Viewing Na Pali by Sea
Viewing Na Pali by Sea
4/28/2010 Viewing Na Pali by Sea W I T H L E H U A H A W A I I A N A D V E N T U R E S Need More Thrills? y Hang on tight while you speed along the Na Pali coast in one of our rigid hull inflatable rafts y Enter deep caves that are concealed along the shoreline y Snorkel and enjoy lunch during our half-day trip Looking to Relax? If an easy day of sailing is your style, consider a morning or sunset cruise on our fortyperson catamaran. Our experienced crew will sail our vessel along the Na Pali coast for a view of waterfalls, caves, and beaches. Spinner dolphins often swim alongside and whales can be spotted January through March. Which Trip is Right for You? Rigid Hull Inflatable Tour Catamaran or Sailing Tour y Good choice if you are: { Interested in adventure { Free from recent back injuries { Not prone to motion sickness y Good choice if you are: { Interested in a leisurely cruise { Looking forward to an overall smooth ride Book Your Trip Today! C O N T A C T L E H U A H A W A I I A N A D V E N T U R E S Lastname_Firstname_1E_Boat_Tours 1 4/28/2010 Dramatic Overhead Views Kauai from the Sky The Jurassic Park Waterfall Maluhia Road Tree Tunnel A Visual Expedition Presented By Lehua Hawaiian Adventure Helicopter Tours Waimea Canyon The Grand Canyon of the Pacific y Ten-mile long gorge that is over 3,600 feet deep y Formed by erosion and the collapse of the volcano that created Kauai Amazing Shorelines View some of the most spectacular beaches in the Pacific on the western shore of the island of Kauai y Lava flows changed the canyon landscape over the course of centuries Lastname_Firstname_1F_Helicopter_Tour 1 4/28/2010 Na Pali Coast The rugged beauty of this dramatic shoreline will leave you breathless as you soar alongside its lush spires, pristine beaches, and pounding Tunnels Beach waterfalls. Some of the best snorkeling on Kauai is found at Tunnels Beach. The large reef is home to a variety of fish, sea turtles, eels, and octopus. Honopu Beach Waterfalls, Beaches, Canyons! Experience Kauai from the Sky with Lehua Hawaiian Adventure Helicopter Tours Lastname_Firstname_1F_Helicopter_Tour 2 !"#!"!$#$% Apply Civic presentation theme &//0123%4/% -56789% Viewing Na Pali by Sea If an easy day of sailing is your style, consider a morning or sunset cruise on our fortyperson catamaran. Our experienced crew will sail our vessel along the Na Pali coast for a view of waterfalls, caves, and beaches. Spinner dolphins often swim alongside and whales can be spotted January through March. !"#$%&'$()%$)!)"")*%)+,'*#(-'.% Slide 2: Apply Content with Caption layout Type title and text Insert picture; apply picture style of Compound Frame, Black and artistic effect of Texturizer Slide 1: Type slide text Need More Thrills? Which Trip is Right for You? y Hang on tight while you speed along the Na Pali coast in one of our rigid hull inflatable rafts y Enter deep caves that are concealed along the shoreline y Snorkel and enjoy lunch during our half-day trip ?A*#)?#%&'$()%$)!)"")*%)+,'*#(-'.% ?747@7>72%/>%.716123%#/;>% y Good choice if you are: { Interested in adventure { Free from recent back injuries { Not prone to motion sickness y Good choice if you are: { Interested in a leisurely cruise { Looking forward to an overall smooth ride Slide 4: Apply Comparison layout Type title and text Increase list level of five bullet points Type speaker's notes Slide 3: Apply Two Content layout Type title and text Insert picture; apply picture style of Soft Edge Rectangle and artistic effect of Glow Diffused Book Your Trip Today! -131:%$;66%"2<6747=65%#/;>% Slide 5: Apply Section Header layout Type text Insert footer with file name and add document properties with name and keywords goppt2010_1e_p01E_ann_solution.pdf &'()*'+,-./0()*'+,-#1-23')-4350(% #% !"#$"#%&%' Insert six slides from another presentation and delete one slide for a total of eight slides Move two slides <2'='.$:">9,26,'-"#$,8%" Kauai from the Sky !"#$%&'())*+$,('-$.(/#'0(11$ 2(1&"*($34(5$!'##$!&66#1$ !"#$%&'(")*+,-$.$/0"12,%,0.,-"34" 5,6&'"7'8'$$'0"!-9,0.&2,"7,($:/+.,2";/&2%" " Slide 1: Change title font and font size to Arial Size 44 and font color to White, Text 1 .(*7#($8(6946$ !"#$:'(65$8(6946$40$/"#$,(+*0*+$ y ;,0?=$(,"(/0@"@/2@,".6'."$%" ;7(<*6=$>"4'#1*6#)$ /9,2"ABCDD"E,,."-,,+" y F/2=,-"G4",2/%$/0"'0-".6," #$,8"%/=,"/E".6,"=/%."%+,:.':&('2"G,':6,%"$0".6,"1':$E$:"/0".6," 8,%.,20"%6/2,"/E".6,"$%('0-"/E"H'&'$" :/(('+%,"/E".6,"9/(:'0/".6'." :2,'.,-"H'&'$" y 5'9'"E(/8%":6'0@,-".6," :'04/0"('0-%:'+,"/9,2".6," :/&2%,"/E":,0.&2$,%" Slide 4: Change the layout to Section Header Center the title and subtitle Slide 3: Increase the list level of one bullet point Add one bullet point and decrease list level 1 of 2 ()*+,)-./012*+,)-./&0/3.41567+.2/8692' goppt2010_1e_p01F_ann_solution.pdf &' !"#$"#%&%' ,)'-)%.'/0)&1' !"#$%&''#($)#*&+,$ -.$+"/0$(%*1*+/2$ 0"-%#3/4#$5/33$3#*6#$ ,-&$)%#*+"3#00$*0$ ,-&$0-*%$*3-4'0/(#$ /+0$3&0"$07/%#08$ 7%/0+/4#$)#*2"#08$ *4($7-&4(/4'$ !"##$%&'($)*+' 5*+#%.*3309$ !"#$%"&%'($%)$*'%*+",-$./+0%"+%1232/%/*%&"3+4%2'%53++$.*%6$27(8%5($%.2,0$%,$$&%% /*%("#$%'"%2%92,/$':%"&%&/*(;%*$2%'3,'.$*;%$$.*;%2+4%"7'"<3*8% Slide 6: Apply bold and italic to content placeholder text Center align content placeholder text and change line spacing to 1.5 Replace all occurrences of Maui with Kauai ="+"<3%6$27(% 2)1$34)%%&5'($)*+$&5'/)#60#&7' >?<$,/$+7$%1232/%&,"#%'($%!-:%@/'(%% A$(32%=2@2//2+%B49$+'3,$%=$./7"<'$,%5"3,*% Insert footer with file name and add document properties with name and keywords All slides: Apply the Split transition with Horizontal Out effect 2 of 2 ()*+,)-./012*+,)-./&0/3.41567+.2/8692' goppt2010_1e_p01F_ann_solution.pdf #'
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