COPE Meeting Minutes 5.20.15


COPE Meeting Minutes 5.20.15
sEtu 521
May 20,2015
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CALL TO ORDER: Meeting called
ATTENDANCE: Chair: Brian Murillo ; Members:Joy HallVillareal, Ron Martin, Russell Noland,
John Adams, Deborah Perez, Sergio Garcia, Laura Basua; Guests: Raquel Garcia, Maria Gutierrez;
SEIU staff: Mariam Alvarez, lnternal Organizer, Latisha James, Stafl MaiThao, Political
Community Organizer; Guests: Raquel Garcia, Maria Gutierrez. Absent: Secretary Jennifer
to order at 6:03 PM by Chairperson Brian Murillo,
AGENDA: Copies of agenda was given to all members,
MOTION: Made by Joy Hall Villareal, seconded by Ron Martin to accept
agenda. Motion Passed.
of minutes of April 1,5,2015 meeting were given to members.
MOTION: Made by Joy Hall Villareal, seconded by John Adams to accept
minutes. Motion Passed.
TREASURER'S REPORT: No report given at this
Retirement Board (FECERA) - Laura Basua reported no meeting was held during April.
She gave update regarding Tier 5 in regards to paying of 50/50 and eventually all
employees will get to this point as the law now applies to everyone. "Stackers" had
election for President, Vice-President in L.A. County, FECERA won. The next conference
is in November.
- Redesigning - Members discussed possible ways to increase
contributions and how important this will be in the coming election year.
MaiThao brought up member recruitment and suggested everyone present
bring at least one person to the next meeting. She would like to see at least
twenty (20) people at the next meeting. Another suggestion was "Rap"
training, how to approach someone and give information about COPE. Also,
redoing the COPE contribution card, making it more presentable. Possibly
making a Facebook page for COPE to draw people to the meetings'
Becoming more visible in the community and at worksites.
Pension Committee - Mai Thao gave members update regarding SB 1234
and "RSA" (Retirement Security for All) leading up to 2016 and how this
retirement crisis will affect members and their families, CaIPERS, etc. Six
Million people could possibly have no savings or retirement plans' Sara
Zimmerman at the State level is leading this campaign and trying to gather
support for SB 1234, current pension programs and CaIPERS. Chair Brian
O'Neill has committee meetings every other month. FASTA Chapter will be
having a presentation on the first of the month regarding this, Mai inquired
sEtu 521
May 20,2015
Political Campaigns
if COPE would be interested in a presentation. Laura Basua suggested a
presentation at a General Membership meeting.
Note: 6:30 PM - Mai Thao, Political Community Organizer, arrived at
COPE meeting, She had been with us via cell phone earlier.
Secure Choice Meetings - Mai Thao reported there is one on June 22,20t5
for members interested in attending.
SB 4 (Medi Cal) On June 2, 2015, action will be taking place in Sacramento at
the State Capitol and Sergio Garcia will be attending on behalf of FASTA.
Mai Thao
Sacramento action date for Child Care workers is June 3,2015' Joy Hall
Villareal and Brian Murillo said they were interested in attending this event.
lmmigration Reform - a press conference was held on May L9 at 1-L AM at
Federal Courthouse in downtown Fresno. Five different news media outlets
showed up.
Debbie Smith, SEIU International, will have training on June 19,2015.
DACA/DAPA forum coming up on June 13,201-5. Will probably be a half-day
SEIU and State of California are hosting a series of forums to give
information on how to enroll in DACA/DAPA. Possible turnout of
approximately 300 to 500 people.
Children Over Politics - Mai Thao stated there may be two of their members
coming to the next Executive Board meeting. This group is looking to start a
membership in this area. They are looking for young people between L4
and 25 years of age to become involved. USWW, a "sister" organization will
have first meeting in July.
10. Open Forum
Item E and ltem F were tabled for next meeting. Chair Murillo presented members with
copy of section in the bylaws regarding nomination and election of officers to COPE.
John Adams has been nominated for Vice-Chair position.
Bargaining Team * Board of Supervisors have proposed a possible nine (9) percent
increase in wages over three (3) years. PERB would have to be dropped as a
CAT (Contact Action Team) Next meeting
will be Wednesday, May 22,2015,
11. NEXT MONTH'S MEETING: June L7,2015 at 6 PM.
12. ADJOURNMENT: Meeting adjourned by Chair Murillo.
Minutes submitted for approval by: Acting Secretary Joy Hall Villareal