What are Varicose Veins?
What are Varicose Veins?
TREATMENT BEHIND KNEE (Before / After) SHIN (Before / After) Most patients need an ultrasound map to accurately assess the extent and severity of the varicose veins. C O M P R E H E N S I V E V E I N T R E AT M E N T The three options for treatment are either surgery, sclerotherapy or a combination of both. We will discuss the different treatment options so you can choose what suits you best. What are Varicose Veins? Blood travels away from the heart through arteries and travels back to the heart through veins. Varicose veins are enlarged veins that have lost their function due to a breakdown in the one-way valves within them. They can vary from very large ULTRASOUND Picture of leg vein protruding veins to small spider veins. Varicose veins can cause symptoms in the legs such as aching, heaviness, tiredness, cramps, burning, swelling, itching, ulcers, bleeding and OPTION 1. Surgical Treatment Varicose vein surgery is usually performed as a day-stay procedure. You will require a general anaesthetic and surgery takes 1 - 2 hours on average. There are two main operations for varicose veins. The large vein on the inside of the thigh or on the back of the calf may need to be removed. In addition, a series of small 2 - 3 mm incisions are made over the prominent remaining veins to allow these to be removed. The main incisions are closed with a dissolving stitch and the smaller incisions with surgical tape. Most people are up and about the next day and fit to return to work within a few days. Surgery is intended to deal with the large varicose veins. Small residual veins and spider veins are best treated with sclerotherapy at a later date. Significant improvements in varicose vein surgery over recent years include: • use of ultrasound for pre-operative assessment and marking of veins; • inversion stripping of large veins, that has replaced the more traumatic technique of external stripping, thus reducing bruising and recovery time; • small incisions and the use of a special phlebectomy hook to remove the veins has reduced the size and appearance of surgical scars; • day-stay anaesthesia - modern anaesthetic techniques and drugs have reduced the time spent in hospital and overall recovery. superficial clotting. Varicose veins no longer contribute to the flow of blood back to the heart. Treating them takes away stress on the OPTION 2. Sclerotherapy Significant improvements in sclerotherapy over recent years include: Involves injecting a chemical solution into the vein using a fine needle. The vein walls subsequently adhere to each other closing off the abnormal segment of vein. This process can take a few weeks for spider veins, to several months for large veins. • Ultrasound Guided Sclerotherapy (ECHO Sclerotherapy) Used for the treatment of larger and deeper varicose veins with ultrasound to localise the vein before it is injected. normal veins. Causes of varicose veins include lack of exercise, sedentary lifestyle, obesity, smoking, the contraceptive pill and pregnancy. They can be hereditary and are more common in women. The development of varicose veins can be delayed in some individuals by regular exercise, high fibre diet and maintaining a healthy weight. Several injections are given in each treatment session which usually takes 20-30 mins. After treament a stocking is worn and daily walking as required. You do not require an anaesthetic. • Micro-Sclerotherapy Treatment - Even tiny spider veins respond to treatment using a very fine needle. • Endovenous Laser Treatment - A newer technique for the treatment of larger and deeper varicose veins using local anaesthetic and a laser beam to seal the vein under ultrasound guidance. S P E C IA LISTS Mr Smith and Dr Connell work as a team offering a comprehensive surgical and non-surgical treatment of varicose veins. C O M P R E H E N S I V E V E I N T R E AT M E N T C O M P R E H E N S I V E V E I N T R E AT M E N T Appointments can be made directly or by referral from your regular doctor. Mr Trevor Smith & Dr Ivan Connell Ascot Integrated Hospital H O W TO F I N D U S Mr Trevor Smith Treating all types of venous leg conditions from large varicose veins to small spider veins Specialist General Surgeon More than 10 years experience in the surgical treatment of varicose veins. He has a special interest in the use of ultrasound in venous assessment. • Duplex Ultrasound Venous Mapping 0 4 #/ !3 ( 0 /3 !, )4 • Latest Surgical Techniques %NTRANCE Dr Ivan Connell Phlebologist & Sclerotherapist Specialising in sclerotherapy (non-surgical treatment of veins) since 1997, trained by and is a member of the Australasian College of Phlebology. An experienced medical practitioner in general practice and obstetrics since 1985. Dr Connell performs all non-surgical treatments for varicose veins, including ultrasound guided sclerotherapy, endovenous laser treatment and micro-sclerotherapy. Conveniently located at the Ascot Hospital just off the Greenlane/Motorway interchange on Greenlane Road East. Parking is available in front of the Hospital. Our Clinic is situated on the Ground Floor adjacent to Ascot Radiology. T H E VA R I C O S E V E I N C L I N I C Medical Insurance Both are affiliated providers to Southern Cross Healthcare. Treatment may also be covered by other insurance providers. Suite 1, Ascot Hospital 90 Greenlane Road East, Remuera, Auckland Phone: 09 520 9670 Fax: 09 520 9671 • Ultrasound Guided Sclerotherapy • Endovenous Laser Treatment
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