issue o6 november 2005 warren smith mont fort
issue o6 november 2005 warren smith mont fort
������������������������������� � ���������� ISSUE O6 NOVEMBER 2005 WARREN SMITH MONT FORT / VERBIER MELODY SKY © ������������������������������������������������������������������������� ������������������������������������������ ������������������������� ������������������������������ �������������������������������������������������������������������� ������������������������������������������������������������������������ ����������������������� Creative Director Daniel Crawford [email protected] 07986 669 244 Editor Zack Wragg [email protected] 07815 888 157 Marketing Manager Andrea Conneely [email protected] Senior Photographer Ross Woodhall [email protected] Director Adrian Swift [email protected] Design Assistant Samantha Chapman Contributors Melody Sky Chris O’Connell Nicklas Blom Pally Learmond Chris Fecher Julian Topham Samantha Hart Warren Smith Nicola Chapman Vanessa Webb Nick Southwell Paddy Graham Andy Topping Shelley Jones Dave Young Andy Bennett Pat Sharples Lorna Carmichael James Chapman John Chapman Jamie Monson ���������� ���������� ���������������������� Printed By Williams Press Cordwallis Works Unit 21 Clivemont Road Maidenhaead Berks SL6 7BX ������������������������������������������������������������ ������������������������������������������������������ ����������������������������������������������������� 01628 622 345 ✌ Dark Summer is printed on paper sourced from sustainable forests. Please recycle when youʼre done by passing it on to a friend or local Doctors/Dentists surgery. Unless of course, youʼre proudly keeping them on your coffee table. Please respect our beautiful planet. THE VIEWS EXPRESSED IN THIS MAGAZINE ARE NOT NECESSARILY THOSE OF THE PUBLISHERS OR EDITORS. WE OCCASIONALLY USE MATERIAL THAT WE BELIEVE HAS BEEN PLACED IN THE PUBLIC DOMAIN. SOMETIMES ITʼS NOT POSSIBLE TO IDENTIFY OR CONTACT THE COPYRIGHT OWNER. IF YOU CLAIM OWNERSHIP OF PUBLISHED MATERIAL WEʼLL BE HAPPY TO MAKE PROPER ACKNOWLEDGMENT. WE ASSUME NO RESPONSIBILITY FOR LOSS OR DAMAGE OF UNSOLICITED MATERIAL BEING SENT TO US. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. ✪ On one of those rare occassions that I get to sit in front of the box, I recently came across some sort of Country and Western music award show. It was horrible stuff and reminded me of once reading an interview with a US skater who’s name I can’t remember. He mentioned how – through skating – he’d escaped this depressing hick town and its bullying rednecks. With the drony wail of lonesome cowboys in the background, I tried to imagine how important skating must have been to him. A small piece of wood with four little wheels bolted to it had whisked him away, taking him across the world to places he’d never even heard of. Then I got all self indulgent and drifted back to my first ski trip, my first ski season, the people I’ve met and places I’ve seen. I found my path without even looking. There are so many places that I’ve yet to ski and the anticipation of every winter never fails to instil a mix of nerves and excitement. I hope that over the next few months Dark Summer fires you up for the season, whisks you away from the mundane and shows you the possibility of a different path. – Daniel With the ski shows over, the new ski movies flooding into the Dark Summer offices, and reports of snow covering the ground in the Alps, I can feel the new season getting closer. It is almost too much to bear. In a very short time we will all be on the snow, feeling that familiar crunch as you push off for the first time. There is nothing like that feeling when you get back on snow after a summer away. The things you have been waiting all that time for: the billow of powder that rushes up in your face when you drop into that first steep line, the surge of adrenaline when you huck yourself off that first cliff, the slip into weightlessness as you fly cleanly off that first kicker, the sense of satisfaction when you lock solidly onto that first rail... Whatever kind of skier you are, I know that right now you are (like me) waiting for that feeling again. As we sit here in our offices and in our homes, we at Dark Summer offer up a little help to keep you sane as you wait for your return to the mountains. And remember, wherever our bodies may be, our minds and souls will always be in the mountains. – Zack WWW.DARKSUMMER.CO.UK | 07 � � � � O SKIER TJ SCHILLER LOCATION A RE / SWEDEN PHOTO CHRIS O�CONNELL ���������������������������������� ���������������������� ������������������������������ � � ������������� ����������������������������������������� ����������������������������������� ����������������������������������������� ������ � � ����������� SKIER TANNER HALL LOCATION CHADS GAP PHOTO CHRIS O�CONNELL SKIER ERIK STRAND LOCATION KI ROVSK / RUSSIA PHOTO NICKLAS BLOM ������������������������������������������ �������������������������������� ��������������������������������� ������������������� ���������������� ��������������� ������������������������������������ ����������������������������� ������������������������������������������������������������������������������ ������������������������������������������������������������������������ ���� ������� ���� ������� ����� ������ ����� 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We know you’re an interesting bunch out there and we would like to hear some interesting tales, some opinions on skiing, if anything is bugging you about the sport, an experience you’ve had that you want to share, some photos of yourselves (preferably skiing, not gagged and bound) or even a general rant about life. Come on, get it off your chest. THE TOP TEN ������������������������� ����������� ������������������������� Winner | The following was a humourous exchange on the Dark Summer Forum recently. A copy of Tangerine Dream to Pumba for spotting them. And what the hell... a pair of Adidas Yodai to Funky for the hilarious checklist! 01 Blizzard of Aahhh’s ����������� Pumba: Check out the starting bid! yZ97065QQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem > Bouquetin: Chanel snowblades... a new low, surely? > Funky: Chanel Snowblades... 2K for 90cm of ski... Anyone wearing these would surely deserve a beating! Quote: ‘Unused with Chanel bag, perfect gift for the person who has everything’ Chanel luggage – Check! Chanel ski suit – Check! Chanel snowblades – Check! Complete lack of taste – Oh hell yeah! > Un bon skieur: Or you could take your two grand, buy some Line Prophet 130s and still have some change for a bit of heliskiing. 02 Propaganda ���������������������� 03 Fetish ������������������� 04 Degenerates ���������������������� 05 High Life ����������������������� What happened to the sick quotes in the photo gallery? They were wicked and now I’m running out of wise words to impress people with. – Andy Collin We thought we’d try out the one quote on the cover but along with a few comments and emails, we’re missing them ourselves. As you’ll notice, they’re back. Enjoy and use them wisely. 06 Seth Chronicles ����������������������� 07 Yearbook ���������������������� Runner Up | What, when, where, how? Hi there, I’ve just finished reading the October issue of Dark Summer from cover to cover for the millionth time. The article on the Orage Jumpopotamus mentioned Martin Mishof went for a switch 1440 – what’s going on here? Last thing I knew someone had landed a normal 1260 in competition, must just have blinked. So... What is going on? What’s the most someone has landed – normal and switch – and what about in competitions? Also why are huge airs like this not on major films like Matchstick Productions etc? Surely there must be a place for stuff like that alongside super smooth very well known riders? Thanks. Curious. – William Charlton A switch 1440 is the biggest we’ve heard of (obviously it will have been done regular as well). While huge spins are impressive, the emphasis is shifting to riders being nice and styley with tricks fully tweaked instead of just spinning to win. With regard to the film companies, Matchstick seem to have more of a big mountain focus though there are many park/kicker orientated films out there where you’re more likely to see the spins. If anyone else knows of anything bigger that’s been done on skis, be sure to let us know. 08 High Society ���������������������� 09 Focused ���������������������� 10 WAR ��������������������� WWW.DARKSUMMER.CO.UK � 017 artwork by anton lopez TM ® Lorna Carmichael... The Big Jump As we begin It’s A Girl Thing 2 – the UK’s biggest all-female freeski event – we caught up with last year’s winner, Lorna Carmichael, to see how it was all going now that she’s sponsored by The North Face, Adidas Eyewear, Nordica and K2. It was late last summer when I heard about It’s A Girl Thing. I remember thinking it was time that the UK scene thought more about the other half of the population! While I was unsure of what to expect, I knew it would be fun – if only to ski with some of the other girls and to help raise girl skiers’ profiles. I roped in a couple of the Hillend lasses and we made the trip down to MK Xscape. On the night I couldn’t believe how many girls had entered! The AIM series had been dominated by just a few girls but here there were masses, most of whom were ripping. The best part was that if one girl stepped up, others would too. By the end of the night we were all trying new stuff and loving it. Becky, Beanie and I were told we were going to be flown to the Final in Engleberg with a photographer to try and get a cover shot for the mag. Whilst exciting, it became very real rather than just a jam session with heaps of chicks. Despite the competitive edge, the trip to Engelberg was great because it meant more riding with other girls – a total rarity for me. Becky, Beanie and I got on really well and the Dark Summer boys spoilt us rotten. We learnt loads and we pushed each other within a fun environment. When I was told that I’d won, I was obviously super stoked but in my eyes I was no better. We all stepped up to that cliff (the cover shot) shaking, but all got over it, pushed our limits to drop it, and got sick shots! The North Face, Adidas Eyewear and Nordica became my sponsors, then I also joined the K2 UK team. They’re all great and being sponsored enables me to ride more, with rad equipment. However, people in the ski scene suddenly knew who I was and I felt that I had something to prove. Initially, being sponsored mentally set me back because in a matter of weeks I’d gone from ‘a girl who rides a bit at Hillend’ to being ‘a sponsored skier on the cover of a UK freeski mag’. In truth, I wasn’t really sure what was expected of me ‘being sponsored’. In retrospect, I realised I’d won the comp because I was having fun skiing and pushing myself to progress. And that’s what freeskiing’s all about, definitely not stress! ✪ ���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� Photo | Samantha Hart ������� ��������������������������� ������������������� ��������������������������� ������������� ���������������������������� ���������������� ������������������������������ ���������������������� �������������������������� �������������� ����������������������� ������������������� ���������������������������� ������������������ ���� ����� ���� ���������������� ����������������� ��������������������������� �� ���������������������������� ������������� ������������������������������������������������������� ������ ��� ��������������������������������������������������� ��� ������������� ����������� ��������� Round 4 | Dryslope SkierX Championships | 17.09.05 Round 5 | Dryslope Big Air Championships | 01-02.10.05 The Rossendale round of the Orange AIM Series saw the National Dryslope Skiercross Championships attract over 60 competitors. The first National Championship at Dorset Snowsport Centre saw over 100 entrants during the weekend. The skiercross event was a fast-paced and aggressive affair with the first turn proving to be key in both the men’s and women’s races. In the men’s race it was exMogul Champion, Pat Sharples who took the advantage on the first corner to cross the finish line first ahead of Andy Bennett and alpine racer Simon Bates. In the women’s final, it was reigning champion, Emma Lonsdale, who came out strongest, closely followed by Shelley Jones and Sheffield’s Kate Williams respectively. It was the younger skiers who set the pace led by two future stars, James Webb and James Woods. Woods’ run of Switch 720 into an Alley-oop just beat Webb’s 900. Third went to Richard Martin with his Misty Flip over the jump to 180 stall 180 out in the quarter. In the Big Air Final it was James Webb’s strong 720’s and 900’s that put him ahead of Richard Martin’s Misty 540 and Flair Backflip 180. Charlie Richards finished 3rd with a Switch Flair. James Woods missed out in the Big Air after hurting his arm just as the competition kicked off. The Big Air comp later in the afternoon was blessed with sunshine and the kicker was repeatedly attacked with all manner of spins and flips. It was Murray Buchan who stood out when he pulled a switch 900, fighting off both pre event favourite Andy Bennett and James Woods who finished third with a switch 720. In the girls competition it was yet another victory for Shelley Jones who pulled a strong 360 Mute followed by a Safety in the Quarterpipe. Second was Bristol’s Faith Dyer followed by Ellie Birch in third. Shelley’s smooth 360 was enough to claim first in the Big Air too. Second place went to Ellie Birch’s strong straight airs that just edged Colette Carpenter’s stylish 180. ���������������� ���������������� ����������� �������������� ������������� ������������ ������������� ��������������� ����������� ��������������� ����������� ������������ ������������� ������������ ������������� ������������ �������������� �������������� ������ ����������� ���������� ������������� �������� ������������ ���������� ������������ ����������� ���������� ������������ ��������������� ������������� ������������ ����������� ��������������� WWW.DARKSUMMER.CO.UK � 021 Castleford Xscape hosted the opening round of the It’s a Girl Thing 2 comp. The primary emphasis was on fun with the event taking on the form of a jam session. The slope set-up was great and the girls were encouraging each other to try new tricks. proved a real head-scratcher... The more aggressive style of Earl or the laid-back smoothness of Hughes? In true Dark Summer style, there was a break with tradition and both girls were awarded ‘Best runner-up’ spot and invited to Switzerland. Despite a strong performance by all of the girls, it was Castleford local, Amy Rudman, a student at Leeds University who claimed the top spot and booked herself a place in the Swiss Final. Amy impressed the judges on both the kicker and rails to edge ahead of the other girls. Claire Hughes was pencilled in as the ‘Best Runner Up’ and Alex Houston also put in a strong performance. The general agreement was that the overall standard of skiing was even higher than last year’s. Congratulations to Amber, Claire, Katherine and Amy on reaching the Mürren Final, in the Jungfrau region of Switzerland. In both qualifying rounds, camaraderie was the order of the day with the girls encouraging each other and enjoying the relaxed event. At Milton Keynes Xscape for the second qualifying round, there was a choice of five rails to enjoy. Three girls edged ahead of the pack led by Amber Connors – an MK Xscape local and enjoying a home advantage. Harder to choose between were Katherine Earl from Bromley and Claire Hughes of Glasgow University. Connors marginally edged first place which left a straight dog fight between Hughes and Earl for the third spot. It The surprise of the qualifying rounds was 13 year-old Amber Connors... Despite hammering the rails and zipping confidently and stylishly around the slope, we were stunned to learn that Amber has never skied in a resort – only on artificial slopes within the UK. Dark Summer is pleased to be taking away a skier for their first taste of the mountains. And surely, if anyone has mocked artificial slopes, this is an eye opener to how truly useful they are in helping to produce young UK talent. Dark Summer would like to thank the sponsors for their fantastic support and help in making the event possible; Switzerland Tourism, SWISS International Airlines, Salomon, R.E.D, Anon and the Ski Club of Great Britain as well as Castleford & Milton Keynes Xscape. ✪ It’s A Girl Thing 2 | Qualifiers Skier | Claire Hughes Photo | Zack Wragg 022 � WWW.DARKSUMMER.CO.UK ���������������������������� ����������������������������������� ������������������������������������������������������������� ������������������������������������ 024 � WWW.DARKSUMMER.CO.UK Andy Collin is one of the hottest skiers on the UK scene at the moment. His rail skills are unbelievable and have helped him rack up some impressive competition results. When did you start skiing? I started skiing on a family holiday about 14 years ago in Austria. Apparently I cried all the time because I didn’t want to go into the ski school, but then I ended up getting some Australian Hotdogger instructor who just made me want to ski. We have heard a lot of people calling you Junior. How did you get the name? I got the name while in Morzine last season. I had to have a guardian sign a competition entry form for me because I was so young. Someone shouted over “Junior, sign this form”, and it stuck from there. What are you favourite tricks at the moment and what are you working on? I have two favourite tricks at the moment. I recently learnt Fakie 540’s over kickers and 450 Disasters on a kink rail, which are fun. I’m currently working on Blindside Switch-Ups on rails, Switch 450’s, Switch 720’s and getting more grabs in all of my spins. Who are your heroes/idols? That’s a hard one to answer, I look up to and respect a lot of people in the ski industry. My main hero is Ron Burgundy though, absolute legend. Is there anyone you would like to thank? I would like to thank my Dad, for all the work he puts into my skiing, and all my sponsors. ✪ WWW.DARKSUMMER.CO.UK � 025 Review s | Julia n Toph am War | Poor Boyz Productions | ������������� ����������������� ���������������������������������������������������� ������������������������������������������������������������������� Johnny Decesare never disappoints and WAR is just another notch on his accolade of great films. After long battles with injury JP Auclair reclaims his spot at the top with a stand out segment. Sammy Carlson represents the next generation with a full range of super stylie tricks mixed up with Truck Drivers and double grabs while the Olenick brothers provide PBP’s trade mark comedy scenes. The great and the good are all there with segments from Anthony Boronowski, Candide Thovex, John Symms (and a token blond), TJ Schiller, Julien Regnier, and Seth Morrison. New to PBP is Zach Davidson who greases rails and Pep Fujas back from injury to remind us just how good he is, switch pow landings, switch Butters off cliffs. There’s lots in the extras including rising star Jacob Wester, Pep’s Excellent Adventure and a free full length copy of JP Auclair and Julien Regnier’s UP1.2. Pop Yer Bottles | Poor Boyz Productions | PYB is the second production from Tanner Hall, CR Johnson and Evan Rapps set with a night club backdrop. This film is worth it for Tanner alone – it’s his main segment of the year and as the most decorated skier in the industry he puts down another benchmark segment. With supreme style he nose and tail presses rails, does 50mph + switch take offs and then of course Chad’s Gap, a corked 9 and two broken ankles! PYB mixes things up with snowboard and skate segments thrown into the equation all set to the C Crew’s signature hip hop sounds. Uber grom Kye Peterson shows us why he’s already touted as a future superstar, Tanner Rainville and Pep Fujas deliver their usual butter smooth segments and CR Johnson shows us why the back country is his domain with some solid lines and huge cliffs. Teddybear Crisis | After last years debut flick ‘Not Another Ski Movie’ Push Films have stepped up the mark as the leading European film makers with an all star cast. A technicolour Jon Olsson lights up the screen with his super smooth spins and unique style of tricks and Jon Larsson puts down some epic lines and the odd huge huck. There is a brief glimpse of the biggest event duals of the year with Simon Dumont out amping Tanner Hall in the X Games Super Pipe finals and TJ Schiller’s style battle with young Swede Jacob Wester at Jon Olsson’s invitational. There is a jaw dropping shot of Simon Dumont breaking his pelvis overshooting a landing in Park City and we get the inside track on Tanner Hall’s 3 months out as well seeing some of his magic. Also starring; Laurent Favre, Mike Wilson, Sage Catabrigga-Alosa. Hit List | Matchstick Productions | MSP’s Hit List delivers a stylish mix of big mountain lines, back country hits and park action. Shot in insane locations from unknown resorts in Russia to first descents in BC. Ingrid Backstrom and Hugo Harrison narrowly escape monster slides whilst scoring huge big mountain lines. Meanwhile, Bushfield, Pollard and Pep Fujas show their skills in the backcountry, stomping cliffs and throwing an array of stylie tricks off booters. (plus, Pep nails the scariest line of his life!) JT Holmes stomps huge cliffs in the bottomless Tahoe pow. Mark Abma show’s why he’s gaining recognition as one of the most rounded skiers of the moment, mixing smooth park tricks with gnarly big mountain lines. He combines with Chris Davenport and Daron Rahlves (US downhill camp) on an epic boat trip into BC accessing virgin terrain with the boat & heli combination. But where’s Seth Morrison?!? WWW.DARKSUMMER.CO.UK � 27 � � � � � � � � � � ���� d Words | Daniel Crawfor | 23.07.05 Saas Fee | Switzerland taking place e about sporting events There’s something nic mories bely me ed Unless my rose tint on warm, sunny days. Finals, Tour de don ble Wim of le rab mo the truth, the most me ll matches all and World Cup footba France mountain stages ne. shi sun in hed ce whilst bat seem to have taken pla ment is iron env its d, by nature of Skiing on the other han to my surprise s wa it So st. bea nt ere usually an entirely diff nding on the the Saas Fee Ride sta e an hour that I found myself at pris sur a of re was even mo after I’d in glacier in a T-shirt. It ked kic bbing headache or so later when a thro d) head in the ppe cro wly (ne my ng unknowingly been fryi and downed g raided my First Aid Kit fierce sunshine. Havin head in my nt bur sun wrapped my some Paracetamol, I red on with die sol y style’ and bravel fleece top ‘Mujahadin ed no more olv inv t tha e, cas this . In rd my journalistic duties ching up with Photo | Daniel Crawfo ping soft drinks and cat the on old than sitting around, sip unf ion act ible some incred friends whilst watching it. Skier | Paddy Graham y, someone’s gotta’ do kicker in front of me. He of nt eve e Photo | mondo, the second Rid Giz h wit n atio the oci st ass In among the Saas Fee glacier 2005 took place up on visiting the resort for ms tea e rac ine alp of ant-like lines the skiers at s quite comical watching summer training. It wa ctions... “Skindire nt ere diff two into it ... Baggythe top of the T-Bar spl way to the gates please tight, lycra-clad toffs this that way to the fun park thanks”. bees pant, gangster-wanna -up of the Ride hosts a heavy line Fee European Each year the Saas ng stro t ins aga up d are ide the best UK freeskiers squ ngs alo s run o als e Fee Rid riders the opposition. The Saas for t por sup d ensuring goo British Freeski Camps rn Bar each night. pco Po the in up esand a good old kne se to the Hotel ent are based in or clo Most of the UK conting nt HQ. eve the as s act fficially Unique Dom which uno final results major surprises with the In truth, there were no / Ellis Brigham) kley Oa / e (Lin eld other than Mike Wakefi ost expected and not claiming an alm and my ski having a rare off-day run t firs my on d “I stacke Halfpipe podium finish. back into it get lly rea ond run. I didn’t popped out on my sec e. Mik ted oin after that” said a disapp 028 � WWW.DARKSUMMER.CO.UK Skier | Jacky Bruchezt Photo | tchel Skier | Jean Lauren Ra Photo | tt with the UK’s Andy Benne All was not lost though y / Ellis Brigham kle Oa / e Fac rth No (Line / The s ad of Swiss rider Nicola / Grenade) finishing ahe man nch Fre h wit title pe lfpi Vuignier to claim the Ha rounding up 3rd. Jean Laurent Ratchel ), G / Grenade, Ellis Brigham Paddy Graham (Line / AC solid 3rd a g hin nis fi nt eve Air was on fire in the Big r Andy Bennett but neithe behind Line team-mate his ed tinu con o wh tchel could quite outdo JL Ra events to finish first. great form in the Ride k lly Hansen / Nick Southwell (K2 / He st mo the of one be to ks / Adidas Eyewear) loo in scene and finished 9th improved skiers on the . With Eddie nts eve pe lfpi Ha and both the Big Air pe, erved 4th in the Halfpi Thelwell finishing a des (as Fee as Sa in rs ride tish the consistency of Bri the year) is surely in lier ear e Rid r bie in the Ver ndard that UK freeskiers testament to the high sta have reached. s ith, summed it up “It wa Organiser, Warren Sm ne, shi sun The it. eating like having our cake and eld and an international fi the quality of the snow h it.” wit ay aw got we e iev of riders... I can’t bel on Eurosport and the The Saas Fee Ride airs an eye open for dates p kee – el ann Extreme Ch ✪ aas w.s ww at or watch it now �������������������� ��������������������� ������������������������� �������������������� ����������������������� ���������������������� ��������������������������� ����������������������� ����������������������� ������������������������� ���������������������� ����������������������� ���������������������� ������������������� �������������������� ��������������������� ��������������������� ���������������������� ����������������������� ��������������������� ����������������������� ����������������������� ������������������������� ��������������������������� ������������������� to SWISS International A big hug and thanks rism, all the cool staff Tou d rlan itze Airlines, Sw ever helpful Adrian at the m, Do at Hotel Unique Ride Freesports. and ce Saas Fee Tourist Offi WWW.DARKSUMMER.CO.UK � 029 PIMP E D I L S MY u first re in the charts when yo hy we o go oo jag Ka at th ose tight, stretc Are your planks so old ays looks too big in th alw m bu ur yo es Do use all of your ? skied them is season’s ski trip beca Susannah, th t ou ab ing ss re St s? hand-me-down rget Trinny and cking new threads? Fo ro be re, and to ing go e ar ds frien alaan Clothing, Bonfi kit. Av is, sk d ar hw nt Ni ping new we’ve teamed up with reader out with some pim ky luc e on rt so to r ea Adidas Eyew ��������� �������������� ��������������� ������������ skis, an nking Ninthward Rooky How does a pair of spa ggles, go dai Yo s ida pair of Ad Avalaan Ninja suit, a nd? sou nie bea sher headphone Bonfire gloves and Cru out go up ut to let this wicked set und Naturally we’re not abo aro g lkin wa you don’t want to any old nimby. We to have idea. So you’re going no t bu r gea the all h wit e Dark tru in t Bu t. rne inte on the . to do some ‘research’ ple sim l rea na’ keep things Summer style we’re gon web rs’ on to two of our partne All you have to do is log 30 � WWW.DARKSUMMER.CO.UK � ������������������������ ������������������������ ������������������� � ������������������������� �� ����������������������� � ������������������������ � ������������������������ ������������������������� ����������������������������� ������������������������ ������������������ ��������������������� ���������������������� ��������������������� ������������������������ �������������������� ��������������������� ����������������������� ��������������� ���������������������� �� ������������������������ � ��������������������������� � �������������������������� � ����������������������� ��������������������� ���������������������� ������������������������ � ������������������������� ������������������������ ��� ����������������������� ������������������� stions... r to two very simple que sites to find the answe nchman, have recently added Fre First question: Avalaan profile ine onl ’s ien Fab In m. ir tea Fabien Maierhofer to the cond Se ite? our fav state as his which animal does he signature model the are oky Ro ard question: The Ninthw of which pro skier? om with the [email protected] Email your answers to be found at can rs we ans The e’. subject title ‘Pimp My Slid om rd.c wa www.ninth and Words | Zack Wragg Photos | Chris O’Connell Orage Masters III Mammoth Mountain | USA Three years ago, Orage set out to create a competition like no other, and in May 2005 they succeeded in doing that for the third time. The Orage Masters III descended on Mammoth Mountain and brought with it some of the hottest skiing of the season. “What is so different about it?” we hear you cry. Well, it is a team event not an individual one, it is essentially one massive jam session, it is judged totally by riders, and the prizes aren’t cash, but some tricked out products like an off-road Go Kart and a 42” plasma flatscreen. Team Dynastar, consisting of Corey Vanular, Tanner Rainville , Dan Marion and Marie Martinod, destroyed the course in the final with Vanular doing an awesome 630-on to 450-off on the big box. Check out Chris O’Connell’s shots. ✪ 032 � WWW.DARKSUMMER.CO.UK WWW.DARKSUMMER.CO.UK � 033 Natural Born Riders Natural Born Riders 05 kicked off at Sheffield Ski Village on October 21st – the very same day that EA Sports announced the release of the much anticipated SSX On Tour. No coincidence as EA Sports and NBR have teamed up this year for the series. Each leg is run as a one hour jam session with judges looking for use of rails and kickers, style, flow, amplitude, progression and technicality of tricks. At Sheffield, the Men’s first place went to Charlie Richards, second to Richard Martin and third to Tom Ross. The Under 16’s saw Michael Nur finish first, James Woods second and Ryan Kaye third. There were no surprises in the Girls with Becky Hammond stomping home in first place and Mekele Jane Carey second. The Oakley Big Air was won by Richard Martin. The second round at Castleford Xscape saw Mike Wakefield come home first in the Men’s followed by Ted Foster and Joe Tyler respectively. The Under 16’s once again showed frightening potential with Harry Hancock finishing ahead of Eden Dyson in second and Jo Wedstel third. The Girls saw a tighter fight with Shelley Jones first, Amber Connors second and Amy Rudman third. The Oakley Big Air was won by Rob Taylor. The final round will be held at Milton Keynes Xscape on Saturday 26th November from 7pm. For more info and to pre register, visit The cats at NBR are giving away a pair of Oakley Wisdom goggles as a prize to one lucky reader. The question is... along with EA Sports and Oakley, which steeze-ridden ski company are also sponsoring the Natural Born Riders series? Email your ansmwers to us now at [email protected] 034 | WWW.DARKSUMMER.CO.UK Interview | Nick Southwell Photo | Daniel Crawford ����������������������������������������������� ���������������� �������������������������������������������������������������� How did you first get into freeskiing? Initially I knew nothing about the whole freeskiing scene, I thought I was going to be a pro surfer but that was way too difficult! Which skiers inspired you then and who, if any, inspire you now? I guess at the start it was the people I rode with; my crazy ski instructor, Simon, who had no qualifications other than being a mate of my parents and an olympic squad mogul racer. Also skiing with my brother helped push me, we get quite competitive in a healthy way! As for who inspires me now, I couldn’t really say. There are so many good riders now, each with their own style or skill that I respect or would like to emulate. I guess at the end of the day it’s the people who I’ve actually riden with (Dave Young, Woodie Bouma, PG, Pierre, the list goes on) that inspire me the most. They are the ones that give me the cheers when I get a trick right and give me the confidence to try new stuff, and help me laugh at myself when I crash, which is a regular occurence by the way. Where have you travelled to in the past? Oh, all over. Skiing wise... South America, Europe obviously, Iceland – which was a wicked place, Alaska... So yeah, I’ve done well. It’s taken me to a few places. Other than skiing... South Africa, all over South East Asia, Australia, New Zealand, Kenya and Northern Africa... mainly Morrocco and Egypt, pretty much done Europe [laughs]. Of the places you’ve skied, which has been your favourite? Argentina because the snow’s great, the women are great and so’s the coke [laughs]. Seriously, the atmosphere is wicked and the people love a fiesta, so South America is my place of choice. So why aren’t you going back to Tignes this year? It’s not actually decided yet but basically this could be my last full season so I want to just go somewhere else. I know a lot of photographers and filmers there as well as some good skiers but I just want to try somewhere different. I’ve done Tignes and it’s time to move on. Time for a change. WWW.DARKSUMMER.CO.UK � 37 Photo | Ross Woodhall Location | Saas Fee Where are you going? Possibly Verbier. How many more season’s do you think you’ll be doing? As I’ve said, this could be my last ‘full one’. Depends on how it goes. If things go well and for some reason I get into the X Games earning millions of dollars then I might stick with it, but I doubt that’s gonna’ happen. I do intend to keep on going out to resorts and having fun as well as competing but I’m not sure that I’ll be able to finance full season’s any more. What are your plans, trick-wise, for this season? To go as big and do as much stuff as I’ve wanted to do. Trick wise that would be big powder booters, Switch Nines, or Switch Cork Nines. I also want to get into freeride a lot more ‘cos the last few years I’ve been a bit too much of a park monkey. Just to have a wicked time really and to get a lot of footage with the Southwell bros and various other people who are out there. So you want to start getting into cliffs? Hopefully yes. I’ve heard Verbier has some wicked terrain for that and I’ve done a few drops that are pretty large. I just think it looks rude and I wouldn’t mind trying to Rodeo off a few cliffs. I think I’ve got the trick down quite well so hopefully I’ll be able to take it to a few cliffs. How big do you think you could go? I dunno... depends on the landing doesn’t it? If it’s steep you can go as big as you want but I doubt I’ll be going as big as some people in the movies these days but I’d like to do maybe a good 60 footer. That would be nice. With a back flip thrown in as well? Well yeah, why not [laughs]. How about switch powder? Yeah, I’m all about switch powder but I’ve just got to get the revert back round. Going switch isn’t a problem but turning or ‘reverting’ back is when it all goes tits up, so we’ll work on that as well [laughs]. What’s your favourite movie of the year? Ski movie wise it would probably be WAR. There’s a lot of British ski movies this year, the KSM movie Dirty Laundry, Dave Young’s Sketch, Warren Smith’s Co efficient Drag as well... they’re all great. I haven’t seen Chris Asquith’s Try.Fail.Try yet but I’ve heard it’s pretty good and I’m looking forward to seeing that. Outside of skiing it would have to be Family Guy ‘cos it’s just hilarious. Why did you shave your beard off? Because I had to be the ‘face of George’ [laughs]. I was doing a shoot for Asda and they had a model who I was the stunt double for. This guy couldn’t grow a beard because he was a poxy little teenager so I had to shave mine off to suit his image. It was the first time I’d seen my face in seven years. Weird. Wasn’t it nice being able to eat properly? Eat properly? What do you mean? You know, not getting food caught in your beard and stuff. Oh right... Yeah [laughs]. So how is it being ‘The Honourable’ and does it help with the girls? Same as it was being the ‘Non Honourable’. Doesn’t really make any difference. I don’t think it would work on the girls in England but it might in America...I could have milked it a bit in the States. I might get it printed on my credit card and passport and see what happens [laughs]. So does being The Right Hounourable have any uses for you at all? Not as far as I know. Not a lot of people (in the ski industry) know about it. I don’t dwell on it. There’s nothing really to say about it. It’s just three words that go before your name. Quite often it has a detrimental effect. 38 � WWW.DARKSUMMER.CO.UK WWW.DARKSUMMER.CO.UK � 39 Photo | Daniel Crawford Photo | Photo | With your dad being a Lord, how does he feel about his son being a ski bum? I think he’s alright with it actually. As long as I’m happy and I’m not skanking too much off them – which I don’t really – he doesn’t have a problem with it at all. He’s a pretty chilled guy [laughs]. Do you see the whole freeskiing thing developing any more or do you think it will fade and resurface in years to come in a similar respect to ‘extreme’ skiing re emerging as freeskiing now? I guess most sports experience a boom and, with more and more young people attracted to the sport, skiing’s enjoying one now. I don’t think it will ever fade completely. In the same way that snowboarding experienced a boom that’s now slowed, so too will skiing. But that doesn’t mean the sport dies or stops developing. As far as where it’s going, I have no idea. If someone had come to me ten years ago with a copy of WAR or another recent movie, and told me that this was where skiing was going to be in ten years I would have laughed in their face, so God knows. Do you have any words to live by? I’ve loads of corny ‘life phrases’. I guess today it would be ‘Happiness is not a destination, but simply a way of travelling’. Who would like to thank? My Mum, Dad, and Jo. ✪ 40 � WWW.DARKSUMMER.CO.UK clo=phfbop=^ka=pklt_l^oabop ��� pÉ~ëçå~ä=qê~îÉä=fåëìê~åÅÉ Q=jlkqep colj ¡NQUKMM colj ¡NUNKMM R=jlkqep S=jlkqep colj ¡ONPKMM clo=fjjbaf^qb=`lsbo=`^ii MUTMM=TRV=TRV clo=bknrfofbp=colj=^_ol^a=`^iiG HQQ=NSN=VMS=NSRQ ild=lk=ql tttKphf`ir_K`lKrh ql=ob`bfsb=rm ql=RB=afp`lrkq lk=^ii=mobjfrjp G=pâá=`äìÄ=fåëìê~åÅÉ=áë=~î~áä~ÄäÉ=íç=éÉçéäÉ=êÉëáÇáåÖ=áå=ÅçìåíêáÉë=ïáíÜáå=íÜÉ=br=ìé=íç=íÜÉ=~ÖÉ=çÑ=TR=óÉ~êëK ��������������������������������������������������������������������� ����������������������������������������������������������������� ������������������������ ��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� ������������������������������������������������������������������� �������������������� tttKphf`ir_K`lKrh Away from skiing, what do you do to chill out and are you into any other sports? Aside from a smoke and a pancake, I like to chill out at the beach, though I don’t get to go there very often. As for other sports, I guess it would have to be surfing, mountain biking, street biking, skating, oh hell... I like pretty much all sports. pb^plk^i=fkpro^k`b Saas Fee F A S H I O N Photography | Ross Woodhall Hair & Make-up | Samantha Chapman Art Direction | Daniel Crawford 042 | WWW.DARKSUMMER.CO.UK Paddy Graham wears Protest Wildcard Jacket £130.00 Protest Baggy05 Pants £80.00 Hat and goggles models own. WWW.DARKSUMMER.CO.UK | 043 The North Face Furallure Jacket £195.00 The North Face Ama Dablam Jacket £299.99 044 | WWW.DARKSUMMER.CO.UK The North Face Freedom Insulated Pants £119.99 The North Face Allure Jacket £199.99 The North Face A-Frame Pants £89.99 Lorna Carmichael wears The North Face Stance Jacket £150.00 The North Face Freedom Pants £119.99 The North Face Haight Beanie £20.95 Adidas Yodai Goggles £89.95 K2 Missdemeanor skis £249.00 WWW.DARKSUMMER.CO.UK | 045 The North Face Free Thinker Jacket £329.99 Andy Bennett wears The North Face Levitate Jacket £220.00 The North Face Helicon Cargo Pants £135.99 The North Face Longitude Beanie £15.95 046 | WWW.DARKSUMMER.CO.UK The North Face Prodigy Down Jacket £189.99 The North Face Freedom Insulated Pants £119.99 The North Face Alycon Jacket £199.99 The North Face Levitate Pants £149.99 WWW.DARKSUMMER.CO.UK | 047 Helly Hansen Men’s Convergent Jacket £200.00 Helly Hansen Men’s Unit Jacket £139.99 Vanessa Webb wears Helly Hansen Leah Jacket £159.99 Helly Hansen Token Hoodie £69.99 Chanel 5066 Sunglasses £165.00 Nick Southwell wears Helly Hansen Unit Jacket £139.99 Helly Hansen Embargo Pants £89.99 Hat and sunglasses models own 048 | WWW.DARKSUMMER.CO.UK Helly Hansen Women’s Luca Jacket £130.00 Helly Hansen Helly Hansen Men’s Infantry Pants Women’s Cartel Pants £139.99 £89.95 WWW.DARKSUMMER.CO.UK | 049 Shelley Jones wears Salomon 1080 Down Jacket £149.99 Bonfire Women’s Blur T10 pants £109.99 Andy Topping wears Salomon 3 Mixer Jacket £189.99 Bonfire Noise Pants £99.95 Salomon Men’s 3 Mixer Jacket £189.99 Salomon Men’s 1080 Down Jacket £149.99 050 | WWW.DARKSUMMER.CO.UK Salomon Women’s Miss Maya (short) Jacket £150.99 Salomon Men’s Pilot Pant £84.95 Salomon Women’s Snowtrip Jacket £199.99 Salomon Women’s Pilot Pant £84.95 WWW.DARKSUMMER.CO.UK | 051 Bonfire Women’s Truth T20 Down Jacket £199.99 Bonfire Women’s Blur T10 Jacket £139.99 Bonfire Men’s Radiant T10 Jacket £139.99 Bonfire Men’s Balance T20 Pants £139.99 Bonfire Crusher Headphone Beanie for when she just won’t shut up £Priceless! (Okay, seriously £39.95) Adidas Yodai Goggles £89.95 Vanessa Webb wears Bonfire Women’s Blur Print Jacket £140.00 Bonfire Women’s Balance Pants £140.00 052 | WWW.DARKSUMMER.CO.UK Bonfire Men’s Noise C5 Jacket £119.99 Bonfire Women’s Blur T10 Pants £109.99 Bonfire Balance T20 Pants £139.99 WWW.DARKSUMMER.CO.UK | 053 Vanessa Webb wears Helly Hansen Minx Jacket £119.99 Chanel 5066 Sunglasses £165.00 Paddy Graham wears WE Omar Jacket £149.99 Protest Women’s Cake Jacket £129.99 Protest Women’s Cool Jacket £119.99 Protest Hideout Fleece Hoodie £39.99 054 | Protest Women’s Scopecheck Pants £94.99 WWW.DARKSUMMER.CO.UK Protest Women’s Chillout Pants £99.99 WWW.DARKSUMMER.CO.UK | 055 Andy Collin wears Avalaan Ninja Jacket £144.99 Avalaan Ninja Pants £129.99 056 | WWW.DARKSUMMER.CO.UK Thanks to Adrian at the Saas Fee Tourist Office, the Switzerland Tourism London office, SWISS International Airlines, the Hotel Unique Dom and all of the skiers for giving up their valuable slope time. ���������������� ������������������������ ����������������� I t had snowed heavily that morning and our coach cancelled training. A few of us started launching off everything into the powder and as the day progressed we pushed eachother harder and harder. I attempted – and pulled off – my first back flip. At that moment, years of strict race training was forgotten and skiing was no longer a discipline... it became about fun, freedom and discovery. The race skis soon went but my boots lasted that whole joyous season. I know I’ll never wear these boots again and they just sit gathering dust in my parents loft, but I can’t bear to throw them out. They will always remind me of that moment when nothing seemed impossible. – Andrea Conneely [ Skier ] The Buy Britain campaign is an initiative by Dark Summer magazine with the aim of highlighting the benefits of purchasing outdoor products within the UK – especially prior to an overseas trip. Most staff in UK specialist outdoor stores receive training in the fitting, comfort and performance of outdoor equipment. In many cases, the staff themselves are enthusiasts and competing athletes with a wealth of knowledge and experience to call upon when assisting you. Purchasing specialist equipment such as ski, snowboard and hiking boots a couple of weeks prior to your trip means you are able to ‘wear them in’ at home and importantly (should there be any problems) allows time for adjustment back at the store before your holiday. After sales service is a lot harder to pursue once you’ve returned to the UK if you have purchased your equipment abroad. In addition you are supporting the UK snowsports industry. The Snowsports Industry of Great Britain research and test relentlessly throughout the year to select the best range of equipment for you to select from. Choose wisely. Buy Britain Skier | Gordy Hughes Location | Vallandry, France Photo | Ross Woodhall • If you’re unsure about a route or the conditions leave it. Try to gain • Choose a route that suits your skiing ability and style – better to rip a line than to fluff it. • Always carry a transceiver, shovel and probe. Make sure it works and know how to use it! Practise with friends at home, in your garden, local park or even at the beach – just make sure you know how to use it before you head off-piste. • 4 is the magic number. If one of your group sustains an injury, two can go for help while one waits with the injured person. • Keep everyone in your group within eyeshot of each other just in case something goes wrong. • Ski at the pace of the slowest in the group, don’t go off and leave them behind – that’s not cool. Words | Chris Fecher • Watch out for who or what might be below you when dropping into a face. Triggering an avalanche onto the piste or someone else is very bad! • If someone shows you their secret backcountry spot, respect their secret and keep it to yourself. Fat skis help you ski better, faster and also give you the opportunity to ski in places where you have no idea about the possible dangers! If you want to learn more about mountain safety there are many courses. For more info check out • Take your litter home with you including cigarette butts. They are NOT biodegradable. Companies make small portable ashtrays so you can carry your butts back home with you. Backcountry etiquette or the freeskiers code, call it what you will, this is my rough guide to keeping you and everyone else just that little bit safer. safety gear. An avalanche transceiver is virtually useless without a shovel and a probe too. Backcountry skiing on your own or riding without a transceiver, shovel and probe is just plain rude. Who’s going to go rescue your ass out of the snow if there’s an avalanche? Are you going to hope you pop out on top or will you dig yourself out with your fats? I don’t think so! • Alternate the first rider down each slope. Make sure everyone gets the chance to go first and get that fresh taste of powder. Rule number one is to take your avalanche Try to plan out your trip so you have a good idea what’s in store, the route, weather and snow stability for starters as well as trying to gain some local knowledge. you’re moving into un-patrolled and potentially dangerous areas of the mountain. That may sound great to some – getting away from all the hustle ‘n’ bustle is what it’s all about right? But it also means the snow stability is very different to that of the safer, patrolled areas of the resort. some local knowledge or hire a guide then go back and rip it. Backcountry etiquette is there to give us some order in an otherwise lawless powder-fuelled world. One of the first things to be aware of when heading into the backcountry is that There are many un-written rules in sport. Dropping in on someone’s wave is an obvious one from surfing. Stealing someone’s perfect wave is similar to poaching someone else’s pristine powder line. Call it ski karma if you like, but what comes around goes around and if you poach a line expect to get poached back. Pro freeskier Chris Fecher fills us in on do’s and don’ts in the backcountry. Backcountry etiquette Photo | Daniel Crawford ����������������� ��������� �������������������� ���������������� �������������������������������������������������������� WWW.DARKSUMMER.CO.UK � 061 We Got Game SSX On Tour | EA Sports | For years us skiers have had to fill our time off the slopes needlessly drinking, flirting and playing snowboard video games. Whilst the first two will undoubtedly remain the same, the launch of SSX on Tour will most definitely change the latter. The most recent instalment in the series, SSX on Tour gives you the option to play as either a skier or a snowboarder and work your way through the Tour to become the ultimate snowsports rock star. When you first create a player you have the opportunity to customise their appearance which is cool but we would have liked to have seen more customisation options. Once you work your way through the first few events and get yourself on the Tour leader board the game becomes incredibly addictive. The controls are simple to pick up and we found ourselves rocking unnatural double rodeos in no time. It’s a shame that you can’t use the left thumbstick to initiate spins as this would seem like the natural motion. Overall, the game is very smooth, the skiers are steezy. This will be one game gracing the Dark Summer office for some time and hopefully the first in a long line of ski games. This a game that every self respecting skier should have this at the TOP of their Christmas wish list. Well, okay... second after the Heli skiing trip. We’ve got 5 copies of SSX On Tour to give away! Thanks to the nice guys and gals over at EA Sports, we have five copies of the new SSX on Tour game to give away. If you want the chance to get your hands on a copy email us the answer to the following question to [email protected] What new discipline has been added in SSX on Tour a) Snowshoeing b) Skiing c) Monoskiing For more information about SSX on Tour, visit Legends of the fall Gordy Hughes Words and Photos | Ross Woodhall Well, well, well Gordon Hughes what can I say about you? A modest, well spoken, joke telling, gadget buying, cliff dropping, paragliding, film making, chalet building, occasionally Vodka swilling, LOON!!! How many seasons is it now? God knows. I stopped counting after 20. I still don’t know if I like the idea of ‘Legend’ status... What does that mean? Passed it? In decline? Hardly. I first bumped into Gordy in Alpe d”Huez late season of 92/93, he was regarded as “well seasoned” by then, all long hair and double heli’s. We’ve been messing about in the mountains ever since. He now resides in Vallandry near Les Arcs, with his partner Sofie. Together, they run a chalet called The Goat Shed, because that’s what it was. In his spare time he makes ski films, builds more chalet space, and is either neck deep in powder, scoping new cliffs, or flying around the place on his wing. To meet him you would probably think, steady type, stock broker, or accountant maybe. To work with him, you think completely unsteady type, highly foolish, someone lock him up. He never ceases to amaze me. Most of the time I’m shooting Gordy I’ve got my eye’s closed. So enough of my ramblings, let the pictures speak the words. 064 � WWW.DARKSUMMER.CO.UK WWW.DARKSUMMER.CO.UK � 065 � � � � � � � � � � � � � � �� � � � ��������� � �� �� � � � � � � � � � � �� � � � �������������������������������������������������������������������������������� ������������ ������������������������������ ������������������������������������������� ������������������������������������������������������ ������������������������������������������������� ���������������������������������������������������� ������������������������������������������������ �������������������������������������������������� �������������������������������������������������� ��������������������������������������������������� ��������������������������� �������������� ��������������