the January Newsletter - PAPA at Chicago Executive
the January Newsletter - PAPA at Chicago Executive
Find us on the web at Volume 30 Number 1 January 2016 AVIATION EXPO 2016 IFR/VFR SAFETY SEMINAR FLYING COMPANION AND ASPIRING PILOT CLASSES Bring your favorite passenger for an upgrade AVIATION VENDORS EXHIBITS Including Avidyne, Pipistrel, Stick & Rudder, Aviation World and more ANNUAL AVIATION EDUCATION DAY IFR VFR CHARTS + PROCEDURES SPATIAL DISORIENTATION ARTCC OPERATIONS REVIEW CLASS B AIRSPACE CROSSWIND LANDINGS AVIATION WEATHER REVIEW Featured speakers include Jason Unger Lou Wipotnik Dave Klopfleisch Saturday January 30, 2016 8:30 TO 3:30 Itasca Holiday Inn 860 W Irving Park Rd. Itasca, IL January 2016 page 2 2016 0FFICERS, DIRECTORS, COMMITTEE CHAIRS PRESIDENT Madeleine Monaco 847-431-1847 [email protected] VICE PRESIDENT Gene Haig 224-578-5066 [email protected] SECRETARY Henry Fiorentini 847‐682‐4550 [email protected] TREASURER Ken Riesterer [email protected] DIRECTORS Ray Dash 847-251-4281 [email protected] John DeJoris 847-373-3988 [email protected] Rogers Faden 847-312=8805 [email protected] Arthur Gunn 847-962-9311 [email protected] Howard Levinson 847-858-3638 [email protected] AIRPORT SUPPORT NETWORK REP Howard Levinson [email protected] 847-456-1791 847-480-1118 SCHOLARSHIP S Jason Unger 224-588-9364 [email protected] BYLAWS/LEGAL Bob Hanaford 312-899-9020 [email protected] MASTER PLAN REP John Dejoris [email protected] MEMBERSHIP Ken Riesterer 847-456-1791 [email protected] Ray Dash 847-251-4281 [email protected] 847-373-3988 SAFETY/PROGRAMS Rogers Faden 847-312-6805 [email protected] PAPA EVENT SCHEDULE 2016 All Board Meetings are held at Atlantic Aviation in the Conference Room at 7:00 pm JAN 4 1st BOARD MEETING OF 2016 JAN 17 12noon SNOW DAY CHILI PARTY (cancelled) FEB 1 REGULAR BOARD MEETING FEB 24 7pm SAFETY PROGRAM LOCATION TBD MAR 5 8:30am AVIDYNE BREAKFAST ALLGAUER’S MAR 7 REGULAR BOARD MEETING APR 4 REGULAR BOARD MEETING APR 27 7pm SAFETY PROGRAM LOCATION TBD MAY 2 REGULAR BOARD MEETING MAY 21 9am BREAKFAST/FLY MART NE TEEs JUNE 6 REGULAR BOARD MEETING JUNE 22 7pm SAFETY PROGRAM LOCATION TBD JULY 5 REGULAR BOARD MEETING JULY 13 6pm ANNUAL HANGAR PICNIC AND SCHOLARSHIP AWARDS AUG 1 REGULAR BOARD MEETING AUG 24 SAFETY PROGRAM LOCATION TBD SEP 6 REGULAR BOARD MEETING SEP 17 FALL FLY OUT LUNCH OCT 4 REGULAR BOARD MEETING OCT 26 SAFETY PROGRAM LOCATION TBD NOV 7 REGULAR BOARD MEETING NOV 9 ANNUAL GENERAL MTG/ELECTION DEC 5 REGULAR BOARD MEETING DEC 10 SANTA TOY DROP SIGNATURE DEC17 WRIGHT DAY DINNER SITE TBD PWK FUEL PUBLIC RELATIONS Corey Kaplan 773-710-3269 [email protected] WEBMASTER Jim Kwasek 847-465-8359 [email protected] NEWSLETTER MGR Madeleine Monaco 847-431-1847 [email protected] NEWSLETTER ADS Rusty Stevens [email protected] 847-910-2789 NEW MEMBERS THIS MONTH FACEBOOK PAGE Arthur Gunn [email protected] 847-962-9311 Patrick Lepage For daily fuel prices visit or STILL COUNTING DOWN TO AFFORDABLE FUEL AT PWK The Chicago Executive Pilots’ Association Newsletter is published monthly This organization was formed in 1986 as a forum for the users of Chicago Executive Airport (formerly known as Palwaukee) and a means to act as a conduit for information from the users to the governing body and from the governing body to the users. Our mission is to promote the safety of operations and continued development of Chicago Executive Airport in a fraternal environment with the pilots, users and community. Membership is open to any user of Chicago Executive Airport. Membership dues are $30.00 annually and include a subscription to this newsletter. Letters to the Editor, feedback, concerns and questions and any articles submitted for publication must be received by the 20th of the month. Submissions will be printed on a space available basis and may be edited for style, length and appropriate content. Send text as a Microsoft Word file attached to an email to [email protected]. Please make prior arrangement with the editor for any files not electronically transmitted, CHICAGO EXECUTIVE PILOTS’ ASSOCIATION NEWSLETTER 1005 S Wolf Road Suite 106 Wheeling, IL 60090-6408 January 2016 page 3 CHICAGO EXECUTIVE PILOT’S ASSOCIATION ANNUAL MEETING Crowne Plaza Hotel, Northbrook November 18, 2015 The meeting was called to order at 7:00 pm by President Monaco and was being held in conjunction with our Safety presentation by Dr. David Schall All Officers and Directors were present Votes were cast for the Director positions for the upcoming year. The winners were: Ray Dash, John DeJoris, Rogers Faden, Howard Levinson and Arthur Gunn The meeting was adjourned by consensus at 7:15 pm and Dr. Schall’s presentation began. PAPA SCHOLARSHIP & SAFETY FOUNDATION Board of Directors Meeting Minutes Atlantic Aviation Conference Room December 8 , 2015 The meeting was called to order at 7:00 pm by President Monaco. Present were Haig, Fiorentini, Riesterer, Dash, DeJoris, Faden, Miller, Doerner, Gunn, Loerzel, The minutes of the last meeting were approved on a motion by Dash/DeJoris Passed TREASURER’S REPORT Bank Balance: $ 20,806.91 ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned by consensus at 7:02 pm CHICAGO EXECUTIVE PILOTS ASSOCIATION Board of Directors Meeting Minutes Monday, December 2, 7:02 pm The meeting was called to order at 7:02 pm by President Monaco, Present were Haig, Fiorentini, Riesterer, Dash, DeJoris, Faden, Miller, Doerner, Prasad, Gunn and Loerzel Minutes of the last meeting were amended—Miller was NOT present and then approved on a motion by Faden/ Miller approved TREASURER’S REPORT Bank Balance: $ 8,937.12 COMMITTEE REPORTS Master Plan DeJoris Entered the Analytical Phase. Will send out a survey with more detailed questioned. Membership Riesterer Holiday dinner 141 members, and a new student pilot Dash attendance is up to 47 people! Hoping for 60. Facebook Gunn 81 members… OLD BUSINESS Toy drop this Saturday Drop off at Signature Flight Services. NEW BUSINESS Calendar submitted. July 5th is now a Tuesday meeting, ditto for September 6th Labor day. Board Members voiced their ideas and desires for CEPA for next year…. The next meeting is Jan 4 The meeting was adjourned by consensus at 7:45 pm January 2016 Page 4 CHICAGO EXECUTIVE PILOTS FLY MARKET Classified Ads FREE TO MEMBERS Your ad can be here next month. FOR SALE 1/4 SHARE 1976 CESSNA 172M SKYHAWK 160 HP TT5640 SMOH 1615 $13K + IN RESERVE FUND FRESH ANNUAL JUNE TRANSPONDER & RADIOS 2012 GOOD PAINT VERY GOOD INTERIOR ALWAYS HANGARED ASKING $10,000 CONTACT JOHN HOFF 312-346-8111 OR [email protected] Contact the editor to submit your text by the 20th All members of Chicago Executive Pilots Association can place a free personal ad for an aviation related service or item to buy or sell. Other ads for commercial/business purposes such as those in the right column of this page can be placed for a reasonable fee. If interested in advertising in our newsletter (distribution of approximately 300 plus untold numbers on the internet) notify the editor prior to the 20th of any month. January 2016 page 5 MEMBER DISCOUNT PROGRAM Chief Pilot Jim Kwasek We use GoPro We use Foreflight We are hiring!!! If you’re an instructor who might be interested in flying a lot, or just with one student, or intro lessons, or fill-in work we’ve got a job for you! Great pay, flexible hours!!! Check out our website 847-465-8359 Your membership card can be used for discounts at select local businesses. Current discounts include: · Allgauers on the Riverfront: 10% discount on food purchases · Aviation Universe: 20% off all chart purchases with free media mail shipping · B. Coleman FBO at Gary Municipal: 10 cents per gallon discount on 100LL Crowne Plaza Northbrook: 10% discount on food purchases. Standard room rate $109 plus tax (includes internet & breakfast). · D’Agostino’s in Wheeling: 10% discount on food purchases Elly’s of Glenview 10% discount on food purchases · Future Automotive Warehouse: 70 East Hintz Road , Wheeling : Currently available group discounts on aviation and automobile related products · Gary Jet Center: $0.30/gallon discount for all fuel purchases or will meet the lowest onfield retail price, whichever is better for the customer. Johnny’s Kitchen and Tap 10% discount on food purchases · Signature Flight Support at PWK: 10% discount on 100LL fuel · State Farm Agent Ernesto Ramirez: 224 S Milwaukee Ave , Wheeling: $10 gift card for getting an insurance quote We will be publishing additional discount opportunities in the monthly Chicago Executive Pilots’ Association Newsletter, and alert members via the webpage, Facebook and in periodic e-mail notices. A MESSAGE TO OUR MEMBERS If you would like to volunteer for any committee, please contact the person shown on page 2 and let them know you want to help. Although we have a core group of workers, we are always open to new contributors, and new ideas. JOIN US! January 2016 page 6 It Takes a Community to Promote Aviation Promoting aviation to ensure its future viability and growth is something important to most of us who are involved with it personally or professionally. Individuals and organizations have promoted and pursued programs dedicated to inviting newcomers to the fold, and the results have often fallen short of those promised. Yes, there have been a number of one-on-one success stories, but the challenge is making this successful personal approach work on a larger scale. The Raisbeck Aviation High School, a leader in science, technology, engineering, and math education is a worthy model for all to consider because it unites aviation’s many communities in pursuit of a common goal. Founded and operated by Highline Public Schools (District 401), RAHS serves 27 different school districts in the Washington’s Puget Sound region. Its campus is located at Boeing Field’s Museum of Flight, making it the only aviation themed college-prep school that shares resources with an aerospace museum. And it receives an inspirational assist from the 200 or or so aviation related businesses that surround the school. But it goes beyond that, said Steve Davolt, RAHS’s coordinator of work-based learning. “Mentorships and internships have been an integral part of the schools since it was started 12 years ago.” Mentorship pairs an RAHS student with an area aviation professional, he continued; both individuals make a one-year commitment, but many of them continue three or four years, until the student graduates. Every summer, nearly half of the 425-member student body participates in a 10-12-week internship, 60 percent of which are paid. The internships run the gamut of freshmen getting their first experiences outside the home to going to work at Boeing, which ran 14 internships at its Seattle-area facilities, said Davolt. “We had 21 kids on FAA internships,” and others were at Boeing Field itself. “Connecting and inspiring the next generation of aerospace professionals is our mutual goal,” says Bruce Kelly, RAHS principal/CEO. Realizing this goal is goes beyond mentorships and internships to a robust roster of scholarships that seem to embody the same community-wide focus. Take, for example, the two scholarships each year by the Pacific Northwest Business Aviation Association; since 2009 it has raised more than $50,000 for the awards at its annual charity golf tournament. To be eligible for the scholarships, seniors must continue their education in some facet of business aviation, which seems only fair, considering the sponsor. But “some facet of business aviation” takes on fuller meaning in the scholarship information packet: “The infrastructure required to support business aviation is vast. Relevant areas include, but are not limited to, the designing, manufacturing, brokering, educating, crewing, maintaining, managing, insuring or legally representing the business aviation community. Applicants shall produce an essay of 300 to 500 words showing their interest in this field and how they feel their chosen education path will contribute to the growth and viability of business aviation into the future.” Not every locale is so rich in aviation resources like Seattle, but the model still works for a relationship between a school district, the airport and businesses that serve it, and the aviation associations whose members give it life. As RAHS has shown, aviation’s future, and the future of the individuals who will make it happen, are better served when members of the community pool their contributions, whether they be large or small, in pursuit of a common goal that benefits all involved. –Scott Spangler, Editor Jetwhine and The Aviation Minute are the brainchild of CEPA Member Rob Mark—subscribe at January 2016 page 7 At our Annual Holiday Dinner—this year celebrated at Chevy Chase in Wheeling—our Officers, Directors and Committee Chairs stood to be recognized for a year of work on behalf of CEPA From left to right— Rogers Faden, Arthur Gunn, Guru Prasad, Jim Loerzel, Corey Kaplan, Jim Kwasek, Madeleine Monaco, Henry Fiorentini, Howard Levinson, Keith Miller, John DeJoris, Ray Dash, Gene Haig, Ken Riesterer and John Doerner. Our thanks to everyone who made the year a success for the users of Chicago Executive Airport. CHICAGO EXECUTIVE PILOTS’ ASSOCIATION 1005 S WOLF ROAD SUITE 106 WHEELING IL 60090-6408 ADDRESS SERVICE REQUESTED Get aviation educated at the 2016 Aviation Expo 1-30-2016 Itasca Holiday Inn 8:30am Get aviation educated at the CEPA Safety Meeting 2-24-2016 location and topic TBD 7:00pm Get breakfast and aviation educated by Avidyne at a joint event with Leading Edge Flying Club 3-5-2016 Hilton Northbrook Algauers 8:30am