Community Overview: Glenpool Glenpool is a city of nearly 12,000
Community Overview: Glenpool Glenpool is a city of nearly 12,000
Community Overview: Glenpool Glenpool is a city of nearly 12,000 residents located in Tulsa County southwest of Tulsa and Jenks. The city is growing quickly, having increased in population by 45 percent from 2000 to 2014. New residential development has been predominantly single-family housing on medium-sized lots east of US-75; some multifamily housing is planned for locations west of US-75. Many residents use US-75 to easily access to the Creek Turnpike to the north and commute to jobs in Tulsa. This street is a major north-south artery that bisects the city. Carrying up to 45,000 vehicles per day, the four-lane divided highway creates a barrier between developments on either side. Most of the residential neighborhoods in Glenpool are located between 131st Street on the north and 151st Street on the south. A sizable portion of the city’s land area is still devoted to oil extraction and storage. Commercial development in the city is located along Main Street (141st Street) and at the intersection of US-75 and 131st Street, including a Walmart Supercenter and the Glenpool Conference and Event Center. All of the city’s schools are centrally located in the block bounded by 141st Street, 151st Street, US-75 and Elwood Ave. Walkshop Summary The Glenpool walkshop was conducted on March 24, 2014. The project team, INCOG Staff, City Staff and community members gathered to discuss current bicycling and pedestrian conditions. The following items were identified as future needs and improvement priorities at the walkshop: Connect Black Gold Park north to 141st Street and south to 146th Street. o Response: A shared use path is proposed along the east side of US-75 that will connect Black Gold Park to the north and south. Connect the school campus to the South County Recreation Center on South Peoria Ave and subsequently link to Jenks. o Response: Shared lane markings along Fern Street will connect north to recommended 141st Street bike lanes. This facility, and existing sidewalks, will connect to a proposed sidepath along South Peoria Ave. The proposed sidepath here continues north three miles to Jenks. Provide pedestrian and bicycle accommodations to cross US-75 to connect the school campus and community library to the east with existing and new residential on the west side of US-75. o Response: Connections in this area are included in the plan as a focus area with recommendations in the following pages. Policy Review and Recommendations Glenpool’s regulations are comprehensive in nature calling for the construction of sidewalks on both sides of local and collector streets serving single family or multifamily residential subdivisions. Engineering Design Standards also call for a minimum of four feet for sidewalks conforming to ADA requirements. Standards also call for constructing sidewalks in residential subdivisions within the dedicated the dedicated street right-of-way, parallel to, and not less than one foot from the outside right-of-way line, or no less than three feet from the back of curb line on the adjacent street. The same document includes provisions that allow in-lieu fees for sidewalks from developers. No regulations contain any standards for the provision or design of bicycle facilities. Recommendations Consider adopting design guidelines for pedestrian and bicycle facilities outlined in the GO Plan. Consider amending regulations to require sidewalks along streets with non-residential development to provide access to commercial uses. Consider amending regulations to require pedestrian/bicycle connections from subdivisions to adjacent community-oriented uses such as schools, parks and community centers. Consider amending regulations to prohibit offset intersections of local streets across arterials when new streets are added to the network. Pedestrian Network Recommendations The pedestrian facility recommendations in this Plan comprise two elements: a prioritization of known sidewalk gaps on arterial streets and specific infrastructure recommendations for the community’s chosen focus area. The Focus Area selected was the 146th Street corridor from US-75 to the Middle School and High School complex. The map and project list below detail a prioritized set of improvements to fill sidewalk gaps on arterials. Arterial sidewalk gaps are targeted because these streets have the highest traffic volumes and speeds, but also many destinations for pedestrians such as the majority of a community’s retail development. While filling sidewalk gaps on arterials may reduce the number of vehicle-pedestrian crashes, many conflicts actually occur at intersections. The two pedestrian crashes and one bicycle crash reported in Glenpool in the five years ending July 2014 were located on 141st Street where sidewalks already exist. Recommended treatments for arterial intersections appear in Appendix A: Design Guidelines and in Chapter 3: Pedestrian Element where some typical safety improvements for major arterial intersections are presented in the concept designs. [insert small map with crash locations] [to be followed by prioritized sidewalk gap map and project list; will include boxes on map to indicate locations of focus areas] [followed by focus area section] Bicycle Network Recommendations The bicycle facility recommendations for Glenpool were developed through the process described in Chapter 2, including a number of conversations and reviews with City staff in the Planning department. These recommendations connect neighborhoods, commercial centers, schools and other major destinations with a range of facility types appropriate to the given street type. For instance, bike lanes are recommended on 141st Street, Glenpool’s main street. Bike lanes will provide a dedicated space on the roadway for bicyclists. This facility should be implemented through a combination of a number of strategies: road diet in the five-lane section, road widening from Hickory Street to Elwood Avenue, and a lane diet from Elwood Avenue to Peoria Avenue. The set of recommendations for Glenpool was prioritized according to the process described in Chapter 4 incorporating measurable variables that define the safety and connectivity of projects, among others. While this prioritization listed represents a quantitative assessment of the projects, the City should also consult this Plan whenever street reconstruction or resurfacing projects occur to capitalize on programmed project investments. Rank 1 2 3 4 5 Project GP-001 GP-003 GP-004 GP-005 GP-002 Facility Bike Lane Shared Lane Marking Sidepath Trail Shared Lane Marking Cost $143,000 $19,000 $721,000 $3,127,000 $10,000 Street E 141 ST S S FERN ST S PEORIA AVE COAL CREEK TRAIL E 146 ST S From S 33 W AVE E 141 ST S E 141 ST S W 121 ST S S ELWOOD AVE To S PEORIA AVE W 151 ST S E 151 ST S E 151 ST S S FERN ST S a p u l p a Final Network 7/2/2015 e 126 st s w 121 st s s peoria ave Tulsa Regional Bicycle & Pedestrian Master Plan Glenpool J e n k s Recommendations Existing Facilities Trail s elm st Sidepath T U L S Bike Lane Shared Lane Marking e 131 st s A C O U N T Signed Route Y elm st G l e n p o o l s elwood ave w 131 st s Trail e 141 st s w 141 st s #2. GP-003 #5. GP-002 #3. GP-004 B i x b y s elwood ave s peoria ave #4. GP-005 s lewis ave e 146 st s s fern st coal creek trail #1. GP-001 e 161 st s Pat h: O : \AC T IV E PR O JE CT S \5 42 1 Tu ls a R e gio nal Bi ke & Pe d M as te r P lan\ GI S\M X D s\ 20 15 07 _ July\ Tu ls a_ Ma pb oo k_ C om m u nit y_ Fo cus _ Ar e as .m xd User: <bol><ita>gomerso</ita></bol> Us e r : go m er s o Path: <bol><ita>O :\ACTIVE PROJECTS\5421 Tulsa Regional Bike & Ped Master Plan\GIS\MXDs\201507_July\Tulsa_Mapbook_Community_Focus_Areas.mxd</ita></bol> 0 0.4 Miles 0.8 Exp o r te d: 7 /2 /2 01 5 Date: 7/2/2015 S a p u l p a #1. GP-40 Pedestrian Improvements 7/3/2015 e 126 st s w 121 st s #2. GP-6 #3. GP-39 Tulsa Regional Bicycle & Pedestrian Master Plan Glenpool J e n k s Prioritized Sidewalk Gaps by Quintile 1 s elm st 2 w 131 st s 3 4 e 131 st s 5 Outside Jurisdiction T U L S A C O U N T Y elm st G l e n p o o l s elwood ave Focus Area e 141 st s #5. GP-9 #6. GP-10 s peoria ave s lewis ave w 141 st s #7. GP-3 #9. GP-7 #4. GP-1 #8. GP-4 #10. GP-8 B i x b y e 161 st s Pat h: O : \AC T IV E PR O JE CT S \5 42 1 Tu ls a R e gio nal Bi ke & Pe d M as te r P lan\ GI S\M X D s\ 20 15 07 _ July\ Tu ls a_ Ped _ M apb oo k _C o mm u nit y_ Fo cu s _A re as .m xd User: <bol><ita>gomerso</ita></bol> U se r : go m er s o Path: <bol><ita>O :\ACTIVE PROJECTS\5421 Tulsa Regional Bike & Ped Master Plan\GIS\MXDs\201507_July\Tulsa_Ped_Mapbook_Community_Focus_Areas.mxd</ita>< /bol> 0 0.4 Miles 0.8 Exp o r te d: 7 /3 /2 01 5 Date: 7/3/2015 West Main Street from US-75 to Warrior Drive * Glenpool Middle School S College Ave West Main Street S College Ave Warrior Drive US-75 * West Main Street E 146th Street * Roadway Barrier High Pedestrian Movement Spot improvement Needed Why is this a focus area? • West Main Street is a key street to connect US-75 to the town of Glenpool and the numerous churches and schools that are in close proximity to the street and the highway • New and upcoming residential development west of US-75 needs a safe and comfortable connection to the main part of Glenpool • West Main Street is a typical 4 and 5 lane section with several intersections along it and especially the key intersection with US-75 • Sidewalks are needed in the entire area around West Main Street • There are no pedestrian or bicycle accommodations to cross US-75 E 141st Street, just north of this focus area Typical section of E 146th Street PLAN Focus Areas Tulsa Regional Bicycle and Pedestrian Master Plan 45 West Main Street from US-75 to Warrior Drive Proposed solutions • Add sidewalks along both sides of West Main Street • Install a HAWK signal, push button pedestrian sensor, and high visibility crosswalks to cross US-75 • If a crossing of US-75 cannot be achieved, a pedestrian bridge should be built to span across US75 to provide safe, comfortable crossing along West Main Street Bike/ped Overpass Bridge For design specifics on these recommended facilities, see Appendix XX: Pedestrian Design Guidelines. Bike/ped Overpass Bridge Sharrow Markings 46 Bicycle Wayfinding Tulsa Regional Bicycle and Pedestrian Master Plan Focus Areas PLAN Glenpool Middle School US-75 West Main Street E 146th Street Warrior Drive Tulsa Regional Bicycle and Pedestrian Master Plan Focus Areas S College Ave West Main Street from US-75 to Warrior Drive West Main Street 47 S College Ave
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