vote for qualified proven experience
vote for qualified proven experience
VOTE Mitch Colvin (Empowering and Improving) City Council District 3 The Fayetteville Press Volume 23 No. 8 PRSRT STD U.S. POSTAGE PAID FAYETTEVILLE, NC PERMIT NO. 486 Sept/Oct 2013 Edition (910) 323-3120 Over the past six years as a Fayetteville City Councilwoman, I’ve had the pleasure of meeting many of you across our city. Perhaps our paths crossed at church, at a community meeting, or in line at the Fort Bragg commissary. Wherever we’ve met, there’s a good chance that I’ve asked you to tell me something about your life or asked you to tell me your story. Our encounters have been a source of inspiration as I continue to serve the city I’ve grown to love. Together we’ve had great successes and have dealt with very sensitive and difficult issues in our community. While you may not have always agreed with my positions, particularly dealing with racial profiling, my goal has always been to make the best decisions I could with the information I had. In this case, I was determined to find real solutions to a pressing issue while complying with the law. While the courts ultimately supported beliefs, I am most proud to have made the motion to the City Council to fund cameras in police cars and study circles; it passed unanimously. My efforts are making a real difference in Fayetteville. I will continue to work to ensure the rights of all of our citizens are protected. In the future I will do a better job helping you to understand my positions; it’s always better for you to hear things first hand. Please know that I am committed to having a Police Department that is RESPECTFUL OF its citizens and RESPECTED BY its citizens. As your Mayor, I will do everything possible to make sure that happens; it’s a commitment I am making to each of you. In return, I ask you to partner with the Police Department to build relationships and reduce crime in our community. There are some that believe this election can be bought. They will misrepresent who I am and what I believe. It’s the oldest political strategy in the book, used time and time again. You know it and I know it, so let’s not fall for it. There is clearly no other candidate for Mayor that understands your experiences, is more committed or better qualified to lead this city. I have a proven record of leadership and results that have improved your quality of life. Let’s resist the diversionary tactics of this political season and “Keep Our Eyes on the Prize”. Your vote will determine the outcome of this election and your voice with set a pathway for opportunity and success. With your support, I look forward to serving this community with passion and vision as the first African American woman Mayor of our All-America City. I believe all things are possible. One stop voting begins September 19th – October 5th at the Cumberland County Board of Elections located at 227 Fountainhead Lane. You can cast your early vote from of 8-5, Monday through Friday and Saturday from 9-1. The primary election is October 8th. Let’s win during early vote! Will you stand with ME and VOTE for YOUR FUTURE? Visit my website at WWW.VALAPPLEWHITE.COM or stop by our campaign office at 109 Green Street Suite 300, downtown Fayetteville or call us at 910-261-8949. I’d love for you to be a part of this campaign. Vote Mitch Colvin (910) 670-5186 Fayetteville, NC Fayetteville can count on Val Applewhite. A veteran and lifetime public servant, Val will always stand up for us, not political insiders. She’ll fight against the special interests that are wasting our tax dollars and standing in the way of real progress for our city. AS OUR MAYOR, VAL WILL FIGHT FOR: Protecting Our Homes and Our Children When it comes to crime, Val won’t back down. She will work hard to reduce violent crime and crack down on the gangs that threaten our safety. Val will prioritize increasing the police presence on our streets and establishing programs to channel young people away from the influences of gangs and drugs. Quality Jobs and Stronger Businesses Fayetteville needs more jobs that can support a family. Val will take real steps that will foster the growth of small businesses in Fayetteville, and she will provide incentives to local businesses that hire workers here at home with a “Hire Fayetteville First” program. Cutting Waste and Improving Services Val knows that our tax dollars are too important to waste. A military-trained communications specialist, Val will work to find new, efficient ways to deliver vital city services. She will emphasize programs that reduce crime and increase employment. VAL APPLEWHITE t A FIGHTER FOR FAYETTEVILLE VALAPPLEWHITE.COM Paid for by Val Applewhite for Mayor APL13001 VOTE AUDREY “SISTER” RAY FOR CITY COUNCIL DISTRICT 3 Proven Experience Counts This is our new day. We can make the first step together to move District 3 and the City of Fayetteville forward. My name is Audrey Ray, and I am affectionately known as “Sister Ray.” The name “Sister” is tied to my faith. Many of you may know me from Rise Newspaper and Gospel Showcase television show. My work in the community is a testament to my sincerity and commitment to engaging with others, and empowering and celebrating them. "My vision for District 3" - I will work to build trust. I believe elected officials need to be accessible to residents, and service for me is a passion. I support the Vision 2024 statement of having “a sustainable community with opportunities for individuals and families to thrive.” "On the Move Summit- A plan for action." We are better together, and I want to create partnerships that strive to enhance the quality of life. During the first six months after my election, I will host an On the Move Summit. We will try to identify factors that have contributed to the decline of vibrant neighborhoods and come up with specific goals that will be reviewed each quarter. We will look at the history of the neighborhood and how to recapture what made it great. I know that citizens want to be involved. One year ago, I held a “State of the Community Census Forum,” at Fayetteville State University. Thirty groups were mobilized as a result -we knocked on doors and encouraged 5,000 historically undercounted households to participate in the US Census. The impact was more federal dollars for Fayetteville. When citizens are engaged to participate public trust grows. I want to hear from you. "Safer Neighborhoods" - I support Fayetteville Police Chief Harold Medlock’s plan to help make our streets safer. financial experience will be an The increased visibility of officers is Audrey “Sister” Ray hasasset. I understand municipal effective, as is community policing. *Established a $10,000 endowment budgets and where money can Recently, I was standing on Jasper scholarship for FSU students be saved. For example, every Street, off Murchison Road, and an time a truck comes into a officer approached and greeted me. He * Received SACCADV Woman of neighborhood and picks up one told me of an event that was planned at Destiny Award for her vast pile of limbs and passes by five the intersection of Murchison and Jasper, contributions to women who were more, because no one called, it and within minutes he had me interested victims of domestic abuse. costs the taxpayers money. in participating. I became the faith-based *Received the FSU Chancellor’s Somebody has to pay for the co-coordinator for that event. If every Certificate of Merit at a Founder’s gas. The solid waste disposal resident would get a dose of that kind of Day Convocation for service to the process needs to be addressed. “Citizen Engagement Magic,” just one local community, the university and dose, what great things we could "Experienced problemstate. solver"- My professional accomplish together! experience includes working as In support of safe neighborhoods, I favor *Received the prestigious Dr. Lorine a legislative assistant in the N.C. increased access to police by neighbors C. McLeod Award for service. General Assembly. While there, and a better police response, especially I assisted in the crafting of three when public safety emergencies arise, *Sponsored Women of Excellence, bills which became NC state from crimes to medical emergencies to Men of Honor, Jubilee Family law. The bills: *provided fires. Among other things, I would study Empowerment Day and Senior honorary diplomas to WWII police tracking data of crime trends in Christmas parties; celebrating veterans whose schooling was the district. I support City Council hundreds and feeding thousands. interrupted by the draft; member Bill Crisp’s idea of having a *provided bilingual language instruction to be placed on the task force on crime and another on economic development. N.C. state ballot; and *allowed for relatives of a person to When we build a better city image, and offer opportunity, accompany him or her into the voting booth. Among issues I people will come. support are programs to help veterans suffering from post"The value of volunteerism" -I always encourage citizens traumatic stress syndrome and initiatives that help women to volunteer. I will work to re-establish inactive community who are victims of domestic violence. My resume includes watch groups. I also want to establish, with the help of many programs that foster unity and empower individuals volunteers, a Senior Pal program to enhance delivery of and families. I have helped hundreds of individuals and services to seniors. I also support a one-stop senior center. families during their time of personal crisis. Put my There are many seniors who have contributed in their own experience to work for you. I ask for your prayers and way and we have a responsibility to look out for them. Caring is a good thing. support. I ask you to vote for Audrey "Fiscal responsibility" As your elected official, I would be “Sister” Ray for City Council, District 3. working for you. It is your taxpayer dollars. My years of VOTE FOR QUALIFIED PROVEN EXPERIENCE “Let my legislative assistant experience in the North Carolina General Assembly and my 20 years of public service experience work for you! We can build a better district and city. I ask for your vote.” – Audrey “Sister” Ray Paid for by the People to elect Audrey “Sister” Ray for City Council, “It’s Election Time, Let’s Work Together” “Let’s Support Each Other” “The Minority Vote Has Power, Use It” DJ Haire (910) 574-5399 Fayetteville City Councilman 2013 Voting Schedule Early Voting Starts: Thursday September 19, 2013 Primary Election: Tuesday October 8, 2013 General Election: Tuesday November 5, 2013 “Say It Loud, I Vote And I’m Proud” Page 2 The Fayetteville Press Sept/Oct 2013 Edition Take Charge of Your Health: Archway Real Estate, Inc. 5114 Yadkin Road * Ste 128 Fayetteville, NC 28303 Family Relocation Specialist Multi- Million Dollar Producer Retired Military- Army *Home For Sale *Homes For Renters *Apartment For Rent Bad Credit, No Credit *First Time Buyers *Job Opportunities Walter E. Bell, Sr., MBA (910) 818-6554 - cell (910) 233-0988 (Business) *All loan programs include VA, AA, NC Home Loan Assistance Program USDA Rural Development Program NOW OPEN! Community Communi Commun ity Testing Test Te sting & Education Educatio Educat ation on Center ssWhat What: at FREE! 20 minute i t HIV Test T t No Needles! No Blood! sWhere: Howard Building 328 Gillespie St., Fayetteville (Downtown next to the Detention Center) Get your Vitamin D We’ve all heard reports that too much sun exposure can lead to skin cancer. But can too little sun be dangerous as well? Health experts say yes. may need more than 20 times as much exposure to sunlight as those with fairer skin to produce the same amount of vitamin D. Too little sun can lead to vitamin D deficiency, a condition that can be dangerous, particularly for African Americans. What can you do to improve the level of vitamin D in your blood? First, a little bit of sun exposure goes a long way. As little as 10 minutes a few times a week can produce thousands of units of vitamin D. Slightly more time is required for those with darker skin. Vitamin D is produced in response to sun exposure. It is vital to your body’s absorption of calcium. People with vitamin D deficiency are able to absorb only one-third as much calcium as those with sufficient levels. Calcium is needed to build strong bones and healthy muscles, so vitamin D is key to avoiding bone-softening diseases like rickets and osteoporosis. Current studies, however, show it can also lessen your risk for developing conditions such as cancer, diabetes and cardiovascular disease. Yet geneticist Rick Kittles, an associate professor at the University of Chicago, warns that nearly 75 percent of African Americans are vitamin D insufficient. sWhen: -ONDAY&RIDAY PMPM sWho: General Public Know Your HIV Status! Get Tested! Free & Confidential! Results. Right Here. Right Now. COMMUNITY HEALTH INTERVENTIONS AND SICKLE CELL AGENCY, INC. w For more information, please call (910) 488-6118 daytime or (910) 483-5971 during testing hours. .O!PPOINTMENT.EEDEDs3AME$AY2ESULTS You could save 15%. Calcium supplements with vitamin D included are also available in your local drugstore, and there are a variety of foods that are a good source of vitamin D. Among these foods are fatty fish, such as salmon or mackerel, egg yolks, breakfast cereals, milk and some juices. When in doubt, visit your physician. Kittles says your doctor can look at the breakdown of vitamin D in the blood and let you know if you are deficient. He or she can also make qualified recommendations on how improve your levels and thus take charge of your health and vitamin D levels. “The brown-black pigment, which is in our skin and gives us eye color and hair color, is a protector of our skin cells from too much ultraviolet radiation,” he says. "6 50 t ) 0 . & t 3 & / 5 & 3 4 t . 050 3 $ : $ - & t # 0"5 It is the ultraviolet radiation that is needed to produce vitamin D in the body. Thus darker-skinned people Listen for Take Charge of Your Health messages on radio stations Foxy 99.1 FM, Jamz 107.7 FM, Soul 104.5 FM and WIDU 1600 AM. $POWFOJFOUMPDBMPGmDFtIPVSTFSWJDFBOEDMBJNT -PXEPXOQBZNFOUTt.POUIMZQBZNFOUQMBOT .POFZTBWJOHEJTDPVOUTt43TBWBJMBCMF Call or visit Caesar Blue: 910-487-0037 6415 Brookstone Lane, Fayetteville, NC 28314 Some discounts, coverages, payment plans, and features are not available in all states or in all GEICO companies. Homeowners and renters coverages are written through non-affiliated insurance companies and are secured through the GEICO Insurance Agency, Inc. GEICO is a registered service mark of Government Employees Insurance Company, Washington, D.C. 20076; a Berkshire Hathaway Inc. subsidiary The GEICO Gecko image © 1999 – 2012. GEICO: Washington, DC 20076. © 2012 GEICO The Fayetteville Press Sept/Oct 2013 Page 3 &KU\VOHU 0Y\YV]:[MXLWTHEYXSQEXMGXVERWQMWWMSR ½RIPIEXLIVMRXIVMSVERHWQEVXP]ETTSMRXIHIUYMTQIRX r e s i M Gas * 3 0 2013 Lease for $ 299 mo. for 36 mos. 10,000 miles per year lease. $2,999 due at signing. * Price includes all rebates, including owner loyalty rebate, $500 Military rebate, plus $549 documentation fee, NC tax and tags. WAC plus tax and doc fee. Not all customers will qualify. Pictures may not represent actual vehicle. 21G4LIVWSR'LYVGL6H1SRHE]*VMHE]7EXYVHE] New 2013- 7XEVXMRK$ 'SQJSVXEFP]ETTSMRXIH[MXL%'%1*1'(ERHTS[IV[MRHS[WERHPSGOW 21G4LIVWSR'LYVGL6H [[[,IRHVMGO*MEXSJ*E]IXXIZMPPIGSQ Page 4 The Fayetteville Press Sept/Oct 2013 Edition Editorial / Opinion The Fayetteville Press Newspaper welcomes letters from its readers. All letters must be signed and must include a home address and a daytime phone number. All letters are subject to editing. We will not publish unsigned or pseudonymous letters. Mail , Fax or E-mail your letters to: The Fayetteville Press Newspaper, P.O. Box 9166, Fayetteville NC 28311 E-mail: [email protected] North Carolina’s Tea Party Nightmares By Jesse Jackson, Sr. NNPA Columnist Black Press USA- North Carolina — once poster child for the New South — now displays the nightmares spawned by the Tea Party right no longer restrained by the Voting Rights Act after the Supreme Court’s conservative gang of five disemboweled it in the Shelby case. In North Carolina, Republicans took the General Assembly in 2010 and the governorship in 2012. The takeover received rather unprecedented support from one right-wing multimillionaire, Art Pope — who, according to progressive publication The American Prospect, singlehandedly provided about 80 percent of the funding for the state’s conservative groups. Upon taking control, the Republicans began systematically dismantling the social infrastructure of the state. They slashed taxes on the top 5 percent and raised them on the bottom 95 percent. They eliminated the earned-income tax credit for 900,000 low-wage workers. They cut Medicaid coverage for 500,000. They ended unemployment benefits for 170,000. They threw about 30,000 kids out of pre-K, while transferring $90 million from public schools to vouchers. They voted to allow guns purchased without a background check to be carried in parks, restaurant and bars. As the Rev. William Barber II, president of the North Carolina NAACP, put it: “They’ve ported voter registration drives and ended pre-registration of 16- and 17-year-olds. They require more frequent purges of voter rolls, and prohibit extending poll hours on Election Day, even if there are long lines still waiting to vote. They even eliminated Citizen Awareness Month that encouraged citizens to register and vote. North Carolina had featured some of the most enlightened election laws and ranked in the top 15 states of voter turnout nationally. With passage of this law, they are intent on driving that down. Now the question is whether the citizens of North Carolina will allow their government to be hijacked by deep pocket donors and their rights trampled by antidemocratic zealots. The Rev. Barber says this will not stand. “If you think you can take away our voting rights, you’ll have a headache,” he vowed. He started organizing what became Moral Mondays, weekly demonstrations that drew thousands in protest to the state’s capital. By the end of July, some 900 people had been arrested in nonviolent civil disobedience. Now, when the legislature closes down in August, the Rev. Barber plans a bus tour through 25 counties to register citizens to vote and to protest the cruel measures. With its decisions opening the floodgates on corporate money in Citizens United and rolling back the Voting Rights Act, the conservative gang of five on the Supreme Court has opened the way for the North Carolina nightmare. And North Carolina is not alone. Across the country, Republicans are seeking to roll back voting rights even as they push to gut vital social programs. Citizens of conscience have no choice but to rally once more to protect our rights. Moral Monday in North Carolina shows the way. In North Carolina, the reaction to the reaction may just have begun. drank all the Tea Party they could drink and sniffed all the Koch that they could sniff.” These radically reactionary measures didn’t exactly meet with popular approval. The approval rating of the state legislature is down to about 23 percent. So Republicans set out to consolidate their unpopular rule by gerrymandering districts to re-segregate voters and weaken their opponents’ base. And they just pushed through the most radical assault on voting rights in modern memory. In one “omnibus bill,” the legislature Jesse L. Jackson, Sr. is founder and president of the Chicagowould create restrictive voter ID procedures that will disqualify estimated based Rainbow PUSH Coalition. You can keep up with his work 318,000-registered voters. They cut a at - See more at: out of early voting time, ended same day registration, eliminates state-sup- tea-party-nightmares/#sthash.hrd3MhyK.dpuf “A New Voice For District 9” VOTE Charlotte Robinson TUESDAY OCT 8, Primary MILITARY SERVICE: Served in the United States Army Reserves from 1992 to 1997 Served active duty in the United States Army from 1980-1992 ENTERPRENEURIAL SPIRIT: Established Angels Home Health Care in 2000, currently manages 130 employees with an annual budget of 1.9 million dollars VOTE Charlotte Robinson District 9 (910) 257-6539 www.charlotte Email: [email protected] COMMUNITY SERVICE: Partnered with Cumberland County School System’s homeless program to provide clothing needed for the homeless students in 2013, provided food and clothing for families in need since 1998. Building a Community Center that will be instrumental in the personal development of Fayetteville’s youth. FAMILY: Married to Thurston J. Robinson. Mother of four children with two sons serving on active duty in the United States Army, one son a senior in high school and a daughter recently graduated from Fayetteville State University. EDUCATION: Nursing Degree/Bachelors of science, Psychology FSU graduated - Cum laude *General Election 11/5/2013 * Paid for by the committee to elect Charlotte Robinson District 9 The Fayetteville Press Newspaper “Your Community Newspaper” P.O. Box 9166 Fayetteville * NC 28311 (910) 323-3120 - Office *Publisher - JJ Jones *General Manager Chrystal M. Thomas *Sales Manager Dwight Brown *Editor - Jae McKrae *Staff Writer - Val Jones *Account Executives Dr. Don Reid Thurgood “Mike” Flowers Chris Miller *Distribution Michael Dykes Nero B. Coleman *Staff Chaplain Rev. John T. Johnson E-mail: [email protected] For Advertisement & Subscriptions Call (910) 323-3120 The Fayetteville Press Sept/Oct 2013 Edition Page 5 *Personal Injury *Immigration *Divorce *Traffic Tickets *Social Security Disability (910) 672-0060 - Office New Location: 213 Dick Street * Ste. 205 Fayetteville, NC 28301 Email: [email protected] Website: Happy Birthday Destinee Richardson Arether’s Little M&M’s Pre-K (910) 423-1305 3377 Cumberland Road Fayetteville, NC 28306 Would like to say Happy Belated Birthday to……. Destinee Richardson, Daughter of Geymayle and Stephanie Richardson August 30, 2013 - 4 years old! Destinee Richardson Hope you had a fun birthday Destinee!! We love you! Now Open at Westwood Speediprint: Speediprint, Inc. Contractual Postal Unit Get all your Postal needs and services! 164 Westwood Shopping Center Fayetteville, NC 28303 (910) 868-9024 (910) 868-3788 - Fax E-mail: [email protected] Page 6 The Fayetteville Press Sept/Oct 2013 Edition Church News & More Women’s Empowerment Conference 2013 WORLD OF FAITH CHURCH Sept 12, 14 & 15 at Second Chance Ministries 1028 Pamalee Drive in Fayetteville 4658 Devil's Racetrack Road 1077 Jamz Radio personality Lady G is definitely one of Fayetteville’s outstanding role models; she accepts this role willingly and responsibly. In 1984, Fayetteville native Rosa “Lady Gospel” Faison, began her journey to be among the best gospel radio announcers in North Carolina. She graduated from broadcasting school in Charlotte. Over the years, Lady G has maneuvered in the Fayetteville area, f r o m W I D U , W FA I , W M FA (Raeford), and FOXY 99, and now to 1077 JAMZ. She is a celebrated gospel announcer and has been nominated for numerous awards: Inside Gospel’s “Best Gospel Announcer,” and the NC Gospel Announcer Guild of the Gospel Workshop of America nominated her for Announcer of the Year. Lady G is the dedicated wife of Pastor Anthony Faison, the proud mother of 3, Jennifer and Tandy, and James McMillian, and through marriage, she has a daughter Danielle. High school graduate and college student Deiontae, is her oldest grandchild. Then, there’s Darnell, Raenell, Alexis, Josiah, Gabriel, Taurus, Mikayia, Christian, James, Jr. and Montaeja. Her siblings are Dwight, Randall and the late Carolyn Wilson . Her parents are Bishop O.T. and Mother Annie Johnson. September 12, 14, and 15, (Thursday , Saturday and Sunday), Lady G is hosting the Women’s Empowerment Conference 2013 at Sec- Lady G 1077 JAMZ Sunday Morning 6 to 11 ond Chance Ministries, 1028 Pamalee Drive in Fayetteville. On Thursday, September 12 at 7:30 PM, Susie McLean from Red Springs of God at Work Ministry is the guest speaker. Men are also invited. Saturday, September 14 at 10AM, is the Rainbow Brunch w/light Hors d’oeuvres. The Keynote Speaker is veteran broadcaster Omega Jones. Omega is the founder of Omega Health & Outreach. Lady G also welc o m e s r e c o r d i n g A r t i s t We n d y Peterson. There’s also a Dance Ministry with Minister Danielle Land. It’s for Women Only, and donations are only $10. Then, Sunday, September 15 at 3PM, Pastor Shirley Williams of Greater Mt. Calvary Church from Parkton, is the guest speaker. Men are also welcomed to attend on Sunday. The Conference empowers the body of Christ to become aware of distractions that will hinder us from Bethel A.M.E. Zion Church 255 Vass Road * Spring Lake, NC 28390 "Where Jesus is Lord and His Word Proclaimed" "Preaching, Teaching and Reading" Celebrate the Joy of Worship With Us Each Sunday *Sunday Church School 9:30AM - 10:45AM Rev. Kenneth M. Brooks Pastor (910) 497-3445 Morning Worship - 10:55AM Kidz Church - 10:55 AM Bible Study and Prayer Wed 12 Noon and 6:30PM [email protected] Rock Hill Missionary Baptist Church 302 Phillippi Church Road * Raeford, NC 28376 (910) 875-6425 - Church “A place where ministry matters” Sunday School 10:00 AM Worship Service 11:00 AM Bible Study / Prayer Meeting Wednesday Night 7:00 PM We Are A Body Of Baptized Believers That Are People Oriented. Dr. Elijah Fulcher (910) 751-4241 We are looking forward to fellowshipping with you soon. Abundant Life Church of God 220 Pelt Drive * Fayetteville, NC 28301 (910) 488-4578-Church * (910) 488-3284 - Office fulfilling God’s purpose. It also motivates us to stay focused and be equipped to serve God. With everything that is going on today with the economy as well as countriesin conflicts, it is easy to lose focus and give up. However, as people and most important as women, we have to remain encouraged and continue to build the Kingdom of God. Our theme this year is: Ladies Rise To The Occasion! “Be Equipped To Serve”. As ladies, we serve in various capacities as mothers, wives, and through our careers. In addition, we serve spiritually, as Pastors, Pastors Wives dutifully supporting the vision of the church and working faithfully out front and behind the scenes. Sometimes, we might get tired, but we can’t let the weary and faint slow us down. If we stay strong, we will get a great reward. If any man serve me let him follow me; and where I am, there shall also my servant be: If any man serves me, him will my Father honor. John 22:26 “I want to bring ladies together at the Rainbow Brunch to share and encourage each other to grow smarter, stronger and wiser, “ Lady G said.. “This is the perfect opportunity to make time for ourselves. It also gives us a chance to address some of the life changing health issues we face. Heart disease; diabetes; obesity, stress issues, and strokes are a few example. All of these can critically impact our lives.” Lady G says, “We need some ‘Me Time’ to relax and pamper ourselves. Then, we can serve in the natural as well as the spiritual. To care for our families, we need to be healthy, and stay active in our careers. This is especially true for those who also work tirelessly in the ministry. Pastor Anthony and Lady G conceived the idea for the conference to bring awareness of their church, Second Chance Ministries. “We are new pastors in the community (9 months). This conference also serves as a fundraiser for our Annual Toy Drive that supports neglected and abused children. Sometimes we get so caught up in what’s going on around us, we don’t stop to enjoy what’s in front of us, our families, and friends—those who make a difference in our lives. Let’s come together and impact each other’s lives. Lady G can be heard every Sunday with Pastor Anthony on Sunday Morning Inspirationson 1077JAMZ, 6AM-11AM. Yo u can also donate online: CHURCH IRS COMPLIANCE SEMINAR $OIUHG-RQHV &3$ $&RXQWU\&OXE'ULYH )D\HWWHYLOOH1& &HUWL¿FDWH :LOOIXOGLVUHJDUGRI,56UXOHVDQG UHJXODWLRQVPD\UHVXOWLQ-DLO7LPH IRU 0LQLVWHUVDQG%RDUGV :KRPD\RZQD&KXUFK" :KRPXVW¿OHSD\UROOWD[UHSRUWV" :KRLVDQHPSOR\HHDQGZKRLVDFRQWUDFWRU" :KDWLVDJLIWDQGZKDWLVLQFRPHWRDPLQLVWHU" $UH/RYH2IIHULQJVWD[DEOHWRWKH0LQLVWHU" 'R\RXNQRZWKHDFWVWKDWPD\FDXVH\RXUFKXUFK WRORVHLWV7D[([HPSW6WDWXV" :KDWLVF7D[([HPSW6WDWXVDQGZK\LVWKDW LPSRUWDQWWRDFKXUFK" 6HPLQDU 'DWH 6HSWHPEHU 7LPH SPSP 5HJLVWHUHDUO\EHFDXVHVHDWVDUHOLPLWHG )HHLVSHUSHUVRQ &XUUHQW&KXUFKFOLHQWVUHFHLYHGLVFRXQW 9LVD0DVWHU&DUG 'LVFRYHU&DUG$PHULFDQ([SUHVV *URXSGLVFRXQWVDUHDYDLODEOH &ODVVGDWHVDQGWLPHVDUHVXEMHFWWRFKDQJH Sunday Morning Worship (10:00am) Sunday School (9:00am) Monday Night Intercessory Prayer (7:00pm) Bishop JC Monroe, Jr Wednesday Night Family Training Hour (7:15pm) Wednesday & Friday 6:00am Prayer Founder & Pastor Monday, Wednesday & Friday 12 Noon Day Prayer :('2%(77(5:+(1:(.12:%(77(5 '21¶7:$,7817,/,7,6722/$7(72 %(&20(,1)250(' $&712: 5(*,67(512: Four Oaks, NC 27524-9711 Sunday Services 11am 1st, 2nd, 3rd & 5th I-95 N. Exit 90 * Left Across Hwy 701 Church Right 4 miles Pastor Curtis Worthy (910) 824-9091 "SAVING THE LOST AT ALL COST" Savannah Missionary Baptist Church “Revive the Old…..Usher in the New” 6675 Tabor Church Road * Fayetteville, NC 28312 Sunday Services Sunday School…………10:00 a.m. Worship Service 1st-4th Sun……….11:00 a.m. Worship Service 5th Sun……….8:30 a.m. Wednesday Bible Study/Prayer……7:00 p.m. Radio Broadcast WIDU 1600 A.M. Fayetteville Saturday: 9:00 a.m. Pastor Mark Rowden & First Lady Beverly Rowden (910) 323-1962 Office (910) 323-9935 Fax Emmanuel Bible College & Herbal Academy Emmanuel Bible College Classes: Tuesday 6pm - 8pm * Saturday: 3pm - 5pm 1811 Overlook Drive Fayetteville, NC Dr. T.W. Murray, President & Founder (910) 308-0451 FORMULA FOR OVERCOMING YOUR INFERIORITY COMPLEX We could not begin to tell you how many ask the question, “How can I rid myself of my inferiority complex?” Perhaps nothing so plagues and harasses human beings as the crippling, misery-producing feeling of personal inadequacy. You can be cured of this trouble even though you have probably suffered from it since childhood. You do not need to shrink before anybody or anything, and in the next fifteen minutes, you can start the process which will lead to the end of your inferiority feelings. 1. Stamp indelibly on your mind a mental picture of yourself succeeding. Your mind will seek to develop this picture. Never think of yourself as failing. That is most dangerous, for the mind always tries to complete what it pictures. So ALWAYS picture “success.” 2. Whenever a negative thought about yourself comes to mind, deliberately voice a positive thought to cancel it out. 3. Do not build up obstacles in your imagination. Depreciate ever so-called obstacle. Minimize them. Difficulties must be studied to be eliminated, but they must be seen for only what they are and must not be inflated by fear thoughts. 4. Do not be awestruck by other people and try to copy them. Nobody can be you as efficiently as YOU can. Remember also that most people, despite their confident appearance and demeanor, are as scared of things as you are. 5. Repeat ten times a day these words, “If God be FOR me, who can be AGAINST me.” (Repeat them NOW slowly and confidently.) 6. Get a competent counselor to help you understand why you do what you do. Learn the origin of your inferiority feelings which often begin in childhood. Self-knowledge leads to a cure. 7. Ten times each day, practice the following affirmation, repeating it out loud if possible. “I can do all things through Christ who giveth me the strength.” Repeat those words NOW. These words constitute the most powerful antidote on earth to inferiority thoughts. 8. Make a true estimate of your own ability, then raise it ten percent. Do not become egotistical, but develop a wholesome selfrespect. Do that NOW. 9. Put yourself in God’s hands and believe you are NOW receiving all the power you need. The Fayetteville Press Sept/Oct 2013 Edition Page 7 Church Page God’s Reach Out Ministries 603 N. Green Street* Raeford, NC 28376 Sunday Services John T. Johnson Founder/ Spiritual Director (910) 818-1149 Fax: (910) 323-4607 Email:[email protected] First Baptist Church 302 Moore Street * Fayetteville, NC 28301 Bible Study.........7:00pm Apostle Sandra Holland-Trotter Founder/ Sr. Pastor 848-0378 (910) 483-6505 Fax: (910) 433-3457 Bible Study - 6:30p.m. Mid -Week Service -7:30p.m. Sunday Services Worship Service.....8:00am Worship Service........11:00am Ernest W. Jones Senior Pastor Wednesday Services (910) 867-6762 Bible Study Alive.............7:00pm *Noonday Prayer Cynthia M. Jones--Pastor RIVERS OF LIFE CHRISTIAN CHURCH (John 7:38) Jesus is Lord and the Word of God is the Final Authority! * John 17:1 COME WORSHIP & GROW WITH US Sundays @ 10:00 a.m. Wednesday Bible Study 7p.m. - 8 p.m. “We Are Better Together” Praise and Worship Service 8:00 a.m. Sunday School/Bible Study 9:30 a.m. Morning Worship Service 10:45 a.m. Evening Services 6:00 p.m. (2nd and 4th Sundays) Wednesday Radio Broadcast WIDU 1600am Fayetteville Saturday: 5:30 to 5:45pm Fayetteville Cumberland County Ministerial Council, Inc. Sunday Dr. Cureton L. Johnson Senior Minister (910) 867-6762 (910) 867-3611 Fax: (910) 867-4003 Sunday School....10:30am Worship Service........11:30am 1st Sunday Evening Service 6:30pm “A Voice For The Voiceless” Proverbs 31: 8-9 339 Vanstory Street Fay NC 28301 World Outreach Fellowship 5315 Morganton Road Fayetteville, NC “The Church Where Love Abides” Tuesday Services Reverend True Vine Ministries Shiloh Temple of Faith Church Fellowship Breakfast Meets Every 3rd Saturday 8:00am At Holiday Inn Bordeaux 1707 Owen Dr. Every 2nd & 4th Tuesday Executive Meeting Rev. Mary Owens President (910) 867-2960 Any Minister of the Christian Faith is Welcome To Join Us. 103 Brook Lane Pastors Kelvin & Regina Williamson Spring Lake, NC 28390 Holiday Inn Express Belmont Room Find us on Facebook Rivers of Life Christian Church, (910) Spring Lake, NC 723-0620 Heal The Land Outreach Ministries 414 Hall Street * Fayetteville, NC 28301 Vision Casting 10:00 AM Morning Worship 11:00 AM Wed Nite Bible Teaching 7:30 PM Church: (910) 568-4276 Email: [email protected] Bishop Larry O. Wright Pastor and Founder Website (910) 568-4276 -Church Deliverance Temple Word Of Faith Christian Center 5315 Raeford Road, Fayetteville, NC 28304 Don't Even Think About Going To Heaven Until You Come To Deliverance Temple Christian Center 522 Hillsboro Street - Fayetteville, NC 28301 910-485-7794 [email protected] [email protected] Church School 9:00 a.m. Sunday Morning Worship Service - 10:30 a.m. Midweek Services - 11:30 a.m. Bible Study - Wednesday - 6:30 p.m. Senior Pastors Bishop O.T. Johnson (The Faith Preacher) Pastor David L. Morrison Sr. Mother Anne Johnson The Place Where Christ is Seen, Love is Felt and Lives are Changed! (910) 424-0422 Order Of Services *Sunday Worship... 8:00am & 11:00 am *Sunday School 9:45 am Come Learn Your Rights As A Born Again Believer Radio-WMFA 1400 am Radio “Enter to Worship, Depart to Serve.” Sat. at 10am Children Church * Nursery Provided
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