July 3rd - Our Lady of Providence Church
July 3rd - Our Lady of Providence Church
Our Lady of Providence Parish Schedule of Services Mass Saturday 5:00 PM Sunday 8:30 AM, 11:00 AM & 5:30 PM Monday 9:00 AM Tuesday 7:30 AM Wednesday 7:30AM Thursday 7:30 AM Friday 7:30 AM Rosary follows 7:30 AM Mass Reconciliation Saturday 4:00 - 4:45 PM or by appointment 8866 Pardee Rd. St. Louis, MO 63123 314.843.3570 www.olpstl.org facebook.com/olpstl July 3, 2016 Fourteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time Our Lady of Providence Stewardship “He said to them, ‘The harvest is abundant, but the laborers are OLPSTL.ORG few…’” Rectory/Parish Office 314-843-3570 9:00 AM—3:00 PM Monday—Friday Fax: 314-843-8033 Luke 10:2 Offertory Collection Week Ending 6/26/16 Envelope Collection$ 6,343 As Catholics we are all called to Electronic Giving $ 3,468 serve in ministry. However, many Week Total $ 9,811 Rev. Richard J. Schilli,-Pastor Ext. 13 [email protected] of us are unsure how to use our Month Total $ 44,548 Marilyn Price, RN Parish Nurse [email protected] Ext. 12 Church. Talk to God and ask Him Margie Anderson Office Manager [email protected] Ext. 10 talents and gifts to build God’s what He wants you to do. The next time one of your fellow parishioners asks you to help or join a John J. Mueller-Bookkeeper Ext. 11 [email protected] committee, it may be the answer to your prayer. Steve Doyle-Maintenance 591-3800 Rich Yates-Maintenance 651-9119 Parish Ministry Staff Rev. Mr. David Amelotti-Deacon [email protected] Rita Angeles-11 AM Choir Director [email protected] Eryn Krobath, Youth Music Director [email protected] René Zajner, Organist & Adult Choir Director [email protected] Peggy Krupp-PSR Coordinator [email protected] ______________________ Holy Cross Academy School Office 842-2073 Liturgical Schedule Lectors SAT 7/9/16 5:00 PM J. Dunne SUN 7/10/16 8:30 AM DeGreeff 11:00 AM Vieth Eucharistic Ministers SAT 7/9/16 5:00 PM 2nd SAT Uxa SUN 7/10/16 8:30 AM 2nd SUN Goodman 11:00 AM 2nd SUN Marchi 7:30 AM—3:30 PM Monday—Friday WWW.HOLYCROSS-STL.ORG Laura Clark-Principal [email protected] Coleta Schwartz- Secretary [email protected] Preschool 842-2073 Ext. 214 7:30 AM-6 PM Monday—Friday (on school schedule) Angie Langhauser, Director [email protected] 71% Monthly Budget Collected Experience the convenience of Online Giving Visit our parish website OLPSTL.ORG and get started today! Servers SAT 7/9/16 5:00 PM A. Beuligmann J. Zyk J. Zyk SUN 7/10/16 8:30 AM J. Blanke M.Blanke 11:00 AM J. Ellsworth M. Copeland P. Ellsworth 5:30 PM B. Deposki S. Winterer Monday, July 4 7:30 am Richard Seamore Tuesday, July 5 7:30 am People of the Parish Wednesday, July 6 7:30 am Jane Nolkemper Speak to all people as though they are the wisest, gentlest, most beautiful beings on earth, for what they believe they become. Thursday, July 7 7:30 am Richard Seamore We are all on a journey to the common house of heaven, where we will be able to admire with joyful wonder the mystery of the universe. Sunday, July 10 8:30 am All Souls Friday, July 8 7:30 am Saturday, July 9 5:00 pm David Rowan 11:00 am Tom Culloton 5:30 pm All Souls July 3, 2016 Greetings to the People of Our Lady of Providence, Allow me to begin by expressing my gratitude to Archbishop Carlson for appointing me to the office of Pastor of your parish. Not only am I grateful, I am also delighted by the prospect of being here. In these past few weeks, I have met a few people in addition to some of the staff, thank you for the warm welcome I have received so far. LET ME INTRODUCE MYSELF I will respond to either Father Rick or Father Schilli, whichever makes you feel more comfortable. I was born and raised in the city of St. Louis in Holy Family Parish (this was Father Rauch’s first priestly assignment – while I was attending the college seminary). I am the oldest of five children – one sister and three brothers. My parents are both deceased for many years, my mother for 24 years and my father for 11 years. I have twelve nieces and nephews ranging in age from 36 to 13 and seven grand-nieces and grand-nephews ages 8 years to 18 months. MY FORMATION AND PRIESTLY MINISTRY After attending Holy Family grade school, I entered St. Louis Preparatory Seminary-South, then Cardinal Glennon College and Kenrick Seminary. Bishop Koester ordained me a deacon on May 21, 1976 and exactly one year later Cardinal Carberry ordained me to the priesthood. My deacon assignment was St. Anthony of Padua in High Ridge and my first priestly assignment was St. Angele Merici in Florissant. After three years, Archbishop May assigned me as chaplain to St. Thomas Aquinas High School in Florissant with residence at St. Martin de Porres in Hazelwood and as chaplain to the Sisters of St. Joseph of Carondelet teaching at St. Thomas Aquinas. I remained in teaching ministry for 25 at St. Thomas Aquinas and later at Bishop DuBourg High School in St. Louis. During those years I resided at various parishes of the archdiocese: St. Frances Cabrini in Jennings, Sacred Heart in Florissant, St. Aloysius in Spanish Lake, and Assumption in Mattese. In 2002 Cardinal Rigali appointed me the pastor of Saints John and James Parish in Ferguson. The priests of the Northeast County Deanery requested permission from Cardinal Rigali to develop a strategic pastoral plan that would re-organize the parishes and schools of the deanery. The plan closed a number of parishes, merged several others and displaced a number of priests. The four new parishes founded in 2005 were staffed by priests who were not involved in the development of the pastoral plan. In January 2005 I became the administrator of Good Shepherd Parish in Ferguson in addition to Sts. John and James until they were closed in July. I assisted Father Bob Rosebrough in establishing Blessed Teresa of Calcutta Parish in Ferguson and was then, assigned as pastor of St. Mary Magdalen Parish in South St. Louis City. In 2008 Cardinal Burke assigned me as pastor of Most Sacred Heart Parish in Eureka and in 2015 Archbishop Carlson assigned me as pastor of Mary Mother of the Church Parish in Mattese. I am very excited to be assigned to Our Lady of Providence. Over the years several aunt and uncles have been members of the parish and for a brief time before my father died, he was the rectory cook here at OLP; so there is some familiarity. SOME BACKGROUND AND MINISTRY EXPERIENCE I have degrees from both Glennon and Kenrick and a second Master’s degree from St. Louis University. My fields of study have been wide and varied: social studies and history, modern and classical languages, church history, theology and education. My favorite areas of ministry are teaching, youth ministry, sacramental preparation, and retreat work. It is my sincere hope that I can bring some more than forty years’ experience to what I hope will be a long service to you as your pastor. HOBBIES AND LESURE Because I am a “hometown boy” I am a huge Cardinals fan. Other diversions I enjoy are cooking, travel, and reading. I like trying new recipes – I am trying to develop my appreciation for healthier fare. I have been blessed to travel extensively over the years, having visited all but four of the fifty States and some twelve nations abroad. With one brother living in Florida, and several cousins and numerous friends I travel there frequently. My favorite places in Florida are Orlando, the Treasure Coast and Fort Lauderdale. One of the worst parts of moving is always transporting my collections of paperback novels; I have several hundred mostly mysteries, legal and spy thrillers and the like. I always have at least one novel in progress. I am happy to be here with you and I am eager to get to know you all as quickly as I can. God bless, Father Rick Schilli This Week in Our Parish Boot Camp Women’s Prayer Group NO Divine Mercy Chaplet Rosary Adult Volleyball/Basketball Monday, July4 Parish Office Closed 6:00 AM 9:00 AM 7:30 PM 7:00 PM Gym Duggan Room Church Church Gym Tuesday, July 5 Welcome Father Schilli!! Meetings st Friendly Visitors—1 Monday 8 am Green Thumbs—2nd Saturday 9 am John 15 Youth—Thursday 7 pm and Sunday 12:30 pm at Seven Holy Founders Men’s Club—3rd Thursday 7 pm ProLife Committee—3rd Monday 7:30 pm St. Vincent DePaul—1st & 3rd Monday 7 pm Women’s League—1st Thursday 7 pm YAA—2nd Thursday 7:30 PM Sacrament of Baptism Scheduled on the 2nd Sunday of the month at 12:00 p.m. or at a Mass by request. No Baptisms are scheduled during Lent. Call the Rectory for arrangements and to schedule the preparation class. Sacrament of Marriage Arrangements are to be made through the pastor or a priest at least six months prior to your wedding date. A marriage preparation program is a requirement of the Archdiocese. Sick Calls & Anointing of the Sick Call the Rectory to request a hospital visit or for communion to the sick or homebound. If you are in the hospital and want a visit, or your name added to the prayer list, please notify the Rectory. Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) For un-baptized or baptized persons interested in learning more about the Catholic faith and the process of becoming a full member of the Catholic Church. Please call 843-3570. The bulletin deadline is Tuesday at noon. Please submit in writing: [email protected] Quilters 9:00 AM Rectory Basement Wednesday, July 6 Boot Camp Adult Choir 6:00 AM 7:00 PM Gym Church Thursday, July 7 Friday, July 8 Boot Camp Church Cleaning 6:00 AM 8:00 AM Gym Church Saturday, July 9 Man Up (all men of the parish welcome) 7:30 AM Green Thumbs 9:00 AM Providence Room Rectory Yard Sunday, July 10 Eleven O’clock Music Rehearsal Children’s Liturgy of the Word Youth Musicians Rehearsal Boy Scouts 10:15 AM 11:00 AM 3:30 PM 6:30 PM Church Providence Room Church Duggan Room Beyond Sunday Beyond Sunday’s mission is to build a bright future for Catholicism through educational opportunities. Scholarships have been awarded to grade school and high school students. Grants are being planned for system wide implementation of innovative ideas that will enhance the operational and business models of our schools and for STREAM programs. STREAM is an exciting part of Beyond Sunday. STREAM stands for Science, Technology, Religion, Engineering, Arts and Math. The application process is being developed with roll-out planned for later this year. Let’s Make History! More information will be coming in the following weeks from the Beyond Sunday Committee headed by John and Susan Davis. [email protected] Calendar Note: NO Divine Mercy Chaplet on Monday, July 4th . Our Lady of Providence is dedicated to protecting our children. We are proud to be in full compliance with the Safe Environment Program. All volunteers in the St. Louis Archdiocese who have contact with children and “vulnerable and/or homebound adults” must be approved and have attended a Protecting God’s Children Workshop. Check the website for workshop locations www.archstl.org then select Protecting God’s Children. Prayer Requests In your charity, please remember our brothers and sisters who are sick, receiving medical treatment, in rehab, hospital, or recuperating at home. Also, pay for their caregivers Margaret Bogler Monica Clapper George Danis Donnie Hamilton Lawrence Hamtil Patricia Heck Ken Holt Loretta Lewandowski Marietta Lewandowski Sandy Linton Millie Loyet Gwen McGilley Don McSorley Eleanor Messmer Michael Mullins Gordon Neilson Bill Ondr Wayne Patton Pat Powell Jim Regan Joey Renick Dan Robinson Kyle Rose Tia Rowan John Sapienza Bob Schmitz Philip Schott Grace Spanevello Cynthia Van Sluys Michael Wendl Carol Winkler Mike Wolken Please help us keep our Prayer Requests up-to-date. Contact the Rectory to be added to or removed the list. Baptisms Ava Lee Cuevas Daughter of Rene and Erika Cuevas Mary Kutima Toska Daughter of Edvin and Jennifer Toska With Sympathy Charles Roach Mary Kathryn “Kay” Walsh Please pray that all our deceased loved ones may know the joy and peace of eternal life, and that their families may be comforted. Pray for Vocations to the Priesthood, especially among the young men of our Parish and of our Archdiocese! Annunciation Church welcomes you to Eucharistic Adoration every Tuesday from 9:00AM to 9:00PM. Please contact Debbie Kujawa at 314-3974970 or email [email protected] From Marilyn Price, Parish Nurse 4th of July Safety Tips 4th of July is a fun time full of celebrations--fireworks, backyard barbecues, or maybe a trip to the lake or beach. Whatever you, your family and friends have planned, here are some steps to make them safer. Fireworks Safety: The safest way to enjoy fireworks is to attend a public fireworks show put on by professionals. However, if someone is setting off fireworks at home, here are some safety tips to follow: Always have adult supervision. Never have any portion of your body over the firework. Never give fireworks to small children and always follow the instructions on the packaging. Keep a supply of water close by as a precaution. Make sure the person lighting fireworks wears eye protections. Light only one firework at a time and never attempt to relight a “dud”. Store fireworks in a cool, dry place away from children and pets. Never throw or point fireworks toward people, animals, vehicles, structures or flammable materials. Leave any area immediately where untrained amateurs are using fireworks. Alcohol and fireworks do not mix. Have a designated shooter. Grilling Safety: Follow these safety tips to safely cook up treats for the backyard barbeque: Always supervise a barbecue grill when in use. Never grill indoors—not in your house, camper, tent or any enclosed area. Make sure everyone including pets stays away from the grill. Keep the grill out in the open, away from the house, the deck, tree branches, or anything that could catch fire. Never add charcoal starter fluid when coals have already been ignited. Follow manufacturer’s instructions when using the grill. Stay Safe Around Water: Swimming is the most popular summer activity. The best thing you can do to help your family stay safe is to enroll in swim lessons. Follow these tips when around water: Swim in designated areas supervised by lifeguards. Always swim with a buddy, even at a public pool or lifeguarded beach. Ensure that everyone in the family learns to swim well. Never leave a young child unattended near water. Do not trust a child’s life to another child. Have young children or inexperienced swimmers wear Coast Guardapproved life jackets, but do not rely on life jackets alone. Wear lifejackets if boating. Do not let anyone play around drains or suction fittings. Do not allow breath holding contests, or allow children to hyperventilate before swimming under water. Even if you do not plan on swimming, be cautious around natural bodies of water including ocean shoreline, rivers and lakes. Currents and underwater hazards can make a fall into these bodies of water dangerous. Ensure that pool barriers enclose the entire pool area, are at least 4-feet high with gates that are self-closing, self-latching and open outward. Maintain constant supervision of kids whenever they are around the water. THANK YOU! Many thanks for a wonderful retirement Mass and reception. I deeply appreciate all those who worked so hard to make the evening so special. Thank you also to those who attended and the many warm wishes and memories. It was a privilege to have participated in the Catholic faith formation of 403 Our Lady of Providence and Holy Cross Academy students! Sincerely, Pat Mueth The GREEN THUMBS will meet on Saturday, July 9 at 9 am in front of the rectory to do some gardening and watering. Even if it rains this week, the plants could always use more water ... it is the hot days of summer and the ground is dry and our rainfall has been below normal. All are welcome, hopefully our new pastor will join us when he hears us puƩering around in his front yard. Holy Cross Academy Cook Annual School Supplies Collection 2016 July 16 & 17 and July 23 & 24 are the dates to help the underprivileged students served by St. Augustine Wellston Center and Midtown Catholic Charities by donating NEW school supplies. Needed are ink pens, loose-leaf paper & one-inch binders, pocket folders, calculators, pocket dictionaries, spiral notebooks, erasers, 24 count crayons, “non-permanent” markers, pencil pouches (not boxes) and glue sticks. Cash donations are also welcome. St. Louis Catholic Moms Group Holy Cross Academy is seeking a part time cook to work with its chef to provide healthy lunches to students at all campuses. Hours are Monday thru Thursday 10am to 2pm. Must be able to lift 50lbs., ability to transport food and have a Sanitation Certificate. Contact Sue Barnowski at 314-475-3436 or e-mail at [email protected] THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU!!! All your donations and labors were significant contributions to the success of God’s Garage Sale for the Haitian orphans! Thank you sooooooo much to each of you for your help. Jane is smiling down on all of us for keeping her mission alive! ALLELUIA!!! AƩenƟon!!! Aŏon Meals on Wheels is in desperate need of volunteer drivers to deliver meals to the elderly and infirmed in the Aŏon area. Most of the volunteers only drive one day a week. Meals are delivered Monday through Friday between 10:45 to 11:30. Complete direcƟons are provided and a short training is given. If you would like to help your neighbors and be a blessing to those in need, please contact John Mallon for further informaƟon at 314.843.9722. One of our 92 year old drivers just reƟred due to health problems. He delivered five days a week and that means the program is down five drivers. Please consider helping if you can. Ninety minutes a week and maybe a gallon of gas. Grab a friend to help and have lunch when you are finished. With the example of Our Lady and Mother of God, the St. Louis Catholic Moms group invites you to join their network and collaboration of mothers in the Archdiocese of St. Louis. The group’s effort is to be a support for all mothers and their families through events, prayer, and fellowship. Free registration for monthly event emails at www.stlcatholicmoms.com. Or, join us for Year of Mercy Adoration and Play events on Mondays in July at 10:30 AM at St. Luke the Evangelist Parish. All are welcome for Adoration, picnic lunches, and playground fun - kids' noises are expected! For more information, visit www.stlcatholicmoms.com. We would love to have you join us! Mark your calendar! HCA students will have the opportunity to sing "Take Me Out to the Ballgame" at the Cardinals game. against the Cincinnati Reds on Wednesday, August 10th at 6:15 . Contact Eryn Krobath at [email protected] Our Lady of Providence Alumni News OLP Class of 1971 is planning a 45 year reunion. Please forward your name, address and email to either Cindy Croghan Backes at [email protected] or Joanne Suellentrop Ferguson at [email protected]. Send submissions to: [email protected] Our Lady of Providence Parish July 3, 2016 Our Lady of Providence Alumni News OLP Class of 1971 is starting plans to have 45 year reunion. Please forward your name, address and email to either Cindy Croghan Backes at [email protected] or Joanne Suellentrop Ferguson [email protected]. Send bulletin submissions to: [email protected] awson DROOFING, INC. If You Live Alone You Need LIFEWatch! 24 Hour Protection at HOME and AWAY! ✔Ambulance Solutions as Low as ✔Police ✔Fire FREE Shipping ✔Friends/Family FREE Activation Specialists In Quality Reroofing & Repairs $1a Day! Member RCGA and NRCA Fully Insured For Your Protection Financing Available Since 1978 FREE ESTIMATES We accept: M/C VISA DISCOVER AMEX ntracts NO Long Term Co CALL NOW! 314-837-4671 • 636-949-6821 IL: 618-207-4175 800.393.9954 www.dawsonroofing.com Brian or Sally, coordinators 860.399.1785 CST 2117990-70 an Official Travel Agency of Apostleship of the Sea-USA www.CatholicCruisesAndTours.com ✂ Please Cut Out This “Thank You Ad” and Present It The Next Time You Patronize One of Our Advertisers The Sponsors Who Appear On This Bulletin. It Is Through Their Support That This Bulletin Is Made Possible. Business Owners Interested In Advertising Please Call J.S. 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BAKERY & DELI Residential, Commercial and Institutional Open Tues-Sat 7am-7pm Sun. 8am-1pm 7815 Watson Road Robert J. Lubeley 961-7160 For further information, please call the Parish Office. Catholic Parishes IN BUSINESS SINCE 1967 Gapsch Carstar Collision Center 314-894-2322 MEMBER OF: Roofing and Siding Contractors Alliance Inc. RSCA Relax, We’ll Take It From Here.® – 314-965-5504 – 4709 Green Park Road, St. Louis, Missouri 63123 Saint Margaret Sunday Missal Personal Counseling and Psychiatry Individual, Child, Family, and Marriage Counseling An ideal companion for personal prayer. – FIELDER – 9200 Watson Rd., G-101, St. Louis, MO 63126 314-544-3800 / www.cfsstl.org In Stock & Ready to Order Today. CALL OR ORDER ONLINE. $39.95 ELECTRICAL SERVICES, INC. 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