SIREN/HORN OPTIONS “WHITE” SPEAKER OUTPUT ANTENNA Do not sleeve or tape antenna with other wires. Run antenna separately and try to position away from metallic objects WHITE BLACK RED SIREN + 12 V FUSE + 12 VOLTS See Table E. 6.4 - 6.6 “RED” + 12 VOLTS OR RIPCORD See Note 8.0 See Table E. 6.1 & 6.2 + 12 VOLTS HORN SPEAKER PFK No. 076-800 1. Do not connect across a 12V supply. 2. Do not cut the horn speaker cable with the supply lead connected. OR IGNITION (FUSED) CIRCUIT 2 +12V WHEN THE IGNITION IS IN THE ON AND CRANK POSITION. NOTE : DO NOT CONNECT WHEN TURBO RUN ON IS USED. SEE ALTERNATE DIAGRAM BELOW. CUT CIRCUIT TO BE IMMOBILISED AND REJOIN VIA CIRCUIT 2 (20 AMP CAPABILITY) SEE NOTE 1.1 Ignition switch “WHITE” SPEAKER OUTPUT “GREEN” IGNITION CIRCUIT 2 } SEE NOTE 1.4 GROUND GROUND Use the Power Line Comms Immobiliser (See Note 1.1 & Pg 4. For wiring & installation) 85 VEHICLE HORN 87A TYPICAL CAR HORN CONFIGURATION CHASSIS CIRCUIT 3 IMMOBILISATION. +12V 87 86 30 12V NB : If negative Hazard Pulsing is required connect “RED” to ground. INDICATOR “WHITE” SPEAKER OUTPUT BLACK/WHITE NOTE : FUSES ARE NOT SUPPLIED BLACK * WIRE HARNESS INTO THE VEHICLE PRIOR TO PLUGGING CONTROL MODULE IN For Hazard Pulse Feature See Note 14.0 & Table 8.9 See Table D. 6.1 - 6.6 GROUND DOORS BONNET ( CONNECT TO THE NEGATIVE FACTORY HORN RELAY TRIGGER WIRE OR THE NEGATIVE SIREN RELAY TRIGGER WIRE ( “VIOLET” NEGATIVE BONNET CIRCUIT 1 DOORS GROMMET BOOT CUT CIRCUIT TO BE IMMOBILISED AND REJOIN VIA CIRCUIT 1 (20 AMP CAPABILITY) SEE NOTE 1.1 CHASSIS “BLUE” NEGATIVE BOOT + 12 V CIRCUIT 1 “YELLOW” INDICATOR + LEFT JOIN TO THE POSITIVE WIRE OF INDICATOR LIGHTS + “YELLOW” INDICATOR INTERIORLIGHT See Note 9.0 * For Hazard Pulse Feature See Note 14.0 & Table 8.9 RIGHT ANTI HIJACK (OPTIONAL) DIODE (3 AMP) “PINK” NEGATIVE DOOR CENTRAL LOCKING UNLOCK (NEGATIVE PULSE) BROWN/WHITE TO SELECT THE HIJACK OPTION - SEE NOTE 4.0 DRIVER'S DOOR SWITCH “GREY” CANCEL CENTRAL LOCKING CONTROL (0.5 AMP MAXIMUM) TO EXTEND PULSE DURATION FOR VACUUM PUMPS SEE NOTE 1.5 HIJACK CANCEL (UNDER CARPET SWITCH) ALSO USED AS AN EMERGENCY CANCEL FOR TURBO RUN ON BLACK/GREY BLACK LOCK (NEGATIVE PULSE) Common Coil Coil Not connected N.Closed + 12 V INTERIOR LIGHT See Note 9.0 N.Open NO HIJACK ON POSITIVE DOOR INPUT THE OUTPUT BELOW IS NEGATIVE SWITCHING (MAXIMUM CURRENT 300mA) BLACK/ YELLOW Refer to Selective Unlocking See note 1.6 OR BLUE/GREY REAR VIEW OF 18-WAY HARNESS Common Coil +12V Battery TURBO RUN ON See Note 6.0 Coil Not connected +12V GREEN N.Closed N.Open Ignition switch 7. Aux 2 (Windows/Pager) (Black/white wire) Ignition (Green Label) 8. Aux 1 (Selective Unlock / Neg. Out when armed) (Black/yellow wire) Neg. Bonnet (Blue Label) 9. + 12V (Red Label) Hijack Disable (Grey Label) 10. Speaker / Siren / Horn (White Label) Ground (Black Label) 11. Negative + Hijack Doors + Dome Light driving (Pink Label) Ground (Black Label) 12. Negative Boot (Violet Label) Unlock (Brown/white wire) AUTOWATCH 457 Rli ALARM/IMMOBILISER WIRING DIAGRAM Cut ignition 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. NOT SUPPLIED G.P. RELAY Part No. 436-900 OR Not connected N.Closed N.Open TO TRUNK RELEASE SOLENOID (PFK SOLENOID - PART NO. 088-510) 30 85 86 87a 87 Can be connected to Pager Module/Tracking System. To select this function see Table 1 and note 5.0 Common Coil Coil NOT SUPPLIED G.P. RELAY Part No. 436-900 PAGER/TRACKING +12V RELAY TRUNK RELEASE RELAY To ground or +12V as required BLUE/GREY 87a 87 WHITE/ BLACK SELECTIVE UNLOCKING 30 85 86 OR G.P. RELAY Part No. 436-900 (NOT SUPPLIED) Negative out when armed. WINDOWS OR RELAY REQUIRED FOR POSITIVE INTERIOR LIGHT. WITH POSITIVE DOOR SWITCHING INTERIOR LIGHT WILL NOT FADE ON AND OFF THE 2 OUTPUTS BELOW ARE NEGATIVE SWITCHING (MAXIMUM CURRENT 300mA) WHITE/ BLACK Requires additional Window Closer Module (PFK Part No. 210-000) To select this function see 3.1 & Table 1. Wiring information will be supplied with the Module RELAY BROWN WIRE OR +12V +12V 87a 87 { (See Table Pg 3. 7.1 & 7.3) Connect to "BLUE" Door wire HOTWIRE OPTION CONNECT TO LOAD SIDE OF IMMOBILISER CIRCUIT (See Note 1.3) 30 85 86 “WHITE” POSITIVE DOORS FOR CONFIGURATIONS OTHER THAN NEGATIVE, USE THE UNIVERSAL CENTRAL LOCKING INTERFACE - (CI 65) PFK PART No. 065-005 SEE NOTE 1.5 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. WIRE THE HIJACK DOOR WIRE AS SHOWN (DIODE FITTED OPTIONALLY TO ISOLATE DRIVERS DOOR) AND FIT THE UNDER CARPET CANCELLATION SWITCH IN A WELL CONCEALED BUT ACCESSIBLE LOCATION TO ENABLE THE HIJACK TO BE CANCELLED NEW NB : The 436-900 is rated switched for 25amp continuous ONLY. ignition to vehicle Confirm current output, if a higher capacity is required, fit a relay with sufficient rating. Hotwire / Brake input / Positive Doors (White Label) Aux 3 (Trunk release / Turbo-run on) (Blue/grey wire) Lock (Brown wire) Indicator +12V (Red Label) Indicator (Yellow Label) Indicator (Yellow Label) REV. 3 28/06/07 DPFK 457/520 1PAGE OF 4 See Note : 2.0 STATUS LED - ONLY SUPPLIED WITH PERIMETER VERSION together. OR OR OR 4 Mount to a solid vehicle member. Split-eye Ultrasonic Sensor Part No. 162-000 Part No. 362-000 (Digital with Automatic Gain Control ie. no adjustment) BLACK RED Part No. 674-442 MOUNT FOR MAXIMUM VISIBILITY. NOTE : THE STAUS LED MUST BE CONNECTED WITH WITH EITHER OF THE 4 SENSOR OPTIONS SHOWN. K Dual Stage Shock Sensor Part No. 168-000 U SP LT L R ITA EY SO E N B IC L OR Microwave Sensor Early Warning Part No. 297-000 ED { RED PLASTIC HOUSING 4 R { WIRE HARNESS INTO THE VEHICLE PRIOR TO PLUGGING CONTROL MODULE IN 2 Microwave Microwave Sensors Sensor Alarm Trigger cannot be Part No. 197-006 used SENSITIVITY ADJUSTMENT NOTE : 4 TURN SCREW CLOCKWISE TO INCREASE AND ANTI CLOCKWISE TO DECREASE SENSITIVITY OPTIONAL SENSORS IT IS NOT NECESSARY TO FIT THE STATUS LED AS THIS SENSOR COMES WITH AN LED. NOTE: IF EARLY WARNING OPTION IS REQUIRED - SEE NOTE 2.1 NOTE A : TO FULLY UNDERSTAND THE OPERATION OF THE 457Rli, YOU MUST GO THROUGH THIS DOCUMENT IN CONJUNCTION WITH THE OPERATORS BOOKLET SUPPLIED WITH THE PRODUCT. NOTE B : IF YOU ARE UPGRADING A 276RLi OR 446RLi PRODUCT TO THE 457Rli, ALTHOUGH THEY ARE PLUG COMPATIBLE YOU WILL NEED TO ALTER A FEW WIRES TO ACCOMMODATE THE ADDITIONAL FEATURES. (CROSS REFERENCE THE 276RLi OR 446RLi DIAGRAMS TO THE 457Rli DIAGRAM TO SEE THE VARIATION IN WIRING) MECHANICAL INSTALLATION MOUNTING The control module must be installed in a concealed location inside the vehicle. Do not plug in the control module until the wiring is complete. All wire joints must be soldered and well insulated. Mount the control module vertically with the wires exiting from the bottom to prevent damage resulting from water leaking into the vehicle and into the unit. Ultrasonic Sensor Part No. 312-000 (Standard) Part No. 512-000 Digital with Automatic gain control - ie. no adjustment 2.1 EARLY WARNING (SEE 3.0 & TABLE 1) The early warning option is available using a combination of different sensors. (The dual stage shock sensor can be used on its own but is not acceptable as a level 4c but can be used for the early warning detector. PFK Part No. 168000). To select early warning refer to the programing procedure and enter the code 123 77. See 3.0 & table 1 It is possible to install a one piece sonic (PFK Part No. 312-000 or the 512-000), together with an early warning sensor. Note: To include an early warning sensor you will require the 2 to 1 special adapter harness (PFK Part No 446-450). 3.0 PROGRAMABLE FEATURES. No programming jigs are required. Programming the selectable features is as easy as 1,2,3 ! The number 1,2,3, is entered using the flashing LED (when the immobiliser is armed) and the ignition switch. By entering the additional two digits the features as described in the Table 1. can be selected or de-selected. NOTE THAT A ZERO IS REPRESENTED BY 10 FLASHES. 1.0 WIRING NOTE : DO NOT REMOVE WIRE LABELS UNTIL THE INSTALLATION IS TESTED AND WORKING. If you are at any stage confused by the number of flashes, wait for 10 flashes then simply start from the beginning again. 1.1 IMMOBILISER CIRCUITS 1, 2 & 3 Circuits 1 & 2 are 20 amp circuits and have two wires each side to ensure adequate current capacity. Circuit 3 uses the Power Line Comms Immobiliser (See Pg 4.) This relay can be fitted anywhere in the vehicle to offer enhanced security. The 12 volt connection should not be made directly at the vehicle battery as this may result in poor communication between the alarm and relay module. 3.1 ENTERING PROGRAM MODE. Once the installation is complete, do a functional test to ensure that the installation is working. Once you are satisfied that the basic features are working, switch the alarm off and allow the immobiliser to arm - indicated by the flashing status light (LED). Now enter program mode as follows: 1.2 IGNITION Connect the wire marked "ignition" to a point that has + 12 volts while the ignition switch is in the "ON" and crank position. Do not connect to the auxiliary position. a. Switch the ignition ON. The LED will turn steady ON. b. Switch the ignition OFF, the LED will start to flash. After 1 flash, turn the ignition ON. The LED will be steady ON. This is the first digit - “1” entered. c..Switch the ignition OFF, the LED will start to flash. After 2 flashes, turn the ignition ON. The LED will be steady ON. This is the second digit - .“2” entered. d..Switch the ignition OFF, the LED will start to flash. After 3 flashes, turn the ignition ON. The LED will flash rapidly to indicate that you have entered the third digit "3" correctly and that you are in program mode. Wait until the LED is steady on ....again. e. Enter the first 2 digits of the feature you require. As an example, to select Hijack, the digits 2,2 would need to be entered. Proceed as follows:- 1.3 HOTWIRE (TRACKING APPLICATION) (OPTIONAL) Connect the hotwire input to the load side of an immobiliser positive circuit. Select the Tracking option. When this circuit is hotwired it will fire the alarm and give a negative out on the tracking wire. (See note 5.0) If this wire is not used for a Hotwire application, it can be used as a positive door input. (See Table 7.1 & 7.3). 1.4 GROUND/CHASSIS Connect the wires marked "Ground" to two independent earth points. 1.5 CENTRAL LOCKING The central locking output is designed for low current negative lock and unlock systems with a switching duration of 0.3 sec.. For other configurations use the Cl 65 (Part No. 065-005). See note 3.1 to extend the time to 3.5 sec. for Pneumatic pumps. 1.6 SELECTIVE UNLOCKING (BLACK/YELLOW WIRE) SEE 3.0 & TABLE 1 Two methods of selective unlocking are available. Program option 123 41. Type 1 is suited to aftermarket installations where central locking motors are retrofitted to the vehicle. This option isolates the passenger motors by interrupting the high current wire to the motor while the drivers door unlocks. Program option 123 42. Type 2 is suited to OEM central locking configurations. With this system the unlock pulse unlocks the drivers door only, and the selective unlock pulse unlocks the other doors. (Additional wiring information is supplied with the CI-65 and Selective Unlock Relay.) 2.0 MOVEMENT SENSOR Use any PFK movement sensor shown on the diagram. Unless the single piece ultrasonic sensor is used which incorporates the status, light it is necessary to fit the separate LED, (PFK Part No. 674-442). Sensitivity is factory set but can be adjusted with the adjustment screwdriver supplied. Clockwise increases sensitivity. i...Switch the ignition OFF, the LED will start to flash. After 2 flashes, turn the ignition ON. The LED will be steady ON. This is the first function digit - "2" entered. ii..Switch the ignition OFF, the LED will start to flash. After 2 flashes, turn the ignition ON. The LED will flash rapidly to indicate that you have entered the second digit "2" correctly and the siren will sound once. The hijack feature is selected. ....You may select and deselect additional features by simply entering its two digit selection code - it is not necessary to re-enter 1,2,3 again. 4.0 ANTI HIJACK (SEE 3.0 & TABLE 1 pg 3) The first hijack warning will be after 90 seconds. This time can be changed to 45 seconds if required. (See table 1 - Option 2.4) Once you have selected the feature, you can enable and disable it by transmitting with the remote control while keeping the hijack button depressed. A single tone will indicate that hijack has been enabled and two tones indicates that it is disabled. If the hijack button is pushed, it will barp the hooter warning you that the hijack routine is deselected. AUTOWATCH 457 Rli ALARM/IMMOBILISER WIRING DIAGRAM REV. 3 28/06/07 DPFK 457/520 2PAGE OF 4 Note : The hijack cancel switch must be fitted as an emergency override even if the hijack option is not selected. 10 QUICK TEST To enter quick test, enter the Program Code, 1,2,3. The arming time and the siren time are shortened to facilitate quick and easy testing. Hi-jack time remains the same. To exit quick test, do not trigger the alarm for a period of two minutes and the unit will exit automatically. Alternatively, select any programmable feature. 11 TRIGGER REPORT BACK In the event of a false alarm complaint from a customer, the cause can be accessed using the Trigger Report Back feature. To access this information, enter the program code, 1,2,3, followed by the code 1,1. The LED begins to flash a number of times to indicate the cause of the alarm. These flashes are as follows: 1 Flash :Movement Sensor (Ultrasonic or WPIR) 2 Flashes : WPIR Zone (When allocated to its own zone) 3 Flashes :Panic 4 Flashes :Ignition 5 Flashes :Negative / Hijack Door 6 Flashes : Positive Door / Hotwire 7 Flashes : Boot 8 Flashes : Bonnet NOTE : THE PROGRAMMING SELECTION CODES WHERE APPLICABLE ARE THE SAME AS THE 446RLi BUT DIFFER FROM THE 436RLi. OPTION 457 RLi FEATURE SELECTION TABLE Enter the program code 1,2,3 followed by the Feature Selection Code 1,1 Trigger Report back (See 11.0) FEATURE SELECTION CODE 1,1 2,2 Hijack - Selection 2,4 Hijack Time Selection (See 4.0) (See 4.0) 2,2 2,4 FEATURE INDICATION ONE BEEP TWO BEEPS LED FLASHES RAPIDLY - 2 SECS SWITCH IGNITION OFF TO CLEAR ON 45 SECS OFF 90 SECS 3,3 Unlock with Ignition 3,3 ON 3,4 Lock with Ignition 3,4 ON A. If Selective Unlock is not used: (See 1.6) 3,6 Double Unlock Pulse 3,6 ON (See 1.6) 3,7 Double Lock Pulse 3,7 ON B. If Neg. Out when Armed is not used: (See wiring diagram for explanation) (See 1.6) 4,1 Selective Unlock - Type 1 4,1 ON (See 1.6) 4,2 Selective Unlock - Type 2 4,2 ON (See 1.6) 4,3 Selective Unlock Inhibit 4,3 ON 4,4 Selective Unlock / Neg. Out when armed 4,4 Neg. Out (See 5.0) 5,1 Window / Pager 5,1 PAGER C. If Pager is not used, the following window options may be selected: 5,2 Window 10 second wind time 5,2 ON 5,3 Window 45 second wind time 5,3 ON 5,4 Window 120 second wind time 5,4 ON 5,5 Trunk / Turbo Run On (See 6.0) 5,5 TURBO 5,7 Turbo Run On Time (See 6.0) 5,7 60sec (See 8.0) 5,9 Horn Speaker / Siren 5,9 SPEAKER * D. If Horn is selected: 5,8 Horn Pulsed / Non Pulsed (BBU) Pulsed * 5,8 6,1 Arm/disarm pulses on/off 6,1 ON * 6,2 Arm/disarm pulses 7ms duration 6,2 ON 6,3 Arm/disarm pulses 14ms duration 6,3 ON 6,4 Arm/disarm pulses 21ms duration ON * 6,4 6,5 Arm/disarm pulses 30ms duration 6,5 ON 6,6 Arm/disarm pulses 45ms duration ON 6,6 E. If Speaker is selected: 6,1 Arm/disarm tones on/off ON * 6,1 6,2 Horn Speaker 6,2 ON 6,3 Horn Speaker 6,3 ON ON * 6,4 Neodymium Siren tone 1 6,4 6,5 Neodymium Siren tone 2 ON 6,5 6,6 Neodymium Siren tone 3 6,6 ON 7,1 Positive Door Input 7,1 ON * Only one of 7,2 Brake Input these may be 7,2 ON selected 7,3 Hotwire Input 7,3 ON (See 2.1) 7,7 Early Warning 7,7 ON 8,3 Interior / Dome Light 8,3 ON * (See 7.0) 8,5 Auto Arming alarm 8,5 ON 8,7 Lock when Auto Arming or Auto Rearming 8,7 ON 8,8 Door open audible warning 8,8 ON * 8,9 Hazard Pulse 8,9 ON 9,9 Central locking time 0.3/3.0 sec 9,9 0.3 sec * } 0,0 Reset (Revert to Factory Setting) * 0,0 LED FLASHES RAPIDLY FOR 2 SECONDS OFF OFF * * * * OFF OFF * * OFF OFF OFF Selective WINDOW * * * * * OFF OFF OFF TRUNK 180sec HORN * * * * * The trigger information is cleared once the alarm has been turned on and off 10 times without triggering. 12 a. Enter each digit of the code using the flashing LED and ignition .....switch. After entering the last digit, the LED will flash rapidly for 2 .....seconds. b. Enter the two digit code 1, 1. The LED will flash rapidly for two .....seconds. c. Transmit with the new remote for approximately half a second, .....pausing for half a second between each transmission, until the .....LED flashes rapidly indicating that the remote is now .....programmed. Further remotes may now also be programmed. d. Note that if a seventh transmitter is programmed into the alarm .....system it will override the first code learnt. To remove all .....transmitters, fill the 6 memory spaces with 6 new transmitters, or .....a single transmitter 6 times. e. To exit program mode, either wait for 10 seconds without ......transmitting or switch the ignition off. Non Pulsed OFF OFF * OFF * OFF OFF * OFF * OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF 3.0 sec * * * * * * * 13 * * * NOTE : A ZERO IS REPRESENTED BY TEN FLASHES * FACTORY SETTINGS HIGHLIGHTED WITH A IN THE TABLE ABOVE. 5.0 PAGER & TRACKING OUTPUT. (SEE 3.0 & TABLE 1 note 5.1) Note that this option is not available if the window winding option is required. The output is a low current output that can be connected to a pager or a tracking unit. It will switch to ground: ..i) ..Five seconds after the alarm is triggered. ..ii) .If the hotwire input is switched to 12 volts while the vehicle is .......immobilised. ..iii) Five seconds after the end of the hijack sequence. 14 HAZARD PULSE To check that the ‘Hazard Pulse’ mode is suitable for a particular car, access the back of the vehicle’s hazard light switch and momentarily connect a ground (via a 5Amp fuse) to the switched side. The hazard lights should start flashing and will continue to flash until the ground wire is connected again to the same point on the switch. If the test is satisfactory, enable ‘hazard’ while programming (Table 1 option 8.9) and connect the yellow wire from the alarm to the switched side of the hazard light switch. If central locking drives hazards, connect “Yellow Indicator wires” to park lights. 15 FITTING THE SECURITY HOUSING Once the installation is complete and fully tested the security cover can be fitted. Ensure that the slide in the security housing is not fitted and route all the wires, with the exception off the LED and MOVEMENT SENSOR wires, through the slot and fit the slide. Attach the security housing to the main casing using the screws provided and insert the anti-tamper Screw caps. 7.0 AUTO ARMING/AUTO REARMING (SEE 3.0 & TABLE 1 note 8.5) The factory default is to auto rearm but auto arming can be selected. The doors can be programmed to lock when auto arming or auto rearming. Consult with the owner before selecting this option as it can result in the keys being locked in the vehicle! 8.0 SIREN/SPEAKER A siren can be used in place of a horn speaker. In this case the output will switch low for the duration that the siren sounds. Do not connect a horn speaker if the siren option has been selected as the speaker and/or the alarm unit will be damaged. 9.0 INTERIOR LIGHT The interior light switching circuit is connected to the negative door wire (pink label marked “doors”). The light will fade on and off. The dome light automatically coming on, can be deselected - See table 1 Option 8.3. NOTE : If the vehicle has positive door switching this feature can still be wired using an additional relay but without the fade facility. (SEE WIRING DIAGRAM PAGE 1) PROGRAMMING NEW WPIR’S The unit has the ability to learn up to 6 WPIR’s. To program, refer to the 5 digit user code supplied with the unit or the code attached to the control module and proceed as follows: a. Enter each digit of the code using the flashing LED and ignition ....switch. After entering the last digit, the LED will flash rapidly for 2 ....seconds. b. Enter the two digit code 3, 3. The LED will flash rapidly for two ....seconds. c. Within 8 seconds press the button on the WPIR. The LED will turn ....on, and a barp will be heard indicating that the WPIR has been ....detected. Within 5 seconds, the WPIR needs to be confirmed ....into a zone by either pressing the “Arm/Lock” or any other button. ....(“Arm/Lock” will program the WPIR to operate in conjunction with ....the movement sensor in its zone) (Any other button will program ....the WPIR to operate independently in its own zone). Once done ....the LED will turn off and a barp will be heard to confirm the WPIR ....has been successfully programmed. d. Note that if no button is pressed within the given 5 seconds the ....detected WPIR will be ignored and you will have a further 5 ....seconds in which to press a button on another WPIR and once ....detected you may confirm it as above. e. To exit program mode, either wait for 10 seconds or switch the ....ignition off. TABLE 1 6.0 TURBO RUN ON MODE (SEE 3.0 & TABLE 1) When selecting this option trunk release will be disabled. Use the Blue/Grey wire to energise the relay(s) to feed power to the ignition circuits required to keep the vehicle running after the vehicle is turned off. The feed-points should be identified after fitting the immobilisation. The default run-on time is 180 seconds but this can be altered to 60 seconds using the program option - see Table 1 Option 5.7. PROGRAMMING NEW REMOTE CONTROLS The unit has the ability to learn up to 6 remotes. To program, refer to the 5 digit user code supplied with the unit or the code attached to the control module and proceed as follows: AUTOWATCH 457 Rli ALARM/IMMOBILISER WIRING DIAGRAM REV. 3 DPFK 457/520 PAGE 3 OF 4 28/06/07 SELECTIVE UNLOCKING WIRING OPTIONS THIS CONFIGURATION IS IDEAL WHEN USING SLAVE DOOR MOTORS OPTION 1 (A) CI BROWN - LOCK 65 BROWN/WHITE JOIN TO CORRESPONDING CONTROL WIRES FROM ALARM CENTRAL LOCKING INPUT CONTROL FLEX BRN/WHT - UNLOCK GREY BROWN + 12 VOLTS (FUSED 20A) VIOLET YELLOW GP RELAY PFK PART NO.436 900 GREEN 30 NORMALLY OPEN: DO NOT CONNECT 87 87a BLUE 85 86 ALTERNATING POLARITY PASSENGER AND REAR DOOR MOTORS DRIVERS DOOR MOTOR LOCK LOCK UNLOCK UNLOCK +12V CONNECT TO SELECTIVE UNLOCK FROM ALARM AR AL THIS CONFIGURATION IS IDEAL WHEN INSTALLING A 4-DOOR CENTRAL LOCKING KIT FRONT PASSENGER DOOR MOTOR M DRIVERS DOOR MOTOR IT UN GP RELAY PFK PART NO.436 900 BROWN BROWN/WHITE CENTRAL LOCK MODULE (KIT) 30 OPTION 1 (B) REAR PASSENGER DOOR MOTORS LOCK UNLOCK COMMON LOCK GREEN LOCK UNLOCK BLUE UNLOCK BLUE NORMALLY OPEN: DO NOT CONNECT 85 87 86 87a +12V CONNECT TO SELECTIVE UNLOCK FROM ALARM AL THIS CONFIGURATION IS IDEAL FOR MODIFYING FACTORY FITTED CENTRAL LOCKING MOTORS M AR OPTION 2 IT UN NOTE : Following this modification, the passenger doors will no longer unlock when the driver's door is unlocked manually. DRIVERS DOOR MOTOR FRONT PASSENGER DOOR MOTOR REAR PASSENGER DOOR MOTORS BROWN BROWN/WHITE GP RELAY PFK PART NO.436 900 NORMALLY OPEN: CONNECT TO GROUND OR +12V 87 AS REQUIRED TO DRIVE MOTORS # CONNECT TO ‘REST STATE' 87a OF MOTOR WIRES (determined by the polarity of the motors at rest) CENTRAL LOCK MODULE (KIT) LOCK UNLOCK COMMON LOCK UNLOCK LOCK GREEN BLUE UNLOCK 30 85 86 BLUE +12V CUT AND INSULATE # The 'active' polarity is the opposite polarity of the motors at rest. CONNECT TO SELECTIVE UNLOCK FROM ALARM POWER LINE COMMS IMMOBILISER CONNECT TO +12 VOLTS RED GREEN BLACK IGNITION (FUSED) Ignition switch REAR VIEW OF 10-WAY HARNESS CONNECT TO A SECURE GROUND POINT CHASSIS BLACK (Pin 1) BLACK (Pin 6) WIRE HARNESS INTO THE VEHICLE PRIOR TO PLUGGING CONTROL MODULE IN BLACK (Pin 2) BLACK (Pin 7) CUT CIRCUIT TO BE IMMOBILIZED AND REJOIN VIA CIRCUIT (30 AMP CAPABILITY) AUTOWATCH 457 Rli ALARM/IMMOBILISER WIRING DIAGRAM REV. 3 28/06/07 1. (Black wire) Join with black wire from pin 6. 2. (Black wire) Join with black wire from pin 7. 3. Not used 4. Not used 5. Ground (Black wire) 6. (Black wire)Join with black wire from pin 1. 7. (Black wire)Join with black wire from pin 2. 8. Not used 9. Ignition (Green wire) 10. +12V (Red wire) DPFK 457/520 4PAGE OF 4