Bulletin_apr16 - Park Avenue Synagogue


Bulletin_apr16 - Park Avenue Synagogue
Pesah 5776 at PAS
‫אדר ב – ניסן‬
April 2016
Siddur Lev Shalem – A Prayer Book for Our Time
ore than any other
sacred text, the siddur,
the Jewish prayer book,
provides a window into the condition
of the Jewish people at any given
time. Unlike the Torah given at
Mount Sinai, the prayer book is
a multi-layered
organic document
that has evolved
through time and
space. Ancient or
Sephardic or
diaspora or Israeli,
the variations in
siddurim reflect the diversity of the
Jewish experience, each community
seeking to voice the aspirations and
anxieties of their particular context. As
such, every new prayer book signals
Jewish vitality and a commitment to
the Jewish future.
This spring, for the first time since the
introduction of Siddur Sim Shalom
in 1985, our community will bring
a new siddur into our lives. Five
years in the making and published
by the Rabbinical Assembly, Siddur
Lev Shalem will serve the needs
of the coming generation of our
congregation. As with the new High
Holiday prayer book Mahzor Lev
Shalem introduced last year, the
new translations and commentaries
of this siddur will invigorate our
prayer experience. This siddur is, at
one and the same time, both more
traditional and more contemporary
than our previous siddur. On the
traditional side, it includes ancient
piyyutim (poems). At the same time,
it seeks to be more inclusive to all
participants in synagogue life. Not
only are there transliterations for
those unfamiliar with Hebrew, but
also prayers for single parents naming
children and for partners celebrating
same sex unions. I hope that our
introduction of the new siddur
will be another step towards our
synagogue becoming a house of
prayer for all people.
Given the historic nature of this
transition, I am eager for our entire
community to be engaged in the
process. On Sunday evening, May
22, the congregation will be invited
to a dedication ceremony for the new
siddur prior to a public lecture by
David Brooks. Between now and then,
there will be learning opportunities for
every constituency of the synagogue
to become familiar with the new
siddur. I know I speak for the entire
clergy and education team when I
share our excitement to study the
particulars and principles of prayers
with you. Generations ago, Solomon
Schechter counseled: “We cannot
pray with the hearts of our parents
. . . every generation must write its
own love letters.” The new Siddur Lev
Shalem gives us the means to address
the Eternal in language befitting
our generation. I hope everyone will
participate in making sacred this
momentous and exciting time for our
Introducing Siddur
Lev Shalem
On Friday, April 1,
Rabbi Cosgrove will
open our study of the
prayer book in his
Caffeine for the Jewish Soul
class. On Thursday, April 7,
cantorial intern Rachel Brook will
teach the siddur at Library Lunch and
Learn. During April and May, there
will be short learning sessions about
the prayer book as part of meetings
and other events as well as more
formal learning opportunities. Watch
for the siddur marking events to alert
you to siddur study sessions, or check
the “Introducing Siddur Lev Shalem”
page on pasyn.org for an up-to-date
Park Avenue Synagogue Bulletin
‫אדר ב – ניסן‬
VOLUME 68 · NO. 8 · APRIL 2016 ADAR 2/NISAN 5776 ·
Marga Hirsch, Director of Publications · Lawrence Conley, Director of Media · Ira Krawitz, Director of Communications
From Rabbi Elliot Cosgrove......................................... 2
Schedule of Religious Services..................................... 3
Capital Campaign Report............................................. 4
Synagogue Family......................................................... 6
Adult Classes & Events................................................. 7
Rothschild Library...................................................... 10
Caring Network........................................................... 10
Gallery, Shapiro Audio Archive................................... 11
Youth Education & Events......................................... 12
Young Family Education............................................ 12
Congregational School.................................................13
Camp........................................................................... 14
PAS Teens & Youth......................................................15
PAS 20s and 30s..........................................................17
Contributions.............................................................. 18
Calendar...................................................................... 19
A Look Ahead................................................ Back cover
Seder plate illustrated by Barbara Shaw
Schedule of Religious Services · ‫ניסן‬
Friday, April 1 • 22 Adar 2
Saturday, April 16 • 8 Nisan
5:00 pm | Kabbalat Shabbat for
Families with Young Children (p. 12)
6:15 pm | Kabbalat Shabbat
7:15 pm | Ramah Minyan (p. 17)
Parashat M’tzora/Shabbat HaGadol
TGIS: Thank God It’s Shabbat!
9:00–9:50 am | Activities for all ages,
including Traditional Shaharit,
Parashah Study, PAS Youth Choir,
Dabeir Ivrit, Torah Spiel, Chess Club,
and Window on Israel.
10:00 am–12:15 pm | Community
Shabbat Worship
Bar Mitzvah of Jonathan Poss
Bat Mitzvah of Arielle Stegman
10:00 am | CS Shabbat Experience
11:15 am | Tot TGIS
20 minutes after services | Minha
Saturday, April 2 • 23 Adar 2
Parashat Sh’mini/Shabbat Parah
9:15 am | Sanctuary service
Bat Mitzvah of Carli Meltzer
Bat Mitzvah of Julia Soleymani
9:30 am | Havurah
The Havurah is a lay-led, child-friendly service for
individuals and families of all ages who want an
intimate and informal prayer experience. We invite
people of all skill levels to participate by leading
part of the service, reading Torah or Haftarah or
by facilitating a Torah discussion.
20 minutes after services | Minha
Friday, April 8 • 29 Adar 2
6:15 pm | Kabbalat Shabbat and
Milestone Membership Honors
We will honor members who have joined PAS
since May 2015, as well as 5-year and 25-year
members. Milestone members will receive personal
invitations. Everyone is invited to come say mazal
Saturday, April 9 • 1 Nisan
Parashat Tazria
Rosh Hodesh/Shabbat HaHodesh
9:15 am | Sanctuary service with Hallel
Bat Mitzvah of Celeste Cohen
Bar Mitzvah of Sam Schreiber
20 minutes after services | Minha
Friday, April 15 • 7 Nisan
Food Pantry Shabbat
Commemorating the 30th Anniversary
of the PAS Food Pantry
6:15 pm | Kabbalat Shabbat with Guest
Cantor Marcus Feldman
Cantor Marcus Feldman is
Senior Cantor of Sinai Temple
in Los Angeles. He studied
hazzanut with Cantor Nathan
Lam and with Cantor Naftali
Hershtik. He earned a Master
of Sacred Music and was
ordained at the Academy of Jewish Religion in
7:30 pm | Shabbat Dinner Series with
Rabbi Jennie Rosenn
Rabbi Jennie Rosenn is VP of Community
Engagement at HIAS, the oldest international
migration and refugee resettlement agency in
the US.
Park Avenue Synagogue
Friday, April 22 • 14 Nisan
Erev Pesah | Fast of the Firstborn
7:00 am | Morning minyan & Siyyum
| Last opportunity to sell Hametz (See
the enclosed Pesah Guide, or visit pasyn.org, click
on Holidays and then on Pesah Resources. Either
authorize the sale electronically or print the form,
fill it out, and bring or send it to the synagogue.)
6:30 pm | Minha and Festival Evening
7:00 pm | Community Seder with
Rabbi Neil Zuckerman and Cantor
Shira Lissek (Register on pasyn.org by
April 15)
Saturday, April 23 • 15 Nisan
Pesah, 1st day
9:15 am | Festival service, including
Tal, the prayer for dew
20 minutes after services, Minha
5:00 pm | Young Family Seder with
Rabbi Ethan Witkovsky, Eliana Light,
and Malka Lowenstein (p. 12)
6:30 pm | Festival Evening service
7:00 pm | Community Seder with
Rabbi Elliot Cosgrove and Cantor
Rachel Brook (Register on pasyn.org
by April 15)
– ‫אדר ב‬
Sunday, April 24 • 16 Nisan
Pesah, 2nd day
9:15 am | Festival Morning service
20 minutes after services, Minha
No service at 5:45 pm
Monday, April 25 • 17 Nisan
Pesah, 3rd day
7:15 am | Morning minyan with Hallel,
Torah reading and Musaf
5:45 pm | Minha/ma’ariv
Tuesday, April 26 • 18 Nisan
Pesah, 4th day
7:15 am | Morning minyan with Hallel,
Torah reading and Musaf
5:45 pm | Minha/ma’ariv
Wednesday, April 27 • 19 Nisan
Pesah, 5th day
7:15 am | Morning minyan with Hallel,
Torah reading and Musaf
5:45 pm | Minha/ma’ariv
Thursday, April 28 • 20 Nisan
Pesah, 6th day
7:15 am | Morning minyan with Hallel,
Torah reading and Musaf
5:45 pm | Minha/ma’ariv
Friday, April 29 • 21 Nisan
Pesah, 7th day
9:15 am | Festival Morning service
20 minutes after services, Minha
6:15 pm | Minha & Shabbat/Festival
Evening service
Saturday, April 30 • 22 Nisan
Pesah, 8th day
9:15 am | Festival service with Yizkor
Bat Mitzvah of Julia Grant
11:15 am | YFE Pesah service (p. 12)
minutes after services | Minha
8:32 pm | Pesah ends; OK to eat hametz
Weekday minyan: Shaharit Monday–Friday at 7:15 am; Sundays at 9:00 am.
Ma’ariv Sunday–Thursday at 5:45 pm. Shabbat minha 20 minutes after the end of morning services.
For the schedule of Congregational School Shabbat Experiences, see p. 14.
PAS clergy will preach and conduct services, with Colin Fowler at the organ; the Synagogue Choir: Ena
Freeman, Yonah Gershator, Alex Guerrero, and Tim Krol; and the Synagogue Band: Gil Smuskowitz, bass;
Mike Cohen, woodwinds; and Ronen Itzik, percussion. Abe Lebovic is our regular Torah Reader, and Mark
Fraier is our Ritual Director.
Can’t make it to the synagogue? PAS sanctuary services are live streamed. Visit pasyn.org/webcast.
April 2016 Adar 2/Nisan 5776
A Glimpse Into The Future
COMMITTEE was formed
in 2012 when Park Avenue
Synagogue appeared to be short on
space, but it wasn’t clear whether
there was truly a space shortage or
just a logistics issue. The committee
– with myself and Craig Solomon as
co-chairs and including more than
twenty congregants and professional
staff – hired architects to conduct a
comprehensive space analysis.
that we were 10-12,000 square feet
short of space, and that this wasn’t
just a High Holidays problem. PAS
members are using our facilities more
often year-round, and we are bursting
at the seams. Nothing highlights the
lack of space more dramatically than
the need to hold family services at
a nearby church and the German
cultural center down the block. To
provide more space for learning,
worship, and social activities, we
need more flexible space to be used
in multiple ways. In addition, the
aging physical infrastructure of our
building does not reflect the vibrant
and welcoming culture of PAS, nor is it
technologically up to date.
Park Avenue Synagogue Bulletin
REPORT and considering
the solutions they
proposed, the Space Needs
Committee recommended
that PAS acquire a second
building and renovate
our beloved 87th Street
building, creating a unified
campus with one vision.
The Committee then
recommended and the
Board authorized hiring
CCS Consulting, a premier
non-profit consulting
firm. Together with the Board, they
determined that the community
would be willing and able to support a
capital campaign to raise the necessary
funds. We subsequently acquired a
nearby school building on East 89th
Street (between Madison and Fifth
Avenues), providing the opportunity
to create a Lifelong Learning Center.
Once that facility is in operation, we
will renovate the 87th Street building,
which will have additional space for
prayer and large gatherings.
of what we expect will
be a six-year project to
expand and renovate Park
Avenue Synagogue. We
have divided the building
project into two phases
to minimize disruption to
our community. The first
phase is the creation of
the PAS Lifelong Learning
Center on 89th Street; the
second phase will be the
revitalization of our 87th
Street home. We acquired the building
on 89th Street in January of 2015.
During the next year, we completed
detailed planning to renovate the
entire interior; demolition has just
begun. We expect the reconstruction
to take 18 months and are on schedule
for a grand opening prior to the
High Holidays 2017. We are now
in the midst of detailed planning
for the renovation of 87th Street.
We expect physical work there to
begin immediately after 89th Street
is complete, and we look forward
to the 87th Street renovation being
completed in 2020.
89th Street
PROJECTS, we envision the
campus holistically as a single entity.
There will be programs in both
buildings for every demographic
of the congregation, so that we are
truly one community on one campus
with one vision. Children in our
toddler programs and learners in
the Congregational School will have
classes in the Lifelong Learning
Center and Shabbat services in the
87th Street building. Adults will
worship at services in the Sanctuary
and have both daytime and evening
adult learning classes in both the
87th Street and 89th Street buildings.
We will also be using design to unite
the two buildings. One way this goal
will be realized is that the stained
glass windows created in 1954 by
the renowned artist Adolph Gottlieb
for our 87th Street facade will be
relocated throughout the campus to
link the two buildings visually and
conceptually. Our goal is to create a
warm, welcoming environment where
learning is continuous, technology
is cutting edge, Judaism is visible
and most importantly, community is
nurtured across all age groups.
87th Street
April 2016 Adar 2/Nisan 5776
Synagogue Family
‫ בני מצוה‬BNEI MITZVAH
Carli Meltzer
April 2 | Sh’mini
Daughter of Dana & Gary Meltzer
Julia Soleymani
April 2 | Sh’mini
Daughter of Joelle & Stephen Soleymani
Celeste Cohen
April 9 | Tazria
Daughter of Jennifer Sheridan & Jesse
Granddaughter of Carol H. Cohen
Sam Schreiber
April 9 | Tazria
Son of Lori & Brian Schreiber
‫ מזל טוב‬MAZAL TOV
Qian & Levi Sokol on the birth of a daughter, Ruth
Chana Sokol
Arielle Nagler & Phillip Sherrill on the birth of a
daughter, Daphne Rose Sherrill, and to grandparents
Freema Gluck & Harris Nagler and great-grandmother
Anita Gluck
Rabbi Neil Zuckerman on being honored as PAS Men’s
Club Man of the Year (see p. 9)
Emily Abelow and Jordan Levinson on being
honored as PAS Men’s Club Students of the Year (see p. 9)
Heidy de la Cruz & Geraldo Rivera on the birth of a
daughter, Haily Rivera
Barbara & David Julie on the birth of a granddaughter,
Ella Delphine Julie, and to the parents, Jennifer HuberJulie & Douglas Julie
‫ המקום ינחם‬CONDOLENCES
Jonathan Poss
April 16 | M’tzora
Son of Judith & Jeffrey Poss
Nancy & Alan Block on the loss of his mother, Elaine Block
Arielle Stegman
April 16 | M’tzora
Daughter of Carrie & Zeev Stegman
Hilary & Jeffrey Moses on the loss of his mother,
Edith Moses
Sofia Egol
April 16, Minha | Aharei Mot
Daughter of Zina & Jonathan Egol
Caryn Jacobs & Daniel Cedarbaum and Alice Winkler &
Jonathan Cedarbaum on the loss of Daniel and Jonathan’s
mother, Miriam Goldman Cedarbaum Alissa & Joel Isaacson on the loss of his father,
Leonard Isaacson
Family and friends of Harold Geringer
Howard Kaplan on the loss of his wife, Joyce Kaplan
Rabbi Lilly Kaufman on the loss of her father,
Isaac Kaufman
Julia Grant
April 30 | 8th Day Pesah
Daughter of Danielle & Hayim Grant
Park Avenue Synagogue Bulletin
Diane & Gerald Smallberg on the loss of her mother,
Jacqueline Hilf
Adult Classes & Events
Weekly Classes
Siddur Hebrew 2
Apr 4, 18 | 6:30 pm | Marga Hirsch
Traveling Down Siddur Lane:
An Exploration of Prayers
The Florence Melton School of
Adult Jewish Learning: Year 2
Shulhan Ivrit
Apr 6 | 8:00 am, after morning minyan
| Abe Lebovic
Apr 7, 14, 21 | 9:15 am | Rabbi Ethan
Witkovsky and Rabbi Neil Zuckerman
Jewish Choices for Jewish
Beyond Borders: The History
of the Arab-Israeli Conflict
Apr 4 | 7:00 pm | Varda Hubara
Apr 6 | 7:00 pm | Debbie Cosgrove
Essential Essays
Apr 5, 12, 19 | 8:00 am, immediately
after minyan | Rabbi Cosgrove
Contemporary Jewish Thought
Apr 5, 12, 19 | 11:30 am | Marga Hirsch
and Rabbi Neil Zuckerman
Adult Bat Mitzvah
Apr 5 | 6:30 pm | Cantor Shira Lissek
and Rabbi Neil Zuckerman
Apr 7, 14 | 9:15 am | Rabbi Elliot
Mysticism and Kabbalah:
Secret Knowledge in Judaism
Mysticism and Kabbalah:
Secret Knowledge in Judaism
Apr 6, 13 | 6:30 pm | Rabbi David Kalb
Shemot II: Revelation and
Apr 6, 13, 20 | 6:30 pm | Rabbi Shmuel
Apr 7, 14 | 9:15 am | Rabbi David Kalb
Foundations of Jewish Family
Living: Jewish Values for
Parents to Share with Their
Apr 1 | 9:20 am | Debbie Cosgrove
Library Lunch & Learn
The Florence Melton School of
Adult Jewish Learning: Year 1
Apr 6, 13, 20 | 6:45 pm | Rabbi Shmuel
Afek and Rabbi Charlie Savenor
Sponsored by the Rabbinical Assembly
Exploring Judaism
Apr 6, 13 | Congregation Ansche
Chesed; Apr 20, 27, Brotherhood
Synagogue | 7:00 pm | Rabbi Joel
12:00 pm
Apr 7 | Rachel Brook
Even if you are not a Lunch
& Learn regular, don’t miss
this session leading up to
the introduction of our new
Apr 14 | Insights from Israel via Skype
with Rabbi Michael Graetz
Apr 21 | Josh Jacobs
Apr 28 | No session
Sponsored by the Rabbinical Assembly
Exploring Judaism
Apr 7; 14, 21, Congregation Ansche
Chesed; Apr 28, No class | 7:00 pm |
Rabbi Benjamin Resnick
For additional information about classes listed here, please look in the Winter/Spring Program
Catalog or on www.pasyn.org.
To register for Adult Education classes and events, unless otherwise noted in the description, go to
pasyn.org and click on “Adult Education.” On the left side of the page, click on “Classes” or on the
event and then on the appropriate registration link. Those without Internet access may call Beth Levick
at 212-369-4900, x146.
Daf HaShavua: Weekly Talmud
Apr 1, 8, 15 | 8:00 am, immediately
after minyan | Rabbi Ethan Witkovsky
Parashat HaShavua | No class
Apr 16 (TGIS) | 8:45 am
April 2016 Adar 2/Nisan 5776
Adult Classes & Events
This Month at PAS
To register for Adult Education classes and events, unless otherwise noted in the description, go to pasyn.org and click on “Adult Education.” On the left
side of the page, click on “Classes” or on the event and then on the appropriate registration link. Those without Internet access may call Beth Levick at
212-369-2600, x146.
Project Prom
Pre-Pesach Hametz Food Drive
Monday, Apr 11 – Thursday, Apr 21 |
Bins in the Lobby
Two mitzvot in one! When you clean
your kitchen for Passover, donate
your unopened packages and cans
(no glass) of nonperishable food to
the New York Common Pantry.
Caffeine for the Soul:
Siddur Lev Shalem
Friday | Apr 1 | 9:15 am | Rabbi
Elliot Cosgrove
Join the rabbi as he kicks off
our study of the prayer book in
preparation for the dedication of our
new siddur next month.
A Conversation with Jonathan
Greenblatt, CEO, AntiDefamation League
Tuesday | Apr 5 | 7:00 pm
Cost: Free/members; $20/general
Wednesday and Thursday | Apr 6-7 |
Temple Emanu-El | Adult volunteers
Volunteer as a personal shopper in
the “boutique” at Temple Emanu-el
to assist low-income high schools
girls in shopping for their prom.
Please email [email protected]
to volunteer.
Mitzvah Mommy & Me
Friday | Apr 8 | 2:00 pm | Children 5
and under with an adult
Celebrate at a pre-Shabbat party with
the seniors at Jewish Home Lifecare.
RSVP to Nessa Liben [email protected] or
DOROT Passover Package
Sunday | Apr 10 | 10:00 am – 1:00 pm
| Adults; families with children ages 4
and up
Sponsored by Men’s Club
Spend a fulfilling morning
delivering Passover food packages to
homebound seniors.
Passover Wine Tasting & Sale
Please RSVP to [email protected].
Tuesday | Apr 5 | 8:30 pm
Stay after Jonathan Greenblatt’s
lecture to sample fine wines, enjoy
light fare, and order kosher-forPassover wine and shmurah matzah.
Representatives of McCabes Wine
and Spirits will be on hand to advise.
Visit pasyn.org to see this year’s wine
list and order online.
Sponsored by the Rothschild Library
Seder Pop-up Shop
Monday, Apr 11 – Tuesday, Apr 19 | In
the Library, open every afternoon
Find afikomen presents, including
Pesah story books and frogs!
Sponsored by the Department of Adult
Education and Women’s Network
Women’s Seder
Modern Day Slavery: The
Trafficking of Women
Monday | Apr 11
6:00 pm | Kibbitzing & Cocktails
6:30 pm | Seder Experience
Join in a seder experience that will
build our PAS women’s community
and also raise awareness and
educate us about the issue of
human trafficking – a plague that is
older than the Ten Plagues. Micol
Rieger, LMSW, Social Worker and
Coordinator of the Sex Trafficking
Prevention Initiative for the
Metropolitan Council on Jewish
Poverty, will be our guest speaker.
Cost: $40/members; $54/general. Register by
April 4.
Women’s Network Film Series
The Jewish Journey: America
Tuesday | Apr 12 | 1:00 pm
Through archival footage,
commentary from historians, and
interviews with immigrants, this film
provides a heartwarming picture of
the Jewish experience in coming to
The Challenge of Living with a
Hyphenated Identity
Rabbi Elliot Cosgrove
Tuesday | Apr 12 | 6:00 pm | Third of
four monthly sessions
PAS Town Hall
Tuesday | Apr 12 | 7:30 pm
Learn about the Capital Campaign.
Park Avenue Synagogue Bulletin
Adult Classes & Events
Spring into Passover
Sunday | Apr 17 | 9:30 am-12:00 pm
Grocery Packing at New York
Common Pantry
Wednesday | Apr 13 | 9:00 am – 12:00
pm | Adult volunteers
Help pack groceries requested by
recipients on an electronic ordering
system that allows them to select
specific items from all the food
groups. Wear comfortable clothing
and closed-toe shoes.
RSVP to Lite Sabin at [email protected] or 212628-2863.
Cosponsored by Congregation Kehilath
Jeshurun, PAS, and The Jewish Board's
Partners in Caring and Shira Ruskay
Coping with the Empty Chair at
the Seder: A Pesah Program for
Bereaved Jews
Wednesday | Apr 13 | 6:30 pm
RSVP by Apr 11 to Shira Felberbaum, social
worker from The Jewish Board, at sfelberbaum@
jbfcs.org or 212-632-4735.
Knit and Nosh
Wednesday | Apr 13 | 7:00 pm | All ages
Our monthly knitting group
alternates morning and evening
meetings so that more people can
come. Join us either to improve
your knitting skills or to learn from
scratch. Everyone is welcome,
regardless of knitting experience
or ability. Make new friends while
creating something for yourself or an
item to donate to those in need.
Please RSVP to [email protected].
Women in the Bible
Friday | Apr 15 | 9:15 am | Debbie
Shabbat Dinner Series
Celebrating the 30th
Anniversary of the PAS Food
Guest Speaker: Rabbi Jennie Rosenn,
VP of Community Engagement at HIAS
Friday | Apr 15
6:15 pm | Kabbalat Shabbat
7:30 pm | Dinner and Lecture
Sponsored by Men’s Club
Project Ezra Pre-Pesah Food
Sunday | Apr 17 | 9:00 am | Adult and
teen volunteers
Bring Passover food packages to
Jewish seniors on the Lower East
Side. Email [email protected]
and indicate whether you will drive
or will need a ride.
NY Metro Chapter of the Federation of
Jewish Men’s Clubs
Annual Man of the Year and
Youth Awards Dinner
Sunday | Apr 17 | 4:30 pm | Crest
Hollow Country Club, 8325 Jericho
Tpke, Woodbury, Long Island
Rabbi Zuckerman, PAS Man of the
Year, and Emily Abelow and Jordan
Levinson, PAS Students of the Year,
will be honored together with the
honorees of 20 other synagogues.
To RSVP for the dinner or to take out an ad in the
journal, visit wizadjournal.com/nymfjmc2016/
Justice in Prayer:
Looking for Tikkun Olam
in Siddur Lev Shalem
Tuesday | Apr 19 | 7:30-8:30 pm |
Rabbi Ethan Witkovsky
Explore excerpts from the new
siddur and discuss the role of prayer
in bringing justice to the world.
After registration and a communal
breakfast, join our clergy and staff in
workshops for all ages. Sing, learn,
cook, and create art to enhance your
Passover experience. Choose one
workshop during the first hour and
one workshop during the second
hour. The Seder Pop-up Shop will be
open (see p. 8). The Men’s Club will
have Shmurah Matzah for sale and
kosher for Passover wines for order
(but not for tasting). See below for a
list of the sessions. Check pasyn.org
for a detailed schedule, descriptions
of the workshops, and costs.
• Pesah: It's all about Song! From
Dayeinu to the Song of the Sea to
the Song of Songs
Rachel Brook, Cantorial Intern
• Destroying Hametz from our
Homes and Hearts
Rabbi Ethan Witkovsky
• Escape from Egypt: Why
Leaving at Midnight Reinforces
the Fundamentals of Jewish
Thought and Life
Rabbi Charlie Savenor
• Decoupage Salt Water Bowls to
Enhance Your Seder
Rachel Singer, CS Teacher
• What Is the Hillel Sandwich and
Why Do We Eat It?
Rabbi Neil Zuckerman
• Making a Seder for Adults that
Kids Will Like, Too
Bryan Wexler, Rabbinical Intern
For students in grades 3-8 (see p. 15)
• Seder Sabotage
Hallie Chandler and Mirit Sands
For families with young children (see p. 12)
• YFE Pesah Workshops
Malka Lowenstein
April 2016 Adar 2/Nisan 5776
Adult Classes & Events
This Month at PAS
Melton Passover Session – Open to All
Kitniyot: What Are They, and
Can Ashkenazi Jews Eat Them?
Tuesday | Apr 26 | 9:30-10:30 am |
Rabbi Neil Zuckerman
Kitniyot, literally “little things,” are
beans and seeds that look like the five
grains that are prohibited on Pesah
or that may be ground into flour that
resembles grain flour. Until this year,
Ashkenazic authorities did not allow
these foods on Pesah. In the fall of
2015, the Committee on Jewish Laws
and Standards of the Rabbinical
Assembly passed two responsa which
permit consumption of kitniyot for
Ashkenazim. Come learn about their
reasoning and whether it affects
us. No charge, but please RSVP at
Melton Passover Session – Open to All
Myth, Maggid, and Meaning:
Truth, the Haggadah and Does
It Matter?
Wednesday | Apr 27 | 8:00-9:00 pm |
Rabbi Ethan Witkovsky
We will discuss the Passover story
and its relationship to other myths
and tales. Does it matter if they are
true? What can we learn from the
stories we tell?
No charge, but please RSVP at
To register for Adult Education classes and
events, unless otherwise noted in the description,
go to pasyn.org and click on “Adult Education.”
On the left side of the page, click on “Classes”
or on the event and then on the appropriate
registration link. Those without Internet access
may call Beth Levick at 212-369-4900, x146.
Park Avenue Synagogue Bulletin
The Edmond de Rothschild
Director: Marga Hirsch
Inclusion Awareness at the
As part of the synagogue’s
commitment to make PAS a fully
inclusive community, the library
has recently added books related to
disability awareness and inclusion to
every area of the collection. A search
on “inclusion” in the online catalog
will produce a list of all the books in
the library that touch on the subject.
In the spirit of inclusion, these books
are not shelved separately, rather
together with the other picture books,
YA books, etc. Most of the adult
books are either in parenting (652.7)
or with guides to Jewish living (220).
While the books are not on a separate
physical shelf, there is a “virtual
bookshelf” for the inclusion titles.
Visit the online catalog to see the
shelf on the home page and to browse
for other books. Stop by the library to
check out books, DVDs, and CDs.
Library Hours
Monday–Thursday: 12:00–5:45 pm
Friday by appointment
The library is closed during classes:
Mondays, 6:30–9:00 pm
Wednesdays, 6:30–9:00 pm
Thursdays, 9:15–10:30 am
Caring Network
Supporting congregants and their
families during times of transition,
the Caring Network offers solace
during times of illness, suffering,
loss, and grief, and also reaches
out to families during times of
joy. If you or someone you know
needs assistance from the Caring
Network, or if you would like to
volunteer, please contact Rabbi Neil
Zuckerman at nzuckerman@pasyn.
org or 212-369-4900, x124.
A service of The Jewish Board
Social Work Support for
PAS Members and Their
Tuesdays | By appointment | Shira
Felberbaum, LMSW
For more information or to make an
appointment, contact Shira Felberbaum at
[email protected] or 212-632-4735, or
contact Rabbi Zuckerman.
A service of DOROT
Social Work Support for
PAS Seniors, Families and
Their Caregivers
By appointment | Yael Kornfeld,
For more information or to make an
appointment, contact Yael Kornfeld at
[email protected] or 212-769-2850, or
contact Rabbi Zuckerman.
The Meaning
of Freedom
Gallery2nd floor
Seeing Ourselves in the Other
Besa, A Code of Honor: Albanian
Muslim Rescuers During the Holocaust
Photographs by Norman Gershman
Through April
When post-World War II Europe
found itself devastated by the loss
of its Jewish population, Albania
was the only country where there
were more Jewish people than had
lived there prior to the Holocaust.
Over 2,000 Jews from Albania,
Greece, Austria, and Italy were
hidden in the homes of Albanian
Muslim families throughout the War.
Norman Gershman, an American
photographer fascinated by these
stories, traveled to Albania and
Kosovo to chronicle the tales of
the righteous Albanians and their
devotion to BESA, an Albanian
code of honor which means “to
keep the promise.” Each portrait is
accompanied by a personal statement
of the individual’s honorable
act. Through subtle portraiture,
Gershman communicates the honor,
faith, and altruism of Albanian
rescuers during the Holocaust.
As the world grapples with today’s
crises, this exhibition invites us to
find inspiration in seeing ourselves
both as those seeking refuge and as
those who have the power to grant it.
or a people to be redeemed from slavery is one
thing, but for a people to reach its full freedom
is another. The attainment of freedom for a
people in its fullest sense is possible only when it is in
its own land – when it is living upon its own soil.
Rabbi Judah Nadich made these remarks on Passover
1965, when the State of Israel was not yet 20 years
old. For 2,000 years, Jewish history was “shaped by
others,” determining where Jews could live and under
what conditions, the work they could perform, and how
they were allowed (or not) to be part of larger society.
The existence of the Jewish State now enabled Jews
to decide how to live their lives – the true essence of
At the same time, in the Soviet Union Jews were
physically free but were derided, persecuted for their
religious beliefs, and frequently arrested. Russian antiSemitism – whether from Czars, Stalin, Khrushchev,
or Kosygin – remained a powerful force in the 1960s
regardless of other political changes. In the mid-1960s,
the “Save Soviet Jewry” movement took shape.
And ye shall proclaim liberty throughout the land,
unto all the inhabitants thereof … and the Rabbis
asked, “what is liberty? What is freedom?” And they
answered, “freedom is when a man feels he is at home.”
Just one month after Passover, the New York Board of
Rabbis declared May 22, 1965 the “Sabbath of Concern.”
Rabbi Nadich focused his words that morning on the
plight of Jews in the Soviet Union and their lack of
liberty as “slavery without chains.”
Eleven years later, on July 4, 1976, the Jews who had
been held hostage at the Entebbe Airport in Uganda
were rescued by the Israel Defense Forces and flown to
Israel. Rabbi Nadich delivered stirring remarks at the
first Shabbat morning service after the summer break.
True freedom cannot co-exist alongside submission to
the tyranny of terrorism . . . people rejoiced at the news
of the raid on Entebbe . . . Israel gave an example to all
the world that terrorist tyranny must be stood up to.
To hear these excerpts on the meaning of freedom, visit the Shapiro Audio
Archive on the PAS website. (Under Resources, click on “Archives” and then on
“Shapiro Audio Archives” at the left of the page.)
April 2016 Adar 2/Nisan 5776
Youth Education & Events
For additional information about all youth events, please look in the Winter/Spring Program Catalog or on pasyn.org.
Young Family Education
For latest information, sign up to receive Young Family Education email. Visit pasyn.org and click on Email Sign up. Questions? Contact Malka
Lowenstein, Director of YFE, at [email protected] or 212-369-4900, x140.
To register for any YFE program, go to pasyn.org and click on Young Family Education. Under Upcoming Events, click on the event. For dinners,
cancellations with refund (or credit towards another dinner) are possible until the Wednesday before.
YFE classes will not meet during Pesah, Monday, April 25 – Friday,
April 29. Classes resume on Monday, May 2. Spring semester
Afterschool activities conclude the week of May 16. Toddler classes
conclude the week of May 23.
Register now for Fall 2016! Choose from a variety of classes for babies,
toddlers and young children. Bring your friends and meet new ones! For the
full list of classes, visit pasyn.org and click on Young Family Education.
Kabbalat Shabbat and Dinner for Families with
Young Children
Friday | Apr 1 | Service, 5:00 pm, Dinner, approx. 5:30 pm
Join our clergy for a family-friendly service, followed
immediately by a child-friendly buffet dinner and short
program. Children with April birthdays will receive a
birthday blessing and a small gift.
Cost: $45/members; $50/general; $20/children
Tot TGIS: YFE Shabbat Services
Saturday | Apr 16 | 11:15 am | with Malka Lowenstein
Find your place in the PAS Shabbat experience as we
delight in Shabbat with parachutes, puppets, and prayer!
Children newborn to Pre-K together with parents,
grandparents or other caring adults are invited for a
lively 45-minute service concluding with Kiddush and a
light snack.
Young Family Seder
Saturday | Apr 23 | 5:00 – 6:00 pm
Don’t go out of Egypt alone! Bring your family and
friends (newborn to Pre-K) for an interactive, inspiring
Young Family Seder with Rabbi Witkovsky, Eliana Light,
and Malka Lowenstein. Space is limited.
Cost: $90/member; $135/general; $55/child under age 8. Please
register by April 15 at pasyn.org.
Young Family Pesah Service
Saturday | Apr 30 | 11:15 am
Families with children newborn to Pre-K are invited
to join Rabbi Witkovsky, Eliana Light and Malka
Lowenstein for a musical Pesah celebration of freedom.
Please register at pasyn.org.
Park Avenue Synagogue Bulletin
Shirat Shabbat
Fridays | Apr 8, 15 | 9:10 am | For parents and toddlers age
3 and under
Join Rabbi Witkovsky and Malka Lowenstein to prepare
to welcome Shabbat. We will sing, dance, play rhythm
instruments and tell stories with puppets and flannel
board figures.
Spring into Passover! YFE Pesah Workshops
Sunday | Apr 17 | 9:30 am – 12:00 pm | Children newborn to
Pre-K with an adult
After registration and a communal breakfast, warm up
for Pesah and explore different aspects of the holiday
with sensory play activities, movement & dance,
rhythmic music playing & singing as well as art activities.
Choose two out of four different workshops. Space is
limited! See the details and register at pasyn.org.
Member cost: $10/person ages 2 years and up; $36/family of 4 or more
General cost: $12/person ages 2 years and up; $46/family of 4 or more
YFE Passover Pop-Up Camp
Monday – Thursday | Apr 25–28 | 9:00 am – 12:00 pm
Don’t “pass over” the opportunity to celebrate the
intermediate days of Pesah with friends at PAS! Led by
Malka Lowenstein, this four-day camp will allow your
child to develop skills in art, storytelling, music and
more! The fun includes:
• Puppet making
• Action and adventure games
• Storytime with Rabbi Ethan
• Outdoor play
• Music and instrument making
• Sensory play
Ages 3.5–5. Space is limited. Register at pasyn.org. Please note this
short camp is best suited for children who can separate easily at morning
Cost: $395/members; $425/general. Register at pasyn.org.
Celebrating Passover
s spring comes along,
a highlight in the ECC
is our celebration of
Pesah. Children as young as age
2 hear the Passover story told in
many different developmentally
appropriate ways, including with
picture books, with puppets, and acting it out. Teachers
introduce ritual objects such as the seder plate and
spend time reviewing the steps of the seder so that our
students can participate with their families. Many of
our children learn the Four Questions so that they can
say them at the seder. We emphasize how important it
is to remember the time when Jewish people overcame
hardship as a community working together. And of
course we sing lots of wonderful songs that the children
can sing with their families as they prepare for the
holiday and at the seder. Hag Sameah!
Congregational School
For program details and up-to-date information about the school’s schedule, please rely on the weekly school newsletter.
Old Stories, New Traditions
s we approach Passover,
I am struck by how much
of our collective narrative
as a people is bound up in this
holiday. We recall the exodus
from Egypt every Friday evening
in the Kiddush, when we identify
Shabbat as zekher litziat Mitzrayim - a reminder of our
leaving Egypt.
At the seder, we are asked not only to recall the Exodus,
but to relive it. To connect to this ancient experience,
it helps to try out new ways of doing things; if we
like them and repeat them every year, we've created
a tradition. In my family, when we sing Ehad Mi
Yode’a, “Who Knows One?” each person responds to
the number of his or her birth order. When the singing
reaches “your” verse, you stand up, show the number
with your fingers, and sing loudly; then you repeat the
enthusiasm each time your number comes around. This
is a fun and energetic way to connect with others who
are also 1st, 2nd, or 3rd born. In my family, there are
even 5th borns who shout Hamishah humshei Torah,
five books of the Torah!
Another way to liven up your seder is to provide
costumes to wear when retelling the story of the
Exodus. You can also make a tradition of special
moments before Passover or after the seder, like
watching the movie The Prince of Egypt as a family or
having a Pesah Picnic in the Park.
If you have a family Passover tradition or if you start a
new one this year, tell me about it. As you can guess, if
you send me a picture, I will post it on our blog and on
the 3rd floor for all to see and be inspired by. Through
our modern connections to the exodus from Egypt, we
strengthen our collective narrative as a Jewish people.
Hag sameah!
April 2016 Adar 2/Nisan 5776
Youth Education & Events
For additional information about all youth events, please look in the Winter/Spring Program Catalog or on pasyn.org.
Congregational School
For program details and up-to-date information about the school’s schedule, please rely on the weekly school newsletter.
Schedule of Congregational School & Youth Events
Saturday | Apr 2 | 10:00 am–12:00 pm | Shabbat Experience for Gimel, Dalet, Hey, & Vav (Grades 3–6)
Sunday | Apr 3 | 10:30 am–12:30 pm | K–2 Trip to the Jewish Children’s Museum
Saturday | Apr 9 | Shabbat Experience
10:00 am–12:00 pm | Gimel, Dalet, Hey, & Vav (3–6) Learners | PAS
11:00 am–12:00 pm | Gan, Alef and Bet (K–2) Family Shabbat Experience | Liederkranz*
4:00–5:00 pm | Vav Book Club at Rabbi Cosgrove’s home
Sunday | Apr 10 | 4:00–5:00 pm | Grades 3–6 Family Field Trips
Grades 3–4 Tenement Museum
Grades 5–6 Walking Tour of the Lower East Side
Monday–Thursday | Apr 11–14 | 5:30–6:00 pm | K–2 Passover Family Programs
Saturday | Apr 16 | 10:00 am–12:00 pm | Family Shabbat Experience for Gimel, Dalet, Hey, & Vav (3–6)
Tuesday | Apr 19 | 5:45–7:00 pm | Vav Bnei Mitzvah Family Program
Thursday–Saturday | Apr 21–30 | Passover Break | No Congregational School classes or Shabbat Experience
*6 East 87th Street between Madison & Fifth Avenues.
PAS Family Retreat for Grades K-7
Friday, May 13–Sunday, May 15 | at Camp Zeke, Lakewood, PA | For CS & Day School
Join the Grades K-7 community, Rabbi Witkovsky, and PAS educators for a novel Shabbat
Experience. Register on pasyn.org.
What’s not to smile about at Jewish summer camp? The Abelow sisters are happy to be at
Ramah Berkshires together!
For information on Jewish camps, please contact co-chairs Chana Zimmerman ([email protected])
and Vanessa Waye ([email protected]) or Director of the Congregational School, Jennifer Stern Granowitz
([email protected]).
PAS Youth Choir
Shabbat/Saturday | Apr 2, 9, 16 | 9:30–9:55 am | Rehearsal
Open to children age 6 and up, the Youth Choir learns music and performs with our cantors at Shabbat and
holiday services. For more information, please contact Cantor Shira Lissek at [email protected].
Park Avenue
PAS Teens & Youth
For more information and to register, see the Teen Weekly email or contact Hallie Chandler, [email protected] or 212-369-2600, x147.
Let’s Learn
Let’s Lead
Rabbi Judah Nadich High School
meets every Wednesday evening
with different mini-courses taking
place every few weeks. Please
register via the Teen Weekly
Parent and Teen Shabbat Study
with Rabbi Cosgrove
Saturday | Apr 2 | 4:00–5:00 pm
Post-Bnei Mitzvah learners and their
parents are invited to meet at Rabbi
Cosgrove’s apartment for study,
schmoozing, snacks and Shabbat
For 8th graders
Rosh Hodesh, It’s a Girl Thing
& Shevet Achim, Brotherhood
Monday | Apr 4 | 6:00 pm
Led by Hallie Chandler and Daniel
Sternberg, these experiential
education groups cultivate Jewish
identity with fun communal
experiences. The groups provide a
safe space to be with one another
while addressing topics such as
leadership, self-esteem, friendship,
competition, power and pleasure.
For high school seniors
Packing for college: where does
Judaism fit in?
Saturday | Apr 2, 9 | 4:00 pm |
Rehearsal | at Cantor Schwartz’s home
Spend an hour on Shabbat afternoon
with friends who like to sing,
schmooze and snack.
Rock Band
Thursdays | 6:00 pm
Exploring contemporary Jewish
music, this group plays and sings
together. To learn more, contact
Eliana Light at [email protected].
Saturday | Apr 16 | 1:00 pm
Lunch and conversation with Hallie
and Ethan. Am I ready for this? Is
God going where I’m going? Meet
with other PAS 12th graders and
with PAS alumni to discuss the next
four years of your life.
PASTA (Park Avenue Synagogue
Teaching Assistants)
Apr 5 | Training for current
3rd-8th Grade
Seder Sabotage
Sunday | Apr 17 | 10:00 am–12:00 pm
Does your seder ever get too long?
Ever been a little bored? Join our
Ramah Service Corps Fellow for a
practice seder with a chocolaty twist!
We'll learn ways to bring a little
surprise, frogs, raps, and excitement
to your family seder. Different
sessions for different age groups.
What’s your story and what’s the
story of the nearly 1.1 million
Jews living in NYC? Take trips to
Jewish sites, hear from Jewish
organizations, and experience
Jewish happenings around our
wonderful city.
Join the rabbi in his office once
a month for a discussion of the
most interesting topics of today,
tomorrow, and hundreds of years
ago. No prior knowledge needed.
Please bring friends, whether they
are PAS members or not.
Teen A Cappella
Wednesdays | Apr 6, 13, 20 | 6:00 pm
Wednesday | Apr 6 | 7:30 pm
Jews of New York
Late Night with Rabbi Witkovsky
Continuing RJNHS mini-course
For Grades 11 & 12 only
’S GO!
April 2016 Adar 2/Nisan 5776
Youth Education & Events
For additional information about all youth events, please look in the Winter/Spring Program Catalog or on pasyn.org.
PAS Teens & Youth
For more information and to register, see the Teen Weekly email or contact Hallie Chandler,
[email protected] or 212-369-2600, x147.
PAS Food Pantry
How I Met Your Rabbi
Weds | Mar 30, Apr 6, 13 | 4:00 pm
Fridays | Apr 1, 8, 15 | 3:45 pm
Contact co-directors Adam First,
Matthew Goren, or Caroline
Silver, or volunteer coordinator
Davis Haupt on the PAS Food
Pantry Facebook page for more
Food Pantry Shabbat
Friday | Apr 15 | 6:15 pm | Kabbalat
Shabbat and Shabbat Dinner Series
Celebrate the Food Pantry’s 30th
anniversary and honor the efforts
and accomplishments of the teens
who lead the PAS Food Pantry.
Guest speaker at dinner: Rabbi
Jennie Rosenn, Vice President of
Community Engagement at HIAS,
the oldest international migration
and refugee resettlement agency in
the US.
PAS Tikkun Olam Committee in
collaboration with Temple Emanu-El and
Central Synagogue
Friday | Apr 1 | 7:30 pm, after Kabbalat
Teens are invited to Shabbat dinner
at Rabbi Zuckerman’s home for
dinosaur chicken fingers, singing,
and Shabbat fun!
Frisbee in the Park
Saturday | Apr 2 | 2:00 -3:15 pm
Meet other NYC Jewish teens to play
Frisbee in the Park. Bring friends,
blankets, and sunglasses. Snacks will
be provided!
Cream, Crumbs, or Cocoa with
Hallie Chandler invites anyone in
grades 7–12 for an ice cream, a
cupcake, or a drink of choice. Please
take her up on it! She is eager to
meet PAS teens and pre-teens. If
you would like to set up a time
for yourself or volunteer a young
person in your life to meet Hallie,
please contact her at hchandler@
pasyn.org. Her door is always open.
Project Prom Boutique Set Up
Monday-Tuesday | Apr 6-7 | Time TBA
Help sort donations and set up the
Project Prom “Boutique” shopping
experience at Temple Emanu-El.
Please contact Hallie to let her know
your interest in participating.
Sign up now!
Bnei Mitzvah Family Israel Trip | December 17-27, 2016
Travel with Rabbi Cosgrove and Rabbi Zuckerman.
Visit pasyn.org for details.
Park Avenue Synagogue Bulletin
Apr 14
5:00 pm
If you’ve not yet
submitted or updated
your student’s address,
visit pasyn.org and click
on College Connections
in time for him or her to
receive a Pesah package
from PAS.
PAS 20s
and 30s
PAS 20s
and 30s
Join Shabbat dinner groups, small learning groups, events, and social action programs. Activities are open to all
PAS 20s and 30s and their friends (synagogue membership not required). To see more activities, visit the synagogue
website. If you are interested in this new network, either for yourself or for a family member or friend, contact
Rabbi Ethan Witkovsky, [email protected].
Birthright with PAS
Coffee with a Rabbi
Meals at the Mission
May 30 – June 9
Sunday | Apr 17 | 5:30–7:00 pm
Go on a free trip to Israel with Rabbi
Witkovsky. This opportunity is open
to anyone 22-26 who is eligible to
go on Birthright. Their policies have
recently expanded to take more
people; if you are unsure if you’re
eligible, check with Rabbi Witkovsky
or the Birthright website. The trip
is open to anyone in the PAS orbit
and their friends. Contact Rabbi
Witkovsky to book your spot now!
Rabbi Witkovsky invites anyone
out for a cup of coffee (or stronger
beverage). If you would like to take
him up on that, or if you would like
to volunteer a 20- or 30-something
in your life to have coffee, contact
the rabbi at [email protected].
Serve a meal and a community. Head
down to the Bowery Mission to help
prepare and serve food.
Ramah Minyan at PAS
Friday | Apr 1 | 7:15 pm
Come once a month for an open
Friday evening with the Ramah
Minyan. After a beautiful Kabbalat
Shabbat, stay for drinks and food.
It’s spiritual, it’s social, it’s ramazing!
All are welcome.
and 30s
Monday | Apr 4 | 7:45 pm
Your brain is thirsty; fill it with
thought and beverages. Come once
a month for drinks and discussion
as we bring Jewish and non-Jewish
sources to bear on big questions.
Each session will focus on a different
theme or idea, so if you miss one,
you can catch the next one, no
problem. Feel free to bring friends.
If you would like to host your
own group for your friends at an
office or apartment, contact Rabbi
Witkovsky. New groups are forming
all the time.
Pasta Prep for Passover
Sunday | Apr 17
Join us as we head to Brooklyn
for a pasta-making class and
breaded discussion. Contact Rabbi
Witkovsky at ewitkovsky@pasyn.
org for details.
Shabbat Dinner Any Week or
Every Week
Fridays | 7:30 pm
If you would like to host a Shabbat
dinner with the help of PAS and the
online hub OneTable, or if you are
interested in attending a Shabbat
dinner hosted by Rabbi Witkovsky,
contact Rabbi Witkovsky at
[email protected].
April 2016 Adar 2/Nisan 5776
January 23 – February 19, 2016
Barbara Weinstein, in memory of Murray Jack Weinstein.
James Goldman, in memory of Hyman Gilbert.
Susan & Harris Amster, in honor of their anniversary.
The Congregational School Parents Association and
Education Committee, in memory of Barbara Stern,
grandmother of Jennifer Stern Granowitz.
Helene Agress, in memory of her husband, Samuel
Helene Agress, in memory of her daughter, Anita Deen.
Rachelle & Howard Balaban with thanks to Cantor
Schwartz for the beautiful wedding ceremony for their
daughter Jennifer & Jonathan Lax.
Matthew Galinac.
Phyllis & Bernard Leventhal, in honor of Azi, with
gratitude for all he gives and teaches us.
Phyllis Leventhal, in loving memory of her father, Dr.
Leo Braun.
Maurice Myerson.
Harriet Rice, in memory of Emanuel Rice.
Jacqueline Simmon, in memory of Goldie Greif.
Rachelle & Howard Balaban with thanks to Rabbi
Cosgrove for the beautiful wedding ceremony for their
daughter Jennifer & Jonathan Lax.
Jodie & Jonathan Elyachar, in memory of Lorraine &
David Popowich.
Emma & Samuel Hest, in honor of Rosie Hest's baby
Steven Hirth, in memory of Emanuel Hirth.
Jessica Levitas & Ari House, in honor of their son, Julius
Tamara Kossoff, in memory of Susan & Leon Heller,
lives of love and devotion to each other and to Judaism.
Barbara Weinstein & Louis Bernstein, in memory of
Minette Benson, sister of Joanne Davis.
Rosalyn Tauber Scheidlinger and Miriam Tauber Brous,
in memory of Shlomo Tauber.
Robin & Michael Taubin in memory of Joan Beren,
mother of Amy Bressman.
Rachelle & Howard Balaban with thanks to Rabbi
Cosgrove and Cantor Schwartz for the beautiful wedding
ceremony for their daughter Jennifer & Jonathan Lax.
Michael Brenner, in loving memory of his mother, Bella
Stephen Comite, in memory of Morris Comite.
Paul & Anne Corwin, in honor of Dana Shani's birthday.
Michael Delgado, in memory of Jean Pedolsky.
Harriet Feiwel, in honor of her birthday.
Carol Goldstein & Robert Raskin, in loving memory of
Lester Pollack.
Iris Goodgold, in memory of her beloved and adored
father Murray on his 20th yahrzeit.
Dorothy Lang, in memory of her beloved brother, Murray
Paul Levine, in honor of his birthday.
Joel & Lynne Mesznik, in honor of Dr. Dana Shani's big
Stefanie, James and Benjamin Rothman, in memory of
Elaine Block, mother of Alan Block.
In memory of Joan Beren, mother of Amy Bressman:
Paul & Anne Corwin
Carol Goldstein & Robert Raskin
Nancy & Joel Hirschtritt
Rabbi Allen & Tobi Juda
Stanley & Jane Kreinik.
Joel & Lynne Mesznik
Suzette, Andres, Noah and Alexa Rubinstein
Joan & Sylvan Schefler.
Carol Antler, in memory of her father, Frederick
Rothstein, on the occasion of his yahrzeit.
Arthur Ainsberg, in memory of Joan Beren, mother of
Amy Bressman.
Dr. Sylvia Liff, in memory of Isadore Barchenko.
Barbara Weinstein & Louis Bernstein, in memory of
Hans George Hirsch, father of Marga Hirsch.
Mary, Gerry and Robert Millman, in memory of Judith
Roberts, mother of Erica Friedman.
Louis Bernstein, in honor of his birthday.
Barbara Weinstein & Louis Bernstein, in memory of Joan
Beren, mother of Amy Bressman.
Barbara Weinstein & Louis Bernstein, in honor of Barry
Frankel's successful treatment and recovery.
Barbara Weinstein & Louis Bernstein, in honor of Jo
Ellen Finkel, with best wishes and hope for her successful
and speedy recovery.
Barbara Weinstein & Louis Bernstein, in memory of
David Werdiger, father of Sheldon Werdiger.
Barbara Weinstein and Louis Bernstein, in honor of their
wedding anniversary.
Barbara Weinstein & Louis Bernstein, in memory of
Ethel Brown, mother of Gail Karr.
Marc Silberberg, in memory of Ann Silberberg.
Barbara Weinstein & Louis Bernstein, in memory of
Pearl Lander, mother of Guy Lander.
In memory of Joan Beren, mother of Amy Bressman:
Constance Breslin
Shira & Lee Bressler
Judith & Mark Goodman
Andrea & Ivan Lustig.
Deanna Adler, in honor of her birthday.
Rachelle Balaban, in honor of her birthday.
Shirley Benowitz, in honor of her birthday.
Vivian Bernstein, in memory of her mother.
Edna Burak, in memory of Ruth Goodman.
H. Paul Burak, in memory of his brother, George Burak.
Clive Chajet, in honor of his birthday.
Robert Cohen, in memory of Philip Cohen.
Edward Cohen, in celebration of his 70th birthday.
Barbara Cooper, in memory of Jacob Berman.
Carolyn Coplan, in memory of Harvey & Gloria Levine.
Dr. Juliet Diller, in honor of her birthday.
Suzanne Drachman, in memory of Leo H. Applebaum.
Suzanne Drachman, in memory of Harvey Drachman.
Florence Edelstein, in memory of Jonathan Edelstein.
Uri Evan, in honor of his birthday.
Dinah Evan, in memory of Millie Ashkenazi.
Ruth Ezra, in honor of her birthday.
Alan Fischer, in memory of Irving Fischer.
David Freedberg, in memory of Ann Freedberg.
Erica Friedman, in memory of her beloved mother, Judith
Herbert Frommer, in memory of Benjamin Frommer.
Eleanor Frommer, in memory of Harriet Goldman
Ethel Gardner, in memory of Louis Lerner.
Clifford Gelb, in memory of Al Gelb.
Karen & Henry Glanternik, in memory of Ethel Brown,
mother of Gail Karr.
Steven & Roberta Glusband, in memory of Guy Lander's
dear mother.
Iris Goodgold, in honor of Dr. Maurice Goodgold.
Caroline Gottschalk, in memory of Allan Bergman.
Alan Jacobs, in memory of Herbert Jacobs.
Stephanie Later, in memory of Patricia Later Corn.
Sandy & Steven Lenger.
Alan Levine, in memory of Harold Levine.
Judy Lobel, in memory of Seymour Lobel.
Rita Matthews, in memory of Rabbi Sol Rolnick.
Lewis Miller, in memory of Esther Miller.
Amy & Peter Miller, in honor of their anniversary.
Beth Moses, in honor of her birthday.
Herbert Nadler, in memory of his mother.
Blossom & Walter Peretz, in honor of their anniversary.
Blossom Peretz, in honor of her birthday.
Hannah Poss, in honor of her birthday.
Beth Ring, in memory of H. Raymond Ring.
Miriam Rockmore, in memory of Rebecca Miller.
Joann Rosoff, in memory of her mother, Dr. Anna
Thurman Abrams, and her father, Joseph B. Abrams.
Neil Sadick, in memory of Shirley Thompkins Sadick.
Gwen Schultz and Family, in memory of Muriel Kaplan,
loving wife, mother and grandmother.
Kenneth Schweber, in honor of his birthday.
Peter Shaerf.
Joel Silver, in memory of Fannie Silver.
Heidi Silverstone, in memory of Matty Tavel.
Irene Sommerfeld, in memory of Herman Sommerfeld.
Carol & Arthur Spinner, in honor of their anniversary.
Arthur Spinner, in memory of Rose Spinner.
Pamela & Steven Tanenbaum, in honor of the birth of
their granddaughter, Brooke Tanenbaum.
Nancy Treiger, in memory of Martin Davis.
Marvin Weinberg, in honor of his birthday.
Janet Weisberg-Samuels, in memory of Debra Greenberg.
Meryl Wiener, in memory of her mother.
Arlyne & Jonathan Zeichner, in honor of their
Ilane & Adam Zivitofsky, in memory of Pearl Lander,
mother of Guy Lander.
Ilane Zivitofsky, in memory of her mother.
January 26 – February 24, 2016
Ann & Kenneth Bialkin
Chelsea & Adam Cohen
Daniella & Greg Coules
Carol Hyman
Elizabeth & Jonathan Lewis
Bernice Lieberman
Jodee & Steven Martin
Amy Millard
Sondra Weiss
To make a donation, please contact Sam Hopkins at [email protected] or 212- 369-2600, x101.
Park Avenue Synagogue Bulletin
28 Adar 2
10 Nisan
11 Nisan
8:00 am Essential Essays
11:30 am Contemp J Thought
5:45 pm Vav BMtz Family Prog
7:30 pm Justice in Prayer
12 Nisan
13 Nisan
4:00 pm Food Pantry packing
6:00 pm Teen mini-course
6:30 pm Shemot II
9:15 am Mysticism
6:45 pm Melton 1
12:00 pm Library L&L
7:00 pm Exploring Judaism
7:00 pm Exploring Judaism
22 Adar 2
Candles, 7:03 pm
29 Adar 2
Candles, 7:10 pm
7:00 am Minyan & Siyyum
10:38 am Last time to eat
6:30 pm Minha & Shabbat/
Festival svce
7:00 pm Community Seder
Fast of the Firstborn
14 Nisan
7:25 pm
22 Candles,
Ta’anit Bekhorot,
8:00 am Daf HaShavua
9:15 am Women in Bible
9:10 am Shirat Shabbat
3:45 pm Food Pantry
6:15 pm Kabbalat Shabbat &
Food Pantry Shabbat
7:30 pm Shabbat Dinner Series
7:18 pm
8:00 am Daf HaShavua
9:10 am Shirat Shabbat
2:00 pm Mitzvah Mommy Me
3:45 pm Food Pantry
6:15 pm Kabbalat Shabbat &
Membership Anniversaries
23 Adar 2
Shabbat Parah
1 Nisan
Shabbat HaHodesh
Rosh Hodesh
8:45 am Parashat HaShavua
9:15 am Shabbat & Festival
20 mins after svces Minha
5:00 pm YFE Seder
6:30 pm Festival Evening svce
7:00 pm Community Seder
23 15 Nisan
8:25 pm
‫ פסח‬Pesah, 1st day
9:00 am TGIS
9:30 am Youth Choir
10:00 am Sanctuary service
10:00 am CS Shabbat (3-6)
11:15 am Tot TGIS
20 mins after svces Minha
1:00 pm Teen lunch &
8 Nisan
16 M’tzora
Shabbat HaGadol
8:45 am Parashat HaShavua
9:15 am Sanctuary service
9:30 am Youth Choir
10:00 am CS Shabbat (3-6)
11:00 am CS Shabbat (K-2)
20 mins after svces Minha
4:00 pm CS Vav Book Club
4:00 pm Teen A Cappella
8:45 am Parashat HaShavua
9:15 am Sanctuary service
9:30 am Havurah
9:30 am Youth Choir
10:00 am CS Shabbat (3-6)
20 mins after svces Minha
2:00 pm Teen Frisbee
4:00 pm Teen Shabbat Study
8:00 am Daf HaShavua
9:15 am Caffeine for Soul
9:20 am Foundations
3:45 pm Food Pantry
5:00 pm YFE svce & dinner
6:15 pm Kabbalat Shabbat
7:15 pm Ramah Minyan
7:30 pm Teen Shabbat Dinner
FRIDAY 17 Nisan
9:15 am Festival Morning svce
20 mins after svces Minha
No service at 5:45 pm
9:00 am YFE Passover Camp
16 Nisan
9:00 am YFE Passover Camp
9:30 am Passover Melton
18 Nisan
9:00 am YFE Passover Camp
8:00 pm Passover Melton
7:00 pm Exploring Judaism
19 Nisan
9:00 am YFE Passover Camp
20 Nisan
22 Nisan
8:45 am Parashat HaShavua
9:15 am Shabbat & Festival
service with Yizkor
11:15 am YFE Pesah service
9:15 am Festival Morning svce 20 mins after svces Minha
6:15 pm Minha & Shabbat/
8:32 pm Pesah ends; OK to eat
Festival evening service
21 Nisan
Pesah, 6th day 29 ‫ פסח‬Pesah, 7th day 30 ‫ פסח‬Pesah, 8th day
24‫ פסח‬Pesah, 2nd day 25‫ פסח‬Pesah, 3rd day 26 ‫ פסח‬Pesah, 4th day 27 ‫ פסח‬Pesah, 5th day 28‫פסח‬
Candles, 7:30 pm
Candles, 7:32 pm
9:00 am Project Ezra
10:00 am Spring Into Passover
4:30 pm MC Awards Dinner
5:30 pm Meals at Mission
6:30 pm Siddur Hebrew
9 Nisan
14 6 Nisan
9:00 am Project Prom
9:15 am Beyond Borders
9:15 am Melton 2
9:15 am Mysticism
12:00 pm L&L/Siddur
6:00 pm Rock Band
7:00 pm Exploring Judaism
9:15 am Beyond Borders
9:15 am Melton 2
9:15 am Mysticism
12:00 pm Insights from Israel
5:30 pm CS K-2 Passover Prog
6:00 pm Rock Band
7:00 pm Exploring Judaism
Grocery Packing
8:00 am Siddur Lane
9:00 am Project Prom
4:00 pm Food Pantry packing
6:00 pm Teen mini-course
6:30 pm Mysticism
6:30 pm Shemot II
6:45 pm Melton 1
7:00 pm J Choices J Chdrn
7:00 pm Exploring Judaism
4:00 pm Food Pantry packing
5:30 pm CS K-2 Passover Prog
6:00 pm Teen mini-course
6:30 pm Empty Chair
8:00 am Essential Essays
6:30 pm Mysticism
11:30 am Contemp J Thought 6:30 pm Shemot II
1:00 pm WN Film Series
Hametz Food Drive begins
6:45 pm Melton 1
5:30 pm CS K-2 Passover Prog 5:30 pm CS K-2 Passover Prog 7:00 pm Knit and Nosh
10:00 am DOROT pkg delivery 6:00 pm Seder Pop-Up Shop 6:00 pm Hyphenated Identity 7:00 pm Exploring Judaism
7:30 pm Town Hall
4:00 pm CS Family Field Trips 6:00 pm Women’s Seder
7:30 pm Late Night Rabbi W
113 Nisan
124 Nisan
26 Adar 2
10 2 Nisan
WEDNESDAY COUNT THE OMER beginning on the second night of Pesah, April 23.
For the brakhot for counting the omer and the count for each day,
visit pasyn.org, click on Holidays and then on Pesah Resources.
8:00 am Essential Essays
11:30 am Contemp J Thought
6:30 pm Adult Bat Mitzvah
7:00 pm Lecture: Greenblatt
8:30 pm MC Wine Tasting
25 Adar 2
TUESDAY 6:00 pm RH Girl Thing
6:00 pm Shevet Achim
6:30 pm Siddur Hebrew
10:30 am CS Jewish Children’s 7:00 pm Shulhan Ivrit
Museum Trip
7:45 pm BrainThirsty
24 Adar 2
Weekday Shaharit Minyan Monday-Friday at 7:15 am;
Sundays at 9:00 am. Ma’ariv Sunday-Thursday at 5:45 pm.
Any changes are noted when they occur. During the week
of Passover, April 22-30, the PASECC and Congregational
School are closed, and regular Adult Learning classes will
not take place.
PAS Calendar of Events
April 2016 Adar 2/Nisan 5776
Information is subject to change. Confirm at www.pasyn.org or with the office.
New York, NY
Permit No. 8526
50 East 87th Street, New York, NY 10128
Synagogue Office: 212-369-2600
Elliot J. Cosgrove, PhD, Rabbi
Neil Zuckerman, Rabbi
Ethan H. Witkovsky, Rabbi
Azi Schwartz, Cantor and Music Director
Shira Lissek, Cantor
David H. Lincoln, Rabbi Emeritus
David Lefkowitz, Cantor Emeritus
Arthur Penn, Chairman of the Board
Paul M. Corwin, President
Beryl P. Chernov, Executive Director
Liz Offenbach, Assistant Executive Director
Rabbi Charles Savenor, Director of Congregational Education
Co-sponsored by The Jewish Theological Seminary
Shabbat Dinner Series & Shabbat Afternoon Lecture
Yom HaShoah Commemoration with
Cantor Lissek and Father Patrick
Desbois in conversation with Rabbi
“A Tale of Two Cities: Prague and
Budapest” with Dr. Stephen Berk
Wednesday | May 4
Seminary Shabbat with JTS Chancellor
Dr. Arnold Eisen
Saturday | May 7 | 9:15 am, Shabbat services
2nd Annual East Side Yom HaAtzma’ut
Celebration with the Jewish National
Wednesday | May 11
Friday, May 13 and Saturday, May 14
PAS Town Hall and Annual Meeting
Wednesday | May 18 | 6:00 pm, Town Hall; 7:30 pm,
Co-sponsored by the Rabbinical Assembly
Dedication of Siddur Lev Shalem and
Lecture by David Brooks
Sunday | May 22 | 6:00 pm