cU""M~ and ••cond-hand l&lal'lica.
Jf ... rlllla, nn"5papan
lind, abovQ all, gHlchl <!ocwnents phI' II ""'Jor roLe in the lillnry'"
a<:Uvitl•• , then the f""ulty "Ui probably hitve to bo b ...."IIht in to
.... ht in se<;icl"iU...,., "Inc. fo" 'P"r=-nt publications, It s _ that
acqu.i.itlQns is not eo "'.Jeh • queIOt.1orl of whet you troov but vb<. you
M:miolst""t..l"" tluUe" r.la"" ""'stLy to ~I>e que"tlon. of """,.goeuoU
."P.rl",,"'" cu••" prospecte an,," prOlOOtlor. lOr.,," au all _11
<-.1 In
library Ht."lItun., •• g. Gutt.= 1lI1t1 Ctgssl"y.
I ,,"0 not p"opos.. tc
,,"0101 WIth thlllD I.n thle pap.r.
=1:19 to thet dl.a\l"'" on Academic and P"of. .sion.l D..... lo.-n~.
q.... rel sUOj-=t conf"renc."
_ l l as epecif1ClLlly
lU>"ary-orler.Ut-.1 ...... 1. uHM UI tIl. ll.l:lriUlan. a. h. can ther-"1
keep eltte&.t of UwI kl.3>d of r .....
that is bein'i utI<Hrtuen l..=; hi •
a~l;.Itndar.c• •t
Hold, b .."idos l!I.akLng contaCt. with .. wid~r d~d~ of <>.cad~",i"s.
second it..."
'Rea<l.ing the lat.est bool<.s in the field' uquit"s =t" •
pt~cis .. !Orlllulatiun.
I t 1. illlPOuih10 "''len t.he vol""", of lit.eratute
on P,t~ic =d Isl=ic St.udies, to kc"p up with /Ill the n~", book. to
th" ""t<illt DC reading them,
as I "",ntion..d ....rliu, it is at the
er..aaificaUon .uge til"t the ll.l>radan oft"" Me th~ best opportunity
ot petusinq the incoJ:>inq book" ",1tOOut having to t ..ad thert.
511 the book" on libraty "ci"nc" i" not apo""lbl .. , but atrik"s <De
a" " barren furro", to ploU<Jh. althouqh "0"''' of th" <::atHial here is
undoubtedly valuable.
Whn.. th.. libruian doould attempt to "over
all new publications ls in the Hold DC bibliograph1u and roference
So",e ...111 b" qood and 50"''' ,..ill be bad, but the librarian
"hould know the v .. lue or 511 of the'" for i f he does not, then nO-O""
..15e wiil eithet.
Two other Import"nt h"ets of pr"fe""to".>1
develop",ent an e"tra_library represent"tion =d peuonai r"S"ar<:h.
By ~"tra-library repnsuntation, I """"" att~n<l.inq national 0<g=i""tion5,
such 4S the ~iddi~ Eut Libraries Co"""ittee, t.he I\dvho~y Co"""irt""
on Orientalist Matoriah {working under the auspice" of the Standin9
conference of Nationai and L1nnersity Librarie,,),
the British socaty
for MW,;U" Eanern StUdios, even tho Libu.ry Ilssoc1<>tion, as a
representative of one's librery.
WillL"1!i'\eu to hold oHico Ilfld to
participa"" in .,rojucts run by the aSlIOCiation. 15 ..quall)' iotportant.
In tact, on" aspect of stOCk provision not in the dia~<""" is the
knowledge of ..hH" to locat" a book, mam,script or serhl which one'.
0"'" library does not possess, such knowlitdqe can only be properly
acqu1red throu9h co-operation with other libradu.
An L"1terestin9 artlcl .. in Libri by Bernsrd Lor..... r quotes a recent
survey of Get1Mll acad.",ic iib~"rians, .. clan Which is internationally
di.t.ln.... hhe<l for its scholastic achievements, yet it ahp....d th.t they
spend only 1\ or their library day on personal research.
The articlit
'10." on to question the ,..isdom of lilnJ.tinq librarian.' abil1t}· to
r:onduct such r,,-search.
'1'" "'''- it 10 sulf-ovident that librarian. shoul<l
i .....o'·.. tb";r kno..·lodqe and seek to ",ublhh.
Il librarian "'00 undertake. hi" own nsurch wUl understMd better the probhms of ot!lor
re" ....rch"rS, whether he ill "",rHr.q on tibrarius or on his .ubject Held.
The c""e for hlllJll.ic libr"rian~ havin<.l study leave is even qreater.
Area ~tudies librarians have =ch le"" opportunity than their ..cads",i"
colle"ques of practising "nd ialprovinq their linquistic ~kUis, yet i t
is equally ilDPOrt=t fo~ th",", when =nducti.~'l book-buyin,] trip&,
organisinq e"ch""g"-s, handling correspondence and welcom1ng visitors,
never mind cataloguing and classifyl.ng books, to be fluent in tha
languages of th,,'r area.
1n addition, they ",ill have to de"l "ith u
",We a variety of ott>"r langUd\lM as <ll.. literature (l"""",cls.
Yet ~" ...
..an)' or the", tecaive a "abbatical year"!
A rhetorical question.
is not onl'l linguistic skills that are Dr:portant, ,..hile I do not. share
cantwell S",ith's so",ewhat. eXt.re~ conclusions, it is clear to ",e th..t
the librarian should sedv .. constantly to deepen hi" und..rstanding of the
cuhu.ul ern h~ seeves.
~" bettH ~·ay
he 1J::Ipr"ve his knowledge of his fl..,l" iIJI~.
to his re.der5~
by hi. own ee"~arch Cdn
his "ervlce
I nO'o' COlf." to Lh.. lost se.,a I wish t:o talk about:,
cQa<'iec ."cvic.,.
ha. always be~ a .ine qua non ~hat th., libcarhn'" task io to
"CqulC~ and or;6nl.se books 6l\d othee sourcU of in!o".",ation.
It i.
equally i"'P"n""l- foe hi",. In my
to e><ploit his stock.
Thi. can
I)" p~rtly achhv"d through a goo"- orqani.otion o! th. ah.lv.~ with
cleo< and prOt:li.ner,t plans and quidin" throu~hout the buildin".
llf.portantll'. it u8ides in the librari.... ·s direct infocmation seevice
to euders;
this c"" take the foro of c01'pillng biDl1o..-raph,es on
spgcUic topics foe acad.ecic sUff. or em "",co> general sul>jecu. e.g.
refecenc~ worb on Ish". Cor a ~·id.er "ud.i""c".
Th.. Illorarhn should
also expect to an""er all the <lI1quirhs on his sul>jo-ct.
Th~s~ "'Hl or
necessit:i be in!cequent u.~le~s th~ liDr",."" "dv"rtises his pres~nc.. ,
"rod I believe that. the botSt way Cor him to do this i~ to giv. lecture..
and seetin"rs to undergcad.uates and M.II • • tOOent.. "."ld t.o hold ind.ividual
.esaior.• wlth aU res..arch nud<>nto.
1m lniUal l.ectun. lnUoducl.ng
"tud~nts to tha layout of the library. iu classifi.cation. Its aervlces.
and soo:e of the baaic refer~nce book" in the .uI>ject is invaluable aa
flrst-yeiU otud""U au ofUn o"uawed by t.he c""4'lexit.y and cathar
forbidding nature of the university Oe .v",n faculty Libr'll"y.
lectures, in the .eeond and. third. \'ear" can b .. ~quaUy 5i.,ni.f1cant,
i t .ee",. over-optimistic to '"" to expect .tu<lc"ts ~'ho ara writing an
".oay on Middle Ea.tern oil to utilise the libr"ry'" resources to the
fUll, when books 0" oil can b~ and are clauified und~r geology,
t .. chnoioqy. ~eonol<lic~, rucketin". politic •• foreIgn calatione ancl
What holda true for undergn"-\lat~s,·goes ~ fortiori for
The5e should b" enCOUl""ged to bring th.,ie bibliograpt,ical problem. to the librarian. an"- eegular s.,5s10ns should b .. held to
~nsure that th~ir need" "r. being ",.t.
Such meetin~. are u.\lal.ly
fruitful for the llloratlan ali ....ell. 5ince by an.wedng <:lataHed
enquiries, he bec""...." aware of n"" C"hr~nc~ ""urc~s to<.lether with
lacuna.. in the collections.
Structured library in.troction a~ain
requiru th" cloM. lnvolveJ>cnt of th.. department, and if there la "'"11'
the",,, in this pap,,<. it is that th .. acad"""ic 1 ibrarhn and th~ faCUlty
"e<:her should I<o<k togHher to peeduc" a bett"r library service to,
the",selves, their .tudent" and thde r .. ad.era.
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V_l1,,~ 19?J-19RO.
J. Sect~. \9111.
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