Salvation Army Senior Center: A home away from


Salvation Army Senior Center: A home away from
28 de julio de 2013
Salvation Army Senior Center:
A home away from home
By Amanda Lozano
[email protected]
It’s very early in the morning.
However, 90-year-old Maricela
Cortez is already up and riding
VIA bus #88 to her destination.
Once she arrived she is welcomed
by warm smiles, hot coffee and
pan dulce. After getting refreshments she goes to her favorite
spot–the domino table, where
other fellow peers awaited her
entrance to begin their game.
Cortez has been doing this
almost every day since 1989, and
shows no intention of stopping.
She, along with many other seniors has found a home away from
home at the Salvation Army’s
Senior Center on North Flores.
The center offers programs for
insurance, medication, housing
and classes to encourage healthier
lifestyles. It also brings something
else to the table that keeps them
coming back…friendship.
“I don’t want to be at home,”
Cortez said. “There’s nothing to do
but lay or sit down. I get stiff when
I don’t move around. It was here
Rivera paints next to her teacher, Guadalupe Muñoz. (Photo, Amanda Lozano)
that I learned to play dominoes!
My friend here taught me how to
play,” Cortez laughed.
Every day of the week aged
members of the community come
together at the center where they
participate in painting, guitar lessons, karaoke, sewing and just
enjoying each other’s company.
“We come here and play. We
sew. We learn and sing and dance.
There’s coffee in the morning, and
we eat lunch together at noon.
Everyone has a good time here,”
said Enriqueeta Valdez, who’s
been going for 8 years. “At home,
we just sit and watch T.V. This is
way better.”
The center is decorated with
beautiful paintings done by the
senior’s hands and the sounds of
guitars playing rancheras, boleros and huapangos fill the air. A
joyous grito is occasional heard,
and the place is always filled with
A couple of local artists hang
around the center. Among them
Victor Tello whose had many of
his works published. Fernando PrSee Salvation Army
on page 5-A
Vacune a sus hijos antes
del inicio de clases
Por Ana Cristina González
[email protected]
El Distrito Escolar Independiente Northside ISD cada año refuerza
la aplicación de las vacunas en los
estudiantes con su política “No
Shots, No School”.
La campaña señala que si la
cartilla de vacunación de los estudiantes no se encuentra al día,
no podrán ingresar a la escuela
durante el ciclo escolar 2013-2014,
que dará comienzo el 26 de agosto.
La ley de Texas exige que los
estudiantes de escuelas públicas
mantengan su cartilla de vacunación al día para poder continuar
con sus estudios.
“Las vacunas son obligatorias
por el estado de Texas y son importantes para prevenir que los niños
sufran de enfermedades”, afirmó
Shirley Schreiber, directora de servicios de salud de Northside ISD.
“Es importante que se pongan sus
vacunas a tiempo”, añadió.
De acuerdo a Schreiber, los estudiantes que no tengan todas sus
vacunas al día deberán esperar en
la oficina de la escuela hasta que
sus padres los recojan. Y si al día
siguiente no las tienen puestas se
llevará a cabo el mismo proceso.
Existen 100,000 estudiantes que
regresarán este año a una de las
112 escuelas del Distrito Escolar
Northside ISD.
Asimismo, Schreiber afirma
que entre más se acerca la fecha
de entrada a la escuela, las líneas
para ver al doctor y para acudir al
departamento de salud de la ciudad
se alargan y la persona puede durar
hasta horas esperando.
“Por favor sean conscientes y
tomen los cuidados necesarios para
sus hijos ahora, en lugar de tener
que esperar largas horas en fila”,
indicó Schreiber.
Las vacunas podrían ser gratuitas dependiendo de la clínica en
donde se apliquen. Estas también
pueden ser cubiertas con su seguro
“Los niños que pasan de 6º grado The Children’s Hospital of San Antonio is undergoing renovations inside and out to become a
a 7º, y los que se encuentran en es- completely free-standing children’s hospital. (Courtesy photo)
cuela secundaria (middle school),
son los que deben prepararse más,
ya que requieren de vacunas adicionales”, aseguró la directora de
Vea Vacune en la pág. 5-A
Contractor chosen to manage
Children’s Hospital renovation
By Julia Ermlich
[email protected]
One of San Antonio’s central
hospitals is getting a makeover,
and they’ve found just the people
to do the job.
San Antonio-based Bartlett
Cocke General Contractors has
been chosen to manage the renovation of the Children’s Hospital
of San Antonio, the $135 million,
415,000 square foot children’s
hospital downtown.
“We’ve worked with them in the
past and have had good experiences,” Patrick Carrier, president and
CEO of CHRISTUS Santa Rosa
Health System, said. “They’re also
Las vacunas podrían ser gratuitas dependiendo de la clínica en donde se apliquen. Estas también a local contractor, and we like to
pueden ser cubiertas con su seguro médico. (Foto cortesía)
shop local. They have experience
with these types of projects and
were engaged with the architects
throughout the design process.”
“We decided to convert the hospital to a completely free-standing
children’s hospital, and move the
adults to another location,” Carrier explained. “So we’ve had to
change the campus to meet the
needs of a free-standing children’s
The project includes the renovation of all 12 floors of the current
building as well as the entire
The famous Jesse Treviño mural,
however, will remain untouched.
The design for the rest of the building exterior will feature colors from
the mural itself, tying the look of
the building together beautifully.
The contracting team will use
Building Information Modeling
(BIM) on site. The system allows
the creation of a virtual building in
a simulated environment in order to
determine possible construction or
design issues.
“We’re doing a complete overhaul of the building,” Carrier said.
“We’re gutting floor by floor and
rebuilding and renovating. There
will also be a new lobby.”
“Bartlett Cocke General Contractors prides itself in building
higher purpose facilities that provide lasting value in the communities we serve,” Harry Moeller,
president of Bartlett Cocke General
Contractors, said.
The hospital has been in the
demolition stage for some months,
See Children’s Hospital
on page 5-A
Comentarios... COMMENTARY...
En México, misión imposible
Por Jorge Ramos Ávalos
La pregunta es fácil. ¿Cómo promover el turismo en un lugar donde
roban, violan, matan y secuestran?
La respuesta es un baile, con un
pasito p’alante y otro p’atras.
Empecemos por lo básico: México es un país geográficamente bendecido. Sin duda, México es uno de
los lugares más bellos del mundo y,
por lo tanto, digno de visitarse y revisitarse. Pero, al mismo tiempo, es
una de las naciones más peligrosas.
El promedio extraoficial de muertos
por la narcoviolencia –que ronda en
unos mil al mes – no se ha reducido
significativamente con el nuevo
gobierno del presidente Enrique
Peña Nieto.
La reciente captura del líder del
cartel de los Zetas, Miguel Ángel
Treviño (alias el “Z-40”) es una
gran noticia y un claro esfuerzo
de coordinación policial. Era el
segundo narcotraficante más buscado de México, superado solo por
el aún prófugo Chapo Guzmán.
Pero su captura no sugiere ningún
cambio de estrategia en la guerra
contra el narcotráfico. Al contrario,
por ahora todo parece que será más
de lo mismo. Presidente distinto,
partido distinto pero misma estrategia. Treviño está en la cárcel pero
otros, tan terribles como él, ya lo
reemplazaron. Además, esa captura
espectacular no significa que los
mexicanos y los turistas que viajen
por México van a sufrir menos actos
de violencia en carne propia.
Peña Nieto no ha hecho nada to-
davía que actuará en forma distinta
a su predecesor, Felipe Calderón, en
materia de seguridad pública. Aun
así, México sigue siendo un país be­
llísimo con mucho que ofrecer a sus
visitantes. Y eso es precisamente lo
que me quería decir Ángel Aguirre,
el gobernador del Estado de Gue­
rrero, en una reciente entrevista en
Viene usted en una misión imposible, le dije de entrada al gobernador.
Aguirre solo sonrió. Rápidamente
me habló del plan de un túnel en el
puerto de Acapulco para descongestionar el tráfico; de un “vaporetto”
(del tipo de Venecia) para cruzar la
bahía; del seguro del sol (“si en un
día no aparece el sol por lo menos
tres horas, nosotros le reembolsamos” con una noche extra); y hasta
de una campaña de publicidad con
el cantante Luis Miguel. Pero luego
había que enfrentarlo con los datos.
Guerrero fue el estado más violento de México en el 2012, según
el Centro de Investigaciones para el
Desarrollo, basado en el número de
violaciones, secuestros y muertos.
Y el año pasado Acapulco fue el
municipio más peligroso de todo el
país, informó el Consejo Ciudadano
para la Seguridad Pública y Justicia.
Usted quiere que vayan visitantes
a la ciudad más peligrosa y al estado
más violento de México, le dije al
gobernador. “Yo no lo vería así”,
me contestó. “Yo también le puedo
mostrar cifras en las que se demues­
tra que la delincuencia ha bajado
en un 40 por ciento en el puerto de
Acapulco. No hemos tenido en los
últimos meses incidentes mayores y
la zona turística está perfectamente
bien blindada”.
De nuevo, le di los datos. En
febrero fueron violadas brutalmente
seis españolas en la zona del puerto
El pasado día asesinaron a 11 personas en Guerrero. Al día siguiente
encontraron autos robados a la
mismísima policía de Acapulco.
La prensa está inundada de casos
“Yo no dejo de reconocer que
tenemos un problema muy serio,
íntimamente ligado a las condiciones de pobreza y miseria en que
viven muchos de los municipios del
estado”, fue su respuesta. “Desafortunadamente se descuidó mucho el
tema de la seguridad pública”. Y
luego aclaró que los violadores de
las españolas fueron aprehendidos
en una semana, que ha disminuido
el robo de autos y que el operativo de
seguridad en Guerrero está a cargo
del ejército mexicano. “Acapulco
está entrando en una nueva ruta”.
El gobernador, quien estaba en
una gira de promoción por Estados
Unidos, me recordó elocuentemente
que muchos mexicanos se han ena­
morado, han dado su primer beso,
han parrandeado y hasta han sido
concebidos en Acapulco. Tiene
razón. Tengo muchos y muy buenos
recuerdos de magníficas vacaciones
ahí. Lástima que también recuerdo
que en mi último viaje, hace dos
años, encontraron en su principal
avenida un auto con una cabeza sin
orejas en el asiento de adelante y el
cuerpo decapitado en el de atrás.
Había también una nota de amenaza
al gobernador. “No recuerdo exactamente ese caso”, me dijo. “¿Qué le
puedo decir? Terrible”.
Dos carteles de las drogas se
pelean el control de Acapulco, y
eso se nota. Pero Aguirre dice que
no se puede ni debe negociar con los
narcos. “Lo peor que le puede pasar
a un político es tener un vínculo con
la delincuencia organizada”.
Tengo que reconocer que no
todos los políticos hacen lo que el
gobernador de Guerrero. Sabía que
no sería una entrevista fácil y aun
así la aceptó, y dio la cara. Eso se
agradece, a pesar de haber venido
en “misión imposible”. Ninguna
campaña de publicidad puede ocultar violaciones y muertes. Dejar
de hablar de los muertos por la
narcoviolencia, como es la nueva
estrategia de comunicaciones de
Peña Nieto, no significa que haya
menos muertos. ¿Quieren más turistas en México? Muy bien. Pero hay
que empezar por evitar las muertes
de tantos mexicanos. Hagan eso
y ya verán cómo Acapulco y todo
México se llena de turistas.
(¿Tiene algún comentario o
pregunta para Jorge Ramos? Envíe un correo electrónico a Jorge.
[email protected]. Por favor
incluya su nombre, ciudad y país).
Accountability in the Arab Spring and America
By Carlos Castañeda
Accountability lay at the heart of
the regional movement known as
the Arab Spring. This must be appreciated due to recent pessimism
following the Egyptian military’s
coup against the country’s elected
president, the Muslim Brotherhood’s Mohammed Morsi.
Accountability, or the people’s
ability to prompt changes in their
government policies, is more important to democratic governance
than free elections and even rotation in leadership. To illustrate, the
ability to prevent expansive gun
control legislation in the U.S. Senate this year was more important to
the nation’s strongest proponents
of gun possession rights than
was their ability to elect Republican Mitt Romney to the White
House. Similarly, for supporters
of the DREAM Act, persuading
President Obama to implement the
deferred action for childhood arrivals (DACA) program was initially
more important than his reelection.
The same principle holds true in
nascent democracies.
As such, President Morsi’s ouster this month is, upon closer inspection, a fulfillment of demands for
governmental accountability, albeit
an illegal and very imperfect one.
Before the coup, there had been a
disturbing trend toward executive
unilateralism and even authoritarianism, along with a lack of political pluralism, both within Morsi’s
cabinet and the Islamist-dominated
assembly tasked with writing a
new constitution (now suspended).
While this is largely a consequence
of Islamist parties’ overwhelming
electoral success in parliamentary
elections, it was still worrisome that
the assembly’s proposals would
reduce legal protections for women
and religious minorities.
One might argue that these
lawmaking bodies’ make-up was
simply reflected the will of the
majority in a largely socially conservative society. However, this
changed from a hopeful sign of
democratic governance to a disquieting lack of accountability upon
Morsi’s repeated defiance of the
rule of law. Specifically, he defied
rulings by Egypt’s judiciary, such
as one declaring the parliament
unconstitutional for having too
many seats chosen by closed-list
ballot. In response to concerns that
the constitution-writing assembly
would also be declared uncon-
stitutional, Morsi made his most
unilateral, controversial decision.
He issued a series of executive
orders in November 2012, which,
among other things, fired a very
unpopular general prosecutor and
declared these orders immune from
judicial review.
These acts went beyond President Bush’s controversial use of
signing statements or President
Clinton’s firing of federal prosecutors in 1993. Morsi’s actions were
making him immune from accountability. Furthermore, his combative and even dismissive attitude
toward political opponents drew
comparisons to former president
Hosni Mubarak, who was ousted
during Egypt’s January 25th Revolution in 2011. Like with Mubarak,
growing protests against Morsi
failed to achieve desired changes
in policy and eventually persuaded
the military to side with those calling for him to “Leave. Leave.” The
same occurred with Mubarak, who
resigned after it became clear his
inner circle had abandoned him.
Thus, Morsi’s administration
had slowly turned away from a
crucial demand of the Arab Spring:
accountability. Admittedly, other
motivations for the Arab Spring
included economic stagnation in
Tunisia, employment discrimination against Shiites in Bahrain, and
repression by the late Muammar
Gaddafi. Yet, underlying these
diverse complaints were desires
to effect changes in government.
People wanted responsiveness from
leaders not known for democratic
credentials. President Morsi, perhaps unknowingly, turned his back
on this principle and instead relied
on diminishing majoritarianism and
legality to legitimatize his conduct
and continued rule. However, as
explained in last week’s article,
legality alone is insufficient to
ensure governmental legitimacy in
democratic societies.
In conclusion, the importance of
accountability in the U.S. and other
democratic governments must be
valued before deeming the Arab
Spring a failure. Though the merits
of the Egyptian military’s coup are
certainly debatable and the viability
of the interim government is uncertain, especially after the withdrawal
of the Islamist Al Nour party, it is
too soon to dismiss this decade’s
most dynamic political trend. It is
not over yet.
Human trafficking needs to be addressed
State Sen. Leticia Van de Putte
The two Special Sessions we’ve
held at the Capitol interrupted my
recaps of the regular session. Let’s
get back to them:
One of my priority issues at the
Capitol is combating human trafficking. If you’re not familiar with
that term, you may know it by its
older name: slavery. Trafficking
often means forced prostitution, and
frequently, the victim is a child.
A few years ago, a physician
working in Bexar County introduced
me to a sex trafficking survivor, a
young boy who nearly died from
the physical trauma. I later learned
the Interstate 10 corridor is a major
hub of trafficking activity in the
United States.
In the 82nd Session (2011) I
joined my dear friend Rep. Senfronia
Thompson to author landmark legislation cracking down on traffickers.
This session, I was proud to team
up with Rep. Thompson again on
these key bills that became law. The
first three bills become law on September 1; the latter two are effective
House Bill 8 (HB 8) further enhances penalties for traffickers and
offenders who exploit children. The
law requires that those convicted of
human trafficking and/or compelling
prostitution must serve either half or
30 years of their sentence, whichever
is less, before becoming eligible for
parole. The law also increases the
penalty for the offenses of promotion
of prostitution, aggravated promotion of prostitution, and solicitation
of a minor.
Along with strict penalties, the
law provides important victim protections — it resolves conflicting
human trafficking protective order
statutes, allows survivors of human
trafficking to receive reimbursements for relocation expenses under
the Crime Victim’s Compensation
Act, and survivors become eligible
to participate in the Address Confidentiality Program.
• Senate Bill 92 (SB 92) — Too
often in the past, minors involved in
prostitution were simply regarded
as troubled youth and delinquents,
when, in reality, they were crime
victims being controlled by a trafficker, children who needed help.
SB 92 allows juvenile probation
departments the ability to create a
diversion program with treatment
and services for minors who may be
victims of human trafficking.
• SB 94 — The Internet has made
the criminal enterprise of sex trafficking much easier, specifically
through online postings on websites
where adult ads are published. SB 94
provides an additional legal mechanism for victims of sex trafficking
to sue the person who forced them
into prostitution or a person who
purchases an advertisement that he
or she reasonably knows is promotion of prostitution.
• HB 1272 — In 2009, the Legislature created the Human Trafficking
Prevention Task Force to study this
crime, but the task force’s mandate
was scheduled to end this year. HB
1272 extends the life of the task force
for another two years and requires
it to work with the Texas Education Agency (TEA), the Health
and Human Services Commission
(HHSC), and the Department of
Family and Protective Services
(DFPS) to develop indicators and
a standardized curriculum that help
educators, health professionals, and
DFPS personnel on how to identify
a victim of human trafficking.
• And finally, HB 2725 allows
human trafficking shelters and child-
placing agencies to be exempt from
public information requests about
the location and physical layout of
the shelter and contact information
of staff and victims in the shelter.
The law also requires the Executive Commissioner of the Health
and Human Services Commission
to develop minimum standards for
human trafficking shelters.
I am proud of the tremendous
effort of our local officials and organizations including District Attorney
Susan Reed and her staff, our Bexar
County Sheriff Susan Pamerleau and
Deputy Sheriffs, the San Antonio
Police Chief William McManus
and SAPD Officers, Bexar County
Juvenile Probation Department
officials including David Rilley,
John Moran and Maricela Morales
and our wonderful faith based and
community based service providers
and advocates. Their expertise and
support was critical in the passing
of these important bills combating
modern day slavery.
State Senator Leticia Van de
Putte represents District 26, which
includes portions of Bexar County.
She is a member of the Senate Education Committee.
28 de julio de 2013
There is a God
The question of how we got
here has been a disruptive issue
for many a decade. In fact it came
to light with the famous Scopes
Monkey trial and the focus was
One side considered evolutions as consistent with religion
and the other argument was
the word of God in the Bible
set precedence over all human
A recent poll of Americans
showed they believe God created
human beings. While 21 percent are of the opinion humans
evolved and there was no guided
process by God. The language in
the poll is somewhat confusing
because a fourth of those polled
believe we evolved like Darwin
While many adults are far from
being zealots about this the question comes down to what is being
taught in the educational system.
In Texas, other than guns,
nothing is as highly regarded
as the theory of evolution. The
matter has been argued before
the Texas Board of Education
and while Conservatives hold the
majority of the board the matter
remains unresolved.
The nation’s high court ruled
in 1987 that to teach creationism
is a violation of the Constitution because it is ‘specifically
intended to advance a particular
We’re all aware of what the
Bill of Rights says about a religion.
Despite the results of the poll
by London-based YouGov, we
find ourselves at half dozen of
this and six of the other.
The issue is nowhere to being resolved and the question
remains unanswered. Unfortunately the ones that are not being
helped are the students of the
state’s education system. The
question of the teaching of evolution is an ongoing discussion.
The matter takes up a majority of the Board of Education’s
time when it meets. Because the
amount of time it spends with
this issue very little progress
comes out of its sessions.
Depending on what side of
the issue you’re on, this could
be good news or bad news. The
poll indicates that the number of
Americans who believe that God
was not involved in the evolution
process has more than doubled
since 2004 from 10 percent to
21 percent.
Hay un Dios
La pregunta de cómo llegamos
aquí ha sido un tema perturbador por más de una década.
De hecho, salió a la luz con el
famoso juicio Scopes Monkey y
el enfoque era teológico.
Un lado consideraba la evolución como algo consistente con la
religión y el otro argumento era
la palabra de Dios en la Biblia
que sentó precedente en todo el
conocimiento humano.
Una encuesta reciente entre
norteamericanos mostró que
ellos creían que Dios creó a los
seres humanos. Mientras que el
21 por ciento son de la opinión
de que los seres humanos evolucionaron y que no había un proceso guiado por Dios. El lenguaje
en la encuesta es algo confuso
porque una cuarta parte de los
encuestados creen que evolucio­
namos como lo dijo Darwin.
Mientras que muchos adultos
están muy lejos de ser fanáticos
acerca de esto, la pregunta es qué
es lo que se está enseñando en el
sistema educativo.
En Texas, además de las armas,
nada es tan altamente considerado como la teoría de la evolución.
El asunto se ha discutido antes en
la Junta de Educación de Texas y
mientras que los Conservadores
tienen la mayoría de la junta, el
asunto permanece sin resolver.
La máxima corte de la nación
falló en 1987 que enseñar cre-
acionismo es una violación a la
Constitución porque “tiene la
intención específica de fomentar
una religión en particular”.
Todos estamos conscientes
de lo que la Declaración de
Derechos dice acerca de la religión.
A pesar de los resultados de
la encuesta por la firma YouGov, con base en Londres, nos
encontramos a nosotros mismos
en la media docena de esto y seis
de la otra.
El asunto no parece tener solución y la pregunta permanece sin
contestar. Desafortunadamente,
los únicos que no reciben ayuda
son los estudiantes que forman
parte del sistema de educación
del estado. La pregunta sobre la
enseñanza de la investigación es
una discusión continua.
El asunto absorbe a la mayor
parte del tiempo de la Junta de
Educación cuando se reúne. Debido a la cantidad de tiempo que
se pasa en este asunto, hay poco
progreso en sus sesiones.
Dependiendo de qué lado esté
usted con respecto a este asunto,
esto podrían ser buenas o malas
noticias. La encuesta indica que
el número de norteamericanos
que creen que Dios no estuvo
involucrado en el proceso de la
evolución se ha duplicado desde
el 2004 de un 10 por ciento a un
21 por ciento.
Ignorancia o racismo
Por Sabina Covo
Hace un par de semanas, y
muy cerca al 4 de julio, día de
la independencia de Estados
Unidos, el canal de televisión
para niños Disney transmitió
su clásico Pocahontas. Lo hizo
como parte de una serie de
películas para conmemorar la
herencia americana.
La historia de Pocahontas
es conmovedora, y muy explicativa para cualquier niño
estadounidense que se pregunte
hoy día parte de la historia de
la inmigración a estas tierras.
En 1607 John Smith, un
inglés, joven y guapo, sin familia, viaja buscando oro y se
encuentra en el Nuevo Mundo
con Pocahontas. Pocahontas,
un dibujo animado diseñado
con todas las características
del indio nativo americano,
muy hermosa, le enseña a John
Smith que los animales también
tienen alma, y que no hay que
matarlos, ni podar los árboles,
y que se puede vivir en armonía
aunque seamos diferentes.
Smith y Pocahontas se ena­
moran, pero al final a John
Smith lo van a matar por una
ofensa de un amigo a la tribu de
Pocahontas, y se debe ir de regreso a Inglaterra, se va herido.
Esta es la historia en dibujos
animados. En la vida real sabemos cuál fue la historia. Seguro
hubo algunas Pocahontas, pero
también hubo muchos indios
que no contaron con suerte.
En las escuelas y en casa hoy
día les explicamos a nuestros
niños la llegada de los europeos
a América. En un futuro muy
cercano los hijos de nuestros
hijos aprenderán en la clase de
historia cómo Puerto Rico se
convirtió en estado asociado
de Estados Unidos, y cómo
muchos cubanos se refugiaron
en Estados Unidos huyendo
de un régimen tirano, y cómo
muchos mexicanos, deseando
una vida mejor, entraron al país
buscando trabajo o huyendo de
la violencia del narcotráfico.
O cómo europeos, asiáticos,
orientales y africanos llegaron
buscando estudio, una vida
mejor, o aportar algo a una sociedad que les abrió sus puertas.
O cómo los colombianos se
exiliaron después de 50 años
de guerrilla y narcotráfico, o
cómo los venezolanos, haitianos y muchos más pidieron
ayuda. Es parte de la historia
Vea Ignorancia en la pág 9-A
28 de julio de 2013
de la comunidad
holding an Auxiliary Job Fair to fill more than 300 positions. Monday, July 29, 2013, 9 a.m.-1 p.m, Northside Activity Center (NAC),
7001 Culebra Road, Inside Culebra/Loop 410. Prior to visiting the
Job Fair, all candidates must complete an online application for the
appropriate job positions which can be found at
jobs. Qualified candidates must be able to successfully complete a required physical exam, pre-employment criminal background check,
fingerprinting requirements and any required drug screening. For
more information, go to or call (210) 397-8600.
partnership with KLRN, the San Antonio Public Library will host
PBS’s Daniel Tiger on Tuesday, July 30, 2013 during its family
event that includes crafts and educational activities at its Forest
Hills Branch Library, 5245 Ingram Road and will make special appearances at 10:30 a.m. and 11:30 a.m. This event is free and open
to the public. Families are encouraged to bring their cameras for
photos. Information is available at or by calling KLRN
at (210) 270-9000.
FIRST ANNUAL FAMILY REUNION - Bexar County Democratic Party (BCDP) Chairman Manuel Medina and fellow invite you
to First Annual Bexar County Democratic Party Family Reunion featuring guest speaker Senator Wendy Davis, Friday, August 2, 2013,
6:30-11:30 p.m. at La Villita Maverick Plaza, 418 Villita Street. For
more information, please visit our website
Programa Pre-K 4 SA continuará con las preinscripciones hasta el
viernes 9 de agosto de 2013 en dos localidades: Biblioteca Thousand
Oaks y en el Centro Comunitario Claude Black. Después del 9 de
agosto de 2013, las aplicaciones de inscripciones estarán disponibles
en los Centros Educativos de Pre-K 4 SA. Los lugares y los horarios
de la preinscripción son: Biblioteca Thousand Oaks, 4618 Thousand
Oaks Blvd. 78233 (210) 657-5205, lunes y miércoles, del mediodía
a las 8 p.m, martes, jueves y viernes, de 10 a.m. a – 6 p.m.; Centro
Comunitario Claude Black, 2805 E. Commerce 78203 (210) 2075233, de lunes a viernes de 7:45 a.m. a 5 p.m.
SUMMER LEARNING FESTIVAL - Eastside Promise Neighborhood (EPN) will hold a summer learning festival for residents on
Saturday, August 17, 2013 from 9 a.m.-12 p.m., at Pershing Park,
500 Sandmeyer, free activities, entertainment, booths and giveaways.
For more information, please call 352-7142.
is on Saturday, September 14, 2013 at Blue Star Arts Complex, 7
a.m.-10:30 a.m. The 5k Run will begin at 7:30 a.m, the 2-mile walk
will follow at 8:30 a.m. Individuals and teams are encouraged to
register Top fundraising individuals
and teams will receive trophies, and top runners will receive medals.
MARK YOUR CALENDAR - First Amendment Workshop.
The San Antonio Chapter of Americans United for Separation of
Church & State (AUSA) is proud to announce a critically important
Workshop. The event is sponsored by the San Antonio Chapter of
Americans United for Separation of Church and State at TriPoint,
3233 N. St. Mary’s and U.S. 281, Saturday, September 21, 2013,
from 12 – 5 p.m.
CRAFT FAIR - The Encino Park Women’s Club is holding its annual Craft Fair on Saturday, October 5, 2013 from 9 - 5 and Sunday
October 6, 2013 from 9 - 3. It will be held at the Encino Park Community Center at 1923 Encino Rio, San Antonio. Proceeds benefit
the group’s Scholarship Fund.
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Big plans for San Antonio
By Julia Ermlich
[email protected]
With new elected officials come
new, or at least updated, ideas and
goals. San Antonio’s three new
council members Rebecca Viagran
Dist. 3, Shirley Gonzales Dist. 5, and
Ron Nirenberg Dist. 8, each have
their own plans for their respective
At a networking breakfast with
the San Antonio West Chamber of
Commerce, two of the three council
members outlined their goals for
their districts during their terms.
Gonzales was unable to attend the
event due to a scheduling mishap,
and only gave a very brief speech
via pre-recorded video.
“Supporting businesses and commerce in the west side of San Antonio will be a big part of my office,
and we look forward to working
with the West Chamber of Commerce in accomplishing its goals,”
she said.
Council members Viagran and
Nirenberg went into more detail.
“One of the things I’m looking at
is to create policies that are helpful
for small businesses similar to the
size of [my family’s] small business;
those policies that deal with safety,
with connecting with community
members and with graffiti cleanup
too,” Viagran said. “These impact
all of these small businesses.”
“We built our business on relationships, on cultivating those
relationships. We recognize and
celebrate achievements in the community with our little trophy shop
on Flores Street in District 3,” she
explained. “But it’s created that
neighborhood, that culture and that
has empowered the rest of the people
in the neighborhood. This is what
we like to do and this is what I see
this chamber doing, what we can
do together in the city and leading
one another.”
“Then I look at infrastructure.
We want development in District
3. We’re looking at growth and
development intentionally, with
community involvement; having
the community in conversation with
each other and not just having things
come up,” Viagran said. “But when
you have the community backing
you, it’s going to be a great, even
better development that comes
Viagran is also looking at various
policy initiatives, from Animal Care
Services (ACS) to development and
partnering with the West Chamber
of Commerce, and is planning on
implementing a leadership development program for high school
students in her district.
“It was really surprising to me
when I went to a scholarship program, the top 10 percent of the class
was there, and they were not registered to vote. Nobody had ever told
them about registering to vote,” she
explained. “This made me realize
there’s a disconnect and a gap that
we need to fill.”
Nirenberg also covered a range of
topics regarding District 8 and the
city as a whole.
He discussed the diversity of his
district. Demographically it has a
Hispanic majority: 43 percent Hispanic, 42 percent Anglo, 7 percent
African American and 5 percent
Asian American. The district is also
divided right down the middle on
political lines.
“We’ve got great diversity in
terms of our neighborhoods and
socioeconomic status and we have
some important economic centers,”
he said.
“My campaign was built on the
fact that we need to look at the city as
we look at it when we take off from
San Antonio International Airport:
district lines, we don’t see them,”
Nirenberg said. “The growth of San
Antonio is going to be told in how
we connect it back together. We see
the evolution of our city so we can
get past the north, south divides that
have caused the lack of progress in
certain areas. So I think connectiveness will be a theme in the next term
on council.”
Nirenberg expressed particular
concern about the $50 million
budget shortfall the city is falling
into, and how the City Council
spends money regarding geographic
growth, economic development and
city maintenance, as well as an interest in the medical center area.
“The medical center is a citywide
asset,” he said. “We derive billions
Councilwoman Rebecca Viagran, Dist. 3, addressed her plans and goals for her new term during a
networking breakfast with the West San Antonio Chamber of Commerce.
(Photo, Melendrez Entertainment)
of economic impact every year and
unfortunately when you drive in
there nothing changes.”
Nirenberg said he is working on
a comprehensive plan to change the
landscape of the medical center and
to introduce new safety measures.
He also explained that the city
of San Antonio is growing at a
phenomenal rate, with District 8
growing twice as fast.
“So I’m making sure that we
invest in economic development
opportunity, making sure that we
provide the city services that are required, and also protecting those regional assets, [such as] the Edwards
Aquifer and the Clean Air Act,” he
said. “If we do not put ourselves in
position to address EPA mandates
with regards to clean air, the pain
that we’re feeling with water will
be doubly so with air.”
Nirenberg also pointed out the
important initiatives of SA2020,
such as transportation and education.
If you do not know which district
you live in or who the councilmember for your district is, you can visit for
a map and a list of representatives.
Houston St
28 de julio de 2013
Sen. Uresti one of many to
Amidst economic boom, city’s
question Congressman King
perfect credit bond rating confirmed
“The AAA bond rating is
more proof that our city is well
managed and one of the best
places in America to do business,” declared Mayor Julián
Municipal bonds are issued
by states, cities and counties
for the purpose of financing
the infrastructure and budgetary needs of the issuing entity.
Such needs include water systems, power utilities, schools,
highways, streets, and so forth.
They’re a mechanism for dispensing debt, and consequently
their ratings are a barometer for
the city’s overall economic and
financial health.
The risk, or security, of municipal bonds measure how
likely the issuer is to meet payments in full and in time; general obligation bonds promise
to repay based on “the full faith
and credit” of the issuer. These
are widely considered the least
risky and most secure type of
municipal bond.
Highly rated bonds will allow
San Antonio to acquire low interest rates on bonds issued by
the city, sparing taxpayers and
business a significant amount in
finance costs.
On July 16, 2013, the City of
San Antonio priced two bond
transactions to fund projects
adopted in its capital budget
through a syndicate led by
Wells Fargo Securities and comanaged by Southwestern Capital Markets, Inc., among others.
General obligation bond ratings
were priced at the amount of
$114.4 million and certificates
of obligation at $15.1 million.
Citied as reasons for the perfect ratings in the bond reports
include the city’s “strong and
vibrant economy, financial performance and position, strong
financial management policies,
two-year budget strategy, and
comprehensive, long-term financial and capital program.”
Sound fiscal strategy has
helped the city achieve its coveted financial status, brought
about in large part by the over-
sight of the City Manager’s Office, directed by Sheryl Scully.
Castro lauded the city as
a model of good governance
Once the symbol of the nadriven by responsible public
tion’s industrial prowess, Depolicy, citing the factors that
troit filed for bankruptcy last
have led to its economic and
Thursday, marking the largestfiscal success.
ever municipal bankruptcy fil“One of the things San Antoing in U.S. history. It is hardly
nio has done well is managing
alone; since 2010, eight counits resources right, as well as
ties and cities have declared
being governed right.”
bankruptcy, a legacy of the
He also noted the city’s rapid
2008 recession, an anemic ecopopulation growth as key, citing
nomic recovery and debt-driven
its consistently low unemployfiscal policies.
ment rate as a major attraction
San Antonio stands as an
in a country plagued by a slugexception!
gish labor market.
Just a day before Detroit filed
“We’ve matured into the
bankruptcy, all three major
nation’s seventh largest city,
bond rating agencies- Moody’s,
growing by over 250,000 thouFitch, and Standard & Poor’ssand people in the last decade
affirmed San Antonio’s “AAA”
or so,” Castro continued.
general obligation bond rating,
The mayor believes that eduthe highest credit rating that
cation is critical to making
an entity can receive. San Anand keeping the city-as well as
tonio is the only major city in
America- economically comthe country with over a million
petitive at a global level, atpeople to have such a perfect
tracting high-skill industries
that have funneled prosperity
and growth into San Antonio,
such as bioscience, healthcare,
and cybersecurity alongside traditional sectors like aerospace
Through the “Pre-K 4 S.A.”
initiative, Castro has signaled
improving the city’s education
system as one his major policy
goals. The ballot measure works
to provide full day Pre-kindergarten to more than 20,000
children, while providing highquality training for early childhood teachers. Castro believes
such efforts not only foster job
creation but establish a solid
foundation for San Antonio as
an educated and economically
progressive city of the future.
Castro also noted that the
city’s economic health was
aided by a construction boom
Among the ten largest cities in the U.S., San Antonio is the only one with ‘AAA’ ratings from all
as a result of rapid residential
three major rating services. (Courtesy photo)
development in cities all across
the state.
By Jose Luis Martinez
[email protected]
By Micah Rodriguez
State Sen. Carlos Uresti joined
lawmakers of both political parties in condemning the hateful
remarks of Iowa Rep. Steve King,
who told the conservative website that:
“For everyone who’s a valedictorian, there’s another 100 out
there that they weigh 130 pounds
— and they’ve got calves the size
of cantaloupes because they’re
hauling 75 pounds of marijuana
across the desert. Those people
would be legalized with the same
“Representative King’s words
are offensive not only to all Latinos, but to all Americans who
judge individuals by their willingness to work and sacrifice for
their families, not by the color of
their skin or country of origin,”
said Uresti, who chairs the Texas
Senate Hispanic Caucus.
“Unfortunately, King’s attitude
is all too reflective of the small-
minded, reactionary faction in
Congress that is more interested
in demeaning immigrants than
working toward comprehensive
immigration reform,” Uresti
said. “He owes an apology not
only to the Hispanic community,
but also to his colleagues whose
work he is so desperately trying
to undermine.”
Uresti noted that King’s remarks are not only offensive but
downright inaccurate, citing findings by the conservative-leaning
Cato Institute, which concluded:
“Legal and illegal immigrants do
commit crimes, but at rates that
are generally lower than their native-born counterparts, according
to U.S. Census Bureau data. The
large majority of immigrants who
enter the United States, legally
and illegally, come here to work
and save and support their families. Once inside the country, they
want to stay out of trouble and
not jeopardize their opportunity
to earn income in our relatively
free and open economy.”
Con Personalidad
28 de julio de 2013
Calidad de vida
Por Ana Cristina González [email protected]
Muchas veces me he preguntado:
¿hasta dónde debo llegar cuando se
trata de apoyar a alguien importante
para mí? Es una pregunta difícil
de contestar y que va ligada a los
valores, pero también a lo que nos
dice la conciencia y el corazón.
El día de ayer me llamó una
amiga para decirme que su novio
le ha sido infiel durante meses; sin
embargo, ella lo perdona porque
cree que debe apoyarlo y estar a su
lado para que no sufra de fuertes
depresiones que podrían llevarlo a
cometer un error más grave.
Mi amiga lleva aguantando este
tipo de infidelidades desde hace un
par de años, ya que su novio lo hace
El novio tiene problemas familia­
res y no tiene a muchas personas
que lo apoyen tanto económicamente como emocionalmente, por
lo que ella se siente responsable de
llevarlo por un buen camino.
Este solo es un ejemplo de miles
que suceden a diario, y que terminan en una simple toma de
Aquí lo importante es saber hasta
dónde llegar y saber decir que no
cuando no se puede.
Primero que nada, debo aclarar
que cada situación es distinta, por
lo que nunca va a ser la misma toma
de decisiones.
Para tomar una decisión adecuada, siempre enfócate en tus valores
y asegúrate de estar haciendo algo
que no se interponga en tu manera
de pensar. Si la decisión que estas
tomando no te hace sentir del todo
bien, y muy dentro de ti sabes que
lo haces por alguien más y no por
ti, entonces no lo hagas.
Para saber diferenciar entre
hacer algo por otra persona para
bien y hacerlo para mal, lo único
que deberás tomar en cuenta es esa
sensación de bienestar positivo que
sentirás al hacerlo.
Por ejemplo, si le regalas tu
sándwich a la persona que está en la
calle y no tiene nada que comer, es
posible que sientas coraje de tener
que darlo, pero al final sentirás bie­
nestar por haber sido parte de una
buena causa.
Pero si tu amigo te pide que lo
lleves a un lugar en donde podrá
consumir drogas sin ningún proble­
ma, y tú no te sientes a gusto al ha­
cerlo, entonces no lo hagas porque
solo traerá consecuencias y bajará
tu moral.
Todo lo que hagas hazlo porque
tú lo has decidido, y no permitas
que nadie te haga tomar decisiones
sin que tú las hayas evaluado antes.
Social Security Administration
Questions & Answers
By Oscar García
Pregunta: No puedo ver el valor
de pagar impuestos de Seguro Social. Yo podría invertir los impuestos de Seguro Social que yo pago en
una Cuenta de Jubilación Individual
(IRA) o algunas otras inversiones, y
hacer mucho mejor. ¿Por qué tengo
que contribuir a un sistema que no
va a estar allí cuando lo necesito?
Respuesta: Para una cosa, la
cobertura de Seguro Social es obli­
gatoria. En segundo lugar, tal vez
podría hacerlo mejor, pero, una vez
más, quizás sus inversiones no funcionarán. Recuerde estos hechos.
Sus impuestos de Seguro Social
pagan por invalidez potenciales y
beneficios de sobrevivientes, así
como de prestaciones de jubilación.
Seguro Social incorpora objetivos
sociales tales como dar más protección a las familias y los trabajadores
de bajos ingresos que no son parte
de planes privados de pensiones.
Además, las prestaciones de Seguro
Social son ajustadas anualmente
por aumentos en el costo de la vida,
que es una función que no está presente en muchos planes privados.
Mucha gente considera el Seguro
Social solo como un programa de
jubilación, pero hay en él mucho
más cuando se trata de la necesidad
de la incapacidad y beneficios de
sobrevivientes, del Seguro Social
hay para aquellos que califican.
Los sobrevivientes dependientes
de los asalariados, como es el caso
de las esposas y los hijos menores de
edad, pueden ser elegibles para pres­
taciones de sobrevivientes cuan­do el
sostén de la familia muere.
La triste realidad es que aproximadamente una de cada ocho personas trabajadoras de hoy, de 20 años
y de mayor edad, mueren antes de
llegar a 67 años de edad.
La buena noticia es de aproximadamente 96 por ciento de las
personas con edades comprendidas
entre 20 y 49 años que trabajan sus
sobrevivientes tienen seguro de protección si se mueren y dejan atrás
los niños pequeños y los cónyuges
supérstites. Seguro Social está aquí
para ayudar a las personas con
discapacidades. De hecho, los trabajadores discapacitados cuentan con
alrededor del 19 por ciento de todas
las prestaciones del Seguro Social.
Una de cada cuatro personas
de hoy, de 20 años de edad, se
convertirá en los trabajadores discapacitados antes de llegar a 67
años de edad. Por lo tanto, aunque
la cobertura de Seguro Social es
obligatoria, no puede proporcionar
importantes beneficios para los
trabajadores jóvenes, así como
Pregunta: Estoy solicitando los
beneficios por incapacidad usando
la Internet. ¿Cuál es la diferencia
entre la solicitud de beneficios por
incapacidad y el informe de incapacidad? ¿Tengo que llenar ambos?
Respuesta: Sí, necesitará llenar
ambos si solicita los beneficios
por incapacidad. Para recibir los
beneficios de Seguro Social por
incapacidad, tiene que presentar una
solicitud de beneficios. El informe
de incapacidad provee información
acerca de su padecimiento mental
o físico actual, lo cual necesitamos
para poder procesar su solicitud por
incapacidad. Usted debe llenar su
solicitud para recibir los beneficios
por incapacidad, el informe de incapacidad y la autorización para divulgar sus registros médicos cuan­do
presenta su reclamación. Para
informarse mejor y para solicitar los
beneficios por medio de la Internet,
Oscar García trabaja para la
Administración de Seguridad
Social como el especialista de actividades públicas. Usted le puede
dirigir sus preguntas a: SSA, 411
Richland Hills Drive, San Antonio,
Texas 78245. También le puede
mandar un correo electrónico a:
[email protected].
Children’s Hospital...
yet remains, and will remain, open
and functioning normally during
the renovation.
“We anticipate construction to
begin in the early fall, late summer,” Carrier said. “The majority
of the project should be done by
late 2014, early 2015.”
When completed, the newly
transformed children’s hospital
will include a larger emergency
room and 12 operating rooms
servicios de salud de Northside ISD.
Vacunas para el ciclo escolar
requieren cinco dosis para los estudiantes que desean entrar a kínder.
Estudiantes de siete años requieren
tres dosis de esta vacuna. Estudian­
tes de 8º a 12º requieren una dosis
cada diez años.
Polio. Cuatro dosis de IPV son
necesarias para niños de kínder.
Para los estudiantes de 18 años no
es requerida.
Rubiola. Dos dosis de MMR
son requeridas. La primera debe ser
administrada durante el primer año
o después de su primer año. La segunda dosis deberá ser administrada
a los 5 años o entrando a kínder.
HIB. Tres dosis de la vacuna
Haemophilus Infuenza de tipo B y
un amplificador de la vacuna si se la
pusieron al niño antes de sus prime­
ros 15 meses. Si fue después de los
(continued from page 1-A)
specifically designed for children,
private patient rooms and improved
“It will put us on par with what
people expect of an exceptional
children’s hospital,” Carrier added.
(viene de la página 1-A)
15 meses, entonces deberá ponerle a la enfermería de la escuela.
una dosis de la vacuna.
Menactra. Esta vacuna es contra
Hepatitis tipo A. Dos dosis de la meningitis, y protege a los estula vacuna Hepatitis A son reque- diantes de la enfermedad a partir de
ridas para estudiantes que cursen los 11 años de edad. Una dosis es
prekínder, primero, segundo y ter- requerida para estudiantes de grados
cero de primaria. La segunda dosis 7º,8º, 9º y 10º.
de Hepatitis A es administrada seis
La ley del Estado indica que todos
meses después de la primera dosis. los estudiantes deben tener estas
Varicela. Dos dosis de la vacuna vacunas, sin embargo usted puede
de varicela deberán ser recibidas contactar al Departamento de Salud
durante o después del primer año del de Texas en caso de tener alguna
estudiante. La vacuna es requerida razón especial para no hacerlo (repara estudiantes de pre kínder hasta ligión, alergia). El número es (800)
Si el estudiante tiene 13 años y
De igual manera, el Departamento
apenas recibirá su primera vacuna de Servicios de Salud del Distrito
contra la varicela, entonces deberá Escolar Northside ISD se ubica en el
recibir dos dosis. Si el estudiante ya 5651 de la calle Grissom, tel. (210)
tuvo varicela, entonces deberá con- 397-3551.
tactar a la enfermería de la escuela.
Para una lista completa de las
Vacuna Neumocócica (PCV7). clínicas de San Antonio que ponen
Esta vacuna es obligatoria para vacunas llame a San Antonio Me­
estudiantes de 3 a 4 años de edad. tropolitan Health District al (210)
Para evaluación profunda contacte 207-8750.
Just a Thought: “Back in the day”
By Steve Walker
Last week I went nostalgic and
“old school” by walking down
memory lane and reminiscing
and talking about the “good old
days.” As an original baby boomer
born in 1946, (how time flies) I
lamented about how life appeared
to be less complicated and much
less expensive “back in the day.”
Since old age is relative depending on how you define “old age,”
you can elicit all sorts of theories
as to who is and who is not old.
How many times have you heard
the expression, “age is just a
My stock answer is, “I am old
because I have a high number.”
Then again there are many others
who have a much higher number
than I do. A few weeks ago I
wrote about one such individual,
San Antonio icon Bill Sinkin. His
number is 100!
While I have lived through
the Korean War, Vietnam, Desert Storm and the Iraq and Afghanistan wars, he has also lived
through World War I and II. In
perspective, compared to Mr.
Sinkin I am a kid. His son Lanny
and I are the same age and we both
have gray hair or what is left of it.
People my age (66) are sometimes affectionately and not so
affectionately referred to as senior
citizens, while I prefer the term
“social security recipient.”
Going back to the 50s and 60s
when I was growing up which
was not that long ago from my
viewpoint, we didn’t have what
we have now as far as technology.
Back in the day for example we
had manual typewriters. Today we
have the hi-tech computers.
I remember the huge computers
in the 80s with a Disc Operating
System called DOS. Does anybody remember that or even know
what I am talking about? Now we
have smaller and even compact
computers using Windows. I am
writing my column right now on
a Microsoft Word program on my
Dell Computer. I did type on a
typewriter in typing class and used
liquid “White Out” to erase and
correct my typing errors. Many
young people have never heard
of “White Out.” Maybe that is a
good thing. Not so messy now that
I think about it.
It is hard for me to fathom as an
old timer, we have witnessed huge
advancements from typewriters
to computer technology of the
Internet with Facebook, Twitter,
Skype, and the like in just the last
two decades.
I believe it is hard for younger
people coming of age to imagine
the radical change in lifestyle for
people my age that we took for
granted “back in the day.” I am
sure Mr. Sinkin could regale us
with his version of old and the vast
changes made since he was a kid.
It is called progress.
I grew up watching black and
white television. My first recollection of watching color TV was
in 1966. The very first show televised in color was a series called
“Bonanza,” in 1959. We couldn’t
afford a color TV back then as did
most people. Not everyone even
owned a TV much less a colored
TV. My first encounter watching
a show in color was “Batman”
while in college with my buddies
on Tuesday nights in the day room
of my dormitory. Friends and
classmates would congregate to
watch. Some would bring popcorn
and snacks along with them. It was
like going to the movies and not
have to buy a ticket.
Being in a nostalgic mood, I still
miss going downtown on Saturdays as a youngster to the 25 cent
double features at the Majestic,
Empire or Aztec theatres to see
my favorite monster movies, with
Dracula or Frankenstein. Now I go
on the movie channels on cable to
see those same flicks in the privacy
of my own home. Yep those were
great times, “back in the day.”
Anyway, as always, what I write
is “Just a Thought.”
Steve Walker is a Vietnam
Veteran and former Justice of the
Peace and journalist.
No hay otra manera
Mucha gente piensa que hay
maneras o cosas que se pueden ha­
cer para “ganarle al sistema”. Que
pueden encontrar algún rembolso
o deducción para aprovecharse del
sistema y ganar mucho dinero.
La realidad es que no hay fórmulas secretas ni escapatorias.
Pero por más que uno le dice y le
muestra, todavía hay personas que
creen que hay un truco o atajos para
ganar dinero en la vida. Esas personas terminan jugando con víboras y
cuando juega con serpientes, le van
a morder, y muerden duro.
Por ejemplo. Muchos creen que
los rembolsos de las tarjetas de
crédito son buenos; que el comprar
una plasma de $1,000 en una tarjeta
de crédito para que le devuelvan
$20 es un buen negocio.
La realidad es que están po-
By Andrés Gutiérrez
niendo demasiado en riesgo solo
Necesita ser constante, caminar
por recibir $20 de rembolso o mi­llas paso a paso y poner un pie detrás
áreas. Cuando juegas con fuego del otro. No hay atajos, fórmulas
pones en riesgo la casa.
secretas, pastillas ni pulseras que
Muchos han caído en el mito de cambiarán su futuro financiero. La
las ventajas de arrendamiento de riqueza no se hace en microondas.
carros y se han enfocado en cómo Es como hacer tamales; se toma
pueden deducir el millaje, los pagos tiempo.
mensuales y cómo después pueden
Andrés unió fuerzas con Dave
devolver el carro al concesionario. Ramsey para traer este mensaje
Y la justificación es que como los de Paz Financiera a la comunidad
vehículos pierden valor, ¿es sabio hispana. Por medio de su proarrendar, verdad? ¡POR FAVOR! grama de radio “El Show de AnCuando paga y paga y paga y nunca drés Gutiérrez” y el curso de “Paz
es tuyo no es un buen negocio. El Financiera”, él está ayudando a la
arrendar es la manera más costosa comunidad hispana hacer que su
para operar un vehículo.
dinero se comporte – una familia
Cuando uno trata de ganarle al a la vez. Para más información
sistema, uno asume más riesgo. Y sobre Andrés Gutiérrez visite
si le golpea el peligro del riesgo, Sígalo
acabará con todo el progreso que en Twitter: @elshowdeandres y en
llevaba y posiblemente más.
Salvation Army...
iego is a former actor who starred
in many Mexican novelas that
gives guitar lessons. Guadalupe
Munoz is an artist who lost his
fingers in an accident and found
solace in painting, teaches at the
center as well.
“Sometimes you need a critic,
and there are plenty of good ones
here,” a chuckling Tello said.
After the day is done, the seniors
take home goodies. Sometimes
it’s sack lunches or food from
the pantry. But everyone always
(continued from page 1-A)
leaves with a smile on their face.
“We have a lot of talent here,”
said Lillie Baltazar, director of
North Flores Salvation Army’s
Senior Center. “Everyone finds
that they are capable of much more
than they believed possible.”
Border Caucus highlights region’s
importance to U.S. economy
By Rebecca Acuña
Members of the Border Caucus – Reps. Raul Grijalva (AZ03), Filemon Vela (TX-34),
Henry Cuellar (TX-28), Beto
O’Rourke (TX-16), and Pete
Gallego (TX-23) held a press
conference to highlight the impact of the border region on the
U.S. economy. Members discussed the points often ignored
during the border security debate- including trade and commerce, port infrastructure, and
public and private partnerships.
“During the immigration
debate, myths about our border
region have been spread by
those who have no connection
to or knowledge of our area,”
said Congressman Gallego (TX23). People need to rethink the
border. As the representative
for the district with the largest
US/Mexico, I know the border
region means jobs for the rest of
the country. More than 400,000
jobs in Texas rely on our trade
with Mexico. U.S. exports to
Mexico exceeded our exports to
Brazil, Russia, India and China
“The border should be viewed
as an opportunity, not a threat,”
said Congressman O’Rourke
(TX-16). “More than five hundred billion dollars’ worth of
trade crosses our ports of entry
every year and that helps support six million jobs nationwide.
Rather than militarize our border, we should realize our full
economic potential and invest
those resources to improve and
modernize our ports of entry. To
remain economically competitive, we need to update infrastructure at our ports of entry
and hire more customs officers
to expedite crossing times. If
we focus on the positive aspects
the border has to offer, we will
grow our economy and create
“Our economy loses billions
of dollars a year in revenue
because of delays and outdated
facilities at our Ports of Entry.
Rather than solely using taxpayer dollars, allowing public
private partnerships would spur
outside investment to improve
infrastructure along our borders.
Reducing border wait times
could generate $7.5 billion from
trade and 34,000 jobs over the
next ten years, helping families
and small businesses across
South Texas,” said Congressman Henry Cuellar (TX-28).
“In the past decade almost
6,000 people have died trying
to cross our Southwestern border,” said CongressmanGrijalva
(AZ-03). “Approximately 2,500
have died just along the 350
miles of border I represent. Our
uncontrolled border spending
has done nothing to address
the reasons people come to this
country – it has just pushed migrants into remote areas where
they die more frequently. There
is a humanitarian crisis happening on our soil, and further militarization is not the answer. We
need to understand that true border security means humanitarian support, preventing deaths,
targeting human trafficking,
and keeping border towns the
safe places to live that they are
today. It also means oversight
of law enforcement practices
to prevent further human right
abuses. Fiscally responsible
investments in border security
will protect our nation from real
harm and help us refocus on our
border as an asset rather than a
source of conflict.”
“Trade with Mexico is critical to the economies of all
states, not just those on the
US-Mexican Border, evidenced
by the fact that last year alone,
the US had $500 billion worth
of trade with Mexico,” said
Congressman Vela (TX-34).
“For immigration reform to
truly be comprehensive, it must
promote this trade through
investment at our land-based
ports of entry. I have a bill,
Putting Our Resources Toward
Security or ‘PORTS’ Act, which
invests billions in funding for
much-needed upgrades to port
infrastructure and 5000 new
Customs and Border Protection
Officers – the officers in blue
who work at the ports. These
are the kinds of investment that
we need.”
• In 2012, trade between
the U.S. and Mexico totaled
$472,933,986 billion- roughly
the equivalent of $1.3 billion a
day or $1 million per minute.
• 98.5% of Texas exports go
to Mexico.
• According to the US Chamber of Commerce, 463,132 jobs
in Texas rely on trade with
• The border region of the
United States and Mexico –
comprised of ten border states
and nearly 100 million people
- would be the 4th largest world
• El Paso is the second largest southern land border port
by value.
• In 2011, $87.9 billion worth
of trade crossed the ports of
entry between El Paso and
Juarez, an 81 percent increase
since 2009.
• According to the Department of Commerce’s International Trade Administration,
the U.S. economy loses $1.5
billion in output, $400 million
in wages, $200 million in tax
revenues, and 6,700 jobs due
to border wait times in El Paso.
Economic losses are projected
to increase to over $2.6 billion
in output, $600 million in wages, $300 million in tax revenues
and 11,500 jobs by 2017.
28 de julio de 2013
Students Dazzanett Sanchez and Brandon Hernandez give their presentation on rocketry.
(Photo, Julia Ermlich)
Students improving their
minds outside of school
By Julia Ermlich
[email protected]
It’s not just the overly studious or those taking summer
classes who are learning things
this summer.
St. Philip’s College Science
and Math Summer Academy
wrapped up its three week program this Thursday with presentations by the kids and a short
graduation ceremony.
“What they do is they come to
the camp for three weeks, and
in those three weeks they go
through eight different activities,” Dr. Carmen Nava-Fisher,
Associate Director of the COE
for Sciences and Professor of
Chemistry and Earth Sciences,
said. “The activities are very
much already based in a college kind of program, so the
activities we have are hands-on
activities but at the same time
they use top of the line, or what
anybody that is going to be
working in something like for
example genetics, they will be
using exactly the same kind of
procedures and techniques in
findings and everything.”
The record total of 125 participants, ages 11 to 15, were
placed with various teachers
and learned about manufacturing processes, computer games
programming, rocketry, biotechnology/genetics, meteorology, water sciences, chemistry
processes, and engineering/
“What we want to do is to
encourage the students to come
to science, to show them that
science is a lot of fun, that it’s
challenging, but it’s fun and it’s
not difficult,” Fischer said. “So
we always want our instructors
and our volunteers in the field
to serve as models for them.”
The teachers must apply to the
program, and are pulled largely from the Alamo Colleges
but also from the independent
school districts in San Antonio.
“They send us what is their
activity, what is the logistics,
what is the purpose of the activity and what do they plan to do,”
Fischer added.
Sonya Quarve, a chemistry
teacher at South San Antonio
High School, taught her group
about physical and chemical
“Every day they basically
just did different labs,” Quarve
explained. “They went through
stations seeing what was physical and what was chemical,
because that was the main
directive, to know what was
the difference, to be able to
identify it.”
Her kids chose their own presentations for Thursday’s graduation ceremony. One group
performed a chemical change
to make plastic from household
ingredients, milk and vinegar;
another created the explosively
foamy elephant toothpaste using
yeast and hydrogen peroxide;
and the last group had old pennies, 1982 or prior, which they
changed from copper to silver
to gold.
The kids in the rocketry section had fun activities as well,
namely shooting off the rockets
they built.
“Ms. Thomas, she showed us
the four basic steps of rocketry,
the rocketry history, the construction, the engine, recovery
and safety,” Dazzanett Sanchez
from Terrell Wells Middle
School said. “She showed us
how to put the parachute inside
the rocket, where to label your
fins, where’s the proper place to
put the nose cone and where the
motor’s at, like how to connect
it so it can fly up straight.”
Sanchez, who was previously
interested in rocketry before
coming to the camp for the first
time this summer, particularly
enjoyed learning how to build
the rocket. However, that didn’t
come without its difficulties.
“The hardest part was putting
this sticky paper onto this tube
and putting this screw into this
tiny hole and putting this string
into the parachute hole,” Brandon Hernandez from Dwight
Middle School said.
The sticky paper formed the
body of the rocket, and the
eyehook, which the parachute is
tied to, screwed into the small
nosecone. Apparently there is
some assembly required in the
learning process.
Along with the daily learning
activities, there were also field
trips that related to their activities, as well as what’s called
“Lunch and Learn.”
“We have something every
day that we call the Lunch and
Learn,” Fischer said. “That is,
we invite professionals to talk
about their profession and how
they are living and what they
were doing when they were
their age, and what would they
recommend to the students to go
and become scientists or whatever they want to be.”
The entire program is completely free. Students who are
interested in the camp must apply and write a 100 word essay,
as well as provide proof of good
behavior from a teacher. The essays are reviewed and then the
students are accepted or placed
on a waiting list.
“It’s first come first serve,”
Fischer explained. “This year
we had about 200 applications
or probably a little bit more, and
we accepted 125 students. This
is the first year with 125. Last
year it was 80.”
However, it is not just top
students who are accepted to the
summer program.
“We are not targeting students
that are A students or very good
in science. It’s not our purpose,”
Fischer said. “Our purpose is to
invite everybody that wants to
have fun at fun activities and
learn about it. We target students that are either struggling
at some science or that like
science, so it is very exciting to
see how they enjoy the camp.”
28 de julio de 2013
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El Samsung Galaxy S4 Active requiere un nuevo contrato de servicio móvil por 2 años con planes de voz (de por lo menos $39.99 al mes) y de datos (de por lo menos $20 al mes) o plan Mobile Share (de por lo menos $85 al mes). Sujeto al contrato de servicio móvil del cliente. Se requiere la aprobación
de crédito. Cargo por activación o cambio: $36 por línea. Existen restricciones geográficas y de uso, así como términos y condiciones que pueden resultar en la cancelación del servicio. El precio y la disponibilidad del equipo podrán variar según la zona y es posible que no se ofrezca a través de
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por cancelación anticipada (, en inglés): luego de 14 días, se cobra un cargo de hasta $325. El cargo de restitución es de hasta $35. Otros cargos mensuales por línea pueden incluir un cargo reglamentario de recuperación de costos (hasta $1.25), recargos
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móviles de AT&T. Las imágenes en la pantalla son simuladas. Todas las marcas usadas aquí son propiedad de sus respectivos dueños. ©2013 AT&T Intellectual Property.
*Reporte RootScore® para San Antonio: mayo, 2013. La clasificación del rendimiento de 4 redes móviles se basa en los puntajes calculados de muestras tomadas al azar. Las experiencias de cada cliente pueden ser distintas. AT&T no patrocina el premio
RootMetrics. Visitar para obtener más información.
Senior Talk
Hablando de Nuestra Gente
A different kind of
“Help Wanted” sign
By Don Finley
Nick yourself shaving or on the
sharp edge of slick paper, and the
wound is usually forgotten after
a few minutes. That’s because of
tiny, colorless cells in the blood
called platelets that race to the
scene to stop the bleeding.
But in the case of a life-threatening injury — not uncommon
in a busy Level 1 trauma center
like University Hospital — or in
patients with conditions in which
severe blood loss is a problem,
the need for platelets as a medical
treatment is huge.
With demand for blood products high in the summer and
vacations affecting donations,
University Health System’s
blood bank is working to raise
awareness about the need for
platelet donors. Lots of platelet
Platelets have a shorter shelf
life than a gallon of milk. Unlike plasma, which can be frozen
for a year; and red blood cells,
which can be stored for 42 days;
platelets can be kept only five
days. Subtract the hours it takes
for collection and processing, and
it’s clear why a constant stream
of donors is needed.
“Some of my longtime platelet
donors do it because they had a
family member that needed a lot
of platelets,” said Sherrie Warner, supervisor of blood donor
services at the Health System.
“Or maybe they’ve dealt with a
patient who needed platelets and
were willing to donate. Almost
all donations are out of the goodness of their hearts.”
Each month, almost 250 units
of platelets are transfused into
University Health System patients. But less than half that
amount is collected by the blood
bank from donors. The rest must
be purchased — at a cost of $595
per unit. Collecting it in-house
saves the Health System about
$252 per unit — a much greater
savings than for other types of
blood products — and helps assure a reliable supply for patients,
Warner said.
In addition to trauma patients,
platelets are often needed for
procedures such as open heart
surgery and liver transplants,
and for cancer patients whose
platelet-making bone marrow is
damaged by chemotherapy. More
than 2,000 Health System patients required platelets last year.
“Platelets kind of form a plug,”
said Dr. Geralyn Meny, medical
director of the blood bank and
director of transfusion medicine
at the UT Health Science Center.
“If there’s a hole in the blood
vessel, they work with the plasma
proteins, the clotting factors, to
plug the hole. And if you don’t
have any platelets, the only way
you can get them is from a transfusion.”
Fortunately, platelet donors
can safely donate monthly —
compared to every other month
for red cells. And those who
give are getting back some added
incentives this year to encourage
potential donors to think about
giving platelets — including
movie passes, gift cards and raffle
entries. In addition, University
Health System employees can
accumulate extra paid time off.
For more information about
donating, call (210) 358-2812.
28 de julio de 2013
Latino kids have fewer
opportunities for active play
By Shelia Hotchkin
Studies suggest that Latino
kids have fewer opportunities to
engage in physical activity than
their white counterparts.
Latino kids also are less likely
than white kids to meet federal
recommendations of at least 60
minutes of physical activity a
day due to fewer parks and other
active spaces, fewer school- or
community-based physical activity programs, and differing
parenting styles.
But culturally relevant schooland community-based programs, better access to active
play sites, and education for
parents can help young Latinos
become more physically active,
according to a new package of
research materials from Salud
America! The Robert Wood
Johnson Foundation (RWJF)
Research Network to Prevent
Obesity Among Latino Children.
“Health departments, schools
and communities should collaborate on culturally relevant
after-school programs or activities to help Latino kids meet the
federal standard of 60 minutes
of daily physical activity,” said
Amelie G. Ramirez, Dr.P.H.
director of Salud America!,
based at the Institute for Health
Promotion Research, part of
the School of Medicine at the
UT Health Science Center San
Antonio. Salud America! is a
national network of stakeholders
seeking environmental and policy solutions to Latino obesity.
The new ¡Salud America!
“Active Play for Latino Kids”
research materials start off with
an in-depth review of the latest
science on the state of U.S. Latino childhood physical activity
and policy implications based
on that research. The full package of materials also includes
an original animated video and
Kids from low-income communities tend to have less access to parks, playgrounds and
fields. In Latino neighborhoods,
studies show that kids are often
exposed to violent crime, and
fear of crime curbs their outdoor
active play.
Also, majority-minority
schools tend to offer few programs supporting physical activity. Elementary schools with
primarily Latino students were
less likely than those with primarily white students to offer
20 minutes of recess daily, or
physical education for at least
150 minutes per week.
But implementing structured
programs for active play at
and after school may increase
physical activity levels among
Latino kids, studies show. Such
programs have proven to reduce inactive behaviors among
Latino preschoolers and Latina
middle-school girls. A walking program for Latinos also
improved kids’ fitness by 37.1
Other ways to increase active
play include:
• School administrators and
staff should develop strategies
for increasing opportunities
for physical activity during the
school day.
• Neighborhood maps of physical activity resources should
identify the need and appropriate areas for more park and
recreation spaces in Latino
• Street-scale improvements
and programs that facilitate safe
transport are needed to increase
use of physical activity sites in
Latino communities.
Research shows that inactive
Latino parents tend to have kids
who also are inactive.
“It is important to educate
Latino parents that monitoring
and rewarding healthy behaviors
may improve the level of physical activity in their children,”
Dr. Ramirez said.
The new research package is
the fourth of six new research
material packages by Salud
America!, each focused on a
specific topic on Latino childhood obesity:
• healthier school snacks
• better food in the neighborhood
• active spaces
• active play
• healthier marketing (coming
August 2013)
• sugary drinks (coming September 2013)
Each topic’s package contains: a research review, an
assessment of all available
scientific evidence on the topic;
an issue brief, a short summary
of the research review; an animated video narrated by Latino
children; and an infographic, a
visual summary of the topic.
Anuncie su negocio en inglés o español, venda articulos
para el hogar, coches, y mucho más aquí en La Prensa
28 de julio de 2013
A first for the UTSA Small Ignorancia...
Business Development Center
By Kris Rodriguez
The U.S. Small Business Administration has awarded the
South-West Texas Border Small
Business Development Center
(SBDC) Network, headquartered
at The University of Texas at San
Antonio (UTSA), a five-year,
$1.5 million contract to host
the Small Business Development Center National Information Clearinghouse (SBDCNet),
which services the United States
and its territories.
It is the first time in the history
of SBDCNet that an institution
has hosted the program for four
consecutive terms.
“The SBDCNet is a service
that our clients say ‘places big
business tools into the hands of
small businesses,” said SBDCNet Director Deborah Schueneman. “The information that we
provide to SBDC clients nationwide is information and data
not normally available to them
without a tremendous investment
of time and money. Each request
for information is customized
to a client’s particular industry,
geography, financial and market
SBDCNet is dedicated to
meeting the needs of the 1,100
small business development centers (SBDC) across the United
States by providing timely, relevant, web-based information,
and training services to SBDC
advisors and their clients. Using
Web-based subscription services
and other databases available
through the UTSA Library, SB-
DCNet researchers can collect
data on industry trends, geography and demography, customer
profiles, competitive company
details, regulations, intellectual
property, location suitability and
more. From any specific address, a ring study analysis can
plot suppliers, competitors and
consumer trends up to a 90-mile
The current financial crisis has
created complicated economic
conditions for small business.
Lenders often view small businesses and start-ups as risky
investments and may be reluctant to provide business loans.
With business plans supported
by solid research, entrepreneurs
are better prepared to approach
lenders for startup or venture
capital. While demographic and
consumer research can be cost
prohibitive, SBDCNet can provide these helpful tools at little
or no charge.
“UTSA’s vision for Tier One
continues to focus on research,
academic excellence and an
international reach,” said Albert
Salgado, director, South-West
Texas Border SBDC. “UTSA’s
Institute for Economic Development and its programs such as
the SBDC National Information
Clearinghouse will further help
fulfill its vision to become a viable player in the global market,
strengthening the economy of
San Antonio, the State of Texas,
and this great nation. Together
we will drive growth, jobs and
futures for small businesses.”
de Estados Unidos… un país
de inmigrantes.
Sobra decir que desde el siglo
XVII la tierra que hoy día es
Estados Unidos es tierra de inmigrantes. Por eso es inacepta­
ble que a Marc Anthony, por
ser hijo de puertorriqueños, o
a Sebastián de la Cruz, por ser
hijo de mexicanos, los critiquen
y discriminen por cantar el
himno de Estados Unidos o la
canción “God Bless America”
en eventos públicos.
Anthony, nacido en Nueva
(viene de la página 2-A)
York, cantó durante el reciente
juego de las estrellas, y de la
Cruz, un niño tejano, cantó
durante un juego de la final de
baloncesto, vestido de mariachi. Ambos recibieron críticas
en programas de radio y televisión y en las redes sociales.
¿Ignorancia o racismo?
Ambas. “¿Qué hace un
mexicano cantando el himno?
¿Quién trajo a un inmigrante a
cantar God Bless America? O
“maldito mexicano” fueron algunas de las críticas ignorantes
y racistas que se vieron.
Me pregunto: ¿Será que los
que critican son parte de alguna
tribu india nativa? Ya que dudo
que no tengan ningún apellido o
descendencia de otro país. Tan
estadounidense es el que nace
como el que se hace en el país.
Y para los que discriminan a
las minorías, pues a informarse
y acostumbrarse al cambio,
porque en Estados Unidos,
según la última encuesta del
censo y la AP, están naciendo
más hijos de minorías.
I-10 & West Ave.
28 de julio de 2013
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28 de julio de 2013
no more
What’s inside:
Cardinals 2-B
UDG ganó 3-B
Religión 5-B
Clasificados 6-B
By Walter Patrick
[email protected]
No more Neal
The San Antonio Spurs rescinded their $1.1 million qualifying offer to guard Gary Neal.
He is now an unrestricted free
agent and potential suitors for Dan Hughes, entrenador en jefe del equipo San Antonio Silver Stars, en su victoria ante Liberty de Nueva York llegó a 200 victorias dirigiendo
his services could be the Mil- equipos en la WNBA. En representación de sus compañeras, la delantera Sophia Young le entrego el balón utilizado en el partido. (Foto, Franco)
waukee Bucks, Detroit Pistons
and Utah Jazz, according to SB
Nation. In 68 games last season
(17 starts), he scored 9.5 points
in just 21.8 minutes.
Dan Hughes llegó a 200 triunfos y
Danielle Robinson va al All-Star
Por José I. Franco
[email protected]
Oden likes Spurs
Free-agent center Greg Oden
will decide this week what
team he will sign with, a league
source told Yahoo! Sports on
Tuesday. Oden, 25, is rumored
to have narrowed his favorites
down which include the San
Antonio Spurs, according to
multiple reports. Since being
drafted No. 1 overall in 2007,
Oden has only played in 82
Rangers acquire
Silver Stars se adjudicó su
segunda victoria consecutiva
derrotando a las visitantes del
Liberty de Nueva York con
marcador de 65 a 53, sumando
6 triunfos por 12 derrotas en la
temporada de la WNBA.
El partido se jugó en el AT&T
Center frente a 12,086 espectadores, siendo la mayoría pequeños estudiantes que se encuentran de vacaciones y enrolados
en diversos centros de esparcimiento comunitario.
El encuentro fue patrocinado
por el centro médico Children’s
Orthopaedics & Spine, que –
junto con la gerencia – presentó
el tradicional Día de Campo
(Camp Day).
El público aportó gran vibra
pues a cada momento estuvo
alentando al equipo local, que
al final concluyó su labor con
el triunfo que le fue dedicado
al entrenador en jefe y gerente
general Dan Hughes, quien en
su carrera de 14 años dirigiendo
Matt Garza, 29, was acquired
by the Texas Rangers Monday
in a trade with the Chicago
Cubs. In exchange the Cubs
received prospect Mike Olt, C.J.
Edwards and Justin Grimm. In
his first start for the Rangers
on Wednesday he went 7 1/3 By Dennis M. Ayotte Jr.
innings and recorded five strike- [email protected]
outs for the win. He improved
Outfielder Alfonso Soriano
to 7-1 for the season. His ERA
heading back to play for the
is 2.87.
New York Yankees after the
Chicago Cubs reportedly have
traded him in exchange for
Class A pitcher Corey Black.
The major part of the deal,
however, is in terms of Soriano’s salary. The former Cub
is owed $24.5 million through
the end of next season, and
the Cubs are going to pick
up $17.7 million of the tab.
RG3 out for
The Yankees will cover the
remaining $6.8 million.
Major League Baseball has
Former Baylor Bear Robert
the exchange for the
Griffin III will not participate
in any preseason action he said
played for the
this week. "I feel like I can play.
Coach feels that I can play withwhen
out any preseason. So there's no
need," Griffin said. "Patience is
the key. I've done everything I in the league. He was traded
can, so I'm going to work myself to the Texas Rangers for Alex
back into it. And it feels good to Rodriguez.
“It was great when I used to
be back out there with the guys.''
equipos en la WNBA, el jueves
25 de julio de 2013, llegó a sus
200ª victoria.
El timonel Hughes comenzó
entrenando profesionalmente
en el año 1999 al frente del club
Charlotte Sting. Posteriormente,
por cuatro temporadas dirigió,
a Cleveland Rockers, siendo
en el año 2005 cuando firmó
para dirigir y administrar a San
Antonio Silver Stars, equipo al
que ya guió a la conquista de
un banderín de campeón en la
Conferencia del Oeste (2008).
“Primero que todo, mi agradecimiento va para nuestras
jugadoras y los asistentes de
entrenador. La afición también
ha jugado un excelente papel
en las victorias que Silver Stars
han obtenido durante mi periodo
al frente de la franquicia. Ante
Nueva York se pudo jugar
gran defensiva y ofensiva. No
cedimos terreno, destacándose
sobre la cancha todo el equipo”,
apuntó Hughes.
Las Silver Stars aprovecharon
el tempranero castigo que los
árbitros dieron al entrenador
en jefe rival, Bill Laimbeer,
quien protestó cerrada jugada
gritando obscenidades a los
jueces, que, sin pensarlo, dos
veces lo mandaron a los vestidores por el resto del partido,
tomando las riendas del equipo
la entrenadora asistente Taj
Por Silver Stars sobresalieron
en el marcador las delanteras
Shenise Johnson con 7 puntos;
Danielle Adams aportó 20 unidades, encestando 3 triples en 8
intentos con 8 rebotes. La poste
Jayne Appel se apoderó de 13
rebotes y repartió 4 asistencias.
Las guardias. Jia Perkins marcó
6 puntos con 8 rebotes. Danielle Robinson, durante 35:52
minutos de acción, finalizó el
partido con 17 puntos, 6 rebotes
y 6 asistencias. La suplente delantera Shameka Christon aportó
11 unidades con 2 de 4 triples.
Por Nueva York destacaron la
capitana y escolta Cappie Pondexter con 20 puntos. Además
de hacer buenos 2 de 4 triples
con 3 rebotes y 3 asistencias.
La alera Plenette Pierson
aportó 7 unidades. La suplente,
guardia y delantera Alex Mont-
gomery colaboró con 7 puntos,
4 rebotes y 3 asistencias.
WNBA All Star Game
Danielle Robinson, con beneplácito, recibió la noticia
sobre su elección al 2013 Boost
Mobile WNBA All- Star Game
a celebrarse este sábado 27 de
julio en la Mohegan Sun Arena,
en la ciudad de Uncasville, Connecticut.
La elección de Robinson fue
hecha por entrenadores de la
Conferencia del Oeste, quienes
tomaron en cuenta su productividad de juego, con 12.3 puntos
encestados por partido y 4.1
rebotes por cotejo.
“Robinson está en su tercera
temporada en la WNBA. Ha
crecido con su estilo de juego.
Ella practica duro y ahora está
viendo los buenos resultados”,
afirmó Hughes.
“Estoy emocionada. He sido
bendecida. Doy gracias a los entrenadores que confiaron en mí invitándome al partido de estrellas. Con
ello estoy comprometida a seguir
trabajando duro en mis entrenamientos y en los partidos de temporada”,
indicó la escolta Robinson.
“Welcome to AT&T Stadium,
home of the Dallas Cowboys,”
Jerry Jones said, as he officially announced the naming rights sale of
what was once, Cowboys Stadium.
Jones, owner and general manager of the team, is one step closer
to making his $1.2 billion building
“more familiar than the White
“AT&T is an iconic American
leader that has guided the path of
communication in the world for
more than 100 years,” Jones proudly
said of the company who will pay
upwards of $20 million annually for
the next 20 to 30 years, reportedly.
The name change to AT&T Stadium is effective immediately as
workers have already begun to hang
the telecom company’s branding
throughout the stadium.
“Dallas is our home town, and
we’re proud to expand our successful relationship with the Cowboys,
one of the most visionary sports
franchises around,” said Cathy
Coughlin, AT&T Senior Executive
Vice President and Global Marketing Officer.
Jones admitted the pact wasn’t the
largest monetary deal for naming
rights and mentioned the other perks
this partnership will bring.
Besides doubling the stadium’s
capacity of AT&T 4G LTE network
inside and out, allowing fans for a
greater interactive experience, the
real payoff is with the other events
AT&T sponsors that they’ll bring to
the stadium.
Marquee events already scheduled include: the 2014 AT&T Cotton Bowl Classic; 2014 and 2015
Cowboys Classic Kick-off games;
2014 NCAA Men’s Final Four and
2015 First-Ever College Football
Playoff National Championship
Alfonso Soriano heads back to the Bronx
be with the Yankees,” Soriano
said. “My best friend with the
team is [Derek] Jeter, and he's
still there. Mariano [Rivera]
is still there too. And me and
[Robinson] Cano are good
friends, too, because we're
from the same town. I could
feel very good with the Yankees because I've been part of
the family before with them.”
The fourth-place Yankees,
6 ½ games out of first in the
American League East (2 ½
games out of the wild card
race), have floundered as of
late going 4-6 in their last 10
games as of this past Friday.
Since June 28, Soriano has
been hitting as well as anyone
in the MLB. He has racked
up 10 homeruns and 21 RBIs
while batting .285 in that
span—a better stretch than
Miguel Cabrera and Chris
With the continued absence
and impending suspension of
Alex Rodriguez, Soriano will
be a welcomed commodity to
the Yankees clubhouse. Derek
Jeter also remains sidelined
but could return as early as
Saturday, according to Newsday.
Not only will Soriano help
drive in runs, his base-running
ability is something both
Jeter and his new skipper Joe
Girardi recognize could be a
huge impact on the club.
"He had a lot of power, stole
a lot of bases. Soriano did a
lot when he was here. He was
pretty exciting," Yankees captain Derek Jeter said.
"He's been a productive
player over his career, there's
no doubt about it," Yankees
manager Joe Girardi said.
"He's been an exciting player,
a guy that could steal 40
bases, a guy that could hit 40
home runs. He's been a good
If Jeter returns this weekend, and with Soriano joining
the team, it could be the boost
the Yankees need to get them Alfonso Soriano returns to the New York Yankees where he
back atop the AL East.
started his career in 1999. (Courtesy photo)
La Prensa de San Antonio
Cardinals festejarán su
celebrarse al medio día del próximo
domingo 4 de agosto en el Friendship
Park de la vecina ciudad de Kirby.
S.A. Cardinals, en la concurrida
El equipo de béisbol S.A. Cardiserie, finalizó con marca de 7 victorias
nals, de la categoría 13U Division,
y 1 derrota, ganando el partido de gran
recientemente en su segundo intento
final al duro rival Action Baseball con
ganó el precioso trofeo de campeón
pizarra de 8 a 7 carreras.
de la 2013 Super Series World Series
“La conquista del campeonato fue
Championship que se jugó en la
un esfuerzo de conjunto en el que
participaron doce jugadores, quienes
hicieron el último sacrificio dándonos
la cerrada victoria, la cual todavía
seguimos recordando”, dijo el timonel
De acuerdo al manager campeón,
cada jugador y directivo recibió trofeo
y anillos conmemorativos bañados
en oro, así como cachuchas, y placas
de honor.
Entre sus jugadores destacó el joMisión cumplida. El manager José Figueroa agradeció el apoyo
de sus hijos Carlo, José Jr., Victoria y su esposa Karla, con vencito José Figueroa Jr., quien se
quienes celebró la captura del “2013 Super Series World Series coronó campeón en la competencia denominada Home Run Derby.
Championship”. (Foto cortesía)
Por José I. Franco
[email protected]
ciudad de Round Rock, Texas, del 5
al 12 de julio.
Su manager José Figueroa, los
coaches Paul Hernández y Ozzie
Martínez, junto con padres de familia
se están organizando para ofrecerles
su tradicional fiesta beisbolera a los
jugadores que vistieron la franela del
equipo campeón.
El festejo está programado para
Broncos derrotó a los Aguerridos
En cardiaco partido jugado
en el estadio Colt 45, el equipo
Broncos, dirigidos por el manager
Roberto Garza y el coach Frank
Torres, se anotaron importante
victoria ante Aguerridos de Palaú
que cayeron con la cara al sol por
pizarra de 7 a 6.
La victoria se la anotó el pitcher
abridor Ángel Martínez “El Veracruz”, quien contó con relevo de
José Reyna.
La derrota fue para el abridor
Raúl Hernández “La Gacela”,
quien necesitó relevo del manager
Jaime Garza.
En otros resultados del circuito Liga Regional Veteranos
Carramán, el club Rosita fue
derrotado 10-7 por los Atléticos, con derrota para Ramiro
Morales y victoria para el experimentado curvero Francisco
En el diamante Sanchez-Spencer Baseball Field, el campeón
Alamo Kings blanqueó 10-0 a
los Cachorros de Nava.
Will Martínez se anotó el
triunfo y la derrota fue para
Gilbert Rodríguez quien puso
sus números en 3-1.
Anáhuac, con su manager y
lanzador Hilario Álvarez, apaleó
17-4 a Zacatecanos con derrota
para el timonel Pilo Montes y
victoria para Álvarez, que lanzó
7 entradas sin jit y sin carrera.
“El partido estuvo bueno. Las
carreras de Zacatecanos se las
anotaron a ‘El Toro’, quien dejó
ir el partido perfecto”, dijo Chalo
Carramán, presidente y fundador
de este importante circuito del
béisbol veterano sabatino.
Rol de juegos
Colt 45:
1 p.m. Zacatecanos vs.
Alamo Kings. 4 p.m. Rosita
vs. Anáhuac.
1 p.m. Broncos vs. Atléticos.
4 p.m. Cachorros vs. Aguerridos
de Palaú.
Roberto Garza, manager del club Broncos, y el coach Frank Torres celebraron la victoria ante
Aguerridos de Palaú. (Foto, Franco)
Gran final en S.A. United S.L.
Los equipos Deportivo Las
Colinas y Guerreros de Cristo
se estarán disputando el trofeo
por la gran final de la liga de
fútbol San Antonio United
Soccer League, que preside el
señor Camilo Soto y el coordinador Martín Gaona.
El encuentro se ha programado para jugarse este sábado 27
de julio en la cancha principal
del Olmos Basin Park en el
horario de las 7:30 p.m.
Por el tercer lugar en el
campo No. 5 a las 7:30 p.m.
contenderán los equipos Cinco
Estrellas de Honduras y Young
Las Colinas eliminaron en
semifinal a Cinco Estrellas,
mientras que Guerreros dieron
cuenta de los Young Boys.
“Después de 16 jornadas y
partidos de semifinal llegan
a la final los mejores equipos
de nuestra liga. Se agradece el
apoyo de aficionados, familiares y las iglesias que brindaron
respaldo a sus respectivos equipos.
La final será a un solo partido, por
lo que pedimos que siga imperando la disciplina y que gane
el mejor”, dijo Soto.
Convocatoria para registro
de equipos. Directivos interesados pueden obtener informes
llamando al teléfono (210)
“Se esperan nuevos equipos, ya que directivos han
visto la disciplina deportiva
con que se han jugado las
dos temporadas que hemos
presentado. Aquí lo principal
28 de julio de 2013
es el ambiente familiar porque fútbol sin poner en riesgo el
la mayoría de jugadores profe- físico”, añadió el presidente
san la fe cristiana y juegan un Soto.
El señor Camilo Soto continúa trabajando en pro de su comunidad
mediante la sana práctica del fútbol soccer independiente con sede
en las canchas del Olmos Basin Park. (Foto, Franco)
Jesse Villarreal lanzó partido sin jit
que continuar superando mi estilo
“La verdad que nunca me enteré de lanzar y entrarle de lleno a la
que estaba lanzando un partido práctica de bateo”, comentó por
En el torneo All-Stars Game sin jit, ahora no me queda más su parte Jesse Villarreal.
celebrado en la ciudad de Boerne,
Texas, a su corta edad (12 años)
el lanzador derecho Jesse “Chuy”
Villarreal lanzó partido sin jit
para el equipo S.A. Cardinals,
que representó al circuito Southside Lions Pony Baseball en la
categoría Menores de 12 Años
Para Villarreal, nativo de la ciudad de Palaú, estado de Coahuila,
fue una gran victoria (6 a 3 carreras) en la que lamentablemente no
pudo lograr la joya del sin jit y sin
carrera, ya que tuvo un duro rival
ante los Longhorns, que representaron a la liga infantil Judson Youth
Sports Association (JYSA).
“Chuy”, como cariñosamente lo
llaman sus padres Ana y Roberto
Villarreal “La Yerba”, en su labor
monticular concedió ocho bases
por bolas, ponchó a 12 bateadores
rivales, permitió 3 carreras sucias
por errores, para de tal manera
incursionar a los dorados libros
de récords en el béisbol infantil
regional en el estado de la estrella
Jesse Villarreal cursa sus estudios en Mark Twin Middle
School, donde seguirá perfeccionando su persona tanto en lo académico como en las actividades
Ahora con su partido sin imparable, él comenzará el ciclo escolar
con mayores ánimos por sobresalir
en el deporte de su preferencia.
“En su primera temporada con
nuestro equipo S.A. Cardinals
categoría menores de 12 años
Jesse Villarreal enseñó su potencial en el pitcheo, tiene buen recta
la cual controla en las esquinas, de
vez en cuando lanza curvas. Tiene
estatura para su edad, lo cual bien
le podría ayudar en el desarrollo de
su estilo de batear. Todo depende
que él se someta al entrenamiento
para que pronto llegue a ser un
beisbolista completo. De antemano lo felicitamos y deseamos Jesse “Chuy” Villarreal, a sus 12 años de edad, ya tiene lanzado
éxito”, exhortó el manager José un partido sin jit. Felicidades y adelante. (Foto, Franco)
Por Sendero Deportivo
28 de julio de 2013
La Prensa de San Antonio
UDG ganó el de vuelta pero Independiente es el campeón
Por Sendero Deportivo
[email protected]
Con un gol de diferencia, el equipo
Independiente, ante los “universitarios” del UDG, se coronó campeón
en la primera división de la pionera
Liga Latina que preside su fundador
el señor Manuel De La Rosa.
En el partido de ida, Independiente, dirigidos por Carlos Juárez
“El Veloz”, se adjudicó la victoria
con marcador de 3 a 1 goles.
En su segunda cita, partido de
vuelta celebrado en el Amistad Park
que lució una buena asistencia de
seguidores por ambos equipos, bajo la
dirección del capitán Polo Martínez,
Carlos Alejo, Armando Sánchez y
Eduardo Sánchez, con su arquero estelar Mike González, el UDG blanqueó
al Independiente con marcador de 1-0.
Sin embargo volvieron a quedarse
cortos en la pizarra, ya que cayeron
superados por marcador global de 3-2.
Ambos equipos con sus directivos
al frente recibieron sus flamantes
trofeos de campeón y subcampeón,
presentados por el presidente De La
Rosa, quien agradeció sus respectivas
participaciones y a la vez convocó a
nuevos equipos para que se registren y
puedan comenzar a tiempo en la temporada de las divisiones de ascenso y
primera división.
Los directivos interesados en obtener mayores informes se pueden
comunicar con el presidente llamando
al teléfono (210) 420-0411.
Por otra parte, el equipo Halcones
del timonel Carmelo Niño no hizo
tan malo su debut en la primera
división, ya que culminó la temporada de forma invicta llevándose los
trofeos como el súper líder de la tabla
general. También ganó el de portero
menos goleado con su estelar arquero
Alejandro Lazcano, quien ostenta
varios títulos jugando en diferentes
ligas del balompié independiente de
San Antonio.
El trofeo del campeón goleador fue
para el delantero Juan Sánchez.
El timonel Niño felicitó a sus
jugadores por los buenos resultados durante la temporada y por
haberse adjudicado el trofeo del
tercer lugar tras haber dado cuenta
del rival equipo Valle F.C.
Carmelo Niño, director técnico y patrocinador del club Halcones, hizo buen debut tras haberse
coronado campeón de ascenso. Halcones en su primera temporada en la máxima división de Liga
Latina ganó trofeos de súper líder, campeón portero y campeón goleador. El arquero Alejandro
Lezcano (sexto de izquierda a derecha) dijo sentirse contento por haber cumplido con su trabajo
adjudicándose un título más en el balompié independiente de San Antonio.
Los “universitarios” del equipo UDG, con su capitán Polo Martínez y directivos Armando SánEl equipo Independiente, campeón de primera división en Liga Latina, recibió su flamante trofeo chez, Carlos Alejo, y Eduardo Sánchez y el destacado novel arquero Mike González, celebraron
que fue aceptado por los directivos Isaías Zagada, Carlos “El Veloz” Juárez, y los jugadores Anto- los buenos resultados de la temporada en la que se quedaron con el trofeo de subcampeón del 61º
nio Castro y José López, apodado “Cuco”. Felicidades al gran campeón. (Fotos Sendero Deportivo) torneo de Liga Latina.
Class specifications for 2014 United SportsCar Racing
Special to La Prensa
Daytona Beach, Fla.- Class
specifications continue to
crystallize in preparation for
next year’s inaugural United
SportsCar Racing season,
as officials strive for balanced performance and a close
competitive environment that
follows the “best of both
worlds” mantra that is driving the merger of the American Le Mans Series (ALMS)
presented by Tequila Patrón,
GRAND-AM Rolex Sports Car
Series and the International
Motor Sports Association
When the first United SportsCar Racing season opens in
January with the 52nd running
of the Rolex 24 At Daytona,
fans will be greeted by some
high-speed familiarities at
Dayton International Speedway, perhaps most noticeably
in the production-based GT
As an example, the new
GT Le Mans (GTLM) class
will retain all of the ALMS’
current GT class specs. An
important new safety feature
will be found in the cockpit of
every GTLM car, as side nets
around the driver’s seat will be
utilized as an added measure
of keeping drivers in place in
the event of an accident.
The GT Daytona (GTD)
class, the new home for what
is now GRAND-AM’s Rolex
Series GT teams, will run
adjusted performance levels
to assist in cost reduction and
an overall meshing with other
classes. A method of restricting engine air intake will be
mandatory, as will single-lug,
single piece wheels. Every
GTD car will carry a seriesspecified rear wing.
GTD may also include FUA
GT3 cars with minimal modifications, providing they meet
class performance targets.
Overall, however, the regulations will be based on the
current Rolex Series GT rules.
In addition, the Rolex Series’
current GX class will be transitioned into GTD.
On the headlining Prototype
(P) class, where series officials are working overtime to
balance performance between
the ALMS’ P2 cars, DeltaWing and Rolex Series’ Daytona
Prototypes. That work continues but there are these definite
(Courtesy photo)
NASL announces expansion to
Jacksonville and Oklahoma City
Special to La Prensa
Soccer fans in Jacksonville,
FL, and Oklahoma City, OK,
will have a North American
Soccer League team to cheer for
when the 2015 Spring Season
kicks off after the NASL Board
of Governors unanimously approved expansion franchise bids
for both cities.
The NASL Board received
presentations from groups representing four prospective expansion cities as part of two days of
meetings being held in Dallas,
"We are delighted to be expanding to two cities that clearly
have a passion for soccer, where
we believe local fans will be
excited to welcome our newest
teams," said NASL Commissioner Bill Peterson. "We have considered expansion to cities that
meet specific criteria and most
importantly have strong ownership groups that will provide a
long and stable future for the
NASL in those markets, which
we clearly have in both Jacksonville and Oklahoma City."
Mark Frisch and former professional soccer player Dario Sala
of the Sunshine Soccer Group,
which staged a Mexico Primera
League exhibition game at EverBank Field in the city earlier
this month, led the successful
Jacksonville bid.
"I am thrilled to have helped
lead an effort to bring pro soccer back to Jacksonville,"said
Frisch. "I am very grateful for
all the support from the city and
the fans leading up to this day.
I know the fans out there have
been waiting for this moment for
a long time. I cannot wait to go
out and meet them all personally
and talk the beautiful game of
soccer in Jacksonville.
Commissioner Peterson added:
"I have seen first hand the desire
the Jacksonville community has
for a professional soccer team to
call its own and believe this is a
great move for soccer in Florida.
The Sunshine Soccer Group is
creating another in-state rivalry
for our teams the Tampa Bay
Rowdies and Fort Lauderdale
Strikers, appealing to the global
soccer passion for local derbies
that are always special occa-
Oklahoma City businessman
Tim McLaughlin presented to
the NASL Board of Governors
on behalf of OKC Pro Soccer
LLC, which has already secured
the rights to plays its games at
Taft Stadium in Oklahoma City.
"Bringing a high-level professional soccer club to Oklahoma
City is going to add an exciting
new sports dimension to our city
and state," said McLaughlin.
"We look forward to working
with the NASL to give our community a soccer team and game
experience people will be talking
about for many years to come.
"We're especially excited to
know that bringing this level of
professional soccer to our market
will also help the local schools
whose historic Taft Stadium we
will play in when it is remodeled
and refurbished to its former
glory. We will create a revenue
source for the local community
because every ticket we sell will
benefit inner city schools. To say
we are excited and overwhelmed
is an understatement."
Commissioner Peterson added:
"The Board of Governors has
recognized a carefully crafted bid
from OKC Pro Soccer LLC, who
waited patiently to build a strong
platform that will ensure NASL
soccer thrives in Oklahoma City.
Like their Jacksonville counterparts, they have almost two full
years to prepare an unrivaled
coaching staff, player roster and
venue to create a team that local
fans will be proud to support."
The second half of the 2013
NASL season kicks off next
weekend on Saturday, August 3,
when eight clubs contest the Fall
Season, with the winner joining
the Spring Season champions
Atlanta Silverbacks in NASL
Soccer Bowl on November 9.
The New York Cosmos make
a much-heralded return to action,
rekindling a fierce rivalry with
the Fort Lauderdale Strikers at
Hofstra University. The Carolina
RailHawks, who finished second
in the spring standings host FC
Edmonton, spring champions Atlanta travel to Minnesota United
FC and the San Antonio Scorpions welcome the 2012 champion
Tampa Bay Rowdies. All games
will be streamed live at www.
Cars considered P2 in origin
will follow current technical
specs of the ACO. Paddle
shifters and 6-speed transmissions/gearboxes allowed
for all cars. Sonic air intake
restrictors for all approved engines for P2 and DP cars. And
lastly, here’s the easy one: The
popular and highly competitive Prototype Challenge (PC)
class now competing in the
ALMS will return with all current technical aspects intact.
Cars in every class except
for PC will also carry seriesmandated data loggers, which
will be downloaded on every
pit stop. Teams will be responsible for the proper operations
of the data loggers. To help
delineate the classes, each car
will use standardized number
panels with colored backgrounds identifying each class,
similar to what is being used
currently in the ALMS.
The panels will be backlit
for night races.
Another features sure to be
popular with fans is the return
of new and improved Leader
Lights system, which will
be required on all cars. The
colored lights, which will be
similar in color to the number
panels, will enable fans to
determine each car’s running
position within its class at
all times during the United
SportsCar Racing events.
“We are moving carefully,
but with clear momentum,”
said Scot Elkins, chief operating officer of IMSA and the
ALMS and managing director,
technical regulations and development for GRAND-AM.
“The goal is to get it right,
which entails making the
on-track action safe, competitive and reasonable when it
comes to cost. Like we’ve said
all along: the ‘best of both
worlds’ is what we’re after
here. We’re getting closer
each and every day.”
La Prensa de San Antonio
Univisión Canal 41 se
muda del downtown
SAHLA’ program
helps everyone give back
other items in order to fund
these endeavors. It’s a win-win
because people can participate
by purchasing the donated
Eight years ago, the San
items at a deep discount – and
Antonio Hotel & Lodging Asthe funds are used for charity.
sociation (SAHLA) started a
This year, a portion of the
special program to give back
proceeds raised will be donatto the community that allows
ed to Haven for Hope, the San
everyone to participate.
Antonio Humane Society, San
SAHLA contributed more
Antonio Youth Literacy and
than $413,000 to local nonWINGS (Women Involved in
Nurturing, Giving, Sharing).
The Angel program upgraded this year to include a new
website, www.AngelBuys.
com, to make it easy for everyone to purchase the deeply
discounted room nights. Angel
Buys deals can also be found
in the SAHLA Facebook store
at The 2013
Angel Buys program continues
deals through December 31,
2013 or until the program is
sold out.
The group will present
checks to each charity at the
end of the program year in
Bill Petrella, Vice President
of SAHLA, General Manager of
the Westin Riverwalk Hotel and
co-chair of the Angel program
explains the program uses locally
raised funds for local charities.
“Many of our member organizations, both hotels and allied
members, are very civic-minded
and work to provide volunteer
hours and funding to numerous
Angel program co-chair Bill Petrella explains how the hotel in- charities and groups across the
dustry in San Antonio gives back. (Courtesy photo)
city. The Angel program is one
By Angela Covo
[email protected]
César Medrano, Senior Producer/Director de Univisión 41 KWEX,
captado el jueves 25 de julio en la cabina de conducción de programas
en el último día de producción de este canal en sus estudios ubicados
en la esquina de St. Mary’s y Durango (ahora César Chávez Boulevar). Esta empresa de televisión hispana operó por cuatro décadas
en este domicilio y mudará a sus nuevos estudios ubicados en Silicon
Dr., al noroeste de San Antonio. (Foto, R. J. Pérez)
S.A. offers
to first-time
From the City of San Antonio
First-time homebuyers and
residents of City Council District
4 and District 2 neighborhoods
of Camelot I, East Village and
Village Park may qualify for
the Homeownership Incentive
Program (HIP).
HIP is a program that makes
federal (HOME) funds made
available to eligible first-time
homebuyers that provide homeownership opportunities for low
to moderate-income families and
is administered by the City of
San Antonio’s Department of
Planning & Community Development (DPCD).
“So far in FY 2013, we have
assisted 14 families with over
$120,000 in loans towards the
purchase of their first home.
These funds can be used towards a down payment, closing
costs or pre-paid interest,” Assistant Director Patrick Howard
The loans are capped at
$12,000 per eligible household
and are in the form of both a
forgivable and perpetual loan.
75% of the loan will be forgivable over 10 years and 25% of
the assistance will be due at sale
of home or change in ownership
(perpetual loan).
Applicants must meet the following requirements:
• Reside in City Council District 4 or
• Reside in Camelot I, East Village or Village Park (District 2)
First-time homebuyer or
cannot have owned a residential
property three (3) years prior to
applying for a HIP loan
• Must be able to qualify for a
loan from a legitimate institutional lender
• Have a satisfactory credit
• Have a stable employment
• Total gross annual income
must meet 2013 the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) requirements
First-time homebuyer counseling is required to be able to
participate in HIP. All potential
homebuyers must attend a HUDapproved structured counseling
session and present a certificate
of completion. The Homebuyer’s
Club is a pre-purchase counseling program that teaches families
about the home purchase process,
budgeting sills, and home maintenance.
planning for more information
or call (210) 207-5420.
Successful end to
Heroes Campaign
By Rafael Aviles
The San Antonio Chapter of the
American Red Cross will wrap
up the 2013 HEROES Campaign
with a check presentation from
the San Antonio Apartment Association (SAAA) Monday, July
29, at the Amberton Apartments
(6000 Randolph Boulevard, San
Antonio, TX 78233).
The American Red Cross HEROES Campaign is a grassroots
endeavor with local business people, school groups, church groups,
civic clubs, and individuals pledging to raise monies for their local
Red Cross chapter. This year our
region received over $55,000 from
nine community HEROES. That
total includes a $30,000 donation
from the San Antonio Apartment
“The success of this year’s
HEROES campaign is a testament
to the hard work of our HEROES
Committee and the generosity of
our community,” said Selina Lazarin, SAAA HEROES Campaign
Chair. “The money raised will go a
long way to helping families in the
San Antonio area prevent, prepare
for and respond to emergencies.”
“We are grateful for these outstanding HEROES and it is our
goal to continue this partnership
with the Apartment Association for many years,” said Mike
Bennett, Regional CEO for the
American Red Cross, Southwest
Texas Region. “After all we’ve
seen this past year we also want
to encourage apartment residents
to do their part when it comes to
fire prevention. If you don’t know
where to start just give us a call and
we will be glad to help.”
The funds raised through this
year’s HEROES campaign will
be used to support Red Cross services, such as disaster relief, assistance for fire victims, emergency
military communications, first
aid & CPR training and disaster
preparedness information for our
community. All money raised
will stay in the Southwest Texas
region to support local families
and individuals.
28 de julio de 2013
profit organizations from
money raised by the Angel
program since 2005. The
group recently announced
the ninth annual Angel program, which was created to
raise money for local charities and support the work of
the local association.
Member hotels and friends
of SAHLA donate gift cards,
tickets, hotel certificates and
more way for us to give back,”
Petrella said.
Purchasing through Angel
Buy is a great way to save while
giving back.
“Each member organization
donates about 50 room-nights
which is worth about $500,000
a year in retail value – and allied members donate tickets to
local attractions and vendors –
the program has a huge ripple
effect across our community,”
he added.
Local nonprofits are encouraged to apply because SAHLA
selects different organizations
every year.
“The guiding principle of
this organization is to promote
projects and programs that will
improve the quality of life for
our citizens, while preserving and protecting that which
makes San Antonio so unique,”
SAHLA President Rusty Wallace explained. “We believe
that by joining our energies and
resources we can make a substantial positive impact in our
The hospitality industry is the
second largest employer in San
Antonio with more than 112,000
individuals working in the field,
a direct payroll of over $2.25
billion and an annual economic
impact of approximately $12
To learn more about the San
Antonio Hotel & Lodging Association, its members and the
Angel program, visit www.
Limpian zona en torno a Lincoln Court
Por Roberto J. Pérez
[email protected]
Decenas de voluntarios se dedicaron a limpiar casas y calles en torno
a Lincoln Courts, uno de los sectores
de la ciudad más castigados con la pobreza y el crimen, el pasado sábado.
Así lo hizo notar Eliseo Olivares,
uno de los coordinadores de West
End Hope in Action Organization,
institución cuyos miembros participaron también en el trabajo de
El numeroso grupo de voluntarios, la mayoría jóvenes estudiantes, se dieron a la tarea de 5
horas de limpieza borrando graffiti, limpiando la entrada de casas
(especialmente donde habitan
adultos mayores) y recogiendo
escombros y ramas en edificios
y terrenos abandonados usando
sus propios vehículos.
Desde hace ya más de un año
los residentes de este barrio
han sostenido una campaña de
concientización entre todos las
familias para mejoren el aspecto de esta zona. Esto lo hacen
manteniendo sus casas limpias
de basura y adoptando una positiva actitud civil reportando a
la policía cualquier indicio de
actividades delictivas.
Este sector se encuentra
entre el ángulo que forman las
avenidas Culebra y Zarzamora.
Para respaldar la campaña,
San Antonio Police Department ha ejercido una vigilancia
especial en apoyo del esfuerzo
que hacen los residentes y
voluntarios para dignificar su
mundo. Personalmente, el Jefe
de San Antonio Police Department, William McManus, ha
tomado participación directa
en la campaña de mejoramiento
llevada a cabo por la iniciativa
de los propios vecinos que viven en el área de acción de Frank
Garret Community Center.
Las actividades de mejoramiento son apoyadas por
Greater New Mt. Zion Baptist
Church, Lincoln Courts Resident Association, Harper’s
Chapel Baptist Church, St.
Luke’s Baptist Church, Memorial Missionary Baptist Church
y Christ The King Catholic
Por su parte, West End
Hope in Accion Organization
también procura tener actividades de entretenimiento y
actividades para conservar la
salud de sus miembros. Entre
otros programas tiene clases de
Tai Chi, impartidas por el maestro en artes marciales Vince
Los voluntarios en trabajo de limpieza en casas de adultos mayores
durante los trabajos de mejoramiento en un amplio sector de la ciudad
en torno a los departamentos de Lincoln Courts. (Foto, Roberto J. Pérez)
Pet of the week
Say hello to Randy! Randy is a 5 year old Terrier mix who was transferred to us from our intake facility at Animal
Care Services and is ready to become a part of your family. Randy loves receiving lots of attention and playing
with his human friends. He also enjoys being outside and
rolling around in the grass. Randy does well with other
animals &ANDwould be a great addition to a home that
may already have a dog or two. Stop in and visit with
Randy at the San Antonio Humane Society today! While
Randy has already been neutered, please remember to
spay/neuter your pets to help ensure every dog and cat
born has a home waiting for them. San Antonio Humane
Society, Connecting Friends for Life.
Adoption fees for Dogs:
25 pounds & under - $99
26 pounds & over - $65
This adoption fee includes: spay/neuter surgery, first set
of vaccinations, microchip, de-wormer, flea and heartworm prevention, collar, tag, complimentary wellness exam
within the first 5 days of adoption, 14 day complimentary follow up care at any VCA animal hospital, 30 days
Sheltercare insurance, and a $5 coupon for Science Diet pet food. For more information, visit the San Antonio Humane Society at 4804 Fredericksburg Rd., call (210)
226-7461, or go to
28 de julio de 2013
La Prensa de San Antonio
Un corazón compañero Fantasmas de la felicidad
Por Hermano Pablo
Andaba en busca de un
corazón, y en esa búsqueda
viajó de Honolulu, Hawai,
hasta Los Ángeles, California.
Buscaba un corazón que fuera
afín al suyo, adaptable a su
misma sangre. La necesidad
era urgente porque su corazón
ya no funcionaba como debía.
Se trataba de Jason Pacheco,
un niño de dos años de edad.
El pequeño sufría un mal congénito. El corazón se le moría
dentro de él. Y si no se hallaba
otro para el trasplante, Jason de
seguro fallecería.
Desde aquel primer trasplante
de corazón algunas décadas
atrás, la ciencia de los trasplantes ha progresado de manera
asombrosa. Miles de vidas
han sido rescatadas de las fauces de la muerte gracias a un
En el caso de Jason, el
corazón tenía que ser, más o
menos, de su misma edad, es
decir, de unos dos años, y tenía
que ser de su mismo tipo de
La raza del donante y el color
de su piel no importaban, pero
sí tenía que ser un corazón
compatible, que se adaptara al
cuerpo de Jason, y tenía que
ser implantado en su pecho a
tiempo. Desgraciadamente Jason no resistió la espera.
Al igual que Jason, aunque
no en el sentido físico, todos
necesitamos un corazón compañero. Un corazón que simpatice con nosotros, que tenga
nuestros mismos sentimientos e
ideales, y especialmente nuestra misma fe. Un corazón que
no solo sea compatible, sino
que nos ame. Que nos ame con
un amor eterno.
Permítame, joven, señorita,
dirigirme, hoy, específicamente
a usted. Quizá usted está, hoy
mismo, en busca de un corazón.
La primera atracción al sexo
opuesto es una atracción física,
y esto es completamente normal. Pero en eso, precisamente,
consiste el engaño. Es que la
atracción física, sola, no es
suficiente para asegurar largos
años de matrimonio feliz.
Cuando se case, tenga por
seguro que hay por lo menos
tres elementos necesarios para
un largo y feliz matrimonio.
Primero, no solo ame el cuerpo
de su cónyuge, sino también su
alma, su corazón, su ser entero.
Esa clase de amor asegura la
absoluta y eterna fidelidad.
Segundo, acepte a su pareja tal
cual es. No trate de cambiar a
su cónyuge. Esa linda persona
que es su pareja será como es,
por toda la vida.
Tercero, ríndase de modo absoluto, junto con su cónyuge, al
señorío de Cristo. El egoísmo,
que es el mayor destructor de
matrimonios, no prevalece cuando Cristo es dueño absoluto.
Asegure el éxito de su matrimonio comenzando con Cristo
en su corazón. La motivación
espiritual es el estímulo más
fuerte de esta vida.
Pope tells Brazil slum
youths to battle injustice
(EFE).- Pope Francis on Thursday visited a Brazilian shantytown that until recently was controlled by drug traffickers, where
he urged young residents to fight
against corruption and injustice.
Amid heavy security measures,
Francis visited the Rio de Janeiro
"favela" of Varginha.
The pontiff was welcomed
with jubilation by the 2,500
residents of the favela, most
of whom live in houses constructed of castoff items and
cardboard and who cleaned
and decorated the streets for
the occasion.
Francis, always smiling,
greeted and kissed a number
of children and headed for the
favela's small church, where
he blessed the main altar and
was presented with a chalice
as a gift.
The pope also addressed
young people, emphasizing
that they have a "special sensitivity to injustice" and that
they often feel disillusioned
by corruption, "by the people
who, instead of seeking the
common good, pursue their
own interest."
"Never lose hope, do not lose
confidence, do not let hope be
extinguished," he urged his
The Catholic Church, Francis said, is ready to cooperate
with every initiative that can
mean true human development.
After visiting the shantytown, the pontiff met with
about 40 young Argentines
who are attending this week's
World Youth Day event, which
is the reason for the pontiff's
visit to Brazil.
Afterwards, he strolled along
several streets under rainy
conditions followed by hundreds of people, entered a
house where 20 people live and
chatted with them for some 15
The first Latin American
to lead the world's Catholics
went on to give a speech before
Varginha residents gathered on
a soccer field.
"I would like to issue a call
to those who have more resources, to the public branches
(of government) and to all
those men of goodwill committed to social justice: Do
not tire of working for a more
just and more caring world.
Nobody can remain indifferent
in the face of the inequalities
that still exist in the world,"
he said.
Por Carlos Rey
Elisa Sierra, mujer de cuarenta
años de edad con retraso mental,
no podía creerlo. Ahí, en medio del andén, había un fajo
de billetes. Era un paquete
grueso con billetes de alta
numeración. Quizá fueran
miles o hasta millones. Así
que lo recogió de la acera y lo
guardó presurosa en su bolso.
Al día siguiente Elisa tuvo
la imprudencia de mostrarle su
gran fortuna a un vagabundo.
Él, tan marginado como ella,
le arrebató una buena parte
del dinero y salió corriendo,
pero ella lo persiguió hasta
hallarlo en un bar, donde lo
mató, clavándole un punzón
en la nuca. Lo que la desatinada mujer no sabía era que
esos billetes por los que había
matado al rapaz vagabundo
eran billetes argentinos tan
devaluados que con todos
ellos no le hubiera alcanzado
para pagar ni una sola comi-
da en Buenos Aires.
¡Cuántas veces nosotros
que, a diferencia de Elisa, nos
consideramos del todo cuerdos, cometemos locuras por
cuestiones de ínfimo o miserable valor! ¡Cuántas veces
cambiamos preciosas virtudes
por placeres y caprichos que
no valen nada! ¡Cuántas veces
sacrificamos una felicidad
hogareña, o hipotecamos un
destino que se presenta promisorio y brillante, por algo de
veras despreciable!
Ese es precisamente el caso
del esposo y padre que abandona a su fiel esposa y a sus
inocentes hijos para comenzar
una nueva vida con una amante
que apenas conoce. ¿Por qué lo
hace? ¿Qué lo lleva a echar en
tierra la felicidad de su familia,
por la que ha trabajado durante
tantos años? ¿Acaso no se da
cuenta de la insensatez de sus
acciones? ¿Será que no reconoce
el menosprecio egoísta con el que
está tratando a su esposa y a sus
hijos? ¿Es así como quiere que
sus descendientes lo recuerden
en el futuro?
Por algo será que Jesucristo
mismo calificó a Satanás como
un ladrón que no viene más que
a robar, matar y destruir. Es
porque, aunque no debemos
echarle la culpa de nuestras
acciones a fin de evadir la
responsabilidad de ellas nosotros mismos, de todos modos el diablo se la pasa tentán-
donos con el fruto prohibido,
dándonos a entender que nos
conviene disfrutar de él. Anda
presentándonos espejismos,
ilusionándonos con una supuesta vida mejor, poniéndonos
los fantasmas de la felicidad
física delante de los ojos sensuales del cuerpo. En lugar de
oro y diamantes nos da bronce
pulido y alhajas de fantasía, y
así nos embauca y nos hace tropezar, rodar y caer. Y cuando
a duras penas recapacitamos y
nos levantamos, y procuramos
volver al amparo de la roca
firme que es nuestra familia,
aquel engañador maestro nos
muestra de nuevo el atractivo
panorama de la aventura adúltera, nos lleva a ese terreno so
pretexto de que es tierra firme,
y allí nos deja a que nos vuelvan a tragar las mismas arenas
movedizas de antes.
Si de veras queremos conquistar estas malas pasiones,
más vale que acudamos a
Cristo. Porque si hacemos de
Cristo la cabeza de nuestra
vida y de nuestro hogar, Él
enriquecerá nuestra vida con
valores que nos ayudarán a
ganar la victoria sobre el maligno. Pues así como Satanás
nos ofrece valores inmorales
junto con billetes falsos y
devaluados, Cristo nos ofrece
valores morales junto con un
paquete grueso de vida abundante y eterna. Esa es la única
riqueza que jamás se devalúa.
How far you go in life depends on your being tender with the young,
compassionate with the aged, sympathetic with the striving and tolerant
of the weak and strong. Because someday in your life you will have been
all of these.
George Washington Carver
“Work as if you were to live a hundred years. Pray as if you
were to die tomorrow.”
Benjamin Franklin
Pope Francis (l) greets the faithful on July 25, 2013, during his visit to the Varginha "favela" - or
shantytown - in Rio de Janeiro. (EFE)
“Dame entendimiento para seguir tus preceptos,
pues quiero meditar en tus maravillas”
Salmo 119:27
5400 Daughty @ Evers Just
inside Loop 410, 680-0111
Raúl C. García, Pastor
8:30 A.M. Spanish Service
11:00 A.M. English Service
Sunday Evening Worship 5:00 P.M.
Wednesday Worship 7:00 P.M.
Bible Centered Preaching
Active Youth and
Children’s Programs
Spanish & English Services
508 Paseo de la Villita
(210) 226-3596
Sunday Worship
11:00 A.M.
Cleo Edmunds, Pastor
San Fernando Cathedral
Daily Masses: 6:15 am and 12:05 pm
Saturday Masses: 8:00 am Sabatina Espanol
5:30 pm Bilingual (Mariache Choir Mass)
Sunday Masses: 6:00 am (Spanish); 8:00 am (Spanish Televised);
10:00 am (English); 12:00 noon (Spanish); 2:00 pm (English);
5:00 pm (Bilingual)
Confessions: Mon-Fri 11:45am-Noon and Sat. 4pm-5pm
115 Main Plaza
Downtown • 227-1297
Own and operate
your own floral and/
or gift shop in the
downtown San Antonio area for as little
as about $495/per
month plus $2000 of
existing floral inventory. This shop is
located four blocks
from the newly developed Riverwalk
and Pearl Brewery
areas. We are leasing floral section
and selling most of
the floral tools and
materials needed
to run and operate
a full service floral
shop. We also own
a professional floral
school so we can
also train you for
as little as $800 in
one month you will
be ready to open
your own business
for just slightly over
$2000. If you are
interested or you
know of someone
who might be interested in owning and
operate their own
floral or gift business, please call
(210) 229-9204 or
(210) 772-2900.
-------------------------Live-in caregiver/
house manager
Mon-Fri. Must have
1 yr. experience,
own transportation,
English speaking,
must work well with
others, must be
hard worker and tolerable with others.
Call (888) 233-8057
-------------------------Haga dinero rápido.
Nueva compañía en
San Antonio: retirados profesionales
y amas de casa.
Todas las juntas las
darán los doctors.
3X9 Forced Matrix
(210) 815-2926.
-------------------------Oportunidad de
hacer buen dinero,
en pocos días, limpiando apartamentos
de estudiantes en
UTSA. Aproveche
la oportunidad (210)
panaderos, cocineros, lineros y
ayudantes con experiencia. (210)
416-8985 o (210)
-------------------------Custodian to strip/
wax floors parttime evenings;
must have truck to
haul work assigned
equipment. (210)
-------------------------Need person for
the (plancha) and
serving line (línea)
and dishwasher (lavaplatos) 1322 S.
Laredo (210) 2277777.
-------------------------Busco trabajadores
que quieran trabajar
por hora o contrato
en construcción
de casas. Área de
Waco, TX. Llame
a José. (979) 2190388.
La Prensa de San Antonio
We pay cash for
houses, fast, any
areas and any condition, 25 yrs. experience. Privacy
assured, call John
(210) 300-4000.
Rento casa 3 recámaras 1 baño área 5
palmas $550/ renta
y $400/ depósito.
Ph. (210) 663-5858.
-------------------------Rento casa 2 recámaras 1 baño New
Braunfels, y 35
$500/ renta y $400/
depósito. Tel. (210)
-------------------------Apartamento: 1
recámara, billes
pagados $550/
month. (210) 8623873.
-------------------------Se renta departamento de una recámara $450, incluye
electricidad, agua,
cable, internet y
wireless internet.
(210) 967-8863.
Home Sites, Mobile Home Sites, RV
Sites, No Credit OK,
$168 a month buys
deeded property at
Medina Lake, Bandera TX 830-4601981
-------------------------Why lease when
you can own a RV
spot for less, $124
a month buys land
for your RV 830460-1981
-------------------------Se vende mobile
home 24 X 64
amueblada con
septic tank en acre
y medio, cercado
con todo incluido.
2 caballos, gallinas,
patos y gansos.
MUST SEE!! (210)
-------------------------Se vende mobile
home 24 x 64 amueblada con septic
tank en acre y medio, cercado con
todo incluido. 2 caballos, gallinas, patos y gansos. Must
see! (210) 508-5876
-------------------------House for sale.
Needs repairs and
cheap. For details
call (210) 744-9830.
-------------------------Casa de venta
barata, necesita
reparaciones. Para
información llame
(210) 774-9830.
-------------------------206 East Fredricksburg Rd. Cerca de
centro y S.A.C.,
oficina, ventas,
convierta a viven
día con su negocio
baño completo y
dos medio baños.
Gabriel, Broker
(210) 227-4500.
EN PARTES. LLAME (210) 291-5431.
-------------------------Estimado gratis, en
reparación de lavadoras, secadora
y refrigeradores,
trabaja a domicilio
rápido y precios
económicos, garantizado. Tele. (210)
324-9821 o (210)
-------------------------Vendo lavadora
y secadora cap.
Grande. Excelentes condiciones,
envío a domicilio
por $195. Refrigerador 2 puertas $135,
garantizados. Tel.
(210) 224-6064 o
(210) 324-9821.
-------------------------PARRAS REMODELING:
Interior y exterior.
Pintura. Sheetrock.
Tape and float.
Techado. Azulejo.
Carpintería. Cercado. Decks. Textura.
Monterrey acoustic.
Nivelación. Cocheras. Expansiones.
Piso de madera.
Laminados. (210)
-------------------------Compro lavadoras
y secadoras trabajando o descompuestas. Yo las recojo
a domicilio. Pago
“cash”, al contado.
Tel. (210) 224-6064
o (210)324-9821.
-------------------------Sobador/ Masajista
para toda clase de
lastimaduras. (210)
Novena Los tres
Novena Los tres
ángeles Protectores: San Gabriel,
San Miguel, y San
Prenda 3 velas
blancas en un plato
con agua y azúcar
y haga su petición.
A los tres días publique esta oración.
Aunque no crea
mire que pasa el
cuarto día.
San Miguel Arcángel, San Miguel
Arcángel, defiéndenos en la lucha.
Sé nuestro amparo
contra la perversidad y acechanzas
del demonio. Que
Dios manifieste
sobre él su poder,
humildemente te lo
pedimos. Y tú, oh
Príncipe de la Milicia Celestial, con
el poder que Dios
te ha conferido, arroja al infierno a
Satanás, y a los
demás espíritus
malignos que vagan por el mundo
para la perdición de
las almas. Amén.
E.G.C. (04/28/13
Prayer to the
Infant of Atocha
You are the powerful Savious of all
people, protector
of the invalid and
almighty doctor of
the infirm. Holy Infant, we honor you.
Here you say
three Our Fathers,
Hail Marys, and
Glory be to God.
To remember this
day I pray to you
to answer my requests. Holy Infant
of Atocha I ask you
with all my heart to
help me. Please be
with me in thought
and spirit when I
find my peace and
that you will be with
me in the Heavens of Bethlehem.
Novena To
St. Jude
Most holy Apostle, St. Jude, faithful servant and
friend of Jesus, the
Church honors and
invokes you universally, as the patron
of difficult cases,
of things almost despaired of, Pray for
me, I am so helpless and alone.
Intercede with
God for me that He
brings visible and
speedy help where
help is almost despaired of. Come
to my assistance
in this great need
that I may receive
the consolation and
help of heaven in
all my necessities,
tribulations, and
sufferings, particularly (make your request here)
- and that I may
praise God with
you and all the
saints forever. I
promise, O Blessed
St. Jude, to be ever
mindful of this great
favor granted me by
God and to always
honor you as my
special and powerful patron, and to
gratefully encourage devotion to
you. Amen.
M.B. (07/07/13)
K.L. (07/07/13)
D.G. (07/07/13)
Prayer to the
Sacred Heart of
O most holy heart
of Jesus, fountain
of every blessing,
I adore you, I love
you, and with lively
sorrow for my sins
I offer you this poor
heart of mine. Make
me humble, patient,
pure and wholly
obedient to your
will. Grant, Good
Jesus, that I may
live in you and for
you. Protect me in
the midst of danger.
Comfort me in my
afflictions. Give me
health of body, assistance in my temporal needs, your
blessing on all that I
do, and the grace of
a holy death. Amen.
B.Z. (07/28/13)
Infant of
Novena Prayer
(This novena is to
be said at the same
time every hour for
None consecutive
hours -- just one
O Jesus, Who
has said. “Ask and
you shall receive,
seek and you shall
find, knock and it
shall be opened to
you, through the intercession of Mary,
your Most Holy
Mother, I knock, I
seek, I ask that my
prayer be granted.”
(Make your request)
O Jesus, Who
has said, “All that
you ask of the Father in My Name,
He will grant you,
through the intercession of Mary,
your Most Holt
Mother, I humbly and urgently
ask your Father in
your name that my
prayer be granted.”
(Make your request)
O Jesus, Who
Dear Heart of
Jesus, in the past
I have asked for
favors. This time I
ask you this very
special one (mention favor). Take
it dear Jesus and
place it within your
own broken heart
where your father
sees it, then in your
merciful eyes it will
become your favor
not mine. Amen.
Say this prayer for
3 days, promise
publication and favor will be granted.
Never known to fail.
E.C.B. (07/31/13)
San Judas
¡San Judas Tadeo!, pariente de Jesucristo, glorioso
apóstol y mártir
reconocido por tus
virtudes y milagros.
Fiel y puntual intercesor de todos
los que te honran
y confían en ti. Tú
eres poderoso protector y auxilio en
las grandes aflicciones. Te ruego,
desde lo más
profundo de mi
corazón, que vengas en mi ayuda
con tu poderosa intercesión, pues has
recibido de Dios el
privilegio de socor-
28 de julio de 2013
rer con tu ayuda a
aquellos que casi
carecen de toda
esperanza. Vela
por mí. Mi vida es
una vida de cruces, mis días son
días de tribulación
y mi corazón es un
océano de amargura. Mi alma está
envuelta en las tinieblas. El desasosiego, el desánimo, la desconfianza, y a veces,
aún la falta de esperanza, agobian
mi alma. La Divina
Providencia parece
perderse de mi vista y la fe parece fallar en mi corazón.
Abrumado por estos pensamientos,
pido tu ayuda. No
me abandones
en esta triste situación. Apresúrate
en mi ayuda. Te lo
agradeceré toda mi
vida y te honraré
como mi especial
patrono. Agradeceré a Dios todos los dones que
te ha otorgado y
fomentaré tu culto
cuanto me sea posible. Amén.
M.B. (07/14/13)
K.L. (07/14/13)
that the following
sick person(s) will
be strengthened
in body and spirit
and cured of their
illness by Jesus
Christ through your
In gratitude we
pray for all the
people of the world
that they will come
to know you, St.
Peregrine, and the
love that God has
for each of them.
San Chárbel
¡Oh Dios! Infinitamente santo y
glorificado por tus
santos, tú que inspiraste al santo
monje y ermitaño
Chárbel a vivir y a
morir en perfecta
semejanza con
Jesús, otorgándole
la fuerza de separarse del mundo a
fin de hacer triunfar, en su ermita
el heroísmo de las
virtudes monásticas: la pobreza,
la obediencia y la
castidad. Te imploramos nos concedas la gracia de
amarte y de ser-
virte siguiendo su
¡Oh! Señor Todopoderoso que manifiestas el poder de
la intercesión de
San Chárbel con
numerosos milagros y favores, concédenos la gracia
…….. que nosotros
te imploramos por
su intercesión.
Para los casos
más difíciles
Ante ti vengo con
la fe de mi alma, a
buscar tu sagrado
consuelo en mi
difícil situación, no
me desampares de
las puertas que se
me hacen de abrir
te mi camino, sea
tu Brazo Poderoso
el que las abra para
darme la tranquilidad que ansío (tres
peticiones difíciles).
Súplica que te hace
un corazón afligido por los duros
golpes del cruel
destino que lo han
vencido siempre
en la lucha humana, ya que sin tu
poder divino no intercede en mi favor
sucumbiré por falta
de ayuda. Brazo
poderoso, asísteme, ampárame
y condúceme a
la gloria celestial. Gracias dulce
Jesús (rezar quince
días empezando
viernes). Publicar
antes de los ocho.
Confío en Dios Padre y en su misericordia divina, por
eso pido a Él que
ilumine mi camino y
me otorgue la gracia que tanto de-
A preyer to St.
Peregrine for
sick relatives and
Saint Peregrine,
as a humble servant of Mary, you
experienced human weakness and
the pain and suffering of sickness.
Knowing that medicine and human
knowledge have
limits, we pray for
all those involved
with the medical
profession that
they will be a true
source of healing
and comfort to all
Like you, we
also turn to God in
our suffering. Just
as Jesus reached
out and touched
you with His healing hand, we pray
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Request for Proposals
The SAN ANTONIO HOUSING AUTHORITY and its Affiliates request proposals for:
Residential Real Estate Broker Services. Proposals will be received until 11:00 a.m. (CST) on, August 29,
2013 and publicly opened at that time at the offices of the SAHA Procurement Department, 818 S. Flores,
San Antonio, Texas 78204. A pre-submittal meeting will be held on August 7, 2013 at 10:00 a.m. (CST)
at the SAHA Central Office, 818 S. Flores, San Antonio, Texas 78204
This is a Section 3 covered contract. As a result, contractors will be required to provide economic, educational and/or training opportunities to very low and low income individuals.
Specifications packages are available online at,, http://, or at SAHA’s Office of Procurement, located at 818 S. Flores, San
Antonio, Texas 78204 or by calling (210) 477-6059.
San Antonio Housing Authority
By: Lourdes Castro Ramirez
President and CEO
28 de julio de 2013
seo. Gracias Padre
por oírme. Mande
publicar y observe
lo que ocurrirá el
cuarto día.
M.B. (07/21/13)
Novena Los
tres ángeles
Novena Los tres
ángeles Protectores: San Gabriel,
San Miguel, y San
Prenda 3 velas
blancas en un plato
con agua y azúcar
y haga su petición.
A los tres días publique esta oración.
Aunque no crea
mire que pasa el
cuarto día.
San Miguel Arcángel, San Miguel
Arcángel, defiéndenos en la lucha.
Sé nuestro amparo
contra la perversidad y acechanzas
del demonio. Que
Dios manifieste
sobre él su poder,
humildemente te lo
pedimos. Y tú, oh
Príncipe de la Milicia Celestial, con
el poder que Dios
te ha conferido, arroja al infierno a
Satanás, y a los
demás espíritus
malignos que vagan por el mundo
para la perdición de
las almas. Amén.
M.G. (07/28/13)
St. Anthony
Saint of Miracles
O Holy St. Anthony, reach down
from heaven and
take hold of my
hand. Assure me
that I am not alone.
You are known to
possess miraculous powers and
to be ever ready to
speak for those in
trouble. Loving and
Gentle St. Anthony,
reach down from
heaven I implore
you and assist me
in my hour of need.
Obtain for me (mention your request
here). Dearest St.
Anthony, reach
down from heaven
and guide me with
thy strength. Plead
for me in my needs.
And teach me to
be humbly thankful
as you were for all
the bountiful blessings I am to receive.
Prayer to Saint
Martin de Tours
Blessed saint.
You were born
under pagan ways
but since lour
childhood you
where chosen to
be a Prince of the
Church and, as
Bishop of Tours,
many souls where
redeemed and liberated from the satanic forces through
your prayers, austerities and blessings. ‘We humbly
ask for your intercession before
Our Lord Jesus be-
La Prensa de San Antonio
cause we want to
be worthy of the
grace and mercy of
the Holy Spirit that
leads us from darkness to light into the
eternal kingdom,
forever and ever.
Saint Philomena
We beseech
Thee, O Lord, to
grant us the pardon of our sins by
the intercession of
Saint , virgin and
martyr, who was
always pleasing in
Thy sight by her
eminent chastity
and by the profession of every virtue.
Amen. Illustrious
virgin and martyr,
Saint Philomena,
behold me prostrate before the
throne whereupon
it has pleased the
Most Holy Trinity
to place thee. Full
of confidence in thy
protection, I entreat
thee to intercede
for me with God,
from the heights of
Heaven deign to
cast a glance upon
thy humble client!
Spouse of Christ,
sustain me in suffering, fortify me in
temptation, protect
me in the dangers
surrounding me,
obtain for me the
graces necessary
to me, and in particular (Here specify
your petition).
Above all, assist
me at the hour of
my death. Saint
Philomena, powerful with God, pray
for us. Amen. O
God, Most Holy
Trinity, we thank
Thee for the graces
Thou didst bestow
upon the Blessed
Virgin Mary, and
upon Thy handmaid
Philomena, through
whose intercession
we implore Thy
Mercy. Amen.
Prayer To
The Blessed
(Never known
to fail), Oh, most
beautiful flower of
Mt. Carmel, fruitful vine splendor of
Heaven, Blessed
Mother of the Son
of God, Immaculate Virgin, assist
me in my necessity.
Oh, Star of the Sea,
help me and show
me, herein you are
my Mother, Oh,
Holy Mary, Mother
of God, Queen of
Heaven and Earth!
I humbly beseech
you from the bottom of my heart to
succor me in this
necessity. There
are none that can
withstand your
power. Oh’ show
me herein you are
my mother. Oh
Mary, conceived
without sin, pray
for us who have
recourse in thee
(3x). Holy Mother,
I place this cause
in your hands (3x).
Holy Spirit, you who
solve all problems,
light all roads so
that I can attain my
goal. You who gave
me the divine gift to
forgive and forget
all evil against me
and that in all instances, in my life
you are with me, I
want in this short
prayer to thank you
for all things and to
confirm once again
that I never want to
be separated from
you in eternal glory.
Thank you for your
mercy toward me
and mine. The person must say this
prayer 3 consecutive days. After 3
days, the request
will b e granted.
This prayer must
be published after
the favor is granted.
A.O. & O.R.
Prayer to the
Holy Spirit
You that clarify
everything. You illuminate all my paths
so that I reach my
goals. You give me
the gift to be able
to forgive and forget the wrong that
they do to me. And
in all the seconds
in my life you are
with me. In this
short dialog. I want
to thank you and
confirm, once more
that I never want to
be separated from
you. My desire is
to be with you Lord
and with my loved
ones in your Holy
Grace. Thank You
for your blessings
given to my loved
ones and me. (A
person should read
this prayer 3 days
in a row without
saying what they
want and in 3 days
they should receive
the grace no matter how difficult it
is.) Publish When
Grace is received.
Thank You. Grace
R.C. (07/07/13)
Oración Milagrosa
Madre de Misericordia, Hija de Dios
Padre, Madre de
Dios Hijo, Esposa
del Espíritu Santo,
noble descanso de
toda la Santísima
Trinidad; elegida
del Padre, preservada por el Hijo y
amada del Espíritu
Vos sois en las
cosas dudosas
nuestra luz, en las
tristes das consuelo, en las angustias
alivio, y en los peligros y tentaciones
fiel socorro. Sois
paraíso de gracias
y espirituales dones.
los que de veras os
aman y sirven, y los
que por santidad
de vida se hacen
siervos y devotos,
a vuestra piedad,
pues, recurro,
Reina y Señora
mía, para que me
enseñéis, gobernéis y defendáis
en todas las horas
y momentos de mi
vida; suplicándoos,
humildemente ahora me alcancéis de
la Majestad Divina
la gracia que al
presente os pido,
si conviniere para
bien de mi alma y
si no conviene, vos,
como abogada mía,
dirigid mi voluntad
solo a lo que sea
honra y gloria de
Dios, y salvación de
mi alma.
Dios te salve,
María; llena eres
de gracia; el Señor
es contigo; bendita
tú eres entre todas
las mujeres, y bendito es el fruto de tu
vientre, Jesús.
Santa María,
Madre de Dios,
ruega por nosotros, pecadores,
ahora y en la hora
de nuestra muerte.
Ave María, grátia plena; Dóminus
tecum: benedícta
tu in muliéribus, et
benedíctus fructus
ventris tui Jesus.
Sancta María,
Mater Dei, ora pro
nobis peccatóribus,
nunc et in hora mortis nostrae. Amen.
Divino Niño
Niño amable de
mi vida, consuelo
de los cristianos, la
gracia que necesito, pongo en tus
benditas manos,
Padre Nuestro...
Tú sabes mis
pesares, pues todo
te lo confío, dad la
paz a los turbados
y alivio al corazón
mío, Dios te salve
Y aunque tu amor
no merezco, no recurriré a ti en vano,
pues eres el Hijo de
Dios y auxilio de los
cristianos, Gloria al
Acuérdate ¡Oh
Niño Santo! que
jamás se oyó decir
que alguno te haya
implorado sin tu
auxilio recibir. Por
eso con fe y confianza, humilde y
arrepentido, lleno
de amor y esperanza este favor yo
te pido.
Pedir la gracia
que se desea y
decir siete veces.
Divino Niño
Jesús, bendícenos.
Prayer to the
Infant of Atocha
You are the powerful Savious of all
people, protector
of the invalid and
almighty doctor of
the infirm. Holy Infant, we honor you.
Here you say
three Our Fathers,
Hail Marys, and
Glory be to God.
To remember this
day I pray to you
to answer my requests. Holy Infant
of Atocha I ask you
with all my heart to
help me. Please be
with me in thought
and spirit when I
find my peace and
that you will be with
me in the Heavens of Bethlehem.
Infant of
Novena Prayer
(This novena is to
be said at the same
time every hour for
None consecutive
hours -- just one
O Jesus, Who
has said. “Ask and
you shall receive,
seek and you shall
find, knock and it
shall be opened to
you, through the intercession of Mary,
your Most Holy
Mother, I knock, I
seek, I ask that my
prayer be granted.”
(Make your request)
O Jesus, Who has
said, “All that you
ask of the Father in
My Name, He will
grant you, through
the intercession of
Mary, your Most
Holt Mother, I humbly and urgently
ask your Father in
your name that my
prayer be granted.”
(Make your request)
O Jesus, Who
has said, “Heaven and earth shall
pass away but My
word shall not pass
away,” through
the intercession of
Mary, your Most
Holy Mother, I feel
confident that my
prayer will be granted.
(Make your request)
La sombra de
San Pedro
¡Oh! Felicísimo
apóstol San Pedro.
Singularísimo príncipe de los discípulos del redentor,
primer vicario de
Jesucristo en su
Iglesia Católica,
confesor de sus dos
naturalezas, divina
y humana, sencillo
pescador a quien
dio el Salvador el
distinguido título
de piedra fundamental de su templo militante; por
esas prerrogativas
concedidas a tus
excelentes virtudes
y, especialmente a
la de tu Santísima
Sombra, pues con
ella se libra el que
con devoción implora tu amparo a
tu sombra se libra
el caminante, con
tu sombra se auxilia
al que sorprende
el malhechor, tu
sombra refrigera al
afligido, al enfermo
y a cuantos te piden
¡Oh! Sombra prodigiosa por cuya
intercesión obró el
Señor tantos favores y tan admirables prodigios,
permíteme, Pedro
Santo, que a tu
sombra los pecadores alcancen el
perdón de sus culpas, para que arrepentidos se alisten
en las banderas de
la gracia y a tu sombra no pierdan el
derecho que tienen
a la gloria.
Saint Ignatius
Dearest Lord,
teach me to be
generous; teach
me to serve You
as You deserve: to
give, and not count
the cost; to fight,
and not to heed the
wounds; to toil, and
not to seek for rest;
to labor, and not
to ask for reward,
except that knowing that I am doing
Your Will.
A preyer to St.
Peregrine for
sick relatives and
Saint Peregrine,
as a humble servant of Mary, you
experienced human
weakness and the
pain and suffering
of sickness. Knowing that medicine
and human knowledge have limits,
we pray for all those
involved with the
medical profession
that they will be a
true source of healing and comfort to
all people.
Like you, we also
turn to God in our
suffering. Just as
Jesus reached
out and touched
you with His healing hand, we pray
that the following
sick person(s) will
be strengthened
in body and spirit
and cured of their
illness by Jesus
Christ through your
In gratitude we
pray for all the
people of the world
that they will come
to know you, St.
Peregrine, and the
love that God has
for each of them.
Oración de
las dificultades
Señor, que has
creado todo el universo, y has dotado a la tierra de
riquezas suficiente
para alimentar a
todos los hombres
que habitan para
alimentar a todos
los hombres que
habitan. Ven en
nuestra ayuda. Se-
July 15, 2013
Bexar County, Texas
Address sealed or electronic submission proposals on RFP Event #187 Commercial Fuel Card to Daniel
R. Garza, Purchasing Agent, Vista Verde Plaza, 233 N. Pecos, Suite 320, San Antonio, Texas 78207. Offers will be accepted until: 10:00 O’clock A.M., CT, on August 05, 2013. Final questions will be accepted
until ,July 19, 2013 at 03:00 O’clock P.M. The solicitation documents may be downloaded at www.bexar.
org/purchasing / Events.
Daniel R. Garza
Bexar County Purchasing Agent
ñor que cuidas de
los lirios del campo
y de las aves del
cielo, los vistes, los
nutres y los haces
prosperar, manifiesta sobre nosotros
tu providencia paterna. Ayúdanos,
Señor, ya que
nuestra salvación
solo puede venir de
hombres honestos
y buenos. Infunde
en el corazón de
nuestros prójimos
el sentido de la
justicia, de la honestidad, y de la
caridad. Cuida de
nuestra familia que
confiadamente espera de ti el pan de
cada día. Fortalece
nuestros cuerpos.
Da serenidad a
nuestra vida, a fin
de que podamos
corresponder más
fácilmente a tu gracia divina. Y sentir
que sobre nosotros,
sobre nuestras
y angustias, vela
tu amor de Padre.
A.J.D. *Ver más
oraciones *
Oración a la
Divina Providencia
* ¡Oh Divina
Providencia! ¡Concédeme tu clemencia y tu infinita
bondad! Arrodillada
a tus plantas a ti
caridad portento.
Te pido para los
míos casa, vestido
y sustento. Concédeles la salud,
llévalos por buen
camino. Que sea
siempre la virtud
la que los guíe en
su destino. Tú eres
toda mi esperanza.
Tú eres el consuelo
mío. En la que mi
mente alcanza, en
ti creo, en ti espero,
y en ti confío. Tu
divina providencia
se extiende a cada
momento, para
que nunca nos
falte casa, vestido
y sustento.
Oración al
Sagrado Corazón
de Jesús. Oraciones para una
grave necesidad.
Oh Divino Jesús
que dijiste: “Pedid
y recibiréis; buscad
y encontraréis; llamad y se os abrirá;
porque todo el que
pide recibe, y el que
busca encuentra, y
a quien llama se le
abre”. Mírame postrado a tus plantas
suplicándote me
concedas una audiencia. Tus palabras
me infunden confianza, sobre todo
ahora que necesito
que me hagas un
favor: (Se ora en
silencio pidiendo el
¿A quién he de
pedir, sino a Ti,
cuyo corazón es un
manantial inagotable de todas las
gracias y dones?
¿Dónde he de buscar sino en el tesoro de tu corazón,
que contiene todas
las riquezas de la
clemencia y generosidad divinas? ¿A
dónde he de llamar
sino a la puerta de
ese Corazón Sagrado, a través del
cual Dios viene a
nosotros, y por medio del cual vamos
a Dios? A Ti acudimos, oh Corazón
de Jesús, porque
en Ti encontramos
consuelo, cuando
afligidos y perseguidos pedimos
protección; cuando
abrumados por el
La Prensa de San Antonio
28 de julio de 2013
¿Le gustaría empezar una amistad interesante? ¿Está cansado de buscar por donde quiera a una persona especial con quien compartir su vida y sigue sin encontrarla? La
Prensa de San Antonio le ofrece una mejor alternativa. Envíenos su anuncio personal, mencione su nombre, edad, peso, estatura, sus gustos. Envíe su carta acompañada
de $5. Su aviso se publicará durante dos semanas. Mande $15 si quiere que se publique durante cuatro semanas. Conteste todas las cartas aúnque no esté interesado.
Una nota de “No gracias, tal vez la próxima ocasión” es muy importante para la persona que le escriba. ¿Desea contestar un anuncio? 1.- Envíe su carta dentro de un
sobre en blanco, con timbre postal de .44 cts. y con el número clave que le haya interesado (aparece abajo, a la derecha). Incluya $5. 2. -No olvide incluir su número de
teléfono, escriba con letra clara es muy importante. La Prensa de San Antonio, P.O. Box 830768, San Antonio, Texas 78283
Hola, soy una dama profesional, enfermera y terapista. Soy saludable y activa, delgada, blanca, 60
+, complexión atractiva,
estable situación. Soy muy
buena cocinera, limpia, organizada. Voy a la iglesia
los domingos. No fumo,
tomo vino socialmente. Me
gusta mucho el baile, teatro,
conciertos, cine, flea markets. Me gusta caminar en
el parque, playa, tomados
de la mano. Soy muy compasiva, cariñosa, romántica.
Busco compañero 60 o más,
que sea activo, saludable,
Con Personalidad
que sea compatible, que
tenga los mismos gustos y
In my opinion: If you read
between the lines in some fo
the ads, it says: I am looking for a “special” friend,
not too short, not too tall,
not too fat, not too skinny.
HUH? I’m a 67 year old
lady, just looking for a nice
person to be my “special
friend” no restrictions, at
our age “life” has good and
sometimes sad times. Let’s
talkabout yesteryear, yesterday and tomorrow, and
the discounts we can get
being senior citizens.
Soy un hombre latino en
los cincuentas. Peso 160
libras, 5:6. Busco una compañera para toda la vida
para amarla, cuidarla y
respetarla. Si tú te encuentras triste y sola como yo
y deseas tener una relación
duradera, escríbeme, soy
muy romántico. No más de
50 años.
Me llamo Adán Martínez.
Tengo 31 años de edad.
Soy soltero. Mido 5.6.
Peso 180 libras. Me gusta
mucho hacer ejercicio.
Soy muy cariñoso y me
gusta tener un buen sentido del humor. Me gustaría conocer a alguien
mayor que yo.
Hola, soy hombre viudo
70 años “joven”. 132 lbs.
5’7 de altura. Busco pareja
compatible en todos los
aspectos. No para un rato
de placer. Soy pensionado. Estable, y por ahora
también trabajo. Tú, 135
lbs. o menos, que vaya
con tu altura. Mayor de
edad (opcional). De mentalidad abierta como lo soy
yo. Humilde de corazón,
alegre, católico, hogareño,
honesto, todo bueno y positivo. Hay mucho más que
contar para explicar. ¿Te
interesa? Escríbeme, no
te arrepentirás. Solamente
personas serias por favor.
28 de julio de 2013
¡Bravo! An evening of song and dance in S.A.
Texto y fotos
Por Roberto J. Pérez
[email protected]
Every Wednesday and Thursday
for the month of July, until the 25th
of the month, the spotlights were lit
at 8 in the evening, brightening the
Arneson River Theatre in order to
enchant local audiences and tourists
during the 2013 season of “¡Bravo!
An evening of song and dance.”
This production is brought to the
public by The Parks and Recreation
Department, presenting Fandango
and Alamotion Dance Troops with
a majority of teen dancers, ages
11 to 18.
This award-winning dance play
exhibits the flavor and passion that
San Antonio holds at its cultural
roots. Through its, offering the auditorium a professional performance
of music, colorful and regional attire
with Mexican music, tap, jazz, hip
hop, and Latin style dance.
This dynamic program is directed
by Monalisa Montgomery, the Cultural Project Manager for the City of
San Antonio’s Park and Recreation
TAKE NOTE, a pre-professional
music ensemble for youth between
the ages of 13 and 18 also exists.
Alysya Pérez is the Director of
Choreography for Alamotion as well
as for the apprentice Level Troop
Alamotion Too, Sonya Jiménez is
Fandango’s Director of Choreography and Elizabeth Ruiz serves as the
master of ceremonies.
28 de julio de 2013
Jia Perkins colaboró con Team Up Challenge
Por José I. Franco
El programa educativo Team
Up Challenge, patrocinado por
la fundación de los Spurs (Silver
& Black Give Back, S&BGB)
contó con el apoyo de la guardia
estelar Jia Perkins del equipo
Silver Stars, quien acudió a colaborar con estudiantes del Blue
Star Contemporary Art Museum
MOSAIC Club. Este uno de los
equipos semifinalistas del Team
Up Challenge que se encuentra
trabajando en colorido mural,
mismo que al ser concluido quedará instalado en el sector denominado Nolan Street Bridge
en el sector Este de San Antonio.
Perkins se hizo acompañar por
su hija Aalirah y ambas, de forma
voluntaria, realizaron formidable
labor comunitaria estampando sus
respectivos talentos en el colorido
“Aparte de jugar basquetbol,
Silver Stars de forma voluntaria
colaboran en actividades como
esta. Mi hija y yo no tenemos
tanta experiencia en el arte de la
pintura artística, sin embargo nos
gustó ser partícipes, así podremos
decir que nosotras formamos
parte del club que hizo posible finalizar con éxito el colorido mural
que será expuesto al público de
está hospitalaria ciudad”, exhortó
“El MOSAIC Club lo forman estudiantes de diferentes
escuelas de San Antonio. Ellos
son semifinalistas y su trabajo
los pone rumbo a la elección de
ser campeón en su especialidad”,
comentó Lindsey Campell, vocera de información del equipo
Silver Stars.
Los jóvenes y enamorados esposos Vanessa Garza-Herrera y Javier Herrera Jr. “Chacho”, mediante
colorida fiesta familiar con nueve días de anticipación celebraron el primer año de su hijo Luke
Herrera, nacido el 29 de julio del 2012, en el Comanche Park No. 3. Luke recibió felicitaciones de
sus abuelos Alicia Luna, Javier “Zurdo” Herrera y Sylvia Garza, así como de parientes, amistades
y beisbolistas del equipo Broncos, el cual es dirigido por Herrera Jr. (Fotos Franco)
Jia Perkins, guardia estelar del equipo Silver Stars, y su hija Aalirah, de forma voluntaria, participaron pintando el mural diseñado por estudiantes del Blue Star Contemporary Art Museum
MOSAIC Club. (Fotos Franco)
El pequeño Luke Herrera quebró su primera piñata confeccionada con el personaje “Tango”,
siendo acompañado por familiares y amiguitos que disfrutaron de golosinas, hamburguesas, hotdogs, refrescos y pastel.
Celebrando el éxito de su participación en la pintura de mural fue captada la invitada Jia Perkins
y artistas que se encuentran dándole los últimos toques al colorido mural que será instalado en el
Nolan Street Bridge.
Inolvidable fue la primera fiesta de cumpleaños del niño Luke Herrera, quien se dejó consentir por
parientes, y amistades que le obsequiaron bonitos regalos y disfrutaron del excelente ambiente dominical en el confortable parque Comanche No.3, ubicado en el sector sureste del Condado de Bexar.
Aprovechando la tecnología moderna fue captada una mamá fotografiando a su hija cuando un
payaso diseñaba una figura con globos, la cual le fue regalada. El Hipódromo Retama Park cada
viernes (hasta el 9 de agosto) estará realizando el evento “Free Kid’s Activities”.
Con el regreso de actividades para pequeños que acompañan a sus padres a las carreras de caballos Los tradicionales paseos gratis en caballo de estatura regular y “Ponys” se incorporaron a las acCuarto de Milla en el Hipódromo Retama Park, la gerencia volvió a ofrecer gratis eventos dentro tividades infantiles en el Hipódromo Retama Park. Durante los viernes denominados FAN-tastic
Fridays la gerencia ofrece excelentes descuentos en bebidas, hot-dogs y nachos.
del Show Place Pavilion, que cuenta con clima de aire acondicionado.
Carnitas de puerco sazonadas
H-E-B Fully Cooked
paquete de 16 onzas.
Ninguna tienda
hace más por ti.
con los cupones de la tienda
Oferta válida hasta el 6 de agosto del 2013.
• Salsa verde
That Green Sauce
de H-E-B
frasco de 11 onzas.
Sabor suave o regular.
• Totopos de maíz
Casa Magnifica
bolsa de 10 onzas.
©2013 HEB, 13-1965
28 de julio de 2013
En la galería de Carver Community Center, Casandra Parker muestra las pinturas de Steven G. Aspecto de la exposición pictórica de Steven G. Smith en Carver Community Center, patrocinada
Smith. Esta exhibición está abierta el público hasta el 31 de julio.
por la administración municipal.
Sofía Rodríguez, quien tiene el puesto de alcaldesa en la MicroSociety. Le acompaña Doreen Hansen.
Briana Dimas, Executive Assistant de la presidencia de la Cámara Hispana de Comercio. En
la gráfica aparece en una conferencia en St.
Philip’s College.
Art Hall, decano en St. Philip’s College, Sofía Rodríguez, Doreen Hansen, Carolynn KingRichmond, presidenta nacional de MicroSociety, y Ramiro Cavazos, presidente de San Antonio
Hispanic Chamber of Commerce, entidad que patrocina la reunión anual de MicroSociety que se
desarrolló recientemente en San Antonio.
Executive Director of Boys Town Texas Janie Cook presents a
small token of appreciation to Mr. Gene Edwards Exec. V.P. &
Alumnos de primaria llegan a St. Philip’s College para el primer Main Plaza, el corazón de la ciudad de San Antonio, está cata- Chief Development Officer for Valero Energy Corp. Gene enjoys
acto oficial de la conferencia anual MicroSociety, que tuvo lugar logada entre las mejores del país por su cálido ambiente. El lugar being on the Board and says, “I work with a great group of direcrecientemente en San Antonio, y cuyo propósito es orientar a ofrece, durante el verano, entretenimiento para todo el público, tors as well as the outstanding management team at Boys Town
Texas. (Photo, P. Perez-Saenz)
temprana edad a los niños
que también es de atractivo turístico.
Día de fiesta para la comunidad en torno a Inner Comunidad en Inner City, 1300 Chihuahua, El centro de la ciudad atrae cada vez con más frecuencia a los aficionados del ciclismo. La escena
agencia de servicios gratuitos que celebra su 45 aniversario.
nuestra en el fondo la Corte del Condado.
Premium Tilapia, lenguado, camarón
abierto, tilapia empanizada Skillet Crisp
o salmón o tilapia Simply Bake de Gorton’s
caja de 8.2 a 19 onzas. Surtido variado.
©2013 HEB, 13-1965
con los cupones de la tienda
Oferta válida hasta el 6 de agosto del 2013.
• Verduras para cocer al vapor
Valley Fresh Steamers de Green Giant
paquete de 12 onzas. Surtido variado.
• Pan tostado con quesos estilo
Mozzarella y Monterrey Jack
Texas Toast de Pepperidge Farm
paquete de 9.5 onzas.
Ninguna tienda
hace más por ti.
Hung Fong, a San Antonio treasure
By Amanda Lozano
[email protected]
Price range: $
Attire: Casual
Located in the deco district of
Broadway Street not far from the
Witte Museum, Hung Fong is one
of San Antonio’s oldest Chinese
restaurants. So old, in fact, that the
neon American Flag on the ceiling only has 48 stars! Since 1939,
locals have been going to chow
down on traditional Szechuan,
Cantonese, Hunan and Mandarin
cuisine. To this day, Hung Fong is
a favorite eatery of locals, young
and old.
Parking to the place is a breeze,
and it is handicapped accessible.
The interior is very unique, from
the butterfly wing art, gaudy jewelry on display, traditional Chinese
wallpaper and the neon flags of a
1912 United States flag and United
Republic of Taiwan on the ceiling.
The prices are extremely reasonable, if you’re looking for a $7
lunch special plate, which includes
an eggroll, rice and tea. The portions are generous and served in
silver trays that make it very easy
to share with a friend. Hung Fong
also has a special pricing on dinners for families. A typical dinner
for two includes a kettle of hot tea,
two soups, two egg rolls, two rice
bowls (fried or steamed) and two
entrees, for $18.99. Hung Fong
Hung Fong’s “Dinner for Two”, with Mongolian Chicken, Beef with Broccoli, and Won Ton Soup.
This is a typical sampling of the food, served with the intent to share. (Photo, Amanda Lozano)
serves typical soft drinks and beer
(including Chinese beers), but
doesn’t have a full bar.
The food consistently comes
out fairly quickly, hot and fresh.
The service is good as well. The
waitresses try very hard to make
sure you have a good experience,
and do not hesitate to help out.
However during lunch hour, the
place tends to get pretty packed
and hectic, so you may not get as
much attention as on a slower time.
Hung Fong is vegetarian friend-
ly too and has plenty of vegetable
and tofu dishes to accommodate
the non-meat eater. The vegetable
fried rice and Chinese vegetable
soup are an excellent, satisfying
combination. If you are a first
timer to the place, the Mongolian
chicken and combination Egg Foo
Young are excellent choices to try.
Overall, the restaurant is a good
place to go, and it isn’t a wonder
that it’s been in business for so
long. If you are searching for a
place to eat some good Chinese
without putting a dent in your
wallet, this may become a favorite.
For more information please
call (210) 822-9211. Hung Fong is
located at 3624 Broadway Street.
28 de julio de 2013
28 de julio de 2013
One-of-a-kind dance camp for the deaf
By Julia Ermlich
[email protected]
You don’t have to hear the
music in order to learn to dance.
The San Antonio Deaf Dance
Company Summer Dance Camp
is proof of that, plus so much
For 17 years the SADDC
camp has provided a unique and
personal learning experience for
students in San Antonio as the
only dance company of its kind
for the deaf and hard of hearing.
The month long camp serves
40 students, 5th to 12th grade,
from various school districts in
and around San Antonio, along
with the Texas School for the
Deaf in Austin. The guest choreographers teach the kids 15 different dances with hip hop, jazz,
African dance, sign lyrical, and
skits, which they will perform
in August.
“When I was a student at Gallaudet University I was a part of
the Gallaudet Dance Company.
When we graduated, a lot of
the students who were with me,
some of the men went on to form
their own troop called The Wild
Tappers,” Carol Ann Broderson,
director of SADDC, explained.
“They were an all male troupe
that was really popular in the late
90s to 2000s. When I moved here
I noticed that the kids weren’t involved. They had no self esteem.
Almost none of the kids went to
any kind of college programs,
but they all loved and knew
about The Wild Tappers. They
just worshipped the ground they
walked on.”
“So I asked the school district if
they would be willing to provide
some money to bring them down
to work with our kids,” Broderson said. “And they did, and from
there on it just exploded. Now it’s
a four week program that’s held
in the summer, and it’s almost
all supported by the Northside
Independent School District, but
we did get two grants from the
Office of Cultural Affairs and
San Antonio Area Foundation.”
The dance company has gained
a lot of publicity over the years,
which has really helped in finding
“Our name has just gotten out
there, and people would contact
me and say, hey I’m a choreographer, I’m a dancer or I’m an
actor, and then I would say okay,
I’ll hire them,” Broderson said.
“Even the big names like Marlee
Matlin and all them, they know
about this program, because it’s
the only one of its kind in the
world. There’s no other program
like this.”
Broderson herself is deaf, and
the majority of the staff is deaf
and hard of hearing as well.
While all of the students are
hearing impaired, this doesn’t
stop them from learning to dance
along to the music. When the
music is played loud enough, they
can feel and dance to the beat of
the songs.
“Most of them follow the beat
but people don’t understand it’s
also the count; everything by
eight, everything by the count
of eight. When they first start
the dance they count one, two,
three, four, five, six, seven, eight,
and then as they memorize it we
take that away. They have to
do it in their head,” Broderson
explained. “For all of these kids
this is probably the one and only
time they’ve learned how to
dance, or been in extracurricular
activities, because most of these
kids do not have the opportunity
because of transportation and all
that stuff. Or they have to rely on
interpreters. And that’s the neat
thing about this. It was founded, it
was created by a deaf person and
almost all the staff here are deaf
and it’s just so deaf oriented. And
that’s what’s so unique about it,
because these kids do not have to
depend on a third person. For the
first time it’s full access to them.”
Best friends Dominique
Jimenez and Viviana Plata are
two such students who benefitted
from the camp. While they are
popular Tex-Mex bands in the
music industry with five Grammy
Awards. Joe spoke to La Prensa
about why he wanted to perform
at the concert
“It’s a very very important effort. We need to do everything
we can for those who need them.
When I was a kid I understood
what it was like to show up on
the first day of school with no
supplies. I highly encourage everyone to come out and support
and I am really happy for this
opportunity,” Little Joe told La
He also asks people to be promoters for the concert.
“I want to thank people that
will show up and ask them to pass
the word on so that people can be
aware,” he added.
Jo Cox, marketing director of
Traders Village also invites everyone to have a good time during
the concert.
“Bring your lawn chairs. The
concert is free and parking is $2,”
Cox said.
She told La Prensa that Little
Joe will perform in what is called
the Brown Expo performing from
2:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. Opening
Acts are this past year’s American
Idol contestant Savannah Votion
and Buggs Garza Alliance Band
from 11:30 a.m. to 2 p.m. They
will only be collecting school
supplies during the concert that
will go towards students of the
Southwest Independent School
“Backpacks, pencils, folders,
basically any supplies elementary
students would need. They can be
dropped off at the stage or in the
office,” Cox added.
Feel like doing some shopping
or going on a trackless train ride?
Get there early! The best shopping times are from 10 a.m. to 5
p.m. Traders Village is located at
9333 Southwest Loop 410 near
Old Pearsall Road.
Students learn the moves to one of 15 different dances they will perform as part of the San Antonio Deaf Dance Company Summer
Dance Camp. (Photo, Julia Ermlich)
now both college age, they have
come back for the past few years
to volunteer.
“In 5th grade [Carol Ann]
came up to me – she was my
deaf councilor – and she said
come to this camp, you’ll enjoy
it. I already had a bad experience
with another camp, but I loved
it,” Jimenez said.
“This is the only camp I would
come to,” Jimenez added. “I went
to volleyball camp, basketball
camp, and I just couldn’t understand anybody. So this is the
only camp where I feel welcome.
That’s why I like to come here.”
Before coming to SADDC,
Jimenez didn’t know any sign
language, but she quickly picked
it up.
“This is the first time they
have deaf interaction,” Broderson
said. “Most of them are the only
[deaf] student in the class all
day just with an interpreter. And
here it’s just like constant and
so they learn other uses of sign
language. Some people may use
different signs for the same word.
It’s just a feeling of camaraderie.
It’s like oh, these are my people.
I’ve had a student in the past run
up on stage and say, these are my
“You feel more involved with
everything because everyone is
the same as you are,” Plata said.
“It’s nice to see everybody get
together. And these kids don’t
have a lot of kids to hang out with
at school, so during the summer
they look forward to coming so
they meet more people outside of
the Northside district.”
“My favorite part [about the
camp] is dancing, and especially
getting to know the dance artists, because they show you that
you can grow and do something
more than just sitting there, even
though you’re deaf,” she added.
“They’re out there, they’re travelling, they’re deaf, and some
of them are actors in like CSI. It
inspires you to do more.”
Students apply to the program
through the applications Broderson sends out to the various
school districts. Applicants must
be independent and have some
sort of hearing impediment.
Broderson usually accepts the
first 40 applicants.
On August 2 at 7 p.m., the
students will have a final performance at Warren High School
that is open and free to the public.
However, donations are accepted.
Traders Village to host 3rd
Annual Back to School Concert
By Eva Gonzalez
[email protected]
As the school year is fast approaching school supplies are a
must. Unfortunately, many do
not have the means to buy all or
any. Traders Village will host
its 3rd Annual Back to School
Concert in order to collect supplies on August 11, 2013. This
year the headliner is Little Joe y
La Familia.
According to the band’s website, Joe has over 50 years of
experience and is a pioneer of
Tex-Mex music. In 1959 Joe
took over his cousin’s band and
renamed it Little Joe & The Latinaires. Eventually it was renamed
becoming the band many know
today in 1970 after he discovered “Latanismo”, a strong Latin
musical world just waiting to be
discovered. Today Little Joe y La
Familia stands as one of the most
Al estilista Leonardo Rocco le encanta dar consejos para que la mujer latina cada vez se vea y se
sienta mejor. (Foto, cortesía)
El estilista Leonardo Rocco
nos brinda consejos de verano
Por Natalie Bobadilla
[email protected]
Con tan solo una maleta llena
de sueños e ilusiones, el estilista,
Leonardo Rocco, se despidió de su
tierra natal, Argentina, para partir
hacia los Estados Unidos. Eso fue
hace once años.
Hoy en día es considerado
como uno de los estilistas más
destacados en el mundo artístico
de Latinoamérica. Ha trabajado
con grandes estrellas como Emilio
Estefan, Juanes, Paulina Rubio,
Gloria Trevi, Eva Longoria y Ana
de la Reguera, entre otros.
Rocco comenzó su carrera en
Argentina junto a su padre, quien
se ha dedicado a ser estilista desde
hace más de 50 años. Estudió en
Argentina. Después partió a Europa para perfeccionar sus conocimientos, y estudió con grandes
maestros en Londres, París, Milán
y Barcelona.
En el 2002, el estilista se mudó
a los Estados Unidos para poder
crecer como profesionista y en
junio del 2004 inauguró su propio
salón: Rocco Donna Hair & Beauty Art, en Miami Beach, Florida.
Fue entonces donde Rocco
comenzó a trabajar con muchos
Little Joe y La Familia will headline Traders Village’s Back to School Concert that will collect artistas, ya sea cambiando el
school supplies for the upcoming school year. (Courtesy photo)
look de portadas discográficas,
cambiando las imágenes de las
próximas novelas, trabajando
con conductores de Univisión,
Telemundo, CNN Español, en
desfiles, y hasta empezó a escribir
columnas para diferentes revistas
dando consejos de estilo y belleza.
“Año tras año fuimos creciendo
constantemente, paso a paso
firme”, expresó Rocco en entrevista telefónica. “Me siento muy
feliz de estar en Miami trabajando
en televisión, en revistas, en tener
la oportunidad de trabajar con
tantos artistas”, añadió.
Aunque el estilista disfruta
trabajando con artistas, también
le encanta trabajar con el público.
Y desde hace más de cinco años
ha sido vocero para el mercado
latino con los productos de Suave
“Me gusta acercarme a la gente
para dar consejos e intentar de
que todas las mujeres se vean y
se sientan bellas,” afirmó Rocco.
Como consejo para esta temporada, en la cual el cabello
seco es tan común, el argentino
sugiere que se utilice el Suave
Professionals Morrocan Infusion champú y acondicionador.
También aconseja un tratamiento nutritivo una vez por semana
usando el nuevo Suave Professionals Moroccan Infusion Deep
Conditioning Shine Mask.
Para mantener un cabello saludable asimismo recomienda que
se despunten el cabello cada seis
semanas y que hagan un cambio
de estilo por lo menos una vez
al año.
“Uno cambia el vestuario y el
maquillaje en el verano, y en el invierno también tiene que cambiar
el color del cabello, y un poquito
del corte, y obviamente para verse
diferente. En cuanto a los colores
podemos usar en esta temporada
lo que son los castaños dorados,
los cobrizos, los rojizos y las luces
o las mechas y el estilo californiano o los ombré highlights,”
recomendó el estilista.
En cuanto a peinados en esta
temporada, las ondas abiertas
están de moda, agregó.
“Lo que se esta usando muchísimo ahora son las trenzas para
tener el cabello con un poco de
movimiento. Si quieres las ondas
abiertas, a lo que llamamos el
beach wave, o las ondas playeras,
se pueden conseguir ya sea con
cepillo y secadora o si no con
unas tenazas. Una vez que lo tengo
listo lo abrimos con los dedos de
las manos para que queden con
un movimiento muy moderno”,
recomendó Leonardo Rocco.
Más información sobre el estilista y sus consejos de belleza en
Tres preguntas que nunca debes hacer
Por María Marín
Imagina que estas muy contenta
y relajada compartiendo con tu
pareja. Están tomando un sabroso
vino y de repente sientes la curiosidad de saber más de él y su pasado
¿Crees que en ese momento
tienes en el derecho de preguntarle lo que sea? La gran mayoría
responderá: “¡por supuesto! estoy
en mi derecho de cuestionar lo que
quiera”. Es cierto que en una
relación debe existir la confianza
para poder preguntar abiertamente
lo que desees , sin embargo, hay
preguntas indiscretas que debes
evitar por más curiosidad que
tengas, ya que sembrarán inseguridades y celos en tu relación.
He aquí 3 preguntas que nunca
debes hacer:
1) ¿Con cuántas mujeres has estado? Si no quieres asustarte y volverte loca de celos, ¡no le preguntes
eso! Además, los hombres suelen
mentir al respecto. Cuando están
entre amigos exageran y dicen que
han tenido cientos de mujeres para
impresionarlos, pero cuando están
con su pareja, les aseguran que han
sido escasas las veces que se ha
metido con una mujer en la cama.
2) ¿Cuál de mis amigas te parece
más guapa? Si te dice que ninguna,
te está mintiendo, a menos que tengas una sola amiga y esta sea bizca,
mellada y calva. Pero si tienes varias amigas, como comúnmente sucede y se le ocurre señalarte cuál es
la más guapa, desde ese momento
cada vez que te encuentres con
ella y él esté presente, no pondrás
evitar pensar que tu amorcito esta
teniendo pensamientos eróticos
sobre ella.
3) ¿Amaste mucho a tu ex novia/
esposa? No importa la respuesta
que recibas te sentirás insegura.
Si te dice que la amo con locura,
querrás “cortarte la venas” y te
angustiarás pensando que tal vez
nunca llegue a amarte tanto como
a ella. Por el contrario, si te dice:
“la quise, pero no la amaba”, te
cuestionarás por qué estuvo con
ella tanto tiempo sino la amaba y
tendrás la duda de si a ti te ama o
sencillamente te quiere.
Los hombres son más reservados que nosotras y se sienten
incómodos al hablar de temas sentimentales. Ellos necesitan tiempo
para abrir su corazon. Por eso, sé
discreta, un hombre te contará todo
lo que necesites saber cuando él
este listo…
Para más motivación visita el canal
de María Marín en
com para ver “El Empujoncito”.
Revisit the best of Hollywood
with throwback nights
By Eva Gonzalez
[email protected]
Where can you see Elvis Presley, Elizabeth Taylor, and Cher
all in one place? Plan to head
out to the free End of Summer
“Throwback” Movie Series at
Arneson River Theater co-hosted
by La Villita Historic Arts Village and the Department for Culture and Creative Development.
The first showing calls for a
luau with Elvis as Chad Gates
in “Blue Hawaii” on August 6.
If you come dressed in a Hawaiian shirt and grass skirt you will
receive a free lei. Aloha Kitchen
will provide traditional Hawaiian
food including Kailua Pig that
will be served by beautiful hula
girls. Performances before the
movie will be amazing and occur
before the film according to Facilities Operations Coordinator
Blanche Mendoza
“Pre-show entertainment will
start shortly after 6 p.m. and
will last for two hours. Blue
Hawaii is Elvis’s 8th film and
its soundtrack was on Billboard’s
pop album charts for 79 weeks,”
Mendoza said.
Two separate Polynesian
dance groups, Baila Pacifica
and San Antonio based Aloha
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The Arneson River Theater where you will soon be able to watch
three classics for the remainder of the summer, and witness
themed pre-show entertainment. (Courtesy Photo)
Entertainment will be performing traditional dances. Aloha
Entertainment will also be accompanied by drumming and
fire dance. Music will feature a
national touring act also based
in San Antonio called Sol Tribe
whose passion is Polynesian
Reggae. Joining Sol Tribe will
be special guests from the community that has embraced their
evolving sound.
Mendoza also said that future
screenings will be “Cat on a Hot
Tin Roof” on August 20 and
“Moonstruck” on September 19.
Food and entertainment fitting
each movie will also accompany the remaining showings
– like Italian fare and moon pies
for “Moonstruck.” Mendoza
added that La Villita is great to
visit if you are waiting for the
event to begin.
“We have 27 arts shops and
100 artists. We also encourage
the general public to come and
spend some time here before
the movie.”
All movies will begin at
dusk which is approximately
8:30 p.m.
Patricia Vonne collaborates with top
Texas inspirations for Rattle My Cage
Alejandro Escovedo,
Rosie Flores and the late
Doyle Bramhall
Still basking in the glow from
her incredible Montreaux Jazz Festival debut, award-winning singersongwriter Patricia Vonne is ready
to shake up listeners near and far
with her new album, RATTLE MY
CAGE, releasing Sept. 10, 2013, on
her own Bandolera Records label.
Just after release shows Sept. 12 at
Sam’s Burger Joint in San Antonio
and Sept. 14 the Continental Club
in Austin, she returns to Europe to
celebrate her release with fans in
Germany and Switzerland. (See tour
dates below.)
No matter where she performs,
Vonne beguiles audiences with
her south-of-the-border-flavored
Texas roots music, a potent bilingual
blend of blues, flamenco and rock
grooves — good for rattling all kinds
of cages. Her fifth album features
songs co-written with her dream list
of top Texas-based artists, including
Alejandro Escovedo, Rosie Flores
and the late Doyle Bramhall. Her
collaborators also include fellow
San Antonio native Michael Martin,
Alex Ruiz, Peter Kingsbery and her
filmmaking older brother, Robert
Rodriguez (Sin City, Spy Kids).
“I thought, ‘Wow, wouldn’t it be
wonderful on this album to embrace
the music of the artists that have
inspired me?’” explains Vonne, now
living in Austin.
Produced and engineered by Carl
Thiel with additional production
by Rick Del Castillo and Darin
Murphy, the album features some
of Texas’ finest players, from Del
Castillo to keyboardists Michael
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Ramos and Ian McLagan, accordionist Bukka Allen and tenor sax
play Johnny Reno, among others.
Leadoff singles are “Rattle My
Cage,” “Dark Mile” and “Ravage
Your Heart.”
“She’s such a passionate artist and
person, and all that seeps through the
grooves of her new record,” says
Escovedo. “I think it’s her best yet.”
He wouldn’t say it if he didn’t
mean it. Vonne’s gonna rock and
rattle ears everywhere with this one.
Rattle My Cage tour dates
Sept. 12 – Sam’s Burger Joint,
San Antonio (with the Infidels)
Sept. 14 – Continental Club,
Austin (with the Infidels)
Sept. 26 – Franziskaner, Bad
Saulgau, Germany
Sept. 27 – The Rainbow, HorbAltheim, Germany
Sept. 28 – KiK, Offenburg, Ger-
Sept. 30 – El Lokal, Zurich,
Oct. 3 – Moonwalker Music Club,
Aarberg, Switzerland (with the Spin
Oct. 4 – Bar de la Ferme, Nyon,
Oct. 5 – Gaskessel, Bern, Switzerland
Oct. 9 – Dolder 2, Feuerthalen,
Oct. 10 – S’Gwölb Music Club,
Regensdorf-Watt, Switzerland
Nov. 7 – Hill Country, New
York, N.Y.
Nov. 16 – The Bugle Boy, LaGrange, Texas
Follow Vonne at:
twitter: @patriciavonne
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28 de julio de 2013
Jackman sharp as ever in “The Wolverine”
By Dennis M. Ayotte Jr.
[email protected]
Out of all the comic book
movies no one owns and embodies their character than Hugh
Jackman as Logan or better
known to nerds as Wolverine.
Jackman’s latest stint as the
iconic X-Men character makes
it his sixth on screen (including
the solo picture “X-Men Origins: Wolverine”).
One quick note; Stay after the
credits role! (It’s the best part of
the whole film.)
The latest title, “The Wolverine,” shows that his skeleton and
claws might be made completely
of ‘adamantium,’ but his heart
still isn’t.
Logan is haunted by dreams
of Jean Grey (Famke Janssen)
and has pretty much given up
on life. Additionally, he’s apparently forgotten how to shave as
his iconic ‘chops’ are replaced
with a beard that belongs on the
show “Duck Dynasty.”
A young Asian women, Yulio
(Rila Fukushima), who looks
like she’s straight out of an
anime cartoon, is sent by one
of Logan’s old acquaintances
which he met during World War
II to fetch him back to Japan.
Logan, content with where he
currently lives—on the side of a
mountain with grizzly bears—
declines the offer. But after
some convincing he reluctantly
agrees considering he and the
man’s past. Yulio and Logan
are off to Japan—where the film
really gets good.
Upon his arrival, Logan meets
with Yashida (Hal Yamanouchi), the man he saved from
an atomic explosion decades
before. Logan hasn’t aged a day,
but Yashida has grown old and
is lying on his death bed.
Yashida, desperate to stay
alive, offers Logan mortality in
exchange for his mutant power.
Despite his want to one day
reunite with Jean Grey, Logan
declines. After the exchange a
saddened Yashida soon dies.
His death ignites a war over his
multi-billion dollar estate and
his family turns on each other.
Of course, Logan is caught in
the mess and the Wolverine’s
claws burst out slashing everything in their way. His task this
film becomes immediately clear
as a group of Japanese mobsters
attempt to kidnap, Mariko, Yashida’s granddaughter and sole
inheritor of his estate.
Silently, in the midst of it all,
a new enemy emerges secretly
Hugh Jackman as Wolverine in “The Wolverine.” (Courtesy photo)
suppressing Wolverine’s ability
to heal rapidly. Viper as she’s
known, played by the ubersexy Russian actress Svetlana
Khodchenkova (“Tinker Tailor
Soldier Spy”), slithers across the
screen with bad intentions. She
commands every scene and is an
addition to the film that takes it
next level.
“The Wolverine” is mostly
action-packed expect for about
a 20-minute stretch in which
director James Mangold really
plays up the love story between
Mariko and Logan. It teeters
on the edge of too much, but
when you’ve had just enough
Mangold jumps right back into
the action.
The ending is quite perfect
placing “The Wolverine” next to
“Man of Steel” as this summer’s
best comic book films.
The Instant Classic!
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n Antonio Express News
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Watch ‘The Alamo’ at the Alamo
[email protected]
p. 888.737.2812 f. 203.438.1206
by Touchstone Pictures in 2004 this pivotal moment in history eral Land Office Archives. Since
the film’s debut in 2004, the
Save Texas History program
helped conserve and digitize
sion in the sights and sounds of Alamo in San Antonio. No, not gates opening at 7:30 p.m.
more than 1.6 million docuthe battle of the Alamo – while at the dine-in movie house of
Allies of the Alamo, the offi- ments and maps.
sitting on the grounds of San An- the same name, but at the Alamo cial membership program for the
Refreshments will be for sale
tonio’s world-famous fortress. itself – specifically, on the lawn historic shrine, support educa- and vending machines will be
Allies of the Alamo is offering behind the mission.
tional and preservation programs fully stocked (no outside beverthat opportunity with a free outages or food allowed). Rico’s,
The public is welcome to within the Alamo complex.
door screening of the major film bring the entire family and set up
According to the group, the originators of concession narelease “The Alamo” released lawn chairs or blankets to relive movie did its part to promote chos, and Slab Cinemas, a San
Texas history. An ad featur- Antonio-based outdoor movie
ing Texas Land Commissioner company are the official sponJerry Patterson appeared before sors for the event.
For more information conthe film in digital theaters and
appealed for donations to help tact, the Allies of the Alamo at
Confirm Times with
restore and digitally preserve (210)225-1395, ext. 10, or email
The Alamo. (Courtesy photo) or call 1.866.420.8626
historic documents of the Gen- [email protected].
July 27, 2013
By Angela Covo
and starring Billy Bob Thornton where the famous Alamo battle
and Dennis Quaid is set for 8:30 took place. Space is limited to
this … full July
17, at
the the first 400 patriots in line, with
798-9949 IH-35 at S.W. MILITARY
O 3D
10:20 AM, 1:10, 4:05, 7:00, 9:55
H THE TO DO LIST E 12:25, 2:50, 5:15, 7:40, 10:25,
12:05 AM
H THE WAY, WAY BACK C 11:50 AM, 2:15, 4:45, 7:15,
H THE WOLVERINE IN 3D C 12:30, 3:30, 6:30, 9:30,
12:20 AM
H THE WOLVERINE C 10:15 AM, 11:00, 11:45, 1:20,
2:05, 2:45, 4:15, 5:00, 5:45, 7:15, 8:00, 8:15, 8:45, 10:15, 10:55,
11:15, 11:45
H THE CONJURING E 1:00, 3:35, 6:10, 8:50, 11:20,
12:10 AM, 12:10, 2:40, 5:10, 7:45, 10:20
H R.I.P.D. C 12:35, 3:00, 7:35
H R.I.P.D. 3D C 5:20, 9:50
H RED 2 C 11:25 AM, 2:10, 4:50, 7:25, 10:05
H TURBO B 11:05 AM, 2:25, 7:05
H TURBO 3D B 12:05, 4:40
H FRUITVALE STATION E 3:25, 5:40, 7:55, 10:10,
10:55 AM, 1:15
GROWN UPS 2 C 11:55 AM, 2:30, 4:55, 7:20, 9:45
PACIFIC RIM C 11:15 AM, 2:05, 5:05
DBOX 11:15 AM, 2:05, 5:05
KEVIN HART: LET ME EXPLAIN E 3:30, 5:30, 7:30, 9:30,
THE HEAT E 11:10 AM, 1:50, 4:30, 7:45, 10:30
WORLD WAR Z C 2:20, 7:50, 10:35
H THE TO DO LIST E 12:00, 2:25, 4:40, 7:30, 10:05
H THE WOLVERINE IN 3D C 11:45 AM, 12:50, 2:45,
3:45, 5:40, 6:40, 8:35, 9:35, 12:30 AM
H THE WOLVERINE C 11:05 AM, 1:20, 2:00, 4:15, 4:55,
7:15, 7:50, 10:20, 11:45
H THE CONJURING E 11:40 AM, 12:55, 2:20, 3:30, 5:00,
6:05, 7:40, 8:40, 10:20, 11:15
H R.I.P.D. C 12:40, 5:25, 7:40, 12:30 AM
H R.I.P.D. 3D C 3:00, 10:00
H RED 2 C 11:00 AM, 1:40, 4:30, 7:20, 9:55, 12:35 AM
H TURBO B 11:30 AM, 4:30, 7:00, 11:50
H TURBO 3D B 2:00, 9:30
H FRUITVALE STATION E 12:20, 2:35, 4:50, 7:05, 9:20,
GROWN UPS 2 C 11:20 AM, 2:05, 4:25, 7:10, 9:30,
H DESPICABLE ME 2 B 12:10, 2:45, 5:20, 7:55
LOOP 410 at IH-10
H THE TO DO LIST E 12:00, 2:25, 4:40, 7:05, 9:35
H THE WOLVERINE IN 3D C 1:05, 4:00, 7:00, 10:10
H THE WOLVERINE C 11:10 AM, 12:05, 2:05, 5:00,
8:00, 9:25
H THE CONJURING E 11:30 AM, 2:15, 3:15, 4:55, 5:55,
7:35, 8:35, 9:35, 10:15
H R.I.P.D. C 12:20, 5:00, 9:40
H R.I.P.D. 3D C 2:40, 7:20
H RED 2 C 11:15 AM, 1:50, 4:40, 7:25, 10:05
TURBO B 11:45 AM, 2:15, 4:45, 7:15
GROWN UPS 2 C 12:15, 2:40, 5:05, 7:30, 9:55
LOOP 410 at FREDERICKSBURG 734-4552 DESPICABLE ME 2 B 11:30 AM, 2:00, 4:30, 7:00
H THE WAY, WAY BACK C 12:10, 1:30, 2:40, 4:05,
5:15, 6:45, 7:45, 9:15, 10:15
H GIRL MOST LIKELY C 12:25, 5:25, 10:25
H ONLY GOD FORGIVES E 2:35, 4:55, 7:15, 9:35
H FRUITVALE STATION E 12:00, 2:20, 4:40, 7:00, 9:20
H THE WOLVERINE IN 3D C 1:05, 4:00, 7:00, 10:05
H THE WOLVERINE C 11:10 AM, 2:05, 5:00, 8:00
H THE CONJURING E 12:35, 3:15, 5:55, 8:35, 9:45
H R.I.P.D. C 2:40, 5:05, 7:20
H R.I.P.D. 3D C 12:20, 9:40
H RED 2 C 11:15 AM, 1:50, 4:40, 7:25, 10:05
H TURBO B 11:45 AM, 4:45, 7:15
695-5279 H TURBO 3D B 2:15 PM
CAFE · BEER · WINE · D-BOX · RESERVED SEATS H FRUITVALE STATION E 12:15, 2:30, 4:45, 7:10, 9:30
GROWN UPS 2 C 12:15, 2:40, 5:10, 7:30, 9:55
H THE TO DO LIST E 12:05, 2:30, 4:55, 7:20, 9:45,
12:10 AM
DESPICABLE ME 2 B 11:25 AM, 1:50, 4:45, 7:00
H THE WOLVERINE IN 3D C 11:45 AM, 1:05, 2:35,
4:00, 5:30, 7:00, 8:30, 10:05, 11:35
H THE WOLVERINE C 11:00 AM, 12:30, 1:50, 3:20,
4:45, 6:15, 7:45, 9:15, 10:50, 12:20 AM
H THE CONJURING E 11:45 AM, 12:35, 2:25, 3:15, 5:05,
5:55, 7:40, 8:35, 10:15, 11:15, 12:15 AM
H THE TO DO LIST E 12:00, 2:25, 4:40, 7:05, 9:35
H R.I.P.D. C 2:40, 7:20, 11:55
H THE WAY, WAY BACK C 12:05, 2:35, 5:00, 7:35,
H R.I.P.D. 3D C 12:15, 5:00, 9:35
H RED 2 C 11:30 AM, 2:10, 4:50, 7:25, 10:05, 12:45 AM H THE WOLVERINE IN 3D C 1:00, 3:40, 6:30, 9:30
H THE WOLVERINE C 11:30 AM, 12:15, 1:30, 2:20,
H TURBO B 11:50 AM, 2:20, 4:50, 7:15, 9:30
3:05, 4:20, 5:10, 5:55, 7:10, 8:00, 8:45, 10:05
H TURBO 3D B 12:50, 3:25, 5:45, 8:15
H THE CONJURING E 11:35 AM, 12:30, 2:15, 3:15, 4:45,
H FRUITVALE STATION E 12:45, 3:05, 5:20, 7:35, 9:50,
5:45, 7:20, 8:20, 9:55
12:05 AM
H R.I.P.D. C 1:30, 4:10, 7:05
GROWN UPS 2 C 11:50 AM, 2:10, 4:35, 7:10, 9:35,
R.I.P.D. 3D C 11:10 AM, 9:35
12:00 AM
H RED 2 C 11:00 AM, 1:35, 4:25, 7:15, 10:00
PACIFIC RIM C 1:30, 4:30, 7:30, 10:30
H TURBO B 11:05 AM, 4:15, 7:30
DBOX 1:30, 4:30, 7:30, 10:30
H TURBO 3D B 1:25 PM
DESPICABLE ME 2 B 1:55, 4:20, 7:05
H GROWN UPS 2 C 11:20 AM, 1:40, 4:00, 7:00, 9:30
DESPICABLE ME 2 IN 3D B 11:20 AM, 9:45
DESPICABLE ME 2 B 11:25 AM, 2:00, 4:35, 7:00
THE HEAT E 11:20 AM, 2:00, 4:35, 7:15, 9:55, 12:30 AM
THE HEAT E 11:20 AM, 1:55, 4:30, 7:10, 10:00
H No Passes
Showtimes for July 27
Revolución sci-fi de verano
El próximo 9 de agosto se estrena la cinta de ciencia ficción
“Elysium” cuyo protagonista es
Matt Damon. En esta cinta, el actor regresa a la acción en una planeta Tierra que se ha convertido
en una gran pocilga y en donde
los humanos y él, precisamente,
se ve forzado a sobrevivir trabajando en muy malas condiciones
en una fábrica construyendo
androides. Y la clase rica vive
en un satélite llamado Elysium
que es simplemente el paraíso el
cual no está (ni pretende estar)
disponible para los no privilegiados. Max, el personaje de
vida acepta el reto de poder
Damon, sueña con este mundo, su
volver a Elysium accesible a las
y ante un momento crucial de masas, ojo: revolución.
30 años no son nada, 1983
La revista de entretenimiento
Entertainment Weekly tiene en
estos días en su sitio web una lista
nostálgica pero sin duda cargada
de muchísimos éxitos musicales
de esos que se oyen todos los
días en radios como Jack FM:
“30 Timeless Albums from 30
years ago”. En ella figuran solo
de aquellos discos grandes de 33
revoluciones por minuto (rpm)
se sonaban gracias a una aguja
de diamante en un tornamesa.
Bueno, entre estos la banda sonora de Flashdance, los éxitos
punk de “Rebel Yell” (Billy Idol),
el Karma Chameleon en “Colour
by Numbers”, de Culture Club,
Sweet Dreams (Eurythmics),
“Let´s Dance” (David Bowie),
“True” (Spandau Ballet). El
“Can´t Slow Down”, de Lionel
Richie traía canciones como
“Hello” o “All night long”. Metal-
lica ya sonaba con “Kill ‘Em all”,
Huey Lewis&The News traían en
“Sports” éxitos como “Heart n’
Soul”, “Heart of Rock n’ Roll” en
el disco “Sports”, los metaleros
de Quiet Riot sacaban “Metal
Health”, los barbudos texanos ZZ
Top en “Eliminator” tenían temas
como “Legs” y “Sharp Dress
Man” y Cindy Lauper gritaba a
todo pulmón que “Girls wanna
have fun” en su disco “She´s so
El perfume
David Beckham puede no entusiasmar más como futbolista, pero
aún le saca mucho provecho a su
faceta de modelo arrancando suspiros. Y una vez más, para regocijo
de sus fans, se quita la camisa para
enfundarse en un elegante traje con
el motivo de promocionar un nuevo
perfume, “Classic”. De acuerdo a
agencias, el perfume fue desarrollado por la casa Aurelien Guichard
y evoca a una mezcla de fragancias
de cítricos frescos, menta, ciprés,
entre otros. Qué oloroso.
Royal Baby o El principito
El bebé más fotografiado de
la semana fue definitivamente
el primogénito de la duquesa de
Cambridge Kate Middleton y el
príncipe William de Inglaterra,
que nació el martes. Desde
el momento en que la joven
pareja se dejó ver a la salida del
hospital en Londres los flashes
y las notas de prensa no han
cesado. Desde las comparaciones, incluso con fotografía
de la fallecida Princesa Diana
hace 31 años cuando el propio
William nació. Que la misma
pose, que vestidos similares.
Aunque algunos medios resaltaron la valiente actitud de
la joven duquesa de mostrar
su natural pancita post parto,
pues la mayoría de celebridades
no se dejan ver hasta semanas
después con recuperaciones de
figura milagrosas (que algunos
medios dicen que tienen que ver nació otra celebridad que lleva
más con el bisturí que la natu- por nombres, por supuesto, de
raleza). Así es que esta semana rey: George Alexander Louis.
Querida Nina:
Estoy en un grave problema
y necesito un consejo. Tengo
24 años y una relación de dos
años y medio con mi novio. Él
tiene 32, ya trabaja y además
es muy buena persona pero
me hace poco surgió un problema grave que me tiene muy
Mi novio no ha pagado tres
multas que tiene desde hace
mucho tiempo, y la semana
pasada lo pararon y mintió al
oficial, dando el nombre de
su hermano en lugar del suyo.
Ahora el hermano recibió
una orden de aprensión por
no haber pagado esa multa y
lo peor del caso es que se enteró de eso por una carta que
le llegó, en lugar de haberse
enterado por mi novio.
Ellos tendrán que ir a corte
ya en estos días y no sé qué
vaya a pasar.
A mí no me importa lo que
él haya hecho porque sé que
son cosas que pasan pero al
mismo tiempo me decepcionó mucho porque ya tiene
32 años y no puede llevar
sus cuentas en orden. Me da
tristeza que a su edad mis
papás ya tenían una familia y
él no puede administrarse en
su dinero.
Ahora estoy indecisa de
28 de julio de 2013
The Guadalupe Dance Company
presents Alma de Mujer
querer seguir mi relación porque
me da miedo que un día de estos,
ya estando casados, me llegue a
fallar de esa manera. Dime qué
debo hacer por favor.
Querida novia decepcionada:
Entiendo tu desesperación y
tus nervios en relación a lo que
le ha sucedido a tu novio, sin
embargo no puedes estar pensando que todo esto va a afectar
en tu futuro porque todos los
seres humanos tenemos errores,
y uno de los que tuvo tu novio
fue este.
Debe quedarte claro que fue
muy irresponsable tu novio al
cometer esta mentira, porque
es un crimen en contra de su
hermano. Sin embargo creo que
lo mejor para ti será no adelantar
la situación y esperar a que tu
novio y su hermano asistan a
corte para después de ahí tomar
tu decisión final.
Si lo amas, entonces recuerda
que deberás apoyarlo porque
no será el último error que le
encuentres, y menos si te casas
con él. No olvides que el matrimonio es una decisión muy seria
y para poder llevarlo de manera
seria y por el buen camino, tanto
el hombre como la mujer deben
poner de su parte.
Querida Nina:
Te escribo esta carta porque
estoy muy desesperada. Soy
una mujer de 88 años y me
angustia que yo trabajé toda mi
vida desde que tenía 12 años
porque quedé huérfana desde
que tenía 6 años. Nadie se puso
hacer cargo de mi más que mi
padrastro, pero él estaba muy
ocupado. Ahora, yo tengo 63
nietos; contando bisnietos y
tataranietos. Ellos lo tienen
todo porque sus padres se los
dan. No les falta nada y yo no
puedo entender cómo es que yo
batallé tanto por conseguir salir
adelante, y ellos todo lo tienen
gratis y no tienen que ayudar
para nada en la casa.
Lo peor de todo esto es que
ellos trabajan pero no ayudan en
la casa, el dinero es para ellos.
No entiendo para qué trabajan si
de cualquier modo todo lo tienen
gratis. No solo tienen todo
gratis, sino que además reciben
comida del gobierno por medio
de estampillas, y creo que eso es
injusto porque sí tienen con qué
comer, solo que prefieren abusar
del gobierno.
Creo que los jóvenes de ahora
ya no tienen el mismo interés y
los mismos valores que antes
teníamos. Esto lo escribo más
que nada para que los demás
se enteren y sepan que hay que
educar bien a los hijos.
Querida abuela desesperada:
Entiendo su angustia, sin embargo cabe aclarar que aunque
los tiempos han cambiado,
todavía existen personas que en
realidad trabajan para mantenerse. Lo que me mencionas de
tus nietos quizá sea una mala
costumbre que sus padres les
han inculcado, sin embargo lo
más importante en la vida es
siempre conservar los valores
y querer ayudar a las personas
necesitadas y a los mayores.
Si en realidad desea arreglar
la situación, le recomiendo que
hable con sus hijos y les haga saber lo que usted piensa. Dígales
lo que cree usted que es esencial
en un núcleo familiar. Dígales
lo importante que es trabajar no
solo para gastar el dinero, sino
también para aprender y sentirse
productivos haciendo algo que
les gusta.
Escriba a Querida Nina, 816 Camaron St. Ste 104, San Antonio,
TX 78212 ó al correo electrónico: [email protected]
By Belinda Menchaca
The Guadalupe Cultural Arts
Center (GCAC) proudly presents Alma de Mujer, a Flamenco
dance production featuring the
expressive choreography of the
Guadalupe Dance Company
and internationally renowned
Flamenco dancer Lidón Patiño
of Spain August 23, 24 and 25,
2013, at the historic Guadalupe Theater, 1301 Guadalupe
This not-to-be-missed performance also includes live music
by guest Flamenco guitarist
Luisma Ramos of Seville and
San Antonio’s own Flamenco
voice Chayito Champion. Alma
de Mujer is an artistic journey
that interprets the soulful expression of women and the relationships that shape their lives.
Alma de Mujer performances
are Friday and Saturday, August 23 & 24, at 8 p.m., and
Sunday, August 25, at 3 p.m.
Performance-only tickets are
$15-$30. For those wishing
to have the full Flamenco experience, a special Tapas and
Sangria ticket is available with
priority seating for Friday and
Saturday night performances at
$50 each.
Alma de Mujer will showcase
Lidón Patiño (Courtesy photo)
the first-ever collaboration with
guest choreographer Lidón
Patiño, who has performed
as a soloist in Spain’s most
prestigious dance festivals
and continues to tour with “De
Flamencas” directed by Marco
Flores in countries such as
France, Portugal, and Finland.
She will set new pieces on the
Guadalupe Dance Company incorporating themes of feminine
Patiño is a spellbinding performer captivating audiences
with every intense movement.
In 2011 she was awarded the
Joven Promesa del Flamenco
(Young Promise of Flamenco)
and dances as a guest artist in one of today’s top jazz
groups, “Patáx,” sharing the
stage with artists such as Jorge
Pardo, Carles Benavent, Jerry
González, Tomasito, Jorge
Perez, Federico Lechner, and
Roberto Pacheco among others.
In April, she traveled to Japan
with Enrique “El Extremeño”
and danced alongside Farruquito, Juan de Juan, Jesus
Carmona, La Moneta, Carmen
la Talegona, Luis de Luis,
Soraya Clavijo, Karime Amaya,
and Farruco in the Flamenco
Festival in Japan 2013.
Audiences will be treated to
the beauty, grace and fluidity
that are the rich tradition of the
Guadalupe Dance Company.
A true artistic collaboration,
Alma de Mujer encompasses
the beauty and strength of the
female soul expressed through
Flamenco music and dance.