to view the highlights - The Bess and Paul Sigel Hebrew
to view the highlights - The Bess and Paul Sigel Hebrew
Highlights Friday, March 21, 2014 / 19 Adar II 5774 Parshat Shemini/Shabbat Parah Highlights, published weekly and distributed via e-mail, is an official publication of the Bess and Paul Sigel Hebrew Academy of Greater Hartford. It contains information of school activities and notices which are essential information for all members of the school community. Principled Thoughts Sharing Information One of the challenging aspects of the classroom teacher is how to provide support to the student to share sensitive information, e.g., against a perceived bully, in such a way that the student does not feel that they are 'tattling' on a peer. Though they might not express it in Jewish legal terms, the student is torn between the value of 'Lashon Hara' not speaking evil of one's fellow, and 'Hocheach ToCheach' the requirement as expressed in current lingo, 'When you see something, say something.' This is also a challenge for all of us outside of the classroom--requests to provide a personal reference, share performance results, health matters or speaking up against social injustice--are all examples of the care needed in guarding one's speech. We must demonstrate caution particularly in our time. So much knowledge is shared via e-mail and the internet where information can easily 'go viral' and if inaccurate has been shown to result even in suicide. Because the internet has no ability to 'forget', information which should have been kept private becomes all too public. The Torah requires us to share confidential information in a sensitive and appropriate manner. The operative principle is 'Toelet' the Hebrew term connoting 'For a Purpose.' Distilled from relevant sources of Jewish law by the Chofetz Chaim Heritage Foundation, there are seven principles that should govern our conversation. Information must be accurate and reliable. Information shared should be known personally or verified from at least two outside sources. Judge favorably. Give the benefit of the doubt without jumping to conclusions. Try to speak to the individuals involved before talking with others. Don't exaggerate. The spies who scouted the land of Israel in preparation for the entry were punished for exaggeration and attributing their impressions to others. The intent must be solely for the constructive purpose of helping. Ask the question, 'What is my purpose in making this statement and who needs to hear it?' Consider that there may be other methods to accomplish the desired result. Weigh the harm against the benefit. Particularly when the internet is involved, remember the internet has no forgetfulness. Our Sages compared words misspoken to trying to retrieve the feathers from a pillow that has been ripped. In moving our community towards unity of purpose and sensitivity toward each other, it is essential that we do so with mutual respect and care. ******* The vernal equinox in the northern hemisphere took place on Thursday at 12:57 p.m. EDT. Shabbat Shalom and Happy Spring. Rabbi Eliot Feldman Head of School Around the School Purim @ SHAGH A very special experience was had by all who celebrated Purim at SHAGH on Sunday, March 16th! There was a Tefillah b'Tzibur at 8:30 a.m., followed by an animated reading of the Megillah at 9:30 a.m. Students began their day with a costume parade and then joined together for Kriat HaMegillah in the Great Room. The Megillah reading was followed by student shpiels, a shpiel from the faculty, the exchange of mishloach manot and eating hamentashen provided by the PTO. Preschoolers were treated to face painting and a special visit from Mr. Bungles the Clown. Rav Feldman's wardrobe was courtesy of Oscar's, 606 New Park Avenue, West Hartford. The festive costumes are pictured below. Collective Matanot L'Evyonim As has been done in previous years, Od Yosef Chai is our designated charity for funds collected as part of the Purim requirement to provide gifts for those less fortunate. Od Yosef Chai is a worthy charity in Israel that supports the needy, without commission, in the Land of Israel. We collected a total of $180 for distribution. Getting Creative In the Spirit of Purim During the past few weeks, in preparation for Purim, the SHAGH students worked on art projects utilizing Photoshop guided by Mr. Wilkinson and Ha Morah Anat. Sixth and seventh grade students created surrealistic landscapes inspired by the works of Rene Magritte. Fifth grade students created special Purim-spirited self portraits. Third grade students composed Hebrew riddle books for Purim with illustrated hints. Visit the multi-purpose room to view the amazing artwork. More Dancing Art Fourth Grade students were busy in art class this week. They got to experience art in a fun and interactive way. The concept of Passover and freedom was discussed and students were then encouraged to move freely to the music and to freestyle paint. Students had so much fun and their artwork is truly beautiful. Thank you to Elie Wolfe for guiding us in this fun art activity. Spelling Bee On Tuesday morning, grades 1-5 participated in a spelling bee. Congratulations to winner, fourth grader, Aaron Schlossberg (pictured second from right)! Special kudos to all our Academy super star spellers. Kitah Aleph Siddur On Sunday, March 9th, Kitah Aleph celebrated receiving their first Siddur. The class expressed their happiness with songs and dances to thank Hashem for this special milestone in their lives. There is a lot of excitement now in Kitah Aleph since the children are able to now daven with their own Siddur. View the slideshow Nursery Newsletter Read all about this week's exciting happenings in Nursery and see fun photos. School Trips Upcoming School Trips GR 6 to State Capitol - Connecticut Invention Convention Event - Wed., April 2 More information and trip schedule. Permission Form. Video and photo permission form. GR 5-8 to Summerwood - Model Seder - Tuesday, April 8, 11:30 a.m. GR 1-4 to Federation Square - Model Seder - Wednesday, April 9, 11:00 a.m. Notices for Parents Getting Ready for Pesach: Maot Chitim One of the time honored customs of Pesach preparations is ensuring that everyone in the community has at least the basic food supplies necessary to celebrate the Seder. Today this is accomplished by collecting funds for Maot Chitim, literally 'Money for Wheat.' In addition to collecting donations of money, we will be collecting food donations. Beginning on Monday we will have two bins in the lobby, one to collect 'Chametz' foods that are being discarded in preparation for the holiday, and a second for Passover foods to properly celebrate holiday. All foods collected will be donated to the Kosher Food Pantry on Friday, April 4. Let's make the box overflow with donations! Calendar Changes and Dates to Note The GR 5 Play will be presented on Monday, June 2 and not on Tuesday, April 1 as had been previously announced. GR 2 Kabbalat HaChumash takes place on Sunday May 4 @ 11:00 a.m. Middle School play on Social Justice will take place on Tuesday, May 20 in the evening. Foundation for Jewish Camp - BUNK CONNECT Informal Jewish education can be as meaningful as classroom learning. Jewish Summer Camp is not out of your reach! Discover the newest way to find great summer experiences for your first-time campers at special introductory rates. BunkConnect makes it easy to pay for summer camp, matching eligible families with available overnight camp sessions at special introductory prices from 40-80% off, with over 35 camps participating. More information. Celebrations, Appreciations and Acknowledgements Celebrations Congratulations to Dr. Yitz Moss on his selection as a Wexner Fellow for Jewish Community Leadership. He is one of fourteen individuals selected from the New England area to participate in this two year program. Appreciations Kudos to Aviva Braunshweiger and Rachel Cohen for their outstanding leadership of the PTO Purim Mishloach Manot project. Their work and dedication to the endeavor contributes significantly to the stature of the Academy in the greater community. The faculty and staff express grateful thanks to the PTO for their special Purim Mishloach Manot and for sponsoring the treats at the erev Purim staff meeting. Acknowledgements The Bess & Paul Sigel Hebrew Academy records with grateful thanks funds received: In honor of Dr. Leon Chameides and "The Story of the Yeshiva of Hartford": *Arthur and Helen Fishman In memory of Rabbi Yakov Hilsenrath: *Sidney and Phyllis Ulreich In memory of: *Louis Friedman from Frank, Manny, and Charles Friedman *Violet Friedman from Frank, Manny, and Charles Friedman *Aviva Weisel Eichler from Rachel Lis *Aviva Weisel Eichler from Sidney and Phyllis Ulreich *Helen Breitowitz from Sidney and Phyllis Ulreich *Gisela Wolk from Sidney and Phyllis Ulreich In honor of: *Jack Mishkin's 90th birthday from Arpad and Magda Vincze In support of the Sigel Hebrew Academy: *Janis Cohen In support of the Annual Campaign: *Arthur and Helen Fishman Calendar Monday, March 31 Boys Basketball, 4:45 p.m. - 5:45 p.m. Tuesday, April 1 Rosh Chodesh Popcorn at Lunch Tuesday, April 1 Matzah Factory, 9 a.m. Wednesday, April 2 State Capitol Trip for Grade 6 - CT Invention Convention Wednesday, April 2 Boy's Basketball, 4:45 p.m. - 5:45 p.m. Monday, April 7 - Friday, April 11 Model Seder Week Tuesday, April 8 5th-8th Grade to Summerwood, 11:30 a.m. Tuesday, April 8 Executive Committee Meeting, 8 p.m. Wednesday, April 9 1st-4th Grade to Federation Square, 11 a.m. Friday, April 11 School-wide Chometz Burning Monday, April 14 - Wednesday, April 23 - No School, Pesach Break Thursday, April 24 Classes Resume Monday, April 28 Yom HaShoah Program Tuesday, April 29 3 p.m. dismissal to facilitate a staff meeting Community Happenings Matzah Baking - Sunday, March 30, 2014, 2 p.m., Whole Foods Market at 340 North Main Street, West Hartford. Federation Volunteer Opportunities FOODSHARE POLICE ACTIVITIES LEAGUE (PAL) HABITAT FOR HUMANITY Federation Monday Madness - Mondays, March 24 and 31, 7 p.m. - 8 p.m. Community Services Building, Second Floor. It's like March Madness but with no basketball and more phone calls! If you cannot attend, you can still make calls by having your own home phonathon. Please RSVP to Lauren Johnson at 860-7276119 or [email protected]. Hartford Jewish Coalition for Literacy Barnes & Noble Bookfair - Thursday, April 3, 2014, 10:00 a.m. - 9:00 p.m. Literacy Reception from 3:30 p.m. - 5:00 p.m. Barnes & Noble in Blue Back Square. More information and vouchers Emanuel Synagogue Celebrates 95 Years - Sunday, April 6, 2014, Evening Please visit for tickets and information. See who will be honored. You may also call (860) 236-1275 or e-mail [email protected] HHNE Hat Show Sale - Monday, April 7, 2014, 6:30 p.m. - 8:30 p.m. More information. Federation Women's Health Forum - What's in Your Genes? BRCA? Tuesday, April 29, 2014, 7 p.m. Beth El Temple. More Information. 2014 Spring Flag Football, Soccer and T-Ball Leagues - Spring Season signups now open in West Hartford. Spring Season starts April 26, 2014. Registration deadline is March 28, 2014. i9sports Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey Legends - May 8th - May 11th Group Discounts Now Available. More information. Adamah Farm - Certified, Organic, Educational Jewish farm in Falls Village, CT Learn more about the farm and how to sign up the farm's 2014 CSA project (a weekly delivery of vegetables to West Hartford starting in June) by Clicking Here. Thought For Shabbat If I am I, and he is he, Then I am I , and he is he. But if I'm not I , and he's not he Then I'm not I, and he's not he. The Kotzker Rebbe The mission of the Bess and Paul Sigel Hebrew Academy is To offer the highest level of Judaic and general education to children and families of all affiliations in the community, and to develop Jews who are proud of their heritage, involved in their community and devoted to G-d, Torah, Klal Yisrael, the Jewish people, and Eretz Yisrael, the land of Israel. Bess & Paul Sigel Hebrew Academy of Greater Hartford 53 Gabb Road, Bloomfield, Connecticut 06002 860.243.8333 Copyright © 20XX. All Rights Reserved. Forwa rd t his e m a il This email was sent to [email protected] by [email protected] | Update Profile/Email Address | Instant removal with SafeUnsubscribeâ„¢ | Privacy Policy. Bess and Paul Sigel Hebrew Academy | 53 Gabb Road | Bloomfield | CT | 06002