Summer 2014 - Bluecoat Academy
Summer 2014 - Bluecoat Academy
e t a d p U Summer 2014 The news magazine of Bluecoat Academy wing o r g s i t a o Bluec What a wonderful year this has been! The building work at Wollaton Park is finally over and what a success it is. The new buildings as well as the refurbished ones look spectacular with the landscaping gradually taking shape to compliment them. We are very excited about the official opening ceremony which is taking place on 4th July where we will dedicate the new buildings during a service led by the Archdeacon of Nottingham, Peter Hill with Tim Reddish as our guest of honour. It is wonderful that all of our students now, no matter which campus they attend, can have the best possible facilities to support their learning and development. Our Bluecoat family has grown this year with the addition of Bluecoat Beechdale. Hadden Park High School as it was formerly known is now being run by Derek Hobbs, Vice Principal at Bluecoat previously and he is supported by a range of Bluecoat Academy staff. Bluecoat Beechdale has seen attendance improve to record levels, a new behaviour code has reduced exclusions and in June the first Celebration of Success evening took place. This was a huge success with over 140 students receiving prizes for their outstanding work and many hundreds of parents coming along to support their youngsters. By September a new uniform will be in place and we are excited to see many more applicants to this Academy. Wollaton Park Campus to be officially opened 4th July 2014 We have now appointed a primary head teacher, Heather Rushton, to lead our primary work. Heather is an extremely experienced head who has led school improvement projects up and down the country as well as acted as a Department for Education advisor for a number of years. The consultation about the primary school finishes at the end of this term so please feel free to participate if you would like to. We are planning to work much more closely with a number of our primary colleagues as we endeavour to create a strong family with all ages represented! Heather is now overseeing the plans for opening our primary in January 2015. We became a School Centred Teacher Training provider in May this year. This means that we can now train teachers alongside Nottingham University ensuring that everyone who works at Bluecoat is of the highest calibre possible. Applications to become a teacher through Bluecoat should be directed to our website. In addition to all of these major initiatives, we have been undertaking all the variety of activities that you would expect of us; Gold Duke of Edinburgh students have just returned for their practice week end, we have performed Joseph not only to our own parents but to many local primary school children, we have a wide range of foreign visits which have either taken place or are going to take place, our enrichment continues to grow and grow alongside our sporting success. Continued over Update Summer 2014 Continued Our Christian distinctiveness work continues to influence the daily working of the academy with the addition this year of Bluecoat pastors and a greater number of communion services. There has been more than £5,000 raised for charity and I expect us to surpass our total of £10,000 raised last year. In May Oftsed wrote to tell us that they were not going to inspect the Academy until at least the summer term of 2015. This was because of our excellent results and ongoing success. 2013/14 has been a wonderful year for Bluecoat and I look forward with real anticipation to building on the successes of this year in 2014/15. Mrs Hampton (Principal) Challenging stereotypes through drama! On 26th March, a group of Year 7 and 8 students performed a powerful and moving piece of drama to a group of staff, students and parents. This was the culmination of a 10-week after-school drama group run by student volunteers from Nottingham Trent University. The piece was unscripted and devised by the students themselves, mainly using improvisation techniques. It was entitled "Stereotypes" and each performer took on the role of a different "stereotype", including a homeless person, a rich snob, a teen mum and an old woman. As the performance unfolded, we saw each character act in ways which both reinforced and then also challenged the stereotypes that they were portraying. In the final scene, each character revealed their names, thus emphasising the fact that each person is an individual who can't be reduced to a simple stereotype. The level of maturity and insight which the students brought to the performance was truly a pleasure to watch. Mr Bruce believe in yourself, in others, in God Expansion of teacher training at Bluecoat We are thrilled to have recently been accredited as a School Centred Initial Teaching Training provider (SCITT), working in partnership with The University of Nottingham, and other partner schools in the region. This will mean we are able to train our own future teachers. Through the School Direct Programme, trainees gain practical experience from day one. It is a great way to learn and qualify to become a teacher. Support bursaries of up to £25,000 are available. For more information please contact [email protected] Year 9s do business with Siemens! On Thursday 6th March, 20 Year 9 students took part in a Business in Focus event at the local Siemens offices. The event was organised by “Into University” as part of their aspirationraising programme. Throughout the day, the students were working in two teams to simulate setting up a music charity. One team set up “Music Beatz Pollution”, an environmental charity and the other team set up “Musication”, a charity working to support education in war-torn countries. Each team member took on roles including Chief Executive Officer, Fundraising Manager, Donor Liaison Manager, Concert Manager, Social Media Manager, Finance Manager and Marketing Manager. The remit for the teams was to organise two “concerts” and to raise funds to cover staffing costs and general running costs of the charity. Money was raised by completing funding applications, creating and selling merchandise and asking “celebrities” for donations to their charity and the day culminated in a concert where the two teams performed in front of each other. Finally, income and expenditure were calculated and the team with the most profit won – in this case, “Musication” won by just a small profit margin! The day was supported by around a dozen mentors – members of the Siemens staff who had volunteered to support this event. The students thoroughly enjoyed the whole occasion and certainly gained an insight into business as well as developing their communication skills, their ability to work in a team and their confidence. Mr Bruce Step into the NHS Competition Year 8 student, Benjamin Etheridge, was presented with a ‘highly commended’ certificate for his entry into the ‘step into the NHS school’s competition’ 2014. Students had to promote a specific career in the NHS by creating a range of recruitment materials, which appealed to students of their age group. They could enter as individuals or as a group. Ben chose the role of biomedical scientist and created an animation from scratch, a job advertisement and job description. The judges were looking for something that was fun, lively and appealing, a creative understanding of the role and what it involved, an understanding of entry routes to the chosen career, for example knowledge, skills, experience and relevant qualifications required and clear structure and presentation. Ben’s entry was chosen out of more than 1075 entries from more than 2480 schools in the UK! I did this for the first time with my Year 8 class this year and they really enjoyed it. Mrs Stones Update Beyond The Classroom Into University into Bluecoat! IntoUniversity is an educational organisation which works in partnership with the University of Nottingham. They have three centres in Nottingham (in Hyson Green, St Anns and Broxtowe) which work with local primary and secondary schools. We really value our close partnership with IntoUniversity, who run lots of successful workshops and themed days with students from all year groups, with the aim of helping them to build key skills and achieve their future aspirations, whether that be going onto University or another chosen career. Many Bluecoat students also attend their Academic Support sessions which run after school at the IntoUniversity centres, where they get support with their schoolwork from trained tutors and current university students. Mr Bruce Young Enterprise @ Bluecoat Young Enterprise offers a wealth of practical ways to help young people to get a taste of the world of work and the excitement of running a real business. This year, six companies from Bluecoat Academy took part in the Young Enterprise Company Programme. During the Young Enterprise projects the students developed key skills they need not only for the world of work but also for day to day life such as; gaining an understanding of how business works, the ability to work in a team and the willingness to take responsibility and show initiative. During the one year programme the companies had to create a product to sell to the general public. They attended several events including the Bluecoat Christmas Market and the Trade Fair in Nottingham Market Square. Part of the competition was to create company documents and to present to a panel of judges at Boots Conference Centre. A big well done to all the students who took part and the members of staff for their dedication to the companies. Mrs James Duke of Edinburgh group go for gold The first training expedition for this year’s Gold Duke of Edinburgh students took place over two weekends in June as we have two Gold groups this year. It was fantastic to see them paddle around the bend at Victoria Embankment on a scorching summer’s day. They were confident and competent already having had only a few days training with our instructors. I would like to say a massive thanks to Gary Birkin who has been coordinating the Gold Award at Bluecoat Academy this year and doing a great job. Mr Gerry Carr, International Schools Coordinator Duke of Edinburgh's Award Coordinator Christian Distinctiveness Team continues to develop The Christian Distinctiveness Team are continuing to develop the role of the Bluecoat Pastors where there will be more availability for students to come and discuss any issues they may be facing with the pastors. We are also developing the Christian Union groups in the Academy by linking of weekly themes for worship more closely to the Christian Union activities. We are also developing a student leadership team for worship as well as a leadership team for the Post 16 Christian Union. Currently we have been having termly Communion services, we have changed the format of these and many more students are participating. As a result of this success we will be moving to half termly Communion services next year. Mrs Watson Update Beyond The Classroom Let’s get the raspberry jam on… the bread board! The Raspberry Pi is a mini computer about the size of a credit card and we have been programming the Raspberry Pi to explore the world of Computer Science. We have been learning how to code in Python and Mrs Stones is inspiring us to succeed! Within a few weeks we will have the ability to hold our very own Jelly Babies Got Talent! With the Raspberry Pi we will be able to make Jelly Babies sing, make traffic lights and even robotics. Watch this space… the year 9 Computing Class of 2014 are going to be Computer Scientists! By Hannah, Laura, Maryam, Jenny and Aiden Oxbridge Evenings 2014 This year Bluecoat Academy played host to two evenings regarding applying to and studying at the Universities of Oxford and Cambridge. On Tuesday 11th March Kathy Purdy, the Admissions and Schools Liaison Officer at Peterhouse College, Cambridge, led an evening regarding the application process and life at Cambridge. Peterhouse College is the oldest of the Cambridge Colleges and was founded in 1284; it currently organises outreach activities for the Nottingham region. On Wednesday 7th May Andy Avery, the Admissions and Schools Liaison Officer at Christ’s College, Cambridge led another Oxbridge information evening to which parents were also invited. Bluecoat Academy has close links with Christ’s due to the bursary funded by Alfred Harrison, a former Bluecoat and Christ’s student, available to any Bluecoat student who studies at Christ’s. Both evenings were very well attended and the feedback has been positive from students and parents alike. It is a pleasure to see so much enthusiasm being shown by Bluecoat students for academic study. Whether these students study at Oxford or Cambridge, or at another top University, their enthusiasm and hard work will always bring rewards. Mr Sandiford believe in yourself, in others, in God Childcare and Education Year 10 recently enjoyed a visit to the local Salvation Army early years provision where they enjoyed a talk from the manager and learned about the difference between private and statutory settings. They made observations on the displays and the resources available. Ms Bird Update Beyond The Classroom Paris Maths trip In the early hours of July 14th, 65 students, from both campuses, will be departing for a four day long Maths Enrichment Trip to Paris. Whilst we are there, students will be involved in a number of activities including using mirrors and trigonometry to estimate the height of the Eiffel Tower. They will also spend a day at Disneyland Paris, gathering data that will form the basis of projects for our Year 7s next year. To make sure that the students get the most out of the trip, they are spending the weeks leading up to the departure taking part in a number of Thursday afternoon enrichment activities involving both Mathematics and French, and in one particular session learning Mathematics in French! They are also preparing for their Eiffel Tower Challenge by visiting the local university campus to measure the Aspire sculpture that was until recently the tallest sculpture in Britain. The week before we depart, all of the students will join together to Raising the grade On Tuesday 1st April 2014 a small group of Year 11 students from both the Aspley and Wollaton Campuses were selected to attend the annual 'Raising the Grade Conference'. take part in The Happy Puzzle Challenge, where Mathematics comes to life through ingenious, gigantic puzzles. Mr Gell Numeracy Coordinator Bluecoat Academy victorious in The Poetry Games Jenni Birch, Harpreet Gill, Amaad Jalil, Fariyal Khan, Antonion McFarlane, Georgia Norman, Gurjinder Purawal, Huzefa Sajid, Ethan Selby and Tomek Wos visited Nottingham Trent University to take part in this event to motivate and inspire students to do well in their Maths GCSE. They took part in a variety of workshops and had a thoroughly enjoyable day. All of the students were a credit to Bluecoat and participated in the workshops with enthusiam. Harpreet Gill did us especially proud by winning a prize for her performance on the day. Lucy Judd, the Schools and Colleges Outreach Officer at Nottingham Trent said in email to the academy, "I'm delighted that it went to such a worthy winner. I heard wonderful things about her participation on the day and we were looking to pick students who were quietly, and lessconfidently, wonderful to be some of our prize winners - so I couldn't be happier to hear that it worked so well for Harpreet." Anna Sharpe/Debra Urbacz (Academic Coaching Team) Twenty four Key Stage 3 students from Bluecoat Academy have had their work selected by publisher Young Writers as winners of their national Poetry Games competiton. Students had to choose from selected topics as the theme of their writing, from current affairs to the natural world. Their work is now published and appears in "The Poetry Games: Poets from the East Midlands" with copies available via and even Amazon! Congratulations to all who entered. Mr Sisson ‘Applying to Medical School’ Evening 2014 On Thursday 8th May 2014 Dr Adeel Ikram, a Core Surgical Trainee, London, and Dr Ravi Kothari, a Radiology Registrar, East Midlands, presented at an evening event at Bluecoat Academy regarding applying to Medical School and life as a doctor. Adeel is a former Bluecoat student who wished to share his knowledge and experience with current students. The event was open to Years 10, 11 and 12 and was well attended, with around 40 pupils and their parents attending. The evening included an hour long talk about all aspects of the application process and life as a doctor followed by half an hour question and answer session. Current Year 13 students who have applied to medical school this year were also on hand to offer advice. Entry to Medical School is extremely competitive, so we are lucky to have had 3 students from the current Year 13, and one from last year’s year group, having received offers for September 2014. The talk was enjoyable and informative, and feedback from the students who attended has been very positive. Students have said that the talk both inspired them to work in the field of medicine, and gave them information about how to successfully apply to Medical School. Adeel and Ravi have agreed to support students at Bluecoat in future years as well, and we are delighted to have their support in educating the doctors of the future! Mr Sandiford Student Progression Coordinator Update World of Experience The Arts Faculty trip to New York 2014 Twenty students from Years 10 to 13 enjoyed an amazing trip to New York during February half term. The trip included a workshop with a cast member from the Broadway show "Jersey Boys" as well trips to see two Broadway shows. All of the usual New York sites were visited in a true New York busy style. The recent snowfall added to the trip with great fun had by all in a snow covered Central Park. Mr Collins believe in yourself, in others, in God Update World of Experience Business in Paris A-level Business Studies students attended the Business Live conference in Disneyland, Paris. The trip was a huge success and all students were a credit to the Academy. One of the speakers and entrepreneurs was 24 year old Fraser Doherty, the founder of SuperJam, who now sells his jams not only to Waitrose, Asda and Tesco but globally. Fraser was truly inspirational! Other entrepreneurs that the students got to listen and ask questions to were Ed Bussey (the owner of Quill which produces content to 81 companies, including American Express and AXA) and Mark Pilkington (the head of Disney’s commercial and sales in Paris). Mr Mather Bormio 2014 During the Easter break 49 students and 5 staff went to Bormio in the Italian Alps for the annual Academy Ski Trip. The weather and snow conditions could not have been better for the trip (which this year for the first time we flew). Students had 6 days of skiing where they were taught by Italian Ski Instructors, each lunchtime students were able to soak up the sunshine in the fantastic restaurant. The evenings consisted of trips to the Ice Rink, Pizzeria, shopping around the town, and now the infamous Miss Bormio competition. The skiing culminates with a slalom race where all students have to race against the clock down a track and ski around poles. Mr Cook set a less than impressive time of 56.25secs which was quickly eclipsed by most students. Year 13 Sam Telling won for the second year in a row. Next year’s trip is already being organised and most students by now should have received some information during Acts of Worship, if not, please go to the PE Office and collect an information letter. Mr Pickard Update Beyond The Classroom Joseph and his Amazing Technicolour Dreamcoat Our Academy production of Joseph took place in June. As always the quality of the production was outstanding and it was wonderful to see such a wide range of students taking part in this lovely performance. Congratulations to everyone who took part! Year 9 work with top fashion house to create Joseph’s dreamcoat The Year 9 textiles group had a special job to do for this year’s school production of Joseph’s Technicolored Dreamcoat. Working with a team of designers from the local design house of Paul Smith, students were commissioned to design the dream coats for the lead roles in this year’s production. This was an amazing experience for students to work with professionals from the fashion industry on a live design brief. The work produced was of a high standard and demonstrated all the skills the class have been honing this year. They should all be very proud of what they have achieved in this complicated task and we hope to proudly display the coats when the productions are over. Many thanks to Andy and Jackie from Paul Smith for their time and support on this project. Miss Ivory believe in yourself, in others, in God Update Beyond The Classroom The City of Nottingham Duke of Edinburgh’s award Presentation Evening There were many proud moments for Bluecoat students, parents and the Academy at this years’ award evening at Nottingham High School. So far this year, 27 students have been successful in completing their D of E award at the Academy. The Lord Mayor, the High School Headmaster and Phil Brown (DofE director and Olympic athlete) all made it clear how all students had been successful, not just in a fleeting moment, but in months of commitment to improve themselves and their communities. Students who spoke about Duke of Edinburgh on the evening said: “Be prepared for the worst.” “Agonizing moments.” “A brutal ordeal.” “A brilliant experience with friends.” “I tried new things.” “I was advancing skills outside the classroom.” “Our groups gelled together as a team.” …which sums up the Duke of Edinburgh experience very well! Students have gone through a personal and social Bluecoat Academy Music Concert March 2014 A fantastic night of Music took place at the Academy on Tuesday 18th March. The Academy Orchestra performed for the first time to a packed house with over 150 people in the audience. A Level music students as well as budding performers from younger years entertained and amazed the audience with their musical skills. Mr Collins development through accessing the outdoors. They now have an award they can take with them through the rest of their lives. A huge thank you to those dedicated staff who give up valuable weekends to enable the expeditions to happen - more Gold and Silver expeditions this term and in the summer holiday! Mr Garbutt and Mr Carr Update Beyond the classroom I’m a Scientist, get me out of here! Some Year 9 students at both the Wollaton Park and the Aspley Lane Campuses have been taking part in an online event to find out about scientists and their roles. Students have been researching the areas of science these people work on and challenging the scientists over fast-paced live chats. Questions were selected well and students enjoyed finding out about a broad range of scientific careers. It has been a really fun event and students benefitted from talking to scientists. Miss Worthington Brain Awareness event stimulates curiosity for Year 11 Biologists On the 26th March 2014, a small group of Year 11 Triple Biologists attended a workshop on Brain Awareness, hosted by the School of Psychology at the University of Nottingham. Academic staff gave mini lectures on Schizophrenia, the developing brain, vision and autism. PhD students organised laboratory tours which explored topics such as emotions, memory, gambling and multi-sensory illusions. Pupils also visited the Nottingham Integrated Transport and Environment Simulation (NITES) facility and learned about driving research that utilises eye-tracking technology. The event really opened the minds of our students and brought to light the complexity of the human brain. Asha commented “The event has inspired me to take Psychology at A level and perhaps look towards a career in Neuroscience”. Mr O’Hara Wonder of DNA’ workshop stimulates enthusiasm among Technology students A group of Year 9 Technology students were invited to an afternoon workshop on ‘The Wonders of DNA’, run by a STEM ambassador. Students had a chance to isolate their own DNA and analyse it using electrophoresis. They were then able to compare the similarities and differences between with their own DNA and their friend’s. Students exhibited an array of skills including; teamwork, communication, problem solving, analysing, interpreting and above all, autonomy. Students enjoyed the challenge of the task and the complexity of using the Electrophoresis equipment more commonly associated with A- level Biology. Derun remarked “It is much more interesting being able to apply science to something in real life, in this case extracting our own DNA – I really enjoyed the workshop”. Mr O’Hara believe in yourself, in others, in God Update Post 16 A busy time for our Psychologists We’ve been really busy in Psychology over the last few months! In February the Year 13 Psychology students were fortunate enough to have the opportunity to take part in a 1 day Forensic and Clinical Psychology conference held at the Academy and run by world renowned researcher Dr Guy Sutton. Students took part in lectures on topics such as Schizophrenia; causes of criminality; the effects of brain injury/damage on behaviour and DNA epigenetics. The day culminated with students taking part in a sheep’s brain dissection that enabled students to gain a deeper understanding of brain structure and function. In April, our Year 12 Psychologists attended a ‘Brain Awareness’ event at the School of Psychology at Nottingham University. Students attended mini lectures on brain development, Autism and Schizophrenia run by leading academics in their field. Students were then taken on tours of the laboratories in small groups. They visited labs that were investigating areas such as behavioural and cognitive neuroscience; cognition and language and visual neuroscience. They heard from students about their research, different techniques and experimental methods, and their application in current research. Students were able to question the researchers on their work and our students did us proud in asking many pertinent and challenging questions. The day gave our students a real thirst for studying Psychology at university and many are now booked on to Psychology open days at universities up and down the country over the next few months. Finally this week our Year 12 students have had another opportunity to experience Psychology in action. Our students were asked to participate in a research project being run by Nottingham Trent University. Sarah Haddow, a Masters Degree student from the university, came in to Psychology lessons to conduct the research. It was a psychometric study of intellectual risk-taking and students were required to complete self-reports on age demographics, personality and context with the aim being to look at how these factors influence and predict intellectual risk-taking. Students were able to question Mrs Haddow about her research aims and methodology. Students engaged in an enthusiastic debate about Psychological research and ethics and were able to practise applying their evaluation skills to real life research. An excellent opportunity to experience real world research and to develop the analytical skills so important for the A2 year of the course. We have already started to plan a residential trip to London for our AS and A2 level Psychology students in Spring 2015, hopefully involving visits to the Freud museum (to examine the work of Sigmund Freud), London zoo (to investigate comparative Psychology), a Jack the Ripper walking tour (to apply theories of geographical offender profiling) and the historic Bedlam hospital (now a Biomedical Research Centre for Mental Health) so watch this space! Mrs Tickle Childcare and education progress in POST 16 We are delighted to report that our very first cohort of Level 3 Childcare students have all achieved their qualification and with some very high grades indeed! (This is equivalent to three A Levels and a licence to practice). They have all proved their competency in a variety of early years and school settings. The group are all prepared and ready for the workforce. Five students applied and have been accepted at three different Universities to continue their study and aim to progress into teaching. Four students have chosen to take the Foundation degree as a route to management in the early years sector. Some students have already secured employment in nurseries over the Summer period. Well done to them and we are delighted to have shared their journey! Mrs Maydew-Deakin s w e N s t r o Sp Focus on athletics Once again Bluecoat Academy became City Athletics Champions in the first competition of the season, many students took part and had a great time competing. The final results were Junior Girls 2nd, Junior Boys 4th, Inter Girls 2nd & Inter Boys 2nd. Design by: DHC Creative Tel: 01509 881466 Printed by Print Revolution Ltd on a waterless DI Press using vegetable based inks on a sustainable sourced stock. Following their success at the City Championships some students were selected to represent the City in the County Athletics Championships. As you can imagine the standard was extremely high, with all of the students working to their absolute maximum in each of their events. The students who placed in the top 3 in their event have been invited to compete in the Masons Trophy, which can lead to getting through to the English Schools Individual Competition. Here are the highlights Abbie Seymour - High Jump 4th place Mayah Charles - Long Jump 1st place, Relay 1st place Atoni Rose - Long Jump 4th place (with a PB), Relay 1st place Nokuthula Zulu - 100m 1st place, Relay 2nd place Tamika Shelinkdo - 300m 4th place Ihesha Wright - Discus 3rd place Hazel Varley - Long Jump 1st place What’s hot this summer? We are now deep into the summer sports competitions here at Bluecoat Academy with teams representing the Academy in many different activities. We have already tasted success in Rounders, Cricket, Athletics and Tennis. But we now have triumphed in a sport we had never competed in before – Softball. Miss Todd-Ellis arranged for a coach to come in after school and take some sessions with a view to entering the Nottingham School’s Softball Championships. Miss Todd-Ellis took the Year 8 Girls team to the event and returned winners, beating Trinity, Nottingham Girls Academy and George Spencer School! Football success It has been a terrific season for Bluecoat football this year with most teams celebrating success at some stage of the season. Next academic year we are hoping to build on this success, with this in mind we have entered some teams into more competitions. This will give more students the opportunity to represent the Academy at football. Early in September 2014 we will be holding trials matches for most year groups as we aim to have both ‘A’ and ‘B’ teams in competitions. So if you are interested in playing for Bluecoat next season, please make sure you attend these trials. National Dance Competition winner Sumanjit Johal a Year 11 student attended a competition call UDO (United Dance Organization) in March which ran through the entire weekend. Sumanjit came first place in the Over 16’s Novice. This annual British competition is one of the largest competitions in the year. Last year Sumanjit came first in the same competition for the Under 16’s so has won twice for two years running! Table tennis Sycamore Table Tennis Club has been working in partnership with Bluecoat Academy to provide local primary school students with an opportunity to play table tennis at the fantastic facilities the academy have to offer in a new unique delivery model. The sessions have been led by Chris Turner, the club's Head Coach with over 20 students playing each week, at present all from Middleton Primary School. Sycamore Table Tennis Club are the current British champions and are one of only four official Talent Development Centres in England, aimed at producing a new generation of England internationals from Nottingham. The next step for the students is to join the Saturday morning programme at Brendon Lawrence Sports Hall, Hungerhill Road, 9:30 - 11:30am. The first session is FREE! believe in yourself, in others, in God