Shelterbox Aid Our Rotaractors
Shelterbox Aid Our Rotaractors
Rotary Club of Kyrenia Liman District 2452 Dome Hotel, Girne Club 65969 May 2015 Wednesday, 7:00 pm Shelterbox Aid We have all heard of the tragic earthquake that has hit Nepal in April. Our Club has responded by sending 3 “Shelterbox”. Shelterbox is a recognized Rotary International Project Partner, and RI has sent 1000 of their own. Contents of a typical Shelterbox include weather resistant 10 person tent, thermal and waterproof ground sheets and blankets, cooking equipment and camp stove, water containers and water purification equipment, and mosquito nets. Hepimiz Nisan ayı içerisinde Nepal’i sal layan trajik depremden haberdarız. Kulübümüz, yardım olarak 3 adet ‘’Shelterbox’’ göndermiştir. Shelterbox, Rotary Uluslararası’nın tanınan Proje Ortağı’dır ve Rotary Uluslar arası kendi başına 1000 adet bu yardım paketlerinden göndermiştir. Shelterbox, su geçirmez özellikte 10 kişilik bir çadır, termal ve su geçirmez yer yatakları ve battaniyeler, yemek pişirmekte kullanılabilecek kapkacak ve kamp ocağı, su konteynerları ve su arıtma ekipmanının yanı sıra sivrisineklerden korunmaya yardımcı olan bir ağ ihtiva etmektedir. Our Rotaractors Our Rotaract Club celebrated their 5th Anniversary with a very enjoyable party at Dream castle on Saturday April 11th. Rotaract Kulübü 5inci Yıldönümlerini 11 Nisan Cumartesi akşamı Dream Castle The Rotaract Club then spent the next Resturant’ta düzenlenen keyifli bir gece Saturday, April 18th, cleaning, garile kutladı. dening, and re-painting at the Rotaract Park that our Club refurbished last June. The Rotaractors inspired the young children living near the park to join in and lend a hand in keeping up their local park. This is a great result, and exactly what our Clubs hope to achieve to: “Light Up Rotary”!! Rotaract Kuülübümüz, 18 Nisan olan ertesi Pazar gününü Kulübümüzün geçen Haziran ayında yenilediği Rotaract Parkı’nı temizleme, yeniden boyama ve bahçe düzenlemesine ayırdı. Rotaractörlerimiz bölgedeki çocukları de cesaretlendirip Parklarına sahip çıkmaları hususunda teşvik ettiler. Bu harika sonuca ulaşmak bizler için mutluluk verici bir olay, tam da ‘Rotary’yi Aydınlat’ felsefesine uymakta. CLUB CALENDAR May 2015 6th: Rotary Business Meeting 13th:Guest Speaker (Not Dining) 20th: Committee Reports 27th:Final Assembly for Rotary Year 2014-15 June 2015 3rd: Dinner Meeting with Guest speakers 10th: NO MEETING 12th: President’s Handover Please note the date of the President’s Handover is early this year due to Ramazan. The Handover will be at the Dome Hotel on Friday June 12th. Guests are welcome! Congratulations to Mersin We are very proud to announce that our Twinned Club, the Rotary Club of Mersin, has been successful in their Global Grant Application. Our Club was the “International Project Partner” in this bid that will provide Rotary Foundation funds to assist with their project for disabled secondary education: “Helping the Special Education Vocational Training School to get better quality in education of secondary education; by donating Smart Board, and equip with Sewing Workshop in Mezitli / Mersin” İkiz Kulübümüz Mersin Rotaract Kulübü’nün Global Bağış Projesi kabul aldığını bildirmekten gurur duyuyoruz. Kulübümüz, engelliler için öğretim sağlamayı amaçlayan bu bağış kampanyasına ‘Uluslar arası Ortak’ olarak katkıda bulunup Rotary luslararası’nın bağışına ulaşmalarında katkıda bulunmuştu Upcoming Dates May 6th: Rotary Business Meeting, Group Discussion May 13th: Club Meeting with Guest DGE Christina Covotsou-Patroclou May 20th: FINAL Committee Chair reports for this Rotary year May 27th: FINAL Assembly for this Rotary Year June 3rd: Dinner meeting with guest Speaker Dr Salih Beyoglu, Medical Director of Dr. Akçiçek Hospital June 8th: June 12th: Cyprus “Rotary Day” organized by DDG Evagoras, please let Sec. Hakki know before May 18th if you will attend. *****OUR CLUB HANDOVER***** DOME HOTEL 7:30 for 8 pm 65 tl per person We will advise members as soon as we have notice of other Club handover events. In addition to the listed Club meetings, we will be enjoying a fun & friendly evening of fellowship at the ‘Red Lobster Restaurant’ in Alsancak on Friday 22nd May. Please let Gultach know whether you are coming or not. This is an event most suited to bringing family and friends.
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