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144 Songbook and Gregorian Chant CD’s Glory & Praise Classic A compendium of the best contemporary songs from the first four volumes of Glory & Praise Glory & Praise Comprehensive A timeless combination of contemporary music and traditional hymns 5205 Assembly Edition ..................................................... $12.25 5793 Keyboard Accompaniment Book ........................ $75.00 5200 Assembly Edition ..................................................... $12.00 5788 Keyboard Accompaniment Book ........................ $75.00 5792 Guitar Accompaniment Book ............................. $55.00 5787 Guitar Accompaniment Book ............................. $50.00 Song of Prayer Gregorian Melodies: Popular Chants Volume I The Community of Jesus ISBN: 978-1-55725-576-1 Price: $21.99 Monks of Solesmes ISBN: 978-1-55725-293-7 Price: $16.95 Learn the basics of Gregorian chant as you learn the service of Compline. Instructional CD included! Familiar and popular chants including the Tantum Ergo and Adoro te. Gregorian Melodies: Popular Chants Volume II I Am With You Gloriae Dei Cantores Schola ISBN: 978-1-55725-321-7 Price: $16.95 Monks of Solesmes ISBN: 978-1-55725-338-5 Price: $16.95 Chants of the passion and Easter, including the entire Passion Narrative. Popular chants including the Te deum, Stabat Mater, and Ave Maria. Sacred Songs of Russia Gregorian Sampler – Volume I Monks of Solesmes ISBN: 978-1-55725-117-6 Price: $16.95 A sampling of Gregorian chant favorites including Antiphons for Lauds of Martyrs at Eastertide, Kyrie IX and Gloria IX. Gloriae Dei Cantores ISBN: 978-1-55725-224-1 Price: $16.95 This is the best--the best--compilation of Russian sacred choral music that I have ever heard . . . . American Record Guide Feasts of Our Lady Giovanni PierLuigi Da Palestrina Gloriae Dei Cantores ISBN: 978-1-55725-240-1 Monks of Solesmes ISBN: 978-1-55725-106-0 Price: $16.95 Music of unsurpassed grace and beauty from Palestrina, the “prince and father of music”. Gregorian chants to celebrate the Blessed Mother. Gregorian Requiem Vespers and Compline Monks of Solesmes ISBN: 978-1-55725-110-7 Price: $16.95 Gloriae Dei Schola ISBN: 978-1-55725-519-8 Price: $16.95 Close your day with the beauty of Vespers and Compline. The moving and beautiful Gregorian chants of the Requiem Mass. Gregorian Anthology THE GLORIÆ DEI CANTORES SCHOL A The Chants of Christmas Monks of Solesmes ISBN: 978-1-55725-201-2 Price: $16.95 This anthology follows the principal seasons of the liturgical year. Chants of Christmas Gloriae Dei Schola ISBN: 978-1-55725-789-5 Price: $16.95 Celebrate the sacred mystery of Christmas with the ancient melodies of Gregorian chant. Prices subject to change without notice. ACG 2012 144.indd 1 7/14/11 1:22 AM Special Annual Publications 145 Place Your Order Now! WORKBOOK FOR LECTORS & GOSPEL READERS MANUAL PARA PROCLAMAORES DE LA PALABRA SOURCEBOOK FOR SUNDAYS AND SEASONS LIVING LITURGY YEAR B ST. JOSEPH HANDBOOK FOR PROCLAIMERS OF THE WORD 2012 Spirituality Celebration and 16-1063 1-4 copies $13.00 ea. Directed toward those who pre- Catechesis for Sundays and 5-49 copies $12.00 ea. pare the parish liturgy, included Solemnities. 16-1055 1-4 copies.. $13.00 ea. 408 Pages, Flexible Cover. 5-49 copies... $12.00 ea. 50 or more copies $11.00 ea. are suggestions for music, 15-0703 1-4.........$16.95 8-1/2” x 10-7/8” 5 or more.............$13.95 prayers introductions to the 85/04.................$10.95 50 or more copies... $11.00 ea. seasons plus more. 16-1056 One copy......$15.00 2 or more copies... $13.00 ea. 5 or more copies... $12.00 ea. ABIDE IN MY WORD 2012 DAILY PRAYER 2012 15-1877 Abide in My Word provides One copy each day’s scripture readings $12.00 ea. in an easy-to-locate format. 2 copies 16-1068 .................$15.50 $10.00 ea. DIARIO DE ORACION 16-1069 Spanish version 10 or more copies ................................$15.50 $9.00 ea. AT HOME WITH THE WORD PALABRA de DIOS These two books will help you prepare to listen to the Sunday scriptures and allow you to reflect on them throughout the week. 13-1204 English Edition 13-1205 Spanish Edition 1 to 4 copies............$8.00 ea 5 or more copies..... $7.00 ea CATHOLIC HANDBOOK FOR VISITING THE SICK AND HOMEBOUND Essential for Ministers of Care and Ministers of Holy Communion. 16-1075 1-4.......$5.00 5 or more...........$4.00 PRAYER OF THE FAITHFUL 2012 CHILDREN’S DAILY PRAYER 2011/2012 2012 CATHOLIC ALMANAC Large print workbook that contains sample prayers and suggestions for Sundays, feasts and other important days of the liturgical year. 16-1070 ..............$7.00 ORACION DE LOS FIELES 2010 16-1071 Spanish version ............................$7.00 The best selling annual resource for praying in the classroom is now available for the new school year. 15-1875 .............$15.00 ea. 2-9 copies .........$13.00 ea. 10+ copies ........$12.00 ea. The most up-to-date report on virtually every subject of Catholic interest. 14-3308.................$32.95 YEAR OF GRACE LITURGICAL CALENDAR FOR 2012 Designed for home, sacristy or classroom. Beginning with the 1st Sunday of Advent, Sundays are dated and named, forming the outer circle. Seasons are defined by colors with feasts and holidays noted in place. Discussion of feasts on back 26” x 26”. NOTEBOOK CALENDARS (17” X 11”) Single posters..................... $8.00 ea. 06-5000 Paper............................$12.00/pack of 25 2 - 24 posters......................$7.00 ea. 06-5006 Spanish (sorry we cannot break packs) 25 or more posters...............$6.00 ea. 06-5001English / 06-5004 Spanish 06-5002 Laminated....................................$4.00 ea. 06-5007 Spanish Laminated..........................$15.00 ea. 06-5003English / 06-5005 Spanish Poster Calendars (26” x 26”) Each notebook calendar includes information about the artwork on the front and information about the seasons and the liturgical year on the back. A great catechetical tool for students and catechumens! Prices subject to change without notice. ACG 2012 145.indd 1 7/13/11 11:47 PM 146 Audiobooks and DVDs JESUS IS MY ALL IN ALL Praying With the “Saint of Calcutta” Mother Teresa, edited by Brian Kolodiejchuk, M.C. Read by Brian Patrick and Julie O’Neil ISBN: 978-0-86716-934-8 Price: $14.99 I WILL SEE YOU IN HEAVEN Friar Jack Wintz, O.F.M. Read by Friar Jim Van Vurst, O.F.M. ISBN: 978-1-61636-007-8 $14.95 UNCOMMON GRATITUDE Alleluia for All That Is Joan Chittister and Rowan Williams Read by Joan Chittister and Dan Havron, O.F.M. ISBN: 978-1-61636-006-1 $29.99 MY LIFE WITH THE SAINTS James Martin, S.J.; read by the author ISBN: 978-0-86716-953-9 Price: $39.95 ANGELS OF GOD The Bible, The Church and the Heavenly Hosts Mike Aquilina; read by the author ISBN: 978-0-86716-963-8 $19.99 OUT OF SOLITUDE Three Meditations on the Christian Life Henri J.M. Nouwen; read by Paul Smith ISBN: 978-0-86716-690-3 Price: $16.95 ARMCHAIR MYSTIC Easing Into Contemplative Prayer Mark E. Thibodeaux, S.J.; read by the author ISBN: 978-0-86716-964-5 Price: $29.95 THE JOURNEY TO PEACE Reflections on Faith, Embracing Suffering, and Finding New Life Edited by Alphonse P. Spilly, C.P.P.S., and Jeremy Langford; read by Msgr. Kenneth Velo ISBN: 978-0-86716-821-8 Price: $24.95 BLESSED ARE THE BORED IN SPIRIT A Young Catholic’s Search for Meaning Mark Hart; read by the author ISBN: 978-0-86716-966-9 Price: $19.99 THE LAST SECRET OF FATIMA My Conversations With Sister Lucia Cardinal Tarcisio Bertone; read by Frank Montenegro, Paul Smith, and Kim Wessendorp ISBN: 978-0-86716-908-9 Price: $39.95 EUCHARIST Robert Barron; read by the author ISBN: 978-0-86716-930-0 Price: $22.95 09-4025 09-4026 09-4027 09-4023 09-4019 09-4038 09-4035 09-4011 09-4009 09-4037 Prices subject to change without notice. ACG 2012 146.indd 1 7/13/11 11:38 PM Lives of the Saints PICTURE BOOK OF SAINTS No. 235/22—Hard cover.............................................................. 8.95 French Ed. No. 237/22................................................................9.95 Spanish Ed. No. 236/22..............................................................9.95 Advent Calendar 24 Mini Board Books. Hang on the tree after reading. 840/22....................$17.95 St. Joseph Illustrated Bible 60 newly written stories. 144 pages 745/97............$9.95 Bible Stories for Little Children 5-1/8” x 5-1/8” 42 pgs. 445/97............$9.95 Mi Biblia Dorada Para Ninos 446/97S..........$9.95 S OK BO 1.25ea Children’s Bibles ILLUSTRATED CHILDREN’S BIBLE No. 635/22..................................................................................12.95 The Eager Reader Bible Story Book St. Joseph BEGINNER’S BIBLE Over 100 stories. No. 155/22.........................................................................................6.50 Hardback. 432 pages 13-2505............$18.95 FIRST CHILDREN’S BIBLE No. 135/22—Hard Cover..............................................................6.95 CATHOLIC PICTURE BIBLE No. 435/22—Hard Cover.................................................................................................. 9.95 No. 435/13W—Hard Cover White .................................................................................. 18.95 No. 435/13BG—Hard Cover Burgundy.......................................................................... 18.95 SPANISH ED. 436/S..............................................................................................................10.95 Books for Children 24-page book $1.95 each Catholic Bible Stories for Children Hardback. 208 pages 13-2502............$19.95 St. Joseph Beginner Bible With over 40 Bible stories for young children, this new padded bonded leather binding will make a meaningful gift for any occasion.Gift Boxed. 155/13BG Burgundy.......$13.95 155/13w White................$13.95 ACG 2012 147.indd 1 JOS RING LO MY FRIENDS THE SAINTS No. 270/22— .............................................................................. 6.95 NT AI CO St. Joseph BEGINNER’S BOOK OF SAINTS No. 152/22—Hard cover ............................................................ 6.50 670-00–Jesus 671-00–Rosary 672-00–Angels 673-00–Catholic A,B,C 674-00–Catholic 1,2,3 676-00–Bible 678-00–Animals of the Bible 679-00–Catholic Dictionary 680-00–Christmas 681-00–The Saints 682-00–People of the Bible 683-00–The Mass 684-00–Thanks and Praise 685-00–Mary 686-00–Miracles 687-00–Sacraments 688-00–Commandments 689-00–The Stations 690-00–Advent 691-00–Everyday Prayers 692-00–Easter 693-00–My Birthday 694-00–Going to Church 695-00–Confession and Communion 696-00–Our Father 697-00–Lent 698-00–About the Holy Spirit H EP FIRST BOOK OF SAINTS No. 133/22—Hard cover .............................................................7.50 147 Coloring Books 13-2410 13-2411 13-2412 13-2413 13-2414 My My My My My Rosary Book Mass Book Our Father Book Book of Mary Hail Mary Book Big Book of Bible Stories Filled with sweet, eye-catching illustrations, this chunky book of a dozen first Bible stories will delight little children. CPSIA Compilant. 8” x 10-3/16” Padded Hardcover 725/97............$9.95 7/29/11 11:42 PM Catholic Classics 148 Catholic Classics™ Coloring Books for Children $1.95 ea. Ideal for school, group and individual use. Size: 7 ½” x 10 ¼”. 32-pages. Softcover. THE MASS THE ROSARY THE SAINTS THE SAINTS VOLUME 2 THE LIFE OF JESUS THE LIFE OF MARY Coloring Book Coloring Book Coloring Book Coloring Book Coloring Book Coloring Book VOLUME 1 12200 The Mass 12201 The Rosary 12202 The Saints Vol. I 12203 The Saints Vol. II 12204 The Life of Jesus 12205 The Life of Mary MY FIRST PRAYER BOOK THE BIBLE CHRISTMAS THE STORY OF THE TEN COMMANDMENTS THE STORY OF EASTER THE WAY OF THE CROSS Coloring Book Coloring Book Coloring Book Coloring Book Coloring Book Coloring Book 12210 Story of Easter 12211 Way of the Cross 12206 My First Prayer Book 12207 The Bible 12208 The Story of Christmas 12209 Ten Commandments Catholic Classics™ Children $1.95 ea. 5” x 7” Catholic Classics™, 32 pages, (prayer series: 16 page) full color illustrations. Softcover. 10340 The Hail Mary 10341 The Our Father 10342 The Apostles’ Creed 10350 The Rosary for Children 10351 My First Prayer Book 10352 The Life of Jesus 10353 The Life of Mary 10354 Lives of the Saints for Boys 10355 Lives of the Saints for Girls 10356 My Mass Book 10357 Favorite Prayers for Children 10358 Prayers and Beliefs for Children Spanish Editions 5" x 7". 32 pages. Paperback. $1.95 ea. 10359 Christmas Traditions ACG 2012 148.indd 1 10360 My First Missal 10362 Mary and the Apparitions 20350 The Rosary for Children 20351 My First Prayer Book 20356 My Mass Book 7/18/11 10:42 PM Catholic Children’s Bibles 149 The Catholic Children’s Bible Edited by Sister Mary Theola Zimmerman. This best selling and very complete Bible will be treasured by Catholic children of all ages. 6”x 9”. 320 pages. Hardcover. 13-1113 13-1004 $24.95 The Illustrated Catholic Children’s Bible Available for the first time for Catholic children. There are more than 4 million copies of this publication in circulation. This is the most complete Children’s Bible available for young Catholics today, from ages 9-12 years old. Over 400 pages are highlighted by beautiful illustrations and easy to read text. This is truly a Bible that will be treasured by all who receive it. Size: 6 ¾” x 9 ¾”. 430 pages. Hardcover. $29.95 White padded, simulated leather cover. Gold edges. Gift boxed. 13-1112 $29.95 Maroon padded, simulated leather cover. Gold edges. Gift boxed. 13-1111 $15.95 Hardcover. A Catholic Child’s First Bible Edited by Rev. Victor Hoagland, C.P. This is an ideal beginning Bible for young Catholics from ages 6 – 9. It includes a chapter on the Catholic Church, and has pages to record both family and personal history. A perfect way to introduce young children to the Bible. This Bible is now available in gift editions to help young children celebrate the important sacramental events in their lives. Size: 4 ½” x 6”. 96 pages. TThe Th h Illustrated Illl t t d 365 36 65 Day D Catholic Children’s Bible 13-1003 $24.95 The Catholic Th C th lii Children’s Chi hild ’ Picture Bible 13-1005 $15.95 One story a day all year long. Eloquently written with full 6-3/4” x 9-3/4”. 430 pgs. color art. 6” x 7”. 320 pgs. Hardcover. Hardcover. My Catholic M C th li Picture Pi t Bible Bibl ibl ib 13-1006 $9.95 For young Catholics up to six years old. 7-1/2” x 6”. 80 pgs.. 13-1184 $19.95 Padded Cover. White padded simulated leather cover. Gold edges. Gift boxed. 13-1183 $8.95 13-1185 Hardcover. Burgundy padded simulated leather cover. Gold edges. Gift boxed. Thhe Book The Boook of of Saints Sainntss Sa 15-0411 $11.95 The Th he Children’s Chhillddrren’s’s Book Book off Saints Saint ns 15-0410 $9.95 The Children’s The Chhildren’s BBook oook of Saints Sai aint ntss 15-0408 $19.95 The Ch The CChildren’s ilildr dren en’s Boo Book ok off Saints Saiint ntss 15-0407 $19.95 This best selling book is based on the church calendar and the text encompasses the lives of nearly 200 Saints. 4 3⁄4” x 7”. 300 pages. Hardcover. This best selling and beautifully illustrated book covers the lives of Saints. Ages 6 – 9. 5” x 7”. 112 pages. Hardcover. This best selling and beautifully illustrated book covers the lives of Saints. Ages 6 – 9. 5” x 7”. 112 pages. Hardcover. This best selling and beautifully illustrated book covers the lives of Saints. Ages 6 – 9. 5” x 7”. 112 pages. Hardcover. ACG 2012 149.indd 1 $19.95 Patron PPatron o Saints, Saiints ntts A Complete Com mpl plet etee Reference Guide 15-0409 $6.95 Lists saints by patronage, country and church calendar. illustrated. 5” x 7”. 128 pgs. Softcover. 8/8/11 8:51 AM 150 Saint Joseph Picture Books Magnificent new series of religious books for children, superbly illustrated in Full color and simply written, that will help all children to better understand the Catholic Faith. Ideal for Home or School. 1.50 each Total 97 in Print Each book has the IMPRIMATUR of the Archdiocese of New York No. Title 275-00 MY PICTURE MISSAL 276-00 I BELIEVE IN GOD 278-00 THE SEVEN SACRAMENTS 279-00 MIRACLES OF JESUS 280-00 MARY, MY MOTHER 281-00 THE ANGELS 282-00 GOD LOVES US ALL 283-00 GOOD ST. JOSEPH 284-00 THE HOLY ROSARY 285-00 APOSTLES OF JESUS 286-00 ST. FRANCIS OF ASSISI 287-00 THE TEN COMMANDMENTS 288-00 MY FIRST PRAYER BOOK 289-00 ST. PAUL THE APOSTLE 290-00 ST. PETER THE APOSTLE 291-00 THE PARABLES OF JESUS 292-00 FOLLOWING JESUS 293-00 MY FRIEND JESUS 294-00 MY DAY WITH JESUS 295-00 BOOK OF SAINTS(I) 296-00 BOOK OF SAINTS(II) 297-00 ELIZABETH ANN SETON 298-00 KATERI TEKAKWITHA 299-00 STATIONS OF THE CROSS 301-00 FEASTS OF JESUS 302-00 TEACHING OF JESUS 303-00 PROMISES of SACRED HEART 304-00 MY LIFE WITH GOD 305-00 THE WORKS OF MERCY 306-00 MY FIRST PICTURE DICTIONARY 307-00 BOOK OF SAINTS (III) 308-00 BOOK OF SAINTS (IV) ACG 2012 150.indd 1 309-00 PRAY ALWAYS 310-00 THE HOLY SPIRIT 381-00 PRAYERS FOR EVERYDAY 382-00 MY FIRST CATECHISM 383-00 SAINT MARTIN DE PORRES 384-00 THE EIGHT BEATITUDES 385-00 ST. PATRICK 386-00 ST. ANTHONY OF PADUA 387-00 OUR LADY OF FATIMA 388-00 PRAYERS TO THE BOY JESUS 389-00 OUR FATHER AND HAIL MARY 390-00 OUR LADY OF GUADALUPE 391-00 OUR LADY OF LOURDES 392-00 GOING TO CONFESSION 393-00 BOOK OF SAINTS (V) 394-00 BOOK OF SAINTS (VI) 395-00 PRECEPTS OF THE CHURCH 396-00 SACRAMENTALS 397-00 THE HOLY EUCHARIST 398-00 THE PSALMS 399-00 GREAT MEN: OLD TESTAMENT 486-00 GREAT MEN: NEW TESTAMENT 487-00 GREAT WOMEN of the BIBLE 488-00 CHILDREN’S PRAYERS TO MARY 489-00 MASS FOR CHILDREN 490-00 MY FIRST PRAYERS 491-00 HOLY COMMUNION 492-00 STORY OF EASTER 493-00 PRAYERS—ALL OCCASIONS 494-00 THE CHURCH YEAR 495-00 CELEBRATING ADVENT 496-00 PRAYERS IN VERSE 497-00 THE WAY OF THE CROSS 498-00 CELEBRATING CHRISTMAS 499-00 OUR PARISH CHURCH 500-00 BOOK OF SAINTS (VII) 501-00 BOOK OF SAINTS (VIII) 502-00 CELEBRATING LENT 503-00 IMMACULATE CONCEPTION 504-00 BOOK OF SAINTS (IX) 505-00 I LOVE MY PET 506-00 BOOK OF SAINTS (X) 507-00 BOOK OF SAINTS (XI) 508-00 GIFTS OF THE HOLY SPIRIT 509-00 SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION 511-00 GOD THE FATHER 512-00 BOOK OF SAINTS (XII) 513-00 HOLY TRINITY 514-00 THE COMMANDMENTS 515-00 ST.THERESE OF THE CHILD JESUS 516-00 MOTHER THERESA 517-00 THE TWELVE APOSTLES 518-00 THE SACRAMENTS 519-00 MIRACLES OF THE BIBLE 520-00 PRAYERS TO MY FAVORITE SAINTS I 521-00 PRAYERS TO MY FAVORITE SAINTS II 522-00 THE JOY OF BEING A CATHOLIC CHILD 523-00 THE HOLY FAMILY 524-00 PRAYING TO MY GUARDIAN ANGEL 525-00 PADRE PIO 526-00 SCRIPTUAL ROSARY FOR CHILDREN 527-00 POPE JOHN PAUL II 529-00 SAINTS OF THE AMERICAS 530-00 SAINT FRANCIS OF PAOLA BOXED GIFT SET 26 Titles No. 300-00.......39.00 BOOK OF SAINTS (I-XII) GIFT SET No. 314/GS......21.00 7/18/11 11:27 PM St. Joseph NEW AMERICAN BIBLES FAMILY and FINE ART EDITIONS 151 FAMILY BIBLE FINE ART EDITION Truly the most elegant of all. Here is an exceptionally fine Catholic Bible for the entire family to enjoy for many years. Durable binding. GIFT BOXED. 1752 pages.81⁄2 x 11. This beautiful edition will stimulate all Catholics to read the Bible and help better understand the Divine Message. 1696 pages. 6-1/2” x 9-1/4”. STYLE # 612/97 PAGE COVER EDGING White Padded Gold STYLE # 611/97 PRICE $55.95 PAGE COVER EDGING White Padded Gold PRICE $47.00 GIFT EDITIONS FULL SIZE Deluxe Binding Gift Editions Your choice of reinforced zipper binding with gold-tone cross pull or magnetic closure that help protect this handysize Bible as well as enhance it’s overall beauty. Style # 510/23 BG 510/23 GN 510/33 BG 510/33 GN Cover Page Edging Burgundy Zipper Green Zipper Burgundy Magnet Gren Magnet Gold Gold Gold Gold Price $32.00 $32.00 $37.00 $37.00 GIFT EDITIONS Duotone Editions Ideal for school and home study. Gift Boxed. Style # Cover 510/19BN Brown Duotone 510/19 BLU Blue Duotone ACG 2012 151.indd 1 Page Edging Gold Gold Price $28.95 $29.95 Large easy-to-read type, colorful 8-page Family Record, over 70 photographs, self-explaining maps, Bible Dictionary. GIFT BOXED. 1696 pages. 61⁄2 x 91⁄4. STYLE # 611/10B 611/10W 611/10R 611/13BK 611/13W 611/13BN 611/13BG COVER Black lmitation Leather White lmitation Leather Red lmitation Leather Black Bonded Leather White Bonded Leather Brown Bonded Leather Burgundy Bonded Leather PAGE EDGING Red Red Red Gold Gold Gold Gold PRICE $31.00 $31.00 $31.00 $47.00 $47.00 $47.00 $47.00 7/30/11 12:31 AM 152 Deluxe Parish Edition Catholic Companion Edition Family Life Edition Fireside Catholic Youth Bible This New American Bible (with Revised New Testament & Psalms) makes a perfect gift. It is available in a luxurious ivory or rich burgundy padded cover. Gilded page edges, a satin ribbon marker and gold florentine stamping highlight the beauty and craftsmanship of this Bible. Gift box included. Size 8-3/4” x 11-3/4” x 2-1/2” Page edge indexing, gold-gilded page edges, silk ribbon marker, presentaion page, Dogmatic Constitution on Divine Revelation, The Origin, Inpiration and History of the Bible, 156-page encylclopedic Dictionary & more. In your choice of either white or navy, artistic two-tone foil stamping and gilded page edges highlight this complete New American Bible (with Revised New Testament and Psalms). Gift box included. Size 8-3/4” x 11-3/4” x 2-1/2” Featuring the complete NABRE text (with Revised New Testament and Psalms), this Bible is a great resource for teens. Page Edge Indexing for easy reference. 13-9984 Ivory . . . . . . . . . . $79.95 13-9985 Burgundy . . . . . . . $79.95 New NABRE 13-1001 Burgundy . . . . . . . . . . $39.95 Personal Study Edition School and Church A great all-purpose Catholic study Bible. Sturdy hard cover makes it ideal for everyday use. Page Edge Indexing for easy reference. Size 8-1/4” X 5-3/4” X 1” 13-9999 Catholic NABRE. . $35.97 School and Church Large Print This affordable personal study edition, featuring the New American Bible translation (with Revised New Testament and Psalms), makes a great gift! Page Edge Indexing for easy reference. Size 8-1/4” X 5-1/2” X 1-1/4” 13-9979 Catholic NAB . . . $20.95 13-9991 Navy . . . . . . . . . . $54.95 Fireside Study Edition This hand-size edition, with a durable leatherflex burgundy cover, sets the standard for a Catholic personal study Bible. Size 8-1/2” X 5-3/4” X 1-1/2” 13-9994 Catholic NAB $30.95 Size 8-1/4” X 5-3/4” X 1-1/2” 13-9997 Paperback . . . . . . . . $31.97 13-9998 Hardcover . . . . . . . . $35.97 Faith-Filled Catholic Women’s Bible NAB edition - designed for Catholic Women who want to grow in their faith. 1394 pgs. Size 8” X 5-1/2” 13-9980 Soft Cover $24.95 Catholic Companion Edition - Librosario® The Bible with a Pray-along Rosary on the cover 16% Larger Print This hand-size edition, with a durable leatherflex burgundy cover, sets the standard for a Catholic personal study Bible. Size 8-1/2” X 5-3/4” X 1-1/2” 13-1002 Catholic NABRE. . . . . $35.97 Catholic Companion Edition Decade Black and Tan Cover Catholic Companion Edition Decade Catholic Companion Edition Ivory and Rose Cover Burgundy Cover 13-9974 13-9975 13-9973 New American Bible with Revised New Testament and Psalms. Features include: Presentation page; Dogmatic Constitution on Divine Revelation; Origin, Inspiration and History of the Bible; Three year cycle of readings; Celebration of the Eucharist; The Succession of Popes; 156 Encyclopedic Dictionary and Page-edge indexing. Gold-gilded Page edges, Silk Ribbon Marker, Deluxe Gift Box. Size 5-3/4” x 8-1/2” x 1-1/2” $39.95 ea. The Catholic Prayer Bible Lecto Divina Edition An ideal Bible for anyone who desires to reflect on the individual stories and chapters of just one, or even all, of the biblical books, while beingled to prayer through meditation on that biblical passage. Paperback 13-9964 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $29.95 Hardcover 13-9965 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $39.95 ACG 2012 152.indd 1 GIANT PRINT Adult Bible study is now more comfortable with this 14-point text setting. Goldgilded pages, silk ribbon, rosary embossed into back cover. Size 6-1/2” x 9-1/4” x 1-5/8” 13-1003 Burgundy.........$59.95 13-0000 Black................$59.95 The NEW Catholic Answer Bible - Librosario® Large Print Text Features 88 of the most common questions Catholics are asked about their faith. New larger format with large print text. Ideal Gift! Page-edge indexing. 2-Pieced Stitched Cover, Goldgilded Page edges, Silk Ribbon, Gift Box. Size 9-1/8” x 6-1/2” x 1-3/8” Black and Tan Cover NABRE....13-1004 $63.95 Burgundy Cover NABRE....13-1000 $63.95 7/18/11 9:29 PM New American Bible 153 N A B C A TH OLIC FA MILY B IB LE DELUXE GIFT BIBLE AND STUDENT EDITION Special versions of official Catholic translation with features for students and gift giving. FEATURES: Concise, authoritative notes, Revised New Testament and Psalms, Family register and full-color maps (2405 & 2406 editions only), Chronological listing of Christ’s miracles and discourses, List of Popes, Book introductions, Cross references, Red letter (except 2401). SPECIFICATIONS: 1408 pages, Size 5 1/2” x 8 1/8” STYLE # NAB STUDENT 2401 2403 COVER Printed Paperback (lightweight paper) Printed Paperback (Bible paper) PAGE EDGES PRICE White White The official Catholic translation in a family edition with all the features that will help your family cherish this Bible for generations. FEATURES: Color front piece of Pope John Paul II, 10 pages family register, Concise and authoritative notes, Revised New Testament, Book introductions, Cross references, Footnotes, Illustrations, Presentation page, Ribbon marker. SPECIFICATIONS: 1360 pages, Size 8 5/16” x 10 15/16” STYLE # 6.95 16.95 DELUXE GIFT AND AWARD 2405Z 2405Z-I 2405ZBG 2405ZBG-I 2405ZW 2405ZW-I 2406 2406-I 2406BG 2406BG-I Black Imitation Leather w/Zipper Gold Black Imitation Leather w/Zipper – Ind. Gold Burgundy Imitation Leather w/Zipper Gold Burgundy Imitation Leather w/Zipper—Ind. Gold White Imitation Leather w/Zipper Gold White Imitation Leather w/Zipper—Ind. Gold Black Bonded Leather Gold Black Bonded Leather– Ind. Gold Burgundy Bonded Leather Gold Burgundy Bonded Leather Gold COVER NAB23 Black Imitation Leather NAB23BG Burgundy Imitation Leather NAB23W White Imitation Leather 41.00 49.95 41.00 49.95 41.00 49.95 41.00 51.00 41.00 51.00 PAGE EDGES PRICE Gold White Gold 59.00 59.00 59.00 N A B D E LU X E S TU D ENT EDI TI O N An affordable Bible in the New American translation for Catholic high school and college level students.FFTYLE# COVER FEATURES: PAGE pages, EDGESDictionary,PRI 32 full-color Imprimatur, Presentation page, Book introductions, Cross references. STYLE# COVER EDGES PRICE DSE2408 DSE2408-I DSE2410 DSE2410-I Full-color Paperback White Full-color Paperback—Ind. White Full-color Hardcover White Full-color Hardcover—Ind. White 21.00 31.00 26.00 37.00 FIR S T C OMMU N ION BI BLE A beautiful Catholic gift Bible designed specifically to commemorate a child’s First Communion. FEATURES: Presentation pages for First Communion, Catholic prayers, List of Popes, Christ parables and miracles. SPECIFICATIONS: 1408 pages, Size 5 1/2” x 8 1/8” STYLE # NAB1C NAB1C-I NAB2C NAB2C-I COVER White Imitation Leather White Imitation Leather – Ind. Navy Imitation Leather Navy Imitation Leather – Ind. EDGES PRICE Gold Gold Gold Gold 23.75 33.00 23.75 33.00 TH E N E W W OR LD D I CTI O NARYC ON C OR D A N C E : N A B This major reference work is intended as a companion volume to the distinguished NewAmericanBible … Nearly 3,000 entries…Descriptions, summaries and backgrounds to key events, names and teachings of the Bible. Gift Bible 5-3/4”x 8-3/8”x 1” New American Bible with Imitation Leather Cover & Antique Metallic Edges Item# Cover Edges Each 2402BLKR Black Gold $17.95 2402BGR Burgundy Gold $17.95 2402BLR Blue Silver $17.95 2402WR White Gold $17.95 SPECIFICATIONS: 768 pages, Size 4 1/4” x 7” STYLE# COVER PRICE 2416 Paperback 7.95 N A B NOA H ’S A R K B IB LE A colorful children’s Bible with a Noah’s ark theme presented in the New American translation for Catholics. FEATURES: Special section on Noah’s Ark, 16 full-color Bible story pictures by Nancy Munger, Imprimatur, Presentation page, Book introductions, Cross references. SPECIFICATIONS: 1408 pages, Size 5 1/2” x 8 1/8” STYLE# COVER PAGE EDGES ARK2402 Full-color Hardcover White PRICE 22.00 Prices subject to change without notice. ACG 2012 153.indd 1 7/29/11 8:58 PM Bibles 154 St. Joseph NEW AMERICAN BIBLES GIFT EDITIONS - MEDIUM SIZE GIFT EDITIONS Special Features: Large easy-to-read type, over 30 full-color illustrations, presentation page, colorful 8-page Family Record, Rosary & Stations in full color, handy edgemarking index, Bible Dictionary, self-explaining maps. GIFT BOXED. 1632 pages. 5-1/2 x 8. PAGE STYLE # 609/10BN 609/10W 609/10R 609/13BN 609/13W 609/13R COVER EDGING Brown lmitation Leather Red White lmitation Leather Red Red lmitation Leather Red Brown Bonded Leather Gold White Bonded Leather Gold Red Bonded Leather Gold PRICE $29.00 $29.00 $29.00 $38.00 $38.00 $38.00 STUDENT EDITIONS - FULL SIZE These handsome full-size Bibles are ideal for school or home. Contain many distinguishing features that enable the reader to better understand and appreciate the Bible. 6-1/2 x 9-1/4. STYLE # 611/18 611/22 COVER Hard Cover/2 color Black/Cloth/2-color 611/67GN Green Cloth/2 color 611/04 Paper/2-color PAGE EDGING Red Red OTHER FEATURES Gift Boxed— 8-Page Family Record — Green White PRICE $21.00 $19.50 $15.00 $12.00 Ignatius Bibles New Gift Editions New unique and distinctive bindings in four colors. Foil stamping, decorative gilding in a supple binding. 609/19B Black.................................$34.00 609/19BG Burgundy........................$34.00 609/19BLU Blue..............................$34.00 609/19BN Brown.............................$34.00 609/19GN Green.............................$34.00 609/19W White................................$34.00 609/51W Wedding Edition...............$34.00 (Not Shown) ACG 2012 154.indd 1 Ignatius Catholic Bible A completely new design and type set edition of the popular Ignatius RSV Bible, with Revised Standard a revision of the archaic Version language used in the first edition. 6 x 9. 2nd Edition 13-0432 Bonded Leather......................$39.95 13-0433 Sewn Hardcover.....................$31.95 13-0434 Sewn Softcover......................$21.95 Ignatius ti Catholic Bible Revised Standard Version Compact Edition Elegant beautifully crafted compact edition, with gold gilded pages, special prayers and devotions. Leather covers. 4-1/2 x 6-1/2. 13-0435 Brown / Tan.............................$29.95 13-0436 Zipper Burgundy.....................$29.95 7/29/11 9:02 PM New American Bible St. Joseph NEW AMERICAN BIBLES STUDENT EDITIONS — MEDIUM SIZE PERSONAL SIZE EDITIONS GIFT EDITIONS The most popular medium size student editions available. Ideal for schools, CCD, and study groups. Special Features: Large, easy-to-read type, Bible Dictionary, self-explaining maps, Doctrinal Bible index, complete footnotes and crossreferences, handy edge-marking index. 1632 pages. 5-1/2 x 8. PAGE STYLE # COVER EDGING PRICE 609/67 Hard Yellow $13.95 609/04 Paper White $ 9.50 155 A completely new personal size edition of the New American Bible. Contains many helpful aids for easy Bible reading and study. 4-1/4” x 6-1/4”. STYLE # 510/10W 510/13BN 510/10BN 510/04 510/23BG 510/33BG STUDY EDITION COVER White ImitationLeather Brown Bonded Leather Brown Imitation Leather Paper Zipper Leather Magnet Flap PAGE EDGING Red Gold Red White Burgundy Burgundy PRICE $23.00 $29.95 $23.00 $ 8.75 $32.00 $37.00 GIANT TYPE EDITION FIRST COMMUNION BIBLE A new handy edition of the New American Bible that features the largest type of any New Testament in a comparable size 3³⁄ x 5¹⁄ . POCKET EDITIONS - Good News Edition STYLE # 630/04 630/22 COVER Paper Hard PAGE EDGING White Red PRICE $6.95 $11.95 VEST POCKET - NAB Edition 650/04 Flexible Plain $6.95 650/13 Burgundy Bonded Leather Gold $16.95 NEW AMERICAN BIBLE ON DISK St. Joseph Edition of the DELUXE BIBLE FOR WINDOWS 615/00—CD-Rom Version .........................39.95 ACG 2012 155.indd 1 New magnificent edition of the New American Bible that features the largest type of any Catholic Bible in a comparable size. 6-1/2 x 9-1/2. The focus is placed on the text, which is arranged for easy reading. Special Features: Additional Features: s Presentation page s Giant easy-to-read type s Notes at the end of each book s Family Record s Vatican II Constitution on Divine s Land of the Bible in full color Revelation PAGE STYLE # COVER EDGING 616/04 Flexible Plain 616/67 Red Cloth Red 616/10 Imitation Leather Red 616/13 Burgundy Bonded Leather Gold PRICE $31.00 $35.00 $41.00 $53.00 A beautiful new gift edition specifically designed for First Communion. It contains a full color First Communion Certificate, Presentation Page, a Prayer Section - containing the Lord’s Prayer, a listing of the Sacraments, the Rosary, and the Nicene Creed. 609/22 FCB—Hard cover Gift Boxed.......................... 24.00 609/22 FCG—Hard cover Gift Boxed.......................... 24.00 7/29/11 11:03 PM Bibles 156 NAB Student Edition Affordable Edition of the New American Bible translation with features designed especially for students Size 5-1/2” x 8-1/8” 1408 pages 13-6000 Catholic NAB ..........................$6.95 All Bibles feature the approved New American Bible text, Revised New Testament and Psalms for Catholic Liturgy, our editions also include: The Dogmatic Constitution on Divine Revelation, Complete Cross References and Footnotes and Introductions and Outlines of each book of the Bible. Prove It! The Catholic Teen Bible The New American Bible Large Print Edition This large print edition of the NAB is perfect for Catholics that publicly proclaim the scriptures, or who would benefit from having larger type in their Bible. 13-1090 Paperback.................. $29.99 Catholic Student Edition-NAB Because teens need more than just the basics in a youth Bible. The lowest priced NAB - Catholic Edition available anywhere. Includes the New American Bible text (with Revised New Testament and Psalms) approved for Catholic Liturgy. The Catholic Readers Edition contains the Dogmatic Constitution on Divine Revelation. Known in Latin as “Dei Verbum” or “Word of God” this vital teaching document characterizes the Catholic Church’s guidance on reading and interpreting the Word of God. This edition also include: Complete Cross References and Footnotes, introductions and outlines of each book of the Bible, Durable laminated softcover and page-edge indexing. Complementing the page-indexed NAB text, The catholic Teen Bible features other youth-friendly material including articles on the Ten Commandments, Fruits of the Holy Spirit, the Cardinal and Theological Virtues and much more. The Catholic Teen bible is a great resource for bringing Catholic youth closer to their faith and the scriptures. Size 8¹⁄4” X 5¹⁄2” X 1¹⁄4” 13-6001 Catholic NAB ....... $14.95 13-6002 Catholic Readers Edition-NAB $8.95 Catholic Youth Bibles Over 2 Million Hearts Touched Worldwide! The Catholic Youth Bible® will be a true companion, helping teens find the answers they seek and helping tthem make connections to Catholic beliefs and ttraditions. Recommended age level: 14-18 Se Serve Se young Spanish-speaking Catholics even better with this Ca C a cousin cco o to The Catholic Youth Bible Bi B i ®; it has similar features but bbu u a distinct personality. Recommended age level: 13 R and a n up NAB *4#/t$26.95 tQBQFS *4#/t$34.95 tIBSEDPWFS *4#/t$41.95 tHSFFOMFBUIFS *4#/t$26.95 t$%30. **4#/t$24.95 4 NRSV *4#/t$26.95 tQBQFS *4#/t$34.95 tIBSEDPWFS *4#/t$41.95 tHSFFOMFBUIFS *4#/t$26.95 t$%30. Over TThis Th hiis edition contains the New Testament ntt aand an ndd Psalms from the bestselling The he Catholic C Ca atttho Youth Bible® (NRSV Catholicc eedition), ed edit d tioo including all the Pray It! Study It! t! Live Li ve It! articles. Recommended age ve e level: le evve e 14–18 *4#/t$19.95 *4 4# #/ / 227,000 Hearts Touched Worldwide! Brea Breakthrough! Bre The Bible for Young Catholics was created cr reeatt for young people leaving childhood and entering adolescence. ad doole Its ten special features were created to help hel he llpp make the Bible easier for young people to read andd uunderstand. Recommended age level: 10-13 an GN GNT NT N *4#/t$20.95tQBQFS *4 4# #/ / *4#/t$28.25tIBSEDPWFS *4 4# #/ / *4#/t$20.95t$%30. *4 4# #/ / Price subject subjec u jec e t tto o chan cchange han a ge ange an g without withou wit hou outt notice. noti o ce otice. e e. ACG 2016 156.indd 1 8/10/11 10:50 PM Bibles 157 The New American Bible The Catholic Bible: Personal Study Edition Revised Edition,Compact Edition Second Edition The NABRE Compact Edition is a light and portable version of Oxford’s popular Catholic Bible. Durable binding, compact size and supremely affordable value make this a perfect edition for school and church use. 1504 pgs., 6 point type, 4-1/2” x 6-1/8” General Editor, Jean Marie Hiesberger Ideal for the beginning student, whether it’s used within the context of R.C.I.A. or other parishbased programs. It provides a wealth of background information without overwhelming the reader. 2464 pgs., 10 point type, 6-1/2” x 9” 13-1172 Hardcover...........................................................$49.99 13-1173 Paperback..........................................................$39.99 13-1177 13 3-1 -117 177 17 7P Paperback..............................................................$14.99 ape perb bacck 13-1178 Black Duradera™, zipper closure..........................$32.99 13-1179 Pacific Duvelle™, black/blue..................................$29.99 The Catholic Study Bible Second Edition The New Oxford Annotated Bible with Apocrypha Editited by Donald Senior and John J. Collins This landmark resource, now available in the NABRE translation, contains all the authoritative study notes, expanded essays, and informational sidebars for which it is known and trusted. 2560 pgs., 10 point type, 6-1/4’ x 9”. New Revised Standard Version, Fourth Edition, extensively revised, the Annotated Fourth Edition adds to the established reputation of this essential biblical studies resource. Includes in-text background essays, timeline of major events, full index to study materials, keyed to the page numbers, full glossary of terms. 13-1074 Paperback................................................................. $39.99 13-1075 Hardcover..................................................................$49.99 13-1076 Bonded leather,Black................................................ $89.99 13-1166 Cloth with Apocrypha.............................................$45.00 13-1167 Genuine Black Leather with Apocrypha.................$95.00 The Catholic Comparitive New Testament Features eight complete Catholic New Testaments that show a full range of expressions for thiscentral text of study, worship, prayer and contemplation. 1800 pgs., 7 point type, 6-1/4” x 9” Jerusalem Bibles 13-1162 Hardcover............$34.99 READER’S EDITION The complete text of the Regular Edition, with condensed notes and introductions. Easy-to-read two-column format. 13-1114 Hardcover................$50.00 13-1021 Paperback................$29.95 STANDARD EDITION This handy, lightweight edition has many of the features of the larger editions, including color maps. 13-1050 Hardcover.................$24.95 THE NEW TESTAMENT OF THE NEW JERUSALEM BIBLE THE NEW JERUSALEM BIBLE Contains the complete text of the the regular volume notes and introductions. Easy to read two column format. 13-1052 Leather Edition $59.95 ACG 2012 157.indd 1 13-1114 13-1021 13-1050 13-1023 An easy reading format of the New Testament. 13-1023 Paperback..................$15.00 Prices subject to change without notice. 8/16/11 10:16 PM New Collegeville Bible 158 THE COLLEGEVILLE BIBLE COMMENTARY OLD TESTAMENT SERIES Dianne Bergant, CSA, Editor Paperback, $6.95 each NAB revised text 1. New! Introduction to the Bible Gregory W. Dawes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 978-0-8146-2836-2 2. New! Genesis Joan E. Cook, SC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 978-0-8146-2836-2 3. New! Exodus Mark S. Smith . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 978-0-8146-2837-9 4. New! Leviticus J. Edward Owens, OSST . . . . . . . 978-0-8146-2838-6 5. New! Numbers Irene Nowell, OSB . . . . . . . . . . . 978-0-8146-2839-3 6. New! Deuteronomy J. Edward Owens, OSST . . . . . . 978-0-8146-2840-9 7. Fall 2011! Joshua, Judges Roland J. Faley TOR . . . 978-0-8146-2841-6 8. Fall 2011! First and Second Samuel Reverend Feidhlimidh T. Magennis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 978-0-8146-2842-3 9. Fall 2011! First and Second Kings Alice L. Laffey . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 978-0-8146-2843-0 10. Fall 2011! First and Second Chronicles John C. Endres, SJ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 978-0-8146-2844-7 11. Fall 2011! Ezra, Nehemiah Thomas M. Bolin . . . . . . 978-0-8146-2845-4 NAB text 12. First and Second Maccabees Alphonse P. Spilly, CPPS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 978-0-8146-1419-8 13. Isaiah John J. Collins . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 978-0-8146-1420-4 15. Amos, Hosea, Micah, Nahum, Zephaniah, Habakkuk Carroll Stuhlmueller, CP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 978-0-8146-1422-8 16. Ezekiel, Daniel Toni Craven . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 978-0-8146-1423-5 19. Job Michael D. Guinan, OFM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 978-0-8146-1476-1 20. Wisdom John E. Rybolt, CM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 978-0-8146-1477-8 22. Psalms 1-72 Richard J. Clifford, SJ. . . . . . . . . . . . 978-0-8146-1479-2 23. Psalms 73-150 Richard J. Clifford, SJ . . . . . . . . . 978-0-8146-1480-8 25. Jonah, Tobit, Judith Irene Nowell, OSB . . . . . . . 978-0-8146-1482-2 ¡Disponible en español! 1. El Evangelio de San Mateo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 978-0-8146-1852-3, $4.95 2. El Evangelio de San Marcos . . . . . . . . . . . . . 978-0-8146-1761-8, $6.95 3. El Evangelio de San Lucas. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 978-0-8146-1850-9, $4.95 4. El Evangelio y las cartas de San Juan . . . . .978-0-8146-1851-6, $9.95 5. Los Hechos de los Apóstoles . . . . . . . . . . . . 978-0-8146-2293-3, $6.95 8. Primera Tesalonicenses, Filipenses, Filemón, segunda . . . . . . . . . . . Tesalonicenses, Colosenses, Efesios . . . . . 978-0-8146-2351-0, $4.95 Old Testament (NAB text) NEW COLLEGEVILLE BIBLE COMMENTARY Comprehensive and understandable, the New Collegeville Bible Commentary series brings the timeless messages and applications of the New Testament to today’s readers. NEW TESTAMENT SERIES NAB revised text Paperback, 104-160 pp., 6 x 9, $6.95 each 1. The Gospel According to Matthew Barbara E. Reid, OP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .978-0-8146-2860-7 2. The Gospel According to Mark Marie Noonan Sabin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 978-0-8146-2861-4 3. The Gospel According to Luke Michael F. Patella, OSB . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 978-0-8146-2862-1 4. The Gospel According to John and the Johannine Letters Scott M. Lewis, SJ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 978-0-8146-2863-8 5. Acts of the Apostles Dennis Hamm, SJ . . . . . . . . . 978-0-8146-2864-5 6. Galatians and Romans Robert J. Karris, OFM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 978-0-8146-2865-2 7. First and Second Corinthians Maria A. Pascuzzi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 978-0-8146-2866-9 8. First Thessalonians, Philippians, Second Thessalonians, Colossians, Ephesians Vincent M. Smiles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 978-0-8146-2867-6 9. First and Second Timothy, Titus, Philemon Terence J. Keegan, OP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 978-0-8146-2868-3 10.James, First Peter, Jude, Second Peter Patrick J. Hartin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 978-0-8146-2869-0 11.The Letter to the Hebrews Daniel J. Harrington, SJ. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 978-0-8146-2870-6 12.The Book of Revelation Catherine A. Cory . . . . . . 978-0-8146-2885-0 New Collegeville Bible Commentary New Testament Daniel Durken, OSB, Series Editor NAB revised text Concise and accessible, this one-volume edition of the New Collegeville Bible Commentary: New Testament allows readers to explore any or all of the books with just one resource alongside their Bibles. 978-0-8146-3260-4 Paperback, 912 pp., 6 x 9, $29.95 The Collegeville Atlas of the Bible James Harpur and Marcus Braybrooke The Collegeville Atlas of the Bible offers those with an interest in their historical and religious heritage a guided tour through the Bible. 978-0-8146-2702-0 Hardcover, 144 pp., 9 1⁄2 x 12 1⁄2, $24.95 Paula Bowes 978-0-8146-2210-0 Paperback, 880 pp., 7 x 10, $49.95 Two-Volume Paperback Set (NAB text) 978-0-8146-2212-4 Old and New Testament set, $60.00 The Collegeville Church History Time-Line Joseph F. Kelly 978-0-8146-2834-8 Paperback, 24 pp., 7 5⁄8 x 10 1⁄2, $12.95 The Collegeville Bible Time-Line 978-0-8146-2275-9 Paperback, 32 pp., 7 5/8 x 10 1/2, $12.95 Rights: North America ACG 2012 158.indd 1 7/18/11 10:07 PM Missals the ROMAN MISSAL Altar Clothbound Edition No. 55/22 .................. $129 Deluxe Genuine Leather Altar Edition No. 55/13 ................ $159 159 Third Typical Edition Chapel Clothbound Edition No. 25/22 ........................ $89 Three dignified editions of the new Roman Missal + + + Large, bold, legible type for Priest’s text and music Over 300 full-color illustrations, including 25 full-page images, enhance the sacredness and dignity of the text Doubly reinforced Smyth sewing, coupled with heavy-duty binder’s board, ensures strength, durability, and longevity + + + Enhanced binding methods add sturdiness to help each volume retain its shape Limited lifetime-guaranteed tabs are specially designed to resist cracking, fading, and tearing Five decorated satin ribbon page markers, designed not to fray, are enhanced by our patented insert system Th full-size Ritual Edition and the smaller Chapel Edition of the The Roman Missal feature: Ro (YPJOK\YHISLKLLWYLKJSV[OJV]LYLTILSSPZOLK^P[O*OYPZ[ LU[OYVULKYLUKLYLKPUHKPZ[PUN\PZOLKIVSKZ[`SLHUKMVPS Z[HTWLKPUNVSKHUKJVWWLY RITUAL EDITION 978-0-8146-3375-5 Hardcover, 1,504 pp., 8 1⁄2 x 11; $169.95 0U[LYPVYHKVYULK^P[OÄM[LLUILH\[PM\SPSS\Z[YH[PVUZI`YLUV^ULK CHAPEL EDITION SP[\YNPJHSPSS\Z[YH[VYHUKJV]LYHY[PZ[)Y4HY[PU,YZWHTLY6:) 978-0-8146-3376-2 Hardcover, 1,504 pp., 7YH`LY[L_[ZZL[PULHZ`[VWYVJSHPT[`WL 7 x 9; $119.95 VUUH[\YHSP]VY`X\HSP[`WHWLY -P]LZ[\YK`NYVZNYHPUYPIIVUIVVRTHYRZHUKHM\SSJVTWSLTLU[VM ILH\[PM\S[HIZ[VLUOHUJLLHZLVM\ZLMVYJLSLIYHU[Z .PSKLKWHNLLKNLZ[OH[M\Y[OLYLZ[LLT[OL [L_[]PZ\HSS` Order of Mass Card Genius of the Roman Rite On the Reception and Implementation of the New Missal The Order of Mass is presented on a simple, fourpage card, printed in two colors on a durable paper stock. Keith F. Pecklers, SJ 978-0-8146-3377-9 Card, 4 pp., 5 3⁄8 x 8 1⁄4, $1.00 978-0-8146-6021-8 Paperback, 160 pp., 5 3⁄8 x 8 1⁄2, $19.95 Large Print 978-0-8146-3409-7 Leaflet, 16 pp., 5 3⁄8 x 8 1⁄4, $2.00 ACG 2012 159.indd 1 7/19/11 1:34 AM 160 The New Roman Missal, Third Edition Classic & Regal Editions Ritual & Chapel Editions tQJFDFTPGJOUFSJPSBSU tDBTFCPVOECPPLXJUIHPMEGPJMTUBNQ POGSPOUDPWFSBOETQJOF tSJCCPONBSLFSTCPVOEJOUPUIFCPPL tBEIFSFEUBCT t0SEFSPG.BTTQBHJOBUJPOUIBUGPMMPXT BCDW standards tQBHJOBUJPOEFTJHOFEUPSFEVDF EJTSVQUJPOPGQBHFCSFBLT tJWPSZQBQFSUPBMMPXGPSNBYJNVN SFBEBCJMJUZBOEHMBSFSFEVDUJPO tBDJEGSFFBSDIJWBMRVBMJUZQBQFS tRVBMJUZ4NZUITFXOCJOEJOH t-FYBUPOF¥EPVCMFFOETIFFUTGPS TUSFOHUI Classic Edition - 552-5 $350.00 3FHBM&EJUJPO Ritual Edition - 991-0 $175.00 $IBQFM&EJUJPO t$PWFS'BVYMFBUIFSCFBSJOHUIFHPME TUBNQFEJNBHFPG$ISJTU1BOUPDSBUPS t4NZUITFXOCJOEJOHBOESPCVTU FNCPTTFEFOETIFFUT t'VMMDPMPSJMMVTUSBUJPOTGSPNUIF $IVSDITUSFBTVSZPGGJOFBSU t(JMEFEFEHFTXJMMCFTUSVDLXJUISFE BOEHPME t1SBZFSTQSJOUFEJOCMBDLXJUISFE SVCSJDTPOBVHVTUDSFBNQBQFS tQBHJOBUJPOEFTJHOFEUPSFEVDF EJTSVQUJPOPGQBHFCSFBLT tUBCTPGCPOEFEMFBUIFSGJSNMZ BUUBDIFEUPUIFQBHF tTJYPSOBUFDVTUPNNBEFSJCCPOTXJUI BTMVHUPQSFWFOUEBNBHFUPQBHFT t1BHFTHTNQBQFSUPNBJOUBJO NBOBHFBCMFXFJHIUZFUTVGGJDJFOUMZ PQBRVFHTNGPSTFDUJPOTXJUI GSFRVFOUVTF 1SPEVDFEXJUIIJHIRVBMJUZNBUFSJBMT NBOVGBDUVSJOHFYQFSUJTFBOECPVOE GPSFOEVSJOHDPOUJOVPVTVTFUIF3JUVBM &EJUJPOGFBUVSFTBMFBUIFSDPWFSHPME FEHFEQBHFTTUSPOHFOETIFFUTBOE MBTUJOHUBCTBOESJCCPOTCSJOHJOH DVTUPNFSTBEVSBCMFBOEFMFHBOU WPMVNFGPSFWFSZEBZVTF Ritual Edition 7-100 )BSECBDL 11” x 8.5” x 3.25” $169.00 $IBQFM&EJUJPO )BSECBDL 9” x 6.5” x 2.75” $115.00 The General Instruction of the Roman Missal (GIRM) 7-176 $15.95 The GIRM provides specific detail about each element of the Order of Mass as well as other information related to the Mass. Guide to The General Instruction of the Roman Missal (GIRM) 978-1-61671-036-1 $3.00 A. B. Pew Card This medium size pew card is a handy resource for the implementation of the new translation of the Roman Missal, Third Edition. The card will enhance your congregation’s participation in the mass with easily marked people’s and priest’s responses. 4” x 8” medium size card. 8-panel, accordion fold; easy-toread print in black and red ink, rounded edges and durable coating for long term use. Sold in packs of 50. A. 7-204 $15.00 B. 7-203 $15.00 ACG 2012 160.indd 1 Order of Mass 6540 $ .95 each Order of Mass 6541 Classic Cover $ .95 6542 Deluxe Cover $1.95 Pew Card 978-1-56854-986-6 $15.00 Package of 50 8/10/11 8:20 PM 161 Lectionaries PULPIT EDITION (Cycles A, B, &³&RPSOHWHLQRQHYROXPHñ¼2” x 11”, printed in two colors. No. 90/22 — Hard cover, stained edges..............$72.00 CHAPEL EDITION (Cycles A, B, C)— Complete in one volume: ó¼4µ[ñ¼4”, printed in two colors. No. 35/22 — Hard cover..$51.00 Classic Edition Vol. 1 Sundays, Solemnities, Feasts of the Lord and he Saints Hard cover, 1260 pgs. 8-1/2” x 11” 9780814625316 $59.95 CEREMONIAL EDITION LARGE TYPE EDITION — Hard cover, gold stamped on front and spine, stained edges. Each volume contains complete F\FOHñ¼2” x 12 ”, printed in two colors. No. 70/22 — (Cycle A).................$59.00 No. 71/22 — (Cycle B).................$59.00 No. 72/22 — (Cycle C).................$59.00 (Cycles A, B, C) —Gold stamped front, back, and spine; ribbon marker; giltedged; 17 pt. type 10” x 14”, 640 pgs. 0814661750 - (A) Hard cover.....$49.00 Chapel Edition Vol. 1 Sundays, Solemnities, Feasts of the Lord and he Saints Hard cover, 1260 pgs. 7” x 9” 9780814625323 $49.95 0814661769 - (B) Hard cover.....$49.00 0814661777 - (C) Hard cover.....$49.00 Weekday Lectionaries and Covers 35-3316 35-3315 54-7 35-3315 $390.00 35-3316 $260.00 54-7 18”L, 1/4”W $17.50 Pulpit Edition No. 92/22 — Vol II: Weekday Mass Year I.........................$92.00 No. 93/22 — Vol III: Weekday Mass Year II........................$92.00 No. 94/22 — Vol IV: Ritual Masses, and Votive Masses .............................................. $79.00 No. 95/S — Set of all three..............$255.00 Chapel Edition No. 45/22 — Vol II: Weekday Mass Year I.........$63.00 35/1043 35/1044 35/1045 35/1085 No. 46/22 — Vol III: Weekday Mass Year II.......$63.00 No. 47/22 — Vol IV: Ritual Masses....................$63.00 $167.00 Made in (51) OMEGA, a textured yarn dyed fabric, expertly embroidered. $111.00 No. 41/S — Set of all three..............................$184.00 Prayers of the Faithful For all Sundays, Solemnities, Major Feasts and other Occasions 430/22 Hardcover, 272 pgs. 7-1/4” x 10-1/4”, $34.95 COLLECTION OF MASSES OF THE BLESSED VIRGIN MARY New liturgical Edition in two volumes. The Sacramentary includes the Eucharistic Prayers, so that no other book is needed to celebrate these 46 new Masses in honor of the Blessed Lady. F. No. 26/22 Vol.1 SACRAMENTARY — Blue cloth with tabs...................$ 33.00 G. No. 27/22 Vol. 2 Blue cloth.................................................................... $ 29.00 H. No. 28/22 Vol. 1 and 2 Set....................................................................$ 60.00 ACG 2012 161.indd 1 35-3636 Lord, Hear Our Prayer The Prayer of the Faithful for Sundays, Holy Days, and Ritual Masses Jay Cormier 081462166X Paper, 384 pgs. 7” x 10”, $69.95 Prices subject to change without notice. 8/9/11 7:42 PM Book of the Gospels 162 Foil Stamped, 576 pgs, 12 x 18 9780814690970 Bonded Leather...................$595.00 9780814690642 Genuine Leather..................$695.00 978081462572X Hardcover, 9-3/4 x 13-3/4 $199.00 1568541112 Hardcover, 11-1/2 x 17-3/8 $125.00 9781890177201 165/00 Leather, 10 x 13-1/2 Red Imit. Leather, 9-1/2 x 13-5/8 $350.00 $77.00 Book Covers and Book Stands sAll leather covers sProtective end caps on all corners sBlack vinyl storage case included sFits books up to 10 x 14 x 1-3/4 No. 10-919 No. 10-921 Polish icon of “Christ the Teacher”. Silver and Gold plated with hand painted corona. Gold embroidred “Jerusalem Cross” on back. $795.00 Handmade silver and gold plated icons of “Christ the Teacher” on front and “Four Evangelist” on back. Accented with decorative brass rosettes. $795.00 No. 10-920 Custom Stand $110.00 No. 10-923 No. 10-922 No. 10-924 Handmade silver and gold plated icon of “Resurrection” on front and gold embroidred “Jerusalem Cross” on back. $695.00 Gold embroidred “Jerusalem Cross” on front and back. $300.00 Icon of the “Resurrection of Christ” on front and the “Jerusalem Cross” on back. $795.00 No. 10-917 Resurrection and Evangelists in silver and gold with rich enameling. $995.00 No. 10-918 Silver and gold icons of the “Resurrection” on front and the “Crucifixion” on back. $1295.00 RU152 RU150 RU145 RU148 RU146 Fits Catholic Book, Liturgical Press & Liturgy Training Publications. Base 10” x 6” Fits Liturgical Press & Liturgy Training Publications. With metal covers Fits Midwest-OSV Base 10” x 6” Vertical Book of the Gospels Stand....................$49.50 ea. ACG 2012 162.indd 1 Fits Catholic Book, Liturgical Press & Liturgy Training Publications. Base 10” x 6” RU151 Fits Midwest-OSV 10” x 6” RU152 Prices subject to change without notice. Fits all books with cloth or metal cover. 12” x 6” $48.00 ea. 7/31/11 7:41 PM ...Quality silversmiths since 1939 (Spain) 163 Book Covers / Book Stands 2000-2500-3000-3500-4500-6000 Book Of Gospels Finish Brass Silver Plated Gold Plated Two Tone (gold & silver). List price $ 1.895 $ 1.995 $ 2.150 $ 2.495 NOTE: 4500 series is available with cloisonne fire enamels at additional $ 1.385 Above 2,000-3000-3500-4500 and 6,000 designs are intended for book measurements ranging 13” to 14” height x 8 1/2” to 9 1/2” width x 1 1/8” to 3” spine thickness. Custom clasps available at additional $ 395 3500 2500 2000 3000 9000 5000 4500-E 6000 5000 SERIES 9000 SERIES LARGE LECTIONARY Finish Brass Silver Plated Gold Plated Two Tone 6020 Price $ 1.595 $ 1.795 $ 1.995 $ 2.295 Custom clasps are available for any of our book covers at additional $ 395 FITS EPISCOPAL GOSPEL BOOK 6010 Book stand Gothic style, hand wrought in bronze. 11 3/4” High x 9 3/4” Wide. Silverplated $ 1.395 Goldplated $ 1.495 6025 6020-6025 Deeply tooled missal stand, with agnus dei an alpha & omega symbols. 15” Wide x 11 1/2” Deep x 4 3/4” Ht. 6020 Old Brass $ 2.125 6025 Antique Silver $ 2.250 6030 Royal Gold $ 2.650 6035 Two tone (Gold+Silver) $ 2.995 ACG 2012 163.indd 1 787 Classic Hand Cut-out Cross Design 14” Wide x 10 1/2” Long x 5 1/2” High. Brass $ 1.295 Silver Plated $ 1.395 7/14/11 12:48 AM Liturgy of the Hours 164 Christian Prayer Liturgy Of The Hours This is the official English edition of the Divine Office that contains the translation approved by the International Committee on English in the Liturgy. No. 401/10 Vol I—Advent and Christmas ................... 36.95 No. 402/10 Vol II—Lent and Easter ............................. 37.95 No. 403/10 Vol. III—Ord. Time—Wks 1-17 ................. 36.95 No. 404/10 Vol. IV—Ord. Time—Wks 18-34 ............... 36.95 These new versions contain the complete texts of Morning and Evening Prayer for the entire year. No. 406/10—Regular Ed.—Flex.Maroon cov ............. 37.00 No. 406/C—Vinyl Case for protection .......................... 3.95 No. 406/23—Regular Ed.—Black Bonded Leather Zipper Binding ....................................... 46.00 No. 406/G—GUIDE published annually ....................... 2.00 No. 407/G—GUIDE large type edition ......................... 2.75 No. 407/10—Large Type Ed. Flex. Maroon cover ..... 38.00 No. 411/C—Vinyl Case for protection .......................... 3.95 No. 401/C, 402/C, 403/C, 404/C Vinyl Case /Each ...... 4.50 No. 400/G—Annual Guide for Liturgy of the Hours ....... 2.00 The Shorter Christian Prayer contains Morning No. 409/10—Box Set only .......................................... 149.00 and Evening Prayer from the Four Week Psalter and selected texts for the Seasons and Major Feasts of the year. It is ideal No. 409/13—Black leather (Box Set only) ................. 175.00 for Parish use. No. 709/13—Large Print Edition ................................ 198.00 No. 408/10—Pocket Edition Flexible Maroon cov. .... 14.95 No. 408/13—Pocket Edition Black leather. ................ 17.95 No. 709/G—Large Print Edition Annual Guide.............2.75 No. 418/10—Large Type. ........................................... 17.95 A spiritual companion that presents ways in which the experience of the Hours may be more prayerful for those who say them, e.g., by using the spirituality of Carmel, especially that of Elizabeth of the Trinity. 208 pages. 5-1/2” x 8-1/4”. No. 415/04—Flexible four-color paper cover .............................................8.95 Daytime Prayer Composed of prayers for midmorning, midday, and midafternoon. The individual may use all three or select the one set of prayers most suitable for the occasion, or the hour of the day. Suitable for both individual and group use. A selection of hymns is provided as well as a complementary psalmody for those who pray more than one of the Daytime prayers. Printed in two colors. No. 422/10—Flexible Cover ..................................................11.95 Night Prayer This handy-sized edition, taken from the Liturgy of the Hours, provides the last prayer of one’s day. It may be said alone or with others, particularly within a family. The structure is straightforward: an introduction, the examination of conscience, an appropriate hymn, a psalm (or psalms) with accompanying antiphon and psalm-prayer, a short reading and response, the Gospel Canticle of Simeon, and a concluding prayer, a final blessing and an antiphon in honor of Mary. 96 pages. 4-3/8 x 6-3/4. 401/10LC 402/10LC 403/10LC 404/10LC 401-404/13LC Black Leather Liturgy Of The Hours Leather Zipper Cases 428/10 Flexible Maroon.............................8.95 Supplement to The Liturgy of the Hours No. 405/04—Flexible cover, for use with standard size editions....................2.95 No. 705/04—Flexible cover, for use with large print edition (709/13).............3.50 Crafted in rich supple, leatherwith a zipper closure,these durable and luxurious cases are worthy of holding and protecting the prayer of the Church, the Liturgy of the Hours. No. 401/10LC, 402/10LC, 403/10LC, 404/10LC ...19.95 ea. No. 409/10LC—Leather Case Set of 4 ........................ 78.00 No. 401/13LC, 402/13LC, 403/13LC, 404/13LC ...19.95 ea. No. 409/13LC—Black Leather Case Set of 4 .............. 78.00 Prices subject to change without notice. ACG 2012 164.indd 1 7/31/11 9:00 PM Sacraments THE BOOK OF NAMES OF THE DEAD Used during the month November, this beautifully appointed book gives parishioners a place to write the names of their dead. Large enough to use over many years, cloth covered.9” x 12”. 128 pages. 14-5517 English.......$69.95 14-5524 Spanish......$69.95 14-5525 Bilingual......$69.95 LORD HEAR OUR PRAYER An intercessory prayer book that offers two pages of lined writing space for parishoners to enter their prayer petitions for Sundays throughout the Liturgical year. 14-5526...........$45.00 BEGINNING YOUR MARRIAGE Ninth Edition 165 REMEMBRANCE Used only during the month of November, Placed at the Church entrance. This 56 page volume is a way for the Christian community to celebrate the memory of those who have died. 14-5516.........$14.95 GENTLE KEEPING by Mauryeen O’Brien, O.P. The classic book for engaged couples. Full of the day-to-day practical advice a couple needs. 14-7016............$6.95 Prayers and services for remembering departed loved ones throughout the year. Softcover 128 pgs. 14-5527..............$7.95 Resources for Marriage, Bereavement, Confirmation & Baptism Prices Subject to change without notice. ACG 2012 165.indd 1 8/2/11 7:54 PM Ritual Editions 166 ORDER of CHRISTIAN FUNERALS RITE OF MARRIAGE This liturgical book now includes the material found in Appendix 2: Cremation (except for “Reflection”), which was approved and published in 1997. No. 350/22—Blue cloth........24.95 No. 350/13—Blue leather.....29.95 The Official Rite for celebrating marriage has been revised according to the decrees of the Constitution. Printed in two colors. Large type. Homiletic notes. Size 4-3/4 x 8-1/2. No. 238/22—.................14.95 RITE OF BAPTISM The Official English translation approved and published by authority of the Bishops’ Committee on the Liturgy. 144 pages. Size 7-1/2 x 10-1/2. No. 136/22—Green cloth..............16.95 No. 138/22—Bilingual...................23.95 RITE OF BAPTISM BOOKLET PASTORAL CARE OF THE SICK Large Edition This is the Official version of the “Rite of Anointing of the Sick.” Printed in two colors. Large type. Ribbon marker. No. 456/22—Green cloth........................................16.95 PASTORAL CARE OF THE SICK Pocket Edition No. 156/04—Green Vinyl .......................................11.95 No. 166/09—Bilingual.............................................13.95 HOLY COMMUNION and WORSHIP of the EUCHARIST OUTSIDE of MASS • Rite of Distributing Holy Communion outside Mass • Administration of Communion and Viaticum to the Sick by an Extraordinary Minister • Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament. No. 648/22—.............................16.95 No. 80/04—Flexible Cover..............3.50 The Rite of Baptism for One Child and for Several Children THE HANDBOOK OF INDULGENCES COMMUNION OF THE SICK This is the revised edition of the Enchiridion of Indulgences and the official English translation of the Church’s book on Indulgences and a list of the works and prayers to which Indulgences are attached. No. 585/22—.............................13.50 Valuable service booklet for Extraordinary Ministers in bringing Communion to the sick. Includes a series of pastoral instructions and guidelines that will be of great benefit to them. Printed in large type and in two colors. 80 pages. 4 x 6-1/2 No. 82/04—Flexible cover.....................3.95 People’s Edition The Rite of Baptism is presented in participation format for the use of the assembly. Updated Lectionary texts. 0814629237 Paper, 48 pgs. 5-3/8” x 8-1/4”, $1.95 BOOK OF BLESSINGS No. 560/22 — Brown cloth .......$ 39.00 Rite of Baptism for Children SHORTER BOOK OF BLESSINGS No. 565/10 — Brown cloth .......$ 21.00 No. 565/13 — Black leather......$ 26.00 Ritual Edition This edition has been updated with the readings from the weekday Lectionary for Mass. 0814627390 Hardcover, 184 pgs. 7-1/4” x 10-3/4”, $29.95 Marriage in Christ Book of Blessings Ritual Edition 0814618758 Hardcover, 832 pgs. 7-1/2” x 10-3/4”, $49.95 Revised Edition Updated to include new lectionary readings for the sacrament of marriage. Abridged Edition 0814620892 Lexide, 640 pgs. 4-1/4” x 6-3/4”, $19.95 0814617042 Paper, 72 pgs. 5-3/8” x 8-1/4”, $3.95 RITE OF PENANCE This newly Vatican-approved RITE OF PENANCE for use in the United States contains the complete Biblical readings from the Revised LECTIONARY FOR MASS as well as emendations made in accord with the 1983 Code of Canon Law. Clothbound, 224 pgs. 7-1/4” x 10-1/4”, 528/22.............$22.95 Prices subject to change without notice. ACG 2012 166.indd 1 7/31/11 7:50 PM Rites & Rituals New liturgical book that contains the latest translation of the Rite of Christian Initiation by the International Commission on English in the Liturgy. No. 355/22 — Red cloth, colored edges..........$ 26.95 Communion of the Sick Paperback, 48 pages. 4” x 7” 1368-3.............$3.95 167 Book of the Elect 081465929 - Ritual Edition, Hardcover, 400 pgs., 7-/4” x 10-1/2”, $39.95 0814615935 - Study Edition, Paper, 400 pgs., 7-/4” x 10-1/2” $29.95 Administration of Communion & Viaticum to the Sick by an Extraordinary Minister Paperback, 35 pages. 6” x 9” 1555868878....................$3.50 Charles Rohrbacher This Book of the Elect fulfills the reqirements of an enrollment book. The interior features two-color art along with lined pages. Hardcover, 10” x 14”,128 pgs. 0814614358..............$49.95 Administration of Commnuion of the Sick by a Special Minister 16-2566...............$ .95 Companion book for the Rite of Christian Initiation Adults, which calls for its use. Illustrated with symbols relating to the rite, sturdily bound with a goldstamped rich red cover. There is ample space for the name of the Elect and their godparents. No. 356/22 — Red leather, gold stamped.........$ 34.00 Catholic Household Blessings and Prayers The Rites of the Catholic Church Volume: One Third Edition. Lexide, 1118 pgs. 9780814660157....$34.95 Volume: Two Second Edition. Lexide, 496 pgs. 9780814660379....$29.95 Rite of Ordination Ceremonial of Bishops Ritual Edition, Hardcover, 274 pages Liturgy for Bishops that covers everything from the Mass through liturgical celebrations in connection with the government of a diocese. Hardcover, 340 pages. 6” x 9” Illustrated for home use and an 545-5..............$49.95 overview of the Church’s calendar. Soft Leather cover with ribbon marker. 600 pages. 6”x 9” 5-645 Hardcover....................$34.95 0-464 Paperback...................$24.95 1818-9..........................$39.95 Bilingual Resource Books ADMINISTRATION OF COMMUNION OF THE SICK Bilingual edition contains two rites: when Communion can be celebrated in the context of the Word; the other, a brief Communion rite for use in more restrictive cricumstances. 5-303.....................................$4.95 Sunday Celebrations in the Absence of a Priest Bilingual - Hardcover 1574557114.............$59.95 Pastoral Care of the Sick Bilingual Edition. Flexible cover, 208 pages. 5-1/4” x 8” 364-2......................................$32.00 Order for the Blessing on the Fifteenth Birthday Celebrate a young woman’s passage from childhood to maturity with this new bilingual ritual book. 16-1061.....................$6.95 Order for the Solemn Exposition of the Holy Eucharist - Hardcover Presider’s Edition 9780814620397 $39.95 People’s Edition 9780814622001 $ 6.95 SEND OUT YOUR SPIRIT SERIES Send Out Your Spirit leads teens through the major tenets of their faith--the Trinity, Jesus, scripture, Church, sacraments, morality, and more--specifically structured for the context of preparing for confirmation. This program is rooted in the idea that high school-aged candidates want the necessary information on the Catholic faith in hand as they commit personally to the promises of faith originally made for them at baptism. Conforms with the Catechism of the Catholic Church. 246-8 Leader’s Manual...................$22.95 225-5 Candidate Handbook............$11.95 247-6 Sponsor Handbook...............$ 3.95 YOUR BABY’S BAPTISM THE RITE OF BAPTISM Easy to follow responses, meaningful preface and handy momento page. 14-5508.......................$ .64 Designed to be given to parents when they first make inquires about baby’s baptism. There is also a special section for the nonCatholic in interfaith marriages. 14-5559..............................$3.95 EL BAUTISMO DE SU BEBE Spanish version of “Your Baby’s Baptism’’ 14-5560.............................$3.95 Prices subject to change without notice. ACG 2012 167.indd 1 8/10/11 11:45 PM 168 Ministry HANDBOOK FOR MINISTERS OF CARE 16-4866........$8.00 Liturgical Ministry of Deacons 0814630502........$9.95 GRIEF MINISTRY Helping Others Mourn THE COMPLETE SERVER 47-5021.............$9.00 By Donna Reilly Williams and JoAnn Sturzl PBVM 16-4722.........$27.95 CALLED TO SERVE A training Manual for altar servers. 47-5025.........$3.95 El Ministro de los Lectores 081463074X........$3.95 The Sacristy Manual, Second Edition 16-4648........$29.95 Guide For Deacons English 14-0588........$7.95 Spanish 14-0589........$7.95 Practical effective help for those serving the parish through various ministries, the Collegeville Ministry Series offers updated, inexpensive, yet comprehensive training on the various liturgical roles. Each booklet is prepared by a specialist in the field and provides down to earth suggestions for making ministry more meaningful for the ministers and those they serve. Make the Collegeville Ministry Series a resource destination on your journey. The Ministry of Cantors Kathleen Harmon, S.N.D. de N. Harmon addresses the changing role of the cantor within an understanding of Liturgical music. 0814628775 Paper, 96 pgs 5-3/8” x 8-1/4”.........$3.95 The Ministry of Communion Second Edition Michael Kwatera, O.S.B. Offers practical advice and vital theology for Eucharistic Ministers. 0814629581 Paper, 56 pgs 5-3/8” x 8-1/4”.........$3.95 The Ministry of Hospitality Second Edition James A. Comiskey Offers suggestions for extending hospitality in sacramental moments while teaching, serving or greeting. 0814627327 Paper, 48 pgs 5-3/8” x 8-1/4”.........$3.95 The Joy of Being A Lector Full of usefull suggestions. 14-0574...............$6.95 14-0575 Spanish...$6.95 The Joy of Being An Altar Server Best book around for altar servers. 14-0576........$5.95 The Joy of Being A Eucharistic Minister 14-0577...............$5.95 14-0578 Spanish...$5.95 The Breaking of the Bread For Ministers of Holy Communion 14-4756.........$8.95 The Ministry of Lectors Second Edition James A. Wallace, C.Ss.R. This book helps lectors by providing guides to lector’s work, as well as a reflection on the mystery of God. 0814629536 Paper, 88 pgs 5-3/8” x 8-1/4”.........$3.95 The Ministry of Liturgical Environment Joyce Ann Zimmerman, C.P.P.S. A useful guide for those preparing a sacred space consistent with the communities principles. 0814627051 Paper, 96 pgs 5-3/8” x 8-1/4”.........$3.95 The Ministry of Music Singing the Paschal Mystery The Parish Management Handbook For Pastors, pastoral staff, parish councils. 14-0579........$24.95 Dreams and Visions Planning lifelong faith formation. 14-0580........$14.95 Words of Comfort As You Grieve Scripture, prayer for those who grieve. 14-0581........$1.95 A Ritual for Laypersons Holy Communion and the Pastoral Care of the Sick. 176 pgs 14-0582............$17.95 Kathleen Harmon, S.N.D. de N. Explores Liturgical music from the perspective of liturgy as ritual enactment of the paschal mystery. 0814628782 Paper, 104 pgs 5-3/8” x 8-1/4”.........$3.95 The Ministry of Servers Second Edition Communion of the Sick Paper, 48 pgs, 4” x 7” 1368-3...................$3.95 Rite of Penance Leaflet, 6 pgs, 3-5/8” x 7-1/4”, 9780814661130...$25.00 per 100 Form of Examination of Conscience Leaflet, 6 pgs, 3-5/8” x 7-1/4”, 9780814661147...$40.00 per 100 Prices subject to change without notice. ACG 2012 168.indd 1 Michael Kwatera O.S.B. A simple, yet comprehensive guide for altar servers and their instructors. Well organized with helpful line drawings to be easily understood by young altar servers. 0814629598 Paper, 48 pgs 5-3/8” x 8-1/4”.........$3.95 The Ministry of Consolers Terence P. Curley Will help you find you place within grief ministry, as well as plan the ministry from first response to spiritual guidance. 0814630204 Paper, 104 pgs 5-3/8” x 8-1/4”.........$3.95 7/24/11 11:40 PM Homilies 169 BELIEVE WHAT YOU READ By Deacon Michael E. Bulson Timeless Homilies for Deacons- Liturgical Cycle C 14-4632..........................$19.95 THE GRACIOUS WORD By Wilfred Harrington, O.P. AN INTRODUCTION TO THE HOMILY 16-4638 Year A....... $19.95 16-4639 Year B....... $19.95 16-4640 Year C....... $19.95 By James A. Wallace Robert P. Waznak, SS Guerric DeBona, OSB 16-4621............................ $15.95 HOMILIES FOR WEEKDAYS Don Talsfous, O.S.B. NAMING GRACE Preaching and the Sacramental Imagination By Mary Catherine Hilkert 14-4652 Cycle “C”..... $19.95 14-4651 Cycle “B”..... $19.95 14-4650 Cycle “A”.... $18.95 John Shea Books....$29.95 each Paperbacks Feast, Funerals & Weddings Following Love into Mystery ........................................0814629161 Year A............................081462913X On Earth as it is in Heaven Year B.............................0814629148 Eating with the Bridegroom Year C............................0814629156 The Restless Widow ACG 2012 169.indd 1 By Ken Untener By Robert P. Waznak LIFT UP YOUR HEARTS This brilliant collection of homilies, which completes the cycle for the series, draws on the Sunday (and feast day) readings. PREACHING BETTER Practical Suggestions for Homilists 16-4620..........................$39.95 Preaching at the Double Feast Homoletics for Eucharistic Worship Michael Monshau, O.P. This adds timely and critical new perspective to the issue by bringing five significant voices from “double feast” churches whose presentations, in effect, become varied, short textbooks on how to preach. 0814627803 $21.95 Contains creative suggestions of what a homilist might say about the daily readings for the two-year lectionary cycle. Year 1 - 0814630316 248 pgs $16.95 Year 2 - 0814630327 248 pgs $16.95 Preaching the Lectionary Reginald Fuller, S.T.D. & Daniel Westberg This new edition of a classic approach to the Lectionary has been updated to reflect the thinking of a wide range of biblical scholars. 0814627927 $29.95 16-4622...................$10.95 SUNDAY AND HOLY DAY LITURGIES By Flor McCarthy, SDB 14-4642 Liturgies A... $34.95 14-4643 Liturgies B... $34.95 14-4644 Liturgies C.. $34.95 Wedding Liturgies 14-4645.........................$22.95 Funeral Liturgies 14-4646.........................$26.95 Easter Meditations on the Resurrection Raniero Cantalamessa, O.F.M. First presented as a Lenter retreat in Rome, together with the Good Friday homily in St. Peter’s Basilica, the reult is a rich exploration of this central mystery of our faith. 0814627064 $7.95 Prices subject to change without notice. 7/31/11 9:01 PM Missals 170 COMPLETE AND PERMANENT A B ST. JOSEPH ANNUAL SUNDAY MISSAL The one all-inclusive, complete and permanent Sunday Missal. It contains all the official Mass prayers for Sundays and Holydays that are now in use throughout America. It Includes the complete 3-year-cycle of Sunday readings (for years, A, B & C). It includes all the prayers from the Sacramentary... plus all the presidential prayers. No. 820/09 Red flexible vinyl cover...............21.00 No. 820/22GN Green cloth cover..................28.00 No. 820/22-B Black cloth cover.....................28.00 No. 820/10-BR Brown Flexible cover............28.00 No. 822/10 Brown Hard cover, Giant Type....24.95 This is the most popular ANNUAL and most economical Missal for parish participation. It contains the complete Masses for all Sundays and Holy Days. Completely up to date. This edition includes a selection of new popular hymns and a Treasury of Prayers and is illustrated throughout. A. No. 2011/04—AMERICAN EDITION B. No. 2111/04—CANADIAN EDITION St. Joseph Sunday & Weekday Missal Priests, religious, and the laity will treasure these widely respected and invaluable Missals. ST. JOSEPH WEEKDAY MISSALS ST JOSEPH SUNDAY & WEEKDAY MISSALS 920/09 Vol. I Advent to Pentecost.....$19.95 921/09 Vol II Pentecost to Advent.....$19.95 920-G – Annual MISSAL GUIDE........$ 2.00 825/23 Three Volume Set $89.00 920/23 Volume I – Zipper $29.95 921/23 Volume II – Zipper $29.95 820/23 Sunday – Zipper $32.00 Saint Paul Sunday Missal Including the Revised English Text of the Roman Missal Sunday Edition Burgundy Leatherflex 11-2005.............$26.95 Black Leatherflex 11-2012....................$26.95 Daily Edition Burgundy Leatherflex 11-2013.............$45.95 Black Leatherflex 11-2014....................$45.95 Books for use at the Tridentine Mass The Order of Mass The Missal of Blessed John XXIII 96 pages 11-2020...................$9.95 ACG 2012 170.indd 1 Serving at the Altar for the Tridentine Mass. Helps with pronunciation and proper action, w/ CD. 52 pages 11-2024.....................$15.00 Roman Catholic Daily Missal 1962. 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Includes all necessary prayers. 14-5051.......$15.00/100 PRAYING THE ROSARY Explains history and Mysteries of the Rosary. 14-5020 English..$1.95 14-5021 Spanish..$1.95 SCRIPTURAL ROSARY A modern version of the Way of the Rosary was once prayed throughout Western europe in the Late Middle Ages 14-5029...............$9.95 14-5028 Spanish.....$9.95 THE ILLUSTRATED ROSARY FOR CHILDREN Gift edition of the Rosary. 14-5022........$4.95 PRAY THE ROSARY LEAFLET 14-5007 English..$0.20 14-5008 Spanish..$0.20 THE ROSARY FOR CHILDREN Tri-fold how to pray the rosary pamphlet. 14-5015........$ .30 each ROSARY NOVENAS TO OUR LADY 14-5002..........................$4.95 14-5011 Large Print.......$5.95 14-5109 Spanish............$4.95 14-5110 Large Print.......$5.95 THE ROSARY FOR TEENS PRAY THE ROSARY BOOKLET 14-4907.....$ .30 each English 14-5001...$.95 Spanish 48/S...$.99 Prices are subject to change without notice. ACG 2012 179.indd 1 8/25/11 2:24 PM 180 Adoration Praying In The Presence Of OUR LORD series. Collection of prayers for Eucharistic Adoration. Combines traditional prayers with modern ones. Paperback. 4 1/4” x 7”. Eucharistic Devotion 14-2022 14-2007 With St. Padre Pio 144 pages $7.95 The Tradition of Catholic Prayer The monks of St. Meinrad recount the tradition of Catholic prayer. 14-2019.................$24.99 With Dorothy Day 128 pages $7.95 14-2023 For Children 128 pages $7.95 An Hour With Jesus Volume 1 Designed to enhance your time spent with Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament. Incudes a prayer format to use in Adoration with rosary meditations, prayers, and spontaneous meditation topics. 120 pages. 4 1/4” x 7” 14-2008.................$4.95 Volume 2 14-2009.................$3.95 Reintroduces today’s Catholics to this time-honored spiritual tradition. Gives a history of the devotion and it’s development. Paperback. 96 pages. 5” x 7” 14-2014.................$7.95 14-2004 Prayers For Eucharistic Adoration 90 pages $6.95 In The Presence of Our Lord Historical, theological, and psychological reasons for Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament outside Mass examined in depth. Paperback. 336 pages. 6” x 9” 14-2010.................$17.95 Visits to the Most Blessed Sacrament and the Blessed Virgin Mary The Holy Eucharistic Prayer Book Traditional and original prayers to aid in preparation for Mass, before Holy Communion, and Eucharist Adoration. Hardcover. 63 pages. 4 1/4” x 6 1/4” 14-2006.................$6.95 Eucharistic Contemplation Classic translation of St. Alphonsus Ligouri’s visits that includes his introductory and concluding prayer, spiritual communion, and his reflection/meditation for each of 31 visits. Paperback. 64 pages. 5 1/4” x 7 1/2” 14-2015.......................$3.95 14-2016 (En Espanol) $3.95 A handbook to be used by Catholics who include prayers as part of their living faith. Includes 32 Eucharistic reflections. Paperback. 124 pages. 4 1/4” x 7” 14-2013.................$9.95 Set them in your parish hall with a suggested donation.Pamphlets provide your parishioners with a concise, Catholic viewpoint on a variety of topics and are beautifully designed. Made in the USA. Size 3 ∕ " x 5¼". $1.50 each. How to be a Saint Prayers for New Drivers Blessing the Child Within Beyond Grief How to Comfort the Grieving Prayers to Lift My Spirit Basic Prayers for Kids Available Dec 2011 #82067 Available Nov 2011 #82066 #80420 #81353 #80442 #80741 #81651 Prayers & Devotions for Eucharistic Holy Hour Companion for Eucharistic Adoration - prayers, hymns, Liturgy of Hours. Pamphlet. 144 pages. 4” x 6” 14-2017.......................$1.95 14-2018 (En Espanol) $1.95 Prayers for a New Father Prayers for a New Mother Choosing Confirmation Names for Young Women Choosing Confirmation Names for Young Men Serving as a Confirmation Sponsor A Spiritual Rosary for Eucharistic Devotion An Adult’s Confession Booklet #80562 #80299 #81529 #81528 #82006 #80580 #80522 ACG 2012 180.indd 1 Prices subject to change without notice. 7/14/11 12:18 AM 181 Spanish Publications Manual Liturgico Complete ritual of the sacraments. 271 pgs. 4-1/8” x 6-1/4” 14-5540.....$9.95 Cuidado Pastoral de Los Infermos Pastoral Care of the Sick. 4 x 6-1/4” 166/09........$13.95 Catecismo Católico Estados Unidos para los Adultos. 14-0516........$24.95 El Rito Del Matrimonio Loose-leaf marriage ritual with binder. 96 pages. 16-2550........$39.95 Juntos Para Toda La Vida La Planificación Familiar Guía para investigar el tema 14-0037.....$4.95 Palabra de Dios (2010) Conozca a Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe A new interpretation of the story of the image and apparitions. 64 pgs. 14-5106........$5.95 De la Muerte a la Vida 96 pgs. 3-1/4 x 5-1/2 14-5515........$3.95 Manual para Católico de hoy Con referencias al Catecismo de la Iglesia Católica 14-0587........$4.95 16-1064........$8.00 14-5558........$3.95 Recemos el Rosario Bilingual. 76 pgs. 4-1/4” x 6-5/8” 14-5100.....$2.50 Quince Minutos Con Jesus Sacramentado. 14-5108........$2.95 Libro de Bolsillo de Oraciones Rosary and Stations of the Cross. 64 pgs. 39/04........$1.25 El Ministerio de Los Lectores 96 pgs., 5-3/8” x 8-1/4”. 16-1052........$3.95 Mi Pequeño Libro de Oraciones Spanish Edition of the best selling My Easter Prayerbook. 64 pgs. 31/S........$ .95 Oraciones a los Santos Spanish version, 60 pgs. 4” x 5-1/4” 14-5101.....$2.30 Oraciones a Maria Spanish version, 28 pgs. 4” x 5-1/4” 14-5102.....$1.70 Estaciones De La Cruz Spanish version, 28 pgs. 4” x 5-1/4” 14-5103.....$1.70 Rosario Para Difuntos Spanish version, 32 pgs. 4” x 5-1/4” 14-5104.....$1.50 Por Que No Te Confiesas? Spanish version, 20 pgs. 4” x 5-1/4” 14-5105.....$1.50 ACG 2012 181.indd 1 7/20/11 10:50 PM Spanish Titles 182 B D H C V S A F E R Q T I C N P J K O L M U W St. Joseph Children’s PICTURE Books $1.50 each A. B. C. D. I. 460/S 461/S 462/S 463/S Father Lovasik, S.V.D. E. 466/S EL SANTO ROSARIO F. 467/S LA SANTA MISA G. 470/S MI PRIMER CATECHISMO H. 472/S LAS ESTACIONES de la CRUZ LIBRO DE ORACIONES CREO EN DIOS LOS SIETE SACRAMENTOS MARIA MI MADRE CATECISMO ILUSTRADO Rev. A. Lodders, C.SS.R. This booklet will give to parents, children, teachers the right answers about the essentials of the Catholic Faith. 68/S.................................................2.50 EL NINO JESUS DE PRAGA This new booklet will win for all a new fresh love for the Divine Infant and direct the footsteps of countless Catholics to the veneration of the Infant Jesus. 439/S...............................................3.95 J. EL CAMINO DE LA CRUZ St. A. Liguori This booklet is a devotion to the Sacred Passion of Our Lord. 16/S................................................. .95 N. O. HISTORIA BIBLICA CONDENSADA Rev. A. Lodders, C.SS.R. The ideal way for all Catholics to become acquainted with the history of God’s Chosen People. 771/04S...........................................4.50 IMITACION DE CRISTO K. Thomas A. Kempis Here is a new easy-to-read revised edition. Second only to the Bible in popularity. Large type. 321/S...............................................8.95 Spanish version of Father Lovasik’s very popular book of Novenas. Over 40 Novenas carefully arranged for private prayer in accord with the liturgical year. 346/22S—Green vinyl.....................8.95 LIBRO CATOLICO DE ORACIONES M. Rev. M. FitzGerald, O.F.M. GIANT TYPE. Contains many favorite prayers—for everyday, to the Blessed Trinity, to Mary, and the Saints. 438/S...............................................8.75 LIBRO DE LOS SANTOS Over 100 glorious full-color illustrations will delight the reader with their fine detail. 236/22S.......................................... 9.95 NOVENAS FAVORITAS A LOS SANTOS Spanish version of the popular Favorite Novenas to the Saints. 658/S.............................................. 2.50 T. U. NOVENAS FAVORITAS A MARIA (Booklet size edition of the Novenas to Mary) ORACIONES PARA TODAS LAS OCASIONES Contains a wealth of timely prayers for all occasions. 916/S...............................................5.95 P. TESORO DE NOVENAS L. S. Q. RECEMOS EL SANTO ROSARIO For Rosary Novenas. The most popular, handy, purse-size Rosary booklet. 48/S................................................. .99 R. LA BIBLIA ILUSTRADA Rev. L. G. Lovasik, S.V.D. Over 100 Catholic Bible stories for Boys and Girls written in simple and clear language that is easy to understand. Size 6 x 9. 436/S.............................................10.95 159/04S.......................................... 2.50 LAS VIDAS DE LOS SANTOS Spanish edition of the best-selling Lives of the Saints for each day of the year. 370/22S.......................................... 9.95 W. PRIMER LIBRO DE LA MISA Spanish translation of the best-selling First Mass Book. Large type and illustrated in full color, this beautiful book will enable children to take a more active part in the Mass. 96 pages. 809-S/67W—Printed Leatherette, Girls...........................4.95 V. 809-S/67B—Printed Leatherette, Boys...........................4.95 Prices subject to change without notice. ACG 2012 182.indd 1 8/9/11 7:07 PM 183 Spanish R Ritual de eexequias C Cristianas DE BUENA PRENSA V Vigilia por un difunto Vísperas Bilingüe edición del pueblo Derechos: EE.UU. Derechos: EE.UU. Esta edición bilingüe tiene los textos en inglés y español y le ofrece a todos la oportunidad de seguir la Vigilia en el idioma y la tradición de los dos. Order of Christian Funerals Vigil Service Bilingual People’s Edition This bilingual edition contains the texts in English and Spanish and offers everyone an opportunity to follow each service in both languages and traditions. Rights: U.S. 978-0-8146-2928-4 Paper/En rústica, 72 pp./págs., 5-3/8 x 8-1/4, $4.95 Bendicional (Book of Blessings) Ritual de Bendiciones (Rites for Blessings) 1 3 978-0-8146-2812-6 Tapa dura, 686 págs., 5 /4 x 7 /4 $51.95 Evangeliario (Book of Gospels) 978-0-8146-2811-9 Tapa dura, 360 págs., 9 1/4 x 13 1/4 $435.00 Misal Romano (Sacramentary) L Liturgia de las H Horas Edición P Popular 9 978-0-8146-4196-5 En rústica, 568 págs., E 44-1/4 x 6, $18.95 978-0-8146-2810-2 Tapa dura, 1,134 págs., 6 1/4 x 8 3/4 $72.95 Ritual de exequias Cristianas Estos Leccionarios están aprobados para el uso en los EE.UU. Leccionario I (Lectionary I) Misa Exequial, Bilingüe edición del pueblo 978-0-8146-2807-2 Tapa dura, 1,120 págs., 6 1/4 x 8 3/4 $64.95 También, subraya la participación de la asamblea. Esta edición contiene las partes de la asamblea para la Misa Funeral y la Última Despedida. 978-0-8146-2808-9 Tapa dura, 1,142 págs., 6 1/4 x 8 3/4 $64.95 Derechos: EE.UU. Leccionario II (Lectionary II) Leccionario III (Lectionary III) 978-0-8146-2809-6 Tapa dura, 1,005 págs., 6 1/4 x 8 3/4 $64.95 Cuidado Pastoral de los Enfermos (Pastoral Care of the Sick) 978-0-8146-2815-7 Tapa dura, 302 págs., 5 1/4 x 7 3/4 $21.95 El Día de los Fieles Difuntos (The Day of the Dead) Order of Christian Funerals Funeral Mass, Bilingual People’s Edition In this edition the assembly’s parts for the Funeral Mass and Final Commendation are given. 978-0-8146-2816-4 Volante, 3 págs., 4 x 6 1/2 $.40 Ritual para el Bautismo de los Niños (Rite of Baptism for Children) 978-0-8146-2813-3 Tapa dura, 175 págs., 6 1/4 x 9, $21.95 Rights: U.S. Ritual para la Confirmación (Rite of Confirmation) 978-0-8146-2927-7 Paper/En rústica, 88 pp./págs., 5-3/8 x 8-1/4, $3.50 978-0-8146-2814-0 Tapa dura, 144 págs., 6 1/4 x 9, $17.95 Ritual de la Penitencia (Rite of Penance) R Ritual de la O Ordenación del Obispo, de los O P Presbíteros y de llos Diáconos 9 978-0-8146-4234-4 T Tapa dura, 383 págs., 88-1/4 x 11, $84.95 R Ritual de la Ordenación del O Obispo, de los O Presbíteros y de P llos Diáconos Para Estudio P 9 978-0-8146-4233-7 T Tapa dura, 383 págs., 6-5/8 x 9-1/8, $34.95 978-0-8146-4089-0 Tapa dura, 352 págs., 5 1/4 x 9 1/2 $42.95 Liturgia de las Horas (Liturgy of the Hours) En Cuatro Tomos: (In Four Volumes) Tomo 1: Tiempo de Adviento y Navidad (Volume 1: Advent and Christmas) 1 3 978-0-8146-2817-1 Tapa dura, 1,300 págs., 4 /4 x 6 /4 $59.95 R Ritual del Matrimonio M 9 978-0-8146-3328-1 Tapa dura, 144 págs., T 7-1/4 x 10-1/2, $24.95 7 Tomo 2: Tiempo de Cuaresma, Triduo pascual y Pascua (Volume 2: Lent, Easter Triduum and Easter) 978-0-8146-2818-8 Tapa dura, 1,300 págs., 4 1/4 x 6 3/4 $59.95 Tomo 3: Tiempo Ordinario: Semanas I–XVII (Volume 3: Ordinary Time: Weeks I–XVII ) Spanish Edition Ritual de exequias i C Cristianas i i Edición de Ritual 978-0-8146-2822-5 Tapa dura, 400 págs., 7 1/4 x 10 1/2, $59.95 978-0-8146-2819-5 Tapa dura, 1,300 págs., 4 1/4 x 6 3/4 $59.95 Tomo 4: Tiempo Ordinario: Semanas XVIII–XXXIV (Volume 4: Ordinary Time: Weeks XVIII–XXXIV) 978-0-8146-2820-1 Tapa dura, 1,300 págs., 4 1/4 x 6 3/4 $59.95 Vigilia, Liturgia Funeral, y Rito de Sepelio Bilingual Edition Order of Christian Funerals Vigil, Funeral Liturgy, and Rite of Committal 978-0-8146-2823-2 Hardcover/Tapa dura, 510 pp./págs., 7-1/4 x 10-1/2, $83.95 ACG 2012 183.indd 1 978-0-8146-4306-8 Tapa dura, 576 págs., 5-1/2 x 8-1/2, $32.00 Liturgia de las Horas para Fieles (Liturgy of the Hours for the Faithful) 978-0-8146-2821-8 Tapa dura, 1,270 págs., 4 1/4 x 6 3/4 $36.95 Roguemos al Señor 1 Ritual de exequias Cristianas Ritual Breve para el presbitero interante Benedicto XVI 1 978-0-8146-2907-9 Tapa dura, 448 págs., 6 /2 x 9 /8 $51.95 Para vivir mejor la Misa hoy Guía para los organizadores y participantes Semana Santa Libro para el altar 978-0-8146-4099-9 Tapa dura, 302 págs., 6-1/4 x 9, $43.95 Lawrence E. Mick 978-0-8146-2909-3 En rústica, 128 págs., 5 3/8 x 8 1/4 $6.95 Lawrence E. Mick 978-0-8146-2908-6 En rústica, 158 págs., 5 1/4 x 7 7/8 $4.95 Para entender hoy los Sacramentos 7/20/11 11:14 PM Spanish Publications 184 CATECISMO DE LA IGLESIA CATOLICA Paperback, 869 pages. 16-4650...................$8.99 16-4649 English......$8.99 CATECISMO de la IGELESIA CATOLICA 14-0511 Paperback..........$24.95 ORDENACION GENERAL del MISAL ROMANO (General Instruction of the Roman Missal) 16-1033........................$12.00 BILINGUAL RITUAL OF HISPANIC POPULAR CATHOLICISM 16-1035........................19.95 Introducción a la Biblia Una guía catolica para el estudio de las Sagradas Escrituras 6” x 9”, 104 pages. 9780814617113...........$8.95 Mis 15 Años / My 15 Birthday Edición para la jóven Incluye sección especial para recuerdos y paginas para anotar sus reflexiones. 16-1049 Tapa rústica / 120 pages Retail Price: $11.95 QUINCEANERA Edición para el instructor Incluye material additional! Motive las adolescentes para descubrir su vocación Cristiana! 16-1050 Paperback / 184 pages Retail Price: $16.95 16-1049 16-1050 Preparation to celebrate the quince anos event. 16-1048...............$6.95 Order for the Blessing on the Fifteenth Birthday Celebrate a young woman’s passage from childhood to maturity with this new bilingual ritual book. 16-1061.....................$6.95 SPANISH NOVENA BOOKLETS EL BAUTISMO DE SU BEBE This is a colorful, attractive book designed to be given to parents when they first make inquires about baby’s baptism. 14-5560....................................$3.95 14-16 pages $ .50 ea. 14-5080 15 Minutes with Jesus 14-5081 O/L Guadalupe 14-5082 St. Jude 14-5083 Sacred Heart 14-5084 Divine Child 14-5085 O/L Rosary 14-5086 Niño de Atocha 14-5087 St. Anthony La Sagrada Biblia Latinoamericana 13-9966 White.......$49.95 13-9967 Burgundy.......$49.95 Elegant cushioned hardcover binding, with gold stamping on the front cover and spine, gilded page edges & marker ribbon. A 12-page Family Record section attractively designed in full color provides a place for keeping permanent records of important life events. Other full color features include an elegant portrayal of the Life of Christ through Old Masters art; the Holy Land depicted in lifelike photographs; a special section on the Mysteries of the Rosary and the Stations of the Cross; a “pilgrimage in pictures” to Catholic Shrines and Sanctuaries, and a presentation page. Size: 8-5/16” x 10” x 7/8” SANTA BIBLIA softcover 13-0196..................$7.25 LA BIBLIA LATINOAMERICA BIBLIA DE AMÉRICA Spanish Bible PAGE 13-0194 Hardcover....... $21.95 STYLE # COVER EDGING PRICE 13-0195 Softcover........ $16.95 LETRA GRANDE 610/22BGS Hardcover Burgundy $22.95 13-0192 Hardcover....... $29.95 610/22GNS Hardcover Green 13-0193 Softcover.........$24.95 610/22BLUS Hardcover Blue $22.95 $22.95 Prices subject to change without notice. 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SEVEN PRAYERS IN SEVEN LANGUAGES ON DVD THE ILLUSTRATED CATHOLIC BIBLE New American Bible Windows Pentium 2+ CD Rom 17-6030.......................... $19.95 Holy Baby! Seven Prayers in Seven Languages is a fun filled show featuring prayers of the rosary and hosts a delightful parade of art, statuary toys, and children at play. Listen to the prayers in all seven languages at once. Or, using the menu, hear them in just English, or French, or Spanish, or Latin, or Vietnamese, or German, or Portuguese. The seven prayers on this DVD are the Sign of the Cross, the Apostle’s Creed, the Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory Be, O My Jesus and Hail Holy Queen. 17-6052 English........................................................................$14.99 17-6053 Spanish.......................................................................$14.99 Prices subject to change without notice. ACG 2012 185.indd 1 7/19/11 1:10 AM 186 Our Church Binder with Refill Sheets and Guest Books Guest books make a meaningful and elegant statement in a variety of settings. Homes. churches, weddings and funerals all provide occasion for us to welcome and receive our honored guests. In the tradition of our bonded leather journals, we offer you Our Church Binder. Nothing beats the look, feel and durability of genuine bonded leather, and our binder and guest books contain the finest materials and craftsmanship available. Each has rounded corners with gilded gold page edges, padded covers, a deluxe ribbon marker, and comes gift-boxed. With plenty of room for names and addresses, you will not find a better guest book at a more affordable price. Our Church Binder comes with a single sample page of each of the four refill styles. Packs of refill sheets are available separately. Binder Refill Sheets available: 8-1/2” x 11” Package of 10.....$5.99 16-3101 Our Honored Guests OUR CHURCH BINDER - CRIMSON 16-3069......$24.99 OUR CHURCH BINDER - BLACK 16-3070......$24.99 OUR CHURCH BINDER - WHITE 16-3072......$24.99 16-3102 New Member LARGE BONDED LEATHER CHURCH GUEST BOOK SMALL BONDED LEATHER CHURCH GUEST BOOK Gift-boxed - 10 3/8” x 8 1/2” with space for over 700 names Gift-boxed - 7 1/4” x 5 3/4” with space for over 600 names 16-3068 White......$24.99 16-3067 Black......$24.99 16-3073 White......$10.99 16-3074 Black.......$10.99 WE CELEBRATE SERVICE BINDERS $19.95 each 19-5001V Deep Violet 19-5000 Green 19-5001R Red 19-5001G Gray Ideal for presiders, lectors and cantors. Standard 8-1/2 ” 11” three-ring format, long lasting construction, varnished fabric cover, elegantly foil embossed. 19-5001 Ivory 19-5001P Royal Purple 19-5001B Blue 19-5000B Black Prices subject to change without notice. ACG 2012 186.indd 1 7/18/11 9:48 PM