Shabbat 4-18-15 - Beth El Synagogue
Shabbat 4-18-15 - Beth El Synagogue
“Home of the International USY Chapter of the Year 2012-2013” Hakol · April 17 & 18 2015 · 29 Nisan 5775 Welcome to Beth El Synagogue! If you are new to Beth El, we’d love to meet you! Please introduce yourself to the In honor of the upcoming wedding of Justin Walder and Carly Torch, Justin’s parents, Jim & Sue Walder are sponsoring the Kiddush and Congregational Shabbat Luncheon. All are invited to attend in the Leonard & Fay Ribnick Kiddush Hall and the Gruman Social Hall. greeters, clergy or officer sitting on the bimah. To learn more about Beth El, contact Linda Goldberg at [email protected] or 952.873.7302 or Abbe Payton at [email protected] or 952.873.7303. Todah (thank you) to our Torah readers Parashat Sh’mini - שמיני Wedding Anniversary - Mazal Tov! Leviticus 9:1-11:47 (p. 630) Howard & Beverly Radin on their 40th on April 12 1: Shayan Gilbert Burke 2: David Ozer 3: Richard Ozer 4: Steve Rose (anniversary of his Bar Mitzvah) 5: Alan Yousha Rabbi Davis is accompanying Cantor 6: Cindy Witkin Abrams’ Eastern Europe trip while she 7: Jenny Hage M: Jenny Hage addresses family matters. Please note: The Gun Violence Prevention program originally scheduled for this Shabbat will be rescheduled at a later date. 10:16-20 11:1-32 11:33-47 11:45-47 Shabbat Morning Greeters - Todah Rabbah: Joyce Prohofsky, Women’s League Mike Blehert, Board Member Steve Rosen, Board Member Aufruf - Mazal Tov! Justin Walder and Carly Torch Haftarah Samuel I 20:18-42 (p. 1216) Paul Tuchman April 18, 2015 Shabbat Minha / 29 Nisan 5775 LILY GRACE ERICKSON שבע-אריאלה בת רוחמה בת Help Us Keep the Spirit of Shabbat In Honor of Shabbat, please refrain from the following activities: photography or writing using cell phones or other electronic devices wearing perfume or cologne (the person sitting next to you may be allergic) At the conclusion of services, please pick up papers from the pews and discard appropriately. Thank you! 9:1-16 9:17-23 9:24-10:11 10:12-15 Daughter of Bret & Rachel Erickson Lily will be called to the Torah at the Shabbat Minha service. Shabbat Morning Schedule 9:00 am 9:00 am Shabbat Morning Services Childcare begins for 2-10 year olds (at 10:00 am older kids move to classroom 2) 9:30 am Shorashim 9:30 am TaRBuT 11:15 am Junior Congregation Fiterman Chapel Classroom 3 Classroom 6 Locations Vary Spiegel Sanctuary DROPS OF TORAH כב:ויקרא ט : הָּׂ עָּׂ ם וַ יְבָּׂ רֲ כֵם וַ י ֵֶרד מֵ עֲׂשת הַ חַ טָּׂ את וְ הָּׂ ֹעלָּׂה וְ הַ ְשל ִָּּׂמים-יִּשא ַאהֲ רֹן אֶ ת־י ָָּּׂׂדו אֶ ל ָּׂ ַו Service Times Erev Shabbat Kabbalat Shabbat Candle Lighting 5:45 pm 7:16 pm Yom Shabbat Shaharit 9:00 am | Minha Havdalah Leviticus 9:22 “Aaron raised his hands toward the people and he blessed them. He descended [from the altar where he] had offered the sin-offering, the burnt-offering and the peace-offering.” 5:45 pm 8:17 pm Sunday Shaharit 9:00 am | Minha 5:45 pm Daily Minyan Shaharit 7:00 am | Minha 5:45 pm The choreography in this verse is very explicit. The image of Aaron raising his hands in the difficult priestly three-point form, standing high above the people, resonates with those of us familiar with dukhenen, as well as the avodah service of Yom Kippur. Raising the hands is a choreographic parallel to the elevation of holiness. One raises the hands while those surrounding raise their intention, their spirituality and their awareness of the Divine. Aaron raised his hands as a way to begin blessing the people. When his hands reached their apex, in service of and to God, the people were aware that they were in for good tidings and good transition. -AO Rabbi Alexander Davis ● Rabbi Avi Olitzky ● Cantor Audrey Abrams ● Rabbi Kassel Abelson (Emeritus) ● Cantor Neil Newman (Emeritus) UPCOMING AT BETH EL For more information on these programs and events, call the Beth El office at 952.873.7300, or visit The Hevrah breakfast on Sunday, April 19 will be sponsored by The Snyder Family in loving memory of Rosemarie Snyder. May her memory be a blessing. Please consider becoming a sponsor for an upcoming Sunday. What better way to honor a loved one or observe a special occasion? Please contact Lou Jurisz at 612.396.9270 or David Jurisz at 612.987.7644. An Elegant Gala Benefit Concert Sunday, April 19 | 7:00 pm | Beth El Synagogue Beth El Military Support Committee We will be packing donations for our 3 National Guard units THIS Sunday, April 19 at 10:00 am in the Reading Nook. Please come and join us! An Evening With The Cousteau Family Thursday , May 7 | 7:00 pm Don’t miss this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity as Please join us for an elegant evening of entertainment featuring Jean-Michel Cousteau, and his children Celine and music performances by award winning Patty Peterson, Debbie & Fabien, help open our minds to a world of John Orenstein and Bridge’nBloom plus an appearance by the sustainability, conservation, climate change and Chai-light Chorus. innovation. For reservations call 612.270.1705 or [email protected]. For tickets visit Have you read Still Alice yet? Remember Israel’s Fallen Soldiers Tuesday, April 21 | Beth El Synagogue | 7:00 pm Please join us to honor the State of Israel’s fallen soldiers and victims of terrorism as community members share their personal reflections. Our member, Amy Lieberman, through her volunteer work with St. Louis Park ACT on Alzheimer’s has generously donated copies of this book which are now in the Learning Center. Increased knowledge and understanding of the disease is the community-wide goal. Feel free to check them out. And if you are interested in a book club discussion, contact Jan Hamilton at 952.873.7356. IN THE COMMUNITY Keeping the Spirit Alive - A conference for Caregivers and Those Supporting a Loved One with Dementia. Sunday, May 3 | 8:30 am - 1:30 pm | Sabes JCC 651.698.0767 | Beth El Synagogue Blood Drive Sunday, May 10 | 8:00 am - 12:00 pm To sign up, go to and enter sponsor code 0570 or call Judy at 763.522.7202! Ruach Ramah! - 4 day experience for incoming 3rd graders July 13-16 | Ramah Wisconsin | 312.265.6653 [email protected] Free Birthright Trip to Israel for ages 20-26 June 1-11, 2015 | 952.417.2319 | [email protected] Mishebeirakh Shabbat, April 18, 2015 | 29 Nisan 5775 Our community calls to mind and heart the following who are in need of healing. ל נא רפא נא לה-א Shiva, Shloshim, and Yahrzeits Friday, April 17 - Friday, April 24, 2015 28 Nisan – 5 Iyar 5775 Our community continues to mourn the passing of our loved ones. Shiva el na r’fa na la Please God, send healing. ENGLISH NAME Nancy Olkon David Forstein Laura Sheinbein Penny Glassman Skip Shapiro Roni Sippy Harriet Phillips Loni Stillerman Arielle Kaufman David Goldman Harriet Benowitz Steve Trockman Beth Glassman Jan Meyers Scott VanGundy Lisa Heilicher Sheldon Resig Jody Moreimi Ruth Spar Michael Volk HEBREW NAME HaRav Tzvi Hayim ben Leah Ettel Hana bat Sarah v’ Avraham Hayim ben Miryam u-Meir David ben Hai Feige v’ Leibel Tzivah Adina Rachel bat Devorah v’ Yitzhak Rachel bat Dina Miryam bat Rachel Leah Tzipporah bat Toba v’ Yosef Eliyahu ben P’nina u-Varuch Haya Raheil bat Bracha v’ Emanuel Yehudit bat Shaynsa u- Reuvein Pessie bat Rhoda v’ Shmuel Haya bat Nehama Devorah Hana Miryam bat Sh’loma Haya u-Moishe Naomi Yakir bat Zvia v’ Daniel Avraham Yitzhak ben Shoshana u-Gdaliah Orit Haya Hodaya bat Raheil Ariella Dina bat P’nina v’ Roni Liora Shana bat D’vorah v’ Adam Avraham ben Etta v’ Hayim Hana Freidel bat Eitel v’ Aron Ya’akov Yehudah Shmuel Ya’akov ben Raheil u-Mordechai David Avraham Yitzhak ben Shoshana u-Gdalya Bracha bat Sheindel v’ Lazer Gita Haya bat Racheil Moshe Hillel ben Masha Gittel and Yosef Hayim Brina bat Hinda Haya Aliza bat Tzila v’ Amos Yehoshua ben Freida v’ Lippa Yehudit Aliza bat Rivka Rut bat Sarah Moshe ben Masha Yehudit bat Reizel v’ David Sharon Tapper Pearl Reiner Mary Louise Clary Minnetonka Blvd. Bridge Over Hwy 100 and All Ramps Closed Until Fall To plan ahead for alternate routes to and from the synagogue call 511 or 651.296.3000 or visit To accommodate those who cannot attend, Beth El is proud to offer live, online streaming of this and other services, as well as certain lifecycle events, classes and lectures. For details contact Raquel Swanson at 952.873.7305 or [email protected]. BETTY SMITHBERG – BAT-SHEVA MIRYAM BAT MORDECAI V’ HAYA SEYMOUR MILAVITZ – SIMHA VOLF BEN BARUCH SHAUL V’ HENNA RAIZA IRVING SWEET – YITZHAK BEN SHMUEL U-FEIGEL ESTHER BURKE – ESTHER PESHYA BAT BARUCH TEVYA HACOHEIN V’ ETTEL SHIRLEE MESHBESHER CLEIN – SIRKA BAT NAHUM V’ ESTHER JOAN WOLF – SHEINDEL DEVORAH BAT YONAH U-VRACHA ROSALIND STOLLER – SHOSHANA BAT SHMUEL V’ KALA JUDY CANTER MEYERSON PATTON CARNEY PRUNTY Shloshim Stephen Silverman Yahrzeits 28 Nisan / Friday, April 17 Etta (Evelyn) Abramson Yehoshua (Simon) Epstein Elka (Alyce) Haimes Elyah (Albert) Kaplan Tybe (Toby) Kaplan Harvey Levin Patricia Lundgren Shifra Faiga (Sylvia) Rockler Moshe (Morris) Trockman 1 Iyar / Monday, April 20 Tzvi (Herbert A.) Chernoff Avraham (Albert) Forbes Ronald Geller David Kolinsky Frimma (Florence) Nissman Michael (Melvin) Sadoff 2 Iyar / Tuesday, April 21 Mendel (Morris) Balick Ruchael (Robert) Calmenson Zev Ya'akov (William) Garvis Efraim (Frank) Goldberg Sender (Sandra) Goldstein Mindel (Minnie) Heft Yosef (Gordon) Slovut 29 Nisan / Saturday, April 18 Malka (Manya) Buslovich Faiga (Florence) Friedman Laya (Lois) Goldish Matel (Maxwell) Greene Ata Gendler Haet Nechama (Ann) Kollins 3 Iyar / Wednesday, April 22 Rasha Esther (Rochelle) Milchman Moshe (Moe) Mendelsohn Penina (Pearl) Shapiro Yosef (Joseph) Orenstein Herschel (Harry) Silk Mordecai (Max) Schuster Shoshana Ruth (Rosemarie) Fabrega de Snyder 4 Iyar / Thursday, April 23 Sander (Sam) Soltan Sidney Cohen Uda Malka (Ida) Dien Kozlen 30 Nisan / Sunday, April 19 Haskell (Charles) Pinkus Ariah (Leon) Drew Sholom Mordecai (Max) Sadoff Naftali Zav (Harold) Frailich Avram (Arnold “Arnie”) Weinberg Hershel (Harold) Haskovitz Moshe (Misha) Kuperman 5 Iyar / Friday, April 24 Bale Kvasnik Shmuel (Sam) Benenson Udell (Idell) Levitt Marion Brazeman Yosef (Joseph) Pase Feivel (Philip) Dolinsky Avigdor (Victor) Rosenblum Benyomin (Ben) Evidon Else Straus Aharone (Harry) Fisher Riesna (Rita) Fogel Yosef (Joseph) Kay Aharon Ya’akov (Orion) Silverman We recall with sorrow the recent loss of: Army Spc. John M. Dawson, 22, from Whitinsville, Massachusetts died 4/8/15 Air Force Tech. Sgt. Anthony E. Salazar, 40, of Hermosa Beach, California died 4/13/15 To learn more about these brave heroes and their stories, please visit: B’nai Mitzvah Israel Bond Program: Beth El and Israel Bonds continue to offer our B’nai Mitzvah an opportunity to invest in Israel Bonds. Through the generosity of our congregant, Fern Badzin, Beth El is able to match the amount of the investment. Please call the synagogue office for more information. Gifts Presented to the Bar/Bat Mitzvah A bar/bat mitzvah is a celebration not just for an individual family but for the entire Jewish community, indeed the entire Jewish people. Beth El Synagogue and the Minneapolis Jewish community generously give the following gifts in celebration of b’nai mitzvah: A personalized kiddush cup by Beth El’s Sisterhood & Men’s Club for Shabbat and Festivals; A matching contribution for those who invest in Israel Bonds through the generosity of Beth El congregant, Fern Badzin, to solidify the bond between b’nai mitzvah and Medinat Yisrael; A free year’s membership to the Sabes Jewish Community Center including use of fitness and teen centers; A partial scholarship toward an Israel trip for young adults who continue their Jewish education from the Louis Herman Israel Experience Fund, an endowment of the Jewish Community Foundation of the Minneapolis Jewish Federation; The Etz Hayim Humash for students of the Talmud Torah to encourage ongoing Torah study; Text Messages: A Torah Commentary for Teens from Heilicher Minneapolis Jewish Day School. We honor these members of our congregational family who bravely serve our country. May God watch over them, bringing them safely home. Joshua Amberger, U.S. Navy Mitchell Bennett, U.S. Marines Alex Greenstein, U.S. Navy Adam Magy, U.S. Army Edward Peilen, U.S. Marines Isaac Reich, U.S. Marines Alec Stoess, U.S. Coast Guard Emily Rose Leon , U.S. Coast Guard Christopher Leon, U.S. Coast Guard Rabbi Joshua Sherwin, U.S. Navy / Marine Corps Mary Elizabeth Kerska, Army National Guard Celebrate Yom Ha’atzmaut! Sunday, April 26 | St. Paul JCC | 11:00 am - 3:30 pm Larry Rich, Emek Medical Center and author of Voices from Armageddon, will speak about medicine and the heroic efforts of Jewish and Arab physicians of Emek Hospital at 11:00 am. Family Festivities begin at 12:30 pm: Israeli DJ Dance Party Krav Maga, Israeli cooking and Israeli dancing demonstrations Family activities including crafts, bounce houses, photo ops, gaga pit, face painters and more! Live performances by the Heilicher Minneapolis Jewish Day School dance troupe, Chai Notes and local musician Matt Levitt Mini-Israel exhibit Plus: delicious food vendors Vitali’s Bistro, Nothing Bundt Cake, Rita’s, Hunger Haven For more information, contact Corey Kirshenbaum at [email protected] or 651.255.4733. Happy 67th Birthday Israel! Sunday, May 3 | Beth El Synagogue Parking Lot| 11:00 am - 2:00 pm You won’t want to miss this innovative and fun event that will blend the excitement of big machines and imagination along with the opportunity for the youngest members of our community and their families and friends to share a day of exploration! Trucks and other vehicles of all sizes Fun for boys & girls, parents & grandparents! High-energy, interactive vehicles Fun guests & entertainment Food vendors This event is FREE and open to the public!
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