`Not interested` - Grace Poe


`Not interested` - Grace Poe
For Catering Call:
Tel: 905.882.1885/905.889.1886
Toronto, Ontario
July 2014
Vol. 10 No. 12
Hunk actor Derek Ramsey LIVE at Filipinas Expo… see page 22…
Running for the 2016 presidency…
Philippine Population:
‘Not interested’ - Grace Poe Baby Chonalyn is 100 millionth Pinoy
‘STILL NEOPHYTE’: Have to learn more and to prove worthy before running for a higher office says Poe.
… Story on page 9
THE 100 MILLIONTH PINOY: Baby girl Chonalyn born on July 27, 2014
at 12:35 a.m. is presented to the media by her mother Dailin Duras Cabigayan
at a press conference at the Jose Fabella Memorial Hospital in Sta Cruz, Manila. (Danny Pata-GMANews)
… Story on page 11
Donalyn Farinas is Toronto’s ‘2014 Mutya ng Maynila’
Donalyn Farinas (middle) is Mutya ng Maynila
Inaugural titlist with
Estella Balicat (left) 1st
runner-up and Angeline
Failano 2nd runner-up
winner. (TPC Photo by
Bong Molano)
.. Story and more photos
on page 37
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Philippine Courier
July 2014
Philippine Courier
July 2014
Philippine Courier
July 2014
Philippine Courier
July 2014
Philippine Courier
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For shame. For great shame
In three years, from 2011 to 2013, the
administration of Noynoy was able to
cobble up P80 billion a year or P237 billion in their claimed savings, P144 billion
of which became funds for the unconstitutional Disbursement Acceleration Program (DAP) while the rest are still floating
around in the huge limbo of Palace discretionary funds or pork barrel.
The spending of the whole amount
seems to depend on the “good faith” of
Noynoy and Budget Secretary Butch
Abad. A particularly perplexing set up in
the Palace on the disposal of these funds
was presented by Abad, in which there
seems to be no particular purpose in impounding funds to generate the savings
through the three years.
Sen. Nancy Binay asked during the
Senate finance committee hearing that
since the DAP was nipped in the bud after the controversy erupted over it and
P90 billion remained in the Palace pool
of savings, what happens to the already
pooled amount?
The reply of Abad: He doesn’t know
and it could have been used as relief
funds to cover the multiple calamities last
year or that it can be applied to the budget deficit. He is the Budget secretary,
and he doesn’t know what happened to
the P90 billion, yet he claims honesty,
transparency and good faith?
The word savings per se was the subject of debate since simply it means in
layman’s term that the amount is the remainder of earnings less expenses when
the government never had a surplus in
the budget. The savings as defined by
the Palace were the result of juggling and
impounding of funds in the budget.
What amounted to savings was denying one agency with funds allotted to a
“slow-moving” project to become the express pork barrel of Noynoy. If the DAP
can’t be categorized as pork as the line
of Palace defense has it, then the whole
P237 billion from which the funds for the
DAP was exacted can be considered
pure unalloyed pork barrel of Noynoy.
The P237 billion in claimed savings of
the Palace can even be called pork over
pork since these are aside from nearly a
third of the total budget each year that
falls under the discretion of Noynoy to
The Priority Development Assistance
Fund (PDAF), which was the Legislative
pork barrel also declared as unconstitutional by the Supreme Court (SC), was
merely part of the Special Purpose Funds
(SPF) of Noynoy that amounts to more
than P300 billion a year.
Noynoy’s argument is pork put into
good use can’t be considered bad and
only the pocketing of people’s money
through the use of the discretionary funds
should be publicly condemned. The public’s response was a demand for the removal of all discretionary funds in government since the equation is that discretion
in government is an invitation to corrupt
Noynoy did not disappoint his critics
when he started defending the PDAF
scheme and later on the DAP. And in
both cases his defense was that the lump
sum funds were necessary for immediate
government response to the demands of
public service. The excuse or “palusot” is
that it takes time to seek extra funds from
Congress. An independent Congress,
perhaps, but a puppet Congress that is
controlled by its puppet master can easily
pass any budget without cuts, and without
even a cursory study of it, in quick time.
The basic premise of the DAP and
good faith in its use are the circumstances
that brought the existence of the Palace
money pool into public consciousness. In
September last year, Sen. Jinggoy Estrada revealed in a privilege speech that
P50 million or more was distributed to
senator judges who voted to convict former SC Chief Justice Renato Corona in
the impeachment court.
Abad first said it was additional PDAF.
Later he admitted that the money came
from the DAP.
Abad now says that the pool of savings is much more and that these were all
earmarked for the DAP that had its dealings not exposed to the public. It seems
to have been the first time for anybody
in the Aquino administration to admit that
P237 billion was pooled as discretionary
funds of Noynoy and only because Abad
needed that for his defense of the DAP.
So much for transparency and good
faith under this regime.
Where but in the Philippines,
can a so-called independent Senate
and a House of Representatives as
well, fight to allow the Executive,
more specifically, the Malacañang
tenant, to keep on usurping the congressional power of the purse and
abusing his powers to the detriment
of the Filipino people.
In holding the inquiry over
the controversial Disbursement Acceleration Program last Thursday,
there went the spineless puppet
senators, defending, praising and
defending Noynoy and his Cabinet
on the DAP, despite the clear fact
that the Malacañang tenant and his
Budget secretary, Butch Abad, have
clearly insulted them and treating
them like dirt by their refusal to
adhere to what Congress, by law,
had allocated in the budget, and allowed Noynoy and Abad to rip that
budget law apart, making their own
allocations as they please.
What use then is a Congress,
whose most important task yearly
is to come up with and approve a
national budget law, when it is the
Palace that makes its own budget
law yearly, and juggles the funds
around, without any permission
from the Congress.
What use to the people is a
Congress, if it remains a puppet of
the Malacañang tenant, when it is
its job to act as a check to the Executive branch’s abuses — and there
is no doubt that the Malacañang
tenant and his Cabinet certainly
abused its powers, to the point of
usurping the congressional power
of the purse.
Despite the fact that the Supreme Court, in its ruling against
the illegal and unconstitutional acts
arising from the DAP’s implementation, had virtually handed back
the power of the purse of Congress,
this very same institution prefers to
lose its power and have the Malacañang tenant, his Budget secretary
and his Cabinet secretaries continue with the practice of usurping the
powers of Congress.
Two senator allies even went
to the extent of saying that it is
okay for Noynoy and Abad to juggle funds that have not been allocated by Congress, since Noynoy
is honest, but feared that the same
practice may be abused by his successors.
What? The basis of a president usurping the power of the
purse, and disbursing the allocated
funds as he pleases, and all at his
discretion to juggle funds as he
again pleases, is more than acceptable because he is claimed to be
honest — and by these dishonest
Noynoy can violate the laws
and it’s all right, but whoever sits
in Malacañang after him, cannot
violate the laws as Noynoy did, because it is not all right?
Just where can you get such a
stupid argument, but in the rubber
stamp Philippine Senate.
That they are certified stooges
of Noynoy was made very clear
when Sen. Nancy Binay, just a year
old elected senator of the Republic,
started grilling Abad and the other
Cabinet members, all of whom
could not even answer her tough
questions because it was clear that
they were being very dishonest,
with even the Senate president and
his other presidential stooges in the
Senate defending and protecting
Noynoy and Abad in their criminal
She went over the figures,
and demanded where the missing
P90 billion went and why allocated
funds for important projects were
instead allocated by Noynoy to
DAP for Noynoy and Abad’s own
While Abad and these puppet
senators hailed Abad and his Budget Department for their transparency, it was made much too clear
by Binay that even their so-called
“transparent” Web site was all shot,
as the figures failed to correspond
with what Abad had claimed, in relation to the Web site figures.
All Abad said was that the
website figures were not uploaded
yet. This is always the reason being
given by Abad whenever discrepancies in amounts occur.
The senator-allies of Noynoy,
led by its president, Franklin Drilon, are not in touch with their national constituents who demand accountability and transparency, not a
subservient Senate that serves only
Malacañang’s interest and abuses
of presidential power.
It was not just the pork barrel
scandal that has brought the Senate,
and the House down in satisfaction
and performance ratings. A major
part of this loss of public trust and
confidence in the Senate comes
from their being puppet senators,
protecting the abuses and corrupt
practices of their political patron in
For shame.
July 2014
Philippine Courier
Reprinted from
Malaya with the
author’s consent
By Mon Datol
SC justices , ‘di dapat kakabakaba ke Kuya…
I have no intention of listening to PNoy’s
5th State of the Nation Address or SONA,
thus I did this piece Sunday at 6 pm here
in Toronto or Monday 6 am Manila Time.
Wala, eh. Paulit-ulit lang ang sasabihin niya
sa mga Boss niya, as what he did in his
previous SONAs. And, he’ll just probably
continue ‘lambasting’ the Supreme Court
Justices, especially his four appointees who
did not even oppose with the ruling that led
to the 13-0 vote that found the Malacanangimplemented DAP illegal.
Imagine nga naman, PNoy did appoint
Chief Justice Maria Lourdes Aranal-Sereno
at the expense of the Seniority Rule adage
at the Supreme Court, tapos, Sereno did
not even lift her smallest finger to make a
dissenting move in order to defend him?
13-0 ruling against the President with everyone concurring with the DAP ponencia of
Associate Justice Lucas Bersamin.
Napaka-lufet nga naman nuon ke PNoy!
It’s crystal clear, however, that PNoy’s
appointees cannot make a winning case for
the DAP simply because the case was visibly
on a shaky position especially on the issue of
the cross-border transfer of funds, which is a
no-no in the Constitution.
But PNoy is PNoy the President. Whatever
he says, he insists on it, even if it’s wrong.
He thinks differently. Pag nasabi na, nasabi
na. Spoiled brat? Tingin ko, mas matindi pa,
eh, sa paniwala ko now, si PNoy…
Parang Hari, mga salita, ayaw nababali.
When PNoy delivers his 5th SONA)
today before a joint session of Congress, the
magistrates expect “mudslinging” from him
and continue making ‘threats’ to possibly
remove them through impeachment in retaliation for their failure to defend the DAP, but
I believe the Justices
will continue to protect government funds
and the interest of the Filipino people. They
seemed to be so solid right now and are not
cowed by who put them there. Here’s a toast
sa mga Justices ng Supreme Court! Huwag
tatangalin ang mga piring sa mata at huwag
matatakot kahit kenino man. Kayo ang tunay
na sandigan ng masa!
Mabuhay kayo mga Mahistrado ng
In his SONA, would PNoy admit his
mistakes and say sorry to his Bosses, the
masang Pinoy? I doubt it, Idon’t expect the
President would even think of that, as no
spoiled brats would do such ‘katawa-tawang’ act to embarrass himself before the eyes
of the whole world. Si PNoy pa? Ano, bale?
He is not his sister Kris who could admit
anything on TV just to get the sympathies
of her fans and maintain her lofty standing
as the Queen of all Media. Kaya nga I like
pa nga Kris than his Kuya, eh. Kasi nga,
remember that…
PNoy is King whose words are laws and
could not be twisted.
PNoy definitely lied on the Supreme
Court funds when he said that the high
court transferred P1.8 billion of its savings
to the Department of Justice to augment its
P100 million budget for the Manila Hall
of Justice. The records of the Court do not
show that any money in any sum – big or
small – was ever transferred to the DOJ.
The P1.8 billion is supposed to be savings
of the Supreme Court. When the President
claimed that the amount was transferred to
the DOJ, he was effectively saying that the
Judiciary, a co-equal branch of the Executive
headed by the President, is as guilty or as
noble as he was in spending savings for
legitimate reasons such as the construction
of the Manila Hall of Justice.
The lie about the P1.8B savings hav-
July 2014
ing been transferred to the Department of
Justice for the construction of the Manila
Hall of Justice is a smokescreen, a squid
tactic intended to show what is right for
the Judiciary as far as the use of savings is
concerned is similarly right for the Office of
the President. There is no parallel or similarity between the savings of the Supreme
Court and the Disbursement Acceleration
They always say “the road to hell is paved
with good intentions.” This is not saying
the President is leading his people to hell. It
just so happens he violated the Constitution.
He should apologize to the people instead
of waging a war he cannot win with the
Supreme Court.
But do King and a spoiled brat have the
guts to say sorry to anybody?
In a span of one week, major dailies in the
Philippines reported five impeachment complaints were filed against President Aquino
related to the abuse of Executive powers
mainly on the use of the Disbursement
Acceleration Program (DAP), one coming
Friday (July 25) from militant groups but
this time the charges against Aquino were
focused on the signing of the Enhanced
Defense Cooperation Agreement (EDCA)
with the United States.
The Daily Tribune reported that the deluge of impeachment cases, notwithstanding, the allies of Aquino who dominate the
House of Representatives, and even members of the opposition, had indicated that
Aquino’s impeachment does not have any
chance of prospering and even called the
efforts as “wishful thinking.”
The complaint cites Aquino’s culpable
violation of the Constitution and betrayal
of public trust as grounds for his impeachment. According to the complaint, Aquino,
by entering into the EDCA which is essentially a basing agreement, violated the
Constitution’s provisions prohibiting foreign
troops, bases, and facilities on Philippine
soil without a treaty concurred by the Senate
and approved by the people at a plebiscite if
required by Congress; as well as provisions
on national sovereignty, territorial integrity, independent foreign policy, civilian
supremacy, and judicial power and jurisdiction. Other constitutional mandates violated
include anti-war and anti-nuclear and nuclear wastes provisions, and those protecting
the environment.
Nakakatulog pa kaya ng mahimbing si
By now, there is no more doubt in the
minds of a great number of Filipinos that the
PNoy government is being run by a leader
who do not want to, or cannot, admit hi
mistakes. The clearest proof of this arrogant
self righteousness is P-Noy himself who has
not stop blasting the Supreme Court (SC)
for declaring as unconstitutional some of
his administration’s acts under the infamous
Disbursement Acceleration Program (DAP).
More appalling here is that PNoy continues his public tirade against the SC even
after his government has already filed a
motion for reconsideration of its ruling on
the DAP. This is clearly against the rule that
when a case is under judicial re-consideration, parties thereto are prohibited from
publicly commenting on its merits.
Obviously PNoy is trying to get public
sympathy and support so as to pressure the
SC to change its ruling on the DAP. This
is definitely unbecoming especially of a
President of a country who should set the
example in observing the basic principle of
separation of powers among the three coequal branches of government.
Kakatakot na ginagawa ng Hari ng
Palasyo sa tabi ng Ilog Pasig.
EDCA, the Binays and the BFP
THE Armed Forces of the Philippines
(AFP) on Friday is awaiting the decision of
the Supreme Court on whether Enhanced
Defense Cooperation Agreement (Edca)
between the Philippines and the United
States violates our constitution as civil society groups have filed another impeachment complaint against President Aquino
over the military agreement.
“That’s how it is, this is a free country. You can talk, you can file cases and,
hopefully, it will be decided [favorably] by
the Supreme Court. We’ll just await what
the Supreme Court decision is,” AFP chief
Gen. Gregorio Pio Catapang Jr. says.
The complaint, by the Gabriela party
list, was filed by civil society groups which
questioned Edca’s legality.
The complaint accuses the President
of committing culpable violation of the
Constitution and betrayal of public trust in
pushing for Edca’s affirmation. The agreement, they claim, violates the constitutional provisions banning the presence of
foreign troops and bases and the use and
entry of nuclear weapons in the country.
“We still have to find out if it is unconstitutional, so we cannot jump the gun,”
said Catapang.
He said a delay in the implementation
of the agreement might be disadvantageous to certain components of Edca.
The Enhanced Defense Cooperation
Agreement (Edca) is a “creative way” for
the Philippine government to improve deterrence and face challenges to national security with the help of an ally, the United
“We want to avoid conflict, that is why
we need to establish a credible deterrence.
We don’t have the wherewithal to do that
and so what is the practical solution for
us? It is to leverage on our alliance. We
only have one treaty ally, that is the US,”
General Emmanuel Bautista, former AFP
Chief of Staff said.
“There are no [US military] bases here,
so we have to find creative ways to allow
us to undertake (Mutual Defense Treaty)related activities but would still affirm the
provisions of the Constitution. That is the
Edca,” says Bautista.
The Edca could have been beneficial to
the Philippines during the March 29 rotation of troops and resupply mission of the
military to Ayungin Shoal (Second Thomas
Shoal) in the West Philippine Sea, which
the China Coast Guard tried to block, had
the security pact been operational at that
With a second petition questioning the
constitutionality of the Enhanced Defense
Cooperation Agreement, its panel said
Thursday that “every Filipino” could raise
their queries about the bilateral agreement.
In a statement, the Edca panel, which
Defense Undersecretary Pio Lorenzo Batino leads, said that “it is the right of every
Filipino to raise questions and seek clarification on the Edca.”
Petitioners Makabayan bloc marched
to the Supreme Court Tuesday to declare
Edca unconstitutional. They said that Edca
is a “lopsided” agreement wherein the
American troops would make the Philippine bases their stomping ground.
It was the second petition against the
agreement after former senators Rene Saguisag and Wigberto Tañada, two lawmakers who voted to remove American bases
in the country 24 years ago, filed their petition Monday.
Despite the second petition, the Edca
panel saw it as an opportunity to quell the
doubts about the agreement which was
signed on April 28, United States President
Barack Obama visited the Philippines.
The way I see it, those who would fill
the EDCA might as well join the Chinese
in claiming that their bogus Nine-Dash
Line gives China most of the South China
Sea and a few Philippine islands and rocks
in our seas.
Without the American troops and the
US protection that we would have under
EDCA, our Philippine military really are
no match for the Chinese military and its
ships, planes and armaments.
The presence of the Americans on
Philippine soil is the one thing that may
give pause to dream of the Chinese leaders to set up a base (with or without our
permission) in the South China Sea on territory that is part of the Philippines.
A complaint filed before the office of
the Ombudsman claims that the actual cost
of the New Makati City Parking Building
located on F. Zobel Street was only P245,
558, 248 million, yet, Mayor Junjun Binay and the City Council, appropriated
P1.56-billion for its construction , or “an
enormous overprice of more than P1.314
According to the Mayor, the construction of the building cost P48,859 per
square meter. This is incredible considering that the average cost of a commercial
building in Makati City in 2007 was only
P7,691 per sq.m.
Consider that a commercial building
has a lot more partitions and amenities
and is a more complicated structure than a
parking building.
Former Mayor Dr. Elenita Binay is still
facing several graft charges for overpricing
equipment bought by Makati for the Ospital ng Makati; during her term as Mayor.
Senior Superintendent Joselito Quibin
has been with the Bureau of Fire Protection (BFP) since May 1, 1985. In the 29
years that he has been with the BFP, Quibin started out as a District Admin Officer,
was promoted to Station Commander, City
Fire Marshal, Provincial Fire Marshal,,
Assistant Regional Director for Administration, Officer-in-Charge of BFP-R11. He
was made Acting Director for Personnel in
April 2006. He was then promoted to Senior Superintendent. In January 2007, he
was OIC, Regional Director BFP-Region
12. After one year, Quibin was designated
Regional Director, Region 11. In 2011, He
was transferred to BFP-National Capital
Region as Deputy Director for Administration.
In July 2012, he was made Director
for Personnel BFP-National Headquarters.
This month, he found himself re-assigned
as Assistant Regional Director for Administration (ARDA) BFP- Region 8.
This is clearly a demotion. Not only
does the position require only the rank
of Superintendent, not that of Senior Superintendent, Quibin had already been
an ARDA (Assistant Regional Director
for Administration) earlier in his career
while still a Superintendent. Now, already
promoted to Senior Superintendent, he is
again getting an assignment as an ARDA,
clearly a demotion, for someone in his new
Under RA 9263, there are posts for
which, one has to be a Senior Superintendent. Yet, in the Bureau of Fire Prevention
(BFP), some of these positions that are
reserved for Senior Superintendents are
being held by only Superintendents, while
Senior Superintendents such as Joselito
Quibin are given posts that ought to be
given to lower-ranking officers.
Whatever is going on in the BFP cannot be fitting and proper! Definitely something very wrong is happening with our
Bureau of Fire Protection!
Readers who missed a column can access www.duckyparedes.com/blogs. This
is updated daily. Your reactions are welcome at [email protected] or you
can send me a message through Twitter @
Philippine Courier
Reprinted from
Malaya with the
author’s consent
Health workers: Philippine
health care is very sick
The wealth of a nation is its
It goes without saying that a
healthy population is a prerequisite for a country to progress.
Healthy citizens live longer and
are more productive.
President Aquino will deliver
his 5th State of the Nation Address today (July 28). Yesterday,
the country’s health workers
gave their assessment of the nation’s health in a “Declaration
of a Healthcare Workforce Crisis” issued by The Coalition for
Primary Care and the Philippine
College of Physicians.
Their conclusion:“The Philippines is in the midst of a healthcare crisis.” They supported their
disturbing declaration with grim
figures: 47.6% of deaths among
Filipinos are unattended by a
medical doctor or allied health
provider. “Infectious diseases
such as tuberculosis and pneumonia continue to kill a hundred
thousand Filipinos each year, just
as they have for the past several
“In addition, 5000 birthing
mothers and 70,000 children under 5 years of age die each year
as maternal and under-5 mortality continue unabated. “On top
of these persistent problems, a
new epidemic of Non-communicable diseases (NCD) is upon us
as a direct result of increased life
expectancy, modernization and
deteriorating lifestyles. These
diseases include heart disease,
stroke, cancer, chronic lung disease and many other diseases.
The WHO reports that the NCD
epidemic kills 175,000 men and
134,000 women every year[iii]that’s more than 300,000 Filipinos a year, 30 deaths an hour.
This is the equivalent of 2 jumbo
jets crashing every day.”
The health workers said about
half of the deaths from non-communicable diseases and the majority of infectious, maternal and
newborn deaths are preventable
with proper healthcare. “Unfortunately, the healthcare system
has been unable to manage these
scourges,” they said.
Consider the following facts:
- 1. Most Filipinos, especially
the poor, use public facilities to
seek medical care.
- 2. Of the 66 thousand physi-
cians, 500 thousand nurses and
74 thousand midwives who are
actively practicing their
profession and registered with
the PRC, only 3 thousand, 5 thousand
and 17 thousand respectively, work in a public facility as
of 2013.
- 3. This translates to only
0.2 physicians, 0.4nurses and
1.7midwives per 10,000 population, or a
total of 2.3 healthcare
workers per 10,000 population.
This number is 10x less than the
24/10,000 recommended by
the WHO, as the minimum number needed to address just the
Millennium Development
Goals (MDG’s) of maternal and
child health alone.
4. The shortage of healthcare workers affects not just the
supply of doctors, nurses and
midwives, but also the supply
of dentists, pharmacists, occupational therapists, physical therapists, speech pathologists, medical technologists, and other allied
medical professionals, including
our partners in healthcare, the
community health workers.
As the health workers declared
that “a healthcare workforce crisis that threatens the lives of millions of Filipinos, especially the
poor, and violates their right to
good health,” they demanded that
“President Aquino and the 16th
Congress take immediate, sustained and dramatic steps to solve
this crisis. “
They pledged “to fight for legislation and policies that promote
the practice and teaching of primary care as the basic ingredient
of true health for all.”
They zeroed in on five aspects
of workforce management: Recruitment – of a sufficient number of health care workers; Retraining – so they can handle
both communicable and noncommunicable diseases; Retention – through provision of just
salaries, deserved benefits, and
better working conditions; Regulation – so that supply can be redistributed to areas in need; and
Periodic Reassessment – because
the workforce is a moving target
that changes with the times.
Their battle cry: Walang kalusugang pangkalahatan, kung
walang mag-aalaga sa sambayanan.
By Atty. Batas Mauricio
INC’s Philippine Arena, “temple of God”
LIFE’S INSPIRATIONS: “Then Solomon began to build the temple of the Lord
in Jerusalem on Mount Moriah, where the Lord had appeared to his father David.
It was on the threshing floor of Araunah the Jebusite, the place provided by David. He began building on the second day of the second month in the fourth year
of his reign…” (2 Chronicles 3:1-2, the Holy Bible).
inauguration of the Iglesia Ni Cristo’s
Philippine Arena, the world’s largest
domed indoor arena, not only is a fitting introduction to the INC’s impending July 27, 2014-100 years celebration, but was an activity laden with
Biblical parallelisms and similarities,
attesting to the Biblical authenticity of
the INC.
More than a 55,000-seater coliseum, the Philippine Arena might as
well constitute a grand temple without
equal anywhere in the world, dedicated
to God by the INC (undoubtedly the
Philippine’s most powerful religious
group today). Without any doubt, the
Philippine Arena bears a striking similarity to the “temple of the Lord” which
King Solomon built to honor God during his time (see 2 Chronicles of the
long-times associates seem surprised,
and apparently couldn’t believe that
I could quote from the Bible.” More
thunderous applause greeted him after
this! I think that if only Aquino would
continue reading the Bible, and continue using it as a basis not only for his
speeches but of his actions, real change
will come to his government.
MANALO: INC General Evangelist
Bienvenido Santiago Jr., on the other
hand, confirmed that Ciudad de Victoria is intended by the INC to benefit not
only its members, but all Filipinos nationwide, and even foreigners from the
different parts of the globe. Santiago
took note that the complex, highlighted
by the Philippine Arena, will also be
home to a modern hospital which will
It is significant that the Philip- be 11 stories high.
pine Arena was built some four years
after INC Executive Minister EduIndeed, the INC has a lot to celardo V. Manalo took the leadership of ebrate with, as it marks its 100 years of
the Church following the death of his existence. Sure, it has become the most
father, the late Erano G. Manalo, the powerful religious group in the Philipsecond INC Executive Minister. The pines and in many other parts of the
fact was that, King Solomon built the world. But then, its most powerful im“temple of the Lord” to honor God four pact can be seen in the discipline that
years after he was installed king of Is- is demonstrated by its members which
sets them apart from ordinary believers.
-oooThis kind of discipline has enCOMIC RELIEF FROM abled the INC to retain the interest of
PNOY: Wittingly or unwittingly, Pres- its old members thereby making them
ident Aquino provided some comic re- loyal to the Church all throughout their
lief to the otherwise formal ceremonies lives, and to gain new adherents who
inaugurating the Philippine Arena and see in the INC the care and concern
the entire 140 or so hectares of land that genuine-loving family members
that form part of Ciudad De Victoria shower one another, through good and
(or City of Victory), or the complex difficult times. Mabuhay, INC. Conwhere other INC structures will be gratulations, Ka Eduardo V. Manalo.
built to commemorate its centennial in
Bocaue, Bulacan.
-oooIn at least two instances during
his speech, he quoted verses from the
REMINDERS: Please tune
Bible dealing with love, particularly in: “Tambalang Batas at Somintac”, at
to the less fortunate members of so- 1062 kHz on the AM band, Mondays
ciety. Each time, he draw thunderous to Fridays, at 6 a.m., simulcast, real
applause from the overflow crowd of time, over 1080 kHz in Dagupan City,
about 55,000 that gathered inside the 711 kHz in Naga City, 1260 kHz in
Philippine Arena as early as 1 a.m. on Lucena City, 1224 kHz in Davao City,
July 21, 2014, evidently showing ap- and worldwide, at www.eaglenews.ph;
proval of the President’s foray into the “Kakampi Mo Ang Batas”, at 103.7
Word of God.
mHz in Don Carlos, Bukidnon, Mondays to Fridays, at 7 a.m.; and “KaAquino quipped: “I noticed kampi Mo Ang Batas” at 801 kHz on
that you have been applauding my ref- the AM band (Panay Island), Mondays
erences to the Bible. Why, even my to Fridays, at 10 a.m.
July 2014
Philippine Courier
Running for the 2016 presidency…
‘Not interested’ - Grace Poe
MANILA, Philippines (July 25, 2014) - Sen.
Grace Poe is a strong performer in surveys on voter
preferences for presidential and vice presidential
candidates in the 2016 elections, but she is still unconvinced that she is ready to take the plunge and
run for higher office.
Poe continued to be a favorite among the
possible candidates for the presidential and vice
presidential elections based on the latest Pulse Asia
Vice President Jejomar Binay, who was the first
to announce plans to run for president, continues to
lead the pack, with a dominant 41 percent of the
survey respondents picking him as their candidate
for the country’s top post.
Poe came in second with 12 percent of the votes
of survey respondents.
But in the case of possible vice presidential candidates, Poe was the top choice, garnering 26 percent
of the votes of survey respondents.
In a text message, Poe expressed her gratitude
to the electorate for their continued trust in her as a
public official.
“But as I’ve said, as a neophyte public servant, I
know I have a lot to learn and to prove to be worthy
to run for higher office,” Poe said.
Poe was number one in the 2013 senatorial
elections, outperforming several veteran politicians,
including senators who ran for reelection.
She has remained popular a year after her
assumption as senator with her success in steering
various bills to approval, including the proposed Newly proclaimed Sen. Grace Poe holds her certificate of proclamation as she poses with mother Susan Roces, husband
Neil Llamanzares and daughters Hanna and Nika and son Brian during the proclamation of six senators-elect at the
Freedom of Information Act.
In spite of her seeming reluctance to run for PICC in Pasay City.
Alan Peter Cayetano has openly declared his inten- However, being a member of the Nacionalista Party,
higher office, Poe was recently mentioned as a posTrillanes said that he would wait for the party’s decisible running mate of Sen. Francis Escudero, who is tion to run for president in 2016.
In the case of the vice presidency, Sen. Antonio sion on who to field in the 2016 elections. (philstar.
close to her.
Apart from Binay, only Senate Majority Leader
‘A Taste of Manila Street Festival’
Toronto Mayor Rob Ford was at the formal launch Wednesday of the Filipino community's newest festival, ‘AThe Taste of Manila’ which takes place Aug. 23-24
at Bathurst St. and Wilson Ave. in North York. The mayor fully endorsed the event, saying it's consistent with the multicultural nature of Toronto, Canada's largest
city and capital of Ontario province. (Photo by TPC’s Bong Molano)
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July 2014
Philippine Courier
Stars of the Month
My Cup of Tea
By Ores Ting
By Dr. Leto Tigley
Half-baked Catholics
misunderstand corruptions
Toni Furto
We all follow the course of time, its significance dictates what we accomplish over
that period of trials and tribulations so they say.
But most of us will live an exciting life, successful career, travelling and seeing
the wonders of the world, or simply being famous for what one can do ......
For me, my fascination of someone who have the talent and flare of making one
beautiful through makeup and hairstyle is indeed exciting, so deserving to be successful and famous.
In other words , despair not, for we still have the opportunity and perhaps take the
chance for a complete make-over to make ourselves beautiful and attractive... a hair
style that will suit us fine plus the make-up to do us good.
Wow!!!! Surely we should all do it!!
So I want to introduce ... Tony Furto ... a friend I have known for years here in
Toronto as my ....Stars of the Month of July; The most popular, well known hair stylist, make-up artist and also a pageant organizer in Manila and now living in Toronto.
A friendly, hardworking person, Tony established himself in the community as a
caring, helpful kababayan especially to most vulnerable people. He will always volunteer his time to those who are desperate for assistance and support.
But his ability and talent to let those precious hands do the impossible, women or
even men would be more than willing to take the extra mile just to have Tony do their
hair styles and make- over.!
Pokwang, a comedian back home, who was in Toronto recently, became a beauty
when the magic wand of Tony did the change on her appearance.
Having a beauty salon is no easy task too; Tony put so much time and effort to
ensure all clients are satisfied and happy. And they all are!!
So pleased with his work, Rene Salud, famous couturier and fashion designer
from the Philippines hired him as his Director during his fashion show held at Harbourfront last year.
In spite of his work and business, Tony has been involved with activities in the
community and in Manila, receiving awards, sharing his expertise and doing work
here and there. To mention a few:
- Outstanding Canadian Award, Filipino Outreach Service,
- President, Dangal ng Filipino Cultural Association,
- Balitang Artista Broadcaster, Philippine Sundae CFMT, Channel 4,
- Ginoong Filipinas Canada, Franchise Holder,
- Ballagi Classique Salon International, executive consultant.
Tony will always be a guiding star to all!!!!
"Dwell on the beauty of life. Watch the stars, and see yourself running with them",
Marcus Aurelius
(For Star of the Month inquiries, pls. call Ores Ting@ 416-546-9391)
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So, an earthquake of 7.1 intensity
rocked Mexico lately and the devastation
it brought although large has not yet been
fully accounted. Since it is within the rim
of fire, there is no surprise whatsoever.
Some countries within the rim with no
experience will be in the waiting list. Just
pray it won’t happen. But the Philippines
has another earthquake again and this time
the epicenter is at the Supreme Court which
declared the Development Acceleration
Program (DAP) as unconstitutional. DAP
is the pet idea of Florencio Abad, who
is currently Prez BS Aquino’s Budget
Secretary. The intention of being an economic stimulus is a very noble one, but
the mechanics in the implementation is a
big disgrace to the fundamental law of the
land. The practice is considered traditional
because previous Presidents were also
doing that but in different manner, not by
funds summation; it turns into one bulky
approach. Savings from unfilled vacancies
and unimplemented projects from various
agencies were the sources of those funds.
But the sin of it is that it is unconstitutional
as the use of those funds for other purposes - like cross border funding to another
branch of the government, or giving allotments for project insertions by Senators
and Congressmen - looks like dubious
ideas. The President intention is in good
faith, because it can help accelerate the
economic progress of the country, and it is
also governed by an administrative code;
however we are governed by laws and
all laws or guidelines shall cohere with
the Constitution. I believe Abad’s idea,
although an old practice is not a healthy
means and he should suffer the pangs of
it. It is time for him to resign because
his alleged stay in the cabinet is now
toxic that could contaminate the others.
However there should be some meticulous
investigation before he will be kicked out.
But the CBCP, the governing body of the
Country’s catholic, should not interfere
with the government or else it will be
countered with a haymaker ala-Pacquiao’s
left. Allegation of the greatest corruption
is reportedly within the church but no one
cared for it. And one of their disciples is
a depository of Napoles, the scam queen,
of whom Monsignor Ramirez is allegedly
her scam chaplain. What about CBCP, is
it investigating him? There seemed to be
lack of discipline, somewhere else.
And talking about discipline, read this.
A teacher who is less forgiving will someday meet a pupil that will measure her
temperament. Not all pupils are always
subservient and some are just plain naughty. Here is the story about a boy who
always waves a ‘dirty finger’ every time
the teacher adds humor to her explanation. In one instance, the teacher could no
longer tolerate this pupil’s behavior, so she
hand-tied him and shackled him outside at
the flagpole for 1 hour. The teacher however saw the boy after an hour to check
on him and she was alarmed because the
boy’s head is bowing low as if he is crying.
The teacher asked him what he was doing.
The boy replied so loud: “Ma’am, look
at the ants in the ground they are fucking
hard.” Naturally the teacher again was
irked. But the boy was too small to be
physically punished. So, it is the teacher
attitude that should be corrected and has to
plan good disciplinary measures to make
the boy understand his wrong way. So, we
heed the church to discipline the hierarchy, make it a good shepherd. Half-baked
Catholics misunderstood the meaning of
corruptions. As long as the money is used
for building a church, it is forgivable. I
don’ think that is the right teaching. Christ
words that the camel is much better to
get into the hole of the needle than those
people maybe the right answers.
In Kitchener, the heavily German community was all over elated when their soccer Team snatched the world cup championship. My neighbor here could not
speak clearly his words when he told me
that they won. He has his flag draped in
his balcony. But the Brazilian, who is
my haircutter, with tears in his eyes, said
that the Germans are just boastful. Out of
desperation, they cannot say that because
Argentina, a country which soccer is their
past time, also suffers the same fate with
them. In short, this is Germany’s time.
They have to wait for another 4 years and
it will be in Russia. The Russian government has its huge budget ready for that
event this early.
For the Barilinians, this year will be the
400th year anniversary of their Church in
Barili, Cebu. Although, the name Barili
is controversial for me, the daughter of
one of the oldest Mayor of the Town,
Babe Pace made her own research and
concocted a book about the place. I have
not read the book but one e-mail friend of
mine told me it is very educational and
very enlightening. We have to know also
that the author is an upsilon alma mater,
experience diplomat, assigned in Spain for
quite a long time. Most of her information
was sourced in that country. So, everything is reliable.
In Tampa, maybe, there is lots of Filipino
on that place. Wherever you go, you will
have an impression right away, because
in grocery, mall and other entertainment
industry, most of them appear like they
are the same with us. But, when you say
“kumusta ka? “They reacted right away,
by saying “habla espanol?.” Maybe you
will just reply,” hablag Tagalog amigo.”
But I met one who is from Bohol and
his coin word “sano” is still there. Sano
as I called him is from Maribojoc and he
is a good karaoke singer. They are good
fishermen there, too. They caught big fish
underneath the long bridge that connect
Tampa to St. Petersburg. Since I am not a
good fisher, I ate a lot just to prove to them
that I am proud of their catch. Only they
are fond of Chivas Regal with Ice cubes.
So, after a couple of drinks, they started
competing on the microphone. And everyone ended out of tune. How memorable is
the event.
Russia is again in the middle of a puzzle
about the downing of a commercial airplane en route to Malaysia. Russian military, who are posing as anti-Ukraine rebels
reportedly misconceived a civilian aircraft
as a military airplane and shot it down
with cruelty. Now they cordoned the area
preventing the world body to do independent investigations. What is bad is the allegation of looting. This is double jeopardy
in the making. It is time for the world to
do something to prevent this country from
damaging smaller countries, like their way
of annexing Crimea. When they were poor
they acted like beggars, now that they are
rich they are hungry lions preying weaker
neighbors. It is a total disgrace to have
friend like that. Maybe, just stay away
from them.
July 2014
Philippine Courier
Philippine Population: Now officially 100 million
MANILA (July 27, 2014) - A baby
girl born early Sunday has officially
pushed the population of the Philippines to 100 million, highlighting the
challenge of providing for more people
in the already-impoverished nation.
The child, Jennalyn Sentino,
was one of 100 babies born in state
hospitals all over the archipelago who
received the symbolic designation of
“100,000,000th baby”.
“This is both an opportunity and a
challenge… an opportunity we should
take advantage of and a challenge we
recognise,” Juan Antonio Perez, executive director of the official Commission on Population, told AFP.
While a growing population means
a larger workforce, it also means more
dependents in a country where about
25 percent of people are living in poverty, he said.
He said the Philippines had
to find a way to bring services to the
poorest families while also lowering
the average number of children that
fertile women will bear in their lifetimes.
“We’d like to push the fertility rate
down to two children per (woman’s)
lifetime,” from the current level of an
average of three per woman, he said.
While celebrating the birth of
the babies with cake and gifts of clothing and blankets, the government will
also monitor each of the designated
100 children over the coming years to
see if they are receiving the required
health services, Perez added.
July 2014
Jennalyn’s father, 45-year-old van
driver Clemente Sentino, said he was
grateful for the government aid, but
expressed confidence he could support
his child and his partner.
He and the child’s mother, Dailin Cabigayan, 27, are not yet married.
“She just happened to get pregnant.
But we do have plans to get married,”
he told AFP.
“I make just enough to get by but
at least my job pays regularly. We will
find a way to make it fit,” he said.
Efforts to control the Philippines’ population growth have long
been hampered by the influence of the
Roman Catholic Church, which counts
about 80 percent of Filipinos as followers and which disapproves of all
forms of artificial birth control.
It was only in April that the government finally overcame over a decade
of Church opposition to implement a
reproductive health law providing the
poor with birth control services.
Perez said with the law’s implementation, about two to three million women
who previously did not have access to
family planning now do. (AFP)
Philippine Courier
Mabuhay Philippines Festival - “Pagdiriwang”
The Philippine Independence Day
Council (PIDC), a non-profit organization known for putting together many
“firsts” in the community is getting
ready for another unprecedented event
in the Greater Toronto Area. PIDC was
the first to organize a multi-day event
to celebrate Philippine culture, the first
to partner with Harbourfront Centre,
the first to organize a three-day event at
Toronto City Hall, the first to include a
street parade to its annual celebration,
the first to hold a Filipino Festival at
the Metro Toronto Convention Centre,
the first to partner with the Philippine
Chamber of Commerce, the first to
organize a three-day multi divisional
basketball tournament and more. PIDC
continues to pave the way in ensuring
Philippine heritage and culture thrives
in the hearts and minds of Filipinos and
PIDC’s signature event, the 16th
annual Mabuhay Philippines Festival,
is set to deliver another extraordinary
addition to Toronto’s summer festival
line-up with the theme for this year being “Pagdiriwang” or Celebration. The
festival is proudly presented by the Toronto Dominion Bank at our new loca-
tion, David Pecaut Square (215 King
Street West) in the heart of Toronto’s
Entertainment District, sandwiched between Roy Thompson Hall and Metro
Hall. The square is easily accessible by
public transit with plenty of parking. It
is also at the pulse of weekend events
and is bustling with people. Steps away
from Rogers Centre, MTCC, Air Canada Centre and Ripley’s Aquarium, it
was also the site of this year’s Luminato
Expect to see some of the best
local Filipino-Canadian talents with
segments such as “Return of the Champions” with Jasmine Ragual, Candace
Santos, Roy Tugbong and Glen Montero. Join in the fun with students from
the JDL School of Performing Arts in
their show called “Halo-Halo”. Relive
your favorite daytime Philippine soap
operas with Chyrell Samson and friends
in “Mga Mahal Kong Teleserye”. Former and current PIDC pageant contestants are renowned for being beautiful
and talented; catch them perform in
a segment called “PIDC Pageant All
Stars”. Follow in the hilarious story of
one man’s path to discovery that leads
him to Filtown. Don’t miss the comic
book illustrator group “Spent Pencils”
in the veranda of Metro Hall as they
highlight Filipino super heroes. Other
featured performers include Belinda
Copuz, Martina Ortiz, Victoria Marie,
Ryan Flores, The Fiesta Filipina Dance
Troupe, Folklorico Filipino Canada and
The highlight of this year’s
Mabuhay Philippines Festival is something people will not want to miss.
PIDC is bringing some of the most famous Philippine Festivals to life. Moriones, Sinulog, Maskara, Panagbenga,
Dinagyang, Kaamulan and Flores de
Mayo are just a few of the celebrations
that will be seen at this year’s event.
Experience the sights and sounds of authentic Philippine street parades right
here in Canada. Transport yourself
to different regions like Marinduque,
Cebu, Baguio, Bacolod and more to
partake in their annual celebrations. To
make the parade even more spectacular,
costumes for these featured fiestas are
being flown in from the Philippines and
created by world-renowned designers
Renee Salud and Shannon Pamaong.
In addition, Randy Guevara will be
choreographing the march to make the
presentation magnificent. Groups and
associations are invited and encouraged
to join in the fanfare. If you would like
more information on how your group
can be a part of this unique event, please
contact Parade Chair, Gene Elamparo at
[email protected].
The Mabuhay Philippines Festival has something for every member
of the family including vendors with
various products and 6 of the top Filipino restaurants serving their best dishes. No need to buy tickets because the
entire Festival is FREE! Sponsorship
and a limited number of vendor opportunities are still available. For more
information about becoming a festival
vendor, please contact Minda Neri at
[email protected] or call her at 416
621-4985. Alternatively, you can also
contact Evelyn Pagkalinawan at [email protected]. For sponsorship
opportunities, please contact Tom Tan
at [email protected] or call him
at 416 846-4272. You can also check
out our website at www.pidctoronto.
com or “like” us on Facebook at www.
more details about the festival and other
PIDC events.
Lame mind, lame excuses, lame duck
By Perry Diaz
Two of the most intelligent presidents
the country ever had turned out to be the
most corrupt. So much for intelligent
people running the government. How
about those with a lame mind “ampaw”
(rice crispies) as President Benigno “PNoy” Aquino III called them last March
13 when he advised voters to elect someone with substance. “In essence, who really has substance and who is ampaw?” he
asked the students at an open forum at the
Hope Christian High School in Manila.
“With ampaw, you might be happy for a
while but after 10 minutes, you’re hungry
because there’s nothing in it,” P-Noy said
in Filipino. “Ampaw” is a pejorative for
people lacking in substance.
But P-Noy is also the target of his critics who questioned his qualifications to
run the country during the 2010 presidential elections. They claimed that in his
nine years in the House of Representatives
and three years in the Senate, his legislative record was zero; that is, none of the
bills he authored have been enacted into
law. “A real ampaw,” they said.
Actually, before P-Noy raised the issue of ampaw presidential candidates,
his critics have already been calling him
“ampaw” for what they believed was his
incompetence in governing the country.
His disappearing acts during crises further
exacerbated public perception of his incapacity to deal with the country’s problems.
But nothing is more pathetic than
P-Noy’s string of lame excuses for everything that had gone wrong. And his
favorite excuse was to blame his predecessor Gloria Macapagal Arroyo for a lot
of things that went awry under his watch.
Retired Archbishop Oscar Cruz calls Gloria as P-Noy’s favorite scapegoat. P-Noy
even blamed Gloria for the dip in his sat-
isfaction ratings from a 2013 survey by
the Social Weather Stations (SWS). While
admitting that the “pork barrel scam” had
an effect on his ratings, P-Noy blamed the
administration of Gloria because it occurred during her presidency from 2007
to 2009.
“In time people will see what we are
doing to stop the shamelessness that
happened – from 2007 to 2010 were the
worst,” he told reporters in an ambush
interview. “On the surveys, I have said
before that we should not be governing
based on ratings. We should be governing
based on what is right, that is what should
be our basis in making decisions,” Aquino
But while P-Noy believes that governing based on what is right is the way to go,
it should – nay, must — always be within
the purview of the law. And this was the
gist of the recent Supreme Court decision,
which ruled that three parts of the Disbursement Acceleration Program (DAP)
are unconstitutional.
The high court’s 13-0 decision had
caught P-Noy by surprise. At the very
least he was expecting his four appointees, including the Chief Justice, and two
other justices to support DAP. There were
two more justices that P-Noy had been
lobbying so hard to get their support. That
would bring eight votes, which would
have been enough to uphold the constitutionality of DAP.
In the end, after an extended delay in
issuing a ruling, the justices did what was
right, not what was politically expedient.
Once again, the Judiciary manifested its
independence from the influence of its
co-equals, the Executive and Legislative
branches of the government, who used every trick to persuade the justices to uphold
DAP in its entirety. But the justices resisted and dealt P-Noy a debilitating blow.
But P-Noy, wounded politically, counter-attacked and delivered a scathing tirade
against the Supreme Court. In a broadcasted speech last July 14, P-Noy lambasted
the Supreme Court for its ruling that DAP
is unconstitutional. He warned that the
Executive Branch and the Judiciary might
run into a head-on collision because of the
ruling. And, cryptically, he said, “My message to the Supreme Court is: We do not
want two equal branches of government
to go head to head, needing a third branch
to step in to intervene. We find it difficult
to understand your decision.” He said that
the Executive Branch would file a motion
for reconsideration and called on the justices to “see DAP his way.” But the justices were unfazed by the veiled threat of
impeachment. They vowed to uphold “the
rule of law,” not the “rule of men.”
A Manila newspaper reported that a
source said that the high court is “solid”
in its ruling and the justices wouldn’t be
swayed in their decision. “There are no
more Arroyo or Aquino appointees. It is
the institution, the Supreme Court, which
must be protected,” the source said.
Last July 21, it was reported that the
Kilusang Magbubukid ng Pilipinas (KMP)
filed an impeachment complaint against
P-Noy for the P5.4 billion from DAP that
was allegedly used to pay his family – the
Cojuangcos — for Hacienda Luisita and
other landowners under the agrarian reform program. The KMP said that the Department of Agrarian Reform (DAR) website carries an “admission” by its head that
the agency had received the DAP funds
for the landowners’ compensation.
Although, it is doubtful if an impeachment complaint against P-Noy would gain
traction in the House of Representatives,
it would put him on the defensive for the
rest of his term and he’d be hounded to
no end.
With an imminent defeat on his motion for reconsideration, P-Noy wouldn’t
have many options left. It’s either he accepts the high court’s ruling or declare
martial law and fire all the Supreme Court
justices. But would he go to that extent?
If he did, that would be the end of the
legacy of his father, Ninoy Aquino, whose
martyrdom had broken the Marcos dictatorship. Is P-Noy too bull-headed that he
would dismantle the democratic institution his iconic mother, Cory Aquino, had
built from the rubble of martial law? No!
P-Noy wouldn’t dare do that.
But to accept defeat after all that hullabaloo of attacking the Supreme Court,
P-Noy faces the inevitability of becoming
a lame duck too soon. Normally, a sitting
president doesn’t become a lame duck
until his successor was elected, which is
about 60 days prior to the end of his term.
But when a president lost his political
power due to diminished influence, he becomes a de facto lame duck, which begs
the question: Will P-Noy’s influence wane
as a result of his ignominious defeat at the
hands of the Supreme Court justices?
At the end of the day, there’s nothing
harder a president could swallow than being a lame duck for the last two years of
his presidency, which makes one wonder
how history would treat P-Noy? The last
things that he’d like to be known for are:
lame mind, lame excuses, and lame duck.
- ([email protected])
July 2014
Philippine Courier
Edited by: Miguel Caducio
SSS offers Glenda calamity package
MANILA, Philippines - The Social
Security System (SSS) unveiled a new
calamity relief package for those affected by Typhoon Glenda.
The program allows members
of the state pension fund to renew their
salary loans, avail of house repair loans
with easier terms, and advance their
pension payments.
SSS vice president and officer-incharge of the fund’s Lending and Asset
Management Division May Catherine
Ciriaco, said the package is extended
to members in areas declared under
state of calamity by the National Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Council (NDRRMC), which as of
July 18 include the provinces of Albay,
Camarines Sur, Samar, Laguna, Naga
City, and the town of Obando in Bulacan.
“This relief assistance was set up
to help our members in urgent need of
funds during these times,” Ciriaco said.
The package includes the Salary Loan Early Renewal Program
(SLERP), which enables existing borrowers in affected areas to renew their
salary loans ahead of the prescribed period under the regular loan guidelines.
Members with sanctions on loan renewal due to their availment of the SSS
Loan Penalty Condonation program
are also allowed to apply for SLERP,
provided that they live or work in a declared calamity area.
“The SSS will also waive the
one-percent service fee charged on salary loan applications, both for new and
renewed loans,” Ciriaco said, adding
that the same eligibility requirements,
interest rate, and repayment terms on
salary loans will still apply.
The assistance package also offers qualified SSS pensioners an option
to get in advance their three-month’s
worth of pension. Availment of advance pension payments requires submission of an application form duly
certified by the Barangay chairman.
Ciriaco said the regular release
of pensions will automatically resume
right after the three-month period covered by the advance payments.
Aside from the SLERP and threemonth advance pensions, the SSS also
Forex reserves rise to $80.72 B in June
MANILA, Philippines (Xinhua) - The gross international reserves ( GIR) of the Philippines rose to $80.72 billion in June,
according to preliminary data released by the local central bank
The June GIR was nearly $500 million higher than the $80.24
billion foreign exchange reserves posted in May.
The Philippine central bank said in a statement that the increase
in the GIR was due to the revaluation adjustments on its gold
holdings, net foreign currency deposits by the Treasurer of the
Philippines and income from its investments abroad.
The central bank said the June GIR remains ample as it can
cover 11 months' worth of imports of goods and payments of
services and income.
It is also equivalent to 7.7 times the country's short-term external debt based on original maturity and 5.7 times based on
residual maturity.
'Hot money' inflows hit $43.95 M in June
MANILA, Philippines (Xinhua) - Foreign portfolio investments, or "hot money," posted a net inflow of $43.95 million in
June, the local central bank said today.
The Philippine central bank said in a statement that the net
inflow in June was turnaround from the net outflow of $84.91
million recorded in the same period last year. However, net inflows of hot money last month were lower than the $545 million
registered in May.
This is the third consecutive month that the country recorded net hot money inflows as funds are finding their way back
into emerging countries amid an improving market sentiment.
About three-fourths of the investments were put into Philippine Stock Exchange-listed securities, which are primarily
holding firms; banks; property companies; food, beverage and
tobacco firms; and telecommunication companies.
The local central bank said the remaining 24.7 percent of
the inflows were invested into peso-denominated government
The United Kingdom, the United States, Singapore, Malaysia, and Luxembourg were the top five investor countries in
June. The US remained as the main destination of outflows last
In the first half of the year, foreign portfolio investments
summed up to a net outflow of $1.37 billion, a reversal of the
$1.49 billion net inflow recorded in the same period last year.
The Philippine central bank has projected net hot money
inflows to reach $1.5 billion this year, 64 percent lower than last
year's $4.22 billion.
July 2014
reduced the interest rates for the SSS
direct house repair and improvement
loan to six-percent per annum. The service fee is also waived to further help
members who need to rebuild their
Affected members have until Oct.
31 to submit applications. On the other
hand, members who apply for direct
house repair and improvement loan
have a year to prepare their application. (philstar.com)
Gov’t expects to incur P43-B budget deficit in Q3
MANILA, Philippines (July 22, 2014) - The
government expects to incur a budget deficit
of P42.9 billion in the third quarter this year as
it steps up spending on infrastructure to boost
economic growth, data from the Department
of Finance showed.
However, the expected budget shortfall
for July to September is still 14 percent lower
than the P49.9 billion recorded in the same period last year.
Total expenditures are seen to reach P551
billion, up 15.5 percent from P477.03 billion
a year earlier. Of the total, P440.02 billion
will account for operating expenditures while
P107.88 billion will comprise capital outlays
which include infrastructure spending.
The government is targeting P508.1 billion
in revenues for the third quarter. The amount
represents an increase of 19 percent from the
P427.1 billion reported in the same period a
year ago.
Of the total estimated revenues, P365.59
billion will come from the Bureau of Internal
Revenue (BIR), P103.2 billion from the Bureau of Customs and P4.39 billion from other
The Philippines posted an unexpected
budget surplus of P8.51 billion in May as the
government frontloaded spending to sustain
economic growth. This was a reversal of the
P42.84-billion fiscal deficit reported in the
same month the previous year.
The government aims to bolster spending on roads, airports, water supply and transportation to five percent of the country’s total
economic output by the time President Aquino
steps down from office in 2016.
For this year, the government planned
to spend P399.43 billion on public works or
around three percent of gross domestic product (GDP). The figure is expected to increase
further to P826 billion by 2016.
The World Bank has urged the Philippines
to ramp up public spending on infrastructure
to sustain its growth trajectory and improve its
competitiveness. Foreign companies cite poor
infrastructure as a barrier to investment and
The country’s infrastructure facilities, particularly airports and transportation, continue
to lag behind many of its Asian neighbors.
Philippine Courier
By Miguel Caducio
There was a report from Seoul that
Samsung Electronics Co. Ltd. is losing smartphone ground not only to
cheaper Chinese rivals but also at
the high end to Apple Inc., a survey
showed, in an ominous sign for the
South Korean giant as Apple readies
to launch its next-generation iPhone 6.
Samsung last week gave
second-quarter earnings guidance
that was far weaker than expectations
and is on track for its worst quarterly
profit in two years, a performance the
company attributed in part to price
competition and higher inventory levels in China.
Research firm Counterpoint's
survey of 35 markets accounting for
nearly 90 percent of global sales found
that sales for the eight-month-old
iPhone 5s stood at 7 million in May,
compared with about 5 million for
Samsung's flagship Galaxy S5, which
was in just its second full month of
sales after a late March release.
Counterpoint said that the
Galaxy S5 appeared to be doing worse
than the Galaxy S4 had done in its
early launch against the iPhone 5,
with each selling about 7 million units
a month. The data measure retailers' sales to consumers as opposed to
typical industry data that look at shipments made by the manufacturer.
Galaxy S5 sales probably
remained at about 5 million units in
June, said Tom Kang, Seoul-based
analyst for Counterpoint. He said the
Samsung battles on two fronts
as Apple readies iPhone 6
Galaxy S5 fell short of market expectations in terms of display quality and
by using a plastic case.
"They made one mistake, one
product that didn't hold up to expectations and they are paying the price,"
Tom Kang said in a phone interview
with Reuters. "They will have to move
forward and leave behind what has
failed and focus on the next product."
The data suggests that Samsung's problems run deeper than just
the inventory buildup in mid-to-low
tier devices that the company reported
earlier in the month after disclosing
weaker-than-expected second quarter
Samsung declined to comment
on Counterpoint's data or disclose
shipment figures for the Galaxy S5,
though a Samsung executive in April
said that the new flagship device was
expected to outperform its predecessor.
"We will strengthen our product competitiveness by reinforcing
our premium brand reputation, powerful product line-up, and cutting-edge
technology," the company said in an
email statement on Wednesday.
Data from research firm Canalys
showed that Samsung's market share
in the first quarter of 2014 fell to 18
percent from 20 percent a year earlier,
while the likes of China's Xiaomi and
Lenovo Group Ltd made gains.
Analysts said Samsung's new
products such as the S5 did not offer
enough to entice consumers to pay a
premium over cheaper alternatives
that were rapidly improving in quality.
"Most major smartphone brands
worldwide are battling brand fatigue
at the moment," said Strategy Analytics analyst Neil Mawston. "Consumers love their smartphones but almost
all hardware, software and apps now
look, feel or cost the same."
Apple, however, continues to
be able to charge premium prices. Its
iPhone 6 generation, expected to be
launched as soon as September, is anticipated to sport bigger screens which
would encroach on what has been a
key Samsung advantage.
The Counterpoint data also
suggest that Apple's smartphone sales
have remained resilient even as anticipation for the new product launch
builds. The US company is expected
to report its fiscal third-quarter results
later this month.
Some slowdown for Samsung
was expected following a record year
of profits in 2013. Strategy Analytics
forecasts global smartphone shipments
growth this year to slow to 21 percent
from 41 percent in 2013, while faster
growth for cheaper smartphones was
also expected to undermine margins.
Samsung's worse-than-anticipated operating profit guidance of
7.2 trillion won ($6.96 billion) for
the April-June period caught analysts
by surprise. Thomson Reuters survey
shows that 28 of 50 analysts polled
have cut full-year profit forecasts for
the company since the guidance was
issued on July 8.
A worker at a South Korean
carrier shop in central Seoul said sales
of the iPhone 5s and the Galaxy S5
were roughly equal at his store, even
though the Apple device had been on
the market since October in South Korea.
"iPhone sales have been consistent and the differentiating factor
for it is the design," said the worker,
who only wanted to be identified by
his surname Kim as he was not authorized to speak to the media. "There
isn't much difference in the design of
a Galaxy phone or an LG phone."
Some analysts said Samsung
should bite the bullet and cut prices
across the board, trading short-term
margins for market share, while others say Samsung should look at more
innovative change such as introducing
flexible displays.
Counterpoint's Kang said
Samsung may also need to consider
adopting a new brand for its high-end
"The Galaxy brand has been
weakened because it's selling $100,
$200, $300 phones while Apple only
sells $400 and above, so they might
even need to throw away their Galaxy
brand," he said. – (With Reports from
4500 Sheppard Avenue East Units 25 & 26 Scarborough, ON M1S 3R6
(416) 335-8555
July 2014
Philippine Courier
President Benigno S. Aquino III receives the first copy of the Philippine Arena Coffee Table Book, which was presented by INC Executive Minister Brother Eduardo Manalo during the inauguration of Ciudad de Victoria in Bocaue, Bulacan. (Photo by the Malacañang Photo Bureau)
July 2014
Philippine Courier
Edited by: Ross D. Tierra
Vhong, Billy, KC & Richard remain Kapamilya
MANILA, Philippines - Another
blessing has come to Vhong Navarro’s
way as he recently renewed his contract with ABS-CBN.
In an interview, Vhong thanked
the Kapamilya network and the madlang people for giving him courage
and support to continue bringing fun to
“The love that I receive from
the Kapamilya is unconditional. They
don’t forget me, despite all the chal-
lenges I’m facing. They
make me feel more Billy Crawford and Vhong Navarro (third and fifth from right, respectively) with Vhong’s manager, Chito Roño,
Billy’s manager, Arnold Vegafria, ABS-CBN broadcast head Cory Vidanes, business unit head Reily Santiago
loved,” Vhong said.
Vhong’s fellow & TV production head Laurenti Dyogi(PR)
mainstay in the noontime show It’s ShowFriday and announced that she will
Be Careful With My Heart star
time Billy Crawford also inked a new soon return to TV acting, alongside Richard Yap also signed another onecontract. Billy will return to the Sun- Coco Martin and Kim Chiu via Ikaw year contract with the network on the
day variety show ASAP 19 and will Lamang.
same day KC signed hers. (philstar.
host a new reality show soon.
“I’m so humbled and thankful that com)
KC Concepcion, meanwhile, I’m part of the cast of Ikaw Lamang:
also renewed a two-year contract last The New Book,” she revealed.
Robert Downey Jr. highest-earning actor: Forbes
‘Iron Man’ Robert Downey, Jr.
HOLLYWOOD (July22, 2014) - Robert
Downey Jr, the star of Disney's Marvel superhero film franchises "Iron Man," and "The
Avengers," is Hollywood's highest paid actor
for the second consecutive year, with estimated
earnings of $75 million, according to Forbes.
The 49-year-old star made most of his
money from June 2013 to June 2014 from "Iron
Man 3," which made $1.2 billion at the box office and assured him the top spot again in the
annual ranking.
"As Iron Man, he's the driving force behind
four of Marvel's biggest hits, including 'The
Avengers,'" Forbes.com said.
Former wrestler Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson, 42, who starred in "G.I. Joe: Retaliation,"
and the "Fast and Furious," films, jumped into
second place this year from fifth in 2013 with
earnings of $52 million, followed by "Hangover," star Bradley Cooper, 39, with $46 million.
"His work in the lucrative 'Hangover,'
franchise has given him the ability to take risks
with smaller films like 'Silver Linings Playbook,' and 'American Hustle,'" Forbes said
about Cooper.
"The Wolf of Wall Street," star Leonardo
DiCaprio, 39, had a lucrative year with two
hit films and came in fourth at $39 million in
earnings, while Australian "Thor" actor Chris
Hemsworth, rounded out the top five with $37
DiCaprio was a driving force behind "The
Wolf of Wall Street," which made $395 million
worldwide and he also starred in "The Great
Gatsby," which took in $351 million globally.
Mark Wahlberg, 43, who was in fourth
place last year thanks to the comedy hit "Ted,"
just made the top 10 this year along with actor
Will Smith, 45. Each actor earned an estimated
$32 million. Forbes.com compiled the rankings
and estimated earnings by talking to managers,
producers and agents. (Reuters)
Dywane ‘The Rock’ Johnson
Ramon ‘Mon’ Datol
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July 2014
Philippine Courier
July 2014
Philippine Courier
Canadian Music League Championships winners
Monica Labuguen (left) with Miss Mila, manager of Ontario Conservatory of Music and the other students of the music school celebrating
after their triumphant participation in the 60th “Canadian Music League Championship Contest” held at the Delta Meadowvale Hotel &
Conference Centre from July 18th - 20th, 2014. Monica wins in the Voice Solo Open (2nd place); Piano Duet Open (2nd place) and Piano
Ensemble Open (2nd and 1st place). Monica Labuguen (right photo) is also the reigning Miss Petite of the Miss SEA Universe 2014 held in
Peru last May 2014.
Toni and Alex, uncensored
MANILA - THEY are two
of the liveliest and most vibrant hosts and actresses
right now. But behind the
cameras, those close to Toni
and Alex Gonzaga know that
they are much more entertaining!
Thus, the two have been
chosen to star in ABS-CBN
mobile’s first reality show,
“Team Gonzaga,” which airs
every Saturday at 12 noon.
The touching, at times
wacky and stormy, relationship of the sisters is revealed
in the behind-the-cameras
look that the show gives
ABS-CBNmobile subscribers. It means free and exclusive access to the sisters’
busy and glamorous lives,
plus a candid glimpse of
Toni and Alex’ bonding and
adventures with their family
and fellow celebrities.
Watch new episodes
of “Team Gonzaga” on mobile every Saturday exclusively through the iWant
TV application using smartphones equipped with ABSCBNmobile SIM cards, or
through the website by using
the registered ABS-CBNmobile number.
“Team Gonzaga” is
the newest offering of ABSCBNmobile following the
hit shows on mobile such as
“experienceDANIEL in 30
days,” “experienceKATHRYN in 15 days,” “experienceKATHNIEL,”
“PBB All In.”
Marylou Malicdem and
Juan Tomas gave an exciting performance of ballads,
soft rock, and even a Broadway number: Cabaret, at Our
Lady of Assumption Church
on Bathurst St. last June 21st.
The finale,
in Hula Hawaiian style, Aloha
Oe, had many Pinay dancing
in the back rows. The duo will
be spending the summer working on some new super material for their fall tour of Southern Ontario. (PR Photo)
July 2014
Philippine Courier
July 2014
Philippine Courier
g Bagong
at Manigon
Will Set You
"The Truth
Taon !!!
Vol. 3 No.
r 2006
Rustia rec l Award
Fil-Can TV
a ng
erick ‘Paman
branding mav
ation creator
Hope Found publishes I
er and KOL
who also
Melinda Rustiaine.
, Rustia
ians who
o magaz
ntial Award
It Filipin other Filipino Canad ng PiliGloria Mana
Of the Preside ed by this award.
the ‘Pama
“I am humbl
Baisas and
be recognized
PHILIPPINE o honored Filipin
Presi- said: incredible honor to o-Canadians were award were Armando
capagal ArroyRustia with the
is an
0 Filipin
o’ award
Filipinos Romulo Magsino.
the 400,00
process that
na Ng Pilipin in Mala- out of more than 8 million
dential ‘Pama
Through a diplomatic post of
ceremonies ber 7, 2006 and outside the Philipp
on Decem
os living ’s career has spanne
sies and
Singapore, Philippine Embas izes distinguished
canang Palace outstanding Filipinfor
him to Tokyo,
Lonide, it recogn and organizations
with 47 other s based overse and and has taken Kong, Bombay,
se in
and organi lary achievement the Manila, Hong York. His experti
Filipino individ
their except
and motion overseas that, by
their exemp contributions
don, Paris,
k branding
or humanitarian
ce to Filihumanitarianand to their countr l- strategic networled him to single-hand-d achievements
and substan
o and Jeff
communities ul Rustia was acknow e graphics have creative bar for brandels have given formand the Filipino Spirit.d
Gloria Arroy
pino excelle Arroy
all in all
oon televis
oos in edly
beingg an exemp
edged for role model for Filipin for image work
President Arroyo
thinker and around thee world
worldwide. is the son of the late Ar- "The Truth ia, Page 11
ownn rio
Rust Will Set
iann tto ow
Jeff Ru
Canada and Filipino Canad
new aperma leadYou Free
ronto newsp
rd winnin
cted Toront
ent ci
being the fi successfu
ul aaward
andd promin
Rustia an
ng andd design mand Rus
and lead a TV bran
rld’ss largest
hereinternational, by the
th world
be and are
dge of this
GMA hands
By Mon Dato
Ms. Talavera
"The Truth Will Set You Free"
ins FCT
g Filipino’ rt rest
Teener cops
ouawardees sttrra
Bb. Pi
ld title
aving know
ned from dissemon
on having
nd restrai
3le No.
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a S
io S
hingg or distrib
attachedd hereto
HE Ontar
bbyy FCT
tingg pu
06 res
ever,, the noticeed to this newspaper press remantha Viado
ber 15, 2006ficer
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f cers from membeers
rs and
ttoo of
East of
to their
hill, Great
terr Toron ions
le A, (a copy zio as attachment notice relating
dates to its k as the so
er Toron Thorn- a 17-yea
nss dat
Rosa, ding
bested eight
r-old charm delamislea
to Area
Aida D’Ora this month) or any
rs of the
n which
from North other finalists also a budding singer er who isnted
n of directo
lease early an
t the
in Long
Cente s el
and ved
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in appoi Best
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to run
Toronto, withou
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the AGM
the 2006
the Bb. tional
as of the
et tooCostum
has yet
World Canad
of Larry Banac
World in
The Honou
Na-rders tha
e award.
a well-at- plum while Clarice
tended 17th
ge order,
orders that express authorization
that the respon
PorIn aRae
nual beauty edition of the an- was adjudged 1st runnerLudovico
Best in
Kriss etz
(Dr. Franci
The court
pageant presen
Dr. Guille
-up. tice MorawSanche(FCT,
Other winner
s got the
by Litto Lagas
Adan) costs
Javier, Mario shall pay to the
and Edgar
ca Productionted Rae Abante s include Vanisa
the respon
the Doubl
o, Julit
o (BestBirond
Santia Taburn
Camilla Jonessubstantial indemnity
oriia), Kristin
, Evelyn
Dr. Victor
litoo tugal,
Hotel in Toron International the World Teen), Pilipinas of
on a
(Best de Villa, Juli
and Veroni
) and Arena
Turla, Bb.Pil
s, We
to last Septem
Clarice EfrenHair
n, “this motion
ber 30.
(2nd, left,ofstandinga ca
(Best Ai
on ipinas
- Petite.
Skin).D’Orazio, Ludov
ico Tiamz ta
the WorldCorpu
, Page 12
z, Aida
Belle Tumbok and guests
o Porcolleagues
Longtime FCT
ines, Mercy Irene Turner and raaation
Dr. Francisc
nt Dr.
tha East
G’ MOOD: drew
rousing cheers ment
in photo Longk Cr
corpor tio
at dre a rousing
Also also
Move ent propone
om that
FCT Moveme
e Crese
choperson or
Save-theWils Ave.
the Save-the
waves a mini-bro
(p tlyy hid- Suzett
Bb. Pilip
along Wilson
anyy other
iaga (par
nt along
cee calledd by
g), an
Jimmy Arciaga
Aristokratt Restaura
press conferen
Page 5
rank Aquino,
rito and Arlene Tablan
s, Frank
’s imm
er 7 att the Aristokra
By Mon Datol
igrants sou
RP is no
w 3rd
to Collante
Cruz, Alma
tugal Decemb
ing)) Dr. Chito
le standing
eft sitting) Rose
(f om left,
are: (from
and (from left,
gilio Bugtong
), Virgilio
Mon Datol)
(Photo bydemog
Martrtireez.-.-- DA’s
lly change raphics are about
in the next
decade as to the influx of immig
imcomers from China subsides,
while new- for the country, particu has some advantages
crease in the India and the Philip
pines in- es where these newco larly for the provin
last five years.
Initial data
cand one of
mers would
to be a top-so that showed China
training costs is that the Englis be living,
will be
However in urce country has beenwas going vast majori
ty of Indianreduced because
still the larges2005, Statistics state reversed. Filipin
os, speak Englis applicants like the
t source countr
y. The chang was
e in
ion, Page
Maraming salamat po sa inyong walang sawang pagsuporta. Mabuhay ang Pilipino!!!
e Insurance
Gov't Grant
* Mortgag
Plan & 20%
* Educational Insurance
* Critical
* Life Isuranc
z Lopez
Arnel Jimene
Cell: (416)
Avenue, Scarboro
759 Warden
Ontario, M1L
s Profile:
Toronto, Ontario
Vol. 2 No. 12
July 2006
Aquino pleads guilty ......Story on page 9
oll A.
A. B
For Mayo
M yo
monndd Hill
Fo Mayo 6th State
r Naq
aqvvii Address
Ric mond r
Ig To
ge 11
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GMA to enemies:
enemies: ‘I’m game’
ge 18
Wardd 22,, Rich
monndd Hill
ge 27
ardd 10,
100, TToro
t Cit
By Mon Datol
UNPERTURBED: Thousand of protesters still trekked the streets of Metro Manila depite heavy downpour to air their grievances on poverty, repression, unemployment
among others during Pres. Arroyo’s speech inside Congress.
F Coun
PRESIDENT Gloria Macapagal Arroyo, in an upbeat
and confident stance, renewed
her demand to her political
foes to join hands with her
in pushing the country’s development in her sixth State
of the Nation address July 24
at the Batasang Pambansa
Complex in Quezon City,
In an hour-long speech, Arroyo said she is game in fighting her detractors and critics
who will not relent in reviving
“old fights.”
“For those who want to
make old fights, we’re game,”
she said to a deafening applause
from her allies in the House.
e 29
ggyy M
a langit
Foorr Coun
Co cillor
W d 23,
23 Toronto
g 1
“But it is a waste of time,” Arroyo declared to her audience
who applauded 175 times as
she continued her SONA.
The President stressed that
“we can win our battles,”
* Mortgag
e Insuran
nsura cee ES:
as she cited that people’s Educati
cham-onal Plan
& 20%
* Critical
0% Gov't
pions have captured the
worldIllness Insuran
* Life Isuranc Insur
in the fields of sports and beauArnel Jimene
SUPER REGIONS: Pres. Arroyo anty pageants.
Cell: (416) z Lopez
759 Warden
her program of creating four
She noted
the success
of nounced
ue, S
Super Regions
in the
g country in her 6th
M1L 4B5
Filipino boxing icon Manny SONA July
24B5at the Batasang Pambansa
Pacquaio, Mt. Everest climb- Complex in Q.C., Philippines.
ers Leo Oracion, Pastor Emata missed out on Lia Andrada
and Romeo Garduce; the SEA
Ramos, who was named Miss
Games winners and beauty ti- Photogenic during yesterday’s
tlist Precious Lara Quigaman, Miss Universe tilt in Los Angeall of whom she invited to at- les, California.
tend her presidential speech.
Mrs. Arroyo continued with
However, the President
SONA 2006, page 5
Free Concert, Food and Drinks at
This was revealed by the event chairman Dr.
Francisco Portugal to the Courier yesterday as
the soft-spoken proponent of the Save the FCT
movement explained that the whole day affair
is geared toward uniting old and new members
of the FCT and introducing them to the salient
points of the Center’s existence and its true role
in the community affairs and the general membership’s development.
Dr. Portugal, together with event co-chairpersons Gene Lara, Dr. Belle Tumbokon, Dr. Chito
Collantes, Camilla Jones, Minda Longkines,
Vhert Bugtong, Tobi Mendoza, Bert Daan, Rey
Free concert, page 10
DOC’S PRESCRIPTION: Event over-all organizing Chairman Dr. Kiko Portugal said
they would also invite current FCT officials to join them in the day-long affair.
* Mortgage Insurance
* Educational Plan & 20% Gov't Grant
* Critical Illness Insurance
* Life Isurance
Arnel Jimenez Lopez
Cell: (416) 568-2110
The Philippine Courier
‘Kamayang Pinoy’ na!
LIVE entertainment featuring outstanding
Pinoy talents headed by the legendary Hotdogs founding-member Mon Torralba and
Toronto’s No.1 folksinger Chito Sarabia,
sprinkle by free foods and drinks provided
by different Filipino restaurants in the GTA
await members of the Filipino Center Torono in a daylong fun, games, camaraderie and
musical extravaganza dubbed “Kamayang
Pinoy” starting at 1 p.m. Saturday, August
19, 2006 at the spacious Wellesley Community Center Open Park at the corner of
Sherbourne and Wellesley Sts. in downtown
Ramon Datol
759 Warden Avenue, Scarborough
Ontario, M1L 4B5
419 Alper St., Richmond Hill, Ontario L4C 2Z5
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Reporting you can trust
July 2014
Philippine Courier
July 2014
Philippine Courier
July 2014
Philippine Courier
18th Annual World COPA
Team Canada brings home 25 medals
TORONTO (July 24, 2014) - With 11 official members representing Canada at the 18th Annual World
Championships of Performing Arts in Hollywood,
California July 11 - 19, 2014 ‪Team Canada brought
home a total of 25 glittering medals, 13 of which are
Gold, Six (6) Silvers and Six (6) Bronzes in a sterling performance of everyone that caught the admiration of the more than a thousand competitors in the
weeklong event.
Here’s the list of Team Canada’s medal winners:
Isaac Cruz (Junior Vocal) - Calgary, Alberta
GOLD - Male Vocal Broadway - 11-12
GOLD - Male Vocal Gospel - 11-12
GOLD - Male Vocal R&B/Soul/Jazz - 11-12
SILVER - Male Vocal Open - 11-12
Tiffany Lau (Junior Dance) - Markham, Ontario
GOLD - Female Dance Lyrical - 11-12
GOLD - Female Dance Tap - 11-12
GOLD - Female Dance Jazz - 11-12
GOLD - Female Dance Hip Hop - 11-12
Isabella Grace Lecomte (Junior Vocal/Dance) Oakville, Ontario
GOLD - Female Vocal Broadway - 11-12
GOLD - Female Vocal Opera - 11-12
SILVER - Female Vocal Contemporary - 11-12
BRONZE - Female Vocal Pop - 11-12
BRONZE - Female Dance Song & Dance - 11-12
Cheryl Malanum (Junior Vocal) - Toronto, Ontario
SILVER - Female Vocal Gospel - 11-12
BRONZE - Female Vocal Broadway - 11-12
BRONZE - Female Vocal R&B/Soul/Jazz - 11-12
Grace Sun (Junior Dance) - Richmond Hill, Ontario
GOLD - Female Dance Song & Dance - 11-12
GOLD - Female Dance Musical Theatre - 11-12
SILVER - Female Dance Tap - 11-12
Bong Castillo (Senior Vocal) - Etobicoke, Ontario
GOLD - Male Vocal World - 30 & above
GOLD - Male Vocal Open - 30 & above
Jodi Jahnke (Senior Vocal) - Toronto, Ontario
SILVER - Female Vocal Broadway - 25-29
SILVER - Female Vocal Country & Western - 25-29
BRONZE - Female Vocal Open - 25-29
Monarie Ocray (Senior Vocal) - Brampton, Ontario
BRONZE - Female Vocal Contemporary - 16-24
Isaac Cruz
- Male Vocal Broadway - 11-15
- Male Vocal Gospel - 11-15
- Male Vocal R&B/Soul/Jazz - 11-15
Tiffany Lau
- Female Dance Tap - 11-15
- Female Dance Jazz - 11-15
- Female Dance Lyrical - 11-15
Grace Sun
- Female Dance Song&Dance - 11-15
- Female Dance Musical Theatre - 11-15
Tiffany Lau - 1 month scholarship from Millenium
Dance Complex
Grace Sun - 1 month scholarship from Millenium
Dance Complex
Tiffany Lau - Industry Award Medal
Isabella Grace Lecomte - Industry Award Medal
Isaac Cruz - Junior Vocal
Tiffany Lau - Junior Dance
Isabella Lecomte - Junior Vocal & Dance
Grace Sun - Junior Dance
Tiffany Lau - Junior Dance - Finalist Medal
Isabella Lecomte - Junior Vocal - Finalist Medal
Official members of Team Canada representing Canada at the 18th Annual World Championships of Performing Arts in Hollywood, California:
1. Natalie Acido, Calgary - Junior Vocal
2. Bong Castillo, Etobicoke, ON - Senior Vocal
3. Isaac Cruz, Calgary - Junior Vocal
4. Elle Delizo, Hamilton, ON - Junior Vocal/Modeling
5. Jodi Jahnke, Toronto, ON - Senior Vocal
6. Tiffany Lau, Markham, ON - Junior Dance
7. Cheryl Malanum, Toronto, ON - Junior Vocal/Modeling
8. Isabella Lecomte, Oakville, ON - Junior Vocal/Dance
9. Monarie Ocray, Brampton, ON - Senior Vocal
10. Grace Sun, Richmond Hill, ON - Junior Dance/Vocal
11. Rita-Anne Marie Tabago, Mississauga, ON - Junior Vocal/Acting
July 2014
Philippine Courier
July 2014
Philippine Courier
Edited by: Laurence Tierra
Juico is new Patafa prez
… seeks POC nod
MANILA, Philippines (July 25, 2014)
- After yesterday’s orderly elections, the
new president of the Philippine Amateur
Track and Field Association is seeking
the recognition of the Philippine Olympic Committee and the Philippine Sports
By Al Mendoza
DESPITE his so-so finish in the
143rd British Open, Tiger Woods is
back. Definitely.
Woods did not win golf’s oldest tournament, but the way he carried
himself against virtually all odds was
something not to be sneezed at.
His first round 69 recalled flashes
of his brilliance.
Going three-over-par in the early
going, Woods rattled off five birdies in
a six-hole stretch to fashion out a threeunder-par finish. That put him only
three shots behind Rory McIlroy’s 66.
McIlroy, golf’s Wonder Boy from
North Ireland, would eventually win
the tournament with his 17-under-par
total—two strokes over Spaniard Sergio Garcia and American Rickie Fowler.
Woods would finish way down
the standings but to his fans in particular and to world golf in general, that is
still cause for celebration. He finished
in one whole piece—no injuries on his
troublesome knee and leg, no more
back pain caused by a pinched nerve.
Meaning, the back surgery in March
was A-OK.
So, seeing Woods back is a good
He is only 38 years old. He is
four titles shy of Jack Nicklaus’ record
of 18 majors won. The year’s last major
is set later this year—the PGA Championship.
Meanwhile, look how Woods performed in the just-ended British Open
after just playing two competitive
rounds only a while back after a fivemonth absence due to surgery.
So beautiful was it, particularly
in the early going that Woods drew the
usual applause from a crowd that practically applauds once every decade.
July 2014
“We will submit the
papers needed for POC recognition,” said Philip Juico, who
was unanimously elected as
the new president of Patafa at
the Orchids Hotel in Manila.
Go Teng Kok, who occupied the post for 24 years,
stepped down yesterday and
delivered a 10-minute farewell
speech before the Patafa members.
Juico, former chairman
of the Philippine Sports Commission, was elected along
with Boy Sering (vice president), Maricor Pacheco (auditor), Lucy Artiaga (secretary)
and Janet Obiena (auditor).
Named to the board of directors
were Cagayan de Oro Rep. Rufus Rodriguez, former Bureau of Immigration
commissioner Al Fernandez, Cham Teng
Young, Chua Pio and Go. Fernandez will
remain as Patafa chairman.
“As you can see, three of the five
officers are women. It is in compliance
with the International Olympic Committee policy on gender equity and equality,” said Juico.
The POC did not send a representative because it thought that technicalities
or objections would surround the exercise. But it turned out to be an orderly
“That’s great,” said POC vice president Jose Romasanta. In the absence of
a POC representative, Patafa officials
welcomed the presence of Asian Athletics Association (AAA) officials Maurice
Nicholas and Regina Ang who both flew
in from Singapore.
The elections were also witnessed
by officers from the Securities and Exchange Commission.
Juico said he will work on the
POC recognition which should automatically be followed by the recognition of
the Philippine Sports Commission. “The
recognition will create harmony which
should be an accomplishment for Patafa
and the POC, and good for the athletes,
the country and our stakeholders,” said
“I don’t see any problem. Mr. Juico
must just comply with the other requirements like submitting to us what transpired. Then the POC board will look into
it,” said Romasanta. The POC official
said he was glad to be “proven wrong”
about the conduct of the elections, and
added that Juico is more than qualified
and capable to handle the post.
“We have no reason not to wish him
well,” added Romasanta, who was contacted by Juico after the elections. Juico
also plans to get in touch with other Patafa regional officers. Of 33 Patafa members, 25 made it to elections.
Rodriguez, also the former immigrations chief, thanked Go for his long
and devoted service as Patafa president.
Under Go’s watch, Filipino track athletes earned the reputation as the biggest
source of medals for the country when it
comes to the Southeast Asian Games.
“Under Mr. Juico, Patafa will be
great again,” said Go. (philstar.com)
Woods is back, but Juvic suffers ‘karma’
After Woods’ three-under-par 69
in the first round, golf buffs were in
Cloud 9. Woods’ fans went partying in
the streets deep into the night. TV networks seized the moment, unleashing
armies of ad gatherers in anticipation
of ratings shooting through the roofs
again in the Open’s last three rounds.
For, did they see the game’s
greatest draw back to form—finally?
Is Woods’ aching back completely
healed after it had undergone surgery to
repair a pinched nerve in March? Will
his knee and leg, subjected to surgical
procedures before the back pain came,
hold for the next three rounds?
Yes is the answer to the first two
questions. But the third one has a weird
answer: The knee and leg seemed to be
OK, but seemingly not Woods’ game in
its entirety?
His rebellion was quelled—by his
own errant driver, no less.The euphoria
of his first-day 69 quickly vanished in
the first two holes of his second round,
where he made double-bogey and bogey.
Eerily, that set the tone of his day.
The world watched in disbelief
when he couldn’t find birdie for the
next 14 holes—all ending in pars. Very
Then, with his stubbornness to
use the most uncooperative driver yet
in his career, he hit out-of-bounds on
17. Triple bogey. Five times he used
driver in blunder-bound Round 2. A
bizarre and terrible twist since he used
driver only once the entire week when
he won this oldest of all four majors
eight years ago.
But if only for consolation, the
14-time major winner birdied 18, ramming home what could be the most important 10-footer in this shakiest stage
of career.
Had he missed that, it would have
given him a first ever back-to-back
cut after missing weekend play in the
Quicken Loans National in Maryland’s
Congressional won by Justin Rose late
last month.
That was a monster, ego-saving
birdie, OK, but after 36 holes, Woods
found himself 14 strokes behind McIlroy to virtually, if not literally, rule
himself out of contention in the year’s
third major.
McIlroy’s second straight 66 on
Friday put him at 132, the same twoday total that Woods had posted en
route to winning his third British Open
in 2006 held on this same course, the
Royal Liverpool in Hoylake, England.
You think that 14-shot, two-round
lead was big enough to cause a cruise to
victory? Think again, fellers. McIlroy
wasn’t done yet. In Round 3, he shot
68. Woods limped home with 73. That
put Woods 19 shots behind McIlroy.
Miracles happen but, hey, not this
one, please—Woods overhauling such
a monstrous 19-shot margin to win it?
God doesn’t operate that way or His
mystery could become mere myth?
I guess God had frowned on
Woods’ post-Round 2 brag that if Paul
Lawrie could erase a 10-shot deficit to
win the 1999 British Open, Woods, too,
could do it.
Very Woods-like, OK. But God
knows best. Optimism is good, but not
arrogance. As the Good Book says,
the humble are exalted and the exalted
Woods was third-to-last at threeover-par 219 (69-77-73) going to the
fourth and last round in the 156-man
field that had four amateurs—with
Juvic Pagunsan, the lone Filipino en-
try, making 76-73 to miss the cut by 3
strokes with his 149.
Oh, well, Juvic Pagunsan deserved to lose? He has talent, but not
the latent to behave. He breaks rules
set by his golf association in the Philippines not once but twice, if not thrice.
In Cebu’s Cebu Country Club, he
was admonished for his non-adherence
to proper attire. Instead of following
clubhouse rules, he walked out.
Promptly, he was suspended by
the national golf association. In succeeding sanctions for similar offenses,
he now finds himself suspended indefinitely. As a result, he wins some
honors abroad but not on home shores.
What an irony.
And with his dismal performance
in the British Open, his suspension will
last in seeming eternity.You can be
good but if your attitude is bad, you end
up nothing. A louse more than a loser.
I pity Juvic. Said Lucho Singh,
who is based in Seattle, Washington
State, in a text-message to me: “Juvic
fell again because of karma. He should
change his bad attitude.”
As for Woods, well, if only because he made the cut, good enough.
For me, that is.The fact that he is back,
and made the cut though barely, means
he has brought the sun back to a world
made despicably dreary by the absence
of the game’s No. 1 draw.
Here’s someone who hasn’t won
the British Open, missed playing in the
first two majors in the Masters and US
Open, and yet, he remains the toast of
the golfing world.
Tiger Woods, you are really
Juvic Pagunsan? Shape up or
you’ll be shipped out—for good.
Philippine Courier
Pacquiao is 14-1 favorite vs Algieri
Chris Algieri
MANILA, (July 22, 2014) - On paper, it certainly
looks like Chris Algieri will have to carry a bladed
weapon or a concealed-carry pistol for him to emerge
victorious against Manny Pacquiao on Nov. 23 in
Odds coming from the US say Pacquiao is
-1400 ($100 bet wins $1,400), while Algieri is +800
($100 bet wins $800).
The Game
of My Life
You just can’t blame the oddsmakers
from downplaying the chances of Algieri,
a little-known fighter from Long Island,
New York, who was picked to face Pacquao following his upset win over Ruslan
Provodnikov last month.
Top Rank big boss Bob Arum will
soon make a formal announcement of the
Pacquiao-Algieri world welterweight title
fight that will take place at the CotaiArena at The Venetian.
Algieri, 30, is the reigning World
Boxing Organization junior-welterweight
titleholder and will move up in weight
against the fighting congressman.
But the underdog status doesn’t
worry Algieri, saying he has gotten used
to that role and is eager to prove his detractors wrong. And don’t blame Algieri
for saying he’ll surely beat Manny Pacquiao in Macau.
The undefeated boxer of Italian and
Argentine descent is just trying to do his
job – the very difficult job of trying to sell
the fight.
“One hundred percent I believe I
will win,” he told the Sweet Science just days after
his dream match with Pacquiao was sealed, signed
and delivered.
Algieri has reason to believe he can beat
Pacquiao. The fighter who looks like a GQ model is
undefeated in 20 fights. When he fought Ruslan Provodnikov last month, not too many people thought he
had the chance.
Manny Pacquiao
But he said things, strange things, happen in
boxing. “It’s the theater of the unexpected. And how
many people thought I’d get killed by Ruslan,” Algieri told Michael Woods of the Sweet Science.
The Algieri fight will be Pacquiao’s third since
losing to Juan Manuel Marquez in Dec. 2012. (ManilaBulletin.net)
Return of the king
By Bill Velasco
LeBron James is headed back to
Cleveland in what is both a great
PR move and savvy business decision. You’ll recall that when he left
acrimoniously in 2010, the only
thing the people of the city didn’t
do was hang him in effigy. They
were burning his jerseys in public,
vilifying him, and even tearing his
billboards off the sides of buildings. It was such a hyped event that
his departure left a sour taste in
the mouth for fans who felt treated
badly by their fellow Ohio native.
James entered the NBA in time
for the 2003-2004 season with
more hype than almost any player
before or since. He was the first
high school player whose games
were covered live by ESPN. To a
large extent, he put up the numbers
to live to all the hype and endorsements raining over him. James began with what turned out to be a
career-low 20.9 points per game,
and peaked with 31.4 a night two
seasons later before departing for
Florida. He had a reputation for being self-centered, self-aggrandizing
and well, selfish. To be fair, some of
it was undeserved. Just some of it.
James arrived in the post-Shaquille O’Neal era, with Dwyane
Wade having won one title with the
Diesel and Pat Riley. But unlike
Shaq, who said it was Wade’s team,
there had to be a Big Three with
shared responsibilities. But whether he liked it or not, Wade had moral authority and unstated leadership
chops. Wade had a ring; he didn’t.
The question on everyone’s mind
was how well he would play with
the others. Even when he was given the supporting cast he asked for
with the Cavs, he still didn’t win,
and he still complained.
But that was then. LeBron took
on the air of a leader, and although
he and Wade occasionally danced
around each other’s large egos like
gunslingers waiting to see who
would draw first, all was well. With
Chris Bosh a silent third pillar,
they started wreaking havoc in the
East. Bring into the equation Erik
Spoelstra’s handling of that gargantuan testosterone mix, and things
worked out. Spoelstra, who took a
job with the Heat at the time he also
had an option to play in the Philippine Basketball Association, was
able to assert himself while taking in the players’ input. And even
when he and Wade clashed, crisis
was averted.
Why did James opt to go back
to Cleveland, which was not really
one of the contenders for his services?
First of all, it was a brilliant
stroke for James. He swoops back
into town with even more leverage
than when he left. Two championships can do that for you. Also, he
returns as an elder statesman, not as
a talented youngster who appears a
spoiled brat at times. When James
speaks, it is now from having ascended the peak of the NBA. Now
he has not just the authority of talent, but of accomplishment. He can
look around the huddle and know
that the others will listen to what he
has to say because he’s been there
and he’s done it. Twice.
Secondly, James can now do
something that nobody else has
done: win Cleveland its first championship. He comes into a younger,
talented team that may unite around
him (hopefully). And if he doesn’t
lock horns with the coaching staff,
their growth curve may just be a
very steep one. The Eastern Conference is not as wild as the West,
and this is a better situation for a
group of young players aiming to
go deep into the playoffs. LeBron
has already made history in many
ways. But a maiden trophy for the
city would be magical, and indelible.
Third, James has made a great
business decision. He signed on
for two years, knowing that other
league pacts around him (such as
the global television contract) will
also be expiring. This will bring
more money into the pot that de-
termines players’ salary caps, and
James knows this. He has never
gotten the singularly large maximum paycheck that the best player
in the game deserves. But he knows
it will be forthcoming. In two years’
time, he can renew for even more
money as the max goes up.
Fourth, what will his legacy be?
He is in elite company having won
more than one championship. But
how many players have been able
to win championships with more
than one team? Not Michael Jordan, Bill Russell, Wilt Chamberlain, Magic Johnson or Larry Bird.
Kareem Abdul-Jabbar won one
in Milwaukee before the Lakers’
run in the 1980’s. That goal would
definitely set James apart, as Phil
Jackson was able to create two
NBA dynasties, one on each coast.
LeBron is young enough to still
win more than one more title. Now
that achievement, in turn, would be
talked about and place him in a different category. It is always easier
to stay in a comfortable environment, with a team used to winning
that other players want to be a part
of. This, I think, fits LeBron’s character more. His entire career, he has
been seeking that one thing that nobody else could say.
And he is in a unique position to
do that in Cleveland.
July 2014
Philippine Courier
Sharapova, Murray also coming to Manila…
Nadal, Djokovic heads powerful cast
MANILA (July 26, 2017) - The cast of tennis stars coming over for the International Premier Tennis League
(IPTL) in November is almost unbelievable.
But count men’s world No. 1 and 2 Rafael Nadal
and Novak Djokovic, women’s No. 1 Serena Williams
and top draw Maria Sharapova and add the names of
Andy Murray, Ana Ivanovic and Caroline Wozniaki and
Manila will practically have a major tennis championship cast in its midst when the tournament unfolds.
Assuming, of course, that the tennis stars schedule
will allow them to come over. But one thing is certain,
said the organizers: Maria Sharapova and Andy Murray
will be here to banner a team called the Manila Mavericks in a competition against other teams from Singapore, India and the United Arab Emirates whose lineup
will include the tennis world’s top stars.
The event will be held Nov. 28-30 at the Smart
Araneta Coliseum and ticket prices have been pegged at
P300 for the bleachers and P15,000 for the choice spots.
“I’m pretty sure that on Nov. 28, you will be very
happy,” said IPTL founder Mahesh Bhuphati in a press
conference yesterday at the Edsa Shangri-La Hotel.
Besides Murray and Sharapova, also in the Ma-
nila team are Jo-Wilfried Tsonga, Carlos Moya, Daniel Nestor, Kirsten Flipkens, and Fil-American doubles
specialist Treat Huey.
Singapore will be powered by Serena Williams, Andre
Agassi, Tomas Berdych, Lleyton, Nick Kyrgios, Daniel
Hantuchova, Bruno Soares and Patrick Rafter while the
team carrying India will be composed of Rafael Nadal,
Pete Sampras, Gael Monfils, Ana Ivanovic, Sania Mirza, Rohan Bopanna, and Fabrice Santoro. The Emirates
squad will be made up of Novak Djokovic, Caroline
Wozniacki, Janko Tipsarevic, Malek, Jaziri, Richard
Gasquet, Nenad Zimonjic, and Goran Ivanisevic.
The availability of players from the other three
teams, however, will depend on their respective team
owners, thus, there is no certainty that Nadal or Djokovic will be in Manila for the competition.
“This partnership is a great milestone in our
country and a great opportunity for us to see world-class
tennis up close,” said Philippine Tennis Association
(Philta) President Edwin Olivarez, adding that the last
time the country hosted a top-caliber tennis event was
in the ’90s featuring an exhibition match between John
McEnroe and Bjorn Borg. (Kristel Salumbaga -MB)
July 2014
Philippine Courier
Community Potpourri
July 2014 Birthday Celebrants
Genalyn Gautani
Jakelyn Bocales
Lyn Crispin
Maricel Ermube
Norvie Galangco
Roger Maligsay
July 22
Toronto, Canada
July 1
Toronto, Canada
July 17
Toronto, Canada
July 4
Toronto, Canada
July 2
Toronto, Canada
July 11
Mississauga, ON
Eduard Que
Suerte Maligsay
Josie de leon
July 24
Mississauga, ON
July 5
Winnipeg, Manitoba
July 23
Toronto, Canada
Dance Q Kapamilya at Annak Ti Abra
Sheila Calica
July 22
Toronto, Canada
Line Dance Master Jaycee Quiambao with the Dance Q Kapamilya during
the Dinner and Dance of Annak ti Abra Association held at Korean Canadian
Cultural Center.
Florencio Lim of Scepter Corporation and chairman and founder of Fil-ACT Basketball Association celebrated his birthday recently with a big gathering at Rembrandt
Banquet Hall. He shown in photos with better half Violy, grandchildren Cameron,
Cara and Landon, relatives and friends that include, among others, Tito Lim, Mr. and
Mrs. Tito del Carmen, Carli and Marilyn McKenzie, Bonnie and Luz Quiming, Romy
Turla, Mercy Turla and Arthur Manalo. (PR Photo)
Annak ti Batac Picnic
The Annak ti Batac Association Canada elected its new set of officers for 2014-2016 during their annual picnic at Wilket Creek Park on Saturday, July 12, 2014. The elected President Rebelyn LayusPasamonte in her speech prior to the election, acknowledge the accomplishments of the outgoing administration under the leadership of the outgoing President Rowena Irapta-Rubio. She promised
to continue the programs to help her city mates here in Canada and back home in the City of Batac Ilocos Norte, Philippines. (Sheng Maligsay)
July 2014
Philippine Courier
July 2014
Philippine Courier
Joke Time
Ni Edgar Bello
Naiwan sa classroom ang dalawang estudyante...
BOY: Wala na yung classmates natin. Tayo na
lang dalawa rito. Ano, tara?
GIRL: Anong tara?
BOY: Sus, ano ba 'yan?! Bilisan mo na!
GIRL: Ahh, ganu'n? Bakit dito? Sige na nga!
(nagmamadaling naghubad)
Tara na...
BOY: Bakit ka naghubad? Tara, uuwi na rin tayo,
Nagbalatkayo si misis para takutin ang
asawang lasing...
MISTER: Shino ka?
MISIS: Ako si satanas! Kukunin na kita!
MISTER: Wag mo ko takutin! Asawa ko kapatid
LORNA: Alam mo, DINEYT ako ng BF ko kagabi sa isang malaking
RESTORAN, daming choices!
MARIA: Wow! Anong name ng restoran?
DOCTOR: Kambal anak mo, sister mo nagpangalan!
MARIA: Naku weirdo un, ano po ipinangalan?
MARIA: Ok un ,eh sa boy?
PEDRO: Pangarap ko po na KUMITA ng
$20,000, tulad ng TATAY ko!
TITSER: Wow! $20,000 ang suweldo ng tatay
PEDRO: Hindi po! yun din PANGARAP nya!
JUAN: Nay alam nyo pinatayo ako ni itay sa bus
para ibigay upuan ko sa babae!
INAY: Anak magandang asal yun!
JUAN: Kahit nakakandong po ako kay itay?
JUAN: Alam mo, ayaw na ayaw kong makakita
ng nakatayong babae sa bus habang ako eh nakaupo!
MAX: Kaya pinapaupo mo?
JUAN: Hindi, natutulog ako!
INAY: Binigay na ba card nyo?
PNOY: Opo nay, good news ala na po ako line
of 7!
INAY: Talaga? Patingin! English-65 Math-60
Science-69 Pilipino-67..Ala nga!
INAY: Bat ka umiiyak?
BERTING: Si kuya po sinabihan ako PANGIT!
INAY: Totoo ba sumbong ng kapatid mo?
JUAN: Wag po kau maniwala sa sinasabi ng pangit na yan!
GURO: Imagine na kayo ay MILYONARYO.
Isulat ang iyong activities.
ALL: Yes mam!
GURO: Juan bat di ka nagsusulat?
JUAN: Intay ko po ang SECRETARY ko!
BF: Kainis si Juan, sabihin ba naman na mukha
ako MAGSASAKA pag katabi kita!
GF: HAHAHA! Wag ka na magalit nagbibiro
lang yun. Bakit nya naman daw nasabi?
BF: Kasi mukha ka daw KALABAW!
AMO: Eto yung binili kong chalk na pamatay sa
ipis, isulat mo sa pader!
INDAY: Yes mam! Nagsulat si Inday sa
Naospital yung pamangkin, kasi buntis (dinugo).
Pumuntang emergency...
VICE: Nurse tulong!
NURSE: Ano pong nangyayari? Manganganak?
VICE: Ay hinde. Ipapatira ko pa lang. Dinudugo
na nga diba. Syempre manganganak na!
Sa Opisina...
VICE: Pasok mo nga dito yung mga papeles ko.
ASSISTANT: Sa loob po?
VICE: Hinde sa labas, ipasok nga diba.Pwede
bang ipasok sa labas.
By Chuchi Punzalan
Sige subukang mong ipasok doon sa labas!
TEACHER: 0k class, our lesson for today is science. Before I proceed what is science?
JUAN: Maam!!! Maam!!! ako maam, alam ko
TEACHER: Yes, Juan, what is science?
JUAN: Maam!!! Science is our lesson for to day
INAY: Anak, may kasama daw si Bagyong Pedring na hurricane at tsunami na kayang palubugin ang Pilipinas! Alam mo ba ibig sabihin
JUAN: Wala pong pasok bukas? Yey!
TATAY: Anak, ibili mo nga ako ng softdrink.
ANAK: Coke or Pepsi?
TATAY: Coke.
ANAK: Diet or Regular?
TATAY: Regular.
ANAK: Bote or in can?
TATAY: Bote.
ANAK: 8 oz or litro?
TATAY:(nagalit)Tubig na lng nga!
ANAK: Mineral or distilled?
TATAY: Mineral.
ANAK: Malamig o hindi?
TATAY: Hahampasin na kita ng walis, eh.
ANAK: Tambo o tingting?
TATAY: Hayop ka!
ANAK: Baka o kambing?
Sa Hospital…
Doc: Iha, mukhang pumapayat ka at hinang hina
pa. Sinunod mo ba advice ko na 3 meals a day?
Girl: Diyos ko! 3 meals a day ba? Akala ko 3
males a day eh!!!
PEDRO: Sikat na talaga si Pacquiao.
JUAN: Bakit naman?
PEDRO: Bumili kasi ako ng bagong fone, may
option na send to many.
JUAN: Ang tanga nito, matagal na kaya yan. Hindi naman nagrereply yan eh.
PROFESSOR: Sino sa inyo ang naka-experience
having sex with ghosts?
...tinaas ni Juan ang kanyang kamay...
PROFESSOR: Really? Ano ang feeling having
sex with ghosts?
JUAN: Ay putcha!!! akala ko GOATS!!!
Nasalubong ng lasing ang isang fat girl na
my dalang aso.
LASING: Hoy,san mo nkuha yang baboy?
BABAE: Aso to, di baboy!
LASING: Wag ka sumabat yung aso kausap ko!
JUAN: Dok, sobra lungkot dito sa mental kaya
sinulatan ko ang sarili ko!
DOCTOR: Eh ano nman sinabi mo?
JUAN: Ewan ko, next week ko p matatanggap eh!
JUAN: Heto na po ang mga libro nyo, puro lang
sulat pero walang istorya!
LIBRARIAN: Aha! Kayo pala ang kumukuha ng
mga telephone directory namin!
TATAY: Bakit BAGSAK ka sa exam?
JUAN: Dahil po sa pag-absent tay!
TATAY: Absent ka nung itinuro?
JUAN: Hindi po! Absent yung KATABI ko nung
TEACHER: Pedro 1 + 3?
MARIA: Ma’am 4 po.
TEACHER: Oh ikaw Juan. 3+ 1?
JUAN: Ayan na! Ayan na! Langya... pag mahirap
GURO: Ganyan talaga iha, pag maganda karaniwan di matalino. pag MATALINO madalas PANGIT!
MARIA: Salamat po maam, ang TALI-TALINO
nyo talaga!
PARROT: Pssst!Pangit!Pangit!
JUAN:(inis) Hoy!Sa susunod na tawagin mo
akong pangit,litsunin kita!
PARROT: Pssst!
JUAN: Ano?
PARROT: Alam mo na!
A cock story...
The priest in a small Irish village loved
the rooster and ten hens he kept in the hen
house behind the church. One Sunday
morning, before mass, he went to feed the
birds and discovered that the cock was
missing. He knew about cock fights in the
village, so he questioned his parishioners
in church. During mass, he asked the congregation, ‘Has anybody got a cock?
All the men stood up.
‘No, no,’ he said, ‘that wasn’t what I
meant. Has anybody seen a cock?’
All the women stood up.
‘No, no,’ he said, ‘that wasn’t what
I meant. Has anybody seen a cock that
doesn’ t belong to them?’
Half the women stood up.
‘No, no,’ he said, ‘that wasn’t what I
meant. Has anybody seen MY cock?’
Sixteen altar boys, two priests and a
goat stood up.
The priest fainted.
-------Wife: "How would you describe me?"
Wife: "What does that mean?"
Husband: "Adorable, beautiful, cute,
delightful, elegant, fashionable, gorgeous,
and hot."
Wife: "Aw, thank you, but what about
Husband: "I'm just kidding!"
-------A taxi passenger tapped the driver on
the shoulder to ask him a question. The
driver screamed, lost control of the car,
nearly hit a bus, went up on the footpath,
and stopped centimeters from a shop window.
For a second everything went quiet
in the cab, then the driver said, "Look
mate, don't ever do that again. You scared
the daylights out of me!" The passenger
apologized and said, "I didn't realize that
a little tap would scare you so much. "The
driver replied, "Sorry, it's not really your
fault. Today is my first day as a cab driver.
I've been driving a funeral van for the last
25 years."
-------A blonde goes on "Who wants to be a
Regis: "Barbara, you've done very well
so far - $500,000 and one lifeline left -phone a friend.
The next question will give you the top
prize of One Million dollars if you get it
right ... but if you get it wrong you will
drop back to $32,000 -- are you ready?"
Barbara: "Sure, I'll have a go!"
Regis: "Which of the following birds
does not build it's own nest?
Is it........
Remember Barbara its worth 1 Million
"I think I know who it..but I'm not
No, I haven't got a clue. I'd like to phone
a friend Regis, just to be sure.
Regis: "Yes, who, Barbara, do you want
to phone?
Barbara: "I'll phone my friend Maggie
back home in Birmingham."
Maggie (also a blonde): "Hello..."
Regis: "Hello Maggie, its Regis here
from Who Wants to be a Millionaire-I
have Barbara here and she is doing really
well on $500,000, but needs your help to
be a Million.
The next voice you hear will be Barbara's and she'll read you the question.
There are 4 possible answers and 1 correct answer and you have 30 seconds to
answer -- fire away Barbara."
Barbara: "Maggie, which of the following birds does not build its own nest? Is it:
Maggie: "Oh Gees, Barbara that's simple.....It's a Cuckoo."
Barbara: "You think?"
Maggie: "I'm sure."
Barbara: "Thanks Maggie." (hangs up)
Regis: "Well, do you want to stick on
$500,000 or play on for the Million, Bar-
Barbara: "I want to play, I'll go with CCuckoo"
Regis: "Is that your final answer?"
Barbara: "It is."
Regis: "Are you confident?"
Barbara: "Yes fairly, Maggie's a sound
Regis: "Barbara.....you had $500,000
and you said C-Cuckoo ...you're right! You have just won ONE MILLION DOLLARS.
Here is your check. You have been a
great contestant and a real gambler. Audience please put your hands together for
That night Barbara calls round to Maggie and brings her down to a local bar for
a celebration drink and, as they are sipping
their Champagne, Barbara turns to Maggie
and asks "Tell me Maggie, How in God's
name you knew that it was the Cuckoo that
does not build its own nest?
Maggie: "Listen Barbara, everybody
knows that a Cuckoo lives in a clock!
-----------------------------A blonde, wanting to earn some money,
decided to hire herself out as a handymantype and started canvassing a wealthy
She went to the front door of the first
house and asked the owner if he had any
jobs for her to do.
"Well, you can paint my porch. How
much will you charge?"
The blonde said, "How about 50 dollars?" The man agreed and told her that the
paint and ladders that she might need were
in the garage.
The man's wife, inside the house, heard
the conversation and said to her husband,
"Does she realize that the porch goes all
the way around the house?" The man replied, "She should. She was standing on
the porch."
A short time later, the blonde came to
the door to collect her money.
"You're finished already?" he asked.
"Yes," the blonde answered, "and I had
paint left over, so I gave it two coats. "
Impressed, the man reached in his pocket for the $50.
"And by the way," the blonde added,
"that's not a Porch, it's a Ferrari."
----------------Mr. Smith goes to the doctor's office to
collect his wife's test results.
The lab tech says to him, "I'm sorry, sir,
but there has been a bit of a mix-up and we
have a problem. When we sent the samples from your wife to the lab, the samples
from another Mrs. Smith were sent as well
and we are now uncertain which one is
your wife's. Frankly, that's either bad or
"What do you mean?"
"Well, one Mrs. Smith has tested positive for Alzheimer's disease and the other
for AIDS. We can't tell which is your
"That's terrible! Can we do the test
over?" asked Mr. Smith.
"Normally, yes. But you have an HMO,
and they won't pay for these expensive
tests more than once."
"Well, what am I supposed to do now?"
"The HMO recommends that you drop
your wife off in the middle of town. If she
finds her way home, don't sleep with her."
----------------------A professor of mathematics sent a fax
to his wife:
Dear Wife:
You must realize that you are 54 years
old and I have certain needs which you are
no longer able to satisfy. I am otherwise
happy with you as a wife and I sincerely
hope you will not be hurt or offended to
learn that by the time you receive this letter that I will be at the Grand Hotel with
my 18 year old teaching assistant. I will be
home before midnight.
When he arrived at the hotel, there a fax
was waiting for him that read as follows:
Dear Husband,
You, too, are 54 years old and by the
time you read this, I will be at the Breakwater Hotel with the 18 year old pool boy.
Being the brilliant mathematician you are,
you can easily appreciate the fact that 18
goes into 54 many more times than 54
goes into 18. Therefore, my love, do not
wait up!
July 2014
Philippine Courier
Edited by:
Maria Isabelle D. Bello
Father of the Knights of Rizal in Canada
Sir Ka Miling Silverio bids goodbye
Sir Emiliano "Ka Miling" Silverio, KGCR, was laid to rest last week at the ripe age of 93.
He has seven children. As a closely knit family, he stayed with the Scarborough families
of his daugthers Tessie Malonso and Beth Ramago. A fun loving father and grandfather,
he is always close to his families and he love to celebrate his birthday every Valentine day
with his close family and Rizal friends, who are always dear to his heart.
Sir Ka Miling Silverio is the 1st Toronto Rizal Chapter Commander in the GTA. He was
appointed as the Canada Region Commander in RY 2000. He has faithfully served over
twenty-two years as a faithful civic leader of the Order of the Knights of Rizal, and a
Rizal Canada Region Commander for ten years.
"Sir Ka Miling" as he is known by his colleagues, lived a great life serving others
until his 93rd year. He is well loved by the Supreme Council in Manila, and was asked
to lead the Canada Region at the age of 78, mainly because of his love of the Order
of the Knights of Rizal to keep Canada knights to work together. He slowed down in
2010 when his wife died. He was instrumental in the
erection of the Rizal monument in 1988 at Earl Bale's
Park, Bathurst Ave.
He brought the International Assembly to Toronto in 2000, where several hundred delegates from
all over the world, came over to see the "Showcase of
Rizal" in Toronto.
He is called a "Rizal Ambassador". He has been
to 18 Rizal International Assembly, which include
Heidelberg in Germany; Prague in the Republic of
Czechoslovakia; Florida, Chicago, Las Vegas, Connecticut, and New Jersey in U.S.A.; Windsor , Winnipeg and Toronto in Canada; Manila, Davao and
Calamba in the Philippines.
His friends paid their final respects to Sir Ka Miling in Scarborough. Hundreds of friend
with the Knights of Rizal, Kababaihang Rizalista and other local fraternities and Associations came over. Condolences were received from all over the world, especially from the
Rizal Supreme Commander and Supreme Council inManila, Philippines; early sympathies
were received from Commanders in Middle East and Arab Republic, Europe, United States,
Australia and New Zealand and from many provinces of Canada. A funeral Mass was held
in St. Bartholomew Parish in Scarborough.
Sir Ka Miling's daughters Tessie and Beth, with Consul General Junever Mahilum-West and
Knights of Rizal in the wake for Sir Ka Miling, in Scarborough, Canada.
At left: is the Floral Wreath from the Order of the Nights of Rizal.
The Canada Region Council gave Sir
Ka Miling a formal Rizal Necrological
Service, especially offered only to high
ranking Commander of the Order of the
Knights of Rizal.
The Necrological Service was performed
by the Canada Region Council, headed by
Sir George R. Poblete, KGCR (holding the
microphone in the center).
His Necrological team include: Sir Hermie
Hernandez, KGOR, Sir Alexcs Trinidad.
KCR, Sir Jaime T. Marasigan, KGOR, Sir
Nandy Diaz, KCR, Sir Popoy Cana, KGCR
and Sir Joe Damasco, KGOR.
With the HOTTEST
Philippine community
Newspaper in Town
The Philippine Courier
Publishing & Entertainment
The family of Sir Ka Miling with Lady Consul Generl Junever Mahilum-West and Canada Region Council and Area Commanders and their wives, during Sir Ka Miling's wake. Among those in the photo are: Sir George and Lady Dolly Poblete, Sir
Popoy and Lady Ligaya Cana, Sir Jimmy and Lady Mila Lupango, Sir Dr. Romy and Lady Virgie Sinajon, Sir Jojo and Lady Fe
Taduran, Sir Felix Tulagan, Sir Mario Alpuerto,, Sir Bert Mondragon, Sir Alexcs Trinidad, Sir John de los Santos, Sir Ben Ferrer, and the delegation from Windsor , Ontario, composed of Sir Hermie Hernandez, Sir Kirby Arguelles, Sir Modesto Lolarga.
For Advertisement & Subscription:
Tel. No. 905-780-0114; 647-588-7844 (Mon)
Katbaloganon Association of Canada host 2-Day Fundraising events
TORONTO - The Katbaloganon Association of Canada (KAC) will hold
two days event on August 8 and August 9, 2014 in Toronto, Ontario, according to Dindo Orbeso, the association president.
Orbeso, a regular member of
the Philippine Press Club of Ontario
(PPCO), is calling members of the Filipino community in Ontario to kindly
July 2014
support the association's fund raising
campaign considering that the provinces of Samar and Leyte were hardly
hit by the Typhoon Haiyan (Yolanda)
and the people in those provinces have
a hard time rehabilitating their normal
Orbeso said the two-day events
(1) The Gala Night which is
scheduled on August 8, 2014 (Friday)
to be held at the
Woodbine Banquet Hall located at 30
Vice Regent Boulevard, Toronto. Attire is formal.
(2) The celebration of the fiesta in
honor of Patron Saint Bartolomew will
be held on August 9, 2014, Saturday, at
the St. Thomas More Catholic Church
Social Hall , No. 1 Dormington Drive,
Scarborough, Ontario.
Orbeso added that for more information; please call 416 - 418 - 1485,
Emails: [email protected],
[email protected], and [email protected] and/
or Jeanette Pacoli 416 - 473 - 6894.
(St. Jamestown News Service, Romy
Philippine Courier
Invitation to all Bicolanos
Join the Bicol Pot Luck Picnic
“ Tanganing kita gabos magkasararo ”
By: Rafael ( Paeng ) Nebres
BCCA President
Bicol Canada Community Association ( BCCA ) is again hosting the annual
picnic for all bicolanos, dubbed as “ Bicol Kaogmahan sa Earl Bales Park
2014 Festival ”.
BCCA is calling all bicolanos to participate in this annual picnic , to have
the opportunity to meet and greet old friends they probably have not seen in
years here in Canada. This will also foster unity among Bicolanos and create one voice in Canada and in the Philippines as well.
BCCA therefore is inviting all bicolanos and Bicolano Associations to
support the “ BICOL KAOGMAHAN SA EARL BALES PARK” 2014 Festival, by participating in all events that will take place during the festival. Let
us all make this, the continuous pursuit of our intention to be united and be
recognized as a BICOL BLOCK for the sole purpose of serving the interest
of the Bicolanos, primarily, and others when the need arise.
Be proud to bring your provincial specialties of food and “ginata-an”
dishes with “silly” .
Festival Program :
: August 2 ( Saturday )
: Area 3 Earl Bales Park, Bathurst St. and
Sheppard Ave.
: 9:00 AM to 8:00 PM
9:00 AM Festival activities start
(Starts with a BICOL prayers to The Virgen
de Penafrancia )
Bicol Pot Luck Picnic Lunch - 12:30 PM
: 6th. Bicol Volleyball Cup 2014 TournamentMen and Women Selection of Miss Bicol
Kaogmahan 2014 from among the 6 Muses
of the 6 Provincial Volleyball Teams.
Defending Volleyball Champions :
- Province of Camarines Norte
Women - Province of Masbate
Reigning Miss Bicol Kaogmahan 2013 – Miss Julia Villador ( Sorsogon )
Kids Games and Contest
Name the Bicol Tune Contest – Prizes Sponsored by Pinoy Radio
For more information :
Volleyball Tournament
Noli Aquino
Tel # 416 732-4541
Kids and Other Games
Arlene Martirez
# 416 892-2916
Karakanan (Pot Luck ) Info Ester Carpenter
# 647 519-8656
General Information
Rafael Nebres
# 416 618-1362
July 2014
Philippine Courier
PCCF Officers (PR Photo)
TORONTO - Pinoy Fiesta and Trade Show sa
Toronto proved once again as the biggest annual
community based Fiesta under one roof in Toronto
or perhaps Canada as it culminated the 2014 festivities. Having Fun and Helping at the same time is the
theme of the Fiesta. Thousands upon thousands of
well wishers rose to their feet as they welcomed the
multitude of performers as they enter the stage and
performed to their hearts' delight.
True to their words, the organizers delivered
their promises in bringing the best of the best of our
local talents, everyone was amazed by the quad,
Martha Joy, Lilac Cana, Emil Zarris and Bong
Castillo, back to back to back with their talents as
they showcased their magnificent gifts to the enchantment of the huge crowd. The local community
groups’ performance cannot be outdone; from seniors to young ones ... they were beauty to all the
senses. Culture Philippines of Ontario, the premiere dance company, once again depicted Philippine culture and traditions with much expression
and artistry.
What is a Fiesta without a band? Pinoy Fiesta was once again the recipient of the band extraordinaire Philippine Heritage Band's rendition of
various band music favorites, as they led the ever
exciting Santa Cruzan in Toronto, full of beauties
from the Miss, Little Miss and Mrs. Philippines
Canada pageantry. The pageant finale was such a
show to behold to everyone, the precision, the artistic choreography and the entertainment provided
the Candidates an 'Experience of a Lifetime' and the
audience alike. Where have you seen a pageantry
where a superstar crowns its queen? Miss Philippines Canada is indeed pageantry like no other.
Lovi Poe crowned the Miss Phils. Canada and the
Miss Teen Phls. Canada 2014 Winners .The pageant
with a cause!
Lovi, Lovi, Lovi, as the audience chanted!
Yes, it was Lovi Poe the crowd has been clamoring
on their seats. The whole Metro Convention Hall
crowd rose to their feet, hollered their loudest as
the young Music princess, Lovi Poe, gave them
an unforgettable renditions of their favourite songs.
The King of Philippine Movies, Fernando Poe, her
dad must be really proud of her talent.
The Fiesta was indeed such a success; organizers have to stop accepting vendor spaces two weeks
before the big day. What is in store for next year?
The president of PCCF, Romy Rafael, quipped, " It
will be big, a really, really, big celebration because
it will be the 5th year anniversary of Pinoy Fiesta!"
To all those who want to celebrate Pinoy Fiesta &
Trade Show sa Toronto, 5th year anniversary, remember to buy your tickets early and reserve those
vendor spaces soon. MABUHAY ANG PINOY!
For more info, visit www. philippinecanadianfoundation.com or email pinoyfiestatoronto@gmail.
com or find us on
facebook and twitter. (PR)
Youth Leader Abrenilla Runs for TCDSB Ward 5 Trustee
TORONTO - Joey Abrenilla , a young
Filipino-Canadian leader and an experienced professional is running for
Ward 5 Trustee of the Toronto Catholic District School Board in the coming
October 27, 2014 Toronto Municipal
A practicing occupational therapist
in Toronto, Abrenilla recently launched
his candidacy to become a Trustee of
the TCDSB, Canada's largest Catholic
school board. TCDSB has 92,034 student enrolment in its 201 elementary &
secondary schools.
Abrenilla is campaigning on a
solid platform of youth empowerment
and development through "a return to
authentic Catholicism" and desirable
co-curricular programs propagating
and enhancing Christ - centred values
and faith-filled learning and practices
in the school system.
Born in the Philippines in 1977
to Jose Abrenilla, Jr. , a certified public
accountant and Fe Andrino, a school
teacher, Joey spent his early years in
July 2014
Butuan City, Philippines. He is the
youngest of the couple’s 3 children.
He completed a Bachelor of Science in Occupational Therapy degree
in Cebu City's Velez College in 1999
and has undertaken post-graduate studies in Applied Behavioural Analysis
in New Jersey, USA in 2003. Joey is a
licenced Occupational Therapist in the
Philippines, USA and Canada.
In the Philippines, he founded,
administered and was the OT consultant of the Butuan Child Care Therapy
Centre. He also served as OT consultant at Little Kaye's Therapy Centre in
Davao City.
Immigrating to Canada in 2005,
he became active in the Filipino Canadian community volunteering as
the Youth Director of the Archdiocese
Filipino Catholic Mission( AFCM), as
well as the Philippine Canadian Charitable Foundation-PCCF. He is a leading member of GTA’s CFC’s Singles
for Christ and the Singles for ChristNorth Chapter Coordinator of ANCOP
(Answering the Cry
of the Poor).
Joey's love for
music makes him the
best choice as the
musical director of
the SFC’s well-admired choir. A strong
Pro Life advocate,
he is a member of the
Knights of Columbus
Council # 12582.
Joey’s profession as an Occupational Therapist, his
proven community
involvement and religious beliefs makes
him an ideal choice
to be a School Board
Trustee. He should
be given a chance to
work towards creating and transforming Board-wide and
school-based innovative programs and
services, that will more efficiently pro-
vide opportunities to students, staff ,
parents and the community to socially
build on their Catholic faith strongly.
Philippine Courier
Alberto Rodill: Selected RBC’s Top 25 Canadian Immigrants
Photo with the CIC Minister
Chris Alexander & executives
of Canadian
Immigrant Magazine
The Filipinos are rejoicing with pride
for the victory of Alberto Rodil as one
of the 25 Best Immigrants in Canada
this year. The prestigious national
competition is over & the people have
spoken. Our very own Filipino bet
made it to top 25 along the other Filipino Dr. Ana Wolak from British Colombia.
Doing extraordinary work for
the community has made Alberto as
one of Canada’s Top 25 Canadian Immigrants for 2014. He is just like an
ordinary worker, but his outstanding
accomplishments have made him noticed. The Filipinos &the multicultural
communities in Thorncliffe Park had
supported him overwhelmingly being
well-loved by Thorncliffe community.
Alberto with Ph.D. degree in
Public Administration in the Philippines has touched thousands of lives
in Canada. He sets an example to other
immigrants & workers in Canada. Ac-
cording to him “As long as one sets
clear direction & do positive actions,
the goal can be fulfilled. I struggled
a lot in Canada as immigrant by doing low level-skilled work despite of
my strong educational preparation &
more than 20 years of work experience in the Philippines, but I became
more focused, more assertive, & more
His life was changed after receiving a diploma in Social Service Worker Program at George Brown College
in 2009 with honors earning several
academic & leadership awards. He
became a full-time Settlement Worker
of Thorncliffe Neighborhood Office
where he assisted thousands of immigrants from Live-In Caregivers, Refugees, international students, seniors,
& Skilled Workers. Clients like the
Live-In Caregivers were assisted free
of charge where they saved thousands
of dollars from Open Work Permit Ap-
plication, Permanent Residents Application, OHIP Appeal for Renewal
Caregivers Health Card, Sponsorships
, Citizenship Application , among others. Early this March, he was promoted to the position of Elder Persons
Program Coordinator where he works
with multicultural seniors in Thorncliffe Park. Prior to his employment in
Thorncliffe Neighbourhood Office, he
volunteered to 11 organizations in Toronto where he provided free services
from children to elderly people.
Alberto was a recipient of several awards & recognition in Canada
before he won this best immigrant
award. He was recognized by his organization for his outstanding contribution & leadership (Plaque of Recognition). He further won the 2012
United Way Bhayana Family Foundation Awards for Dedication Category
where he competed against the best
nominees of United Way agencies in
the Gen. Toronto Area. He was recognized by Premier Kathleen Wynne for
his work & contribution in Thorncliffe
Because of his winning, he is
welcomed by Narima De La Cruz of
Surrey, BC (2012 Top Canadian Immigrant winner) to the League of Filipino Honorees in Canada. He joined
the fellow present & past popular winners like Arlene Dickinson (Dragon
Den), Steve Nash (NBA superstar),
Olivia Chow (politician), Donovan
Bailey (Olympic Champion), Amit
Chakma (President of Western University) Michel Jean (former Governor General of Canada), Mamdouh
Shoukri (President of York University), Rafael Fabregas (Fair Immigration Lawyer & multi-awarded Filipino
leader), Michael “Pinball “Clemons of
Toronto Argonauts & many other respected personalities in Canada.
July 2014
Philippine Courier
On The Red
By Miss Rubi Talavera
Same writer, same column!
I was recently invited to a wedding party and enjoyed
the beautiful bride and groom ceremonies, the generous
hospitality and the elegant decor of the banquet hall.
Having fun was the theme of the night; after all, I was
with my BFFs and their hubbies. Lovely in their pretty
cocktail dresses, and handsome in dark suits, my friends
and I were assigned a table across from the stage where
the bridal entourage sat.
Everyone was having fun! Drinks were on the house,
aperitifs were plenty to go around, dinner was sumptuous
and it was overall a perfect evening.
Until around 11:30 pm.
I asked my friend to request the disc jockey to play
some danceable music. After all, the dance floor was
empty. To me, this meant the guests were either tired,
or did not like the music. If no one was dancing to your
tune, isn’t it common sense to conclude no one likes your
As a disc jockey, don’t you have an obligation to play
songs for your guests....to entertain them? To give them
listening (and dancing) pleasure?
Well, this particular disc jockey for hire business simply ignored the request and continuously played to his and
his wife’s delight.
But wait a minute! Were you not hired by the bride
and groom to cater to the guests’ wishes?
We wanted to continue with our favourite cha cha,
rhumba, boogie, twist and waltz... Earlier, another friend
requested a slow tempo sweet music so that she and other
couples who were not into ballroom dancing can slow
dance and hold their sweethearts. But no such luck, at
least I don’t remember hearing it.
But let’s go back to my original request. Since there
was no response to my friend’s request to change the music, I went up to the disc jockey to request another song.
He had his headphones on, and could not hear me.
So I shouted, “Excuse me”...and he removed his ear
phones.... I continued “if no one is dancing, doesn’t that
mean to change your music?”
And then I left. I went back to my table to sit down.
And then I saw my friend, the bride, and since she hired
the disc jockey, I thought to approach her and ask her
to instruct her disc jockey to play appropriate music for
dancing. I got up, crossed the stage and went to her.
Well, can you imagine what happened next?
The disc jockey’s wife, came barging in from nowhere
and yelled at me “Don’t shout my husband” in her broken
English! Repeatedly, her eyes in complete ire, burning
with anger, and ready to pounce on me, she said “Don’t
shout my husband!”
Nanlilisik ang mata! And if looks could kill, I would
be six feet under now!
She continued to berate me --- Me – a guest at the party! And she “the hired help”!
I totally ignored her, seeing how vicious she seemed to
be. I turned around and went back to my table, not saying
anything. “Just ignore her”, I told myself. “Don’t react;
just walk away.”
And I did sit down at my seat at my table. But she continued to harass me.. screaming... She must have returned
back at least two or three times to my table and continued
to yell and humiliate me. But I just ignored her. Then she
hit my hand... my left hand...she was standing on my left
side...I got my iphone and ignored her. Then she left me.
Did you know that if someone lays a hand on you, that
is considered an assault? There may not necessarily be
blood, but that is still considered an assault.
So, beware when you hire a disc jockey for your event.
There are great ones out there. Ready, willing and able to
provide you with the right music for your dancing pleasure! Do your due diligence. And always ask for testimonials or references. Remember, these businesses exist to
provide you with excellent professional service!
Till next time.
Macho men picknicking at the Thompson Park recently: Tony Elepano, Vic Todas, Romy
Taken at the Avon Theater in Stratford, after watching Man of La Mancha; (from left to Camacho, Weldon Reyes, Ping Lamson, Seth Aniceto, Lito Martin.
right) Vic David, Ruth David, Dr. Norman Cruz, Rubi Talavera and Fernando Silverio, all
UP Prep classmates except for Ruth.
Alumni from UST High School Year 1969 get together at Allan Ibarra’s Foursomes: Claire, Ivy, Leizl and Rubi Enjoying summerlicious at Auberge du Pommier fine
home July 8 2014. From left to right: Robert Castaneda, Benjamin Geroni- show off their top forms at the recent dining restaurant are BFFs Romy, Elsa and Rubi.
Toastmasters Golf tournament at Maples
mo, Randy Crescini ,Cesar Feniquito and Allan Ibarra.
of Ballantrae.
July born guys and dolls, Vince and Juliet Masongsong, Carlos Comendador, Lito Martin, and Naty Hisle celebrated their birthdays recently at the Markham Federation of Filipino Canadians Centre. Those who joined
in included: Ike and Chit Bulos, Chao Lay, Elsa Hung, Norma Guanzon, Bina Comendador, Ping Lamson, Tony
and Sol Elepano, Loida Maghirang, Tess Fernandez, Lito Sanchez, Nene Villaneueva, Brenda and Roy Gutierrez,
Romy Camacho, Candy Martin, Aida Villaruz, Seth Aniceto and Rubi Talavera.
July 2014
Baby David Masongsong, first born of David and Margaux was
recently baptized and lolo and lola Vince and Juliet celebrated
with a big bang at their palatial home in Toronto.
Angels’ Corner
Philippine Courier
Step Up: Life is better ahead, promise… (part 2 of 2)
It was in year
2011 when I
heard about Filipino newspaBy Sheng Maligsay pers being published around
2012 Anghel 1st
Toronto. I only
read these newspapers on the internet, as I was living
in Oakville then. Hard copies are not
available in our area, that's why. The
following year, I found out that my adviser for our school paper in the University, when I used to be the editorin-chief, is here in Toronto. After ten
years, we finally meet again. Malou
was not just my professor back home;
she was an inspiration to me during
my University days from classroom
management to pageantry to writing news and articles. She made me
reminisce what I have done, and what
I can still do. A person with inferiority
complex like me is quite hard to encourage doing things, even if people
around me have seen the potential in
me. Anghel ng Tahanan 2013 came.
As the team's event coordinator, I
need to promote the event in any way
I can. Tito Mon, the publisher of TPC,
as well as one of the Producers, asked
me to write an article promoting the
event. He told me; I just have to try. I
never thought that my decision to try
it would be the beginning of a monthly routine; from writing my thoughts
for the Angels Corner to news writing
and being assigned in the community
potpourri page. It was a huge privilege. After a few months of writing,
I gained a Press Badge, along with
all the privileges that comes with it. I
have used it a few times, and when I
do, I don't even need to go through a
lot of answering on "who is and what"
ID am I wearing. It's like an express
pass, show it and gates will automatically open for you. From a reader to a
writer, that's what my imagination has
done to me in a year
In my case two years ago, to get
in for free in many community events
in Toronto, I need to be a volunteer.
I would sign up my name for volunteers in Mabuhay Fiesta and Pinoy Fiesta, Canada Philippine Fashion Week
and Zumbathon Fundraising Event
for Charities. As a volunteer, I need
to work for free as per designation
by the head of the team. It was fun
meeting people from different ethnicities way back in the Philippines. It's
a good start to get connections with
event producers as well. This year, I
have been in several events, for free
again, the same as I was last year. I
wear badge too like last year, but the
difference is the written description
in it; PRESS ID hanging down my
neck. Imagine, from a volunteer to
Zumba instructor, to staff member to
production coordinator and volunteer
to Press/Media! Hah! Along with the
Media Badge come privileges. From
long line ups by the entrance door to a
no-sweat entrance by staff and media,
from a very far seating arrangement to
almost an elbow-to-elbow area with
the stars, from being pushed away by
security just to shake hands with featured celebrities to taking "selfie" with
celebrities backstage.
Who would have thought of these
to happen? Not even me. My love for
challenges somehow brought me here.
Sometimes, I wonder to myself what
if I did not involved myself with all
these, where and what should I be doing by now? I guess I am still in my
old neighborhood, but eventually will
be in here in the next few years because I know that I will keep searching for ways to get into what I love doing. With that being said, I told myself
I should have done these in my earlier
days or months in Canada. I should
have started having been connected
with people who can bring out the best
in me and make me feel I can, instead
of people who do nothing but to pull
me down when they see I'm about to
step up the ladder of getting to where I
want and where I need to be.
Someone told me, I am still
young and can still make a lot of
change in my life. I insisted I already
got stuck and couldn’t get myself into
where I should be, and even harder
for me to know where to start fixing
it. He made me look back to where
and what I did two or three years ago,
and I came up with this. It was like
I was doing a business presentation
chart. All sorts of developments in my
life, even the smallest, sinked in to me
when we both figure out I was going
upward in most of the things I decided
to start doing since last year. If I have
done changes in a year, I can do more
changes in the next years as long as I
am with the right people with good influence in me. I should stay connected
to people who can make me grow up.
If you think like nothing better
is happening to your life, look at the
brighter side of everything that happened to you. List down every detail
of it. Stick to people who can help you
see these things, and help you achieve
more in life. Trust me; these kinds of
people are still in existence. They are
the real Angels here in Canada.
Kwentong OFW
Ni Sheila Calica-Camangian
Anghel ng Tahanan 2012
There's no elevator to success, you have to walk on the stairs...
Tama. Walang mabilisang paraan para magtagumpay ka sa kahit ano pa
mang hangarin or pangarap sa buhay. Kailangan mong pagdaanan ang lahat ng
pagsubok, kailangan mong dumaan sa hagdan ng tagumpay.
Lahat tayo may mga pangarap pero paano nga ba natin ito nakakamit?
Gumagawa ba tayo ng paraan para matupad ang ating mga pangarap?
"The only way to do great work is to love what you do"
Yan ay isang mabisang panuntunan para maging matagumpay sa isang bagay na gustong gawin. Kailangan na mahal mo ang ginagawa mo at masaya ka,
think that it is not a job that you have to do everyday but a hobby that make your
day complete.
Itong mga nakaraang linggo ay nakilala ang isa na naman manggagawang
Pilipino dahil sa angking talento, isa siyang Pinay domestic helper na nakabase sa Hong Kong. Siya si XYZA CRUZ BACANI na taga-Bambang, Nueva
Vizcaya. Sa edad na 27 ay nakilala na siya sa larangan ng potograpiya, at tinagurian siyang ‘street photographer.’ Binibigyan niya nang halaga at malalim
na kahulugan ang isang larawan na kinukuhanan niya sa bawat sulok ng Hong
Kong; hindi lang sa HK kung hindi maging sa ibang mga lugar na pinupuntahan
niya pag umuuwi siya sa Pilipinas. Una nailathala ang mga kakaiba niyang mga
larawan sa New York Times at Vague Italia at pagkatapos nun ay sunod sunod
nang lumabas ang kanyang natatanging kwento sa mga newspaper at telebisyon
sa Pilipinas. At nitong nakaraang July 12 ay umuwi siya sa Pinas para maging
tagapagsalita sa isang event ng Fujifilm Philippines. Sa nasabing event ay sinabi
niya kung paano siya nagumpisa at kung ano ang kanyang ginawa para makamit
ang kanyang munting pangarap na nagdala sa kanyang katanyagan sa edad na
bente siyete.
Galing sa isang mahirap na pamilya, nagtrabaho si Xyza sa edad na 21 bilang isang domestic helper sa Hong Kong kasama ang kanyang In. Sa araw ng
kanyang pamamahinga ay camera ang hawak at umiikot siya sa mga kalye ng
HK para makakuha ng ibat-ibang larawan o mukha ng buhay sa nasabing bansa.
Mga simpleng larawan ng buhay ngunit nabibigyan ng malalim na kahulugan,
kaya’t naikinumpara siya sa kilalang American street photographer ng New
York na si Vivian Maier na isa ring nanny sa NY ngunit nakilala sa potograpiya.
Mga simpleng pangarap ngunit kanilang minahal at ginawang libangan sa
araw araw; nagpapatunay na hindi mahirap abutin ang anumang hangarin sa buhay kung gagawan lang natin ito ng paraan para hindi ito maging mahirap abutin. Sa kanilang kwento, napakaraming tao ang napahanga nil kayat nagsisilbi
silang modelo para sa lahat. Hindi hadlang ang pagiging mahirap o pagiging
isang domestic helper o nanny para kamtin ang anumang gusto sa buhay. Kahit
nasaan ka man kung ang pangarap sa buhay at ang paghahangad na makamit ay
hindi nawawala sa isip at puso, ito makukuha mo. Sikap, tiyaga at pagmamahal
sa ginagawa ang tanging puhunan.
Enjoy the things you love to do. Discipline and dedication, attitude and hard
work are your needed weapons and the more you work hard, the luckier you will
be. Remember the old adage; Luck doesn't come to lazy people.
July 2014
Philippine Courier
Donalyn Farinas is Toronto’s ‘2014 Mutya ng Maynila’
TORONTO – True-blue Manilena Donalyn Farinas
exploited her charms and charismatic smile to the
fullest to be crowned the first ‘Mutya ng Maynila
2014’ in a fitting Coronation Night held July 6 at the
cozy Kamalig Lounge located at 1250 Finch Avenue
West, North York, Ontario.
With her victory, Farinas, a nursing graduate at the
Emilio Aguinaldo College in Manila and a Medical
Administration graduate at the CICC here in Canada,
received a round-trip ticket to the Philippines courtesy of sponsoring PCCC and as part of the Philippine
Consulate’s Winter Escapade set January 2015.
Farinas also won a beautifully-crafted Crown and
sash both donated by Erena Garcia and Nancy Lundy
of Nyren Salon; huge trophy donated by Ms. Agnes
Miranda of WFG; $300 Cash donated by Gino’s So-
lution, a bouquet of flowers and gift certificates. Farinas was also adjudge Miss Photogenic and bagged
other major special awards.
The first runner-up title, crown, sash, trophy, $200
Cash and bouquet of flower went to Estelita Balicat
while Angeline Failano was the 2nd runner-up winner and was awarded a crown, sash, trophy, $100
cash and bouquet of flowers. Tabulators were Ramon
Ocray and Marie Ocray.
The pageant, produced by The Philippine CourierEDCILLE Productions of Cecille Araneta, Eduard
Que, Miguel Caducio and Mon Datol, for the PCCC
as part of the First Filipino Street Festival dubbed ‘A
Taste of Manila’ founded by its President and CEO
Rolly Mangante is set August 23-24 at the corner of
Bathurst amd Wilson Ave, West.
Monarie Ocray, who competed in the recentlyconclude World COPA in Hollywood, USA, and Justin Lima provided the entertainment side of the pageant. Lima also serenaded the 7 finalists. Mon Datol
and Ms Lylane de Ocampo were the emcees of the
The seven finalists were Estelita Balicat, Maricel
Ermube, Maritess Pascua, Sheila Calica, donalyn Farinas, Angeline Failano and Jackie Lou Jamot. The
panel of Judges is composed of: Chatty de LeonBautista (Chairperson); Chef Chalen Lazerna; Mimi
Laurente, Chanele Ann Elegores; Ms. Gina Aranas of
Aranas Skin, and, Joanna Corpuz of Gino’s Solution.
(Text by Mondee and photos by Bong Molano, Larry
Torres, Ariel Ramos, PMStar Graphics & Joe Damasco)
Datol Family’s potpourri
Three of the family’s four grandchildren – Nicole (HS), Kyle (SK) and Yumi (SK) – graduated from their respective schools in June while the fourth – Iyam –
celebrated her 9th birthday June 28, while the matriarch, Frances and youngest daughter Yeng, added feathers in their respective book of life, July 28 and July
30, respectively. Simple family gathering celebrated the occasion.
July 2014
Classified Ads
Philippine Courier
2014-2016 Sisonian of Ontario Officers Inducted
QPalisoc inducting into office Sisonian of Ontario officials
MPP Moridi
Pangasinan Association of Canada (PACA) President Quintin Palisoc inducted into office the 2014-2016 Officers of the Sisonian of Ontario July 19,
2014 at the Elgin West Community Centre located at 11099 Bathurst Street, Richmond Hill, Ontario headed by its President Argentis Ymana-Loverita.
Others sworn in included Loseph Liberato (1st VP), Nixon Lalata (2nd VP), Elena Ymana-Diaz (Secretary), Benilda Emperador Santillano (Asst.
Sec.), Marlene Jafari (Treasurer), Vicky Calano (Asst. treasurer), Caridad Adan-Liberato (Auditor), Jerry Santillano (Asst. Auditor), Chris CantorAmre (PRO), Joseph Lalata, Susan Valdez, Emmanuel Galapate (Business Managers), Dr. Ernesto Quinit, Mr. Romeo de Vera, Mr. Lito Illana (Advisers) ……
Richmond Hill MPP Dr. Reza Moridi was special Guest Speaker. Chris Ambre and Lauro Loverita emceed the event. Sounds and Music provided by
DJ Migs Caducio. - (Photos courtesy of TPC’s Mondee)
1 Hairdo
5 Sour cream fl avoring
10 Clock time
13 Matched set
14 Manner
15 Mexican sandwich
16 European City hosted
the First World Youth Day
17 Bye
18 Black
19 __ Lanka
21 What sport would move
fastest by doing the Australian
23 Expression of surprise
26 Inquire
28 Sleep disorder
29 Mattress supporter
32 Negative (prefi x)
33 Palayaw ni Joseph
34 Pacquiao’s younger
36 Right-winger
37 Medicines
38 Drug
42 Speak without preparation
43 Opaque gem
44 Immediately preceding
46 Philippines is the largest
producer of these
49 George, plaster cast
51 Little bit
52 That girl
53 Olympic athletes
57 Unused
59 Alley
60 Mr. Ryan
62 Syrian bishop
66 Billboard
67 San __ (CA city)
68 Put bullets in
69 Wing
70 __ days (long ago)
71 Canoe propellers
1 April (abbr.)
2 Food and Agriculture
Organization (abbr.)
3 Edge
4 Mined metals
5 __ longue
6 Held
7 Wading bird
8 Examine
9 Decorative
needle case
10 Apolinario
11 Quick bread
12 Island nation
15 Allure
20 Lab animal
22 Galore
23 To incite
24 Celebrity
25 6th month (Jewish
27 Capital of Afghanistan
30 Watch secretly
31 Not Corinthian
32 The fi rst television station
in the Philippines
35 Tagalog slang for girl
37 Central daylight time
38 Wear
39 Musical composition
40 Way
41 Otherwise
42 Shaft
44 Old people chew this
45 Dine
47 Artillery
48 Lyric poem
49 Popular condiment
50 Electronic mail
54 Reverse
55 Churn
56 Sledge
58 Eight in tagalog
61 Maturity
63 Constrictor snake
64 A measure ( Music)
65 Spots
Solution to last issue
Music Box
The basic mechanism for the music box was reputedly invented by the Swiss
watchmaker Aristide Javier in 1776. It consists of a rotating cylinder with
projecting steel pins that pluck the tuned teeth with a steel comb. The tune
played depends on the arrangement of the pins. Initially, music boxes were
very simple, but by the late 19th century, they had developed into sophisticated devices offering a range of tunes, which could be selected by the turn
of a knob. But despite it's lavish artifice, the music box could not compete
with the phonograph, which sounded the former's death kneel by the 1910s..
For the Record. Armed with today's sophisticated electric gadgetry, nature
lovers can summon birds from the wild for close-up study using recordings of
bird calls.They can arouse any bird, even a virtuoso like the winter wren song
can contain 130 notes in a seven-and-a-half second aria. Take note that male
birds do most of the singing, and they do it to invite a female of the species to
mate and to stake out their territory.
Name Game. Name difinitions: Erika - regal; Byron - cottage or the ear;
Yolanda - violet; Bruce - from the thicket; Catherine - pure; Bernard - as
brave as a bear; Celia - heavenly; Roger - famous warrior.
Ipsissimus (ip sis i moos) - the eleventh and highest order among wizards
and magicians, ahead of 'magus' and 'magister.'
July 2014
Philippine Courier
July 2014