DECEMBER NEWSLETTER 1 - Toronto Watercolour Society
DECEMBER NEWSLETTER 1 - Toronto Watercolour Society
TWS ARTLINE December 15, 2013 Margaret Roseman President, TWS It has been a very busy Fall for TWS. In October we held our Aquavision Fall 2013 show at The Papermill Gallery. The calibre of paintings was outstanding. Thanks go to our show chairs, Vera Bobson, Natalka Zyla and Marilyn Donofrio, their committee of tireless helpers at the jury day and to Franca Montalbetti and her committee who put on a wonderful spread at our opening. Thanks also to Ann Harvey who produced our catalogue and award certificates. We have enjoyed great presentations by our program guests. We welcomed back Brian Atyeo, at our September meeting. His demonstration of an East coast scene had everyone at the edge of their seats while watching him take one daring stroke after the other. John Leonard, our presenter for October, mesmerized us with his talk on the use of abstraction as a basis of art creation. In November, our guests, Sue and Jim Waddington made us proud to be Canadians as they chronicled their search for the painting sites of the Group of Seven artists. December is our annual Holiday meeting where we get to socialize, have fun and get to know each other better. A great way to conclude the year 2013! Year 2014 will be both a challenge and an opportunity for members of TWS. Included in this publication is the new show rules for our Watermedia Show to take place at the Aurora Cultural Centre from March 17 to April 28. As the document indicates, this is a “trial” process which, in addition to our traditional transparent paintings on paper, will allow members to showcase their work utilizing new products available to watercolour artists. Another important document part of this newsletter is our membership renewal form. Firstly, as the heading indicates, a member must have attended four meetings in the past year in order to renew their membership. After much deliberation by the Board of Directors, it was decided to increase our annual fee. The rising cost of our rental space for meetings, insurance, show expenses, guest presenters/workshop leaders etc., has necessitated this decision. This increase will be done over two years. The amount for the coming year, 2014-‐15, will be $85 if received by the end of February. Renewals received on or after March 1, 2014 will incur another $5 making the total $90. For the year 2015-‐16 the fee will be $95 plus the addition of the penalty for late receipt of registration. The fee for posting an image on the TWS website will remain the same-‐ $10 per year. Margaret Roseman President TWS Renewal forms must accompany payment cheques in order to ensure accurate documentation of member information. Since we rely more and more on the internet as a means of communication, it is imperative that all contact details are up to date. I am sad to report that our Vice President, Michael West, has resigned his post. Michael was a brand new member when he volunteered for the job. His enthusiasm and experience gained as an executive with other groups made him a welcome addition to our Society and committee. Unfortunately, the demands of professional and personal commitments required that he make this decision. He will remain as a TWS member and hopes that he may resume being active on the executive in the future. Thank you Michael for your time, dedication and support. Of course all these news and changes brings us to the same refrain. THE SOCIETY IS ONLY AS GOOD AS ITS VOLUNTEERS. We need your help and input. PLEASE CONSIDER GIVING OF YOUR TIME BY VOLUNTEERING. The society is entering its 30th year. Quite an accomplishment for a group dedicated solely to artists working in water-‐based media. As our “PURPOSE” in our bylaws states, the Society has been established to “inspire member artists, at all levels, in order to encourage the continuous growth of personal expression and creativity in watercolour painting. To provide the nurturing strength of a collective identity, to provide learning resources through workshops, lectures, demonstrations and to promote the work of member artists by sponsoring and promoting organized juried shows.” To date, The Toronto Watercolour Society has done all that! Only you can ensure that it continues to do so in the future. Wishing you all a wonderful Holiday Season and a Happy New Year. Margaret Roseman MEETING SCHEDULE January 8, 2014 Doug Purdon Doug is the technical and educational adviser for Winsor & Newton. He lectures on painting materials and techniques at colleges and universities. He is a popular workshop instructor and a very accomplished artist. He will demonstrate how to use acrylic inks along with traditional watercolour on paper. The new acrylic inks use pigments and dyes that are rated permanent. They are not only bright and transparent they are also water-proof when dry. Combined with traditional water colour they allow you to produce effects that are not possible with water colour alone. February 12, 2014 Bianka Guna Bianka will demonstrate and talk about design and composition for the rectangle with the emphasis on Non-Objective Watercolour painting on a full sheet of paper. March 12, 2014 Don Cavin Don has developed a unique style which has garnered him awards of merit and a growing following. He is a firm believer in painting on location. He develops his larger paintings in the studio after a careful study of the design potential in many of his on-location colour sketches. D o n i s a l o v e d w o r k s h o p i n s t r u c t o r, who demonstrates shapes, patterns and design to express a landscape in broad, general terms, simplified to the barest essentials. Bianka is a non-objective painter and award winning artist who teaches water media and abstract painting classes.She is a Golden certified instructor. WORKSHOP - SATURDAY, MARCH 1, 2014 Painting the Ontario Landscape with John Stuart Pryce Saturday, March 1, 2014 Herbert Carnegie Centre, Skaters Lounge 580 Finch Avenue, North York (Bathurst and Finch) 9:30 am to 3:30 pm Fee: $35 Tea, coffee and light snack provided After our wonderful presentation by Sue and Jim Waddington tracing the location of painting sites for the Group of Seven Artists, it is only fitting that we feature John Stuart Pryce, also a recent program guest, for our upcoming workshop. John is one of Canada’s leading landscape painters. He has great knowledge and understanding of the Ontario landscape. Treat yourself to this opportunity to learn to visualize the landscape into simpler shapes and values, to develop a more interesting composition and to capture the beauty of our picturesque region. To register, please contact Shoshana Rubens at [email protected] or call 905 731-2281 Photographs from Various Events LINDA DOWN COLLEEN TIMMINS FRANCA MONTALBETTI ALAN DARLING MARGARET ROSEMAN HAL BILZ M ROSEMAN SHELLEY BEACH BREAK TIME JUNE THOMSON These revised rules will apply ON A TRIAL BASIS ONLY for the Spring Aquavision Show 2014. The possibility of permanent changes to the show rules will be considered in future. WATER MEDIA SHOW SUBMISSIONS When a painting is juried into a show, the painting must be presented for the exhibition in the same format as when juried, except when repairs are necessary, as required by the show committee. The presentation of a painting is considered to be an integral part of the overall work and it must meet professional and aesthetic standards. All rules from our previous Watercolour Shows apply here with the exception of rules pertaining to materials, framing and matting as described below. FRAMING AND MATTING Paintings must be ready to hang with secure wiring of gallery standard. ALL PAINTINGS MUST BE FRAMED – no exceptions. All painting surfaces must be protected. All paintings not protected with glazing (glass or plexiglass) should be properly protected with a variety of products such as archival approved fixatives and varnishes that may be sprayed on or brushed over the work in place of glazing. Matting, when used, is limited to white and shades of white. Matting must be acid free. SUBSTRATES All substrates acceptable for our previous Watercolour Shows will be accepted for a Water Media Show including the ADDITION of the following: CLAYBOARD AQUABOARD CANVAS BOARD ACRYLIC ON PAPER ACRYLIC ON CANVAS IS NOT ALLOWED Watercolour paper, Terraskin or Yupo may be adhered to a rigid, archival support such as stretched canvas, canvas board or panel. In Memoriam Aleksandar Petricic A friend and a colleague, Aleksandar Petricic passed away on October 10, 2013. He was a soft spoken and gentle person, confident and knowledgeable. His art reflected all of these traits. As a member of the Toronto Watercolour Society since the group’s formation, Alek’s paintings were sure to be juried in for many shows. During the span of his membership, his paintings were in 29 shows and he held the Silver level of Signature Distinction for being in at least 25 exhibitions. His most recent award was in 2010, when he was presented the prestigious Gold Medal, Best in Show. He also received the “Peoples’ Choice Award” for that same painting. His prizes also included two Bronze Medals, one in 2003 and the other in 2008. Jurors praised Alek’s paintings for their well conceived and well executed drawing, his effective use of colour and his dynamic sense of movement. His subjects reflected his deep interest in the world around him. Marine scenes were one of his specialties. His travels abroad supplied yet more reasons to paint his world. He will be sadly missed by many friends and Society members. ALEKSANDAR PETRICIC September Demonstration Brian Atyeo September 11, 2013 Brian is an internationally renowned artist who gave TWS a very entertaining watercolour demonstration at our meeting His painting was of a scene just outside his studio window. Brian has made Nova Scotia his home for the last few years but, much to our delight, is making plans to return to Ontario in the New Year. Brian’s paintings inacrylic and mixed media are widely collected by patrons around the world. His various series, including his jazz musicians, northern landscapes, still life interiors are only a few of his sought after creations. BRIAN ATYEO Picture Mid painting Completed Painting Margaret and Brian Another Watercolour Sample October Demonstration John Leonard October 9, 2013 John has taught Colour and Abstraction for the Haliburton School of Fine Art for many years and was our juror for our Fall Aquavision 2013 show. He gave us a wonderful lecture and presenatation. Using paintings by Robert Bateman for part of the session, John was able to demonstrate the use of abstract design as a base for a realistic painting. We also had the pleasure of seeing some of John’s lithographs, one of which is illustrated in the photo here. JOHN LEONARD Spring Show 2014 - Juror Ernestine Tahedl Ernestine was born in Austria and received a Master's Degree from the Vienna Academy of Applied Arts. She immigrated to Edmonton Alberta in 1963. Participating in group and traveling shows, she also won acclaim with solo exhibitions in Austria, France, Japan, the USA and this country. She was elected a member of the Royal Canadian Academy of Arts in 1977 and of the Ontario Society of Artists 1984. She received the Governor General's Canada 125th Anniversary Medal in 1993. She was the recipient of the 2000 Arts and Letters Award from the Arts and Letters Club of Toronto and the Queen’s Golden Jubilee Medal in 2002. Her studio is in King City, Ontario. She is preparing for a retrospective exhibition of her work from 1946 to 2012 for several public Galleries in European cities. November Demonstration Jim and Sue Waddington November 13, 2013 Jim and Sue Waddington were back by request of our membership to give a lecture on their journey following in the footsteps of the Group of Seven. They have been following by canoe and on foot the painting locations of the Group of Seven and have been recording these places with photographs and notes. They also brought with them a book which they wrote and which was for sale at the meeting. This proved to be another very popular meeting. JIM AND SUE WADDINGTON Members’ News Lois Dierlam Lois Dierlam held a successful Solo Show at the Arts & Letters Club of Toronto, opening November 3, 2013. Her book “Painting with Passion”, was well received, and sells for $40. plus HST. There are over 90 full colour reproductions of selected paintings from 1972 to 2002. Please contact: [email protected], for more information. View a selection of the paintings: Bonnie Steinberg Donnah Cameron Gwen Tooth The following members of TWS were in the Central Ontario Art Association’s Annual Juried Show. Gail Backus,Alan Darling, A.Ann Harvey,Pauline Holancin, Jake Mol, Evageline Munns, Rose Marie Nicolucci and Doreen Renner. Gwen along with fourteen fellow artists was in a silent auction show at the Columbus Centre, Joseph D Carrier Art Gallery , November 8, 2013 to November 30, 2013. Proceeds supported the Jake Mol won the Alan Austin Award, Evangeline Munns won an honourable mention and Rose Marie Nicolucci won an honourable mention. Donnah was in a show of original works along with Kirstin Bojanowski and Alexandra Bojanowski November 30, 1013 and December 1, 2013. Join Bonnie Steinberg on a painting, exploration trip to France in August, 2014. Travel and paint in the Burgundy Region. For further information contact Bonnie Steinberg at 905-881-1171. COAA SickKids Foundation. Bonnie Steinberg Join Bonnie Steinberg in a painting trip next Spring to the picturesque towns of the Napa Valley, and the San Francisco Bay area in California. Take part in group painting classes with demonstrations and discussions. Participants will acquire new painting techniques and learn about design concepts while producing their own masterpieces. Enjoy the spectacular gardens, the scenic drives and visit wineries to sample the fine wines produced in this magnificent region. Some of the famous sites will include St. Helena, Yountville, Muir Woods, Sausalito, Golden Gate Park and Fisherman’s Wharf. For more information please contact Bonnie Steinberg at 905 881-1171 LILLIAN ASQUITH SHOSHANA RUBENS Members’ News Pauline Holancin and Jake Mol Pauline and Jake along with Brenda Chapman and Evelyn Newsome participated in a Plein Air painting trip to Newfoundland. Bianka Guna They took the ferry to Bonavista and painted for 9 days. A highlight of this part of the trip was the antics of a pod of humpback whales. You are invited to the ONTARIO SOCIETY of ARTISTS Show with works from the 26 newly elected members, from Dec. 3, 2013 to January 3, 2014, at the John B. Aird Gallery, 900 Bay Street McDonald Block. The opening reception is on Dec. 5th from 6 to 8 pm. My piece "ASYMPTOTE 117" (48"x80" Acrylic on Canvas Diptych) will be on view. On their return they visited Jacques Hebert who has demonstrated for TWS. He was a founding member of the SCA. They finished with a double-decker bus tour of Quebec City. A. Ann Harvey In March of 2014 Ann is having a show of her encaustic works at the Homer Watson Art Gallery in Kitchener. The show is to run March 8, 2014 to April 9, 2014. She was awarded this show along with the Curator’s Award at the Annual Kitchener Waterloo Juried Show. Dear Friends, My studio will be open on Dec 14, 2013, from 11am to 9 pm, for a HOLIDAY GIFT SALE , in conjunction with the Christmas Market in The Distillery District Toronto. The address is Case Goods Warehouse ,Building #74, Studio #211 , 15 Case Goods Lane Toronto On M5A 3C4. The shows will immerse you into my new full collection on my latest “ASYMPTOTE” series, and much more. Looking forward to see you soon . R.M. Nicolucci Her acrylic painting class at Beaux-Arts , Brampton was fully booked. New classes will be offered January 21, 2014 Days: 1:00 - 3:00 pm - Introduction to Watercolour. January 22, 2014 : Introduction to acrylic - Evenings Beaux-Arts Brampton, 74 Main St N., Brampton. TWS MEMBERS WHO HAVE INFORMATION FOR OUR GROUP SHOULD EMAIL ANN HARVEY, YOUR NEWSLETTER EDITOR WITH THE NEWS. [email protected] DVD LIBRARY REPORT MARYLYNE ABRAMSON December 1, 2013 DVD Librarian Report December 2013 The T.W.S. -DVD library has grown from 28 DVD’s by 23 artists in 2011 to more than 52 DVD’s by 31 artists. Our latest collection offers a set of DVD’s in one jacket. (See Below) 1)Sterling Edward: W/C Basics-Value Study on Negative Painting; Wet on Wet W/C 2)Susan Harrison-Tustain:. One-on-One Watercolour Workshops, Watercolor Portrait Shop, Painting Watercolor My Way As of our December 8th meeting, each DVD from the set will be placed into their own DVD sleeve, enabling members to have a greater choice on which DVD’s to borrow. Sign-Up Sheet Thank you members for printing your names/phone # clearly beside the corresponding DVD you are borrowing. All members may borrow 2 DVD’s each month provided they are returned the next month. Any member who returns their DVD’s late, is required to pay a $5. Per/DVD/month- late fee. It is your late fees that enable us to purchase our new DVD’s. If unable to attend the next meeting due to illness, I must be contacted in advance to waive your late fee. Float Carried from March 1, 2013 Purchases of DVD’s –Mark Meffany -Susan Harrison-Tustain $136.50 31.50 144.55 Balance owing $39.55 Available DVD’s December 2013 Title 1.Abgott, Anne Simply Daring Colour 2.Andrews, Don Painting Figures in Landscape 3.Archer, Sue Commanding Colour 4.Baker, Linda 5.Castagnet, Alvaro 6.Chee, ChengKhee Fearless Watercolour; Layering and Colour Inspired Watercolour In Antwerp Many Styles of Cheng-Khee Chee:Saturated Wet Tech. Traditional Watercolor Approach 7.Couch, Tony Painting Streams in Water Colour Principles of Design, Painting Barns in Water Colour 8.Curtis, David Light Effects in Watercolour 9.Dogan, Atanur Watercolour Techniques of Asuman & Atanur Dogan, Discover how to paint with two original W/C techniques. 10.Edwards, Abstract Watercolour (x-2) Sterling Luminous Watercolour with the Wood Landscape Painting Luminous and Stylized Forals W/C Basics-Value Study on Negative Painting; StepbyStep-2 discs Wet on Wet Watercolour-2 discs 11. HarrisonOne-on-One Watercolour Workshops 2 discs Tustain, S. (x2) Watercolor Portrait Shop-2 discs Painting Watercolor My Way-2 discs 12.James, The Artistic Process on Yupo Paper George 13 Kunz, Jan Painting W/C Portraits; A simple Approach from Photo-Finish 14 Lawrence, Jellybean Heads Skip Secrets of Colour: Value, Hue & Intensity 15 Mehaffey, Understanding Sun and Shadow Mark 16) Miller, JoeGoof-Proof Greeting Cards 17) Pember, Ann 18) Quiller, Stephen 19) Ranson, Ron 20) Reid, Charles 21) Rogers, Janet Painting in the Flow of Watercolour 23 Rogers, Steve 24) Taylor, David 25) Wade, Robert 26). Weaver, Pat 27) Webb, Frank 28) Whyte, Mary 29). Van Hassel, Tony 30). Yardley, John The Secrets of Painting Light and Shadow in Watercolour Solving the Mystery of Watercolour Landscapes in Living Colour (2x) The Complete Water Media workshop The Components of Landscapes Watercolour Landscape Masterclass Watercolour Secrets Expressing the Bouquet in W/C; Expressive W/C Florals Expressive W/C Portraits W/C Rhythms with figures 22 Salminen, Urban Landscape John A Design Approach in Abstract 31). Zbukvic, Joseph Solutions Wade’s Watercolour Workshop Watercolour Simplified Using your Head, Heart and Hand Mastering Watercolour Portraiture Creative Realism in Watercolour Sunlight in Watercolour Variety in Watercolour Watercolour Impressions Watercolour on Location Margaret Roseman enjoying Patrick Donohue’s stories of his adventures as a volunteer for TWS Jean Spinney Executive Profile Series Jean Spinney Archives JURYING DAY PHOTOGRAPHS Aquavision 2014 29th Annual Spring Juried Show Call for Entries For Toronto Watercolour Society Members Conditions of Entry Paintings must be in compliance with these and all other TWS Show Rules: • Maximum two per member • No size limit • Must have two TWS supplied labels on the back, one easily removable • Must be framed. All matting must be shades of white (no grey or beige matting will be permitted). Coloured liners are allowed provided they do not exceed ¼” (6 mm) in width. • Must be the independent work of the artist, not from a workshop or professional photograph Jurying Date: Venue: Delivery: Viewing: Pick-up: Jurying Fee: Saturday, February 1, 2014 Donway Covenant United Church, 240 The Donway West North of Lawrence Avenue, East 9 a.m. – 10 a.m. 10:00 a.m. – 10:30 a.m. 2:00 p.m. – 2:30 p.m. one painting: $10.00 - 2 paintings: $15.00 Juror: Ernestine Tahedl Exhibition Venue: The Aurora Cultural Centre 22 Church St., Aurora, ON L4G 1M2 Exhibition Dates: March 19 – April 26, 2014 Painting Delivery: Monday, March 17, 2014 10:00 am – 12:00 noon Installation Date: Monday, March 17, 2014 by TWS Show Committee Artist’s Reception Thursday, March 27, 2014 7:00 p.m. – 9:00 p.m. Painting Pickup: Monday, April 28, 2014 10:00 a.m. – 12:00 noon TWS BOARD MEMBERS Founding Member ………………….......... Margaret Roseman Elected Members (2012-2017)……...Patrick Donohue, Elisabeth Gibson Executive Committee President: Margaret Roseman Past President: Nancy Newman Vice President: Secretary: Colleen Timmins Treasurer: Lillian Asquith TWS fiscal year is from March 1, 2014 to February 28, 2015. All membership fees are due on March 1st. ATTENDANCE OF 4 MEETINGS FALLS WITHIN THOSE DATES.
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