donna hicken invitation.indd
donna hicken invitation.indd
A special thank you to Ford C. Riley for the painting used on this invitation. Reserve bids start at $12,500.00. All proceeds from the sale of this painting will benefit The Donna Hicken Foundation. Please join us for an evening of Show Jumping $25,000 Gateway Capitol Development Grand Prix to benefit The Donna Hicken Foundation Presented by Gateway Capitol Development and The Marco Family Foundation Saturday, January 26, 2008 – 7:00 PM Clay County Fair Grounds Buffet Dinner and Beverages 5:00 PM until 7:00 PM Ride for Life 6:30 PM $25,000 Gateway Capitol Development Grand Prix 7:00 PM Reception and Dinner generously sponsored by: Table of eight $800.00 Individual seat $125.00 each Please respond before January 12, 2008. Clay County Fairgrounds 2497 State Road 16 W Green Cove Springs, FL 32043 The $25,000 25,000 elopment lop nt Gateway Capitoll Develop Development Grand Prix to benefit The Donna Hicken Foundation __ Name:______________________________________________ _____ Address:____________________________________________ __ City:____________________________________________ State:_______________________ Zip:________________ Phone:_(_____)___________________ For more information, contact Sue Rindal at 904.522.0375 _______ Tables of eight at $800 per table. Total: $__________ _______Seats at $125 per seat. Total: $________ Total amount enclosed: $______________________ My check, made payable to The Donna Hicken Foundation, is enclosed. an Express xp By Credit Card: Visa Master Card American e:_ ___ Card #:______________________________ Exp. Date:_________ _____ _______ Signature:__________________________________ end, but ple ___________ I am unable to attend, please accept my $_____________ n to The Donna Do tion. contribution Hicken Foundation. SVP by Jan RSVP January 12, 2008. The $25,000 5,000 Gatew Gateway Capitol Deve Development i Grand P Prix to benefit The Donna Hicken Foundation sponsored by: Gateway Capital Development The Marco Family Foundation Carrabba’s Italian Grill North Florida Hunter Jumper Association Sound Advice ADDITIONAL GUESTS IN MY PARTY 1. ___________________________________________ 2. ____________________________________________ 3. ___ ___________________________________________ 4. ___________________________________________ 5. ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ 6. ___________ ___ _____ 7. ____________________________________________ ___________ 8. ____________________________________________ _________ 99. ___________________________________________ 10. __________________________________________