GAI Prospectus 2016/17
GAI Prospectus 2016/17
PROSPECTUS 2016/17 EDUCATING OUR INDUSTRY WORLDWIDE 2 GAI PROSPECTUS 2016/17 PROSPECTUS CONTENTS WELCOME INTRODUCTION 02 WELCOME 03 GAI EDUCATION HUB FAST FORWARD YOUR CAREER, RE-THINK YOUR OPPORTUNITIES 04 EDUCATION PORTFOLIO Established over many years, and constantly updated to reflect changes in the industry, the GAI education portfolio equips learners with the skills and knowledge they need to succeed in their career. From the Foundation in Hardware, Certificate in Architectural Hardware, GAI Diploma to CPD/Registered Architectural Ironmonger status, the Guild’s education programme is a unique programme designed for everyone working in the architectural ironmongery industry, regardless of their educational background or location. Education lies at the heart of the Guild’s activities and the standard of the training and the employees that take the journey through the years is extraordinarily high given the size of our industry. We have worked hard to establish RegAI status and it is recognised as the benchmark standard for the industry professionals of the architectural ironmongery world. All employers should be extremely proud to have fully qualified experienced staff working within their businesses, as we are proud to recognise them. There are two stages to the GAI Diploma programme; Certificate in Architectural Hardware taken over a 24 month period followed by the GAI Diploma in one year. Success in the latter leads to the award of the Guild Diploma whereby the learner may use the designatory letters DipGAI after their name. Each stage is designed to be completed comfortably in an academic year. With effort, the Certificate in Architectural Hardware, Stage 1 & 2 can be taken together in one year. Recognising the work and outside commitments of learners, the programme can be successfully undertaken with a few hours study each week. Experience has shown that even learners under extreme time pressure can cope with the work involved. However, many learners and their employers prefer to support their home-study by attending the Guild’s training courses. The pass rate for people who attend the training courses is impressive. While many learners will seek to complete the Certificate in Architectural Hardware and gain the GAI Diploma, it is strongly advised for learners practising as Architectural Ironmongers to continue their studies through CPD on to RegAI status. Enrolment commences 1st September 2016, with block assessments to be completed by the end of April, and, final examination in July 2017. Learners are assessed on a combination of coursework and their performance in the exam, held in July, with resits planned for September. It is important to understand the module content which is detailed in this Prospectus. EDUCATION PORTFOLIO 05 THE FOUNDATION IN HARDWARE 06 THE CERTIFICATE IN ARCHITECTURAL HARDWARE – STAGE ONE The work of the Guild relies so heavily on the members who give their own and their businesses’ time and resources to make the organisation work as well as it does. I am looking forward to working with the Education Committee in the coming year and building on the excellent achievements which have been accomplished in the last 12 months with the launch of the GAI Education Hub. 07 THE CERTIFICATE IN ARCHITECTURAL HARDWARE – STAGE TWO On behalf of the Education Committee we all wish you well with your studies for 2016/17. INFORMATION Rachel Tipton, Dip GAI, RegAI, MInstAI Education Chairman GAI Training and Development Manager 12 KEY DATES 08 GAI DIPLOMA – STAGE THREE 09 TRAINING COURSES AND SUPPORT 10 FIRE DOOR INSPECTION SCHEME 11 ACHIEVEMENTS AND AWARDS 13 INSTITUTE OF ARCHITECTURAL IRONMONGERS 14 CPD RegAI 15 T&C’S, HEAD OFFICE CONTACTS EDUCATING OUR INDUSTRY WORLDWIDE 3 GAI PROSPECTUS 2016/17 THE GAI EDUCATION HUB THE GAI EDUCATION HUB BRINGS TOGETHER ONLINE LEARNERS FROM ALL OVER THE WORLD For over 50 years the celebrated qualification of the GAI’s Education Portfolio has been the Diploma. No other training programme offers such a broad knowledge and understanding of ironmongery and in that time over 2000 learners have achieved this prestigious accolade. The Diploma is by far the most recognised qualification in the industry. The implementation of the GAI Education Hub is a modern day solution for delivering training to learners around the world. Not only will learners benefit from a varied range of learning styles but online assessment throughout the syllabus and end of year examinations will be fully automated throughout Stages 1 and 2. These stages have been enhanced to focus on what an architectural ironmonger really needs to know for their career in the industry. Stage 3 concentrates entirely on scheduling expertise with a single examination at the end of the academic year in order to produce true industry professionals. The Diploma course is designed for everyone working in the architectural ironmongery industry and through the Education Hub, the GAI aims to provide knowledge, regardless of location. Real knowledge and skills for your career You get a real opportunity to integrate study into your career, developing professionally and personally, and progressing to be leaders of our industry. Republic of Ireland, plus Hong Kong and the GCC (Dubai). We are always looking to establish a wider, global support and you can be part of that development as you progress through your studies. How you will learn A MESSAGE FROM HONG KONG…. Our typical learning structure is outlined below: “I completed the GAI Diploma programme in 1994 and have since been encouraging my staff to obtain the qualification and beyond, to become Registered Architectural Ironmongers. The comprehensive coverage of the training program is extremely useful for us to equip ourselves and serve the industry with professional confidence. By applying the acquired knowledge with construction related experience, we demonstrate significant differences and create demands from clients and architects to involve our services in managing their ironmongery supply contracts. I will continue to show the industry the added values in working with qualified ironmongers and will recommend newcomers to take part in the Guild’s training programme.” • a few hours of study each week from enrolment. • study of online training modules. •a commitment to meet deadlines for assessments. •a ttendance of training courses where applicable. • c ompletion of an end of academic year examination. Supporting your education and development There are support groups in the form of branches of the Institute of Architectural Ironmongers. In England these are based in the South West, South Central, South East, Midlands, North Central, North & Borders and there are branches in South Wales, Scotland, Northern Ireland, James Wong, DipGAI, RegAI, MInstAI Managing Director, Key Technologies Int. Ltd. EDUCATING OUR INDUSTRY WORLDWIDE 4 GAI PROSPECTUS 2016/17 GAI EDUCATION PORTFOLIO CHOOSING THE RIGHT PROGRAMME FOR YOU The Foundation in Hardware – understanding the basics with an online tool-kit. Including tests that you may attempt as often and as many times as you choose to pass the course and gain your certificate. This course has no time parameters. The Certificate in Architectural Hardware (Stages 1 and 2) – a two year commitment which will give you a thorough grounding in the understanding of the what, how and when of ironmongery. If you want to commit to this in a single year it can be done as "fast-track" with added time and commitment on your part. The GAI Diploma (Stage 3) – in order to achieve DipGAI you must have first achieved The Certificate in Architectural Hardware. If your role is talking to architects, contractors, scheduling, estimating, and/or providing technical support then this is the route for you. In a world that is rapidly changing CPD will keep you up-to-date, not only in products, but also in standards and legislation. RegAI (Registered Architectural Ironmonger) - By collecting CPD points you will maintain this highest accolade, thus proving your competence and individual standing in the world of architectural hardware. EDUCATING THE WORLD OF ARCHITECTURAL IRONMONGERY Fire Door Inspection Scheme (FDIS) – A unique online learning experience leading to a Diploma in Fire Doors, FDIS provides education which is essential for anyone working with fire doors and escape doors. CPD (Continuing Professional Development) – having completed your Diploma this is a journey to success in becoming a professional practitioner. By enrolling on CPD you will develop competency that will set you apart from others as you continue updating your knowledge and become a Registered Architectural Ironmonger (RegAI). EDUCATING OUR INDUSTRY WORLDWIDE 5 GAI PROSPECTUS 2016/17 FOUNDATION IN HARDWARE PERFECT INDUCTION TO AN INTRODUCTION OF IRONMONGERY The Foundation in Hardware module is intended to give a basic knowledge of the subjects to enable the learner to go on to further study in that field. This online course is designed to provide an elementary level of knowledge for products and standards. You can learn in your own time, under your own speed through the audio and visual modules, working through the 12 sections: • Introduction to Hardware • Handing of Hardware • Hinges • Door Closing Devices • Locks and Latches • Door Furniture • Door Bolts • Fire and Escape Doors • Escape Hardware • Signage • Basics of Access Control • Standards Features and benefits: •o nline course and examination – learn at home, work, overseas - anywhere in the world. • no time constraints. • s elf-test your knowledge – each section has its own "test yourself" questions leading to an overall examination at the end. • repeat the tests as often as you like. • pay online and the learning experience begins. •p rint your personalised Certificate of Competence as evidence of your new found knowledge. AT A GLANCE Course Title: Foundation in Hardware Course enquiries: Rachel Tipton Tel No +44 207 033 2480 Email [email protected] Costs: GAI Members Non Members £192 inc VAT £252 inc VAT • recognised qualification by employers within the industry. To benefit from the discounted rate a voucher code is available to members via the website A 2-minute taster is available online: Foundation_in_Hardware_an In-house training can also be provided, but, will be dependent upon numbers. To enrol please click: EDUCATING OUR INDUSTRY WORLDWIDE 6 GAI PROSPECTUS 2016/17 THE CERTIFICATE IN ARCHITECTURAL HARDWARE STAGE 1 The Certificate in Architectural Hardware (Stages 1 and 2) is a two year commitment which will give you a thorough grounding in the understanding of the what, how and when of ironmongery. Stage 1 is the start of that journey, and will give you a solid footing into architectural ironmongery. At the end of Stage 1, you’ll sit a final online examination at a venue organised by the Guild of Architectural Ironmongers, and, upon successful completion of this, your marks will be carried forward to Stage 2 in order to achieve The Certificate in Architectural Hardware. You may wish to consider ‘fast track’ by studying Stages 1 & 2 together in the same academic year. It can be done if you have the time and commitment. STAGE 1 SYLLABUS This first stage comprises 12 modules - which, for your convenience, are arranged into 4 Learning Blocks. Throughout the modules, you’ll come across selfcheck questions to ensure that you’ve adequately grasped and understood the various topics; and then, at the end of each block, there’s a set of ‘mustdo’ course work questions. The marks achieved in these will form part of your overall assessment of Stage 1. Although you may attempt these as many times as you wish, the marks achieved in your final attempt will be the ones recorded. BLOCK 1 BLOCK 2 BLOCK 3 BLOCK 4 HANDING OF HARDWARE HINGES METALS, METAL FINISHES AND PLASTICS TIMBER DOORS AND FRAMES SEALS STEEL DOORS AND FRAMES DOOR CLOSING DEVICES PT1 LOCKS AND LATCHES PT1 FIXINGS AND FASTENINGS HARDWARE PT1 BOLTS BASIC SCHEDULING AT A GLANCE Course Title: Stage 1 Course enquiries: Rachel Tipton Tel No +44 207 033 2480 Email [email protected] Enrolment fees: GAI Members £585.00 plus VAT Non Members £1,170.00 plus VAT To enrol please click: For information regarding residential Training Courses please see page 9 Academic year: Enrol September with course work to be completed by beginning of May, and, examination in July the following year. EDUCATING OUR INDUSTRY WORLDWIDE 7 GAI PROSPECTUS 2016/17 THE CERTIFICATE IN ARCHITECTURAL HARDWARE STAGE 2 Stage 2 is aimed at increasing your knowledge with a more in-depth understanding as it builds on the Stage 1 syllabus You will acquire an in-depth knowledge and understanding of the various subjects covered. This platform of knowledge is needed if you are to go on to learn how to schedule ironmongery and achieve your GAI Diploma. As with the first stage there are 12 subjects in Stage 2 which are again arranged into 4 learning blocks. It is best that you follow these in sequence, although you are free to choose otherwise. Some of the modules are a continuation of those in Stage 1 and will take you to a deeper level of understanding on those subjects. Use the self-check questions throughout the modules to ensure that you have adequately grasped and understood the various topics and then, at the end of each block, complete the questions. You may attempt these as many times as you wish and the marks achieved in your final attempt will be the ones recorded. STAGE 2 SYLLABUS AT A GLANCE BLOCK 5 BLOCK 6 BLOCK 7 BLOCK 8 Course Title: FIRE DOOR HARDWARE, DOOR CLOSING DEVICES PT2 ESCAPE DOOR HARDWARE LOCKS AND LATCHES PT2 HARDWARE PT2 LETTERING, NAMEPLATES AND GRAPHIC SYMBOLS SPECIALIST HARDWARE ELECTRIC HARDWARE ACCESS CONTROL SYSTEMS INTERMEDIATE SCHEDULING MANUFACTURING AND SOURCING COMMERCIAL AWARENESS You will sit an online final examination at the end of Stage 2 at a venue organised by the Guild of Architectural Ironmongers. Upon successful completion of this you will be awarded the certificate. Awards will be presented to the top three learners for the Certificate of Architectural Hardware at the GAI's Education Awards Lunch. Stage 2 Course enquiries: Rachel Tipton Tel No +44 207 033 2480 Email [email protected] Enrolment fees: GAI Members £625.00 plus VAT Non Members £1,250.00 plus VAT To enrol please click: By attending the two 2-day residential training courses you will increase your opportunity of success. Details can be found on page 9. The course covers all the key areas of the Stage 2 syllabus. Book early to avoid disappointment as spaces are limited. Academic year: Enrol September with course work to be completed by beginning of May, and, examination in July the following year. EDUCATING OUR INDUSTRY WORLDWIDE 8 GAI PROSPECTUS 2016/17 GAI DIPLOMA STAGE 3 The Diploma course is for learners who have achieved The Certificate in Architectural Hardware. This course builds on the product knowledge already gained and seeks to bring application through developing scheduling skills. For those wishing to make their career in architectural ironmongery the Diploma is an essential platform for your development The GAI Diploma is recognised in many countries as the ‘must have’ qualification for architectural ironmongers. The qualification will increase competence in communicating with your customers and enhance your employability. During your course work you will learn how to write a master key schedule, and, focus on specific product areas. You will have learned how to write accurate hardware specifications and have confidence in discussing ironmongery requirements with builders, contractors, architects, clients and end user, by choosing to complete the following syllabus: STAGE 3 SYLLABUS APPRECIATING ARCHITECTS DRAWINGS SCHEDULING MASTER KEYING ELECTRIC HARDWARE ACCESS CONTROL SYSTEMS Learners must pass both the Master Key Schedule and a written Hardware Specification to be awarded the Diploma. This then opens the gateway to becoming a Registered Architectural Ironmonger through Continuing Professional Development. You will sit a final written examination at the end of Stage 3 in a venue organised by the Guild of Architectural Ironmongers. Upon successful completion of this you will be awarded The Diploma, and awards will be presented to the three top learners for the Diploma at Stage 3. We are also very proud to present the Pinnacle Award where the learner with the top results over the 3 Stages is presented with travel vouchers at the Education Awards Lunch. The Stage 3 examination will test knowledge imparted at Stages 1 and 2, so you should recap these earlier levels. AT A GLANCE Course Title: Stage 3 – The Diploma Course enquiries: Rachel Tipton Tel No: +44 207 033 2480 Email: [email protected] Enrolment fees: GAI Members Non Members £685.00 +VAT £1370.00 +VAT An additional administration charge of £95.00 is applicable to all registrations outside the British Isles and should be included with enrolment. To enrol please click: The three day training course, which covers all the key areas for Stage 3 syllabus, is considered virtually essential for those working toward their Diploma. Details can be found on page 9. Book early to avoid disappointment. Academic year: Enrol September with course work to be completed by beginning of May, and, examination in July the following year. EDUCATING OUR INDUSTRY WORLDWIDE 9 GAI PROSPECTUS 2016/17 TRAINING COURSES AND SUPPORT THE GAI ARE PROUD OF THE TRAINING WE OFFER AND HAVE A FLEXIBLE APPROACH IN OFFERING VARIOUS SOLUTIONS FOR THE LEARNERS' DEVELOPMENT. •CERTIFICATE IN ARCHITECTURAL HARDWARE (STAGE 1) TRAINING COURSE Courses can be arranged subject to an adequate number of delegates. If this is of interest then please email [email protected]. Kindly note that training courses are subject to minimum and maximum numbers. We are planning to hold webinars during January 2017, follow us on Twitter to keep up-to-date. •CERTIFICATE IN ARCHITECTURAL HARDWARE (STAGE 2) TRAINING COURSE This is a perfect opportunity to network with learners, and the GAI team, to develop an understanding of the core subjects over two 2-day courses. Wolverhampton (Novotel, Union Street) Part 1 31st January-1st February 2017 Part 2 9th-10th March 2017 London (Venue TBC) Part 1 7th-8th January 2017 Part 2 30th-31st March 2017 Hong Kong (Venue TBC) 20th-23rd February 2017 COURSE OBJECTIVE: To prepare learners for the examination through focused lectures, discussion and a mock examination. All key areas in the Stage 2 syllabus will be covered. FEES: Total Member rate @ £920.00 + VAT Non-member rate @ £1840.00 + VAT Accommodation: Per night £99.00 + VAT (if required). This includes evening meal (buffet style), bed and breakfast. •D IPLOMA (STAGE 3) TRAINING COURSE The GAI strongly advise that all learners entering their final year attend a 3-day training course. Three courses have set dates and venues and a fourth will be provided if required. Wolverhampton (Novotel, Union Street) 6th-8th March 2017 Dubai (Venue TBC) 19th-21st March 2017 London (Venue TBC) 27th-29th March 2017 COURSE OBJECTIVE: To prepare learners for their scheduling and master key examinations through focused lectures, discussion and mock examination. FEES: Total Member rate @ £690.00 + VAT Non-member rate @ £1380.00 + VAT Accommodation: Per night £99.00 + VAT (if required). This includes evening meal (buffet style), bed and breakfast. •HOW TO ENROL Email [email protected] or visit for a booking form. •IN-COMPANY TRAINING We are able to provide a variety of in-house tailor made training courses. This can be to your requirements at a local hotel or company premises. Courses may be for individual companies or for several who wish to combine together. The cost of this service is negotiable and will be influenced by the number of days and employees taking part. Please contact Rachel Tipton at GAI Head Office for a quotation. •LEARNER FORUM WEBSITE This online assistance is where learners can network and where the Education Team will answer any queries the learners may have regarding their course syllabus. •LEARNER WORKSHOPS There are evening events organised by the Institute of Architectural Ironmongers for its student members. If you are enrolled on any course you are automatically a student member and entitled to attend. The workshops are intended to assist students in preparation for their Stage 1 and 2 examinations. Times and venues will be confirmed to those enrolled nearer the dates. •INSTITUTE (IAI) MEETINGS Based around the UK, Hong Kong and Dubai, these are open to all learners to network and seek assistance from their peers. As they are well attended by Institute members who are employed by manufacturers and Architectural Ironmongers, students can gain valuable and practical advice. For meeting venues and dates please see: EDUCATING OUR INDUSTRY WORLDWIDE 10 GAI PROSPECTUS 2016/17 FIRE DOOR INSPECTION SCHEME THE FDIS ONLINE LEARNING MODULE WAS DEVELOPED JOINTLY BY THE GAI AND THE BWF - BOTH LEADING AUTHORITIES IN THEIR FIELDS OF DOORS AND HARDWARE. WE PROVIDE: ARE YOU? • A UNIQUE ONLINE LEARNING CENTRE LEADING TO A DIPLOMA IN FIRE DOORS •A n Architectural Ironmonger • A ROUTE FOR FIRE DOOR DIPLOMA HOLDERS TO BECOME CERTIFICATED FIRE DOOR INSPECTORS THROUGH INDEPENDENT ASSESSMENT FDIS provides education which is essential for anyone working with fire doors and escape doors. Transforming knowledge and understanding about the critical role of fire doors and how they can save lives and protect property. • A fire door manufacturer or component supplier • A fire risk assessor • A fire safety advisor • A health and safety professional • A refurbishment or interior fit out contractor •A n owner of a non-domestic building (office, school, hospital, hotel, sports or leisure centre, shop, warehouse, restaurant etc.) •A facilities manager, estates manager involved in maintaining any of these buildings •A Building Control or other building inspector • A local authority social housing provider • A locksmith who works on fire or escape doors? IF YOU’RE INVOLVED IN ANY OF THESE AREAS, THE FIRE DOOR INSPECTION SCHEME IS FOR YOU. The FDIS Diploma in Fire Doors provides a comprehensive level of knowledge in fire door specification, installation, inspection and maintenance. The Fire Door Inspection Scheme (FDIS) online education programme is available to anyone who wishes to have a greater knowledge of fire doors and a qualification to prove it. Gaining FDIS qualifications would be a great way to show that you are the ‘competent person’. This is someone who has sufficient training, experience or knowledge and other qualities that allow them to be able to implement fire safety measures in a building. The only way to become a certificated FDIS Fire Door Inspector is, following completion of the Diploma, to successfully complete the FDIS transition module and be subject to a rigorous on site practical assessment in a working environment. HOW DO I ENROL? FDIS learning and examination is available through the British Isles and in certain other countries. FDIS online training can be undertaken at your convenience and the FDIS Diploma examination can be taken at a local centre. - GAI Member rate £300 + VAT. - Non-member rate £500 + VAT. Having achieved your Diploma you may wish to progress to become an FDIS CERTIFICATED Inspector: - GAI Members rate: £1,500 + VAT - Non-members rate: £2,000 + VAT For further information please see: email [email protected] phone 0844 801 1518 EDUCATING OUR INDUSTRY WORLDWIDE 11 GAI PROSPECTUS 2016/17 ACHIEVEMENTS AND AWARDS GAI PINNACLE The highest possible recognition for outstanding achievement is the Pinnacle Award. This award is sponsored and presented by ASSA ABLOY at the prestigious GAI Education Awards Lunch in November. The Pinnacle Award is given to the leading student over all three stages of the DIPLOMA programme. This award not only carries the kudos of being the top student but also offers a fabulous prize. GAI DIPLOMA The top 3 learners will receive cash prizes as listed All new Diploma holders are invited to receive their certificates at the Awards Lunch. Diploma Holders are entitled to use the designated letters DipGAI after their name on any correspondence. THE CERTIFICATE IN ARCHITECTURAL HARDWARE The Certificate in Architectural Hardware is for the combined results of Stages 1 and 2. The top 3 students will be invited to the Awards Lunch to receive cash prizes as listed: WINNERS 2015 DIPLOMA POSITION 1st 2nd 3rd MEDAL Gold Silver Bronze CASH AWARD £400 £300 £200 CERTIFICATE POSITION 1st 2nd 3rd CASH AWARD £400 £300 £200 EDUCATING OUR INDUSTRY WORLDWIDE 12 GAI PROSPECTUS 2016/17 KEY DATES MOST IMPORTANT DATES WITHIN THE GAI EDUCATION SYLLABUS THAT YOU SHOULD MARK IN YOUR DIARY: Thursday 1st September 2016 Enrolment starts Friday 9th September 2016 Closing date for examination retake Thursday 22nd September 2016 Examination retake for those failed in June Wednesday 2nd November 2016 The GAI Education Awards Lunch Saturday 31st December 2016 Closing date for enrolments Stage 2 Course in Wolverhampton Part 1 31st Jan -1st Feb2017 Part 2 9th - 10th March2017 Part 1 7th - 8th Feb2017 Stage 2 Course in London Part 2 30th - 31st March 2017 Stage 2 Course in Hong Kong 6th – 8th March 2017 Stage 3 Course in Wolverhampton 19th – 21st March 2017 Stage 3 Course in Dubai 27th – 29th February 2017 Stage 3 Course in London Friday 5th May 2017 Deadline for completing online compulsory coursework Examination day Examination Results DON’T FORGET TO LOOK OUT FOR INSTITUTE MEETING DATES 20th – 23rd February 2017 Thursday 6th July 2017 Monday 21st August 2017 The 2015 Awards Lunch at the Lancaster London Hotel Further enquiries as to membership of both the GAI and IAI should be made to GAI Head Office. tel 020 7033 2480 or [email protected]. EDUCATING OUR INDUSTRY WORLDWIDE 13 GAI PROSPECTUS 2016/17 THE SMARTER CHOICE FOR YOUR CAREER PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT FROM STUDENT TO REGISTERED ARCHITECTURAL IRONMONGER STATUS This makes belonging to the IAI a real personal benefit and one which can be retained for life. Unlike the GAI, membership of the IAI is for individuals who are qualified learners, qualified DipGAI, or experienced practitioners of the AI trade. TYPES OF MEMBERSHIP There are three main types of membership: Full: open to GAI Diploma holders and RegAIs. Affiliate: for those working within the industry but do not hold a GAI Diploma. Student: automatic free membership for all students currently studying on any level of the DIPLOMA Programme. There is also a Retired member category for DipGAIs who wish to keep onside with industry developments. Membership is by annual subscription and renews on 1st January each year. There are eleven branches around the British Isles and overseas, all holding meetings: BENEFITS A regular programme of localised branch meetings where members get together in an informal atmosphere to learn, network and socialise. Updates on the latest developments on standards and practice through free copies of the Architectural Ironmongers Journal – the GAI’s official publication. Access to the IAI’s respected Continuing Professional Development programme. Collect CPD points towards gaining or maintaining RegAI status and use the informative presentations to keep up to date with industry developments. Receipt of the GAI’s latest Technical Briefings Full members are entitled to use the designated letters MInstAI on business cards and letters, plus a personal IAI membership card as proof of commitment to excellence. For information visit the Institute website at, or call GAI Head Office, tel: 020 7033 2480. Follow us on Twitter @gai_iai and on the IAI page • South West • South Central • South East • Midlands • North Central • North & Borders • Wales • Scotland • Ireland • Hong Kong • GCC Each branch is run by a local committee, with an Executive Committee made up from each branch chairperson. The Executive Committee meets every quarter to review strategy and recommend policy changes. An electronic update on matters affecting the Institute and its members through the IAI e-bulletin. EDUCATING OUR INDUSTRY WORLDWIDE 14 GAI PROSPECTUS 2016/17 CPD / RegAI STATUS CONFERS REAL BENEFITS TO BOTH THE INDIVIDUAL AND THE COMPANY THEY WORK FOR. The CPD programme is for learners who have achieved the Diploma and wish to become a RegAI. By joining the programme and achieving 10 points within 12 months, they will then become a RegAI the following year. To maintain this status they must achieve10 CPD points per annum. Every RegAI (Registered Architectural Ironmonger) is a qualified GAI Diploma holder and has been able to prove they are fully up-to-date with industry standards, regulations and legislation. A position that is key when presenting credentials to clients both new and existing. RegAI status is the benchmark standard for architectural ironmongers and one which is at the very heart of what the GAI stands for – the highest possible standards of education and professionalism. Please click card above to enrol BENEFITS The ability to market and promote an impressive professional status – an important differentiator in a competitive market. RegAI is inclusive of IAI Full membership. Personalised electronic logos and letters after the name allow RegAIs to stand out from the crowd. Enhancing your employability with evidence of your personal continued professional development A CPD programme organised by the IAI which gives the RegAI the opportunity to learn, network and maintain professional status in an enjoyable, sociable environment. Access to GAI Training Manuals and Technical Briefings in a password protected area of the GAI training website. Updates on the latest developments on standards and practice through free copies of the Architectural Ironmongers Journal – the GAI’s official publication. An electronic update on matters that affect the IAI and RegAIs through the IAI e-bulletin. Membership is by annual subscription. Further enquiries as to membership of both the RegAI and IAI should be made to GAI Head Office, tel: 020 7033 2480 or education@gai. RegAI status is maintained by providing evidence of the collection of 10 CPD points in a calendar year. EDUCATING OUR INDUSTRY WORLDWIDE 15 GAI PROSPECTUS 2016/17 TERMS & CONDITIONS THE CERTIFICATE IN ARCHITECTURAL HARDWARE AND THE GAI DIPLOMA The GAI and Cortexa Ltd retain all property rights with the Diploma materials, website and any other documents provided to you as part of the Diploma Programme. You undertake that you and your contracted employees will not copy, give, loan, sell or allow access or download any of your course materials to any individuals, companies or organisations not party to this agreement. Special requirements Any special needs that may necessitate additional services or a change to the standard arrangements should be declared upon enrolment or as soon as known. Medical evidence should accompany all requests. Cancellation terms All cancellations must be in writing. No refunds can be given for cancellations received after 31st December 2016. Enrolment Booking Conditions (All Stages) 1.Payment must accompany the completed booking form. 2. Telephone bookings must be confirmed in writing within three days and supported with payment. 3. The Guild of Architectural Ironmongers reserves the right to alter the content of any course as part of its ongoing policy of continuing development. 4. All cancellations must be in writing and the following will apply upon receipt: CONTACTS a) F or enrolments registered before 31st October full refund will be paid up until 31st December b) F or enrolments registered between 1 November and 31st December 50% refund will be paid up until 31st December c) N o refunds for cancellations received after 1st January. 5. Registrations for the Distance Learning programme are transferable. If an employee leaves his/ her company then the new employer can take responsibility for the learner by payment for that academic year plus £50 (+VAT) administration charge. The original employer can then be refunded the fee for that year. 6. Learners are allowed a maximum of 3 ‘gap years’ between stages. Beyond this period, a "challenge exam" must be taken. 7. Any learner seen to be copying/duplicating block assessments, pre-examination work will be disqualified. Training Courses Booking Conditions 1. T he Guild of Architectural Ironmongers reserves the right to amend, cancel or transfer bookings made on any course. Notice will be given to all learners who have bookings, and the option of transfer or cancellation without surcharge will be offered. 2. Payment – To be made in full before materials are released to the learner. 3. Telephone bookings must be confirmed within three working days. 4. The Guild of Architectural Ironmongers reserves the right to alter the content of any course as part of its on-going policy of continuing development. 5. Course Fees include course documentation, morning and afternoon refreshments and buffet lunch. 6. Cancellation (By Written Notice) a) M ore than two months before course commencement - NO CHARGE b) L ess than two months but more than one month - 50% COURSE FEE CHARGE c) Less than one month - 100% COURSE FEE CHARGE Examination Retake Booking Conditions 1. R etake in September must be booked by 9th September 2016. etake in July 2017 must be booked R by 31st December 2016. 2. Payment must accompany the completed booking form. For July retakes the Member or Non Member rates apply based on company status when booking. 3. Cancellation by written notice. No refund will be made if received less than one month before the examination date. THE FOUNDATION IN HARDWARE AND FIRE DOOR INSPECTION SCHEME EDUCATION RACHEL TIPTON GAI Training and Development Manager Email: [email protected] Phone: +44 1902 722 283 For enquiries about the GAI’s distance learning and training courses, student enrolment, training manuals, and all educational administration matters. email: [email protected] TECHNICAL DOUGLAS MASTERSON GAI Technical Manager Email: [email protected] Technical Helpline: +44 330 1234 073 International: +44 7469 141 657 Online Training Payments to be made in full prior to participation of education syllabus. Payments not transferable to another person. No refunds provided. EDUCATING OUR INDUSTRY WORLDWIDE © The Guild of Architectural Ironmongers Limited (A Company Limited by Guarantee) Registered Office: w House, 6 Bath Place Rivington Street, London, EC2A 3JE telephone 020 7033 2480 fax 020 7033 2486 Registered in England No: 1750386
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