December 2015 - United Hebrew Congregation
December 2015 - United Hebrew Congregation
Congregation Achdut Yisroel Established in St. Louis in 1837 First Jewish Congregation West of the Mississippi River December 4, 2015 23 Kislev 5776 Volume XCV No. 4 Shabbat at UH Friday, December 4 - 23 Kislev 5776 5:30 p.m. – Camp Rainbow Dinner 6:30 p.m. – Disney Inspired Musical Shabbat & Teacher Appreciation Birthday Blessing for Children Saturday, December 5 9:00 a.m. – Torah Study 10:30 a.m. – Shabbat Morning Service Friday, December 11 - 30 Kislev 5776 5:45 p.m. – Latke Bar 6:30 p.m. – Chanukah Shabbat Service 7:30 p.m. – Grab ‘N’ Go Sufganiyot המקֹור THE SOURCE PLEASE JOIN US AT UNITED HEBREW’S Annual Meeting and Election of Officers and Board of Trustees Sunday, December 20, 2015 2:30 p.m. in the Spielberg Chapel Hors d’oeuvres and dessert reception to follow Bob Sterneck will be presented with the 2015 United Hebrew Irene Fox Ruach Award This award is presented to members whose efforts, on behalf of our congregation, embody the spirit of UH. Saturday, December 12 9:00 a.m. – Torah Study 10:30 a.m. – Bar Mitzvah of Joseph Philip Rosenberg Son of H. Lee and Rabbi Brigitte Rosenberg Friday, December 18 - 7 Tevet 5776 5:45 p.m. – Shabbat Nosh 6:30 p.m. – Shabbat Service 7:30 p.m. – “Baker’s Delight” Oneg Birthday & Anniversary Blessings for Adults Saturday, December 19 9:00 a.m. – “Kid”dush Club 9:00 a.m. – Torah Study 10:30 a.m. – Shabbat Morning Service Friday, December 25 - 14 Tevet 5776 5:45 p.m. – Shabbat Nosh 6:30 p.m. – Shabbat Service Saturday, December 26 9:00 a.m. – Torah Study 10:30 a.m. – Shabbat Morning Service See page 2 for the 2016 Slate of Officers Chanukah Shabbat Service ALL AGES WELCOME Friday, December 11 at 6:30 p.m. 5:45 P.M. - LATKE BAR GRAB ‘N’ GO SUFGANIYOT (DONUTS) AFTER SERVICE DECEMBER 2015 1 Come Join Us... ANNUAL CONGREGATIONAL MEETING AND ELECTION OF OFFICERS AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES Sunday, December 20, 2:30 p.m. 2016 Proposed Slate Of Officers and Board Of Trustees President: Leslie Yoffie Vice Presidents: Julie Gibbs, Phil Frischer, Matthew Holt Treasurer: Bob Sterneck Assistant Treasurer: Michael Klein Secretary: David Rosenstock The following have been nominated to serve as new members of the Board of Trustees: Michael Bauer Steve Guller Beth Feldman Josh Hutkins Charlie Feldman Barry Krell Michael Ferman Tony Spielberg Alisa Gordon Jim Susman The following have been nominated to continue serving on the Board: Naomi Barasch Marcy Cornfeld Gerald Elfenbein Sam Heiman Stacy Kress Jason Meyer Jenifer Newmark David Schenberg David Wallace Greg Wittner The following have already been voted Active Life Members: Stan Towerman Steven Toybes Lee Wielansky Alan Wolff Our appreciation to the following board members completing their term of office: Eva Ashner Andy Babitz Lynda Baris Sheryl Bauer Amy Bender-Levy 2 Jill Crane Henry Diamant Bruce Essman Elayne Grossberg Adam Herman DECEMBER 2015 Saturday, December 19 9:00 - 10:00 a.m. Saturday morning programs include a kid-centered service, snack and a craft project. This month, we will focus on mitzvah projects and make some crafts for people in need (and something for the kids to keep). “Kid”dush Club is designed for children, 6 and under, and their families. RSVP in the education office to April at [email protected], as it helps for us to have a good count for materials. Lunch ‘n’ Learn Series for 2015-2016 - Leviticus 25:10 Lexie Goldsmith Barry Ginsburg Burton Greenberg Steven Laiderman Dan Raskas Larry Steinman “Kid”dush Club “Proclaim Liberty throughout the Land.” The following has been nominated as an Active Life Member: Ed Becker Jerry Brasch Rick Cornfeld Paul Flotken Ron Gieseke MITZVAH MANIA Lew Levey Michael Towerman Mark Witzling Saturdays, 12:30 - 2:00 p.m. Spielberg Chapel December 5: Navigating the holidays in public settings January 16 February 20 March 26 April 16 May 14 Come for lunch, learning and discussion! RSVP to Tara at [email protected] by December 3 for the December 5 program. It is essential for us to have rsvps in order to know how much food to prepare. We still welcome you without an rsvp, but we hope to have enough lunch prepared. UNITED HEBREW CONGREGATION Rabbinic Reflections As I reflect on Joseph becoming bar mitzvah this month, I cannot help but share some of my own personal reflections and things for which I am thankful. I have come to realize just how much it really “takes a village” to raise a child and a parent. In reflecting on his growing up, I have come to realize just how thankful I am for this congregational community and family. I don’t say that just because I am the rabbi, but I say that, as I realize for myself, how much my home congregation (the people and the place) had a part in determining who I am today. With that in mind, I think about who Joseph is and who he will become and how much of who he is (and perhaps how I parent), is wrapped up in United Hebrew. I am so thankful for our early childhood center. All three of my children were blessed to have been nurtured by the incredibly loving staff and teachers, who have worked in our center. As I think about Joseph, in particular, I cannot help but think about Shelly Bain (z”l). She was one of Joseph’s Chaverim teachers and the long time religious school secretary, and one of the first “Joseph whisperers” to enter my life. She was the one who taught me to “pick my battles” when it comes to parenting. She listened to me whine when three year old Joseph refused to wear a winter coat and later when 5 year old Joseph would only wear shorts, even in the winter. She constantly reminded me to “pick my battles” and said he would put a coat and pants on when he was cold. (He still hasn’t put them on!) How many of us have had our children at the UH Early Childhood Center and have stories of teachers who nurtured our children and nurtured us as new parents? What a blessing to have such a community for us and our children! RABBI BRIGITTE S. ROSENBERG I am thankful for the many teachers Joseph has had in religious and Hebrew school. It has been fun to watch those relationships over the years. Perhaps I see it a little more than others, as I am in the building and I see the kids during religious school, but what a blessing to see our children establish relationships with Jewish adults who care about them and are here to share themselves and their knowledge with them! I am thankful for the many friends that Joseph has made at United Hebrew – from preschool, to religious and Hebrew school – what a blessing for him to be in a community with other Jewish kids! I think I took this for granted, as many of us do, when our kids are in “regular” school with a lot of Jews. When Joseph moved to a school where there were fewer Jewish kids, the community at UH became that much more important. I appreciate that he, that we, have a community to be part of, that he has the opportunity to regularly be with Jewish kids his age in religious school and in youth group! Isn’t it funny how until we stop to think about it, we don’t realize just what it is that we and our children truly get from being part of a congregational family? How many friends have we made here? How many wonderful memories? How many people who have helped us, taught us, nurtured us? I am truly thankful for this community and truly blessed to celebrate the occasion of Joseph becoming bar mitzvah with our United Hebrew family! As we join together this month to celebrate the lights of Chanukah, take a moment to reflect on your own connection with our United Hebrew family. Who are the people who have “lit up” your life? Who has made a difference and who continues to shine brightly in the life of your family? I wish you a Chanukah filled with blessings and light! I also wish you a wonderful end to 2015! DECEMBER 2015 3 From Learning to Living Chanukah is a season of “dedication”. In fact, the word “Chanukah” literally means “dedication.” In our Jewish history, this holiday developed through the re-dedication of the Temple. Today we celebrate that time, the miracles that occurred, and we give thanks for where we are and what we have as modern Jews. This year we have moved our celebration of appreciation of those who are some of the most “dedicated” among us to our time just before Chanukah begins. On Friday, December 4th at our Disney Shabbat, featuring the participation of our 4th grade students, we will also be celebrating our incredible teachers here at United Hebrew Congregation. We hope many members of our congregational family will be able to join us and help to personally offer thanks to each of our faculty members – early childhood center, religious, Hebrew, Chai and adult education. Prior to the service we will have our Camp Rainbow Dinner at 5:30 p.m., hosted by our teens in NFTY/UHTYG. Dinner is free for everyone! Donations are appreciated and all proceeds will go directly to Camp Rainbow. We are thankful to have faculties for our SSECC and our religious/Hebrew/Chai schools complete with teachers who use these precious hours that they are given; to inspire, to care and who take the time to educate and to learn from their students. Our teachers touch our students’ lives each and every day and week and we hope that their Jewish lives and souls are touched forever. We are deeply grateful to all of our wonderful teachers at United Hebrew Congregation. This year, our SSECC and religious/Hebrew/Chai school education staff includes: Tracy Alter (Art, Special Projects Coordinator), Barb Bloomrosen (Chaverim), Debbie Boucher (Chaverim), Cindy Breece (Shalom and Temple Tots), Lisa Broddon (Art Assistant), Mary Cheney (Garin/Chai), Paula Clark (Tov), Cantor Ron Eichaker (Music and Chai School), Golda Cohen (Chai School), Emily Glaeser (SECC teaching assistant), Milene Halperin (Aleph Hebrew and Hebrew specialist), Hana Hartman (Chai School), Marcie Hoffman (Kee Tov), Sanford House (5th), Lynne Hummel (Chaverim), Sharon Kaiser (Cooking), Renee Kohn (Science and Yoga), Marilyn Levison (Shalom Specialist), Louise Mass (Shalom), Ronda Moss (2nd), Stacey Prelutsky (Chalutzim), Tony Raskin (6th and 7th), Dana Rathert (Kee Tov), Rabbi Brigitte Rosenberg (Chai School), Laura Rosenberg (Chaverim), Rachel Rothwell (4th), Debbie Sallet (Tov), Lisa Satanovsky (4th and Bet Hebrew), Dale Schwartz (Chai School), Rachel Sedlacek (Garin/Chai), Efi Shviro (Shalom), Arin Simon (1st), Lauren Spielberg (Movement specialist and Kee Tov), Roz Stein (Library), Janet True (Hebrew), 4 DECEMBER 2015 RABBI ROXANNE J.S. SHAPIRO, R.J.E Suzi Tozer (3rd), Ed Wasserman (5th and Dalet/Gimmel Hebrew), Suzy Weber (Dalet Hebrew and Preschool music) and Sue Weinstein (K). We also offer our thanks to our religious and Hebrew school madrichim (student assistants) and substitutes. We are incredibly grateful for all of our early childhood center volunteers and substitute teachers who are invaluable to our program. We are also thankful for all of the administrative support our education programs receive. Jessy Nelson serves our formal and informal youth education and adult education programs with excitement and dedication. April Hickman, who we welcomed this fall, takes care of the Saul Spielberg Early Childhood Center and its students with much care and devotion. Without the dedication of our teachers and staff, we would not be able to reach out to and educate our students and their families in the ways that we do. Words alone cannot express our appreciation, so we hope the presence of many of our congregants and students will do just that. We look forward to seeing you on Friday, December 4th and to celebrating the dedication of our teachers. ADULT EDUCATION OPPORTUNITIES Ongoing Daytime Classes Shabbat Morning Torah Study Cantor and Rabbis Saturday mornings (Spielberg Chapel) 9:00 a.m. – 10:00 a.m. Sustenance for the mind and body are ever-present at our Shabbat morning Torah study sessions. No prior knowledge of the Torah portion or ability to read Hebrew is necessary. Each week we will explore the portion for that Shabbat and discover intricacies of the text, discuss lessons for our lives today, and wrestle with questions. Breakfast is served at 8:45 a.m. Date Torah Portion Triennial Cycle Verses December 5 Vayeishev Genesis 38: 1-30 December 12 Miketz Genesis 41: 53 - 43: 15 December 19 Vayigash Genesis 45: 28 - 46: 27 December 26 Vayechi Genesis 49: 1 - 26 Amateurs of the Great Assembly Cantor Eichaker (formerly known as “Biblical Analysis”) Thursdays (Library) 11:30 a.m. - 1:30 p.m. Intermediate Hebrew Thursdays (in Room 18) Rabbi Shapiro 1:30 - 2:30 p.m. Now that we can read Hebrew, what does it all mean? How do we decode the words we recite and how do we understand the language of our prayers? Join us each week as we continue to work on building upon our Hebrew skills. Lunch ‘n’ Learn Series See page 2 “Proclaim Liberty Throughout the Land.” - Leviticus 25:10 UNITED HEBREW CONGREGATION President’s Message It seems like only weeks ago, instead of a full two years ago, that I was writing in this space for the very first time. Reflecting on the time I have served as your president, the deepest sentiment I can express is my gratitude. Thank you for the opportunity to lead this great congregation. Thank you for your confidence in me. Thank you for your warmth. And thank you for sharing what is important to you in your Jewish and congregational life. As I’ve said many times before, the best part of these past two years is the time I’ve spent here with you, whether at services, in meetings or coming and going and spending a few moments catching up. I have enjoyed getting to know you and your families. I value the incredible work you do on behalf of the congregation, as clergy, staff, teachers, lay leaders, teen leaders, musicians and singers and many, many volunteers. And I am grateful to those of you who have called, email or stopped me in the building to share your comments, your experiences or your suggestions on how we, as a congregation, can be more responsive to your needs or make improvements. LEXIE GOLDSMITH Friday, December 4, 2015 Join us for a fundraising dinner hosted by our teens in NFTY/UHTYG. Dinner is free for everyone! Donations are appreciated and all proceeds will go directly to Camp Rainbow. The Camp Rainbow Foundation provides free camping experiences to children undergoing treatment for, and survivors of, cancer and blood-related diseases and disorders. Make your reservations at Questions? Contact H. Lee Rosenberg at [email protected] You will be in very talented and capable hands as we elect a new board for 2016. Please mark your calendars to join us for the Annual Meeting of the Congregation on Sunday, December 20 at 2:30 p.m., followed by a dessert reception. There, we will report on the activities of the congregation and present the Irene Fox Ruach Award for 2015. I hope that you will all be able to attend to share your input and help shape the future of United Hebrew. After dinner, enjoy a Shabbat service with Disney inspired music with participation by United Hebrew’s 4th grade religious school students. We will also honor all of our religious school, Hebrew and preschool teachers! Meanwhile, please be sure to make plans to celebrate our wonderful teachers this month on Friday, December 4, for Teacher Appreciation Shabbat. That evening our UHTYG teens will host the annual Camp Rainbow Dinner benefit and we will enjoy a musical Shabbat celebration inspired by the music of Disney. We hope you will plan to join us for our Chanukah Shabbat on December 11, and will lend a hand with us on December 25, for the Jewish and Muslim Day of Community Service, hosted here at UH and sites throughout the community. Get your shopping done at Once again, it has been an honor and a privilege to serve as your president. My very best wishes to you and your families for a Happy Chanukah and a wonderful 2016! Chanukah is Here! Unique Treasures. We are your Chanukah headquarters for UNIQUE GIFTS ● MENORAHS ● CANDLES DREIDELS ● CANDY ● DECORATIONS GIFT WRAP ● TEACHER GIFTS and MUCH, MUCH MORE! Including beautifully wrapped... CORPORATE GIFTS ● EMPLOYEE GIFTS Hours (open year-round) Mon. - Fri. 9:30 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. Tues. 9:30 a.m.- 6:00 p.m.* Friday after Shabbat Service Sun. 9:00 a.m.-1:30 p.m.* *When religious/Hebrew school is in session And by Special Appointment - Call Iris at 314-469-1556 or 314-852-2440 DECEMBER 2015 5 Early Childhood Education A SCHOOL COMMUNITY LIKE NO OTHER I consider myself lucky to be able to send my son to the school where I work. It’s truly a blessing to see him in the hallways and watch him interact with his teachers and classmates. It’s also pretty incredible to hear him talk about his school day at night once we return home. Our family conversations have become routine. Every night, my husband will ask, “how was your day, Bryce?” And Bryce will then enthusiastically name his various classmates and talk about the activities they did together that day. What’s even more, Bryce has recently begun to talk about his classmates’ siblings, many of whom are in different classes in our school or just walk their sibling into the building each morning. While our school may be divided up into various classrooms, we work hard to create one larger school community. And these nightly conversations with my son help reaffirm that our efforts to create a strong school community are working. And it’s not just my son. I have heard similar stories from other parents. For example, recently a boy in our Chaluztim class with a sister in our Shalom class was looking at a picture book created by our Chaverim class. Barb Bloomrosen, our Chaverim teacher, overheard this boy name every child in her class by looking at their pictures. She was amazed! She couldn’t believe that he would know all the children in her class as he doesn’t have a true association with them. She came to tell me this story, and again, she and I were proud of the community that’s evolving here. A community of thoughtful young children who treat each other like family. I’m truly blessed to be working in such a wonderful environment, and love that all of the children are part of one big SSECC family. Lauren Lourie Director of Early Childhood Engagement Wine Tasting to benefit the SSECC Saturday, February 20, 2016, 7:00 PM, at UH More details to follow soon 6 DECEMBER 2015 UNITED HEBREW CONGREGATION Youth Engagement The Duck Pond If you are getting this bulletin before December 4, sign up for the Camp Rainbow fundraising dinner, hosted by the high school youth group, NFTY:UHTYG, at It is December… Time to start planning your summer camp experience! Some great opportunities include our Regional Reform camp - the Goldman Union Camp Institute (http://, the spectacular 6 Points Sports Academy (, the 6 Points Sci-Tech Academy ( Once you have become a sophomore or junior, it is time to plan the trip of a lifetime – Israel (http:// and (! United Hebrew proudly participates in the collaborative St. Louis Israel Bound trip June 6 - June 26. H. Lee Rosenberg will be chaperoning the trip for 10th - 12th graders. See the bottom of the next column for details. Last summer, over 100 United Hebrew youth and high schoolers took advantage of these wonderful opportunities. Contact H. Lee Rosenberg to learn more about the camps or Israel trips and to hear from other youth (or their parents) who went on these trips. If you would like to meet with a representative from a Jewish overnight camp, pencil in the United Hebrew Jewish Overnight Camping Fair on January 31. Calendars: Check the calendars at for updated dates and times for all the youth group activities. All sign ups will be at Club45 (4th and 5th Grades) Tues., Dec. 1 6:00 - 6:45 p.m. **NFTY Winter Convention January 15-18!** Host: Har Hashem in Boulder, CO What: Harry Potter and the tree of life: NFTY explores Jewish Sefirot such as Knowledge, Judgement, Love and Beauty. This fabulous weekend will keep you on your toes. We have all the Winter Chavurah favorites: MLK Jr. Shabbat, SLIID vs. Western basketball game, asefah (the meeting formerly known as GA), Senior lunch, free time, friendships and a whole lotta fun with folks from around the midwest! Who: High Schoolers from the Missouri Valley Region of NFTY: St. Louis, Illinois, Iowa, Colorado, Nebraska, Kansas & Wyoming. Application: Register for the event at Flights: Winter Chavurah need to be booked well in advance to lock-in the price of $300 per ticket. If you do not have your flight yet, put down the bulletin and call H. Lee immediately to make sure you can get on the plane! NFTY 7th and 8th grade Convention February 26-28! Who: What: Where: $$$: RSVP: 7th & 8th graders from reform congregations in Denver, Omaha, Kansas City, St. Louis, Peoria & more! A NFTY weekend of learning, laughter, and socializing. Participants will be accompanied by H. Lee Rosenberg, additional chaperones (1:10 ratio), and high school ambassadors. Participants will be housed at congregants’ homes in same-gender groups. Central Reform Congregation – St. Louis, MO The early bird price is $140. Additional subsidy and scholarship money is readily available. Money is not a reason to miss this convention, please fill out this request form ( or contact Lee or a clergy person before January 31. Head over to to register. Club45 Lounge UHJYG (6th and 7th Grades) Sun., Dec. 6 1:15 - 4:30 p.m. JYG Sweetology (7th Grade) Feb. 26-28 NFTY-MV JYG Convention St. Louis U8 (8th Grade) Fri., Dec. 4 5:30 - 9:30 p.m. Chanukah Flip Feb. 26 - 28 NFTY-MV JYG Convention St. Louis, MO NFTY:UHTYG (High School) Wed., Dec. 2 7:00 - 9:00 p.m. Lounge Night Fri., Dec. 4 5:30 - 6:30 p.m. Camp Rainbow Dinner Sat., Dec. 5 7:30 - 10:00 p.m. Broomball Wed., Dec. 9 7:00 - 9:00 p.m. Lounge Night Wed., Dec. 16 7:00 - 9:00 p.m. Lounge Night **January 15-18 NFTY-MV Winter Chavurah Boulder, CO Check out the website – - or contact the Director of Youth Engagement and Youth Groups Advisor, H. Lee Rosenberg by phone, e-mail, Facebook, Instagram or tweet: 314.469.0700 x265 [email protected] Facebook – Nfty Uhtyg; Instagram and Twitter @uhtyg $5,350 All Inclusive Deadline for Application is: January 15, 2016 Explore ancient Jerusalem and modern Tel Aviv Climb Masada at sunrise Travel on camels in the Negev Desert and eat in a Bedouin tent Float in the Dead Sea Snorkel and swim in Eilat Connect with Israeli Teens Raft the Jordan River Reflect at the Kotel, The Western Wall.. and much more! For more information, contact Karen Rader at 314-442-3756 or email [email protected] DECEMBER 2015 7 What’s Happening UH BOOK CLUB: THE GIRL ON THE TRAIN The next UH Book Club meeting is on Thursday, December 3 at 1:30 p.m. in the Spielber g Chapel at UH. The book we will be discussing is The Girl on the Train by Paula Hawkins. Rachel takes the same commuter train every morning which allows her to watch the same couple breakfasting on their deck daily. And then she sees something shocking. It’s only a minute until the train moves on, but it’s enough. Now everything’s changed. Unable to keep it to herself, Rachel offers what she knows to the police, and becomes inextricably entwined in what happens next, as well as in the lives of everyone involved. Has she done more harm than good? Our January 7 book will be Me Before Y ou by Jojo Moyes. Louisa is an ordinary girl living an exceedingly ordinary life. She takes a badly needed job working for Will, who is wheelchair-bound after an accident and refuses to treat him with kid gloves. Will has always lived a huge life and now he’s pretty sure he cannot live the way he is. When she learns that Will has shocking plans of his own, she sets out to show him that life is still worth living. You can join us for just one session if you like a particular book or come to all of the sessions. There is no long-term commitment necessary. So that we know how many people to expect, RSVPs are appreciated to April at 314-434-3404. DINNER AND A MOVIE: THE GARDEN OF THE FINZI-CONTINIS Join us on Saturday, December 5 at 6:30 p.m. for dinner and a movie. The film will be The Garden of the Finzi-Continis, winner of the Academy Award for Best Foreign Film and directed by legendary 4-time Oscar winner, Vittorio de Sica (Bicycle Thieves). The film is a beautiful and haunting story of unrequited love set in WWII in Ferrara, Italy. The FinziContini are one of the leading families, wealthy, urbane, aristocratic; they are also Jewish. Their adult children, Micol and Alberto, gather a circle of friends for constant rounds of tennis and parties at their villa, keeping the rest of the world at bay. Into the circle steps Giorgio, a Jew from the middle class who falls in love with Micol. While his love cannot seem to break through to her to draw her out of her garden idyll, the forces of politics close in. Italian with English subtitles. Prior to the movie, enjoy a delicious Italian meal consisting of a tasting plate including fresh bread, cheese, olive, tapenade, pesto and marinated vegetables, Agnolotti pasta stuffed with sweet potato, sage, brown butter and squab spice, risotto with pumpkin, nutmeg and pecorino, a whitefish dish, a couple of sides and tiramisu for dessert. The cost for dinner is $15 per person. To make a reservation, please contact April at [email protected] or 314-434-3404. 8 DECEMBER 2015 MATINEE FILM SERIES: A WOMAN CALLED GOLDA Join us on Wednesday, December 9 at 12 noon in the Messing Auditorium for the next program in our Wednesday Matinee Film Series for the film, A Woman Called Golda. Ingrid Bergman made her final film appearance as the late Israeli Prime Minister Golda Meir, a woman who became a living symbol of dignity, humor and hope for mankind. This powerful docudrama traces the life of one of the most important political figures of the 20th century from her childhood in strife-torn Russia through her final, historic meeting with Anwar Sadat. Bergman’s performance earned her the 1981-82 Emmy Award and critics hailed it as the pinnacle of her illustrious career. Lunch preceding the film will include chicken schnitzel with falafel seasoning, roasted squash, roasted potatoes, salad, dessert and popcorn. Cost is $7 for UH members and $8 for non-members. To RSVP, send a check payable to United Hebrew Congregation, Attn: April, 13788 Conway Road, St. Louis, MO 63141, by Monday, December 7. For more information, call April at 314-434-3404 or e-mail [email protected]. SENIOR CHANUKAH LUNCHEON WITH BANJOS AND BRASS Please join the United Hebrew and Shaare Emeth Seniors for a festive Chanukah luncheon on Monday, December 14 at 12 noon in the Messing Auditor ium. Enjoy a tr aditional Chanukah lunch, which will include homemade brisket, a latke bar, green beans, the UH house salad and jelly and non-jelly filled donuts. Following lunch, everyone will enjoy a performance by Banjos and Brass. Cost is $8 for everyone. To RSVP, send a check payable to United Hebrew Congregation, Attn: April, 13788 Conway Road, St. Louis, MO 63141, by Wednesday, December 9. For more information, call April at 314-434-3404 or e-mail [email protected]. BROTHERHOOD HAPPENINGS UH Brotherhood is excited to announce that Ted Gottlieb will become President of Brotherhood in January. Jim Susman and David Halpern, who have been Co-Presidents for 4+ years, are relinquishing the title and reins to Ted. We want to thank Jim and David for all of their hard work on behalf of Brotherhood and look forward to the many programs Ted will bring to the table. Look forward to more exciting programs coming your way in the new year. If you are interested in joining the Brotherhood Board and help plan our yearly programs, please contact David Halpern at 314-583-6392 or Jim Susman at [email protected]. UNITED HEBREW CONGREGATION What’s Happening FOCUS ISRAEL UH WELCOMES RABBI DAVID KAUFMAN CURRENT EVENTS IN ISRAEL AND ACROSS THE REGION Please join us on Tuesday, December 22 as we welcome Rabbi David Kaufman back to UH. He will speak on Current Events in Israel and Across the Region. At 6:15 p.m., bring your own dinner and join us for a relaxed meal. Beverages and dessert will be provided. If you prefer, just come for the talk which will begin at 7:00 p.m. Rabbi Kaufman has been the rabbi of Temple B'nai Jeshurun in Des Moines, Iowa since 2003. You may remember him growing up in our congregation, the son of Drs. Millie (z”l) and Robert Kaufman. You can find him on the confirmation picture wall in the class of 1987. Since his years at UH, Rabbi Kaufman has become an expert on the Middle East and a leading advocate for Israel. He is the president and co-founder of W e A re For Israel, a multinational Israel advocacy organization and the parent of Rabbis for Israel, a group of rabbis from around the world who believe in a two-state solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict with a focus on maintaining the security of the Jewish state. (See htttp:// A sought after speaker, Rabbi Kaufman has addressed numerous religious and advocacy organizations and is well-known for teaching to interfaith audiences about the Middle East, Israel, Judaism and Jewish History. Expert on the history and causes of Antisemitism and committed to combating hatred and prejudice, Rabbi Kaufman works with a number of antigenocide and interfaith organizations. Because of his advocacy, Rabbi Kaufman was asked to serve on the Advisory Council of the US Global Leadership Coalition 2015. RSVP to April at [email protected] or 314-4343404. You are welcome to attend at the last minute without making a reservation, but this allows us to plan accordingly. BACKPACK BUDDIES Thank you so much to everyone who made food and monetary donations during the month of November. We are now up to 36 kids who we are sending home weekend meals for. We appreciate your continued support for this wonderful program. We are always in need of food donations. This month, we are especially in need of individual fruit cups, applesauce and canned vegetables. Please bring donations to UH and put in one of the large red bins in the chapel lobby or in the school wing. For more information, please contact Cori at 314-4343404 or [email protected]. JOINING FORCES TO CELEBRATE SHARED COMMITMENT TO SOCIAL ACTION FRIDAY, DECEMBER 25, 2015 The Day of Service brings together people of different faiths to volunteer their time on Christmas Day. People from the Jewish, Muslim and other faiths volunteer at direct sites throughout the region. This event builds stronger ties among people of different backgrounds and faiths. It also emphasizes the importance of helping others and giving back during the holiday season. Register at Co-sponsored by the JCRC and its Milford and Lee Bohm Social Justice Center and the Islamic Foundation of Greater Saint Louis with support from the Staenberg Family Foundation. The JCRC is a beneficiary agency of the Jewish Federation of Saint Louis UH Collections Toiletry Drive United Hebrew is proud to be a co-sponsor of the Jewish Muslim Day of Community Service. We will also be a site for one of the toiletry projects where we will be preparing packages for the patients and families served by Ronald McDonald House at Mercy Hospital. We are collecting sample size toiletries for this project including soap, shampoo, conditioner, toothpaste, toothbrushes, shaving items and deodorant. Winter Outerwear Once again, we are collecting new or gently used winter coats, gloves, scarves, new hats and boots/closed toed shoes for those in need during the upcoming cold months. Items will be distributed to International Institute to assist recent immigrants and others in need. DECEMBER 2015 9 Contributions Brasch Building Maintenance Fund IN APPRECIATON OF: *Jerry & Rosalie Brasch Denise & Aaron Bobick Building Fund IN HONOR OF: *Speedy Recovery of Denise Bunsick *Speedy Recovery of Myron Holtzman Ivy & Michael Klein Clergy Discretionary Funds IN APPRECIATION: *Bat Mitzvah of Emily Lander Julie & Mike Lander *Baby Naming Elaine & Skip Spieberg IN HONOR OF: *Bar Mitzvah of Joseph Rosenberg The Muzik Family Cheryl Robinson Helene & Carl Sherman Elaine Wenneker Roberta Goran & Family *Speedy Recovery of Denise Bunsick Elaine & Larry Amitin *Bat Mitzvah of Granddaughter, Jamie Levine Marilyn Oglander IN MEMORY OF: *Stuart Fiddleman Jeanne Fiddleman Ada & Frank Friedman Youth Group Fund IN HONOR OF: *Bar Mitzvah of Joseph Rosenberg The Blinder Family *Maggie Rosenstock Becoming a Bat Mitzvah Suzy & Mark Weber General Fund IN HONOR OF: *Bat Mitzvah of Granddaughter, Alexis Baumgarten Ted & Teddi Baumgarten *Bernie Kahn Art & Candy Zemon *Stephen Yoffie Being Called to the Torah During High Holy Days Barry & Leslie Yoffie *Bar Mitzvah of Joseph Rosenberg Sue & Jerry Tessler Barbara & Barry Wolkowitz Marian & Harold Katz Jerome & Sally Yoffie Julian Mathes David & Stacy Rolfe *Bar Mitzvah of Stone Gomberg Richard & Sandi Super IN MEMORY OF: *Leonard Farer Debbie & Bill Muzik & Family 10 DECEMBER 2015 Honor & Celebrate Your Family, Your Friends, Your Temple Jablon Youth Fund IN HONOR OF: *Bar Mitzvah of Joseph Rosenberg Martha & Barry Ginsburg IN MEMORY OF: *Stuart Fiddleman Steve & Felicia Malter *Mother, Eve Walzer Arthur & Mady Jablon *Husband & Father, Rick Paull Carla, Josh & David Paull Stanley Laiderman Fund IN HONOR OF: *Marriage of Jessica Rubin & Ben Solarz Wilma Levin *Speedy Recovery of David Ozersky *Speedy Recovery of Mark Meyers *Special Birthday of Wilma Levin Shirley & Nancy Gordon IN MEMORY OF: *Sandra Redler Wilma Levin Susie & Shelly Beck Lew & Cheryl Levey Volunteer Appreciation Fund IN MEMORY OF: *Rachel Weiss Gay & Steve Guller Merle & Marty Oberman Arlene Caplan & Joe Tripodi Library Fund IN HONOR OF: *Bar Mitzvah of Joseph Rosenberg Joan Abrams IN MEMORY OF: *Harry Richman Sandra & Marvin Ginsberg *Stuart Fiddleman Marilyn Keimon *Becky Fierman Bobbi Brimer Perry & Shirleen Mehlman Camp Scholarship Fund IN MEMORY OF: *Arlene Garland Jim & Abby Susman Memorial Fund IN MEMORY OF: *Rose Mayer Ken & Eve Wilde *Bernice Feld Nancy & Mike McCamley *David Jacobson *Lydia Jacobson Karen Beldner *William Fink Cookie & Edwin Epstein *Husband, Malcolm Weiss Shirley Weiss *Mother, Lillian DeWoskin Iris & Alan DeWoskin *Fred Ring Ken & Teri Ring *Dr. Stanley F. Maer Dorothy Maer Peter Maer Helane & Craig Maer *Mother, Rose Berger Lucille Goffstein *Mother, Karlyn E. Gitlin Jules & Michele Gitlin *Joe Fagin Bernard Fagin *Florence Gottlieb Jody Present *Irwin Walpert Sally Sportsman *Father, Arnold Lehrman Gary Lehrman *Max Barnholtz Elaine & Sandy Melnick *Mother, Reva Jaffe Sanford Jaffe *Isadore Cohen David H. Cohen *Isadore Katz Reva Davis *Anna Weisberg *Ben Weisberg *Julius Bialock Marilyn Oglander *Jean D. Fisher The Barnes Family *Myron Wally Waldman Mark & Donna Waldman *Mother, Clara Rosenthal Myra Rosenthal *Harold Newman *Elaine Newman Moranz Sandy & Larry Newman *Sidney Rich Audrey Rich *Sam H. Miller Ilion Miller *Al Yavitz Marvyn & Beverly Yavitz *Samuel Ellis *Ben Satz Shepard Ellis *Rose Berger Joyce Berger *Harvey Friedman Bernadine Kahn *Mother, Elsie Schukar *Mother, Florence Sipkin Gary & Judy Sipkin *Mother, Ida Klibansky Myron & Billie Klevens *Husband, Allan Hurwitz *Father, Jack M. Schultz *Mother, Estelle Schultz Eileen Hurwitz *Husband, Arthur B. Friedman Beverly Friedman *Joseph H. Feldman Suzanne Lasky *Mother, Frances Spiegelman Carol Bartfeld *Edward Ginsberg Bernice Hodge *Sidney F. Pearlman Vicki, Nicole & Steven Schlesinger *Husband, Max Orenstein Ida Orenstein *Wife, Barbara S. Mathes Julian Mathes *Father, Hyman Levin Ruth Sobel *Dr. Lester Nathan Bobette Nathan & Family *Mary Goldstein Stolar Suzanne & Henry Stolar *Jay Burton Levine Sherre Levine *Ann Duchen Mr. & Mrs. Marvin Cherry *Edward Deutch Mr. & Mrs. Sylvan Sandler *Shirleen Mehlman Betsy Mehlman *Fannie Silverman Cohen Richard & Marsha Zuckerman *Rene D. Lang Carl & Gail Lang Helen C. Millstone Music Fund IN HONOR OF: *David Cohen David & Barbara Halpern *Speedy Recovery of Steve Goldsmith Sherilyn & Barry Krell IN MEMORY OF: *Stuart Fiddleman Myron & Eleanor Holtzman *Sheldon Margulis Elaine & Larry Amitin Morris & Birdie Potashnick Educational Fund IN HONOR OF: *Bar Mitzvah of Joseph Rosenberg Bobbi & Larry Potashnick Prayer Book Fund IN MEMORY OF: *Norman A. Peskind Thelma Peskind Raskas Technology Fund IN HONOR OF: *Speedy Recovery of Felicia Malter *Speedy Recovery of Lois Guller Dan & Debbie Raskas Saul Spielberg Early Childhood Center Fund IN APPRECIATION OF: *Paul Friedman *Dale Schwartz *Bob Sterneck Anonymous IN HONOR OF: *Bar Mitzvah of Joseph Rosenberg Brian & Stacey Deutsch & Family Eric, Michelle & Lauren Goldstein Joan & Phil Siwak *Speedy Recovery of Myron Holtzman *Speedy Recovery of Denise Bunsick Bob & NJ Sterneck UNITED HEBREW CONGREGATION Contributions IN MEMORY OF: *Jack Faintich *Thelma Faintich Carol Faintich *Yetta Berk Howard Berk *Alice Rosch Gloria Ruben Henrietta & Eli Spielberg Israel Scholarship Foundation Fund IN HONOR OF: *Speedy Recovery of Denise Bunsick *Birth of Samuel Rowan Silverman Rick & Marcy Cornfeld Billee & Cindy Thuner Chesed Fund IN MEMORY OF: *Harry Dubman *Eugene Rubin Nancy & Charlie Dubman & Family Honor & Celebrate Your Family, Your Friends, Your Temple United Hebrew Cemetery Perpetual Care Fund IN MEMORY OF: *Jerome Shainman Michael & Nancy McCamley & Family *Husband, Martin Millner Joy Millner *Janice M. Silverman Cathy Silverman *Ralph Hartmann Debbie & Bob Farb Toby Hartmann *Mother-in-law, Rose Spitzer Harry LeBeau *Elsie Schukar Nornberg Marla Levinson *Father, Charles Kutner *Father, Herman Weintrub Susan & Al Kutner *Sidney F. Pearlman Vicki, Nicole & Steven Schlesinger *Joseph Silverstein Rabbi Sylvin & Sandy Wolf *Father, Joseph S. Meyer Fancine & Deane Thompson *Melvin Askuvich Michael Askuvich *Leona Cosentino Ellen & Bruce Horwitz *Mother, Ceil Goldman Fran & Ron Kunitz *Father, Sol Lehr Bebe Morgan *Father, Albert Goldstein Susan Epstein *Father, Louis Present Harvey Present *Beverly Hope Rosen Debbie & Michael Kootman & Family Wolff Transportation Fund IN HONOR OF: *Marriage of Elaine & Marvin Nieberg’s Granddaughter *Speedy Recovery of Sid Brenner Jordan & Elaine Rudolph *Speedy Recovery of Felicia Malter *Birth of Rafi Jordan Schneider Marsha Kunin *Special Birthday of Miriam Dennison Fran & Ron Kunitz *Birth of Grandson of Gary & Karen Epstein Alan & Eleanor Wolff IN MEMORY OF: *Mark Alberstat *Morris Alberstat Allan, Susan & Michael Cohen Shirley Alberstat *Husband, Louis Cohn Elaine Cohn *Mother of Rob Kleinlehrer Alan & Eleanor Wolff Marsha Kunin *Husband, Harry L. Dubman Jean Dubman *Ruth Goodman Fran & Ron Kunitz *Arleen Garland Jordan & Elaine Rudolph *Grandfather, H. Grosberg Gloria Goldblatt *Bar Mitzvah of Joseph Rosenberg Carolyn & Harvey Altman Mazel Tov to our Bar Mitzvah The Jewish Food Pantry Needs Your Help! JOSEPH PHILIP ROSENBERG December 12, 2015 10:30 a.m. In December, the Harvey Kornblum Jewish Food Pantry is looking for these specific items in order to provide well-balanced nourishment for the community in need: peanut butter & jelly, canned fruit, canned beef stew, chili, pasta with meat, kosher food, canned tuna fish, dry pasta, tomato sauce, all types of canned vegetables, hand soap, shampoo and laundry detergent. Rabbi Jerome W. Grollman Hebrew School & Chai School Currently, the Jewish Food Pantry is feeding over 8,000 individuals per month. The need is great, so please help in any way you can. December Calendar Items should be brought to the collection bins at UH. Thank you! Louis & Mary Millstone Religious School , 01 Hebrew School 04 Camp Rainbow Dinner Disney-Inspired Shabbat 4th Grade Overnight 06 Religious School Chanukah Celebration Hebrew School Chai School 08 Hebrew School 13 Religious School 1st grade trip to Food Pantry Hebrew School Chai School 15 Hebrew School SUPPORT OUR ADVERTISER OF THE MONTH: Bernstein Real Estate 20 Religious School Hebrew School NO CHAI SCHOOL Please patronize our advertisers and tell them where you saw their ads. Their support makes it possible to publish this Bulletin at a significant savings to our congregation. December 22 - January 3 NO SCHOOL Our thanks to Bernstein Real Estate and all of our advertisers. Additional advertisers are always welcome. DECEMBER 2015 11 December 4 Sue Falk Birenbaum Dorothy Catlin Fannie Cohen Morris J. Cohen Faith Ellis Sadie Z. Feldman Tillie Fleishman Abe J. Furfine Naomi S. Goffstein Harry Goldstein Lillian Stein Green Dinah Gardner Grosberg Jules Hoffman Pearl Hookerman Dr. Alex E. Horwitz Esther Hubert Nathan Hyatt Theresa Morall Hyman Burton Iskiwitch Marilyn Katz Nathan Kornblum Phil C. Kretchmar Pauline G. Kutten Myer Y. Levin Bess Gitlin Levy Jules P. Levy Archie Lewis Mollie Marcus Charles Margulis Harry D. Miller Simon Packman Arthur Papirner Edwin C. Paul Dr. Louis Plax Max L. Podolsky Florence Portney Edward Quicksilver Linda Joy Rechter Donald K. Ross Joseph Rossen David Rudolph Mary Schwartz Simon Jack Shanker Harry Sigoloff William S. Silverman Morton H. Soll Harold L. Solomon Marvin A. Stein Hessie Tamarkin Esther Sakowsky Tanzer Jeanette Tessler Maurice H. Tessler, D.D.S. Elaine Towerman Betty S. Toybes Blanche Meyer Turner Hyman C. Weisman Barney Wides Betty J. Wolff Deborah A. Wolkowitz Robert E. Yatter December 11 Gertrude M. Baker Abraham Barron Max Baskin Elizabeth Bomze Cecelia Bray Hollie Nicole Chasen Esther Cohen Martha Herrmann Cornfeld Lena Cranis Ervin Crown Esther W. Davis Sylvia Eckert Dr. Lawrence P. Feigenbaum Irwin Fox Lillian Weisman Frank Harry (Doc) Goffstein Marion Goldblum Sarah Faye Greenberg Ben Grosberg Eugene L. Grosberg Samuel F. Hacker Seymour Halpern Joseph Hartman Darrell E. Iskiwitch Harold Jacobs Arthur B. Joseph Morris B. Kessler Nettie Laiderman Joseph Lazaroff Abraham Lebovitz Florence Rose Lichtenfeld Jennie Mandel Anne Molos Edward Morris Edward Pfeiffer Jacob Rabin Herman Rubin George L. Sagan Philip Schiffer Ben B. Serkes Abe Siegel Philip G. Silverstone Samuel Spiegelman Rebecca Stone-Cohen Marion Billee Thuner Jacob Weil Lee R. Wolff Dorothy R. Yedlin Isadore Zucker December 18 Jack Bierman Marlene S. Carl Louis H. Coffin Anna Cohen David H. Cohen William Cohen Sharon B. Eichaker Jack M. Falk Dorislee "Driz" Feinstein Doris Finkelstein Max Fischman Frances Ruth Fishgall Edna Newman Gallant Julius Gidlowitz Esther F. Ginsberg Alexander Glaser Stanley Goldblum Joshua A. Gollin Anna Goorman Gertrude B. Goran Selma Greenberg Arthur A. Jaffe Rebecca Katz Annabelle Leon Isabelle Levy Natalie Yawitz Levy Bernard Lurie Bessie Mayer Anna Morgan Sidney Moulton Morris Potashnick Arthur A. Rosenblatt William Rosenblum Trudie Rosenfeld Shirley Schreiber David Joel Serkes Fannie Shank Dorothy Silverstein Alice G. Silverstone Martin Solomon Minnie Kahn Strauss Bernard H. Tureen Edward L. Wallerstein Ruth Weber Bob Wieder December 25 Perpetual Memorials Hyman Amernick Anna Barg Elsie (Pat) Bernhardt Marcus Bernhardt Faye Block Ely Bornstein Minna Brasch Leon J. Cohen Arthur M. Davidson Bertha Diener Milton Dolgin Jeanette Feigenbaum Rubye Feldman Meyer Finkelstein Bertha Fishman Ann Posen Flotken Dr. Joseph J. Gitt Max Glazer Esther Glick Mae Gluck Louis Goldberg Edward A. Goodman Esther Heifetz Birdie Hirschfeld Fannie Reflow Hirsh Adeline Wagman Kohn Paul Kreisman William Krell Theodore Lending Randy Leon Mamroth Max Manne Manuel (Sam) Margulis Nathan Mathes Ronald E. Milstein Gloria Molasky Natalie Morris Ben Neuman Sam J. Passen Yetta Pearlstone Florence Pepper Ruth Jagust Reiter Barney Rosenberg Celia Schlesinger Evelyn Schneider Georgianne Schwartz Katherine (Kitty) Seigel Caroline S. Sessel Dorothy Soll Edith Sperling Simon Spitzer Ruth R. Sterneck Elizabeth Ann (Beth) Stone Joe P. Stone Bernard J. Thea Anna D. Tureen Eva Waldman Introduction to Judaism: Class starts in February! Registration Open Soon! Looking to take the next step in your Jewish journey? Part of an interfaith relationship and want to learn more? Born Jewish, but it’s been a while? Interested in conversion to Judaism? Then you’re invited to Introduction to Judaism - a 16 week course on the basics of Judaism Tuesday Nights from 7:00 - 9:00 p.m. February 16 - May 31, 2016 Classes will be at Central Reform Congregation (in the Central West End) For more information, contact Steve Sorkin at [email protected] 12 DECEMBER 2015 UNITED HEBREW CONGREGATION Announcements CONDOLENCES The congregation extends its sincere condolences to the families of EDWARD DEUTCH Husband of the late Diane Zlutnick Deutch LEONARD FARER Father of Wendy (Chuck) Errant RONALD L. HODGE Husband of Bernice Hodge Father of Elizabeth Hodge GILBERT KULBERSH Husband of Lillian Kulbersh PAUL PRODANESHTSKY Husband of Olga Levine Father of Abigail, Amayla and Adam SYLVIA RESNICK Sister of Jack Sorkin ALICE B. ROSCH Mother of the late David (Nanci) Rosch SIDNEY S. WEINHAUS Father of Barry (Lori) Gavril RACHEL WEISS Mother of Fanchon (Harry) Auman Because of space limitations, condolences are listed for members and their immediate relatives. In addition, only immediate relatives of the deceased who are members are listed. WELCOME NEW MEMBERS! MANY THANKS TO... Leslie and Gary Schaffel and Audrey and Dan Wasserman for sponsoring food baskets in honor of the Bar Mitzvah of their nephew, Brett Giancola. Judy and Steve Wasserman for sponsoring a Shabbat Nosh in honor of the Bar Mitzvah of their grandson, Brett Giancola. Michael and Debra Klevens and Scott and Tracy Kolker for sponsoring food baskets in honor of the Bat Mitzvah of their daughter, Sydney Kolker. Jeff and Julie Lazaroff, Tracy and Josh More, Daniel and Nikki Freyman, Michael and Robin Adkins, Marci and Ronn Diamond and David and Tamera Kolker for sponsoring a Shabbat Nosh in honor of the Bat Mitzvah of Sydney Kolker. The food baskets are donated to the Jewish Food Pantry and are very much appreciated! WISH LIST - MANY THANKS For the past few months United Hebrew has offered a variety of giving opportunities for members to donate to our Wish List/Gift Registry. While we stated in earlier messages “Your extra philanthropic support is critical to UH!,” we had no idea how supportive our congregants would have been. We are very grateful! Again, thank you to the following congregants who have made contributions within the past month: Linda and Sanford Kusmer for contributing towards food for Backpack Buddies in memory of Lorraine M. Kaye. Steve & Candi Marton For those of you who would like to support our Wish List/Gift Registry, please visit the UH website at for the full list. MAZEL TOV! On behalf of all of us at United Hebrew, thank you for all of your support! Newborn: To Louis and Carly Epstein, a son, Felix Sawyer Epstein. Grandparents are Karen and Gary Epstein and Stephen and Barbara Strocker and Gail and Jack Eskanazi. Greatgrandparents are Cookie and Ed Epstein and Rita Baker. DID YOU KNOW??? The Israel Trauma Coalition (ITC) is holding workshops to help parents deal with the latest round of terror in Israel. There are no alerts or military protections from random stabbings and personal assaults. The ITC also plans Arabiclanguage workshops for Muslim parents who have expressed concerns about their children's exposure to extremist views, especially through social media. source: Israel 21C Amy Stone, Director of Development & Membership NOTIFICATION OF ILLNESS, SURGERY & HOSPITAL VISITS Due to HIPAA laws, United Hebrew is unable to gain access to patient information for local hospitals. We rely solely on word-of-mouth from family members and other congregants to make clergy visits. If you know someone in the hospital or desiring a visit from a clergy member, please contact Tara at [email protected] or 314-469-0700. Once received, the information will be entered into our system and shared with the clergy. DECEMBER 2015 13 DECEMBER 2015 at United Hebrew Congregation Sun Tue Mon 30 November 29 Wed 1 2 6:00 PM Club45 Lounge Night 12:00 PM Intro to Maimonides w/ Cantor at Saul Brodsky Library December 10:00 AM Temple Tots 7:30 PM Nar-Anon Meeting 7:00 PM Intro to Judaism Hebrew School B’nai Mitzvah Session NO SCHOOL 7 6 2:00 PM JYG Chanukah Event 7:30 PM Nar-Anon Meeting 10:30 AM Senior Committee Meeting 10:00 AM Temple Tots Hebrew School B’nai Mitzvah Session 13 7:30 PM Nar-Anon Meeting 8 7:00 PM Intro to Judaism Religious School Hebrew School Chai School 14 12:00 PM Senior Chanukah Luncheon 15 10:00 AM Temple Tots 7:00 PM Intro to Judaism 7:00 PM Focus Israel Meeting Religious School Hebrew School Chai School Thu 7:00 PM UHTYG Lounge Night 20 21 22 3 11:30 AM Amateurs of the Great Assembly 1:30 PM Intermediate Hebrew 1:30 PM UH Book Club UH Music Circle B’nai Mitzvah Session 9 10:00 AM SSECC Chanukah Celebration 12:00 PM Film Series 12:00 PM Intro to Maimonides w/ Cantor at Saul Brodsky Library 7:00 PM UHTYG Lounge Night 16 7:00 PM UHTYG Lounge Night 7:00 PM Board of Trustees Meeting 1:30 PM Intermediate Hebrew UH Music Circle B’nai Mitzvah Session 17 11:30 AM Amateurs of the Great Assembly 1:30 PM Intermediate Hebrew 23 24 10:00 AM Temple Tots 7:30 PM Nar-Anon Meeting Religious School Hebrew School NO CHAI SCHOOL NO HEBREW SCHOOL B’nai Mitzvah Session 28 27 30 31 4 6:30 PM Disney Shabbat Service & Teacher Appreciation 4th Grade Overnight 10:00 AM Temple Tots 2015 NO HEBREW SCHOOL NO B’NAI MITZVAH 5:45 PM Latke Bar 6:30 PM Chanukah Shabbat Service 7:30 PM Grab ‘N’ Go Sufganiyot 5 Vayeishev 12 9:00 AM Torah Study 10:30 AM Bar Mitzvah of Joseph Rosenberg Miketz 18 5:45 PM Shabbat Nosh 6:30 PM Shabbat Service 7:30 PM “Baker’s Delight” Oneg 19 9:00 AM Torah Study 9:00 AM “Kid”dush Club 10:30 AM Shabbat Morning Service Vayigash 25 26 SSECC & Offices Closed Jewish & Muslim Day of Community Service 5:45 PM Shabbat Nosh 6:30 PM Shabbat Service January 9:00 AM Torah Study 10:30 AM Shabbat Morning Service Vayechi 1 SSECC & Office Closed UH Music Circle NO B’NAI MITZVAH 9:00 AM Torah Study 10:30 AM Shabbat Morning Service 12:30 PM Lunch ‘n’ Learn 6:30 PM Dinner & A Movie 11 New Year’s Day 7:30 PM Nar-Anon Meeting DECEMBER NO 14SCHOOL 29 UH Music Circle NO B’NAI MITZVAH Sat 5:30 PM Camp Rainbow Dinner 10 11:30 AM Amateurs of the Great Assembly UH Music Circle B’nai Mitzvah Session Hebrew School B’nai Mitzvah Session 2:30 PM Annual Meeting & Election of Officers & Board of Trustees Fri 5:00 PM Shabbat Service 2 9:00 AM Torah Study 10:30 AM Shabbat Morning Service UNITED HEBREW CONGREGATION Shemot Administrative Offices - Clergy: (314) 469-0700 Fax: (314) 434-7821 Education & Program Offices: (314) 434-3404 Email: [email protected] Rabbi .................................. Brigitte S. Rosenberg Rabbi & Director of Life Long Learning………... …………………….……….Roxanne J.S. Shapiro Cantor .................................... Ronald D. Eichaker Rabbi Emeritus .................. Howard G. Kaplansky Cantor Emeritus .................. Murray W. Hochberg NON-PROFIT ORG. US POSTAGE PAID ST. LOUIS, MO PERMIT NO. 3319 One Gudder Campus 13788 Conway Road, St. Louis, Missouri 63141 Executive Director...……………Bryan Pearlman Director of Early Childhood Engagement………. ……………………………….…...Lauren Lourie Director of Programming & Communication…… …………………………………Cori Neidenberg Director of Youth Engagement...H. Lee Rosenberg Director of Development & Membership………. …………………...…………………..Amy Stone Assistant Musical Director .............. David Cohen Gift Shop Manager……………..…Iris DeWoskin Events/Kitchen Manager……...……Debra Grund Artist-in-Residence…………………...Rick Recht Officers President ...................................... Lexie Goldsmith Vice President ..................................... Julie Gibbs Vice President ................................... Steve Guller Vice President .................................. Leslie Yoffie Treasurer .......................................... Alisa Gordon Assistant Treasurer ..................... Michael Ferman Secretary ......................................... Matthew Holt Our thanks to the Laiderman Family for their generous donation to the United Hebrew Endowment Fund to help support our Temple Bulletin. United Hebrew Congregation serves the Jewish community of St. Louis as a place of worship and learning with a welcoming community united in the common Judaic spirit of Reform Judaism. Don’t miss SHABBAT ALIVE! services with Rick Recht this year 2016 DATES February 5 March 4 May 6 Join us as we celebrate Shabbat on these dates with Shir Atid Youth Choir, Cantor Eichaker and Rick Recht, Artist-inResidence, during our lively Shabbat Alive! service. Rick is one of the most celebrated Jewish artists of our time playing family concerts, religious school concerts and teen concerts throughout the United States and abroad. Recht is widely recognized as a pioneer of the Jewish rock music genre, elevating the medium of Jewish music as a powerful and effective tool for developing Jewish pride and identity among these masses. Recht has 10 top selling Jewish albums, including his latest hit album, Halleluyah, released Winter 2013. DECEMBER 2015 15
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