Sept 2015 - Adath Israel Congregation
Sept 2015 - Adath Israel Congregation
ELUL / TISHREI SEPTEMBER 2015 MISSION STATEMENT Adath Israel is a Kehilah Kedoshah, a Conservative Jewish Community, that supports congregants during significant life events, and in their journeys to become more involved, knowledgeable, and spiritually fulfilled Jews. THE 18 CORE VALUES OF ADATH ISRAEL CONGREGATION SHEMA YISRAEL—Believing in and loving G-d MITZVAH V’HALAKHAH— Embracing the standards, observances and values of Conservative Judaism GEMILUT HASADIM—Doing good deeds and acts of kindness TZEDAKAH—Endeavoring to live righteous lives of caring and giving KELAL YISRAEL—Contributing to the future of the Jewish people YISRAEL—Appreciating the centrality of Israel TIKKUN OLAM—Making our world a better place TALMUD TORAH—Life long Jewish learning KEDUSHAH—Recognizing the holiness of creation KAVOD—Treating every person with respect RUHANIYUT—Building spiritual and religious lives TEFILAH—Developing devotional inner lives SHABBAT VEYOM TOV—Living by the Jewish calendar LEDOR VADOR—Involving members of all ages TEMIHAH—Financially supporting our congregation HISHTATFUT—Participating in programs, projects and activities MEMSHALAH—Members governing our congregation SHALOM—Pursuing peace at all times in all ways. There are ten times ten blasts of the shofar on Rosh HaShanah. There are ten specifically selected verses for each of the special sections of the Rosh HaShanah Musaf. Yom Kippur is the tenth day of the month of Tishri and the tenth day of the Ten Days of Teshuvah. The High Priest pronounced the Ineffable Name of G-d ten times on Yom Kippur and on Yom Kippur we remember the ten martyrs who gave their lives for the Jewish people. In this spirit I present the following ten questions to help us prepare for the High Holy Days. These are questions that I ask myself and are intended to intensify and give focus to our self-examination and self-study that are to be at the heart of our High Holy Day experience. Please devote some time each day, quietly and alone, to these questions. I am confident that by doing so you will find your High Holy Days and lives enhanced. That, at least, is my hope. * * * * * * * * * * What do you ideally want to accomplish between this Rosh HaShanah and next Rosh HaShanah? What is it that would prevent you from doing so and what are you truly willing to do about this? What attributes (in Hebrew, midot) do you need to improve upon? Modesty? Patience? Generosity? Honesty? Compassion? Humility? Sincerity? Kindness? Thankfulness? What are you angry and resentful about and what are you—not others!—going to do about it? What are you afraid of, worried about and hurt by and how are you going to deal with these to prevent them from limiting and diminishing your life? Whom do you need to apologize to and ask forgiveness from and whom do you need to forgive? When are you going to do it? What do you need to do to take care of and nurture your family relationships? What kind of life—in regard to our world and our future--should you really be living? What do you genuinely want your Jewish lives and the Jewish lives of your family to be like? These are some of the questions that I meditate and reflect upon. Please add to and/or replace these questions with your own. The taking account of our lives—of our very souls—that we are required to do at this season (in Hebrew, heshbon nefesh) requires, in part, asking soul searching questions. As difficult as this is it is also empowering and uplifting. I share with my prayers that you, your families, the State of Israel, all the Jewish people and the entire world be blessed with a year of health, sustenance, fulfillment, joy and peace. Rabbi Irvin M. Wise Shanah Tovah! 1 FROM THE PRESIDENT Happy almost 5776. Rosh Hashanah begins the evening of September 14, 2015. And we will have longer than usual to enjoy 5776 because it is a leap year and extends for 385 days. As our Rabbi frequently reminds us, as American Jews, we live by two calendars—the secular calendar and our Jewish calendar. Under our Jewish calendar this is a time for reflection and introspection, for reviewing our actions in the past year so that we can seek further improvement in the year to come. 5775 has been a year of success, growth and continuity for Adath Israel. I thank Rabbi Wise and all of our dedicated staff and lay leaders for their dedication and service to the congregation. We have added new members and continued to maintain our fiscal strength. We have exceeded our goal for participation in the Create Your Jewish Legacy (CYJL) program. We have continued our many tikkun olam projects, including sponsoring three weeks of IHN hospitality and our Mitzvah Day and Project Isaiah. Our affinity groups have been very active—especially Hazak under its new leadership. We have much to look forward to in 5776, including: Continuing to build our participation in CYJL. Completing our search for an Associate Rabbi. Our congregational and community mission to Israel next summer. Preparing for our 170th anniversary celebration. Pam and I wish each of you a healthy, joyful and peaceful New Year. I look forward to speaking with you at Rosh Hashanah and personally greeting as many of you as possible over the holidays. L’Shanah Tovah Gerald S. Greenberg To Dr. Stan & Miriam Elfenbaum on the birth of their granddaughter, Ava Lillian. Parents are Scott & Amy Elfenbaum Kramer. Ava has a brother, Eli. HAYOM HARAT HAOLOM To Kirt & Heather McKee on the birth of their son, Abram Philip McKee. Abram has a brother, Myer, and a sister, Eve. On the second day of Rosh HaShanah (Tuesday, September 15), we again join with those families who welcomed a new child into their homes this year. To Elaine & Murray Guttman on the birth of their greatgranddaughter, Naomi Simcha Skurow. Her parents are Milcah & Ryan Skurow. She has two sisters, Yiska & Leah. At the same time, we know the pain and sorrow that many have felt this year in experiencing pregnancy loss or infertility problems. These losses are some of the most private of all losses, and yet sitting next to you may be an individual or a couple grieving with the sense of loss. We mention this so that no one loses the awe or appreciation of these new babies having been brought into the world. We marvel at their presence and we pray that all who want to experience the joy of parenthood are so blessed in the near future. To Sandy Kaltman & John Isidor who were honored by the Greater Cincinnati Planned Giving Council with their Voices of Giving Award . To Patti & Ray Schneider on the birth of their granddaughter, Ella Joy Schneider. Parents are Justin & Joanna Schneider, and greatgrandfather is Joe Schneider. Ella has an older brother, Adam. (The Birthday of Our World) To Sharon & Jeff Casper on the birth of their grandson, Zachary Miles Anenberg. Parents are Susan & Elliot Anenberg. Zachary has an older brother, Joshua. Babies who were born in 5775 (at the time of publication) are as follows in birth order: To Gail & Carey Costantini on their daughter Lianna, graduating from The Ohio State University with a Bachelors degree in Food, Agriculture and Biological Engineering. Parents’ Names Babies’ Names Stephanie & Jack Rubin Holly Mitchell & Caleb Adler Alyce & Joel Ellison Deena Abernathy & Brett Schwartz Lauren & Seth Guttman Laura & Dan Katz Katharine & Orrin Franko Heather & Kirt McKee Jaclyn & Brent Jarnicki Edward Michael Avram Thomas Shoshana Hazel Sadie Hope Violet Florence Tav Morris Asher Golan Abram Philip Bradley William To Tom & Marilyn Zemboch on the marriage of their daughter Emily to Aaron Werbel. To Linda & Marty Mandel on the birth of their grandson, A.J. (Alex Joel) Levin. Parents are Nate and Sari Mandel Levin. To Ken & Terri Hiudt on the birth of their granddaughter, Sutton Jane Burkhardt, Parents are Dan & Tori Burkhardt. 2 September Mark & Susan Abrams Michael & Amy Bailes Gary & Marci Blachman David & Lynn Callif Andy & Ariella Cohen Mark & Gloriana Cohen Leonard & Eileen Deutch Shep & Hayley Englander David & Stacey Fisher Michael & Shelly Gerson Howard & Rebecca Goldwasser Eric & Lucy Gruen Michael Jarnicki & Jessica Baer Scott & Shauna Kabakoff Bill & Nancy Kahn Steven & Tina Kapor Julius & Penny Kassar Ed & Jessica Kuresman Brett & Deb Leonard Randy & Bonnie Loftspring Tom Borcher & Valerie Louis Micah & Jessica Max Lawrence & Leslie Newman Fred & Marian Orringer Scot & Amy Perlman Mark & Judy Petricoff Dan & Nancy Pilder Mark & Risa Prince Daniel & Irene Randolph Bruce & Jeanne Reiser Doug & Amy Ross Neal & Soula Rothchild Bill & Ann Schneiderman Mo & Shelly Shaw Noah & Brett Stern Stuart & Faye Tobin Maury & Janis White 12 24 19 41 8 7 58 27 23 32 19 6 7 12 34 6 46 9 18 37 7 11 37 45 31 54 44 36 48 32 28 18 65 20 15 47 30 Rosh HaShanah September 14 & 15, Kol Nidre September 22, Yom Kippur September 23 Erev Rosh Hashanah After years of thoughtful consideration, our Religious Services Committee has unanimously decided that the time has come for the entire congregation to begin the New Year together, and not at two separate services. This year, on Erev Rosh HaShanah, Sunday evening, September 13, there will be one service, which will take place in the Main Sanctuary, with the traditional Minhah service beginning at 6:00 pm, followed immediately by Maariv with Cantor Birnbaum and our choir. Services will conclude by 7:20 pm. “Adath Israel plays such a big role in supporting the kind of engaged Jewish life we want for our family. It was only natural for us to include Adath in our plans to " Create our Jewish Legacy" to help ensure our synagogue will continue to play this role for the Cincinnati Jewish community for the generations to come.” Sherri and Adam Symson For information about how you can create Your Jewish legacy, please contact our administrator, Pauline Horn, at the synagogue office. 3 VOLUNTEER FOR MITZVAH MEALS Do you like to bake? Adath Israel’s Social Action Committee invites you to participate in the mitzvah of Maakhil Re’eyvim, Feeding the Hungry. We are looking for volunteers to bake challah and honey cake in their homes, to be distributed to clients of the Jewish Family Service Heldman Family Food Pantry before Rosh Hashanah. You can make extra while baking at home for your family and freeze for this mitzvah. Baked goods are needed by Friday, September 4th. If you aren’t a baker, but would like to support this project, we are collecting donations for JFS to purchase other needed food items. For more information, or to volunteer to bake, please contact Sandy Kaltman at 236-7646 or [email protected]. Help others enjoy home-baked treats for the holiday! Interested in serving as A High Holy Day or Shabbat Usher? WE NEED YOU! For more information or to volunteer, please contact Marilyn Kiefer at (513) 793-1800 ext. 118 or [email protected]. Candlelighting, Kabbalat Shabbat & Shabbat Service Times = Candlelighting, Kabbalat Shabbat & Shabbat Service Times Candlelighting September 4 7:47 pm September 11 7:36 pm September 18 7:25 pm September 25 7:13 pm Kabbalat Shabbat September 4 6:00 pm September 11 6:00 pm September 18 6:00 pm September 25 6:00 pm Minhah/Maariv & Seudah Shelishit *September 5 7:00 pm September 12 6:45 pm September 19 6:45 pm September 26 6:30 pm *Selichot (see page 10 for times) = Check out Rabbi Ricky’s blog ‘Like’ and ‘Follow’ us on Facebook Mark your calendars! 2015 Host Week Dec 20-27 “Get to Know Our Synagogue” is designed to familiarize you with our place of worship. If you have a question you would like answered please send it in to Hamilton Lempert at [email protected]. It will be researched and published in future articles. Why is the Main Sanctuary as tall as it is? When the architect, Percival Goodman, designed the building, he asked the Amberley Fire Department how high he could make it. They stated that their ladder truck could only reach 36 feet high, and the architect decided to make it exactly that high. 4 Adath Israel Sisterhood President’s Message Dear Sisterhood Members, We are about to embark on a new year in the Jewish calendar as well as the Sisterhood calendar. We have been working hard this summer preparing for an amazing year. Our opening meeting will be September 20th from 5-7 PM with Kim Heiman speaking on: Whose Chuppah is it Anyway? An Israeli wedding dinner will be served. This event is free to all paid up Sisterhood members. This is a reminder to send in your dues to Lani Kirschner. We also will have many other programs such as a book club, knitting for charity, a sukkah hop, and cardio dance/yoga. Keep looking for your newsletter with all the upcoming details. I hope that everyone has a happy, healthy, and peaceful new year. L’Shana Tova, Rebecca Goldwasser Sisterhood President For more information on all of these programs and more, visit our website at The Coleman Judaica Shop at Adath Israel Buyers just returned from NYC gift show. Look for wonderful new items arriving weekly. 10% discount on most items for Sisterhood members. Shop Hours Monday thru Thursday 10:30am – 12:00 noon 1:30pm – 4:00pm Closed Friday Sunday, 9:30am-12:30pm Other times by appointment Call Judy Dombar at 253-3641 No problem scheduling appointments when the shop is not open 5 Jarson Education Center September 2015 Its time to register your children for Religious School for the 2015-2016 school year! We make it easy...just go to our website (see below) and download the forms to your computer, fill them out and send them back to me by email! We look forward to seeing your children on September 20th for the first day of religious school! index.php/forms/ Do you know of someone looking for a religious school for their children, if so please have them contact Dara Wood! We are open to non-members as well, our school is a great way to introduce your friends to our synagogue! Introducing our Madrichim, teaching assistants, for 5776/2015-2016! Emily Jonas Ben Spector Nina Hayutin Shayna Kling Annie Jonas Samantha Brant Hanna Leonard Jonah Rosenberg Noah Kaufman Hannah Rozenson Zachary Lempert Fletcher Guttman Brooke Goldwasser Max DelBello Ben Hayutin Max Rosenberg Matthew Swartz Max DelBello Samantha Winkler Becky Jonas Noah Garfunkel Gabe Deutch Lilly Reisenfeld Hannah Lempert We are excited to welcome Brianna Pecsok as our new Coordinator of Youth and Family Programs! Brianna grew up in Cincinnati and has a Bachelor of Arts degree from The Ohio State University in International Relations. She was inspired to be a leader in the Jewish communal world by her experiences as a board member of her youth group, summer camp, being a Sunday school madricha, and her trip to Israel. She has a lot of leadership experience through her involvement at The OSU Hillel, where she served as president the Buckeye Leadership Fellows cohort, being a resident advisor and more! We are thrilled to welcome Brianna to our team! Introducing our Teaching Staff for 5776/2015-2016! Sherry Cohen Sherryl Sommer Debbie Lempert Deena Abernathy Scott Kabakoff Zahava Rendler Rabbi Ricky Kamil Phyllis Binik-Thomas David Reinhart Noah Ferro Brett Schwartz Toby Samet Chana Wolfson Gail Jacobs Barbara Bresler & our Office Staff Marlene Beraha Mikey Frank 6 YOUTH AND FAMILY NEWS SEPTEMBER 2015 ELUL -TISHREI 57755775-5776 Brett Musick works at the Mayerson JCC. He graduated from University of Cincinnati. He is originally from Cleveland. He has worked at Cincinnati Hillel and was the President of both the Alpha Epsilon Pi Fraternity and Bearcats For Israel. He can't wait for another year working with Kadima and the Kadima board. Jessie Paley is a sophomore at UC. She is a Judaic Studies major with an Organizational Leadership and Human resources minor. Jessie is very involved in her sorority, Chi Omega. She is from Cleveland, where she has been very active in her Jewish community. She is so excited to be a Jewish Stars advisor. BRETT MUSICK KADIMA ALEX RYB USY JESSIE PALEY RABBI RICKY Alex is entering his 5th year at the University of Cincinnati. In 2006, Alex became a bar mitzvah at Congregation Bethaynu in Cleveland. Alex worked at Park Day Camp for four years, serving as a counselor for children in grades K2. He is looking forward to working with USY and Adath Israel Congregation to plan fun and engaging programs. Rabbi Ricky Kamil is very excited to be the director of the Atid program. He grew up in Michigan. In May of 2015 he was ordained from HUC-JIR. He is married to Rebecca, a rabbinic student and they live in Hyde Park. In his free time, Rabbi Ricky loves the outdoors, reading, and being with friends. He is looking forward to enjoying great programs this year. SEPTEMBER CALENDAR OF EVENTS SEPTEMBER 44-7 (WEEKEND) USY SATO dance in Columbus SEPTEMBER 5 (SATURDAY) 10:30am Family Service in Marcus Chapel SEPTEMBER 7 (MONDAY) 12-3pm KADIMA & USY Wake Nation SEPTEMBER 10 (THURSDAY) USY Dewey’s and Orange Leaf SEPTEMBER 12 (SATURDAY) 10:30am Mini Minyan (formerly Tot Shabbat) SEPTEMBER 14 & 15 (MONDAY & TUESDAY) & SEPTEMBER 23 (WEDNESDAY) ROSH HASHANAH & YOM KIPPUR - Adath Israel Childcare starts at 9:30am & Youth and Teen Services start at 10:30am **Remember to grab you brown bag for the food drive & bring it back by Kol Nidre** SEPTEMBER 20 (SUNDAY) 9-10:30am MAZEL TOTS-meet in the school lobby SEPTEMBER 30 (WEDNESDAY) 6:15pm Pizza in the Hut 7 President’s Message As I look back on the past few months, I realize that Brotherhood has gotten quite a bit done. We have cooked for IHN and Mitzvah Day, we’ve had successful game nights, and we’ve supported our Minyan. In addition, we have tended to our garden and provided fresh produce for people in need. We have a challenge and that is to involve more people. We’re not asking anyone to become an officer, but we need people to get more involved. Please take a baby step and help to plan an event, or throw some food on the grill, or simply show up to a program. Here’s where I ask something of you. If we haven’t planned any programs that are appealing to you, please seek out our leaders and let us know what you’d like to see. We strive to have programming that appeals to all members of our group. As I write this it is early August. It’s hard for me to believe that in a few short weeks the High Holy Days will be here. My family and I would like to wish you L'shanah tovah. Mike Weisman I can be reached at 513-448-0106 or [email protected] EVENTS Thursday Night, Chol Hamoed Sukkot Help maintain the Monday evening Minyan. September 24 Strategy Gaming Night Thanks to all of our volunteers! Your participation makes our organization work! We are pleased to welcome the following new members to our Adath Israel family! David & Patti Levine Orrin & Katie Franko Tom & Marsha Witt October 1, 2015 7:30pm – Dessert in Sukkah 8:00pm – Program An exciting musical evening with Rabbi Kenneth A. Kanter Associate Dean and Director of the Rabbinical School Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion Sponsored by: Andrea Levenson & Scott Young Chairperson: Michael Hall Cost: $5 per person RSVP: Kathy Haas at 793-1800 x106 “We Jews can be proud of so many accomplishments and contributions to the historical and cultural story of America. Amongst the greatest gifts has been the Jewish role in the development of American popular music. From Jerome Kern and Irving Berlin to the great song writers of today, American popular music would not be the same were it not for the Jewish role. We will share the great songs of our past and present, combined with the stories of these songwriters’ lives. While most were first generation Americans, all represented the quintessential American story. We will sing together, learn together and remember great moments in our own lives.” 8 Frank Abes Tobi Abes Marci Bortz Joel Brant Bob Brant Lynn Callif Lisa Cantor-Jacobson Marian Chaliff Jeffrey Cohen Ariella Cohen Steve Dinnerstein Ruth Emden Gary Fisher Stacey Fisher Edward Frank Mikey Frank Harriet Geller Richard Glazer Morry Goldberg Ryan Goldberg Ronald Goodman Lois Goodman Rita Grusd Louis Guttman Shirley Harris Dan Hart Lenorah Hart Paul Heiman Nina Horwitz Jonathan Isaacsohn John Isidor Mary Ann Jacobs Cindy Jarnicki Lawrence Juran Sandy Kaltman Joyce Kamen September Tina Kapor Shoshana Kaufman Jack King Joel Kling Stephanie Kogan Leslie Kreines Sharon Kreitzer Lois Kuresman Lawrence Kurtzman Stephen Lerner Barry Levine Sharyn Levitt Allen Loftspring Sally Loftspring Bonnie Loftspring David Mabo Bernice Mark Reggie Moskowitz Amit Netanel Nina Paul Rachel Pauls Scot Perlman Amy Pescovitz Daniel Randolph Marla Reis Beverly Richman Elaine Rosin Douglas Ross Neal Rothchild NOVEMBER 14, 2015 ANNUAL FUNDRAISER ‘Shaken, Not Stirred’ Gloria Rothchild Soula Rothchild Toby Samet Lisa Samuelson Randall Sandler Ruth Schneider Dorothy Siegel Ivan Silverman Elaine Skurow Guttman Kim Slaton Larry Spitz Rita Stolper Marcia Sugerman Greg Swartz Sandy Swartz Sherri Symson Meredith Towbin John Wasniewski Minnette Weiss Louis Weisser Mindy Werthaiser Craig Willis Jaime Willis Alex Wilson Beverly Winkler Rabbi Wise Melissa Wittenbaum Barbara Wittenbaum Lindsay Fisher Ava Fisher Ezekiel Garfinkle Plymesser Jack Goldberg Hannah Guttman Elijah Guttman Anne Jonas Emily Jonas Evan James Kapor Shayna Kling Leah Leonard Tyler Miller Sydney Monk Bernard Netanel Talia Oliff Ethan Reisenfeld Gabrielle Shaw Baby Spar Sean Spector Philip Towbin Gabrielle Vernon Samuel Vogel Madelyn Youkilis YOUTH BIRTHDAYS (21 AND UNDER) Kelsey Bardach Aaron Bonomo Dena Dave THE MANY MITZVOT OF 5775 All of our eighth grade students who celebrated or will soon celebrate becoming a bar or bat mitzvah will be recognized on the first Shabbat of the New Year 5776. September 19, the Shabbat which falls between Rosh HaShanah and Yom Kippur, is known as Shabbat Shuvah, the Shabbat of Return. How appropriate it is to bring back our b’nai mitzvah with the hope that they will return and participate frequently and meaningfully, not only at Adath Israel, but as Jews wherever they are. We say “Mazal Tov” to all of our bar and bat mitzvah students and their families. 2015 CHAIRS: ALI BERNSTEIN & CHRISSIE BLATT (watch for further details) B'nai Mitzvah Gabriel Deutch Bryan Fisher Bernard Netanel Ethan Reisenfeld Lillian Reisenfeld Samuel Vogel Noah Wise Parents Joel Deutch & Hillary Wishnick Marc & Evelyn Fisher Amit & Deobrah Netanel Brad & Connie Reisenfeld Brad & Connie Reisenfeld Jordan & Liz Vogel David & Sarah Wise 9 Tallit, Kittel & Tennis Shoes Our shul is one where renewed interest in, and commitment to, Jewish ritual continues to grow. We hope that many will be attracted to new observances. White clothing or a Kittel—Consider, for example, the Holy Day Kittel—a simple white garment with collar and sash (like the ones worn by our High Holy Day choir members) is intended to be worn as a ritual garment. It expresses a hope of purity in thought and deed and democratizes the experience of worship in the community. The Kittel obliterates differences in dress and symbolically creates a community of equals. We will be delighted to fill your orders for both women and men. Please contact Marilyn Kiefer (793-1800 ext. 118 or [email protected]) in the shul office for details. Cost is $35 (shipping included). The deadline for ordering is Friday, September 4 for use on Yom Kippur. You may also order directly from Klein Brothers in Brooklyn at 1-800-221-6576. In place of a Kittel, white clothing is a wonderful alternative. Tallit—Another possibility is to buy yourself a new tallit. Instead of relying on the shul’s, consider purchasing a tallit that you can call your own. There is nothing quite like the enveloping drape of a traditional wool ceremonial tallit. Many different types are available—please contact the Judaica Shop for additional information. Tennis Shoes—Another observance in the area of ritually appropriate dress is available at no additional cost to all of our members. Like other fast days on the ritual calendar, Yom Kippur has a special “look”. In order to distinguish it from other days, the rabbis prohibited certain articles of clothing which connoted luxury or self-indulgence. The classic case is leather shoes. Since they were typically the most costly item in one’s wardrobe, they were crossed off the list of permitted clothing. Rabbi Moses Isserles (1520-73), the great medieval codifier of Jewish law, explained the practice of not wearing leather shoes as an expression of concern for animal welfare. On the holiest day of the year we are to shed the symbol of our predatory nature, the shoes which were made from the skin of a living creature. Members aware of this old prohibition frequently come to shul, beginning with Kol Nidre in simple, inexpensive cloth and rubber shoes. Any such shoe will satisfy the tradition. Tennis shoes are probably the best. If you’d like to observe Yom Kippur this way, please don’t feel selfconscious about your decision. An increasing number of Adath Israel members are choosing this expression of humility and simplicity both of these values being at the center of our teachings on Yom Kippur. HIGH HOLY DAY SPECIAL SERVICES AND PROGRAMS Selichot Service and Program Saturday, September 5 Set the mood for the High Holy Days and experience Selichot. Weather permitting, we will begin on our Sukkah Plaza at 8:45 pm. with Havdalah followed by a delicious dessert reception. Live music by Dr. Deborah Netanel and the String Celebration Trio will set the appropriate atmosphere and mood for the beautiful Selichot service with our Choir led by Mitch Cohen beginning at 10:00 pm in the sanctuary. As is our custom, preceding the service at 9:45 pm the High Holy Day Torah covers will be put on our Torah scrolls with the assistance of our past presidents. The music of the Selichot service engages our hearts, minds and souls providing us with an opportunity for personal contemplation and reflection. Selichot creates a hopeful beginning to our season for soul searching. The service, led by Rabbi Wise, will conclude with a blast of the shofar at 11:00 pm. Cemetery Memorial Services Sunday, September 6 12:30 pm at Adath Israel Cemetery in Price Hill (1700 Sunset Avenue, 45238, off Queen City Avenue) 1:30 pm at Adath Israel Section of United Jewish Cemetery/ Montgomery (7885 Ivygate Lane off Pfeiffer Rd, 45242) It is a long-observed tradition to visit the graves of our dear ones before Rosh Hashanah. The love and respect of this custom both comfort and encourage us and give us hope for the year ahead. Everyone is invited to share in honoring the memories of the departed. Tashlikh Service Monday, September 14 at 5:00 pm Tashlikh will take place at Amberley Green (the park across from the synagogue). Tashlikh is the ritual casting of crumbs into a body of water at the beginning of the New Year. It reminds us that renewal is possible, that personal transformation can happen. We can discard the patterns that do us and others harm, and integrate healthier attitudes and behavior. It is a truly unique, moving and warm experience. Tashlikh is also a wonderful multi-generational family tradition. Evening Minhah & Maariv Services begin at 6:00 p.m. in the Marcus Chapel. Yom Kippur Break Program Wednesday, September 23 Every year, there is a special program between Musaf and Minhah on Yom Kippur afternoon. Please join us in the Marcus Chapel this Yom Kippur for "The relationship between poverty, health and education: How (our) Jewish values can support change in addressing the many issues of poverty." As a natural continuation of last year's excellent program, we will explore how health care and education can systemically change the poverty paradigm. We have been commanded for thousands of years to care for the poor. Our ancestors tithed and left the corners of their fields for the poor. Later, every community had a fund for the poor and appointed managers (gabbaiim) of these funds and everyone able was expected to contribute regularly. Today, given generational poverty and the alarming rate of childhood poverty, we have the opportunity to not just provide tzedakah but actually change the outcome for our community's most vulnerable. 10 CONTRIBUTIONS We acknowledge with gratitude and appreciation the generous contributions made to the various Congregational funds. May those they honor take pride that our Congregation shares in their honor. May those who are remembering loved ones find strength in the institution that shares in these special memories. ALIYOT & HONORS BART JACOBS JACK & SHARON YOSAFAT MITCHELL S. GASWIRTH COMPUTER CENTER IN MEMORY OF HARRIET COHEN by John & Sharon Baron BIMAH FLOWER FUND IN HONOR OF SHELDON KOPIN – speedy recovery by Ruth & Sandy Levine IN MEMORY OF MARY LOUIS RICHSHAFER by Robert Richshafer & Carol Richshafer Glazer NATHAN ROTHCHILD by Gene & Gloria Rothchild LILLIAN SHULLER by Jack & Barbara Hahn JACK SOSNA by Harold & Faye Sosna ALBERT WECHSELMAN by Ruth Levine and family HELEN WEISSER by Louis Weisser GENERAL FUND IN HONOR OF STANLEY & MIRIAM ELFENBAUM – birth of granddaughter by Harold & Helene Kirzner, Michael Kriner & Aileen Greenberg-Kriner ICHIL FLEIDER by Evelyn Fleider NORMAN & STEPHANIE GILINSKY – birth of grandson by Ken & Leslie Miller JOEL & ELLEN GOLUB – birth of granddaughter by Ken & Leslie Miller DAN & LENORAH HART – Joshua’s engagement by Ken & Leslie Miller JEFFREY MICHAEL BLATT SCHOLARSHIP FUND FOR STUDY RAY & PATTI SCHNEIDER – birth of granddaughter by Ken & IN ISRAEL Leslie Miller IN HONOR OF RAY & PATTI SCHNEIDER – Danielle’s engagement by Ken & ZELDA JACOBS – birthday by Marion Rosenbaum Leslie Miller ART & JANET NEUMAN – 60th wedding anniversary by Mark & EDWARD WOLF & AMY DIAMOND – Bradley’s marriage by Ken & Barbara Greenberg and family Leslie Miller IN MEMORY OF EDWARD WOLF & AMY DIAMOND – Mindy’s engagement by Ken GERTRUDE KLEMPNER by Martin Blatt, Marion Rosenbaum & Leslie Miller ARLYN STROUSE by Martin Blatt TOM & MARILYN ZEMBOCH – birth of granddaughter by Ken & Leslie Miller BROTHERHOOD L’CHAIM FUND IN MEMORY OF IN HONOR OF EZRA ATLAS by Milo Atlas STANLEY & MIRIAM ELFENBAUM – birth of granddaughter by NORMAN HOFFMAN by Ed & Allison Frankel Henry & Jane Mentle CAMP RAMAH SCHOLARSHIP FUND IN HONOR OF RICHARD & BEVERLY SKUROW – birth of grandchild by Ken & Meryl Rubin LORYN HOWARD HOLTZMAN CAMP RAMAH SCHOLARSHIP FUND IN HONOR OF RABBI IRVIN & KATHY WISE – wedding anniversary by Marty & Roz Holtzman WALTER HATTENBACH EDUCATION FUND IN HONOR OF STANLEY & MIRIAM ELFENBAUM – birth of granddaughter by Charlotte Hattenbach ANNETTE HATTENBACH – birthday by Ed & Shelley Hattenbach CHARLOTTE HATTENBACH – birthday by Ursula Buckman, Annette Hattenbach, Ed & Shelley Hattenbach, Arnold & Barbara Rabkin and family, Mel & Joni Shuller, Patricia Spira, Jerry & Sue Teller JERRY TELLER – birthday by Louis Weisser BLANCHE STILLPASS CAMP RAMAH SCHOLARSHIP FUND IN HONOR OF LOUIS DOLLIN – birthday by Harvey & Iris Diamond, Robert & Marcia Sugerman FRED DIAMOND SOCIAL ACTION ENDOWMENT FUND IN HONOR OF MR. & MRS. NEIL COHEN – becoming grandparents by Rob & Karen Lowenstein MR. & MRS. PAUL HELDMAN – daughter’s engagement by Harvey & Iris Diamond DR. & MRS. RICHARD SKUROW – newest granddaughter by Rob & Karen Lowenstein EDWARD WOLF & AMY DIAMOND – wedding anniversary by Harvey & Iris Diamond SCOTT YOUNG & ANDI LEVENSON – marriage by Harvey & Iris Diamond IN MEMORY OF MOTHER OF SUSAN BRENNER & STEVE MOMBACH by Harvey & Iris Diamond MARLIN MARSHALL by Harvey & Iris Diamond, Rob & Karen Lowenstein MOTHER OF MR. & MRS. BOB WITKOW by Rob & Karen Lowenstein LIBRARY NEWS I am just back from the New CAJE conference in Hartford, CT. Wow! What a bunch of great educators. I return with new books, vendors, and colleagues. I can't wait to share many ideas for the library and for the teachers of the pre-k through 4th grades. The school year will start up soon. Also, this year come join me in the library as I co-lead the Sisterhood book club with Miriam Parker. The first meeting is on Tuesday October 13th at 7:30pm. Barbara Bresler 11 CONTRIBUTIONS We acknowledge with gratitude and appreciation the generous contributions made to the various Congregational funds. May those they honor take pride that our Congregation shares in their honor. May those who are remembering loved ones find strength in the institution that shares in these special memories. INTERFAITH HOSITALITY NETWORK IN HONOR OF MYLES & PENNY PENSAK – Ben’s marriage by Edward Wolf & Amy Diamond KIDDUSH FUND IN MEMORY OF RAE BERGMAN by Harvey & Thelma Bergman RETHA HARRIS by Jill Barbash JUDGE ROBERT & MADELINE KRAFT EDUCATION FUND IN MEMORY OF BESSIE LIPSKY by Shirley Harris MAIER LIPSKY by Shirley Harris MICHAEL LEVENSON MUSIC PROGRAM IN HONOR OF ANDI LEVENSON & SCOTT YOUNG – marriage by Scott & Sheryl Mattis IN MEMORY OF MAX S. FELDMAN by Paul Feldman MINYAN FUND IN HONOR OF JOHN ISIDOR & SANDY KALTMAN – Voices of Giving Award by Gary & Nancy Schneider PENSAK/NEWMAN LEADERSHIP DEVELOPMENT & TRAINING FUND IN HONOR OF MYLES & PENNY PENSAK – Ben’s marriage by Joel & Ellen Golub HARRY & RACHEL RUBIN YOUTH EDUCATION FUND IN MEMORY OF HARRY M. RUBIN by Mark Abrams BEA YOSAFAT WACKSMAN FUND IN HONOR OF SHELDON KOPIN – speedy recovery by JoAnn Casuto BARBARA KREINES – speedy recovery by JoAnn Casuto SARADONNA LEFKOWITZ – in appreciation by Jack & Sharon Yosafat STEVE LIEBOWITZ – birthday by Jack & Sharon Yosafat MR. & MRS. HENRY SCHNEIDER – 25th wedding anniversary by Jack & Sharon Yosafat RAY & PATTI SCHNEIDER – birth of granddaughter by Jack & Sharon Yosafat GILDA SCHWARTZ – in appreciation by Sharon Yosafat CHARLES & CAROL SPECTER – wedding anniversary by Jack & Sharon Yosafat IN MEMORY OF HARRIET COHEN by Jack & Sharon Yosafat BEA WACKSMAN by Boxer Wachler Family Trust, Marc & Allyson Jacob, Jack & Sharon Yosafat, Walter Yosafat MIRIAM & MAC WARSHAUER CARING HAVURAH FUND BUZZ & LOIS WIDLANSKY IN HONOR OF WILBUR & MIRIAM COHEN – wedding anniversary by Harvey & Iris Diamond JOHN & RONNA SCHNEIDER – birth of grandchildren and good health by Louis & Beth Guttman FRED WAGSHUL – speedy recovery by Edward Wolf & Any Diamond YAHRZEIT FUND FRED & MARIAN ORRINGER IN MEMORY OF MOLLY ACKERMAN by Alan & Diane Weber HELA BENEDYKT by Ruth Levine CHAIM P. KERMAN by David & Hildegard Kerman RUTH GOLDING MARK by Myra Schiff HORTENSE METZ by Metz Family BEN YOUKILIS by Marvyn Youkilis Mark Your Calendar! High Holy Day Adult Education Classes with Rabbi Wise Our rabbis knew, as we do, that significant opportunities require considerable preparation. Therefore, they designated all of Elul, the month immediately preceding Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur, for such purposes. The following classes are presented by Rabbi Wise for the same reasons and in the same spirit—namely, to enhance the meaning of the High Holy Days for us, and to deepen our experience of them. In these classes, Rabbi will teach us the order, purpose and meaning of our Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur prayers and the laws, customs and symbols of each holiday. No reservation is required for these classes. Rosh Hashanah Class is Wednesday, September 9 from 7:30-8:30 pm in Marcus Chapel. Yom Kippur Class is Sunday, September 20 from 11:00 am—12:00 noon in Marcus Chapel. PLEASE NOTE: Contributions in this newsletter were made from July 1-31 Contributions made after that date will appear in the October 2015 Kol Kehilah 12 Daily Minyans Mon-Thurs 7am & 7pm Friday 7am & see above Sunday 9am & 5:30pm NON-PROFIT U.S. POSTAGE PAID CINCINNATI, OH PERMIT # 4403 CHANGE SERVICE REQUESTED 3201 E. Galbraith Rd Cincinnati OH 45236 (513) 793-1800 2015 High Holy Day Service Schedule SELICHOT Saturday, September 5 CEMETERY MEMORIAL SERVICES Sunday, September 6 Price Hill Cemetery United Jewish Cemetery (Montgomery) YOM KIPPUR Wednesday, September 23 (includes Yizkor) Evening Minhah Service 8:45 am 4:45 pm EREV SUKKOT Sunday, September 27 6:00 pm SUKKOT Monday, September 28 Minhah/Maariv Services 9:00 am 6:00 pm Tuesday, September 29 Minhah & Maariv Services 9:00 am 7:15 pm EREV SHEMINI ATZERET Sunday, October 4 6:00 pm 8:00 am 5:00 pm 6:00 pm SHEMINI ATZERET Monday, October 5 (includes Yizkor) Minhah Service 9:00 am 5:45 pm 8:00 am 6:00 pm 7:00 pm 9:00 am 7:15 pm 8:45 pm 12:30 pm 1:30 pm EREV ROSH HASHANAH Sunday, September 13 Minhah Service in Sanctuary 6:00 pm followed by Maariv Service with Cantor Birnbaum and Choir (ending approximately 7:20 pm) ROSH HASHANAH Monday, September 14 Tashlikh Service (Amberley Green Park) Minhah/Maariv Services in Marcus Chapel Tuesday, September 15 (BABIES ON BIMAH—be here by 12:30 pm) Minhah/Maariv Shabbat Services 7:45 pm EREV SIMHAT TORAH Congregational Dinner Maariv Service/Celebration SHABBAT SHUVAH Saturday, September 19 Minhah/Maariv Services 9:00 am 6:30 pm SIMHAT TORAH Tuesday, October 6 Minhah & Maariv Services EREV YOM KIPPUR Tuesday, September 22 Minhah Service Kol Nidre Services 6:45 pm 7:00 pm