School visit to Po Leung Kuk Mrs Ma Kam Ming


School visit to Po Leung Kuk Mrs Ma Kam Ming
School visit to Po Leung Kuk Mrs Ma Kam Ming-Cheung Fook Sien College
by Ms Wong Hiu Tung,
Po Leung Kuk Tong Nai Kan Junior Secondary College
In the afternoon on 30th October, 2013, we had a school visit and professional
exchange program with Po Leung Kuk Mrs Ma Kam Ming-Cheung Fook Sien
First, we were given some general information about the school. The introduction
provided us with a better understanding of the school mission and ethos.
After that, attended different classes to observe lessons.
The lessons included
Chinese, English, Mathematics, Visual Arts, Computer Literacy, Science, Geography
and Chinese History. Then we held a follow up discussion during which we shared
our feelings and opinions about the teaching methods of the lesson, and how to cater
for learning diversity. We also had a chance to look at students’ homework to see the
design of assignments.
During the lesson, we were impressed by their students’ performance.
The junior
form students proved to be capable and showed strong motivation for learning.
were diligent and stayed attentive and on task during the lessons.
Here are some photos of that day:
Exchange of the school flag.
Lesson observation: Science.
Lesson observation: Chinese Language.
After the lesson, we had a professional sharing session.