Issue 18 - The Glasgow Academy


Issue 18 - The Glasgow Academy
The magazine for former pupils and friends of Glasgow Academy and Westbourne School
Bartlett’s brilliant Bronze!
Laura and the girls celebrate
Reithian values
In 2004 Time magazine named Niall Ferguson one of
the 100 most influential people in the world. He is
pretty much universally acknowledged as one of the
world’s most able thinkers and debaters – something
I discovered earlier than most when (a brand new
teacher at Glasgow Academy) I found him sitting in
the front row of my A Level English class! I learned a
lot that year…
It was particularly appropriate that Niall should have
been chosen as the BBC Reith Lecturer, 2012 – and
not just because of his intellect and his influence. The
Reith Lectures are named after Lord Reith – the first
Governor-General of the BBC – and, as most readers
of this magazine will know, John Reith was a former
pupil of Glasgow Academy – something to which
Professor Ferguson alluded when he acknowledged his
debt to ‘a far greater Glasgow Academical than I’.
And acknowledging debts was one of the motifs
of his final lecture recorded at the Royal Society
of Edinburgh and the question and answer session which followed. In examining
institutions whose primary purpose is to preserve and transmit particular knowledge
and values, his attention turned inevitably to schools – and to independent schools
in particular. He knew he was being controversial when he said, ‘In my opinion, the
best institutions in the British Isles today are the independent schools.’
One of the questioners in the audience was fellow historian and fellow Academical,
Professor Colin Kidd – and Niall couldn’t resist pointing out that he, too, was a
fugitive from ‘70s state comprehensive education.
‘Before you start taking sideswipes at private education, before you complacently
tell yourself that everything is absolutely great about the state sector in Scotland,
the reason that Colin and I had successful academic careers was that our parents got
us out of the failing state schools – and they were failing state schools in Ayr in the
1970s, trust me.
‘You know that’s been the key to my life, and you may find that politically incorrect,
but I can tell you that there are a whole bunch of people who have had as much
intelligence, probably more than me – not as much as Colin – but there are kids out
there who have not had the advantage of a decent education. And because of the
failure of the public school central state model, will never have the opportunities
that he and I enjoyed to study at great universities, to write books, to develop our
His argument wasn’t about elitism but about diversity – about how each sector can
benefit from the challenge posed by all the others. I would encourage you to listen to
the programme on the BBC i-Player. If you don’t possess a computer, you’ll find an
excerpt on page 4 of this magazine.
Given that two such eminent historians started learning history at Glasgow Academy,
one can’t help wondering which of our current crop of pupils might be giving the
Reith Lecture of 2042…
Whether there is a Reith Lecturer – or indeed a Lord Reith – among us only time
will tell.
Colebrooke Street – the way of the
Reith Lectures 2012
Olympic dreams
11 Events and get-togethers
12 My father, Mike Page
13 The reluctant Apprentice
14 A Bed’s Eye View by Andrew Wylie
A wonderful moment
15 Academical Club
18 Changes at The Glasgow Academy
1992 to 2012
19 Westbourne
25 Updates
27 Family announcements
28 Obituaries
31 Picture Post
Do we have your e-mail address?
It’s how we communicate best!
Keeping in touch
The External Relations office is situated
in Colebrooke Terrace. Former pupils
are always welcome to pop in for a chat
and look round the school. Just give
us a call to arrange a time. Our address
is Colebrooke Terrace, Glasgow G12
8HE and you can contact us on 0141
342 5494 or at [email protected]
The Glasgow Academical Club
21 Helensburgh Drive, Glasgow G13 1RR
President – Iain Jarvie
E-mail – [email protected]
Secretary – Kenneth Shand
Tel: 0141 248 5011
E-mail: [email protected]
The Academical Club pavilion
is available for functions.
Academical Club’s London Section
Secretary – David Hall, 20 Cadogan Place
London SW1X 9SA
Tel: 020 7235 9012
E-mail: [email protected]
Editor’s note
Malcolm McNaught, Director of External Relations
[email protected]
We would like to clarify that the Mrs Hislop mentioned in the last issue
of Etcetera (Schoolboy Memories, page 10, paragraph 3) should not be
confused with Miss Winnie Reid – later Mrs Hyslop – whose career was
recorded in Etcetera 13 (page 19).
Colebrooke Street – the way of the future
Trusts and
The Academy needs to
raise significant funding
from the wider community
if we are to start building
in 2013. We urgently need
your help in identifying
trusts and foundations that
may support this great
The Academy has moved forward with its ambitious plans for a new Science and Technology
building on the site of two tenements next to the school on Colebrooke Street. An application
for permission to construct a state-of-the-art, 37,000 square foot, four-storey building has now
been submitted to Glasgow City Council.
The building will provide 15 Science laboratories on the upper floors and a 175-seat auditorium
and food and hospitality department on the ground floor. The development is the most
significant since Glasgow Academy moved to Kelvinbridge in 1878 and is the key stage in
completing the Rector’s 2020 Vision.
In due course The Academy will launch a public appeal. With the support of our community
(and subject to planning, of course), the school intends to start building next year. If you would
like to learn more about this great development, please contact: [email protected] / 0141
342 5494.
If you are aware of – or
could assist with links
to – any philanthropic
organisations, whether
trust, foundation or
business, which could
support the school with the
Science and Technology
development, please do
get in touch as soon as
[email protected] /
0141 342 5494
a dat e f o r yo u r d i a r i e s
The Chronicle
By the end of this month, it will be
possible to read all Chronicles from
the period 1940 to 1990 online.
The ‘Chronicle Archive’ page
will be found in the community
section of the school website:
We would like to thank all
those who supported the
Glasgow Acadepedia project,
which was part of this
year’s Regular Giving
appeal, for making this
The Glasgow Academy Ball
will be held on
Saturday 22 June 2013
at the Hilton Glasgow hotel.
Tickets will include reception drinks on arrival, a
fantastic three-course dinner, entertainment throughout
the evening and music to dance the night away. ALL
proceeds from the evening will be donated to Glasgow
Academy PTA funds.
Official invitations and booking forms will be sent
to all parents and former pupils, in January. This event
will sell out quickly, so we recommend you reserve your
table(s) now. For advance booking, further information
and sponsorship opportunities please contact PTA Chair,
Sandie Watt, on
[email protected].
as well as in England and Wales, it
would be a policy that aimed to increase
significantly the number of private
educational institutions and, at the
same time, to establish programmes of
vouchers, bursaries and scholarships to
allow a substantial number of children
from lower income families to attend
them. Of course, this is the kind of thing
that the Left reflexively denounces as
elitist. Even some Conservatives, like
George Walden, regard private schools
as a cause of inequality – institutions so
pernicious that they should be abolished.
Let me explain to you why such views
are utterly wrong.
Niall Ferguson
Reith Lectures 2012
Professor Niall Ferguson (1981) was this year’s BBC Reith Lecturer. Below is an
excerpt from his fourth and final lecture in which he argues that the dead hand of
the state can stifle initiative.
‘Above this race of men stands an immense
and tutelary power, which takes upon itself
alone to secure their gratifications and to
watch over their fate. That power is absolute,
minute, regular, provident, and mild. It
would be like the authority of a parent if, like
that authority, its object was to prepare men
for manhood; but it seeks, on the contrary, to
keep them in perpetual childhood…’
(Quote from Democracy in America by
Alexis de Tocqueville)
Tocqueville was surely right. Not
technology, but the state – with its
seductive promise of security from the
cradle to the grave – was the real enemy
of civil society. For Tocqueville, it would
be fatal for ‘the government … to take
the place of associations’.
To see just how right that wise
Frenchman was, ask yourself – how
many clubs do you belong to?
For my part, I count three London
clubs, one in Oxford, one in New York
and one in Cambridge, Massachusetts.
I am a deplorably inactive member,
but I pay my dues and use the sports
facilities, the dining facilities and the
guest rooms several times a year. I give
regularly, though not enough, to two
charities. I belong to one gymnasium.
I support a football club – no longer, I
hasten to add, the illustrious Scottish club
recently and ignominiously forced into
liquidation. I am probably most active as
an alumnus of the principal educational
institutions I attended in my youth:
The Glasgow Academy and Magdalen
College, Oxford. I also regularly give
time to the schools my children attend,
as well as to the university where I teach.
Let me explain to you why I am so
partial to these independent educational
Now, be warned: the view I am about
to state is highly unfashionable. At a
lunch held by The Guardian newspaper,
I elicited gasps of horror when I uttered
the following words: “In my opinion,
the best institutions in the British Isles
today are the independent schools”.
Needless to say, those who gasped
loudest had all attended such schools.
If there is one educational policy I
should like to see adopted in Scotland
For about a hundred years, there’s no
doubt, the expansion of public education
was a good thing. As Peter Lindert has
pointed out, schools were the exception
that proved Tocqueville’s rule, for it was
the American states that led the way in
setting up local taxes to fund universal
and indeed compulsory schooling after
1852. With few exceptions, widening
the franchise elsewhere in the world led
swiftly to the adoption of similar systems.
This was economically important,
because the returns to universal
education were very high: literate
and numerate people are much more
productive workers.
But we need to recognise the limits
of public monopolies in education,
especially for societies that have long
ago achieved mass literacy. The problem
is that public monopoly providers of
education suffer from the same problems
that afflict monopoly providers of
anything: quality declines because of lack
of competition and the creeping power
of vested producer interests.
Now, I am not arguing here for private
schools against state schools. I am
arguing for both – because biodiversity is
preferable to monopoly. A mix of public
and private institutions with meaningful
competition favours excellence – that
is why American universities, which
operate within an increasingly global
competitive system, are the best in the
world – 21 out of the world’s top 30.
While American high schools, in a
localised monopoly system, are generally
rather bad. Witness the most recent
scores from PISA – the Programme
for International Student Assessment
for mathematical attainment at age 15.
Would Harvard be Harvard if it had at
some point been nationalised by either
the State of Massachusetts or the Federal
Government? You know the answer…
A little knowledge...
not such a dangerous
Head for hire: Since moving
from Alpine to Ski Cross this
year, Pam has been on the
look-out for sponsorship
I have read reports recently that the
well-known Academical, Professor Niall
Ferguson, has been invited to present
the 2012 BBC Reith Lectures. This is
considered to be a great honour and a
recognition of the deliverer`s success in
their chosen field and he must feel proud
to have been asked.
I can, however, claim a connection
to Lord Reith which even Professor
Ferguson can`t match (Niall Ferguson
was born in 1964, the year I left the
Academy), in that, I have actually met
Lord Reith face to face.
This historic event came about when,
sometime in the mid-Fifties at the
Academy, I won my year`s ‘General
Knowledge’ prize, which was presented
to me by the “great man” and former
Academy pupil, Lord Reith.
My abiding memory of him was as a
grey giant of a man with hands the size
of snow shovels!
I remember that, as prize-giving day
approached, I asked my dad just who
Lord Reith was and what had he
achieved since he left the Academy.
On hearing that he had been Director
General of the BBC, I asked my dad
if he thought his lordship might know
Tony Hancock, who was, at that time,
my favourite radio comedian. Dad
replied that, although the BBC probably
paid both their salaries, he thought it
most unlikely that the two would have
had anything in common, as it was
widely believed that Lord Reith had
no sense of humour whatsoever. I was
warned not to raise the question during
our brief encounter!
It transpired that, lifting my General
Knowledge prize was to be the pinnacle
of my academic career, as I never graced
the prize-giving stage at the Academy
To justify this lack of academic
prowess and my inability to embrace
wholeheartedly some of the more
obscure offerings on the curriculum, to
my parents and my teachers, I always put
forward the defence that ‘it was better to
know a little about a lot’ than to know
‘everything about algebra’, a mantra
which I insist still holds good to this day!
Jim Shearer (1964)
Olympic dreams
Pam Thorburn (2003) is one determined
young lady! Having worked her socks off
to achieve one lifetime ambition only to
see it ripped from her at the last minute,
she changed tracks at the age of 25 and
has started patiently to build towards the
realisation of another, quite different,
‘I was 10 when I decided I wanted to
be a skier. All other sports including my
favourite horse riding had to take a back
seat when I was selected for the British
Children’s Skiing Team.’
And make up her mind is exactly
what Pam did. At school, she was
single-minded about skiing and tended
not to get too involved in hockey and
other sports, something that perhaps
inevitably led to her being a little bit
isolated from her fellow pupils as she was
often away competing. But pursuing the
dream of being an Olympic downhill
skier was what made it all worthwhile.
It looked as if that dream was about to
become a reality in 2010 when she had
been picked for the GB Alpine Downhill
Team. And then, a month before the
Vancouver Games, something totally
unexpected happened, something over
which she had no control – her skiing
federation went bankrupt and, along
with two other teammates, she was told
that they couldn’t afford to take her.
‘It was quite heart-breaking. You train
for it your whole life and then…’ she
says with a wry smile.
Recovering both from that major
disappointment and a serious shoulder
injury, Pam decided to take a look
around at alternatives and her eye fell on
ski cross, a relatively new sport included
in the 2010 Olympics for the first time.
So what is ski cross? ‘It’s like motocross
on skis with lots of jumps – kickers they
call them – and there’s four people going
down at once with lots of elbows and
bumping as you go down. The first two
qualify for the next round… I just love
head-to-head competition, so it seemed
like the right decision for me to switch.’
The rightness of that decision was
confirmed for her by the fact that she
became British Ski Cross champion this
March in only her third ever ski cross
race. However, there was a price to pay
in that she had to say goodbye to all her
lucrative sponsorship deals in moving
from the glamorous world of Alpine
downhill to what some might see as the
‘new kid on the block’ of the skiing
It takes a bare minimum of £35k a year
just to keep her competing, so the issue
of sponsorship is key. ‘I just couldn’t
continue to ask my parents for help,’ she
What keeps her driven? ‘I just keep
looking forward to the next thing. It’s
going to be bigger and better – and just
achieving it is what keeps me focused.
My plan is to be in the top 16 of the
world by February 2014 – the time of
the next Olympics.’
And no-one who’s met her would bet
against that outcome. With the body of
an athlete, the looks of a fashion model
and that kind of determination, she’s the
kind of prospect that businesses should
be queuing up to sponsor.
Pam’s website can be found at
The Academy in
the 60s…
Belt up, will you!
Former pupils of a certain vintage who
visit The Academy often comment on the
remarkable change that seems to have come
over the school since their day. They encounter
a bewildering number of smiling faces – and
are struck by the fact that pupils and teachers
nowadays actually seem to like each other!
Graeme Orr looks back to a time when things
were a little different…
As we read of the stresses faced nowadays
by schoolteachers in the classroom, it’s
easy – and lazy – to reach for those
rose-tinted glasses, and hark back to
far-off days when your teacher was
a wise, stern figure of authority. Pity
today’s unfortunate teachers, faced with
large unruly children who tower over
their ‘masters’, thanks to a diet of beef
burgers infused with growth hormone
and genetically-modified corn. Perhaps
a general issue of Tasers might quell the
little horrors? Well, readers, back in the
60s (when I attended the Academy),
the teachers commanded respect with
another ‘T’-weapon: the tawse, which
we knew as the belt.
The classic ‘Lochgelly’ belt – they were
manufactured in that small Fife town
– was a formidable weapon, a strip of
tough dark leather about 2 feet long x 2
inches wide x 0.2 inch thick. A further
daunting feature was that (like the
serpent’s tongue) the belt split at its free
(striking) end into two or three thongs.
These deterrent weapons were usually
kept in reserve as the ultimate sanction
against boisterous, cheeky youth, and a
whole subculture developed around their
use. The first thing to learn was how to
soothe the stinging pain from anything
up to ‘six of the best’, usually applied to
the left (non-writing) hand. The popular
remedy was to sit next to a radiator, and
to clutch the metal feed-pipe, always
hoping that it was cold. Alternatively
– although I never saw this ruse work
– the victim could draw back his hand
at the last moment, in the hope that the
teacher would whack his own knee. I
can only recall one outstanding teacher,
in more ways than one: ‘Frankie’ never
had to resort to the belt. His demeanour,
and recourse to withering sarcasm if
pressed, commanded respect from even
the most unruly among us.
Teachers adopted their own particular
mumbo-jumbo around the flagellation
ceremony (for such as it was – pour
encourager les autres). Thus, for
example, ‘Dodo’ had a light, soft,
harmless belt, which left the victim
smiling at the lack of pain inflicted.
Rumour had it that Dodo had missed
his strike once with a conventional belt,
and had struck the pupil’s wrist, causing
excessive pain and indeed damage to
blood vessels; this had led to the Mk 2
decaffeinated model. As for ‘Baggy’, he
had replaced the belt with a standard
wooden ruler, borrowed from a pupil
on the spur of the moment. With this
modest arrangement, ‘Baggy’ would
beat out a bastinado on the errant boy’s
hand: Tat-tat-tat, tat-tat-tat, TAT, TAT,
tat-tat-tat. There was little or no physical
pain, but if the lad was humourless (like
the class swot) and felt himself wrongly
victimised, Baggy would smilingly
explain to him, ‘Life’s never fair!’ Then
there was Lachie, who had given his belt
a name: he would declare in his lisping
Skye burr, ‘I’ll giff you a good dothe
of Annabel!’ Then there were the ‘real
mental’ belters: ‘Bangers’ for one. He
had arrived in our midst from (it was
said) Shawlands, sporting a Mohican
haircut and supporting the now defunct
Third Lanark football club. Bangers’
party piece, designed to strike terror into
the adolescent soul, was to put an old
penny on a desk lid and belt it until it
spun like a top or a mini-discus. What
you didn’t want to encounter under
any circumstances was the belt being
wielded in anger, when the teacher
had succumbed to the ‘red mist’. Wilf,
McNadger… no let’s not go there. Let
me draw a veil over all that, and proceed
in my account to perhaps the greatest
belter of them all.
Ladies and gentlemen, I bring you
‘Boggles’! Now, from the word Go,
Boggles stood out as an odd wee fella.
He was the fourth year Latin master, an
Oxford graduate, most erudite in his
parsing of the Latin poetry of Virgil for
us (Dactyl! Spondee! Trochaic!). He also
had a penchant for aids to memory –
take the following mnemonic: Malo – I
would rather be / Malo up an apple tree
/ Malo – than a naughty boy / Malo – in
adversity. I suspect that Boggles would
have preferred to have taught us English
grammar too, judging by his taste for
esoteric figures of speech. He would
exclaim, ‘Nice example of a zeugma!’
You may see an example of ‘zeugma’ (as
I have) in the august pages of Chamber’s
20th Century Dictionary or indeed
Fowler’s Modern English Usage, and like
me be none the wiser from the examples
That’s a thumbnail sketch of an
erudite ‘old school’ teacher, but some
description is also needed of Boggles
the man. For a start, he was very short:
five foot five in ‘old money’, thus short
of 1.65m. Now, schoolboys are terrible
gossips (no, really?), and it was soon
noticed that Boggles had a little hole
behind one ear. What might this be?
Surely not a lobotomy or some form of
trepanning? (some lads had fathers who
were doctors). The reality was more
mundane: a mastoid operation, popular
in the 40s. Then there was Boggles’
predilection for code-breaking; again, it
was rumoured that he must have been
a WW2 spy. Bletchley Park and its
activities were still secret in those days.
One bright lad decided to embellish the
cover of his Latin homework exercise
jotter with a coded message, which was
returned (errors corrected) with the
comment, ‘What’s this – How’s it going,
Now, although Boggles resorted to the
belt, it was only the ultimate sanction.
First there might be some lines; I recall
being asked to write out a page of
Shakespeare, so I cobbled together lines
from various plays, culminating in ‘O be
thou damned, inexecrable dog / To rob
me of so rich a bottom here!’, adding
the final sally, ‘What’s all this about the
Merry Wives of Winzer, then?’ The
next level of deterrence was a Warning;
then came the invitation, ‘My room at
1.30’, which was his chosen time for
belting. Not in front of the classmates,
and the humiliation that might imply;
no red mist; just a good belting to the
Queensbury Rules, as amended and
customised by Boggles. You guessed –
inevitably I managed to over-step the
mark, and received my invitation. My
loyal chum Hamish cried ‘Sadist!’ and he
was called up too. All I can remember of
our punishment was that I was the first
victim. Boggles stood on his platform,
Whack! went the belt, and (trying to
put on a brave face) I croaked, ‘More
strength to your arm, Sir!’ Not very
considerate of me: Hamish still awaited
his fate. Boggles smiled back sweetly, as
he took careful aim.
Graeme Orr (1965)
these books was the proud responsibility
of Mr Quinn (Chief Assistant to Kenny
Wayne of the gym!).
Gastronomic Ghosts
They say time can selectively fade
the memory. The long sunny days of
summer holidays eclipse the sodden ones.
Fifty years on, can the same be said with
regard to our school-day sustenance?
I seem to recall the vast majority of
boys at the Academy in the early 60s
recharged their batteries via the delights
of the Dining Hall (with selective and
frequent assistance from the good offices
of Jean and Ina in the Tuck Shop!).
There was a cohort of diehard
packed-lunchers in the Well and an even
rarer species who lived near enough to
nip home to savour domestic delights.
For the rest of us, we faced the joys of
the Dining Hall.
I rather think we were pretty well served
by the quantity and quality of plain fare
that was produced on the premises.
There were always three courses but
no choices. We had not as yet been
presented with the challenge of the
vegetarian option or the regional themed
For those of an inquisitive nature,
the day’s fare was emblazoned on a
blackboard and easel which could be
spied through the glass panels of the
locked Dining Hall doors, by the end
of morning break, thus enhancing
anticipation (or not) of the wonders that
lay ahead.
At the forefront of the memory,
however, was one particular menu
which by general consensus, was the
house favourite. This colossus of the
culinary art appeared fairly infrequently
The legendary Jean and Ina feed the masses at
– but always on a Thursday, when it did
While the first two items speak for
themselves, the dessert had acquired
a legendary status. The ‘delight’
element was a two-tone jelly which
was then smothered in a topping
whose progenitrix by no stretch of the
imagination could ever have been related
to a cow! That being said, this glutinous
white substance was swiftly dispensed
from a vast stainless steel basin of
bottomless capacity which easily served
to meet the demands of every student
and master. Second helpings were not
unknown. The flavour lingers on in the
memory but, like the Lost Chord, the
chance of recreation seems on a par with
locating the Holy Grail (unless, Dear
Reader, you know better?).
Confession is good for the soul. Those of
my vintage might remember that school
dinners were paid for by presenting a
daily ticket (to the value of 2/6 (12.5p))
which one dispensed from a cheque
book-like supply of 20 tickets. These
had to be acquired at the start of the
academic year – a simple arithmetical
process being applied to calculate the
number of books that would be required
to last until the summer. The sale of
Naturally, during the course of the
academic year, some lunches would
be missed, pupils would be off sick or
decide to avoid the Dish of the Day.
The end result was a surfeit of unused
lunch tickets. The process for dealing
with this issue at the end of the academic
year was to present the unused tickets
to Mr Quinn who then dispensed
unimaginable amounts of ready cash
to young gentlemen on a generally
restricted income. This, of course,
should have resulted in an unexpected
windfall for grateful parents. I can only
say, however, that the turnover Jean
and Ina experienced in the Tuck Shop
during that final week of term would
be something on a par with Harrods’
January sale!
There is a certain sense of catharsis
in admitting that I could surely be
found among that ravenous horde who
selectively pruned the annual dividend
in this frenzy of indulgence. Perhaps this
kindles a few guilty memories?
Having neither witnessed nor
experienced it, I rather think that
50 years on, the catering process in
Colebrooke Street will have evolved out
of all recognition. Today’s students no
doubt daily enjoy a varied and bounteous
selection of a healthy and enticing
nature. Alas, they will be forever denied
the indefinable joys of Academy Delight
and Cream!
Douglas Macnaughtan (1965)
The new girl…
Sad as we were to bid farewell to Joanna
Wallace who has gone to join her
husband in Aberdeen, we are delighted
to welcome our new Alumni/Events
Manager, Emma Fitzpatrick. Emma
joins us from the Prince’s Scottish
Youth Business Trust where she has
been working for the last four years in a
marketing role. With no fewer than five
reunions over the next four weeks, she’s
off to a flying start!
William Livingstone remembers
In a very infrequent visit to Scotland
around four years ago, I was shown
around the Academy buildings by my
cousin’s daughter, and the memories
started to flood in. I recognised some
of the older rooms, and everything
seemed somehow so small compared to
what I had remembered from so long
ago. Strange what time does; it seems to
warp the physical dimensions. Since that
visit, I have been avidly reading every
issue of Etcetera, looking for a familiar
name or event. And this for someone
who basically never showed any interest
whatsoever in the Academy for nigh
on 40 years. And so, here for the first
time in print, are some of my more
memorable experiences.
My 11 years at the Academy were not
outstanding in any way. Looking at
my report sheets (I still have them all
to this day!), I see that I was a mixed
student. Moving constantly back and
forth between ‘A’ and ‘B’ streams, I got
mediocre grades. I did win a prize in
Prep 4, and enjoyed for once only the
Prize Giving Ceremony. So, it was no
manner of a shock, when, in my final
year, someone decided to take me out
of my comfort zone and turned me
into both a Sergeant in the CCF and a
The pinnacle of William’s academic success came
in Prep 4
Prefect. To this day, I have no idea how
it happened.
When I left the Academy in 1966 for
St Andrews University, I had no idea
that I was also leaving Glasgow. Three
years later, armed with a BSc in Maths
and Statistics, I made my way to Israel
for a year’s visit. That one year has now
turned into 43 and, amid unforeseen and
unimaginable challenges and changes,
personal and other, I have built a very
different sort of life from that which I
left back in Scotland. In all those years
I have never come across a former
Academical or even a person for whom
the name Glasgow Academy rings a bell
of knowing. But it turns out that the
roots are still there, strong and alive.
I was an active cadet in the CCF. Had I
had any gumption at the time, I would
have tried to join the air or sea cadets,
but as it was, I remained in greens for the
duration. I vaguely remember days out
in the field, firing guns and definitely,
interminable parades. I also have a vague
feeling that I was registered in the Signals
Sundays were always ‘get ready for
tomorrow’ days. Not an inconsiderable
time was spent blanco-ing the webbing
(why it was called ‘blanco’ I don’t have
the faintest idea – the belt was a pale
green; I suppose it came from the whites
of the navy …???), brass-rubbing the
brasses, and polishing the boots. I always
needed plenty of newspapers to lay out
the wet parts to dry.
Sergeant Livingstone and his fellow CCF officers
Somewhere around the age of 16 or
17 I was promoted to the exalted rank
of sergeant. And I had to exchange my
khaki trousers for a more suitable kilt. I
am now a wee lad, but back then I was
even ‘wee-er’, and the only kilt they
could find in the store was too long,
and it covered my knees – a disaster.
And the heavy woollen socks were also
too long for my short legs, thus also
moving too high up. The result – a
total disgrace to the tradition of kilt
wearing. Notwithstanding, it did have its
advantages. On a hot spring or summer’s
day, standing at ease on parade was made
a mite easier by a breeze cooling off
certain parts of the anatomy with great
effectiveness. This was known as natural
air conditioning. And as a result, for the
past 40 odd years I have been fending off
the inevitable question: ‘What DOES a
Scotsman wear under his kilt?’
CCF life really did prove to have
long-lasting benefits. A short while
ago, my good lady and I spent a couple
of days camping in the desert beside
the Dead Sea. As we looked up at the
incredibly clear sky unspoilt by the lights
of civilization, I clearly recognized the
‘Plough’; and I instantly remembered
lugging to school one wintry day some
enormous posters of the constellations
which I had prepared myself at home,
and was about to teach even younger
cadets. For some really inexplicable
reason, the Plough stands out as being
one of the more important events of my
cadet life.
William Livingstone (1966)
The Academy I knew in the 1950s
Not so many years ago, Henry Uren
welcomed me as a new member to the
Allander Probus Club in Milngavie. His
welcome included a comment that he
remembered me as one of the quieter
boys at the Academy. By way of defence,
I pointed out that, being the youngest
in the class, it was always advisable to
keep one’s head down. Even at what was
quite a late stage in his life, he still had a
phenomenal memory for the names of
former pupils of the school and precisely
when they were there. In writing out
every rugby and cricket team sheet by
hand you very quickly got to know
who was who (even the not-so-good
Entering the Prep school in 1943, it
was the tutelage of Miss Wilson, Miss
McEwen, Miss Currie, Miss Lilburn
and Miss Walker that held sway. Sadly
I never had the opportunity of meeting
any of these highly-influential ladies
in later life. The Prep school then,
was not quite the colourful place it is
today. It was wartime, but the academic
clock ticked on, and new male teachers
eventually appeared as it was time for
us to proceed into the Senior school.
Some of these new teachers might be
remembered for the wrong reasons,
but some I did meet up with later and
was able to see things with a broader
Despite a lifetime fascination with
chemistry and the big molecules of life,
I was initially somewhat ‘scunnered’
to read in an early school report that
‘this boy has no aptitude for chemistry’.
Clearly this was a novel way of
stimulating interest in chemistry; I
have to say it worked. In the end I
suppose I chose the type of chemistry
I wished to do that was relevant to
modern developments, especially in
Anyway, with a ceremonial throwing
off of school caps into the River Kelvin
we, and others, took flight for the wider
world in 1955(now I note that pupils
have no caps to throw away). For me
it was St Andrews University, the alma
mater of chemistry teacher Gordon
Carruthers. In later life we would meet
up at functions of the West of Scotland
St Andrews University Graduates
Association and through the University
of Strathclyde Convocation. (I am afraid
I never did get around to asking him
about that school report!)
Braving the east winds of St Andrews
also brought back memories of Wallace
Orr’s art Classes. A regular subject he
introduced was the Fife Fishing Villages
which I still paint today. At school
Wallace felt my drawing a bit too loose
and scribbled. However, I did change a
bit and used to meet up with him again
when I was President of the Milngavie
Art Club, although he could not recall
his earlier criticisms. Not only did he
introduce many of us to the finer points
of art, he introduced a number of us to
Shakespeare, as he is spoken, through
the Globe Players. I have fond memories
of performing in Hamlet, A Midsummer’s
Night’s Dream and The Tempest. I don’t
know if any of us went on to be stage
professionals, but certainly the strain
of saying ‘one-liners’ with proper
emphasis, was clearly a good training for
something, if not West-end theatre land.
Despite a lifetime fascination
with chemistry and the big
molecules of life, I was initially
somewhat “scunnered” to read
in an early school report that
“this boy has no aptitude for
chemistry”. Clearly this was
a novel way of stimulating
interest in the subject;
I have to say it worked.
Roy Burdon, FRSE, Emeritus Professor,
University of Strathclyde
Another interest of mine has always been
music and this was initially stimulated
by Reginald Barret-Ayers. Under his
baton and myopic spectacles, I sang
in the School Choir – and learnt the
complex skills of ‘mime’ playing second
fiddle in the school orchestra when the
pieces became too fast. Besides music,
sometimes Reginald Barret-Ayres was
delegated to take classes in scripture, and
one day, due to a rather idiosyncratic
reading of the ‘good book’, he hinted
that the world might come to an
end fairly soon. Not surprisingly, this
provoked a reluctance amongst my
classmates to continue with the idea of
At this stage I felt that playing piano/
violin just wasn’t very ‘sexy’ and changed
to the clarinet. This permitted quick
access to the School Jazz Band led by
the then Rector’s son Chris Richards on
trumpet. One of the band’s important
gigs was to play for the dancing that
followed the Annual Debates that we
had with the young ladies of Park
School. Sadly, Chris Richards and Park
School are no longer with us, but my
skills on the clarinet proved an excellent
entrée into undergraduate high-life
(albeit 1955) at St Andrews.
In connection with debating, I am
reminded that one year I failed to win
a class prize in history (I did not usually
win anyway). My father correctly
reckoned it was of little consequence,
but it is worth noting that the winner
that year was Donald Dewar, who
himself went on to make history in a big
way as the First Minister of Scotland.
We often met later on the ‘Shuttle’
to Heathrow; Donald on his way to
Parliament, as Shadow Secretary of State
for Scotland, and myself as a delegate
to the Parliamentary Scientific Liaison
Committee in my role as Chairman of
The Biochemical Society (UK). He was
always concerned by the lack of scientific
and technological expertise within
Parliament and often we had earnest
discussions as to how this might be
corrected. Donald is gone, but scientific
illiteracy still rules Westminster. These
days it’s always a bit spooky walking
up to the top of Buchanan Street in
Glasgow, just to say ‘Good morning, not
much progress’ to ‘Dan Dour’ as he was
affectionately known at school.
Besides having served as Chairman
of The Biochemical Society (UK), I
am a Fellow of the Royal Society of
Edinburgh and a Fellow of the Society
of Biology. Since leaving St Andrews
University, I have been Research
Fellow at New York University Medical
Centre; Professor of Microbiology
at the Polytechnical University of
Denmark; Professor in Biochemistry at
the University of Glasgow; Governor/
Director Scottish Agricultural College;
Chairman of the UK Coordinating
Committee for Biotechnology; and
Chairman of the Scientific Advisory
Committee, European Federation for
Biotechnology. Before retiring, I held
the Chair of Molecular Biology and
Chairmanship of the Department of
Bioscience and Biotechnology at the
University of Strathclyde.
Roy Burdon (1955)
The Origins of Atholl
As Atholl Preparatory School is now part
of the Academy, as I was the first Atholl
boy to be promoted to the Academy and
as I am now old, it seems timely to place
on record the interesting early history
of Atholl. I was moved to write these
few lines by Peter Aeberli’s interesting
memory of his Atholl Days in the spring
2012 copy of Etcetera.
My family moved to Milngavie in 1923
when I was 4. At that time, Milngavie
although the proud and ancient burgh
of Guy’s Mill, depended for education
on Milngavie Public School, plus two
‘dames’ schools, Miss Robertson’s and
Miss Taylor’s. I attended the former where
we wrote on slates with slate pencils
and stood in the corner when we were
naughty, but all this was to change.
In 1926 Miss Mary Grieves, a senior
civil servant, was posted to Glasgow. She
planned, together with her long-time
companion Miss Hoare, to buy a house
in Milngavie. This they brought to pass
by acquiring a detached villa called Atholl
Cottage, down the Glasgow Road. Miss
Hoare had recently retired as head mistress
of a prestigious school in England. She
belonged to the famous banking family
of Hoare and was a relative of Sir Samuel
Hoare the then cabinet minister.
At this time a lecturer in physiology called
Kennedy-Fraser lived in Milngavie. He
was the son of Margery Kennedy-Fraser,
famous for collecting and translating Gallic
folk songs. Mr Kennedy-Fraser, who
had three daughters to educate, met Miss
Hoare in education circles and persuaded
her to start a small school in Milngavie
to occupy her retirement. Thus ‘Atholl
Cottage School’ was born with a target
of about 25 pupils. I was part of the first
intake and at the age of 8 was the oldest
pupil in the school.
To move from slate pencils and learning
by rote to a school based on the most
modern and enlightened teaching methods
of the day was for me like moving from
a dark cellar into the sunshine of a spring
morning. I loved every moment from
hearing about the Great Wall of China,
Hiawatha and Minnehaha, to being
encouraged to compose and write my
own poetry and tell my own stories. At
break time during the morning we played
in the garden but when it was raining
I was allowed to tell my own brand of
fairy tales to the other children. I can
remember having to recite ‘King John’s
Christmas’ from AA Milne’s poetry
collection ‘Now We are Six’ at the
Christmas concert. This was quite a long
poem that took some remembering. Then
there was the sport’s day. I won all the
events except one because I was bigger
than any other child. The one event was
the high jump where I was thwarted by a
long-legged girl called Maisie Couts who
was the daughter of our minister. This was
indeed a golden year for me.
I must have been quite a bright child
because I managed to conceal from Miss
Hoare for nearly a year that I could not
read. I now know that I was and still
am dyslexic, but dyslexia had not been
invented or identified in 1927. Many
dyslexic children, including one of my
own daughters, develop great skill in
hiding their inability to read. When
Miss Hoare found out to her horror and
surprise that I could neither read nor spell,
she took me in hand personally and a
series of afternoon lessons was organised
for me in the autumn of that year. But
alas Miss Hoare died during the Christmas
holidays of 1927 after an hysterectomy
operation. I can remember crying my eyes
out when I heard the dreadful news. In
great sadness Miss Grieves arranged for
the school to limp on with a temporary
teacher and then Atholl Cottage was sold
and the school was transferred to the
Boys Brigade Hall under the aegis of a
committee of parents.
However, the personality of Miss Hoare
was such an enduring memory that it
inspired the committee of parents to
finance and build the beginnings of Atholl
Prep School at its present site on the moor
between Buchanan Street and Mugdock
Road. This was a splendid achievement
and gave Milngavie a top class modern
junior school when many small Scottish
towns were still struggling with the
schoolrooms and teaching methods of
yesteryear. As the saying goes – the rest
is history, but the name and traditions of
Atholl Cottage lived on and I am sure
still live on after 85 years in the Atholl of
My extra reading classes ceased with the
death of Miss Hoare, but their effect
lingered on until during the summer
holidays of 1928 I suddenly found myself
reading a book called ‘The Tower
Treasure.’ At last I could read, but it was
too late for me to avoid being down
graded to a class below my age when
I started at the Academy in September
1928. My self-esteem as a pupil and my
scholastic performance never recovered,
although I won the class prize and
certificates for writing during my first two
years in 2nd and 3rd English classes and
was also vice-captain of my class. From
then on it was somewhat downhill all the
way. Nevertheless I am proud to have
been the first boy whom the Atholl system
prepared for the Glasgow Academy. The
next two were Jim Phillips and Archie
Miss Hoare’s great gifts of imagination and
how to gain the enthralled confidence of
small children should never be forgotten.
Perhaps the vividness of my memories
– and the ability to write about her and
Atholl Cottage at the age of 92 – says it
Ronnie Walker (1938)
The Atholl I loved
Just taking half an hour to read the latest
Etcetera. Thoroughly enjoyed the piece
‘Atholl Days’ by Peter Aeberli. It was
absolutely delightful to hear him talk of an
Atholl from the 1950s and 60s, which was
(but for a very few details, and the name
of the Head Mistress) identical to the
Atholl I knew from the 1980s and 90s...
the paper chains, the Christmas nativity,
hiding behind the big brick garage, for
some reason known as ‘the shed’, the
partition between the Blue Room and the
Green Room, and never being quite sure
whether the moor was out of bounds or
not! I think it was to be honest, but it was
known for the odd expedition through
the bracken when we didn’t think anyone
was looking! I wonder if the young
teachers he described fondly from the
early 60s were the same as the older ladies
on the verge of retirement I loved so
dearly in the late 80s? Valerie Speirs (sadly
no longer with us), Dorothy Murison,
Sally Windebank, or Margaret Nelson
would certainly be around that vintage.
The piece brought back some very fond
memories, and a little tear to my eye.
Atholl was (before my father and his
board of directors necessarily rescued it
from near financial and structural ruin in
the mid-90s, and turned it into the viable
school The Academy incorporated) to
me as little boy absolutely enchanting and
utterly unique. It was extremely pleasing
to see that my experiences were shared
and matched by generations before me.
Thank you kindly for bringing a little
smile to my face, Team Etcetera!
Murray Will (Atholl Owl 1987-1992)
Events and get-togethers
The guest of honour and principal
speaker at Prize-giving on Thursday 28
June was David Webster (1962). It was
David’s first visit back to The Academy
since he left school to study law at
Glasgow University. The Academy was
also delighted to welcome Mrs Gail
Webster to the school for the day.
On graduating from Glasgow, David
worked briefly in accountancy before
moving to London to work in corporate
finance with Samuel Montagu. He then
embarked on a very successful career in
business. David is perhaps best known
for his time at supermarket group
Safeway, which he co-founded with
the late James Gulliver and Sir Alistair
Grant in 1987. After Safeway was sold
in 2003, David became Chairman of
David Webster (1962) with the Rector and Mrs Gail Webster outside the Cargill Hall after Prize-giving
Intercontinental Hotels Group. He will
retire as its Chairman at the end of this
David had many wise – and entertaining
– words of advice for the current and
Class of 1986-88 Reunion
Around 40 middle-aged men turned
up at Colebrooke Street on Friday 15
June for the Class of 1986-88, 25 year
reunion. We were greeted by Malcolm
McNaught, Gregor Anderson, Bill
Robertson and Nigel Spike in The
Well library and it wasn’t long before
several old tales were being recounted.
Many were centred on summer corps
camps, days out at Mugdock moor and
weekend jaunts up to Glen Etive – and
the memories came flooding back. After
a glass of champagne we headed over
to a very fine lunch in the prep school
and were addressed by Stewart McAslan,
another of the few remaining 1980s staff,
who reminded us what a fine record we
had on the rugby field (hardly equalled
since) as well as several other sporting
achievements and stories.
Stuart Montgomerie (second from right) proves
that his school blazer still fits (well, almost!)
After lunch we set off on a tour of the
school guided by a number of very
confident and charming prefects. Several
of the guys have children at the school
but, to many of us, the expansion
and upgrade of the facilities in the 25
years was nothing short of remarkable!
There were a few things, however, that
shocked us: the one way system around
The Well not being observed, Bingo’s
and Jimmy Jope’s classrooms being
unrecognisable and the Cargill Hall
chairs having cushions on them! But
the most disturbing of all was the lack
of awareness from our sixth year tour
guides of their teachers’ nicknames!
We congregated again for coffee, and
posed for our photo, before many of the
group headed over to Chimmy Chunga’s
(now called Coopers) to continue the
banter and a few more chaps turned up
for the evening. On a more personal
note, I was delighted to get some further
wear from my ‘new’ blazer which my
mother reluctantly bought in late 1986
for my last six or seven months at the
Academy. On careful examination
of some of the Prefects’ blazers they
definitely don’t make them like they
used to!
Thanks very much to all the staff and
pupils involved for making us all feel so
welcome and we look forward to the
next reunion when I hope we will see a
leaving pupils. His speech – and that of
last year’s guest of honour, Murray Stuart
(1951) – is available to read in full on
the school website in the ‘Community’
Diary of Events
Class of 1972 Westbourne Reunion
Saturday 25 August
Class of 1992 Reunion
Friday 7 September
Class of 1972-1973 Reunion Lunch
Thursday 13 September
Class of 1950-1955 Reunion
Friday 14 September
GA 100 Careers Event
Thursday 27 September
1976-1978 Reunion
Friday 5 October
Kelvin Foundation Lunch
Thursday 11 October
Gasbags Lunch
Friday 26 October
2002 Reunion
Friday 26 October
Remembrance Service and Parade
Friday 9 November
The 130th Academical Club Annual
Friday 9 November
few more old (as they most certainly will
be by then!) faces.
Stuart (Monty) Montgomerie (1986)
Mike Page
At the age of eleven I became a pupil
at Glasgow Academy. I was terrified
for the first week or so to see huge men
all wearing gowns, looking extremely
stern and all much alike. I thought
the building itself was immense and
the rector, Roydon Richards, quite
awesome. Worse was to come when
I realised that the Maths Master’s
classroom, for pupils in One C, was
in Room A next door to the Rector’s
Study. The whole setup was totally alien
to me and possibly to other new boys.
I have no idea what Mike thought of
teaching Maths to a bunch of youngsters
who were, to put it mildly, not very
receptive. By encouragement and
humour he did succeed in instilling the
basics. To this day I can remember his
pronunciation of the words infiníte (not
infìnìte) straight line. On OTC days,
normally a Friday, he turned out in his
army uniform – absolutely immaculate.
During the whole year he never needed
to punish a boy! The reason was quite
simple: An LNER window strap sat on
his desk. Nobody, to my knowledge,
asked him how he acquired it.
Mr and Mrs Page sightseeing during
the scholars’ trip on the Lusitania
in 1938
My father, Mike Page
My father, Michael Stuart Page, was a
teacher at Glasgow Academy until he left
in 1940 for the war. He was invited to
go from The Black Watch to become a
Paratrooper. In this role he fought with
others in Italy, N. Africa and finally in
Holland. He was amongst the first to be
dropped into Arnhem in the Battle for
the Bridge. He flew in on 19 September
1944 and was killed the following day.
My young brother was born on 21
This left my mother with three children:
my elder sister Gillian was 4, I was 2 and
my new born baby brother, Geoffrey.
My mother left Glasgow and moved
to Sussex where we lived for many
years before relocating to Kent. She
lived until she was 93 years old and was
an amazing person. My father would
have had 7 grandchildren and, so far,
9 great grandchildren. His sister is still
alive but has a very poor memory. My
memories of my father are minimal as
I was so young when he died. I have
been to see where he is buried in the
military graveyard at Oosterbeek in
Holland. This is an amazing place and
the memories of the actions of all those
young men to preserve the freedom of
the Dutch is held with great respect. The
cemetery is immaculate and no-one is
I would be very grateful to hear from
anyone who has any memories or
pictures of my father that they would be
willing to share. There are so many gaps
in his short life that I would love to fill
in but need help to do so.
If you would like to get in touch with Sue
(Page) Barker about memories of her father,
please email [email protected]
As a master he was entitled to play
Rugby for Accies and, at one time,
there was a photograph of him and the
other team members in the Pavilion at
Anniesland. At the end of the summer
term, in June 1940, he wished us all a
happy holiday. Little did we realise he
was never to return. Of his war record I
can do no better than to quote the details
from the Glasgow Academy Roll of
Service 1939-45:
‘PAGE, Michael Stuart
(Academy Staff 1935 – 40). 2nd Lieut,
Glasgow Academy J.T.C. – Major
Black Watch; Parachute Regt. 1st
Airborne Div. Killed in Action at
Arnhem, September, 1944. Mentioned
in Despatches (twice). Home Service
1940-41; India1941-42; M.E., Italy
1942-43; Home Service 1943-44;
Arnhem 1944.’
Now, many many years later, I realise he
was a born leader. As the years disappear
in the mist of time my thoughts go
back to Mike and other Academicals
who were only a year or two older
than myself and who did not return.
Remembrance Day becomes more and
more poignant each year.
Alan G. Diack (1945)
The reluctant Apprentice…
silence is encouraged and they don’t
tolerate chatting.’
Laura Hogg (2001) will be this year’s
Dallachy Lecturer – a lecture in which
she will be reflecting on business, Lord
Sugar and The Apprentice. Here she
talks to Malcolm McNaught about
some of the things she found out
through the process.
It’s clear that the producers have
worked hard on the psychology of
the situation so that – when they’re
eventually released into the boardroom
– emotions are running high. ‘By that
time everyone is watching for the least
wee sign of someone making a mistake
– that’s gold dust. And when they do,
everyone’s on to it a bit like sharks with
When the idea of applying for a place
in The Apprentice was first suggested
to Laura Hogg, she was surprisingly
‘I had watched and enjoyed several
series of the programme, but funnily
enough wasn’t too keen on the job
opportunity that went along with it. I
thought, I’ve got my own wee empire
here – why would I want to move
all the way down there and work for
someone else?’
Her ‘wee empire’ was a bridal shop
called Laura Reece on Dumbarton
Road which she had been running for
a just over a year. Everything was going
well, but – as every entrepreneur knows
– if there’s one thing every new business
could do with it’s an injection of capital
to get things really moving.
‘So the shift in the process to a
£250,000 investment was appealing,’
Laura continues. ‘But I was still
reluctant to apply. It may sound
arrogant, but I thought, “Do I have
time for this?”. I thought there was a
fair chance that if I applied I would
be chosen to take part. I seem to
have a spark or something that people
recognise – I don’t know what it is…
And I had already won an online
version of The Apprentice called
The Hirer in 2008. It was great, but
time-consuming and I really didn’t want
to leave my own business for that long.’
Eventually it was Jim Boslem – a
family friend and her mentor with
Entrepreneurial Spark, an organisation
for encouraging fledgling business
people – who persuaded Laura to go for
it and she sent in her application.
It is rumoured that some 120,000
people applied to appear in the last
series of The Apprentice. No wonder
that the interview process sounds brutal
as the producers tried to whittle down
the hopefuls into more manageable
numbers. Having survived the initial,
paper-based cull, Laura was asked to
make her way down south for a series of
interviews and screen tests – everything
from one-to-one interviews to
assembling flat-pack furniture in teams
of 10 under time pressure.
As well as the 30-second pitch in front
of the cameras, Laura realised that how
you sparked off the other contestants
was probably as important as anything
else in the selection process. ‘I never
forgot for a second that it was TV. At
the end of the day it’s all about air time
and what plays to an audience. In the
house [where the successful candidates lived
throughout the process] we had lots of time
to discuss why we thought we’d been
picked. One common denominator is
that we’d had clashes with others during
the selection process.’
While the auditions certainly
don’t sound like something for
the faint-hearted, the same could
undoubtedly be said of the programme
itself as Laura described some of what
lies behind elements of the programme
that will be familiar to regular viewers.
Take the boardroom, for example…
‘What viewers probably don’t know is
the boardroom is a full day of shooting
edited down to about 20 minutes…
The day began with all the candidates
penned in the green room for two
hours. We were with minders all the
time to check that the atmosphere
didn’t get too jolly. It felt a bit like
being a teenager back at school at times:
And turn on her those sharks certainly
did in ‘Week 8’ of the programme
when her mistake was not getting
into selling mode quickly enough.
Surrounded by garish modern art and
finding herself out of her comfort zone,
it took her a while to realise that others
were stealing a march on her while she
chatted politely to potential customers.
It was a weakness that proved fatal to
her chances of being Lord Sugar’s next
The programme was a learning
experience for Laura and she says she
learned quite a bit about herself. ‘I
didn’t realise I was as feisty as I am –
especially in the boardroom.’
Perhaps that shouldn’t be too much of
a surprise for someone who ‘thrives on
the adrenaline of competition’. As she’ll
tell you, ‘anyone in the business world
is the same’.
Looking back, she has no regrets
about taking part in the competition
– ‘After all, I’ve made some fantastic
friends through the process!’ She does,
however, feel that it may be time for ‘a
wee shake up’ in the format. ‘I suspect
the show is fundamentally flawed in that
it’s all about winners and losers... It’s
essentially a game show.’
But maybe that’s always going to be the
case with television.
Perhaps Laura’s ambivalence about
the whole process is summed up in
her final statement as she reflects on
her experience: ‘I would love to win
£250,000 – but I’m not so sure about
being Lord Sugar’s business partner!’
Laura will be giving the Dallachy Lecture
on Thursday 4 October at 7pm in the
Cargill Hall.
A Bed’s Eye View
by Andrew Wylie
Andrew Wylie (1944)
and I met and became
friends in Transitus in
1938 – a friendship
which lasted until his
death last summer. We
had sometimes talked,
as old men will, of our
mortality and, hesitantly,
of any faint footprint we
might leave behind. Yet
of Andrew there was
never any doubt that he
would be well remembered, and by many at that.
For, as a minister of the Church of Scotland his
avowed purpose and determined vision carried
him through and far beyond the boundaries
of church wall and parish. His life and work
became a “reaching out” to people, culminating
in his time as the first Chaplain to the Offshore
Oil Industry during which he was involved in
the aftermath of several disasters including Piper
Alpha. Of these years he left an eloquent and
engaging account in his book Just Being There –
With Bears and Tigers in the North Sea.
But he has left another tangible legacy in a
collection of prayers written over 30 years ago
and conceived during long weeks in hospital after
suffering a severe stroke. In recognizing that his
were commonly experienced emotions, Andrew
sought to share thoughts of them hoping to help
the sick, their carers and those left at home to
better understand a stressful situation.
These short prayers, of seldom more than
fifteen or sixteen lines, are immensely insightful
and speak both personally and of others with
compassion. They show courage in admitting
fear and in the confusion of the unfamiliar,
hope in weary loneliness and gratitude for
companionship and care. If this sounds a tad
sanctimonious, I do my friend an injustice;
his words are deceptively simple but aptly
profound, and, for those of doubt, may be read
as elegant prose or blank verse. I guarantee
they will resonate and stir latent thoughts. A
warm introduction to the book is contributed
by Gerald Stranraer-Mull, Dean Emeritus of
the Diocese of Aberdeen and Orkney. The
card cover and pleasing professional design
throughout is by Andrew’s friend Michael
A Bed’s Eye View is published by Jennifer,
Andrew’s widow, (as they had planned before
his death) with his original hope and aim that it
provide comfort to those unwell, at home or in
hospital, and to those supporting them
Douglas N Anderson (1944)
A wonderful moment for
Laura - and for Sheila!
Every picture tells a story - and it’s often an emotional
one. The goal-scorer lies on the ground in a mixture of
exhaustion and elation from her effort to get the ball on
target. But what about the emotions of the photographer?
Sheila Crawford
For Laura Bartlett - the goal-scorer - this photo taken at the London 2012
Olympics represents a career ‘high’ and a moment she’ll remember for
ever. But for the photographer, Sheila Crawford - newly-retired Head
of Games and Laura’s hockey coach throughout her time at Glasgow
Academy - it was also a career ‘high’, something she too will never forget.
Sheila describes the moment: ‘I took the photo at the Great Britain against
Belgium match on Thursday 2 August. Laura - number 14 - is on the
ground having just scored as you can see the yellow ball in the back of the
net. I was just thrilled to be there when she scored a goal. Laura played
very well throughout the tournament and I was absolutely delighted to be
there with her mum and dad and Kay [her sister] and be a part of it!’
Of course, the GB hockey team went on to win the Bronze medal
after beating New Zealand in their final game. Many congratulations to
them, and to Laura in particular. Like Sheila Crawford, we’re all very
proud of you!
From another
Graham Little (staff 1965-88,
aka Bingo) at 85 had vascular
surgery in the Western
Infirmary in June but is
making a good recovery. In
a window bed at level 9, he
amused himself describing the
view in 52 lines of doggerel,
from which the following is
an extract. If you have any
interest in the total description,
it is available by e-mail from
the Ex Rel office. Graham
sends his greetings to all who
remember him. The photo
shows him at Hoxa Head,
Orkney, on a recent visit
to son Stuart (1976), who
is Special Needs Dentist for
The Riverside Museum’s scarcely seen
And just a patch of Clyde’s now quiet stream,
Where once plied mighty vessels from afar;
But ‘Glenlee’s’ prow and mast are visible.
Beyond it Govan Old Town Hall,
some space,
Then the Old Church where George
MacLeod held sway
And saw the plight of Govan’s unemployed
So took them to find dignity in work
Rebuilding old Iona’s Abbey church
That welcomes all who travel out that way.
Behind the masts of ‘Glenlee’ stand
Moss Heights,
A pre-war housing scheme, refurbished now,
To house a new Mosspark community.
The line of cranes betrays the River Clyde.
Are those white towers Thales Optical?
(Successors to the famous Barr and Stroud
Whose lenses used to gain world-wide acclaim).
Academical Club
Rugby Section
Having enjoyed membership of the
Glasgow Academical Club for many
years, I was both excited and honoured
to be appointed as President at the AGM
on 12 June.
As we build towards our 150th
Anniversary in 2015, the Club is in good
shape, with first class facilities at New
Anniesland (including the new Gordon
Mackay Bar), thriving sports sections,
and a full social agenda.
In my year of office my priorities are:
Supporting the Sports Club’s growth as
a place where our youth can achieve their
ambitions and build life-long friendships
Further strengthening the Club through
broader engagement with the wider
Academical community
Improving the Club’s financial footing
through increased usage of clubhouse for
social functions, additional sponsorship, and
embedding the Academical Club Lottery
introduced last year
The cornerstones in achieving success
are the continued great work undertaken
by members, and the Club’s close
partnership with the school.
Whether you are a long-standing
member or have just joined, I look
forward to meeting up with you at
some point during my year in office,
and, should you wish to speak with me
regarding any aspect of Club life, please
just give me a call or drop me a line.
Iain Jarvie (1972)
It’s full steam ahead at this time of the
year to prepare for next season. The
1st and 2nd XV finished in fourth
place respectively last year and with
the league restructure we will have
some challenging fixtures ahead. We
are delighted to welcome head coach
Davey Wilson and his No 2 Ally Craig
who are both joining our player/coach
Elliott Mclaren to form a new-look
team at the helm. Davey brings with
him a heap of coaching and playing
experience to Accies and we are very
fortunate to have his services. At the
same time we wish last season’s coach,
Ewan Smith, all the best with his return
to West.
There has been a lot going in behind
the scenes and we are delighted with
the influx of new ‘young’ committee
members who have already made a
real impact to the section in general
admin, rugby, sponsorship, and social
events. Stu Smith, Elliott Mclaren,
Alan Wilson, Iain Williamson and
Ross Chassels are all committing their
time to the Club. Their enthusiasm
and focus will be an enormous help to
our success this coming season. Plans
are afoot to revamp the website in line
with the creation of a main Club site
which will allow us to communicate
much better. Please keep checking the
web site for news and events.
Congratulations to Andy Brown and
his youthful Sevens side who won the
Oban tournament in May.
We are indebted to our new main
sponsor this year, law practice Miller
Beckett & Jackson, together with
Mearns Golf Academy, Gibson
Investments, John Watson Printers, and
Zoti Sports. We are also very grateful to
our individual sponsors, however small:
every bit counts to the running of the
We look forward to seeing you out at
New Anniesland and please check the
website for all the action.
Gavin Smith (Chairman)
The Gordon Mackay
Memorial Match
On Friday 24 August The Glasgow
Academical Club will be hosting a
memorial rugby match to celebrate
the life and playing career of Accies
legend, Gordon (Schnozz) Mackay.
The Club, together with friends,
former team-mates and colleagues
– in the form of Craig Chalmers and
other legends – have come together
to organise a special fixture to pay
tribute to Gordon and officially open
our refurbished bar facilities named in
Gordon’s honour and to celebrate the
sporting prowess of past, present and
future Glasgow Accies.
Gordon wasn’t just a committed
Accie, he was one of the game’s
true gentlemen. Hard, yes;
uncompromising on the pitch, yes. But
a truer gentleman in the clubhouse
you could not ever wish to meet.
Seasoned veterans together with a
sprinkling of youth will take the field
to honour Gordon, and celebrate his
career and contribution to the game
we all love. I hope you can join us for
an evening to remember!
The evening festivities will include
some entertaining rugby with some
guest appearances, music, a raffle,
commentary by John Beattie and an
opportunity to raise some money for
charity; The Wooden Spoon and The
Preshal Trust. Gates open at 1800 and
the match will Kick Off at 1830.
Tickets are available through
the Rugby Section or pay on the
night. More information will be
available on the club website, www. The cost of
tickets is: Adult £10 and U16 free.
We hope as many family and friends of
Gordon and the Club come along and
join us for an evening to remember.
Gents’ Hockey
London Section
After an exciting period of
redevelopment over the past few seasons,
the gents’ hockey section is continuing
to go from strength to strength. We are
currently fielding 1st and 2nd XIs in the
West District Divisions and both teams
finished mid-table with a number of new
players welcomed from the school. We
presently have 28 members, though are
looking to increase our numbers.
The London Section continues to
thrive, with a steady flow of new arrivals
making contact and enrolling in the
London Section.
anniversary of a group of Academicals
meeting in the Trocadero Restaurant in
1913. The Academicals present 100 years
ago were the following:
At the time of writing, the London
Section will be entertaining the School
Shooting Team during their annual visit
to Bisley. This event is organised by
Crawford Alexander and Henry Watson
and includes a Veterans’ Match, with a
number of Accies participating. We look
forward to hosting the School Team and
to hearing of their experiences, both
at Bisley and throughout the shooting
Lieutenant-General Sir J. M. Grierson
Lieutenant-General Sir Archibald Hunter
Sir William Ramsay
Mr Hector Morrison MP
Professor Lyde
Professor WP Ker
Mr Alexander Sinclair
Mr John Knox
Mr Thomson Ackman
Mr JB Readman
Mr Andrew Cunningham
Mr J M’Gregor Forbes
Mr John King
Captain Bremner
Colonel Peterkin
Mr T Macwhirter
Mr RW Ord
Mr J Campbell Murray
Mr RA Mitchie
Scotland coach, Adam Bain, continues to
coach the boys on a Monday night (7 –
9pm). He brings a wealth of experience
and truly expert tuition to the squads.
Off the pitch, we increased our number
of SHU qualified umpires and eighteen
of the (predominantly) younger guys also
passed their umpiring theory test.
The section members all enjoy increased
involvement with the ladies’ hockey
and the rugby sections, which is due, in
part, to the more relaxed summer mixed
We are always on the lookout for new
players, young or old and regardless of
experience. Schoolboys, Academicals and
non-Academicals alike are invited to visit
our website (
which provides members and visitors
with information about games, training,
social events and international hockey
The London Section was represented at
the London Scottish Schools’ Golf Day
at Denham Golf Club on 21 June and
we emerged in second place – a fine
performance by our team. We might
have improved on our position had we
fielded some more players. To all golfers
in the London Section, please make
yourself available next June.
The London Section Committee has
started planning the celebrations for
the Centenary of the London Section.
A Gala dinner will be held at The
Caledonian Club in London on Friday
1 February, 2013 and we hope it will
be well supported to mark the 100th
[email protected],
or 07803 855394
As always, if any Accie is planning to
move to or near to London, do get in
touch with the London Section on 020
7235 9012 or at [email protected]
David W Hall (1961)
Secretary / Treasurer
Stuart Ward (1998)
GAMHC Club Captain
With Kenneth Shand standing down
from his position as Academical Club
Secretary, and Neil Maclean standing
down as Accies’ Subscription
Secretary, the Club is seeking
volunteers to take over. If you might
be interested in either position,
and want more information, please
contact Iain Jarvie.
If there are any readers who recognise or
are relatives of these Academicals, please
contact me (details below).
Colin Manson (1970) and George Ritchie (1956)
check that their names are still on the JW Hardy
Trophy at the lunch to celebrate 100 years of the
senior tennis competition at Glasgow Academy
Accies’ Dinner –
Friday 9 November,
This year, guest speaker Kevin
Simpson – who represented Team
GB at the Paralympics in wheelchair
tennis in Beijing – will share his
Olympic experiences with us all.
Well-known singer and broadcaster
Fiona Kennedy will also entertain
us on the night. It looks set to be a
great evening and we hope to see
you there. To reserve your table or
tickets now, please email: Emma.
[email protected]
Sporting Academicals in Shanghai – Past and Present
Fred Anderson (1868)
It is widely accepted that Glasgow
Academy has produced many
international exponents of the ‘rugby’
code but in recent times we are
becoming aware that they also produced
several who played with distinction
under the ‘association’ rules. One
exponent of the round ball game was
Frederick Anderson (Class of 1868) who
was a Scottish international football cap.
He played as a forward for Clydesdale,
and Queen’s Park and represented
Scotland in the 1874 match against
England at Hamilton Crescent. Anderson
scored Scotland’s first goal in a 2–1 win
the first time Scotland recorded a win
over England on home soil.
He also played in the first ever Scottish
Cup Final, which his Clydesdale team
lost 2–0 to his former club, Queen’s
Park. In October 1874 there is a
note in Bell’s Life stating that he had
left Clydesdale to go and work in
Manchester. After this he seems to have
made his way to Shanghai and helped
spread the football gospel, as did many
Scots. Bizarrely, a Shanghai team was
once a member of the Scottish FA
and it appeared in the SFA handbook
of 1890. Anderson later became
Chairman, Municipal Council, Shanghai
International Settlement, 1905-06.
Hugh Barrow (1962)
Academicals Reinvigorate the Shanghai Scottish Sports Club
Sports Club. Within a week twenty
Scottish sporting enthusiasts had been
rounded up, including former Academy
captain Bryan Thomson (1981) and
former Academical rugby player David
Moore (1996/7). A challenge was
promptly issued to the English to restart
the Prentice-Skottowe Cup after a break
of 71 years.
From the mid-nineteenth century until
the Second World War, both Scots and
Academicals played a prominent role in
Shanghai’s commercial, political, social
and cultural life. Foremost amongst them
was Frederick Anderson (1868), as noted
Following the Opium Wars in China,
the various foreign concessions were
established in Shanghai from the 1840s
onwards and slowly the expatriate
community started to introduce their
favoured sports to the city with cricket,
rowing and baseball leading the way
– followed soon thereafter by football
in both codes. The Shanghai Scottish
Sports team was set up in 1867 and the
following year they played their first
match against the Shanghai English
by recording a resounding victory in
cricket. In 1908 a Scottish shipbuilder
called John Prentice together with
a Manx trader called E.B.Skottowe
donated the Prentice-Skottowe
International Football Cup, which was
Academicals in Shanghai (l to r) Alan Jope
(1981), Ainsley Mann (1983), David Moore (GAC
1996/96) and Bryan Thomson (1981)
to become an annual event played until
1941. It always involved the Scottish,
Irish and English communities and in
subsequent years the Portuguese and
Chinese also took part.
The complexion of the modern day
international community in Shanghai
is vastly different from the early years.
Nowadays Scots are thin on the ground,
so it was perhaps no surprise the
Shanghai Scottish Sports Club (SSSC)
did not re-emerge after foreigners started
coming back to Shanghai at the advent
of Deng Xiao Peng’s “Open Door”
policy in the late 1970s. However, when
the Shanghai Rugby Football Club’s
(SRFC) historian spoke last year about
the Scottish sporting history to one of
the SRFC Directors, Ainsley Mann
(1983), Ainsley made a quick call to
Alan Jope (1981) and they immediately
decided to reform the Shanghai Scottish
The Scottish team turned out in full
replica 1920’s Shanghai Scottish strips
and period blazers. Predictably the
English went for their 1966 World Cup
replica strips. Despite having at least two
ex-professional English Championship
players in their team, the English were
overwhelmed by the Scots in the first
half going into the break 3-1 down. The
Scottish team, whose average age was 42
years, tired badly in the second half and
went into meltdown in a flurry of yellow
cards, one red card and two penalties
as the English racked up 5 goals. Mann
and Thomson will always claim that
it was their half time substitution that
was partly to blame for the Scottish
team losing their way. However, the
competition did not stop at the final
whistle. In the clubhouse the Scots
dominated the post-match activities and
then kidnapped the English captain who
disappeared with the Scottish team to
their base deep within Shanghai’s former
French Concession. What happened
subsequently was never recorded but it’s
safe to assume the English captain may
have second thoughts about wishing to
lead his team to victory next year.
Any Academical wishing to get in touch
with the SSSC can do so via the Scots in
Shanghai Linkedin page or via: exrel@
Ainsley Mann (1983)
Changes at The Glasgow Academy: 1992 to 2012
correct order. In those days, of course,
all female members of staff wore skirts:
when I commented on the inadvisability
of wearing skirts in a lab, I was told that
‘ladies’ do not wear trousers!
I took Temple House over from Nigel
Spike in 1992 and was the first female
House Teacher in the history of the
Academy; an interesting position to be
in, but one I very much enjoyed. All
the excellent Temple House Captains
and Sixth Years helped make the post
exciting and it was with regret that I
handed it on to Andrew Lyall when
Charles retired and I was appointed Head
of Chemistry in 2000. During those
years we introduced House Debating
and, under the able leadership of Mr
Michael Atkinson, Temple enjoyed
much success.
I came to Colebrooke Street when The
Academy merged with Westbourne
School for Girls. The merger took place
in 1991, but as a Sixth Form tutor,
I stayed at Winton Drive until the
building closed so I started teaching in
Lab C1 in August 1992. The Chemistry
labs were refurbished in the summer of
1992 and I had the opportunity to design
the lab I wanted: this is one of the many
reasons it has been such a pleasure to
teach in C1 for the past twenty years.
Charles Mylne was Head of Chemistry
in those days. Charles was a lovely,
very cultured man who used to do
The Times crossword in the SCR each
lunch-time with Nigel Spike and Jim
Haine, with the occasional assistance
of John Anthony. Those were the days
when individual seats in the SCR were
jealously guarded and when the whole
staff, many in gowns, processed into the
Cargill Hall to take their places in the
front three rows for morning assembly.
Dr Bill Morris, Minister of Glasgow
Cathedral and the then School Chaplain,
would give erudite and fascinating talks
to the assembled masses on a remarkably
wide range of subjects including
religion, morality and ethics. The staff
also processed into the Cathedral for the
Commemoration Service each year: this
procession was in strict order of seniority
and it was interesting (and fun) to watch
the polite, but vicious spats which
occurred when staff disagreed on the
‘Over the past twenty years, The
Academy has changed in many
ways, but what has not changed
are the pupils: they are as varied,
fascinating and wonderful as they
have always been.’
I was responsible for lighting the school’s
plays at Westbourne and carried on the
task, working with Gregor Anderson,
when we moved to Colebrooke Street.
Jim Haine put on some spectacular
shows: those of a certain age will
remember the moonwalk in Pirates of
Penzance and the stunning performance
of Darius Danesh as Fagin in Jim’s
production of Oliver! The most
memorable, however, was Joseph and
the Technicolour Dreamcoat. This was
the first after the merger and the sight
of one of the lovely young Westbourne
ladies playing Salome and dancing across
the Cargill Hall stage with a flashing
jewel (picked out by the lights) in her
naked belly-button, caused something of
a stir in the SLT, who were seated in the
front row.
One of the abiding memories of those
early days was walking across from
the main building to Biology and
confiscating the heavy leather footballs
which made the transit as dangerous as
any front line. In those days the Terrace
was lined with parked cars and the
back playground (now a car park) was
the S5/6 football pitch: loud were the
pupils’ complaints when that change was
In 1992 personal computers were just
being introduced. There was a small
computing room (where school bags
are now stored, next to the CCF office)
which held 4 or 5 Macs for staff use. The
school ‘platform’ was then Apple Mac
and they were fairly intuitive machines;
unlike the present PCs. A boy, who was
in the first Higher class I taught at The
Academy, impressed me greatly when
he produced a (floppy) disk containing a
copy of Chemdraw (very new software
for drawing molecular structures) which
he’d obtained from the MIT site: the
internet was in its infancy so I accepted
the disk and did not question the
provenance. These were days of manual
registers, hand-written reports, no
e-mails, no smart phones and no Twitter;
how did we survive?
Legend has it that there are three
certainties in life; death, taxes and
change. Over the past twenty years, The
Academy has changed in many ways, but
what has not changed are the pupils: they
are as varied, fascinating and wonderful
as they have always been. It has been
a privilege to teach so many talented
individuals; not necessarily talented
in terms of chemistry, just talented in
general. All children want to do well
and want to please both their parents
and their teachers, but, sometimes, they
develop a feeling of random anxiety and
convince themselves they cannot do a
particular subject. That is when teaching
becomes interesting and it is a challenge
to find a way to explain the topic or
idea so that they understand. They need
to meet small successes along the way;
these build into larger successes and end
in the excellent examination results for
which The Academy is famous. Teaching
very bright children is also a pleasure
and a big change in TGA is the way in
which we have opened out and become
more involved in the wider community
often by entering various competitions.
Supervising the Chemistry Team
(who teach themselves in preparation
for the annual RSC schools quiz) has
been an enormous pleasure over the
past ten years and I have learned a lot
from these innovative and exceptional
young people. Change always happens,
but TGA continues to be an exciting,
imaginative and first-class environment
in which to learn and to teach.
Fran Macdonald
Westbourne Grand Reunion
The date, Saturday May 19 2012, had
been in my diary – and the diaries of
scores of other former Westbourne
girls – for weeks. Now that great day
had arrived, the day of The Westbourne
Grand Reunion Dinner. This was,
in fact, the second Grand Reunion. I
had been unable to attend the first in
October 2009, as I was undergoing
treatment (very successfully) for cancer at
the time so had been determined to be at
the next Reunion.
Everything about this second reunion
promised to be grand. Even the venue
was highly apt, the Grand Ballroom of
the Grand Central Hotel in Glasgow.
Not only that, but the recently published
book Glasgow’s Grand Central Hotel:
Glasgow’s Most-loved Hotel has been
co-written by a Westbourne girl, Jill
Scott (Jill Kinniburgh 1973). Oddly
enough, as the clock ticked down to
the evening’s celebrations I became
apprehensive. Would I know anyone?
Now an OAP, perhaps the others
attending would all be youngsters in
their 20s, 30s, 40s. Was I wearing the
right attire? Perhaps it would be more
appropriate if I wore my lilac outfit.
Then it happened. Tossing all my
concerns aside I was on my way,
boarding a train at Anniesland and
heading for the city centre. After a few
minutes the young lady sitting beside
me began chatting. ‘Excuse me,’ she
said, ‘are you, by any chance, going to a
My jaw dropped. We were two former
Westbourne girls together – although
my travelling companion was at least half
my age and had travelled from London
to attend. It seems you can take the girls
away from Westbourne but we remain
Westbourne girls for ever. Together
we made our way through the Central
Station concourse and into the hotel to
be welcomed by the music of piper Iona
Brodie. Even before we made our way
up the grand staircase and picked up our
name tags, kindly organised by Iona’s
mother, Marion Willies (1980), we were
meeting up with old friends.
As I made my way into the heart of the
pre-dinner drinks reception in the Grand
Ballroom foyer – a reception sponsored
by the Glasgow Academical Club – I
kept meeting up with more friends.
Every time I turned my head more and
more familiar faces came into view.
Before I had had a chance to say all my
hellos, we were on our way into dinner
within the Grand Ballroom which, by
chance, is decorated in Westbourne
Our table places had been arranged in
a school leaving year system and I took
my place at table four for the 1960-63
leavers. Carol Fyfe (1981) gave the
welcome speech. Dinner was a great
credit to the hotel – although the
wonderful company added to the sense
of occasion. As well as reflecting on
times past and various milestones in the
years since our school days ended, there
was a chance to catch up on current
school news with Miss Henderson,
in her speech at the dinner, paying
tribute to Mrs Crawford, PE, and Mrs
Macdonald, Chemistry, who both retire
at the end of the session.
All too soon dinner was over. The
evening had lived up to its Grand
title. We were homeward bound.
Old friendships had been rekindled.
New friendships had been made. The
Westbourne ties were stronger than
ever. The Westbourne motto Nihil Sine
Labore (Nothing Without Work) clearly
remains a guide for us all. A great deal
of hard work and good organisation had
obviously been undertaken to ensure the
Reunion was an occasion to remember.
Now for the next Westbourne Grand
Reunion which is already scheduled for
2017. I have it in my diary already.
Heather Rose (1962), (Mrs Malcolm
McDougall), is property features writer
with the Scottish Daily Express.
And the champagne goes to…
For weeks I have been meaning to send you
details of the names of the pupils featured in the
photograph submitted by Sheila Robertson on page
23 of the spring issue of Etcetera.
I’m not 100% sure but suspect that the photograph
must have been taken at least 55 years ago!
Sheilagh MacGregor
Memories of
Back row (l to r): Sandra Spence; Jean Rankin;
Celia Fairley; Judy King; Susan Go(o)dwin; Patricia
Hardie; Catherine McNarry
Middle row: Helen MacKechnie; Kareen Russell;
Fiona Robertson; Lorna Adam(s); Elizabeth
Kinniburgh; Donella McGowan; Hilda Murchie
Bottom row: Valerie Young; Sheilagh MacGregor
(me!); Shereen Hassan; Wendy Barrass; Carol
Sutherland; Jennifer Orr; Sheila Robertson
I started Westbourne in 1945.
In these days the school was
in Kelvinside House and fairly
small. There were tennis
courts, a rose garden and lots
of bushes to play in at recess.
I remember one lovely sunny
day when Miss Cousland
taught our class in the garden.
We all sat on the bank.
There were twelve of us in
the sixth form when we left
in 1956.
I went into training at the
Western Infirmary and
graduated in 1960. I came to
Canada in 1963 where I met
my husband who was in the
Canadian Military. We have
one daughter who has given
us three lovely grandsons. We
are retired in Chester, Nova
Scotia, and spend our winters
in Melbourne Beach, where
we play a lot of golf.
[We leave it to Sheila Robertson to decide whether the names above are accurate – and, if satisfied,
to award that prize she so generously offered. Ed]
Janette (Robertson)
Sauvageau (1956)
Westbourne in 1966 to take up her post
as Head Teacher at Atholl School in
Milngavie, where she remained until her
retiral in 1980.
Outside of school, Miss Macnair was a
keen tennis player and golfer. She was
an active member of the Western Tennis
Club in Hyndland until well into her
seventies and President of the West of
Scotland LTA in 1973. A Soroptomist,
she was President of the Glasgow West
Club in 1975/76. A long-standing
member and Elder at Hyndland Parish
Church, she was celebrated for her
marmalade making! She also had a
particular interest in the David Gordon
Memorial Hospital in Malawi.
Miss Rachel Macnair – 1919-2012
In spite of the passage of time, I can still
remember being a six-year-old pupil
in Miss Macnair’s 1b class, during the
session 1948/49.
Born in 1919, the youngest of four
sisters, she lived in Sydenham Road in
Glasgow’s West End in what was the
family home for over 100 years.
Rachel Macnair was a gifted teacher,
with high moral and scholastic standards.
These qualities, combined with an
obvious love of children, proved
invaluable when guiding pupils of such
an impressionable age.
Miss Macnair held teaching posts in
the West End and the USA before
joining the staff of Westbourne in 1947
where she remained for 19 years, as
Form Mistress of 1b and latterly as Joint
Head of the Junior School. She left
In both her professional and private
lives, Rachel Macnair was a person
of considerable stature who will be
remembered by the generations of
children who benefited from her
[We would like to thank Miss Macnair’s
nephew for his help in giving us details of
his aunt’s many interests outwith her life
in education.]
Westbourne Updates
Alison Bruce
Alison (Kennedy) Bruce (1961)
High-achieving individuals from across
a range of industries and disciplines
received honorary degrees from the
University of Glasgow earlier this
summer. On 13 June, Doctor of the
University honours were awarded
to Alison Bruce (Westbourne
1961), in recognition of her service
as the University of Glasgow’s lay
representative at the Royal College of
Veterinary Surgeons.
Anne Graham (1972)
I have been involved with an
International Project called the HND
Niessing Project which I established
with my then Head of School of Art
and Design, David Hempstead. We
select six students to take on a staff/
student workshop to work with some of
Germany’s top designers. A competition
brief is set and a panel of distinguished
judges set up.
Ten students are short listed and give a
presentation to the judges. Out of these
six are normally selected, but we took
seven this year. It’s a demanding but
exciting project. There is no avenue for
funding as we do not slip into the correct
category for this. However, I personally
raise money from businesses and my own
contacts. In return, these companies are
listed at our exhibitions and also we have
web links on the Cardonald College
site. (I am Senior Lecturer, Jewellery,
Cardonald College.) Any funding is
appreciated. The students also have sales
giving 20% of their proceeds to the
Jewellery Project Fund and also have a
raffle before their trip to raise money.
Noreen Greig (1955)
I would like to share something
wonderful with my dear friends from
Westbourne, year of 1955. Anyway, the
news is that I got married in February
2012 to a wonderful man called Joe
Slater whom I first met in 1967, the year
I emigrated to Canada. Having lived
alone for 22 years I am so very happy
and still have to pinch myself sometimes
to ensure it is not all a dream! By the
way I have retained my maiden name –
Pictured are (l to r): Rosemary Faille Wallace
(International co-ordinator at St Margaret´s
British School, Chile); me! Barbara Mavor; Iain
Hardy and Carolyn Pettersen Cave (Principal of St
Barbara Mavor (1970)
While on a visit to Chile, I attended a
reception for the Queen´s birthday at
the Club Viña, hosted by the Honorary
British Consul, Iain Hardy.
Rosie Wallace (1972)
Just thought I would let you know that
my second novel, The Trouble With
Keeping Mum was published in hardback
on 2 August 2012 by Hachette Scotland.
Paperback expected in December 2012.
We are living in Victoria, British
Columbia, same address I have had for
12 years now.
Victoria (Lumsden) MacLeod
On my report card in 1992, Mrs
Crawford wrote about me: ‘If Miss
Lumsden put as much effort into doing
PE as she did in trying to get out of it,
she’d be a very fit young lady.’ She was
absolutely correct!
My daughter is in Prep 1 at Atholl and
has PE with Miss McNeill who wrote on
her latest report that Tilly is a pleasure to
teach. Thankfully, Tilly got some of her
father’s genes.
Gail (McNeill) Johnston (1993)
To Andrew and Gail in Aberdeen, on 11
July 2012, a daughter, Katherine Amy.
It is 60 years since I started to
correspond with a French pen friend
whose name was given to me by our
French teacher (Miss Macdonald) at
Westbourne in 1953. Suzanne still lives
in Clermont Ferrand and we are STILL
corresponding... she in French and me
in English nowadays. We have shared
our joys and sorrows over these years
and – when we were medical students –
we exchanged exam papers. I specialised
in Paediatrics and she in Psychiatry. We
discuss the state of the Health services
in France and UK... some things better,
some worse.
Hopefully in the autumn I can travel to
France to see her as we have NEVER
MET. Once she came to Glasgow with
relatives while I was away trekking in
Nepal. Once when I was en route for
the Pyrenees she was on holiday in
Greece. I was encouraged by Martine
(nee Mitchell) at our recent Westbourne
Reunion to visit my pen pal.
We are both in our 70s so we had better
meet soon!!!!
Fiona Kennedy’s The Kist
Seven Academy pupils featured in an STV charity event to promote The Kist
at Oran Mor on 30 May. The pupils were given the opportunity to form the
chorus and appear on stage with the show’s well-known star and producer,
Fiona Kennedy (1973), a former pupil of Westbourne School for Girls.
The Academy pupils who took part are pictured with Fiona and special guest
on the night Alan Cumming: (l to r) Douglas Sleigh (S3), Muirne Hopkins
(P7), Adam Stockman (P7), Adam Woolfson (P7), Rory White (P6), Anna
Swan (S2) and Fraser Morris (P7)
Jan Chisholm (1955)
Birthday Reunion, class of ‘60
On 11 June, 2012, nineteen of us
gathered at Strathblane Country House
Hotel to fulfil our promise of 7 June
2010 to meet to celebrate the year of
our 70th birthdays. Despite a rainy
start to the day, the weather improved
sufficiently to allow photographs to
be taken outside, which provided a
welcome respite from the cries of ‘I can’t
believe we’re 70!’ and ‘You haven’t
changed a bit!’ (What on earth did we
look like when we were 18?)
Especially welcome on this occasion
was Pat (Reid), who left Westbourne
at the age of 13 and who had travelled
from Windermere to rejoin us after 57
years. The prize for effort goes to Alison
(Edward) who, in orienteering spirit,
made the journey from the deep south,
by means of several trains, buses and
Shanks’ pony. It was a relief to discover
that the sheaf of papers which she carried
was a selection of timetables and not an
alarmingly lengthy speech!
Judith (Naftalin) cut our birthday cake
and entertained us with a poem which
assured us that any misgivings which
we may have entertained about the
suspected signs of ageing were quite
‘Should your complexion be less than
Mind... it’s the mirror that needs correction.’
Marjory (Kirkwood) proposed our toast,
in which she humorously described
her leaving school, with rose-coloured
spectacles firmly in place, only to
discover – rather rapidly in her case
– that life outside Westbourne’s walls
was not quite as she had planned. No
difficulty in identifying with that!
To complete the afternoon, we raised
our glasses to toast the school where so
many valuable friendships were forged
which have been the means of support to
many of us through the vagaries of life.
Davina (Struthers) Booth (1960)
A day to remember!
I cannot in all honesty
claim to have challenged for the role of Westbourne
School Dux – in fact
I was probably more
of a challenge to the teachers whose
life’s work was to educate and send ‘our
girls’ out into the real world with some
knowledge, be it sciences, languages or
My time at Westbourne throughout
the 50s and early 60s was a happy mix
of innocence, friendships and sport
under the benevolent guidance of Mrs
If I had any skills, it was possibly in art
and sport – turning out for the school
hockey teams and especially enjoying
some success in swimming and tennis
colours. Oh, to be young and fit once
But away from school I had discovered
sailing as Margaret Thom’s dad had a
dingy on Loch Baldowie and a smart
yacht at Rhu. And, having discovered
the joys of water sport, I heard that
the Glasgow Schools held a sailing
competition on the Clyde every year
that Westbourne had never entered.
So, believing our school should not be
out-done, I requested an appointment
with Mrs Henderson who to my delight
encouraged me to form a school sailing
club and to enter the Clyde School
Sailing competition – a week-long
festival of fun on the ocean wave. We
did not win and never threatened to, but
that was the start of the club and a long
tradition for the school. And, for me, it
began a long relationship with the sea
which saw me sail all over the Minch
and even to St Kilda.
However, back to the meeting with
Mrs Henderson! I thanked her for her
support and was about to leave the office
and head back to class when she called
me back and said, ‘Fiona, I must tell you
that you are to be next year’s head girl
here at Westbourne, as I have high hopes
for you. BUT, do not tell a soul until
after the announcements are made next
week – don’t even tell your mother!!!’
The next few days were awful – all my
friends wanted to know what Mrs H had
said to me. I had really big news and I
was sworn to secrecy and, because I kept
blushing and being quiet, was not my
usual trait they did not believe me when
I said it was just about sailing.
What a relief when the next Monday
came and everyone got to know firstly
that the sailing team was official and
then what a shock for my fellow pupils
when Mrs H announced that Wee Fiona
Cowan was to be Head Girl. I don’t
know who was most surprised – my
friends, my mother or in all honesty
myself! I am sure Mrs Henderson could
hardly believe it herself.
However that year changed my life and
made me a better person. And I look
back on my Westbourne years with great
affection and the annual reunions with
my year colleagues are a great joy – once
you adjust to the noise level caused by
excited ladies catching up on all the
Here’s to great memories of a great
school and to keeping in touch!
Fiona (Cowan) Risk (1963)
Aldersyde, Brora
Memories of Westbourne School For Girls in the 50s and 60s
Do you remember?
• Miss Hastwell and Miss McNair? What
a good start we had to our education!
• Lilac candy striped summer dresses and
panama hats and, of course, white socks?
• Those awful smelling cloakrooms with
our gym kit hanging there all term!
• Making baby doll pyjamas that did not
fit? Well mine did not anyway!
• I still have the sampler we made. Does
anyone else have theirs?
• Terror when Mrs Rose Henderson
stuck her nose out of her office? The
whole senior school went silent.
• Scotch pies or macaroni cheese for
school lunch?
• The maggots in the rabbit waiting for
dissection in the biology lab?
• Miss Bishop and all she taught us in
Domestic Science? Your little finger is
the cleanest finger on your hand. Beating
a white of egg on a spotless flat plate
with a knife. Chestnuts exploding all
over the new kitchen ceiling.
• Sitting on the steps of the hall swapping
• Andy Stewart singing ‘A Scottish
• Ribbons in our hair and later the
dreaded hair bands – no matter what
length your hair was!!
• Ski-ing halfway up a mountain at
Hochsolden? Oh, that wonderful
chocolate cake that arrived on the ski lift
at 3pm every day!!!
• Trekking all the way to Anniesland for
hockey and Sports Day?
• Tunnocks snowballs after hockey?
• The No 3 bus, penny halfpenny bus
• Going to ballroom dancing classes?
• Learning how to work out how long
it took 9 men to dig a hole? Must
have succeeded because I passed my
Arithmetic. Thanks, Miss Cumming!
• Hockey on a Saturday morning and the
goalies getting their uniform covered in
whitener from their pads?
• Prize giving and all those hymns we
had to learn off by heart?
• Sitting on the radiators in the
classrooms of Winton Drive?
• Navy – then purple – berets? Wish I’d
kept mine.
• School magazines and getting all the
prefects’ signatures?
• Watching Shakespeare films in the hall?
• All the good teachers (and some bad
ones too) at Westbourne?
• Sitting French ‘O’ level twice and still
failing it?
I have to admit I loved my time at
Westbourne. Did you?
• Wearing thick black stockings?
Sarah (Aston) Chalmers (1966)
Class of 1962 Reunion
Fifty years have passed since the class of
1962 bid a final farewell to Westbourne
School for Girls. Exactly half a century
on we were together again celebrating
this very special golden anniversary.
The celebrations, which took place at
the end of June, took the form of an
informal lunch at Glasgow’s Theatre
Royal. Classmates came from as far
afield as Switzerland and France as well
as the south of England and the north of
Scotland to mark the occasion.
This was the second reunion for the
class of 62. The first took place in 1992
to mark the 30th anniversary of our last
day at Westbourne. On that occasion
our careers and our children were
among the main topics of conversation.
Twenty years on and the popular talking
points for our 50th anniversary included
retirement plans and news about our
all played during break time and lunch
times when rain forced us to remain
indoors. Half a century on we were
playing it in a more ladylike fashion –
on table tops rather than those wooden
classroom floors which left us with
skelf-covered hands.
Of course, our school years were the
number one topic on this occasion, as
before. Displays of our Westbourne
photographs and a collection of written
recollections of fun moments during
our school years brought the memories
flooding back. Even our leisure moments
at school were relived on this occasion
thanks to one of our classmates bringing
along a packet of Jacks, that game we
All too soon this lunchtime celebration
was over. There was a sign of the times
as we parted. Instead of swapping
addresses and phone numbers as we
did before, in this hi-tech era we were
swapping e-mail addresses ensuring our
classroom friendships are strengthened in
the years to come.
Heather Rose (1962)
Final Reminder for Class of ’72 Reunion on Saturday 25 August
The Class of ’72 Reunion is only days
away now and should be a really fun
weekend and a chance to meet up with
old school mates, many of whom we
haven’t seen since we left school.
We are starting the evening at the
Westbourne room in Glasgow Academy
for a glass of bubbly and viewing of all
the old Westbourne relics that were
saved from Beaconsfield House and
Winton Drive. We then move on to
dinner at the Blythswood Hotel in
Blythswood Square where we can renew
acquaintances and catch up on what
everyone has been doing for the last
forty years!
Some of us are travelling to Glasgow
from quite a distance and have decided
to make a weekend of it so there
will definitely be an informal dinner
happening on the Friday night, followed
by a few drinks somewhere and then
taking in a bit of culture or some other
activity during the day on Saturday.
Contact me at [email protected] if
you will be around and would like to
join us.
Through a huge communal effort,
we’ve already managed to contact a large
number from our year group but we
still have a lot who we can’t find so, if
you know of anyone else who might be
interested, please pass this on.
For those who would like to join in on
the ‘year book’ for the reunion, please
email me a photo of you in your school
uniform (or if you don’t have one, then
any photo of you while of school age)
and another of you now. Also please jot
down a few memories of school days – a
few sentences will do – I’ve already got a
few back and they make great reading!
For those who haven’t already booked
for the dinner, you can do this through
Emma at The Academy – Emma
Fitzpatrick, External Relations, The
Glasgow Academy, Colebrooke Street,
Glasgow, G12 8HE, making cheque
for £60 payable to ‘The Glasgow
Academicals’ War Memorial Trust’ or
by phone using your credit card – 0141
342 5494.
Really looking forward to seeing
everyone. Regards.
Lesley Brewin (1972)
20-year Reunion
We are in the midst of organising a
20-year reunion event for Glasgow
Academy, Westbourne, Laurel Bank,
Kelvinside Academy and Park School.
It will be held in September 2013 with
the venue TBC. It will be a ticketed
event with either a smart or black tie
dress code, food and entertainment in
the form of a ceilidh band. Look out
for further details.
Fiona (Morrison)Hutchinson (1993)
Graham Dinsmore (1988) and Colin Devon
Graham Dinsmore and Colin Devon once
again reunited to form The Ginhouse Rocks,
a guitar-based rock band with the sole
purpose of having fun and raising money for
charity. Graham and Colin had decided to
raise funds for The Beatson West of Scotland
Cancer Centre after a friend of theirs was
diagnosed with a rather nasty type of brain
tumour. On Saturday 30 June 2012, The
Ginhouse Rocks played a sold out a gig at
GHA Rugby Club and – together with a
raffle and online donations – managed to raise
£2,500. The evening was well supported by
local businesses who donated some terrific
prizes, some of which were won by other
Academicals who joined them on the night.
David McCallum (86) joined them on stage
for their rendition of You Shook Me All
Night Long. Graham and Colin are hoping
to have another fund-raising gig at some time
in the future and further details will be posted
Ian Gemmell (1989)
I’m taking part in Mongol Rally this summer,
driving the 10,000 miles from London to
Ulaan Baatar, via Iran and all the Stans, in a
1.0l Suzuki Swift. It’s a charity event and we
are hoping to raise as much as possible for
both War Child and The Lotus Children’s
Centre. We set off on Saturday 14 July
arriving in UB some weeks later...
Progress can be followed and donations made
via our website: www.tachessansfrontieres.
com or our Facebook page: Taches Sans
Frontieres Mongol Rally 2012.
Jamie Gordon (2006)
Jamie, having received a First in Philosophy
from St Andrews two years ago, will in
2012/13 be studying in the Foundation
Course at LAMDA.
Tony Kozlowski (1962)
Rena and I had an opportunity to visit Lachie
Robertson a couple of weeks ago at Hilton
Residential Home in Broadford, Skye. Apart
from considerable difficulty in mobility, he
was well and very alert and delighted to be
able to chat with Rena in their native tongue.
He recalled past pupils and events with clarity
and offered some pungent comments on
matters then and now. Altogether a delightful
Jon McLeish (1999)
After earning a BA (Hons) in Business
Information Management from Napier
Colin Devon 1987 (the gin
house rocks)
Greg Stark
Dr Philip Tam with his family
University, Jon worked for a leading creative
advertising agency for 6 years in Glasgow,
before roles at Heineken UK & Subway as
a regional Marketing Director. Jon has now
fulfilled a lifetime ambition working as a
sports agent in football and rugby with the
agency Platinum One. He is also a Director
of a Sports Hospitality company specialising
in trips to The Augusta Masters and The
Ryder Cup. Discounts to Accies are available!
Christopher Millar (2006)
Chris graduated MEng (Hons 2.1) in 2011
and decided a year out was due! The Rugby
World Cup drew him to New Zealand
where he had an adventurous 8 months based
in Wellington where he ran a cocktail bar.
He is returning to Edinburgh University
in September on an Iberdrola Foundation
Scholarship to read for an MSc in Sustainable
Power Systems.
Jonathan Morrison (1999)
I am a British Army Surgeon posted to the
US military, heading up part of their research
effort in Texas. I have done multiple tours in
the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan and will be
returning to Glasgow at the end of the year.
We have had a few research successes over the
past few years relating to Battlefield Injuries.
Greg Stark (2011)
Greg who is studying for an MEng in
Mechanical Engineering at Heriot Watt has
continued his racing career by moving from
karts to Formula Ford where he has been
very successful so far in his first season with
top-five results.
Philip Tam (1990)
Dr Philip Tam visited The Academy during
a recent trip to Scotland, from Australia, with
his family Melinda, Julien (5) and Monterey
(3). It was his first look at GA in 20 years,
and he wishes to thank the staff who made
it a highly enjoyable and informative visit
Stuart Turnbull
(including some teachers who remembered
him after 25 years!).
Stuart Turnbull (2006)
That’s me back now! I managed to finish
‘The Fireflies’ 2012 Tour! In all, I cycled
1168km (736miles) with an extra 18km
detour on one of the days. 20,554m climbed
in rain showers, pouring rain and then
sometimes in 38 degrees heat with water
being poured on us to help cool ourselves
down. Gallons and gallons of water was
The Fireflies’ motto is ‘For those who suffer,
we Ride’. They raise money for Leuka, a
charity which funds Leukaemia research
at the Hammersmith Hospital Research
Institute. Over the last eleven years, The
Fireflies have raised in excess of one million
pounds to help fund one of the premier
research institutes in the world and as such
their efforts make a real difference in battling
this deadly illness.
I have raised £3,394.33 for Leuka –
£3,884.16 with gift aid! My Charity Page
Congratulations to…
Allan Alstead (1954)
Contrary to the suggestion on this
dinner menu sent in by one of his
contemporaries, the School Captain
of 1953-54, Allan Alstead, was not
‘struck by madness’, nor did he join
the Foreign Legion on leaving school.
According to our most recent researches
he is now a member of The Queen’s
Bodyguard for Scotland (The Royal
Company of Archers). Apparently he
recently won the Edinburgh Arrow
which was presented to him by The
Lord Provost of Edinburgh, Rt Hon
Donald Wilson, on Tuesday 12 June
2012 after the archery competition
on The Meadows in Edinburgh. The
Edinburgh Arrow was first shot for in
1709 and we are told that this may be
the first occasion on which it has been
won by a member and former officer
of The City of Edinburgh Regiment
– The King’s Own Scottish Borderers,
which was the Regiment that Allan
joined on leaving school in 1954.
John Anderson (1979)
John Anderson
Jillian Stark
Allan Alstead
Alice Wilson
Graeme Noblett
Professor John Anderson, Chief
Executive of The Entrepreneurial
Exchange, has been appointed as a
Visiting Professor within the University
of Strathclyde’s Hunter Centre for
Sophie Gordon (2008)
Sophie, who left The Academy four
years ago as Deputy Head Girl, has been
awarded a First Class Honours Degree
in Graphic Design from Edinburgh
College of Art (now part of Edinburgh
Alexander Millar (2008)
Alex graduated this June with a First
Class Honours degree in Fine Art
from Glasgow School of Art. He was
selected for a New Contemporaries
Award by the Royal Scottish Academy
and will be taking his place in the New
Contemporaries Exhibition at the RSA
in April 2013. He works with various
media including sculpture, video,
photography and printmaking and has
discovered a passion for stop-motion
Graeme Noblett (2002)
Iain Gethin (2002) writes: I don’t have
anything on myself. However I do
have something on Graeme Noblett.
After returning from a cruciate ligament
injury, and having only played a couple
of rounds of golf over the previous
six months, he entered his club
championships and won it. It was the
Glen Golf Club championship in North
Berwick and I caddied for him on the
day. I have attached a picture.
Glasgow University with a BAcc Hons
in 2008, she has been working with
accountancy firm Abercrombie Gemmel
in Bearsden where she is now specialising
in tax.
Graeme Simmers (1953)
Alice Wilson (2002)
The only news I have is that on
Thursday 28 June 2012 at Stirling
University, I received the Honorary
Degree of Doctor of the University. This
was in recognition of my connections
with the University when I was
Chairman of the Sports Council and also
as a non-executive with Forth Valley
Health Board. I also served on the
Stirling University Court for ten years.
Jillian Stark (2004)
Jillian has just passed her final CA exams
so is now a fully-fledged Chartered
Accountant. Since Graduating from
Alice has recently been promoted to
Associate Director at global research
company Ipsos Mori which is a big
milestone in her career as a qualitative
researcher. Alice has recently set up a
cycling club in London called Passion
for Pedalling (along with Elizabeth
Bucknall who was also in the same
year group at Glasgow Academy!). All
abilities welcome. For more information
please see
Family announcements
Michael Atkinson (1999)
My wife, Alison, and I are delighted
to announce the birth of our first son,
Murray Fraser Kirkwood Atkinson, on
11 January 2012 in Edinburgh. Murray is
the first grandchild for Moira and the late
Colin Atkinson (former GAC President
and Chairman of GAC Sports Club).
Graeme Cochrane (1996)
Gemma and Graeme Cochrane
(1990-1996) are delighted to announce
that Rose Alice Cochrane was born
on Saturday12 May 2012, weighing a
healthy 3.9kg (8lb 10oz). Mummy and
Rosie doing really well, big sister Millie
(aged 2 ¾) very excited and Daddy very
Katie (Junor) Pier (1999)
My husband Dave and I are delighted
to announce the arrival of our daughter,
Holly Isabella Pier, born a month early
on 6 December 2011 at the Royal
Infirmary Edinburgh weighing just 4lb
Robbie Low (1993)
If we haven’t had a chance to tell you
yet, we are thrilled to announce that
the newest member of our family has
arrived! Cameron Low came home to
us on February 11 (Myles’ 3rd birthday!!)
and was born on January 6, 2012. He
was a VERY sudden and unexpected,
but delightful, surprise... He is doing
great and is very lucky to have Myles
(who takes his new job very seriously!) as
his big brother.
Scott Chassels (1998)
Scott Massey (1989)
Scott and Emma Massey’s son Edward
Massey was born on 22 April 2012 at
the Chelsea and Westminster hospital,
London. Eddie is looking forward to his
first trip to Glasgow in July!
Christopher Sockalingam (1999)
My wife Helen and I had our first child
on 20 December 2011. His name is
Matthew Jack Sockalingam.
On 14 July Scott married Jen MacKenzie
of Inverness at Achnagairn House,
Inverness-shire. It was a fantastic day
with the weather being very kind. The
Glasgow Academy was well represented
amongst guests and the bridal party with
four ushers from the Class of 1998 –
Chris Leggat, Andy McGeoch, Stuart
Low and Fraser Lundie – and Ross
Chassels (1995) was the Best Man.
Stuart Low (1998)
Holly Isabella Pier
Murray Fraser Kirkwood Atkinson
Cameron Low
Magdalena and I got married on 11 June
2011 on the Hallowed turf of Accies
with congregation sitting in the stand.
Rosie Alice Cochrane
Matthew Jack Sockalingam
It was a great day!
Ross Weir (2000)
Ross got engaged to Natalie Scott on 15
April 2012 at Base Camp, Everest. They
are currently on their travels and plan to
get married next year.
Joyce died in 2000. Lex is survived by his
brother, Lance, and his sons Lex and Tom,
all of whom attended The Academy.
Lex Dowie (1970)
Ian D Arnott (1954)
Geoffrey CC Duncan (1947)
2 April 1937 – 9 April 2012
Ian Douglas Arnott died suddenly at
the Victoria Infirmary in April. Beloved
husband of the late Dorothy, much loved
Dad of Kenneth, Christine, Caroline and
Colin. Adored Granpa of his grandchildren
and loving brother of Hilary.
David Burrell (1973)
20 August 1955 – 22 February 2012
David Burrell attended Glasgow Academy
between 1962 and 1971. He was the
son of the late David WM Burrell CA
(1949) and nephew of Merrik M Burrell
(1951). After completing his education
in England, he pursued a career in the
civil service and local government before
taking early retirement. David died very
suddenly and unexpectedly at his home in
Stroud, Gloucestershire, in February. He is
survived by his mother, Anne Burrell, and
three brothers.
Ian B Craig (1942)
8 March 1924 – 29 March 2012
Ian Buchanan Craig was a pupil at The
Academy between 1932 and 1936. During
the war he served in the Navy and on
returning home he trained as a Chartered
Accountant. He joined James Findlay
& Company and worked with them in
India for 4 years. He then returned home
to work for Lumsden & Mackenzie in
Perthshire where he was managing director
before he retired. Ian is survived by his
much loved wife Sheila.
Ewen L H Cunningham (1949)
21 November 1932 – 14 July 2012
Ewen died suddenly, after a short illness, at
Glasgow Royal Infirmary.
Dr Alexander N Dowie (1942)
16 August 1925 – 11 March 2012
Alexander (Lex) Newton Dowie was born
in Aberdeen. When still young the family
moved to Kirkwall where his father was
the National Bank agent. He first went to
school at Kirkwall Grammar and retained
a detailed knowledge of the town, which
he enjoyed demonstrating in his last years
during family holidays. Their house is now
the RBS branch.
The family moved to Glasgow in 1934
and so he was enrolled at The Academy.
He would never have claimed to be the
6 October 1929 – 29 April 2012
Geoffrey Cheyne Calderhead Duncan died
peacefully at home after a period of illness.
Dr Alexander N Dowie
most academic pupil but he learned the
advantages of hard work and diligence and
these stayed with him for the rest of his life.
He did many of the things at school which
characterised his generation of Accie: the
CCF band, the Globe Players, wartime
air-raid watches and BBC broadcasts and
of course playing rugby with the 1st XV.
The names of the teachers who made their
impact on him are familiar: Miss McEwan,
Varley, Coleman-Smith, Preston, Aston,
He studied medicine at Glasgow
University from 1942-47 where he met
Joyce Lightbody of Hamilton whom he
married in 1950. During this time he
became a very considerable rugby player
captaining a highly successful team in
46/47 and earning a final trial for Scotland.
He was once written up in the newspaper
as the only man in Scottish rugby who
could tackle the legendary Doug Smith
although he claimed that this was due to
his great friend George (Jacko) Kay, also
an Accie and remembered recently in
these pages, having slowed him up. He did
his military service with the Royal Army
Medical Corps in West Africa and spells as
a houseman in Dublin and London. This
was followed by thirty years of general
practice in Hamilton for most of which he
acted as senior partner. It was a traditional
partnership delivering health care day and
night every day of the year.
He retired in 1985 and he and Joyce
moved to Crieff where he became
secretary of the rugby club, got involved
in charity fundraising and joined the local
music society. However, mostly, they
enjoyed a less stressful way of life spending
much of their time walking, gardening and
enjoying Joyce’s cordon-bleu cooking.
In 2004 he diagnosed himself as having
Motor Neurone Disease although this
was not confirmed by his doctors until
2007. He bore his physical decline with
extraordinary professional stoicism and
courage and maintained his daily routine
to his final hour, dying in the BLESMA
home in Crieff.
Marshall N Ferguson (1951)
25 December 1933 – 15 April 2012
Marshall Noel Ferguson died peacefully at
Crosshouse Hospital in April.
Brian R Gibson (1960)
5 July 1941 – 18 April 2012
Brian Russell Gibson was born in
Helensburgh in 1941 and was educated
at Hermitage Academy before joining
Glasgow Academy aged 11. The school
was to mould what he was to become,
and set him off on what remained big
currents in his life – sport, family, business.
The other huge landmark of his life came
in 1972, when he met Seonaidgh, with
whom he fell instantly and permanently in
love, as he was fond of repeating.
Family life bore his mark. On returning
from his office at Stenhouse, where he
worked for 35 years, Brian would be at
the head of the dinner table, wanting to
know how his children had spent the day
– and to be given the announcements from
school assembly. This ‘wanting to know’
was one of his strongest characteristics
– he was always asking questions, of his
children, friends and strangers. No matter
where Brian found himself, he would be in
conversation with someone within seconds
– easy, affable, inquisitive.
He would often say that he was born with
neither brains nor money. This was only
half true. He was a clever man, with a clear
direction in his mind and strong principles.
He achieved so much in his life with this
Brian R Gibson
combination. He never held back what
needed to be said. He did this in his own
way, always able to soften hard words with
open arms, a broad smile, a pat on the
back. One was never in any doubt that he
meant it well. Brian will be remembered as
a generous man, never happier than when
all were enjoying themselves around him.
He supported many causes with his time
and spirit – as well as financially. He would
always provide help to those who needed
it, the underdog, from all walks of life.
Sport was also a big part of his world. He
realised early on how important this had
been to his own formation. It chimed with
his character that the important aspects
of sport were the people one met, the
bringing together, the competing and not
the winning. And sport brought with it the
fundraising discos, the Academical Balls,
and countless parties, which Brian loved.
He never considered retiring, stopping or
slowing down. He loved his work with a
passion. At his home he would be found
literally immersed in it – the Bloomberg
finance channel on, Radio Scotland playing
and all around him the FT, Investment
Week, The Financial Adviser and countless
other publications. He mined them all for
nuggets, useful bits in the financial mosaic
in his head. He would greet you with
whatever had excited him in the financial
world that week. One would be drawn
in by his enthusiasm even if it made little
sense to all but him. He talked often of his
heroes: Niall Ferguson, Margaret Thatcher
and Winston Churchill. One should
also add Betty Lieu, the reader on the
Bloomberg Channel.
Many will remember Brian. They will
remember his warmth, his humour, his
generosity, his open-armed smile. This is
the great legacy he leaves. All who knew
him have many memories and anecdotes,
as well as vivid images, whether it be
Brian on a bicycle with 3 dogs in tow,
in a striped jacket and kilt, or wearing a
wooden spoon tie, blazer and backpack!
He did everything on his own terms, very
much in his own way and leaves indelible
memories in all those he met.
Brian died suddenly while abroad in April.
A devoted husband of Seonaidgh, much
loved father of Zoe, Pippa, Rory and Kerr
and proud grandfather. A sad loss to his
family and his many, many friends.
John Jex Long (1950)
23 December 1933 – 28 June 2012
John Jex Long was born in Hillhead
Street, the only son of Iain and Rosamund
Jex Long. He attended the High School
positions with Fisons Group and then
Mitchell Cotts – involving agricultural
projects in the Middle East and West
Africa New South Wales. His abiding
interest (aside from family) was golf. He
became a member of the R & A in 1947
and remained so until his death. He was
also a member of the Gog Mahog Club,
Cambridge, where he played until his late
eighties. While in the Sudan, Alan and
another ex-pat created 9-hole golf course
in the middle of the bush at Maridi in
Equatoria Province.
John Jex Long
for a couple of years and then moved to
Glasgow Academy. John followed in his
father and grandfather’s footsteps by joining
the pipe band and it was here that he began
his lifelong interest and passion for piping.
After a period of National Service, John
went on to have a varied career in property
and then, latterly, in banking. Following
his retirement he spent more time on his
piping: He assisted coaching the juniors
at the College of Piping in Otago Street
and attended piping competitions across
Scotland. In 2000 John and his wife, Joan,
moved to Aberdeenshire where he enjoyed
ten happy years indulging his past-times of
gardening, photography and exploring the
countryside, as well as coaching Ellon Pipe
Band Juniors.
Last year they moved to Stornoway to
be nearer their family. He passed away at
home with his beloved wife and daughter
by his side. John is survived by Joan and his
daughter Catriona. He will be remembered
as a loving husband, devoted father and
father-in-law, loyal friend and a true
gentleman to the end.
Donald B MacKechnie (1959)
18 July 1942 – November 2011
Donald was a pupil at The Academy
between 1951 and 1959. He was well
known to many Academicals and often
attended class reunions. He lived latterly
near Stow-on-the-Wold in the Cotswolds.
Alan George McCall (1934)
Alan is survived by his wife, June, and their
three children.
Dr J Alistair Riddell Q MB ChB
11 February 1930 – 19 March 2012
John Alistair Riddell Q MB ChB started
at Glasgow Academy in 1936, proceeding
to the Senior School during World War
II where he was voted a prefect in Fifth
Year, was appointed Kelvin House Captain
and excelled at rugby, holding the coveted
position of wing forward in the first XV.
Aged 15, Alistair arrived home for lunch
one day to learn that his mother had died
from ulcerative colitis. In the spirit of
those more stoic times he was sent back
to school, albeit a little late, after lunch.
Inspired by his mother’s indomitable
strength and drive and her belief that “if
you were determined enough you could
achieve almost anything” – coupled with
the experience of many pleasant and
friendly physicians visiting his house over
the years – Alistair resolved to become a
doctor himself. His father never recovered
from the bereavement and after the failure
of the family business Alistair finished his
medical studies at Glasgow University
only through the financial support of the
Hutcheson Trust and the Bonnetmakers
and Dyers.
It was perhaps these early difficulties
that caused him to become an early and
passionate advocate for the extra medical
needs of those suffering health inequalities
Dr J Alistair Riddell Q MB ChB
10 November 1914 – 2 July 2010
Alan McCall attended Glasgow Academy
between 1924 and 1929 before completing
his secondary education at Morrison’s
Academy. His father, Canon JG McCall,
was School Captain in 1882-1883.
Alan’s career began in the agricultural
department of the Sudan government,
where he became Director of Agriculture
in 1953. He then held various senior
and inspired him to practise initially
in Townhead before setting up a new
practice in the challenging environment
of Easterhouse. His abiding interest in
patients was carried forward as Dr Willie
Fulton’s Assistant Secretary to Glasgow
Local Medical Committee, succeeding
him in that pivotal role in 1978. Alistair’s
skills as an adviser to his general practice
colleagues was further developed by many
Scottish and UK national roles – including
as a member of the Scottish General
Practitioners Committee for 25 years, as
Scottish negotiator on its UK parent body
and as one of the four BMA Chief Officers.
He also served with distinction as an
elected medical member of the GMC and
was heavily involved internationally with
the Commonwealth Medical Association.
Alistair was honoured for his service by
becoming a Freeman Citizen of Glasgow in
1961, the award of an OBE and the BMA
Gold Medal in 1997.
Alistair’s last years were compromised by
several serious illnesses. Despite occasional
flashes of insight – his passing ends a
ten-year battle with brain failure that
was difficult to thole by those who had
experienced his sharp intellect. Alistair’s first
wife, Elspeth, died after distressing illness
in 1999 – but he found great comfort and
happiness in his second marriage to Dr
Susan Fraser who for over 12 years sustained
him at home in Bearsden and latterly at a
residential home in Lesmahagow. He also
leaves four children, Sandy, Frances, Aileen
and Valerie.
Alistair Riddell achieved some of the
highest offices available to a doctor, but
was most proud of his achievements as a
hard-working general practitioner in the
East end of his native city; to the end he
wore his Glasgow Academical tie and,
amongst all his honours, cherished his
membership of the North Parish Washing
Green Society. Glasgow has lost one of its
most distinguished Academical sons.
Brian D Keighley (1966)
Rev. Gordon M A Savage MA BD
25 August 1951 – 23 May 2012
Gordon Matthew Alexander Savage MA
BD was born in Old Kilpatrick and attended
Glasgow Academy between 1960 and 1969.
He went on to study at the University of
Edinburgh, where he graduated in arts and
After he was licensed by the Presbytery of
Dumbarton, he undertook two assistantships
– in Dyce, Aberdeenshire and at Dunblane
Cathedral. In 1977 he was called to the
linked parishes of Almondbank, Tibbermore
and Logiealmond in Perthshire. It was
there he met his wife, Mairi, whom he
married in 1981. In 1984 he became
minister of Maxwellton West in Dumfries,
and remained there until his death. He was
known as a dedicated parish minister and
an exemplary clerk of the Presbytery of
Dumfries and Kirkcudbright. He was also
highly respected for his work in General
Assembly committees and for his wise, clear
contributions to Assembly debate.
Away from his parish, he was an enthusiast
of railways and Clyde steamers. He spent
two student summers as an assistant purser
on them. Gordon was also a keen Rotarian,
and at the time of his death was the
president elect of his branch. He is survived
by his wife Mairi and his sons David and
Alexander W Speirs (1949)
6 May 1932 – 5 March 2012
Sandy Speirs died peacefully at St Helier
Hospital, Surrey, after a long period of ill
health. Sandy was born in Pollokshields and
attended Moray School and then, between
1941 and 1949, The Glasgow Academy.
After leaving school he joined the
investment department of Scottish Amicable
in Glasgow, taking a break to complete his
National Service in the RAF during which
he discovered an aptitude for rugby. On
his return to Glasgow he started playing for
Accies, including in the 1st XV in the early
In 1959 he moved to London Life
Assurance Company, became a Fellow
of the Chartered Insurance Institute and
moved to London in 1967, settling in
Cheam and joined the London Section but
always retained his flat in Pollokshields.
He is survived by his wife, Jean (née
McGhee) whom he married in Glasgow in
Lawrence W Guthrie (1980)
Michael G M Ure (1961)
27 June 1943 – 11 June 2012
Michael attended Glasgow Academy
between 1957 and 1961. He was a member
of The Academy shooting team at Bisley
where he won the Sir Harry Lauder Trophy
and the Scottish short range individual
championship in 1960. Michael was part
of an Academical family. His father, Daniel
Ure (who also shot for the school at Bisley),
uncle William Ure, cousin Robert Tennant
and brother David Ure all attended The
After school he joined the Paisley thread
makers J and P Coats who sent him to
London for several years. He left them
for the world of classified advertising, first
with Thomson newspapers and then with
Scottish Media, which involved stints in
London, Aberdeen and finally Houston near
Paisley. He became session clerk of Houston
Parish Church.
Late onset multiple sclerosis and a form
of cancer began to afflict him about nine
years ago. He was a much loved husband
of Diana, loving father of Kate and Sophie,
father-in-law of Tim and John and brother
of David. A proud grandpa of Darcy and
David G Ure (1964)
William (Bill) L Wright (1939)
9 May 1921 – 27 January 2012
Bill Wright started life in Uddingston and
was a pupil at Glasgow Academy from 1930
to 1939. In his final year he was scrum half
in the 1st XV which became the West of
Scotland champions. Even in later years his
“torpedo” passes were well known.
On leaving school, he commenced his
studies at St Andrews but quickly signed
up to the Navy when war broke out. Bill
served for 7 years on the Corvettes escorting
convoys across the Atlantic and travelling
all over the world. He also continued his
service after the war as a Commander in the
RNVR. He then returned to St Andrews
and finished his degree before completing
a degree in Law at Glasgow university.
Following his apprenticeship, he joined
his father’s firm of solicitors, Marshall &
Maclachlan on St Vincent Street. The
firm later moved to Renfield Street and
continued after his retirement as McIntosh
& MacLachlan.
In 1952 Bill married Marguerite and they
took up home in Clarkston. Marian, then
Elspeth and then Ian came along so in the
early 1960s the family moved to a large
family home in Pollokshields. Ian attended
Dairsie House before joining Primary 2X
at The Academy, leaving Form 6 in 1975.
Marian and Elspeth both attended Laurel
Bank school. In 1968 Bill’s passion for
yachting led to the acquisition of the Pamela
Jeanne, a 1939 46-foot wooden ketch.
Yachting became a 34-year passion, sailing
all over the Clyde estuary and the Western
isles. Bill was also very active in the Royal
Scottish Motor Yacht Club and served as
secretary for many, many years.
Bill and Marguerite moved to Blairgowrie
in 2008 to a smaller and more manageable
property where Marguerite still lives, visited
regularly by her family. Bill died peacefully
at Perth Royal Infirmary in January.
Ian L Wright (1974)
Picture Post
More memories of Atholl
Very many thanks for the new Etcetera –
always a great joy to receive – and thank
you for printing my 1969 class photo,
to which I must add my apologies to
David Campbell for having told you
he was called Donald! It was delightful
too to read Peter Aeberli’s memories of
Atholl – I was in the year above Peter,
and his article brought back a great many
(generally very happy) memories. A
couple of ‘corrections and clarifications’,
if I may... Your hunch about Green
Room and Blue Room was right, Peter
– Green Room was for the youngest,
and we graduated from there to Blue
Room and ultimately to Indian Room
(in our time Green Room was presided
over by Miss Black, and Blue Room by
Mrs Gold – talk about colour coding...).
I’d forgotten about the music in Indian
Room, but now you mention it, I do
remember having to polish the tops
of our desks in time to Grieg’s ‘In the
Hall of the Mountain King’, which we
loved. The little shop halfway up the
Mugdock Road was universally known
as The Mucky Hole, for reasons on
which I won’t elaborate. The house
where the annual sports were held was
called Woodlands (and, yes, that is Miss
Davidson in the photograph). And
the number 12 bus that went to either
Drumclog Avenue or Mugdockbank:
what a blessing to those of us who lived
up near Atholl itself. No such luck these
days – you have to walk up from the
John Macdonald (1971) sent
in this photograph, saying that
coming from a state school in
1967 into Form 3C posed ‘a
bit of a culture shock with so
many characters in both staff and
fellow classmates’. But who is
the member of staff and who are
John’s classmates?
John Macdonald (1971)
Dear Sir
Regarding 4A Maths, 1952-53 (Etcetera 17, page 30)
The always reliable Martin Frame has it right – that’s me, front row, third from left.
And the young man next to me is indeed Stuart Mackie. After leaving The Academy
I emigrated to Canada, as did John Alcock (third row, third from right). So, too, did
our gung-ho French teacher ‘Basher’ Ainslie, one of my favourites, who left The
Academy for a position at Upper Canada
College. For my part, I became in due
course a professor of Geography at York
University in Toronto, where I taught
for thirty-three years. Now retired, I
live in the ruggedly beautiful province
of Nova Scotia, ‘Canada’s Ocean
Playground’. Email: jandgmarshall@
Urqhuart Marshall (1956)
Etcetera 17, page 8
You ask for names of Miss Currie’s 1945 4A. I have the surnames only on the reverse
with some interesting spellings.
Back row (l to r): Graham Guthrie; ? Robertson; ?
MacFarlane; ? Donaldson; RAR (Bobby) MacLennan; Malcolm Pender; ? Elliot; ? Rae; ? Phillip
3rd row: Jim Wetherall; Duncan Paterson; ? Dunn;
David Hart; John Leonard; George Stewart; ?
Taylor; Richard Emery
2nd row: Gerald Smillie; ? Taggert; Collin MacCallion; Andrew Bain; Miss Margaret T Currie; ?
Woika; C.Kennedy Mills; James Brown; ? Andrew
Front row: A. Douglas Dron; Andrew(?) Carnegie;
? Reid; RAS MacLean; Tom Forrester; Douglas
MacKellar; ? Bowie
Ronald MacLean (1954)
Best wishes as ever,
Tim Haggis (1969)
Etcetera 17 – photo of rugby
team on page 9
David Evans (1957) is getting impatient:
‘Inside the last page of Etcetera 17 there’s
a letter from John Dover (1956). I have
the sepia-like and rust-stained photo in
front of me. I have, as yet, not heard
from any in the photo of my request,
“Where are they now?” Come on, guys
– reveal yourselves.’
Jim Illingworth has sent us the names he
remembers, but no mention of where
they are now:
Back row (l to r): Mr Henry Uren, Alastair Graham,
Mike? Gibson, Hugh Millar, Jock Fleming, Jim Illingworth, Hugh Cochrane, Derek Guthrie.
Middle row: Rob Chatfield, Ken Macrossan, Scott
Calder, Scott Nelson,? Bayne, Bill Murray, Craig
Front row: David Evans, Duncan Naismith
Jim Illingworth (1957)
9 7 - 9 9 G r e a t We s t e r n R o a d , G l a s g o w, S c o t l a n d . G 4 9 A H • Te l e p h o n e 0 1 4 1 3 3 2 8 9 8 9 • E - m a i l s c o t l a n d @ c l i v e . c o m • w w w. c l i v e . c o m