luchows - Dead Ball Decades
luchows - Dead Ball Decades
RED SOX WIN IN DRIVING FINISH A H marvi Blunders Wark the Difference Between Winning and Losing Bitter Struggle. nor Matty had the him home. The iwo heavrra aa the team were the ouca to so through tha game wlttsoarl a aafety. were Meyara nnd Dayle, hut both puneh to brlnaj Bculpture that haa by careh s> h u '¦ Foi idlfd the maeti II 01 nelther Fletcher and (ontin.i.'.l fmni llr-t pnn'. STRIKING PLAYS IN FINAL BATTLE FOR WORLD'S BASEBALL TITLE flHIEST HGHT IN IN BOSTON, AND MATTY BASEBALL NOW ' .1 robjbed of hlts by tneky stcps and APPLAUSE FOR RED SOX ?,"'ir amen. ] Stahl, Bpeahar and Henrlckaen were the nd took up hla place on only membara «'f ::.< Red 8ox who were to brlng hU abie to hit Mathewaon effoottvely, speakInto plaj for ;i er, who beld off wlth bla hita untll the *kiil and eieventh bour, doing Uttle batttag af the ory. ai madi hlm famoua, tinally dellv,,,.. ilery he ered a bl w wklch aeactlcally seitled the bad ght In tho only run the R< a Fate was kind to Speaker, and gave him This wafl Henrlkaen, two chancee, for M.jkle would ordlnarlly i who batted for Badlent ln have had the weak foul he first oontrlb* two were There venth Innlng. I Bted !n tbe tentb Innlng. Ba dld not tbe Boati Applause, Too, for Oiants and Matty, Who Lost Nothing .. nrst take in Defeat as By Herbert. long hlt thlrd drive which rolled rlng Stahl wlth tha Brst Innlng. Stahl acored the first run thal tled up th< game. ;. im they run for iioston, get;ing his base In the Beventh by dlrt ol a sharp slngle to cenikc also atruch a biow for frae* BlgBI ;. nnlnga. dom by dottbUng In the nlnth, but r.elther I nor Cady OOUd hrlng hlm home. was much fb-lding of a sensatlonal nature. both teanis Bbarlng allke. Perhapa the most .-peotacular and affeolowlng only four tlve blt of work waa Hooper'a catob of He gavi IIAKING FAMOUS i one Doyla'a fly in the flfth. it aavcd tbe aame, SNODGRASS for Larry certalnly WOiUd have had a "FALL-AWAY" BLIDE AROUND ntlonal. Bul he fai aed four as well, the home r-m. while the biow ntlgbl hava WAGNKR. a, Stahl and< -ai ped Badlaat'a oonfldem a Rooper raoed hall. nearly to the fence In rlght eenti- before Matt-. bi a lot of ''atufr on the he captured the ball In some Inexpllcable than he had In the two other games manner aa lt came ^!tn tnp Balttag ever hit head. I thli and he pltched. and Speakar made aeveral deat'lng pktya llkea Boaton'a of he galned rledge but at he some he was nervoua and dislikes. made him wellnigh InvlnclNe. off form. Ha tlme lias made many bardei ln out two wlth Speaker alngled and catcbaa than MurraVa double In the third huined A paaa to Stahl one OUt preeented. The ball just cilpped tbi Up wlth oa two Wagncrs single put were of his glove and rolied away, to let Dein the secon.l. l.ut Cady and Bedlenl OIANTa three in the neat vore count. He also made an error on n. W, i- ». n.B. so. r.c. Merkle'a sinjfie tn the tenth. 0 l.oon 2 14 frames. three The Cilants were rlght on their toBB Marqiiard I I 0 23 5 4 .000 Mathenaon. S 0 t every and minute, were out to Klve Matty I 1 I M M M «n Matty Strong in Pinches. tha beat Ol aupport. SnodgruH- mlaaii Teareau_ on" < <» i a (I i Amei sixth ahaped Gardner's the double ln the fourth. hut a f ran.lall 'aio 0 I 1 \ hlt and a paaa in 1 0 0 Into hlt flne Lewia to relay Doyle to Herzog nlpped the s for a run. but BBB BttX lt ai»d when a double ateal waa runner trylng to take third. Fletcher gfeed. 4 3 i ?7 3 21 .7V> made a Baa play on " Lewla'g bard Be.lient.4 1 0 10 7 ', l.nnn dcaught Yerkes off thlrd. ThB grounder in the etghth, Heraog ln a . '» a i ¦.ee roiiin«.? Stahla same framc eontrtbuted a maeter, it, flrat run, :< 4 .noo 0 2 1* nnrien. 2 Henrlknnd of fast nehllng whea be eorralled ,,, Wagner .(Min on ii 0 2 Hall. ButHoop- Yerkes's drlve. that had bounded away rnlngthetrlck. Totala ln< imle tle aame In n.i»(..n. odgraaa to end the inntng. from Matty, and' nlpped the runner at NeedlesB to say, I am wrltlng thia under a feellng of koen diaappolntment. the more ao as the Giants appeared to be In the first flush of vlctory when Mi.'rray and Merkle batwaaa them broke the tie ln the tenth Innlng wlth '¦rashlng drfves for a run that loomed up at Icaet for a few minutes llke tha Woolworth Buildlng to a June bug. Jt was not to be, however. ns the atress and straln toid at a most erltical tlme. so that one error of commisslon and another of omission opened the way for the flghtlng Red Sox to innd a telling biow that turncd the erorldfa championship for KfW York Into vain re- - .. Pitching Records greta. of Teams to Date hadaad, One muat bc a hard loser, cannot rise above an aching polntment to onaratulate a .. . ... - :t\ Th" .¦ i^wlsidted ln rhth. Stahl doubled out In the nlnth, but Matty 1 eaaand wagner and Cady dled GARDNER CAUOHT AT SECOND BA8E BHOWIMG DMPTRE WITH ARM rp FOR THE OUT. ,, Then camo tho awful ilv lUtty haye boen half ' to be a a aaally I tearn ln 1 a Bed Boa were beatea when of the moat pethetlc the diamo, turea of the whole game was to aootl . badly rattled Infleld try of the lot, r was the coolest one *aa ready to ing at any momenl tojratcn . ¦ited two errors in th" ,rv"u- Jhat I Mg on to the ball. Even alr, while lloattng <>n the lent theO inta But foi . oken throui v. won ken a the ram". Hersog only three chances. but he hlmself wlth glory. Twl« rOU* nera were pul oat at third hy i is skllful bioi kinic and tagglni*. Devore made a ire ol Wagner'a drlve In tba nlnth, wlth Stahl llng>:ring on second walting to score what mlght have been | run. Bnodgrass made four flne catches dirItiK the gatna his beat work belng done on Hooper'a fly after khaglaf had reached second on Fred's error. But the one rnlsBlay, the first and only one he made in up to tba aertea arfll glve t.'io New york centre Baldar somethlng to think about when thc wlnd ls whlatllng through the eaves and the wood flre ls crackltng this wlntcr. Boston. Oct 1* I.^nsr ago I' w,i« dcridit la to be enpected that fieider? w-m vote that cn irors. but on few of them sett'.es e.i bj b uaaal BOUa could brlng the deadly "Jlnx" which rausee a PfBBag spllt mllk w-as u | bobbla to lose a world's champlonahlp. lt no remuneratlon and Bllghl t;ik- lp tlme ls fearod that Fred's error will llnjjer that could be ueed tc better advantage of ti..- d« talla long in the mlnds of the New York fans. Thla ls slmply« a little reeltal hut their wrath should be vlslted on hla of a game In bl h tba 0 eat to wnlt nnd many Error by Snodgrass the Difference Between Winning and Losing a Title r.ot on hlm. WHITE SOX DRUB THE CUBS Drive Reulbach and Cheney kept aeven hlta acattered throagb as Inali from Box and Win Wlth two r.nt in the secon.l, M< Chicago. Oet. 18.The Chicago Na¬ er-or and took Th.- Chtef tional League club team went to ple I Easily. dash ln the aaghth innlng of to-day's game tvas trapped eff second, but made for the Chicago championship with thi for th:rd and was sale when G.'American League club team. dropped Wagnor's throw. Fletcher took Both iKO and Cheney were batted nd on the play, and a hlt by Matty out ofReulbach the box, and the Whlte Sox won maaat two, but lilg Slx floa1.. by a ecore of 7 to 6 The aerlea now tjjeaker ln the thlrd Dovore walked and ad- standa 3 to 2 in favor of the Cuba. Whlte waa wlld ar.d gave way to Benz vanead to aecond oa an out, aeortng Nen fourth Innlng Benz waa eoually Torfc'B first run on Murray's double. Tho ln thabut held the Cuba to two hlta. was a touchy period, as Devore wlld, Tha score by lnninga followa: btunced a single of Bedlant'B shins. B H.B. to ,: g, while Hoopar robbed Amerlcans .0 0 1 0 0 2 0 4 x.7 9 1 c of a home run, making a catch Nationals .1-0001001.6 6 I Batterlee- Reulbach, cheney. flmlth more spectacular than tha one by i l<v\o:< in the game last Thursday. Snod- and Archer; Whlte. Renr, and Schalk. a ad, as hturray ^rass'.s rtagle fouled OUt Therenftcr Bedlent steadied down, and althongh Iteyerfl <ircw a paaa in the alxth and Mutty singlcd In the aeventh, nothing came of these chances. "W'ood pttched the lat-t three Inalnga after Henrlokaen hid; batted for Medlent. Joe showed that he was not rlght, and had probably pltcbedj kBta sample.l his stuff hlmself out ta the eaghth and nlnth, and landed on him tfl tho tenth. Murray's double Into the stands, followed BBVB New York a run. by Merkh Bieakcr fim.Ke.I Fred's drlve and when er recovered th<- ball he held lt until Merkle was able to rcach aecond. Althongh Herzog fanned. Meyers neai !;.' took Wood's hand off wlth a terrlflc drlve ?hut would have meant another run had ba twlrler not lucklly knocked lt dewn t»i:d caupht Ms man at flrst. Pfahl made a fortunate selectlon when he chose Bedlent to face the .".Innta It ls doubtful whether IVood could have lasttd through nlno lnnings. Murray and Herzog Starred. who jiiv Bad Murray ro hltlexa ar.d ptcked him to carry the hattle flag ln to-days affalr were rlght. Murray was responsible for botli of the runa scored by the Glants and he, wlth <"har'l»- Rerscaj, have been the real BaWOeB 33 far as the New York ledgar la eeetoevwed. Murray tWO BOUhlOB, one of which Devore with the first run, Whhe l one IBted out In the . , baeeball cbamplonahlp of th< world to the Boaton Red Boa Have and tbere tbe reader will dlacern Bpota where tl the hlghly 011001 of tha game rnight have been changed. valn purault of gnodgraaa, and then FfBd wa;,. Offenatvely and aith one opportunities for the Qleata to baeb up md oneBnodgraaa atate aeeond ray, I tl Lai ¦ the gallant Matty, and help hlm wln the Gardner made a beautlful stop and tbrow most glorloua rlctory of hla Iouk of Jaek'a anappy aroundar, aad the inn¬ on the dlamond. They dldn't was <)¦¦¦ aome of them failed i:t a tlme when wttk ing ii,...;.. r a't- npt to b inl ii"- ih' faiiur- want much money and gtory. Fred IToundor to Merkla which was For bIx Innlnga ktatty bad tbi Bed Boa a iinaaalated Bteve Terkea eatir.g out of his cunnlng hund, hut ln tl.r ¦¦ - >¦ ' , saw Matty glve hl* only balla up to tbal tlme during th.k. ii.H Duffy Lewla getUng tha gift it was soon dtacounted, for Oardner forced hlm at aeeond base. Doyle to Fletcher, luek playlng bar part Wblle tha play toca, was slmp'.c. I.any tiled a faJIC] which wenl wii.i, Fl4rtchar baraly raeor« trlng it In tnne. vTagner alngled to |,ft fleld bul thc hard htttlng Cady reuted 10 Merkla and Bedlent grounded out to Doyle, wboaa throw was acearata Third Inning. TbM Inning Official Score of Final Game for WorlcTs Title BOSTON RED SOX (American A.Ii. R. II. League). 2-B. 8-It. B.1I. 8.H. li.M. N.O. P.O. Hooper, rlght fleld ^ erke«. errond haao. ceutre Held A base Bpeaker, \\ ugner. ahortatop ( ady, ratrher. Hedlent. pltrher_ .11,-rirl, k»rn. "U.-,i" . Totals. rlght fleld I 1 Pqyls, second base. S 4 5 5 5 0 0 1 0 ... Totals. ' Murray arrlvi-d Dcvoie <.,rn>- 0 Lcagiie). H. f-B. 8-B. Hlt. S.H. S.B n.ll. H.O. P.O. 1 V K. 0 I t I I B 0 0 I 0 8B 2 8 third. Bpaakl t knock.-d hold, and Devore tha plete aaglly. Merhte, h»wever, grounded ta Wagaer, and the innInff waa <>\er. The maatarly Matty aboaa at nis best ln this Innlng. nnd only three men faeod Hooper grounded t.> Doyta reraaa drlbbled to Matty and Tris bpeaker atruek at three bad I aBa belara taktag up tha him t 2 0 8 0 4 I at through wtthecraeh- down but could not A.B. H. Mini'grii»». ' rntrn llrl.l Murray, left fleld. M*rkle. flr«t baae. l!er*»g, thlrd base Mryers. 8833333). Hctrher, ahortetep Khnfer, ahortatop. viathrwson. pltrher 00 j Mct orrnlrk. footed InK double. which Trln 35 NEW YORK GIANTS (National IleTore. balls to [levore etnrtc! tl-.- ^ Wood, plirher. tfcngle on uble for Bedlent ln the third fr.iine. and before the last innn dled one run had been tallled Ji*h took eaoand when taarry t on.- down ta Oardaer, h a*elk*a whlcb tba latter baraly bandled in tlme wai rctlr.-d at tl- -t. Stahl plavItare arltb his bounder, bul the t. I.ewla. Irft fleld. (lar.lner, thlrd hn\r Stahl. Hrst base ... 15c. each.2 for 28c. team. laat after tbe game. ..IlinnUx." reatted Matil. "lt <¦< a g.i.i.i tiilit. n bard flalu. and l satj kasf aataaed betag tbe aaa to ».r« u. ».m ...ii has.- on . Kotch COLLAR "Get the hack of the NOTCH" MeOraer, eeMtaeetaBl hle eeagfatelafteeis Jafsa agaat aeeeaegjee >t tba iio»i<>n to Hpeaker. on «6w rio«l-.n O. I lfl."I ran't »a» that I'm JnU*. buf one «>f the tram* Ii nl to wln.It waa lo he the |{e»l Ht.and r<>n gietalatteaa are ln ..nier." saM Man J. ¦ l»d. . teBth and Mtrklc's aafety. ,ers have looked allke to Herzog in thta aWTleo, He knocked Hedlent for a double BB lendlng off in the fourth. but wai unable to score, as bteyers sacrltlci 'Tivas Hard Fight, Says Jake Stahl manlkln In the banda of Matty nnd seventh some bad work and on>out Tri« Bpeaker eeabted to riKht putich that wa* falr only by slld Into second base started tbe march which anded ta tha fl.-id As Hpeaker l'.lrler wav-.l hlm out. bul later <a;!.-d tenth lnnlnK wlth B Vlctory WOB H aafa Matty frowned upon Duffy Matty emeiged from a corner ln tha hlm I^ewla and fanned him 00 three pltched nlnth; how the Glants had the game WOB balls In tho tenth, wii.n Ihe? I ored 01 only to bc plunged Into the yawnlng cav« Second Inning. ara of defeat through n fauh of Matty Merkla Wblle r haa all been toid. 1'or all tlme tbe game nnd Hei og Hl< win ko down as b defeat for Matty, bul know -r, who made » i- lutlful runnlag catch those wbO f-at In the Chief Meyera rotled a baby groundar to ». lt< ne\,-r wus Matty thnt Well fUll lai ner This aounda n Ihe a Here are the plays ln the sequ. n A WALKAWAY FOR LAWYERS. led up to a fatal bluadar and vtetory for llke tbe aad ol tba fraaao, but it waaa'l Qardnei foealad MeyerB*a appreacb, and The Columbla kaW School baacball team Boston: the [ndlan wa* aafa nt first haie. Blghl acortd an taay victory ln the Eddie ColFirst Inning. bera McGraw ordered hH fitst bnii bI iina lnterclasa serles yesterday afternoon aingie.i to bp baatfag the senlor team by a score of Devore walted untll he had Bedlenl ln taeb and arthur Fietebar centre, aendlng tha ebfet to t> 12 to L Gretsch and Moore. who pltche<l the three and two hole before be ¦n was trapped ofT s.-.-ond baae for tho senlora, were for the lawyers. hot one down to lleinio B/agaar and dled ent to PTagner, bul he k.-pt runalng, final* walted K. station B.H Larry Doyle at Btahi'a , l-aw Hcliool .0 0 4 2 4-12 13 2 Bedient out. and wlth th<- enmc COUBt on ly dlvtng irito third baae so hard that he Seniore. oooio.i 93 hlm knocked tba ball out ol Oardnefe banda, also ba groun^ed 10 rVagner, Batterles-dchmldt and Veedor; Gretech i-i.-t,:.. r i- tcbed second on tba play, bul OardMoore and Roaof. Linplre Harry A ter making b ntcc Btop vVragner, Matty'a beal was a long I'¦ to aure death Flsher. 1 after a Bel In left met Lewis ner and tha Wood garrison. aith t How the Final Battle Went, the Play by Play, Fatal Tenth Inning. bad luok, Hugh worked hlmaelf out of aeveraJ ,: at tlmes. he always Alrakea m th glove The 1 to go out in the fb II Fourth Inning. fJtaatti had a rare chance ln the fourth Innlng t" ftit the game on lee, but they falled for the lack of | BfattBBi I 4 '.29 .Henrlrhaeo batled for Brdlent la the eevanth lanlng. Knglr hatted for Wood in the tenth innlng. tMr( onnkk batted for Fletrhor In tho nlnth innlng. I »» oat «hrn wlnnlng run wsvs a. orrd, o o e 1 o 2..1 ti o i o . 1.2 Pltrblng reror.l.Off Hedlent. I run and « hlta In te tlmea at hat In 7 Innlngai .IY HTaada I nti and S hlla ln IS tlmea at hnt In H Innlna-a. Karrlflre hlt.Meyer*. sn< 0 B.-aton. New York. rlfl.e flj.Oardner. Ntolen baa*-.Oes-ore. I.eft on baaee. Sew York. 11 j lln«ton, 9. Plr»t b*so oa ball*.Off Hedlent, »: off Mathcrvnon. 3: off Wood, 1. I Irat haae on errora ..New lork, 1: Boaton, I. Htruck out.Hy Mathewson. 4; by Ue.llent. 8; I»t Wood. 2. Time.2:87. I mplroe. At plate, O'l^ughlln; oa basee, Rlgler; In left fleld Klrm; la -lit fleld, K\itue. BjaJj It ls over. The Red Sox have off the highest honors of baaebail. t i cmbrace the second opportunlty, h8mmering a hit to rlght. Thla t'.cd tbe aeere Spenker picked two hlta ofr Matty one ceaalng with no one on ln ;, Coming It Did. Charley llerrog drove one behlnd the l-ft fleld Bgaada and slld Into third, hut ground rules made thc hit good for only two basea, and <*harley hnd to ro back. Chlef Meyera blffltcd, BCCOrdlng to orders but to his own dlsgust, and dled at liist. IlcrMctch.r popped to zog leachlng third Gardnt r and Mmty flied to Hooper. A had error by B^Wdgraai put Matty In a momentary hole ln this Innlng, but he at eaaa ratrteved himseif. Latarta died on hla awlft irrounder ta Blah her. but OaaehaBr smaidied a llner atralght at Snodgrass, which the latter proceeded to tnuff most skilfully, to thj itit.use daUght oT tba etvWd ln centre BBld. Gardner turncd completing a play on Murray when "Red'1 John' rolled one along the flrst In baso llne. nnd Merkle was not much trouble to Yerkes and Stahl. UaSBBg, however. was not so accommodating, and his savage single into centre fleld gave the New Yorkeis BBflMthlBg to yell OVOr. With mlght and maln Thief Meyers swung on the ball. hut unfortunat.-.y for him Yerkes was on the job, and, tlgur:itlvely, M*yers Jolr.»-d the ranks of the 'good Indlans." The Red Sox were well behaved ln thelr half of the sjghth Innlng and w.-nt > it ln u row. lerkee grounded to Heraog and '.war tapped te Doyle, and. juat to aecond afl rlght. bui Larry Doyle show that no favorttea were being played a and got BteeTa .juick recovary to Lewia bounced one at Fletcher. Red Sox Land Final Punch After Game Seemed Won by the Giants. Heraog J'isf tl fed 81 .' in tim^ to eatch I tf ' Jake sat down Fifth Inning. him. Matty Uad 3 fa-«t who dlsap- winner. The Red Sox fought a clean, sportamanllke flght, and well aaeeffVe the honors and the llon's ahare of the spoila. Hugh Bedlent, ln partlcuiar, must be lauded for the part he piayed ln landinq: thc world's champlonshlp ln Etoaton, h young pitcher, and more or less lnexj ericrc ed he Is, but he stood ln ttv- braavcb after "Smoky" j<<.- Wood had falled on Tuesday, nnd chacked the hard hlttlng Glants in their tnad uphlll dash for the p»nnant. Tris S;>-aker. too, Who ia ranked among the gr.'eteit bat8men of the day. muat get partlcuiar mentlon for hla tlmely elngie, which meant so much ln the nerve racklnf tenth Innlng. but. above all, the »ea.m as a whole must be applauded. for iu grit and courage ln the fnro { |ea> odda, for surely vlctory pt'rate was of tbe burnhig ln that last grim and de8i>eratft atand. It ia a matter of newa that a hlunder by Snodgraaa ln rnufflng an aagf fly puiled out ball, and an unfortunate pi la under* between kfayai and Merkla ln golng after a fjotll from tlu Speaker, opened the way for the Red Sox to Iand the punch that brought much Joy to Hoston town an i much Ninth Inning. feofJVBfw Btclded tnat lt was now ^r gloom to New York. Errors. h ne\*r wlth him. and he sent "M.i..h the are g part of baseb:ilt- | most irr" Mooae" MCoimlck up to hlt ln place of portant part.<-o that v!iis is no tlme Pletcbar. *»ui Harry p;i-ked out I sto cry over spi't mllk. ball aad drova lt deep to laft tield, but takea made all tbe ln the much w.ihuui Lewia pulled it down world bata trouble "Matty" struck out gracefully, and .the dltterence loalr.g the greit.-st aerli¦* ln tn« and ulthough Devore walked on four had etandlng Thrrr ha\e l.»»n «<-me wnnderfnl cstchm nade ln this serles, hut It remalned fnr Hirry Hooper to make tbe greateat f them all and pull Bedleni out of a Devore alngled one off B>nasty r.i»h araa onaa blatory of baaebail.a series that .cent Larry Doyle grounded to ffai it ateallng aecond, Cady to wng- Larry Oe^rdaer aaswered tbe BpfMela l to elght games because one ner. Then Mrry Doyle met a walxt hlgh the >r.>wd by llftinf an aaay one u> Baod- eieven-intiing tie. b eeriea ln arhkdj bgU'end arove it oa a im« for the riuht giass, but a BBOmaat lat-.r Stahl carefuUy the teatna ln the declding gatre atrugfleld Btand. At the erach Of the bat Hoop. the ball tmo tbe oaati ten lnnings. er turned and ra.e.l for the barrter. In bl.achexa for two baaea. Josh Devore glad througb The reul plty of lt all was that the full oaraer he hli the faace, bat with made Bnethf aenaatlonal capture when ahould break behlr.d haset .;i Inatlni ? he ralaed one hand over ha pulled Wagn<-i i drive off the rlght ti e fenoe and pulled the lall rlght out of rieju feaee. Thi Innlag *a* over wbaa pher Matbawaon.Matty, belovad «f the crowd l-'re IWodgTOefl slngled to left. Murray plcke.1 Cndy'3 hlgh riy out of tho the fana. and by all those who '.n.tra but Murray fOuled t.> t'ady. Btoutneaa af heart, anawerrlng conraga sun. Matty pttehed th-ee balla ln this frama wonderful skll! and keen, BCtlva bralnt. Tenth Inning. and three outtvid ni.-a resuited Wagner Then besran th.. kBBlag which will long "Blg Six" pttched one of th best games to tha lefi Held fenoe, bat Murray tn the 38338011BB of tha fans" who of hla long and gttcceeaful career, and tiin there aiid H.ine sat down Murray llve lt and tho Bsea who Btralned ii' ha falteted slighth aft-r the ga-ne ulso got Cady*a booat and Devore retlred wltnesaed muacle aad arala tr>mg te wta. Aiter shotild have been over and the cham* Hedlent. the alwaj'a la tha apatllght but aaver-on- I lon-mlp won wlth clean fleUling, lt Sixth Inning. the-apot Snodgrusa h».l '*haflaBiered" .< M.'rkle drOVC long nnd .leep tn ffOOper puny Uttle kiouu.i.t to the box, golng out proved only thnt tha Old mneter waa for a tturtir ln the slxth Innlng, and Wo.>d to titahl, Jaek Muiray, tho Bghtlng human and detrncted not one whlt ths iHeraog felled t.> get the aphere beyond Cart, aleanmad one hato the blaaohara ior frcm the glory of his career thi graep of Wagner Thla imie procea two hasea. Brad Merkle made g^ou arlth dlamoiid. aloa ^»*iu. laterrupted for a few momaatB u. beaatlful unve to eeatre nei.1, walek It may be pointed out ln pasairc thtt when Meyara \v;.ik'-.i on four balla, but nitered through Bpeaker'a leg* and w«nt thc composlte sore shows thal the Fletcher atru k out. for t^o bases. Marraj ra..e.i aoaai arrlk Glants acored runs to 26 fof tl '.«<. Matty sat n the *eat peHleUB ln this the run which all belleved WOttM Bfla tba Sox ln the full81 series. that they mtit frune. but the time honored retl ran came K.ith... DefOBt would not. could uut, DOBBe, to 61, and stol-> 12 b&see through the trlal aa be alono can. After the New forfc BMB f.-it- but thal ls an- 74 safe drives he bad Ii duced Hooper to By out to other st.n\. Heraog took three awlngs at to only f» for their oppunents The Morkle, Terkee bit on a Une to centre and the ball and sat duwn, Ulegust WrtttOB all story of defeat Baa larjrely ln the neld« atOOd on flrst baae when the ball was re- ovor his faaturea, aaayara grounded te Ing flgures and the unevenness cf the turned to tbe Infleld Trte Ipeehar walhed. the boa, and Boaton came up tw the un defence.that waa fatal because someof Matty*aaeooad Kift. Lewla forced Bpeakar aaaid a rlot of nolae. the errora came when tbay cld the most at aacoi .1 baae on a roller to netnhor. once with the Yankee. Bngla, Wood. Clyde b:u ror aad whan Mattj pui harm. to reachlng first on the ebolce, nnd Terkaa went tn the alr toward Space ls lacklng here for a rnOM fa> waa oa Ihlrd baae, Lawla and rerkea ea- one over he hlt II up centre fleld ..nd s.i^iuiv to the left Bnod- hauattva analyais of thc full ei*ht aayed a double atael, bui wheej Lewia graaa aaa it coming, To borroa from the tu ioped, ii, ran, be gBtnta. and I can only add OBOa more started, Chlaf Meyara ahot the t>aii to muae, he"He loj'cj, o'.-r tne rrOUnd; hut. i.ui. galtoped tltne my conarrfttulatior te Bw Matty, whoae gulck anap to Heraog suemg the ball <iid r.iii. i'i>*<i awlftly at this nelled rerkea off the bag a>e feet and tho turned how around." Carefullj .iid he so.t Red Sox and my congratulafi, ns alw if for tha oncomtag spliere. They to thc tilanta. for truly one can drlnk* Innlng was ovor. CO lldn't fool Sn<»lKrar.8. be kflBW all Rl<* 8eventh Inning. about tboea beaeballa; la feet, h<j iiadar toaat. as my friend Oraatiand But he tius a tiieir muffed loaes stouU that team language. a Bghi "to bb| aays. Boyatly received by the crowd, Matty one dlamally, and Rngle footed to aec¬ aoknowledged the plaudtta by shooting u ond, while the sinnd* WBBl into ecstacles. this." been waltlag for Juat aueh a beauty Io centre Beld and tho erawd 'i ;ie> had Baodgraaa an- EASY BOUT FOR AL MCOT. thlng. Hooper thefl gavetime roarad aotne more, Devore maant well oth.-r bui thla tha chanee, ahen he bunted, but Bedleat got it, and flelder was there In time to aaakecentre the l'rookiye Terkee waa paaaad, and then mon. ai MeCoy, tba aigieaaiva throwlng to WTagner, not Matty al aenond catcb arork of aaaab llet bla to added was weltarwalgbt Trta done. Bpaaker ralaed poor foul to Joeh atole aecond wlth greal a Merkle, but, to the dlsmay Bva knockouts when ba dlapeeai ¦ i it he g't no further, as Doyle llfted to uf hlgh all the New york aupportera, Meyara Johnai Bbaw, b loeal boaar, la i thlr* «vajjner, ahd Murray grounded to Qard- i in after it as if his bfa depended oa it. of ¦ taa>roaad bout al tbe Boyale At> Mato, loo. koI th>: feVOTi aiul he also ner. letic Club. last nlght The d-f. ii 1 BBJ tnirmg OVOf When BaatOB oame up for the half of w.-nt The ball fell aafely, while all three far tnttte Howard. »s*. tbe laeky aavanth inning, tba erowd rose looked foollah McQraw muttcred aotfle- ¦wbetltated and lt proval Tcridr." '.Rldgtwaod to ita feet and bellOWOd long BBd loud for thlng "n tha beach, hut ii w.-t:. not exdurtM in tha nature of a prayer. Bpaaker poor match. McCoy teaaed Plmw a score. which was fOfthooaBlflg all too .-.ctiy th.n hanged a slugb- t rlght Reld, scor- the Beat and geeond rounds, st '**'*. aaaav Larry Qardaar trled bard, hal ha Ing Knglc and placlng Y^rk.s on thir.l hlm wlth hard smashea to the I) baae, with Duff) Lewia up and only one Jaw. Weak from punishmenf B 10 l00M iiiaiiuge.1 to rataa oaly a areak nttis By to man out. Lewia w«s! purpoaely. Bnodgraaa, whleh the lattar eaaghl with¬ for Matty war. wlllmg to tiil the baga. not avold a hard left. followed l»y a «*. out much trouble. Th.-n Stah! rsised BBM hoptng for a doul le play <>r a f..rce at rlrlc rlght, which sent hlm down for in baek of Baeoad base arhlck Blateber the ptate. Tbe grand old man of baaeball full eoanl aoon after the third roa»doomed to dlaappolntmeat. Qardner aad Marray trled for, bat Hnod«trasn was amaahed the haii on the aoae, and by the opened Btoed stlll when ho mlght b.tter have em- time Devore gol II baok te the diumon.1 waa home with the «innlng run, yerjtea played hla tfaaa raaaiBg after tbe baii. the" run which declded the cbamplenBhtp HILDEBRAND TO UMPIRE ry th.- time it tewaed upaa htm that he nf tho worid. 8un Fruncisco. <Vt. II Oeorge Jlllde ¦ ^ mlRht at leaat rnak.- a bluff, the ball flfli who for three s«*son* has " hrand. full.mi Into sufe ground. Matty paxsed BLOW OF .Ua** HAKDEST has «lf" coast the for leegue, umplrlng wagaar, hal h>- oauaed Cady ia aaa aarl One of the office boys waa heard to wall a contract to work next season t.i l'b-tcher. BeetBg his liiHt chance. Stahl last nlght: Laague. Hlldebrand la « P** sldetraclind Bedlaal and sent Olnf Hen- "And Juat thlnk! It's 17& days before American thc Padflc Coast. He pia>'<« m of act rlekeea up t» MI in tba tattar*a piace. we can «ee another real baseball game." Natlonai League. the tn yaat Muttv faeao tbe aaweonbar aadaaly an.l sent over two fade-away drop.i. but he OLUB TO OPEN. Btruch tba tiext ln the groove, and llen- NEW BOXINO Street Forty-fourth Sportlng Club, rtoaaea hM it with aii hla aalgbt down theTheauccesaor of Tom O'Hourke's Na¬ the thlrd base llne, The ball hlt the bag TRAVrilJCRH' tO. and iiimplng Into foul ground w.-nt for tlonal Hporting Club. which opens toAator Court. M Weat S4'h Bt two baaaa, aoorlng Btahl and lettlng wuk- nlght. haa for Its motto "A hlgh claaa 2472 jd_i/ aaBT _Tel»ph.o:ie cluss at for patrona, claaa hlgh hlgh ner take thlrd. Matty then got Hoop. r club, prtces." On the card la a thre.-round aa a fly to centre. bout between Heo Houck and Fr.d.lie Eighth Inning. Hlcka, the boy who made good agatnst 10.1 to 11'.' Eaat 14th Ht. Tel.148". ¦S'^if "dmoky Joe'' Wood was sent Into the Wlllle Lewia, Olbbons and Moha. FAMOtM OKH.MAX HK-TUKAS^ baa artild rlotous chcers aa the Olants "Young" Sammy Bmtth. who haa come Jlualc by Th.- VIRNNA AltTIHT "H- "** eaBM up for thelr t Isrlitti Innlng. The to the game aa a faat and hard hltttng WlKZBl KtiKR HtirnRAt. crowd ha.i oomptetety rorgottaa hia utter mlddlewelght. has heen matched againat Plliner Qinetttniehaftt BrtB rout of yesterda>, and at him wlth Tommy Maloney. These two are to go i.HAM) I'RIX.Bruaaeli J xy»all*or! j_.. l.llnd conlld. nc>. to iAjcuo a game wlilch ten rounds. aa are "Young" Urown and liung ln the balance. Htkhl had no trouble ai Ketohel PORT dumpiad . - .. Jj l*j HE** .. ,u..w.. - f0J, WHERElfl" DINE "LUCHOWS^ ARTHUR fMV.t®