Oct-Nov 2013 Newsletter - Congregation Shaarie Torah


Oct-Nov 2013 Newsletter - Congregation Shaarie Torah
October—November 2013
Cheshvan—Kislev 5774
From the Rabbi...
The Essence of Shabbat
Shalom alechem malache ha-sharet malache elyon,
mi-melech malche ha-melachim Ha-Kadosh Baruch Hu
Peace upon you, ministering angels, messengers of the Most High,
of the Supreme King of Kings, the Holy One, blessed be He.
This melody, so full of love, peace, and sanctity. We embrace Shabbat with this ancient song, we welcome God's angels, and we carry the tradition of observing Shabbat as our ancestors have done for more
than 4,800 years. We have guests to our house, many who have not heard this song for years, since childhood, and the look on their faces tells me they are remembering Shabbat with their parents, with their
grandparents, and with their brothers and sisters. People wonder, how do we unplug every week for 25
hours, how do we not drive, not got to the movies or sports games or concerts? And we wonder - how do
they not refresh their souls, their relationships with each other and with God, every week? How do they not
free themselves of their bonds from work, from the world bombarding them with information, for the simple freedom of living one day a week in peace, learning, prayer and friendship?
How do we observe Shabbat? We sit together at a meal, with a nice tablecloth and the glow of the Shabbat candles. We have over friends and family, and have time to talk to each other without answering the
cell phones. We play lots of spirited games of Rummy Kube.
In shul, I enjoy discussing the Torah portion. My hope is that when you leave, you will have learned
something, for that is the role of a Rabbi - to be a teacher.
The final culmination of Shabbat is the Havdalah service, loved by so many. Havdalah actually means
"separation" - the separation between the holy day of rest from creation and the rest of the week. When we
smell the sweet scent of the spices, when we hold up our hands to embrace the light from the candle, we
hope to maintain that feeling of Shabbat, to carry us through another week.
May you and your family be blessed with the joy of Shabbat, may your souls be rejuvenated, may your
spirits be revitalized, may your relationships be refreshed, and may your love of God be recharged.
Wishing everyone a peaceful Shabbat- a Shabbat Shalom,
Rabbi Arthur Zuckerman
Blessings for Havdalah
Congregation Shaarie Torah
Education News
So, our house is feeling somewhat empty nowadays…Matan has left for Israel, Hadas has moved
out, working and applying for future learning and studying, and Yaniv is the only one in the
home…wow..Is that how empty nesters feel??? Or families with only one child at home?? I am so
glad we have Yaniv for 8 more years….hopefully he feels the same☺
Life is a highway, our theme from the High Holy Days, seems to be the most appropriate choice I
could have made. As our family shifts and changes and other opportunities become realities, I
reflect on how life sometime is unpredictable. As an example: We arrived home after Nehilah,
only to discover that one of Matan’s friends was in a critical car accident. She was crossing the
street with her mother, walking to a nearby synagogue, for Kol Nidrai, when a car hit them. Her mother died on the
scene and the daughter (who already lost her father a few years back) spent the rest of Yom Kippur fighting for her
life. The very next day, as I was driving home after decorating our Shaarie Torah sukkah-I got a call that a dear friend
of ours had just suffered a stroke and was in the emergency room. Bob and I did not hesitate and drove directly to the
Life is indeed a highway….you can be as equipped as you can and then, suddenly, there is a turn in the road. A bump
you did not expect, knowledge of something you were not aware of…So, what is a person to do when things come
their way…?? For Rosh Chodesh Circle, a gathering for women of all ages, meeting on October 6, I will be teaching
the seven things humanity will never know…if you want to join us, please email or call me.
Many times I feel that I am wearing many hats at Shaarie Torah, and I am not sure all of you know the numbers of hats
I have and the purpose for each one. So, allow me, as the year starts, to briefly share it with you, with the hope that you
would like to engage with us in the “hat that fits you the most.”
First Hat: Education for Youth:
Our kindergarten-5th graders engage in a religious school either on Sunday or Saturday. They are learning the
rituals, Hebrew, prayer, holidays and so on. I am lucky to organize this school, in addition to teaching the K-3 grade
this year, while a different teacher teaches the older kids.
The Wednesday night school: Our 6th -12th grades meet every Wednesday night. While we don’t do Hebrew/prayer,
we engage in learning Bible, history, Israel/ethics, holidays, and community awareness. Rabbi and I are the only
teachers in this school with guest teachers visiting us throughout the year.
We have a wonderful working Youth Ed Committee that develops and helps implement creative ideas and I am so
lucky to have them work with me and for us. They are: Yafit Heyman, Mimi Ezra, Perry Miles, Shira Newman,
Kristen Ertischek.
Second Hat: Education for Adults:
Ongoing Adult Learning
Pre-Shabbat talk with Rabbi Arthur Zuckerman
Noon in the library
Torah Class taught by Rabbi Arthur Zuckerman
8:30 a.m.
Beginning/Intermediate Biblical
Hebrew Class taught by Mike
Sheehan 1:30 p.m.
Last Monday of Every Month
Pirkei Pub
Meet Rabbi Arthur Zuckerman at Macadam’s
Bar & Grill, have a beer, shoot some pool (or
not) and discuss Pirkei Avot as it relates to
5833 SW Macadam Avenue
Portland, Oregon 97239
Congregation Shaarie Torah
Education news continued:
Throughout the year we have several learning opportunities. Rosh Chodesh for women is one example.
Pirkai Pub is another, only for men. There is also a Friday noon class with Rabbi as well as Parasha
learning on Saturday with Rabbi. The Hebrew Marathon is yet another example. Adult B’nai Mitzvah is
an ongoing class that is offered this year. So, if you are interested in having your Adult Bar/Bat Mitzvah,
and interested in a group class, NOW will be a good time to email me☺ Another learning opportunity
that we are starting this year for the first time: House Parties.
Here is a brief explanation for House Party CST style: 8 people or so, gather at the home of a member
once a month on the third Thursday of the month, to study and chat together! It’s as simple as this! All
you have to do is email me that you are interested in the group learning, and I will then put you together
with your group, based on age, common interests, and so on.
If you are interested in learning for adults-please call me. Our Adult Ed Committee is being formed and
formalized as we speak and I am very excited about the new prospects☺
Third Hat: Programming- Are we talking about holiday programming, religious programming,
Shabbat programming, social programming, or social action programming? It should not surprise you if
I say—“ All of them”☺ Here are a few examples:
Holiday programming- Our Chanukah celebration is coming up soon on Wed., December 4. Since
Chanukah occurs this year on Thanksgiving, we have received feedback that many will not be in town.
Therefore, as a staff, we have decided that we will do our Shaarie Torah Chanukah gathering on
December 4 from 6pm-8:30. More information to come your way.
Religious programming-Shabbat dinners and services. Sometimes led by our youth, and sometimes by
Rabbi or myself, our Shabbat dinners are always a fun and hamish way to begin the weekend☺ With
not a worry about planning the meal, or cleaning up, it’s a fabulous way to meet and socialize with our
members. Our next Shabbat dinner is scheduled for October 25 at 6:30pm. So please register today!
Shabbat programming: Whether it is youth minyannaires, Torah yoga with Rachel for preschool,
Community Minyan family service, Tot Shabbat, or Women’s Shabbat-all of our members’ Shabbat
needs are taken into account. Our goal is to satisfy and answer your Jewish needs-please feel free to
get involved and be part of the wonderful work that we aim to accomplish.
Social programming: A dinner outing for adults or a Google hangout for up to 10 participants are
only two examples. In order for us to get to know each other so when we do come into the synagogue
we are more comfortable with one another…Then there’s Google Hangout: our first hangout is
scheduled for October 10 at 7:30pm. If you want to participate, call or email me. I will assign you to a
group with a leader and for 30 min. you will be able to meet new people and talk about different
topics. Our youth education team is leading this venture. More details to follow. All you need is a
computer with a camera and speaker.
Social Action programming: Have you ever been to the Blanchette House? What about the Sunshine
Pantry? Oregon Food Bank? Or the Assistance League? We are doing all of it this year!!! I would love
for you to join us. You choose where to be and how to help, and we will say—Todah Rabbah! Look at
the fliers in this bulletin to get more information.
Having the opportunity to do all of this has one major plus--it helps me to know many of you. And here
is the part that I love, love, love—I get to talk to you during the week, say hello, hear your stories of
sadness as well as triumph and be in the position of inspiring you and helping you and I grow with each
passing day.
This is what I do. If you want to be involved with any of the aspects that I mentioned in this bulletin
article, please do not hesitate--call me. Drop me an email. I will call you back. I always do.
Make this year count.
“Like” us on Facebook! Congregation
Dorice Horenstein
Shaarie Torah Fan Page notices of what is going on, pictures
and chat with members.
Congregation Shaarie Torah
Oct./Nov. 2013
Shana tova! And a good New Year it is already!
The Preschool is full in our T/TH class. Last year seemed to be a
“down” year as far as enrollment, however this year we are on a roll
again. I feel so blessed to have such wonderful families join our preschool and stay connected to our community.
Since the Holy Days were in full bloom at the beginning of school
we are playing catch up with all the concepts of the holidays. We are
learning about mitzvah and how to be better people in the future. We
so enjoyed having a snack in the sukkah.
Rabbi Zuckerman gets to visit the preschool several times a month to share stories and adventures.
The children are very excited when he comes. He came to the Sukkah with the etrog and lulav. (and no
it’s not about the candy...! I hope.)
One of our fundraisers this year is a lecture series. Zeljka Boyd is presenting our first lecture October
27th at 11 am. “Keeping Kids Creative!” We are very fortunate to have Mira Kaddoura
(miramiramira.com) as our speaker. She is an independent creative writer/art director who previously
worked at Weiden + Kennedy for 10 years on brands such as Nike, Coca- Cola, Belvedere Vodka,
Target and Travel Oregon. She is part therapist, part lover of all things design/art and film; she is an
expert in harnessing creativity for a living and has won numerous awards.
In November plan on having a food panel with local chefs, farmers, and representatives from local
food sources. The topic will be how these professionals utilize local resources and how it impacts our
economy and communities.
Each year we visit a local farm to see the Fall harvest and animals in celebration of Sukkot. This year
we got to harvest our own crop of tomatoes from our Mitzvah Garden we planted last spring. The children had a wonderful time visiting Sauvie Island Farms. The farmers are so welcoming and the children had a wonderful time talking about harvesting food and seeing farm animals first hand. It always
tickles me to see the urban children’s reactions to a “real cow” and other farm animals up close and
personal. It’s the wonder in their eyes when they see where our food comes from.
In the next couple of months we’ll have an opportunity to observe the seasonal changes, talk about
Creation, Noah’s Ark, Hibernation with Bear Day and Migration - of the animal and human kind. Last
month we talked about Jonah and the big fish with more bible stories and thoughts of being grateful
and thankful. We celebrate our Thanksgiving with the story of Stone Soup – “soup from a stone; well
fancy that!” The children bring a vegetable that begins with their name and we all contribute to the
soup – it teaches community, giving and helping others in need. We also make challah and pumpkin
pie and have a feast which we all look forward to.
—Elizabeth Fleishman
Congregation Shaarie Torah
Congregation Shaarie Torah
Make a Difference Day-Book Drive
Can you make a difference? Of course, you can. You do it every day when you talk and hang out with
your friends and even your family. The difference doesn’t need to be gigantic; it is that one thing that you
do that helps another person.
You can make a difference in the life of another child by providing the opportunity to visit new places,
meet new friends, and have exciting adventures now and through time travel to the past and the future.
You can give them mysteries to solve, humor, poetry or an imaginary pet. How can you do all of this?
You can do all of this by giving a book to a child who may not have books in his or her home.
Shaarie Torah is joining hands with Assistance League® of Greater Portland, and together we invite you
to share new and gently used books with the children that they provide new clothing to those who attend
Beaverton and Hillsboro Public Schools. Many of these children have a tough time just having clothes
that fit to wear to school; a book to them is a luxury. It opens doors to their imagination. So, if you have a
gently used or even a new book that you could share with us, we will greatly appreciate it. We are trying
to raise 1,800 books for children kindergarten through sixth grade. You may bring books to Shaarie Torah
starting September until October 20, 2013.
In the words of Dorice, “Next time when you are presented with the opportunity to feed others, know that
you will be fed as well. Feeding others with the spirit, the encouragement, the support, the love is what
makes your life a happy place. A better place.” Your support to others on this project will truly make your
life a happy and better place.
Allison Mudrick
Congregation Shaarie Torah
Congregation Shaarie Torah
Congregation Shaarie Torah
Congregation Shaarie Torah
Congregation Shaarie Torah
Congregation Shaarie Torah
Th e 8 t h
C ra z
It's the last night of
Chanukkah-What are you
doing for the 8th crazy night?
Spend it with us at Shaarie
Food, fun and craziness for
the entire family!
Wednesday, Dec. 4th
• 6:00— Lighting. (Ple
bring your own menor
• 6:30—Dinner
ound the
• 7:15—3 programs ar
• 8:15—Gather and sh
inspirational video and
Movie screenings!
Preschool kids: Sesame Street Chanukah, and Rugrats of Chanukah. Call Eric Kimmel or Morah Devorah
5th grade and above: 8 Crazy Nights (Adam Sandler's voice)
Adults: Jewpardy
Mystery items for sale!
Price: $10 for adults, $5 for kids, $40 family cap. Nonmembers are $12 for adult, $6 for kids,
and $50 family cap.
Please become a sponsor at $140 (and your immediate family comes in free!)
Congregation Shaarie Torah
Congregation Shaarie Torah
Congregation Shaarie Torah
Congregation Shaarie Torah
Congregation Updates
Dr. & Mrs. Elliot Michael, Oct 4th, 33rd anniversary
Dr. Erik Richmond & Mrs. Annette Demsey, Oct
7th, 23rd anniversary
Mr. & Mrs. Solomon Wolf, Oct 9th, 31st anniversary
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Petcher, Oct 13th, 17th anniversary
Mrs. Lois Kaplan Glickman, Oct 15th, 13th anniversary
Mr. & Mrs. Norman Chusid, Oct 16th, 36th anniversary
Mr. Hilton Friedman & Mrs. Donna Weiss, Oct
17th, 20th anniversary
Mr. & Mrs. Barry Benson, Oct 24th, 26th anniversary
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Comstock, Oct 24th, 32nd
Mr. & Mrs. Benjamin Ertischek, Oct 25th, 15th
Ms. Donna Winkler, Oct 27th, 12th anniversary
Geoffrey & Marsha R. Strongin, Oct 28th, 18th
Fedor G. Pikus & Galina Goland, Nov 4th, 24th anniversary
Dr. & Mrs. Vitells, Nov 9th, 33rd anniversary
Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Brem, Nov 10th, 45th anniversary
Mr. Richard Hurwitz & Mrs. Brenda Katz, Nov 11th,
18th anniversary
Mr. & Mrs. Leland Waltuck, Nov 12th, 46th anniversary
Mr. & Mrs. Bert Rogoway, Nov 15th, 49th anniversary
Dr. & Mrs. Thomas Goodman, Nov 16th, 28th anniversary
Mr. and Mrs. Barry Russell, Nov 20th, 30th anniversary
Mr. & Mrs. Howard Liebreich, Nov 22nd, 46th anniversary
Michael Rappaport & Daniela Samoil, Nov 23rd, 20th
Mr. & Mrs. Marc Blattner, Nov 27th, 19th anniversary
Mr. & Mrs. Norman Kaplon, Nov 28th, 30th anniversary
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Enkelis, Nov 29th, 32nd anniversary
vnka vtupr
Get Well
Cantor David Rosenberg,
Yehudith bat Aidele,
Harav Ronnie David Zishe ben Aliza,
Lauren Seldon,
Ted Zidell,
Shmuel ben Naomi,
Diane Gibson,
Nechama bat Chaya,
Jack Fruchtengarten,
Ruth Waite (Rivka bat Sara),
Zahava bat Tzivia,
Naomi bat Chaya Sarah,
Mikhail Chaim ben Sarah,
Diana Bockman,
Esther Rivka bat Malka,
Etka Bila bat Shana,
Ruth Blum,
Claire Goldsmith,
Leah Raizel bat Naomi,
Nancy Fruchtengarten Beam,
Rabbi David Rosenberg,
Anthony Wright,
Margie Spector,
Edith Kamin,
Berel Scheib
Congregation Shaarie Torah
Congregation Updates
Happy Birthday!
Dr. Barry N Davis, Oct 1st
Mr. Stanton Gene Usher, Oct
Dr. Solomon Wolf, Oct 5th
Mrs. Allison Mudrick, Oct 6th
Mr. Morris Galen, Oct 7th
Ruth Blum, Oct 8th
Julie Hockley, Oct 9th
Elisa Funes, Oct 12th
Caron Rothstein, Oct 13th
Susan R. Winthrop, Oct 14th
Mr. Steven Berliner, Oct 16th
Lily Floom, Oct 16th
Rene R. Ovalle, Oct 16th
Ms. Melissa Cohen, Oct 17th
Mrs. Anna Stern Lipke, Oct
Mr. Nathaniel Jaffe, Oct 20th
Mrs. Miriam Greenstein, Oct
Mr. Leonard Krichevsky, Oct
Mr. Craig Harris, Oct 22nd
Mrs. Marilyn Jean Feist, Oct
Mrs. Julie Donin, Oct 28th
Mr. Arden E. Shenker, Oct
Brendan H. Good, Oct 29th
Mrs. Barbi Enkelis, Oct 30th
Mr. Berel Scheib, Oct 30th
Ms. Miriam Steierman, Oct
Mrs. Becky Rotenberg, Oct
Mr. Ivan Lewis Gold, Nov
Mr. Tiger Branch, Nov 3rd
Dr. Erik Richmond, Nov 4th
Dr. Leonard Goldberg, Nov
Mrs. Ellen Lippman, Nov 7th
Mrs. Annette Demsey, Nov
Mr. Richard Cohen, Nov
Mrs. Lydia F. Hubbard, Nov
Mr. Frank Berne, Nov 11th
Ms. Toni Jaffe, Nov 11th
Mrs. Margaret Gotesman,
Nov 13th
Mrs. Pauline Goldstein, Nov
Mr. Clifford Hockley, Nov
Mr. Keith Berne, Nov 15th
Mr. Jason Kaufman, Nov
Mrs. Alegre Tevet, Nov 15th
Mrs. Arlene Gintz, Nov 19th
Ms. Emily B. Kamara, Nov
Mrs. Edith Kamin, Nov 20th
Kyle Rotenberg, Nov 21st
Mrs. Kim Sue Rosenberg,
Nov 22nd
Mr. Bruce R. Winthrop, Nov
Ms. Esther Rosenshein, Nov
Simi Zuckerman, Nov 24th
Andrew Osborn, Nov 26th
Mr. Jerry Stern, Nov 26th
Mr. Joel William Cohen,
Nov 29th
Condolences to:
The Milt Rosenthal Family
The Robert Erlich Family
Congregation Shaarie Torah
Rabbi Zuckerman’s
Discretionary Fund
In memory of:
My father Eli
By Victor Levy
My father Lou “Tobe” Tobin
By Phil and Patricia Tobin
My mother Zirl Gass
By David Gass
My father Albert Rogoway, Robert Parnas
By Bert Rogoway
My father and father-in-law Sidney
Schiffman and Stefan Weil
By Charles Schiffman
My brother-in-law Sanford C. Williams
By Betty Rose Williams
My mother-in-law Betty Williams
By Betty Rose Williams
My mother Ida Mills
By Marian Brown
My father Sam David Alhadeff
By David Alhadeff
My mother, Janet Goldman
My grandfather, Mall Croter
My grandfather, Arthur Schick
By Matthew Goldman
My brother Eugene Stern
By Leah and Norman Dorkin
In honor of:
Syd and Barbara Sternbock’s 50th anniversary
By Bert and Laurie Rogoway
Get well to:
Aleksey Burlay
By Pauline and Gersham Goldstein
Adult Education Fund
In memory of:
My husband Stanley Samuels
By Faye Samuels
Get well to:
Aleksey Burlay
By Bruce and Susan Winthrop
Arthur Simon Fresh Flower Fund
In memory of:
Milt and Irene Rosenthal
By Barry Simon
In honor of:
Rabbi Zuckerman in honor of the new
By Barry Simon
Building Fund
In memory of:
My brother Alfred Burda
By Isaac and Charlotte Tevet
Get well to:
Aleksey Burlay
By Charlotte Isaac Tevet
Cemetery Fund
In memory of:
My grandmother Goldie Jacobson
By Dave S. Jacobson
My grandfather Herbert Cole
By Dave S. Jacobson
My dear father William Saltman
By Shirley Winger
My uncle Ben Medofsky
By Annette Levin
My grandmother Eva Bloomberg
By Linda G. Begen-Peltz
My father Harold Hyman Angel
By Leon Angel and Jacqueline Angel
My father/grandfather Harry Israel
By Elaine and Daniel Zusman
My father William Saltman
By Mr. and Mrs. Robert Simson
My father Harry Mesher
By Lea and Jack Hecht
My father Harry Israel
By Patty Hanson
My uncle Ben
My father Irving Popick
By Eadi Popick
My mother Fannie Gottesman
By Ellen Teicher
My mother Fannie Gottesman
By Les Gottesman
My mother Faye Bloomberg Begen
By Linda G. Begen-Peltz
My mother Darlene Popick
By Eadi Popick
My father Samuel David Alhadeff
By Dan and Janice Pitman
Jerome Corky Kornberg
Rebecca Gothalph Gilbert
Israel Gothalph Gilbert
Jarah Kornberg
Jamel Kornberg
Dorothy Kornberg
Ted Blank
By The Kornberg Family
My husband Harold Donin
By Julie Donin
My mother Betty Lesch
By Millard and Wendy Lesch
My father Samuel David Alhadeff
By Richard I. Alhadeff
My father Manuel Levenson
By Sandra Stapleton
My mother Clara Greenblatt
By Shirley and Ray Freidman
My mother Clara Greenblatt
By Florence Saks
My sister-in-law, Marcella C. Kern
By Miriam S Straus
Education Fund
In memory of:
My son David Morley Litt
By Sandra Litt
My grandfather Julius H. Cohen
By Barbara Weiland and Ron
Bob Parnas, a good friend
By Marilyn Feist
David Honigstock
By Marilyn Feist
My mother Celia Paul
By Arlene and Yale Downes
My father Arthur Subotnick
By Ron Sobotnick and Barbara
My mother, Lena Fani Sevy
By Victoria S. Russell
My husband Benjamin L. Russell
By Victoria S. Russell
In honor of:
Marvin Schnitzer’s 90th birthday
By Rhoda Winters
Jack & Sarah Hornstein Fund
Congregation Shaarie Torah
In Honor of:
Rosalie Goodman’s Granddaughter Julia
Goodman’s Marriage to Nathan Ploof
By Maury Hornstein and Family
Rabbi Geller Lecture Series Fund
In memory of:
My uncle Gene Stern
By Arlene and Yale Downes
My husband Peter A. Nathan
By Helle Nathan and Family
My mother Pearl Feves Burton
By Dr and Mrs. Wayne N Burton
My father Allen D. Keller
By Fred Keller
In honor of:
Lisl Geller for a Healthy, Happy New
By Carol and Sy Danish
General Fund
Donation by Edward B Grover
In memory of:
My brother Harold Newson
By Bernice Resnikoff
My uncle David Sharff
By Greg and Kim Harris
My mother Besse Harris
By Gregory and Kimberly Harris
My grandfather George Harris
By Gregory and Kim Harris
Etta Maizels
By Alan M. Weiner
Rabbi Reznik
By Steve and Joyce Boro
Zanley Perkel
By Sue Perkel
My husband John Bonnin
My daughter Lyn Bonnin Smith
By Vivienne
My father-in-law Dave Greenberg
By Sondra Greenberg
My son Jeremiah Toyam Cox
By Chana B Cox
Darryl Overback
By Robert A. Ginsberg
My sister Ann Gilbert
By Miriam Kornberg
My father-in-law Irving E. Jacobson
By Marje Jacobson
My mother Anna Newson
By Bernice Resnikoff
Hy Baderman
By Doreen Schnitzer
My mother
My aunt Anne Gilbert
By Alexander and Ilene Aginsky
My father Aleck Klonoff and Mother
Becky Klonoff
By Dorothy Hytowitz
Sylvia Perkel
By Sue Perkel
My mother Ruth Melzer
By Julianne Weed
Hy Baderman
By Naomi and Bernard Warmflash
My mother Freida Basha Glaser
By Sally Levin
My father Jerome Kornberg
By Alexander and Ilene Aginsky
My wife Laurie Hollander
By David Hollander
My father Keve Kantor
By Judy and Mort Kantor
My mother Ida Shleifer
By Stuart and Susan Shleifer
My brother, Ben Russell
By Isadore Russell
My son-in-law Mike Gotesman
By Isadore Russell
My father Samuel Parker
By Edythe R. Steinbock
My mom Faima Kalniskaya
By Asya Starosta
My father-in-law Jacob Goldberg
By Anita Goldberg
My mother-in-law Anna Goldberg
By Anita Goldberg
Hy Baderman
By The Benson Family
My father Barney Bricker
By Mark and Nadine (Bricker) Dunker
My mother Sonia Westerman
By Arne Westerman
Robert Erlich
By Gary and Linda Singer
Milton Rosenthal
By Gary and Linda Singer
Grandfather Max Cohen Sr.
By Marcus Cohen
Beloved Grandfather, Joseph Wiener
By Mr. and Mrs. Howard Freedman
Beloved Mother Ann Horenstein
By Mr. and Mrs. Howard Freedman
In honor of:
Canter Manny Teiblum
By Roz Roseman
Shaarie Torah in appreciation for making me feel at home during my summer
stint in PDX. What a wonderful group
of people!
By Mimi Berlin
Virginia Russel for years of service to
Shaarie Torah
By Victoria Russell
Bernard & Naomi Warmflash
By Lydia Hubbard
Betsy Russell
By Victoria Russell
Irina Munblit
By Victoria Russell
Betsy Russell’s birthday
By Victoria Russell
Get well:
Aleksey Burlay
By Lydia Hubbard
Rabbi Rosenberg
By Victoria Russell
Cantor David Rosenberg
By Victoria Russell
Eva Walleston
By Shirley Harris
Harry Nemer Kiddush Fund
In memory of:
My grandmother Sarah Newman
By Jerry Newman
My mother-in-law Fannie Samuels
By Faye Gordon Samuels
My father Henry Gordon
By Faye Gordon Samuels
Beloved mother Jennie Newman
By Jerry and Dora Newman
Bob Erlich and Milt Rosenthal
By Bobbie and Phil Cohen
Jerome Corky Kornberg
Rebecca Gothalph Gilbert
Israel Gothalph Gilbert
Jarah Kornberg
Jamel Kornberg
Dorothy Kornberg
Ted Blank
By The Kornberg Family
Congregation Shaarie Torah
In honor of:
Barry Benson –Congratulations on becoming PJA president
By Bobbie and Phil Cohen
Barbara Leveton and Marilyn Feist for
Healthy, Happy New Year
By Carol and Sy Danish
Get well:
Aleksey Burlay
By Marilyn Feist
Aleksey B.
By Bobbie and Phil Cohen
Kiddush Club
In memory of:
The Leonard Goldberg family:
Rachel Leah Goldberg
Zanvil Areya Goldberg
Chaye Risa Goldberg
Ita Goldberg
Mishka Goldberg
John R Bonnin
Lyn Bonnin Smith
By Dolly and Leonard Goldberg
Elizabeth Shenker
William Shenker
Moshe Myerson
By Dolly and Leonard Goldberg
Get well:
Aleksey Burlay
By Len and Dolly Goldberg
Milton Carl
By Len and Dolly Goldberg
Kitchen Fund
In memory of:
My father Hymen Rosenbloom
By Norman and Judy Rosenbloom
My father Jules Jacobson,
By Judy Hoffman
My mother Rose Jacobson
By Judy Hoffman
Get well to:
Milt Carl
By Judy Hoffman
Library Fund
In memory of:
My mother
By Gertrude Maxman Harwin
Milt and Cissi Carl Early
Childhood Education Fund
In memory of:
My grandfather Samuel Carl
By Milt Carl
Robert Erlich
By Milt Carl
Milton Rosenthal
By Milt Carl
My Beloved aunt Mary Goldstein
By Barbie Enkelis
My grandma Rose Shnitka
By Mike Enkelis
My aunt Mary Goldstein
By Milt Carl
My father Dave Krichevoky
Leonard Krichevsky
My step father Sid Carl
By Cori Overlund
My grandfather Frank Goldstein
By Milt Carl
My aunt Mary Goldstein
By Barbie Enkelis
Your dear father, Milton
By Marilyn Feist
Your beloved father, Robert
By Marilyn Feist
David Honigstock
By Marilyn Feist
Bob Parnas, a good friend
By Marilyn Feist
Milton Rosenthal
By Eva Walleston
Robert Erlich
By Eva Walleston
My husband Melvin Harris
By Mrs. Shirley Harris
Get well to:
Eva Walleston
By Pam and Stan Rotenberg
Eva Walleston
By Barbie, Mike and Gary Enkelis
Eva Walleston
By Pam and Stan Rotenberg
Our Oma and mother-in-law
Rosa Bonnin
By Vivienne and family
My grandmother Rashel
Leah Goldberg
By V Bonnin
My father Harry Shamblott
By Susan and Bruce Winthrop
Sharron Scales Scholarship Fund
In memory of:
My daughter Lyn Bonnin Smith
By Vivienne Bonnin
My husband John R. Bonnin
By Vivienne Bonnin
Harold Hyman Angel
By Belle Angel and family
David Honigstock
By Ron and Sandy Baderman
Hy Baderman
By Annette Levin
In honor of:
Her husband Ben Russell, her
mother Lena Sevy
By Victoria Russell
Myra Sussman for a very happy
special birthday
By Tillie Baderman
Wendy and Howard Liebreich for
happiness and good health
in their new home
By Aunt Te, Sandy and Ron
Please mail your donations
for the Sharron Scales
Scholarship Fund to:
5467 SW Dover Ct.
Portland, OR 97225
Barney Bricker Memorial Fund
In memory of:
My father Barney Bricker
By Monte Bricker
Aliya Honors
Victor Levy
Prayer Book Fund
In memory of:
My three aunts, Mishka,
Ita and Chaye Risa, and uncle Zanvil
By Vivienne Bonnin
Congregation Shaarie Torah
October—November Yahrzeits
Kiddush Club
We thank you for your contributions
Judith Alberton
Tillie Baderman
John Barton
Frank & Lee Berne
Arthur & Jean Blumberg
Steven Butler
Milt Carl
Frieda Cohen
Phil & Bobbie Cohen
Sy & Carol Danish
Marilyn Feist
Joel & Karen Fischer
Jack Fruchtengarten
Nancy Fruchtengarten
Lisl Geller
Diana Ginsburg
Leonard & Dolly Goldberg
Jay & Marleen Goldstein
Rosalie Goodman
Mike Imlah
Lou Kaufman
Raymond Kimeldorf
Michael Mendelson
Tami Ovalle
Gordon Oviatt
David & Carmel Ross
Michael & Kuntheary
Harley & Ulla Sachs
Faye Samuels
Esther Swart
Isaac & Charlotte Tevet
Jennifer Tucker
Claire Westerman
Joan Wiens
Bernard & Naomi Warmflash
Oct—Nov Yahrzeit
October 5—11
Heshvan 1—Heshvan 1
Helen Adler
Esther Barer
Jimmy Berg
Alice E. Brumm*
Anne Henrietta Carl*
Louis Carl*
Abe Cohen*
Nettie Director*
Harry Enkeles
Shirley Enkelis
Joseph Freedman*
Samuel Goldman
Regina Hasson
David Goodman Holtzman*
Sadie Horenstein*
Yetta Ingber*
Millie Israel
Rebecca Israel*
Goldie Jacobson*
Lena Kahn
Breina (Brocha) Katz
Miksa (Mayer) Katz
Rebecca Katz
Willie (Zav) Katz
David Kugel
Abraham M. Levoff*
Constance (Connie) E Lipman*
Gordon Vincent Nagel
Thelma Osherow
Samuel Parker
Margrit Piechatzek
Kate Pomerantz*
Bessie M. Rosenbaum*
Belle Rosenberg*
Joshua Rosenthal
Helen H. Rotenberg
Sadie Ruvel
Mary Sax*
Fred Scheuer
Pauline Schneiderman*
Joseph Schnitzer*
Ida Schwartz
Sima Slifman*
Sonya Solidor
Harold Steinman
Betty Szaynberg*
Abe L. Westerman*
October 12 –18
Heshvan 8—14
Heidi Alberton*
Ogen Babani
Sam Babani
Paul Baer
Regina Bruss*
Polly Cohen
Rea Donion
Sam Field
Max Firestone*
Bella Funes
Peter Goldbaum*
Eric Goldenberg*
Isidore M Goldstein*
Reva Goldstein*
Esar Katz
Irving Katz
Bessie Kemp
Martin Kestin
Perry Lagrone
Sarah Taibe Levi
Fannie Mesher*
Celia Rosenbloom*
Annie Saltman*
Rose Scharf*
Reuben L. Schwartz
Rosalyn Shamblott
Murray Steckel*
Livia Vidor Steierman
Lillian S. Steinberg*
Dorothy Steinbock
Sophie Sugarman
Cima Tasker
Morris Weinberg
Denny Weinstein*
Frances Wolensky
October 19—25
Heshvan 15—21
Franz Aepfelbacher
Rose Alhadeff*
Israel J. Barer*
Hyman Bloomberg*
Dr. Harry Brown*
Mattoe Carl*
Alex S. Cogan
Lisa Cohen
Gertrud F. Cohn*
Hyman Evans
Ellis Beth Fields*
Ephraim Geller*
Gertrude Goren
Charles Gottesman*
Max Himmelfarb*
Hyman Horenstein*
Reva Kailes
Morris Kerkes*
Gertrude Kofman
Freda Krichevsky*
Arnold Nathan Lichtenstein
Bernice Mark
Morris Meadows
Sol P. Mermelstein
Sam Merrin
Fay R. Mozorosky
Peggy R. Rodgers
Nathan Rogoway*
Sara Silberstein*
Milton Silver
Benjamin Singer
David Isaac Smolensky
Sam Usher*
Celia Zohn*
Rosie Zohn*
October 26—Nov 1
Heshvan 22—28
Golda Ankelis*
Mary Arik*
Risa Barer*
Maurice Blum*
Flora Perkel Bockman
Isadore Cohen*
Rosie Cohen*
Estelle Danish
Lilyan Fischman*
Fanny Fishman*
Sylvia Geltman*
Robert Gerson*
Joseph Goldstein*
Lillian Goodman
Herbert Gunter
Estelle Horenstein*
Mishka Horenstein*
Dorothy Yetta Jackson*
Esther Katz
Leo Katz
Richard Kenin
George Kraft*
Robert Layton
Rebecca Leonard
Abe Lesch*
Fanny Lesch*
Frances Levenson*
Sam Levine
Frances Levinson
Joseph Menashe*
Lena Naimark*
Stanford Nudelman
Maxine Policar
Benjamin Rome
Ben Rosenfeld*
Harris Rosenthal*
Sidney Rubin*
Rose Ann Schnitzer*
Alfred Sharff*
Freida Shochet*
Velvel Shochet*
Congregation Shaarie Torah
October—November Yahrzeits
William Sholkoff*
Arthur Simon
Jacob Soble
Sylvia Davis Solomon*
Benjamin Witt*
Abraham Zusman
November 2—8
Heshvan 29—Kislev 5
Jacob Asher
Sigmund Bander*
Ellis Berliner
Leonard I. Blank*
Max Breall
Anna Brown
Anna Director*
Sam Director*
Louis Etlinger
Dave Feves*
Benjamin Floom
Hinda Gottesman*
Ricca Hasson*
Moshe Jaroff*
Elizabeth Lamken*
Laya Lazarus*
Benjamin Lebenzon*
Eileen Leveton*
Jean Leveton*
Harry Moss*
David Petcher
Fannie Cohen Piepke
Rose Puziss*
Esther Rosenbloom
Hyman Ross
Rae Samuelis
Anna Scheffman
Andrea Schiefelbein
Chaya Schwartz*
Clare Segol*
Lily Silberberg
Jay Alan Smith
Sheila Jacobson Sockol*
Reuben Louis Stern
Anna Weinsoft*
Robert S. Weisbard
Celia Weiss
Goldie Wiener*
November 9—15
Kislev 6—12
Betty Bender*
Sam Benton
Berta Blankenstein*
Isaac Bloom
Julius Bloomberg*
Nathan Boro
Bunya Breall*
Belle Brounstein*
Brindal Carl*
Benjamin E. Cohen*
Mary Cohen*
Stanley Ramon Cooper
Moshe Director*
Joseph Ehrman*
Doris Etlinger
Gertrude Fahnrich*
Allan Gamson*
Faiga Gantz*
Shloima Gantz*
Rabbi Tzvi Yonah Geller*
Edith Gibson*
Jeffrey Grayson*
Celia Greenfield
Sam M. Hasson
Bessie Kailes*
Betty Kaplan*
Albert Kastleman
George L. Kemp
Frank Kenin
Arthur Klapper*
Betty Lebenzon
Arthur Leonard
Alan Lesman
Anna Leve*
Moses Mark
Julian Marks
Herman Mesher*
Noah Naimark*
Moses Nathan Pearlman
Philip Petcher
Florence Planer
Sylvia Pogolowitz
Irving Popick*
Peter Rabow
Jacob Ross
Molly Rotenberg*
Max Arthur Rutzick
Sam Salmenson
Anna Saltzman*
Barnet Schechtman
Nathan Schlanger
Rose Schnitzer*
Toby Schwartz
Tillie Seaman
William Shaman*
Bertha Sherman*
Herbert Simmons
Hillel Slifman*
Emma Anna Sloane
Samuel Soble
Fannie Usher*
Charles Ushkatz*
Annie Weiner*
Jack Weinstein*
Albert Elgin Wolff
November 16—22
Kislev 13—19
Sadie Bader
Marev Barany
Faye Bild
Bessie Blank
Mollie Blumenthal*
Joseph Bockman*
Edward T. Brounstein*
Leon Carl
Morrie Charnekar
Nick Dibert
Sarah Fain*
Harry Feves*
Meir Feves*
Mirl Gass*
Sophie Goldberg*
Betty Goldman
Alex Goldstein*
Harold Goldstein*
Raisa Gordin
George Gottesman*
Edna Greenberg*
Philip Greenberg*
Ida Greenstein*
Rebecca Greenthal*
Victor Hasson
Rebecca Jacobson*
Bernard Kaplan*
Goldie Kaplan*
Dora Kaufman
Samuel Kotkins
Goldie Kutner
Bernard Levin
Maurice Levinson*
Helen Lipian*
Jack Lipian*
Kim Lipian*
Susan Lipian*
Norman Lipsky
Herbert Lowenthal
Esther Mandel
Anna G Maus*
Shirley Merin
Harry Mills*
Henry Perkel*
Regina (Jean) Philan*
Isaac Premisler
Colleen Rice
Rachel Rosen*
Helen Litman Rosenbloom
Minnie Rosencrantz*
Lilyan K. Rosenthal*
Morris H. Rotenberg
Joseph Rothstein
Gordon Russell*
Leo Schatz*
Leon Schlossberg
Moishe Schnitzer*
Ben Shaman*
Esther Shaman
Samuel Shaman
Hilda Siegel*
Alvin Singer
Sarah Urecki
Betty Veltman Goldman*
Rose Wagner
Margie Winkler
Craig Wollner
Eva Zohn
November 23—30
Kislev 20—27
Abraham Axe*
Bernard Axe*
Esther Bellman*
Nathan Benjamin
David Besner
Rose Black
Alex Blond*
Frieda Breall*
Simon Browman
Beatrice Chusid*
Rose Cogan
Charlotte Hyman Cohen
Regina Cohen*
Sam Cohen*
Thelma Cohen*
William Cohen
Frank J. Director*
Benjamin L. Eisenberg*
Charlotte Gevurtz*
Congregation Shaarie Torah
Sarah Gilbert*
Charles Goldfoot*
Howard Good
Leib Gottesman*
Lewis Grill
Mamie K. Harris*
Mollie Hasson*
Reyna Hasson
Jacob Holtzman*
Sarah R. Keimach
Isaac Korsunsky
Mary Lauber*
Ishmael (Sam) Learner*
Libby Leben
Mishka G. Lorber*
Jacob Mann*
Cris Mastin
Grace Meier*
Anna Mink*
Isadore Mozorosky*
Richard Mozorosky
Sonia Nudelman
Carl Osherow
Jacob Ovetz
Phyllis Petcher
Edward E. Radding
Irwin Raften*
Moishe Rosenstock
Morris Rubenstein*
Minnie Rubin*
Ida Schatz*
Abraham Scheinbaum
Samuel B. Schnitzer*
Philip Shapiro
Sanford M. Shapkin
Izetta Siegal*
L. (Louis) Siegel*
Forrest Simmons
Hilda Steinbock*
Aleksandra Vinnytska
Jack Warren*
Jacob Weinsoft
Bernice Weinstein
Esther G. Weinstein*
Jacob J. Weinstein*
Zevolun Weissfish
Celia Westerman
Clara Zusman
Harry Zusman*
Come see NEW excing merchandise
in our
Diane Nemer Sisterhood Gi Shop!
Lots of great NEW gi ideas!
New jewelry, mezuzas, talits.
Open during office hours:
Monday - Thursday 9 am - 4:30 pm
Friday 9 am - 3 pm
All proceeds go to our Educaon Programs
Synagogue Office and
Diane Nemer Sisterhood Gift Shop
Tillie and Ron Baderman
Marilyn Feist
Dora Newman
Dori Tenner
Judith Alberton
Miriam Straus
* Indicates that a memorial
plaque has been dedicated
and placed in the Shaarie Torah
Congregation Shaarie Torah
October 2013
27 Tishrei—27 Chesvan 5774
Diane Nemer Sisterhood Gi Shop
4 Rosh Chodesh
First Day
Open during office hours:
Monday - Thursday 9 am - 4:30 pm
Friday 9 am - 3 pm
or by appointment
Service 8:30 a.m.
Minyan 7:25 a.m.
Rosh Chodesh 2nd
Rabbi's Class 8:30 a.m.
Services - 9:30 a.m.
Rabbi’s Tanakh
Class, noon
6:27 p.m.
Minyan 7:25 a.m.
Google Hangout
Community Minyan/
Family Service
Rabbi’s Tanakh
Class, noon
Rabbi's Class 8:30 a.m.
Services - 9:30 a.m.
Preschool overnighter
Melton 7:00-9:00
Minyan 8:30 a.m.
Texas Hold ‘Em
Tournament, 3:00 to
14 Minyan 7:25 a.m. 15
Columbus Day
Board meeting,
Blanchet House,
Let’s feed the
Just Food Choices with
Melton, 7:00– 9:00
20 Minyan 8:30 a.m. 21 Minyan 7:25 a.m. 22
17 Minyan 7:25 a.m. 18
House Party (check
with Dorice for time)
Make a Difference Day
6:02 p.m.
24 Minyan 7:25 a.m. 25
Minyan 8:30 a.m.
28 Minyan 7:25 a.m. 29
5:50 p.m.
House, Let’s 31
30 Blanchet
feed the hungry
Minyan 7:25 a.m.
Just Food Choices with
Pre Chanukah Sale!
10:00 to 4:00
Keeping Kids Creative,
Shabbat Dinner, 6:30pm
Assistance League,
Pirkei Pub, 7:00, pm
Melton, 7:00-9:00
First Balabusta training
class, 7:00
Wednesday Night School,
Intro to Judaism with
Rabbi Zuckerman
Rabbi's Class 8:30 a.m.
Services - 9:30 a.m.
Junior Congregation
Rabbi’s Tanakh
Class, noon
Wednesday Night
School, 6:00
Melton, 7:00– 9:00
Rabbi’s Tanakh
Class, noon
Shabbat in the Park
at Wallace Park
6:30 pm
Wednesday Night
School, 6:00
Junior Congregation
Rabbi's Class 8:30 a.m.
Services - 9:30 a.m.
Youth Minyannaires
Torah Yoga with Rachel
Congregation Shaarie Torah
November 2013
28 Cheshvan—27 Kislev
Rabbi’s Tanakh
Class, noon
Rabbi's Class 8:30 a.m.
Services - 9:30 a.m.
Community Minyan/Family Service
5:40 p.m.
Minyan 8:30 a.m.
Daylight Saving
Time Ends
Minyan 7:25 a.m.
Minyan 8:30 a.m.
Minyan 7:25 a.m.
Rabbi’s Tanakh
Class, noon
Wednesday night school,
Minyan 7:25 a.m.
4:30 p.m.
Minyan 7:25 a.m.
Just Food Choices
with HEART, 4/5
Rabbi’s Tanakh
Class, noon
Minyan 8:30 a.m.
Minyan 8:30 a.m.
Adopt a family with
Wednesday night school
Minyan 7:25 a.m.
Pirkei Pub
7 pm
4:23 p.m.
Minyan 7:25 a.m.
Minyan 7:25 a.m.
Rabbi's Class 8:30 a.m.
Services - 9:30 a.m.
Women’s Shabbat
Junior Congregation
Veterans’ Day
Rabbi's Class 8:30 a.m.
Services - 9:30 a.m.
Rosh Chodesh
Second Day
Rosh Chodesh First
Election Day
Chanukkah Eve
Light First
Chanukkah Light
Rabbi’s Tanakh
Class, noon
Wednesday night school
4:17 p.m.
(office closed)
First day of
Junior Congregation
Rabbi's Class 8:30 a.m.
Services - 9:30 a.m.
Junior Congregation
30 Rabbi's Class 8:30 a.m.
Rabbi’s Tanakh
Class, noon
Second day of
4:13 p.m.
Services - 9:30 a.m.
Third day of
Torah Yoga with
Rachel, Youth
Congregation Shaarie Torah
Kiddush Club Contribution
Please accept my
Kiddush Club contribution:
Enclosed check ________ $_____
VISA / MC / Discover
exp ________________
Mail this form with your donation to:
Congregation Shaarie Torah
920 NW 25th Ave.
Portland, OR 97210
[email protected]
Office Phone:
Fax Line:
C e me t e r y :
H o me P a g e :
Rick Cohen
Michael Imlah
Office Administrator
[email protected]
Jordan Schnitzer
Phil Cohen
Vice President
Rabbi Arthur Zuckerman
[email protected]
Rebbitzin Simi Zuckerman
[email protected]
Cantor Aaron Vitells
Dorice Horenstein
Education Director
[email protected]
Isaac Tevet
Vice President
Elizabeth Fleishman
Preschool Director
[email protected]
Joel Greenblum
Vice President
Valerie Asbell
Office Assistant
Peter Lyman
Tamara Ovalle
Steve Carver
Past President
Our cemetery’s truck is long past its better days. It is
used for many essential purposes and must be replaced.
If any of you own a sturdy used pickup truck that you
no longer need,
DONATION” to the Shaarie Torah Cemetery.
It would be gratefully received and acknowledged.
If you need a printed Bulletin please contact
the office 503-226-6131
Place an ad in Shaarie Torah Bulletin.
Your Ad will also appear on our website
Call our office for more information
Vol. 83 No. 5
published for:
Aleksey Burlay
Synagogue Custodian
Shaarie Torah
Bill Schaffler
Cemetery Supervising Caretaker
920 NW 25th Avenue
Portland, Oregon 97210
Leo Lopez
Cemetery Caretaker
Affiliated with