HaMakor - United Hebrew Congregation
HaMakor - United Hebrew Congregation
HaMakor המקֹור Congregation Achdut Yisroel Established in St. Louis in 1837 First Jewish Congregation West of the Mississippi River THE SOURCE February 6, 2015 18 Shevat 5775 Volume XCIV No. 6 Shabbat at UH Friday, February 6 - 18 Shevat 5775 5:45 p.m. – Shabbat Nosh 6:30 p.m. – Shabbat Alive! with Rick Recht Children Birthday Blessing Saturday, February 7 9:00 a.m. – Torah Study 10:30 a.m. – Shabbat Morning Service Friday, February 13 - 25 Shevat 5775 5:45 p.m. – Shabbat Nosh 6:30 p.m. – Shabbat Service All are welcome for games, a bounce house, photo booth, lunch, hamantaschen, raffle and silent auction. Saturday, February 14 9:00 a.m. – Torah Study 9:00 a.m. – Bat Mitzvah of Halle Cecile Flom Daughter of Jonathan and Megan Flom 11:00 a.m. – Bar Mitzvah of Noah Charles Wasserman Son of Daniel and Audrey Wasserman See page 10 for more details. Register online! www.unitedhebrew.org/purim Friday, February 20 - 2 Adar 5775 5:45 p.m. – Shabbat Nosh 6:00 p.m. – “Kid”dush Club 6:30 p.m. – Shabbat Service 7:30 p.m. – “Baker’s Delight” Oneg Adult Birthday Blessing Saturday, February 21 9:00 a.m. – Torah Study 10:30 a.m. – Bar Mitzvah of Henry James Freedman Son of Dr. Seth and Jennifer Freedman Friday, February 27 - 9 Adar 5775 5:45 p.m. – Shabbat Nosh 6:30 p.m. – Shabbat Service Saturday, February 28 9:00 a.m. – Torah Study 10:30 a.m. – Bar Mitzvah of Eli Maxwell Ring Son of Kenneth and Teri Ring www.unitedhebrew.org FEBRUARY 2015 1 Purim Family Hamantaschen “Bake and Take” Do you want to learn how to make hamantaschen? Join us in the Messing Auditorium to learn the secrets and tips for making these delicious treats and bring some home for your family to enjoy! Saturday, February 21, 3:30 - 5:00 p.m. We are asking for RSVPs so we know how many to expect. You are welcome to attend at the last minute without an RSVP, but it would be most helpful to have one. Please contact Jessy at 314-434-3404 or [email protected]. WHAT DOES PURIM HOLD IN STORE FOR US? Discover for yourself at our Purim Shpiel! This year the Purim Story from the Scroll of Esther will be retold through the characters and music of Aladdin. st Sunday, March 1 , 10:30 a.m. (K-6th grade religious school classes will attend during religious school) ALL OTHERS … Parents, Grandparents, Empty Nesters, Young Adults, Mature Adults, Younger Children… ARE ENCOURAGED TO COME AND ENJOY! Did You Know United Hebrew Offers…? 2 Torah Study: Saturday Mornings, 9:00 a.m. - in the Spielberg Chapel. Breakfast is served at 8:45 a.m. Amateurs of the Great Assembly: Thursday Mornings, 11:30 a.m. - in the Library. Intermediate Hebrew: Thursday Afternoons, 1:30 p.m. - in Room 18. Need a ride to UH?: We offer taxi rides to and from UH‟s programs and services, free of charge - compliments of the Betty & Eugene Wolff Transportation Fund. Contact Marsha at 314-469-0700 to reserve your taxi. Grocery Cards: Do you buy your groceries at Dierberg‟s and/or Shop „N‟ Save? Simply order your grocery cards (in $25 increments) and use them when you check out. United Hebrew will receive a 5% donation for every purchase. Contact Marsha at 314-469-0700 to order your grocery cards. Live-Streaming of All Services: Can‟t make it to services? Join us online to view and listen to all UH services LIVE by visiting www.unitedhebrew.org and clicking on “to join services live.” ALL SERVICES ARE OPEN TO THE COMMUNITY. FEBRUARY 2015 UNITED HEBREW CONGREGATION Rabbinic Reflections During Rosh Hashanah I spoke about Israel and the importance of making our voices heard. The time to do just that, speak up and be heard, has come. On January 13, the American Zionist Movement (the American arm of the World Zionist Movement, WZO) began elections for the 37th World Zionist Congress to be held in October 2015. Once every four years, the World Zionist Congress meets in Jerusalem to make key funding and policy decisions that affect the future of Israel and Jews throughout the world. The Congress will choose officers and set budgets and policies for several major Israeli and international bodies that spend hundreds of millions of dollars a year on Jewish education, social services, urban renewal and rural settlements. Why vote? It is designated in Israeli law that the WZO, together with the Jewish Agency, is the formal liaison between the Jewish Diaspora and the Israeli government. It is the vehicle through which Jews around the world are officially invited to make their views known to Israel and, in a small way, make policy. So beyond influencing the billions of dollars that get allocated around Israel, this is the way, we make our voices heard in RABBI BRIGITTE S. ROSENBERG Israel. The composition of the 145 member American delegation is critically important to all Jews in the United States and Israel because the American delegation is the largest delegation from a single country outside of Israel and comprises nearly one third of the Congress. Who can vote? Anyone who is Jewish over the age of 18. In addition, this year there is a cost to vote, which covers the cost of running the election. For those age 18-30 it is $5 and those 31 and above it is $10. For whom should I vote? This is your decision and yours alone. It may seem a daunting task, but I encourage you to do a little research. On the UH website, there is a list of all the slates, we know of, on the ballot, and a link to their webpage. Look up the slates and find the one that resonates most with your vision, your ideal Israel, and cast your vote. You can vote online at www.myvoteourisrael.com. There will also be information on “how to vote” at all of the computers at UH. So, when you are at UH, stop into the library and vote!! Join United Hebrew Congregation Israel Adventure with Rabbi Brigitte Rosenberg December 25, 2015 - January 3, 2016 A few tour highlights: This family Israel tour will cover Israel’s many wonders – Jerusalem, Lake Kinneret and the Galilee, Golan Heights, Masada, the Dead Sea, Tel Aviv and the Mediterranean Coast. The itinerary is expertly designed as a multi-generational tour with exciting activities for adults and children of all ages. Your senses will be filled with the life, smells, tastes, sounds and textures of modern Israel, along with an appreciation of the connections of our Jewish roots and biblical history. Please join us for an informational meeting on Monday, March 23 at 7:00 p.m. in the Spielberg Chapel. We will have all the pricing and a more detailed itinerary. www.unitedhebrew.org EBRUARY 2015 Please call Tara Mann in the clergy office at 314-469-0700 to let us know if you are planning onFattending. 3 From Learning to Living Across the globe, we have seen images of “Je suis Charlie” (French for “I am Charlie”) as an act of solidarity in recognition of the brutality of what occurred in France a few weeks ago [although this piece was re-written a week following the tragedies]. After the attack on the kosher market “Je suis Juif” (“I am a Jew”) also appeared. As a Jewish community, we stand together dismayed by these atrocities and pray together for peace and understanding. The attackers on Charlie Hebdo, a French satirical magazine, are reported to have shouted that this attack was committed in the name of avenging the desecration of Muhammad by the magazine’s cartoonists and editors. Throughout the history of Charlie Hebdo, religion and religious leaders and icons have been fair game. In fact, this is the tradition of French satire. Since the 18th century, France has had a history of publishing satirical papers. During the French Revolution, writers targeted the royal family and particularly Marie-Antoinette. Nothing was off limits. While the royal family may not have appreciated this, it was part of the culture. Today, in the French tradition of satirical publications, it is no longer the royal family as the subject, but the targets are politicians, police, bankers and religion. So satire may, indeed, be part of the culture. But what do we do when a satirical cartoon goes “too far?” Some laugh, some shrug, some are made uncomfortable and, sadly, some take revenge. Today, we know that these terrorists were not only avenging, but proactively and deliberately attacking. We know that, despite their comments at the magazine, they would not kill women, yet they killed a Jewish woman. We know that they did not care that in their reckless destruction they killed a Muslim man – someone of their own faith, although so far removed from their extremist views that it probably did not matter to them. Their subsequent siege and attack at both the warehouse and the kosher market gives them no credit to speak only of avenging the desecration of their prophet. However, I know many of us struggle with this idea of how far freedom of speech should be taken. I have to admit, that even in the United States where we recognize freedom of speech, I sometimes cringe at the level of disrespect and uncouthness in the political cartoons printed in our papers. I am challenged to declare “Je suis Charlie” because I would never purposely desecrate the sacredness of one’s religious beliefs. While I would hope for more decency and respect, for the criticizing of a person’s actions not their appearance or heritage, I do support the right to speak out, to use satire and to express one’s self. I just ask us to consider our reasons and our purpose – is our goal to educate? To open eyes? Or is it to offend? 4 FEBRUARY 2015 RABBI ROXANNE J.S. SHAPIRO, R.J.E. Jewish teachings tell us that we are born with both the inclination to do good (Yetzer HaTov) and the inclination to do evil (Yetzer HaRa). Our task is to make sure the good inclination supersedes the evil inclination. Cleary, even with their twisted interpretation of their religion (far from what many Muslims would say are the teachings of their traditions), these assassins had the inclination to do evil. Offended or not by the cartoons of Charlie Hebdo, their purpose was to destroy, not to educate. As we enter into the Purim season, we find many occasions in which comedy and satire are in play. We are commanded to be joyful and even to cross that line to where our distinction between “cursed be Haman” and “blessed be Mordechai” becomes blurred. Yet even in that state, we still remember “Je suis Juif” – “I am a Jew” and our task is always to reach for the inclination to do good, to ask for forgiveness if we have offended another and to educate. ADULT EDUCATION OPPORTUNITIES Ongoing Daytime Classes Shabbat Morning Torah Study Cantor and Rabbis Saturday mornings (Spielberg Chapel) 9:00 a.m. – 10:00 a.m. Sustenance for the mind and body are ever-present at our Shabbat morning Torah study sessions. No prior knowledge of the Torah portion or ability to read Hebrew is necessary. Each week we will explore the portion for that Shabbat and discover intricacies of the text, discuss lessons for our lives today, and wrestle with questions. Breakfast is served at 8:45 a.m. Date Torah Portion Triennial Cycle Verses February 7 Yitro Exodus 18:1 - 18:27 February 14 Mishpatim Exodus 21:1 - 22:3 February 21 Terumah Exodus 25:1 - 25:40 February 28 Tetzaveh Exodus 27:20 - 28:30 Amateurs of the Great Assembly Cantor Eichaker (formerly known as “Biblical Analysis”) Thursdays (Library) 11:30 a.m. - 1:30 p.m. Intermediate Hebrew Allison Collins Thursdays (in Room 18) 1:30 p.m. - 2:30 p.m. Now that we can read Hebrew, what does it all mean? How do we decode the words we recite and how do we understand the language of our prayers. Join us each week as we continue to work on building upon our Hebrew skills. SUPPORT OUR ADVERTISER OF THE MONTH: Seth Freedman, DDS Please patronize our advertisers and tell them where you saw their ads. Their support makes it possible to publish this Bulletin at a significant savings to our congregation. Our thanks to Seth Freedman, DDS and all of our advertisers. Additional advertisers are always welcome. UNITED HEBREW CONGREGATION President’s Message 2015 is in full swing here at United Hebrew and despite the wintry weather, the months of December and January were filled with opportunities to learn, give back to our community and celebrate holidays and special occasions together. We experienced many new learning opportunities, thanks to the visiting scholars and artists, Dr. Steven Nadler of the University of Wisconsin; Rabbi Dr. Jonathan Cohen, from Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institution of Religion; talented musician, song leader and scholar, Naomi Less; and Alex Cicelsky, senior staff member and founder of the Center for Creative Ecology. Our appreciation to the Ruzena and Fred Levy Speaker Fund and the Helen C. Millstone Music Fund at United Hebrew which allows us to bring such high caliber individuals to United Hebrew to expand our knowledge and benefit from their expertise. Coming Up. We look forward to our next Shabbat Alive! with Rick Recht at 6:30 p.m. on Friday, February 6 and Coffee with the Clergy, on Sunday, February 8 at 9:15 a.m., coordinated by our Membership Committee. Please join us for our Women of UH Purim Program on February 19 at 7 p.m. We look forward to baking Hamantaschen with you on Saturday, February 21 from 3:30 - 5 p.m. Also, please join us for our Focus Israel movie: Bethlehem on February 25 at 7 p.m. Join us for Purim Night Live on March 4 at 6:30 p.m., which will take the place of the traditional megillah reading. Also, please mark your calendars for the UH Purim Shpiel and Purim Carnival on Sunday, March 1. Festivities will begin at 10:30 a.m.! In Appreciation. Thanks to the hard work by our NFTYUHTYG teens and your generous donations, we are delighted to announce that nearly $3,800 was raised for Camp Rainbow to benefit children with cancer and their families. According to Camp Rainbow’s Executive Director, these funds will cover Louis & Mary Millstone Religious School , Rabbi Jerome W. Grollman Hebrew School & Chai School February Calendar 01 Religious School Hebrew School Chai School – III 17 Hebrew School 03 Hebrew School 22 Religious School Hebrew School Chai School – III 07 Dalet Shabbat Service 24 Hebrew School 08 Religious School Hebrew School Chai School – III 3/1 Religious School NO HEBREW SCHOOL Chai School & 7th Grade: No classes, students should sign up to assist at the Purim Carnival. 10 Hebrew School www.unitedhebrew.org 15 NO SCHOOL LEXIE GOLDSMITH free weeklong camping experiences for four campers and their individual counselors! We also experienced a most enjoyable Disney-Inspired Musical Shabbat that evening and appreciate all who participated and joined us for such a unique Shabbat experience. We can’t wait for next year! Many thanks to those who coordinated and participated in this year’s fun Chanukah Pajamukah celebration, to the UH Brotherhood for another tasty Pancake Breakfast, and to the site captains and volunteers who joined us for the Jewish Muslim Day of Community Service held here at UH on December 25. We also offer special appreciation to the families who hosted 150 teens from around the region for the NFTY Winter Chavurah in January, a wonderful weekend for all. Congratulations. Mazel Tov to the eighteen individuals and couples who comprise this year’s UH Chai Society honorees! We are deeply appreciative of your dedication to our congregation and community. (Note: the Chai Society Gala on January 25 is scheduled after this issue of HaMakor is printed, so please look for more about this in next month’s issue). Also we are so proud to congratulate H. Lee Rosenberg, UH Director of Youth Engagement, who was presented with the JProSTL Mentor Award at its 10th Annual Recognition Luncheon. JProSTL is the association supporting individuals who work in the Jewish community under the auspices of the Millstone Institute and Jewish Federation of St. Louis. As always, we are here to listen to your thoughts. What are your interests? How would you like to become more involved with our UH community? Do you have any feedback to share with us? Please feel free to contact me directly at [email protected] or give me a call. I am also here for most Friday Shabbat services and Saturday morning Torah Study. I would love to have a conversation with you. Stay warm! IN THE FESTIVE KITCHEN: A CULINARY EXPERIENCE WITH CANTOR RON EICHAKER This dynamic and highly interactive series offers an exploration of traditional ingredients, techniques and recipes to help families broaden their knowledge of four Jewish festivals: Sukkot, Chanukah, Purim and Passover. Cantor Eichaker will present historical references and classic preparation techniques while providing basic recipes, stories and songs. This will be a culinary experience like no other… come prepared to study, sing and stir as, together, we prepare a feast. This 4-class series is a collaboration between United Hebrew Congregation and CAJE. Upcoming Classes: Unit 3: Purim 7:00 - 9:00 p.m. February 18 $20 Unit 4: Passover 7:00 - 9:00 p.m. FEBRUARY March 182015 $205 Early Childhood Education 6 FEBRUARY 2015 UNITED HEBREW CONGREGATION Youth Engagement The Duck Pond It’s Purim time! Get your groggers ready, pre-order your hamantaschen, send in for your games bracelet and bid on the silent auction items! See the flyer on page 10 and check out information at www.unitedhebrew.org/purim Make sure to click the volunteer link. We need lots of help to make this an awesome event! Calendars: Check the calendars at unitedhebrew.org/tyg for updated dates and times for all the youth group activities. K1Ducks (K and 1st Grades) Sun., Feb. 22 3:30 - 5:00 p.m. American Girl Party 23Ducks (2nd and 3rd Grades) Sun., Feb. 22 3:30 - 5:00 p.m. American Girl Party Club45 (4th and 5th Grades) Tues., Feb. 10 6:00 - 6:45 p.m. Sun., Feb. 22 1:15 - 2:00 p.m. Club45 Lounge Club45 Lounge UHJYG (6th and 7th Grades) Sun., Feb. 8 1:30 - 5:30 p.m. JYG Snow Tube Event * Mar. 6 - 8, 2015 NFTY-MVJYG Convention - Denver, CO * 7th Grade (see right column) U8 (8th Grade) Sat., Feb. 21 6:00 - 9:00 p.m. Steinberg Skating * Mar. 6 - 8, 2015 NFTY-MVJYG Convention - Denver, CO *see right column NFTY:UHTYG (High School) Wed., Feb. 4 7:00 - 9:00 p.m. Wed., Feb. 11 7:00 - 9:00 p.m. Wed., Feb. 18 7:00 - 9:00 p.m. Wed., Feb. 25 7:00 - 9:00 p.m. Sat., Feb. 28 2:00 p.m. - ??? Lounge Night Lounge Night Lounge Night Lounge Night Purim Carnival Set-up NFTY 7th and 8th Grade Convention March 6 - 8, 2015 Send in your flight deposit EARLY and SAVE! Go to http://bit.ly/uhpay Who: 7th & 8th graders from reform congregations in Denver, Omaha, Kansas City, St. Louis, Peoria & more! What: A NFTY weekend of learning, laughter and socializing. Participants will be accompanied by H. Lee Rosenberg, additional chaperones (1-10 ratio) and high school ambassadors. Participants will be housed at congregants’ homes in samegender groups. Where: Temple Emanuel - Denver, Colorado How: We are flying as a group on Southwest, departing St. Louis on March 6 at 10:35 a.m. and returning March 8 at 10:20 p.m. Cost: The deadline for early bird flight reservations has passed, however, if you are interested, please contact H. Lee Rosenberg to see if seats still remain and for pricing. Check out the website – www.unitedhebrew.org/tyg - or contact the Director of Youth Engagement and Youth Groups Advisor, H. Lee Rosenberg by phone, e-mail, Facebook, Instagram or tweet: 314.469.0700 x265 [email protected] Facebook – Nfty Uhtyg; Instagram and Twitter @uhtyg Let’s talk Israel! Are you a sophomore or junior in high school? Time to sign up for your journey of a lifetime! Almost 20 UH high schoolers took the plunge last summer for a transformative pilgrimage to Israel. This summer is your summer. Though, UH recommends many NFTY, BBYO and other trips, we have a special opportunity here in St. Louis to go on StL Israel Bound. Contact H. Lee Rosenberg at 314-434-3404 or [email protected] for more information. June 7 – 28, 2015 th th Open to teens currently in 10 – 12 grade $5,350 All-Inclusive!! ($750 travel grant available to St. Louis teens) Make sure you apply for funds from The Spielberg Israel Scholarship Fund (http://bit.ly/UHSIF) and from CAJE (http://www.cajestl.org/tn-scholarship.php). www.unitedhebrew.org Explore ancient Jerusalem and modern Tel Aviv Climb Masada at sunrise Travel on camels in the Negev Desert and eat in a Bedouin tent Float in the Dead Sea Meet teens from our Partnership community of Yokneam/Megiddo Snorkel and swim in Eilat Ride the cable car to the Rosh Hanikrah ocean caves Relax along the Mediterranean Coast Raft on the Jordan River View Haifa from the Bahai Temple Gardens Reflect at the Kotel, the Western Wall AND MUCH MORE !! FEBRUARY 2015 7 8 FEBRUARY 2015 UNITED HEBREW CONGREGATION Mazel Tov to our B’nai Mitzvah HALLE CECILE FLOM NOAH CHARLES WASSERMAN HENRY JAMES FREEDMAN ELI MAXWELL RING February 14, 2015 9:00 a.m. February 14, 2015 11:00 a.m. February 21, 2015 10:30 a.m. February 28, 2015 10:30 a.m. Mitzvah Menschen Noah Wasserman: I have enjoyed participating in several Mitzvah projects. There are two that I am most proud. My family and I have spent several weekends walking our neighborhood and picking up trash. It truly makes a difference in beautifying our community and wish more people would take an active role. In addition, Kid Smart is a wonderful organization that helps support those less fortunate receive proper school supplies. I look forward to continuing my volunteer work with them. Henry Freedman: I have been working as a teacher’s assistant in Dr. Santanovsky’s 4th grade Hebrew class this school year. It has been a real pleasure every Tuesday helping these young students learn Hebrew so they can become Bar and Bat Mitzvah one day. I will be donating what I earn this school year to the Jewish Food pantry, an organization that helps feed over 8,000 people every month, as my mitzvah. Eli Ring: I completed the 13 steps of Derech Mitzvah. I learned to play Hatikvah on the piano and a Chanukah song on viola. I attended Shabbat services at both United Hebrew and Nusach Hari orthodox shul. I participated in Mitzvah Day at United Hebrew and helped build the outdoor chapel. For the past two years, I have participated in the Jewish Muslim Day of Community Service, where we made hundreds of soup packets for both the Jewish and Muslim food pantries. (Below) Kobi Recht, son of Rick and Elisa Recht, became Bar Mitzvah on Monday, December 29, 2014, in Jerusalem. The Jewish Food Pantry Needs Our Help In February, the Harvey Kornblum Jewish Food Pantry is looking for these specific items in order to provide well-balanced nourishment for the community in need: canned pasta with meat, canned tuna fish, peanut butter, canned fruit, canned chili/beef, any type of canned vegetables, kosher foods. Currently, the Jewish Food Pantry is feeding over 8,000 individuals per month. The need is great, so please help in any way you can. Checks payable to the Jewish Food Pantry and gift cards are also appreciated and can be mailed to Patty Oswald. Items should be brought to the collection bins. Thank you! www.unitedhebrew.org FEBRUARY 2015 9 PURIM is coming March 1! Want to get in on the whole megillah? Think Hamantaschen are the best treat ever? NFTY UHTYG, the high school youth group, plans and runs the whole shebang. We need your help to make this a successful fundraiser: - Donate leftover gift cards (any amount), fundraising raffle and auction items. - Sponsor a booth. - Volunteer to work the day of the event, running a game, serving food, and more. - Giving your artistic talents a workout making signs and decorations. Check out all the details at www.unitedhebrew.org/purim GOING TO A JEWISH OVERNIGHT CAMP THIS SUMMER? APPLICATIONS ACCEPTED NOW! United Hebrew Congregation has some funds available to help get your child to camp, thanks to the Shirleen Mehlman Camp Scholarship Fund. Applications are online and due by February 28 at http://bit.ly/uhcampfund. Please contact Lee at 314.434.3404 to discuss how to get involved! We will tour Bradley and Indiana Universities, learn about Hillel and discuss being Jewish on campus. Includes meals, transportation & hotel room. We leave Friday at 2:00 p.m. and return Saturday evening. Register at http://bit/ly/uhpay 10 FEBRUARY 2015 UNITED HEBREW CONGREGATION What’s Happening SENIOR PROGRAM: HUMOR WITH CRAIG NEUMAN Join the United Hebrew and Shaare Emeth Senior Groups on Monday, February 9, at 12 noon at Shaare Emeth. We will welcome Craig Neuman, local Jewish comedian and Program Director of the JCC. Craig starred in “Old Jews Telling Jokes,” at the New Jewish Theater last spring. There will also be valet parking available. Just pull up to the awning and attendants will park your car while you go inside to the luncheon. Prior to the program enjoy an Italian feast of breaded chicken, penne with red sauce and Italian salad. The cost to participate is $8 per person. To RSVP, send a check payable to Shaare Emeth, Attn: Emily, 11645 Ladue Road, St. Louis, MO 63141. For more information, call Emily at 314-692-5365. FILM SERIES: THE CATSKILLS Please join us on Wednesday, February 11 at 12 noon in the Messing Auditorium for the next film in our Wednesday Matinee Film Series, The Catskills. A cast of comedians recreate the uproarious humor made famous by many of the legendary performers who got their starts at New York's Catskill resorts. Freddie Roman, Mal Z Lawrence, Dick Capri and Louise Duarte bring an evening of laughter as four of the funniest people on the same stage at the same time. The cast members display much talent in every aspect of comedic sketches, whether it be through singing, acting, criticizing, or just telling a good joke. If you love comedy, if you love memories of the Catskills, if you love to laugh, you will love this movie. Lunch will be served prior to the film, consisting of vegetarian lasagna and eggplant parmesan, garlic bread, the UH house salad and, of course, dessert and popcorn. Cost is $7 for UH members and $8 for non-members. To reserve a spot for this great afternoon, send a check payable to United Hebrew to: United Hebrew Congregation, Attn: Patty, 13788 Conway Road, St. Louis, MO 63141, by Monday, February 9. For more information, call Patty at 314-434-3404. WOMEN OF UH: PURIM PROGRAM Women of UH is having our own Purim Party on Thursday, February 19, at 7:00 p.m. in the Messing Auditorium. We will make a variety of Purim treats including sweet and savory hamantashen and of course indulge in the Purim tradition of tasting several cocktails made specifically for the holiday. Bring your girlfriends and join us for this fun evening. There is no charge, but please make a reservation by calling Patty Oswald at 314-434-3404 or [email protected]. Please also join us on Monday, February 9 at 7:00 p.m. for the Nishmah Salon Series at United Hebrew Congregation. FOCUS ISRAEL UH: BETHLEHEM Focus Israel UH will show Israel's 2014 Best Foreign Language Academy Award entry, Bethlehem, on Wednesday, February 25 at 7 p.m. in the Spielberg Chapel. The film is set in the West Bank, in the city of Bethlehem. It is a fictional story of the Israeli Secret Service and their use of Palestinian informants. The lead characters are an Israeli agent and a 15 year old Arab boy. The movie was directed by Yuval Adler who was a member of the Israeli army intelligence service. Adler, together with Muslim journalist Ali Waked, who specializes in reporting on the Palestinians, wrote the film. Though it did not receive the Oscar, the movie did win many prestigious awards. Moving and disturbing, Bethlehem grapples with moral dilemmas and complex relationships. The movie is in Hebrew and Arabic and subtitled in English. (1hr. and 39 min.). There will be a discussion following the movie. BROTHERHOOD HAPPENINGS A BIG thank you goes to the many UH Brotherhood members who doubled as chefs at the recent Pancake Breakfast. The chefs included: Mike Bauer, Dale Schwartz, Lee Rosenberg, Joe Rosenberg, Ted Gottlieb, Jim Susman, Abby Susman, David Halpern and Mike Ukman. Also, thank you to recent Brotherhood ushers David Halpern, Jim Susman, Mike Bauer and Joel Barasch. February 22 11:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. Hilton St. Louis Frontenac, 1335 S. Lindbergh Blvd. 63131 This exciting event will cater to anyone planning a celebration - weddings, bar/bat mitzvahs, corporate events, anniversaries, sweet 16’s, birthday parties and more! PartyPalooza is a free event sponsored by The St. Louis Jewish Light and St. Louis Hilton Frontenac and open to the entire community. The event will feature over 50 companies offering a wide variety of goods and services, including venues, DJs, caterers, party planners, specialty foods, photographers, videographers, etc. www.unitedhebrew.org FEBRUARY 2015 11 Silly Shabbat Join us for a 30-minute Shabbat experience as we get ready for Purim, complete with singing, prayer and community! Led by Rabbi Roxanne Shapiro, Director of Early Childhood Engagement, Corinne Lagoy, and Music Specialist, Suzy Weber. RSVP to Patty at [email protected] or 314.434.3404 by Tuesday, February 17. Please bring a non-perishable food item to donate to the Jewish Food Pantry. “Kid”dush Club is a Shabbat experience designed for children 0-5 and their families. Temple Tots with Cindy Breece A FREE playgroup program for children up to age 3 and a parent, grandparent, or caregiver! Tuesdays, 10 - 11:30 a.m. until May 12, 2015 Enjoy art, music, free play, messy play, movement, storytelling, celebrating the Jewish holidays and much more! Bring a snack for your child and let’s kibitz over a morning nosh! Non-members welcome! Contact the school office at 314-434-3404 or [email protected]. 12 FEBRUARY 2015 UNITED HEBREW CONGREGATION Snapshots from around UH (Above) Uhers, Andrew Grossman and Sarah Wehmer with Cori Neidenberg on the URJ Kesher Birthright Trip to Israel in December. (Above & Left) Everyone enjoyed the “freezingly” fun time at the Chanukah Pajamukah event. From hot chocolate and activities, to a sing-a-long movie, parents and children gathered together for a fun Chanukah evening in December. (Above) Dr. Jonathan Cohen, an Israeliborn scholar, brought his expertise to UH on “Government, Civil Society and the Emergence of a Jewish Minority Identity.” Congregants gathered for a weekend led by Rabbi Cohen on January 9 & 10. (Right) Charlotte Rosenblum, Zubaida Ibrahim, Thelma Peskind and Regina Frederick led the activities during the Jewish Muslim Day of Community Service on December 25. Zubaida is a board member of the Islamic Foundation of Greater St. Louis. Her and Charlotte were the site captains at United Hebrew. Wine & Spirit Tasting to benefit the SSECC March 7 from 7:00 - 10:00 p.m. Appetizers & Desserts will be served. Call Patty at 314.434.3404 for more information. www.unitedhebrew.org FEBRUARY 2015 13 Contributions Brasch Building Maintenance Fund IN HONOR OF: *Elayne Grossberg Receiving the 2014 Irene Fox Ruach Award Merle & Marty Oberman Building Fund IN MEMORY OF: *Sister, Ann Cecilia Berin Al Kandel Clergy Discretionary Funds IN APPRECIATION OF: *And In Gratitude Christy Twin IN HONOR OF: *Daughter, Lexie Lander’s Bat Mitzvah Lori & Steve Lander Ada & Frank Friedman Youth Group Fund IN HONOR OF: *Elayne Grossberg Receiving the 2014 Irene Fox Ruach Award Alan & Iris DeWoskin IN MEMORY OF: *Annita Suffian *Maxine Jackoway *Sam Wood *Dorislee Feinstein *David Colegrove *Arthur Feldman *David Harris Alan & Iris DeWoskin *Mother, Esther Alper Thurman Marcia & Ken Thurman General Fund IN HONOR OF: *Recovery of Sara Willick Shirlene & Irl Baris *Barry & Sherilyn Krell’s Recognition into the Chai Society Charlotte Schneider *Special Birthday of Norman Shore Linda & Bill Levin IN MEMORY OF: *Muriel “Sissy” Brody Mr. & Mrs. Leonard Rubenstein *Norton Greenberg Dan & Jill Fox *Regina Diamant Henry & Marlene Diamant *Ben Goldman *Karin Blinder Gubin The Grosz Family *Maxine Deutsch Sharon & Richard Edwards Stanley Laiderman Fund IN HONOR OF: *New Home of Marsha Kunin Lorraine Laiderman IN MEMORY OF: *Grandfather, Samuel Gomberg Sammy Sanders Lorraine Laiderman & Family *Sidney Maltzman Wilma & George Levin *Muriel “Sissy” Brody Shirley Gordon 14 FEBRUARY 2015 Honor & Celebrate Your Family, Your Friends, Your Temple *Erwin (Wally) Waldman *Sidney Rennard *Karin Blinder Gubin *Maxine Jackoway *Stanley Laiderman Lorraine Laiderman & Family Library Fund IN MEMORY OF: *Marvin Wool Sandra & Marvin Ginsberg Perry & Shirleen Mehlman Camp Scholarship Fund IN HONOR OF: *Marriage of Dr. Joseph Novof & Michele Abrams Betsy Mehlman IN MEMORY OF: *Lloyd Arkin Jim & Abby Susman *Father, Perry Mehlman *Reuben Goodman Betsy Mehlman Memorial Fund IN MEMORY OF: *Father, William Cohen *Mother, Hilda Cohen Ted & Evelyn Cohen *Bernard Thea Renee & Alan Fredman & Family *Joseph Moss His Family *Mother, Elaine Schulman Allan & Marilyn Kaufman *Mother, Edna Dolly Altman Jan & Stan Boraz *Father, Nathan Mathes Julian Mathes *Ruth Jagust Reiter Ted & Adele Jagust *Father, Milton Bialick Betty J. Abrams *Theodore Lending Mr. & Mrs. Arnold M. Schrier *Paul Kreisman Marilyn Kreisman *Dr. Harry Berkin *Marcia Sterneck Berkin Carol & S. Lewis Berkin *Marcus Bernhardt *Elsie (Pat) Bernhardt *Elizabeth Ann (Beth) Stone Harvey & Diane Stone Mr. & Mrs. Thomas G. Jones *Marvin M. Goldstein Michael & Barbara Ferman *Mary Sapot Mr. & Mrs. Gilbert Kulbersh *Father-in-law, Simon Spitzer Harry LeBeau *Son, Randy Mamroth Perry & Florine Mamroth *Frances Yawitz Sidney Yawitz *Rose Pastel Wolff Norman & Barbara Wolff *Mother, Rose Tenenbaum Elaine Cohn *Ruth Seigal Dr. Fredric & Beverly Seigal Simowitz *John J. Starr Joan & Les Sherman Gloria Starr *Max Joseph Lachman Rita Lachman Shawn, Maxine & Shaun Hayden Berens *Myra Grossman Elaine & Sandy Melnick *Abe Goldstein Bob & Nancy Jo Sterneck *Father, Sam Balk Marian Zeid *Nettie Bailin Sanford House *David Harris Carolyn Ceigler Clift & Family *Morris Sobelman *Lillian Fishgoll *Eugene Fishgoll Adrienne & Herb Sobelman *Sister, Florence Pepper Jeanette Fishman *Francine Mariam Phillip Mariam *Ray, Pat & Jim Eder Elliot Eder *Barry Mandel Linda & Mark Mallen *Brother, Arthur E. Brimer Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Brimer *Father, Harry Shore Elaine & Irvin Shore *Joe Sirkin Gloria Sirkin *Hymen Becker Susan & Sanford Becker *Lucille Pattiz Denise Pattiz Bogard *Father & Brother, Bernard “Bernie” Cohen Judy Block Randie & Chuck Miller Ted & Evelyn Cohen *Father, Louis Leon Elliot & Mitzi Leon *Helen Packman Paul Packman *Parents, Evelyn & Hymen Becker Judy Plocker *Mary Needles Jack Needles Helen C. Millstone Music Fund IN APPRECIATION OF: *Cantor Eichaker Gladys Reichenbach IN HONOR OF: *Laura Lebedun Kerch & Robby Kerch Miriam Lebedun Prayer Book Fund IN MEMORY OF: *Marlene Carl Sherry Lipshitz & Family *Reuben Goodman Joyce Davis *David Harris Michael Ceigler, Hilda Harris & Family Saul Spielberg Early Childhood Center Fund IN MEMORY OF: *Annita Suffian Eileen Kinsella Joanne Guller Mary DiGiulian Thanksgiving Fund IN HONOR OF: *65 Wedding Anniversary of Sally & Jerry Yoffie Leslie, Barry, Alex & Stephen Yoffie th United Hebrew Cemetery Perpetual Care Fund IN MEMORY OF: *Martha Cornfeld Marcy & Rick Cornfeld *Dorothy Silverstein Evelyn Silverstein *William Senior Robert & Martha Senior *Brother, Norman Goldman Charlotte Rosenblum *Ruth Reiter Jay Reiter *Eva Waldman Rose Waldman *Mother, Natalie Levy Abby & Alan Levy *Harold M. Boraz Stan & Jan Boraz *Robert Feldman Sue Feldman *Seymour & Dorislee Feinstein Eileen & Dave Evans *Esther Alper *Rosanna Geishi Culp Ellen & Bruce Horwitz *Sara & Martin Friedman Sandy Friedman *Morris Brownstein Deborah & Dave Pulley Wolff Transportation Fund IN HONOR OF: *80th Birthday of Lois Lesser Marlene Harris Linda Welch *75th Birthday of Norman Shore Marlene Harris & Daniel Mandelker *104th Birthday of Ida Orenstein Dass & Buddy Lebman IN MEMORY OF: *Maxine Jackoway Marvin & Muriel Beckerman The Cornfeld, Duhov & Newmark Families Dr. & Mrs. Gerald Franzel Jessica Friedlander *Annette Miller Beverly & Jerry Silverman *Dorislee Feinstein Adele Scissors *Savina Porta Mike & Tracy Hurwitz *Parents, Betty & Eugene Wolff *Parents, Martha & Max Glazer Alan & Eleanor Wolff *Mother, Julia Grosberg Rudman Gloria Goldblatt UNITED HEBREW CONGREGATION Faye Fox Ida Friedman Elmer J. Gidlow Fred A. Goldstein Mary Goldstein Scott Phillip Goldstein Sophia A. Hoffman Ida Jaffe Freda S. Joseph Betty Schram Kanter Mallie R. Kauffman Betty Kaufman Eva Lamberg Ben Muchnick Gene B. Pattiz Lena Rosenblum Poger Morris Polleck Gary Stuart Poscover Morris Prager Maxwell J. Rodenberg Benjamin Roman Esther G. Rosen Isidor Rosen Dorothy H. Rosenblatt Gertrude R. Roth Edward I. Roudman Fannie Rubin Joy Schetzer Mollie Schneider Aaron H. Shanvet Dorothy Shanvet Gertrude Sherman Sam Silverberg Helen Margulis Simon Gus Slumpsky Eunice P. Solomon Morris Sophir Debbie Lynn Soule Moses Stein Sarah Steinberg Anna R. Strauss Monte L. Strauss Goldie Torgove Esther Wolff Judy Wolff Rose Zucker Raye Ruth "GG" Bankendorf Samuel B. Barron Dena Berger Rose Y. Biederman Jack L. Binder Frieda Blank Jack Harris Brimer Betty Buffen Davis W. Canis Mollie Cohen Sol H. Engel Mildred R. Feldman Joseph Felsen Frank Fierman Sam Finbloom Abraham Ginsburg Charles S. Goldberg Robert Goldman Stephen A. Green Sophie Greenwald Abraham H. Grossman George Gus Grossman John Grossman Marcus Haffner Morris P. Harris Florence Hyatt Bertha M. Klein Phillip R. Kravetz Sanford A. Kravetz David Laiderman Stanley Laiderman Delphine Loomstein Ida Magidson Dr. Abraham A. Margulis Nathalia Latz Meyer Mayer D. Mitchell Mark Mitgang Harry S. Mosinger Bessie Moss David Moulton Lorene "Lori" Newmark Mary Ann Millstone Pappas Maury E. Reichman Louis K. Romansky Harold Rosenberg Nat E. Rosenblum Benjamin Schwartz Siebert Schwartz Ann Shipper Sheldon Solomon Annie Stameisen Dorothy S. Tamarkin Samuel Tischler Jacob Urbach Norma Ruth Weintraub Ida Wexler Bernadine Winter February 20 May Ruth Abramsky Rosa Beck Daniel Berk Florence Block Gertrude Bothman Lillian S. Brown Jacob N. Crasilneck Philip Crown Eva Engel Herman Esler Frances Feldman Arthur A. Fishel, Sr. John P. Abell, Jr. Sylvian Backerman Jennie Baron Elliott S. Bender Dr. Max John Bierman Jean B. Blanke Jean Branner Saul Herman Bronson Blanche H. Burack Celia H. Cohen Dorothy A. Cohen Dr. Frank Cohen Harry L. Crown Harriett Mae Dardick Sarah Eisner John Ellman Ira Frederick Feldman Lucille Feldman Philip Fredman Marcus Fuhrer Jennie R. Gardner Minnie Getzlow Selma H. Gidlow Joseph L. Glaser Clarence Goldberg Fred A. Goldberg, M.D. Emily N. Grafman Joseph Greenspon Alfred I. Harris Leon Harris Rowena Henschel Henry Hirschfeld Jennie Hirshberg Regina Holstein Celia Joseph Leah Kranzberg Blima Laba Alexander Laventhal Sophie Harris Lending Rachel Levy Sylvia Adele Loomstein Dr. Jack Mallen Sam Marcus Arthur Mathes Edgar Donald Millstone David Mosinger Harold G. Oglander Phil Pizer Dorothy L. Poslosky Albert E. Rain Sylvia Sidel Raymond Greta Rosenberg Al Rosenblatt Rebecca H. Rosenblum Dr. Joseph F. Roufa Morris J. Rudman Abraham Samelson Rose Samelson Sadie Schiffer Leon S. Schwartz Mary Bassin Schwartz Jacob Carl Selner Charles Serenco Joseph Sessel Bonnie Shainman Fannie Sophir Ida Sparber Arthur Steinberg Hannah Kaufman Stern Mayme J. Stone Dr. Elmer Wagman Eva Winterman Jennie Yawitz February 27 February 13 February 6 Perpetual Memorials Leah K. Arbetter Ruth C. Aronson Nathan Berger Mollie Berie Morris Birnbaum Jennie Blumenthal Frank Cohen Bertha W. Crasilneck Esther Doischman Sarah Halle Edison Marvin Meyer Feldman Lillie Y. Ferman Earl M. Fishgall Henry L. Fishman Ben Fox Gordon August Frieberger Sarah Glaser Ruth M. Goldman Sana Guckenheim Morris Hershenhorn Anna Hiken Lillian Hurwitz Harry C. Josephson Hyman Kaufman Sherwood R. Kleban Philip Kootman Gary Kunin Max Lending Louis Lurie Solomon Meyer Ann Newfeld Samuel Niederberg Bernadine E. Nieman Bess Olian Joan Frank Plattner Eileen Polinsky Rachel Portnoy Cecile I. Raskas Harris B. Richter Jack Rosenblum Etta Rothman Dr. Arthur A. Roufa Sam Schneider Mildred Roman Schnurr Sylvia Shapiro Sophie Silver Alvin J. Silverman Max Silverman Mark P. Silverstone Emanuel Nathan Stern Annette Mable Susman Leah Rosenblum Tabak Rabbi Samuel Thurman June Finn Treiner Mary K. Turken Rudolph A. Tuteur Dr. Stanford S. Waldman Stanley H. Wielansky Yetta G. Wolff Lillian Wolkowitz Evelyn S. Wurdack Jeanette Zetcher Kosher for Passover - Wine Tasting Friday, March 13 at 5:45 p.m. Join us for a wine tasting from Trader Joe‟s during our Shabbat Nosh prior to Shabbat Service! www.unitedhebrew.org FEBRUARY 2015 15 Announcements BACKPACK BUDDIES Only $54 per set!! Dedicate one of our new Mishkan HaNefesh High Holy Day Prayer Book Sets. Please contact Marsha in the main office at 314.469.0700 for more information or to dedicate a set. Join us for a morning of... Coffee with the UH Clergy Sunday, February 8 9:15 - 11:00 a.m. Spielberg Chapel We extend a warm welcome to you to come get to know us and let us get to know you better! Mingle with other congregants and learn how to get involved with UH. Please join us for this very casual coffee, nosh and kibbitz. RSVP to Katie at 314-469-0700 or [email protected]. 16 FEBRUARY 2015 Thank you to everyone who has brought in food, helped pack, deliver backpacks and made monetary donations for Backpack Buddies. We appreciate your continued support for this wonderful program. We are always in need of food donations. All items should be nonperishable. If you would like to donate fresh fruit one weekend, please let us know and we will plan to send it home that week with the kids. Please bring donations to UH and put in one of the large red bins in the chapel lobby or in front of the school office. For more information or to volunteer to help stuff the backpacks, please contact Cori Neidenberg at 314-434-3404 or [email protected]. JOIN US FOR A WEEKEND WITH GERARD EDERY (made possible through funds from the Helen C. Millstone Music Fund) March 28 & 29 Born in Casablanca and raised in Paris and New York City, Gerard graduated from the prestigious Manhattan School of Music with Bachelor’s and Master’s Degrees in operatic performance and has sung more than thirty roles with opera companies around the United States. Widely regarded as a master singer and guitarist, Gerard has at his command a remarkable range of ethnic folk styles and traditions from around the world. Not only does he regularly uncover and preserve songs, stories and melodies from Europe, the Middle East, South America and ancient Persia, he energizes these repertoires by interpreting them for contemporary audiences and by collaborating with highly acclaimed virtuoso musicians. His special brand of world music fusion prizes authenticity and an appreciation for how disparate cultures have exchanged elements and paralleled each other. A leading folklorist, Gerard is one of the world’s foremost experts in the music of the Sephardic Diaspora and a recipient of the Sephardic Musical Heritage Award and a Meet the Composer grant for his original songs. Gerard’s extensive performing career includes some of the world’s most prestigious venues and music festivals. He is also an active educator for all ages and has been a featured artist in educational and school programs for important organizations, as well as faculty at his alma mater and other universities. In addition to his busy concert schedule, he has released 16 CDs on the Sefarad Records label as well as a muchacclaimed Sephardic Songbook. UNITED HEBREW CONGREGATION Announcements CONDOLENCES The congregation extends its sincere condolences to the families of BERNARD BORNSTEIN Husband of Nancy Bornstein Father of Barry (Lisa) Bornstein DORISLEE FEINSTEIN Wife of the late Seymour “Babe” Feinstein Mother of Mark (Rosie) Feinstein DR. ARTHUR FELDMAN Brother of Jean Dubman MELINDA ANN FRIEDMAN Daughter-in-law of Beverly (the late Arthur) Friedman IDA KRAMER Mother of Phil (Gail) Kramer JILL LUSTBERG Daughter-in-law of Harvey and Debbie Lustberg WILLIAM L. MANTINBAND Father of Golda (David) Cohen ANNETTE MILLER Mother of Debbie (Harvey) Lustberg Because of space limitations, condolences are listed for members and their immediate relatives. In addition, only immediate relatives of the deceased who are members are listed. DEDICATION… The name of George Alberstat was consecrated upon the Memorial Tablets in our Rabbi Samuel Thurman Memorial Hall. MANY THANKS TO... Noel Winfield and Barbara and Ed Barbarash for sponsoring food baskets in honor of their great-grandson and grandson, Jake Barbarash. Scott and Elise Weinstein for sponsoring food baskets in honor of the Bar Mitzvah of Benjamin Blinder. Kevin and Carol Blinder for sponsoring a “Baker’s Delight” Oneg in honor of the Bar Mitzvah of their son, Benjamin Blinder. David and Judith Epstein for sponsoring a Shabbat Nosh in honor of the birthdays of Rosalie and Jerry Brasch. The food baskets are donated to the Jewish Food Pantry and are very much appreciated! www.unitedhebrew.org WELCOME TO UNITED HEBREW! Henry and Jamie Levison (Tyler) Remember Unique Treasures For Your Bridal Registry, Bar/Bat Mitzvah Registry, Unique Tallit And For Gifts of All Occasions Hours Monday - Friday 9:30 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. Tuesday 9:30 a.m.- 6:00 p.m. (during Hebrew School) Friday after Services Sunday 9:00 a.m.- 1:00 p.m. (during religious school) And by Special Appointment, - Call Iris at 314-469-1556 or 314-469-0700 Don’t miss SHABBAT ALIVE! services this year 2015 DATES February 6, 2015 March 6, 2015 - 2nd & 3rd grade participation May 1, 2015 - Teacher Appreciation Join us as we celebrate Shabbat on these dates with Shir Atid Youth Choir, Cantor Eichaker and Rick Recht, Artist-in-Residence, during our lively Shabbat Alive! service. Rick is one of the most celebrated Jewish artists of our time playing family concerts, religious school concerts and teen concerts throughout the United States and abroad. Recht is widely recognized as a pioneer of the Jewish rock music genre, elevating the medium of Jewish music as a powerful and effective tool for developing Jewish pride and identity among these masses. Recht has 10 top selling Jewish albums, including his latest hit album, Halleluyah, released Winter 2013. FEBRUARY 2015 17 FEBRUARY 2015 at United Hebrew Congregation Sun Tue Mon Wed 2 1 3 Thu Tu B’Shevat 4 10:00 AM Temple Tots 7:30 PM Nar-Anon Meeting 7:00 PM UHTYG Lounge Night Religious School Hebrew School Chai School - III Hebrew School B’nai Mitzvah Session 9 8 9:15 AM Coffee with Clergy 1:30 PM UHJYG Event 7:30 PM Nar-Anon Meeting 12:00 PM Senior Program (at Shaare Emeth) 7:00 PM Nishmah Salon Series Religious School Hebrew School Chai School - III 10:00 AM Temple Tots 16 17 President’s Day UH Building Closed 10:00 AM Temple Tots NFTY Convention in Atlanta, GA 22 23 2:30 PM GUCI Reunion 1:15 PM Club45 Lounge Day 7:30 PM Nar-Anon Meeting Hebrew School B’nai Mitzvah Session 24 10:00 AM Temple Tots 18 7:00 PM CAJE Cooking Class with Cantor Eichaker 7:00 PM UHTYG Lounge Night 7:00 PM Focus Israel UH Movie: Bethlehem Hebrew School B’nai Mitzvah Session March 1 2 3 11:30 AM Amateurs of the Great Assembly 5:45 PM Shabbat Nosh 1:30 PM Intermediate Hebrew 6:30 PM Shabbat Alive! with Rick Recht 12 2015 Hebrew School B’nai Mitzvah Session 13 11:30 AM SSECC All Family Shabbat 5:45 PM Shabbat Nosh 6:30 PM Shabbat Service B’nai Mitzvah Session Adult Choir Rehearsal NFTY Convention in Atlanta, GA 19 11:30 AM Amateurs of the Great Assembly 20 5:45 PM Shabbat Nosh 1:30 PM Intermediate Hebrew 7:00 PM Women of UH Program B’nai Mitzvah Session Adult Choir Rehearsal 26 6:00 PM “Kid”dush Club 6:30 PM Shabbat Service 10:30 AM Dalet Morning Shabbat Service 14 9:00 AM Torah Study 9:00 AM Bat Mitzvah of Halle Flom 11:00 AM Bar Mitzvah of Noah Wasserman NFTY Convention in Atlanta, GA Mishpatim 21 9:00 AM Torah Study 10:30 AM Bar Mitzvah of Henry Freedman 3:30 PM Hamantaschen “Bake & Take” 5:00 PM U8 Event 28 27 11:30 AM Amateurs of the Great Assembly 5:45 PM Shabbat Nosh 9:00 AM Torah Study 1:30 PM Intermediate Hebrew 6:30 PM Shabbat Service 10:30 AM Bar Mitzvah of Eli Ring 4 Tetzaveh 5 11:30 AM Amateurs of the Great Assembly 1:30 PM Intermediate Hebrew B’nai Mitzvah Session Adult Choir Rehearsal 7 Terumah B’nai Mitzvah Session Adult Choir Rehearsal 6:30 PM Megillah Reading & Late Night for Purim 9:00 AM Torah Study Yitro 11:30 AM Amateurs of the Great Assembly 1:30 PM Intermediate Hebrew 6:00 PM SSECC Parent Board Meeting Purim 10:00 AM Temple Tots 6 5 25 7:00 PM UHTYG Lounge Night Religious School Hebrew School Chai School - III 10:30 AM Purim Shpiel 11:01 AM Purim Carnival 7:30 PM Nar-Anon Meeting Religious School NO HEBREW SCHOOL EBRUARY NO 18CHAIFSCHOOL 7:00 PM UHTYG Lounge Night 7:00 PM Board of Trustees Meeting NFTY Convention in Atlanta, GA NO SCHOOL 11 12:00 PM Matinee Film Series 6:00 PM Club45 Lounge Night Sat B’nai Mitzvah Session Adult Choir Rehearsal Hebrew School B’nai Mitzvah Session 15 7:30 PM Nar-Anon Meeting 10 Fri 5:45 PM Shabbat Nosh 6 6:30 PM Shabbat Alive! Service with Rick Recht NFTY Convention 7 9:00 AM Torah Study 10:30 AM Bat Mitzvah of Leslie Cytron 7:00 PM SSECC Wine Tasting NFTY Convention in Denver, CO UNITED HEBREW CONGREGATION in Denver, CO Ki Tisa Administrative Offices - Clergy: (314) 469-0700 Fax: (314) 434-7821 Education & Program Offices: (314) 434-3404 Email: [email protected] Rabbi .................................. Brigitte S. Rosenberg Rabbi & Director of Life Long Learning………... …………………….……….Roxanne J.S. Shapiro Cantor .................................... Ronald D. Eichaker Rabbi Emeritus .................. Howard G. Kaplansky Cantor Emeritus .................. Murray W. Hochberg NON-PROFIT ORG. US POSTAGE PAID ST. LOUIS, MO PERMIT NO. 3319 One Gudder Campus 13788 Conway Road, St. Louis, Missouri 63141 Executive Director ... …………..Robert Gummers Director of Early Childhood Engagement…….... ………………………………...…...Corinne Lagoy Director of Programming & Communication…… ……………………………………Cori Neidenberg Director of Youth Engagement...H. Lee Rosenberg Director of Development & Membership………. …………………...…………………..Amy Stone Events/Kitchen Manager……...……Debra Grund Assistant Musical Director .............. David Cohen Artist-in-Residence…………………...Rick Recht Executive Committee President ...................................... Lexie Goldsmith Vice President ..................................... Julie Gibbs Vice President ................................... Steve Guller Vice President .................................. Leslie Yoffie Treasurer .......................................... Alisa Gordon Assistant Treasurer ..................... Michael Ferman Secretary ......................................... Matthew Holt Our thanks to the Laiderman Family for their generous donation to the United Hebrew Endowment Fund to help support our Temple Bulletin. United Hebrew Congregation serves the Jewish community of St. Louis as a place of worship and learning with a welcoming community united in the common Judaic spirit of Reform Judaism. IN JUDAISM THERE IS NO WORD FOR CHARITY. INSTEAD WE USE THE WORD TZEDAKAH, DERIVED FROM THE HEBREW ROOT MEANING RIGHTEOUSNESS, JUSTICE OR FAIRNESS. TZEDAKAH IS NOT A MATTER OF CHOICE. IT IS THE PERFORMANCE OF DUTY - AN OBLIGATION - AND THE HIGHEST OF ALL COMMANDMENTS. Anyone can be a philanthropist! Please consider leaving United Hebrew in your will! CONTACT AMY STONE AT 314.469.0700 OR [email protected] FOR MORE INFORMATION. www.unitedhebrew.org FEBRUARY 2015 19
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