art and science, fashion and design
art and science, fashion and design
ART AND SCIENCE, FASHION AND DESIGN: ITALIAN STYLE. “ART IS LONG AND TIME IS FLEETING”: THUS SPOKE THE GREAT LONGFELLOW. It is not easy to be content with only one life, even if lived in an artistic way. How many fathers hoped that their children, generation after generation, could follow in their footsteps and continue their job. This hope was not always based on mere patrimonial reasons or on subjective existential reasons. Many of these fathers, sharing Hegel’s school of thought, felt that their work, being in Art’s service, is never accomplished for good. In accordance with Life, Life with capital L, which carries on never-ending beyond MRHMZMHYEPPMZIW-J[IXVYP]FIPMIZIMRXLI7TMVMXXLEXFIGSQIW,MWXSV]XLIR[LMGLQSVI convincing testimony of evolution than the one of glass craftsmanship which, continually GSR½VQIHMXWIPJERHEXXLIWEQIXMQIXSXEPP]XVERWJSVQIHXLVSYKLSYXXLIGIRXYVMIW# Around the year one thousand, in the area of Altare, near Genova, a district of “magistri vitriorum” (glass masters) was found, in addition to the renowned Venetians one. Two maritime republics: the glass was blown where the sea is with the sand. These intrepid masters encouraged their boldness for adventure relying in what today we would call know-how. Amongst these masters the Bormioli soon became prominent. Every now and then, they would change their name in Bormiol, they would pack their belongings and, as ancient commuters, they would go to France, experiencing a different type of Europe, marked by opportunities for artists and craftsmen. 2 At the beginning of the nineteenth century, during a family diaspora, the father of my grandfather’s grandfather (whose name was obviously Luigi Bormioli) left Liguria where he was born to seek fortune in the Parma area. A lot of efforts, dreams, disenchantment! And yet as always, alive and tenacious, was their passion for their craft. Even when, around 1950, industrial machinery and technological innovations started to be widely used changing radically the environment, the structures and the processes.The secret of this indestructible love of “white heat” has always consisted of the virile, exciting and even mimetically burning capacity to win the challenge against the apparently indomitable ½VI7S[LIRQ]JEXLIV0YMKMMRZIRXIHERI[QEVOIXWIKQIRXJSVFPS[RXEFPI[EVITVSHYGXW forty years ago, by industrialising the manufacturing of elegant products at industrial prices, in that occasion too, the natural focus was on the technical productive aspect rather than on marketing logics. Nowadays, the undersigned is the only one from the Bormioli families who still manufactures glass. At the service of what is right and beautiful, taking pride of a thousand-year privilege, XLSWI[LS[SVOJSV&SVQMSPM0YMKMGSQTER]MRWTMVIHF]XLIQEKMGSJXLIKPEWWHI½RIIZIV] day the true meaning of their work and try to innovate keeping faithful to the culture of their true origins. These men intend to promote a fascinating aesthetic. An aesthetic, just like few others, able to interpret in an ingenious way the sacredness of all the things existing in this world and their interrelationships: Glass as a metaphor of Life. 3 INDEX 7 8 9 10 12 INNOVATIONS 17 COLLECTIONS 19 20 22 23 24 N E W 26 N E W 30 34 36 40 42 46 47 48 50 55 56 57 58 62 64 65 67 68 68 68 69 69 69 69 71 72 72 72 73 73 74 74 74 75 N E W 75 75 76 76 76 77 77 78 N EW +0%7786)%81)287 ;-2)+0%777)2736=%2%0=7-7 -223:%8-:)1%8)6-%0732,=< -223:%8-:)1%8)6-%074%6/< LIVING COLLECTIONS %00)+63 '%2%0)883 +3961)8 '6)7')2(3 ,=4237 -2'%283 0-2)%1-',)0%2+)03 1-',)0%2+)031%78)64-)') PARMA 46)78-+) 631% 631%28-'% :-:)2(3 ;-2)78=0)774)'-*-' N EW TUMBLERS SPARKX %1)8-78% 0-2)%1-',)0%2+)03 1-',)0%2+)031%78)64-)') PARMA 631%28-'% 69&-23 :-:)2(3 TUMBLERS SONHYX %)63 ALFIERI 09-+-&361-30-%8)0-)6® BACH '0%77-'3 ELEGANTE ,=4237 -2'%283 1%+2-*-'3 328,)63'/7 PALACE 46)78-+) 4963 6377-2786%977786%97763'/7 :)632)7) &6-3 SPECIALS 85 86 88 92 THERMIC GLASS 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 N E W 104 112 N E W 114 116 118 119 PROFESSIONAL COLLECTIONS (3' EDEN 1-',)0%2+)03463*)77-32%00-2) 63=%0) 69&-23 VINTAGE 81 82 83 83 121 128 130 136 138 142 145 148 150 156 159 160 161 N E W 162 164 166 167 168 169 *33( ()7-+2'300)'8-32 (6-2/ ()7-+2'300)'8-32 7-2+0)36-+-2'3**)'94'300)'8-32 TABLETOP AND SERVEWARE ()77)68 GLITTER +3'') IRIDE 1-',)0%2+)03'30364%0)88) 1-',)0%2+)031%78)64-)')&32)',-2% -27-)1) 312-% 348-1% 6-*0)77',%6+)67 8)77983 WINE TASTING AND MORE %)63 09-+-&361-30-%8)0-)6® -28)273 1%+2-*-'3 PALACE 4%0%'),=(637311)0-)6 794)6 :-238)59) VINTAGE BAR 09-+-&361-30-%8)0-)6® '0%77-'3 BACH ELEGANTE 4963 786%977786%97763'/7 834'0%77 :)632)7) 171 WINE DECANTER 175 CARAFES 178 SPIRITS DECANTER 182 184 N E W 186 192 N EW *098)'300)'8-32 &))6'300)'8-32 '3+2%' Art and science, fashion and design: italian style Luigi Bormioli: the designer label of glassmaking, gives expression of the Made in Italy throughout the world. Art, creativity, aesthetic inventivness, continuous innovation, quality standards are all key factors and synonymous of the brand Luigi Bormioli. The company’s size allows for co-operation with both the big multinational groups as well as small to medium size companies, thanks to its technical ability in projects development, in constant improvement, and to its quality levels. The knowledgeable understanding of the market together with team work amongst the various functions in the organization (marketing, sales, technical and logistics) combined [MXLETVSJIWWMSREP[SVOJSVGI[MXLEWXVMRKWIRWISJFIPSRKMRKWMKRM½GERXP]GSRXVMFYXIXSXLIHIZIPSTQIRXSJ unique and innovative products. Bormioli Luigi has become the chosen business partner of the world’s top companies in the tableware and perfumery industry thanks to its execeptional high standards, making a decisive GSRXVMFYXMSRXSXLIMVWYGGIWW&SVQMSPM0YMKM7T%LEWMQTPIQIRXIHERHQEMRXEMRWE5YEPMX]1EREKIQIRX7]WXIQ MRGSQTPMERGI[MXL92-)2-73WXERHEVHW 8LI GSQTER]´W ¾I\MFMPMX] ERH EFMPMX] XS HIZIPST TVSNIGXW MR XLI WLSVXIWX SJ PIEHXMQIW XMQIP] ERH VIPMEFPI deliveries, fast reaction times to customers’ needs, are all key factors of Bormioli Luigi’s startegy. Bormioli Luigi is renowed worldwide as a leading company entirely dedicated at satisfying its customes’ needs. Bormioli Luigi produces not only with high quality levels, but also totally complies with safeguarding the workforce’s security and health, and it is committed to safeguarding the environment by the pursuit of an eco-friendly development EMQIHEXFVMRKMRKHS[RIQMWWMSRWMRXLIEXQSWTLIVIWYGLEW'3&SVQMSPM0YMKM7T%LEWMQTPIQIRXIHERH QEMRXEMRWER)RZMVSRQIRX1EREKIQIRX7]WXIQMRGSQTPMERGI[MXL92-)2-73WXERHEVHW The glass As well as for its exceptional designs, the most prestigious Made in Italy for the table, home and design is made HMWXMRGXMZIF]MXW½VWXGPEWWGLEVEGXIVMWXMG0YMKM&SVQMSPM´WKPEWW The use of: t purest raw materials, t advanced and eco-friendly melting processes, t highly innovative production processes, enable the achievement of a glass: - extra pure and totally trasnparent, - sparkling, - longer lasting, - resistant to breakage. This particular glass respects, maintains and enhances the organoleptic characteristics, the real aromas and ¾EZSYVWSJJSSHWERHHVMROWGSRXEMRIH3YVKPEWWHSIWRSXGSRXEMRER]LIEZ]QIXEPWERHMXMWTVSHYGIH[MXL extremely low emission levels in the atmosphere.Through the years, thanks to its tradition and experience and the continuous efforts of its R&D department, Bormioli Luigi has developed various types of innovative glass: 732L]\LMKLXIGLGV]WXEPKPEWW 74%6/<YPXVEGPIEVERHHYVEFPIKPEWW to increase the value of its products and the sales. ACADEMIA VITRI 82%<+0%77 (-:-2-7 ART AND SCIENCE OF GLASS FOR WINE APPRECIATION 5 Innovations 6 GLASS TREATMENTS 8 WINE GLASS SENSORY ANALYSIS 9 INNOVATIVE MATERIAL SON.HYX 10 INNOVATIVE MATERIAL SPARKX 12 7 Wine glass sensory analysis Glass treatments Permanent anti abrasion treatment on the glass’ stems. It is a process developed and carried by XLI&SVQMSPM0YMKM6IWIEVGLERH(IZIPSTQIRX(ITEVXQIRXF]ETTP]MRK2%238)',2303+-)7 directly on the glass’ stems. This process hardens the glass surface increasing its resistance to abrasions, which are responsible for the fragility of the stems during daily usage. It increases the WXIQW´VIWMWXERGIXSFVIEOEKIWF]TIVQERIRXP] This stems’coating process is : 8LI½VWXMRXLI[SVPH 8LISVMKMREPERHTEXIRXIHRV)4 8LIQSWXIJ½GMIRX Luig Bormioli‘s Titanium reinforced treatment is the most reliable, as it: +YEVERXIIWXLIWXIQW´VIWMWXERGIXSFVIEOEKIWIZIREJXIVQYPXMTPIMRHYWXVMEP[EWLMRKG]GPIW +PEWWWTEVOPIERHXVERWTEVIRG]MWQEMRXEMRIH %ZSMHWER]KPEWWHMWGSPSVEXMSR 7SQI*3003;)67XV]MRKXSMQMXEXIYWIXVIEXQIRXWXLEXHMWETTIEVEJXIVWSQIMRHYWXVMEP[EWLMRK cycles also leaving on the glass unwanted optical effects, such as iridescence, and stems with reduced resistance to breakages. 8 A revolutionary treatment that prevents dripping: t No more drops of wine staining the exterior of the carafe or decanter nor the table cloth. t 8LI[MRI¾S[WSYX[MXLRSJVMGXMSRERHMX pours perfectly into the stemglasses. t The drops of wine are kept inside the container. The special Anti-Drip coating is carried out on the glass surface using a high technology process: t Resistant to washes. t Repellent to dirt and limestone. t Does not leave any wine deposit along the RIGOHYVMRKXLI½PPMRKERHTSYVMRKTVSGIWW t Completely transparent. t Improved resistance to wear and tear. t Prevents the potential corrosion of glass. t Completely inert and suitable for food use without affecting the organoleptic propertiesof the wine. t Easy to clean. centro studi assaggiatori 7IRWSV] IJ½GMIRG] ERH IQSXMSREP TVS½PI SJ EPP WXIQKPEWWIW XIWXIH F] ±'IRXVS 7XYHM %WWEKKMEXSVM² YWMRK XLI%HZERGIH &MK 7IRWSV] Test ® ERH XLI%REPSKMG%JJIGXMZI &MK 7IRWSV] Test ®'IRXVS7XYHM%WWEKKMEXSVMMWXLIVIWIEVGL unit on the most advanced and complete sensory assessment in Italy. Founded in 1990, IEGL]IEVXLI'IRXVS7XYHM%WWEKKMEXSVMGEVVMIW out thousands of tests on consumers in order to assess the perceived quality of products and services. Nowadays, it owns one of the biggest EVGLMZIW MR -XEP] [LMGL VI¾IGXW XLI GLERKIW MR XEWXIW ERH XVIRHW 'IRXVS 7XYHM %WWEKKMEXSVM cooperates with many Italian and foreign Universities in research studies. 'IRXVS7XYHM%WWEKKMEXSVMXLEROWXSMXWGSYVWIWMR sensory analysis have provided basic knowledge to a large number of sensory experts and have trained hundreds judges and panel leaders for companies and organizations. Furthermore, 'IRXVS 7XYHM %WWEKKMEXSVM MW XLI TYFPMWLIV SJ L’Assaggio, the only Italian magazine dedicated to sensory analysis and of a series of books on this subject. ACCADEMIA has worked closely [MXL'IRXVS7XYHM%WWEKKMEXSVMSRWIRWSV]XIWXW on stemglasses for wine tasting and distillates. 9 innovative material Developed and registered by Bormioli Luigi. A high-tech blown lead-free crystal glass that does not contain any heavy metals. This glass present outstanding chemical, optical and mechanical properties. TOTALLY TRANSPARENT: ULTRA CLEAR CRYSTAL GLASS ACCORDING TO ISO/PAS IWA 8:2009 T 5 ;MRIGSPSYVIJ½GMIRG] R 5 86%271-77-323*0-+,83*;-2) 8 Transmission of light Chromatic spectrum of wine in Natural look of the colour of the wine and in the pure quartz Bowl impact test Rim impact test 7XIQMQTEGXXIWX 7XIQX[MWXMRKXIWX 70 60 50 10 0 600 WAVELENGTH - nm 1000 The curves can be superimposed. crystal glass is possible to clearly appreciate the whole cromatic range of the With the wine as well as in the pure quartz.cromatic range of the wine as well as in the pure quartz. STRONG Resistance of the rim Resistance to impact test Resistance to twisting of stems (drying by hand) High resistance to breakages RESISTANCE TO WASHING CYCLES (4.000) No alteration in transparency ERHFVMPPMERGISZIVMRHYWXVMEP washing cycles. 10 SOUND AMPLIFIER Mechanical resistance is markedly enhanced thanks to appropriate production processes. crystal glass have an improved resistance to mechanical shocks. Glassware made of In fact, laboratory tests have demonstrated the improvements shown above. Due to these improved processes the surface of the glass does not have any weak points thus reducing the glass fragility and improving its mechanical resistance. 11 innovative material represents the glass capability to let the light go through , basically it QIEWYVIW XLI KPEWW XVERWTEVIRG] 0MKLXRIWW ZEPYIW WYTIVMSV XS KYEVERXII ER I\GIPPIRX transparency. LIGHTNESS CHROMA represents the glass purity, basically it measures the degree of colourless. Chroma values inferior to 0.5 do not modify the real colour of the liquid contained. IRON OXIDEYREZSMHEFP]TVIWIRXMRKPEWWMRJIVMSVXSTTQTVIZIRXWYRWMKLXP]GSPSYVMRKW such as green/blue - green/yellow. This is achieved by employing only the purest of raw materials and an extremely close production process control. 'SQTPMERGIXSEPPEFSZIQIRXMSRIHZEPYIWVIWYPXWMRER9PXVEGPIEVKPEWW[MXLELMKLGSPSYV IJ½GMIRG]6SJXLIPMUYMHGSRXEMRIH6" Ultra-clear and durable glass Luigi Bormioli Research Team by means of spectrophotometric measures has obtained this new glass outstandingly transparent and sparkling. The outcoming measures are extremely in line with the consumers perception of quality and transparence. This new material has an extremely low iron content so that it does not interfere with both the transparency and the colorimetric purity of glass. Furthermore, is lead and other heavy metal free. MWGPEWWM½IH9PXVEGPIEVEGGSVHMRKXS-734%7-;% PURE AND TRANSPARENT RESISTANT TO INDUSTRIAL WASHING DURABLE The Cartesian axis graph below, in terms of chromatic coordinates (a,b), . shows the positiong of (b+): glass with yellow as a predominant colour ECO-FRIENDLY (a-): glass with green as a predominant colour Pure and transparent (according to ISO/PAS IWA 8:2009) . Lightness ‘L’ superior to 98.8 . Chroma ‘C’ inferior to 0.5 . Iron oxide inferior to 140 ppm 12 Resistant to over 2000 industrial washing cycles. Durable (Resistance to mechanical shocks increased by 30 %). -0,1 (a+): +0,1 (b-): Lead and other heavy metal free. glass with pink as a predominant colour glass with blue as a predominant colour All stemglasses produced in have stems Titanium reinforced, hence an increased resistance to breakages. The perfect combination: & 'SPSYVEGGSVHMRKXS-734%7-;% ULTRA-CLEAR Resistance to industrial washing cycles 3ZIV Resistance to mechanical shocks 13 blown stemware and tumblers features legenda FHUWLÀFDWLRQ for gauge marks &SVQMSPM0YMKM7T%LEWFIIRE[EVHIH the new GIVXM½GEXMSRXSEPPS[ the marking of gauge marks on stemware, glassware and carafes according to the new European MID legislation ) Please refer to our catalogue ERHTVMGIPMWXWJSVWTIGM½GKEYKIHMXIQW marked by the symbol High-Tech blown lead free crystal glass break resistant and dishwasher safe. glass, 5000 years of experience, is the clear choise! Ultra clear and durable Glass according to -734%7-;%PIEHERHLIEZ]QIXEPJVII Ultra Break-Resistant, Lightweight, Mouth-Blown glass. Foot accurately designed to have the appropriate HMQIRWMSR¾EXXSKYEVERXII better stability and easy to hold. 7XIQW[MXLSYXER]QSYPHWIEQ ERHLMKLP]¾I\MFPI (Pulled stem) Permanent anti abrasion tratment applied directly to the glass’ stems to increase resistance to breakages. HFR +PEWWMWZMVXYEPP]MR½RMXIP] recyclable and reduces environmental pollution F]µ-XWTVSHYGXMSR generates extremely very PS[PIZIPSJ'3IQMWWMSRW Revolutionary treatment that prevents dripping. Mouth-blown, hand made products exclusive to Luigi Bormioli. GHVLJQ Through the use of design, the excellence of glass is emphasized encouraging the purchase of products made of this eco-friendly material. Furthermore, glass enhances the characteristics and value of any product contained. KHDOWK Fine, reinforced and laser cut rims. 14 Innovative shapes elegant and functional. Glass can contain without any problems for one’s health drinks, food, medicines, perfumes, etc.. as it is a totally inert material. The glass is not made using petroleum or toxic chemicals. Products tested by 'IRXVS7XYHM%WWEKKMEXSVM-XEPMERS 7TIGMEPXVIEXQIRXTVSHYGIW I\XVETIVWMWXIRX¾S[SJFYFFPIW For information vist our website ERHGPMGOSR±=IEV+YEVERXII² -XIQWEZEMPEFPI[MXLWTIGM½GKEYKIQEVO 15 Collections Collections of classic and contemporary stemware, drinkware and accessories designed to cater to every need from a contemporary to a more formal table setting and to entertain in style at home as well as a wide and comprehensive range of collections suitable for foodservice. 16 LIVING COLLECTIONS 19 PROFESSIONAL COLLECTIONS 55 17 Living collections A truly comprehensive offer of classic and contemporary designs including stemglasses, tumblers and accessories suitable for all dining occasions, serving and enjoying drinks at home. All items in the Living Collections are beautifully giftboxed for an outstanding shelf-impact. 18 ALLEGRO 20 CANALETTO 22 GOURMET 23 CRESCENDO 24 HYPNOS 26 INCANTO 30 LINEA MICHELANGELO 34 MICHELANGELO MASTERPIECE 36 PARMA 40 PRESTIGE 42 ROMA 46 ROMANTICA 47 VIVENDO 48 WINE STYLES SPECIFIC 50 19 Living Living Allegro contemporary design to entertain at home C 363 C 357 C 368 C 354 GPS^ LGQLõ² GQô² GPõS^ LGQL² GQô² GPôS^ LGQL² GQ² GPõS^ LGQLõ² GQõ² +4 +4 +4 +4 C 367 PM 801 PM 808 PM 809 GPS^ LGQLö² GQô² 50 cl - 17 oz LGQL² GQö² GPôS^ LGQLô² GQô² GPõS^ h 15,5 cm - h 6 ” GQô² +4 +4 +4 +4 Bordeaux Martini 7XIQPIWW Red wine (3* Champagne Beverage 21 Packa ging 20 White wine Living Canaletto Gourmet the diamond optic effect for an elegant presentation extra strong C 145 C 143 C 144 C 336 White wine C 335 All Purpose GPöS^ LGQL/16” GQö² GPôS^ LGQLô² GQ7/” GPS^ LGQL15/16” GQõ² GPöS^ LGQLõ² GQõ² GPôS^ LGQLö² GQ/” +4 +4 +4 +4 +4 PM 514 C 334 C 337 GPS^ LGQLõ² GQõ² GPS^ h 16,6 cm - h 6 9/16” GQö² GPôS^ LGQL² GQö² GPS^ LGQL/” GQö² +4 +4 +4 +4 Champagne Wine PM 515 (3* Goblet Beverage Red wine Champagne 23 Packa ging Packa ging 22 comprehensive range and a classic design C 363 C 364 C 342 C 354 C 367 GPS^ LGQLõ² GQô² GPöS^ LGQLö² GQõ² GPõS^ LGQL² GQõ² GPõS^ LGQLõ² GQõ² GPS^ LGQLö² GQô² +4 +4 +4 +4 +4 PM 757 PM 804 PM 805 C 415 C 416 GPõS^ LGQö² GQ² GPôS^ LGQLõ² GQö² GPS^ h 15 cm - h 6” GQô² GPS^ LGQLô± GQ² GPöS^ LGQL± GQö± +4 +4 +4 +4 +4 Bordeaux 7XIQPIWW Bourgogne Chardonnay (3* Beverage Liqueur Cognac PM 823 GPöS^ LGQLö² GQõ² GPöS^ LGQL² GQö² +4 +4 N Juice E W N E W 25 Packa ging 24 Martini Champagne PM 822 Water Living Crescendo Hypnos Spiral design creates a dancing lights’ effect 26 Living N E W 27 Spiral design creates a dancing lights’ effect C 433 C 430 GPõS^ LGQô± GQõ± GPöS^ LGQö² GQö± +4 +4 +4 +4 C 417 C 409 GPôS^ LGQõ± GQô± GPöS^ LGQõ± GQõ± +4 +4 +4 +4 PM 910 PM 431 GPôS^ LGQõ± GQõ± GPõS^ LGQô± GQõ± +4 +4 +4 +4 Red wine Champagne Water White wine Martini Vodka 29 Packa ging 28 Living HYPNOS INCANTO Classic hand cut effect for timeless elegance 30 Living N E W 31 INCANTO Classic hand cut effect for timeless elegance C 432 C 435 50 cl - 17 oz LGQ± GQô± GPõS^ LGQö± GQõ± +4 +4 +4 +4 C 434 C 436 GPõS^ LGQõ² GQö± GPöS^ LGQ² GQõ± +4 +4 +4 +4 PM 920 PM 921 GPöS^ LGQõ± GQõ± GPöS^ LGQô± GQö± +4 +4 +4 +4 Grandi Vini White wine (3* Red wine Flute Beverage 33 Packa ging 32 Living N E W Living Linea michelangelo an elegant and traditional range for everyday C 33 C 34 C 142 GPõS^ LGQL1/16” GQ² GPôS^ LGQLõ² GQô² GPôS^ LGQL1/16” GQô² +4 +4 0.1 L +4 C 28 C 32 C 78 GPôS^ h 17,5 cm - h 6 7/” GQ7/” GPôS^ LGQLô² GQ5/” GPôS^ LGQL/” GQô² +4 +4 +4 C 40 PM 110 PM 729 GPôS^ LGQLô² GQö² GPöS^ LGQL² GQ² GPôS^ LGQLõ² GQõ² +4 +4 +4 '8 Liqueur Red Wine Champagne White Wine Champagne Champagne Burgundy Long Drink Decanter 35 Packa ging 34 Living Michelangelo masterpiece the one and only: the original C 145 C 343 C 271 GPöS^ LGQL² GQõ² 50 cl - 17 oz LGQLö² GQ² GP1/ oz LGQL/” GQ9/16” +4 +4 +4 C 180 C 179 C 82 GPS^ h 19,1 cm - h 7 1/” GQ1/” GPôS^ LGQL² GQô² GPõS^ LGQL/” GQ/” +4 +4 +4 C 183 C 49 C 225 GPõS^ LGQL5/” GQ² GPõS^ LGQL/” GQö² GPõS^ LGQL² GQ/” +4 +4 +4 '0 Champagne Red wine Liqueur Burgunder Burgundy Cognac Gourmet Goblet All-Purpose 7TMVMX C 285 Martini GPöS^ LGQL/” GQ1/” +4 37 Packa ging 36 PM 524 PM 521 PM 515 PM 785 RM 308 RM 307 GPôS^ LGQL/16” GQ5/” GPS^ LGQL1/16” GQ7/” GPS^ LGQL1/” GQ1/” GPöS^ LGQL/” GQ/” \GQ ö²\ö² \GQ 5 /”x 5 /” +4 +4 +4 +4 +4 +4 PM 523 PM 514 PM 784 PM 426 RM 119 RM 112 RM 101 RM 108 GPôS^ LGQLö² GQô² GPôS^ h 16,6 cm - h 6 9/16” GQö² GPS^ h 17,5 cm - h 7” GQõ² GPõS^ LGQLô² GQô² PS^ LGQL1/” GQ1/” 1,5 l - 50 / oz LGQLô² GQ PôS^ LGQL/” GQ1/” PS^ LGQLõ² GQö² +4 +4 +4 +4 +4 +4 +4 +4 Liqueur Hi-ball Whisky-rocks Beverage (3* Cooler Iced Tea 7IVZMRKFS[P (3* Beer Jug Jug 7QEPPFS[P Jug Jug 39 Packa ging 38 Living Michelangelo masterpiece Living Parma a pure and simple design C 143 Red wine GPõS^ LGQLô² GQ7/” +4 & C 269 PM 610 GPôS^ LGQLô² GQ7/” GP / oz LGQLö² GQô² GPS^ LGQLô² GQ1/” +4 & +4 &%* +4 &%* RM 306 RM 309 RM 311 GQõ² GQ² GQ/” +4 +4 +4 Pilsner C 144 Burgundy PM 611 (3* Beverage 7 GPS^ LGQL15/16” GQ1/” +4 & Mini bowl C 145 Champagne 7QEPPFS[P 7IVZMRKFS[P GPöS^ LGQL/16” GQ/” +4 & C 152 Balloon GPôS^ LGQL5/16” GQ² +4 & RM 237 TMIGIW 6 pieces +4 +4 7IVZMRKWIX 7IVZMRKWIX 41 Packa ging 40 RM 235 61 Living Prestige a wide and complete range of stemglasses and tumblers with a professional design, ideal for home entertainment C 399 C 400 C 401 C 402 GPöS^ LGQL² GQõ² GPõS^ LGQLö² GQô² GPôS^ LGQLõ² GQö² GPöS^ LGQLö² GQô² +4 +4 +4 +4 Chardonnay Riesling Bordeaux 7TEVOPMRK[MRI C 409 C 389 C 314 C 316 GPöS^ LGQLõ² GQõ² 50 cl - 17 oz LGQLö² GQ² GP öS^ LGQL ô² GQ² GP 5/ oz LGQL ö² GQ 1/” +4 +4 +4 +4 Martini 4MPWRIV Bordeaux / Grand cru Burgunder 43 Packa ging 42 Living Prestige PM 866 Liqueur GPôS^ LGQLõ² GQ² +4 RM 378 Jug PM 864 Water GPôS^ LGQLõ² GQô² 0ôS^ LGQLõ² GQ² '8 +4 RM 379 Jug PM 862 (3* GPS^ LGQLô² GQö² 0,50 L - 17 oz LGQLõ² GQö² '8 +4 RM 380 Jug PM 865 Juice GPöS^ LGQLô² GQ² 0S^ LGQLö² GQö² '8 +4 PM 863 RM 381 GPõS^ h 15,5 cm - h 6” GQõ² 0öS^ LGQLö² GQõ² +4 '8 Beverage 45 Packa ging 44 Jug Romantica HVVHQWLDODQGUHÀQHGGHVLJQWRPDNH entertaining at home a pleasureable time. Living Roma the romance of a delicate and sinuous optic effect combined to a classic shape for an elegant range C 243 C 143 Bordeaux Wine GPõS^ LGQL1/” GQô² GPôS^ LGQLô² GQ² +4 +4 C 144 All-Purpose C 152 Burgundy GPS^ LGQL² GQõ PM 610 (3* GPôS^ LGQL5/16” GQ² GPöS^ LGQL/” GQ1/” +4 +4 +4 C 145 Champagne C 242 Chardonnay GPöS^ LGQL² GQö² PM 861 +4 Beverage GPôS^ LGQL1/” GQõ² GPõS^ h 15,5 cm - h 6” GQ² +4 +4 PM 610 (3* GPöS^ LGQLö² GQô² +4 C 244 C 211 Champagne Martini GPS^ LGQL² GQö² GPõS^ LGQL1/” GQ1/” +4 +4 PM 861 Beverage GPS^ h 15,5 cm - h 6” GQ² +4 Packa ging 47 Packa ging 46 Living Vivendo elegant design suitable for every occasion C 419 C 420 GPôS^ LGQL± GQô± GPôS^ LGQLõ± GQ± +4 +4 C 421 C 422 GPöS^ LGQLõ± GQõ± GPS^ LGQLõ± GQõ± +4 +4 All-Purpose Ballonn Chardonnay Champagne PM 437 PM 440 C 409 GPõS^ LGQLô± GQô± GPõS^ LGQL± GQô± GPöS^ LGQLõ² GQõ² +4 +4 +4 Beverage (3* Martini 49 Packa ging 48 DQLQQRYDWLYHFRQFHSWZLQHVWHPJODVVHVFODVVLÀHGin 9 colour coded wine Styles. each wine style has a different colour code and groups together wines around common aromatic and taste elements. 50 Living :LQHVW\OHVSHFLÀF 51 C 362 C 366 C 370 GPöS^ LGQLö² GQ² GPöS^ LGQL² GQõ² 17,5 cl - 6 oz LGQLö² GQõ² +4 +4 +4 C 342 C 364 GPõS^ LGQL² GQõ² GPöS^ LGQLö² GQõ² 09077/15+4 +4 C 363 C 373 Juicy Reds Pink Wines GPS^ LGQLõ² GQô² GPôS^ LGQLö² GQ² +4 +4 Bold Reds 7QSSXL6IHW Crisp Whites shelf impact packaging Living Living :LQHVW\OHVSHFLÀF 7TEVOPMRK;MRIW 7SJX;LMXIW Decanter Decanter GPõS^ LGQLö± Ø 15.5 cm - Ø 6” GPõS^ LGQLö± GQõ± GP1/6 GP1/6 Red wine C 365 C 388 Rich Withes 7[IIX;MRIW GPôS^ LGQLô² GQô² GPõS^ LGQLô² GQö² +4 10051/01+4 White wine 53 Packa ging 52 Professional collections Complete professional collections suitable for foodservice. 7XVSRKERHHYVEFPIWXIQ[EVIERHHVMRO[EVIHIWMKRIHXSWEXMWJ] all requirements from casual dining to buffet and banqueting. All items in the Professional Collections are packed in boxes of 6. 54 D.O.C. 56 EDEN 57 MICHELANGELO PROFESSIONAL LINE 58 ROYALE 62 RUBINO 64 VINTAGE 65 55 Professional D.o.c. Eden a stemware developed with the wine tasting professionals an appropriate balance between the dimensions, proportions and sizes make this range suitable for the mise en place and for the appreciation of wine C 103 C 390 C 391 GPS^ h 15,5 cm - h 6” GQö² GPS^ LGQLö² GQ² &%* +4 &%* White wine Tasting Wine GPS^ LGQL/” GQ/” &%* C 66 Red wine C 392 C 394 GPôS^ LGQLõ² GQõ² GPõS^ LGQL² GQô² +4 &%* +4 &%* C 99 C 393 Tasting Wine Champagne PM 838 GPõS^ LGQL7/” GQ² GPõS^ LGQLô² GQõ² GPôS^ LGQLõ² GQô² &%* 0.1L +4 &%* +4 &%* Tasting Wine All purpose GPõS^ h 15,5 cm - h 6 1/” GQô² &%* '0 0.1 L Bordeaux (3* PM 839 C 101 Beverage Tasting Wine 50 cl - 17 oz LGQL² GQõ² GPS^ LGQL/” GQ1/” +4 &%* &%* Packa ging 57 Packa ging 56 58 michelangelo, “the original”, a wide and complete collection of stemware and tumblers ideal for the table setting and foodservice Professional Michelangelo professional line 59 Professional Michelangelo professional line table setting bar & dessert C 211 C 285 C 40 GPõS^ LGQL1/” GQ1/” GPöS^ LGQL/” GQ1/” GPôS^ LGQLô² GQö² & & & Martini C 28 Red Wine C 32 White Wine C 78 Burgundy C 189 C 34 Multipurpose Champagne GPôS^ h 17,5 cm - h 6 7/” GQ7/” GPôS^ LGQLô² GQ5/” GPôS^ LGQL/” GQô² GPôS^ LGQL/” GQ7/” GPôS^ LGQLõ² GQô² & & & & & 0.1 L ZLQHVSHFLÀF Chardonnay C 271 Bordeaux C 343 Burgunder C 176 C 142 Prosecco Champagne PM 524 PM 521 PM 515 PM 785 GPôS^ LGQLô² GQ5/” GPS^ LGQL1/16” GQ7/” GPS^ LGQLõ² GQõ² GPöS^ LGQLô² GQô² & & & & Liqueur C 179 Martini (3* Whisky-rocks (3* Champagne GPôS^ LGQL² GQ1/” GPS^ LGQL/” Ø 9,1 cm - Ø 9 9/16” 50 cl - 17 oz LGQLö² GQ² GPöS^ LGQL/16” GQ/” GPôS^ LGQL1/16” GQô² & & & & & PM 523 PM 514 PM 784 GPôS^ LGQLö² GQô² GPôS^ h 16,6 cm - h 6 9/16” GQö² GPS^ h 17,5 cm - h 7” GQõ² & & & Hi-ball Beverage Cooler Iced Tea 61 Packa ging 60 a collection ideal for table setting and wine tasting C 419 C 420 GPôS^ LGQL± GQô± GPôS^ LGQLõ± GQ± &%* &%* C 421 C 422 GPöS^ LGQLõ± GQõ± GPS^ LGQLõ± GQõ± &%* &%* Gourmet goblet White wine Burgunder Champagne 63 Packa ging 62 Professional Royale Professional Rubino Vintage designed for foodservice contemporary stemware for foodservice C 210 Wine C 240 C 241 C 242 GPS^ h 15,5 cm - h 6 1/” GQö² GPôS^ LGQLö² GQ7/” GPôS^ LGQL1/” GQõ² &%* &%* &%* 0.1 L White Wine Red Wine GPS^ LGQL/16” GQ² Goblet &%* 0.1 L C 148 Wine GPôS^ LGQL1/16” GQ7/” &%* 0.1 L C 244 C 243 GPS^ LGQL² GQö² GPõS^ LGQL1/” GQô² C 192 &%* &%* 0.1 L GPôS^ LGQL1/” GQ/16” Flute Bordeaux Wine &%* 0.1 L PM 610 PM 649 PM 611 SV 3 GPöS^ LGQLö² GQ1/” GPöS^ LGQL² GQõ² GP7/ oz LGQLô² GQ1/” PôS^ LGQL7/” GQ² &%* &%* &%* & &%* (3* Juice Decanter Beverage Packa ging 65 Packa ging 64 Tumblers sparkx A broad collection of tumblers in a wide range of designs and sizes suited to a variety of uses; shots, aperitif, breakfast, dining, after dinner drinks… 1EHIMR7TEVO\YPXVEGPIEVWXVSRKERHHYVEFPIKPEWW 66 AMETISTA 68 LINEA MICHELANGELO 68 MICHELANGELO MASTERPIECE 68 PARMA 69 ROMANTICA 69 RUBINO 69 VIVENDO 69 67 PM 694 (3* Linea michelangelo PM 110 PM 693 Long Drink Beverage GPôS^ LGQL19/” GQ/” GPôS^ LGQL/” GQ7/16” GPöS^ LGQL² GQ² &%* &%* +4 Parma Romantica PM 611 PM 861 PM 610 GP / oz LGQLö² GQô² GPS^ LGQLô² GQ1/” GPS^ h 15,5 cm - h 6” GQ² GPöS^ LGQLö² GQô² +4 &%* +4 &%* +4 +4 PM 610 (3* Beverage Beverage 7 Michelangelo masterpiece PM 521 PM 515 PM 785 GPôS^ LGQL/16” GQ5/” GPS^ LGQL1/16” GQ7/” GPS^ LGQLõ² GQõ² GPöS^ LGQL/” GQ/” +4 & +4 & +4 & +4 & Liqueur Whisky-rocks (3* (3* (3* Rubino PM 610 PM 649 PM 611 GPöS^ LGQLö² GQ1/” GPöS^ LGQL² GQõ² GP7/ oz LGQLô² GQ1/” &%* &%* &%* (3* PM 524 Tumblers Ametista Juice Beverage Vivendo 68 PM 523 PM 514 PM 784 PM 426 PM 440 PM 437 GPôS^ LGQLö² GQô² GPôS^ h 16,6 cm - h 6 9/16” GQö² GPS^ h 17,5 cm - h 7” GQõ² GPõS^ LGQLô² GQô² GPõS^ LGQL± GQô± GPõS^ LGQLô± GQô± +4 & +4 & +4 & +4 +4 +4 Hi-ball Beverage Cooler Iced Tea Beer (3* Beverage 69 Tumblers sonhyx A broad collection of tumblers in a wide range of designs and sizes suited to a variety of uses; shots, aperitif, breakfast, dining, after dinner drinks… 1EHIMR732L]\LMKLXIGLPIEHJVIIGV]WXEPKPEWW AERO 72 ALFIERI 72 ® 72 BACH 73 LUIGI BORMIOLI ATELIER 70 CLASSICO 73 ELEGANTE 74 HYPNOS 74 INCANTO 74 MAGNIFICO 75 ON THE ROCKS 75 PALACE 75 PRESTIGE 76 PURO 76 ROSSINI 76 STRAUSS - STRAUSS ROCKS 77 VERONESE 77 BRIO 78 71 N E W Aero Tumblers N E W Bach PM833 7XIQPIWW GPôS^ LGQ± GQô± &%* PM496 PM485 GPôS^ LGQô± GQ± GPõS^ LGQö± GQõ± &%* &%* +4 PM511 PM489 GPõS^ h 15.5 cm - 6 “ GQô± GPõS^ LGQõ± GQö± &%* &%* +4 Water (3* $OÀHUL Beverage PM 657 PM 658 GPS^ LGQL² GQõ² GPS^ LGQLö² GQö² +4 +4 (3* Beverage Classico Luigi Bormioli Atelier® PM 764 PM 756 PM 757 GPS^ LGQLõ² GQõ² GPS^ LGQL1/16” GQõ² GPõS^ LGQLö² GQ² +4 &%* +4 &%* +4 &%* Riesling / Tocai 72 Pinot Noir / Rioja Beverage Cabernet Merlot 73 PM 884 PM 883 PM 879 PM 881 PM 880 GPõS^ LGQLô² GQ5/” GPöS^ LGQLö² GQ1/” GPôS^ LGQLö² GQô² GPôS^ LGQLö² GQô² GPõS^ h 16,1 cm - h 6 /” GQö² &%* &%* '0 &%* +4 &%* '0 &%* +4 Liqueur Water (3* Long drink Beverage Tumblers Elegante 0DJQLÀFR PM 801 PM 910 PM 812 Water GPôS^ LGQõ± GQõ± &%* Liqueur N E W PM 826 (3* PM 810 Amaro Whisky GPõS^ LGQLõ² GQö² GPôS^ LGQLõ² GQõ² GPöS^ LGQLõ² GQõ² &%* &%* +4 &%* 50 cl - 17 oz LGQL² GQö² &%* on the rocks PM 808 (3* PM 811 PM 809 Hi-ball PM 922 Beverage GPôS^ LGQLô² GQ² GPõS^ h 15,5 cm - h 6 ” GQô² +4 &%* &%* +4 &%* Hypnos PM 923 Beverage (3* GPôS^ LGQLô² GQô² square shape GPôS^ LGQ± GQ ô± N E GPS^ LGQ± GQ ö² N E +4 W +4 W Incanto Palace 74 75 PM 920 PM 910 GPôS^ LGQõ± GQõ± +4 +4 PM 921 (3* Acqua N E W GPöS^ LGQõ± GQõ± +4 +4 Bibita N E W GPöS^ LGQô± GQö± +4 +4 PM 833 PM 834 GPôS^ LL² GQõ² GPS^ LGQL² GQõ² &%* &%* Acqua naturale N E W Acqua tonica square shape PM 866 PM 864 PM 862 PM 865 PM 863 GPôS^ LGQLõ² GQ² GPôS^ LGQLõ² GQô² GPS^ LGQLô² GQö² GPöS^ LGQLô² GQ² GPõS^ h 15,5 cm - h 6” GQõ² +4 +4 +4 +4 Liqueur Water (3* Juice Beverage PM 922 PM 923 +4 &%* Puro GPS^ LGQ± GQ ö² N E W &%* PM 823 PM 804 PM 805 GPöS^ LGQLö² GQõ² GPöS^ LGQL² GQö² GPôS^ LGQLõ² GQö² GPS^ h 15 cm - h 6” GQô² &%* &%* +4 &%* +4 &%* Juice (3* Beverage PM 228 N E W GPS^ LGQLô² GQ ö² GPS^ LGQL1/” GQ ö² &%* &%* Juice PM 227 PM 300 PM 229 PM 233 GPöS^ LGQLô² GQ ² GPöS^ LGQL² GQ 1/” GPS^ h 15 cm - h 5 7/” GQ 1/” GPôS^ LGQLõ² GQ ô² &%* &%* &%* &%* Whisky-rocks PM 822 PM 232 Liqueur Beverage (3* GPôS^ LGQ± GQ ô± Water Tumblers Strauss / Strauss rocks Prestige Rossini (3* Long drink Hi-ball Veronese oval shape 76 77 PM 530 PM 527 PM 528 PM 529 PM 568 PM 569 PM 566 PM 612 PM 565 GPõS^ LGQLô² GQ1/16” GPöS^ LGQL11/16” GQ² GPôS^ LGQL1/” GQõ² GPôS^ LGQL1/” GQ/16” GPôS^ LGQLö² GQö² GPöS^ LGQL/16” GQõ² GPôS^ LGQL7/” GQ5/” GPôS^ h 15 cm - h 6” GQö² GPôS^ h 15,5 cm - h 6 1/” GQ1/” +4 +4 +4 +4 &%* &%* &%* &%* &%* Liqueur Whisky-rocks (3* Beverage Liqueur Whisky-rocks (3* Hi-ball Beverage Tumblers Brio striking mass coloured mouth blown tumblers. DQ\VOLJKWÁDZVKRXOGQRWEHFRQVLGHUHGDGHIHFW but an aesthetic value due to the uniqueness of each handcrafted piece. RM 392 Cobalt blue Brio GPõS^ LGQLô± GQõ± & RM 392 Amber Brio GPõS^ LGQLô± GQõ± & RM 392 3VERKI&VMS GPõS^ LGQLô± GQõ± & 79 Packa ging 78 Specials A comprehensive collection of classic designs in ultra-clear transparent glass to meet all your needs for both serving and enjoying drinks at home. All stemware in this collection have seam-free stems with titanium reinforcement for greater strength. The pronounced indentation at the bottom of the bowls develops ERI\XVETIVWMWXIRX¾S[SJFYFFPIWJSVQMRKEGVS[RSRXLIWYVJEGI thus releasing the aromas and wine scents. 80 FLUTE COLLECTION 82 BEER COLLECTION 83 COGNAC 83 81 Beer collection a variety of capacities and shapes for every occasions 0-21-',)0%2+)03 C 176 Champagne PERLAGE C 170 Champagne DREAM PALACE C 98 Champagne C 354 Champagne %''%()1-%:-23 C 128 27[IIX;LMXI Specials Flute collection perfect shapes to taste and enjoy any beer in the world +3961)8 C 337 Champagne GPöS^ LGQL/16” GQ/” GPõS^ LGQLõ² GQô² GPöS^ LGQLô² GQ/” GPõS^ LGQLõ² GQõ² GPôS^ LGQL/” GQ15/16” GPS^ LGQL/” GQö² & & & 0 &%* &%* +4 C 82 C 52 C 269 PARMA C 358 Multipurpose GPõS^ LGQLö² GQ/” GPôS^ LGQLõ² GQ² cl - ôS^ LGQLô² GQ7/” +4 &%* &%* +4 & (6-2/ (6-2/ PM 426 7GLYQERR ELEGANTE C 389 4MPWRIV ELEGANTE C 389 4MPWRIV GPS^ LGQLô² GQõ² GPõS^ LGQLô² GQô² GPS^ LGQLô± GQö± 50 cl - 17 oz LGQLö² GQ² &%* +4 &%* &%* +4 &%* PALACE Cognac perfect for tasting brandy and cognac ATELIER 1%+2-*-'3 C 319 Champagne C 337 Champagne GPôS^ LGQL² GQ6/” GPöS^ LGQLõ² GQö² +4 +4 &%* +4 +4 &%* C 4027TEVOPMRK[MRI C 34 Champagne 0-21-',)0%2+)03 :-238)59) C 370 Flute GPôS^ LGQL7/” GQö² GPöS^ LGQLö² GQô² GPôS^ LGQLõ² GQô² 17,5 cl - 6 oz LGQLö² GQõ² &%* +4 &%* +4 & 0.1 L +4 +4 &%* %''%()1-%:-23 C 228 2'LEQTEKRI ATELIER 2%430)32 C 72 Cognac 2%430)32 C 49 Cognac 2%430)32 C 77 Cognac :-238)59) C 416 Cognac cl - öS^ LGQLõ² GQõ² GPõS^ LGQL/” GQö² GPõS^ LGQLô² GQõ² GPöS^ LGQL± GQö± &%* &%* &%* &%* 83 82 %)63 C 354 Flute GPS^ LGQõ± GQõ± &%* N E W 794)6 C 130 Flute -28)273 C 378 Flute 63=%0) C 422 Flute ELEGANTE C 417 Champagne GPöS^ LGQLô² GQô² GPõS^ LGQLô² GQô² GPS^ LGQõ± GQõ± GPôS^ LGQõ± GQô± +4 &%* +4 &%* &%* &%* Thermic glass Borosilicate glass is a material highly resistant to thermal shock and dishwasher safe. Its chemical composition maintains unadulterated the level of acidity of any liquid or food contained. The vacuum area between the two walls allows for thermal insulation and prevent condensation on the outer surface. As a result the temperature of hot liquid or food if maintained for longer than that of other materials such as porcelain or ceramic. The same is applicable for cold liquids and food, the desired temperature is maintained for longer preventing the “sweating” effect on the table and hands. Double wall borosilicate glass, hand made. Thermal shock resistant. Microwave and dishwasher safe. Maintain the temperature of both drinks and food hot and cold. Maintain unadulterated the level of acidity of liquid/food contained. Prevent condensation on the outer surface. 86 88 SINGLE ORIGIN COFFEE CUP COLLECTION 92 FOOD&DESIGN COLLECTION DRINK&DESIGN COLLECTION 84 85 Thermic Glass Food&design collection RM 368 Michelangelo RM 370 Conical RM 371 RM 367 Ametista RM 369 Cilindical GPöS^ LGQLõ² GQö² +4 Chopin GPS^ LGQLõ² GQõ² GPS^ LGQLõ² GQô² GPS^ LGQLô² GQõ² GPôS^ LGQLô² GQö² +4 +4 +4 +4 The thermal insulation of the double-wall tumblers maintains the desired temperature of food for longer preventing condensation. A collection of items ideal for buffets, cocktails, special parties any occasion in home entertaining. PM 515 RM 339 PM 514 RM 340 RM 341 PM 514 RM 337 PM 514 RM 338 Beverage Ametista Beverage Chopin GPöS^ LGQLö² GQõ² cl - S^ LGQLô² GQ/” GPöS^ LGQLö² GQô² GPS^ LGQLô² GQô² GPöS^ LGQLö² GQ² Turn any occasion into something special. With little effort your favourite recipes served in THERMIC GLASS food&design will be more exciting and satisfy both your taste and your sight. +4 +4 +4 +4 +4 The new trend ‘food design’ matches lifestyle and adds a twist to food entertainment, glasses once used purely for drinks have the main role in this new scenario. The transparency of glass and the various shapes are ideal to serve desserts, creams, appetizers and other recipes directly in individual mini-helpings. The quick and simple preparation of the creative recipes and their visual effect will result in an original and trendy presentation. (3* Michelangelo Beverage Conical Cilindical Round oil bottle Conical oil bottle GPôS^ LGQLô² GQõ² GPôS^ LGQL² GQô² +4 +4 87 Packa ging 86 EWWSVXIHTMIGIWWIX 616161 6161 +4 Thermic Glass Drink&design collection CAFFEINO -XWWLETIVIQMRHWXLEXSJXLIXVEHMXMSREP³FMGIVMRSJ8YVMR´VI½RIH and contemporary in the design this double-wall version is lighter to the touch than similar versions in porcelain or traditional glass. The level of acidity and bitterness present in coffee is lowered considerably in this cup. Whereas the aromatic notes of nuts and dried fruit together with the toasted aroma are kept steady LMKLPMKLXMRK XLI XSJJII ¾EZSYV 8LMW WLETI LSPHW HS[R XLI PIZIP of astringency and acidity present in coffee emphasising its nutty ¾EZSYVW Cappuccino con piattino acciaio inox GPõS^ LGQLö² GQõ² RM 373 Caffeino +4 GPöS^ LGQL² GQô² +4 Tazza multiuso con piattino acciaio inox ESPRESSINO The elegant design of this double-wall professional tasting instrument is the differentiating element resulting in a more VI½RIH ZIVWMSR GSQTEVIH XS WMQMPEV SRIW MR TSVGIPEMR ERH traditional glass. Its shape express at its best all of the espresso coffee characteristics and all of the aromatic notes that develop during the coffee roasting process: from cocoa to confectionery ERHEFSZIXLIRYXX]¾EZSYVW8LISPJEGXSV]TIVGITXMSRSJLSRI]MW enhanced resulting in a more intense aroma. ESPRESSO The classic design of this double-wall cup distinguish itself for its contemporary look resulting in an aesthetic effect very different from similar cups in porcelain and in traditional glass. This professional tasting instrument maintains perfectly the aspect of the cream as well as the taste and tactile characteristics of the coffe. The shape lowers considerably the vegetable aromatic TIVGITXMSRWE¾E[JSVGSJJIIQTLEWMWMRKXLIJVIWLERH½RI¾SVEP and fruity aromatic notes. High olfactory intensity and long intense aromatic persistance (I.A.P.) GPõS^ LGQLô² GQö² +4 RM 374 Espressino GPôS^ LGQLõ² GQô² +4 N E W RM 401 CAPPUCCINO A classic and elegant shape, its lightness, due to the borosilicate double-wall glass, makes it very pleasant at the touch and at the contact with the lips. This shape maintains the taste characteristics of the coffee enhancing the ‘pampering’ aromas of nuts and dried fruit typical of this drink. Additional aromas are also enhanced: from cereals to toffee, from vanilla to chocolate, from hazelnut to dried fruit. MULTIPURPOSE The visual impact resulting from this design in double-wall and its dimension is outstanding. Furthermore its lightness, visual and at the touch, is remarkable all because of borosilicate glass. Its transparency during the tasting of a blend of chinese tea the true amber tone of the drink is highlighted. Due to its shape, amongst the complex aromatic notes are predominantly enhanced XLI¾SVEPSRIWWYGLEWGLEQSQMPIERHPIQSRFEPQ%QSRKWXXLI aromas fresh fruit such as peach, melon, exotic fruit, red berries, nuts and dried fruit are brought out together with the spicy ones. 8LIGVMWTRIWWSJXLI¾EZSYVERHXLIEVSQEXMGTIVWMWXERGIMWEPWS enhanced. Aroma Coffee GPõS^ LGQô± GQô± +4 Espresso cup w/stainless steel saucer GPõS^ LGQLõ² GQô² +4 N E W RM 402 7YTVIQS'SJJII GPõS^ LGQõ± GQõ± +4 88 89 Thermic Glass Drink&design collection RM 375 RM 376 RM 377 Bottle with stopper GPS^ LGQLô² GQõ² GPôS^ h 15 cm - h 6” GQô² GPöS^ LGQLô² GQõ² GPôS^ LGQLö² GQô² +4 +4 +4 +4 Juice RM 219 RM 221 RM 220 RM 218 RM 217 GPS^ LGQLõ² GQö² GPS^ LGQLõ² GQö² GPS^ LGQLô² GQô² GPS^ LGQLô² GQô² GPS^ h 15 cm - h 6” GQô² +4 +4 +4 +4 +4 Thermic multipurpose 90 Mug Latte Macchiato Thermic espresso cup Thermic coffee/tea mug Thermic tumbler Thermic tumbler 91 Thermic Glass 0YMKM&SVQMSPMLEWGVIEXIH[MXLXLIWYTTSVXSJXLI8EWXIV7XYH]'IRXIV ERI[VERKISJGSJJIIGYTWIEGL[MXLEHMJJIVIRXERHWTIGM½GWLETIHIWMKRIH XSIRLERGIXLIEVSQEXMGGLEVEGXIVMWXMGWX]TMGEPSJIEGLWTIGM½G7MRKPI3VMKMRGSJJII 92 Thermic Glass Single origin coffee cup 93 The coffee cup JAMAICA keeps the delicate balance between the gustatory TVS½PI ERH XLI TVSQMRIRX EVSQEXMG RStes typical of the prestigious Jamaica Blue Mountain: nuts (hazelnut, walnut, almond, TMWXEGLMS HVMIH JVYMX ½KW HEXIW TVYRIW raisins), toasted notes. The thermic glass maintains the temperature of the coffee for longer thus emphasizing the toast and chocolate notes that tend to become less intense when it cools down. The coffee cup BRASILE brings out the prevailing notes typical of the sinKPI SVMKMR &VE^MP 7ERXSW 7YTVIQI XSEWXIH cereals and chocolate. The thermic glass maintains the temperature of the coffee for longer and ensures a strong aromatic sensation with notes of honey, fruit, bread crust, vanilla, cocoa and toast. The speci½G WLETI SJ XLI GYT FVMRKW SYX XLI QSWX sophisticated notes typical of this single SVMKMR¾SVEPERHJVYMX]EVSQEWFYXQSWXP] vanilla. The coffee cup ETIOPIA enhances XLI [IPP HI½RIH GMXVYW EVSQEW EW [IPP EW that of dried fruit and chocolate, typical SJXLIWMRKPISVMKMR)XLMSTME7MHEQS8LI olfactory perception is heightened and the coffee cup Etiopia emphasises the inXIRWMX]SJ¾SVEPEVSQEW[MXLWIRWEXMSRWSJ honey, beeswax, orange peel and lemon. The strong citrus notes emphasise its characteristic sharpness by synaesthesia. 3XLIV TSWMXMZI RSXIW WXERH SYX EPQSRH hazelnut, walnut, vanilla, toasted notes and liquorice. 94 RM 385 JAMAICA single origin coffee cup RM388 '378%6-'% single origin coffee cup GPS^ LGQLõ± GQõ± GPöS^ LGQLõ± GQö± +4 +4 RM 387 &6%7-0) single origin coffee cup RM 384 INDIA single origin coffee cup GPõS^ LGQLö± GQö± GPöS^ LGQLö± GQô± +4 +4 RM 383 )8-34-% single origin coffee cup RM386 '3031&-% single origin coffee cup GPöS^ LGQLõ± GQõ± GPôS^ LGQLõ± GQõ± +4 +4 an innovative and impactful packaging concept, a different colour for each Single Origin Coffee cup. Thermic Glass Single origin coffee cup 8LMWRI[GSPPIGXMSRSJGSJJIIGYTWQEHISJHSYFPI[EPPFSVSWMPMGEXIKPEWWLIMKLXIRWXLIKYWXEXSV]TVS½PIERHXLIMRXIRWMX] SJXLIEVSQESJXLIWMRKPISVMKMRGSJJIIIRLERGMRKXLIQSWXVI½RIHERHWSTLMWXMGEXIHEVSQEXMGRSXIWQSVIXLERGSJJIIGYTW made in porcelain or single wall glass. These unique coffee cups enable a better appreciation of all the diverse sensorial characteristics typical of single origin coffees. The coffee cup COSTA RICA emphasises the perfect gustatory balance between the sharpness and bitterness typical of this single origin as well as notes of toasted cereals, spices and fresh vegetables. This perfect balance is achieved thanks to the thermal effect of the double wall. The olfactory impact is heightened and brings out the intensity in notes of JVIWL ERH HVMIH JVYMX -XW WTIGM½G WLETI ¾EVIH EX XLI XST IRLERGIW EPWS XLI EVSmatic notes of vanilla, cocoa and pastries. 8LI WTIGM½G MRXIVREP WLETI SJ XLI INDIA coffee cup, wide and shallow, has been designed to soften the sensation SJ TPERX ½FVI X]TMGEP SJ XLMW WMRKPI SVMKMR but does so without reducing the coffee cream formation thanks to the round inHIRXEXMSR 8LI VIWYPXMRK EVSQEXMG TVS½PI enhances the intended notes such as nuts, bread crust, caramel, vanilla and liquorice. The coffee cup COLOMBIA softens the acidity typical of this single origin while emphasizing the toast aromas along with those of caramel and vanilla which increase by synaesthesia an overall sensation of sweetness. The aromatic notes of dried fruit are strong but those of almond, hazelnut and walnut are even more pronounced. The outcome is a coffee so well balanced and delicate that adding sugar is not necessary. 95 Tabletop and serveware Tabletop and serveware collections including dinner settings, bowls, matching accessories, and serveware in beautiful and elegant transparent glass, MREWWSVXIHGSRXIQTSVEV]GSPSYVWERH½RMWLMRWYTIVMSVZMXVM½IH½RIFSRIGLMRE All items are designed exclusively for Luigi Bormioli. DESSERT 98 GLITTER 99 GOCCE 100 IRIDE 101 MICHELANGELO COLOR PALETTE 102 MICHELANGELO MASTERPIECE BONE CHINA 103 INSIEME 104 OMNIA 112 OPTIMA 114 RIFLESSI 116 CHARGERS 118 TESSUTO 119 96 97 a variety of designs for a stylish presentation of desserts Table - Serveware Dessert Glitter collection of chargers enriched by precious details to decorate every table in any special occasion RM 327 White cake plate GQ² RM 306 PARMA RM 309 PARMA GQõ² GQ² +4 +4 Mini bowl & 7QEPPFS[P RM 327 Red cake plate GQ² RM 327 RM 327 RM 309 GQ² GQ² Tangerine Mini bowl GQõ² 8ERKIVMRI7QEPPFS[P GQ² & & +4 +4 Gold cake plate RM 306 1-',)0%2+)03'4 1-',)0%2+)03'4 Bronze cake plate & RM 327 Dark blue cake plate GQ² & RM 272 +3'') 7QEPPFS[P GQõ² LGQL² RM 327 Green cake plate +4 GQ² RM 327 RM 327 GQ² GQ² & & Copper cake plate :%2+3+, PM 99 ',34-2 RM 307 GPõS^ LGQL57/” GQ/” GPöS^ LGQL11/16” GQõ² 7QEPPFS[P \GQ/”x 5 /” +4 +4 +4 C 263 A.p. dessert bowl A.p. dessert bowl 1-',)0%2+)031%7 & 7MPZIVGEOITPEXI RM 327 Purple cake plate GQ² & 99 Packa ging 98 Iride complete hand made collection enriched by a precious texture RM 271 RM 270 GQõ² GQô² & & Dessert plate bright iridescent colours to decorate the table 7SYTTPEXI RM 327 RM 327 RM 327 RM 327 GQ² GQ² GQ² GQ² & & & & RM 345 RM 345 GQ² GQ² GQ² GQ² +4 +4 +4 +4 Lime cake plate RM 239 RM 268 RM 269 GQõ² GQõ² GQ² +4 & & & Cake plate Charger RM 272 RM 273 GQõ² LGQL² GQö² LGQLõ² +4 +4 Pearl cake plate 'SVR¾S[IVGEOITPEXI Cyclamen cake plate Dinner plate Lime cake plate w/foot 7QEPPFS[P Table - Serveware Gocce Pearl cake plate w/foot RM 345 'SVR¾S[IV cake plate w/foot RM 345 Ciclamen cake plate w/foot 7IVZMRKFS[P 101 Packa ging Packa ging 100 the table gets renewed with the colours of the sun and the ocean Michelangelo masterpiece bone china dinnerware collection, designed exclusively for Luigi Bormioli, inspired by WKHHVVHQFHRI,WDOLDQGLQLQJDQGPDGHRIVXSHULRUYLWULÀHGÀQHERQHFKLQD RM 149 RM 306 Dinner plate 7SYTTPEXI 7EPEHTPEXI Comport TGW3VERKI GQõ² GQ² GQô² GQ² GQö² +4 +4 & & & +4 RM 150 RM 309 7QEPPFS[P 7QEPPFS[P Mug Dinner set TGW4YVTPI GQ² GQö² GQ² GPöS^ TMIGIW +4 +4 & & & +4 SV 36 RM 311 7IX 7IX 7IX 7IX 7IX TGW7ETTLMVI GQ/” 15 cl - 5 oz cup with saucer set GPôS^ cup with saucer set 7YKEVERHGVIEQIV 7EPXERHTITTIV 3MPERHZMRIKEV +4 +4 +4 +4 +4 +4 +4 7IVZMRKWIX 7IVZMRKWIX 7IVZMRKWIX Table - Serveware Michelangelo color palette Tangerine Mini bowl 8ERKIVMRI7QEPPFS[P 8ERKIVMRI7IVZMRKFS[P 103 Packa ging Packa ging 102 Insieme Living Italian Style 104 Table - Serveware N E W 105 Living Italian Style Table - Serveware Insieme 11066/01 7QEPP 'EOI7XERH[MXL(SQI GQö± LGQ± +4 11063/01 Medium 'EOI7XERH[MXL(SQI GQ± LGQô± +4 11060/01 Large 'EOI7XERH[MXL(SQI GQ± LGQõ± +4 106 107 Table - Serveware Insieme Living Italian Style RM 422 RM 420 RM 418 GQö± LGQô± GQ± LGQõ± GQ± LGQõ± +4 +4 +4 7QEPP'EOI7XERH 1IHMYQ'EOI7XERH 0EVKI'EOI7XERH RM 428 7QEPP(IWWIVX&S[P RM 429 8VM¾I(IWWIVX&S[P GQõ± LGQö± GQö± LGQô± +4 +4 11077/01 Punch Bowl with Ladle GQö± LGQô± +4 109 Packa ging 108 Table - Serveware Insieme Living Italian Style RM 433 11072/01 11069/01 RM 434 GQô± LGQô± GQô± LGQ± GQ± LGQö± +4 +4 +4 GPõS^ GQ± LGQ± 7QEPPFS[P <WQEPP7IVZMRK4PEXI with Dome Cheese Platter with Dome 3ZEP'EVEJI +4 RM 432 Large bowl GQö± LGQõ± +4 110 111 Table - Serveware Omnia mouth blown borosilicate glass jars with silicone lids Jar with silicone lid Jar with silicone lid Jar with silicone lid 0öS^ LGQLö± GQô± 0S^ LGQLö± GQõ± 0õS^ LGQLô± GQõ± '8 '8 '8 Jar with silicone lid Jar with silicone lid RM393 Carafe 112 0.5 L - 17 oz LGQLö± GQö± 0ôS^ LGQL² GQô± PöS^ LGQLö± GQô± '8 '8 '8 113 N E W Optima 6SHFLÀF6HUYLQJ%RWWOHV H 4960 *MRI;MRI0 P¯ôS^ LGQ¯ö± GQ¯õ± '8 0 H 4961 Fine Wine - 0.50 L P¯S^ LGQ¯õ± GQ¯ö± '8 0.50 L 7%*))(+)6-1 H 4934 Fine Wine - 0.75 L PõS^ LGQô± GQõ± '8 0.75 L ()7-+2&3880)7 Add value to XLIWTIGM½GGSRXIRX enhancing the perceived quality. )%7=83*-00 )%7=834396 H 4974 Water - 0.75 L PõS^ LGQõ± GQõ± GAUGE 1%6/ The Wine Bottles are with gauge marks 00ERH0 '8 )'3*6-)2(0= Reusable over time H 4992 4VIQMYQ3PMZI3MP 0 with silicone/stainless WXIIPTSYVIV 114 PôS^ LGQö± \GQ\± '8 1%()-2-8%0= 115 hand made dinnerware collection and matching accessories with an elegant sparkling texture RM 329 RM 330 XVE]WWIX TGW small bowls set GQô² GQô² GQGQ ô²õ² GQGQGQ ²²² +4 +4 +4 +4 7IVZMRKFS[P 7QEPPFS[P RM 322 RM 323 RM 324 RM 325 RM 331 GQ² GQô² GQ² GQõ² GPö² & & & +4 +4 Dinner Plate 7SYT4PEXI RM 326 7EPEH4PEXI Dessert plate RM 327 RM 365 GQ² GQ² TGW +4 +4 +4 Charger Cake plate Table - Serveware 5LÁHVVL Tumbler Chip & Dip set 117 Packa ging 116 Table - Serveware Chargers Tessuto chargers made of transparent glass with a versatile style for an elegant and sophisticated table settings hand made dinnerware collection and matching DFFHVVRULHVZLWKDWH[WLOHÀQLVKHIIHFW RM 313 Classico Charger GQô² +4 RM 354 RM 362 RM 363 TGW GQô² GQô² +4 +4 +4 Chip & Dip set RM 314 Pop art RM 238 Emozioni Charger GQô² Charger GQõ² +4 & RM 315 RM 312 Charger GQô² Charger \GQ\² +4 +4 Bambù 7IVZMRKFS[P Round Tray Carré RM 356 RM 357 RM 358 RM 359 GQ² GQ² GQõ² GQö² +4 & & & Charger Dinner plate Dessert plate 7SYTTPEXI RM 316 Barocco Charger GQô² RM 361 RM 364 RM 360 GPö² GQõ² GQö² +4 +4 +4 Tumbler +4 Finger food small bowl Bowl 119 Packa ging Packa ging 118 Wine tasting and more AERO 128 LUIGI BORMIOLI ATELIER ® 130 INTENSO 136 MAGNIFICO 138 PALACE 142 PALACE HYDROSOMMELIER 145 SUPER 148 VINOTEQUE 150 VINTAGE 156 120 121 Wine Tasting ART AND SCIENCE OF GLA L SS T O I M P ROV E T H E Q UA L I T Y O F L I F E “The diffusion of the wine aromatic molecules in the bowl of a stemglass takes place according to laws of physics such as Fick’s second law of diffusion expressed by the differential equation ȶƜ ȶW = ' ( ȶ2Ɯ ȶ2Ɯ + ȶ[2ȶ\2 ) 3YVIPIKERXWLETIWERHXLIEXXIRXMSRXSHIXEMP capture and control these aromatic molecules to emphasize the wine aromatic notes ERHXSTIVGIMZIMXWEVSQEXMGTVS½PI² Research and Development Department Bormioli Luigi SpA 122 123 ACCADEMIA ËËËËË presents a collection of professional hitech products. This range of products made in lead-free blown crystal glass, renowned for its high sonority, brilliance, transparency and durability are characterised by high advanced technology and know-how. The ultimate design of these products makes them suitable for the most demanding professional requirements and sophisticated wine tasting lovers. Each individual product, in the collection , is the ACCADEMIA expression of the highest expertise XLEX LEZI QEHI &361-30- 09-+- ERH the Italian lifestyle famous worldwide. Creativity and style, fantasy and elegance combined with excellent technical abilities and know-how. The brand ACCADEMIA is the expression all of those values that placed &361-30- 09-+- EX XLI JSVIJVSRX appreciated and recognised worldwide. 5 STARS 8LIWXEVWVITVIWIRXXLI½ZIGLEVEGXIVMWXMGW obtained through continuous research in the development of products with high technological content, such as: design transparency high resistance functionality quality and innovation 124 Wine Tasting THE WINE TASTING WITH THE COLLECTION The oenological experience takes on a new and more pleasant dimension, making the voyage into the art of wine tasting easier throughout. The art of wine tasting is divided into three sensorial steps: LOOK During the visual examination of the wine the following characteristics are evaluated: CLEARNESS, COLOUR, DENSITY, DEPTH In order to better evaluate the clearness and colour of the wine, it should be poured into a LMKLP]XVERWTEVIRXERHGSPSYVPIWWKPEWW09-+-&361-30-GV]WXEPKPEWWMWEFWSPYXIP]XVERWTEVIRX XVERWQMWWMSR SJ PMKLX XLVSYKLSYX XLI ZMWMFPI ½IPH I\GIIHW ERH MX MW GSPSYVPIWW XLI colourless index is practically zero). Appearance and colour of the wine can be evaluated at the centre of the bowl, whilst its nuances by looking at the edge of wine when tilting the glass. The high transparency of of ACCADEMIA products allows for a better visual evaluation of the brightness, intensity and hues of the wine’s colour. SMELL The second sensorial step allows to detect the different and at times complex collection of aromas found in the wine. The smell is characterised by volatile molecules that, after swirling the wine, break up from the liquid releasing the full aroma. The stemglass should be held by its foot so that the hand MWRSXXSSGPSWIXSXLIRSWIXLYWMR¾YIRGMRKXLI[MRI´WEVSQEERHEPWSXSEZSMHEPXIVMRKXLI wine’s temperature. The foot of the ACCADEMIA stemware has been developed to increase stability and to make it easier to hold. The geometrical shapes of ACCADEMIA stemware are designed to have a larger WYVJEGIEVIEXLYWMQTVSZMRKXLIS\]KIREXMSRERHJEGMPMXEXMRKXLIGSRGIRXVEXMSRSJ¾EZSYVW 8LIHIITITMGYVISJXLI¾YXIWGVIEXIWEGSRXMRYEP¾S[SJFYFFPIW4IVPEKIERHEPPS[WXLI distinctive aromas to surface permitting the best appreciation of all champagnes even the most delicate. TASTE 8LIWIRWISJXEWXIMWUYMXIPMQMXIHEWXLIXEWXIFYHWGERSRP]VIGSKRMWIIPIQIRXWSJXEWXI W[IIX EGMHMG FMXXIV ERH WEPX]8LIWI XEWXI FYHW EVIEW EVI TSWMXMSRIH MR WTIGM½G EVIEW SJ XLI tongue. The shapes and sizes of ACCADEMIA stemglasses have been designed to KYMHIXLI[MRIXS[EVHWWTIGM½GEVIEWSJXLIXSRKYIIRWYVMRKXLIETTVSTVMEXIEQSYRXSJ[MRI or distillate at every sip, enhancing the wine or distillate structure and softness where necessary whilst containing the acidity or alcoholic perception when highly predominant. Different shapes for different types of wine will meet everyone’s highest possible expectations and satisfy even the most demanding wine conoisseur. 8LI½RIVMQKMZIWERMGIWIRWEXMSRXSXLIPMTWQEOMRKXLI[MRIXEWXMRKIZIRQSVITPIEWERX 125 Wine Tasting THE STEMGLASSES BY ACCADEMIA offers a number of professional ranges that are the result of research, sensory analysis and WGMIRXM½G WXYHMIW GEVVMIH SYX SR WLETIW sizes and innovative materials. ACCADEMIA Are produced with lead free crystal glass having exceptionally high levels of transparency, colourlessness, sparkle and high resistance to mechanical shocks and dishwashing; with a correct weight balance between bowl and stem to make swirling easier and smoother. They are also produced with a correct balance between bowl and stem to make swirling easier and smoother. In this way the wine when swirled around the bowl releases its bouquet to the full and also enables a better diffusion and distribution of the aroma molecules for a distinctive olfactory experience. The collection comprises: HIGH PRECISION WINE INSTRUMENTS: innovative ranges of stemglasses, tumblers and wine acessories dedicated to both foodservice and wine tasting. Items designed to enhance the aroma, to emphasize the role of ‘touch’, to adjust ‘taste’ and to appreciate the colour and its nuances: a real sensorial experience. HIGH PRECISION WATER INSTRUMENTS: within the Palace range a new collection dedicated to water tasting: Hydrosommelier HIGH PRECISION BAR INSTRUMENTS: the Bar section offers new ranges of tumblers aimed at enhancing cocktail and mixed drinks tasting. Tumbler ranges designed to enhance drinks with high alcoholic content and also drinks having a more delicate aroma. Foot accurately designed to have the appropriate HMQIRWMSR¾EX to guarantee better stability and easy to hold. 126 7XIQW[MXLSYX any mould seams ERHLMKLP]¾I\MFPI Fine, reinforced and laser cut rims. Bowls’ shapes having a larger surface area to improve oxygenation, curved in at the top to enhance the concentration SJ¾EZSYVW and their diffusion to the top. ACCESSORIES: accessories for the table, decanters and carafes for the service of wine and spirits. 127 Wine Tasting N E W Aero fast wine aeration Wine Fast wine aeration When swirling the wine the helical incision inside the bowl increases turbulence resulting in a greater air-wine mixture, and the time of wine aeration is reduced to 15 seconds. As a result the acid and tannic components in the wine are reduced which enhances XLIJVYMX]EVSQEWERH¾EZSVW C 357 C 351 C 345 GPõS^ LGQõ± GQô± GPõS^ LGQö± GQõ± GPS^ LGQõ± GQ± &%* &%* &%* Goblet White wine Red wine Flute ([WUDÁRZRIEXEEOH The helical incision inside the bowl JEGMPMXEXIW E ¾S[MRK WXVIEQ SJ FYFFPIW resulting in pleasant and enjoyable optical effects that enhances the content. C 354 PM 833 GPS^ LGQõ± GQõ± GPôS^ LGQ± GQô± &%* &%* Flute 128 7XIQPIWW 129 superior aroma diffusion Wine Tasting Luigi Bormioli Atelier® a line with a contemporary design FRQFHLYHGIRUVSHFLÀFZLQHVVXLWDEOHIRUDQ elegant “mise en place”. h The curving point of the bowl gives high resistance to shocks and also indicates the pouring level 130 131 Wine Tasting Luigi Bormioli Atelier® superior aroma diffusion C 315 &EVSPS7LMVE^ C 314 Cabernet / Merlot C 424 C 319 C 315 C 425 GP ôS^ LGQL² GQ 6/” GPS^ LGQL ô² GQ/” GPöS^ LGQLõ± ± 7EYZMKRSR Prosecco / Champagne Cocktail Grappa GPS^ LGQL ô² GQ/” GPöS^ LGQL/” GQ/” GP öS^ LGQL ô² GQ² GPö± LGQL± GQ² +4 &%* &%* +4 +4 &%* 0.1 L &%* +4 +4 &%* 0.1 L &%* &%* C 316 C 423 C 317 C 401 C 400 C 399 C 402 GP 5/ oz LGQL ö² GQ 1/” GPôS^ LGQLõ± GQô± GP7/” oz LGQLö² GQ/” GPôS^ LGQLõ² GQö² GPõS^ LGQLö² GQô² GPöS^ LGQL² GQõ² GPöS^ LGQLö² GQô² +4 +4 &%* &%* +4 +4 &%* 0.1 L 0.1 L &%* &%* &%* &%* Pinot Noir / Rioja 132 C 315 3VZMIXS Classico / Chardonnay Chianti Riesling / Tocai Gourmet Red wine White wine 7TEVOPMRK[MRI 133 Wine Tasting Luigi Bormioli Atelier® superior aroma diffusion PM 866 PM 864 PM 862 GPôS^ LGQLõ² GQ² GPôS^ LGQLõ² GQô² GPS^ LGQLô² GQö² &%* &%* &%* Liqueur (3* Water PM 904 PM 905 PM 906 PM 907 PM 908 PS^ LGQL² GQõ² PõS^ LGQLõ² GQö² 0.50 l - 17 oz LGQLö² GQô² 0ôS^ LGQLö² GQö² 0ôS^ LGQLõ² GQõ² '8 1 L '8 '8 0.5 L '8 L L L 0 '8 0.1 L L Carafe PM 865 PM 863 GPöS^ LGQLô² GQ² GPõS^ h 15.5 cm - h 6” GQõ² &%* &%* Juice 134 Carafe Carafe Carafe Beverage PM 764 PM 756 PM 757 Pinot Noir / Rioja Cabernet Merlot GPS^ LGQLõ² GQõ² GPS^ LGQL1/16” GQõ² GPõS^ LGQLö² GQ² +4 &%* +4 &%* +4 &%* Riesling / Tocai Carafe RM 261 Decanter P/ oz LGQLõ² GQõ² +4 135 Intenso long intense aromatic persistance (I.A.P.) Ideal for an elegant and distinguished table setting, a range of stemware with high sensorial perception reducing XLI [MRI ¾E[W8LI VERKI LEW FIIR HIZIPSTIH ETTP]MRK WGMIRXM½G QIXLSHW WLETIW ERH HMQIRWMSRW KYEVERXII the pleasantness of wine reducing to a minimum the [MRI ¾E[W MJ TVIWIRX 8IWXIH F] QEWXIV 7SQQIPMIVW XLIMV WIRWSV] TIVJSVQERGIW LEZI FIIR GSR½VQIH8LI aromatic chamber (head space) has been developed to IRLERGI SRP] XLI WTIGM½G EVSQEW SJ XLI KVETI EVSQEW VIPIZERXXSXLIZMRM½GEXMSRQIXLSHERHXLSWIHYIXSXLI age of the wine. The olfactory intensity of the aroma families: Wine Tasting Thin rim (gustatory pleasantness) C 379 -RXIRWS Red wines aged over 5 years GPS^ LGQLõ² GQ² +4 &%* Aromatic chamber (head space) and bowl’s shape enable reduction SJ[MRI¾E[WMJTVIWIRX C 380 Intenso 550 *PSVEP*VYMX]:IKIXEFPI7TMG]MRGPYHMRK[SSHIRERH toasted aromas) EVI EQTPM½IH GSQTEVIH XS WXERHEVH WXIQ[EVI [LMPWX reducing unpleasant ones.The aromas are full, intense and renewed continuously. The correct oxygenation index of these stemglasses VIHYGIWXLIEGMHMG¾EZSVERHXLEXSJXERRMRWVIWYPXMRKMRE perfect taste balance. For red wines we found balanced tactile-gustatory TIVGITXMSRWSJXLIZEVMSYW¾EZSYVWERHWIRWEXMSRW Acidity = fresh taste Alcohol = moderate taste 7SJXRIWW!VSYRHXEWXI %WXVMRKIRG]!¾S[MRKXEWXI Red wines aged up to 5 years GPôS^ LGQLõ² GQô² +4 &%* 3\]KIREXMSRWYVJEGI suitable for the wine quantity contained C 381 -RXIRWS White wines aged SZIV]IEVW GPõS^ LGQLö² GQõ² +4 &%* 0.1 L *SV [LMXI [MRIW WMRGI XLI EWXVMRKIRG] ¾EZSYV MW RSX present, we found an excellent balance amongst acidity, alcohol and softness. C 382 After having swallowed the wine, the Intense Aromatic Persistence (I.A.P. = number of seconds during which the aromas persist) is very high over 11 seconds, typical of exceptional wine. -RXIRWS Each Intenso stemglass has been developed and named on the basis of the age of wine: +4 &%* -28)273%PPVIH[MRIWEKIHSZIV]IEVW -28)273%PPVIH[MRIWEKIHYTXS]IEVW -28)273%PP[LMXI[MRIWEKIHSZIV]IEVW -28)273%PP[LMXI[MRIWEKIHYTXS]IEVW -28)273*PYXI7TYQERXI4VSWIGGSERH'LEQTEKRI C 378 White wines aged YTXS]IEVW GPöS^ LGQL² GQ² Intenso Flute 7TEVOPMRK[MRIW Prosecco and Champagne GPõS^ LGQLô² GQô² +4 &%* 136 Thin stem and Titanium reinforced Flat base 137 Wine Tasting 0DJQLÀFR PD[LPXPZLQHFRORXUUHÁHFWLRQ wine stemware characterized by a classic design and precise features. An elegant shape for a sophisticated “mise en place”. h The wide bowl narrows at the mouth to enhance and preserve the aroma of the wine. The universal shape allows for a perfect tasting experience for any wine varietals h 8LIEGGIRXYEXIHITMGYVIGVIEXIWELMKLVI¾IGXMSR of light which adds and enhances the color of the wine; allows the aroma to expand upward. In the ¾YXIGVIEXIWEVI½RIHERHTIVWMWXIRXTIVPEKI 138 139 Wine Tasting 0DJQLÀFR C 339 C 338 C 334 GPöS^ LGQLö² GQö² GPöS^ LGQLõ² GQ² GPS^ GQL² GQö² +4 &%* +4 &%* +4 &%* +4 C 335 C 336 C 337 GPôS^ LGQLõ² GQõ² GPöS^ GQL² GQõ² GPöS^ LGQLõ² GQö² +4 &%* +4 0.1 L +4 &%* +4 0.1 L +4 &%* +4 <<0 Medium 140 <0 7QEPP Large Flute Elegant and robust universal stemware for the tasting of all the red wines with a colour high perception and a long intense aromatic persistence (I.A.P.) C 386 C 387 GPS^ LGQLõ² GQô² GPõS^ LGQLõ² GQö² &%* &%* 1%+2-*-'3 1%+2-*-'3 Elegant and robust universal stemware for the tasting of all white wines with a high colour perception and a long intense aromatic persistence (I.A.P.) C 359 PM 801 GPõS^ LGQLö³´ GQö³´ 50 cl - 17 oz LGQL² GQö² 09/16 oz LGQLõ² GQõ² &%* '0 &%* +4 <70MUYIYV (3* RM 258 Carafe 141 elegant and resistant Wine Tasting Palace strong and elegant, classic design and easy to handle stemware. h The bowl slightly narrows at the mouth, it favours a good perception of the aromas and it doses the wine in the mouth JSVEWTIGM½GKYWXEXSV]TIVGITXMSR 142 143 Palace hydrosommelier C 353 7TEVOPMRK[EXIV GPöS^ h 15 cm - h 6” GQ² C 352 C 357 GPS^ LGQLö² GQ/” GPõS^ LGQL² GQô² GPS^ LGQLô² GQõ² &%* &%* 0.1 L &%* Grandi vini Goblet C 358 LET’S LEARN TO APPRECIATE WATER Wine Tasting Palace by drinking it in the right glass: 4%0%'),=(637311)0-)6 In order to taste water and fully appreciate the ZEVMSYWWIRWEXMSRWWTIGM½GXYQFPIVWSVWXIQKPEWWIW are required, similar to the art of wine tasting. Glasses should be made in perfectly transparent glass, with thin rims (so as not to alter the taste) ERH [MXL WTIGM½G WLETI XS QEMRXEMR XLI WIVZMRK temperature, particularly for those waters that should be drunk cold. ;IGVIEXIHWTIGM½GKPEWWIWJSVX]TIWSJ[EXIV t 7TEVOPMRKQMRIVEP[EXIV t 7XMPPQMRIVEP[EXIV t Tonic water &%* Multipurpose PM 833 7XMPPREXYVEP[EXIV GPôS^ LGQL² GQô² &%* C 351 Red wine C 345 C 354 White wine Flute - Champagne GPõS^ LGQLö² GQõ² GPS^ LGQLõ² GQ² GPõS^ LGQLõ² GQõ² &%* &%* &%* PM 834 Tonic water GPS^ LGQL² GQõ² &%* 144 145 OWN TASTE mineral waters Mineral waters are not all the same, they can vary in taste and personality, just like wine. Taste and personality depend mainly on the degree of mineralisation, although the taste of [EXIVGERFIQSHM½IHF]XLITIVGIRXEKISJXLIGEVFSRHMS\MHIEHHIH0MKLXIVQMRIVEP[EXIVW EVI RSX IEWMP] MHIRXM½EFPI [EXIVW XLEX EVI RSX MHIRXM½EFPI EX EPP LEZI JI[ QMPPMKVEQW SJ HV] residue whereas a higher presence of dissolved salts and the type of water control give them a precise identity: some waters, in fact, present a pleasant sour note, others leave a sensation of lightness and freshness while some others have a calcareous or bitter aftertaste. As far as effervescence is concerned, sparkling mineral waters, present a wide range of perlage which is the result of the amount of gas in the water. tonic water 8SRMG [EXIV GSRWMWXW SJ [EXIV [MXL XLI EHHMXMSR SJ GEVFSR HMS\MHI WYKEV ERH REXYVEP ¾EZSYVW including quinine that gives it its typical bitter taste. The combination of these elements confer to the product its typical bittersweet taste. Tonic water can be consumed as is (possibly with a slice of lemon) or as an aperitif and thirst-quenching drink, generally must be drunk cold. In order to contrast the marked bitter taste other aromatic drinks are largely used such as gin: the famous long drink “gin tonic’. Wine Tasting EACH WATER HAS ITS Curiosity 8SRMG[EXIVHYIXSXLITVIWIRGISJUYMRMRILEW¾YSVIWGIRXTVSTIVXMIW[LIRI\TSWIHXSYPXVEZMSPIX rays. THE RIGHT GLASSES: PALACE HYDROSOMMELIER Interestingly to know, “organoleptic inert” (very little taste) waters are generally preferred at LSQI[LIVIEWMRVIWXEYVERXWEVIYWYEPP]WIVZIHXEWXMIVERHQSVI¾EZSYVIH[EXIVW 7MQMPEV XS [MRI XEWXMRK WMQTPI VYPIW RIIH XS FI JSPPS[IH MR SVHIV XS IRLERGI XLI XEWXI SJ QMRIVEP[EXIVW7XMPPQMRIVEP[EXIVWWLSYPHRIZIVFIHVYROGSPHXLIPS[XIQTIVEXYVIMRJEGX has an anesthetic effect on the taste buds and repressing the organoleptic characteristics of XLI[EXIV3RXLIGSRXVEV]REXYVEPERHRSRREXYVEPWTEVOPMRK[EXIVWWLSYPHFIHVYROGSPH and are recommended with seasoned food: effervescence helps “clean the mouth” and favours digestion. ORGANOLEPTIC PARAMETERS OF MINERAL WATERS '0%6-8= Water must be perfectly clear and transparent. '30396 ;EXIVQYWXFIGSPSYVPIWW[MXLPMXXPIFPYMWLVI¾IGXMSR )**)6:)7')2') Large bubbles indicate a high percentage of gas, medium sized bubbles correspond to an average quantity of gas whereas small bubbles are associated with a low presence of gas. 146 71)00 Water must not release any unpleasant smell. In certain cases, waters can have a sulphureous smell, this is due to the volcanic area of origins. 8%78) The taste of good quality water is pleasant and is due to the salts and gas HMWWSPZIHMRMX;EXIVMWHI½RIHEWXEWXIPIWWSVLEZMRKEHIPMGEXIXEWXI(YVMRK [EXIV XEWXMRK FMXXIV WYPTLYVISYW GEPGEVISYW SV EGMHMG ¾EZSYVW QMKLX FI perceived. a) Stemglass for sparkling mineral water (with a special treatment aimed at enhancing bubbles) b) Tumbler for still mineral water. c) Tumbler for tonic water: This stemglass has been designed so not to alter the cool temperature of the water with the hand. By holding the stem between the thumb and XLI MRHI\ ½RKIV MX MW TSWWMFPI to observe the clarity of the water and the development of the bubbles without touching the bowl with the hands. It has almost the same shape of the bowl of the stemglass for sparkling mineral waters. Very elegant, suitable for the “mise en place” together with the Palace range elegant wine stemglasses. 7PMQ WLETI WPMKLXP] GYVZIH in VMQ [MXL MRGPMREXMSR MR order to enhance the bitter aftertaste of the drink. The diameter of the glass bowl and its shape are such as to maximise the taste perception of the different sparkling mineral waters. Mouth diameter designed to allow for an appropriate inclination of the head to make sipping easier without any lemon’s slice and/or ice used in the beverage interfering. Tumbler also suitable for “gin&tonic” and “vodka & tonic”. 147 C 374 794)6 Super For aged and tannin-rich red wines GPS^ LGQLõ² GQö² The volume and dimension of the aromatic chamber (head space) ½PXIVWSRP]XLIGLEVEGXIVMWXMG molecules of the wine contained. Wine Tasting Thin rim (gustatory pleasantness) &%* advanced wine stemware Internal studies, test results and analysis through chromatography lead us to design a range of stemglasses highly innovative for shape and sensorial TIVJSQERGI%HZERGIH;MRI7XIQ[EVI These stemglasses adapt themselves to every style of wine(both for grape varietal and age of the wine) expressing the most of the aromatic and taste characteristics of each style of wine contained. %7YTIVWXIQKPEWWFILEZMSYVWMWYRMUYIMX½PXIVWSRP] XLIQSWXWMKRM½GERXEVSQEWSJXLI[MRIGSRXEMRIH -RWXERHEVHWXIQKPEWWIWXLIWIWMKRM½GERXEVSQEW[MPP remain hidden and/or fade away from the aromatic chamber. *VSQ XLIWI ½RHMRKW XLI VERKI LEW FIIR HIZIPSTIH and it comprises universal stemglasses: for all red wines, for all white wines, for all rosè wines and for all spumante, champagne and sparkling wines, regardless of the age each type of wines. 794)6 High Aromatic Filter for all red wines 794)6 High Aromatic Filter for all white wines 794)6 High Aromatic Filter for all rosè wines 794)6 ¾YXI,MKL%VSQEXMG*MPXIVJSVEPPWTEVOPMRK[MRIW 794)6 for aged and tannin-rich red wines 7YTIV MW ER IPIKERX GSPPIGXMSR JSV XLI QMWIIRTPEGI comprised of 5 universal and innovative stemglasses apt to enhance the aromatic-gustatory perception of any type of wine. C 383 794)6 ,MKLEVSQEXMG½PXIV for red wines GPõS^ LGQL² GQõ² +4 &%* The oxygenation surface allow to express the most of the characteristic of the aromatic molecules of each type of wine. The shape of the bowl allows the wine to oxygenate rapidly during the rotation of the stemglass. C 384 794)6 ,MKLEVSQEXMG½PXIV for white wines GPõS^ LGQL² GQö² +4 &%* C 385 794)6 ,MKLEVSQEXMG½PXIV for rosé wines GPöS^ LGQLô² GQô² Thin stem and Titanium reinforced +4 &%* C 130 794)6*098) 149 ,MKLEVSQEXMG½PXIV for sparkling wines GPöS^ LGQLô² GQô² +4 &%* 148 Flat base arte italiana della degustazione Wine Tasting Vinoteque The Vinoteque range of stemglasses has been designed to fully satisfy the 5 senses: hearing, sight, smell, taste and touch. Each wine has unique organoleptic properties and, for this reason, each wine must be served in a suitable stemglass in order to enhance its characteristics. the main function of vinoteque stemglasses is to balance the sensations of each type of wine. 8LIMVWLETIERHHMQIRWMSRWEVIXLIVIWYPXSJWXYHMIWERHWGMIRXM½GVIWIEVGLSRXLISVKERSPITXMG appreciation of aromas and on the physical conditions and characteristics that enables to enhance their perception. vinoteque, a wide range of professional, elegant and robust stemglasses with high sensorial perception for the tasting of all kinds of wines: t 7LETIWERHWM^IWHIWMKRIHEWEVIWYPXSJWGMIRXM½GWXYHMIWXSQE\MQM^IXLISPJEGXSV]ERHXEWXI perception of wines. t Tested by Centro Studi Assaggiatori YWMRKXLI%HZERGIH&MK7IRWSV]8IWX ® and the %REPSKMG%JJIGXMZI&MK7IRWSV]8IWX ®. t Made in Blown Crystal Glass with high resistance to High-Tech breakages. THE DIFFERENT SHAPES OF THE BOWLS: facilitate the rotation of the wine in the glass improve the balance of the different aromas in the head space. convey the aromatic molecules towards the nose (with the right concentration and balance). KYMHIXLI[MRIXS[EVHWWTIGM½GEVIEWSJXLIXSRKYIIRWYVMRKXLIETTVSTVMEXIEQSYRXSJ[MRI at every sip. t guarantee the perfect contact between the lower lip and the rim of the bowl, avoiding annoying drops on the edge of the mouth. t t t t SENSORY PERFORMANCES: t ;MRIGSPSYVIJ½GMIRG]! t 3PJEGXSV]TIVGITXMSR! t 8EWXIFEPERGI! CARAFES AND DECANTERS t Rapid oxygenation t Negligible dispersion of aromas system t 150 151 Wine Tasting Vinoteque C 374 C 362 C 369 C 342 23&-0) 63&9783 GPS^ LGQLõ² GQö² GPöS^ LGQLö² GQ² GPöS^ LGQL² GQõ² GPõS^ LGQL² GQõ² GPS^ LGQLõ² GQô² &%* &%* &%* +4 &%* 794)6 152 6-7)6:% C 363 C 368 C 365 C 371 C 364 C 366 GPôS^ LGQL² GQ² GPôS^ LGQLô² GQô² GPôS^ LGQLö² GQõ² GPöS^ LGQLö² GQõ² GPöS^ LGQL² GQõ² +4 &%* &%* +4 &%* &%* +4 &%* +4 &%* 7XIQKPEWWJSVYRMZIVWEP tasting of red, white and sparkling wines. 6-''3 %6132-'3 1%8963 For aged and tannin-rich red wines. For full-bodied and very mature red wines. For elegant and noble red wines. For very structured and very smooth red wines. For full-bodied and mature red wines. For smooth and balanced red wines. For full-bodied and mature white wines. The bowl enables rapid oxygenation, recreating the effect of the decanter. Due to its shape, the aromatic intensity is very deep and persistent. The shape guides the wine directly toward the centre of the tongue: armonious balance amongst acid-tannin-fruit sensations. The big shape of the bowl allows for the correct oxygenation of red wines, VI½RIHMRFSXXPIWERH[MXL light tannins. 8LI½PPHMEQIXIVQSYXL diameter ratio and the high head space volume, allow for a distinctive olfactory perception: suitable for persistent and ½RI[MRIWVMGLERHMRXIRWI and also with character. The shape guides the wine towards the tip of the tongue. The concave shape of the bowl (similar to an apple) is suitable for wines with high alcoholic content and intense taste. High level of aromas diffusion and bouquet enhancement. The shape of the bowl has ideal oxygenation surface to enhance the perception of complex aromas in a balanced way. The shape guides the wine to the back of the tongue. The shape of the bowl TIVJIGXP]½XWMRXLI hands, allowing the wine temperature to increase and release easily the complex aromatic notes. The wine-glass contact surface was designed to maintain the servicing temperature. Thanks to its shape, ¾EZSYVWEVI[IPPHI½RIH and expressive. Recommended wines: Barbera d’Asti Doc Chianti Docg Valcalepio Rosso Doc Riserva Recommended wines: 'EFIVRIX7EYZMKRSR97%) Valcalepio Rosso Doc Riserva 'EFIVRIX7EYZMKRSR Valle del Maipo (Cile) Bordeaux Montagne 7EMRX)QMPPMSR Barolo Riserva Recommended wines: Amarone della Valpolicella Barbaresco Nebbiolo Langhe Côtes-du-Rhône Pinot Nero Recommended wines: Amarone della Valpolicella Côtes-du-Rhône Nebbiolo Langhe Barolo Rosso di Montepulciano Recommended wines: Brunello di Montalcino Chianti Docg Teroldego Rotaliano Doc Riserva Barbera d’Asti Recommended wines: Chianti Barbera d’Asti Langhe Doc Nebbiolo 6SWWM7MGMPME Recommended wines: Chardonnay Riesling Venezia Giulia 7EYZMKRSR Chenin Blanc 71%688)78)6 The indentation at the bottom of the bowl (epicure) enables: VIPIEWISJTIVPEKIMR sparkling wines [MRIGSPSYV examination (colour sensor) [MRIWIHMQIRXGLIGO (decanting sensor) IJJIVZIWGIRGI examination for still wines (defect sensor) It ensures the medium perception of all wines. FRAGRANTE *6)7'3 For medium-bodied white and red wines. For fruity and fresh red and white wines. The shape of the bowl EPPS[W½VWXP]JSVXLI perception of acidity, balancing its low presence with the wine fruity notes. The head space high volume slows down aromatic notes evaporation. The shape of the bowl enables an adequate oxygenation lowering the tannins of wines served at lower temperatures. Recommended wines: Chianti Classico Pauliac Margaux 7EWWMGEME Pinot Grigio e Bianco Recommended wines: Beaujolais Pinot Noir Chardonnay delle Venezie Pinot Grigio 153 Wine Tasting Vinoteque C 373 C 388 C 370 C 372 C 416 C 359 C 415 RM 319 RM 320 GPôS^ LGQLö² GQ² GPõS^ LGQLô² GQö² 17,5 cl - 6 oz LGQLö² GQõ² GPöS^ LGQLô² GQô² GPöS^ LGQL± GQö± GPôS^ LGQL² GQö² GPS^ LGQLô± GQ² GPõS^ LGQLö± GQö± GPõS^ GQL² Ø 15 cm - Ø 6” &%* &%* +4 &%* +4 &%* '0 &%* &%* '0 &%* +4 +4 For rosé and white wines. For universal tasting of dessert wines. For sparkling wines. The shape and the size of the bowl allow for the concentration of aromatic notes towards the nose enphasizing the perception of the delicate and fruity aromas of young wines. The shape of the bowl guides the wine directly towards the tip of the tongue. The shape of the bowl EQTPM½IWXLIWIRWSVMEP perception of the wine contained enhancing the swetness. Recommended wines: Pinot Grigio Riesling 7]VEL+VIREGLI Chiaretto del Garda Cerasuolo d’Abruzzo Recommended for: 7LIVV] Marsala Porto Dessert wines +6%():30) 154 71%68 PERLAGE The bowl with its indentation at the bottom, develops numerous, constant, VI½RIHERHTIVWMWXIRX bubbles, forming a crown on the surface: release of the aromas and the wine scents. Recommended for: Prosecco Bru 7TYQERXI&VYX1IXSHS Calssico Trento Doc Champagne Brut Cuvée de Réserve 74-6-8772-*8)6 '3+2%' GRAPPA The shape of the bowl prevents any dispersion of aromatic components so that primary, secondary and tertiary aromas can be fully perceived. The shape of the bowl TIVJIGXP]½XW in the hands, allowing the distillate’s temperature to increase and release easily the complex aromatic notes. For young and aromatic grappa and fruit brandies. Recommended for white and dark alcoholic beverages: Cognac Armagnac Calvados Cask Aged Grappa. =SYRK+VETTE Recommended for: Cognac Armagnac Brandy Cask Aged Grappa Rhum Recommended for: Aromatic distillates =SYRK+VETTE The shape of the bowl lowers considerably the aromatic irritating perceptions, IQTLEWMWMRKXLI¾SVEP and fruity aromatic notes. It gives a pleasant feeling in the mouth and an excellent aftertaste. 0-59)96 7XIQKPEWWWYMXEFPI for the universal tasting of liqueurs. DECANTER Extremely suitable for the decantation of red wines. Particularly long neck which allows a strong aeration of the wine during the pouring process. 3\]KIREXMSRZIV]LMKL Negligible aroma dispersion. CARAFE 7YMXEFPIJSVFSXL red and white wines. Excellent oxygenation index. Elegant for table service. Negligible aroma dispersion. 155 Wine Tasting Vintage table setting for wine C 210 C 148 C 192 GPS^ LGQL/16” GQ² GPôS^ LGQL1/16” GQ7/” GPôS^ LGQL1/” GQô² &%* 0.1 L &%* 0.1 L &%* 0.1 L Wine Wine Wine SV 3 Decanter 0ôS^ LGQL7/” GQ² & &%* 156 157 Bar In order to really appreciate the pleasentness of cocktails and other drinks, barware glasses too should be high precision instruments the same as wine tasting stemware. WEXMW½IWWYGLVIUYMVIQIRXWF] ACCADEMIA proposing ranges of tumblers, essential in their design though highly functional, produced in . 7YTIVMSVFVMPPMERGIERHXVERWTEVIRG]SJFPS[RGV]WXEPKPEWW Dishwasher safe and robust High resistance to breakages Laser cut and reinforced rim Accademia del Bar ranges: - “Elegante”, conical shaped open at the mouth, ideal for the tasting of mixed drinks with high alcoholic content for which the aroma perception is particularly important. The wide opening enables the rapid reduction of the alcoholic content by evaporation thus favouring the clear appreciation of all the aromas of each individual ingredient. This collection also includes a carafe, a mixer and an ice bucket. - “Puro”,designed for alcoholic and non-alcoholic mixed drinks where no excessive dispersion of scented and aromatic molecules should take place before drinking. The barrel shape, infact, allows for a high concentration of the aroma in the head space avoiding its rapid dispersion while enphasizing the maximum aromatic perception through retronasal way, i.e. when breathing out after swallowing the liquid. ® LUIGI BORMIOLI ATELIER CLASSICO BACH ELEGANTE PURO STRAUSS STRAUSS ROCKS TOP CLASS VERONESE 158 160 161 162 164 166 167 167 168 169 159 Bar Classico Luigi Bormioli Atelier® superior aroma diffusion PM 883 PM 879 Water (3* GPöS^ LGQLô² GQ² GPõS^ LGQLô² GQô² GPöS^ LGQLö² GQ² GPôS^ LGQLö² GQô² &%* &%* &%* &%* '0 &%* +4 PM 756 PM 757 PM 864 PM 862 GPôS^ LGQLõ² GQ² GPôS^ LGQLõ² GQô² GPS^ LGQLô² GQö² &%* &%* PM 863 PM 764 Liqueur Beverage 160 PM 884 PM 866 Water Riesling / Tocai (3* Pinot Noir / Rioja PM 865 Juice Cabernet Merlot Liqueur PM 881 PM 880 Long drink Beverage GPõS^ h 15,5 cm - h 6” GQõ² GPS^ LGQLõ² GQõ² GPS^ LGQL1/16” GQõ² GPõS^ LGQLö² GQ² GPôS^ LGQLö² GQô² GPõS^ LGQLõ² GQö² &%* +4 &%* +4 &%* +4 &%* &%* '0 &%* +4 161 N E W PM 511 PM 485 PM 496 (3* Water GPõS^ h 15.5 cm - 6 “ GQô± GPõS^ LGQö± GQõ± GPôS^ LGQô± GQ± &%* &%* +4 &%* Beverage PM 489 C 437 GPõS^ LGQõ± GQö± GPöS^ LGQõ± GQô± &%* +4 +4 Beverage 162 Bar Bach Martini 163 Bar Elegante C 433 C 430 GPõS^ LGQô± GQõ± GPöS^ LGQö² GQö± GPõS^ LGQô² GQõ± &%* &%* &%* N C 431 White wine Red wine N E W C 417 Champagne Vodka C 389 C 389 PM 298 GPS^ LGQLô± GQö± 50 cl - 17 oz LGQLö² GQ² GPõS^ LGQLö² GQö² &%* &%* +4 PM 812 PM 826 PM 810 GPõS^ LGQLõ² GQö² GPôS^ LGQLõ² GQõ² GPöS^ LGQLõ± GQõ² &%* &%* +4 &%* PM 910 PM 808 PM 811 PM 809 GPôS^ LGQõ± GQõ± GPôS^ LGQLô² GQô² GPôS^ LGQLô² GQ² GPõS^ h 15,5 cm - h 6” GQô² &%* +4 &%* E W C 409 Martini N E W C 367 Liqueur Martini GPôS^ LGQLõ± GQØ ô± GPöS^ LGQLõ² GQõ² GPS^ LGQLö² GQô² &%* &%* &%* (3* Water &%* N 164 4MPWRIV E W +4 &%* 4MPWRIV Amaro Hi-ball Mixer Whisky Beverage 165 Strauss square shape PM 232 PM 228 PM 227 GPS^ LGQLô² GQ ö² GPS^ LGQLõ² 7 cm - ö² GPöS^ LGQLô² 7,5 cm - ² &%* &%* &%* PM 300 PM 229 PM 233 GPöS^ LGQL² 7,9 cm - 1/” GPS^ h 15 cm - h 5 7/” 5,5 cm - 1/” GPôS^ LGQLõ² GQ ô² &%* &%* &%* Liqueur PM 822 PM 804 GPöS^ LGQLö² GQõ² GPôS^ LGQLõ² GQö² &%* &%* Water Juice PM 823 PM 805 GPöS^ LGQL² GQö² GPS^ h 15 cm - h 6” GQô² &%* &%* Hi-ball Long Drink Strauss Rocks Beverage square shape PM 922 PM 923 GPôS^ LGQ± 9,1 cm - ô± GPS^ LGQö± GQ ö± &%* &%* (3* 166 Whisky-rocks Whisky (3* Juice Bar Puro N Beverage E W N E W 167 Veronese oval shape PM 568 PM 569 GPôS^ LGQLö² GQö² GPöS^ LGQLô² GQõ² &%* &%* Liqueur RM 229 RM 231 RM 230 GPõS^ LGQLô² GQ² GPôS^ LGQLô² GQ² GPõS^ LGQL² GQö² &%* &%* &%* Water All-Purpose Whisky-rocks Beverage PM 566 PM 612 PM 565 GPô²S^ LGQL7/” GQ5/ ” GPô²S^ h 15 cm - h 6” GQö² GPô²S^ h 15,5 cm - h 6 1/” GQ1/ ” &%* &%* &%* (3* 168 Bar Top class Hi-ball Beverage 169 Wine decanter decanters and carafes for the service of wines Various shapes all ensuring both the perfect oxygenation of young red and white wines and the separation from sediments formed during the aging of mature wines. Each carafe and decanter is designed with special attention given to shape and size since every wine expresses itself in relation to the oxygenation surface and volume below. Designed to hold 75 cl. of wine with the right amount of oxygenation area. The length of the neck and neck diameter have been designed to keep wine evaporation to a minimum and prevent dispersion of important aromas during wine tasting in stemglasses. The Vinoteque Carafe and Decanter have a new revolutionary treatment to prevent dripping 3XLIV GEVEJIW ERH HIGERXIVWLEZIEFIZIPPIH½RMWLXLEXIRWYVIWEGSRWXERX¾S[SJ[MRI when pouring it. 170 171 Decanter Wine decanter :-23'0%77-'3 VINTAGE PS^ LGQL7/” GQ5/” PôS^ LGQL7/” GQ² &%* & &%* SV 2 Decanter ATELIER 172 SV 3 Decanter :-238)59) RM 261Decanter RM 319 Decanter P/ oz LGQLõ² GQõ² GPõS^ LGQLö² GQö² +4 +4 ;-2)78=0)74)'-*-' ;-2)78=0)74)'-*-' RM 390 RM 389 GPõS^ LGQLö± GQõ GPõS^ LGQLö± Ø 15.5 cm - Ø 6” +4 +4 White wine decanter Red wine decanter 1-',)0%2+)03 PM 729 Decanter GPôS^ LGQLõ² GQõ² +4 '8 (-:-2-7*YRRIPHIGERXIV (-:-2-7*YRRIPHIGERXIV (-:-2-7*YRRIPHIGERXIV Large 0.75 L Medium 0.50 L 7QEPP0 RM 417 RM 416 RM 415 PõS^ LGQõ± GQô± 0.50 l - 17 oz LGQö± GQö± PôS^ LGQô± GQô± +4 +4 +4 N N N E W E W E W 173 Carafes 174 175 Carafe Carafes PM 904 PM 905 PM 906 PM 907 PM 908 PS^ LGQL² GQõ² PõS^ LGQLõ² GQö² 0.50 l - 17 oz LGQLö² GQô² 0ôS^ LGQLö² GQö² '8 1 L '8 '8 0.5 L Carafe Carafe PERFECTA PM 697 Carafe PERFECTA PM 687 Carafe Carafe RM 108 Jug RM 101 Jug 11%78)64-)') 11%78)64-)') RM 112 Jug 11%78)64-)') RM 119 Jug 0ôS^ LGQLõ² GQõ² PS^ LGQLõ² GQö² PôS^ LGQLö² GQ1/” PöS^ LGQLô² GQ² PS^ LGQLõ² GQõ² '8 0.1 L L +4 +4 +4 '8 +4 Carafe '8 L L L 0 PERFECTA 11%78)64-)') PM 696 Carafe RM 381 Carafe 46)78-+) 46)78-+) 46)78-+) 46)78-+) RM 380 Carafe RM 379 Carafe RM 378 Carafe PS^ LGQL1/” GQ7/” 0,50 cl - 17 oz LGQLö² GQ1/” GPôS^ LGQL² GQô² PöS^ LGQLö² GQõ² PS^ LGQLö² GQö² 0,50 l - 17 oz LGQLõ² GQö² PôS^ LGQLõ² GQ² '8 '8 '8 '8 '8 '8 '8 '32-'% '32-'% '32-'% PS^ LGQLö² GQ1/” 0,50 cl - 17 oz LGQLö² GQ² GPôS^ h 15,6 cm - h 6 1/” GQõ² '8 '8 '8 PM 706 Carafe 176 Carafe PM 713 Carafe PM 714 Carafe -27-)1) 1%+2-*-'3 :-238)59) GPõS^ GQ± LGQ± P9/16 oz LGQL² GQõ² GPõS^ LGQL² Ø 15 cm - Ø 6” +4 +4 +4 RM 434 3ZEP'EVEJI RM 258 Carafe RM 320 Carafe 177 Spirits decanter Accessories for the table, for the service of spirits. Luigi Bormioli reinvents the pleasure of an aperitive or after dinner drink through a new offer in glass packaging: original designs in pure italian style. 8LMWRI[GSPPIGXMSRSJ7TMVMXW(IGERXIVWHIZIPSTIHF]YWMRKXLI highest technology in glass manufacturing, offers: Totally transparent glass enabling the appreciation of the real colour of the spirit contained. Dimensions studied to meet also the requirements of this professional sector. Design increases the value of the product contained. Very high quality standards. Advanced technology with eco-friendly production processes. The collection comprises solid and blown stoppers with gasket ERHGSVO½RMWLJSVEGSVVIGXWIEP 178 179 Spirits Decanter Spirits shapes and styles for an elegant and professional service Puccini Decanter [MXL,ERH1EHI7XSTTIV Liszt Decanter [MXL,ERH1EHI7XSTTIV Parma GPöS^ LGQLö± GQ\GQ õ²\ö² GPöS^ LGQLõ² 15 cm x 9,1 cm ±\ô± '8 Tiziano Decanter [MXL,ERH1EHI7XSTTIV Donatello Decanter [MXL,ERH1EHI7XSTTIV Botticelli Decanter [MXL,ERH1EHI7XSTTIV GPöS^ LGQLõ± GQ ö² GPöS^ LGQLô± GQ\GQ ö²\ö² GPöS^ LGQLõ² GQ\GQ õ²\ô² GPöS^ LGQL± GQ\GQ ö²\ö² '8 '8 '8 '8 10069/01 '8 Strauss Rossini Parma Decanter Bellini Decanter [MXL,ERH1EHI7XSTTIV Vivaldi Decanter Firenze Decanter [MXL,ERH1EHI7XSTTIV Decanter Ravel Decanter GPöS^ LGQLô² GQ ² GPöS^ LGQLö± GQ² GPöS^ LGQLô± GQö² GPöS^ LGQLô² \GQ õ²\õ² GPöS^ LGQL± GQ õ² GPöS^ LGQLô± GQ\GQ ô²\õ² '8 '8 '8 '8 '8 '8 Decanter Decanter [MXL,ERH1EHI7XSTTIV %PWSEZEMPEFPIS^GPGETEGMX]SRVIUYIWX (IGERXIVWSRP]EPWSEZEMPEFPIMRXVE]WSRTEPPIX\ 7XSTTIVWSRP]EPWSEZEMPEFPIMRXVE]WSRTEPPIX\ 180 181 N E W Academia Vitri Hand Made Wine Glass for Connoisseurs INNOVATIVE MATERIAL T-NAX 184 DIVINIS 186 182 183 Academia Vitri N E W Academia Vitri is the premium brand of Luigi Bormioli that includes a line of advanced mouth-blown wine glasses: Divinis. This new line has been designed and developed using an innovative material: making it XLIWXVSRKIWXQSVIWGVEXGLVIWMWXERX½RI[MRIKPEWW[EVIEZEMPEFPIMRXLIQEVOIX The technology applied is that used to strengthen I-Pad cover glass, aircraft windshields, etc. This process LEWFIIRHIZIPSTIHF]0YMKM&SVQMSPMYRHIVGSPPEFSVEXMSR[MXLETVIWXMKMSYW9RMZIVWMX]MR97%EW[IPPEW with a prominent Italian Research Center. The technology is an ion-exchange process: the sodium ions from the glass are replaced by larger ions (Potassium) from molten salt thus putting the glass surface under a compressive stress that closes the cracks of glass.The result is that MWXMQIWWXVSRKIVXLERGSRZIRXMSREP½RIKPEWWERHMXMW free of environmentally harmful materials.This increased durability (6 times more break-resistant) is kept YREPXIVIHXLVSYKLSYXMXWPMJIXMQIWMRGIXLIKPEWWWYVJEGIMWXSYKLIRIH3RXLIGSRXVEV]GSRZIRXMSREPKPEWW weakens during its lifetime due to regular handling and washing cycles that will cause micro scratches on the surface responsible for the glass fragility. The conclusion is that MWQSVIVIWMWXERXXSHEQEKIXLERGSRZIRXMSREP½RIKPEWWVIQEMdoes not ‘shatter’ when breaking ning stronger for longer periods of time. Furthermore, like thermally tempered glassware and it does not wear out with dishwashing. are: All Academia Vitri’s wine glasses produced with Ultra Break-Resistant Ultra Thin Ultra Lightweight Ultra Durable Ultra Clear Eco-Friendly (MWL[EWLIV7EJI Mouth diameter designed for a pleasant taste. 8LMRVMQQQ Head-space designed for a better wine aroma control. Thin and uniform glass distribution (no optical distortion of wine). Wine aeration well balanced. &6)%/%+)6)7-78%2'):7'32:)28-32%0*-2);-2)+0%77(same condition of use) 100% Thin stem. Breakage glass resistance (in percentage) 80% 60% 'SRZIRXMSREP½RI[MRIKPEWW 40% Glass broken 20% Handling times 184 Elegant stem-foot joint. 9PXVE¾EXJSSX 185 Divinis Scent of Wine Divinis is synonymous of Italian wine passion and style. The collection MW MHIEP JSV IZIV] SGGEWMSR8LI GSPSYV RYERGIW XLI EVSQEW ¾EZSYVW ERHXI\XYVIWSJXLI½RIWX[MRIWEVII\TVIWWIHEXXLIMVFIWX[MXLSYV mouth-blown Divinis wine glasses. Academia Vitri N E W The wine glasses of Divinis collection are light in weight and very thin; the glass distribution is uniform, allowing for the appreciation of the true taste and the real colour of the wine contained. 7LETIW ERH WM^IW SJ XLI WXIQKPEWWIW LEZI FIIR HIWMKRIH JSV WTIGM½G wine varietals and in order to maximise their sensorial performance. This stemware range is elegant and balanced. 186 187 Academia Vitri N E W Divinis Scent of Wine RM 403 Bordeaux RM 404 Brunello RM 405 Chianti-Pinot Grigio RM 406 'LEVHSRRE]GP RM 407 Burgundy GPöS^ LGQõ± GQö± GPõS^ LGQö± GQô± GP¯ôS^ LGQ¯õ± GQ¯ô² GPôS^ LGQö± GQõ± GPõS^ LGQ± GQõ± +4 +4 +4 +4 +4 +4 +4 +4 Barolo Riserva, Cabernet Franc, 7EMRX)QMPPMSR Barbaresco Barbera d’Asti, Merlot, Riserva, Chianti Docg. Rioja, 'EFIVRIX7EYZMKRSR Pinot Noir, 7]VEL 7EYZMKRSR Pinot Grigio, Chablis, Chenin Blanc. Amarone della Valpolicella, Côtes-du-Rhône, Barolo, Rosso di Montepulciano. RM 409 RM 408 Cognac RM 410 RM 414 Champagne GPS^ LGQõ± GQô± GPõS^ h 15 cm - 6 “ GQô± GPöS^ LGQô± GQö± GPôS^ LGQö± GQô± +4 +4 +4 +4 +4 +4 +4 +4 Champagne Brut Cuvée de Réserve, Prosecco Brut, 7TYQERXI&VYX Metodo Classico. Armagnac, Brandy, Cask Aged Grappa, Rhum. Martini 7XIQPIWW Beaujolais, Pinot Grigio, Pinot Bianco, Barbera. Chardonnay, 7EYZMKRSR Chenin Blanc, Riesling. 188 189 Academia Vitri N E W (-:-2-7*YRRIPHIGERXIV RM 417 Large 0.75 L PõS^ LGQõ± GQô± +4 (-:-2-7*YRRIPHIGERXIV RM 416 Medium 0.50 L 0.50 l - 17 oz LGQö± GQö± +4 (-:-2-7*YRRIPHIGERXIV RM 415 7QEPP0 PôS^ LGQô± GQô± +4 190 191 ART AND SCIENCE OF GLASS FOR WINE APPRECIATION Everyone appreciates a good glass of wine, but the art of tasting is not an easy task. The WSTLMWXMGEXIHWIRWMXMZMX]VIUYMVIHMQTPMIWEFVSEHI\TIVMIRGIWYTTSVXIHF]WTIGM½GXIGLRMGEP knowledge of the organoleptic properties of wine and of the art of tasting. In this respect, the role of the wine glass is not only of utmost importance but tremendously decisive, as a qualifying vehicle that enhances the characteristics of the liquid. Many generations of wine connoisseurs and wine experts have debated and reasoned over which wine glass shapes are the best to convey the virtues of wines. 8LI &SVQMSPM 0YMKM 6IWIEVGL +VSYT LEW EREP]WIH XLIWI JEGXSVW ETTP]MRK WGMIRXM½G QIXLSHW ERH GVMXIVME FSXL XLISVIXMGEP ERH IQTMVMGEP ¯ MR SVHIV XS EWWSGMEXI XLI QSWX ETTVSTVMEXI geometrical shape to each single type of wine. In order to apply this technical knowledge to glass containers, research took advantage of the valuable contribution of industrial design and development and marketing departments. Different parameters were measured and quantitative analyses were compared. In summary, the aim was to acknowledge the different laws regarding the diffusion of the content in order to direct the molecule towards the relevant taste buds, by simultaneously enhancing the intensity and the persistence of the olfactory perceptions. In fact, the sense of smell is synergic to taste, as we are aware when we have a cold or when we hold shut a child’s nose while he takes a bitter medicine. 8LII\XIRXERHGSQTPI\MX]SJXLITVEGXMGISJ±[MRIXEWXMRK²NYWXM½IWXLIQEKMGERHIRGLERXIH atmosphere where the beauty of the vineyards exposed to sun, the elegiac alcoholic fermentation SJXLIQYWXWXLI½RIGYPXYVIXLEXYRPSGOWXLIQSWXIPIKERXTIVGITXMZIERHWIRWSV]LSVM^SRW all merge together. In this delightful backdrop, the right stemglass has an important and meaningful role to play. A professional and informed restaurant owner, should recognise the importance and the role of a stemglass, and also recognise the difference in quality offered by various manufacturers. As an ‘expert’ and informed guide he should lead the everyday consumer through a journey rendered more valuable and remarkable by an extraordinary aesthethical charme, an emotional feeling and intelligence . 7MKLXMWXLI½VWXWIRWIXSTVSZMHIMRJSVQEXMSRSRXLIWXEXIIZSPYXMSRWXVYGXYVIERHX]TISJ [MRI XLI ZMWYEP EWTIGX ERXMGMTEXIW MQTVIWWMSRW XLEX [MPP PEXIV FI GSR½VQIH ERH MRXIKVEXIH F] WQIPP ERH XEWXI -R XLMW MHIRXM½GEXMSR ERH TIVGITXMSR TVSGIWW XLI RSWI JSPPS[W XLI I]I performing a complex activity. Perhaps, this skill has been partly lost during the last millennia of history (that’s why the few existing renowned “noses” are extremely well paid in the perfume industry) and it would be useful to regain such a skill to ensure a higher quality of life. %JXIV[EVHWXLIWIRWISJXEWXI[MPPEWWIWWXLI¾EZSYVWXLI]GERFIW[IIXFMXXIVWEPX]ERHWSYV -JXLIWITEVEQIXIVWWIIQMRWYJ½GMIRXXS]SYOIITMRQMRHXLEXXLIMVGSQFMREXMSRHIXIVQMRIWE (YRMZIVWI*MREPP]XLIVIEVIQER]XEGXMPIWIRWEXMSRWEW[IPPEWEVSQEWXLEXGERFIVIGSKRMWIH by retronasal means, when the liquid is already inside the mouth or has just been swallowed. Imagine at this point the possible variety of “tastes” originated by the sum of the aforesaid sensations! 192 'ST]VMKLX&SVQMSPM0YMKM7T%4EVQE All rights reserved; any publication and/or reproduction even partial without permission is strictly prohibited. 193 WINE QUALITY AND ACCADEMIA STEMGLASSES Numerous sensory studies on consumers show that everyone, even those who are not wine and distillate experts recognise a good product when they taste it and they prefer this over an MQTIVJIGX[IEOSVSVHMREV]TVSHYGX-REPP½IPHWGSRWYQIVWIRWSV]TVIJIVIRGIWKIRIVEPP]JSPPS[ three main trends that have been outlined over the last ten years and are summed up by these three words: POWER DEPTH PERFECTION t t t 194 POWER -XMWGPSWIP]PMROIHXSXLIUYERXMX]SJQSPIGYPIWXLEXEVIVIPIEWIHF]XLIHVMROERHMR¾YIRGI SYVSPJEGXSV]TIVGITXMSR½VWXP]HMVIGXP]ZMEXLIREWEPWIRWIWEWWSSREW[IFVMRKXLIKPEWWXS the nose, and then by the retro-olfactory senses, when the wine is in the mouth and straight after swallowing. The intensity of perceptions has become a recurrent decisive element in SYV WSGMIX] LIRGI MR XLI JYXYVI XLSWI TVSHYGXW [LMGL LEZI QSVI TVSRSYRGIH ¾EZSYVW or aromas will become more successful than others. Consumers want to be impressed, excited, involved and surprised. DEPTH The notion of depth is directly linked to the number and type of molecules that are able to interact with our olfactory organ. Current wine measurement instruments (gas chromatographers and the likes) have been able to detect thousands of molecules, which together are able to create very effective combinations. Wine Tasters, unlike other analysis devices, rarely identify molecules individually. They generally detect groups of molecules that evoke an already lived experience and name them after this experience: rose, grass, cork, citrus and so on. When a wine lacks a certain abundance of molecules groups, it is KIRIVEPP]HI½RIHEWTSSVWLSVXSVHYPP-RXLMWGEWIMXMWWEMHXLEXXLIVIMWEPEGOSJHITXLEW STTSWIHXSGSQTPI\ERHVMGL[MRIWXLEXWYKKIWXQER]SPJEGXSV]IRKVEQWWYGLEW¾S[IVW fruits, spices, aromatic herbs, etc.. The shape and the size of the stemglass affect the perception of the quality of the wine. Perceptions vary considerably according to the variation of shapes and sizes.The ideal stemglass will: a) magnify the power of a wine or distillate, by concentrating the aromas in the upper part of the glass and directing them towards the nose; b) enphasize the depth, by developing the wine’s bouquet with suitable oxygenation for each X]TIERHIRLERGIXLIQSWXRSFPIYRYWYEPERHVI½RIHRSXIWMREWIPIGXMZI[E]XLEROWXS special dimensional proportion of the stemglasses; c) highlight the perfection of wines and distillates:some ofAccademia Luigi Bormioli’s stemglasses show up defects, allowing anybody to distinguish prestigious wines or distillates from those that present anomalous aromas. d) )RLERGIXLIMRXIRWMX]SJXLI[MRI´WMRHMZMHYEP¾EZSYVWERHXLIWYFWIUYIRXMQTEGXSRXLIXEWXI of the combined effect of the basic taste: ACID SWEET BITTER %[MRIMWFEPERGIH[LIRXLI±7[IIX8EWXI²WIRWEXMSRWEVIIUYEPXSXLIWYQSJ±%GMH8EWXI²TPYW “Bitter Taste” sensations. PERFECTION Power and depth are useless if perfection is missing. Perfection manifests itself in two different but complimentary ways: on the one hand by the absence of inhibiting aromas, and on the other by the coherence of the positive notes. In terms of inhibiting aromas, any odorous note that suggests potentially dangerous food, even at subliminal level, reduces or ERRMLMPEXIWMXWGSRWYQTXMSR;LIXLIVXLIGSRWYQIVMHIRXM½IWERERSQEPSYWJIVQIRXEXMSR through smell produced by microorganisms is not important, nor whether he recognises it or not. However, it is certain that some molecules will convey the message and thus force him to avoid the consumption of that product. Coherence is a different issue. The LIVFEGISYWRSXIGERFIWTIGM½GXSWSQI[MRIW[LIVIEWJSVKVETTEMXMWEP[E]WGSRWMHIVIH a defect. 195 THE WINE SERVING TEMPERATURES The wine temperature plays a major role on the olfactory, gustatory and tactile sensations. As far as the olfactory sense is concerned, the wine temperature determines the appropriate mix of molecules that occupy the head space thus determining the wine bouquet. At a lower XIQTIVEXYVI ¾S[IV] ERH JVYMX] RSXIW EVI enhanced whereas at a higher temperature spicy, alcoholic and vegetal notes are more pronounced. %X ' XLIVI MW E XIRHIRG] JSV XLI EVSQEW XS FI suppressed. White wines are better appreciated EX QSHIVEXI XIQTIVEXYVIW ' [LMPI VIH [MRIW EX XIQTIVEXYVIW VERKMRK JVSQ ' XS '&]MRGVIEWMRKXLIXIQTIVEXYVIXLIEVSQEMW emphasised but the wine loses elegance because some less pleasant components such as ethyl acetate and other esters tend to prevail. %WJEVEWXLIXEWXIERHXEGXMPITVS½PIEVIGSRGIVRIH low temperatures increase the perception of the polyphenol astringency and their bitter taste: this is why higher serving temperatures are commonly chosen for red wines. White wines are served at a lower temperature, since they have a much lower (and different in type) polyphenols content. White wines having a particular acidity do not undergo a variation of this level of acidity if served at their respective optimum temperature. When white wines have a high sugar content, the lower temperature, maintaining the freshness of the acidity strongly represses the sweetness resulting in a well balanced and pleasant taste. *YVXLIVQSVI XLI WEPX] ¾EZSYV [LMGL MW RSX generally perceived as such, is strengthened and offers pleasant sapidity. 196 RECOMMENDED TEMPERATURE strong sweet white wines µ'µ* white and dry light wines and sparkling wines µ'µ* dry, mature and complex white wines µ'µ* rosé wines µ'µ* young and low-tannin red wines µ'µ* structured red wines µ'µ* aged and tannin-rich red wines µ'µ* 3YVWXIQKPEWWIWQMRMQMWI wine temperature alteration that may occur after pouring. 197 ACCADEMIA STEMGLASSES AND WINE OXYGENATION -XMWMRXIVIWXMRKXSEREP]WIXLITLIRSQIREXLEXXEOIWTPEGIHYVMRK[MRIS\]KIREXMSR3\]KIR is responsible for the quality of the aromas in the glass and the gustatory pleasure. The phenomenon of oxygenation occurs when: It must be noted that wine temperature is essential for oxygenation: the colder the wine, the higher the oxygen solubility will be, but at the same time the oxygen absorption process slows down due to the reaction of oxygen with other product components. t the bottle of wine is uncorked (wine-air contact surface); 3RXLIEMV[MRIGSRXEGXWYVJEGIREQIP]MRXLIMRXIVJEGIX[STLIRSQIREXEOITPEGI t [MRIMWTSYVIHMRXSXLIWXIQKPEWWSVMRXSXLIHIGERXIVXLI¾S[SJ[MRIMWMRGSRXEGX[MXL air and it facilitates the absorption); t oxygen (contained in the air) absorption by the wine; t XLIWXIQKPEWWMW½PPIH[MXL[MRIQM\MRKSJEMV[MXL[MRIHYIXSEXYVFYPIRGIIJJIGX t the wine is in the stemglass or in the decanter (between the wine-air interface); ,IRGIX[SQSPIGYPEV¾S[W[MPPXEOITPEGIJVSQXLIEMVXS[EVHWXLI[MRIERHJVSQXLI[MRI towards the air. t the wine is swirled in the stemglass (phenomenon of mixing by turbulence and the increase of the surface exposed to the air) The oxygen absorption speed depends on: It is now understood how the oxygenation effect of the stemglass is related to the area of wine-air interface and the volume of wine below this interface: the higher the interface area and the lower the volume below such interface, the higher will be the level of oxygenation. t the wine temperature; t the type of wine; t the wine-air area interface. a) OXYGENATION EFFECT ON OLFACTORY PERCEPTIONS At the initial phase (before oxygenation) in which olfactory intensity is lower and wine appears as more “closed”, subsequently the wine will start to absorb oxygen and its olfactory perception will increase to arrive to the complete preception of all types of aromas. b) EFFECT OF OXYGENATION ON TASTE PERCEPTIONS As soon as the wine absorbs the oxygen, there is a strong improvement in its bouquet and its XEGXMPIXEWXIGLEVEGXIVMWXMGWFSXLHYIXSEHMVIGXMR¾YIRGISJS\]KIREXMSRSRGIVXEMRGSQTSRIRXW and the synesthetic effect due to the aromatic openness. 198 t some wine components, alcoholic and aromatic, are released into the air as a consequence of evaporation. This speed (expressed in oxygen mg/litre/minute absorbed by wine) must be calibrated for each type of wine. Infact under-oxygenation and over-oxygenation phenomena can repress the pleasantness of the product. Grand Cru, mature aged red wines do not necessarily require strong oxygenation since this operation can affect their delicate balance. For this reason, wine Tasters prefer to follow their development directly in the stemglass, without using a decanter ½VWX-RQER]GEWIWXLIEHHMXMSRSJS\]KIRMWLS[IZIVYWIJYPEWJSVXLI[MRIW[LMGLLEZIE tendency towards reduction, such as some young white and red wines. We have studied the speed of oxygenation in the stemglasses in order to better encourage the most prestigious aromas over the most ordinary aromas. Naturally, the speed of oxygenation is considerably increased due to the swirling movement of the wine in the bowl.This is the result of both the turbulence effect and the increased area of wine-air interface. 199 STEMGLASSES ACCADEMIA AND OLFACTORY PERCEPTIONS INTENSITY AND AROMA PROFILE According to a principle of physics, the steam pressure of a molecule dissolved in a liquid depends on the solvent, the solute and the temperature. Wine molecules that pass to a gas phase in the bowl are diffused in the surrounding air at a speed that depends on the opening diameter of the bowl. Furthermore, the wider the free surface of wine, the higher the number of wine molecules that will pass to the gas state, and this number is also linked to the wine temperature: the quantity of wine molecules that will evaporate depends on the wine alcoholic content. The higher the alcoholic content, the higher the quantity of wine molecules that will evaporate. Figure 17LS[WXLIVIPEXMSRFIX[IIRXLIIZETSVEXMSRWYVJEGISJXLI[MRIERHXLIWYFWIUYIRX diffusion of the aromas towards the mouth of the bowl. By increasing the free surface, wine IZETSVEXMSR[MPPMRGVIEWIEWWLS[RMR*MKYVIF]W[MVPMRKXLI[MRIXLI[MRIWYVJEGI[MPPI\TERH and the evaporation subsequently increases, obtaining a higher level of aromatic intensity at the “mouth”of the bowl. Aromatic intensity Head space Evaporation surface Evaporation surface We have analysed the air above the wine by means of chromatography at different heights and EXHMJJIVIRXXMQIWEJXIVTSYVMRKXLI[MRIMRXSXLIWXIQKPEWW%TTVS\MQEXIP]½JX][MRIW[IVI studied at different temperatures. Upon completion of these tests we reached the following conclusions: t ;LMXI [MRIW WLSYPH FI HVYRO GSPH WMRGI XLI ¾S[IV] ERH JVYMX] RSXIW [LMGL HSQMREXI XLIEVSQESJ[LMXI [MRIWFIGSQIUYMGOP]TVIWIRXMRWYJ½GMIRXUYERXMXMIWIZIREXEPS[ temperature. t Red wines should be served at a higher temperature in order to perceive the full aromatic range. t The sensations will be more intense if the air present at the opening of the glass is inhaled. t It is necessary to increase the oxygenation surface area of certain wines. In fact, the phenols EVIEVSQEXMGGSQTSRIRXWXLEXEVIMR¾YIRGIHF]XLIWLETISJXLIWXIQKPEWW&]MRGVIEWMRK the contact surface with the wine, these phenols are oxygenated and are converted into ethers which provide the wine with the so called “dry piquancy”. t 8LIX]TISJEVSQEWERHXLIMVMRXIRWMX]EVIMR¾YIRGIHF]XLIZSPYQIEFSZIXLI½PPMRKPMRI namely the head space. -RXLILIEHWTEGI[I½RHEGSRGIRXVEXMSRSJXLIEVSQEWVIPIEWIHMRXSXLIEMVF]XLI[MRI8LI aromas are protected by the walls of the glass, thus they are gathered better and gradually conveyed towards the nose. We empirically found the distribution of the aromatic intensity inside the head space, namely molecular aromatic concentration (Ɯ) at the passing of time for each position (x) inside the headspace. The curves of the aromatic concentration at different moments in time (t1, t, t, t) are shown MR½KYVIWEFGH[LIVI Ɯ represents the aromatic concentration that has the dimensions of [number of molecules/m]. Ɯ1 is the aromatic concentration in position 1. Figure 1 Aromatic intensity of resting wine. 200 Figure 2 Aromatic intensity of wine swirled in the glass: wine evaporation surface and corresponding increased aromatic intensity. Ɯ MWXLIEVSQEXMGGSRGIRXVEXMSRMRTSWMXMSREXHMJJIVIRXQSQIRXWMRXMQI H is the head space height. 201 STEMGLASSES ACCADEMIA AND OLFACTORY PERCEPTIONS Aromatic concentration curve at the initial moment in time t1 Aromatic concentration curve at the initial interval t" t1 Aromatic concentration curve at the moment in time t" t Aromatic concentration curve at the moment in time t" t At the initial interval t1, aromatic molecules are developed up to the height Ha, as shown MR XLI ½KYVI 8LI EVSQEXMG GSRGIRXVEXMSR beyond this height (Ha) is equal to zero, hence Ɯ at the mouth of the bowl is equal to zero. At the moment in time t, aromatic molecules continue to develop up to height Hb which is higher than Ha. The aromatic GSRGIRXVEXMSR MR TSWMXMSR QSYXL SJ XLI bowl) is still equal to zero. At the moment in time t, the aromatic molecules occupy almost the whole head space, but at the mouth of the bowl the aromatic concentration is still zero (Ɯ = 0). At the moment in time t, the aromatic QSPIGYPIWVIEGLTSWMXMSRERHXLIEVSQEXMG concentration (Ɯ VIEGLIW E ZEPYI XLEX MW different from zero. (Figure a) (Figure c) (Figure b) Head space (Figure d) Head space X 2 2 2 2 H Head space Head space X 2 1 1 Hb 1 1 Ɯ1 Aromatic molecules 1 Ɯ Ɯ1 Ɯ WINE Ɯ Aromatic molecules Aromatic molecules WINE WINE Figure c Figure a 202 Ɯ Aromatic molecules WINE Ɯ1 Ɯ 1 1 Ɯ1 H Ha 1 Hc 2 H H X 2 2 X Figure b Figure d From the curves (Figures a,b,c,d) it is possible to see that the aromatic development at XLIQSYXLSJXLIFS[PTSWMXMSRQERMJIWXWMXWIPJSRP]EJXIVEGIVXEMREQSYRXSJXMQIX). After some time the aromatic concentration grows within the head space. The maximum value (Ɯ1) is obtained on the free surface of wine (position 1). At steady state condition, the value of the aromatic concentration ƜMWEFSYXSJXLIEVSQEXMGGSRGIRXVEXMSRƜ1 . 203 STEMGLASSES ACCADEMIA AND OLFACTORY PERCEPTIONS The time-aromatic concentration ƜHMEKVEQEXXLIQSYXLSJXLIFS[PTSWMXMSRMWWLS[R MRXLIJSPPS[MRK½KYVI Ɯ Ɯ! Ɯ1 PRIMARY AND VARIETAL AROMAS These are the lightest molecules in the upper part of the glass. These aromas suggest ¾S[IVWJVYMXWERHWSQIXMQIWZIKIXEPRSXIW8LI]GSQIJVSQKVETIWERHEVIPMROIHXS the wine varietals. Generally, these are the most volatile molecules with an evaporation GSIJ½GMIRXVERKMRKJVSQ 1 to 1. These aromas are disclosed immediately after pouring the wine into the glass. SECONDARY OR FERMENTATION AROMAS The middle section of the bowl contains aromas linked to fermentation (herbaceous, QMRIVEPWERHVMTIJVYMXW8LIIZETSVEXMSRGSIJ½GMIRXVERKIWJVSQ15 to 60. These aromas manifest themselves as a result of the swirling of the wine in the bowl and the shape of the glass. t1 t2 t3 t4 time The experimental curves agree with the laws of physics, in particular with Fick’s second law of diffusion: ȶƜ = ' ȶW WHERE: ( ȶ2Ɯ ȶ2Ɯ + ȶ[2ȶ\2 ) t t is the time in seconds t (MWXLIGSIJ½GMIRXSJ[MRIHMJJYWMSRI\TVIWWIHMR?QWAERHHITIRHWSRXLIX]TISJ[MRI and on its temperature t x and y are the vertical and horizontal dimensions expressed in [m] This law describes the variation in time of the aromatic concentration in the x and y directions. The shape and size of our glasses were designed for both a correct diffusion of the aromas within the head space and for a rapid reconstitution of aromatic concentration after every single sip of wine. Within the head space three types of aromas can be distributed: primary, secondary and tertiary.These aromas are grouped according to their volatility and measured according to an IZETSVEXMSRGSIJ½GMIRXEVSQEXMGRSXIWSREWGEPISJ1 to 100. 204 TERTIARY AROMAS (BOUQUET) AND AROMAS DERIVING FROM AGING These are mainly generated by heavier molecules that settle in the lowest part of the bowl and these aromas are reminiscent of woods, animals and spices; they are linked to the maturation and aging of the wine, without oxygen (wine in the unopend bottle).These EVIEVSQEW[MXLPIWWZSPEXMPIQSPIGYPIWERH[MXLERIZETSVEXMSRGSIJ½GMIRXVERKMRKJVSQ 61 to 100. These aromas, as for the secondary ones, become evident in the same way, namely after appropriately swirling the wine in the bowl and depends on the shape of the glass.. The possibility to perceive and penetrate the different layers of the aromas depends directly on the shape and volume of the bowl. The glasses with a wide bowl are suitable for aged wines with complex scents and heavy molecules, whereas those with a narrow bowl are suitable for young wines and light aromas. From our research it is clear that the intensity of all the perceptions varies according to the type of stemglass. Increasing the height of the bowl and the ratio between the maximum HMEQIXIVERHXLIHMEQIXIVSJXLIKPEWWQSYXLMRXIRWM½IWEPPSPJEGXSV]TIVGITXMSRW-R[LMXI wines, as they are served cold, there is less development of aromas (less evaporation), but with an appropriate high ratio between maximum diameter and the diameter of the glass mouth, it is possible to increase the intensity of the aromas. The opposite applies to red wines. For white wines, a large oxygenation surface is not necessary in order to develop aromas, whereas the contact surface (between glass and wine) must be as small as possible in order to avoid the warming of the wine. The bowls of the stemglasses designed for white wines are tall and narrow, the opposite for red wines, but with an appropriate geometrical shape. The size and shape of the bowls of the glasses are designed so as to contain most of the aromas released within the head space. Thus, it is possible to maximise the intensity of the aromas. 205 STEMGLASSES ACCADEMIA AND OLFACTORY PERCEPTIONS Figure 3 shows the molecular distribution of aromas and the corresponding intensity at a particular moment in time. 2 Decreasing the outgoing speed of the aromas from the mouth of the glass is a criteria used to increase the number of aromatic molecules remaining within the head space thus preventing rapid evaporation. The shape and volume of the head space are designed to allow full perception of the aromas TVS½PIMREPPXLIMVMRXIRWMX]8LIPEXXIVMWJEZSYVIHF]XLIGYVZIH[EPPWSJXLIKPEWWFS[P[LMGL concentrate the aromas on the opening of the bowl and hence towards the nose. Ifact, concave walls delay the exit of the aromas from the glass. 2 The well proportioned stemglasses for each type of wine, must have an olfactory perception IJ½GMIRG]IUYEPXS h (head space height) 1 1 Ɯ Ɯ1 Ɯ (Aromatic intensity) Wine evaporation surface Head space WINE Maximum diameter tertiary aromatic molecules secondary aromatic molecules primary aromatic molecules Figure 3 Figure 3: Distribution of primary, secondary and tertiary aromas within the head space and corresponding curve of aromatic intensity, which is higher on the evaporation surface. 206 207 TREE OF AROMAS Violet, rose, dried rose :%6-397*03;)67 Flowers ,32)= Honey, acacia honey, beeswax, honeycomb '-8697*69-8 Lemon, orange, grapefruit, mandarin, orange peel &0%'/%2(6)( FRUIT 4%0)*0)7,)( *69-8;-8,7832) Cherry, raspberry, strawberry, blackberry, blueberry, redcurrant, plum :%6-397*6)7,*69-8 Apple, banana, sharon fruit, aromatic grapes, various fresh fruit DRIED FRUIT (EXIHVMIH½KTVYRI 2987 Nuts, almond, hazelnut Peach, apricot FRUITY AROMAS 74)'-*-'*03;)67 FLORAL AROMAS ;,-8);-2)7 74)'-*-'*03;)67 'SVR¾S[IVIPHIVFPSWWSQNEWQMRIZMSPIXLE[XLSVREGEGMEFPSWWSQ[MWXIVMEQEKRSPME :%6-397*03;)67 ;LMXI¾S[IVW[MPH¾S[IVWJVIWL¾S[IVWHVMIH¾S[IVWEPTMRI¾S[IVW ,32)= Honey, wax , linden '-8697*69-8 Lemon, orange, grapefruit, mandarin, citric, citron, candied orange &0%'/%2(6)( FRUIT 4%0)*0)7,)( *69-8;-8,7832) Cherry, sour cherry, strawberry, raspberry, morel, plum, fruit of the forest :%6-397*6)7,*69-8 %TTPITIIPFEREREWLEVSRJVYMX½KYRVMTIJVYMXWQIPSRQYWXTIEVOM[MKVETI]IEWX DRIED FRUIT Raisins 2987 Almond, walnut, hazelnut, chestnut, acorn '33/)(*69-8 Jam, pineapple in syrup, marmalade )<38-'*69-8 Pineapple, passion fruit, mango, tropical fruit, ripe fruit *6)7,:)+)8%0 Asparagus, grass, tomato leave, olive, bell pepper, nettle, green tomato, chicory, rocket, savoy %631%8-',)6&7 Basil, mint, thyme, sage, bay, rosemary, juniper berry &%010-/)%631%7 Eucalyptus, pine, talc, menthol, resin (6=:)+)8%0 Hay, tobacco, tea, dried grass, straw, paper, dried leave Peach, apricot Jam, fruit in syrup, cooked prune, cooked fruit *6)7,:)+)8%0 Grass, freshly-mown grass, tomato leave, green olive, bell pepper %631%8-',)6&7 Thyme, sage, bay &%010-/)%631%7 Aniseed, oak tree, eucalyptus, pine, conifer (6=:)+)8%0 Hay, tobacco, tea 92()6+63;8, 1SWWLYQYWQYWLVSSQXVYJ¾I 92()6+63;8, Moss, earth, mushroom 74-')7 Cinnamon, pepper, clove, liquorice, wood 74-')7 Cinnamon, pepper, coriander, liquorice 4%786=0-/)%631%7 Vanilla, biscuit ;33( Green wood 83%78=%631%7 Toasted bread, cocoa, coffee, caramel 4%786=0-/)%631%7 :ERMPPEFMWGYMXGERHMIHJVYMXGVIEQFVIEHFEOIHGEOIXSVVSRI¾SYV %2-1%0%631%7 Leather, fur, gamey aroma 83%78=%631%7 Cocoa, coffee, caramel, toasted bread, polenta, crust of bread VEGETAL AROMAS '33/)(*69-8 SPICY AROMAS SPICY AROMAS VEGETAL AROMAS FRUITY AROMAS FLORAL AROMAS 6)(;-2)7 7396')'IRXVS7XYHM%WWEKKMEXSVM 208 209 STEMGLASSES AND TACTILE-GUSTATORY PERCEPTIONS ACCADEMIA It is useful to analyse a wine in terms of balance between acidity, alcohol, structure, body and, as far as red wines are concerned, the astringency given by the tannins (an astringent chemical substance derived from grape seeds or from the wood where the wine was aged). A dry white wine that is particularly acid is unpleasant just like a rich red wine that is too astringent. Tannins cause a sudden drop of the proteins contained in the saliva which function as a lubricant, GEYWMRKEGSRWMHIVEFPIHIGVIEWISJWEPMZEXMSR-XMWNYWXPMOIIEXMRKERYRVMTI7LEVSRJVYMX[LMGL is dry and rough on the tongue. -RXIRWMX]SJ¾EZSYVWWGEPI 8LIJSYV¾EZSYVWEVIHIXIGXIHF]VIGITXSVW-XMWGSQQSRP]FIPMIZIHXLEXIEGLTEVXSJXLI XSRKYI WTIGM½GEPP] TIVGIMZIW SRI SJ XLI JSYV ¾EZSYVW8LI XMT TIVGIMZIW XLI W[IIXRIWW XLI bottom part the bitter and the sides perceive the acid. In fact, the most recent physiological WXYHMIWSRXLIXSRKYIWLS[XLEXXLIVIGITXSVWSJXLIJSYV¾EZSYVWEVIHMWXVMFYXIHMREYRMJSVQ [E]EGVSWWXLIXSRKYI[MXLZIV]JI[WMKRM½GERXHMJJIVIRGIWFIX[IIRSRIWTSXERHERSXLIV *MKYVI ,YQERTL]WMSPSK]GERLIPTYWHIQSRWXVEXMRKIQTMVMGEPP]XLEXXLIFEWMG¾EZSYVWEVITIVGIMZIH at different times, as described in the graph of Figure 5. 1 SALTY: BITTER 7;))8 Circumvallate papillae Figure 4: Map of the taste intensity on the tongue. Foliate papillae Fungiform papillae Tongue diagram inspired by an illustration contained in the book: "Rosenzweig M., Leiman %0&VIIHPSZI71¯4WMGSPSKMEFMSPSKMGE¯'EWE)HMXVMGI%QFVSWMERE¯ ACID as soon as the liquid is introduced into the mouth, there is a latency time of less than a second, which means it is perceived immediately. Intensity of ¾EZSYVW SALTY SWEET 7%08= 210 In order to better appreciate the taste of wine and distillates it is necessary to introduce the liquid into the mouth in such a way as to satisfy the gustatory-tactile balance. According to the different types of wine, the consumer will tend to have a greater appreciation for the structure or the drinkability, the freshness or the softness, and may look for sweet tastes or tolerate bitter and astringent ones, but only in some categories. The task of the wine Taster is not easy, because he will have to try and recognise the tastes and, at the same time, assess their proportions. ACID BITTER 2 SWEET: it has a latency time of about one second, hence it is perceived almost at the same time as the salty taste. 3 ACID: 1 5 6 7 9 10 11 15 16 17 it is perceived immediately after the sweet because its latency time is slightly higher than one second. Time in seconds 4 BITTER: Figure 5: (MEKVEQSJMRXIRWMX]SJ¾EZSYVWEXHMJJIVIRXXMQIW it has a longer latency time, more than two seconds and it has a higher persistence; for this reason it is normally assessed after the others. 211 STEMGLASSES AND TACTILE-GUSTATORY ACCADEMIA PERCEPTIONS Furthermore, there is an interaction among the different tastes: a) 8LIWEPX]XEWXIIQTLEWMWIWXLIFMXXIVERHEGMHXEWXIWERHMXMWMRGSR¾MGX[MXLXLIW[IIXXEWXIERH F] MRXIVEGXMRK [MXL XLMW XEWXI KMZIW VMWI XS WIRWEXMSRW XLEX EVI HI½RIH EW±WETMH² F] [MRI Tasters. b) 8LIW[IIXXEWXIMWMRGSR¾MGX[MXLXLIFMXXIVERHXLIEGMHXEWXIWVIWYPXMRKMRXLIWEPX]XEWXI producing a sapid sensation. c) 8LIEGMHXEWXIGSR¾MGXW[MXLXLIW[IIX d) The bitter taste is depressed by the sweet taste and it is strengthened by the salty and the acid tastes. The shape of the bowl (particularly mouth diameter and opening angle) tends to force the drinker to tilt their head when introducing the wine into the mouth. The shape of the bowl MRHYGIWHMJJIVIRXQSZIQIRXWSJXLILIEHERHEPPS[WXLIPMUYMHXS¾S[SRXSXLITEPEXIMRZEVMSYW ways. The bowl with a wide opening forces the wine Taster to take large sips of the liquid by tilting the head forward, directing the wine towards the centre of the tongue and across the whole width. The bowl with a narrow opening forces the drinker to tilt the head backwards and drink limited UYERXMXMIWIEGLXMQIMRSVHIVXSGSRXVSPXLI¾S[SJXLI[MRI 8LIFS[PWWPMKLXP]¾EVIHSYXERHGSRZI]XLI[MRISRXLIXMTSJXLIXSRKYIMRWQEPPHSWIWERH for this reason they will be used for wines with strong acidic characteristics. For softer and aged wines, bowls with wide and almost straight sides are used in order to have a wide opening to be able to fully appreciate the roundness of the wine. Finally, the thickness of the glass (less than 1 mm) will facilitate the introduction of the wine into the mouth by avoiding any turbulence and by enhancing the pleasure whilst drinking. TACTILE SENSATIONS ARE: astringency (linked to tannins); sparkle due to carbon dioxide for sparkling wines; warmth due to the effect of alcohol on the mucous membranes; temperatureTIVGIMZIHMRXLISVEPGEZMX]XLIXIQTIVEXYVIGSRWMHIVEFP]QSHM½IWXLI¾EZSYVW - a wine that is served cold will tend to be more bitter and less sweet while the perception of sourness will remain the same. However, the most relevant effect will be synaesthesia at low temperatures the quantity of aromas released by the wine is lower and this aroma TW]GLSPSKMGEPP]MR¾YIRGIWXLIKYWXEXSV]TIVGITXMSR*SVXLMWVIEWSRXLI[MRIW[LMGLEVIVMGL in aroma and without defect, even if white, should never be served ice cold, instead they should be served cool at a controlled temperature 3YVWXIQKPEWWIWEVIHIWMKRIHXSQEMRXEMRXLIWIVZMRKXIQTIVEXYVIJSVEWPSRKEWTSWWMFPIXS appropriately distribute the drink in the oral cavity optimising the balance perceived in the mouth. 8LIIJ½GMIRG]SJSYVWXIQKPEWWIWMRVIPEXMSRXSKYWXEXSV]FEPERGIXEWXIFEPERGIMWIUYEPXS t t t t 212 SPIRITS (DISTILLATES) TASTING WITH ACCADEMIA STEMGLASSES STEMGLASSES In distillates, the quantity of alcohol is considerably higher than any type of wine. The average EPGSLSPMG GSRXIRX SJ E HMWXMPPEXI MW EFSYX 8LI ZSPEXMPMX] SJ XLI EPGSLSP GSRZI]W XLI EVSQEW upwards effectively even without the help of strong oxygenation caused by the rotation of the glass. The bowl has a relatively small mouth diameter in order to avoid introducing large quantities of alcohol in the mouth. 7IVZMGIXIQTIVEXYVIEJJIGXWFSXLEVSQEWERHXEWXIWERHMXVERKIWJVSQEFSYX'XS'ELMKLIV XIQTIVEXYVI[MPPQEOIEPGSLSPXSSIXLIVIEPERH½IV]ERH[MPPEJJIGXXLIXEWXMRK=SYRK+VETTEERH fruit brandies can be served at a temperature ranging from 7º C to 15º C, whereas for the aged HMWXMPPEXIWWYGLEW'SKREG%VQEKREG'EPZEHSW'EWO%KIHKVETTE=SYRKKVETTEXLIXIQTIVEXYVI GERVERKIFIX[IIR'ERH' The olfactory examination is complex because with every olfaction our perception system selects and highlights different aromatic notes which can be perceived less in the following olfactory examination due to a self adjusting process.This is what makes the distillates so fascinating: each glass is a new and ever-changing experience which can last for several minutes without being repetitive. The tasting cards used for the sensory examination, in particular those based on the Aroma Chart WYGLEWXLI&MK7IRWSV]8IWX KIRIVEPP]JSPPS[XLMWEVSQEXMGTEXLSZIVXMQI *MVWXSJEPP ¾SVEPERH LSRI] ¾EZSYVW EVI EWWIWWIH JSPPS[IH F] GMXVYW ERH XLIR JVIWL JVYMXW HVMIH JVYMXW ZIKIXEP W[IIX pastry and spicy smells. Finally, the last scents assessed are those deriving from a possible incorrect use of the barrique and the anomalous aromas (which might be caused by the raw materials, or by the distillation process or problems with the aging wood). The aromatic assessment can also be carried out by taking a small sip of distillate releasing aromas with great intensity in the mouth thanks to the temperature in the mouth. ;IGVIEXIHEYRMZIVWEPXEWXMRKKPEWW7TMVMXW7RMJXIV which allows the taster to: t introduce with each sip only a few millilitres of distillate in the mouth; t to bring out all the aromas of each distillate thanks to the suitable maximum diameter/mouth diameter ratio; t to balance the gustatory perception. 213 Conclusions The stemglasses have been designed to perfectly combine olfactory and gustatory-tactile perceptions,by taking into account that such instruments must be ergonomic to make tasting a more pleasurable experience. The stemglasses presented by the ACCADEMIA can assess: a) the intensity of the colour and the tonality of each wine or distillate; FXLIMRXIRWMX]ERHXLIEVSQEXMGTVS½PISJIEGL[MRISVHMWXMPPEXIXSXLI smallest detail; GXLI WXVYGXYVI ERH VSYRHRIWW SJ IEGL X]TI SJ [MRI FI]SRH XLI gustatory-tactile balance of acidity and astringency and in certain types SJ[MRIWSJW[IIXERHFMXXIVXEWXIW 8SGSRGPYHIXLIGLSMGISJE[MRIWXIQKPEWWMWPMROIHXSMXWEVSQEXMGTVS½PIEW[IPPEWXSMXW structure, acidity, alcoholic and tannin contents. 214 215 Packaging GP4 = 4 pieces in a gift box GP1 = 1 piece in a gift box %$)õSLHFHVLQDKLJKGHÀQLWLRQER[ 216