34 om.
34 om.
, '.".' .. . 75 Arabic 370. printed throughout in Arabic script, not transliterated.) London: R. '.wrt ts, 1822. (Reprinted from the Arabic and Latin B:lble published at Rome in 1671.) 22 cm. (1,8 Holy Bible 376. or the Old Time Books and the Now .~ge. Translated recently f:rom. the oric;1.nal languages and published by the British Society II;)!" the Pub'l.i.cat.Lon of Holy Books , Londonr Gilbert and Rivingt.on, 1872. (Ti t.Le page also in roman transliteration.) 24 om. (A Catholic :Sible.) HcLy Bf:)llt), Cherokee 377. 'I'J:.':jChor okee Bible. Park Hill, 1:;:-1'" em. boxed. 378" ThmChe rokee Bible. Park Hill, 1.5-17 em, boxed. . Okla.: Park Htl1 Mission Preas, Okla.: Park Hill Mission Press, 1850-59. 1856-50. Dutch 379. DElil Bibf3L 'I'ghehoe Le Ouda en de Nyeuwe Testamet met groter neersticheyt mi. de L,1tjnsche text ghecorrigeert. Enda opten cant des boecke dye a1teratie dye Hebreeusche veranderinge na del' Hsbreeuscherw[',syheyt der boeckendie int Hcbr-eeus zijn en dye Griecsche del" boecke dyeint Grieck zi,ln en ooe op den cant ghestelt die 001"spr-ongho" van stade- landau en Conincri,jcken ende by wat Conick va Israel dat gheregveert hebb~ Heydensche Coninghan snda Prophaten endinhoudt voor dye Capittelen ghestelt. En is gepront wt een autentijcke copieciye welcke toegelaten is geweest ten prenten cum gratia at pr-l.ui.Legf.o , i,tern oockeen schone seer profi tolijcka tafele om t.e vinden inder Heyliger Schrift; \.;atmen hebbenwi1 dye welcke noyt ghedruct en i.8 ghewaest.. An.t.werpt Heynrich Peet.er-sen, 1541. 32 em. 380" B)blia Sacra dat Ls , de Geheele Hey'l.i.ge Schrifture beleydt in e ~i Oudt en ove rsf.en en varbetert na den lesten r-ooms chen t4:!xt., verciert met veel schoone figuren, geaneden door Christoffel van Siehem, 'I. P. 1. P. Antwerp: Ian van Moerentorf, Em nu he rdr-uckf by Piater Eaoops z p.aets, l657. 34 om. Nieuw Testamcm't, 76 381. Biblia, dlit1c 1$ de g••rrt.sche H. Schrifture vorvnttendl) hoecken des Ouden en des Niouwen TOSUlmi:'mts. li~llP. Keu:r., 1700. 40 alIa du.)Ci!lnonijcke Dordr-acht.r H. J. om. French 382. em est tovta la aa inct.e eacr-i tvx'o dv Vie!l &~ du Nouueau Testament) aut remerrt 11 Ancicnne f,- La Nouuelle JUliance.. La tout reueu !21t conf'er-e SUT.' lea taxtes hebr-i.eux t.:. gr-ecs par Los poat.eurs & pr-of'eaaeur-s ch'll l' Eglise de Geneue , Geneve r r-latth1eu Per.~onJl ,!:th11!J1,.I' X.11. 1605. 18 cm. 383•. La -:':1.bl!it qftri cs t tovte La Saincto EscrHvre clv Vieil et Novveav T~lJstament La tout revou &. Las t extcs Hebrioux e,. GreC8 par lee past.eurs h o.OCtours de eglis8 de Geneva. !wec vn novvel indica par lieux commvns item les F'seaumea & cnutioues avec les prieres cocleBiutitinU~13.. A La Rochelle: He Haul tin, par Comeilla Hertman, 1616. ,Imi:£~ment I' AncLenne at La NO"'.rval1e Alliance. r:onfolt'e sur 19 em.• 384. La l.'iblQ1!q1j i est t.ovt.o 1a satnct e escr-ttvre de 'liieil at nevveau T~'i'stamento at La novvelle alliance. to tout. roueu 8:. ~:~or.lfel:"0 sur If-lilt testes Hebr-Leux ~,Greclll" .1\& Sedan, Eeau lannon, 1 jhrt~rattlent 1 t ilncionna 1633. 11 em. 385~ La Dible c,uii est tont~l La aai.ncbe eacr-I ture de viei1 at novveau Tmstamentt C,UlI"J!C un novveI :I.ndice par 110ux. Communs, Item lea Ps'(:~mlmEl'$ t:.: r.:atltiqu8s avec leB pr-Lar-ea ecoleaiast. Amsterdam: Henri Laurent.a , 16;i5.. 16 em. 3c)6 .• I.a :t:j.hlO'~,qui ost. t.out.e Las satnct.o es cr-I ture du vieil at novveau Testa:manlt. Le toutrevau & conf'er-e sur Lea t.ext.es Hobrleux fct Grees par Los past eure &. docteurs de Englise de Geneve, A. Amsterdam, Henri Laurerrta , 1635.. 15 em. Is soincte sscri tvre dv Vie1.1 €lt dv Novveav Testament •. Autrement. I' anct enne at La novve'Ll.e al1iancoo Charenton: J\ntheine Callier J 1652\0 NewTest,!~ment$I 1656; Psalms. 1661~ 15 en, La T~iblGlI qvi tovto 388. UJI. Snintel Bible.. (Ti tle page wanting .•) New Test,':llll.ent title page rends: La nouveau testament de Notre S~~1gr:!iGur Jesus-Christ.. IJol~drea: Chez Ogles, Duncan at Co., at W.. B. hbltt,a.ker" et ColB.ngHoooJi et Poasey et fils, 1819. 15 em. 77 German B'ibl,H!;dn~i tst: Die i:!eilige Schrift Altos und Neues Testaments nach der dl'1l!t~3chtJn uebaraet.zung d. H<'lrtin Lut.her-s mi t jades cspt tels kLlrtzE,l1 Gt1mrat~rienauch beygeiilgt.en vtelon uno richtigen par-Le Ll.enj ne'b~lt e Lriern anhang des drl tt.;;n und viortsn buena Esra- und do s d~ri.tten buchs dor- Maccabeer.. Germantmm, Permsy:l.vania: Christoph OHUJ",1743. l.Plnguage.) 390. '---.---. Bibl~:,a. ens ).st: (The first 26" em, U1.a Heilige Bit-Ie printed in Amerioa in a Fllropean Schrift Altes und Neuoa Testaments nach der t;~:utschen uebl':i1"s"tzung d. Hsrtin Lut.her-s mit jedes cap1tells kur-tzsn summal:1~Gn auch beygefugt.cn vielen und richtigen paralellen; n-eb~lt eri.nem anhang dog dritten nnd viert~n buchs Esra und des tli.:·'Lt~,em, buchs dcr Hnocab5er. Germantown: Christoph :J,uU1", 17l~3 ;(:1.763.) (Secono edition published by- the son of tM publil'Joor o!...:-~I::;: first edition of 1743.) 25 era •• Bibb.a, 1st die ~lnlberg: (ins Die Pibl!]:l:. oder die gantza Heiltge 1755. 40 gan21l') Schrlft Heilige Schrift. d'!~r deut.schon Uabersotzung Hi!linl"lch der j\lten unci Neuan Tostaments. em. Alton und Nauen Teste.!llonlts nach Dr, Hartin Luthers. l.udwi,t~ Pr-onner-, 18)8. 17 cm. Frankfurt am.l'Iain: Gothic 393. ~r.hn~:·:Lrst,Gffi:l:'r:lunic Bibll]) translated the original Greek by the century and the other rernaina Gothic lnrlguag(t; edited with an introduotion, & syntax and ~·w.:ry by G. B. B.alg. Milwaukee, 1tlisconain:' Printed by the f'ro-.1ll Bt~ibDP hu1g1.1a in the fourth Gothic of the a glosed:i.tor, Ib91. 26 em. Greek 394. (The' Holy Bible in Greek, published as three volumes, now bound in one, ) Vetus 'l'estomentun1 Graecum ex vers i.oue Sopt,u.nginta interpr4lt1:;tlm, juxta oxemplar 'lJ'atioanum Romae edi turn, aecuratiGsirna f,,- ad amuas Lnf, ri'lC\JlSum. Londf.rii.t Rogerus Daniel, apud Joannem Martin &. Jacobum Al1Elstrye)11653. 23 em, (Bound 1.nth this~ In Sacra i3"lblia Graoca ex vers i one LXX interpretum scho11a; simul at 1ntarprl1~tu!'tl cae toren"urn lectiones vat-Lant.es , Londini % RogeruB DAniel; pr oat.at, aut.ern vena Le apud Joarmem Hartin l} Jacobum Allostqo, sub signo Campanae in Coer.wterio D~ Pauli, 1653~) Q ~. " ·e 78 Latin 395. Biblia :Letpzig, Ins elverlag , Colophon! Diese FaksLmt.Le-Auegebedes ersten t.zweitenJ f:~ndes der- Z1-1eiundV'ierziP'zeili"'EmGut.enbe rg-Bfbe I erschien im jahre 1913- It im Insel~ver18g zu leipzig. ::ie \,,fiedergabe in rt.ohr farbigem Li cbdr-uck erfolgte durch die Rofkunstanstalt .Albert Y~1..sch in Perlin nach dem Pergament-i<.:xem!Jlardel.' K~nig11chen F,ibliothek in Berlin und dom der St&ndischen landesbibliot.hek in Fulda. Geclre.ckt wlll"Cien300 ExempLar-e / davon Nr. 1-3 auf Pergan;8nt / die nbd.gen auf van Jelder-Butten. Durch Pr-of'eas or- Ansgar ;-:·choppmeyerin Perlin •... rut-den die Exemplars Nr, 1-3 mit del' Hand aus gemaLt und bei diesen Hie auch bei 10 Exemp.La ren auf rnlttenllap1.el' Hr. 4-13 / das Gold mit de r- Hand aufge1egt. DeI' ~inband :1st dGm F'uldaer Exemplar nach gebildet. Dies ist Nummer107. (Puiblis~ed under the direction of Dr. Paul Schwenke.) Jo1iann8s Gutenbergs zwei undvierzle;zeilige Bibel. Erganzungs band zur faksimilo-Dusgabe, herausgegeben von Paul Schwenke. Leipzig: ][nsel-verlag, 1923. 44 cm. ht.ina, }~oguntiaa, Joh. Out.enber-g, c1450-5:). 191.3-1h. 396. Bib:!.ia.. Nur-ernbur-g r Anton Koberger, 1479. (Bookplate: "Ex B1.bliotheca ~,ccle8iae Collegiatae Laterensis ad S. Hicolaum prope Paaaavtum, ~') ~Iai.n Reper-t.or-ium, 3072$ 39 em. (Vulgate version.) . 397•• Bib:as r.~;\t1.nao Venice: Johann Herbort, 1484. HaiH ~teriumJ' .3091. em, 398. Blb:':.:Lfil cum concordantlis :i.buis.. in margini nee ne Hebraecur nomino int~H"pretationBrlxi;;", Angelu, f~ Jacobio Britanico fratris, 1496. 17 om. 399. Bib::tia. H)•.S acce ss er-urrt schemata Tabernaculi }\losaici & Templi Salomonia, quae pr-aeeunt.e Francisco Vatablo, hebraicarum 1iterarum reglo professore doct.Las Lmo, summaarto & fide oxpresaa aunt. Index rerum <':t sent.ent.Larum quae in iis continentur.. Hebr-aea i tem, Oha Ldaea, Grneca ~c Latina nomina vi.rorum, mul i.er-um, popul.orum, Ldo'Iorum, VTlJlum, fluuiorum, montium, caeterorumque locorum quae in ipsis '~j.bliis 1eguntur, I'estltut2, cum Latina inte:tp::'etatione, &. ipsorum Locorum descr-lptd one ex cosmographfa, I.Ntotiae: Roberti Stephani, ·typographi regii, 1546. (Editt:Ii:>. by Rober-t Est.Lsnne , first pubLi.shed, 1528.) 39 em. hOo" < Bib1.ia SAcra Veteris & Noui Testamenti iVJ.:ta vvls;atam, qvam d Lcvrrt, edttionem; Ioannis Benedicti Parisiensi.s theologi industria accur-ate recogni ta I!:. emendat.a , annorum iil rnundo condi to ad Chrlstum vsque natu supputatione illustrata: adiectis ad singula quaeq capita breuibus argumentis: & ad finem voluminis hebraicarum, gri!leCal"Um,caeterarumque peregrinarum v ocum interpretationibu8: trlbus item indicibus: quom primus sententias in toto cotextu Bilbliorum maxime Lnai.gnes , secundus ea quae in scholiis natatu dignissima occurrunt, tertius locorum illustrium nomina comprehen- 79 d1.t abque ·exp1anat. Porro chara(:'ClIl'!t"es seu signa quae legenti p8ssim occurrent, epistola nucupatoria tertio ab hinc folio man1.fostabit. Parlsiis: Carolae GuillnI'd viduae quonciGiM Clau.dij Cheuallonij., 1558. 39 om. 401. Biblta Sacra; ad ont.Lma quae que veteris ,::~.d vulgate translationis \!lxepla1ra summa di1igent1.a, pariq fide castigata. CumHebrd acorum, cafdaaorum at graecorurn, nominuminterpretatione. Lugdun1: Guliel, 1~:6 7. 18 em. 1,02. Bi.bl::j~ Eta ';ret.vstissima redms castigata, Romaecue reuisa, in qui.bvs, pr aoter e a ov ae subs eouens praefatio indicat, capt.ta singu1a ita v(]~:rsibv3, distinetn sunt, vt numeri pr'aef'Lxi , lectorem non remor-ent.ur- e, Loca quaesita t.ancuam digi to demonstrent. De 1icentia svper'Lor-vm, Venetiis, Apud Ivntas, 1572. 40 em. 1.103. FlibJ.:i 1ft ad vetvstissima exemplaria nuno radms cnstigata in qvibvs, praetor praefatio indicat, capita singula ita vers Lbus d'lstlncta sunt, vt nvmeri praefixi lectorem non remorentur & Locacnaas l ta t.anquam digi to demonstrent • Venitti s Apud Har-edas Nicolai Beuilaquao, & Sooios, 1576. 39 em. ea, Quae subsequas BibH,orvm codex sacer- at avthentd cvs , Te~ltamenti vtriusq; Veteria & Nout , ex Hobraea & Graeoa yoritate, quamproxima ad literam quidem fieri potuit, fidelissime translatus in linguam latinam. De vn.iuarsa huius operis ratione, dissaretur in subieota praefationa. Scrvtamini soripturas: nam vos videmini vobis in ipsis vitam aet ernam habere: &. i11ae Bunt quae testificantur de me. loan. 5. Tigvri: Apud Christophorvm }~oschovervm~ 1579. 26 em. Test~un~lnt1Vateris Ribl:i.8 Sacra sive libri canonici pres can JudaeOi:'um ~,CGlo8j,Be a De o t:raditi, Latini recens Hebr-aeo facti, bro'\'~,busque scholiis illustrati ab IznmanueLe Tremellio &. Francisco .Yun:t."o.Aeoes serurrt 1ibri qui vulgo dicuntur apocr-yph i, latina raddlt:L &. natis quibusdam alloti a Francisco Junio. Hulto omnes quam :!lnte emendat.Lus ooit:l. & aucti a Francisco Junio. }1ulto omnes quam ante El)(!lt(mdatiu Locf s innumer1s: quibus etiam adjunximus Novi Testall1r8lilU. libros ex s ormone syro ab eodem Tremellio & ex graeco a Thr:1od.oro Bez a in latinum versos, notisque itidem illustrates .• S\!lCUl:l<ia cur-a Franc1so1 Junii. umdini: Henrieus Middletoni8, 1555. 23 em. 406. Testa'lIent.1 VI9teris Biblia Sacra Sive Ubri Canonic1. pr-l.scae Iudaeorumecc Ies Lae a Deo traditi, Latini r-ecens Hebr-ae o facti, br-evfbusque scholiis illustrati ab Immaneu1eTremel1io & Francisoo Junia •• Acceaeerunt, lib et.c, Londini: excudebanb G. Bishop, R. Newberry ami Rober-t Barker. (Printer' B marks and 11.ll\lftitles, 1$92. 28 em, 407. Bibli;j Sacra Vulgatae ed1t1onis Sixti V. Pont Hax. iVSBVreoognita abque ed Lt.a, Antverp1.ae: Ex Officina PlEmtininiana, apud Loannem Horetum, 1605. em. 2u 80 h08,. To,stamonti Veteris B1.blin Sacra, siva };i..bri canonf cf, pr-Iscae JudaeorulIl ecclesiae aDeo traditi, latin1. recens ox habraao facti brevibusque scholiis illu3trati ab Immanuele Tremallio & Francisoo Junio. Acc~n~orunt libri qui vulgo dicuntu~ Apocryphi, latina r~di t1 !':! :'lotts oui.busdam auc td A ri'ranciBCO Junio. NuliiO omnes qua~nanto BmendatiUs 001 ti ef aucti LocLa Lnnumerd.st qutbus etlam adjun:xiniUs t:n~)llio & ex Itbroo ex e ermone 5yr'O ab eod em T1"oTheodor-o :<ezain llltinum versos, not.Lscue NO'lti 'I'eat.amont.f graaco illustratos. D,jm:1.·~J.i::.J ac Davidis ;36 en .• :li.iild(;Jn1 a Hanovt ae , Typis h'echelianis, Sumtibus Aubriorium ac Clementis Schleichii, 1624-2.3. 405. D:lbl'ia Sacra, siva 'l'f;lGtamentumVed Db Im, Trernellio &. Prancf.ecus Junio ex Ilobr-aeo Latd ne r-edd Lt.um , at TeatamentU t~avu a Theoa. Beza O;ra€co in latinu sars'll.. Lond om E. Tyler, 1661. 16 em. e lllC " YJI'rr,li21 rnaxirni jUS~IU redistinct21 veralcul.Ls , . CU111 tndice mat.er-Larum, nee non Epiato1n.rul11, 8:. Evnnzeliorum. Lug:hmi: Sumrtihus PElt.rl 11lillimin, in vico Bel.l.ae-Corcleriao., 168h. (n'the Clementine Bible.") 39 em.• Si!1,O!'~L vulg~t.n.a ed1tionis~ Sixti V. pontifieio c:ognitH; et Cleoontis VnI. auct.or-i.t.ate edita; hl1. Blblia vulgatae 001tionis Su... U V Pontif'icis rnartroi jU85U recogm tn ~)t Clementis VIrI, nuctori t.ate ooita verseculia distinct.a. ArgunU:lOtis auct a, Vanetiis: Nieo1aum PGzzanQ, 1710. 29 CII1. SmCJoH FInlay .. 41') .: E:Lblia,11~Ldest Vetu~~mt Novum Test.am€lutus }mlm~ce: cura at £1ltl.m/tibus ~lociE}t8ti3, quae Bibliis per OiTUlOS gentes parvulgandia 15'pOnlll'L dat ~;:mendatius cidtdit Joannes Willmet. Harlemi: JohannlllSi ·\!:nflchede; at .f1lioTUllA)j>1824. 2h om. Hoolt~;m. hI). 1':'JOHoly Bible, containing thG! Old and New 'restaments translated from the oriE',"inala into the Hool tan Language by the Ser8t1DpOre rnissionari.oa.. l3erBrnopore: l'-1ission Preas , 1819. 2.0 em. Polyglot 4H~. ITbli.9. HcbraLoa , eorundom Latina :tnt(,,1"pretntio Xsmt1s Pagnlni Lucenats •• oonedicti llriaa Hontani !:!i5plll. &. Quorandam al10ram oollato studio ad Eebraicam diciionom dilligentissime oxp&nsa.. Avra11aa alio";' .:: 81 ~ , (Yri~l~<~l ~. \. ;\\2 ~I ~ ~. bargvm apvd Pet.rvm de La Ilc'viere Jl 1619. )8 em. (New Testament 1.5 in Greek and Latin, with marginal notes in Greek; Old Testamen.t is in Hebrew and Latin.) ': Bibl10rum Sacrorum, t.omus primus: if'~ Thomas Roycraft, 1653-57. each •.. ri,th separate title sivo pentateuchus (h'alton's polyglot page.) Moysis. Landini: Bible in sb: volumes, L5 em. )~16. Fie :res ,; !;~ 1&Bibl~ a la Hage Chez Pierre de Hondt, 1727. (Engravings :illustrating Biblical scenes. Titles in Greek, English, German, ::.!It,:i.n, French, and Dutch.) L5 em. Spanish L17. Bib:~"is em Lengua Espario'La traduzids Hebrajca, por muy exelentes pal.abra por palabra de La verdad Let.r-ados , Amsterdam: l660e 20 em. hIS •. que contiane 108 Sagrados 1ibros de antiquo Londr-es s Para La Soeiedad Biblica Britanica 19~n. 16 em. La,·antlii. Btblia ment.o , y Nuevo testay ex'~ranjera, 419. La. :::;snta Biblia mento. que contd.ene Nueva York: 105 sagrados 1ibros del antiquo y Sociedad biblica Americana, 1927. testa17 em. nUl3VO Swedish L20. ar Bi'blia, thet 'l'olftes .all then Heliga Skrtft p~ S"enskojefter KonungCarl then befalning medhf6rriga ed i.td.oner- j~mnf6'rd; summarLer- och :marginalier ~ nyo (!J i'wersedde, concorciantier och anm.fiTckningar '-'-:, f<):t<fQkadejnya x'ogister och Biblist tider~kn1ng inrtittadeJ medh mer-a !~OU~ re5retalGt. rl...l1rmarevthwisar~ BOOh kong.l., I1ajs tz allern'adigsta :frlhet. Stockholm: Henrich K~l,ysers, 170), tryckerlj.) 4S em. 1702. (Tryekt vthi IIIDlrlrich Keyser-a Tamil 421. The Holy Bible in Tamil, tho Old Testan ,nt translated ~rro'31. tho Original by the Rev. J. P. Fabrieus. 'rhe ~eYT Testament by the Rev. C. T. E. Rhenuis, and revised by tile committee of the Madras Auxiliary B:i.b1e Society, with contents o.f the chapters and chronology from the Ene1ish. American Mission Pr~j,8S, 181ili. 21 em. (Added title page in Tamil.) sal 82 Turld.sh 1;22. translated by S. vI. Koelll and J. T. Effendi. 1850. (On spine, "I;sinh to }wlach1.") 26 em. Th~ !Jt1)1"J tn Turkish, imprint, No !.~roisn-tangunGe Old Testsrnents h23. A ccr:lrnent.nry en tho Old Tf!"Jstomont 1,,1.th th~9t 'I~o:xt tl",anslll.ted fl~i'1I 'the Oe1t"(tl!lTlo lE\73-7Se Mangalore: 2 vof.e , 24 St.olz h Rimer, into Canar-eae Basel HisT:lion , Preas, em, ChoetaH h21.~. 'J~:le LOOki'l of -Jo shua, Judgos and ~thll trnnslnted into lJ;;:~g,t:l:1.g0~ No".;v York: American Bible Societ.y, 18 em, b~!Alfrsil ~:rt~~ht. ) The first the Choct,Ulf 1852. (Translated and second bonk of Samuel, and the first book of Kings, trans11;t od into the ChoctmvoLanguage; Noy York: AmericBn I3i.blc Society; lei,j2.. 18 em. h~16.• The I.ook c)f PSd~J.ms, .. trr:mslo.tod into i~!:rm Bible Soc~L~Jty .• 1886.. the Chocbav Language; New York: Amer- 17 em, 427 .• Los de David mis on vel'S Francois, zevas et approuvea par 108 Pas'teurs ot Professeurs de I' !~gH.sa at de l' Academie de Geneva. Lnusanne: Henri Vincent, 1802. 12 Crne h:aUTnClS Germ-Bn. li28 .• Del" C:r.• T'sialm, 20 D. l-fnr•. !',uth •• 9usgelegt.. ~,::i.ttembcrg: Hans Lufft, 1535. CUh Jroek ~29" Vet1.1B 'I'estm:]~mtum exnrnplnr cusun, gl~.!l.I')Cmn ex va+.i o anum vor-s l one ~;optuaGintn Lnt.cr-pr-et.um, Rorrma edi tu~!}, accurati:ssim(; juxta & ad f.lI'luestm 1"6- Lond'im ~ Excudebat Pogoru9 D~miel P1"Ostat &1utsm Vel'lale apud Joarmem t'Ul'.rtin &. Jacobum Allo5trye. 165Je 18 om.• 84 1~30. Eliblili' cum t.arGW!1 ohko.Lost , 20 cm. ':],;:l)l~);l'i'Cli J.663. H.9mb,,:rgi: Typil3 Georgii Rebenlini, 1~3l. SephB1:' '[,chiD_tm, e.e., X/Lhe!' ?sal~'loI\l.:1'l, cui-a EI';'lflCi;:lli (!0.itus,. cum punct.Ls vocB-lcalibus t.:. accent.ua'l ibus j utI" cum no!.:..is Keri &. lCetl1ihJj e.~ 1i tarts n.njuBculis f..~ rninusculis, secundum ipsas n:.tas mssol'j:lthicas. ,i(:c -. 'ftern, Jpehor Kinoth, i~e.; Lfbar Lanent.atd onum Jel"emia~;J, qui scilla prim''llit~lli 'lOCO,) d i.c i t.ur- Echah , t.am cum, quam fine ?lmJt:l.fl f'.: l1.ccentibus, r.Qitus a .Julieln:o ;;:obfJrtson. Cantn.bd.giae: T:(!)hb Joh.;n Rayes Lond Lrrl : 16B5.. 12 em. t, 0 432. Dib1i4!1 H<!lhrn'ka ,'}orvndem Latina interprotatio xarrtf.s pagnini Lycans1s, B.':lD.ildtctiurtae Hont.~ni Hlspal. t:~ ouorundam Hebr-af cam diction~m, di..l:;jt~r11Jnti58i\'<!je exnensa , r.Elv:'.'® 1619. 38 em. }\vreliae allobar-gYm apvd Pat.rvm de La Latd.n h3J. I,atimrm Dnvidil3 Pro,!,h1tlllGat Regis cvm i"m;tiliariet pia expositiona ac brm nrd~stionEl nrtificij Rhotorlei pertlnsntis ad rntionera inuontionts, disposi tiona!'! ['" elocutionis, scripta G Chrirutopho Gj):l~'n~rl'l.. Lips1,tto: Tohannes Stei.ni'llan, 1578.. (\>lith this is bound: C.tl,}:il.ic',n f~e1eota V6t~rl8 novtnue Testamenti, cum hymnis at oollectiv Psaltod,vm sev o~~t1onie. Lipsiae: ~~reas Schneider, 1S71.) 14 om. Persian LJu. ~{,hf;fBoc;):of Psa1ms tr;,mslflt~d into Persian .from t.he orlgtnal Hebre'J11hy ''''•• Glen~ London' H:1.bla Society, 1835.. 16 om. Syriac hJ~. l.,tl:Jel· J\II:lll},K):'I:~n!l. D,(ilv1d1s Re~gis at pr-ophet.ae ex idiomata Syro ·b:"Ci.npl'll~tVlJ, t., Gabriela Sionitn. Pe.rl.fliis~ 1625. ::iyrlac in opposf t~ columns.) 22 em. in Latinym (Latin and J\ 85 Amharic 436. 'I'es tamerrtum Domini Nost.r l et ServatoriB JeBu Christi sub auspiciia D. Asselini rerum Gallicarnm apud AFgypt·:i,as pr-ocur-at.or-i s in Linguam Amhar-i cam verti t Abu-Rumi., Habos sinus. F,didi t Thomas ('ell Pla:tt. Landini: Ricardus J,.Jatts, 1824. 21 em. 437. NO'VJ.ln Test.~montum Domini Nostri at Sorvl:tT..orlEl .Te'm Christl. Sub .ausoiciis D. As se.Li.rri. rerum gallicarum spud aegypt1.os procurator-is in linguam iUlLharic8ln ver-t.i tAbu-Rums habeas t nus , edidi t Thomas Fell Phd:.t. Lond'i.ni.r Impressit Ricarcius v!atts, Impenat s Soe1otati:3 ad Biblia Sacra in Britannia at spud Exter8a Gentes Evu1ganda Institute, 1829. 21 em. Arapaho h38. Hat.hadenee wnunauy.aunee vadan Luke vanenana , The Gospel according to tJa'i,nt Luke. NevI York: American Bible Society, 1903. ('rransLat.ed by J'G Roberts.) 17 em. Armenian 439.. (At,~lient and modern Armenian in parallel le::;!8.. 23 columns 0) Paris: Dondny-Dupr-e , em. Basque 1(40. gure <Tnunnren Testament Berria. Laourd Lco escrararat lttCulia.. Bayonant Lamaignoren imprinerian, 1828.. 21 em •. Jef):)'s-Chx'ilsto Bengali hhl. of nu.l:' Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ in the Bengali Tr-ane Lat.sd from the Greek by the Calcutta Baptist 11i8::I~,()nm ..• hl:3 'Hi Ul native assf.stant.e, Calcuttas Carey & Mendes, 1547. (Added title page in Bengali.) 210m. Thlo~ir.;n,r 't'€l;f!t,iJ,l\,ant 18i1rlp,1.1:::ge. 86 Cherokee 442. The New ~restament in the Cherokee Language , Soc:iety, 1860. 19 em.• NewYork: American Bible Creek 443. Cesvs em opunvkv - herv Haro Coyvt.e , The Gospel according to Hatthe'H, t rans Lat.ed from the original Gr00k into the Muskogee language. :NewYork: American Bible Society, 1867. 18 em. Dutch hb4. Het Ni.eutren Verbonds van Onznn de hocg'-mog , heeren Statenen en volgons het bes Lud.t; van dim .iarml NDC)''VIII en MDCXIX ui t de oorspronkelijke (Grieksche) t,:~al in onze Ned er-Landsche getrouwelijk ovez-gezot , Nieuw York: Gedr-ukt, bij hat Amerikaansche bi;jbel genootschap, 1910.. (Dutch and English in parallel co'Lumns , ) 18 em. !~ieu""m Testament, of Plle de boeken des H:Oler Je'zU8 Chr-i.s tus , op last van G~!mmr;!l.al del" Vereenigde Nede r-Land Ethiopic 445. Ev&n~i;el:i.GH E;ancta AEthiopico ad ccdf.cum manuscr-Ipt.orum fiden edi ttt 'I'homas Pell PJ.l.l.tiio London: Ricarous Hatts, EmpenaLs Societatis ad E1iblia Sacr-a in Britannia» liItO~.;''Ulli:, 1826. 21 em. ':rElf:rtamon1.;'llm Domini Nostri at Ser-vat.or-i.s Jesu Christi AEthiopieoe Ad codf.cum manuecr-Ipt.orum fidem ,(~diti t Thomas Pell Platt. Landini: Il~\p:r.l~ssi t Ricard-us 1flatts, im.pensis Societatis ad Biblio. Sacra in Britannia (Added at spud exteras title gentes page ~n Ethiopic.) lWulganda Institlltae, 1830~ 21 em. French h47 .. Le Nouveau Test.9rnent de Not.r-e Seigneur Jesus-Christ. Traduction va Id, Revt.s Lon de 1894.. Paris: 1901. 12 em. d ' Oster- 87 448., Testament de Notre Seigneur Jesus Christ, traduit La ,~ouveau en Francais avec 1e Grec & 1e Latin do 1a Vulgate ajou lez a cote. Nouvelle edition. A Mons: Gaspard Higeot, 1673. 19 em. 2 vo'Ls , Le !1IOUVEl3U 'I'cs tamerrt Christ. on La Nouve11e ,~11iance de Notre Seigneur A Le,ndres: G•• Redmayne , 1710.. Jesus- 20 cm, Le Nouveau 'I'es t.ametrb de Notre Seigneur ,IElI::U::; Christ. Boston: Asaoc les , 1811. (The first American c<11t,ion of the in Fr-enchv ) 18 em. WI:! Libraires t~e,v Testament Gaelic 451T'lo::nnadh Naudh ar tigheal'na al' slanuighfhir Josa Criosd. Eidirchum Gaidhlig albannaich. Haille re aeo Lanna l.oh alth-gheal'ra chum a' cjaml ain fin a Leughadh , Air "iarrtas agus c os tus na CuLde achd ur-ramaf.ch , a'ta chumeolas Cr:LO£lduid:l a agaot Leadh feadh Gai.dhes.Lt.achd agus eileana na h Alba~ Durr-EudaLn, Balfour, auld, agus Sme11ie, 1767. 21 em, theangaicht' Oln 8f,US Ghreugais German '-62. Das h53 .. New Testamet, so dur-ch den hochge Le r-t.enHieronymem Emser sml:l.gen verteutscht unt.er- des durchlouchtigen hoshgebcr-nen .fi~n"'st.l~n und harrn. Her-rn Geor-ge n Her-z ogen zfi Sachaaen , usw, regim.t:ln'l:. aUBsge~ gangen 1st. Freyburg im Dreyszrsaw: DUTch Johannem FSl'brum Juliacensem, 1539. 18 cmo Das Neue Testament Unsel's Herm JeGU Ch:dstiJ> nebst Psalter nnd Sirnch, yon D. Hartin Lut.hern , Helchonl benge f'uget, €lines capi'i:.als kurtzer Inba1t und eIne amreisung deX' Evsngelien verdeut.scht, jeden und Upisteln. Das Neue Testament h55 .. Joh. Friedr. St.Ohro BibelGesallschaf"li, 1897. Glaube an den Herm .Iosum Chr'Lst.ure, Hnn.8 l3elig. :>t.t:md), 1781. unsex's I-Ierrn und Hel.Landes Jasu ChristL Amoz-Loan'l.eche 13 em" ~)t. Johr.mn·Ls Btldingen; 1879fi London: 12 em .• Apestelgeschichte (Revelations 17 em. New YOl'kt lacking •.) wirst du und dein Krystal-?alast (Bi.ble 80 ,i· t~: ~ i 88 Greek 456. Thoodor- Beza interTeGtamentvr.J., Grnece ec Lotine: Novi tl~9t3.m8nti a1 t.or-a pars, complutens Apostolicas Ep i st.o'Las &. .flpocalyosin, 1590. 20 em. Novvrn Lesv Christi prete. Lugdurri Bat.avorumt Ex officina El.z evi.r-Lann , J62h. C:"it1e nage bear-s date 1624 but acivorti30r1'llmt says 1633.. Thi!> in t.he s ec onci of the Elzevir editions and in the p ref'aoe Htextus r-ocept.us" appears for the first time.) 12 em. Novum Testr:wlentum. Novum Testamentum cum l'9ctionibu8 vur-Larrt.Lbua mBS. exemp1arium, ver-s i.onum, 58 Patrum t~s cr-Lnt orum ecc1esiastieorum; e· in easdem not·is. Accedunt, Loca acr-Lpt.ur-ao par-a Ll.e La a1iaque exeget1.ca &: 8w)end:l..x ad var-Lant.es lectiones. Joannis l·lillii, trans.. C'xonii s t.hca t.r-oShe Ldorri.anot Guil. Lancas t.er-, 1707.. 37 em. ed:LtioDl.1ffi j NOVt1r!l Testamentum. Juxta exemplar Hi1l1.,;l.num. Typis Joannis Baskerville Oxoni1!1 €I t.. ypog:t~apheo Cl.arendonf.eno , aumpt.Lbue Acadermae , 1763. 2) ern. •. 1+60••. Novurn Jesu-Christi T'arisiist Novum Testamentum Londini: Testamel1tum, ad exemplar Vaticanum Barbou, 1767.. 16 em.• accurate ~··(lvlsU.lil. Domini nostri Jesu Christi: Jnt.er-nr-e te Thaocloro Beza , J. R•. & C. Rivington, at a L, J/ 1781'~ 16 em, 462. Novum Testa.mentum Londini: Domini N()1'3triJesu Christi: Interprete Theodoro Boza. Scateherd B•. '\,\Jhitaker, J •• BuckLand, at al., 1787 •. 17 em. 1+63. Novum 'I'es t.amerrbum, cum ver-sl one Latina Ariao j~ol1it<l:nt, in quo turn selecti ver-s Lcu Lf 1900" qm.bus omnos Nevi, Tt9stamenti voces continentur as t.er-Lac Ls not.ant.ur-j t.run omnes &: at.ngu'Iae voces, semel vel aaep'l.us oocui-r-ent.ee , pecu.Li.ar-i, nota d i.s t.Lnguunt-ur-, Auctore Johannl~ Leua« don, pZ'ofes~,or.9~ Bditio prima aner-i.cana r oua plurima I,ondinien:3:1.,:;;err'ate; d:iJ..:Lgentissime ar.:."tmadiHn"S9.7 c.ox·rigllnt.urt cuz-a Johann:is T~ii'.dGts.. Philadelphlae~ ex Officina. c Lass i.eas Impensf.s S. F~ Brad•.. Ji)l.}" Novu):" ford ." 1806 T®E;t;;i.lwwd;:um d 18 em Gr8.ecuJiI. b Londini: Gulielmus Pickering, 1828.. 9 em.• 465. NoV\.1r'I T~d;:;:':'l!l\:m:•..cum &0 exomp LarGr:Lo-nlbachi:i..v prH'8dpuis Hil1ianum cum emendat.Lord.bua et Leot.Lorri.bua v ocLbus t:J11ipticis, thematibus omnium vocum dtfficiJ.:inrnm at.que LocLs :3cripturae paralle1is, studio at J..r~b()r€J Gulielm:i. Greenfield.. Londtrri s Sumptibu8 Samuo1is Bagster 8"t. fi'., 1829. JOl~!1I•• h66 •. cum v ar-s i one latina Ar-La o Hontnni, in quo t.nm flelecti v'D'::-:;:icuJ.i 1900~ cutbus omnes NovI Testnmenti voces cont.tnerrtur-, :w tl":Jt'icis sic not ant.ur-j t.um omnce et s i.ngu Lae voces semeI vel ;g;~l.i:ipiu.s occurr-ent.ea peculiari nota d Lat.Lnguurrtur-, Auctors Johanna I,l;!i:l.!JII:klfj" Pblh\'il:~1ph1_a: J. B. U.ppincott, 1867. 19 em, lJoVUil' 'I'est.arnerrtum 467. Novnm Ter:lt8.mentum graoce. Ad antiquissimos testes deriuo r-eoenauf.t , flpDP.lr,'l.tum ()rHicum apposu lt Constailtinu3 Tischendorf. Edt tio oct.nvo cr-i.td ca maior. Lipsiae: G16BElcke &. Devr-i.ent., 1869-94. 22 IJlTI. 3 vola. (VoL 3 bears imprint: Lipsiae: J. E. m.nrichs, 1894.) 468. The New Tes tament; in the original F03sv:estcot.t nnd Fenton 1925. 1111.11.'1n Company , lexicon on the NOH Greek , T110 text revised by Brooke .Iohn Anthony Hart. New York: Tho 118C- 22 (~:ith crn , this :ts bound a Greek-English Testament by H. J. Hickes.) 469. The Four IJospels 01' the Now Tes t.oment., in Greek from the toxt of Gricsbach; with a loxicon in English of all the words conta tnec in , them. Designed for the use 01'schools. Boston: Cumll1j.ng~) Hilliard, and Company, 1825. 23 era. Italian 470. II vange Lo <U San }1arco.. Oberosler, 1924Q Traduzione di Nicolo 'I'ommaaeo , Bologna: G. 9. omo Japanese }.j.7l. The ]1r~:ln~!\1:;11:;!!I.1IH:il'lt) puhl Lshed by the If.!9!.~.,11 Bible Societies' Committee for Japan, em, Jnvanese 472. The IIL",'\t!'r'c:li~t.SlYnent 10:2:9..25 tr.'l.nslated into Javanese em. Judeo-Polish h73 • •Judeo,·Polt:lh ;.!JI:~·H To:,'tJ'tP'iunt.. 1899. 18 em. by G~ Buokriez-, SEir~mpo~: 90 Latin 1.~71~. Xl ri\1ovc, '!rr.li;l:'1:.I;u:nento dt .YeDvChristo nos t.rc s i gnot-e Latino & volg.r"re d'l.J:E.:;:·'1"ntementetra datto da I teste Oreco, f,: conforito con molt a ill:Ll!jT'i;! traduttirmj. vo.l.gar-t g~ Latino Le traduttioni corr-Ls podenti Jllilt;;Jllli 13. 11 .f.{ltr,~fi: partite per versetti. Lyone r Guillal rll)tl' !11.( .. J.o, v' t'C'P, .L,,;>;J,.ln ] 'l .•. .; -..s em. 475. Nouua T~llf:;\~ •• amerrbum I...'3.ttnL'l. Secundum ed i tionem Sancti Hiaronymi ad c:odf.cum manU!3'c:l"iptorum fidem r-ecensuerunt , Eohannea h'ordslvorth Ill't; Henr-i.cus Inli~J.'1.U;g 1;lh1 te. 0-.w • n:i.i: e typographeo C'Lar-endorn.« ano, 1911. 17 ern, 11alayan 1+76 •• Qnc1Jflu 11 Khudus I!l 1.1,77,. ltld:l.,~! df,-n Q:i.rJ;.:! i elJne8~hh De Bondarhar-Lem, U a .::,';lkhp inja. 182). 22 em. '1'har:r8H T'I::d:w"liJnt. of ClUJ' 'A wleh Lord and. Savior Jesus Christ, .1ahij.s, 'eo- translat.ed into t·::,,:, >blayan :U,:l:'.rrtl.age. Cottayam: Printed at the Church M~,8s:ton Pi'll\l'ii:l ror t.he !{mdras Auxiliary Bible Society J 1829. 22 em.• rlongolian h78. Tho :!iinf 'Z'c;;;t,,"i"iJi:i'llt of tr!i:l 01:':;:gina1 Cnr Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ; translated out of G);,t;Jt3k into the I1ongol1an language by F.dward Stallyb::'~t.13::1 and 1(}il):imm S'tvan. London: Wtl1ian;: ';Ilatta, 1846. 26 em•• Muskogee 479. Pu prcase 20mEJt Klist en Testament }1ueusat. Kl ekv'Ike coh oyvte aos sen tohtv leeihaet as. 1906& 18 em. pu H'es&yvcv Ceavs em purrvkv nrv of'v enhvt.eceskv jlr.;erican Bible Society, Negro- EngliJ>h h80 .• Da Njoe Testament va l;)'l) Hasra en Helpeman Jesus Christua. Translo:te<i the Negro-English language by the missionaries of the United Br-ethr-en , London: 1829.. 23 em, into 91 Oriya L~n. r111EJ tfEn. of Our Lord and .:<\Iwior JesUI:l Ghrist in thB A new translation with the former versions t" O:t~iy<1 di li.gen't,ly Compar-ed and revised by the Orissa i<:L!'~::lit;naries. Guttack: Orissa Mission Pr-es s , 1840.. "!"ell;~'Li!l,lli·tmt \,li'J:j.::;-l~:!l.gO. Oriyn in Bongali Baptist 23 em. Polyglot 482d 11 ::JVO'l/"O 'l'es t.Lmerrto 01. .JeS'1)" Christo notre signore, Lat.i no at vo'Igar-e tr::,dntto dn} TI~f;It,O Jreeo et conferi to con molto a1 tre trandui t'!i:L one "volg::u'o ~;'i~Latina. Lyone e Appress 0 Guillal Rou'i.Ll.Lo , ~1~;~)i3 •. 12 '~rn~ h83b ~JIJ'li nn t~~:,t~:<i:'lnnt'nn cvm vu Lzat.a interpretatione Latina Graeci con1.nserta: Qu~e quidem 1nterprotatio cum Gr-aecarum "::LI::t.:~,IJnUJn p';'r:I:::::,,1.otated Lsced i.t., sensum, videlicet, magis quam . :':;l::d)~ e:r.:pr:!.!lU!lnH ,r in margine libre as t col1ocata ~ atque 8110. Ben• .\rtae Hont"an:i. FJ:1.spnlensis oper:1 e ver-bo re>ddita, ac di.uer-ao C!1,'l,T',-~(!:tm:-Ll;ll i~r~!:nnre dist:i.ncta, in ei.us El~d; substi tuta locum. Apud ') t, ::-U:!:. (~,,~ 'J .a "'/',' 1619 • 3}) ~'8' I,<OV1.01'e, ,) cm. ;)r.:'I.(;:O·\1'I1\, a ::,;:::.::i:,;1 ::: l:I.Doi~l' La ':::{'i nostre se i.gneur -Ierius C{\rist. 'i'radui t on Fr-auLe Gr',ec, at Le Latin de La vuJgate a jout ez a cote. i\kmvel1e ed Ltrlon , Hons s G. M:i.geJotjl 1673. 18 em. 2 vo.Ls , in one , NOll,Yfi:i1:: '1'r:i:!:L8'11!i~nt. ;!rd,,;? gV8C 485. ~\fc.:!',J.rJ~I'f'c;.~;t.j:im.'::~ll"'t\ln~~)m~;)I~: Latina ver-s ..1C:l'l"m,~!,nic;;:uJin usus s tudf os i 011~J: OPPCHt t~l'nl aed'i. t ions vul&al~j. sin~)! orum vu1gc.tum. Das gantz Neuvo Testil;;;'8:,.,.1; ':ltl 'X'i:l.,~'kl-::;rldam l.atino errt gagcl1 ge::-Ji tzt roi tt aampf don ;]~d TI'!:,!d jL~~1. i:, :::c;ncordantzinn. Zurich ~ Christoffel F:d.eschouer: J :~JS'~ 23 C~r:1 486" {fh,r: Lire and 11oro.13 of Jestls of Nazareth .• Ext.r act-ed Textually from t.he ':;ospels in 3reek, Latin, Fr-onch , and EngLi.sh , by Thomas Jefferson. :,vith an inh"'oouction by Cyrus Adler~ Printing Office, 1904~ 23 cm~ Hashington: Government h87. Horale of Jesus of i'Jazaret.h" H.e~rodu¢ed from the original volume by photographic process ~ Chicago, r1anz Engraving Company, ThE, Lifr;, and 23 em. Portuguese L~88" o 'Jovo JPee>tamento de Noss o Senhcr e Salvador Jesus Christo. Traduzido em Indo-l'ortugueza. Londr-es s J. 'rilling, 1826. 23 em. 92 Scott-.tsh h89. The New T(l';t.ament in Rraid Scots. 1-1ith 8 glossary of ,Scottish 190L 22 Rendered by fIBv • \\lilliam v,'ye Smith t.e rma , Pn1.s1ey: AlexandElr Gardner, cm~ Shawnee )-1-90 •• The Four- C<>::'Q)L31s of Our T...crd Jesus Christ in Shawnee Indian language by ~th':;~IlA:~8 F. /\1£'(0:'<1. Xenia, Ohio: 'He A. Galloway, 1929. 24 em•. ~ . Spanish 491. E1 NU'~llVO 'I'nstaml;;nto do nues t.r-o S&nor Salvador -Jesu Cristo: version de Revisda y corriegidn.. Nueva York: Sociedad B:L'bl:!.'C./ll Amer'?,,(!a::u,111 1878. 14 em. (::1.nJ:'~Lr;j:nn de V~il<'J:t·J:;. L192. El N\:\"r\"ro '!:I':,:rtHll1l'!nto c!.o nues tro senor Y Salvador Jesu Cristo: Version de Cip:d.mCl!} de Vml:1!lra. Nueva York: Soeiedad Biblica Amor-Lcana , lSf;j,. Jh em .n h93. )::1 Nuevo 'l'c::it.ammnto r.hl nuee t.r-o Sen0r .Iesucr-Ls t.o que contiene 6:vJ:.ng{~l'1.c(,)ElS ;iT i'1post61icos. Hadrid: Sm;:iEldai;; Bibl:l.ci!l.j> 1923.. 17 em. Deposi.bo central 108 es cr-i.t os de 1,3 Syri.an lB4. I,OJd.(l< dill cont.tnens ornne s N. T. .5;l'Tiaei di1c t.Lonee et pari,iGulas pid.::\.;:~i~::Lo vocnm qvar-undam pe:CDgd.narum f. in. qvibusdam tant.b.m fk;v '!'" Coc1:i.c:Lb',;;I;1 occur-rentd.um, s". appond'ice qvae exhfbet, diversas ·O)Jl:ct1;\'tJ.onos ~. l':tf1Elcipuis hujus Linguae Doct.or i.bus , in Etir(~p~ c:J']"~3. Nnvum ~('. Syr. hactenus usur-pat.as , Aut.ore Aegiditf (lutbirio Dy:! li;I.I::t\Il'Aj CU!I: (I 0 Hawburgi; 1667. (Ne.•v Testament titIe page)) 166.3.) 17 em. r { l 93 495" Y 'JJLbl C:;'nL3eg,,--Ian (l'm.l~·, yr Len hen Des Lanerrt a 'r newydd , Llundaln: "):,1l,~'-k&sket,'i", D ~tobf.lrt R1Skott (a chan wrthdclrych1nid), 1769. 'e) Ci::~tr. 496 .. 'l\j!!~al'l'iI'!on:::i ::l'm,7ydd ef,n F"'rglnydd a I n Hiuehm-tdlJI' Tasu Grist. Bibl Gym1::le1. thns /'m(j:r']>:~fi!Tl.nidd, cscr-ef'r-og newyrid: Sefydlwyd yn y f'lwyddyn .• ].r::.r;){ 12 c·m~1t IJ Yiddish 497 ~ The' Nell!' :'D:!ltnr:!ClGt.. und. [J"ITiF.lt TI"r.n..'31ated by Henry Einspruch. Baltimorot ::,·::;t:lorer Fnundzrt Lon, 1959.. ~~2 em. J,.ewis 9h Hiniature Bi bl~, 49,3. ~'h'8 I-roly "~ihlEI in Shol"t.himdby Jeremiah !l:l_Ch,1 16SSI. 6 em. 3 voLs , boxed. 499. 4Th8 ThlJ,n~!: !l~J::ll,~by John 'I'ay'Lcr-, He,v Yor-k i A. D. F. Randolph, 1888. •• I' ,. , Ltc.i.o ~ 'Tvercum h r it ernum, i.on T d oi , t..9 ':l \ L ;_!'j_~:i1:'8U unod er- ~.' WI!I t: oep on,...LV ill (First 2-cm. / ";0/ 500. The Holy 'Wi.'bJ.econtatn'i,nr:: Old and Nm1 Tcat.amerrts r translated out of thE! original ';;Ol.i;:';I1EiS t and "(~i.th the f'orme r translations diligently arid :l':)Vhled. By i ra,iesty's cpecia1 c ommand , i.rrt t,;) 'be read in chuzches , Qlasg01~: DHvid Bryce; London: Henry F''rti'l;oe at the C'::x.f::)1x:1University Press, 1896. 41/2 em. the (:""nciared h s App o ed 501. The Hal:{ 1~i.ble,cont.af.rri.ng the Fh~'yC:0 and Son; Londorn ~::tl:'t;!Gk to 11 1/2 Old and New Testaments. Glasgow: DaVid Henry Fro •.• xle , 1901. (On cover a medal (:or'\!r:i:mlt)x'ate the cor-cnat.Lon oi' Edward VII and Alexandra.) em, 502", 'i:'h:~~ '101;t ;'!,i",j; r:: cor,.tsir;j,[lj~ the Old end N'el.J Testaments. New York: Hiniature :1.:'!_,I;:l: . \.r;lV1.~Y Pu1:~l'i..l:;hers, printed by Schmidt 1:, Gunther, Leipzig, 1927. $' cr~!lp 1::1 503. The Ne\1' '('er::t,a!lll!mt of (\,r Lord and Saviour Jesus Cbrist. No ini'orrr:aticn. and Saviour Jesus Christ. No information. 2'2'11 pages. ] 1/2::::n4 50),~. '[,ho [feu, rJ';:f1~;:,a~II,!mtof C\tr Lord i I f i ';r;x'l:;, L,:l.M1 Year; Tb OUf.:;h ts in n'I~, tl'll~ ;"8I:n·. 'London: (' It:rj'''3'''I''1 r!!l~""!'J!1 ")''''j nt.er-) !.. • ' • ".,... t, "_ L .J. , Verse for t.he Sundays and Holydays t.hr-oughHenry F'].:c,~)r.l;O;} O;(.Ji'o;r'd Unf.ve re L ty Preas 1827 • S .LI 2 COl • Of t "Ii,,; 11"'11.\:;a:Ueon ;(J:i' Gi'irlst.!> four books by Thorm3s At Kempis.;rev:l.sed transJ..'it.-i.tn::. I,ond(},::i~ Henry FTO"me; (Hor-ace Ht;n·t, printer to the uniVol rs f.t y), 199~:;.. 5 1/2 ern, ' 507. The ,;hild '/s WLb1eand Prayer Book by Cecil c, Oarpent.er-s: 'Peoria, 'The Baby Bible &. Prayer Book Company, 1932~ 4 1/2 em. Ill.; Prayer 508. Pocks .and administ,:ri~tion of the sacr-ament.s , and other r:Ltes and c er-ernorri.as of the Church, uccord i.ng to the use <>1'tho Church of f.:ngland, together vri th the ?s~l.lter, or Psalms of David, p oi:o,tc,d Otto; UH~JI' arc to be sung ~)Y.' said in church es • Lond on: John B:J.ll. and Christopher Barker, 166':;. 16 em. (Bound ·'hlj.th this :J.1:; '("1.'D.J 1..a.a . -. l6'"'l ol9.cr8." ..O-L. ) Tho Book of Common t'r3yer, .1.). !'09 e 'I'he dook ::))'> C\)illmOn '?rayer and administration of thIS< sacraments and other ::'\.t~:l~rand ceremonies of the Church together lrl. th the Paa I tor or P:'!1:1.1ml~of David. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1673. ]}, ern, 510. The 30ak of Co:rmnon-Pr~I;(.or, and adm.i nl s t.r-at.Lon of the aacr-arnent.s , and other r:Lt'''!8 and G(!lt'';''(!:Cln.:1.{38 of the church; HccorOing to the use of the Church ofj:ngland; together ,,:rith the Psalter or Psalms of David, pointed as tbo,S' are to be sung or said in chur-ch es , Oxf'ord r P:'inted at -thEl '?he"lter, and are to be sold by 'I'homas Guy. London: 168B. 35 em. (\'iith this is bound The Holy Bible, 1688.) 511u and administration of the sacraments, and other l'"l.tr,~S nnd c;l,rr'i;'):'.:o:mies of the church, according to the use of the C!'\'Ir:!"Dhof (li:jri;::1and; together Hith the Psalter or Psalms of David, p;d.n~;':Jd 8.[;: t.hr::::i' are to be sung or said in churches. London e D,'tn'(;,;:d by ':~l'm:l~h~s Bill, and the executrix of Thomas Neucomb , cl!"II::r:,I~~;id» 1697.. 20cm~ (Psalms have special title page: London: p:I·:1.IJI:;~'''~by ,J •. l:j:op'tinstall for the Company of Stationers!l' J.699.) ThliJ! '::Ioolc nf' 'rho llook n.f GOI~::lllon Prl:I,;j'fn:', :h,.'i./Dr, and admt.m.s t.r-at.Lon of the sacraments, and other ~~(tl"emonies of the church, accord'Lng to the USEY o f the Ci':UT't::h of Englund: tcget.her with the PS8l1"ter or Psalms of DaVid, "pc':1.:::l"I~(Jd as thE!~;' are to be sun~; or- sa1d :in churches. Oxf'ord r F'r~Ln'\>Dd fJ\i ,JOhll Baskett, 1715¢ 35 em. (Hi.th this is bound The E(l1.y· IJLh1e and Paa.lms , 1715-10.) C("I!i'JOU r~'..tet:ill\::1d The' ,)ok ; ::' ::;'c>il'dnOn :;":ra:~n:>r .•• and admini8tr,;~t,1un 01' ·GU.i~ aaor-amerrbe , and other of the C):'~r('ctl i),f i;:nl{L!m,d: 'togethor Hi th tho PcEtltGr or Psalms of Dnvid, ri::J nt.(:<:[ 01/'1 'i. h'~'J" arE; to be sung or- oed.c, in chur ches j and t.h G form OJ:' :!1.,~,nnorof rlJEddng, orda i.n'Lnz , and cons scr-at ing of bi[::bop~i:, priests, ar: d d(:)seonf:l.. CHmbridgo: Jos eph Bentham, pr-trrter- to the W1iversi ty 175'86 30 em. :dt8;~3 and cl:!'i\"r:tr:;()nies of the chur-ch , ::,.ccording to the US0 5140 Th'8 r~)ok cf Common Pr-ayer-, and administration of the. aacr-ament.s and other r~.tos and c eremoni.es of tho chur-ch accord i.ng to the use of the Church of Englsmd: together Hith the Ts&J..ter or Psalms of David, pc Lnt.ed as they ar-e to be sung or F.ll9.id in churches. Edinburgh: D. H. Blair and .J. Bruce, 1807. 11 era, (Psalms have special title page, 1809 ..) II Book o:t C'1:mrrnon Fr::ly~,r.J and nclrrd.nistr'."!tlon of the aacr-amerrt.s and other :ll~'i t'el6 and cErr.~tIllDn1-e5 of the church , acc ord Lng to th~ use of the rln1.ted Crmrch tlfii:ngland and Il"08lail.dt tOGether vd.tho t.he Pealtar I!:j::~ :Pf:I.~!ilm8of l;lllnd.d 1I poin tad as they are to be SUl1J3' or said in ~:::hu:rdt),~~s. Chrfcl1(',d: Clarendon ;'1:'033, S,:unnel Col1intr"iOod and 1.:1o~lij')mT1Y;) ]B~~JL"1~ em, (Special title page for ?s(-.llm6 is undat.ed s) 516 •. ~n~l~ IlOI!lk nrt' of' tho sacr-amerrts and other the church acco rdtng to the USG or tho T:n~it-'l1Jd Churdl .of :~ngland and Lre Land , to;;other y,'ith th~ PElalter, r:l!' ~):~~l.1mf.lr.rf LHi,;d ..d; Ln c:t!~ht Inn;;u.ngos; i:liitr':le1y, En~lish 11 /r6ncrl, Tt;DJ.~.,;l.J1, J~;n'iI:,:,.i'J' ~:D.nnieh, ~r'oek, anc i eut. ~<('.tCl modo rn LatJ.r.:, t to \:.'hich 1!,Y.'ill; -~\ddBd th(;i :no'C'ViC9S \lSO(~ at. ~;t~ajJ thr:) ser-vi.ces for tl'1·8 :?9th and :::Oth '!:l.r .TnnttDt'Y.l' 8J1d tho 5th of Hovm.lberj; vith the form and manne ; .",~ ,., ':..C'... d·.'·t.,,·.'. • con,;o.!!:.t".,,,,I,,cUt!. ~",~.~ '.~.. 1"l"h .......t,.,o,·,,· and ,.·,;dld"'.!.hff.l' 'i';!ld•.J.tnl.n(~, ano C) •.•••. ops, prl.,.. ..."'\'~" nnc f1::Jlll.'ltOn fl"lhysr and o.dmin1.3tntion ::":tt!!ln and CiH!:!"!'JI:-:o~1ies of C~~,~I t;{;';~lE $ nl~1 (I the thirty-nine tl:t+'Uolo8 of" religion, used ll'1i tho oorrvocat.Lon of :::amuel n.:1i;fd:,IJ1;'D J£~~J... 29 em. i,.:~:::-:U.!'i)'~!mdt.ht'l serv toe t:m':~on.~ ?dnt::!·d for ", I (" 11 1 i) "I" ;;.!;\,,:·,lH; {).J.. tJe,t'ly.i t:t'u,s-k n , in Lntin and clergy. (Contl1:1.l1il book the .".. ,,---_.-----. )17. C:G"nm':;:Ci PrEiYDrj and adnri.n).stl';~t:l0n of the sacraments, and othQr f.H:it"ii;::r.;niet'l of the chur-ch ac ccrd+ng to the uso of the ·r'1]t.G,i;i:.ant :::::r.d, uccpa L Church :tn tho Un1.t..ed Dtat;)s of lUllorv:h:a. Tor'J'c~,e?' ilrith th-G Psalter, or Psalms of David. PhilHdel:ph:i.~L: Thf~ ';?N)k or l"H:!~3 JtXH:i r: lshop!,\·hl te k'rayer~~Book Gooiety, 18)6. 16 em. 518. The Book of CommonPrayer- and administr?tion of th(~ eacr-smerrtaj and other rit.es and ce renorri.es of tho church, accor·ding to th8 use of the J>,otestant :::p},scopal Church in tho unit .•. ,~ ~)tates of America: tot!,~ttla:r ,<lith th~ Psalter, or j'::;alflls of !]~'\rid.. NO\r1 York: }rewYork Bible and Gommon?r."yer Rook SOCi(3?t.y;, lR690 12 em• .4 The Pray.:!,r Book of Kln~r;<~~h{ard ViI. 1'h(1 Book of Common ?rayer and arl •.• ministr::;tiol1 of the sacraments 1": other d.teD &. diremon1.es of the church accord l ng to the 1]:30 of the church of England; tog0t.hcl' "l,ri tb tho Ponlt0t" OT Psa Iras of Dmvid 3 po~;.nt.oo as they are '1:.0be ~1.m? or sald in churches; E: the form t.: manner- of nw.kingjl t)rdaining~ 81;-£] conaecr-at.Lng of bishons, ny'1.ests jI and dcacons , Lend on: Eyre (,: Spottiswoode,. printed at the Dross of the Guild or HM1,Cl5..cra1't: b::}.rf;·~G!'l 1901 fInished 19030 (neatgns and t;'t1)fZ; by C" H. fu;;hh813 ~) 520 •. 'l'!H~ lilook 01' COFJ:T).Otl Pra}tJ r and ndrrd.ni[;tr~,t1.on 01" th(~ sacrament.eJ t: other' - 1"1.t!'}8 and cor-eraonf.ec of tho chur-ch according to thA use of the Chin'cn of I?'ngl"md» together \oJl th tllEI ro nn and mannerof makf.ng , o~:'\lir.dnine, and conseor-a' in;.; of h1.shops)} T)r'les'ts and deacons , Clxford: UniVf.1rsi ty Pross, 1927. 22'::111. (The book o f 1662 'to.1.th addt tions .Sind dovia'Gions appr-oved L: 1-./27.) :'ook tOi~ther ()t Common rray15'r and adrrr1.nt.s t.:ru t.i,.OD of' tho eacr-ement.s Jrsenwich ~ Conn .•: :~€/abury Pr-es s of the Pro1·r\th the F'saltl:l!"" ~""bstD.nt Ii:tJi:3copal Church, 19534 om" lL 97 Eln vollstllnd1.ges G~~betbuchfur .fromme Kllthol:t.ken. und verbesserte Auagabe , Bamberg: Zu habe D~r l:'mtend,!~Clwtst. ~~I!"lro!:'~!';I' 'V1;JrmElhJ,·ft",8 hd.Jhd~, :L!:!SS Buchbinder, Peter Dt::~I1'~ilrn()kerei.,u .d , gedruckf 5.n oar Humsnnj schen 17 em, 523. Ch€ll~~dC<S8 l:iYl"l1 1:1(0):: .j:!(lr.l~yLled .i~r :or1.(i.:lI1. from several authors and revised • Socioty, nvd, 13 em. Ph:l.ladelphla: r'[I·':lti~;t.Publication ot In~t.t·uni~iones chr-et.Lennee et Het.ra1.t.e spiri t.ue Ll.e, par Le Jesus. A Ansver-s e Aux depens df; la Compagnie, 1734. 17cm. (Fr..om p~p:e 5, the text has been pas ted and tho center removed to .form a box.) ~ ExhO,··tel."l;)'·;H Bourda.l.oue P"':T{!1 The , de La Compagrri.e de I~alled BenOOi(.!tu8, also the order- for daily evening prayer as set frwth for the use of the chur-ch by t,be Gener-a L Convention of 1886. No:.; York: The Now York Bible and Common Prayer-Book So·ciaty, 1889. P:rinted by C. J. Clay & S0113 8\t tJw University Press. 14 em. ;1.:¥1f/]j,·1 Hymns anc:l.ent 528. and moder-n 't.,rith introits and anthems for use in the services of t.he church. London: l,\jilliam Clm-IC and Sons, nvd , 12 em" NisBale Roman vm ex docreto sacrosancti concilii tridentini rest'i t.utum, FYI V. Pont .• :Max. Jussu edi turn, et C'Lement.Ls VIII •. Pri1O.um. nunc dO:)l1uO vzbarrl, papae oatavi auctori tate recognitum. Hon1.lchlj: ex o!:':ftcina .Ioanrrl.a Jackl.Lne , typographi electoralis & blbliopolae, 1',103. 529. The monastio tbe diurnal holy 195'7.. 16 rulo or day hours of the monastic breviary according to of Saint Benedict. London! Oxford University Press, em, ,. 530 •. Olm:'r hymns in three books. Chf.swi.ck r c. y,;hellingham, 1822. 11 em, 531 •• 'l'ha 'I'almud; . selections merrbar-Ies, from the contents of that snct ont book, its comt.each Inga , poetry and legends. Hso brief sketches of the men Villa made and commented upon it, translated by H, Po'Lano , London, New York: F.• "larne, nod" from the 29 em. 532. Test",ment:'7m et pact.Lones initiae inter Mohamedem at Christianae cul'i:,oros.. Parisiis! Ant.orrlve Vitray, 1630. 19 em, fidei original f· !. Hanuscript,,J1; -.....;.;.......•. -.~...., 533. ?:lbl·J ~'I)!.t,::;Ct';L1I:\t,'li Old '1::ln"1i;ament. Engli[-;I:i. tl"an.s:L1.tcion of the Old t£.sste.(By sovGllnu,l hands, 19th Century.) nli'~i1it l'l:'om th~ B>&"br€lw. .S3h. 2~i;i(! ':!;i;!'i"~i:pt,;; ( 01d:i.'~~r-jt.;iment. Lntin :'iG:(ji.tI~;c~:r':L~:I'I;, of the Old Tasrt;amant. only II ) Fr.'>::.b.Bbly 15th CenturJ. 'flU!''!:, One 'l;h:I:'~:i\]q~hPa aL"llS 535. a '·'1.mml'l~11:"1.:J'1i; of tho Bible in W!'t1.,n. Executed in Engl.'lmd) ::'G\tt~,he m:td,dlJU: of the J..4th Century. .ft':"l! 536. Codm ..1le::cn.nd rtnus.. A facsimile of the Now Testament portion of tho {)i~e(,k m8.nuscript known 6sthe Codex A10:>:andrinus. .?rinted for t'll0 D:d..ti1lh j-iumr::um by thS (}<.lforo University Press, 1909. i~ 5370 Cod~" Sini,,:aicv8 Petrop{)litanvD. A fscsi.m1.1e of the N0W Test.,am/vut, the g';'il~t.le of Bm.-.uabns ~ and the Jhophf.lr.d. oj;" ~ermaB from the manu» scrlpt then in the Impartal Lib1rlECr.Y.a.t St", Petersburg. Oxford. Clarendon Press)) 1911. 538. tvash:tnstO'i'l Coda""C.. Fac13imile of the \\'atlhington J:nD.Uuscript Gospels in the Freer oollection" l'lici1igan, 1912" Ann Arbor= of the Jii'our University I()f' 5390 The Four Gospels of the Codex Corooiensis t.oge't,her ~:Ltbfragments from. the liJ.eury Palimpsest~ edited by Edgar Siml:t':mil;I., Buchenan, o..Ai'ord. Clarendon Pres IS II 1907. Code:'H: COl.;l:oe:l.li1lnsis", • 99 .Addonda and &rilJ:-':}:~u:'d .~,s, 'h:; tf.:nent Corri,;~~~, ~~!:~~IEi of the Patriarchs ChiOiraG\~~trS from Various ~Alc!,;;r.~jI:iIT85. <wd. Prop':~ets Sour-caa , New and Otl~~,,£ ..gld Joml B. York: 541. Ber-gh.iLt.s , Gtllstaf r..(Hlf'"U2Y;OSo Ji'redr1.ke, Di.a Lect.s editor. The Lord's and Versions of the rF~:Tn:tidint;n-;es-and 542. vernaculars Prayer \~orra. in the Principsl Chicago: lB"81:i: of the different na.tions.) The Hible ~:;LEvery Lemd, Hultae Terricolis VLngun€l Goelestibus Una. A HiEitory of the Sacred Scriptures in Every Language and Di.1!i1ect into 'tihich 'I'r-aneLat.Lons Have Been Hade.. London: Samuel :Bagster and Sons, 1860. 26 em. 543. Fleistliche. --on r51 German Bestiary, fly leaf hynmal and prayer book. (Dated by hand 1650.) bdr'~cllj) (}:'«u'les A. History of the United Stat.es. Hartford: 1824. (l':~:t.:l"'. engr"ic<;rsd'titlo page reads: HA History of the United States ):jV6}\J <}~" :;n~slr~c:a .•.from the First Discovery to the Fourth of H8.l"Ch, l(2).. ~J6:W York: Rusae H Robbins, 1825.11) '_ AS~vJ.\) I 51-15 •• Dt:l Kl€!tn€.1 Print-Bybel. SOli} .• (A hieroglyphic Bible .•) Amsterdam: 1772. )~l:(!llruhlr,ll·!1.1'!:.j, Hermanaz oon Van Rijn. t.ho Sit? •. Stephen, f.~;tster' s Graphic Tho Rembrandt Bible, a Selection '(";ork. *NO\-l York: dreystone i5~ E. and J. D. Jones.. dii.t;)rd Ll;y:fr Tonau ac Emynau. Gan B. Hughes ali Fab•• 17 em. from Wre:xhams 51.18 •• (Title) pago m1.saing) The Bible. The gene a'l.og i ea recorded in the aacr-ed scriptvres, According to euery family and tribe with t.be linl~} of our Saviour -Jesvs Christ obserued from Adam to the blessed: v:1,rgin i-lary.. By J. SOl London: Christopher Barker. 1614!o' 21 em. . 549. (Title page missing) The Bi.ble with annotations and a concordance by Rob(:lrt F. Harrey, London s Robert Barker, 1615. (A reprint of tht'1 version of 1560.) 22 em•• ,S50 e The 551.• NO'll,;' TGs,'i:arnent, of Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Chr-Lst and the P:;;alms.. New York: American Bible Society, 1875. 17 The Bible in Greek. London r Samuel Bagater, Bags'car pocket B:tblmso) Book (:,1" em •• 1829 •. 10 em •• (One of the • Ii ft·: Ii f' tH' " I! :i a· n:: 100 ;:';! 552. Vorsioncsque Pr-aec i.puaa k'" t;· [,; ~~ ~;, .. r- .•~ R: f r 553., Archetypos ~'" " t, Te8t..:~ttlant:i Veteris Biblia Sacra Sive Libri Canonici Prisc~l(:~ Eudaeorum Ecelesiae a Deo traditio London: G~ Bishop, R. l'Iel-lberry and :(ob~~rtBarker, 1593. (In six volumes "rlthout ti tIc page to the wholeworka The Beza New Testament is dated 1592.) 28 em, Bibl:l!.ti1 Sac:rH Po Lyg Lot t.a Tcstus ~r ( t ab Eeclesia t.nti.quitus Receptus neenon Versiones Reeentiores t Gel"manic:l."l1" Italieam, Gal1ic.'1m et Hispanlcam, Cl.ll'llplcctentia. Accedurrt Pr-o'Iegomena in Textv.'I Ar-che t.yporum, lhll"fliol1umque Antiquarum Crisin 1.ite ral.em Auctors Samuela Bie , .. ~~. ,1\:nglicanslIl,1 Lue , london: Pllg~rteriana. ) Samuel Bags ter-, 1831. 42 em. f , { ~. (Polyglotta [ r I 55u. }-tl.ssmlc Sl.l1.nburgensa. Fiftaemth century manl.,script on paper in brown (~&lf binding_ 555. Tabula Biblia l!.uctori tattun. CLild~:'1:'1m":~;;II. -Joharmes •• i:Jr.!iICb;; 556. m1 lh81. ?..epel~"t.~il."h:lil.;\postillt.lrt1l'll nalis., B ... cisilt em. (Hal n 4247).. nrluaqui . , tost":!~'T!t;mti domini. Peter Hugonie Cordi•• 1504. 36 em. 6 vola. 557. Bibll!,F.! nm~~lr~d.cnffcma inl;im:-linearl i.nt.crprotatione Lati.na Xentis P[:\,is:::lin1. tJ.c8n:s~i.t~~i '~;llGequidem intJ!}rpt'$ttttio, cum ab Hebraicarom dicltionU7a prt.!j:l1l"'l.cr'w.to dis codi t Jf sansu:;il51 videl1.cot, magis ,;;;l;t,fJ\i!n verba exprimens 3 Ln r:".;lrgin-m libri cs·c collocatoj ;ntq'Ue ~~lla Ben., Ar-ln0 Hontl'l.!1iHiBp&llinlsiE1$ :UiOl.""I.'HllSq; oo11nto dia1:iinctcs in locum eat s1ibGtituta6 Acce8s~t Bibliorul1l pm'S quae tI6oroice non reporitur~ item Testo!l1ontum Nom.ml Or~loce cum vulga.ta intorpret.stion~ Latina. Graced. oontoxtus :Liuei.s insert-a.,; Leyden: &.phael Plootin, 1611 .••• 13. 21 crmw (p~rts 1, 2, una ~ only o~ sU: parts). 57. Bound with .l!.:usebius' Life of Constantine. 16 {1. Bound with Book of Common Prayer, 1621. 190. Bound -with Book of Common Prayer, 170O .• 192. Bound with Church of Scotland Psalms, 1679 .• 20L. Bound with Rook of Common Prayer, 1771. 302. Bound v..1. th B:Lb1ia Sae ra , 1661. 321. Bound with Book of Common l'r3yer, 168h. S08 •. Bound with Biblia Sacra, 1661. SlOe liound tilth Holy Bible, 1688 .. ~;12•. ~~und with Holy Bible, 171,. .. ',' 1;.