Process and Progress through the Liberal Arts


Process and Progress through the Liberal Arts
Summer 2012
The Magazine of Hartwick College
Process and Progress through the Liberal Arts
Next Steps for Newest Alumni
Three-Year Program Ahead of the Curve
Fulbright Perspectives
High-Impact Philanthropy
“When I was growing up in Oneonta, Hartwick was a
single building high on a hill. In 1991, when I returned
to serve on the Board of Trustees, Hartwick had grown
in size and stature. During my years on the Board I was
impressed with the quality and dedication of the faculty
and the creative energy of the student body. Now, more
than a decade later, my husband Harold and I are proud
to support Hartwick as it moves forward with excellence
and innovation.” —Joyce Cheseboro Buckingham, Trustee Emerita
The Buckinghams are loyal and creative supporters of the College
whose gifts range from the Margaret B. Cheseboro Memorial
Scholarship to the installation of the Portrait of a Mad Man, a
breakdancer bronze statue that graces the Arnold Rain Garden (by
artist Roxanne Becofsky ’11).The couple’s major commitment to
the College’s upcoming campaign includes both endowed funds for
scholarship and annual support.
To talk about how you can get more involved at Hartwick, please contact
Vice President for College Advancement Jim Broschart at 607-431-4026 or
[email protected].
Hartwick College
Board of Trustees
Diane Pfriender Hettinger ’77 | Acting Chair
Betsy Tanner Wright ’79 | Secretary
John K. Milne ’76 | Treasurer
Margaret L. Drugovich, D.M. | President
A. Bruce Anderson ’63
John D. Bertuzzi
Carol Ann Hamilton Coughlin ’86
Jeanette Cureton
Elaine A. DiBrita ’61
Edward B. Droesch ’82
Arnold M. Drogen
Virginia S. Elwell ’77
Debra Fischer French ’80
Robert S. Hanft ’69
Sarah Griffiths Herbert ’88
Kathi Fragola Hochberg ’73
Halford B. Johnson P’86
Paul R. Johnson ’67
William J. Kitson, III ’86
Francis D. Landrey P’06
Ronald P. Lynch ’87
Erna Morgan McReynolds
Nancy M. Morris ’74, H’06
John W. Nachbur ’85
Christopher Provino ’08
Lisa Schulmeister ’78
Robert E. Spadaccia ’70
Summer 2012 | Volume LV: No. 1
Executive Editor
David Conway
Elizabeth Steele P’12
Jennifer Nichols-Stewart
In this issue:
2 President’s Perspective:
3 Ahead of the Curve:
Alicia Fish ’91, Chris Gondek, Cassandra Miller,
Holly Sayman ’12, Rachel Stevenson
Stephanie Brunetta
Gerry Raymonda, Jamie Novak, Elizabeth Steele P’12, James
Jolly, Cassandra Miller, and submitted
Dr. Margaret L. Drugovich, President
Jim Broschart, VP for College Advancement
David Conway, VP for Enrollment Management
and Marketing
Dr. Meg Nowak, VP for Student Life
Dr. Michael G. Tannenbaum, Provost
Alicia Fish ’91, Senior Director of Donor and
Alumni Relations
Dewar Union, Hartwick College
Oneonta, NY 13820
Tel: 607-431-4038, Fax: 607-431-4025
E-mail: [email protected]
We welcome comments on anything published in
The Wick. Send letters to The Wick, Hartwick College,
PO Box 4020, Oneonta, NY 13820-4018 or
[email protected].
The Wick is published by Hartwick College, P.O. Box 4020,
Oneonta, NY 13820-4018. Diverse views are presented
and do not necessarily reflect the opinion of the editors or
official policies of Hartwick College.
Let’s Call it Priceless
First Three-Year Class Graduates
4 Leadership in Action:
Hartwick Honors Great Friends
6 A Week in Review:
Getting to Commencement
8 Adding Knowledge:
Student Showcase 2012
10 Faculty in the Role of
Philosophy Professor Wins Award
Faculty as Authors
14 Commentary:
Making Progress in Politics
16 In Good Company:
Hartwick’s Latest Fulbright Scholar
and Four who Precede Him
21 Philanthropy in Action:
Inspiring Lecture and Luncheon
The Connection Between Endowed
Funds and Global Learning
24 Portrait in Philanthropy:
Frank Perrella ’50, H’90, P’75
and Future Generations
26 Breakthrough:
Science and the Art of Observation
28 Getting from Here to There:
Newest Alumni Put the Liberal Arts
to Work
32 Homecoming and Reunion Schedule
Alumni News:
Loyalty Club Named
Shoen ’99 Joins Ranks
Olympic Presence, Times Three
35 Class Notes
43 In Memorium
48 Volunteer Highlight:
Neal Miller ’72 Never Says No
Inside Back Cover
Tribute: James J. Elting,
Chair of the Board
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On the Cover: Griffing, D. Ghost Ranch Denizen. 2001. Private collection.
Artist’s statement by Dr. David Griffing, Associate Professor of Geology, Hartwick College:
Ghost Ranch Denizen is an example of the geological inspiration of my artwork. One of my favorite
painters, Georgia O’Keefe, lived and painted many works at Ghost Ranch in New Mexico at the same
time that dozens of dinosaur fossils were being discovered on the property. Although she met the
young paleontologist and had him identify many cow bones that she painted, she never used the
fossils as subject matter. This painting attempts to use some of her techniques to render a single
skeleton of Coelophysis.
From the President
Let’s Call it
Not long ago a mother of a prospective student shared this dilemma with
me: she wanted a Hartwick education for her daughter, but she didn’t
know if her family could afford it. She clarified that they probably could
afford it, but it would take significant sacrifice and her family would have
to make some hard choices. She said her family was struggling with these
choices. She asked if there was anything more the College could do to
make this experience possible for her daughter.
This conversation occurs more frequently with each passing year. I
appreciate this mother’s candor on its many levels. She was struggling
to make an important decision that will change her daughter’s life, and
the lifestyle of her family. She also exposed the fundamental dilemma of
the “affordable education” question. The press repeatedly fashions the
question of the relative worth of a college or advanced degree in terms
of accumulated debt vs. future opportunity. (It’s a good question that, if
asked 10 years ago about real estate, might have helped us to avoid the
housing crisis.) However, the more complex and fundamental question
is this: Who should be expected to pay for the high quality educational experience
that we all expect and demand?
As a nation, it has been decades since we truly grappled with this
question. The result is a public that is largely unprepared—financially
and psychologically—to pay for the true cost of the quality education
they want for their children. I think about “worth” and “value” almost
daily. For reasons that are economic and financial and social and political,
I believe that colleges will have to pick up the tab for a disproportionate
amount of the real costs associated with a high quality education.
This may seem unfair. Isn’t quality education a good and a service we
should all embrace and for which we should be willing to sacrifice? Is it
fair that people want the best quality at a deep discount? At the end of
the day, issues of fairness will need to yield to necessity because we can’t
afford to educate only for near term return.
2 | The Wick | Summer 2012
In truth, the worth of a great education will be measured for generations
to come, the dividends realized in the very fiber of our culture. As
educators we are in the best position to fight against such expedient and
time-bound questions as “Why study philosophy?” Engaged citizenry
that can do more than turn a personal profit—and actually shape a future
—requires an understanding of art, philosophy, history, science, and
literature. Thinking expansively and futuristically requires exposure to
catalysts that can be found in a multitude of disciplines. Nothing grows
in a sterile environment.
What is the worth of this type of education? Given that the future of the
society depends upon it, let’s call it priceless.
How will Hartwick assure the continuation of its critical mission?
Through engagement—of its generous supporters, its outstanding
educators, and the open and active minds of young people prepared for
the challenge. They comprise this issue of the Wick.
No one understood the importance of people to process better than
Chairman of the Hartwick Board of Trustees Dr. James Elting. As many
of you know, Jim passed away on August 10, leaving us to forge ahead
with his memory of his ever-present words of encouragement to sustain
us. The first of our tributes to Jim, his memorial service on the Hartwick
campus, was anticipated as this edition of The Wick went to press. Jim
Elting will always be remembered for making our process, and our
progress, possible. The value of Jim’s influence? Priceless.
Campus News
In the News: The Three-Year Degree
Hartwick three-year students typically
take 18 credit hours in each regular
semester and four credit hours during
J Term. Summer classes are not
required, freeing students to earn
money or do internships.
While Other Colleges Consider,
Hartwick Graduates First Class
Three-year students have first choice
in registering for Hartwick classes
and benefit from specially-prepared
24 of 31 of Hartwick’s academic departments offer the three year option.
The highest enrollments are in Biology,
Psychology, and Nursing.
The three year program is, and always
will be, an option. Plans call for not
more than 10% of students to enroll
for three years. In spring 2012, 87
students were pursuing their Hartwick
degree in three years.
Students graduate with full course
credits while they and their families
save a full year’s tuition, room, and
board. Graduates enter the workforce
or graduate school a full year ahead of
their peers.
President Drugovich and Dr. Golden
are conducting a comprehensive
program analysis. Preliminary results
will be available this fall.
Hartwick is “at the forefront” among
the nation’s three-year degree programs, according to one major media
Hartwick’s inaugural three-year program graduates pose with President Drugovich before Commencement: Sarah
Thomas, Victoria Halsted, Simonne Boswell, Ellyssa Tennant, Diana Acker, Isaac Ofori, Samantha Hart, Chelsea
Jordan, Tasha Bradt, Sydney Carncross, Carmen Lookshire, and Katelyn Caruso-Sharpe.
Some colleges and universities are just announcing a three-year degree option; others are still considering
this way to meet the needs of cost-sensitive families. Ahead of the curve, Hartwick graduated its first
cohort with the Class of 2012. Twelve students comprise the inaugural class of the College’s pioneering
Three-Year Bachelor’s Degree program, which was launched in February 2009. Pursing a Hartwick
degree in three years instead of four suits many highly motivated and goal-oriented individuals well. It also
suits this College, its dedication to its students, and its commitment to creative problem solving.
President Margaret L. Drugovich says, “Challenges created by important questions—questions like “how
can we make an education affordable while maintaining the quality of the experience?”—are the perfect
catalyst for innovation. Colleges must create solutions to this and other important educational questions
because we have the intellectual capital necessary to do so. We must put administrative inconvenience aside
and act. We must respond because we can respond.”
Some colleges are resisting this option, with critics claiming that three-year degree programs could force
students to cram through their studies at the expense of a full college experience. Hartwick three-year
students find they can have it all. For example, Tasha Bradt spent a J Term in Ireland, Sydney Carncross
served on the Executive Board of Student Senate, Isaac Ofori played football, Catelyn Caruso-Sharp
pledged AOPi sorority, and Simonne Boswell was a Resident Assistant.
President Drugovich and Faculty Chair Reid Golden spent this spring conducting a qualitative and
quantitative study of Hartwick’s three-year baccalaureate program. “Preliminary data indicate that there is
little difference in the types of experiences and variations in success between three and four year students,”
says Golden. “These data and the continued growth in the number of students seeking to participate
demonstrate that Hartwick College has been successful in implementing an attractive and innovative
program. And, if imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, the fact that this program is beginning to be
copied by several schools reinforces the fact that Hartwick College has become a national leader in the
debate over the cost of an undergraduate degree.”
Summer 2012 | The Wick | 3
College Honors an Accomplished Few
Excellence Among
Past Trustees
Frances P. Sykes P’96 was awarded an Honorary Doctor of Human Letters
at Commencement 2012. Sykes is president of the Pascale Sykes Foundation,
an organization that supports innovative, long-range “umbrella” programs
that target low-income families. Sykes’ daughter, Tiernan ’96, and husband,
Matt Close ’97, joined Sykes’ husband, Skip, and many friends for the
Commencement festivities.
Sykes was elected to the Hartwick College Board of Trustees in 2005. She
served as Secretary of the Board for four years and was, at various times, a
member of the Financial Affairs, Development, Investment, Facilities, and
Executive Committees of the Board.
President Margaret L. Drugovich describes Sykes as one who “brings her sharp insight and unflinching conviction to every
task. Fran both nurtures and challenges, because she knows that the true meaning of philanthropy—philathropia—is to
acknowledge and nurture what it is to be fully human. Fran helps others become most fully who they are able to be.” Drugovich awarded the President’s Medal posthumously to John W. Johnstone ’54, H’90 in recognition of the enduring
impact of his leadership of the College.
Devoted to his alma mater, Johnstone served 18 years on the Alumni Association Board of Directors and another 18 on the
Hartwick Board of Trustees, including nine as Chairman of the Board. Hartwick recognized him with an Honorary Doctor of
Science in 1990; the Johnstone Science Center is named in honor of him and his wife. A highly regarded business leader, he
On behalf of the faculty, Sociology Professor Kate O’Donnell presented Frances P. Sykes P’96 for an Honorary Doctor of
Letters during Commencement 2012.
4 | The Wick | Summer 2012
was elected President of Olin Corporation
in 1985. Olin Corp. is a diversified
manufacturer operating in chemical products,
metals, and ammunition.
“John was a man of significant intellectual
stature and vision,” Drugovich says. “He
firmly believed in the power of combining
theory and practice, and he carried this
approach forward to craft a remarkable
career. He was a rare man of many talents—
open-minded, adaptive, and loyal, he won the
admiration and respect of many.”
“Carol Woodard has applied the Hartwick
ideals of critical thinking, curiosity,
creativity, and service to others in her
lifelong work in education. As a teacher, a
writer and a philanthropist, she has helped
others to recognize the world as a truly
awe-inspiring place. True to the College’s
motto—ad altiora semper—Carol helps us
to look up, see beyond what is, and imagine
what can be.” —President Margaret L. Drugovich
Frank Perrella ’50, H’93, P’75 received the
President’s Medal for his enduring support of the College. He served
in the Navy during World War II, attended Hartwick on the GI Bill,
and went to work in his family’s business, Perrella Gloves, Co., before
opening his own tannery. Now a Trustee Emeritus, Perrella served on
the Board for a decade and has generously supported Hartwick College
student learning through scholarships. The Perrella Wellness Center is
named in his honor.
“One of the most humble and generous men I know, Frank believes that
his tremendous success is due to hard work and luck, and that his luck
obligates him to share his good fortune with others,” Drugovich says.
“Countless Hartwick students have been shaped
by his generosity. Few individuals can claim the
transformational return on investment that can be
counted by Frank Perrella.”
Carol Woodard ’50, H’91 is a pioneering
educator, advocate for early childhood education,
and author of both textbooks and children’s books.
She received the President’s Award for Liberal Arts
in Practice in honor of her life’s commitment to
melding theory and practice.
Through her work, Woodard has created a better
understanding of early childhood education and
has advanced teachers’ thinking on how best to
incorporate diverse disciplines into their curricula. A Professor Emerita
at the State University of New York Buffalo and Director of Consultants
in Early Childhood, Woodard is a Hartwick Trustee Emerita. Ralph, her
husband of more than 60 years, joined her for the ceremony.
Drugovich describes her thus: “Carol Woodard has applied the
Hartwick ideals of critical thinking, curiosity, creativity, and service to
others in her lifelong work in education. As a teacher, a writer, and a
philanthropist, she has helped others to recognize the world as a truly
awe-inspiring place. True to the College’s motto—ad altiora semper—
Carol helps us to look up, see beyond what is, and imagine what can be.”
Claire Johnstone and her son, Robert, accept the
President’s Medal on behalf of her late husband, John
Commencement 2012 represented a reunion for 1950 classmates Frank Perrella H’93, P’75 and Carol Woodard H’91.
Perrella received the President’s Medal, and Woodard the President’s Award for Liberal Arts in Practice.
Summer 2012 | The Wick | 5
President’s Farewell,
Nurses’ Pinning
6 | The Wick | Summer 2012
“These are my messages for you,
the members of the Class of 2012. I
urge you to leverage the knowledge
and the art of learning that you have
mastered during the last four years
with initiative and your imagination,
but most of all, to do this with
integrity. As [the mission statement]
says at Hartwick: to live with
creativity, curiosity, critical thinking,
and personal courage. These are
small words with big meanings that
will shape your lives.”
—Kathy Ordoñez ’72, H’00
Commencement Speaker, Senior Vice President,
Discovery and Development, Quest Diagnostics
Summer 2012 | The Wick | 7
Student Showcase 2012
“It’s the best of what Hartwick is—a celebration of knowledge,”
says Desiree Fuller ’12 of Hartwick College’s fifth annual Student
Showcase: An Exhibition of Liberal Arts in Practice.
Growing in depth and breadth each year, Showcase consists of
student research and projects presented in the form of papers, posters,
performances, art exhibitions, and demonstrations. More than 200
students demonstrated pride in their achievements by presenting works
that covered 188 topics.
Fuller prepared an oral presentation on her Duffy Family Ambassador
Award-winning project “Museums and Truth.” (See p. 22.)
An anthropology major with a minor in museum studies, Fuller traveled
to South Africa to explore how museums there present and portray the
issue of apartheid. She is now attending the University of Toronto to
earn a Master’s in Museum Studies.
Biology major Andrew Kirkpatrick ’12, winner of both the Margaret
B. Chesebro Memorial and Deborah M. Allen Brennan Memorial
Scholarships, presented “Localization of the Expression of Zm13 in
Pollen Grains of Arabidopsis thaliana Using Green Fluorescent Protein.”
Kirkpatrick, who is pursuing a Master’s in Biological Sciences at the
University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, observed the gene expression and
protein function of Zm13, a gene found in the plant species Zea mays.
His was one of the initiatives that impressed then Chair of the Board
of Trustees James Elting, who said, “It’s amazing that students at
Hartwick are doing this type of research at an undergraduate level. The
hybridizing of the Zm13 protein with the visual tag Green Fluorescent
would be something I’d expect to see at the graduate level of research.”
Elting knew excellence—he was a graduate of Yale and Columbia
Universities, an orthopedic surgeon at Bassett Healthcare, and a clinical
assistant professor of Orthopedic surgery at Columbia University.
8 | The Wick | Summer 2012
Hartwick’s Showcase was a draw for another VIP—Congressman
Richard Hanna accepted President Drugovich’s invitation to join the
student panel discussion, “What is the Value of Scientific Research in
a Liberal Arts Undergraduate Education?” Panelists from the science,
technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) disciplines were
moderator Tyler Hall ’13, Aaron Griffing ’14, Jessica McCaffrey
’14, Grace Mele ’14, Sheila Niedziela ’13, Molly Snelling ’14, and
Ethan Staats ’13.
“I am genuinely impressed by the level of excellence displayed by the
students of Hartwick College,” Hanna said after the event. “I walked
away with an even greater appreciation of the role of liberal arts studies
in a science-related major.”
Snelling, a nursing major, was awarded a Freedman Prize for her
presentation “Nursing through the Medium of Theatre.” The Freedman
Prize, established by Hartwick friends Allen Freedman H’00 and
Judy Brick Freedman in 2002, recognizes superior student-faculty
collaborative research and creative projects in the Natural Sciences,
Cognitive Sciences, and Theatre Arts.
Snelling collaborated with Professors Peggy Jenkins and Malissa
Kano-White to develop an interdisciplinary approach to nursing
education. Theatre students acted as patients with respiratory problems
for nursing students to diagnose. Snelling used a “freeze frame”
approach to explain what the nursing students should be considering
within the scenario.
Kano-White plans to build on Snelling’s beginning. “Next year we will
incorporate and expand the performance application of this project with
Dr. Jenkins’ nursing course. I will be working with Nursing student
Lauren Czyras ’13, to develop Molly’s scenarios and the theatre aspect
of this project.”
Conducting Research, Building Knowledge,
Presenting Results
“I am continually impressed with the wide-ranging knowledge of our
students and the creativity with which they solve problems and seek
solutions to their proposed research question. Many times this search
requires students to cross over from the classroom to real life experience,
and also to look outside their own discipline. Showcase truly demonstrates
the power of experiential learning melded with a liberal arts education.”
Assistant Professor of Art Stephanie Rozene,
Co-coordinator of Student Showcase with Geology Professor David Griffing
“I am genuinely
impressed by the level
of excellence displayed
by students of Hartwick
Congressman Richard Hanna
Summer 2012 | The Wick | 9
Faculty News
Dual Agenda: Excellence in Teaching and in Scholarship
In support of their work to demystify the galaxy, the Bible, women’s roles in politics,
educational curriculum, and the second law of thermodynamics, five Hartwick professors have
been presented with honors to be realized next academic year.
Drs. Parker Troischt and Gary Herion have been
named Wandersee Scholars-in-Residence. The
honor is given in memory of Professor of History
and Chair of the Faculty Dr. Winifred D. Wandersee
and recognizes a strong record of commitment and
accomplishment in scholarship.
Troischt, Associate Professor of Physics, will
continue his work with Arecibo Legacy Fast ALFA
(ALFALFA) telescope-based research on galaxy
groups and clusters.
“The research will involve characterizing the influence
of environment of the development and evolution of
individual galaxies within groups and clusters,” says
Troischt, who has involved numerous students in
advanced research in Puerto Rico with ALFALFA. He
has received grant funding from the National Science
Foundation (NSF) to support students’ astronomy
Faculty celebrate Commencement: Andrew Pfeifer (Biochemistry), Marc Shaw (Theatre), and Parker
Troischt (Physics).
Herion, Professor of Religious Studies, will develop
the Liberal Arts Bible. With the support of the
Society of Biblical Literature and himself as chief
editor, he hopes to produce a new, two-volume college textbook edition of
the Bible, complete with annotations and essays directed at today’s college
“Hartwick students will be involved in the project on a weekly basis,
gaining valuable experiential learning as they provide feedback on the
Liberal Arts Bible,” Herion says, noting that he intends to have these
students present their work at Student Showcase 2013.
Dr. Laurel Elder, Department Chair and Associate Professor of
Political Science, received the Teacher/Scholar Award for her intellectual
leadership of the campus community. Elder was also a Wandersee
Scholar-in-Residence in 2005-06. Her most recent work, “From Hillary
to Michelle: Public Opinion and the Spouses of Presidential Candidates”
with Barbara Burrell and Brian Frederick was published in Presidential
Studies Quarterly. (See p. 14)
Dr. Mark Davies, Department Chair and Associate Professor of
Education, has been honored with the Margaret B. Bunn Award for
Excellence in Teaching. The award was established to honor a long-time
friend of the College and trustee of 14 years.
10 | The Wick | Summer 2012
“I feel incredibly honored and humbled,” Davies said of the recognition.
Davies specializes in curriculum and instruction. In presenting the award
Provost Mike Tannenbaum said, “His classroom is characterized by
inquiry, discovery, critique, discussion, and understanding.”
The Class of 2012 chose Dr. John Dudek, Associate Professor of
Chemistry, to deliver the faculty address at Baccalaureate. In his speech
“You Can’t Fight Entropy,” Dudek reminded students that their life
could not be 100 percent efficient because of false starts, diversions and
idleness, which are all part of the second law of thermodynamics.
“I cannot tell you where your engine will go and what kind of work it will
do,” he said at the ceremony. “I can offer advice for the direction of travel,
but in the end it is your engine. Loosen the screws, change the pistons,
tag it with graffiti; make it your own for there is no one else quite like
you. Harness all that energy, but respect the entropy of creativity and
Professor as Author
Hartwick faculty collaborate with colleagues nationwide,
move their practice across disciplines, and investigate
deeply to extend the knowledge base in their fields of
interest and expertise.
Associate Professor of Anthropology Jason Antrosio co-authored
a chapter for In Textile Economies: Power and Value from the Local to the
Transnational (AltaMira Press). Antrosio collaborated with Dr. Rudi
Colloredo-Mansfeld (UNC-Chapel Hill) as well as Dr. Eric C. Jones
(UNC-Greensboro) to write “Creativity, Place, and Commodities: The
Making of Public Economies in Andean Apparel Industries.”
Associate Professor of History Vicki Howard contributed a chapter
for a history textbook, Retrieving the American Past (The Ohio State
University). Howard’s chapter is “Weddings in American Consumer
Society, 1945-1970s.” Her research interests include American Business
History, Women in American History, and Consumer Culture.
Associate Professor of Political Science and Department Chair Laurel
Elder and her frequent collaborator, Dr. Steven Greene (North Caroline
State-Raleigh), just published The Politics of Parenthood: Causes and
Consequences of the Politicization and Polarization of the American Family
(SUNY Press). (See Commentary, p. 14)
Professor of History Edythe Ann Quinn recently published ‘With My
Knapsack on My Back’: The Civil War History of Thirty-seven Black Men from
The Hills, an African-American Community in Westchester County, NY.
Professor of English Thomas Travisano published two books this
spring, adding to his considerable record of scholarship. Elizabeth Bishop
in the Twenty-First Century: Reading the New Editions (University of Virginia
Press) buttresses Travisano’s position as an eminent scholar of the
poet’s life and work. He collaborated with Dr. Angus Cleghorn (Seneca
College, Canada) and Dr. Bethany Hicok (Westminster College, PA) in
co-editing the book.
Travisano co-edited The New Anthology of American Poetry: Vol. III:
Postmodernisms 1950-Present (Rutgers University Press) with Dr. Steven
Gould Axelrod (University of California-Riverside) and Camille Roman
(Brown University, Washington State University-Pullman). Volume III
highlights American poetry from 1950 to the present, including works
by Elizabeth Bishop, Robert Lowell, and Sylvia Plath, as well as lyrics by
Bob Dylan and Queen Latifah.
Associate Professor of Philosophy J. Jeremy Wisnewski co-edited
Ethics and Phenomenology (Lexington Press) with Mark Sanders of the
Center for Professional and Applied Ethics. The publisher defines it
as, “a collection of essays that explores the relationship between moral
philosophy and the phenomenological tradition.” Examples include the
value-theory found in philosophers like Husserl, Scheler, and de Beauvoir,
as well as essays on such discreet issues as the environment, parenthood,
and digital copyright. The book is Wisnewski’s 11th publication. Arrested
Development and Philosophy is the most recent of his six volumes in the
Blackwell Philosophy and Pop Culture Series.
Professor of Art Phil Young contributed two poems to the multilingual
collection, Sing: Poetry from the Indigenous Americas. Young is of Cherokee
descent, as is the anthology’s editor, Allison Hedge Coke. The Reynolds
Chair of Creative Writing at the University of Nebraska-Kearney,
Hedge Coke is a past National Endowment for the Humanities Visiting
Distinguished Professor at Hartwick.
History Professor Peter Wallace has just released the new edition of
The Long European Reformation: Religion, Political Conflict, and the Search
for Conformity, 1350-1750. With the book’s release in England and
the United States, publishers Palgrave Macmillan say, “Incorporating
the latest research, the second edition of this essential text now
features a new chapter on the Reformation and Islam [and] expanded
discussion of gender issues.” Wallace says he was able to include a new
cover painting with a dog in church thanks to the expert assistance of
Hartwick Art Professor Betsey Ayer. The first edition of The Long
European Reformation was released in 2003.
Summer 2012 | The Wick | 11
12 | The Wick | Summer 2012
Philosopher as Sculptor:
Professor’s Work Commissioned
for Boston Installation
Associate Professor of Philosophy Stefanie Rocknak is the winner of a highly
competitive art commission. Her work of Edgar Allan Poe, Poe Returning to Boston,
has been chosen from among 265 artists worldwide to adorn the Square that bears
the poet’s name in his home city of Boston, MA.
Rocknak will enlarge her 19” basswood
model in preparation for the final piece: a
life-size (approximately 5’8”) figure of Poe in
bronze. Casting will be done by professionals
in the Boston area; installation will take place
18 to 24 months after funds are raised for
the project (learn more at: www.poeboston.
“Just off the train, the figure will be walking south towards his place of
birth, where his mother and father once lived,” Rocknak explains. “Poe,
with a trunk full of ideas—and worldwide success—is finally coming
home.” She considers this work to be more “painterly” than much of her
acclaimed sculpture.
“This is an usual and exciting depiction of Poe,” says Chairman of the
Edgar Allan Poe Foundation of Boston Paul Lewis. “Rather than the
dissipated, exhausted, and troubled figure commonly seen, Rocknak has
created a dynamic, forceful Poe. Returning to the city of his birth, he is
overflowing, bursting with creative energy.”
Boston Mayor Tom Menino also has high praise for Rocknak’s design.
“The statue … is full of life and motion and is sure to inspire residents
and future writers alike for generations to come,” he says.
Plans call for this statue of one of America’s most influential writers to
be installed in Edgar Allan Poe Square, a tree-lined brick plaza at the
intersection of Boylston Street and Charles Street South, just two blocks
north of where Poe was born in 1809.
Rocknak is an award-winning member of the Sculptors Guild whose
work has appeared in numerous publications and in more than 40
exhibitions, including a group show at the Anacostia Museum of
Smithsonian Institution. A professor of philosophy at Hartwick
since 2001, her scholarly interests include the 18th-century Scottish
philosopher David Hume (the subject of her forthcoming book), the
philosophy of art, and the philosophy of the mind. n
Summer 2012 | The Wick | 13
The Practice and Product of Politics:
Educating an
Engaged Citizenry
By Laurel Elder, Ph.D.
Associate Professor of Political Science and Department Chair
“I don’t like politics,” a student
said the first day of our American
Government class. The statement
did not really surprise me.
Americans are frustrated with
leaders who seemingly cannot solve
our nation’s problems. Alienation
from our system is particularly
acute among young Americans.
Yet, at its core, a successful
democracy depends on informed
citizens who hold our leaders
accountable as well as represent our
nation as public servants.
As a professor of political science, I strive to make students
want to learn about government and politics, not only with the
goal of succeeding academically, but so that they can effectively
carry out their responsibilities as citizens and keep our
democracy strong.
One approach I like involves taking advantage of high-profile political events as they unfold.
For example, I offered The 2012 Presidential Nomination Process during J Term 2012 so that
it coincided with the most competitive phase of the contest. Along with more traditional
academic readings and requirements, the Republican presidential nomination contest
became our classroom. Students and I gathered for the debates in the evenings, adding our
own comments over pizza and wings. We followed the campaigns through a diverse array of
news sources and drew on class concepts to critically assess the most recent developments.
Students rarely agreed about the effectiveness of tactics employed by the campaigns or the
viability of the candidates, but the discussions were always scintillating.
I find that students engage more deeply when course material applies to real political events.
In fact, our evening debate viewing parties were not only attended by my class, but by about
80 Hartwick students; it is a simple illustration of the willingness of young people to become
informed if provided with concrete opportunities.
This fall I am teaching Parties and Elections, another special course I offer only once every
four years to coincide with U.S. presidential elections. Once again, students will not only
read textbooks about elections, but will be required to get involved by volunteering for
the campaign or party of their choice. It is one thing to read about the rise of negative
campaigning or the complexities of voter registration laws in a textbook; quite another to
observe these practices first hand.
Students bring their experiences to bear in classroom discussions and draw on them to
deepen and refine their understanding of the strengths and limitations of political science
theories. It is my hope and intention that this experience sparks a valuable, life-long
product—political engagement.
Research shows that participation begets participation. If you have walked into a party
headquarters and volunteered or walked into the voting booth and voted, it is much more
likely that you will do so again.
14 | The Wick | Summer 2012
Webextra | Learn about Dr. Elder’s recent book,
The Politics of Parenthood: Causes and Consequences of the
Politicization and Polarization of the American Family, at
Read the work of Corey Meade ’10 and other Mehri Best Thesis award
winners at
with graduate programs—will not only advance their learning now, but
will undoubtedly give them a competitive advantage when applying for
graduate school or professional positions.
I frequently teach our department’s required research methods course
and always encourage students to engage in their own research.
Research can be intimidating at first, and so I design assignments to
help students overcome their fears and become more invested in the
learning process.
Rather than working with existing data sets in political science, my
students select a topic of interest to them and proceed to collect their
own data. The wide-ranging results include the senior thesis of Corey
Meade ’10, who analyzed the ideological leanings of jokes on The Daily
Show, and the advanced work of Faculty Scholar Eleanor Prisco ’13,
who investigated the factors correlated with protest and regime change
in the Arab Spring.
At home on the steps of City Hall, Dr. Laurel Elder talks with her research
assistants Rob Tracey ’14 and Colin Blydenburgh ’14.
Internships and other hands-on experiences enable our students to
practice politics. This spring semester, Saeed Dukes ’13 and Brandon
Batch ’13 interned at the New York State Assembly, spending their
days meeting with constituents and interest groups on behalf of their
Assembly Members, Barbara Lifton and Michael Miller respectively,
while researching and writing papers on the policy proposals currently
before the New York State legislature. They know what so many
Hartwick students and alumni have learned: an opportunity to engage
in the process can be without equal.
My good fortune in being the recipient of a 2012-2013 Hartwick
College Faculty Research Grant became an opportunity for two of my
outstanding students—Rob Tracey ’14 and Colin Blydenburgh
’14. The research, data collection, and data analysis skills they are
honing as paid research assistants—an experience much more typical
There is no substitute for experience. Students more fully grasp
concepts involved in empirical analysis when they have collected, coded,
and entered the data themselves. No longer afraid of statistical analysis,
many students go on to employ their data analysis skills in their senior
theses, conference papers, and post-Hartwick pursuits. Anthony
Bonagura ’13, for example, created his own data set on capital
punishment laws and murder rates across the 50 states in an effort to
assess the effectiveness of the death penalty, and presented his results at
the 2012 New York State Political Science Conference.
As a Hartwick College professor of political science, I strive to foster
the habits of good citizens: to become well informed about the issues
facing our nation; to develop the skills required to critically assess and
empirically test the claims made by others, as well as engage in original
research about political processes and policies; and to get involved
in the democratic process. At the end of my courses, I am not sure if
everyone “likes politics,” but I am confident in the product—educated
and engaged citizens who will matter and will make a difference as our
government and society move to tackle the challenges of the
21st century. n
Summer 2012 | The Wick | 15
Follow the Lead … of an Open Mind
Meet five* global citizens; all engaged in international business, international affairs,
or international study. Before launching their impressive careers and rewarding lives,
they were chosen as Fulbright Scholars. Before the Fulbright, there was Hartwick.
*Since 1980, 21 Hartwick students have been selected to be Fulbright Scholars.
Lori Fisher ’80 has a story to tell.
One of Hartwick’s first two Fulbright Scholars, Fisher’s wanderlust began in
Vienna with German Professor Wendell Frye, relishing the academic program abroad that he still leads as a J Term for Hartwick students.
“It was an incomparable experience,” Fisher recalls. “I had a taste of living in another culture.” One bite was far from enough.
“I came straight back to Hartwick, went to the Dean’s office and said, ‘I have to go
back; how do I get a Fulbright?’” She says, “Mary Beth Zollars ’80 and I were on
that early J Term program together—we both applied for a Fulbright and we both
got it.” Zollars returned to Austria; Fisher moved to Germany to study Modern
German Poetry. (A music major, Zollars earned a Master’s degree in German and
became a high school German language teacher in Pennsylvania.)
“A Fulbright is a formative experience, a defining experience,” Fisher explains.
“Really any international experience helps you be open to others. Once you realize
what it’s like to live outside your own experience, once you realize there is so much
more beyond your native culture, you carry that always.”
Fisher chose Hartwick for its English program, “expecting to be a poor poet,” she
says. She immersed herself in the program, becoming president of the Writing Club Lori Fisher ’80 celebrating her “Quarter Century” (with IBM).
and editor/co-editor of the literary club and student newspaper. One of her favorite
enterprises was The Writing Center, which she coordinated with the guidance
of Professor of English Robert Benson. “He took personal interest in students’
dedication to his subject; he helped us love it and breathe it,” she remembers. Fisher graduated
Executive Director of User Technology the Software Group
with a major in German as well as English, as a John Christopher Hartwick Scholar, and winner
at IBM Corp. San Jose, CA
of the Anna Sonder Prize of the Academy of American Poets, and the Kellogg Oratorical Prize.
English and German major
“At Hartwick, as a small school, you can take a lot of responsibility, a lot of initiative,” she says.
“It’s a very customized education that trains you to be an active participant in your life. You have
opportunities to make the experience what you want and that’s great prep for your career.”
After the Fulbright, Fisher earned a Master’s degree in English Summa Cum Laude from the
University of Iowa. The lure of a challenge drew her toward the rapidly-growing field of technical
writing. Today Fisher is Executive Director of User Technology for IBM Corp. She manages
technical writers and user interface designers and is responsible for 200 employees in the U.S.
and across the world in Canada, India, China, Germany, and England.
Master’s degree in Expository Writing, University of Iowa
Master’s Certificate in Project Management, The George
Washington University School of Business
J Term on San Salvador Island to study West Indian
(Caribbean) Literature with Dr. Robert Bensen
J Term in Vienna with Dr. Wendell Frye
Fulbright in Germany
“I’m in technology, not with an engineer’s brain but with a liberal arts brain,” Fisher asserts. “That means I bring a whole new perspective.
Studying the liberal arts is about analysis, content, and meaning; I see context and connections.
“I learned how to learn at Hartwick,” this IBM executive adds with appreciation, noting that most of what she knew about technology 20
years ago is obsolete. Another benefit: “I am at an advantage in my work all the time because I can communicate well. It’s an absolute asset in
16 | The Wick | Summer 2012
Tammy Gooden ’82 is a catalyst for change.
She is the Director of Marketing Insights for Abbott
Laboratories, where she works on one of the top-selling pharmaceutical brands in the United States. “The product I work on is
prescribed for patients suffering from serious autoimmune diseases,” she explains. “It transforms many patients’ lives.”
“My job is to represent the voice of the customer and to provide strategic and tactical guidance to the brand team in an effort to deliver
a superior customer experience,” she continues. “Representing the customer requires empathy, curiosity, and objectivity. Additionally,
I need to be a great team motivator, a good communicator and negotiator, and possess strong business acumen.”
Her work is about making change—for the patients, the company, and the healthcare community. Her talent for seizing opportunities
is something she honed at Hartwick. Choosing to pursue the College’s Independent Student Program, she worked with faculty to
design her own major in International Business and generally to take initiative.
“So many great faculty members made an impression on me,” she recalls,
citing Hartwick Math Professor Ron Brzenk, French Professor Alfred
Massari, and Management Professor John Clemens as mentors. Gooden
worked for Brzenk in the computer lab where “he provided me with great
flexibility and experiences in working with other students.” Massari
designed an independent study course on French for Business for her
and was instrumental in helping her prepare her successful Fulbright
application. She took many business classes with Clemens, completed
her Senior Thesis under his guidance, and took his J Term business class
in Germany. As she recalls, “Professor Clemens always challenged me to
produce exemplary work and consider multiple perspectives.”
Her early international experiences included a J Term course in language
and culture in Provence and Paris, France. Following her Fulbright
year in Switzerland, Gooden earned a Master’s degree in International
Management from the Thunderbird School of Global Management.
Her global experiences have served her well throughout her career, she
says, noting that at one company “I was tagged for a two-year expatriate
assignment in France. I know that my experience living abroad gave me
an edge when applying for that position.”
Tammy Gooden ’82 with a U.S. team from Abbott Laboratories in Paris for a global brand
strategy meeting.
Gooden looks upon her years at Hartwick and as a Fulbright Scholar as
“providing me with a solid foundation for my career. I will always treasure my
Hartwick experiences,” she says. “A liberal arts education makes you wellrounded and multi-dimensional. This provides me with the ability to consider
issues from multiple perspectives.
Director, Commercial Insights, Abbott Laboratories, North Chicago, IL
ISP (Independent Student Program) in International Business
Master’s degree in International Management, Thunderbird School
of Global Management
J Term in Provence and Paris, France, studying language and culture
J Term in Germany studying business with Professor John Clemens
Fulbright in Switzerland
Established by the U.S. Congress in 1946, the Fulbright Program is the flagship international
educational exchange program sponsored by the U.S. government. It is designed to increase
mutual understanding between the people of the United States and the people of other countries.
Participants are chosen for their academic merit and leadership potential.
Summer 2012 | The Wick | 17
Adrienne Spinozzi ’01 draws frequent parallels
among her Fulbright experience, her Hartwick education,
and her career at The Metropolitan Museum of Art: keeping an open mind and an inquisitive attitude top the list.
Spinozzi remembers well that her quest for experiential learning and self-guided exploration is what compelled her to apply for a Fulbright
Scholarship in South Korea. “I recognize that these ideas still resonate with me today,” she says. “One of the great strengths of the Fulbright
program is that each experience is informed by the individual; it’s up to the scholar to engage and explore and connect. Having had that kind of
experience transforms the way you approach new challenges or the unknown.”
Already inclined toward a challenge, Spinozzi had spent her junior
year living and studying in Bali, Indonesia, through a program with the
School for International Training. “Living with a home-stay family and
studying traditional Balinese crafts and culture was incredibly rewarding
and stimulating,” says this Art History major.
Whether in Indonesia, South Korea, or the United States, Spinozzi
found the lessons learned to be highly transferable. “Regardless of where
one studies, the fundamentals are the same—connecting to people,
adapting to your environment, embracing the unfamiliar—all things that
will serve you well no matter what you do.”
Making connections—it’s a Hartwick mainstay. “The curriculum
at Hartwick encourages both exploration and interdisciplinary
collaboration, and the size of the classes and the professors who teach
there all contribute to this rich experience,” she says. “I think the ultimate
goal of this exposure is to find where you fit, how you can contribute,
where you can make a difference in whatever you do.”
Spinozzi is quick to identify three individuals who made a difference to
her. A Hartwick lacrosse captain, she cites Coach Anna Meyer, saying,
“I continue to strive toward the qualities she instilled in her athletes:
perseverance, strong work ethic, leadership, and teamwork.” Art History Adrienne Spinozzi ’01 amid the large-scale sculptures and architectural elements of
Professor Betsey Ayer “encouraged a broad way of thinking about the
the Charles Engelhard Court in the American Wing.
world through objects—of accessing history through objects. Exposure
to this way of thinking had a tremendous influence on what I would
eventually pursue in graduate school—the history of design, decorative
arts, and material culture.” (She earned a Master’s degree in Design History from
Research Associate, American Wing, The Metropolitan Museum
of Art, New York City
Bard College.) “I often think back on my ceramic classes with Roberta Griffith, who
Art History and English Literature major, Studio Art (ceramics) minor
both encouraged and challenged her students,” Spinozzi adds. “Those studio classes
Master’s degree in Decorative Arts, Design History, and Material
were so important in my understanding of clay and its materiality.”
Spinozzi has found her place among the ceramics of the Metropolitan Museum
of Art. “Objects are manifestations of people and they can tell us quite a bit about
the time and culture in which they were made. At any given time I am researching
technological developments, social and historical contexts, and stylistic and artistic
impulses, with the overarching questions of what these objects mean to us today
and why we should care,” she says of her work as a researcher of American ceramics
and glass. “The study of objects and material culture requires an inquisitive
approach across a broad spectrum of disciplines. It’s a continuation of my liberal arts
18 | The Wick | Summer 2012
Culture from Bard College
Study Abroad in Bali, Indonesia
Fulbright in South Korea
Ryan Smith ’06 is adaptable,
a trait that has proven to be vital to his work. Smith is the Presbyterian
Representative to the United Nations. An international non-governmental organization (NGO), the Presbyterian Ministry is part of
the Compassion, Peace and Justice Ministry area of the Presbyterian Mission Agency.
“Being able to comprehend and work in different areas is essential in my work,” Smith explains. “I may go from a meeting on women’s
rights to one on the delivery of humanitarian aid in South Sudan in a matter of minutes. The ability to adapt to the situation at hand is
extremely important. My liberal arts base helps to make those transitions easier.” Smith demonstrated early his proclivity for
multi-disciplinary thinking and integrated
problem solving. He was a triple major at
Hartwick, studying economics, political
science, and German in equal measure.
After his year as a Fulbright Scholar, his
graduate studies at Whitehead School of
Diplomacy and International Relations
of Seton Hall University, and his early
successes in effecting change worldwide,
he still credits his Hartwick faculty
mentors with making the difference.
“The Hartwick faculty has made a lasting
impression on me,” Smith says, starting
with Frye. “Dr. Frye is a scholar who
Ryan Smith ’06 during a trip to the Israel and the Occupied Palestinian Territories at the separation barrier between
brought history to life when examining
Palestine and Israel. Photo: Sara Lisherness
literature. His frank reflections and advice
have stayed with me years after leaving
Hartwick.” In political science, it was Dr.
Mary Vanderlaan who “opened my eyes to the struggles and possibilities of international
Presbyterian Representative to the United Nations,
diplomacy; for that, I am forever thankful.”
Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.), New York City
In his study of economics, Smith was most influenced by Drs. Karl Seeley and Carli Cochi
Ficano. “Dr. Seeley can take complex economic models and turn them into reality. His
willingness to teach and study and consider different points of view is inspiring.” As for
Dr. Ficano, “Her interest in labor and socio-economics helped provide me with a base for
the work that I now do with advocating global policy. Her focus on the people within the
economic systems helps me to remember that there are indeed people who are affected by
the policies of governments and politicians.”
Economics, Political Science, and German major
Master’s degree in Diplomacy and International Relations,
the John C. Whitehead School of Diplomacy and International
Relations, Seton Hall University
Emerson Scholar in Tanzania
Fulbright in Germany
Smith’s sense of global responsibility began at Hartwick. He earned an Emerson International Internship to live among and work with
the people of Kiomoni Village, Tanga, Tanzania. He balanced his time there between teaching the children English and helping to
establish a clean water development project and a community-based arsenic mitigation program. Upon his return, he soon applied for a
Fulbright and spent his first year after college living, learning, and teaching in Germany.
“The experience Hartwick gave me putting liberal arts into practice was so beneficial,” he says. “Whether it was the Emerson
scholarship, the Fulbright, or taking a philosophy class, liberal arts opened my eyes to a broader world. In my career, there are all too
often not easy answers. It was my liberal arts education that helped me to appreciate the gray in a world where black and white is
sometimes the easier choice.
“Hartwick set the stage for who I have become and will continue to influence who I will be in the future,” he adds. “I doubt that I would
where I am today without my Hartwick experience.”
Summer 2012 | The Wick | 19
Eric Schultz ’12, Hartwick’s latest Fulbright Scholar, is ready
for whatever comes next. “At Hartwick I have
been pursuing exactly what I have loved almost unconsciously and it has led me exactly where I want to be,” he says.
Where he wants to be, what he wants to be doing is “helping people through government.” After his Fulbright year in northern Germany,
teaching English to middle and high school students, Schultz plans to pursue a Master’s degree in Public Administration. “Being able to help
people through an organized process is something that I’m passionate about and that I can’t wait to pursue.”
This is not a pipe dream; it’s an ambition that he has honed at Hartwick, an objective that he practiced as he studied. Schultz is the immediate
past president of Student Senate, a successful tenure that he built on his experience as Senate vice president the year before and a senator the year
before that.
A young man of purpose, Schultz is also multidimensional. “All the
college stereotypes were broken for me,” he says, reflecting on his four
years at Hartwick. “I didn’t expect to find so many ways to pursue the
things that I love in life.” Paramount among them: music. “Choir for me
is the balance for everything I do in academics and in extra-curriculars.”
(In addition to Student Senate, Schultz was a Blue Key Ambassador for
It was his rich baritone voice that first took him abroad, whetting his
appetite for the international life he will now have as a Fulbright. The
summer of his sophomore year Schultz, other members of the Hartwick
College Choir, and some alumni singers joined an international choir to
sing Mozart’s Requiem with the Czechoslovakian National Symphony in
Prague. “Even though we couldn’t speak each other’s languages,” Schultz
says of their Russian, Czech, German, and Irish cohorts, “we were all
able to communicate through music.”
Eric Schultz ’12 celebrates with his mentor and German advisor Dr. Wendell Frye.
This open-minded approach was valuable went he went far afield in his
first J Term course abroad: Doing Business in China with Professor
Steve Kolenda. “I’m not a business major and I don’t speak a word of Mandarin or Cantonese,” he
says. “Still, what could be more valuable to a political scientist than to have that opportunity? I went
head first into the other side of the world.”
New graduate
Political Science and German major
Master’s degree in Public Administration (planned)
J Term in China with Dr. Steve Kolenda
J Term in Vienna with Dr. Wendell Frye
College Choir trip to the Czech Republic with Dr.
Jirka Kratochvil
Fulbright in Germany
In his senior year, Schultz joined his mentor and friend, Professor of German Wendell Frye, for
the J Term in Vienna course that Frye has now offered to generations of Hartwick students. “The
immersion into another culture and society was driving me to a further understanding of what it
means to be a citizen, to be a human,” Schultz says.
“My Hartwick experiences are ones that I will remember the rest of my life,” he says with certainty.
Among the lasting lessons: “There is something greater in all of us than language or culture, than
religion or politics; it something that can unite us.” n
“I learned how to learn at Hartwick.”
—Lori Fisher ’80
20 | The Wick | Summer 2012
“I like the notion that if philanthropy is not about giving money, but rather about
acting out of love for humankind, then philanthropy can be hugely positive—even
transformative—for the donor as well as the recipient. That’s because in giving donors
grow more into their own human potential; they grow in generosity and understanding.
And if we give not until it hurts but rather until it feels good, then we tend to do it more.”
—Dr. George McCully u An historian and philanthropist, McCully visited campus this spring as part of Hartwick’s 2011-12 Campus Theme: The Human
Question. McCully is the author of Philanthropy Reconsidered: Private Initiatives - Public Good - Quality of Life and founder of the influential Massachusetts
Catalogue for Philanthropy, which promotes charitable giving and strengthens the culture of philanthropy through donor education.
Partners in Scholarship
At Hartwick College, where everything is personal, the annual Partners in Scholarship luncheon
offers a special opportunity to forge and strengthen connections. Students gather with their
benefactors and others who have established or significantly added to existing endowed
scholarship funds. The entire Hartwick community, now and long into the future, is indebted to
these and the College’s many philanthropists.
Carol Ann Hamilton Coughlin ’86 honors her father
with an endowed scholarship in his name.
Close friends of the College chose to endow scholarship funds in 2011-12. Their gifts, which are
an investment in Hartwick and its students, serve as a commitment to the College’s upcoming
comprehensive campaign. n
The year’s newly-endowed scholarships:
Clapp J Term Study Scholarship u Established by Richard L. Clapp ’62 and Carol V. Clapp to support study abroad.
Mary M. and Frank E. Drugovich First Generation Award u Scholarship established by Dr. Margaret L. Drugovich
and Elizabeth P. Steele in honor of the President’s parents.
Anne and John H’00 Duffy J Term Scholarship u Established by John P. H’00 and Anne K. Duffy P’91 P’95 to support
student experiences abroad.
John Thomas Hamilton Scholarship u Established by Carol Ann Hamilton ’86 and Paul J. Coughlin to honor her
Sally Griffiths Herbert ’88, who has endowed a fund
for J Term study, accepts her pin.
Sarah ’88 and Timothy Herbert J Term Scholarship u Established by Sarah Griffiths ’88 and Timothy J. Herbert to
support study abroad.
Long Scholarship u Established by David H. ’83 and Stephanie Isgur ’84 Long.
Morris J Term Scholarship u Established by Nancy M. Morris ’74, H’06 to support student experiences abroad.
Esther Shaul Rushing ’37 Scholarship u Established by Dr. Doug Rushing in honor of his mother.
President Margaret L. Drugovich P’12 and her
partner, Beth Steele P’12, demonstrate their belief
in Hartwick by endowing a scholarship.
Summer 2012 | The Wick | 21
Global Inquiry Through Endowments
Philanthropists make things happen. Individuals and groups with vision invest in the future through
endowed funds knowing that their investment will advance great student work for generations.
Thanks to the generosity of a few prescient donors—the Duffy family and the Emerson Foundation - Hartwick students pursue advanced
international experiences bursting with promise to change lives. The Duffy Family Ambassador Scholarships, established in 1999 by Trustee Emeritus John H’00 and Anne Duffy P’91, P’95, support educational travel abroad for
independent directed study. 2011-2012 Duffy Ambassadors and their experiences:
u Tanae Adderley ’13 – Small Island Sustainability, Barbados u Desiree Fuller ’12 – Truth: the Exhibition of a Contested History, South Africa
u Victoria Halsted ’12 – The View Through My Lens in England, Ireland, Scotland u Elliot Henry ’12 – Indian Culture and Art
u Alyssa Pearson ’12 – Comparative Environmental Law, India
The Emerson Foundation International Internship provides a grant for students to expand their post-graduate career options through international internships.
2011-2012 Emerson Interns and their experiences:
u Katherine Hadden ’13 – Operation Wallacea, Honduras u Tyler Hall ’13 – Energy and Geoscience Institute, Bratislava, Slovakia
u Keisha Moore ’12 – Ministry of Trade and Industries, Accra, Ghana u Carly Ramos ’12 – Child Family Health International, Mumbai, India
u Ethan Staats ’13 – Operation Wallacea, Honduras u John Stuligross ’13 – Experiential Learning International, Naruku, Kenya
u Anne Louise Wagner ’13 – La Casa de Acogida Mantay, Cusco, Peru
‘The View Through
My Lens’
1 Between all the life and energy in Edinburgh
during the Fringe Festival, I met this woman. She
took care of her dog before herself, sitting on the
corner in Grassmarket each day for whatever bit of
money someone would give her.
2 Hamish is “the” Highland cow and the main
attraction along the road to Loch Ness.
3 Each day I walked roughly 15 miles through
the streets of London, sans map. The architecture
for each building was similar yet unique and the
soft lighting of the United Kingdom provided the
opportunity for this photograph.
4 Seeing one of the Seven Wonders of the World
was something I once thought impossible. Near
sunset, the lighting was warmer than earlier in the
day, highlighting this marvelous sight.
5 The heat is hot; so are the colors. The warmth of
the colors in Venice were too important to be displayed
in black and white.
6 Dublin, Ireland... This strawberry, broken shard
of glass, and rusty bobby pin are small objects I
found sitting on a doorstep, as if they were waiting
for me. Bright red and stark contrast between the
shadows and highlights drew me in.
22 | The Wick | Summer 2012
One Student’s Story: ‘The View Through My Lens’
I traveled to England, Ireland, Scotland, France,
and Italy in the summer of 2011. “The View
Through My Lens” was about showing people my
perspective, while taking them to places many will
never see.
The comparison between color and black-andwhite photography has shown that the color of an
image gives it a certain tone. These tones range
from positive to negative, and can be described as
happy, serene, haunting, or dreary. Certain subjects,
such as the reds and oranges of Italy, beg to be
displayed via color photography, whereas others
deserve a more somber tone. A lot of composition
in photography is about what feels right, and this
[experience] gave me the opportunity to wander and
find what seemed right within the techniques taught
to me by Professor of Art Katharine Kreisher.
By Victoria Halsted ’12
Traveling abroad through the Duffy Family
Ambassador Scholarship, I was alone. I organized
planes, trains, ferries, hostels, and day-trips, and
wandered through daily life wherever my lens took
me. Being alone led me to make new friendships
with people from 17 countries.
“You go somewhere
expecting one thing
and find something
completely different.”
Exposure abroad is more than culture, it is the
ability to learn from outside experiences and shape
your mind through that exposure to the way people
from other cultures think. Each photograph is a
memory, a documented history of the landscapes,
seascapes, architecture, landmarks, culture, and
people of the world. My experiences made possible
through the Duffy Scholarship are invaluable, and
I am forever grateful for the opportunities this
scholarship afforded me. n
Victoria majored in Psychology and minored
in Photography at Hartwick. She is on her
way to graduate school to study Forensic
Psychology at The Adler School of Professional
Psychology (MN). Victoria made two
presentations at the 2012 Student Showcase,
a slideshow of her Duffy Scholarship
experience in Europe and a presentation
of her Freedman Prize-winning work in
Psychology: The Effects of Homophobia on
Eyewitness Memory.
Summer 2012 | The Wick | 23
Portrait in Philanthropy:
Frank Perrella ’50, H’93, P’75
He Gives
as He Lives
Frank Perrella never planned to go to
college. At 17, and with his parents’
blessing, he enlisted in the U.S. Navy
to serve his country. Two years later
he was home again, working days
and studying nights to earn his high
school Regents diploma.
“I believe all kids should have
a chance to go to college. The
government helped me with the
GI Bill; why can’t I help Hartwick
students the same way?”
—Frank Perrella
24 | The Wick | Summer 2012
By Elizabeth Steele P’12
Elizabeth Steele is a professional writer and the partner of President Margaret L. Drugovich.
A small act of kindness changed his life. One fateful day, Frank gave
a friend a ride from Gloversville to Hartwick to take the admissions
entrance exam. College Registrar Fannie Bishop made a point of meeting
Frank, told him about the GI Bill, and encouraged him to take the exam
himself. He did well and enrolled within months.
The road to a Hartwick College degree was tough at times. “At any other
school I wouldn’t have made it,” Frank asserts. “Professors took an interest
in me. They expected a lot and I worked hard.” One lasting lesson: “You
get out of anything exactly what you put in it.”
Frank’s greatest support came from an Oneonta girl who became the love
of his life. Frank married Barbara Michaud while he was still a student and
the couple went on to raise three children—Joseph, Sharon, and Diane
Perrella ’75. They enjoyed a full life together before Barbara was taken by
cancer in 1977.
On the Past is Built the Future
Tradition guided Frank’s choices post-graduation. He joined Perrella
Glove Co., owned and operated by his father, Joe, in Gloversville,
one of the largest glove-producing cities in the United States. Joe
had emigrated from Italy as a baby, the latest generation in a family of
tanners from Naples and glove makers from Milan. Joe apprenticed as a
cutter, opened his own shop at just 19, and became a respected designer
of women’s gloves.
While the father loved design, the son loved the leather—working the
rough, hairy, raw material into something flawless, supple, and beautiful.
“It’s dirty; really dirty and smelly,” Frank says, laughing, clearly relishing
the hands-on nature of his life’s work.
In 1966, with his entrepreneurial spirit as his guide, Frank founded JBF
Industries Inc. (a tannery named for son Joe, wife Barbara, and himself).
Thirty years later he sold the success story to one of his clients and
became president of Geo Golf Corp. in Florida.
And that is how he made the money that’s funding the future for so
many Hartwick students.
“When I made my first million, I didn’t stop working,” Frank says,
scoffing at the very idea. “I love to work. I love to make money. I love to
give away money.” His credo is stunning in its simplicity, and massive in
its impact.
Not One, Not Two, But Three
Hartwick’s Perrella Wellness Center is named in his honor, a prominent
campus reminder of one alumnus’ allegiance to his college. Frank’s
commitment to the upcoming Campaign for Hartwick Students is
unrestricted, a statement of his confidence in Hartwick’s leadership. “I
think Margaret [Drugovich] is great,” he says of the president. “She has
brains and business smarts.”
His legacy unfolds each year in the form of the Frank Perrella
Scholarships; the annual proceeds of three endowed funds he established
years ago and continues to grow with generous annual gifts.
“I believe all kids should have a chance to go to college,” Frank says.
“The government helped me with the GI Bill; why can’t I help Hartwick
students the same way?”
This one man has created six annual scholarships for students pursuing
three very different disciplines.
The Frank E. Perrella Scholarships are awarded to a rising sophomore
and a rising junior who have demonstrated academic achievement and
promise in their fields. At Honors Convocation each spring, the names
of six thrilled students are called as the newest Perrella scholars. They are
students of History (“You can’t learn without the past,” says this former
history major); Management (“The world runs on business”); and
Music (“That was Diane’s major and I love it”).
Each award reduces the cost of attending Hartwick by thousands of
dollars. His gifts help current students with financial need stay at
Hartwick to continue their studies and their personal development.
Each award also offers intangibles: a vote of confidence in the students’
talents and interests, a statement of support for their future at Hartwick
and beyond.
Recognition in Return
Letters and numbers follow the name of Frank Perrella: ’50 designates
his year of graduation, of course; H’93 denotes the honorary Doctor of
Humane Letters he was awarded in 1993 for his many forms of service;
PM’12 stands for the President’s Medal he just received in recognition
of the transformative impact he has had on the College and its students;
and P’75 shows that he is a very proud Hartwick parent. (Add great
uncle to the list for his niece Anne Salluzzo ’08.) Also of great import:
his 10-year service on the Hartwick College Board of Trustees and
2006 designation as Trustee Emeritus.
Just as Frank cherishes the lifelong Hartwick friends of his past, so does
he strive to support Hartwick students in the future. By choosing to
make gifts to endowment, Frank Perrella has ensured that many talented
young people, like himself 50-plus years ago, will have access to the
opportunities of Hartwick College. n
Background: Some of the many student faces of Frank Perrella include his scholarship recipients Kristina Allen ’12, Lindsay Frawley’13, Rachel Hill ’12,
Daniel Valliere ’12, Rachel Rhodes ’12, Molly Sloan ’12, Sean Carpenter ’13, Nathan Mills ’14, Rejoice Scherry ’13, Xavier Clair, Jessica Spitz ’14.
Summer 2012 | The Wick | 25
The Art-Geoscience Connection
By David Griffing, Ph.D. | Associate Professor of Geology and Environmental Sciences
Controversy and questions surround the perceived decline in the state of (physical and life) science, technology, engineering and mathematical learning in
America’s schools. Has there been a change in student aptitudes or attitudes regarding the so-called STEM subjects? Has the quality of STEM education
declined in American schools? In response to these concerns, our government has developed initiatives to promote and improve STEM education in
America. Is this STEM push justified? One look at the importance of science and technology in today’s society would suggest so. As we forecast future
challenges for Earth’s inhabitants, it appears that STEM education initiatives will be critical to a prosperous future.
The art of a scientist: Examples of Dr. David Griffing’s
acrylic paintings.
Blue Shell (2004) is a monochromatic study of the spider
conch (Harpago chiragra), a native of the tropical western
Pacific. My parents gave me the shell when I was very
young; it and a handful of fossils and minerals strongly
inspired me to study natural science.
Red Hibiscus (2004)
Pele and Kane (detail, 2012). The Hawaiian goddess of
fire and volcanoes and the god Kane, in statuary form. It
is largely inspired by our trips to Kilauea and the active
lava flows during the Hawaii J Term.
A Liberal Arts college makes the ideal setting in which to begin a career in STEM.
26 | The Wick | Summer 2012
West Texas Storm by Professor of Geology and Environmental Sciences Eric Johnson. The painting was inspired by the landscapes in Big Bend National Park—the primary
destination for a joint geology-biology J Term course Anatomy of a Desert last co-taught by Johnson and Dr. Mary Allen in 2006.
Yet the intense focus on STEM education seems to ignore the ways that
non-STEM education enhances and augments our students’ abilities to
perform. As Daniel Levitin’s best seller This Is Your Brain on Music: The
Science of a Human Obsession demonstrates, there is a strong connection
between the artistic development of young people and their ability to
understand and apply math and science concepts. Even as many parents
look to more narrowly-focused professional training options for their
college-bound offspring, the message is becoming clear: good scientists
and engineers are not made by math, science and technology education
Many of our current undergraduates already understand the connection
between study in the arts/humanities/social and behavioral sciences
and the STEM subjects. During the 2012 Hartwick College Student
Showcase event, a panel of physical and life science majors made the
value of their non-science Liberal Arts education clear to all those in
attendance, including college administrators and a U.S. congressman!
As the students related stories about how they have applied knowledge
gained from cultural anthropology courses and theatre arts classes
to their own unique research initiatives, I began to think about the
non-STEM fields that most strongly influenced me as a budding
geoscientist. The answer came quickly… the fine arts.
Perhaps my answer has something to do with the fact that I’m the
offspring of an art educator and an engineer. However, many of my
geoscience colleagues are accomplished painters, ceramicists, and
photographers. The subject of this art commonly revolves around
elements of the natural world that inspire us. My own paintings and
line drawings typically include natural features that I see on field trips—
fossils, shells, lava flows, flowers, and unusual landscapes. In fact, art
photography exhibits are now regular components of many geosciences
The art-geoscience connection goes well beyond inspiration from
nature and shared interests in natural art media (rock, clay, mineral
paint pigments, etc.). Geology and the arts both involve intense study
of “spacial relations.” Geology, like other natural sciences, involves
understanding a world of complex three-dimensional phenomena; we
simply must be able to mentally picture the unique atomic structures
within minerals, the effects of sediment weight on the mobilization of
pore fluids, and the progressive deformation of the crust that results
from tectonic plate collisions. It stands to reason that science students
who practice the fine arts exercise portions of their brain that make
grasping and utilizing 3-D knowledge easier. I believe that this creative
exercise also makes it easier to envision such abstract concepts as “deep
time” and “tectonic evolution.”
Art and science are just two different ways for humans to see and relate
to the world around them … and “seeing” is important. Observation
is a critical and often undervalued step of the scientific method, and
observation would be useless without good scientific description.
However, all science students need to hone and perfect these skills. For
these reasons, my colleagues and I commonly ask students to draw the
phenomena that they see on field trips or in lab exercises. Although
most are prepared to measure features, record numerical data and
perform mathematical calculations, some are surprised by the drawing
requirements. Before the advent of photography, most geoscientists had
to complete detailed drawings and watercolors in order to convey their
scientific evidence. In an era when nearly every cell phone contains a
digital camera, students initially mistake our request as an old-fashioned
way of documenting the features observed. However, we eventually
make it clear that a digital photograph typically contains too much
information. Irregular surfaces, vegetation, and shadows seen in these
photographs obscure the important visual data present. To collect and
communicate the geological features observed, one has to remove the
non-essential details. Sketching allows us to “see what matters” and, as
in a studio art class, this requires perception, patience, and practice.
These are just a few aspects of the art-geoscience connection; there
are many others. It seems clear that there are many benefits for STEM
students who also study the fine arts (as well as music, writing, history,
anthropology, psychology, and philosophy). A Liberal Arts college
makes the ideal setting in which to begin a career in STEM. n
Summer 2012 | The Wick | 27
Practice. Practice. Practice.
Liberal Arts the
Hartwick Way
This is no Ivory Tower. This is Hartwick College, where biochemistry, ancient philosophers, and Cloud computing are studied in equal measure. Where
in-depth and independent research is conducted in every field with a professor’s trust and guidance. Where The Business of Asia is studied on Oyaron Hill
and Doing Business in Asia is experienced in China. Where professional internships, research assistantships, and shadow programs open doors to career
possibilities. Where undergraduates’ intellectual capacity is extended through writings, presentations, and publishing. Where sculptors and musicians
learn form and function and theory and critique on their way to defining their own unique expression.
These are Hartwick students; actually, these are the newest Hartwick graduates. Just 15 whose preparation represents that of all
Hartwick students. This is The Liberal Arts in Practice, where lives are well started and ambitions begin to take shape. Young
people adept at thinking deeper, considering some questions and asking more, stepping out of their comfort zones, and leaning
into the responsibilities and possibilities of the future.
Nursing major, biology minor, and John
Christopher Hartwick Scholar Jaimie deJager
has the experience to match. She conducted
her Nursing Internship in Oncology & Pediatrics
Clinical at Albany Medical Center and worked as a
Nursing Assistant at the Orange Regional Medical
Center. The research she conducted with Professor
Penny Jenkins has been published in the Journal
of the New York State Nurses Association. deJager
has accepted a position on the hematology/
oncology unit at Albany Medical Center.
Jeff Boyd has started his career as a Business
Development Associate with Harmony Healthcare
International, a Boston-based long-term care
consulting firm. A double major in economics and
business administration, his experience includes
an internship with Otsego County Economic
Development, and he was a leader on Hartwick’s
men’s tennis team. The recipient of the Keith
Youngman ’05 Scholarship, he is pictured with his
benefactors, Gerry and Candace Youngman P’05.
28 | The Wick | Summer 2012
Hannah Kennedy, pictured with her AOPi sister
Jaimie, is getting right to work. This double major
in history and education has committed to working
two years with Teach for America, working with
underpriviledged children in Baltimore, MD city
schools. Concurrently, she is beginning her studies
toward a Master’s in Education at Johns Hopkins
University. An athletic powerhouse, Kennedy was
captain of Hartwick’s women’s lacrosse team.
Kaitlynn Ellis graduated with departmental
distinction in each of her three majors: accounting,
business administration, and economics. As a
result, she landed a position working for KPMG
as part of its global network of audit, tax, and
auditing services.
Along the way, Ellis presented at Showcase
2012 her work on Fraudsters: Is it Greed or a
Psychological Problem? At Showcase 2011 she
presented Assessing the Equity Efficiency Trade-off.
Internship experiences can turn into job offers;
just ask Shane McHugh. He volunteered then
interned for Andrea Nuciforo Jr., a candidate
for the U.S. House of Representatives in
Massachusetts. Now this political science
graduate has a paid position managing his
successors as Director of Internships for the
campaign. McHugh’s ambition is to get Nuciforo
elected and eventually become a Chief of Staff.
Chemistry major Julie Kessler practiced for her
future in the Hartwick College science labs and
through research internships at the University of
Minnesota and Clemson University. Kessler is now
pursuing her Ph.D. in Inorganic Chemistry at the
University of Notre Dame.
At Hartwick, she was a John Christopher Hartwick
nominee a three-year chemistry tutor, and a fouryear leader of the women’s soccer team.
A first-generation college graduate, Jordan Liz
is a John Christopher Hartwick Scholar who triple
majored in philosophy, business administration,
and economics, earning distinction in all three
disciplines. He is now pursuing a Master’s degree in
Philosophy at the University of Memphis.
Liz’s advanced work includes his Freedman Prizewinning research and presentation: Concerning the
Nature of Our Beliefs: Hume’s Skeptical Response
Math major Qin “Lucy” Ouyang is pursuing
her Master’s of Actuarial Science (MActSc) at
the University of Waterloo, Ontario, Canada. Her
advisor, Dr. Charles Sheim, calls this one of the
best programs of its kind anywhere in the world.
A Faculty Scholar, Ouyang’s preparation included
MetroLink shadowing experiences at Citibank,
Deutsche Bank, and MassMutual in Boston and
New York City. She plans to become an actuary.
Summer 2012 | The Wick | 29
Physics and chemistry double major
Catherine Weigel has earned a significant
scholarship to attend graduate school at Tufts
University. She has practiced her field in the national
astronomy laboratories of Arecibo Observatory in
Puerto Rico, working with Dr. Parker Troischt.
Weigel made two presentations at Showcase 2012:
Dynamical Mass Calculations for the WBL 509/AWM
3 Galaxy Group (physics) and Determining Critical
Opalescence of Binary Liquid Solutions (chemistry).
She has presented her work at national conferences.
Charlene Fleurinord earned rave reviews for her
summer internship at the Beth Israel Deaconess
Medical Center of Harvard Medical School, reports
Dr. Stan Sessions. He was her mentor as she
prepared her Student Showcase presentation,
The Effects of Dietary Fructose on the Growth and
Survival of Human Pancreatic Cancer Cells in
Culture. Fleurinord is currently an intern with Dr.
Hakan Toka at Faulkner Hospital of Brigham and
Women’s Hospital in Boston. She plans to obtain
a Master’s in Health Sciences and become a
physician assistant.
“Dr. Mark Connors, Head of the HIV-Specific Immunity Section in the Laboratory of
Immunoregulation, National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, and I have been
fortunate over the past 15 years to recruit highly competitive post-baccalaureate students.
Although we screen during the recruiting process for applicants with strong academic
records, solid letters of recommendation and an earnest interest in engaging in biomedical
research, being a typical science major is not a requirement. On the contrary, some of the
most superlative students have been individuals who have pursued less traditional paths. In
my opinion, the common denominator of our most accomplished mentees has been a desire
to commit to an immersive, focused research experience.”
—Dr. Stephen A. Migueles (NIAID, National Institutes of Health) | Supervisor of Liz Kelly ’12
French and history major and museum studies
minor Kelly Holman will teach English in Nice,
France, this year as part of Hartwick’s exchange
program, She’ll then head to her first choice
graduate school—the University of Pittsburgh—
for a Master’s of Library and Information Science.
Holman’s preparation included a semester in Paris,
an internship at the National Baseball Hall of
Fame, and work in Hartwick’s Yager Museum of Art
& Culture. She plans to become an archivist.
A pre-med graduate with a major in sociology
and minor in biology, transfer student Liz Kelly
credits her independent research with Biology
Chair Mary Allen with giving her a competitive
edge. Kelly accepted a two-year appointment in
the HIV/AIDS laboratory of Dr. Mark Connors at the
National Institutes of Health. She plans to pursue
a combined MD/Ph.D. in immunology or epidemiology. Kelly is pictured at Honors Convocation with
her mentors Dr. Allen and Dr. Matthew Voorhees
(Political Science).
30 | The Wick | Summer 2012
A triple major in English, anthropology, and
Spanish, Elizabeth Celata took full advantage
of Hartwick’s liberal arts offerings. Working with
Dr. David Anthony, Celata presented Projecting
Cranial Capacities Using Vertebral Foramina
Circumferences at Student Showcase; with
mentoring by Dr. Lisa Darien, Celata presented
Discipline: The Women of Iceland: Goading,
Blood Feuds, and Honor in Njáls Saga. Liz is
pursuing a Master’s in Forensic Osteology at
Bournemouth University (UK) this year.
Mike Stenger is at Villanova University
pursuing dual degrees: a Juris Doctor and a
Masters of Business Administration. During
a law firm J Term internship at Hartwick, he
focused on Social Security Disability and
Supplemental Security Income cases and
developed his interest in helping people in
need. Stenger transferred to Hartwick from a
large state university in his sophomore year.
He played football for the Hawks.
A composer and conductor as well as performer,
Kyle May will add film scoring to his already
impressive resume. May is headed to the
University of North Carolina to earn an MFA
in Film Music Composition. Kyle’s repertoire
includes J.S. Bach, Leo Brouwer, Francisco
Tarrego, and Augustin Barrios Mangore. He made
his 2012 Showcase presentation, Major Polemics
in Music of the 19th and 20th Centuries, working
with Dr. Diane Paige.
Diana Acker has her head in the clouds,
literally. She has landed her dream job working
as a Cloud Management Engineer at Appirio, a
San Francisco-based company with an advanced
cloud technology portfolio.
Acker’s breakthrough experience happened her
junior year when she worked on a Directed Study
with Dr. Robert Gann. They used a new language
- Python—to write a video game for the awardwinning play Neighborhood 3: Requiem of Doom.
Diana won her own award for the work—a
Freedman Prize at Student Showcase.
Alumni Weigh In u This spring Hartwick College contracted with Lipman Hearne, an
independent research firm, to survey alumni on measures of career success and college
satisfaction. Each contactable alumnus/a was asked by email or postcard to participate
in an online survey. The survey was completed by 1,427 Hartwick graduates across cohorts
and areas of study, yielding a response rate of 19 percent.
And the survey says ... 84 percent of responding alumni indicated that Hartwick played a
significant role in determining who they are as a person today ... 74 percent had gone
on to receive an advanced degree or certification or were currently enrolled in a degree
program ... 94 percent of alumni reported being satisfied or very satisfied with their
Hartwick student experience ... 87 percent agreed that they are proud to be Hartwick
alumni. Further results will be available soon. n
Summer 2012 | The Wick | 31
Alumni News
Join the Club!
(The Legacy Club)
Annual gifts to Hartwick support the College in
many important ways. Repeat annual gifts, in
particular, strengthen the College’s foundation
and give Hartwick leaders flexibility to pursue
unexpected opportunities in programming
and to help alleviate current students’
unanticipated financial need.
Don ’60 and Diane Green ’60 Brown are the
champions of consecutive giving. This couple met
as Hartwick students, continued to give throughout
Don’s 32 years working at Hartwick, and have not
missed in the 19 years since. Annual giving is a
priority for this devoted couple, and so the College has
renamed the Legacy Club as The Don ’60 and Diane
’60 Brown Legacy Club.
Members of the Legacy Club have donated to
Hartwick for five consecutive years or more. Each year
during Homecoming and Reunion Weekend, the Don
’60 and Diane Green ’60 Brown Award is presented
to an outstanding member of the Legacy Club. If you
already are a consecutive donor to Hartwick College,
thank you; if not, this is a great time to start!
Alumnus | Volunteer | Fundraiser
Joins College Advancement
Leadership Team
Eric Shoen ’99 is now Hartwick’s Executive Director of Individual Giving. A career
fundraiser, he oversees the College’s major giving, planned giving, and annual giving
efforts. He reports to Vice President for Advancement Jim Broschart.
A Certified Fund Raising Executive, Shoen began his career at the University
of Rochester School of Medicine and Dentistry and then assumed increasingly
responsible roles in fundraising for PathStone Corporation, St. Ann’s Community
Foundation, and Rochester General Hospital. Most recently he was Executive
Director for the consulting firm CCS Fundraising in New York City.
As a volunteer, Shoen served twelve years on the Hartwick College Alumni Board
(2000-2012). He has been active in the Rochester Alumni Network, HART student
recruitment, and served on the Presidential Search Committee that recruited Dr.
Margaret L. Drugovich.
“I’m proud to be an alumnus of Hartwick,” Shoen says. “I’ve always wanted to
somehow pay the College back for the experiences I had, and to insure that current
and future students have even more significant opportunities.”
Shoen can be reached at 607-431-4432 or [email protected].
Major League thanks to all who supported Hartwick’s
9th annual Wine and Beer Tasting and Benefit Auction.
Student athlete volunteers were dressed for the party when they
welcomed guests and represented the Hartwick athletic program. Emcee
and auctioneer Vinne Avanzato graciously hosted the gathering at his
family establishment, Stella Luna Ristorante. Stella Luna and its vendors
presented an extensive array of wine and beer tastings while the silent
auction was underway. Hundreds of people gathered from the College
and Oneonta communities for this spring tradition.
Donations for the live and silent auctions came in from alumni across
the country, current and alumni parents, faculty and staff, friends of
the College, and local businesses. Premiere live auction items generated
intense bidding, including four EMC Club tickets to the Boston Red
Sox vs. NY Yankees at Fenway Park (from Bob Atchinson ’79), four
32 | The Wick | Summer 2012
This year’s event, sponsored by the
Wick Athletic Association, raised $30,000
to support Hartwick athletes.
tickets to New York Yankees vs. Cincinnati Reds at Yankee Stadium
(from Bob Spadaccia ’70), and two front row seats to New York Jets
game (from 14-year Lacrosse Head Coach Bill Bjorness). The fine
wines went to the highest bidders, including three 750ML bottles of
premier Chateau Margaux 1982 Grand Vin from Bordeaux Region
(from Claire Musacchio ’61 and Tony Pace), Chateau Margaux
Grand Cru Classe (first growth) 1989 (from Chair of the Board
Jim Elting and Karen Elting), and a 3-liter Jean-Luc Colombo 2001
Cape Bleau Rose (from hosts Vinne and Ruth Avanzato). Magnificent
mementos included an official jersey signed by the Manchester United
Football Club coaches and players (from Thom Meredith ’73) and an
autographed Game Shirt from the MLS New York Red Bulls, along
with two game tickets and a signed scarf (from Jeremy Vuolo ’10).
Celebrate Your
Hartwick Connections
Homecoming & Reunion | September 28-30, 2012
Friday, September 28
21st Annual Wick Athletic Association Hartwick Golf Classic | Hosted
by Nick Lambros ’59 | Oneonta Country Club | 12 p.m.
Registration and Hospitality Headquarters | Register for events and
connect with friends new and old | Bresee Hall | 1 p.m.
50 Year Reunion and 50 Year Club Induction Celebration | Gather to
share memories and celebrate this milestone for the Class of 1962
Anderson Center for the Performing Arts | 4:30 p.m.
Homecoming & Reunion Welcome Dinner and Reception | Just
arriving into town? Connect with classmates and other alumni over
dinner before cheering for the men’s Soccer team vs. Bowling Green
University | Under the tent across from Elmore Field | 5 p.m.
Soccer Game | Men’s Soccer vs. Bowling Green University | Start your
weekend by cheering for the Hawks | Elmore Field | 7 p.m
Midnight Skies | Always a popular event on the Hill! | Ernest B.
Wright Observatory | 10 p.m.
Saturday, September 29
50 Year Club Breakfast | For all members of the 50 Year Club
Shineman Chapel House | 8 a.m.
Legacy Admissions Interviews | Our Admissions staff and Blue Key
campus tour guides are eager to meet you and your student, answer
questions about the Hartwick experience, and/or provide a tour of the
campus | Bresee Hall | 10 a.m.
“It’s Personal—A Conversation with the President” | Dr. Margaret
Drugovich will provide an update on the College, share her insights on
higher education, and answer your questions | Golisano Hall |
10:30 a.m.
Field Hockey vs. St. John Fisher College | Cheer on Coach Anna Meyer
and her squad | Wright Stadium | 11 a.m.
Meet the Faculty Reception | All of your favorite professors in one
location. Join us to catch up with faculty you remember and talk with
faculty experts you may not know yet | Golisano Hall | 9:30 a.m.
Brooks’ BBQ Lunch | You can’t visit Oneonta without enjoying a
Brooks’ chicken BBQ. | Stack Lounge and Frisbee Field | 11:30 a.m.
Women’s Soccer vs. Union College | Pack the stands for Coach Matt
Verni ’98 and his players | Elmore Field | 1 p.m.
Football vs. Frostburg State University | It’s the place to be on
Saturday afternoon | Wright Stadium | 2 p.m.
Dean Edith M. Lacey Dedication | Join us for a tribute to Edith M.
Lacey, founder and Dean of the School of Nursing at Hartwick for 18
years | Johnstone Science Center | 3 p.m.
Tri Beta National Biology Honors Society Alumni College Class | Fred
Stoss ’72 presents “The Biological Time Bomb Exploded: Celebrating
DNA and Spawning New Careers” | Golisano Hall | 3 p.m.
“Dinner around the World—Celebrating J Term” | Talk with current
students as you enjoy foods from the countries our students explore
during J Term | The Commons | 5 p.m.
Athletic Hall of Fame Inductions | Honor some of Hartwick’s
finest athletes and dedicated fans as they are recognized for their
contributions | Lambros Arena | 5:30 p.m.
Reunion Class Banquet | If your class year ends with a 2 or 7, it’s time
to celebrate with your classmates and fellow alumni at a special party
just for reunion classes | Anderson Center for the Arts | 6 p.m.
Alumni Happy Hour Reception | Start the evening out right. Join us
for snacks and beverages before heading to your own mini-reunions at
favorite local establishments. | Bresee Hall | 7 p.m.
Sunday, September 30
Memorial Gathering | A celebration of the lives of members
of the Hartwick community who have passed away in the last
year. | Shineman Chapel House | 9 a.m.
For more information on activities or events planned for the weekend, contact Duncan Macdonald ’78,
Director of Alumni Engagement, at 607-431-4032 or [email protected].
Summer 2012 | The Wick | 33
’Wick at the Highest Level: Former Water Polo
Players Medal in the Summer Olympics
Hartwick was well represented at the 2012 Summer Olympic Games in London,
England. Former Hawks Bronwen Knox and Sophie Smith (Australia) and
Lisa Gibson (Great Britain) played for their respective countries in the women’s
water polo competition.
“What a great time for Hartwick water polo,” says ninth-year Hartwick head coach
Alan Huckins. “Bronwen, Sophie, and Lisa were great student-athletes and all
three showed potential to be future Olympians.”
Knox, a forward and defender, has represented the Australian national team for
seven years. She helped “The Stingers” win gold at the 2006 FINA World Cup in
China and contributed to Australia’s bronze medal at the Beijing Olympic Games
in 2008.
Smith, a center back/driver, has played four years on the Australian national team.
In 2010 she joined Knox on the silver medal-winning World Cup and World
League Super Finals teams.
Gibson is in her fifth year competing for Great Britain. A center forward, she
recently helped her country to the European Championships in the Netherlands
for the first time in 15 years. This summer marked the first time ever that the
British women’s water polo team participated in the Olympics.
Summer Olympics coverage became personal for the ’Wick when NBC’s
Australia-USA Women’s Water polo semi-finals announcer said, “The shot
came screaming from Bronwen Knox,” citing that she attended Hartwick
College in Oneonta, NY. Knox and Sophie Smith took home Bronze for their
native Australia; Lisa Gibson competed for her home, and Olympic host
country, Great Britain.
Spring Season Standouts
Senior defender Brandon Murtha earned a spot on the North Team when the United States Intercollegiate Lacrosse Association announced its participants for the 2012 USILA/
LaxWorld North/South Game. Murtha’s selection marks the sixth straight year that at least one Hartwick player has earned an invitation to the prestigious game. u Three
members of the men’s squad were named to the Empire 8 Conference 2012 Men’s Lacrosse All-Conference team. Junior attack Harry Hughes and senior midfielder Mike
Morrison were named to the second team; junior defender Max Cooper received an honorable mention. Sophomore Cody Ciolino was named the Hartwick representative on the
2012 Empire 8 Men’s Lacrosse Sportsman of the Year team. u On the women’s side, the 2012 Women’s Lacrosse All-Conference teams included senior midfielder Brittany
LaVaute and junior defender Erica Scicchitano both for the Empire 8 Second Team. Senior Hannah Kennedy was selected to the conference’s Sportswoman of the Year team for
the fourth time in her Hartwick career.
Jeff Boyd ’12
34 | The Wick | Summer 2012
Brittany LaVaute ’12
Harry Hughes ’13
Kamila Zakirova ’15
Class Notes
Homecoming and Reunion Weekend | Join Us | September 28-30, 2012
Appreciation Gathering: Professor of Business Administration John Clemens
(left) joined President Margaret L. Drugovich in thanking alumni, parents, and
friends at a Donor Appreciation Reception in New York.
1942 | 70th Reunion
Send your updates to your class correspondent:
David Trachtenberg, [email protected]
1946 | 65th Reunion
Send your updates to your class correspondent:
George Grice, [email protected]
1952 | 60th Reunion
Fred Hickein: Fred and Ellie have 12 grandchildren plus one stepgrandson and two great grandchildren. Fred has had open heart surgery,
a four-way bypass, and a pacemaker, but is still active in Freemasonry;
Ellie is active in the Martha Chapter-Order of Eastern Star and clerk of
session and elder in the First Presbyterian Church. We plan to attend
Homecoming this year.
Edward Gallmeyer: We moved back to the Rochester, NY area in
October from our other home in Georgia after a 10-year stay in
the south.
1957 | 55th Reunion
Send your updates to your class correspondent:
Don Michel, [email protected]
Send your updates to your class correspondent:
Dick Hatzenbuhler, [email protected]
Send your updates to your class correspondent:
Dalene Davis Cross, [email protected]
1962 | 50th Reunion
Send your updates to your class correspondent:
Sharon Dorff Conway, [email protected]
Dinah McClure, [email protected]
John Dean: A summary of my life after Hartwick: My first job was with
Community Event: Norma ’78 and Nick ’78 Romansky hosted alumni, parents,
and students for a Meet and Greet Reception in Pennsylvania.
Chase Manhattan Bank in New York City. Then I received a notice from
my local draft board that my number was up and the US Army wanted
me. Upon “graduating” from the Army, I went to work for IBM for 31
years. 1964 was the year that we were married. We have two boys, one
girl, and five grandchildren, all girls so far. We are fortunate that two of
our children live here in Madison with three of our grandchildren. My
civic duties have included serving on the Madison Planning and Zoning
Commission for 12 years and I am currently a member of the Madison
Board of Education. We spend the majority of our summers at our
home in Maine enjoying the good clean air and excellent view down the
lake. Reach me at [email protected].
Dinah McClure: I have heard from several people about our 50th
reunion in September. Emory Ford and his wife Susan Rogers
’63, Mitzi Ackerman Griffo, Richard Juve, and Marty Slosson
Hankins all plan to be there. Susan, who is a nurse, is especially
interested in the Edith M. Lacey activities.
Mike Romain: I will be returning to Hartwick College for my 50th
along with my wife, Cassie. There is a possibility that my son, Michael
C. Romain ’92 (20th reunion) will be returning with his wife, Julie
Wells ’95. I’m still practicing dentistry, and the practice I have been
working for the past 13 years, ExcelDent, was recently sold to Great
Expressions Dental Centers. My wife and I are living in Goshen,
NY; our goal is to live in Palm Beach Gardens, FL. Mike lives in
Havertown, PA, with Julie and our only grandchild, Abigail. Mike
works for InstaMed and Julie is on the admissions staff of Wyncroft
School in Pottstown, PA. My son, Jonathan, is a Ph.D. in Pediatric
neuropsychology at Children’s Hospital of Wisconsin and his wife,
Cindy, is a school psychologist for the Milwaukee school system.
Reggie Riley Wilson: 50 years seems like a long time, but it has gone
by quickly … I taught science for 28 years on Long Island, in New
Haven, CT, and finally in Watertown, CT… 8th graders, just my kind
of people! Jim and I live in a townhouse on the Housatonic River, have
a boat and enjoy the summers traveling anywhere from Provincetown,
MA to Cape May, NJ … We even made it up to the Erie Canal. We
spend the winter at our sons’ homes in Cary, NC, a condo in Treasure
Is., FL, and the FL Keys … I love Key West best. We enjoy retirement.
Summer 2012 | The Wick | 35
Alumni Event: Trustee Emerita Betsy
Phelps and her husband Stan, along
with their daughter, former trustee Kate
Phelps McNamara ’86 and her husband
Dan, welcomed President Margaret L.
Drugovich and alumni, parents, and
friends for a Presidential Reception
at the Indian Harbor Yacht Club in
Connecticut this April.
Mark Leninson: This is proving to be a pleasant life honorably lived.
Drafted out of grad school into the Army, I did a tour of duty in Asia,
then worked aboard large private yachts starting as messboy—absolute
lowest on the totem pole—and after formal study and mentoring
worked up to head chef. Several ships and several years later, I went
ashore to work as a private household chef. Never married, never had
children, never missed it. In every position held I was treated as family.
Traveled some: northwestern US, Great Lakes, New England, Bermuda,
Caribbean, Mexico, Japan, and Korea. I’ve retired to Florida with a
hunting dog as big as a horse. 12864 Biscayne Blvd; Miami, FL 33181.
Richard Riccio: Mandy and I remain busy with our interests. Mandy
is very active in the First Presbyterian Church; is treasurer for PEO,
a sorority that raises money to help send women to college; and is on
the board of directors for the Hudson Day Care center. I pretty much
concentrate on one organization, Trout Unlimited, where I serve on the
board of directors, chair the fish stocking committee, and coordinate
volunteers for these springtime events, serve on the education
committee, and help with educational/fundraising events like fly fishing
and fly tying courses. I also do periodic stream clean-ups and tree
plantings with other chapter members.
1967 | 45th Reunion
Send your updates to your class correspondent:
Bruce Cameron, [email protected]
Phillip Arnold: We continue to achieve our retirement goal of traveling;
returned at the end of January 2012 from a 30-day cruise starting at
Sydney and sailing to the northern areas of Australia before heading to
Indonesia, Singapore, Thailand, Cambodia, Vietnam, Hainan (China),
Macau, and ending in Hong Kong and South East Asia. We spent
June in Paris; rented a one bedroom apartment in the Le Marais area
located in the third arrondissement. We used this as our home base
to see the sights in Paris, especially the museums, and to travel to the
Provence region, the Loire Valley area, to Monet’s home, and bike out to
Versailles Palace. We did this trip in June 2010 and enjoyed ourselves so
much it was worth a return.
Rosemary Bellino-Hall, MD: I am still working. It is difficult for
physicians to retire because they are defined by their work. I have also
entered the world of politics as City Councilman. You would think for
a city of about only 100,000 that it would not be a difficult job. But, as
they say, politics can be a dirty business
Frank Fleischer: I retired the end of 2010 and am very involved in the
36 | The Wick | Summer 2012
American Legion. I also sing with a choral group which has performed
in Sydney, Australia, Vienna, Beijing, Shanghai, and will be performing
this summer in London as a precursor to the 2012 Olympics.
Carolyn Reeck Meyer: After 43 years of nursing in various fields, I
have retired to enjoy life. I plan to travel and visit family, and do things I
have not been able to do, due to employment. Life is “caring for me” now
and not others. I’m looking forward to the change.
Send your updates to your class correspondent:
John Wood Goldsack, [email protected]
Send your updates to your class correspondent:
Barbara Klapp Vartanian, [email protected]
1972 | 40th Reunion
Send your updates to your class correspondent:
Scott Griswold, [email protected]
Send your updates to your class correspondent:
Ronald Stair, [email protected]
Stephen Kummernuss: Our daughter, Erika Stoner, received an MS
in statistics from George Mason University. She holds a BS in applied
statistics and mathematics from Penn State University. My wife, Linda,
is an adjunct professor of Music at Manchester College, Indiana. I am
in my 10th year of service as a pastor of St. Mark’s Lutheran Church,
Auburn, Indiana and 35th year of ministry.
Send your updates to your class correspondent:
Mike Brown, [email protected]
Barbara Blaisdell: I am working at Mat-Su Regional Medical Center
as a wound care certified RN and Enterostomal Therapist. We still love
Alaska and our 15 acre homestead in Palmer where we live with our two
dogs and resident moose.
Laura D. Mindell: My husband, Jody, and I have been living in South
Florida since 2009 and we are really enjoying the warm, sunny weather.
Our son, Jeff, lives in Los Angeles and our daughter, Jennifer, is a senior
nursing student at the University of Miami. I am an interior designer
and spend my free time volunteering for Dress for Success.
Homecoming and Reunion Weekend | Join Us | September 28-30, 2012
Keith Granet ’79 returned to
campus this spring to share
his insights into balancing
creativity with profitability.
He is founder of Granet &
Associates, a financial and
operational management firm
for the design industry. He was
recently profiled in The New
York Times.
Mini-Reunion: Barbara Vartanian ’71, center, recently celebrated a mini
Hartwick reunion with Elayne Hunter ’71 and Stephen Rennell ’72 on Elayne’s
deck in Anchorage, Alaska. “The festivities were complete with Elayne’s
vintage champagne glasses from the 1992 reunion, Steve’s original jacket
from freshman year, my Hartwick cap and various forms of printed Hartwick
materials,” Barbara shared.
1977 | 35th Reunion
Melanye Brennan: The June issue of the Sturbridge Times published
an informational article on the Liberty Mutual Research Institute for
Safety, where I work as the Field Research Coordinator for the Center
for Injury Epidemiology. The reporter interviewed me briefly (as I was
boarding a plane) and two other area residents in more detail at the
Institute. She did a nice job of presenting who we are and what we do,
in the context of National Safety Month. The link to the article is: www.
Scott Ragaglia: My wife, Sandra, and I are pleased to announce the
birth of our daughter, Olivia Davis-Ragaglia, born on March 6, 2012.
Our family lives in Harwinton, CT, on a gentleman’s farm built in 1760
with Olivia’s brother, Kyle, and sister, Katelyn (both in college), and
her big, hairy, mastiff brother, Dante. First floor Smith Hall stories still
entertain family members; how did we survive …
Send your updates to your class correspondent:
Larry Tetro, [email protected]
1982 | 30th Reunion
Send your updates to your class correspondent:
Woody Thompson, [email protected]
1986 | 25th Reunion
Send your updates to your class correspondent:
Rob DiCarlo, [email protected]
Send your updates to your class correspondent:
Kathy Fallon, [email protected]
Granet has 30 years experience helping design professionals turn
their passion into profit and is an expert on everything from billing and
human resources to branding and project management, to marketing
and licensing. His clients include Rose Tarlow (Oprah’s reported
designer), Thad Hayes (Leonard Lauder), Monique Gibson (Elton John),
and Timothy Corrigan (Sarah Jessica Parker).
“I owe quite a bit to the direction Hartwick gave me,”
Granet said, citing his ISP in architecture, study abroad
opportunities to study ancient architecture of Greece and
the art and architecture of Paris; and his architecture
internship with Gensler architects in San Francisco, now
the largest architecture firm in the country.
Send your updates to your class correspondent:
Dorothy Holt, [email protected]
Send your updates to your class correspondent:
Leisyl Ryan Kleinberg, [email protected]
Send your updates to your class correspondent:
Rena Switzer Diem, [email protected]
Gail McBride Brown writes that Gamma’s “Crazy Eights” pledge
class got together for their annual “girls weekend” in NYC. This year
some of the group couldn’t make it, but most years all eight are present.
When we pledged our sorority we were all strangers and every year
we thank Gamma Phi Delta for bringing us together. News from
the group: Helen Genz Ward just moved to VT and bought Three
Springs Farm with her husband and two sons. Helen is studying to
become a certified herbalist. Christina McGuire Hurley is living in
West Hartford with her husband and four children. Letitia Gaylord
Burke is living in Marblehead with her husband and three sons. Jodie
French Okun is living outside Washington DC with her husband and
two children. Jodie is an interior decorator and you can follow her blog
at or follow her on Facebook. Gail McBride
Brown is a fitness instructor and lives in Doylestown, PA, with her
husband and three sons.
Rena Switzer Diem: How did we get here? High school and college
classmates with 20-year marriage anniversaries this year (myself
Summer 2012 | The Wick | 37
Brad Black ’85 is a successful entrepreneur in
sustainable products. He is cofounder of EO® Products, Certified
Organic Manufacturer of personal
care products using the highest grade
natural and certified organic ingredients.
The company is based in California.
A Connecticut native, Black studied business
and political science in an early demonstration of the balance he seeks to create in both
his professional and family life. Black visited campus in the spring to talk to
students about his experience at Hartwick,
which included acquiring a $10,000 grant from
the Student Senate to start a maple syrup
included), classmates retiring from 20 years in the military, children grown
up, turning us into grandparents. Our daughter is due in October with her
third child. She is on the Dean’s List for her college courses. Our oldest
son received Academic Achievement Certification for being in the top six
percent of his class. He will be a junior in the fall and is looking at colleges
for a degree in Electronics Engineering. Our baby will be in 5th grade this
fall. He placed second in his grade’s spelling bee this year. We plan trips
to MN and NY for family gatherings. We don’t see much of Wick alumni,
but it’s great to catch up on the Wall or in The Wick magazine.
Hilary Duffy: This winter and spring I spent working in Cuba on
National Geographic Expeditions as a tour manager collaborating with
academic experts and local guides. It’s been a fascinating experience as
changes and reforms are now occurring in Cuba. I encourage you all
to travel to Cuba now to witness the rich culture and meet the people.
President Obama has re-opened licensed travel to Cuba for education
and for people-to-people focused tours for many groups such as National
Geographic Expeditions and Smithsonian Journeys. It was delightful to
see you all and reconnect at our 20th reunion in the fall of 2011. Please
look me up in NYC!
Shawn Martin: Lauren has been busy with sports all year, including
attending Basketball Camp at SUNY-Potsdam and Swim Camp at
Hartwick this summer. She also performed at NYSMMA and received
another perfect score as well as “first chair” as a sixth grade in the middle
school band. Lindsay has finally decided to play soccer and softball this
year. We can’t wait to visit our “Wick family” again this year in the Poconos
as we have the last 20 years. Andrea is still guiding students at the middle
school in Malone and I still work for the St. Regis Mohawk Tribe as well
as continuing to coach boys basketball the last 11 years and track and field
this past season.
Patrick Warren: Becky Dillon Warren ’93 and I are living in Heath,
TX, just outside of Dallas. We have three children, Jamie, Libby, and
Ella, who are quite active in school activities, swimming, dance, and golf.
If anyone gets to the Dallas area please give us a call and we will throw
Texas size party! Patrick L. Warren– Director, National Accounts – T
38 | The Wick | Summer 2012
Gamma Pledge Girls: Helen Genz Ward ’91, Christina McGuire Hurley ’91,
Letitia Gaylord Burke ’91, Jodie French Okun ’91, and Gail McBride Brown ’91
celebrate Gamma’s “girls weekend” in NYC.
+214 309 3443 – F +214 309 3186 – M +972 8322172, Mohawk
Flooring - Hard Surfaces 7834CF Hawn Freeway – Dallas, TX–
1992 | 20th Reunion
Send your updates to your class correspondent:
Rory Shaffer, [email protected]
Jennifer Lewis Foudy: My husband, John, and I are still in Houston.
After working for 15 years as a geophysicist in the oil industry in
Exploration, Development and Production, I resigned to become a
full-time mom to our four-year-old son, Joshua. I continue to run my
own business for yoga and massage. We are expecting the arrival of our
second son in early March.
Send your updates to your class correspondent:
Missy Foristall, [email protected]
Send your updates to your class correspondent:
Louis Crocco, [email protected]
Lisa Davis: In May I graduated with my Certificate of Advanced
Study in Administration from SUNY-Cortland. My degree was a dual
certification for School Building Leader and School District Leader.
Millissa Ross: I have finally completed a long two-year journey
of obtaining dual Masters in Health Administration and Science
of Nursing from University of Phoenix. I continue to work at Cortland
Regional Medical Center at Long Term Home Health Care Program
and am working with my manager to develop a new staff position as a
Team Leader Field Supervisor. The journey continues to be interesting
as I advance my career from direct patient care to administration. Family
continues to do well. Amy Strouse: I’m off to Chicago to run the Ragnar-Madison, WI,
to Chicago as an ultra-team—195 miles, of which 34 are mine! On a
fractured tibia no less! Then I promised my doctor I would take it easy.
Homecoming and Reunion Weekend | Join Us | September 28-30, 2012
Family: Heike Hyson ’82 enjoyed the Albany Dutch Apple Cruise with her family:
parents Fritz and Hertha Will and children Katelyn and Nicholas.
Alumni Event: Karen Killary ’79 and her daughter Lisa enjoyed a Hartwick
reception prior to the New York Red Bulls vs. DC United game in June.
Send your updates to your class correspondent:
Amy Krasker Cottle, [email protected]
Rich Collins has recently moved to the ‘burbs of Portsmouth, NH,
with his fiancée Sharon Morrison. He got his MBA from the University
of New Hampshire, adopted two shelter dogs, and works as an IT
Recruiting Manager at Rich spends his
weekends up in the White Mountains of NH playing in the woods with
his pups or floating on a kayak with a fly rod in hand.
Julie Likel Minarski: Our big news for my husband, Dan, and me is
that on May 8 I had twins, Seth Reid and Hayden Corey. They join big
brother, Garrett, who is loving life with his little brother and sister. Evangelia Katsios Plezia: This year has been absolutely amazing! I
married a truly wonderful man and my best friend, Mathew Plezia, on
June 4, 2011 and on March 8 we celebrated the birth of our beautiful
baby girl, Gabriella Eleni Plezia! Mathew and I are thrilled to be parents
and are so in love with our little angel. Words can’t describe the joy
Gabriella has brought into our lives.We’re also planning a fun trip to my
homeland, Greece, for the Spring of 2013. Life is good!
Kim Russo Wholey: We welcomed our third son on September 30,
2011. Connor joins brothers Dillon and Logan. Life is crazy but fun. campus, every day, for the some of the best years of my life. This time I
asked my classmates, “Did your path at Hartwick lead you directly here
(to this place in the ‘real world’), or did you take some detours to get to
where you are today? Becky Knickerbocker Armstrong reports, “I am working on my
secondary education certificate. I teach adult education right now and
the credentialing is different. A few more classes and student teaching
and I can teach high school Social Studies. This will be a good move,
as Zion is entering Kindergarten and I will be looking for more fulltime work. Hartwick follows me everywhere I go. It was my first life
experience of the ‘world’. It helped me to see the value in people, many
times very different from myself. I never lost who I was but gained a love
and appreciation for others. In other news, Travis is changing from his
role as Youth Pastor to Pastor of Worship and Evangelism.
Jeremiah Baker tells his Hartwick story: “When I was at Hartwick,
I had a small web development firm with Bonin Bough and Jeff
Edgett ’98. We actually built the first Soccer Hall of Fame website
together. I did an internship in Boston during J Term of senior
year which turned into paid work. My senior year I [pursued] a job
role, ‘e-commerce consultant’ with a firm called Extraprise. It was
great! After that I consulted with many companies and I worked for
companies like Hewlett Packard and Equifax. In 2006 I started my
own firm helping companies that sell B2B generate more and better
sales leads. I have also become very involved in health and fitness. My
own fitness transformation story was selected to be in a New York
Times bestselling author’s next book. Hartwick truly helped me make
relationships and see opportunities that I would have not seen if I was
not a student there. I have very fond memories of my time at Hartwick.
For me, it was the relationships that I made! I will always value that time.
Kanchan Banga writes, “I definitely took some detours to get where I
am, but I love the public service sector and can’t think of any other job
where I would have been as fulfilled and happy.”
Geno Carr is, “Blessedly busy, as usual! I ended the run of ‘Parade’ and
wrapped up the semester teaching at Grossmont College. I returned
1997 | 15th Reunion
Send your updates to your class correspondent:
Amy Maletzke Moore, [email protected]
Send your updates to your class correspondent:
Jamie Sommerville O’Riordan, [email protected]
Kristen Falk, [email protected]
Kristen Falk: With school out for yet another year, I’m again reflective
about my time on Oyaron Hill. Thinking about the end of the year,
graduation, and moving onto whatever is next always makes the
memories all come flooding back as I picture myself walking around
Summer 2012 | The Wick | 39
Donor Event: Dr. Terry Fulmer and her husband Keith hosted President Margaret
L. Drugovich, alumni and parents for a John Christopher Hartwick Leadership
Donor Dinner in Boston. Guests attending included Laurie Ducey ’75, P’09 and
Colonel Roger Ducey III, P’09, Christine Johnson ’68 and Paul Johnson ’67.
to the 80s musical review, ‘miXtape,’ which is in its third year rockin’
the Gaslamp Quarter.” This summer he’s headed to Maine, Hawaii,
Massachusetts, and more. Back in San Diego, he’ll spend the rest of the
year working at the Tony Award winning Old Globe Theatre. “I am
honored and excited to join the cast of the world premiere of ‘Allegiance
- A New American Musical.’ Then I return to my role as Papa Who in
‘Dr. Seuss’ How the Grinch Stole Christmas.’ Still can’t believe that I
am getting to do what I love and getting paid for it! Hartwick was such a
huge part of preparing me for my career and making me who I am.”
Shiloh Vanderhoof Chickerell has been bringing her ‘travelling
petting zoo’ to a few stops for kids. “In the fall I will be attending Delhi
Tech for the vet tech program so I can enhance my knowledge of our
animals and better care for them and to maybe get a job as a vet or at a
zoo! We just celebrated the twins’ third birthday!”
Anis Dizdarevic has been in NYC for almost four years. He’s working
at Columbia Presbyterian as an assistant professor of anesthesiology
and pain management. He’s doing a lot of clinical work, teaching, as
well as clinical studies and research. Anis has attended a few conferences
nationwide and overseas and reports that things have been busy but
good. He hopes to make it to Oneonta soon.
Jennifer Martin Dolan and her husband welcomed their daughter,
Madeleine Jean, on May 10. The baby joins her brothers Teddy, 5, and
Lucas, 3. Jennifer is getting used to having a little girl who already is
proving to be very different from her big brothers. “I’m still working at
Walpole High School as the Director of Guidance and continue to send
applicants to Hartwick each year. We are looking forward to a nice long
summer this year!”
Kristen Falk recently took a vacation to the Grand Canyon and was
lucky enough to be there for the lunar eclipse. She’s looking forward to
visiting family this summer and continues to travel to feed her Contra
dancing habit. “From Hartwick I learned to keep searching for whatever
is next. I started as pre-med and ended up deciding that plants were what
I was most interested in. I know that biology, plants, science, ecology,
and discovery are what I’m looking to study. Hartwick helped me learn
that if you’re not happy doing something, do something else that will
make you happy. The opportunities are there for you.”
Sara Robinson Gammack just finished her year of teaching first grade.
She looks forward to spending the summer with her kids, Jackson (6),
Harry (4), Katie Grace (14 months), and their new Bernese mountain
40 | The Wick | Summer 2012
dog puppy, Kinley. Next year she will be the District Professional
Development Resource Teacher. “It’s all very busy and exciting!”
Amy Yager Gardner enjoyed a recent vacation with friends in New
Hampshire. “It is nice to take a break. I am working at Oneonta Family
Practice and finally getting settled in. I continue to learn something new
every day and it is nice to hear from patients that they are confident in
me even when I am not always the most confident in myself.”
Gayle Huntress is engaged! “James and I decided it was time to take
on a major project so we bought a house with a barn on 18 acres and are
renovating it. It’s pushed the wedding plans aside for now, but since we
waited ten years to get engaged, what’s another few months?”
Patty Tiller Mitchel and her husband celebrated the birth of their
daughter, Marley, on April 20. “We’re having a blast with her! We’re
looking forward to a summer of firsts with her and not looking forward
to a return to the office!”
Dan and Jamie Irwin Morency are looking forward to a very busy
summer. “We head to the Adirondacks for our usual camping trip and
then return home for a few days before heading to Hawaii! Jamie’s sister
is getting married and lives there. We are turning it into a three-week
family vacation on the Big Island. Once we return it is right into Jamie’s
preseason and back to school shortly after that.”
Tiffany Lyman Otten says, “I’m the Account Director for Acquire
B2B, a firm focusing on marketing automation and lead generation/
nurturing strategy. In September she celebrates her five-year anniversary
with husband, Luke, and the third birthday of their son, Liam. “In all,
things are doing really well for our nuclear family. As early entrants
into the sandwich generation, we have challenges related to those
responsibilities but are blessed to have the time we do. I’m hoping to
have the opportunity to attend an alumni event in the near future. The
last alumna I saw was Kristin Crosby Miller, when I was locked out of
my car outside her work in 0 degree weather! I am admittedly relying on
Facebook to keep me in touch but am getting awfully nostalgic for my
days on the Hill. Hoping everyone is well!”
Dan Shapley is celebrating his career change. “This June, I organized
the Riverkeeper Sweep, a day of service for the Hudson River that
featured more than 30 volunteer-led cleanups. More than 450 people
took part over a span of 100 miles, from New York City to the City
of Hudson. I’m also working with our Water Quality Program, testing
the water quality at 36 sites on the Rondout Creek and Wallkill River.
It’s the biggest project of its kind, and it has been really satisfying to
get it off the ground. Sam, Ben, and I will be meeting up with Lynn
Hodgens, Brian Schaffer, and their daughter, Evie, at Pine Lake this
summer and we’re going to see Wilco at Brewery Ommegang. We’re
trying to rope Alison Paradis and Brian Palmucci to join us.”
Eric Shoen took a job at Hartwick as Executive Director of Individual
Giving. “I’ve been taking some time off to enjoy life, clean and organize,
read, nap, catch up with friends, camp, and find a house. I’ve been
connecting with as many people as I can, along with helping my church
raise money to pay a refugee case worker that we have. I’ve been taking
guitar lessons and am going to start again with Mark Pawkett ’98 as
soon as I get settled in Oneonta.”
Angel Marie Howe Swindell has good news all around! “I won my
battle with breast cancer and have ‘a new lease on life.’ Remember to do
regular breast exams—knowing that something was different and taking
action saved my life. I got married to my sweetheart, Eric Swindell,
on November 14, 2011 (Kristin Hall ’00 was there), moved to St.
Croix in January, and switched careers from education to real estate. I’m
enjoying the new path. My time at Hartwick prepared me well for the
Homecoming and Reunion Weekend | Join Us | September 28-30, 2012
Alumni Event: President Margaret Drugovich
thanked John Christopher Hartwick Leadership
Donors at an appreciation reception in New York
City. Trustee Emeritus Allen Freedman H’00
and Judy Brick Freedman hosted the group at
their apartment in April. Guests were treated
to a wine tasting, hors d’oeuvres, and a tour
of part of Judy’s renowned collection of horse
challenges I’ve faced and the change involved with my journey.”
Send your updates to your class correspondent:
Kristen Hall, [email protected]
Charles Catania writes, “I am doing well, my children Jack
and Joseph celebrated their first and third birthdays at the end of June,
and my wife, Kim and I continue to enjoy life outside of Philadelphia.
My family medicine practice in south NJ is doing great; I’ve settled in
very nicely and I am blessed to be a part of people’s lives on a daily basis. Hope everyone is doing well!”
Mara Areman Cerina is living in and loving Southern Vermont. “I
have been keeping busy with a new job at Citizens Bank, a very active
three-year-old daughter, Alivia Jane, and on May 21 Joey and I were
blessed with the birth of our second child, Wyatt Samuel Cerina. This spring, Brigitte Fielder received her Ph.D. in English Language
and Literature (specializing in American literature of the 19th century)
from Cornell University, alongside her partner, Jonathan Senchyne.
Brigitte and Jonathan were thrilled that the commencement ceremonies
were attended by many family members and friends, including Hartwick
alumni Bethel Huller, Victor Willingham, and Melissa Williams.
Brigitte is excited to be spending six weeks at Wesleyan University, CT,
this summer as a Human-Animal Studies Fellow with the Animals &
Society Institute and Wesleyan Animal Studies. In the fall, Brigitte and
Jonathan will move to Madison, WI, and will both begin teaching at the
University of Wisconsin-Madison. Kristin Hall “Hey everyone! Life in Bangor, ME continues to go
well. My job as a PA working on the Trauma and Acute Care Surgery
service is keeping me on my toes and teaching me a lot. The work on my
house continues, but progress is being made. It has been nice that a few
neighbors have complimented me on the progress! Please keep sending
the updates and pictures my way ([email protected]) so that we
can get them in The Wick for you!”
Meg Thomson and Lindsay Silverman are running away with the
prize for charitable contributions ... I mean, they are both keeping busy
running for charity. Meg is training for her fifth event for the Leukemia
& Lymphoma Society and 200 mile relay race from Saratoga Springs
to Lake Placid. She adds that she is looking forward to Sarah Petit’s
wedding. Lindsay ran the Boston Marathon for the second time, raising
money for Back on My Feet, a charity in Boston that uses running as a
way to help Boston’s homeless population get, well, back on their feet.
She is a regular participant in their early morning workouts.
Bethel Huller and Victor Willingham write, “Things have been quite
hectic for us in Maryland. A year ago our niece moved in with us, so we
now have three kids. Ayden is almost nine and has just finished third
grade; he is growing into an awesome kid. Sophie is almost four and a
bundle of fun and Chloe is three and amazes me with how far she has
come in the past year. Victor is still working in Alexandria. We’ve seen
some Hartwick alumni over the past few months.” They helped celebrate
Tricia Brady Montes and her husband Fernando’s new baby at a baby
shower in CT, along with Melissa Williams, Melissa Smith Sweet,
and Brigitte Fielder. “Most recently we celebrated Brigitte receiving
her Ph.D. from Cornell University. The kids made it through all three
graduation ceremonies and were complimented on how well they did.”
Ria Delight Megnin gave the graduation speech for the City of
Dayton’s 30th annual Neighborhood Leadership Institute, after
completing a spring program of tours, field trips, history lessons,
visioning with leaders, and community service projects! “If you’re one
of the young professionals flocking to cities or neighborhoods that
people scoff at, here are three simple ways to turn things around: 1)
Invite people on weekly field trips to local places or programs or projects
they haven’t explored before; 2) Call City Hall and ask for a five-minute
phone call with a city leader to find out the biggest needs and the biggest
successes people can get involved in; 3) Post what you learn on forums
and on Facebook, in letters to the editor, and just generally talk up
your community. We learned at Hartwick how much of a difference a
single person can make. Friend me on Facebook—I’d love to hear your
community’s story!”
Tim Stevens writes, “After 10 years of working in the software world
and making my way up to the level of Enterprise Architect, I made a
drastic career change in 2011 and took the role of Editor-in-Chief
of Engadget. There I am embracing the writing side of my Hartwick
education and stepping away from my computer science degree. It’s
been a wild ride since I took over but I’ve been incredibly lucky to
travel all over the world to cover consumer electronics in different
markets. I recently spent a week in Alaska to report on how low-cost
action cameras are being used to study the northern lights. Amanda
Reed Stevens and I will celebrate eight years of marriage this year. We
recently bought a new home in the country, south of Albany, NY, where
we live with two mutts and two bee hives.”
Summer 2012 | The Wick | 41
Friends: Dawn Rivers ’14 and Cynthia Lockrow ’01 attended the Democratic Rural
Conference in Corning in April. Both are on the executive board of the organization,
which represents rural Democratic county committees across the state. Cynthia has
been chair of the Delaware County Democratic Party for five years, and Dawn was that
county’s vice chair until recently. Dawn is now a State Committee member in Otsego
County. She is an honors student studying anthropology and economics.
Send your updates to your class correspondent:
Jessica Hyde, [email protected]
Jessica Hyde “This summer I am attempting to start a garden. I already
have one decent-sized jalapeno and have named it Jose. Jose has many
brothers and sisters on the way and I look forward to stuffing them with
cheese, wrapping them with bacon, and grilling them. Otherwise, life is
good. I hope all is well with the Class of 2001—who, by the way, dearly
needs to update Hartwick with their e-mail address, as apparent by the
100 plus blurb requests that bounce back each time I send them!
2002 | 10th Reunion
Send your updates to your class correspondent:
Meredith Robbins, [email protected]
Send your updates to your class correspondent:
Erin Rowe, [email protected]
Send your updates to your class correspondent:
Bry Anderson, [email protected]
Send your updates to your class correspondent:
Edwin Siegfried, [email protected]
Send your updates to your class correspondent:
Brian Knox, [email protected]
Florence Alila, [email protected]
Caitlin Dwyer: Caitlin Dwyer received her Ph.D. in political science
from the University of Minnesota in June. She is starting a position as
an Assistant Professor of Political Science at Indiana University- Purdue
University Indianapolis.
42 | The Wick | Summer 2012
Announcing: Daryl C. Thompson ’06
married Vanessa Croft in their home
country of Anguilla on July 23, 2011.
His groomsman included Terrell Smith
’07, Randy Burgess Jr. ’07, Christina
Flores ’06, Shamar Yee ’08 and Jose
Disla ’07. Mishique Pearson ’04,
Robbilee Luedtke ’04 and Antoinette
Rivera ’08 also attended.
Announcing: Adam McElligott ’06
married Karen Ann Sano on May
28, 2011, at St. Paul’s Church in
Binghamton, NY.
Adam McElligott: Adam McElligott married Karen Ann Sano on
May 28, 2011, at St. Paul’s Church in Binghamton, NY. Karen is
employed with The Partners Insurance and Financial Services Agency
in Vestal, NY, and Adam is a fifth-year Apprentice Electrician with
the IBEW Local 325. Adam is also the girls and boys varsity diving
coach for the Binghamton City School District and a former Hartwick
diver. The couple spent their honeymoon in Anguilla where Adam reconnected with former roommate and friend Daryl Thompson.
2007 | 5th Reunion
Send your updates to your class correspondent:
Sara Caldwell, [email protected]
Sara Caldwell purchased her first home and entered into her fifth year
as a health inspector for the Westchester County Health Department.
She was awarded a Public Health Leaders of Tomorrow Program tuition
grant by the University at Albany School of Public Health toward her
second Master’s degree.
Erica Henderson lives in Schenectady, NY, “loving my job working at
a hospital with newborns and their families.” She became a foster parent
last year and currently cares for two little boys in her home. 2009
Brittany Decker and Albe Hulick became engaged in October of
2011. Brittany is completing her Master’s Degree in Nurse Anesthesia
at Albany Medical College and will graduate in November. They plan a
July 2013 wedding.
Send your updates to your class correspondent:
Wyatt Uhlein, [email protected]
Wedding: Bill Chronister ’08 married Christina Dempsey
on December 15, 2011. Ryan Chronister ’10 was best
Wedding Bells: Joe Fayton ’08 and Katie Faria ’10 were married at the Harris’ Pelham Inn in Pelham, NH
August 20, 2011. Alumni attending the wedding included Sharrom Siar, Mark Phillips ’08, Krystle Crouse
’10, Brian DelBene ’08, Lindsay Snogles ’08, Melissa Wasson ’07, Randy Brown ’08, Brian Calitbiano ’08,
Mike Angstadt ’08. Front Row: Rachel Drucker ’08, Moriah Drucker ’10, Marissa Crisi ’08, Natalie Schnick
’08, Trish Shorey ’08, Katie Faria ’10, Joe Fayton ’08, Kathleen Youngs ’10, Shannon Dion ’10, Charlotte
Gabrielson ’09, and Kelly Fayton ’13.
Special Event: A cross-section of the College
community gathered in Rochester, NY at the
Country Club in June for a reception hosted by
trustee Halford Johnson and his wife, Georgine.
Incoming students and their families joined
alumni, current students, and staff for a
beautiful summer evening. President Margaret
Drugovich invited Rachel Rhodes ’12, the
newest alumna in the crowd, to share some
thoughts about her Hartwick experience and
her current work with Congresswoman Kirsten
class notes deadline
Submit your Class Notes for the next Wick by September 20, 2012. Send your news to [email protected] or the class
correspondent listed under your class year. Please understand that we may have to edit your Class Notes for length.
Summer 2012 | The Wick | 43
Hartwick Legacies
At the Pre-Commencement
Molly Sloan ’12 poses with her father, Doug Sloan ’80.
She double majored in Anthropology and History;
he studied Nursing.
Daniel Valliere ’12 graduated with a degree in
Business Administration; his sister Amanda Valliere
’10 earned her Hartwick degree in History.
Maggie Wandell ’12 studied Psychology at the alma
mater of both her parents: Ginny Johnson Wandell ’84
(Art) and Andrew Wandell ’83 (English).
Eric Schultz ’12 is the fourth in his family to graduate
from Hartwick: his grandmother, Margaret Rodgers
Schultz ’37; his father, Rodger ’66, and his brother
Victor ’09. Eric majored in Political Science and
German, Victor in Biochemistry and German, and
Rodger in Business Administration. Also pictured (left)
brother William and mother Mona
Amanda Wilder ’12, a Biology major, is the niece of
Nursing graduate Beth Wilder ’75. Amanda’s parents
are Jeff and Eva Marie Wilder.
Victoria Halsted ’12, a Psychology major, is the
daughter of Craig Halsted ’75, who pursued an
Independent Student Program.
Lizzie Allers ’12 joined a family tradition when she
chose Hartwick, including her brother Philip Allers
’02 and sister-in-law Sarah Sweeney ’02 (pictured)
as well as her sister Jennifer Allers ’07. Lizzie double
majored in Mathematics and Political Science, Philip
in Information Science, Sarah in English, and Jennifer
in French.
44 | The Wick | Summer 2012
In Memoriam
Family, friends, and faculty gathered on May 12 to celebrate the
life of Dylan Semenenko Clark ’09 and to dedicate a plaque in his
memory. His close friend Ethan Elston ’07 authored the text of the
plaque now placed below Dylan’s 2006 sculpture “Tusk,” which stands
alongside Anderson Center. Professors Fiona Dejardin and Doug Zullo
were among those who read poems that captured the sentiment of the
day. Professor Terry Slade narrated a touching presentation of Dylan’s
development as a sculptor during his years at Hartwick, showing his
increasingly sophisticated mastery of the materials to express artistic,
political, and philosophical ideas. Many of Dylan’s friends and ADO
brothers shared vivid memories and told of his profound and lasting
influence on their lives. President Margaret L. Drugovich began the
plaque dedication with words of welcome and with a reading of a
moving original poem, “Dust,” which she dedicated to Dylan’s mother.
Dylan and his mother endowed The Fund for Excellence in Art and Art
History in 2007 that provides annual awards for art materials and
student projects. Gifts in Dylan’s memory may be made to this fund;
please contact Eric Shoen ’99, College Advancement, Hartwick College,
at 607-431-4432 or [email protected].
1940 | Dr. Stewart L. Griggs died February 12. He received his B.S.
in chemistry from Hartwick, his MD from the University of Buffalo, and
did his residency in pediatrics at Milwaukee Children’s Hospital. Stew
was a captain in the Army medical corps in the Philippines During World
War II and treated survivors of the Bataan death march. He became the
first pediatrician in Green Bay, WI, and practiced there for nearly 40
years before his 1983 retirement. Stew is survived by his high school
sweetheart, Helen “Punky” Hallenbeck; five children: Jacqueline, Thomas,
Peter, Barbara, and David; 11 grandchildren; and 10 great grandchildren.
in 1971. After raising her children with husband Levon, Mary worked as
an obstetrics nurse in the Bedrosian and Dropkin practice, only retiring
at age 83. Mary is survived by her husband, their sons Gary and Richard,
three grandsons, and one great-granddaughter.
1941 | Dorothy Baumgardt Ryan died February 24. Dorothy earned
a B.A. in English from Hartwick and attended the Graduate School of
English at Columbia University. She taught English at the high school
and junior college level including one year at Oneonta High School. She
married Cornelius Ryan, MD in 1947 in Oneonta and he predeceased
her. She is survived by her daughters Deborah and Elizabeth, two stepgrandsons, and two step-great-grandsons.
1950 | Francis J. Cucciarre died February 14. A lifelong resident of
Walton, Frank proudly served his country as a Staff Sargent in the U.S.
Army Medical Corps 61st Field Hospital. After returning from military
service, he went to Hartwick to study biology and became president of his
fraternity, Delta Sigma Phi. He joined his father’s business, Tony’s Shoe
Store, and was the sole owner at the time of his death. Frank is survived
by his loving family, including his wife, Norma Klett Cucciarre; their
children, David and Nancy; three grandchildren; his sister and brother;
and several nieces and nephews. Frank was predeceased by his brother,
1946 | Lillian Stermensky Jones died January 25. Lil is now
reunited with her husband of more than 60 years, Diddie. “I am where I
want to be,” she said just before her passing. A graduate of the Hartwick
College School of Nursing under the US Cadet Nurse Corps Program,
Lil worked as an R.N. at Rome Hospital for 30 years and at Hospice
for 20 years. Lil is survived by her extensive family: children Lynda,
Doug, Kathy, and David and their spouses; 12 grandchildren; 14 greatgrandchildren; her sister, Val, and her husband; her sisters-in-law and
brother-in-law; and several nieces and nephews.
1948 | Mary “Candy” Canfield Bedrosian died June 16. Candy
received her RN degree from Hartwick and worked as an obstetrics nurse
for most of her adult life. Mary was evening charge nurse in the newborn
nursery at the Albany Medical Center Hospital. Later, she attended
night school and earned a B.A. in economics from Russell Sage College
1949 | John R. Malnosky died June 22. John earned a B.A. in history
from Hartwick and an M.A. in history from Columbia University. He
built a career as an educator and retired in 1977. He is survived by his
daughter, Ann Malnosky Foshee ’79, and his son, John.
1951 | John W. Pierson died March 13. In 1946, John received
an Honorable Discharge from the US Navy and then studied for a
mathematics degree at Hartwick. He married Maureen Truax in 1957
and the couple settled in Sidney, NY, to raise their family. He worked
as a Sales Representative for Bendix Corporation. They relocated to
Jacksonville, FL, and he retired in 1988. John was preceded in death by
his brother Richard and his wife, Maureen. He is survived by his children,
Karen, John, and Bob; a niece; and seven grandchildren.
1952 | Albert VanDyke died April 30. Al served in the U.S. Air
Force Security Service after graduating from Hartwick and later earned
his Master’s Degree in education and his School Administrator’s
Summer 2012 | The Wick | 45
Certification. In 1959, Al began his career in education as a social studies
teacher in Liberty, NY, and soon worked to establish a special education
program in the high school. In 1967, he was named the first Director
of Special Education at Sullivan County BOCES, where he designed
and implemented special education programs for children throughout
Sullivan County. John leaves behind his loving wife of 55 years, Joanne
Cipriani Van Dyke; his daughter, Diane; and two granddaughters.
1954 | Margaret Thomas Campbell, died May 19. The first in her
family to attend college, Margaret graduated with a degree in nursing.
She worked at Bassett Hospital in Cooperstown, NY, and then in Public
Health Nursing. She earned a Master’s in Nursing, served as a Nursing
Instructor at Syracuse University, and then as Director of Nursing for
the Capital District Psychiatric Center (CDPC). Later, Margaret was
instrumental in establishing the Highline Mental Health Center in
Seattle, WA. She worked as an Advanced Registered Nurse Practitioner
before establishing her own private practice of psychotherapy. Margaret
is survived by the love of her life, Bill; her sister-in-law; step-daughter and
step-son; four step-grandchildren; two great-grandchildren; two nieces and
a nephew; great-nieces, great-nephews; as well as many friends and cousins.
1954 | Robert W. Weiss died April 29. Bob served in the U.S. Army
in Korea, then came to Hartwick to earn his B.S. in psychology. He went
on to earn his Master’s in education and developed a 34-year teaching
career. He is survived by his four siblings, Russell, William, Marian, and
Millicent; his wife of 55 years, Patricia Gaffney Weiss; his six children; 13
grandchildren; and two great-grandchildren.
1956 | Marian Weisser Wemple died May 3. A graduate of the
Hartwick College School of Nursing, she met her first husband, Dr.
Henry Weisser ’57, and lifelong friends Liz Davidson Mocko ’56
(deceased), and Bishop George Mocko ’56 on the Hill. As a nurse in
Long Island, she helped care for Judy Garland, Eva Gabor, and other
Broadway stars. Marian spent 30 years working as a registered nurse
at Poudre Valley Hospital and later as a home health care nurse. In the
early 1990s, she volunteered to care for patients who were dying of
AIDS. Marian is survived by her husband Ron Wemple; her children
Steve, Jeanette, Tim, and Elizabeth; her sister Jeanne LeClercq; five
grandchildren; four stepchildren and many step grandchildren; as well as
several cousins.
1962 | Mary Ann Noon Haw, Ph.D. died on February 9, 2012
from Alzheimer`s, a particularly cruel irony since she had a brilliant
mind and went on to earn a doctorate and have a career as a highly
admired professor in the graduate school of nursing at San Francisco
State University. She was a beloved member of the 1962 nursing class
at Hartwick. `Noonie` as she was known on the east coast, moved to
California in 1966 for graduate school, and spent the rest of her life there.
She touched many lives through community-based organizations where
she taught her graduate students responsibility, and lived a life of integrity
and caring, liberally laced with fun and laughter. Noonie is survived by
Thomas, her husband of forty years, two daughters, two grandchildren
and her Hartwick nursing classmates who think of each other as family.
1962 | Ella “Becky” Brink Brown died March 18. Becky and her
husband, Robert, lived in New York, Delaware, Indiana, Pennsylvania,
46 | The Wick | Summer 2012
and finally North Carolina. She worked at Strong Memorial Hospital in
Rochester, NY, as a public health nurse in Rensselaer County, NY, and
as a school nurse in Syracuse, NY. Becky is survived by her husband of
almost 49 years; their three sons and their wives and children; Becky’s
brother and sister; two sisters-in-law; numerous nieces, nephews,
grandnieces and grandnephews; and many dear friends.
1962 | Marilyn B. Michaud died May 7. A nursing major at
Hartwick, Marilyn remained involved with her classmates through the
years. She was the beloved wife of James; dearest mother of Christopher,
David, Kathleen, and Todd; loving grandmother of five; and dear
daughter of Minnie Bell. Memorial contributions may be directed to the
Edith M. Lacey Memorial Nursing Scholarship at Hartwick College
( or Office of College Advancement, Hartwick
College, One Hartwick Drive, Oneonta, NY, 13820).
1963 | John V. Centamore, Sr. died May 24. John graduated from
Hartwick with a degree in history, served in the Air Force in Vietnam,
and developed a successful career as a purchasing manager. John spent his
retirement serving others, including work in disaster relief as a volunteer
coordinator for rebuilding hundreds of homes in Bayou La Batre, AL,
after Hurricane Katrina. He is preceded in death by his parents, three
siblings, and a niece. He is survived by his wife, Sandra Emmons
Centamore ’64; their children John Centamore Jr. ’88, Deborah,
Patrick, Kara, and Christopher; 14 grandchildren; as well as nieces,
nephews, and great grandchildren.
1968 | Kathleen Swartout Kuhn died June 14. Kathy was a graduate
of Hartwick’s nursing program. She is survived by her husband, Ulrich;
her children, Heidi and Karl; her three grandchildren; and brother Gerald.
She was predeceased by her parents, Ernest and Margaret Swartout, and
sisters, Elizabeth Makely and Marion Hoffman.
1969 | David J. Ginzl died February 16. David earned his B.A. in
history from Hartwick and his Ph.D. in U.S. history from Syracuse
University. Following his retirement as a 20-year veteran of Barnett Bank,
he authored and published three books, Images of America: Barnett Bank;
Barnett: The Story of “Florida’s Bank;” and Stein Mart: An American Story of
Roots, Family, and Building A Greater Dream. He also served as a part-time
history professor at The University of North Florida. David is survived
by his wife of 41 years, Carole Lingel Ginzl; their three daughters and six
grandchildren; as well as his mother, Arvilla, and his brother, Paul. He is
preceded in death by his father, Rudolph.
1971 | Dr. Garry D. Brown died March 23. Garry earned his
bachelor’s degree in Chemistry from Hartwick, his M.D. from
Georgetown University School of Medicine, and went on to develop
a specialty in pathology. Garry is survived by his father, George; his
brother, Collins; and a niece, Stacy B. Husted.
1979 | Robert T. Stillman P’14 died March 20. Bob earned a B.A.
in political science and was active in the Alpha Delta Omega Fraternity.
He married his college sweetheart, Rebecca Goff Stillman ’79 and
relocated to Massachusetts, where he built a very successful career in the
insurance industry. Bob is survived by his three children: James, Jonathan,
and Elizabeth Stillman ’14; his parents, Paul and Joanne Stillman; and
his siblings, Jacqueline Halowack ’79, Phillip, and Deborah; and several
nieces and nephews. Bob’s children respectfully request that donations in
his honor be made to the Robert T. Stillman Memorial Fund at Hartwick
College, One Hartwick Drive, Oneonta, NY 13820.
1980 | Hilda D. Meisner Wachtel died May 7. An English major at
Hartwick, Hilda was an avid reader and writer of short stories and poetry.
She was an advocate for animal welfare; her goal was to find funding for and
help educate children on the importance of spaying and neutering cats and
dogs. Hilda was the daughter of the late Dr. Abraham and Claire Meisner,
mother of Abram and Calia Wachtel, and sister of Daniel Meisner.
1981 | Robert P. Patterson died January 12. The son of Judge Robert
P. Patterson Jr. and the late Bevin D. Patterson, Bob received his BA in
English from Hartwick and his CSW from the NYU School of Social
Research. He studied for a postgraduate degree in Gestalt Psychotherapy
and had a clinical psychotherapy practice in Manhattan. Bob is survived by
his wife Cristina; his father; and siblings Anne P. Finn, Margaret, Paul, and
1995 | Douglas Daniel Lewis died March 14. Dan earned his degree in
economics from Hartwick and went on to become a Senior Vice President
at TNS (formerly NFO), a leading market research and market information
group where he worked for 16 years. He is survived by his wife, Christine
Anne Fix; two children, Sophia and Benjamin; his parents, Douglas and
Linda; and his brother, James.
Family | Annie Henriques, wife of Kathy O’Connell ’81, died
March 17. Annie’s career spanned many fields including human
resources management, sales administration management, process
improvement management, regulatory affairs, marketing management and
communications, publications, advertising and promotions, and contract
manufacturing. She brought excellence to such companies as NYNEX
(now Verizon), Pepsi Cola, and International Paper. She was founder and
proprietor of her own graphic design company, Hummingbird Press. Annie
is survived by her beloved and loving wife of 28 years, Kathy O’Connell;
Kathy’s family; and her own family.
Family | Donald T. Hazard, father of Scott Hazard ’84, died January
15. Born in Providence, RI, Donald graduated from Brown University .
He worked for IBM for 34 years, retiring as a Director of New Product
Development. He is survived by his wife; Barbara, sons Steven, David,
and Scott; brother Robert; and two grandchildren. Scott graduated from
Hartwick with a B.A. in Management and is Senior Vice President of
Guardhill Financial Corp. in New Canaan, CT.
Family | Francesco Gallo, father of Clara F. Gallo ’14, died January
26. He was born in Polia, Italy, and built a successful career, and became
the Chief Executive Officer of America for Alitalia Airlines. Francesco
married the love of his life, Dr. Nunzia Fatica, in 1981. He is survived by
his four children: Alessandro, Massimiliano, Nicoletta, and Clara ’14; three
brothers; and two sisters. He was predeceased by his brother, Antonio.
Friend | Willis C. Dailey died March 2. A former member of the
Hartwick College Citizens Board, Bill was a native son. After serving
in the Navy during World War II and receiving the U.S. Naval Victory
Medal, he went to work with his father. He operated the Oneonta Family
Cleaners until his retirement in 1989 and also built U-Totem, one of the
first laundromats in town. Bill was predeceased by his wife, Barbara, and
his sisters, Emogene and Irene. Survivors include his sister as well as his
children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren.
Former Staff | Richard Puffer died June 7. Richard served his country
in the Korean War. He worked at Hartwick for 11 years, raised his family
in Otego, and retired to Maryville, TN. He was the loving husband of 62
years of Jennie McCall Puffer; the proud father of five children: Yvonne,
Dianna, Richard, Bruce, and Shirley; grandfather to five; and greatgrandfather to one.
Former Staff | Charles L. Sage died March 8. A former member of the
Hartwick College Security Department, Charles served 20 years with the
Oneonta Police Department. He was a Navy veteran of World War II and
a past commander of the Oneonta American Legion. He is survived by his
children, Jody Courtemanche and Ronald Sage; his granddaughter; a sister
and brother; and several nieces and nephews.
Summer 2012 | The Wick | 47
Volunteer Spotlight
The Irresistible
and Irrepressible
Neal Miller ’72
Urged to name his favorite way to volunteer for Hartwick, Neal Miller ’72 cites
his latest—meeting incoming first year students and their families. Neal and his
wife, Mary Sapienza Miller ’73, joined numerous student orientation sessions this
summer, talking with families and getting to know the new students.
“All the committee work I do is fine and, yes, I know it’s important,” he says, “but
interacting with students is the best. We like seeing students all the time.”
The couple now lives on the edge of campus, literally at the bottom of the Hill. They
enjoy ready access to College events, are planning to host alumni gatherings at their
home, and generously housed a Hartwick basketball player for the academic year
(Josefine Vincents ’15 of Denmark).
A former ’Wick basketball star himself, Neal lends a strong presence to everything
he does. He’s regularly drafted to serve as Master of Ceremonies for the Athletics
Hall of Fame banquet, participates in conferring Alumni Awards during
Homecoming, and welcomes the newest alumni during Commencement exercises
(bringing the graduates to the defining moment of ringing their Hartwick replica
His ready smile, deep laugh, and even deeper commitment to Hartwick College
make Neal Miller irresistible. He demonstrates leadership in ways large and small;
currently serving as President of the Alumni Association and a member of the
Citizens Board Executive Council, he also helped found the Coaches Club, serves
on the Planned Giving Advisory Council, and is a member of the Kellogg Society.
“Hartwick and I go back a long way,” Neal says, reflecting on his 44-year association
with the College. “I’ve tried to do whatever I’ve been asked to do. I don’t think I’ve
ever said ‘no’ to Hartwick. I’m passionate about it.
“Hartwick gave me my start,” he adds, noting that it’s where he landed his first job
(in admissions) and where he met his future wife. (As Neal tells it, the two became
a couple soon after he helped Mary move into the third floor of Saxton Hall her
freshman year.) Following her graduation they decided to “put down roots” in the
area and built successful careers—she as an English teacher in the Unatego School
District and now an adjunct professor at Hartwick, he as an entrepreneur in the
financial services industry. In a satisfying turn of events, their two children are back
in the area—Nate works for his father and Cassandra is on Hartwick’s marketing
Neal and Mary are 15-year consecutive donors to their alma mater, supporting
everything from Wick Athletics to the Alumni Association Legacy Scholarship
Endowed Fund. He has made planned gifts to the College in the form of two life
insurance policies.
“The economic growth of Hartwick is important,” Neal says. “We’re not like other
schools; the opportunities we have here are special. Every student should have the
chance to go on J Term; we need to help with scholarships so families can afford
Hartwick for their children.
Neal ’72 and Mary Sapienza ’73 Miller at their Oneonta home.
“I am loyal to this school,” he says in a clear understatement, “and I want all
alumni to feel that way, too. Mary and I plan to continue to be there for Hartwick,
contributing financially and bringing our time and energy in any way we can.”
“Hartwick has a great future and I want to be a part of it.”
48 | The Wick | Summer 2012
A personal tribute to
A Man You Could Trust
Everyone who knew Jim Elting had a story, indeed many stories. I first
met Jim at his home in early 2008. He and Karen hosted a dinner for
trustees to meet Margaret Drugovich, then a finalist for the presidency
of Hartwick College, and me, her partner. Despite the pressure of the
occasion, Jim and Karen made it a wonderful evening that we have
spoken of fondly many times since. That was their way.
Margaret and I have now spent many evenings with the Eltings—at
their home or ours, perhaps a favorite restaurant; in groups large or
small or just us. Talking work then talking lives—children, favorite getaways, interests, concerns. Their deep comfort together was inclusive
and often punctuated by fine wines, stories of exotic travels, and much
Jim’s ready smile was richly genuine; his hugs worthy of a bear. When
Jim said he was so glad to see you he meant it and you knew it. The
feeling was mutual. I loved hearing his voice on the phone, seeing him in
our sunroom when he dropped over on a Sunday afternoon to talk with
Margaret, listening to his pride as he addressed the College community.
As this issue of The Wick went to press,
the College community learned the shocking news that our
Chairman of the Board, Dr. James J. Elting,
had died following a brief illness.
This is one of many tributes to come.
Jim was not a graduate of Hartwick College—his alma maters were Yale
University and Columbia University—yet his loyalty said otherwise.
He once told me he saw in Hartwick what he valued in his experience at
Yale, quoting Angelo Bartlett Giamatti, a former president of Yale and
Commissioner of Major League Baseball, in saying, “The privilege of a
private education is the ability to do public good.”
Jim did so much good. He was a leader in Oneonta, Cooperstown, and
the region. He led through his giving—through 37 years of financial
support to Hartwick and 21 years of service as a trustee, including four
as Chair of the Board. The Elting Fitness Center and Elting Gallery
were born of his and Karen’s gifts. He described Hartwick as a treasure
and invested in what he believed in.
Jim was a lifelong athlete—a powerful rugby player and determined
rower whose friends included teammates such as Bill Campbell, whom
Jim made a friend of Hartwick and a friend of ours. He was an avid fan
seen on so many sidelines and partial to ’Wick DI soccer. And he was an
advocate for fitness and sport. An orthopedic surgeon, for many years
he provided consultations to our student athletes. He was the go-to guy
on all matters of health. In this and all ways, he was the man you could
—Beth Steele
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