3. March, 2016.pub - Adath Jeshurun Congregation
3. March, 2016.pub - Adath Jeshurun Congregation
FINDING YOUR WAY INTO THE SHABBAT MORNING SERVICE PAGE 4 CLARION FRIDAY EVENING SPA & CONGREGATIONAL DINNER PAGE 8 ǤǤ Ǥ M A R CH , 2 016 V OL 132 ● I S S UE 6 21 A D A R 1 5 776 Purim Carnival Sunday, March 13 11 AM - 2 PM Enjoy fun games and PRIZES! Awesome Silent Auction! Food Galore! And NORDY from the MN Wild visits from 11:45 AM—12:45 PM. March 23 and 24 Wednesday Evening, March 23 5 PM - Family Friendly Dinner! Pasta Bar Dinner is free with registration at http://is.gd/PurimPastaDinner by Friday, March 20 or $5 per person at door Family Activities 5:45 PM - Family Megillah Reading 6:10 PM - Purim Activities Fun Family Purim Activities with Janice Schachtman, Director of Gan Shelanu Preschool Mishloach Manot - Make a Purim basket to donate to an older adult at Knollwood Place Followed by Ice Cream Madness! Adult Activities 5:45 PM - Evening Minyan 6:10 PM - Choose from: Traditional Megillah Reading Mishloach Manot - Make a Purim basket to donate to an older adult at Knollwood Place Rabbi Weininger: Crash Course - Purim 101 Chef Extraordinaire, Jeff Sherman Cooks Shushan: Sample the flavors of Persia—jeweled rice, aromatic Middle Eastern spices, and exotic hamentashen—in this cooking demo 7:00 PM Purim Piano Bar - Adult Party Food & Libations! Megillah Reading - March 24 Keep having fun! Join us for the Megillah Reading at morning minyan on Thursday, March 24 at 7:20 AM www.adathjeshurun.org WORD FROM OUR CLERGY WHO’S WHO Meet our dedicated minyan leaders. Our synagogue and community is blessed by the presence of many devoted volunteers. At this time I would like to highlight a dedicated group of leaders who keep our daily services running with their love of Torah and davening. These members of Adath read Torah and/or lead services every week at our daily minyan with great skill, loving presence and commitment to our synagogue. They go above and beyond, by making their participation a regular commitment and taking responsibility for leading the service on a particular day and time every week. If you attend our weekday services you no doubt will recognize the beautiful faces pictured here. Our regular volunteer prayer leaders are Don Masler, David Liss, David Sandler, Lon Rosenfield, Alan Grone, Julie Kozberg, Rachel Levitt, Mark Fischer and Gary Cohen. In addition, a group we affectionately call "Donny and the Trope Tones" read Torah at minyan during special weekday services and whenever there isn't a bar/t mitzvah reading. The Trope Tones Torah readers are David Liss, Miriam Segall and Don Masler (Don is our coordinator of weekday Torah readings— hence the name "Donny and the Trope Tones"!) I can't thank these wonderful caring people enough for their devotion to our congregation which helps ensure the vitality of our daily minyan. I invite you to join them whenever you can, because your presence is essential for us to have a minyan regularly. I hope the leadership of these wonderful volunteers inspires you to come to minyan and add your voice to the choir of congregants in the seats. Without them and you we have no minyan. M N F C R Sco Buckner ! " # $ Bernie Goldbla Execuve Director !"# Blessings, $ % & #%& %' Cantor Scott Buckner ' (% ($ (%%'" L to R: Don Masler, David Liss, Miriam Segall, Julie Kozberg, David Sandler, Rachel Levitt ' VP Markeng/Communicaons ')* (%" #' Sco Gordon (%" )*& #+ VP Secondary Educaon , (%+ & -. (%!"" +/0$1 (%%&) 23$$ (%,) Alan Grone 2 | CLARION Mark Fischer, Gary Cohen, Lon Rosenfield Adath Jeshurun Foundaon /$ 2 '$ $ WORD FROM OUR BOARD In 2006, an Education Strategic Planning committee was formed to renew, improve and re-envision lifelong learning at Adath. The committee established the following vision for education: “Adath is a welcoming community in which to grow spiritually, intellectually and ethically, through varied learning opportunities for people of all ages and abilities. We inspire congregants to learn in order to lead fulfilling lives as educated, caring and committed Jews, who strengthen their relationships with God, Torah, Israel and humankind.” To achieve this vision, a position was created, funded through the generosity of Theresa Berman (z”l) and family as they established the Berman Family Chair in Jewish Learning. This position is currently held by Rabbi Weininger. In order to provide support to this staff position, the Board reconfigured the role of the Vice President Ritual and renamed it Vice President Jewish Life & Learning (VP JLL). As the VP JLL, I have the honor of chairing the Education Cabinet, which includes all staff and committee chairs who are responsible for some aspect of education including Primary Education, Secondary Education, Adult Learning, Makom, the Keruv Committee, the Inclusion Committee, Adath Young Families and College-Age Outreach. Working together, the Cabinet is responsible for strengthening all of our educational programs at Adath. I feel very fortunate to belong to a synagogue that values life-long education. From infancy to adulthood Adath Jeshurun provides educational opportunities for our entire congregation. It is truly an honor to work with so many talented professional staff members and lay leaders who are committed to life-long education. We are currently in the Hebrew month of Adar, the most joyous month of the year. I invite you to see first-hand all JLL has to offer by participating in a full month of “March Megillah Madness!” (See page 1.) It all culminates on the night of Purim, March 23, with a “Purim-Palooza” of choices, including dinner, crafts, cooking, learning, Megillah reading and partying for kids, teens and adults. Chag Purim Sameach! Julie Ziessman, VP, Jewish Life and Learning Shabbat, March 12 – A Conversation at Kiddush Bimah Roles for Non-Jews at Adath: Affirming Covenant and Affirming Community Join us as we explore bimah roles of those who take part in the life of our congregation, Jewish people and those of other backgrounds, congregants and family members. Getting to know you, Israeli-style! Sunday, March 27 Join in our Rav Siach (great discussion) Skype program with Rabbi Yonatan Sadoff and members of his congregation Magen Avraham in Israel and with Rabbi Kravitz, on Sunday, March 27 at 10:15 AM in the Board Room. The topics we study include contemporary perspectives, as well as traditional texts. Materials are available in Hebrew and in English and are prepared by the Masorti Movement in Israel. We’ll serve light refreshments, sponsored by our Sunday Minyan Breakfast Fund. If you have questions or want more information, please contact Heidi Schneider, [email protected], or Kim Gedan, [email protected]. Community Lecture Understanding Muslim-Jewish Conflict in France: A Historical Overview Maud Mandel, Brown University Thursday, March 31 ● 7:30 PM Adath Jeshurun Congregation The conflict that has long shadowed Muslim-Jewish relations in France captured international attention in 2000 and more recently with antisemitic violence. Muslim-Jewish tensions were, in fact, the subject of commentary much earlier in the century, as a diverse range of social actors, including international Jewish representatives, anti-Zionist Algerian nationalists, French police, and Jewish and Muslim student activists began to fear that Middle Eastern conflict was coming to France. However, French political transformations were central to these conflicts, which took shape around global developments. The decolonization of French North Africa in the 1960s and the failure of late 1980s, are key to a story that is far more complex than a narrative of Muslim-Jewish conflict. Maud S. Mandel is Dean of the College and Professor of History and Judaic Studies at Brown University. She has written In the Aftermath of Genocide: Armenians and Jews in Twentieth Century France, and Muslims and Jews in France: History of a Conflict. Mandel has been awarded fellowships from the American Council of Learned Societies and the American Philosophical Society. Her most recent article, "Simone Weil and Thinking Jewish Modernity after the Holocaust” appears in the volume Thinking Jewish Modernity. MARCH, 2016 | 3 Finding Your Way into the Shabbat Morning Service Israeli Movie Night at Adath Would you like to feel more at home in services, better understand them and find them more personally meaningful? You’re not alone! Winner of six Israeli Academy Awards, including Best Picture, this engrossing thriller is both romantically and politically charged. It takes place on the West Bank and in the Old City of Jerusalem. We’ll view it with English subtitles, and enjoy a snack mix bar with Israeli snacks! Sally Abrams, an Adath member and blogger and teacher about Israel in many settings, will lead a discussion after the film. We’ll start with havdala at 7:30 PM. No charge. RSVP to 952.215.3904, [email protected]. Monday Evenings, March 14-April 22 Join Adath SMP teacher Lon Rosenfield for a short weekday evening mini-class for adults on understanding the Shabbat Morning Service. This class will include an overview of the service and key prayers, including Sh’ma, the Amidah, the Torah Service and more. Through discussions, demonstrations and hands-on experiences, we’ll gain new skills and comfort, and discuss themes the prayers’ authors knew were important to reflect on, such as: What is prayer? What does it mean to be human? What does it mean to talk to God? Saturday, March 12 Time of Favor (HaHesder) Whether you’re just beginning your journey, or a Shabbat morning “regular,” this is your opportunity to think and talk about prayers. No Hebrew knowledge is assumed (though it’s helpful) and there will be no such thing as a dumb question! Join Lon for five Monday evenings, March 14 and 28, April 4, 11 and 18, at 7-8:30 PM (no session March 21). No charge. Contact Nina Samuels, Adult Learning Director, [email protected], 952.215.3904. HOLIDAY: PESACH Passover is Friday, April 22-Saturday, April 30 Seder hosts and guests are needed. Can you share your seder table with a few others? Would you like to be invited to a seder? Both hosts and guests are needed to ensure that everyone in our community has an opportunity to celebrate Passover with others. Contact Susie Held: 763.557.1502 or [email protected]. Facing Racism: A Jewish Response 3 Sunday Brunches 10:15 AM to 12 noon ● March 20, April 3 & April 10 Jews and Race: A Complicated History ● March 20 Professor Earl Schwartz, Hamline University Inequality before the Law ● April 3 Professor Marie Failinger, Mitchell Hamline School of Law Sondra Samuels, President and CEO, Northside Achievement Zone Criminal Justice Reform in 2016: A Call to Action ● April 10 Vic Rosenthal, Angela Allen and members of Jewish Community Action’s Criminal Justice Reform Leadership Team RSVP at least 5 days in advance for each brunch to 952.545.2424 or [email protected]. Suggested donation for brunch: $8 per session. Books about racism will be available for purchase at the March 20 session, provided by Magers and Quinn Booksellers—cash/checks only. This series is presented by Adath Jeshurun Congregation with funding from the Fischer Family Jewish Studies for a Better World Fund and the Bertram and Charlotte Cooper Adult Education Fund—both of the Adath Jeshurun Foundation. CO-SPONSORS: Jewish Community Action (JCA); National Council of Jewish Women (NCJW) Minneapolis; Jewish Community Relations Council of Minnesota and the Dakotas (JCRC); Adath Jeshurun Hesed Committee; Adath Jeshurun Adult Learning Committee; Adath Jeshurun Women’s League 4 | CLARION HAPPENINGS Carlebach Service The soul stirring melodies of the late Rabbi Shlomo Carlebach help us begin Shabbat. 6 PM. SPA: Soulful Prayer at Adath Join Rabbi Weininger, with Jennifer Gray, Nancy Krawetz on guitar and Elizabeth “EB” Barnard on drums, at 9:45 AM for a contemplative service. Newborn-Pre K children and their parents 10 AM - noon. Friday Evening SPA Join the SPA davenning team for the first ever SPA (Soulful Prayer at Adath) Friday evening Kabbalat Shabbat and Maariv services followed by a congregational dinner. See page 8. K-Grade 4 drop-in program 10 AM - noon. PURIM CARNIVAL 11 AM - 2 PM See page 1. 6 PM in the Chapel with the beautiful voices of our Adath Choir. SERVICES Adult Casino Night 7:30 PM See page 1. Parent Open House Young Families Birth through 4th Grade 8:15-10:15 AM See page 7. Facing Racism: A Jewish Response First of 3 brunches in the series. 10:15 AM - noon. See page 4. PURIM FESTIVITIES FOR ALL! See page 1. Sunday Minyan Breakfast Join us at 9:30 AM minyan, followed by breakfast. Minyan breakfast this month is in conjunction with the Skype study session with Rabbi Sadoff in Israel and Rabbi Kravitz. See page 3. Skype with Rabbi Sadoff and members of Magen Avraham in Israel. See page 3. Rabbi Jan Uhrbach Scholar-In-Residence Our Lives, Our Prayer: Making Prayer Matter. Service & congregational dinner. See page 8. DAILY MINYAN Mornings 7:20 AM Monday-Friday 9:30 AM Sunday Mornings & Legal Holidays Evenings 5:45 PM Monday - Thursday & Sunday Evenings SHABBAT VAYAKHEL - SHEKALIM March 4-5 5:48 PM Candle lighting 6:00 PM Friday Carlebach Service 9:30 AM Shabbat Morning Service Nathan Zouber Bar Mitzvah 9:45 AM SPA (Soulful Prayer at Adath) 10:00 AM SMP & K-4 Junior Congregation Tumbling Tot Shabbat 5:20 PM Shabbat Mincha /Seudah Shelisheet 6:35 PM Shabbat Maariv/Havdala SHABBAT PEKUDEI March 11-12 5:57 PM Candle lighting 6:00 PM Friday SPA Service 9:30 AM Shabbat Morning Service 10:00 AM SMP & Havaya Shabbat 6:30 PM Shabbat Mincha/Maariv SHABBAT VAYIKRA - ZACHOR March 18-19 7:06 PM Candle lighting 6:00 PM Friday Night Live Service 9:30 AM Shabbat Morning Service Payton Berman Bat Mitzvah Lucia Brimmer Bat Mitzvah 10:00 AM SMP & K-4 Junior Congregation 6:30 PM Shabbat Mincha/Maariv PURIM MARCH 23-24 5:45 PM Wednesday Evening Service 7:20 AM Thursday Morning Service and Megillah Reading SHABBAT TSAV March 25-26 7:15 PM Candle lighting 6:00 PM Friday Evening Service 9:30 AM Shabbat Morning Service Alexis Horowitz Bat Mitzvah 6:30 PM Shabbat Mincha/Maariv SHABBAT SHEMINI - PARA April 1-2 Scholar In Residence Rabbi Jan Uhrbach 7:24 PM Candle lighting 6:00 PM Friday Evening Service Mizmor Shir: A New Song for Shabbat 9:30 AM Shabbat Morning Service 6:30 PM Shabbat Mincha/Maariv 7:15 PM William Simon Bar Mitzvah MARCH, 2016 | 5 B’NAI MITZVAH NATE ZOUBER MARCH 5, 2016 Nate is the son of Dawn and Danny Zouber. He is the brother of Levi and Jadyn and grandson of Sylvia and Jack Zouber, Carole Davidson, and grandfathers Harlan Bergknoff and Steve Davidson, of blessed memory. Nate’s favorite subject in school is Math. He plays travel basketball and lacrosse. As his Hesed project, Nate is donating sporting goods, art supplies and games to the Boys and Girls Clubs of the Twin Cities. Through his Bar Mitzvah training, Nate has learned that “it’s about the journey, not the destination.” WILLIAM SIMON APRIL 2, 2016 William is the son of Stacy and Jesse Simon. He is the brother of Jack and Leo and grandson of Roz and Fred Kaplan, Patty and Jerry Teichman and Ricki Roberts and Mark Simon. Will’s favorite subject in school is Math. He plays football and basketball. As his Hesed project, Will is supporting Second Harvest. Through his Bar Mitzvah training, Will has learned “hard work pays off in the end.” LUCIA BRIMMER MARCH 19, 2016 PAYTON BERMAN MARCH 19, 2016 Youth Department’s Busy March Lucia is the daughter of Jaye Snyder and Kenneth Brimmer. She is the sister of Graham, Camille and Tess and granddaughter of Sharon Snyder and the late Phil Snyder and Joan and Bill Brimmer. Lucia’s favorite subject in school is Science. She enjoys time with friends, tennis, skiing, baking and art. As her Hesed project, Lucia is supporting Jewish Family and Children’s Service/PRISM. Her Bat Mitzvah training has taught her that “hard work pays off.” Friday, March 4: USY at Sholom Home Payton is the daughter of Erica and Bradley Berman. She is the sister of Cade, Dylan, Kenzie, Taylor, Michael and Addison. She is the granddaughter of Lyle and Connie Berman. Payton’s favorite subject in school is Math. She likes to play hockey and soccer. As her Hesed project, Payton is supporting Family Partnership. Her Bat Mitzvah training has taught her “that we have sacrifices in our life, today.” Tuesday USY Lounges: March 1, 8, 15, 29 (no Lounge on March 22) Sunday, March 6: KADIMA Event, Heschel Society & Chevra Kavod Hamet, Rosh Hodesh session Sunday, March 13: PURIM CARNIVAL ALEXIS HOROWITZ MARCH 26, 2016 Alexis is the daughter of Robin and Charles Horowitz and sister to Samantha. She is the granddaughter of Paul Sonkin and the late Suzanne Sonkin and Fran and Arthur Horowitz. Alexis’ favorite subjects in school are English and Science. She is on the Hopkins High School Softball Team and the Hopkins Fastpitch Travelling Team. As her Hesed project, Alexis is supporting the Hopkins Education Foundation. Her Bat Mitzvah training has taught her that “you can achieve anything through hard work.” 6 | CLARION Enjoying Lounge Night: Daniel Herman, Nicole Granovsky, Allie Ezrilov and Zach Marmet Sunday-Tuesday, March 20-22: Adath Teens go to AIPAC CHILDREN & YOUTH NEWS Parent Open House Sunday, March 20 ● 8:15-10:15 AM in the Library We know how busy and different schedules can be, so stop by at your convenience as we brainstorm opportunities for young family engagement next year. We’ll have plenty of coffee and bagels to give you a charge (or recharge) that morning. Kadima Kinnus When I was in high school, USY was something special. The plays, lounge nights and conventions all deepened my connection to Judaism and expanded my circle of Jewish friends. So now, when I have the opportunity to staff a retreat, I jump at the chance to help shape the USY experience of our teens. Amy and Jack Fiterman to be honored at Heilicher Minneapolis Jewish Day School Annual Benefit Amy and Jack Fiterman will be honored at the Amos and Celia Heilicher Minneapolis Jewish Day School (HMJDS) Annual Benefit, on Thursday, April 7, beginning at 6 PM at Beth El Synagogue. The couple will receive the Ner Tamid Award, an honor given to those who show exemplary leadership and commitment to HMJDS. “Amy and Jack are very deserving of this honor,” said Yoni Binus, Head of School at HMJDS. “They are great parents and great community leaders. If there is a need, the Fitermans are often the ones to step forward to fill it.” The Fiterman’s three children all attended HMJDS, including graduates Adam, 17 and Sam, 14 and current fifth-grader, Josi, 11. HMJDS enrolls nearly 250 students in grades K-8. Dollars raised from the benefit support the latest in integrative classroom technology, unique literacy and language education, and programs to meet the needs of students with diverse learning styles. The evening, HMJDS Rocks the Runway, will include a fashion show and a Live Auction. Tickets range from $50 - $150 and can be purchased at www.hmjds.eventbrite.com. An online auction will be held prior to the benefit from March 28–April 6 at www.biddingforgood.com/hmjdsbenefit. For more information, contact Sue Freeman, Benefit Coordinator at [email protected]. I’m not as lucky as Sue Shrell Leon (our Director of Youth Engagement) or Brad Lewis (our Youth Advisor), who work so closely with our USYers. But I am blessed to be invited to help out from time to time, most recently at EMTZA’s Kadima Kinnus this past weekend in Ogden, Iowa. Kadima Kinnus is unique among the annual sequence of USY retreats: It’s the only retreat attended by 7th and 8th graders from across the region. The kids come for a taste of the USY experience. Seasoned USYers teach the 7th and 8th graders (Kadimaniks) the values and traditions of USY and the EMTZA (middle) region. Friendships are formed and excitement about USY builds within the Kadimaniks. I am especially proud of the star USYers from Adath who helped plan and run Kadima Kinnus. Jake Klaiman, Communications Vice President, Kadima Kinnus tri-Chair Ari Buslovich, and Noah Kahn, Adath Executive Membership/Kadima board member. These USYers created a powerful immersive experience for 31 Adath Kadimaniks and nearly a hundred others from across the region. Kol HaKavod! The future is incredibly bright. Evan Stern Adath Jeshurun Development Director MARCH, 2016 | 7 A First! Friday Evening SPA and Congregational Dinner Friday, March 11 Join us to unplug from the week and plug into something special. A space we create together. Our soulful, musical davening (prayer) begins at 6 PM in the Chapel followed by a congregational dinner. Join us as we build a lively Shabbat energy where it's comfortable to connect with new and old friends and experience the authenticity and warmth of community. Come create kavanah, a real intention around special ritual items that represent Jewish pride and heritage, as we discuss how ritual enhances our connection to spirituality. Come as you are—leave somehow changed. Join us for a traditional chicken Shabbat dinner. A vegetarian option is available. Cost is $18 for adults; $9 for ages 12 and under. Free childcare available with registration. Let us know you’re coming to dinner by March 4. RSVP at adathjeshurun.org or send payment to Adath Jeshurun, attn: SPA Shabbat Dinner, and include ages of children. Our Lives, Our Prayer: Making Prayer Matter An inspiring weekend Numero Steinfeldt Scholar-In-Residence Rabbi Jan R. Uhrbach April 1-2, 2016 Jewish prayer is a balancing act between the needs of self and community. Can we find personal meaning when communal prayers may not touch us individually? How do we as a congregation embrace diverse searches for meaning among our members? How does the new prayerbook, Siddur Lev Shalem, invite us to reclaim and re-enter both personal and communal prayer in new ways? Adath welcomes the return of Rabbi Jan R. Uhrbach, an impassioned prayer leader, engaging teacher and community builder. She is the Director of the Block-Kolker Center for Spiritual Arts at the Jewish Theological Seminary, the associate editor of Siddur Lev Shalem, and the Rabbi of the Conservative Synagogue of the Hamptons in Bridgehampton, New York—a congregation known for liturgy that is deep, intimate and joyous. Friday, April 1 Mizmor Shir: A New Song for Shabbat 6 PM Friday Evening Service with participation of Rabbi Uhrbach 7 PM Congregational Dinner with Rabbi Uhrbach Shabbat dinner with all the fixings, plus vegetarian option RSVP by Friday, March 25 —at adathjeshurun.org/scholar or by mail. Saturday, April 2 Shabbat Morning Service with D’var Torah by Rabbi Uhrbach 9:30 AM 12:15 PM Congregational Kiddush Lunch 1 PM Learn after Lunch with Rabbi Uhrbach This Shabbat is made possible through the generous support of the Numero Steinfeldt Scholar-In-Residence Fund, the Ken and Sally Appelbaum Keruv Fund, and the Burton and Marty Abramson Fund, all of the Adath Jeshurun Foundation. I want to attend the dinner on April 1 with Rabbi Uhrbach. Name: _________________________________________________ Phone #: _________________ E-mail Address: ________________________ Adult meals ________ # Chicken Age 12 & under _______ # Chicken _______ # Vegetarian _______ # Vegetarian $18/adult $9/child Special dietary requests must be received by March 25. Total Reservations ______ Total Enclosed $ ______ RSVP with payment by March 25. Attn: Congregational Dinner Adath Jeshurun Congregation, Moe and Esther Sabes Campus, 10500 Hillside Lane West, Minnetonka, MN 55305 8 | CLARION OMEN’S LEAGUE WORLD Wine Tasting March 19 at the Casino Night The Adath Women’s League has teamed up with MGM Liguors to offer you the opportunity to purchase Kosher for Passover wines at the “Adult Casino Night” on March 19. There will be order forms available for your selections. MGM will donate a portion of their sales to Women’s League, so that we may continue our support of our programs at the synagogue. For additional information, please call Bobby Nemer at 952.938.8941. Spring Cleaning Help! Garage Sale May 17 - 19 It’s not too early to start gathering items for the Adath Women’s League Indoor Garage Sale. We are looking for gently used clothing – men’s, women’s and children’s – all ages, all sizes. And don’t forget the accessories – purses, jewelry, and men’s ties. While the sale is in the spring, keep those winter items on hand as they are always needed. We will also accept housewares, small appliances in working condition and books for all age groups. Mark your calendars for the sale dates. For information regarding drop-off places or any other questions, please contact Bobby Nemer at 952.938.8941. Save the Date: May 3 Luncheon and Fashion Show/ Installation Join us for a fabulous afternoon! Details to follow. Book Club ● March 10 Join us at our Book Club on the 2nd Thursday of each month, 9:30 AM, at Perkins on Hwy. 394 and Louisiana. We talk, discuss our book and have a great morning. The book this month is The Unlikely Pilgrimage of Harold Fry by Rachel Joyce. Hope to see you there! Women’s League IntraContinental Region Spring Conference April 2–5 at the Marriot Hotel in Minnetonka Be a part of the experience! Hear terrific speakers, make new friends and have a wonderful few days. If you are interested in attending—or helping—at the conference, please call Ruth Harris at 612.203.4664. Don’t forget your #2 pencils which we are collecting to help children in Minneapolis get a good start on their next school year. Donation boxes are located around the synagogue. For further information, please call Ardis Wexler, 952.210.7497. Attention Congregants and Advertisers If you loved the new Women’s League Calendar and you would like to advertise with us next year, please contact Joan Weinstein at [email protected] or Jodi Rankin at 763.442.1272 for information and prices. It’s not too early to reserve a place now! Notes from the President “You are never too old to set another goal or to dream a new dream” – C.S. Lewis. In the past, as a group, the Adath Jeshurun Women’s League has set many goals, some exceeded, some not so much! But— and this is an important BUT—we never stopped trying to present innovative programs, continuing our fundraising efforts so that we are able to contribute to the programs within Adath Jeshurun, supporting programs such as the NCJW “pencil collection” for Minneapolis school children, reaching out to various organization to extend our inter-faith relationships. So, what other goals are there? My first reaction is “peace on earth” – can’t do that by myself! Realistically, I would like to see our goal for membership increased and met; continue to bring meaningful programs to the congregation; and have successful fundraising efforts to support our congregation. And the “new” dream – meeting and exceeding the goals set forth above. Shalom, Ruth Harris, President MARCH, 2016 | 9 Join us for a Different Kind of Food Fight! Adath is joining the Food Fight—i.e., the fight against hunger—by supporting Minnesota FoodShare. Our congregation supports three local food shelves, ICA in Minnetonka, STEP in St. Louis Park, and PRISM in Golden Valley. In this food fight, everyone wins. Minnesota FoodShare coordinates the Minnesota FoodShare March Campaign, the largest annual statewide food and fund drive. Working with over 300 food shelves, Minnesota FoodShare raised over $8 million and 4.7 million pounds of food in 2015. The March Campaign is the only statewide effort where every dollar donated goes directly to food shelves to help purchase food for the hungry. Your gift in March is “super-powered” to go even further than other times of the year. The agencies that receive the most donated food and funds in March receive a bigger portion of the Minnesota FoodShare funds. Even without this incentive, March is a great time to give. The food shelves will see an increase in families during the summer when kids are not in school. To be prepared to feed everyone, food and funds we raise during the March campaign are crucial. Please make an extra effort to support these programs: Bring nonperishable food to the synagogue all month. Bins for food will be conveniently placed at the front and education wing entrances. We’ll be collecting at the Purim festivities too—a great time to bring food. Donate cash directly to the food shelves Adath supports. Please note with your cash donations that you are from Adath. ICA (Intercongregation Communities Association) 12990 St. David Road, Minnetonka, MN 55305 PRISM (People Responding in Social Ministry) 730 Florida Avenue South, Golden Valley, MN 55426 STEP (St. Louis Park Emergency Program) 6812 West Lake Street, St. Louis Park, MN 55426 Attend an Empty Bowls Fundraiser. Eat a simple meal of soup and bread, enjoy musical entertainment, make a free will donation and receive a handcrafted soup bowl. All proceeds benefit the local food shelves. PRISM has an event on March 8 at Cooper High School. STEP’s Empty Bowls event will take place on March 10 at Westwood Lutheran Church. ICA’s event is March 15 at the Hopkins Center for the Arts. For details contact the individual organizations or Adath liaisons Joy Sandler (STEP), Larry Parks (PRISM) and Veta Segal (ICA). To leave a private, confidential message for Elaine Savick, Adath Jeshurun Congregational Nurse, Yad Sima Tova, Adath's Caring Community, has a limited number of volunteers available to provide transportation to Adath members to Shabbat services, minyan or Adath functions. The Congregational Nurse program is generously sponsored by Julie and Marc Kozberg. To make arrangements at least five (5) days in advance, call the Yad Sima Tova Transportation Hotline at 952.215.3937. call 952.215.3936 or send an e-mail to [email protected]. 10 | CLARION Purim is Coming: It’s Time to Fill your Pushkes and Support Students in Israel Be prepared: Members of Adath’s Hesed Committee will be collecting the contents of your pushkes (and any additional donations) during Purim, both at the Purim Carnival and during the Megillah readings. This year the beneficiary of the Pushke Project will be Limudiah, an intensive after-school educational program organized by the North American Conference on Ethiopian Jewry (NACOEJ) to provide assistance for Ethiopian students in grades 1-6 in Israel. It is a successful program: Over 80% of Ethiopian children in the program perform at grade level, compared with only about 50% of Ethiopian children not enrolled in a Limudiah. These children excel in part because of a small teacher-student ratio, which enables the students to receive much-needed individualized attention. Now this program must be expanded quickly, so the need for additional funds is critical. The Israeli government has mandated that all Limudiah programs in the schools must be opened to a substantial number of non-Ethiopian children. Also, some of the remaining thousands of Jews still in Ethiopia will begin arriving in Israel soon. In order to succeed with all of these new students, Limudiah must not lower its standards of top teachers, small classes (no more than eight), nutritious hot meals and special materials for those who need them. Israeli board members and staff believe that integration will be good for their Ethiopian pupils, that the children will benefit socially and emotionally by being part of a group that represents all Israel. They hope that the children will form solid friendships at the same time that the program continues to meet the special needs of the Ethiopian children for whom it was created. We all look forward to the Purim celebration and the opportunity to raise funds for this wonderful project. For more information contact [email protected]. ETC... Adath Offers Catering and Meeting Venues Let us cater to you! Congregant Sari Lederman planned a beautiful wedding at Adath and says the entire event was magical! Get Your Fresh Fruits and Veggies at Adath through Our CSA Enjoy Fresh Local Vegetables for as Little as $25/Week “My daughter had been busy on Pinterest like every bride-tobe. We talked to Beth about some of her ideas…Could we do a s’mores bar, was she willing to try new recipes that our daughter found on line, what would the room look like? We started off with a meat menu, switched to fish and finally decided on stations. We went over the room layout, staff needs and color scheme. Beth was always available, whether I emailed, called or met with her. Beth was able to convert our ideas into the main event.” To read Sari’s complete blog go to: http://is.gd/AJcatering No matter what your special occasion—b’nai mitzvah, weddings, baby events, anniversaries and more—our Catering Director, Beth Mayerich, excels in event planning, tasty and beautiful food preparation, customer service and ensuring that your special day aligns with your budget. We meet your needs! Adath also offers off-site meetings and on-site home cooked meals for businesses and social groups that need a beautiful, but affordable venue. Our flexible meeting spaces and services are customized to meet your needs for: • Conferences • Seminars • Board Meetings • Retreats • Private Dining Events Adath meeting space can accommodate small groups or groups up to 250 people. Plus, we offer on-site conference center support with copier and fax, complimentary Wi-Fi, audio visual equipment and microphones. Interested in learning more? Contact Beth at 952.215.3913. Experience red-ripe summer tomatoes, delicious green vegetables and juicy watermelon! See and taste what you’ve been missing with a CSA share from Adath’s partner Easy Bean Farm! For the seventh year, Etz Chayim—Adath’s Environmental Initiative—is partnering with Easy Bean Farm and farmer Mike Jacobs in Milan, Minnesota. Adath members and friends can enjoy fresh local produce delivered weekly to the synagogue, to be picked up here. Cost: $630 for a full share, $430 for half-share (actually 2/3 of full share), plus a small fee supporting Etz Chayim projects. If it’s too much for your household, split with a friend! Let us know— we’ll try to find a match for a household that wants to split. Pick-up: The season is approximately 17 weeks, from mid-June to October. You may pick up your box of vegetables every Friday (exceptions on holidays) between 7:30 AM and 5:30 PM. The Vegetables: Greens, beans, carrots, tomatoes, cucumbers, peas, peppers, onions, potatoes, squash, corn, broccoli, herbs and more! Easy Bean Farm is not certified organic, but follows organic farming principles. You can help the STEP Foodshelf. Donate money towards shares for STEP foodshelf in St. Louis Park. Additionally, CSA members have the option to donate food to STEP when they’re out of town. What is CSA? Community-Supported Agriculture (CSA) links farmers with consumers by allowing members to purchase a “share” in the farm. Members connect to the land where the vegetables are grown and the people who grow them. Learn more about CSA’s and Easy Bean Farm at easybeanfarm.com. Contact Carol Sarnat at 952.545.8459 or [email protected] for more information, or download a registration form from http://is.gd/adath2016CSA. Registration deadline is April 30, 2016. Enjoy the bounty-farm-fresh, organically grown produce this summer! MARCH, 2016 | 11 MAKING A DIFFERENCE ADATH FOUNDATION...at 30 Former Rockette’s Enduring Impact Did you know that Carol Ostrow (z”l) was a Radio City Music Hall Rockette? Prior to moving back to the Twin Cities and settling into our Jewish community, Carol had the chance to perform alongside stars like Gene Kelly and even dated Frank Sinatra. When Carol moved back to the Twin Cities, she met Aleck Ostrow, and the two decided to marry. Knowing Judaism’s importance to Aleck and his family, Carol became Jewish. While she wasn’t as high-profile as other converts to Judaism like Marilyn Monroe and Elizabeth Taylor, Carol Ostrow’s impact on our Jewish community was deeply felt in her lifetime. Judaism played a significant role in Carol’s life. She served as Vice President of Mikro Kodesh, then as Vice President of Tifereth B’nai Jacob, and finally as Vice President of Bnai Emet. Carol was also a member of the Bnai Emet and Adath Women’s Leagues. Bnai Emet was so important to Carol that she included it in her estate plans. In anticipation of decisions like this, the Adath Foundation established the Bnai Emet Legacy Fund to maintain the legacy of that beloved congregation. When Carol passed away late last year, the Bnai Emet Legacy Fund received a generous portion of her assets, ensuring her legacy endures for generations to come. This Bnai Emet Legacy Fund helps us to remember and honor that sacred community by sponsoring special events and programs that embody the values of Bnai Emet. When we hear that something is “sponsored by the Bnai Emet Legacy Fund,” we are reminded of Carol and so many others who touched our lives when Bnai Emet members joined Adath. The Adath Foundation is now celebrating its 30th year of making a difference from generation to generation. If you have identified Adath or Bnai Emet in your will or estate plan, please contact Evan Stern at 952.215.3916 or [email protected]. Please also contact Evan if you are interested in learning about planned giving and the Adath Foundation’s Legacy Society. COMMUNITY NEWS JRLC Day on the Hill Adopt a Family for Passover Join clergy and lay people throughout Minnesota to show our interfaith commitment to social justice and to participate in the lawmaking process. The Joint Religious Legislative Coalition’s Day on the Hill is an annual day of inspiration, issue briefings and opportunities to take action. Adath is a major sponsor. Adopt a Family for Passover is a wonderful mitzvah opportunity through the Hag Sameach (Happy Holidays) Program of Jewish Family and Children’s Service of Minneapolis (JFCS). Some families in our community rely on this program to celebrate the traditions of Passover. This year JRLC is taking it on the road across the state of Minnesota. There will be six regional events, including a South Metro Day on the Hill on March 8, 5:30-8:30 PM at Mary Mother of the Church in Burnsville. For details call 612.870.3670 or see www.jrlc.org/day-on-the-hill. Pathways Renewing Life™ Support Group Pathways Health Crisis Resource Center joins Jewish Family and Children’s Service of Minneapolis to offer Renewing Life™, an educational and emotional support group for people experiencing life challenges and health crises. Participants meet at JFCS in Minnetonka and take part in an intensive nine-week series that meets each Wednesday from April 13 through June 8. If you or someone you know could benefit from this life-changing opportunity, please contact Betsy Michel at 612.251.3561 or [email protected]. 12 | CLARION Individuals and families who are referred to JFCS receive a gift bag of ritual Passover foods and items to help celebrate the holiday. Often, this is a family’s only opportunity to obtain these items. Last year JFCS served more than 200 families. You can Adopt a Family for $36 which helps cover the cost of each bag. If you would like to Adopt a Family, you can donate by: • Submitting a check payable to: Jewish Family and Children’s Service of Minneapolis 13100 Wayzata Blvd., Suite 400, Minnetonka, MN 55305 • Go online to www.jfcsmpls.org and click on “Adopt a Family for Passover” under the “Donate” tab • Pay with a credit card by calling Jonathan Kaeppeler at 952.542.4834 Your donation in any amount is greatly appreciated! For more information contact Mindy Teele, Hag Sameach Coordinator, at 952.542.4870 or [email protected]. This year, Passover begins at sundown on April 22. PASSINGS Wenotewithsorrowthepassingsof... MILTON ALTER father of David (Jodi) Alter DONA BROMS mother of Roni (Alan) Gingold JOE COHEN husband of Fredell Cohen father of Gary (Margaret Macneale) Cohen father of Sheryl Cohen JAMES GAVISER husband of Judy Gaviser STANLEY KANTAR husband of Sheila Kantar BENJAMIN OSTFIELD husband of Joan Andresen-Ostfield MORTON L. STONE father of Jon (Linda) Stone …ourcondolencestotheirfamilies Funds noted with an * are permanent funds of the Adath Jeshurun Foundation. YAHRZEIT DONATIONS Memory of Donor Max Addis Ruby Addis Edith Ernst Harvey Ansel Darrell Ansel Henry Ausenberg Gloria & Peter Cooper Eleazer Begam Esther Begam & Family Albert Bernstein Richard, Lee-Ann & Joseph Rubenstein Louis Bernstein Doris Ginsberg Zita Blum Edith & Bob Schept Irving Brand Ruth Brand Johanna & Stuart Feldman Judy & Steve Schumeister Michael Brodyanskaya Nina Brodyanskaya Shirley Bromer Michael & Carol Bromer Esther Brown Rae Cooper Gene Chalfen Vivian & Bob Ezrilov Seema Chernoff Marsha Chernoff Golob Edith Chesen Ed Chesen Ella Chester Perci Chester & Mitch Bender Sheldon Chester Annette (Honi) Cohen Melissa & Sheldon Silberman Rose Cohen Bruce Cohen Irving Cooper Rae Cooper Harriet Frances Eisenberg Vicki & Howie Londer Anthony & Samantha Londer Amie, Jon & Lilah Spitz Ralph Estrin Paul Estrin Herbert Fineberg Sharon & Bill Garber Rose Fingerhut Ron Fingerhut Marian Fischer Mark & Lucy Rose Fischer Sylvia Fischman Kenneth Fischman Tillie Fox Paula & Norman Fox Szulim Gesundheit Esther & Gerardo Neuwirth Ida Gingold Elaine Gingold CONTRIBUTIONS Edward Green Rose Green Faye B. Stillman Lillian Greenberg Tina Greenberg Bluma Grichener Herschel Grichener Leo Grichener Yakov Grichener David Grone Marian Eisenberg Miriam Mae Gross Rachel & Jack Levitt Lucille Cooper Gutman Scott & Debbie Cooper Norman Harris Marcy Harris Ruth Harris Beatrice Hechter Harriet Davis Beatrice Holzman Riva Goldstein Samuel Jacobs Harlan Jacobs Samuel J. Jacobs Renee Ribnick Sidney Kabat Vivian Kabat Fink Anne Kahn Michael Kahn Annette (Netty) Kaner Bob Kaner Bruce Walonick George Kiperstein Frank Kiperstin Alec Kiperstin Harriet Kronick Laurence Zipkin Sally Langer Marlene Rutman Harry Latts Aimee, Noah, Allie & Chloe Feldman Mitzi & Terry Kane Jean Lazover Harriet Davis Arnold Lefko Jill Sinda Pearl Lerner Elaine & Leon Lerner Victor Levenburg Carole Harris Philip Levine Joel & Sherry Coffino George Levitt John & Rachel Levitt Morris Liss David Liss Jacob Locketz Miles & Sandra Locketz William Londer Vicki & Howie Londer Anthony & Samantha Londer Amie, Jon & Lilah Spitz William Lumel Joy Sandler Harry Lyman Elaine Langer Sarah Mandel Ruth Hollischer Marion Meyers Sheldon Meyers Steve Meyers & Family Irving Mogilevsky Ella Mogilevsky Faye Nudell Irving & Charlotte Nudell Naum Paller Ilya Paller Syd Rich Penny & Rich Galinson Alice Robbins Bette & Lou Kotlarz Claire Roberts Nate Roberts Gerald Roberts Gittle Rosenthal Richard, Lee-Ann & Joseph Rubenstein Saul Roth Lydia Roth-Laube Julius Rudnitsky Sally Rudnitsky Rudnitsky Family Steve Schectman Larry Wertheim Carl Schneider Heidi Schneider & Joel Mintzer A. Ray Segal Faye Segal & Family William Seltz Lewis & Beverly Seltz Ruth Seltz Nathan Serrell Donna Robbins Judith Serrell Henry Shapiro Sandra Bennett Sarah Steinberg David Liss George Stillman Faye & Ralph Stillman Irving Trestman Jerry Trestman Shari Tzafrir Yehoshua Tzafrir Iris Tzafrir & Jonathan Shaver Eli Wiener Miriam & Leroy Kieffer Gordon Winger Jody Winger Emma Wolfson Gail Goldstein & Family Helen Zamkoff Judy Fine Hymen Ziev Frances Herman Rose Zimmerman Charles Zimmerman Nate Zweigbaum Connie & Peter Frank BURTON & MARTY ABRAMSON FUND* Memory of Beatsy Orenstein Carolyn Abramson & Family ADULT LEARNING FUND Honor of Debbie Spencer Marsha Chernoff Golob LORRAINE & ALEX ASTREN FAMILY JEWISH STUDIES SCHOLARSHIP FUND* Honor of Barbara Bearmon’s birthday Lorraine Astren FRED & MARGO BERDASS SCHOLARSHIP FUND* Memory of Beatsy Orenstein Margo Berdass CANTOR’S DISCRETIONARY FUND Memory of Morton Stone Judy & Harvey Arbit Appreciation of Cantor Buckner Mel Orenstein ELLA & ALEXANDER CHESTER FUND* Honor of the engagement of Alexander Bender & Mariel Villere Jerome & Judith Ingber LEAH & HAROLD DAVIS FAMILY FUND FOR EDUCATION OF CHILDREN & YOUTH* Memory of Charles Brin Barb & Earl Hoffman Memory of Jackie Herman Barb & Earl Hoffman FISH ARENSON FUND Memory of Milton Alter Diane & Ivan Arenson MARCH, 2016 | 13 CONTRIBUTIONS THANK YOU Memory of Dona Broms Diane & Ivan Arenson Memory of Beatsy Orenstein Diane & Ivan Arenson Honor of Ivan Arenson’s special birthday Sue Colby & Larry Baill Mark & Carole Confeld Beth, Richard, Alex, Katie, Sami Levin & Michael Winer & Bubby The Lifson Family The Lodge Family Ronald & Linda Mash Marty & Wendy Shragg Bob & Gayle Werner Barb & Larry Zweigbaum GAN SHELANU FUND Memory of Dona Broms Janice & Jeffrey Schachtman Jane & Gennady Shkolnik Memory of Jackie Herman Janice & Jeffrey Schachtman Memory of Beatsy Orenstein Janice & Jeffrey Schachtman Honor of Adin Zweigbaum’s Bar Mitzvah Vicki & Howie Londer Janice & Jeff Schachtman Amie, Jon & Lilah Spitz Appreciation of Dr. Peter Frank & the Tooth Fairy for visiting All the kids at Gan Shelanu Appreciation of Janice Schachtman, Risa Kessler, Vicki Londer, Jennifer Molnar & Heidi Zipkin for help with the Sampler Adult Learning Committee Appreciation of Cantor Buckner Family of Lillian Weitz Appreciation of Rabbi Kravitz Family of Lillian Weitz Appreciation of Rabbi Weininger Family of Lillian Weitz GENERAL FUND Memory of Milton Alter Bernie & Leslie Goldblatt 14 | CLARION Memory of Stephen Ancier Michael & Eileen Kopman & Family MORNING MINYAN FUND Memory of Dona Broms Bernie & Leslie Goldblatt Susan & Peter Gross Laura Saliterman & John Kerwin Memory of Dona Broms Janice & Mark Karon Memory of Jackie Herman Jean Efron ORBUCH FAMILY TIKKUN OLAM FUND* Memory of Morton Stone Bernie & Leslie Goldblatt Honor of Rich Freeman’s special birthday Michael & Eileen Kopman MEYER & GOLDIE GILBERT FUND Memory of Stephen Ancier Bonnie & Bruce Berezovsky Memory of Mitchell Johnson Craig & Debbie Spencer Memory of Milton Alter Jill & David Orbuch Memory of Dona Broms Jill & David Orbuch Joyce & Martin Orbuch Memory of Beatsy Orenstein Joyce & Martin Orbuch Memory of Ben Ostfield Bev & Bill Fishman Memory of Morton Stone Jill & David Orbuch Refuah Shlemah to Melissa Cohen Silberman Bev & Bill Fishman MEL & BEATSY ORENSTEIN TEACHERS’ EDUCATION FUND* Memory of Beatsy Orenstein The Albanese Family Sally Appelbaum Memory of Dona Broms Kerry & Scott Bader Ann Ginsburgh Hofkin & The Badower Family Michael Hofkin Meg & Steve Blake Joanne Blindman Carolyn & Stuart Bloom TERI & MIKE Peggy & Rick Bloom GREENSTEIN JEWISH Raleigh Brand & Family EDUCATION FUND* Susan Calmenson & Vince Leo Memory of Dona Broms Phyllis & James Chucker Teri & Mike Greenstein Judy & Richard Cook Brian & Marina Cronk Memory of Beatsy Orenstein Rose Cronk Teri & Mike Greenstein Dori Denelle Debra, David & Anna Dworsky IRVING & FRANCES Liz & Eliot Funk HERMAN EDUCATION Neal Gendler & Margie FUND* Wasserman Memory of Jackie Herman Debbie & Michael Gold Family Blair & Holly Greenberg Alan & Nancy Goldfarb Gerre Hoffman Honor of Fran Herman’s special Maythee & John Kantar birthday Dan & Jennifer Kaufman Jean Efron & Stan Maisel Shirley Okrent Lerner Tom & Amy Lieberman DIANE JOLSON LEGACY Diane & Jeff Lovich FUND* Linda & Gregory Magnuson Memory of Ronald Ganetsky Marc Meirovitz & Caren Rubin The Jolson Family Ella Mogilevsky & Harold Engler Memory of Beatsy Orenstein Mary Murray The Jolson Family Irving & Charlotte Nudell Jill & David Orbuch BERNARD & IDA GINGOLD FUND* Debra & Gregory Page Dawn Prestwich Lynne & Andrew Redleaf Joe Rine Jodi & Daniel Rosen & Family Lon Rosenfield & Barbara Friedman Connie & Paul Ross Nancy & Steve Schachtman Jill & Steven Schnedel Robert Segal & Lucinda Cummings Shelley Segal Stan & Janet Shanedling Bobbi Simmons Barbara Swaiman & Mark Franklin Howard & Janet Tarkow Stacie & Jeff Usem Mariann Wolf & John Magnuson Memory of Morton Stone Leslie & David Orenstein DR. MILTON & ETTA FAY ORKIN FAMILY FUND* Memory of Beatsy Orenstein Etta Fay Orkin CATALINA POLIANSKY FUND Memory of Jack Coopersmith Dory & Isaac Einisman Honor of Neil & Ann Covin’s grandson Leo’s Bar Mitzvah Dory & Isaac Einisman Honor of Adin Zweigbaum’s Bar Mitzvah Dory & Isaac Einisman RABBIS’ DISCRETIONARY FUND Memory of Morton Stone Heidi Schneider & Joel Mintzer THE SCHOLARSHIP FUND* Memory of Beatsy Orenstein David & Dani Gotlieb SHERMAN FAMILY TZEDAKAH FUND Memory of Stephen Ancier Sally & Sheldon Masnek NORMAN & DEE SILVER FUND* Appreciation of Cantor Buckner Ann Silver Appreciation of Rabbi Kravitz Ann Silver Appreciation of Rabbi Weininger Ann Silver HOWIE STILLMAN YOUNG LEADERSHIP FUND Memory of Ben Badiner Clarice & Howard Smith Memory of Mitchell Johnson Hy & Sheila Paisner Memory of Dorothy Rovner Hy & Sheila Paisner Honor of Marty Stillman’s birthday Charlotte & Richard Berman MAX & LILLIAN WEITZ FUND FOR THE PERPETUATION OF JEWISH STUDIES Appreciation of Rabbi Weininger Mel Orenstein Elizabeth & Benjamin Smith Memory of Lillian Weitz Patricia Kenner Chelle Kotlarz HAROLD & ELAINE RUBIN GAN SHELANU ENDOWMENT FUND* Memory of Dona Broms Neal Gendler & Margie Wasserman Honor of Mort Bank’s special birthday Elaine & Harold Rubin SCHNEIDER FAMILY TENUAH LEADERSHIP FUND* Memory of Milton Alter Heidi Schneider & Joel Mintzer YAD SIMA TOVA Memory of Morton Stone Neal Gendler & Margie Wasserman Appreciation of Estie & Jim Sherman Beverly Stillman CLARION ADATH JESHURUN CONGREGATION • MOE AND ESTHER SABES CAMPUS 10500 HILLSIDE LANE WEST • MINNETONKA MN 55305 • 952.545.2424 Prsrt Std U.S. Postage PAID Twin Cities, MN Permit 4665 DATED MATERIAL printed on recycled paper Bernie wants you to come to AIPAC! On Sunday-Tuesday, March 20-22, in Washington, D.C. the largest gathering of America's pro-Israel community will take place. You can be part of the excitement and energy! Enjoy and learn from demonstrations of groundbreaking Israeli innovations, keynote speeches by American and Israeli leaders, inspiring moments on stage, and intimate educational sessions. Policy Conference delegates will experience the full scale of pro-Israel activism in three powerful days. You’ll join with: More than 14,000 pro-Israel Americans More than two-thirds of Congress More than 2,300 students from more than 490 campuses 260 Student Government Presidents from all 50 states More than 275 synagogue delegations AIPAC members from across the country Adath will have a delegation in attendance. There are still a few spots left in our group at a discounted registration. Contact Adath Executive Director, Bernie Goldblatt, today if are interested in attending the conference. To hear more about the conference from Bernie, watch his short video invitation. http://is.gd/ajAIPAC The mission of Adath Jeshurun Congregation, a member of the Conservative Movement, is to be a progressive, egalitarian and sacred community dedicated to Torah (learning and tradition), Avodah (prayer and spirituality) and Gemilut Hasadim (acts of loving kindness).
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