Double Eagle Vol. 55, Number 5, Nov 2005


Double Eagle Vol. 55, Number 5, Nov 2005
Double Eagle
Valley of Indianapolis
Volume 55, Number 5
e-mail: [email protected] Web:
Nov 2005
Four Selected MSA
Each year, by unanimous vote of the Executive Committee, up to four
brothers are recognized who have faithfully served the Valley. We honor them
with the Meritorious Service Award. This year's recipients are:
Nicholas J A Gray
Brother Nicholas Gray hails from Anderson and was
raised in Lapel Lodge #625, where he was Worshipful Master in
1988 and currently serves as Tiler. Nick joined the Scottish Rite
in the spring class of 1982. He has been active in membership
development for several years as chairman of Lapel Lodge
committee and vice chairman of District 2. He recently received
his membership pin with four diamonds representing 26 petitions. Nick has been married to his wife, Betty, since 1992.
Robert Edward LaGrange
Brother Robert LaGrange is a member of Greenwood
Lodge #514, where he was raised a Master Mason in 1988. He
joined the Indianapolis Valley in the spring 1991 class and
immediately became a member of the chorus where he has served
as a degree soloist and member of the quartet. He also holds
memberships in the Greenwood York Rite bodies. He and his
wife, Kay, have been married for 34 years and have two children.
Jacob Jack Brandman
Brother Jack Brandman hails from Franklin and was
raised in Pleasant Lodge #134 in 1950 and later transferred to
Jubilee Lodge #746 in Whiteland. Jack joined the Scottish Rite in
the fall of 1964 and recently completed 10 years of service as a
member of the Tilers committee. He is a member of Murat
Shrine and is a past president of the Johnson County Shrine Club.
He is married to Betty and has one daughter.
Andrew Richard Jackson
Brother Andy Jackson lives in Greenwood and was raised
in Greenwood Lodge #514. He holds dual membership in
Century Lodge #764, where he served as Worshipful Master in
2002. Andy joined the Scottish Rite in the spring class of 1987
and is a dual member of the Valley of Terre Haute. He has been
a dedicated member of the dramatic department, currently serving
as chairman of the Wardrobe committee. Active in York Rite, he
served as presiding officer in each of the York Rite bodies and
currently serves as Eminent Grand Generalissimo of the Grand
Commandery of Indiana. Brother Andy and wife, Mary, were
married in August 2003. Andy has one daughter.
Page 2
Double Eagle • Nov 2005
How to Build a Membership
Masonic Charity
in Action
We have often heard the lessons recited in Masonic
ritual regarding charity, but how often do we think about our
actions regarding this basic tenet and the charge that to
relieve the distressed is a duty incumbent upon all Masons?
All of America was struck with the horrific consequences of
the hurricanes along the Gulf Coast, and while many
complained about one aspect or another of the recovery
efforts, Masons did what they do best and set out to offer
assistance. The Masonic Service Association of North
America immediately began accepting monetary contributions to assist the efforts of the Grand Lodges in the affected
states. Indiana Masons were encouraged to contribute to this
fund as were Masonic youth groups across the country.
Indianapolis Valley collected several thousand dollars from
members attending the annual bean supper in September to
help those affected by this tragedy. Many individual Masons
were part of task forces sent to the region to help restore a
sense of normalcy.
For Masons, that obligation to serve others in need
comes naturally and it is one of the reasons that I am so
proud of what Masons do every day that goes largely unnoticed by the world at large. While Masonic Homes and
Shriners’ Hospitals and the Scottish Rite’s own 32nd Degree
Masonic Learning Centers for Children are visible signs of
our charitable outreach, they merely exemplify one of his
primary tenets of Freemasonry, taught to each member as he
progresses through the degrees.
The Valley of Indianapolis, through the voluntary
donations of charitable funds by its members, continues to be
an exemplar of this most basic of Masonic teachings. This
year $25,000 in college scholarships have been awarded to
local students, nearly $15,000 has gone to support our
Indiana Masonic youth groups, along with $25,000 to local
charitable causes in our communities and another $10,000 to
Masonic related charities. In 2005, a special gift of $5,000
was made to supply long distance calling cards to our service
men and women in Iraq and Afghanistan compliments of
America’s Scottish Rite Masons. Through the generous estate
gift of a longtime member, the Scottish Rite Foundation will
present a check for $75,000 to the Indiana University School
of Medicine for research in arthritis and rheumatology later
this year.
As a member of the Valley of Indianapolis, each
member should be proud of the work being done to bring
our teachings to life. Your support and efforts bring home a
lesson from the 18th degree that charity is love in action.
Take pride in your membership in an organization that lives
its teachings.
Executive Director
Double Eagle
Valley of Indianapolis
The Double Eagle (USPS 015-686) is published five
times each year in January, March, June, September,
and November by the Ancient Accepted Scottish Rite,
Valley of Indianapolis at 650 N Meridian St, Indianapolis IN 46204-1294. Periodicals postage paid
at Indianapolis, IN and additional mailing offices.
Send address changes to the above address.
Editor & Art Design
Jerry B Collins, 33°
Carl E Culmann, 33°,
Michael A Moxley, & Editor
Committee Members
W Eric Seidensticker, Gary E Brinley,
Thomas B Beattie, Sr, Michael W Klepper,
Russell A Murphy, 33°
Thrice Potent Master
S Randal Schutz
Sovereign Prince
Cary H Snyder
Most Wise Master
Donald B Marcum, Jr
Scott A Schuster
Jeffrey K Saunders, 33°
Robert M Danielson, 33°
Raymond L Schwartz, 33°
John W Duncan, 33°
Marvin C Maguire, 33°
George E Galyean, 33°
Russell A Murphy, 33°
Edwin E Board, 33°
Double ÷
Theatre of Performing Arts
Harbin Directs 'Miracle'
by Bill Woodruff, 33°
General Manager of Theatre Operations
The Scottish Rite Performing Arts
Center is very proud to present Miracle on
34th Street as its next high quality production. Following on the heels of the critically
acclaimed productions of Annie Get Your
Gun, Roar of the Greasepaint, and Arsenic and
Old Lace, this is a play that the whole family
will love and long remember. Almost every
adult knows the story by now, but children
and grown-ups alike still love to watch the tale of a real life
Santa who finds himself working at Macy’s, one of America’s
most famous department stores. Is Santa real or isn’t he?
Miracle on 34th Street is more than a story. It’s a
modern fable about love, faith and most of all--imagination--the
imagination of children and the imagination we all wish we
could still have in our everyday lives.
This production will be directed by Bob Harbin who
brought us Annie Get Your Gun and Roar of the Greasepaint. If
for some reason you haven’t yet seen one of Bob’s shows, the
Indianapolis Star has compared his work with us here to any of
the professional shows in town. And he promises to bring us
another top-notch show.
Back to Basics
by Dr Drew Carrel, 33°
The Body, Mind, Spirit Connection. “Do it for your
kids. Raised on fast food, television, and computer
games, kids today are more sedentary, overweight, and
out of shape than a generation ago. The number of
seriously overweight children has more than doubled
since 1980. Parents can change this dangerous trend by
being active themselves and involving their children in
physical activities. Kids do not always do what you tell
them to do. But they often do what you do. You send
a clear message by example: In this family fitness and
health matter.”
Director Bob Harbin surrounded by the cast of
Roar of the Greasepaint.
Miracle on 34th Street will open December 8 with
performances following December 9, 10, 11, 15,
16, 17, 22, and 23. Evening performances will be at 7:30
pm with dinner available on the mezzanine level and the
matinees on December 11 & 17 will be at 2 pm. Tickets are
$22 with a member/senior price of $15, and $10 for students.
Tickets may be obtained by going to the box office or calling
317-262-3120, or going to the website at
Valley to Present
Medical Seminar
Our own Ill Michael J Econs, MD, 33°, professor of
medicine and of medical and molecular genetics at the Indiana
University School of Medicine, will discuss osteoporosis and the
research he is leading in this disease during a seminar at the
Cathedral in March 2006. He has made significant contributions to the field in understanding the genetics of osteoporosis.
Dr. Econs is a highly sought after lecturer, speaking on various
topics in metabolic bone disease at numerous academic institutions and medical/scientific meetings. Watch for the details of
Dr. Econ’s presentation in his article in the January 2006 issue
of the Double Eagle.
Page 4
Double Eagle • Nov 2005
Valley Gathers to Hono
The Valley held an Awards Banquet on October 5th to
honor those brethren who have contributed to the success of the
Valley during the past year. This year spouses were invited to
share in the recognition of these dedicated workers. The evening
honored men in their service to the Valley in the areas of service
and membership.
Service Awards
Each officer line of the four bodies comprising the
Indianapolis Valley nominated brethren, voted, and subsequently
presented awards to workers on various committees. Honored for
their service were:
•Indianapolis Chapter of Rose Croix Award for
outstanding service in the dramatic department make-up or
wardrobe committee presented to Deo T Carter for work on the
wardrobe committee.
•Indiana Consistory Award for outstanding service in
the dramatic department in the cast or guards presented to
E Roland Forrester for longtime service in the degree guards.
•Adoniram Lodge of Perfection Award for outstanding
service in working on a committee presented to Jeffrey S Karnes,
for work in forming the Knights of St Andrew.
•Saraiah Council Award for outstanding service in the
dramatic department technical committee presented to
Earl W Hauschild, for work as a sound technician in the Theater.
Membership Awards
Membership Awards were also featured during the
program and the following brothers received a customized
Membership Development golf shirt for achieving the goals
set for their respective Lodges.
Rudolph Kaster, Jr, Monroe # 22
Victor Settle, Monroe # 22
Joel Sterrett, Monroe # 22
Robert Wingard, Jr, Monroe # 22
Carl E. Duley, Pisgah # 32
Jack Windell, Pisgah # 32
Richard Purcell, 33°, Pleasant # 134
Michael Klepper, Morristown # 193
David Wright, 33°, Brownsburg # 241
Larry Franklin, Southport # 270
Julius Trageser, Southport # 270
Lincoln Hamilton, 33°, Morgantown # 358
Bradley Magness, Morgantown # 358
James Prairie, Morgantown # 358
J. Peter Mohr, 33°, Mystic Tie # 398
Thomas Harper, Hamilton # 533
James R. Hale, 33°, Plainfield # 653
Mark Musick, Plainfield # 653
Stephen Chapman, 33°, Fellowship # 681
Max Maupin, Fellowship # 681
Brian Lewis, Calvin W Prather # 717
Fred Buckingham, 33°, Lynhurst # 723
Billy Lomax, Lynhurst # 723
S. Michael Woodard, Cumberland # 726
Frank Wood, Speedway # 729
Kent Watts, Frank S Land # 758
As part of the 3/10 Program, Richard Purcell, 33° was
awarded 1 year's dues paid for three or more petitions while
Michael Klepper and Brian Lewis were awarded Life Memberships for 10 or more petitions topline signed within the year.
Diamond Membership Pins were presented to these 19
individuals who were receiving their first pin for signing five
Hansford Benge
Harold Lowery
Robert Dancey
Meier, 33°
Steve Fiscus
Mack Fishburn
William Graam
James Garland, MSA
William Hackett
Ronald Seymour
Robert Holler, 33°
Buford Turner
Jack Kasdorff, 33°
Wright, 33°
Paul Lanman
Double ÷
or Outstanding Brothers
These 12 brothers added diamonds to their existing pins
for their membership efforts during the past year:
Frank Capler, Jr.
Nicholas Gray, MSA
James Hale, 33°
Marvin Kolp
Brian Lewis
Mike Klepper
Rodney Mann, 33°
Paul Shambaugh, 33°
Denny Sheets, 33°
Kent Watts
David Weatherford, 33°
Charles Wood
'06 33rd's Announced
The Council of Deliberation for the State of Indiana has
announced that the following brothers of the Indianapolis Valley
were recently elected to receive the 33rd degree in Chicago in
August 2006. Congratulations to these worthy brethren who have
been recognized for their distinguished service to the fraternity or
to their community and have now been selected to higher service
within the fraternity.
Gregory A Chiles – Carmel
Philip N Eskew, Jr – Carmel
James B Garrett - Middletown
Gordon J Husk – Lebanon
Joseph H Looker – Plainfield
Alan L Martinez – Anderson
Dennis L Shinault – Fishers
William H Wimmenauer, Jr – Greenwood
S Michael Woodard – Indianapolis
Brother and Major Rex Sohn presented Thrice Potent
Master Randy Schutz with a framed certificate and flag that was
flown while he was on duty this past June. The certificate reads:
This is to certify that the accompanying American flag was flown in
the face of the enemy over Camp Patrick D. Tillman, Mazar-eSharif, Afghanistan by the Officers and NCO's of the 1st Kandak 1st Brigade Embedded Training Team during Operation "Enduring
Freedom" on June 14th, 2005 in honor of The Indianapolis Valley
Scottish Rite."
The highlight of the evening was the presentation of the
Meritorious Service Award by Ill Robert G Elrod, 33°, Deputy for
Indiana to four brethren (see the front page of this issue for bios
on these men):
Jack Brandman
Nicholas J A Gray
Andrew R Jackson
Robert E LaGrange
33rd's Crowned
These brothers from the Indianapolis Valley were just
10 of the 236 who received the Thirty-third Degree,
the highest honor in Scottish Rite Freemasonry this
past August in Grand Rapids. Front Row:
Raymond L Alexander, Mitchell R Allen,
Raymond D Beets, and Frank E Capler. Back Row:
W Lincoln Hamilton, Richard E Helton,
Rodney A Mann, Darrell E Morris,
Samuel J Thompson, Charles L Walker, III. Once
again, congratulations on being recognized by your
peers for your outstanding service to Freemasonry.
Page 6
Double Eagle • Nov 2005
A Word With You
A Masonic 'Find' in the Holy Land
by Russ Murphy, 33°
Past Most Wise Master
A few years ago my wife and I,
along with about 20 members of our
church, took a tour of the holy land and
surrounding area. The historic sights and
places that we visited made a lasting
impression on
my mind of
the reality of
the Bible and
the involvement of our
brethren who
crafted such
stone and
structures. It
would take a
book to cover
all the points of interest that we visited,
but I will share with you some of the
highlights of that tour.
We sailed across the Sea of
Galilee in an open
boat. My what a thrill!
There on the shore
where we landed was
an old old boat that
had just recently been
discovered in the mud
and marshes of the
lake. It looked exactly like the pictures of
boats that were used in the day of Jesus,
and, his sailing on that body of water.
We drove by the cave where the shepherd
boy discovered the dead sea scrolls. Our
guide who was Jewish read from the
copies of the scrolls and we could follow
in English. What a thrill to see firsthand
the reality of these documents.
We traveled a narrow winding
road up a high mountain, parked the bus,
and then walked up another couple
hundred yards or so and were able to
look out over a great valley. Across on
the other side was a path that wound
along the mountain side. It looked like a
very dangerous path to travel. That
valley was called the Valley of the
Shadow of Death. Now it makes
sense when you read or hear,
“Yea tho I walk thru the Valley of the Shadow of Death,
I shall fear no evil.”
We visited an ancient outdoor
theater with seats of marble that would
accommodate approximately 25,000
people. The stage was also marble. Our
guide selected a lady from our group,
took her down to the stage and she sang a
song. We were a long way up at the top
of the theater but the sound was so great
and clear that we could
hear every word of the
song. We can’t do any
better with all our fancy
amplification equipment of today.
We walked
the streets of the old
city of Jerusalem down
the Vila del Rosa,
observed the hill of
Golgotha where our
Lord and savior, along
with the two thieves,
was crucified. Later,
just down
over the hill a short way, we visited the
tomb where Jesus was laid to rest. We
were permitted to enter the tomb. There
are no words in the English language to
describe that experience. Wow!
We also went to Athens where
we climbed the hill to the Parthenon.
What a testimony to the craft of our
ancient Masonic brothers. That stone
structure, approximately the size of a
football field, is still standing after some
4,000 years.
The huge stones were prepared
in a quarry many miles from the site.
How did they transport the stones
across the land and then get them
up the hill and assemble them
with such exactness!!
We also took a cruise
out into the Mediterranean
Sea and stopped at the Isle of Patmos.
We walked up the hill to the cave home
of John the Devine. This is where he
penned those words, “I, John, your
brother was on the isle called Patmos in
the spirit on the Lord’s day.” On the way
down the hill, we met a street vendor.
He had a brass double-headed eagle
fashioned into a
dinner bell. There is
no Masonic symbol or
any identification to
indicate any association to our Masonic
order. This is a
picture of that doubleheaded eagle.
How my
heart thrilled at
finding such significant memento at such
an historic spot! I
could go on and on
about the splendors of
the trip and many other interesting places
and facts. But suffice it to say that I have
a much better appreciation of our ancient
Masonic brethren, our Rose Croix degree
and our Lord and savior Jesus Christ.
How important they all are to us!
Double ÷
November 11-12 Convocation & Reunion
The Patriot Class
Adoniram Lodge of Perfection Degrees
Friday 1 pm
Oath of Fealty
Secret Master
Master of 9th Arch
Grand Elect Mason &
Investiture of Gold Rings
Saraiah Council of Princes of Jerusalem Degrees
15° Knight of the East
16° Prince of Jerusalem
6:15 pm
Indianapolis Chapter of Rose Croix Degrees
Friday 7 pm 17°
Knight of the East & West
Knight of the Rose Croix
Indiana Consistory Degrees
Saturday 9 am
Chief of the Tabernacle
Master ad Vitam
Prince of Mercy
1 pm
Knight Aspirant
Sublime Prince Royal Secret
Please volunteer to help the Make-up and Chorus departments at 262-3113.
It's Not Too Late for...
Patriot Class
November 11 & 12, 2005
Webster’s New Collegiate Dictionary defines a “Patriot” as: “one who loves his country and zealously
supports its authority and interests.” We here at the Scottish Rite, Valley of Indianapolis, have expanded
this definition to include those who have served their country or community. “The Patriot Class,” which
is open to all Master Masons will be held in conjunction with our Fall Convocation and Reunion on
November 11th and 12th, 2005. For those who qualify, the Valley will pay your initiation fee!
If you are a retired, honorably discharged, or active member of
the Military, Guard or Reserves; an active, retired, or reserve Law
Enforcement Officer; an active, retired or volunteer Firefighter or
EMS, the Valley would like to honor YOU!
For more information contact Rick Purcell,
(317) 262-3122
(800) 489-3579 ext. 244
[email protected]
Page 8
Double Eagle • Nov 2005
'Round the Rite
Winged Thoughts
by Chris Hodapp
What’s the difference between double eagles with wings
up and wings down? According to Dr S Brent Morris, editor of
the Southern Masonic Journal, the Southern Jurisdiction’s official
adopted logo is wings down. For the SMJ Supreme Council,
anything that is wings up is purely an artistic license and has no
official symbolism.
Richard Curtis, editor of the Northern Light magazine,
says the Northern Jurisdiction uses wings down as their Supreme
Council’s official logo, as well as for general membership. Wings
up are used in the NMJ to distinguish Active 33’s.
Mike Klepper passes the bucket at the Annual Bean Supper
this past September to Deo Carter and his son Jimmy Carter
for hurricane relief which raised $ 2,300.
Valley Honored
for Best Magazine
The Valley of Indianapolis was honored with a first
place award for the Valley's publication of the Double Eagle
magazine at the annual meeting of the Supreme Council of the
Scottish Rite's Northern Masonic Jurisdiction.
There are other AASR jurisdictions that use wings up as
their official logo, possibly including the Prince Hall AASR's, as
well as more than a few clandestine ones. Some foreign jurisdictions, such as Canada, do as well. But in the US, it’s wings down
for the vast majority of us.
Order your Personalized
32º Name Badge
$5 from each sale will go to
support the 32nd Degree
Learning Center
The award was announced on the first day of business
of the annual business meeting on August 29, 2005, in Grand
Rapids, MI, and was presented as Best Publication in Category
V - which represents all valleys in the Northern Masonic
Jurisdiction with more than 6,500 members.
It is the fifth straight year the Supreme Council has
honored the magazine under the current editor: four were first
place, one was honorable mention. Since the early 90's when
Alan Lisle, 33° was editor, the magazine has consistently won
'best' or 'honored' awards.
The Double Eagle is published five times per year and
is distributed to more than 16,000 members, widows, and
friends throughout the 51 counties of central Indiana.
Print your Name here as you want it to
appear on your Badge:
Name Badge sale sponsored by:
Indianapolis Order of
“The Knights of Saint Andrew”
Please allow 4-6 weeks for delivery
City :_____________________________
State: _____
Zip: _________
Phone: _______________
E-Mail: __________________________
Send this coupon to:
650 North Meridian Street, Indianapolis, IN. 46204
Dou÷age 9
'Round the Rite
Learning Center
Volunteers Needed
Our Learning Center is looking for volunteers who like
to meet and greet people and would like to be a part of this
exciting program. Individuals are needed from 3:30 to 6:00 pm
each Monday through Thursday of the school year to sign in
students and help gett them to their tutoring sessions on time. If
you have one or more late afternoons per week or even two per
month that you could help, our students and tutors would be very
appreciative. Contact Center Director Martha Robinson at (317)
Odds & Ends Sale
The Valley hosted our second "Rush Party" by sending out
invitations to 2,500 Master Masons throughout central
Indiana to bring their family to the Cathedral while their
children were entertained with games and a movie. Sixty-five
people attended the tour and informal talks about the value of
membership. We expect to receive petitions from over 80
percent of the attendees for the Patriot Class on November 11-
New West Entrance
Drop-off Parking
A commemorative painting of the Cathedral in various
stages of construction was commissioned last year honoring the
75th anniversary. There are still some of these prints available for
purchase. Prints signed and numbered are $75 each and unsigned
are $25 each. Also available are DVD’s, videos, puzzles, and
replicas of the Cathedral for $10 each. All proceeds go to the
Cathedral Foundation to further the preservation of the Cathedral. For more information, call 317-262-3121.
The article in the September issue entitled, "There's
Nothing Scottish about the Scottish Rite" was incorrectly
attributed. It was written by Carson C Smith, a member of our
Valley. Also, it was pointed out that the article entitled, "Proof
that God has a Sense of Humor" also had a factual error. Jacob
married Rachel and not Rebekah, who was his mother. Thanks to
Jack Patterson for finding that error. Keep me honest. -- ed.
The north end of the main parking lot will be opened
for entry as a convenience for those members dropping off guests
under the canopy at the new entrance. After drop off, proceed
north and then turn left onto Walnut Street and into the parking
lot via a gate on the north end. This will be entry only and
members may exit the main gate on the south end. This will
speed drop off, parking and pick-up without the need to drive
around the Cathedral.
Handicap Accessibility
The Trustees have authorized the construction of a new
disabled ramp near the new entrance. This ramp will be fully
ADA compliant and enter the building just south of the main
entrance with a hallway connecting the entry door to the elevator
lobby on the mezzanine. The doors will be fully automated for
ease of entry. This will be a great addition for our members and
guests who cannot use the stairs on the west side.
The contributions of many members to the Indianapolis
Scottish Rite Cathedral Foundation, make these projects to
continue to enhance your beautiful Cathedral possible.
Page 10
Double Eagle • Nov 2005
The "Rite" News
Parents' Night Out
Tired of the hustle and bustle of Thanksgiving Holiday
when you feel like you have entertained the whole neighborhood?
Then you are a prime candidate to take advantage of a new
offering at the Rite: Parents' Night Out. Bring your kids down
to the Rite after 4 pm and enjoy dinner and a show or shop
downtown all by yourselves. You deserve it. We will entertain
and feed your little ones while you spend some down-time worryfree. Pick them up by 8 pm and you're on your way home.
Saturday, November 26th from 4 - 8 pm. FREE for
members. Call for reservations.
Memorial &
Honor Gifts
8-1-2005 to 9-30-2005
In Memory of Darlene Barth
George R. Jackson, 33°
In Memory of Richard T. Heck
William A. Sigman
In Memory of Ruth Bullions
Robert & Sharon Danielson
Vivian Gibson
In Memory of David W. Bright
Charles W. Bright
In Memory of Jack Lee
Mary Ann Huntington
In Memory of E. Olin Shinault
M. Louise Shinault
Friendship Circle
The Widows Friendship Circle celebrates their eighth
birthday and meets on the first Monday of each month at 10:30
am for lunch and a short program. Call Sue Lemastus at 8819549 or Virginia Galyean at 787-6826 for more information.
Address comments to:
[email protected]
Annual Halloween Party
'Frightfully' Good Time
Over 300 screaming mimis in desperate search of a
sugar fix converged upon the Indianapolis Valley Scottish
Rite Cathedral on Sunday, October 30th at 2 pm. They
quickly determined that by descending into the dungeons of
the Banquet Hall their immediate need was soon to be met.
games, prizes, plenty of
cookies, and kool-aid
quenched the initial
desire for fun. As the
afternoon progressed
the diminutive monsters, all dressed in their
favorite TV or cartoon
characters, scariest
witches or goblins,
proceeded to compete
in every age category for
trophies and bragging
rights of "the best".
About an hour into the event, just when parents
thought they had weathered the 'storm,' new cries went out as
more cookies were put out for a decorating contest and were
eaten before the judges could compare entries. Finally, as the
hall began to empty out, parents were again barraged with
tubes of M&M's
being handed out to
the weary revellers as
they went on their
merry way only to
experience another
guaranteed sugar high
later that evening.
thanks to the
Northern Masonic
Jurisdiction's awardwinning Family Life
Committee chaired
by Tom & Mary Kay
Beattie for organizing
this great event.
Dou÷age 11
Coming "Rite" Up
Ladies Luncheon
On Saturday, December 3rd at noon, come and
enjoy a delightful lunch with the ladies of the Scottish Rite as we
are treated to the Castlewood Chamber Singers. This group is
one of the best local singing groups in central Indiana and will
present a Christmas program. Tickets are $15.
Children's Xmas Party
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The Children's Christmas Party is planned expressly for
the entertainment of our members' children and grandchildren, so
mark your calendars and plan to attend the a unique Cat and Dog
Circus Show on Saturday, Dec 10th at 2 pm. Santa really
gets around, but he can't get everywhere so he has personally
chosen Rally and Misti to share the North Pole magic, including
musical favorites, interactive sing-a longs, lively holiday takes and
some of the latest Elf Workshop inventions. After the show meet
Santa and his trusty elfs over refreshments in the Banquet Hall.
Free to all members and their guests.
Orchestra & Chorus
Madrigal Dinner
A long, long time ago, in a
ballroom far, far away...Okay, so
it is our third annual date with
this event, but we think that a
Madrigal Dinner takes you
back to a different time and a
different place. A time when
kings were kings, ladies where
ladies and jesters were annoying
little men who could never do a
thing right and always fell in love
with the princess while fighting a
duel against evil in the land who
was trying to take over the kingdom. Good times.
Join us for an evening of fun on Friday, December
2nd at 6:30 pm. Continue a family tradition - tickets are $25
per person. Reservation requests are already brisk so call today to
reserve your party!
On Sunday, Dec 18th at 2 pm, the Scottish Rite
Orchestra, Chorus, and the magnificent Cathedral Organist will
present a delightful evening of music for your holiday entertainment. Tickets are FREE for all members and their guests. No
food service prior to this concert.
Ballroom Dancing
Join us on Saturday, January 14th
at 7 pm for an evening of Ballroom
Dancing in the beautiful Scottish Rite
Cathedral Ballroom. Enjoy the sounds of
the "Starry Knights Big Band" conducted by
Bill Schmidt. Admission is FREE to
members showing their '06 dues card.
Page 12
Double Eagle • Nov 2005
ampaign for
This has been a remarkable philanthropic
year for the Indianapolis Scottish Rite Cathedral
Foundation. One of the main pillars of Scottish Rite
Masonry is Charity, and during this past year, your
charitable giving to the Indianapolis Scottish Rite
Cathedral Foundation, Inc. was exemplary. At this
time we would like to recognize
the benevolence of those loyal donors.
Mark Dill
Director of Major
Thanks to donations from memorials, outright cash gifts, bequests,
and charitable gift annuities, the beautiful West Side Entrance Project was
completed, the passenger elevators were replaced, five new roofs were
installed and a state of the art security system was installed to protect our
beautiful building. These are the major projects your gifts made a direct
impact upon and will have a lasting effect on the Scottish Rite Cathedral of
Indianapolis. Your charitable giving, in the tradition of those who came
before us, will ensure future generations may enjoy the splendor of this
magnificent building. On behalf of the Indianapolis Scottish Rite Cathedral
Foundation, Inc. and the Board of Directors, we thank all the donors listed
on the following pages for their generosity.
Lisa Brock
Mark of Honor
Joseph Armstrong Trust
Edith L. Barringer Estate
Joseph H. Clark, 33°
James D. Collins, 33°
Donald D. Davis, 33°
J. Mark Dill
Mark A. Genung
William R. Gommel, 33°
Charles M. Hensler, 33°
Fred T. Kortepeter, 33°
Charles E. Lanham, 33°
Isabella Legg Estate
Dennis H. Legg Estate
Clyde & Eloise Lindesmith
Gerald D. Mann
Robert M. McClain, 33°
Margaret H. Mills Estate
Wade L. Neal
Thomas S. Osborne
George F. Rapp, 33°
Issac E. Rissler
Everett Rissler Estate
George Seidensticker
Beurt R. SerVaas, 33°
William A. Sigman, 33°
Willis A. Skiles
Charles E. Stuart, 33°
Glenn M. Swisher
PWG Communications
Masters Mark
Dwight A. Boyd
James L. Chesney, 33°
Carl Cook
Walter J. Daly, 33°
John E. Drapalik
George E. Galyean, 33°
Nicholas J.Gray, MSA
J. H. Marketing
Edward E. Kerkhoff, 33°
Robert J. Moore, 33°
Roger L. Mosser, 33°
Owen County Scottish Rite Club
Louis H. Schwitzer
Gene E. Sease, 33°
Dennis D. Sheets, 33°
Mark of Provenance
Harold M. Abbott
Joseph Alexander
Howard F. Bowman
Florence Christensen
Robert M. Danielson, 33°
Rex Fleenor, 33°
Robert E. Kuester, 33°
Russell A. Murphy, 33°
George W.Pendygraft
Richard M. Read
Doyle T. Smith
Carl B. Sputh
William R. Sterling
Roy F. Stringer
T. Max Warner
Gary G. Wyne, 33°
Philip D.Young, 33°
Double ÷
Gifts in Kind
Dwight A. Boyd
Frank Irish Co.
Gary Aletto
Maco Press
William A. Sigman
Joseph D. Adlam
Mitchell R. Allen, 33°
Ernest W. Avery
Willard M. Avery, 33°
Scott N. Bartlett
Leon P. Beaty
Janet R. Blue
Paul A. Bogigian
Robert E. Bonwell
Raymond W. Jones
Philip S. Kappes, 33°
Donald L. Kincaid
Eric R King
Ruby Kinkade
Eleanor Kramer
Lee C. Kunce
George Kyle
Ernestine M. Lambertus
Charles L. Lehman, 33°
John Leslie, 33°
Thomas F. Linder
Carl R. Lindstrom
Janet E. Love
Paul D. Macy
Maurice L. Mangas
Rodney A. Mann, 33°
Robert L. Mannfeld
Gerald Brooks Marshall
Ralph D. Martin
G. Louise McCaffery
Earl M. McDaniel
M. J. Mckee
Harry Roll McLaughlin, 33°
Eugene E. Waltz
Virginia O. Warner
James E. Waters
David L. Weatherford, 33°
William W. Weil
Douglas H. White, 33°
Charles L. Whitehouse
Marilyn K. Whitsel
William W. Wiel
Robert W. Wilds, 33°
Joyce M. Williamson
Howell B Winningham
William H. Woodruff, 33°
Vance O. York, 33°
Willard P. Zimmerman
Alan Lee Abel
Dean A. Abersoll
Matthew B. Abrams
J. David Abrell
Paul M. Abshire
Elmira Annis
Kenneth E. Antonson
F. Dean Apple
Ray W. Apple
K. Edwin Applegate, 33°
Marjorie E. Applegate
Charles W. Arbuckle
William H. Archer
Floro F. Arive
Ruth M. Armstrong
Herschell Arnett
Arthur H. Arnold
James D. Arnold
Ora Arnold
Francis H. Arthur
James J. Arthur
Leland S. Arthur
Mark M. Ashburn
Russell C. Ashby
William L. Ashcraft
Charles W. Ashley
Leland T. Atkinson
Oscar L. Atteberry
Jeffrey B. Austin
James M. Ballard
Jack L. Banther
James R. Banther
Gary S. Barker
Nellie M. Barker
Roland L. Barker
Charles Barnard
Jack L. Barnes
Howard R. Barnes
Daniel L. Barnett
Lloyd J. Barnett
Robert B. Barnett
Robert V. Barnett
Thomas I. Barnhart
Gerald F. Barr
John W. Barrett
Paul K. Barrett
Ronald R. Bartlett
Samuel J. Bartley
Stephen W. Bartley
Joe R. Barton
Nolin A. Bash
Kennely J. Bastin
Delbert R. Baston
Nellie Marie Bennett
Virgil E. Bennett
Roy F. Bergman
Robert H. Bernhardt
Eldon R. Berridge
Harry W. Bertram
William H. Best
Leo Bewley, 33°
Edwin B. Biery
George N. Biggerstaff
Osborn D. Bilby
James E. Bird
Michael S. Bische
Thomas L. Bishop
Burdette F. Bissell
Charles E. Black
George A. Black
William D. Black
Dorman J. Blackburn
Warren B. Blackburn
John E. Blasdel
James H Blevins
R. Wayne Blind
Ronald W. Blomberg
Ralph C. Bright
Stephen J. Bright
Max G. Bringle
Carolyn Broady
Benny J. Brock
Harvey S. Brock
Larry Brooks
Marshall R. Brooks
Janet W. Brower
Barbara J. Brown
Douglas L. Brown
Edward E. Brown
James E. Brown
Jerry L. Brown
John C. Brown
Lloyd P. Brown
Max D. Brown
Phillip G. Brown
R. June Brown
Robert F. Brown
Robert J. Brown
Roy E. Brown
Roy M. Brown
William A. Brown
Have you remembered the Scottish Rite Cathedral Foundation, Inc. in your will?
Lawrence M. Borst, 33°
Peter C. L. Boyce
Jacob Jack Brandman, MSA
Floyd D. Brattain
Robert W. Brogan
Donald R. Brown
Michael D. Brumback, 33°
Robert J. Bullions
Lemuel R. Butler
Maurice E. Callender
Betty K. Case
James D. Castor
George E. Cave
F. Leon Clark
James H. Comer
Byron A. Confer
Lawrence S. Dalton
Douglas M. Davies
Wilbur A. Davis
Eva K. Distel
Lloyd L Douglas
William A. Dowden, 33°
M. Patricia Draper
Selma G. Earnest
Evelyn R. Elrod
Charles D Emhardt
Keith A. Erny
Phillip H. Farris
Kenneth L. Ford
Everett B. Foust
Charles G. Fromer, 33°
Donald R. Fry
James L. Fulkerson
Douglas O Gentry
Ronnie W Gerkin
Robert M. Gillie
William M. Griffin
James B. Guffey, 33°
Raymond E. Hale
Robert E Hallam
Russell R Henney
Philip D. Herthel, MSA
Charles M. Hess
Scottish Rite Tour
Virginia D. Hofmann
George F. Holland
Robert W. Holler, 33°
R. Jack Hopper
Robert J. Horth
John E. Hulen
William M. Hull
John A. Hunter
Edward D. Hutchinson
Mervin R Ice
George R. Jackson, 33°
C. Howard Jansen
Robert F. Mertz
Carroll E. Mohr
Vaughn W. Morrison
Richard D. Muir, 33°
James O. Myers
Hansel E. Neibel
Marilyn L. Niehaus
Kenneth O. B. Noland
William E. Ogle
Madolyn G. Patterson
Douglas O. Pauls, 33°
Leo Pope
John L. Price, 33°
Charles F. Quillen
Billy R. Rainwater
Chris R. Read
Lloyd E. Reddix
Walter G. Reinacker
Meredith J. Reynolds
William D. Richter, 33°
Herman G. Riggs
Betty C. Riley
Roy G. Rippy
Herman Dale Rodewald
Kathy Rucker
Frank E. Russell
Rick Schlegel
Lawrence B. Schoettmer
Scott A Schuster
Max L Scott
Historic Landmarks
Leslie W. Sebring
Charles H. Seymour
Robert B Shelby
Walter M. Slattery
James Camden Smith
Jack Smith
Barbara C. Smith
Andrew James Snavely
Frank H. Snyder
Ronald W. Sparks, 33°
Elizabeth J Spencer
Harold D. Stacy
Donald N. Stafford
Richard A. Strahl
Richard L. Tankersley
Gale D. Tarr
Johathan D. Tekulve
Norman L. Tirey, 33°
John M. Toana
Rex A. Tranbarger
James A. Tutorow
Wendell D. Vandivier, 33°
John R. Vehling
Windsor P. Waits
Claris G. Walker
Dennis L. Achenbach
Ralph K. Achgill
Arthur B. Adams
Clifford R. Adams
Dale E. Adams
Dale M. Adams
Jesse E. Adams
John M. Adams
Juanita Adams
Michael H. Adams
Rex D. Adkins
Walter A. Aeschliman
Charlotte Agness
Jack T. Akers
Marvin L. Akers
Michael A. Akers
Charles D. Akers
Charles W. Alber
Earl Edwin Albers
Robert F. Albright
Gene K. Alderson
Herbert A. Alexander
James M. Alexander
Marjorie C. Alexander
Ronald L. Alexander
William R. Alexander
Raymond L. Alexander, 33°
Dale C. Alfred
Donald W. Allen, 33°
Joseph E. Allen
Lena L. Allen
Leslie B. Allen
Mary S. Allen
Philip O. Allen
Robert D. Allen
Wilfred K. Allen
Leslie C. Allen
Max W. Allen
Christopher B. Alley
Helen P. Allman
Ernest I. Allred
Richard E. Allseitz
Frederick C. Alston
Donald B. Amos
Duane M. Amundson
Edward H. Anderson
Francis C. Anderson
Gregory H. Anderson
Jack M. Anderson
Robert L. Anderson
Russell N. Anderson
Wilbur F. Anderson
William A. Anderson
Charles P. Andrews
David A. Andrews
Robert P. Andrews
Achille D. Angelicchio
John L. Austin
Kermeth L. Avery
Keith C. Ayer
Harold E. Babb
Edna L. Babbitt
James S. Backoff
Raymond F. Backus
Mildred M. Bagley
Donald E. Bates
Jesse H. Bates
Thomas K. Bathauer
Glayds M. Bauer
John T. Bauer
Albert E. Baur
Ralph F. Beam
Milton E. Bear
New Century Society
Harold & Isabelle Legg Estate
Membership in this society marks the
highest level of dedication to preserving
the Indianapolis Cathedral and can be
achieved by creating a provision in
your estate plan to benefit the
cathedral through a charitable trust, a
beneficial interest in an insurance policy or retirement plan, a gift of
remainder interest in highly-appreciable real estate or personal property,
a Charitable Gift Annuity, or through
a bequest in your will.
Clyde E. Bailey
Homer J. Bailey
Richard M. Bailey
Jeanne C. Bain
Richard R. Baird
James W. Baird, MSA
Joseph W. Baire
Darrell W. Baker
Edith E. Baker
Lawrence Wendell Baker
Noel C. Baker
Robert E. Baker
Robert S. Baker
Verdell A. Baker
Warren E. Baker
Robert E. Baldauf
Perry W. Baldwin
Rex L. Bales
Randall G. Ball
Harvey C. Beasley
Robert S. Beasley
George R. Beason
Marion L. Beatty
Kenneth Beaty
Noble L. Beck
Herbert E. Beck
Irvin F. Becker
Russell E. Beecham
John C. Beechler
Bryan A. Beeler
Eugene Beeler
Rosemary L. Beeson
Aubrey Bell
Timothy M. Bell
Dorel C. Beller
David H. Bender
James M. Bennett
Lee A. Bennett
Philip D. Blose
N. Maxine Blunk
John R. Bodenhamer
Gene P. Bohannon
Shirley J. Boles
Joseph K. Bolin
Stephen W. Bolinger
Michael K. Bolton
Samuel J. Bolton
Robert Bonham
Merle D. Bonte
Stella J. Booker
William R. Booker
Roger H. Bookwalter
Phillip J. Booth
Robert M. Boots
Madonna R. Borck
Robert A. Borgmann
Richard A. Borst
John J. Bosman
Paul T. Bothwell
Sheldon S. Botsford
Earl W. Boulware
Donald A. Bourff
Ruth A. Bower
Dorothea S. Bowers
Fern V. Bowers
Herman R. Bowers
James H. Bowman
William T. Bowman
Lewis J. Bowyer
John T. Bradburn
Robert F. Bradbury, MSA
Elden L. Braden
William W. Braden
Louis E Bradley
Elbert L. Bradshaw
William F. Bradtke
Frank L. Braman
Joe F. Brammer
Elizabeth Branam
Kim J. Brand, 33°
Calvin C. Brandenburg
Farrell L. Brandenburg
Harry E. Branson
Eugene W. Branstetter
George E. Brattain
Eugene W. Braun
Byron C Bray
David D Bray
Donal E. Bray
Robert E. Brazelton
Thomas E. Breeden
Carl W. Breedlove
Danny L. Brett
C. James Brewer
Marvin G. Bridgewater
Merle L. Browning
Delbert H. Browning
Basil R. Brummet
Philip A. Brummitt
Jenny Brunsma
Harry N. Bryan
Lorton W. Bryant
Richard O. Bryant
Walter E. Bryant
William J. Bryant
Ronnie J. Buchanan
Russell H. Buck
Robert P. Buckles
James L. Buckley
Jesse E. Budd
Myron H. Budnick
Warren E. Buhler
Edgar L. Bullick
Charles E. Bunch
Leland R. Bundy
Robert L. Burch
William W. Burch
Harold F. Burdette
Rolla D. Burghard
Bill G. Burke
Eugene W. Burkhammer
Eugene Burkher
Earl G. Burkholder
Laura D. Burlingame
John D. Burney
Cecil O. Burns
Wilson A. Burns
Joseph W. Burt
Danny L. Burton, 33°
Howard W. Busch
John E. Busch-Gutzler
Douglas H. Buschman
Gurney J. Bush
Charles S. Bush, MSA
Charles F. Butler
Donald C. Butler
Frederick M. Butler
Mildred R. Butler
Robert L. Butler
Robert E. Butler
Peter G. Buttram
Denzel H. Byram
Phyllis J. Byrd
Rosemary Byrd
Terry E. Byrns
Don Cadwell
Robert G. Cadwell
Danny K. Cain
Marvin L. Cain
Sarah A. Calder
Jules V. Caldwell
Estel L. Callahan
Page 14
Gene P. Calvert
James B. Calvert, 33°
Kenneth O. Calvin
Barbara Cameron
Eldon E. Campbell
Merwin E. Campbell
Charles A. Cantrell
Jon D. Cardwell
Charles R. Carlson
Richard P. Carlson
Robert D. Carlton
Thomas E. Carr
Robert B. Carroll
Gregory L. Carter
James D. Carter
George R. Carter
Billy R. Carver
Robert E. Cassell
Carole K. Cassida
Richard W. Cassidy
Jackie D. Catt
Arthur K. Cave
Barbara Cavendish
Michael l. Cecil
David Leon Chance
Gabriel L. Chandler
Lee H. Chandler
Ellsworth M. Chapman
Leona Chapman
William Chapman
Willis M. Charles
Cletus Eugene Chastain
Hollace D. Chastain
John H. Chastain
Larry R. Cheatham
John T. Cheeley
Paul R. Chelf
Dennis A. Cheshier
Robert J. Chezem
Gregory A. Chiles
Russell B. Chorpenning
Albert M. Christian
Chris Christian
William J. Christopher
Charles Eugene Church
Wayne E. Circle
Harry W. Claffey
Henly F. Clapp
Double Eagle • Nov 2005
William P. Cole
Howard H. Colip
John L. Combs
Meredith W. Compton
O. Porter Compton
Everad A. Comstock
Robert D. Conger, 33°
Dora F. Conway
Robert F. Conwell
David D. Cook
Jack A. Cook
John D. Cook
Joseph A. Cook
Louis E. Cook
Valencia Cook
William F. Cook
Clinton P. Coomer
Charles D. Coonce
Joseph D. Cooney
Robert J. Cooney
James R. Cooning
Dorothy O. Cooper
Phyllis Cooper
Marjorie G. Cornell
Thelma Corson
William H. Cortwright
Flossie B. Corya
Robert G. Coshow
Richard A. Costin
James E. Courtney
Richard C. Courtney
Robert L. Coval
Michael A. Cover
Edgar L. Coverdale
John S. Covington
Donald M. Cowan
Norman D. Cowart
John T. Cowley
Albert B. Cox
Elmer R. Cox
Jake H. Coyner
Thomas S. Crabtree
Josephine Cradick
Gene C. Cradick
La Verne Crafton
Charles L. Cragen
Richard E. Crago
Kenneth W. Craig
Robert W. Curry
J. Arnold Custer, 33°
Marcus C. Cutshaw
Milo M. Cvetkovich
William R. Dailey
George H. Dame
Robert J. Dancey
John F. Darting
Lynn R. Davenport
Archie M. David
Donald B. Davidson
James A. Diltz
William L. Dinan
Charles L. Dine
Robert L. Dittemore
Roy R. Dittman
David W. Dittmer
Walter Divan
Neil A. Dixon
Ronny L. Dixon
Clayton E. Dixon
Joseph E. Dodd
Baxter Bells Society
William R. Gommel
Would you like to memorialize a loved
one and help ensure perpetual
maintenance of the Cathedral
Carillon? Sponsorship will be honored
with an inscribed musical note of the
bell on a plaque in the Cathedral's
Hall of Honor.
Dennis L. Davis
Don Davis
Paul W. Davis
Robert M. Davis
Robert G. Davis
Roy L. Davis
Terrell Davis
Willis E. Dodge
William T Dolan
Robert T. Doles
Robert L. Donahue
Philip C. Donovan
Brooks E. Dooley
Edward L. Doss
Hal S. Edwards
William T. Edwards
Charles W. Eggers
Ronnie J. Ehler
Daniel R. Eichhorn
Kermit F Eisenbarth
John A. Eklem
Melvin J. Elder
William J. Elder
Charles M. Eldridge
Russell I. Eldridge
Wesley P. Eley
Charles A. Elkins
John A. Elkins
Lowell G. Ellabarger
E. Lee Eller
Clifford Channing Ellery
Ralph E. Ellingwood
Davis W. Ellis
Eddie B. Ellis
Kenneth E. Ellis
Marvin Ellis
Richard C. Ellsworth
Richard D. Elmore
Agnes M. Elrod
Robert G. Elrod
Freda M. Ely
Donald L. Elzy
Gary A. Embree
Richard H. Emmert
Mitchell Engel
Warren R. Engel
John B. Engelhardt
Mitchell Engle
Ray A. Engleman
Charles C. Enlow
James L. Ennis
John P. Ensinger
Maurice W. Ensminger
Dale O. Erickson
Dale A. Ernest
David E. Ernstes
Harry E. Ervin
John R. Ervin
Todd A. Esham
Paul E. Evan
Gerald L. Evans
William M. Evans
Roger G. Fischer
William S. Fishback
Mack W. Fishburn
Floyd R. Fisher
James D. Fisher
James N. Fisher
John H. Fisher
Ruth E. Fisher
Pamela G Fitch
Max R. Fitzpatrick
Rosemary Fleenor
Francis C. Fletcher
Cameron E. Flick
Paul E. Flick
Christopher L. Flowers
Sharell Floyd
W. Sue Floyd
Morris E. Foist
Calvin E. Folsom
Terry R. Foltz
Robert B. Fong
Walter E. Ford
Tim Ford
Victor A. Fordyce
James H. Forgey
Jack P. Fortson
Thomas B. Fosnight
Stephen L. Foster
William D. Foster
Philip E. Foughty
Elizabeth J. Foust
Cedric C. Fowler
Philip E. Fowler, 33°
Richard C. Fox
Albert E. Fox
Douglas C. Fraker
Ivan C. Frakes, 33°
Robert W. Framer
Charles W. Francis
Thomas C. Francis
Daniel E. Francis
Herman A. Freeland
Ann Freije
Albert E. Freije
Clyde J. Freshour
Idamae Frick
Cecil M. Fritz
Carl J. Fromelius
Letha D. Gilbert
Lyle D. Gilbert
Billy J. Giles
Darell W. Gillam
Charles A. Gillespie
Herbert Ginger
Larry W. Givan
Kenneth E. Glass
Ronald L. Gobin
Jimmie E. Godbey
Emil E. Goeke
Jackie D. Gommel
Larry K. Good
John T. Goodhart
Marianne K. Gooding
Harold G. Goodlett
Lester D. Goodman
Duncan Goodwin
H. Kent Gordon
Martin A. Gorgas
Elizabeth Jane Gorton
Raymond E. Gotshall
Robert B. Gotwals
Harold R. Graham
James C. Graham
Lavern L. Graham
Nelson L. Graham
Robert T. Graham
Scott A. Graham
James E. Granneman
Norman E. Grant
Tommie L. Grant
Michael R. Graves
Clarence E. Gray
Doris Gray
John C. Gray, MSA
John C. Greatbatch
Anne B. Green
Elbert L. Green
Eugene R. Green
Ronald L. Greene
George H. Greenwalt
Frederick Gregory
Paul Matthew Gregory
Nola B. Grider
Robert A. Griffin
Elbert M. Griffin
Merle A. Grigsby
Gift your farm or residence now and continue to live there for the rest of your life.
Charles B. Clark
Gleanard O. Clark
Harold L. Clark
James C. Clark
James E. Clark
James V. Clark
Richard L. Clark
Robert J. Clark
William B. Clark
William F. Clark
Leroy Clarke
Richard E. Clearwater
James J. Clem
Ralph Clem
Harold H. Clemenz
Stephen L. Click
Donald R. Cline
Ronald L Cline
Wilma M. Clingenpeel
Lawrence E. Clingman
Russell M. Clinton
William H. Clonce
Richard E. Cloncs
James L. Clouse
Merrill J. Clouse
Joe B. Clymer
Ruth L. Clymer
Mark W. Coburn
John O. Coffin
Ronald L. Coffman
Richard D. Cohee
Darrel C. Cohron
Ruth Colclesser
Stanley Craig
Noel A. Cramer
David E. Crane
Robert E. Crane
Georgia A. Creasser
William S. Creighton
Forrest D. Crichfield
Joseph V. Cripe
Vernon W. Cripe
Francis E. Crismore
Richard Crist
Roger D. Crist
W. J. Croasmun
Carlton L. Croney
Myrna J. Crosby
William M. Crosby
David J. Crose
Donald Croshaw
Franklin D. Crosley
Harry L. Crouch
Bonnie G. Crouse
James N. Crouse
Max S. Crowder
J. P. Crowe
Elinor L. Crull
Larry R. Crulo
Marion K. Crum, 33°
Daniel Cueller
William S. Culbreth
Peter D. Culllen
Forest D. Cunningham
James F. Cunningham
Richard L. Cunningham, 33°
William E. Davis
Robert L. Davison
Cort Dale Davisson
H. Dale Davisson
Danny L. Dawes
Virginia L. Dawson
Nancy K. Day
Newton E. Day
Robert J. De Noon
Brayton P. Deal
Betty J. Dean
Charles Dean
George E. Deatherage
Walter E. Decker
Julia Dehon
Kenneth E. Deitrich
John V. Deitz
James L. Delashmit
John W. Delph
Oren L. Demaree
Harvel L. Dempsey
Robert Joseph Dennis
Rosemary K. Derr
June Despain
Edward Lee Detienne
Lois J. Detrude
June Dettman
Keith L. Detty
Janis Dever
Leon C. DeVore
Dan F. Dexter
Carroll L. Dickerson
James A. Diggle
Harry O. Dougherty
Robert L Douglas
Richard D. Douglass
Kenneth L. Doyle
Richard E. Drake
Marion A Dudgeon
Howard J. Dugle
Don D. Dulaney
V. Lee Duncan
John W. Duncan, 33°
Kenneth R. Duncan
Robert L. Dunlap
Noble L. Dunsmore
John T. Durham
Orren T. Duton
Joseph E. Duvall
James E. Duvall
Roberta J. Duzan-Keeling
Rose E. Dye
Larry W. Dykes
Russell C. Dysert
Donald A. Eades
Joe O. Eads
Brian L. Eagans
Robert B. Eagleston
Drue T. Eaton
N. Lee Eckert
Russell A. Eckert
William N. Eckstein
W. Tom Ecoff
Roderick E. Eddy
William M. Edgeman
Thomas L. Edmondson
Willard N. Everhart
Everett Everman
Thomas D. Everman
Stanley E. Everts
George T. Fager
James L. Fahrenkamp
Kyle L. Fahrner
William H. Failey
James M. Faith
Nina L. Faith
Robert R. Fallowfield
Imogene M. Fansler
Robert L. Faris
Mary E. Farmer
Jack Farr
Eugene K. Farrow
George G. Fassnacht
Geraldine Fear
Arnold L. Feather
Douglas O. Fegenbush, 33°
Jane Ann Ferguson
John Edwin Ferguson
James H. Ferrell
Edwin J. Feutz
Clyde E. Fields, 33°
Denman H. Fields
Myrtle E. Fields
C. F. Figg
Robert Figg
Howard E. Finecy
James K. Fink
Roy R. Finkbiner
Frances L. First
Alice Fross
Harry L. Fryar
Dennis L. Fulford
Blaine J. Fulk
Roland K. Fuller
Florence M. Funcannon
John B. Funk
Geraldine L. Gale
Robert E. Gannon
Roderick Gardner
Bill Garman
Martha D. Garnett
John A. Garr
Thomas P. Garrett
Richard K. Garringer
Fred A. Garriott
Don A. Garrison
Donald H. Garver
E. Clair Gee
Walter D. Geiger
Carl Gentry
Philip M. George
James R. George
Robert E. Geren
Robert K. Gerow
Lawrence R. Gessner
Frances S. Gharrett
Willard D. Gibbens
Emil H. Gibson
F. Edward Gibson
Winifred C. Gibson
Leora J. Gierhart
Fred C. Giesecke
Herbert E. Grimes
Hubert N. Grimes
Richard A. Grimes
James C. Grizzle
Charles J. Gronendyke
Paul H. Gross
Carolyn S. Grossman
Warren G. Grubb
Carl A. Grummann
Mildred F. Gumberts
Jimmy L. Gunter
Max E. Gunyon
Thomas E. Gupton
Joe F. Gust
Jack W. Gustin
Harley B. Guynn
Marguerite Hacker
William H. Hackett
Stephen W. Hadley
William S. Hague
Vern H. Hakes
Charlotte B. Hall
Denton E. Hall
Erman Hall
Gary G. Hall
Ira E. Hall
James M. Hall
Margarette C. Hall
Ray Hall
Vicki Hall
Don A. Hallett
Andrew D. Hamaker
Annella H Hamilton
Double ÷
Gerald R. Hamilton
James E. Hamilton
Joanne Hamilton
Lucius O. Hamilton
Walter O. Hamilton
Harlie C. Hammer
James O. Hammond
Gary H. Hampton
Stan Hampton
Mary Anne Hancock
Marvin D. Handley
T. C. Hanika
Dean K. Hanink
D. Micheal Hankins
Lowell E Harbison
James R. Hardin
Paula Harding
Walter G. Harding
William K. Hargrave
Hugh M. Hargrove
John E. Harker
D. Eugene Harlos
Millard M. C. Harman
Joe M. Henson
John K. Herder
John N. Herron
Harry H. Herron
David C. Hersberger
Paul H. Hersberger
Jeanne L. Hershey
David L. Hessler
William H. Hester
Gilbert A. Hey
Arthur R. Hiatt
James K. Hiatt
Dennis A. Hickman
Bruce R. Hiday
Raymond D. Hider
Betty Hiestand
Donald L. Higbee
Allan Craig Hildabridle
George F. Hilgemeier
Jesse E. Hilgert
Charles P. Hill
Robert E. Hill
Wayne L. Hill
Roy Allen Houchins
Kenneth E. Housefield
Lyle D. Houston
Garlan W Howard
Hubert H. Howard
John W. Howard
Walter L Howard
William G. Howard
Charles K. Howell
Ione Hubbard
Donald K. Huber
Ernest E. Huber
Robert L. Huber
William H. Hudnut, III, 33°
David Hudson
Stephen D. Hudson
William K. Huffer
Raymond R. Huffman
Harold E. Huffman, MSA
Richard B. Hugart
Lawrence Hughbanks
Harry W. Hughes
John F. Hughes
Arthur M. Johnson
David M. Johnson
Donald A. Johnson
Eric A. Johnson
Jane Johnson
Larry A. Johnson
Larry D. Johnson
Maxine K. Johnson
Richard L. Johnson
Robert E. Johnson
Robert O. Johnson
Wilma M. Johnson
Robert E. Johnston
William T. Johnston
Robert E. Jolley
Gloria J. Jonas
Noble W. Jonas
Carl R. Jones
Charles L. Jones
Daniel L. Jones
Earl L. Jones
Eskell T. Jones
Jodie E. Jones
James R. Kern
William A. Kerr
Estel F. Kesling
Larry C. Kesterson
Joseph M. Ketterman
Robert C. Kidd
Arthur R. Kidwell
Welsey G. Kidwell
Charles J. Kiger
John R. Kildsig
Helen W. Killmer
Forrest Richard King
Gene P. King
James C. King
John R. King
Robert W. King
Margaret M. Kinkead
Kenneth G. Kinman
Victor E. Kinsel
Henry J. Kintner
Richard L. Kiphart
James M. Kirk
Michael A. Kirk
Harold Krauthamer
Nolan L. Krebbs
Gayle T. Kring
Arno J. Kuhn
Edith P. Lacey
Harrison E. Lackey
Kevin B. Lacy
Stanley J. Lafeber
Charles R. Lamb
Arvin L. Lamberson
Donald L. Lambert
William P. Lambing
Jerry L. Land
Albert E. Lane
Larry E. Lane
Evelene Lantz
Francis R. Lantz
William D. Largent
Jeffrey W. Lasiter
Samuel R. Laubscher
Charles F. Laughner
Charles Laughner
George N. Laullen
Donald C. Lough
James R. Love
Joseph E. Lovelace
Ralph E. Loveless
David A. Lovell
Albert S. Lowe
Mary P. Lowery
Richard A. Lowery
J. Bernard Lowes
Paul L. Loy
Orville K Lucas
Robert C. Lucas
Robert D. Lucas
Jack K. Lucas
William Luckemeier
Wayne M. Ludlow
Lester W. Lull
William J. Lumpkin
Wilma G. Lunsford
Wilford L Lutes
Charles E. Lyle
Wayne S. Lyon
Richard J. Lyons
Our Cathedral stands today as testament to the vision and philanthropy of members and friends who unselfishly committed their time and resources.
Wilfred W. Harmless
Dudley Harmon
Glenn E. Harmon
Porter N. Harmon
George L. Harper
Lowell Thomas Harrell
Russell H. Harrell
Robert W. Harrington
Frances J. Harris
James R. Harris
Ronald K. Harris
Roy D. Harris
Gerald H. Harrison
William E. Harrison
Joseph M. Harrod
Merle L. Harrod
Arthur B Hart
William L. Hart
William B. Harting
James H. Harvey
Norman D. Hash
William W. Hashman
Jewell A. Haskett
Francis L. Haskins
Don R. Hasler
Edgar A. Hastings
Janet L. Hatton
Violet Hauser
Ted L. Havens
Maxine Hawkins
Marilyn J. Hay
David V. Hayden
Thomas E. Hayden
Helen M. Hayes
Maxine P. Hayes
William L. Hayes
Hubert R. Haynes
Horace W. Hays
William E. Heaton
John W. Heck
Howard R. Hedtke
John D. Heflin
R. Edward Heid
Ray A. Heilman
Charles D. Heinze
Andrew L. Heitz
Ethel P. Henderson
James C. Henderson
Marion F. Henderson
Betty J. Hendricks
Robert L. Hendricks
Ernest C. Hendrickson
Helen J. Henley
Robert E. Hennis
Betty F. Henriott
William J. Henry
Joe W. Hensley
Michael A. Hilligoss
Wendell L. Hilligoss
Clinton E. Hilt
Anne R. Hinds
William G. Hine
Max E. Hinkle
Michael A. Hinshaw
Charles A. Hirst
Earl L. Hitchcock
Jessie Hite
James M. Hittle
Max W. Hittle
Stephen Andrew Hoagland
Robert S. Hoagland
Norman M. Hoban
Glenn E. Hobbs
John W. Hobbs
Joe B. Hoberman
Warren T. Hobson
Florence Hochstetler
John E. Hodson
Dale W. Hoel
Fredrick H Hoeltke
John C. Hoenstine
Betty J. Hoffman
Glen A. Hoffman
William E. Hohn
Claudette Holcomb
John F. Holdcraft
Max D. Holdcraft
David H. Holding
Ernest L. Holland
Naomi Holley
George R. Hollingsworth
Steven C. Holloway
Richard K. Holmes
William H. Holsapple
A. Lee Holst
Lexie R. Holtsclaw
Dianne E. Hong
Charles M. Hoover
Martha W. Hoover
Richard Hope
Earl Hopkins
John P. Hopkins
John F. Hoppes
Lucille Hoppes
Josephine Horine
James G. Horn
Michael C. Horn
Richard D. Horn
James W. Hornocker
Robert G. Horrall
Donald A. Horth
Charles V. Horton
Richard J. Hoskins, 33°
Danal L. Hotaling
Kenneth E. Hughes
Merrill R. Hughes
Thomas V.C. Hull
Jeffrey L. Humble
William A. Humble
Rex G. Hume, MSA
H. A. Humphrey
Jacqueline G. Hunnicutt
Robert L. Hunt
Gerald W. Hunt
Charles J. Hunter
Don F. Hunter
Harry E. Hunter, 33°
Robert M. Hunter
L. Jack Huntzinger
Margaret A. Hurst
Fred R. Hurt
Robert E. Hurt
Christopher Huston
Althea P. Hutchinson
Robert R. Hutchinson
Don A. Iiams
Phyllis A. Imel
Harry A. Inman
Shapur K. Irani
Lev E. Irby
Gary W. Ireson
Charles D. Irish
William R. Irving
Jack Irwin
Richard J. Irwin
Lofton Lee Isaacson
John P. Isenbarger
Jack E. Isley
Andrew R. Jackson, MSA
Blanche A. Jackson
Clarence E. Jackson
James D. Jackson
Margaret J. Jackson
Naomi E. Jackson
Ray L. Jackson
Wayne C. Jackson
Richard A. Jacobs
Vernon T. Jacques
Harry Roscoe James
Clifford Jared
Robert T. Jarrett
Jerry W. Jeffers
Larry D. Jefferson, 33°
Charles E. Jegen
William E. Jellison
Mary L. Jenkins
Harold I. Jennings
Marvin A. Jervis
Wayne E. Jester
Orville Jinks
Thomas L. Johns
Richard K. Jones
Robb E. Jones
Thomas L Jones
Glen Jordan
Gregory N. Jordan, 33°
Robert A. Jordan
C. D. Joseph
Dennis J. Joyce
Anna L. Jurt
John Kafoure
Peter B. Kahlo
Robert S. Kirk
Norvin Kirkendall
Gary D. Kirkman
John Richard Kirkpatrick
William M. Kissell
Ronald G. Kistner
John A. Kitley
Roger L. Kittle
Robert L. Kleeman, 33°
Charles E. Kleis
William R. Klennert
Acacia Society
Sponsoring a tree on the Cathedral
grounds constitutes membership and
entitles you to name a memorial for an
individual or organization.
Betty Kaler
Charles H. Kaler
Lawrence V. Kaminsky
David L. Kanouse
James G. Karch
Lawrence W. Karr
Robert L. Karsnak
Jack W. Kasdorf, 33°
Raymond L. Kaser
Mary Lynn Kasting
Donald E. Katzenberger
Robert O. Kauffman
David S. Kaufman
Calvin H. Keefer
Yvonne Kellerhouse
Adam N. Kelly
Fred H. Kelly
Lucile M. Kelton
Kenneth R. Kennard
Dale C. Kenney
Ronald E. Kenworthy
Richard Dean Kern
Jean A. Klingenberger
Harriett J. Klingstein
Martha M. Klingstein
Alta F. Klooz
Virginia Klus
Virgil R. Knapp
Eunice L. Knight
Wilma J. Knowles
Maizie R. Knox
Laura Knutson
Charles F. Koontz
Frederick D. Koose
Don R. Kord
Michael P. Kord
Gerald K. Korn
William L. Korn
John E. Koss
Charles F. Kottlowski
Richard H. Kouns
John F. Kraft
Thomas E. Kramer
Irwin J. Kratz
Margaret D. Lautzenheisr
Donald S. Lawhorn
Rodger D. Lawless
James E. Lawlis
Eric N. Lawrence
David E. Laycock
Charles E. Leaf
Charles R. Leath
Donald J. Leathers
Carl Leck
William Ledford
Richard L. Ledman
Frank J. Lee
John Thomas Lee
George E. Lee
Martha C. Lee
Robert C Lee, 33°
Karl R. Leffler
Noble L. Leffler
Florence Legans
Thomas E. Lehman
Isabel Leisure
Sue Lemastus
James W. Lemon
James T. Lentz
Edward L. Leonard
Lisco Leonard
Egon Lerch
John M. Leveritt
Bobby E. Lewis, MSA
E. M. Lewis
Eugene H. Lewis
William D. Lewis
Wayne D. Lewis
J. T. Liles
Russell Lillyblade
Edward W. Lind
Edna Lindley
Ray Linton
Leonard B. Lisher
Alan G. Lisle, 33°
Ralph E. Litz
Allen L. Livengood
William J. Livingston
Edna Lloyd
William R. Lloyd
Gregory M. Lockhart
John M. Lockwood
John M. Logan
Robert L. Lone
Charles B. Long
Gary V. Long
Melvin E. Long
Lilly C. Longere
Hubert L. Longest
Robert L. Losure
Carl T. Louden
Oliver Wendell Macy
John H. Mader
Lemoine W. Magee
Robert A. Mahan
Frank L. Maines
Raymond M. Maines
Henry A. Mallory
Paul R Malone
Rex P. Malone
Gary L. Malott
Gerry S. Mang
Norma Mangold
Michael L. Manlove
Robert E. Mann
Rickey G. Mantock
Donald B. Marcum
William J. Marcum
Charles F. Marlowe
Gifford G. Marsh
Lloyd L,. Marsh
Lowell D. Marsh
Robert A. Marsh
Cynthia M. Marshall
Chez Marshall
Charles A. Martin
James R. Martin
Paul E. Martin
Robert N. Martin
Tim L. Martin, 33°
Thomas J. Marvel
Harold E. Mascoe
Harry C. Masengale
John A. Mason
Paul L. Mason
Robert L. Mason
James L. Massey
Robert H. Massey
Roland D. Mather
George E. Mathews
Robert F. Mathis
Frank Gilbert Maupin
Milian Maur
Keith W Mauzy
Mary May
Ralph F. May
Charles R. Mayfield
John W. Mayhugh
Berta M. McAhren
Kay F. McCann
H. B. McCarroll
Jay R. McCarroll
Charles L. McCarty
Georgiann B. McCarty
Raymond E. McCaslin
Charles F. McCauley
Jennie P. McClain
Paul E. McClure
Page 16
Richard A. McClure
Paul W. McCombs
Robert W. McCombs
James M. McConnell
Philip R. McCord
Arthur L. McCormick
Gene S. McCreery
Richard D. McCullough
Harry G. McDaniel
Nolan R. McDaniel
Lloyd L. McDaniel
Robert N. McDill
Jerry R. McDonald
Ralph E. McDonald
Robert C. McDonald
Thomas L. McDonald
Leroy J. McDowell
Robert D McFadden
Donald G. McFall
Rita M. McFarland
Robert E. McFarland
Josephine E. McFerran
Laymon P. McGauhey
J. E. McGinnis
Roy E. McGowen
B. J. McGraw
Charles R. McGuire
Marland W. McIntire
Roy H. McIntire
William J. McKay
Harold L. McKeand
John E. McKee
Howard McKinley
Phil H. McKnight
C. Fred McLean
John E. McMahan
David L. McManus
Walter R. McMichael
William W. McMillan
Virginia McNamara
Malcolm McNeil
Monty K. McPhail
Ray A. McShurley
Frances McVey
Douglas E. Meacham
Robert D. Meal
Ronald L. Mears
James O. Mechem
Allen Medlock
Double Eagle • Nov 2005
Mary Sue Miller
Michael R. Miller
Ray Miller
Robert E. Miller
Roy F. Miller
William R. Miller
Pauline T. Millikan
Paul W. Milliken
Rex W. Millspaugh
James D. Minks
Clarence T. Minniear
Danny D. Mitchell
Ralph B. Mitchell
Russell L. Mitchell
James I. Mobley
Loren E. Mock
Mary Alice Mock
Violet N. Mockler
James T. Mohler
Robert C. Mohr
Jack P. Money
Steven E. Money
James F. Monical
R. Duane Monical
Keith A. Monnett
Margaret L. Monroe
Darrell E. Montgomery
Betty L. Moore
Imogene A. Moore
James G. Moore
Major L. R. Moore
Myron P. Moore
William L. Moore
Richard D. Moore
Stanley B. Moore
Robert J. Moore, 33°
Louis F. Moran
Robert E. Moredock
Gerald L. Morford
George J. Morgan
James W. Morgan
John C. Morgan
Lloyd R. Morgan
Margaret A. Morgan
Richard A. Morgan
Thomas W. Morgan
Hubert E. Morlan
Bernard R. Morris
Eugene W. Morris
Arnold K. Nelson
Dorothy B. Nelson
Thomas A. Nelson
Vera A. Nelson
Rebecca Neuman
Howard G. Neuman
Robert M. Newby
Max E. Newman
Roger A. Newman
Gerald A. Newport
John E. Orton
Norman K. Osmundsen
Frank V. Otto
Joseph C. Ouellette
Donald E. Owen
Howard E. Owen
Jack L. Owen
William R. Owen
Raymond C. Owens
Raymond D. Owens
Robert E. Phillips
Roger A. Phillips
Thomas H. Phillips
A. S. Phipps
James H. Pickering
Frances M. Pickett
Stephen D. Pickett
James H. Pierce
Charles H. Pierson
Dorothy E. Pierson
Ballroom Society
The ballroom is the last remaining major
room in the Cathedral that is still to be
restored. Donors will have their name
inscribed on one of the new chairs and receive
an antique chair in return.
John K. Newton
Roger L. Newton
Charles E. Newton
Panos N. Niarchos
Clayton L. Nichalson, MSA
William F. Nichalson
Diane C. Nicholas
Jerre B. Nichols
John A. Nichols
William L. Owings
William R. Page
Eldon D. Palmer, 33°
Jerry L. Palmer
Jack L. Park
Robert C. Parker
Marjorie B. Parks
Roy Edward Parks
W. L. Parlon
Dennis R. Pitcher
Dean L. Pitchford
Ralph R. Pitman
Evelyn A. Pitts
Joseph P. Plake
Christopher S. Planeaux
Dale M. Ploughe
Alfred H. Plummer
Frances L. Plummer
Dorse J. Raichel
Maurice E. Raikes
John R. Rainbolt
Harold L. Rainey
Bonnie L. Rains
Jack E. Rains
Max D. Ralstin
Roy R. Ramey
Kenneth L. Ramsay
Gordon Ramsey
Myron A. Rance
Jack L. Ransom
Roy W. Rapp
Bradley S. Rasnake
Clyde H. Rasnake
Peter J. Rasor
Thomas W. Rathert
Robert P. Ratz
Ronald A. Rauchmiller
John P. Raven
William Ravenscraft
Donald L. Ray
Roy F. Ray
Bloor Redding, 33°
Howard Reddington
Frederick W. Redeker
Marion L. Rediger
Bert J. Reed, 33°
Carl C. Reed
Carl L. Reed
L. D. Reed
Norman M. Reed
Orsa L. Reed
Robert E. Reed, 33°
Louise Reel
Ivan W. Reel
H. Eugene Reeves
Martha M. Reeves
Fred W. Rehfeldt
John C. Reiboldt
John G. Reiger
Paul R. Reiss
James S. Remick
Charles R. Remley
Kathleen M. Remley
Wallace G. Renn
Robert H. Repphan
Kenneth L. Retherford
Mort Reynolds
William Gordon Ritz
Charles J. Ritzler
Lester D. Roach
Charles J. Robbins
Charles W. Robbins
Robert R. Robbins
Roy L. Robbins
Thomas L. Robbins
John D. Roberson
Carl Roberts
Florence M. Roberts
Jeanette H. Roberts
Mark C. Roberts
Philip J. Roberts
George A. Robertson
Richard J Robertson
Harold E. Robertson
Lee W. Robey
Coy D. Robinson
James P. Robinson
Robert L. Robinson
Samuel M. Robinson
Alda Robison
Gerald L. Robson
Eddie C. Rockwell
James L. Roderick
Richard L. Rodgers
Robert R. Rodgers
Robert F. Roeschlaub
Edward K. Roggenkamp
Robert D. Roler
Billy G. Romeril
Dempsey L. Romine
Philo M. Romine
Russell M. Romine
William H. Roper
Charles L. Rose
Charles T. Rose
William L. Rose
William A. Rosemeyer
Ruth S. Rosenbaum
Charles T. Ross
James R. Ross
Violet L. Ross
Harold L. Rothermel
Betty R. Rouse
James F. Rowe
Phillip D. Rowe
Everett Roy
The Indianapolis Scottish Rite Cathedral Foundation, Inc. can be named as a
beneficiary in your life insurance policy.
Patricia J. Melson
Jerry I. Melton
Thain P. Menges
Marcus W. Mercer
Daniel W. Merchant
Elmer T. Meredith
Kathryn E. Meredith
Charles W. Merlau
Thomas H. Merriott
Donald E. Merritt
Helen L. Merryman
Richard Gene Merryman
Arthur L. Metz
Charles W. Metz
Alford H. Meyer
Don A. Meyers
Harry E. Meyers
Kenneth W. Michael
Harry M. Michels
Anthony L. Miles
John M. Miles
David L. Miller
Earl M. Miller
Harold E. Miller
Herbert A. Miller
Herbert J. Miller, MSA
Howard W. Miller
James E. Miller
John W. Miller
Larry L. Miller
Lewis W. Miller
Malcolm M. Miller
Robert W. Morris
John K. Morris
Don A. Morrison
Carroll R. Morrow
Lorey A. Morrow
Richard R. Morrow
Elmer M. Morse
M. Earl Mosier
Glenn A. Moulton
Julian G. Mount
James I. Mounts
Robert C. Mull
Betty I. Mullin
Lucille Mullinix
Carl J. Mundell
James E. Mundell
William S. Munson
Kathryn K. Murphy
Martin W. Murphy
Phillip A. Murray
Donald J. Muster
Henry A. Myers
Walter Myers
Charles Irvin Myers, 33°
Robert A. Naessens
Bennie E. Napier
Jerry L. Napier
Maurice W. Neal
Robert E. Neal
Ralph E. Neal
William H. Neeriemer
Ralph H. Neiman
Millard S. Nichols
Arthur L. Nicholson
Truman Nicholson
John H. Niermeyer
Ben L. Niles
Ronald F. Nipple
James L. Nix
Donald L. Nixon
Max W. Noblitt
Donald R. Noel
Turner Nolan
Larry D. Norris
David A. Norton
Charles A. Nowlin
William E. Nunn
Edward R. Nussbaum
Henry V. Oakwood
Curtis A. O’Brien
John H. O’Brien
Floyd L. Odle
Reuben C. Ogden
Ohio Travel Treasures
Helen O’Grady
Phyllis J. Oldham
Barbara A. Oleson
Dale W. Oliver
Veldon E. Oliver
Arthur F. Oliverio
Norman R. Ooley
Wayne M. Ormes
Isaac W. Orr
Ralph G. Orrill
Paul K. Parmer
Frances D. Parrish
Howard D. Passage
Irene Patrick
John J. Patrick
Otis H. Patrick
Jack D. Patterson
James T. Patterson
Ormand W Patterson
Russell O. Patterson
Don C. Patton
Mary C. Paul
Edwin J. Pavese
Joseph W. Payne
Maurice Jack
Bruce J. Peery
Fred L. Peggs
Lorenza Pemberton
Randall L. Penticuff
L. D. Percifield
Robert J. Perkins
Billy R. Perry
James H. Perry
L. Wayne Perry
Marion R. Pershing
Thomas M. Peters
Mary Jo Petersen
Phyllis A. Petersen
Carl E. Petty
Homer Philbeck
Paul H. Phillips
Jessie R. Poindexter
Stephen J. Pollak
Jimmie R. Polley
George Poor
Jack L. Pope
James A. Pore
Robert M. Post
David J. Potts
Marsh A. Pouder
Charles W. Powers
Evelyn A. Powers
Lawrence D. Powers
Coy D. Presnell
William H. Presser
Harold L. Price
Herbert W Price
Horace M. Price
Robert D. Price
Lawrence W. Price
Stephen N. Priser
James W. Proctor
W. Dean Profitt
Larry D. Propst
Seth T Pruden
Ralph W. Pryor
Albert W. Pugh
James L. Pugh
Richard D. Purcell, 33°
Noah A. Pyle
Betty J. Rabourn
Kim L. Rader
Walter H. Rager
John L. Rhoades
Glenn D. Rhodes
Gloria M. Rhodes
K. D. Rhodes
William W. Rhorer
Harold E. Rhynearson
Martin L. Ribelin
Marjorie J. Rice
James H. Rice
Lex H. Richards
R. Brooks Richards
Gayle E. Richardson
Merrill L. Richman
Donald L. Richwine
Mary Ann Rickert
Thomas W. Ridenour
Howard C. Riemensperger
Robert Rigg
Clermont B. Riggs
Gary T. Riggs
Donald E. Rigney
Ance R. Riley
Daniel J. Riley
William L. Riley
Donald M. Ringold
Max O. Risinger
Robert L. Risley
John A. Rissler
Edgar L. Ritter
L. E. Ritter
William K. Ritter
Raymond E. Rittman
Eugene R. Ruark
Ruby Ruble
Walter W. Ruckersfeldt
Debbie Rudd
Richard D. Ruhlman
F. Gene Runyon
Arthur D. Rush
Orville R. Rushton
Kenneth H. Russ
Michael Russak
Don R. Russell
James M. Russell
Lewis E. Russell
Danny J. Russow
William F. Ryall
Franklin L. Rynard
Hubert R. Rynard
Raymond E. Sadler
Jerry W. Sale
Omer B. Salsbery
Floyd E. Sample
Carney C. Sanders
Donald G. Sanders
H. Terry Sanders, 33°
Vernis M. Sanders
William S. Sanders
Willis A. Sanders
Morris A. Sandler
Lance B Sandlian
Lester I. Sands
David L. Sausser
A. David Schaaf
Double ÷
Elinor M. Schall
Richard E. Schatz
Charles E. Scheib
Lester E. Schenck
Martha L. Scherer
Harry A. Schmedel
Gerald E. Schmidt
Frank C Scholl
Henry R. Schull
Russel W. Schull
George W. Schultz
Rosemary R. Schuster
Dwight W. Schuster
Donald E. Schwartz
Raymond L. Schwartz, 33°
David K. Schwindler
Robert L. Scobee
Edna M. Scoggan
George B. Scott
Marilyn E. Scott
Robert O. Scott
William B. Scott
Lowell E. Scotten
Vincent J. Small
Anthony L. Smith
Betty Lou Smith
C. Roscoe Smith
Charles C. Smith
Cosette Smith
E. Paul Smith
Edward A. Smith
Frank J. Smith
Gerald E. Smith
Gerald F. Smith
James P. Smith
Jean B. Smith
Jerry D. Smith
John Bernard Smith
Keith C. Smith
Keith V. Smith
Larry Smith
Mark A. Smith
Merritt W. Smith
Michael J. Smith
Stanley M. Smith
Kaye D. Stevenson
Clarence P. Stewart
Jerry G. Stewart
L. Eugene Stewart
Riley G. Stewart
Robert L. Stewart
Roy E. Stewart
Thomas L. Stewart
Raymond F. Stickle
Shirley M. Stickney
Harlan A. Stierwalt
Michael E. Stilabower
Scott L. Stillabower
Albert L. Stinnettt
Charles E. Stinson
William H. Stonecipher
Everett B. Stoner
Michael C. Stoner
L. Jack Stough
Dennis L. Stout
Lawrence J. Stout
Leslie A. Stout
James D. Sweeney
Mary Lou Switzer
Dorothy A. Sylvester
David H. Syrus
Sylvan W. Tackitt
Jeanne O. Taflinger
Judy Taflinger
John W. Talbott
James M Talley
Ruth M. Tanner
Don L. Tate
Larry G. Taulman
William J. Tavenor
Clinton L. Taylor
H. Ronald Taylor
Jack E. Taylor
John F. Taylor
Paul E. Taylor
Robert E. Taylor
Valerie A. Taylor
Alan E. Teague
W. E. Teal
Earl C. Townsend
Ray E. Tranbarger
Alma Trees
Robert l. Tremain
Ronald E. Trotter
Robert O. Troutt
Richard A. Tucher
George F. Tungate
Norman D. Tunison
Michael G. Turk
Richard E. Turley
Richard Turner
Ruthann V. Turner
Thomas R. Turner
Wilbur E. Tyner
Walter M. Umbarger
Geroge W. Underhill
Vera M. Underwood
Betty F. Unkel
Sue C. Updike
Lloyd E. Utterback
James I. Van Blaricum
John R. Watt
David D. Watters
Henry C. Wattjes
William R. Wayman
Randy G. Weasner
Louis C. Weatherford
Viola Marie Webb
Leonard F. Webb
Allison R. Webber
Steve A. Webber
Anna C. Webster
C. Daniel Webster
William D. Webster
James A. Weddell
Wednesday Rite Guys
David R. Weed
George C. Weidman
Herman E. Weidner
Don L. Weilhamer
Maurice F. Weinantz
Rickey G. Weisheit
Eilene Welcher
Earl T. Wilson
Grant E. Wilson
Hugh W. Wilson
Nathan V. Wilson
Philip A. Wilson
Rex A. Wilson
Robert L. Wilson
Tad Wilson
William G. Wilson
William H. Wimmenauer
Wayne S. Windell
Larry O. Windle
Robert C. Wingard
John R. Winkler
James F. Winton
Edward C. Witt
Jerry A. Wolfe
Jesse J. Wolfe
Neil H. Wolfe
Wanda M. Wolford
Edward C. Wolsiffer
Charles D. Wood
Enjoy fixed payments for life with a Scottish Rite Cathedral Foundation Charitable Gift Annuity.
Phillip K. Scrogham
Clayton Seals
Randolph L. Seipel
Melvin C. Seitz
Harold S. Serne
Stephan G. Sever
Billy E. Sevier
Norman L. Sexton
Bryan R. Seymour
Ronald D. Seymour
Daniel W. Shaffer
Paul S. Shambaugh, 33°
Harry Sharlow
James R. Shattuck, MSA.
Gilbert O. Shaw
John E. Shaw
Donald L. Shaw
Marjorie A. Sheahan
Jack R. Sheeks
Jerry M. Sheeks
Donald R. Shelby
Bentley F. Shelton
Printis Shelton
Georginia S. Shepherd
Larry D. Shepherd
Stanley L. Sherfick
S. Pauline Sherman
Charles W. Sherrill
Albert Floyd Shideler
Michael J. Shipe
Donald E. Shirley
Robert H. Shoemaker, 33°
Rupert K. Shook
Richard E. Shores
William H. Short
Nancy E. Shotwell
Robert E. Shroyer
Robert J. Shue
Clyde D. Shupe
Robert L. Siefert
Paul A. Silvey
Harry L. Simmerman
James P. Simons
Claude E. Simpson
Jack E. Simpson
Peter J. Simpson
Larry L. Sinn
Mary Jane Sinn
Jon F. Sipe
Richard K. Sitterding
Roger W. Sitton
Vanley Skaggs
Robert D. Skidmore
Carlyle Skinner
George Robert Slade
Leslie A. Slatinsky
Peggy N. Sleeth
Carl L. Sleighter
Vestal L. Smith
W. Channing Smith
Wallace E. Smith
Wanda S. Smith
William T. Smith
Donald W. Smith
Frederick I. Smith
Jack R. Smitley
Charles H. Smock
Joseph W. Snellenbarger
Victor V. Snider
Gregory E. Snipes
Myron C. Snyder
Earl W. Sodeberg
Thomas S. Solomon
Wayne F. Solomon
William H. Somes
James H. Spade
Loyd I. Speas
Ronald R. Speedy
John F. Speier
Noble T. Spicer
Stanley D. Spicer
Verlyn E. Spiker
George T. Spitz
Ralph M. Springer
Mark O. Spurlock
Robert W. Squires
David E. Stace
Thomas E. Stacy
Wilbur D. Stafford
Randall H. Staggs
Steven C. Stahl
R. W. Staley
Walter S. Stalnaker
Paul M. Stanley
Howard E. Stanton
James W. Stapp
James R. Starn
Christopher C. Steel
Betty L. Steele
John M. Steffanni
Charlie C. Steffey
Joseph L. Steffy
Arthur H. Stegemann
Earl F. Stegemoller
Gary C. Steinhardt
D. Daryl Stemen
Mero Stephanoff
David B. Stephans
James C. Stephens
Russell F. Stephens
Lapip Stephens
Robert F. Stephenson
Eunice Stephnson
Dale J. Stevens
Donald P. Stevens
John W. Stevens
Robert L. Stout
Lorraine Strack
Delmont Strange
Freeman J. Stratton
Richard D. Streepy
Rosemary Strickland
Leonard A. Stringer
Walter L. Strong
Myron H. Struebe
Robert L. Stuckey
Donald Leon Stults
Robert A. Terhune
Paul M Terrill
Charles E. Thackrey
Dale W. Tharp
Gary L. Thomas
William T. Thomas
Jack Thomas
Leland K. Thompsom
Charles E. Thompson
Jack R. Thompson
Leo A. Thompson
Ashlar Society
A brick walkway through the west
parking lot will be an opportunity
to establish a permanent memorial
with a personalized brick and will
demonstarte your loyalty and pride
in the Valley.
Eva Stultz
Phyllis J. Sturgeon
Loren E. Sturgeon
Donald J. Sublette
Harry A. Sullivan
John W. Sullivan
June M. Sullivan
Raymond H. Sullivan
Jack E. Sullivan
Warren T. Sullivan
Edwin W. Summeier
Kenneth H. Summers
Dewayne O. Sundt
Neal R. Suppiger
Faye L. Suter
Ann Sutter
Bernard M. Sutter
Myron M. Sutton
Richard D. Sutton
Henry V. Swango
John G Swank
E. Miles Swarts
Stephen L. Swartz
Vernon R. Thompson
Bruce D. Thompson
Wayne E. Thorlton
George R. Thorpe
David F. Thrasher
Philip C. Thrasher, 33°
Billie E. Threlkeld
Lon E. Threlkeld
Marvin C. Thruston
John Thurman
Max N. Tichenor
William J. Tillett
Martha D. Tilton
Scott L. Timmons
Walter B. Tinsley
Darwin E. Titus
Morris D. Titus
Jane Tobin
Ruth A. Todd
Ruth E. Tolle
Louis P. Tompkins
James H. Tower
John G. Towne
Malcolm M. Van Cleave
Danny L. Van Dame
Robert L. Van Duyn
Fred Van Gilder
Irene B. Van Lieu
Thomas G. Van Meter
Robert N. Van Rheenen
Richard A. Van Sant
Russell H. Van Treese
James L. Vance
Thomas E. Vance
Janet Vanderbur
Chester R. Vice
Jack E. Vickrey, 33°
Ann M. Vigue
James A. Vincent
Mitchell J. Vogel
C. W. Von Grimmenstein
Jack M. Vorhies
Paul M. Vos
Virginia F. Voss
Christene L. Wacker
Edward H. Wagner
Vera D. Wagner
Harold P. Walden
William M. Walden
Ada M. Waldon
Curtis A. Walker
Jack T. Walker
John A. Walker
Louise P. Walker
Marguerite Walker
Merle G. Walker
Norval C. Walker
Raymond E. Walker
Richard L. Walker
Ruth D. Walker
Robert M. Walker
Herbert A. Wall
Donald R. Wallace
Jack R. Wallace
John A. Wallace
Inge G. Wallmann
Marthana Walters
Richard E. Walters
Crimine L. Walther
Denzel D. Waltman
Izetta M. Wand
Mary Alice Wands
Calvin A. Wantland
Thomas M. Ward
Ralph W. Ward
Russell H. Ware
Richard L. Warner
Billy M. Warren
Helen P. Wasson
Joseph W. Wasson
Larry A. Wasson
Charles F. Wells
James H. Wells
Paul N. Wells
Richard S. Wells
Frances I. Wells
Carl J. Wencke
John L. Wertz
Albert J. Westbrook
C. Carl Westfall
David E. Westmeyer
Harriet Wetherald
Elton Wetzel
Sybil Wheat
Larry W. Wheeler
Homer David Wheeless
John E. Whicker
James J. Whitaker
James C. Whitaker
Timothy L. Whitaker
Donald B. White
Harold L White
Luther E. White
Ray White
Roger R White
Taylor N. White
Sherman C. White
Wally E. Whitecotton
C. F. Whiteman
Charles A. Whitinger
John L. Whitinger
James C. Whitis
Elvin W. Whittle
Herman G. Wichser
William L. Wickard
Raymond K. Wicker
Kenneth E. Wide
Jack E. Wiegele
James A. Wight
Rudell Wilburn
Erich N. Wild
George William Wiley
Allen G. Wilfley
William D. Wilkins
Donald E. Wilkinson
Donna W. Willenberg
Dora D. Williams
Edward Z. Williams
Hamilton P. Williams
John P. Williams
Samuel J. Williams
Thomas R. Williams
Wayne L. Williams
Betty M. Williamson
Roger T. Williamson
Lee E. Williford
Thomas D. Willman
Elizabeth Wilmoth
Bette J. Wilson
Daryl Kent Wood
Frank A. Wood
Sue C. Wood
Robert A Woodhouse
Frederick L. Woods
Lewis M. Woods
Vincent J. Woodward
Russell D. Woolard
Robert L. Wooldridge
John P. Wooley
Nancy A. Worden
Erwin F. Worton
Joseph Wozniak
Charles E. Wright
David L. Wright, 33°
Doyle T. Wright
E. Grace Wright
William K. Wright
William S. Wright
Frank J. Wulf
William D. Wynkoop
Clyde G. Wys
Thomas R. Wysong
Edward E. Yates
David H. Yates
Benjamin F. Yeager
Connie S. Yeager
William T. Yoder
Jon L. Yoho
Carl D. Yorger
Carl D. York
Charles E. Young
Fred D. Young
Patricia A. Young
Robert L. Young
Ronnie D. Young
Terry Lee Young
Dean A. Zehring
Wayne R. Zimmer
William G. Zimmer
Elmer D. Zimmerman
Christopher C. Zoeller
John L. Zook
Noel W. Zook
Page 18
Double Eagle • Nov 2005
Bear Den Club Members / Contributors
To The 32° Masonic Learning Center
In Memory of French M. & Burrlene H. Elrod
Hoover Family Foundation
In Memory of George J. Poulsen, Sr.
In Memory of Lawrence W. Dill
33rd Association of Indianapolis
Mark & Cathy Genung
Vivian P. Gommel
George Rogers Clark Scottish Rite Club
In Memory of Cheryl Sheets
In Memory of Rita Sigman
Wilmer & Donna James
Johnson County Community Foundation
Murat Dramatic Cast
Optimist Club of Indianapolis Foundation
“...our sincere appreciation for the gift of literacy you provide. All of you have significantly
touched the lives of our children forever...”
Alan L. Abel
Dale E. Adams
Earl E. Albers
Mitchell R. Allen, 33°
Willie Armstrong
BSA LifeStructures, Inc.
James & Angela Bagnoli
Richard M. Bailey
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Bailey,33°
James W. Baird, MSA
Charles W. Ballard, 33°
Charles Barnard, Jr.
Edward & Mary Ann Barnes
Jack L. Barnes
Lloyd J. Barnett
Louise Barnhart
Thomas I. Barnhart
Denise M. Barth
Paul K. Barrett
Samuel J. Bartley
Nolin A. Bash, Jr.
Jesse H. Bates
Thomas K. Bathauer
Robert S. Beasley
Tom Beattie
Kenneth Beaty
Bryan A. Beeler
Lee A. Bennett
Steven L. Benson, Sr.
David & Stephanie Berry
Leo Bewley, 33°
Mr. & Mrs. David Bigler
Osborn D. Bilby
Darrell W. Birge
George K. Blackburn, 33°
John E. Blasdel
Phillip J. Booth
Daisy E. Border
William L. Borneman, Jr.
Paul T. Bothwell, Sr.
Phillip E. Bourff
Jerry M. Burton, 33°
Louis E. Bradley
William F. Bradtke
Kim J. Brand, 33°
Farrell L. Brandenburg
Eugene W. Branstetter
John Brody
Joseph & Ruth Brody
Edward E. Brown
William A. Browne
Mary & Mike Brumback, 33°
Lorton W. Bryant
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Bryant
Thomas & Judith Bryant
Janine Ann Buchanan
Paul H. Buchanan
Leland R. Bundy, Jr.
Marilyn Burger
Charles S. Bush, MSA
Robert G. Cadwell
F. Jay Campbell
Juel R. Carman
George R. Carter
Central Ind. Indep.
Elec. Contract.
David L. Chance II
C. Eugene Chastain
Russell B. Chorpenning
Chris Christian
Meredith Church
Lee & Arlana Clark
Richard L. Clark
James C. Clark, 33°
Joseph Clark, 33°
Mary Clashman
Russell M. Clinton
Mr. & Mrs. Willard Clutter,
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Coble
Donna Cofer
Darrel C. Cohron
Robert Conger, 33°
John D. Cook
Charles D. Coonce, Jr.
James W. Cotton
Richard C. Courtney
John T. Cowley
T. Steve Crabtree
Charles L. Cragen
William S. Creighton, Jr.
William J. Curtis
Arnold Custer, 33°
Walter Daly, 33°
Sharon & Robt Danielson, 33°
Robert F. Davie
Douglas M. Davies
Terrell Davis
William E. Davis
Thomas A. Davis, Jr.
Leon C. Devore
Emily A. Dill
Monica & Mark Dill
Scott Dill, 33°
David W. Dittmer
Joel M. Dlugos
Mary M. Dobbs
Willis E. Dodge
Edward L. Doss
Francis E. Crismore
Donald Croshaw
James N. Crouse
Marion K. Crum, 33°
William S. Culbreth, Jr.
Peter D. Cullen
Timothy L. Curry
Wilbur A. Davis, Jr.
Donald D. Davis, 33°
Stephen L.Davis
Danny L. Dawes
Thomas & Claudia Dawson
Charles R. Day
Walter E. Decker
Lloyd & Susan Douglas
Robert L. Douglas
Phillip & Janet Dubbs
John W. Duncan, 33°
James E. Duvall
ESL-Spectrum, Inc.
Brian L. Eagans
Darrin E. Eastes
Jim & Sue Eckels
John A. Eklem
Wesley P. Eley
Eddie B. Ellis
Beverly & Robert Elrod, 33°
Warren R. Engel
Charles C. Enlow
Dorothy M. Everett
Thomas D. Everman
G. Thomas Fager
Kenneth C. Fallis
Phillip H. Farris
John E. Ferguson
Edwin J. Feutz
Clyde Fields
Lillian J. Fields
Richard & Edith Fitzgerald
Morris E. Foist
Terry R. Foltz
Thomas C. Francis
Mary K. Freeman
Leroy E. Friend
Donald & Ellen Fulk
John B. Funk, Jr.
Donald J. Galyean
Mr. & Mrs. George
Galyean, 33°
Herschel H. Gambrel
James B. Garrett
Curtis W. Garrett
Douglas O. Gentry
Mark Alan Genung
Mr. & Mrs. David Givens
Waitman C. Gobble
William Gloye, 33°
James & Cynthia Good
Larry G. Good
Harold G. Goodlett
Roy H. Gorton
Mr. & Mrs. Melvin Graves
Robert K. Gray
John C. Gray, MSA
John T. Green
W. S. Hague, Jr.
Thomas R. Hale, Jr.
Gary G. Hall
Walter O. Hamilton, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. James Hanson, MSA
Walter G. Harding
Hugh M. Hargrove
Betty Harmless
Kay Harmless
Merle L. Harrod
William B. Harting III
Norman & Jean Hartsock
James W. Heath
Charles D. Heinze
Russell R. Henney
Mr. & Mrs. Charles Herron
David L. Hessler
R. Sam Hiatt, Jr
Allan C. Hildabridle
Wendell L. Hilligoss
Herbert J. Hinkle
Thomas E. Hinkley
Billy D. Hinman
Charles A. Hirst
Wayne R. Hobson
Earl J. Hofert
Mr. & Mrs. Fred Hofmeister
George F. Holland II
Carol & David Hollingsworth, 33°
Kenneth L. Holm
Richard K. Holmes
Michael C. Horn
Richard Hoskins, 33°
James & Elizabeth House
Kenneth E. Housefield
Graham T. Howard
Walter Howard, 33°
William A. Humble
Double ÷
Robert D. Hundley
Marilyn & Don Hunt, 33°
John A. Hunter
Mack L. Hunter
Gordon J. Husk
Ind. Public Health Found.
Indiana Truck Sales
Indiana University Found.
Indpls. Masonic Temple Assoc.
Shapur K. Irani
Charles D. Irish
JDH Contracting, Inc.
George R. Jackson, 33°
Winfield Jacobs, 33°
Larry D. Jefferson, 33°
Roland W. Jellison
Larry D. Johnson
Clifford Z. Johnson
Earl L. Jones
Thomas P. Jones
Gregory N. Jordan, 33°
Gary & Charlotte Justus
Lawrence V. Kaminsky
Philip S. Kappes, 33°
Donald E. Katzenberger
Andrew & Lynne Kelley
John & Terry Kelly
Kern Family Trust
Robert Kessler, 33°
Larry C. Kesterson
Joseph M. Ketterman
Charles J. Kiger
Charles H. Kinder
Eric R. King
Sally & Neil King, 33°
John R. Kirkpatrick
Lee E. Keinmaier, Jr.
Kirby Risk Electric
Robert & Mary Kleeman
Charles E. Kleis
Lt. H. McKay Post #7
Gilbert L. McKean
Harold L. McKeand
C. Wayne McKeehan, PhD
Howard E. McKinley
William W. McMillan
Monty K. McPhail
John R. Means
Peggy & Henry Meier, 33°
Tilden & Cathy Mendelson
Jerry I. Melton
Charles W. Merlau, Jr.
Donald E. Merritt
James E. Miller
Larry L. Miller
Harold E. Miller, Jr.
Al Milligan, 33°
Ralph B. Mitchell
Loren N. Montgomery
William R. Moon
Robert J. Moore, 33°
Stanley B. Moore
W. L. Moore, Jr.
Roger A. Mosser, 33°
Mr. & Mrs. Donald Morris
Eugene W. Morris
Helen & Richard Muir, 33°
Russ Murphy, 33°
Charlie Myers, 33°
Walter Myers
Mystic Tie Lodge
Robert A. Naessens
Wade L. Neal
Hansel E. Neibel
Barbara Neita
Arnold K. Nelson, Jr.
Bill & Lisa Nesbit
John K. Newton
John A. Nichols
Richard E. Nichols
Ronald E. Potter
Mr. & Mrs. Ralph J. Power
Thomas R. Price II
Herbert W. Price
Harwood Y. Prince
Print Communications
Pritt Electric, Inc.
George Proctor, 33°
Joyce E. Questel
James & Linda Raasch
B. R. Rainwater
Kenneth L. Ramsay
George Rapp, 33°
Betty J. Rathbun
Ronald A. Rauchmiller
James A. Ray
Paul R. Reiss
M J Reynolds
M. L. Ribelin
Donald C. Richbourg
Thomas W. Ridenour
David & Patricia Rieger
Howard C. Riemensperger
Michael & Michele Roach
Mark C. Roberts
Philip J. Roberts
Richard J. Robertson
Omar L. Robinson
H. Dale Rodewald
R. Friedrich Roeschlaub
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Rothrock
Phillip D. Rowe
Mr. & Mrs. Marshall Samms, MSA
Lance B. Sandlian
Linda & Jeffrey K. Saunders, 33°
Scottish Rite Chorus
William S. Schulke
Henry R. Schull
Randy & Theresa Schutz
George B. Scott
Larry L. Sinn
Richard K. Sitterding
Willis A. Skiles
Carlyle Skinner
John B. Sloan
Donald L. Stults
Mr. & Mrs. Carl Stutz
Donald J. Sublette
Alvin A. Sutter
Edwin P. Swafford
Jack & Betty Smith
James C. Smith
Andrew P. Smith
Doyle T. Smith
Mr. & Mrs. Keith Smith
Gregory E. Snipes
Marjorie W. Swartz
Clinton L. Taylor
Elsie J. Taylor
Marvin & Judith Taylor
Alan E. Teague
Charles S. Tedrowe, Jr.
Malcolm M. Van Cleave
Richard A. Van Sant
John R. Vehling
John F. Vogt, Jr.
Delores J. Von Burg
Charleen D. Wadleigh
Gerald L. Wagner
Windsor P. Waits
Charles Walker, Jr., 33°
Curtis A. Walker
John A. Walker
Robert M. Walker
Mr. & Mrs. W. R. Walker
James S. Wallace
Greg E. Wambsgans
Joyce F. Ward
Edward W. Watts, Jr.
Leonard F. Webb
C. Daniel Webster, Jr.
Donald L. Weilhammer, Jr.
Carol Ann Wells
Kean H. Wells
Richard S. Wells
Elton Wetzel, Jr.
Dale E. Wheatley
Patricia J. Whipple
Wally E. Whitecotton
Teddy J. Whitmer
Grant E. Wilson
George R. Wilson
Charles D. Wood, Jr.
Franklin D. Woods
James C. Wood
Kent Wood
Mollie Wood
Daniel & Sharon Wray
Ann & Dave Wright, 33°
Rina Wright
Timothy K. Wright
Valerie Wright
“...our child’s improvement in reading has been nothing short of miraculous. She is now
reading to herself, to us and to her 4-year-old brother...”
Robert E. Kuester, 33°
George Kyle
Arvin L. Lamberson
Charles E. Lanham, 33°
Randall K. Lasley
Norman V. Lawrence
George E. Lee
Tina & Robert Lee, 33°
Stpehen A. Legan
Karl R. Leffler
Tim Lentz
Harold Lewis, Jr.
Edward W. Lind
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Lindsey
John M. Lockwood
Melvin E. Long
Joe & Patti Looker
Charles D. Loos
Donald C. Lough
Robert R. Ludlow
Lester W. Lull
William J. Lumpkin
Paul D. Macy
Marilyn E. Lucas
Magnum Resources
Linda & Mac Maguire, 33°
David & Lynn Malak
Maurice L. Mangas
Jerry B. Maple
Donald B. Marcum, Jr.
Charles F. Marling
Ralph D. Martin
Tim L. Martin, 33°
Gerald B. Mattheis
Robert M. McAhren
Raymond E. McCaslin
John F. McCreary, Jr.
David R. McCutchan
Lloyd L. McDaniel
Robert C. McDonald
Leroy J. McDowell
Thomas H. Niemeyer
Charles D. Nuthak
Sharon Oliver
Donald D. Olvey
John E. Orton
Norman K. Osmundsen
Howard E. Owen
William R. Page
M. Jack Peckinpaugh
George W. Pendygraft
Randall L. Penticuff
James H. Pickering
Ronald Pitts
Christopher S. Planeaux
Elmer E. Pohlenz
James A. Pore
Mr. & Mrs. William Scott
Gene Sease, 33°
Leslie W. Sebring
Mrs. Robert J. Seibel
George Seidensticker
M. C. Seitz, Jr.
Sertoma Club of Broad Ripple
Mr. & Mrs. Norman Sexton
Paul S. Shambaugh, 33°
Dennis Sheets, 33°
Wayne A. Sheets
Hugh L. Shores
Dixie & Tom Shrock, 33°
James A. Sigman
Sign Crafters, Inc.
William A. Sigman, 33°
Frank & Marian Snyder
Thomas S. Solomon
Robert L. Soverns
Donald E. Spangler
Ronald W. Sparks, 33°
Michael St. Pierre, 33°
Harold D. Stacy
Gregory W. Stanton
G. Donald Steel
Jean D. Stevenson
John T. Steel
Scott L. Stillabower
David & Cynthia Stratton
Charles F. Strawback
Roy F. Stringer
Walter L. Strong
Charles E. Thackrey
David F. Thrasher
Philip C. Thrasher, 33°
Billie E. Threlkeld
H. F. Tidler
Rex A. Tranbarger
Jennifer S. Trotman
Richard E. Turley, Sr.
Ralmond H. Tust, Jr.
Charlane Tygum
Wilbur Tyner, Jr.
R. Martin Umbarger, 33°
Ward B. Underwood
M. Carroll Valentine, 33°
William S. Wright
Thomas R. Wysong
Edward E. Yates
David H. Yates
Janice Yazici
Carl D. Yorger
Carl D. York
Vance O. York, 33°
Terry J. Young
Philip D. Young, 33°
Arvil W. Zebell
Christopher C. Zoeller
Noel W. Zook
These names have been checked and
rechecked. However, if you detect an
error or misspelling, please contact the
Cathedral Foundation office at
317-262-3121 or 1-800-489-3579.
We apologize in advance for any errors.
These pages are underwritten by the
Scottish Rite Cathedral Foundation.
Page 20
Double Eagle • Nov 2005
Through the Cathedral Window
Vitamins Supplement Bones & Body
by Jerry B Collins, 33°
Four and a half years ago we announced the retirement of
Ill William C Brandt, Jr, 33° as the chair of the Valley's Board of
Trustees. Known to many of us simply as "Chuck", we immediately
had a big whole to fill because of the wealth of knowledge he
brought to the table as a skilled building contractor. That void was
filled when Chuck agreed to serve as chairman of the Building and
Grounds Committee and then proceeded to recruit brothers with
individual expertise that would be the springboard to
tackle the aging of a 70-year-old building -- the single
greatest structure dedicated solely to Freemasonry in
the world.
One key individual whom Chuck
recruited before he passed on to the Grand Architect
of the Universe a couple of years ago, was a very
successful and astute engineer and businessman:
Ill William A Sigman, 33°. Bill was selected as the
1999 Professional Engineer of the Year by his peers
here in Indiana. His area of expertise is in heating,
ventilation, and control systems. In the past several
years, Bill has methodically recruited brothers to serve
the Valley specifically in getting ahead of the curve on
the ever-increasing maintenance of our now 76-yearold Cathedral building.
The current committee consists of these
brothers: Dwight Boyd -- who is the "B" in BSA
LifeStructures and brings a general engineering
background with emphasis on plumbing and
mechanical systems; Stephen R Clymer - general contracting
expertise with regards to construction and structural steel;
Marvin "Mac" Maguire -- current Trustee of the Valley and liaison
to the committee with a banking background; Henry G Meier - a
retired architect primarily concerned with aesthetics (the look and
feel) of the building; Dennis Sheets -- vice president of Barth
Ancient Accepted Scottish Rite
650 North Meridian Street
Indianapolis IN 46204-1294
Electric with an extensive background in electrical connections and
load distribution; and, Kent Watts -- Valley Building Manager, who,
with a background in industrial sales, aids the committee with
pricing and detailed legwork needed to accomplish each project.
The West Entrance renovation ($310,000) was brought in
under budget; passenger elevators mechanical upgrade ($400,000);
Phase I of the plumbing project ($15,000); and, continuing
replacement of roofs including the bell tower ($200,000) are just a
few of this year's projects that have been completed.
The Trustees have spent a little less than $1 million
over the past couple of years -- mainly from contributions to the Foundation. My Brothers, we are not
spending our inheritance or savings -- everything is
measured and planned and matched to funds as we
raise them through charitable contributions.
Much has been accomplished over the last few
years, but much remains. Phase II of the plumbing
project will provide attention to replacing water lines
to the 2nd and 3rd floors ($60,000); a handicap ramp
just south of the new West Entrance will provide relief
and no steps for our members entering the building
($130,000); our continuing replacement of six of our
36 roofs ($100,000); and, complete resealing of all
windows in the building, many of which are leaking
badly ($160,000).
In a time when all of us are feeling "donationweary" with hurricane, tsunami, and earthquake relief,
not to mention the pressure at the gas pumps, it is
understandable that this year has witnessed a decline in the number
of contributors from last year to the Scottish Rite Cathedral
Foundation. If you contributed this year -- Thank-you! Your
dollars are hard at work preserving this mighty legacy with which we
are entrusted. As 2005 ends, please prayerfully consider what role
you might play in our needs for 2006, and again, thank-you.