Cornwall Community Hospital
Cornwall Community Hospital
Stewardship Report 2008-2009 the Picture of Health Piece by Piece Hospital Equipment One Piece at a Time APRIL 1, 2004 TO MARCH 31, 2009 Phototherapy lights Sleeper Chairs 6 Patient Care Beds Colonoscope Wii System Portable Electrocardiograph Unit(ECG) Endoscopy System Vital Signs Unit Ophthalmology Microscope Eye Instrumentation Table, Chair, Cabinet Bariatric Bed Electro-encephalography system ACS Auto Cart Blanket Warmer Bilirubin Meter Parallel Bars 2 Portable Ultrasounds 2 Televisions Bariatric Floor Scale Weigh Scales Dual Head Stethoscope Pedometers Kit Eye Projector Fetal Scalp Monitor Ventilator Speech Therapy Equipment Surgical Tower 7 Stretcher Beds Ice Dispensing Unit TOTAL $705,926 Chair Message Piece by Piece and Shovel by Shovel - Thanks to you Dear Friends, It gives me great pleasure to take the time once again this year to say ‘Thank you’! The Foundation’s family of donors has traveled quite a distance together. Great progress has been made in these last five years since the inception of the Cornwall Community Hospital Foundation in April 2004. Piece by piece the picture of enhanced local healthcare is coming together. Five years ago we asked ourselves, “Can we really do this – raise $12Million dollars for the Redevelopment Project?” But now, almost five years later to the day on May 19, 2009, I was pleased to represent all of you at the official ground breaking ceremony. Without the community portion of this project the shovel would not be in the ground today. You made the difference- donor by donor and dollar by dollar! The Foundation Board of Directors reports, regardless of what you may hear about the economic situation nationally, internationally or locally, over $9Million dollars in pledged donations for the Our Hospital Our Future Campaign have been received at the Foundation. Of this amount $1.3Million has already been transferred to the hospital to complete the Early Works Project. Pledged donors are faithfully continuing to complete their commitments as we approach the finish line and keep our promise of providing the community share of $12Million. The Foundation Board takes their responsibility of being good stewards of your donations seriously. We are pleased to report; every dollar you have entrusted to us is secure as all donations have been invested in Government Investment Certificates (GIC’s). But, the Redevelopment Project is only one piece of the picture. Thanks to your support the Foundation has been able to provide funds for equipment for our hospital. Raising funds to equip our hospital is a continuous priority of the Foundation- equipment too is our mission, and our mandate. Why? - Because tax dollars from the Government only funds a portion of the cost of equipment for hospitals. Thanks to your generosity over the past five years, $705,926 has been transferred to the Hospital to purchase equipment- piece by piece. The list and collage of pictures on this page, tells the story of almost 50 pieces of equipment funded by your donations. We need to know we can also count on your support in the future. As new technology emerges and medical treatments change, we constantly need to fundraise to be able to purchase the state-of-theart equipment our hospital requires. All of us have the chance to be part of the creation of our future- each of us holds a piece of the picture. It is very encouraging to see how so many have already embraced this opportunity. Philanthropy is life changing. Sir Winston Churchill said, “You make a living by what you get, you make a life by what you give.” It’s not what we attain in life that matters. It’s what we leave behind that’s important. So, piece by piece and gift by gift, with your support and our thanks we will continue our journey together knowing this is the hospital the community built. To Your Health, Roy Perkins, Board Chair The Future Starts Today Groundbreaking May 19, 2009 2008-2009 Cornwall Community Hospital Foundation Financial Report April 1st 2008 to March 31st 2009 Total Revenues Total Expenses * Transfer to CCH Equipment $ 2,367,000 $ 324,500 Executive Board Roy Perkins Chair $ 338,000 Sean Adams Vice Chair Maureen Adams Treasurer *Fundraising Costs - 14% Total Revenue $ 2,367,000 Capital Campaign Donations $ 1,567,300 Unrestricted Donations and Fundraising Volunteer Board of Directors at Work Bob Craig Treasurer (Retired) Connie Vardy Secretary/Executive Director Directors $ 378,800 Investment Income $ 307,600 Restricted Donations $ 113,300 Angie Baker Ashok Bharti Melanie Baker Brown Lynn Chauvin Corey Kalsi 66% 16% 13% 5% 4% 5% Denise Labelle-Gélinas Pierre Lefebvre Gilbert McIntee Karen McMillan Mary Anne Pankhurst Jeanette Despatie CEO, CCH Ex-Officio 91% Jean Duguay CCH Board Representative Marcia McQuaig CCH Board Representative Marilyn Dulmage/Lorna Grant CCH Auxiliary Representative Foundation Equity $8,023,400 Restricted Capital Campaign $ 7,330,300 Unrestricted Donations and Fundraising $ 359,100 Internally Restricted Funds and Externally Restricted Donations $ 394,900 Total Captial Campaign Income collected $9,330,000 Amounts are approximations. Copies of the full audited financial statements are available upon request from the Foundation Office. Charitable Registration Number: 89 406 5432RR0001 4 Stewardship Report 2008-2009 FOUNDATION TEAM AT YOUR SERVICE Connie Vardy, Executive Director [email protected] Carol White, Community Development and Communications Coordinator [email protected] Claudette Matte, Adminstrative Assistant [email protected] Call: 613-930-4508 Connie, Carol or Claudette Mail: Cornwall Community Hospital Foundation 840 McConnell Avenue Cornwall, Ontario K6H 5S5 Website: E-mail: [email protected] Fax: 613-930-4509 Visit us at S e c o (Near : the Tu nd Street Sit ck sho e- 1 st F p loo ) 510 Se Hours cond S r o f B u treet E s donat ast ions o iness for r in quiries 8am t o 4 p Mond ay to F m, riday After be lef hours don ations t at th locati e Registra of cheque t s ons o r give ion desk a can t both online 24/7 Your privacy We are committed to protecting your privacy and we respect the confidentiality of your personal information. From time to time we publicly recognize and acknowledge the generosity of our donors. If you wish to discuss your privacy options, please contact us. To all our donors who have requested anonymity, every effort has been made to ensure that each donor is properly recognized for donations given. Please contact the Foundation Office regarding any omissions or corrections. On behalf of the Foundation, we sincerely thank all our donors for their support. The Fou n located dation office w a in McConn the West Wing s previously ell Site. o Redeve The Hos f the lo p and dem pment Project ital h o begin sh lition of the W as begun e o at the S rtly. Our new st Wing will ho e office lo cond Street Sit me is now e. Only cation h o as chan remains ged. All ur the sam else e. The Physicians Cool Heads, Steady Hands, Nerves of Steel and Giving Hearts Our Emergency physicians’ compassion and skills reach beyond the triage and trauma units to the front lines during times of tragedy and illness. Saving a life relies on making accurate and often split second decisions – decisions made in tandem with the availability of vital diagnostic equipment. Cornwall Emergency Physicians are still singing the praises of Ontario Power Generation (OPG) and community donors. In 2008 the Foundation was able to marry a $25,000 donation from OPG with other community donations to raise $55,490 to meet the Emergency Physicians’ critical need for a Portable Ultrasound. The Physicians told us they were amazed, grateful and humbled when gifts from big business and the community materialized to meet their need. Dr. Heseltine shared that the 22 Emergency doctors, known as Cornwall Emergency Physicians, have long held an underlying desire to do more. So recently, the group stepped up to the plate with their own ‘made in CCH solution’ by making a long term commitment of giving -simply because they felt it was the “right thing to do”. Dr. Geoffrey Heseltine, Emergency Physician and Dr. Lorne Scharf, Chief of Emergency Medicine spearheaded their group’s new strategy of giving. Each Emergency doctor has happily pledged $1 per hour of their earnings to the Cornwall Community Hospital Foundation in addition to their individual donations. They felt a group donation that would generate approximately $20,000 per year would be very powerful in meeting patient needs. As a primary interface with the community, the emergency department is often the portal of entry to the hospital and Emergency doctors feel very connected to the “pulse” of the community through their patients. Cornwall Community Hospital Emergency Physicians see 1,000 patients per week. That’s equivalent to any large city hospital. In this interview Dr. Heseltine expressed how fortunate they were to work at Cornwall Community Hospital. On behalf of the community the Foundation says “We are fortunate to have you.” Our Amazing Hospital Staff Our amazing hospital staff works behind the scenes every day to bring you quality healthcare. They also support the Foundation in many ways. Thank you to the staff for your constant support at events, your payroll contributions and for loving our donors as we do. Emergency Medicine Physicians Left to right: Dr. Ed Hargassner, Dr. Geoff Heseltine, Dr. Lorne Scharf Stewardship Report 2008-2009 5 Music and Money for Cancer Kevin Rivette and Giant Tiger 2008-2009 EVENTS Corus Caring Hearts Radiothon Raised $107,057 Leon’s Celebrates 100th Anniversary outfitting pediatric family room with a big screen tv and furniture. On Wednesday, March 11th, the 3rd Annual Corus Caring Hearts Radiothon took place at Cornwall Square, broadcasting live on all three Corus stations: Variety 104.5, AM 1220 and the Rock 101.9. This 13 hour event drew the community together as sponsors, volunteers, businesses and individuals raised $107,057 for new equipment. Listeners could call in, phone in, walk in or log in to donate. The Foundation wishes to thank Scott Armstrong, General Manager Corus Entertainment, his amazing team and everyone who participated to make this event such a tremendous success. We are looking forward to next year’s Radiothon. Dreams Do Come True Sunrise Rotary Members Donate for equipment above and beyond their pledge Palliative Care Donors Accumulated donations furnished seven rooms. No donation is ever too small. 6 Stewardship Report 2008-2009 November 29, 2008 marked the 4th Annual Dreams Do Come True Wine and Cheese and Silent Auction at NAV CANADA. This year the event was held in memory of co-founder Mrs. Sherry Burke. Originally started as a wine and cheese fundraiser in the hospital cafeteria, this not to be missed Wine and Cheese and Silent Auction event has grown to become “the” kick-off to the social Christmas season. This year’s event was Co-Chaired by Sharon Miller and Louise McIntosh and Auction Chair Elise Wells. Thank you to the tireless Dream Team for all their hard work and dedication. Thanks to you and the generous guests, sponsors and local business community $82,200 was raised. The hospital is now the proud owner of an electroencephalography (EEG) system and a bariatric bed for special needs patients thanks to the funds raised at this event. Watch for announcements and plan to join us in November 2009. rs no r Do nity u m Com The Action in Ou Ours is a giving community that values local healthcare. Your long-term vision of providing for future generations is a story worth telling. For full details on these and other stories visit our “Latest News” page at Samantha Pilgrim $100 Birthday Donation Never to Young to Care! The Auxiliary to Cornwall Community Hospital 60 years of volunteerism $15,000 buys an ECG. Tim Hortons $11,760 from Smile Cookie Sales Thank you to the Hill and Moyer Families & Community Cookie Lovers Club Octogone Talented Teens cheer up the Teen Room Coming Home Musical Recital Justine Butkovich & Amanda Johnston $930 SD&G Cornwall Shrine Club 4th Annual Ball Drop at Summerheights Golf Links Shoppers Drug Mart Staff annual ‘Tree of Life’ fundraising event Powell School of Dance That’s Entertainment! $1,200 Benson and Corus Heat things up with summer BBQ fundraisers From April 1st 2008 to March 31st 2009, the following individuals and companies have generously contributed to our fundraising events. The Foundation wishes to thank the following: In-Kind Donors 8 On Second A Better You Laser Hair Removal Accesoware Services Alana Tucker Make-up Artist Ambassador Conference Resort Hotel Kingston André & France Pommier Aubé Frères Aultsville Theatre Auntie Em’s Scrapbooking Axxis Optical Balloonies Barbara’s Flower Boutique Behold Photographics Belanger Laminates VT Industries Inc. Best Western Parkway Inn and Conference Centre Blue Anchor Dining Lounge Brent Harpur Photography Bruyere’s Restaurant C & N Interior Styling Boutique Cameron’s Pools - Fireplaces Canadian Tire Petroleum Capital Security & Investigations Cartier Place Suite Hotel Casa Paolo Ristorante Charmic Limo’s & Tours CHOD CIBC City Limits Bar & Grill Clark’s Shoe Store Cornwall Aquatic Centre Cornwall Colts Junior A Hockey Club Cornwall Electric Cornwall Golf and Country Club Corus Entertainment: AM 1220, Rock 101.9, Variety 104.5 Curves for Women Dairy Queen Don Cherry’s Sports Grill Downtown BIA Dr. Barbara Kurtz Dr. Steven Deneka Dr. Wash and Detailing Centre Dreamland Earthway Family Chiropractic Ed Mirvish Enterprises Ltd. Emard Lumber Esthetics by Linda Floral Expressions Four Points Sheraton Hotel and Suites Freedom Wireless Fullerton Drugs Furniture Village Fusion Grill Galaxy Cinemas Gemini Café Hands on Health Massage Therapy Centre Jade Garden Restaurant Jay-Gee Shoes and Clothing Jean Coutu Jeweller’s Bench Cornwall Inc. Joey’s Only Seafood Restaurants John Hillenbrand Jtec Distribution Inc. Kalrim Cycles and Sports Katerina’s Restaurant and Catering Kelsey’s Restaurants Inc. Kettlebell Trainer Kids Korner Knox Fine Dining Krown Rust Control Laframboise Mechanical & Electrical Limited Le Journal de Cornwall Leon’s Furniture Levac Propane Inc. Life’s Little Pleasures Lord Elgin Hotel Louise Bazinet-Gendron MacEwen Petroleum Inc. Mangi’s Ristorante Marcel & Denise Lalande McIntosh Massage Therapy McMaze Melody Music Ming and Associates Mister Sew and Sew Moe Schulman (1976) Ltd. Moustache Joe’s Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Hartwick N.E.W. Solutions Personal Training Oasis Hair and Day Spa Ontario Power Generating Station RH Saunders Philos Restaurant Physical Limits Fitness Club Pitblado Chiropractic Clinic Pizza Hut Pommier Jewellers Limited Pure Esthetics & Massage Quest Personal Training Studio Quinn’s Inn Radisson Hotel Ottawa Parliament Hill RBC Royal Bank Roy Florist Ltd. Roy’s Studio Sat Nam Yoga Centre Schnitzels European Flavours Seaway News Sheraton Centre Toronto Hotel Shoppers Drug Mart Smuggler’s Glen Golf Course St. Lawrence Parks Commission Stained Glass Studio Standard Freeholder Stantec Architecture Ltd. Star Hair Design StarTek Canada Services Ltd. State Farm Insurance - Agent Jason Gadbois St-Hubert Restaurant Stokefire Stormont Stationers Limited Summerheights Golf Links Ltd. Sylvie Léger Translation TD Investment Services TD Waterhouse Canada Inc. Teleperformance That Designer Girl...Renwick The Cow Patti Theater Company The Esthetics House The Fermented Grape The Picket Fence The Squire Shop Tim Hortons - 879815 Ontario Inc. Township of South Stormont Travelodge Convention Center Ottawa West Travelodge Ottawa East TVCOGECO Tweed and Hickory Upper Canada Golf Course Restaurant Upper Canada Playhouse Urban Trade V. Paul Madan VIA Rail Canada Wickham Special Event Rental Wilson Funeral Home Winmar of Cornwall Stewardship Report 2008-2009 7 Tomorrow’s Gift Leaving a Legacy Many people choose to leave a gift to their community that will go on giving long after they have gone. By leaving a legacy from which others will benefit you can feel reassured your hospital will continue to provide outstanding healthcare for your family and community well into the future. There are a number of ways to plan a gift for the future. One of the first steps is in the preparation of or an amendment to your will. This is essential to ensure that your wishes are carried out as you intend them to be. Next is to consider what and how much should be bequeathed to Cornwall Community Hospital Foundation. You could consider using assets for your charitable gift such as cash, stocks, mutual funds, RRSPs, RRIFs, pensions, term deposits, real estate or life insurance. Your lawyer, accountant and/or financial advisor can help you make these very important decisions. A gift into the future to be enjoyed by others is a selfless act of philanthropy. ESTATE GIFTS Received at the Foundation with Thanks Estate of Mr. Donald & Mrs. Carolyn Shirley Bouck Estate of Mr. John Angus Carther Estate of Mr. George Comrie Estate of Ms. Hattie Doble Estate of Mrs. Jean Gosselin Estate of Mr. Roland Haines Estate of Mrs. Muriel Evangeline Haley Estate of Mr. Lloyd Hoople Estate of Mrs. Donaldena McIver Estate of Mr. Percival V. Nathan Estate of Mrs. Eva Rabin Estate of Mr. Bernard Sabourin Estate of Mr. Duane H. Smith Estate of Mr. W. H. Turner 8 Stewardship Report 2008-2009 Giving Today and Planning for Tomorrow Robert Cameron, Industrial Alliance Insurance and Financial Services, has made it a family affair when it comes to his family’s personal commitment. He is also committed to the long term well-being of his hospital. Here’s what Robert says. “We all know Ontario’s healthcare system is straining to maintain its current service levels. I have also discovered we can be part of the solution by supporting Cornwall Community Hospital Foundation’s continuous challenge of raising funds for essential medical equipment. Ours is a community that loves their hospital and I have seen the effort that goes into events such as the annual “Dreams Do Come True Wine & Cheese”. As a couple, my wife Petey and I decided to volunteer on the committee for this event. It took a little time but it was worth it to work with others in the community who care about the same cause. We made good friends, had some fun and the best part was the satisfaction we felt when the event raised $82,200 for equipment. As a healthcare insurance provider, I hear firsthand from my clients about their desire for complete and local healthcare. The Hospital Redevelopment Project will certainly help to meet our needs and is one of the most important projects this city has undertaken. However I also know, with the high cost of technology, our need to replace aging medical equipment will never end. In my business role, I have begun optimizing my affiliations to help ensure there are future contributions to the Hospital Foundation through Financial Planning. The Canada Revenue Agency provides many tax incentives including incentives to those who choose to assign a Life Insurance policy to a registered charity. This is just one easy way we can affordably pass on a legacy for future generations that will use our community hospital. Charitable giving should be considered as part of a good Financial Plan. This is our hospital and our foundation. Let’s continue to support its future and ours.” Like ripples in the water... Each donation — large or small — makes a difference to local healthcare. Together we can reach the goal of providing for this year’s list of required medical equipment — ensuring quality healthcare is where you and your family need it most — right here at home. In Memory of... Rita Acheson George Albu Pte Wesley Alguire Rhéal Allaire John Allinotte Omer Amelotte Sally André Garnet Antoine Laura Armstrong Audry Aubin Ken Baker Orval & Kenneth Baker Selby & Matthew Baker Audrey Bannon Louis Banville Gérald Baron Leonard Bartle Roger Beaudette Liette Bélanger Robert (Bob) Bélanger Ernest (Ernie) Bellefeuille Cécile Bergeron René Bertrand Raoul, Roger, Rino, Rock Bérubé Dave Bethune Ellen Bingley Linda Blaine Gerald M. Blair Marlene Boileau Amanda (Mondoux) Boileau Harold “Bunny” Bolton Camille Bombardier Marilyn & Patricia Bonneville Michael Bookout Walter Bookout Hélène Bourget Lyn Bourget Beverley Bray Roger Brisson Candace Britton Agathe Brosseau Evelyn Brosseau Gerald Brown Roy Brownlee Gail Brush Faith Burgess Sherry Burke Eva Jane Burnell Carol Burton-Pearson Susan Cain Sharon Cameron Stewart Cameron Reid Campbell Gérald Campeau Marie-Claire Campeau Clement Cardinal Gilles Cardinal Maria Carlo Bessie Carr Lucille Carrière Guy Champagne Jean-Marie Charlebois Rémi Chartrand Roger Chausse Roger Chénier Leonard Chisholm Rita Clark-Gray Aurèle Clément Sheila M. Comtois Eileen Coons Jeannine Couture Muriel Cowling Wayne Harold Cryderman Jean-Louis Cuierrier Fred Cummings Maria D’Aquila Peggy Dawson D’Onorio De Meo Adriano Herbert Delage Nick Deneault Doris Derry-Langevin Diane Desrosiers Onesime & Jeanne Desrosiers Philomène (Côté) Desrosiers Thomas Desrosiers Mr. & Mrs. Peter DiCola Willie Dion Bryce Docksteader Royal J. Dorey Marjory Driscoll Joe & Irene Drouin Rodolphe Drouin Délima Dumont Brydone M. (Jim) Dunlop Barbara Duperron Omer Dupuis Louise Durocher Elmer & Anne Eadie Gail Eamer Donald Egan Margaret Elsermann Robert Emard Jennie M. Emmerson Doris Empey Dalton Ezard Linda Lorraine (Brissard) Fairthorne Emma Farlinger Ana Farquhar James Richard Farquhar papa, maman, Cid Faubert Georg Feilotter Jessica Filion William J. & Marie-Jeanne Filtz David Findlay Mike Fitzgerald Donald Fitzpatrick Hélène Fontaine Paul Fontaine Sandra Forget David & Albert Forrest Reta Forrest Duncan A. Fraser Annette Gadbois Cory Gadbois Lorraine Gadbois Jackie Gagnon Ella Gaines Pat Gallinger Fernand & Sergent Denis Gareau Gareau Family Alexandriana Garlough Ann Gauthier Faulconer & Betty Gauthier Gilles Gauthier Evelyn Gillard Bryan Girling Blanche Giroux Norman Glover Conrad & Irene Godard Enda Graham Jack Grant Loretta Gray-Hamilton Francis Guindon Sinh Ha Françoise Hamelin Pascal Hamelin Edna Harfield John Harkai Derrick Harrison Ruth Yvonne (Scrimshaw) Hazlett Jane Hebert Geoffrey Hesler Jack & Addie Hickey Dorothy Hickman Gerald Hodgins Matthew Holden Mary Mercedes Hudon Miles Duncan Hunter Beatrice Hutt Lila Jamieson Virgil Jarvo Mr. & Mrs. Alfred Jasmin Robert Jean Dorothy Jodoin Edward Johnson Pierre-René Joubert Ursula Joyce Nick & Charlene Kaneb Lawrence (Larry) Keen John Ross Kennedy Peter Keur Art & Christie Kiddell Justin Kingsley Charles Kinloch Denise Kuhn Elise Kyer Robert Lacelle Violette Lacombe Laurier Lacroix Theresa Ladouceur Rhéal Lafrance Rollande Lagroix Floyd Lagrove Albert (Bert) Lalonde Alice Lalonde Wayne Lalonde Charlemagne Lamarche Gerald Lamarche Jeff Lamoureux Guy Landry Germain Landriault Jean-Baptiste (John) Landry Irene Lapensée Alexander (Bud) Laplante Gordon Largy Arthur Lavallée Sonia Lavictoire Hector Lavoie Clifford Lazenby Blanche Leblanc Leo Leblanc Leoda Leblanc Armand LeBreton Edgar & Gert Lefebvre Garnet Lefebvre Julie Legault-Swift Freddy Lemaire Arthur Leroux Grace LeRoux Yvette Leroux Edgar Gordon “Buster” Levy Graham Lightfoot Liza Regina Lobo Doreen Locke Joshua Logan Hector Loiselle Laurette Lortie Ubald Lortie Maria Luis Anna Margaret MacDonald D. L. MacDonald Donald “George” MacDonald Donald Roderick MacDonald Juliette MacDonald June MacDonald Lloyd James MacDonald Robert V. MacDonald Donald J. MacDonell George MacDougall Charles, Mary, Douglas & Wallace MacGregor Robert MacGregor Margaret MacLachlan Donald MacLennan Jean MacLennan Mary Margaret (Sinclair) MacLeod Pauline MacMillan Patricia MacMillan Evette MacPherson Gerald Maddiss Shirley Malloy Henry Maloney Edouard Marleau George Henry Martel Corrine Martens Jeanne Martin Amedée Joe Massia Valerie Masson-Girard Cécile Matte Charlotte Matte-Graveley Lionel Mayer Maurice Mayer Ronald McCabe Hazel McCormick Raymond McCormick Helena McDermid Aileen McDonald Archie McDonald David McDonald Donald McDonald Edith McDonald Glenn McDonald James (Jim) McDonald Mary McDonell Mary Ann McDougald Howard & Lolita McEvoy Marjorie McGonegal Helen McIntosh Violet McKay Allan McLeod Ruth McNairn Robert J.F. McNaughton Donna McTaggart Pierre Mecteau Family & Friends of Roy C. Parmelee Members of the Blanchard, Beaudry & Ménard Families Members of the Graveley & Cinquina Families Members of the Kearns Family Members of the Leroux Families Members of the Pankovitch Family Members of the Quinn & Cashion Families Members of the Terriah Families Robert Ménard Cecil John Millar Mary Milligan Leona Millward Mr. & Mrs. Ernest Mitchell Augustin Mondoux H. & R. Montpetit John Moore John (Frank) Morgan Doreen Morrison Isobel Mullen Kathleen Murphy John Neill Althea, Lilburn & Myles Nephew David Nunns Janet O’Neil Carmel Osborne Gary Ostler Gilbert Padley Jean-Paul Pagé Suzanne Pagé Mary Ethel Papps Katherine (Kathy) Paquette Jacques (Sr.) Paradis Verla Parenteau Winnifred Peck Annie Peddie Levi Peters Emelda Pharand Patricia Phillips Alphonse Piché William (Bill) Pickard Greg Plank Marielle Plourde René Poirier James & Dorothy Pozsonyi Rick Pozsonyi Stanley Price Lawrence Prieur John Primeau Desmond Quinn Marcel Racine Cornelius Raymond Herbert Raymond A. Redda Rodolphe Régnier David Lloyd Reid Frances Ridal Cara Rigby Keith Riviere William Robb Bob Roberts Parasia Dubas Gaigalas Romanoff Marilyn Romanovitch Jeanne Rousselle J. J. Rowan Edward Rowe Bertha Sarena Roy Myrtle Roy Roger Rozon Rene Ruest Seth Hazen Ryder Reginald Sabourin Rita Sabourin-Dupont Christine Samson Alfred Sauvé Raoul Savard Ron Savard Margaret (Peggy) Scott Nancy Seguin Jean-Marie (John) Séguin John Sheets Alice Sloan Shelley Soares Edward & Sophia Solly Violet Jean St. John René St. Pierre Elizabeth Stang Réal Stang Hervé St-Denis Paul Emile St-Denis Norman Swettenham Stephanie Tapp Hector & Emela Tessier Randy & Eileen Tessier Léon & Alice Théorêt Conrad Thibert Rita Thompson Robert Tourangeau Hryhori Tymoshenko Douglas Tyrell Denis Gaitan Vaillancourt Chester Valley Ernest (Ernie) Vardy Guy Vigneault Annette Villemaire Gilles Villeneuve Léo Villeneuve Mr. & Mrs. Ernest J. Villeneuve Norma Wadden Olive Wallace Gerald (Gerry) Walsh Lillian Ward Arthur Vernon Webster Graham West Florence Whaley Patrick Wheeler Tony Wheeler Donald Williamson Irene Williamson Leon Wychocka Gloria Wychocka Céline Yelle Liza (Faubert) Yelle The Cornwall Community Hospital Foundation is most grateful to have received memorial gifts between April 1st 2008 and March 31st, 2009 in honor of these individuals, who have been remembered by their family and friends. Every effort has been made to ensure that each donor is properly recognized. If you would like to make an In Memoriam donation in honor of a loved one, please call (613) 930-4508 or forward your gift to Cornwall Community Hospital Foundation. You can also donate online at Our local funeral homes graciously accept donations where families choose CCH Foundation as their charity of choice. We wish to extend a special thank you for their support and to all donors who continue to think of others during their time of loss. FUNERAL HOMES Boulerice Funeral Home Ltd. Brownlee Funeral Homes Lahaie & Sullivan Cornwall Funeral Homes Ltd. M. John Sullivan Funeral Home Inc. McArthur Bros. & MacNeil Ltd. Munro & Morris Funeral Homes Ltd. Wilson Funeral Home Cornwall Ltd. Stewardship Report 2008-2009 9 Look What Your Local Dollars have Purchased! 2008-2009 Equipment Purchases DEPARTMENT ITEM Ambulatory Care Clinic Eye Instrumentation Cancer Olympus Colonoscope Children’s Mental Health Wii System with Rock Band Game Diabetic Clinic Assorted Diabetic Care Equipment Diabetic Clinic Vital Signs Unit/Scale/Tables Diagnostic Imaging Electro-encephalography system Maternal Care 2 Phototherapy Lights Maternal Care 2 Sleeper Chairs Nursing Bariatric Bed Nursing 5 Patient Care Beds Palliative Care Tables, Chairs, Cabinets, Window Treatments Surgery Electrocardiograph (CCH Auxiliary) Surgery Endoscopy System TOTAL $335,619 “You make a living by what you get, you make a life by what you give.” Sir Winston Churchill Donor Profile GEORGE & RETA MARQUETTE From the instant one meets George Marquette, his eyes reveal a lifetime of happy memories. It takes but a few a moments to appreciate a sense of humor tempered with pride and duty – qualities that have led him through a lifetime of sharing. Born on March 12, 1922 in Winchester, Ontario George was one of twelve children and attended school in nearby Ormond. As a young man he joined the army and served in England, North Africa, Italy and Holland, returning in 1947, to begin a 31 year career at Domtar as a Stationary Engineer, Second Class. There’s a twinkle in George’s eye and an infectious smile as he tells the story of how he met and fell in love with Reta - his wife of 48 years. As a cashier at the Dominion store Reta used to cash his paychecks and once rented a house from George. When he asked her out she accepted but brought her two young sons along on that first date to the local drive-in. George believed that “the cornerstone of marriage is sharing; sharing everything past, present and to come, good, bad and indifferent”. He wanted to share his life with Reta and a short time later, they were married. George and Reta’s parents knew each other from church and it was always Reta’s joy to share that George was “made in heaven”. Ever proud of his participation in the Canadian Liberation of Holland, George and Reta visited Holland often. There they relived the joyous moments that changed the lives of so many people - a practice they would continue throughout their own lives. They shared a lifetime creating cherished memories with each other and everyone who knew them. In later years when Reta struggled with heart problems and severe arthritis, she endured several long hospital stays and experienced physical disabilities in the last 10 years of her life. George devoted himself to Reta’s care but also relied on some very special caregivers to share the load. They all quickly became close friends. During Reta’s last days in April 2008 George and Reta decided they wanted to continue their legacy of sharing. Grateful for the care that had been extended to Reta in her final years they wanted to give back. With that in mind, George asked their doctor, Dr. Mary Jane Randlett, how he could make a donation. Dr. Randlett referred him to the CCH Foundation office. George told Executive Director Connie Vardy, a comfortable bed was important to Reta and they wanted to make a donation for some new beds for the hospital. That day George wrote a cheque large enough to purchase 5 beds. When asked about his decision to give, George smiles and says their first thought was always to share and so they did . . . just because they could. Words seem inadequate to thank you George and Reta but we do. Today others are recovering in comfort thanks to your gift. Yours is a legacy of sharing for which we cannot thank you enough! 10 Stewardship Report 2008-2009 Why Do We Need to Fundraise for Equipment? Tax dollars from the Government funds only a portion of the costs of equipment in our Hospital. The Foundation fundraises continually to try to meet specific equipment needs that are not covered by government funding. Thanks to donations from the community we are able to provide much needed equipment for our hospital. Every dollars stays in the local community when you give to Cornwall Community Hospital Foundation. 2009 – 2010 Medical Equipment Priorities EQUIPMENT Bladder Pressure Monitor Exercise Bicycle Fluorescein Angiography Camera DEPARTMENTCOST Ambulatory Care $30,000 Ambulatory Care 5,300 Ambulatory Care 90,000 Ultrasound System Replacements (2) Diagnostic Imaging 400,000 Airway Cart Crash Cart Hypothermia System Portable Electrocardiograph (ECG) Shoulder Arthroscopy Instruments Triple IV Pumps (3) Warming Systems (2) Emergency Emergency Emergency/CCU Emergency Emergency Emergency Emergency 2,500 2,200 35,000 10,000 24,000 29,000 4,750 Fetal Monitor Isolette Maternal Child Maternal Child 21,000 24,000 Bladder, Ultrasounds (2) Medicine/Surgical 14,000 Medication Carts (6) Medicine 36,000 Vital Signs Monitors (6) Medicine/Emergency/Surgical 30,000 Bariatric Equipment Electric Beds (10) Patient Furniture-seating/ overbed tables Waste Disposals Vernacare (2) Nursing Nursing 40,000 90,000 Nursing Nursing 150,000 19,000 Argon Plasma Cauterization Biphasic Defibrillators (6) Endoscopy Scopes (2) Fluid Warmer Fluid Warmer Cabinets (2) Laparoscopic Tower & Accessories Laryngoscopy Tray Ligasure, Endo Version Monitors, PACU Ortho - Spider System Orthopedic Power Tools Tongue Blade Sets for Mouth Gags Ultrasound System, Portable Warmer System Operating Room Operating Room/ Emergency/CCU Operating Room Operating Room Operating Room Operating Room Operating Room Operating Room Operating Room Operating Room Operating Room Operating Room Operating Room Operating Room 70,000 164,000 78,000 15,000 9,000 90,000 36,700 28,500 175,000 16,545 140,000 10,000 55,000 15,000 TOTAL $1,959,495 or unds f f e s i a r l’s is “To ity Hospita n o i s is un t, Our M nwall Comm l equipmen r a the Co ams, medic and progr expansion o tion t renova quality ce enhan re in our ca health mmunity.” co r greate Please Make our Mission your Mission. Stewardship Report 2008-2009 11 Visionaries $1,000,000 and up / Visionnaires 1 000 000 $ et plus Anonymous / Anonyme (1) Humanitarian $500,000 to $999,999 / Humanitaire 500 000 $ à 999 999 $ Anonymous / Anonyme (1) Founders $250,000 to $499,999 / Fondateurs et fondatrices 250 000 $ à 499 999 $ Anonymous / Anonyme (1) BMO Financial Group Cornwall Community Hospital Auxiliary Tom & Gail Kaneb Benefactors $100,000 to $249,999 / Mécènes 100 000 $ à 249 999 $ Neil & Cherie Burke Cornwall Warehousing Ltd. The Emard Family / La famille Emard Employees of Cornwall Community Hospital In Memory of Alexandriana & Aden Sr. Garlough Lionel K. & Norma Grant The Ménard Family / La famille Ménard Ottawa Regional Cancer Foundation Joseph H. Robertson SCM Supply Chain Management Scotiabank Developers $50,000 to $99,999 / Bâtisseurs et bâtisseuses 50 000 $ à 99 999 $ Bell Canada The Benson Family / La famille Benson Best Western Parkway Inn & Conference Centre BMO Nesbitt Burns Caisse Populaire de Cornwall Anthony & Deborah Campbell CN Cornwall Electric Councils & Assemblies of the Knights of Columbus in the Diocese of Alexandria-Cornwall / Les conseils et les assemblées des Chevaliers de Colomb du diocèse d’Alexandria-Cornwall Paul V. Émard et famille Hunt Insurance Brokers Ltd. John David & Signy Eaton Foundation Kinsmen Club of Cornwall The Marleau Family / La famille Marleau NAV CANADA NuMed Canada Inc RBC Financial Group Re/Max Cornwall Realty Inc. Rotary Club of Cornwall - Sunrise Royal Canadian Legion Branch 297 Rozon Insurance Brokers Ltd. Snow Suit Fund Summerheights Golf Links Ltd. The Rotary Club of Cornwall Tim Hortons - 1008623 Ontario Inc. Tim Hortons - 879815 Ontario Inc. Michael & Louise Warden Leaders $25,000 to $49,999 / Leaders 25 000 $ à 49 999 $ Anonymous / Anonyme (1) R. Archibald & A. Isobel Adams Family Jean & Patricia J. Bougie Fernande Cardinal Jean-Luc & Johanne Cardinal Dr./D r Louis & Christine Cardinal CIBC Eugene Cloutier Cornwall Lions Club Cornwall Professional Fire Fighters Association Craig Keen Despatie Markell LLP Dave’s Reliable Signs Ltd Mike & Jeanette Despatie Estate of/Succession de Roland Haines Kiwanis Club Cornwall Inc. Laurier Electric Group of Companies James Lavigne Longevity Acrylics Inc. M & M Meat Shops & St. Hubert Restaurant W. Allan MacEwen George & Reta Marquette Medical Arts Pharmacy (Cornwall) Ltd. Ontario Power Generation Inc. Perkins-Caron Home Centres Ltd. Robert J. Bourgon & Associates Ltd. SDG Cornwall Shriners Club St. Lawrence Testing & Inspection Co. Ltd TD Bank Financial Group Tim Hortons Advertising Promotion Funds Urban Trade Fred Waltho William James Wise Investors $10,000 to $24,999 / Investisseurs et investisseuses 10 000 $ à 24 999 $ Anonymous / Anonyme (6) 132 Second Street East Ltd. A.L. Blair Construction / T.R.P. Readymix Ltd. Maureen Adams Family / Famille de Maureen Adams Sean & Linda Adams Akwesasne Mohawk Casino Murray C. & Heather Arthur Dr./D r Steven Bacher Dr./D r David Bishop Dr./D r Sylvain & Sylvie Bossé Philip & Doreen Bray Canlyte Inc. Victor & Lynn Chauvin Gaëtan & Carine Chénier Alma Christoff Dr./D r W. Chung City of Cornwall Employees Clean All Environmental Services Columbia Finishing Mills Inc. Cornwall & District Real Estate Board Cornwall Chapter No 202 Order of the Eastern Star Cornwall Tire Service Corporation of the City of Cornwall Richard Corriveau JR & Hélène Couture Dr./D r Michael & Margaret Cox Robert & Aline Craig Delaney Bus Lines Ltd. Dr./D r Paul & Julie De Young Dr./D r Denis Dubuc Robert & Marilyn Dulmage Enns, MacEachern, Pace, Maloney Estate of/Succession de Carolyn Shirley Bouck Estate of/Succession de John Angus Carther Estate of/Succession de George Comrie Estate of/Succession de Percival V. Nathan Farm Boy Dr./D r Norbert & Christena Ferré Dr./D r Garrett Foley Kevin Gabri Dr./D r Raymond & Suzanne Gatien Dr./D r E. Ghaly Grant Marion Construction Ltd. Dr./D r Benoit Guindon Guindon Glenoco Limited Healy Motor Sales (1985) Ltd. Hellenic Community of Cornwall & District John Hillenbrand & Joyce Gordon J.F. Markell Homes Ltd. John Gordon Construction Johnston Beaudette Chartered Accountants Chad & Jana Kilger Robert & Bernice Kilger Kinette Club of Cornwall Earl P. Langill Guy & Frances Lauzon Lowe, Gravelle & Associates Inc. M. John Sullivan Funeral Home Inc. Dr./D r e Margaret Macaulay Tom & Sharon Magee Marleau Bros. Limited Insurance Brokers Bruce Maynard Dr./D r e Rajashree K. Menon Madeline Michaud Miller Hughes Ford Sales Ltd. Ming & Associates Dr./D r e Rachel Navaneelan Dr./D r M. Dokiso & Angelita Nchama Oscar Ladouceur & Son Ltd. Mechanical Contractors Dr./D r Subhash C. Patel Philos Restaurant Dr./D r Ralph & Deltra Randlett Doug & Dr./D r e Mary Jane Randlett Dr./D r Robert B. Reddoch Dr./D r Norman & Maryl Roy Bert & Lorraine Sabourin Seaway Express Inc. Seaway Senior Citizens Club #1201 Seaway Yarns Bernard & Therese Secours Dr./D r N.H. Shah Hilda Shields Dr./D r Baldev S. Soodan Mary H. Stewart Dr./D r e Christine Suess The Optimist Club of Cornwall The Thompson Rosemount Group Inc. GIFTS OVER TIME DONS FAITS AU FIL DU TEMPS Many individuals, organizations and businesses have kindly given their financial support to meet the various needs of Cornwall Community Hospital. We appreciate and thank every donor. Listed below are donors who, up until March 31, 2009 have made cumulative cash donations and pledge payments of $1,000 or more since the inception of Cornwall Community Hospital Foundation on April 1, 2004. Des particuliers, des entreprises et des commerces ont donné généreusement satisfaire aux divers besoins de l’Hôpital communautaire de Cornwall. Nous sommes reconnaissants envers chacun de nos donateurs et les remercions sincèrement. Voici la liste des donateurs qui ont versé des dons en argent cumulatifs ou des versements envers une promesse de don de 1 000 $ ou plus depuis la création de la Fondation de l’Hôpital communautaire de Cornwall, le 1er avril 2004. Dr./D r Dany Tombler Louis & Sheila Tremblay Marc & Marisa Trottier Paul Trottier Dr./D r Michael & Sue Turcotte Villeneuve Memorial Golf Tournament Walker Climate Care Dr./D r Michael & Marian Watt Welch & Company Sylvia Whitaker Dr./D r e Kawsar Wassef & Dr./D r Samir Yassa Supporters $5,000 to $9,999 / Partisans et partisanes 5 000 $ à 9 999 $ Anonymous / Anonyme (12) Charles F. Adams Dr./D r B.R. Adams John Barjarow Barry Latreille Electric Limited Dr./D r Pierre & Lina Bergeron Timothy Bertrand Dr./D r Anastasios Boubalos Brookshell Pontiac Buick GMC Ltd. Newell & Eleanor Brown CCH Emergency Physicians Jamie Cameron Casey Mechanical Inc. Rhéal & Bernice Charlebois Chevaliers de Colomb Ste-Thérèse - Conseil 8459 Chevaliers de Colomb St-Félix - Conseil 9929 Church of the Good Shepherd Clermont Rosa Concrete Foundations Ltd. Bryson Comrie Cornwall Mazda Cornwall Motor Sales (1989) Ltd. Cornwall Township Lions Club Corus Entertainment Dairy Queen Claude Delorme & Anne Marie Levesque Wayne Delormier Estate of/Succession de Hattie Doble Estate of/Succession de Lloyd Hoople Estate of/Succession de Donaldena McIver Estate of/Succession de Duane Harvey Smith Estate of/Succession de W.H. Turner Dr./D r Dean Ducas & Dr./D r e Mary Smar Duguay, Bryan & Associates F.M. Windows, Doors & Siding Donald & Sherry Fairweather Quin Filgiano Hugh Fisher Future Office Products Ltd. Gergun Holdings Inc. Mark Goldhamer Alexander & Stephanie Grant Pierre & Donna Guindon Walter D. & Monique Gunn Kimberly Hiscox John & Gloria Irvine Dr./D r Paul Irwin Jack MacDonell Motor Sales Julie MacLachlan Charitable Foundation Brian Keen Dr./D r Abdul Ghaffar Khan Knights of Columbus Council 11531 Vuk Kovinich Wayne & Judith Kyte Laframboise Mechanical & Electrical Limited Troy Lalonde Phil Lamarche Terence Landon Violet Lappan Stanley Laudanski Leo Martin Insurance Brokers Reina Leroux Carole & Wes Libbey Brian & Sandra Loucks M. John MacDonald MacEwen Petroleum Inc. Honourable Bruce & Linda MacPhee Dr./D r Claude & Alda Manigat Lawrence Marion Ross Markell Mathew Ralph Kane Foundation McDermid Insurance & Investments Keith McMillan Marcia McQuaig Mike Fontaine Construction Ltd. Bernard & Ann Miller MINIMAX Express Transportation Inc. Dr./D r Claude Monet Dr./D r Wasseem Moussa Multi-Doors & Windows Native Trading Associates Nativity Guards Oxy-Arc International Inc. Pat Sanseverino Construction Adelard & Lucille Peloquin Roy & Muriel Perkins Perras-DiStefano Construction & Design Services Inc. Theodore Petry Pommier Jewellers Limited Quickie Community Foundation Ramada Inn & Conference Center Dr./D r Mehar Reen Joseph W. & Irene Rotheram Saint Andrew Highland Dancing Association Service Master of Cornwall Valentine Shannon Shoppers Drug Mart St. Lawrence Seniors Club - Bingo June L. Stanford Stantec Architecture Ltd. Stryker Canada Summit Health & Fitness Club Sun Life Financial Lloyd Sylvester Terry Sylvester Tarle & McAllister Appraisals Inc. Bruce & Joanne Tessier Denis & Elaine Thibault Marion Tobin Tomlinson Environmental Services Ltd. Dr./D r Arthur & Louise Vachon Dr./D r Senani & Janaki Wickramasinghe Olive Wilson Wilson Funeral Home Marguerite Wood Gay Young Friends $1,000 to $ 4,999 / Amis et amies 1 000 $ à 4 999 $ Anonymous / Anonyme (23) 241 Pizza Ann M. Adams Cheryl Adams & Wayne Devereux Clarence & Barbara Adams Gaye Adams & Steven Richer Phil Adams Robert Adams Shelley Adams Adams, Sherwood, Swabey & Follon AdVantages Advertising Dr./D r Aftab & Chantal Ahmed Alexandria Lions Club Helen Alguire René & Colombe Amelotte John & Kim Baird Charles & Angie Baker Lena M. Baker Patricia Baranowski Ellis & Carolyn Barclay Inez Barker Peter & Mary E. Barkway John Barr Minnie Bartle Rhoda Bartle Daniel & Laura Beaudette Marcia Beaudette Yvon Beauregard Beautyrock Inc. Jason & Pamela Bechervaise Luke & Marjory Bedard Roger Bélanger Georgios & Georgia Belis Edward Belisle Robert Bergeron Naresh Bhargava Ashok & Monica Bharti Réal & Pauline Binette Bob & Joan Bingley Earle & Gail Blackadder Marie-Josée Blanchet Lillias Bond Francine C. Bouchard Marcel Bourgon William (Bill) Boyer Donald & Ann Branch Zora S. Brar Andy & Patty Briffett Marilyn Brown Jim & Paulette Brownell Agnos Brunet Gérard Brunet Ray & Karen Brunet Rev./Rév. Gordon H. Bryan Buns Master Bakery Huguette Burroughs Thomas & Helen Butkovich Susan Cain John & Jeannine Callan Gloria Cameron Hubert & Annie Cameron Violet I. Cameron Raymond & Madeleine Campeau Canadian Federation University Women - Cornwall Branch Eugène & Suzanne Cardinal Yvan Cardinal Marcel Caron & Lori Beaudette Roger Carrière Floyd W. Carson Margaret (Greta) Carvell Diane Cayer - Dialysis Drive Celebrity Sign Rental Robert & Lise Charbonneau Ron & Charlene Chénier Chevaliers de Colomb Assemblée Marcel Renaud Conseil 2224 Chevaliers de Colomb Sacré-Coeur - Conseil 1919 Chevaliers de Colomb St. Joseph - Conseil 8715 Chevaliers de Colomb Green Valley - Conseil 9435 Chevaliers de Colomb - Nativité - Conseil 9695 Francis Chretien John & Joan Cinquina Claude’s Small Engines Ltd. Dennis Clause John & Elizabeth Cleary Clinique juridique SDG Legal Clinic Raymond & Blanche Cloutier Club Optimiste de la région de Cornwall Inc. COE Consulting Inc. Ray Contant George & Cecile Cook Cornwall & District Navy Veterans’ Association Cornwall Bar-B-Q Ltd. Cornwall Concrete Products Limited Cornwall Gravel Company Ltd. Cornwall Honda Cornwall Motorcycle Training Program Inc. Cornwall Olde Car Club Cornwall Oldtimers Hockey Club Cornwall Senior Citizens Bridge Club - No. 208090 Cotnam & Beaudette Designers Inc. CUPE 234 - City of Cornwall Employees Dr./D r Leo & Carmen Daigneault Dr./D r Alan Davis Dr./D r Steven Deneka Louis Denis Roger Desjardins Lucille Deslauriers Donat Desnoyers Jeannette Desnoyers Dewar’s Backhoe Service William Dickie John & Suzanne Dilabio Robert G. Dobbyn Albert Doley Tilton Donihee Erna M. Drouin Eva Dunlop Bishop/Monseigneur Paul-André Durocher William F. Dwyer East Side Mario’s Eastcourt Pharmacy Echo Trends Milton & Claire Ellis Dr./D r e Irina Kirtsman Knights of Columbus Bishop Alexander MacDonell Assembly 858 Knights of Columbus Bishop Brodeur Assembly 877 Knights of Columbus Council 10320 Knights of Columbus Council 10640 Knights of Columbus Council 10974 Knights of Columbus Council 9780 Knights of Columbus Father Alex L. McDonald Council 11243 Knights of Columbus Ronald Adams - Council 10974 Knights of Columbus St. Bernard’s - Council 11123 Knights of Columbus St. Raphaels - Council 11385 Knor Plast Inc. Anna Krol John Kroon Art & Joan Kuhn Raymonde Labelle Marc Ladouceur Rhéal & Claudette Ladouceur Dr./D r Gilles Laferrière Dr./D r J.R. Lafrance Lalande Plumbing Claire Lalonde Lamoureux, Gauthier Professional Corporation Lancaster Optimist Club Kevin & Deborah Laplante Pete Latour Paul & Heidi Oeggerli Robert & Ellen Ogle OPG Employees’ & Pensioners’ Charity Trust OPSEU Local 419 St. Lawrence College Osprey Media LP Otis Canada Inc. John Donnet & Mary Anne Pankhurst Carol Papps Dr./D r Richard & Charlotte Parisien Roy Parmelee Annie Keitha & Ralph Peddie Marc Pendergast Lyndol & Shirley Perkins Jacques Perreault John & Barbara Pescod Dr./D r Rudolph V. & Joan Peters Kulwant Phambri Physical Limits Fitness Club Jean Pilon Roger Pinard Conrad Poirier Rev./Rév. Gérald M. Poirier Jamie Pollock Powell School of Dance Inc. Hazel V. Prentice Céline Provost R.F.W. Kitchens Rack Em Up Billiards Mary Elizabeth Radley Vincent B. Redmond Religious Hospitallers of St. Joseph Rick Hansen - Man in Motion Foundation Donald & Wilielma Ripley André & Susan Rivette Roger Rivier Robert Houde Sheet Metal Inc. Kenneth & Anne Robertson Cameron Ross Maurice Roussy Anne Rowbotham Rodolphe & Emilie Roy Royal RV Centre - 1663059 Ontario Inc. Bruce & Kathy Rutledge Jogi S. Saluja Ovila & Verna Samson Sandfield Place Seaway Hyundai Dr./D r James B. Secord Chris & Lea Emard Victor G. & Pamela Ernst Estate of/Succession de Ruth Fowler Estate of/Succession de Jean Gosselin Estate of/Succession de Muriel Evangeline Haley Estate of/Succession de Bernard Sabourin Esthetics by Linda Keith & Catherine Farlinger Farrand Miller Ltd. Farrand & Joyce Miller Anneke Fischer-Fay & David Fay Maurice & Lucille Fay Johanna Feilotter Gordon & Elizabeth Ferguson John & Mary Jane Ferguson A. Lawrence & Mary Filion Patrick Finucan Dr./D r Tom & Dr./D r e Agatha Forson Frecon Construction Ltd. Fredkan Holdings Dr./D r Chris Fullarton Larry & Sheila Gabri Basil R. Gallinger Lloyd G. Gallinger Daniel & Denise Gélinas Gerdau Ameristeel Peter Gervais Gilden Financial Solutions Corporation Giovanniello & Bellefeuille Glaxo Smith Kline Inc. Ross A. Goldie Gore Mutual Insurance Company Foundation Alice C. Grant Bruce & Penny Grant Gerrold & Dorothy Grant Alain & Stefanie Gravelle Marie Grieco C.T. (Bud) & Shirley Guilbeault Luc & Nicole Guindon Hoa Cong Ha Blake & Sandra Hambleton Bill & Shannon Hamilton Harmonize for Speech Fund Jack & Patricia Haworth Henry Healey Tom & Paulette Heard Dr./Dr Jean-Louis Hebert David & Audrey Hickey William & Beverley Hope Hydro One Employee’s & Pensioner’s Charity Trust Fund Industrial Alliance Insurance & Financial Services Peter & Janet Inouye Dr./D r K. Max & Dr./D r e Patricia Irwin Gary & Sylvie Jans Jas-Mar Paints Randolph Jock John Warden Trucking Ralph & Shirley Johnston Alice Jones-Terriah Kastners Men’s Wear Korey Kennedy Joginder S. Khalsa Lucie Martin & Ryan Kilger Robert & Carol King Michael & Odette Lawrence Russell & Jean Leavitt Dr./D r Jean Leboeuf Carol Lee Rita Lefebvre Normand & Jeannette Legault Dr./D r Raymond & Marie-Ange Legault Jean Léger Gilles R. & Marcelle Léger Marianne Léger Roger Leger Leisure Days RV Centre Carol & Céline Lemelin Jean L. Lemire Le’s Nails Verna Levere Teresa J. Linschoten Loeb Canada Inc. Tony & Nancy Logtens Nancy Loiselle Denise M. Loney Howard Lough Louis W. Bray Construction Limited Honourable Edward & Pat Lumley George & Diane Lunan Anne MacDonald Lawrence MacDonald Frances MacDougall MacIntosh Gardening Products Elizabeth MacLennan Mona MacPhee Vernon & Ruth MacWilliam Normand & Suzanne Mailhot Mainville Flooring Ltd. Linda Maloney Manulife Financial Maplewood Acres RV Park François & Christine Marceau Gilles Marion Busgang Mark Masonic Association of Eastern District Sean P. McAllister Gloria McBain Terry McConnell Donald L. McDonald John & Valerie McDonald Theresa McDonald Margaret McGuire Alexander McIntosh Donald & Louise McIntosh Elaine McIntyre James McKay John & Dawn McKeown James & Christina McKinnon Marjorie McMartin Douglas McNaughton MEL EL INC. Gilles & Jean Métivier Moe Schulman (1976) Ltd. Mohawk Council of Akwesasne Monroe, Cottrell, McAteer & McCosham Insurance Brokers Ltd. Eric Montour William & Joyce Moore Ronald Mulligan Bruce & Rhona Munro Douglas & Susan Murray Dr./D r A.M. Nanji Nixon Excavation & Snow Removal Ltd. Keith & Hilda Seguin James & Wendy Shoniker Ruth Shuttleworth Dr./D r John Sidorchuk Siemens Canada Sign It Signs & Design Rosemary Smelt Allan & Sandra Smith David Smith Douglas & Donalda Smith Ivan W. Snider Gerald & Anna Snyder Peter & Louise Sommers Leo & Reina Soucy Joseph & Sandra St. Denis St. Joseph School of Nurses Alumnae St. Joseph’s Secondary School StarTek Canada Services Ltd. State Farm Insurance Dr./D r Robert J. Stefanison Edith Stiles Michael J. Stiles Stormont Stationers Limited Stradwick’s Flooring & More Ron & Dorothy Sullivan Summerstown Foundry Limited Rosemary Swettenham Thomas & Maureen Swift Brian & Suzanne Sylvester TAMCO Fuels Ltd. Michael & Sue Tarle Robert & Rhonda Taylor Robert Teskey Jean Tessier Théodore & Laurette Thibault Frank Tomita Township of South Stormont Andrew & Shirley Trasuk Dr./D r Guy Tropper United Way of Greater Toronto Upper Canada Mortgage Cyril & Kathleen Vallee Connie Vardy André & Monique Vigeant Truong Vu Dale & Marlene Waldroff Lawrence & Isobel Warden John & Shirley Warner Lawrence Weldon Imelda Wheeler Peter Whiteside Williamstown Fire Department Todd Wilson Winmar of Cornwall Gordon & Lorna Winter Steven & Lorraine Wintle Anne Woods John & Lily Worrall Anna Wychocka Richard & Deborah Zabloski Betty Zeran Dr./D r David & Debralee Zysik Media Partners / Partenaires médiatiques CHOD TVCOGECO Corus Entertainment: AM 1220, Rock 101.9, Variety 104.5 Le Journal de Cornwall Seaway News Standard Freeholder WEBTech
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