Nov. 22 - Our Lady of the Angels Parish
Nov. 22 - Our Lady of the Angels Parish
OUR LADY OF THE ANGELS CATHOLIC CHURCH 6442 PELHAM, TAYLOR ~ 313-381-3000 NOVEMBER 22, 2015 THANKSGIVING MORNING MASS AT 8:45AM - NOVEMBER 26TH The true meaning of this Holiday / Holyday is to give “THANKS”. We also enjoy a family get-together at a turkey dinner, Santa Claus Parades and football games on TV a day off from work for most of us but again, what about the true meaning for this day. So why not begin your Thanksgiving Day by giving THANKS and attend Mass at 8:45am that morning. As you enter the Church you will have an opportunity to fill out a THANK YOU card. On this card write down something you’re thankful for, then you’ll be invited to bring that card forward and deposit it in a basket in front of the altar. So often we petition and ask God for things on this day. Let’s give THANKS for all the blessings He has bestowed upon us. After Mass, special prayer cards will be given to all those in attendance, and on this card is an appropriate prayer to be said as a blessing before your THANKSGIVING meal. The Collection taken on Thanksgiving will go to help our Parish Food Pantry. So remember start THANKSGIVING with Mass, Thursday morning at 8:45am. Page 2 PARISH DIRECTORY OUR LADY OF THE ANGELS 6442 PELHAM RD. ~ TAYLOR, MI 48180 (313) 381-3000 Fax (313) 381-5528 E-MAIL: [email protected] WEBSITE: Regular Office Hours: Mon. - Thur.: 9am - 12, 1-8pm ~ Fri: 9am - 12, 1-3pm Rev. Dariusz Strzalkowski Pastor Daniel Hurley William Thome Deacon Deacon Order of Masses Saturday 4 pm ~ Sunday 8 am, 10 am,12 pm Mon., Tues., Thurs., & Fri. ~ 8:45 am Wednesday: No Mass or Prayer Service Holy Days: As Announced Eucharistic Adoration: Thursdays 9:15 am - 6 pm Sacrament of Reconciliation Saturday: 3 pm ~ and by appointment Dir. of Faith Formation & Pastoral Minister: Karen Kerr ~ Tues. 4:30-5:45pm ~ 6-7:15pm Religious Ed Secretary: Maria G. Valdez Christian Service Coordinator: Marie Gdowski Music Ministry Leader: Nick Urbiel Parish Nurse Ministry: Mary Catherine Wright Youth Ministry: Tom Kupovits Office Staff Patty Baringer ~ Bookkeeper Sally Turczyn, Maria G. Valdez Rose Zakrzewski Custodians: Mike Humbles, Greg Leja Parish Council Members: Fr. Dariusz, Deacon Bill Thome, Bob White (Chairperson), Rodger Rowley (Co-Chairperson), Vic Alabastro, Cheri Antonnicola, Bennie Belknap, Bill Ehred, Tom Kupovits, Jerry LaMonica, Tom Mignano, Rose Rotunda, Suzanne Starr, Sue Vokal, Jerry Ziemba Baptisms: Infants and young children are baptized at 1:00 pm on Sundays throughout the year or by special appointment. Parents must attend a Baptism Preparation Class prior to Baptism. Please call Karen Kerr. Marriages: Couples who wish to be married at OLOA will meet with Fr. Dariusz to discuss their plans and set their marriage date. Prior to the wedding, the couple attends an engaged couples workshop. Please contact Fr. Dariusz to schedule your pre-marriage appointment at least 8 months in advance of your wedding date. New Parishioners: Register at Parish Office Change of Address: Notify Parish Office Our Mission Statement Reflects our Spirit “Our Lady of the Angels is a worshipping community dedicated to the education and spiritual growth of the whole parish family. With guidance from the Holy Spirit we extend our Christian love to the community we serve. We proclaim Jesus Christ as Lord with all our hearts and we welcome all to join us on our journey in following Him.” THE SANCTUARY LAMP BURNS THIS WEEK SPECIAL INTENTIONS OF: OUR PARISH FAMILY MASS INTENTIONS SCHEDULE FOR THANKSGIVING Monday, November 23 8:45am †For those listed in our Books of Remembrance LECTORS 8:45AM: Elaine Jacek & Mike Kava MINISTERS OF THE EUCHARITST 8:45AM: Gerry Lefteroff, Eric Szor, Ines Young, Stephanie Cupp Altar Servers: Special Assignment Tuesday, November 24 8:45am †For those listed in our Books of Remembrance Wednesday, November 25 NO MASS OR PRAYER SERVICE Thursday, November 26 8:45am †Robert & Virginia Kirkpatrick (Family) †Chester Kapelanski (Family) †Richard Chorian (Family) †Rene Hubbell (Cas & Vera Draus) †Pikus - Phillips Families (Kerrigan Family) †Grandma, Mother, Sister & Son (Pat Gibson) Friday, November 27 8:45am †For those listed in our Books of Remembrance Saturday, November 28 4:00pm †Derek Jon Fitzpatrick (Ted & Mary Fitzpatrick & Family) †Mary Mac Lellan (Bernadette Mac Dougall) †Laurie Juleff (George & Terry Bopp) †Alexander Mac Lellan (Duncan Mac Lellan) †Eileen Caya (Darlene Szczepanski) Sunday, November 29 8:00am †Jim & Theresa Sheridan (Ron & Jeannie Wiseman) †Laurie Juleff (Bonnie & John Zaidel) †Barbara Boike (Family) 10:00am †George Korman (Family) †Eileen Caya (Elaine Jacek) †Gary Ames & All the Souls in Purgatory (Florence Ames & Family) †Kevin Bergin (Dolores Bergin) 12:00pm SCHEDULES FOR NOVEMBER 28& 29 LECTORS 4:00PM: Darlene Szczepanski Pam Schierschmidt & 8:00AM: David Zyczynski Don Turczyn & 10:00AM: Bennie Belknap Kevin Begic & 12:00PM: Sue Urbiel MINISTERS OF THE EUCHARIST 4:00PM: Cindy Resovsky, Kim Hughey, Pat Ackerman, Deb SkinnerClos, Diane Balikowski, Cathay Czerwonka 8:00AM: Nanette Sabell, Anna Marie Fiscelli, Gloria Tamoshunas, Mary Watters 10:00AM: Florence Ames, Barb Zub, Mary Vermette, Elaine Jacek, Ed & Linda Bollman 12:00PM: Cathy Elliott, Sylvia Vella, Diane Kaminski, Mark Luecke, Jeanette Richter ALTAR SERVERS 4:00PM: Kristina Yaczik Kate Eccleton & 8:00AM: Jim Kerrigan Shaun Kerrigan & 10:00AM: Holly Kimes & Alicia Cotter (First Mass) 12:00PM: April Dean Caroline Hinds USHERS 4:00PM: Ben Bazanski 8:00AM: Mike Shoniker 10:00AM: Ron Mc Combe 12:00PM: Dominick Savona & Page 3 A few words from Fr. Dariusz This weekend in the Church we celebrate the Feast of Christ the King. It is also the last week of Ordinary Time. Next week, we will celebrate a new year of the Catholic Church with the first week of Advent. Today’s Feast is a very special one. Although Christ has always been recognized as the King of kings, it was not until Pope Pius XI instituted the Feast of “Christ the King” in 1925 that it finally received official recognition in the Holy Catholic Church. On the last Sunday of the Church’s liturgical year, we think of the end and of judgment. The apocalyptic vision from the Book of Daniel sets the tone. It talks about the coming of a ‘Son of Man’, a tile for the future redeemer. It is not clear that Jesus referred to himself as ‘Son of Man’ in this apocalyptic sense, but the early Christians certainly did. To the Son of Man was given dominion and glory and kingship that all people, nations and languages should serve Him. His dominion is an everlasting dominion that shall not pass away, and His Kingship is one that shall never be destroyed. [Dan. 7:14] Basing itself on this same text from Daniel, Revelation looks to Jesus’ coming at the end of time when He will take full possession of His Kingdom. The Gospel, where the Lectionary once again shifts to John, contains a section from the Passion narrative: Jesus is being interrogated by Pilate. The issue here is the nature of Jesus’ Kingship. Jesus, the Son of God is the King of all creation. He is here today with us. His Kingdom has arrived and we as baptized children have received our new creation of the Godly seed, this gift making us members of the Kingdom of God on earth. Through our new creation, we are now able to worship God in spirit and truth, for the Father seeks such as these to worship Him. The present Kingdom of God on earth, spiritual in nature, invisible to the naked eye, is one that will never be destroyed. The dominion of Christ the King is an everlasting dominion that will not pass away. As we reflect on all the goodness of God that we have received by the grace of God, let us give thanks to Christ the King for showing us the way to His eternal Kingdom. Without the abundant blessings of our most generous King, we could never attain salvation on our own. Let us praise Christ, the King of the Universe! God bless you all, Fr. D. ALTAR SERVER NOTES TO ALL THE ALTAR SERVERS AND THEIR FAMILIES… “A VERY BLESSED AND HAPPY THANKSGIVING” Mass Attendance Report Sunday Liturgy (Oct. 31st - Nov. 1st) ~ 100% NO NEW ALTAR SERVER TRAINING CLASS ON WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 23RD. Our seven new Altar Servers are looking forward to serving their FIRST MASS! Scrabble Last week there were two words and the clue was: “It’s official name is “STATO DELLA CITTA DEL VATICANO” _ _ T I _ A _ _ _ T _ This week’s Scrabble word has six letters and the clue is: “It’ll soon be here”. _ D _ E _ T Mass For The People Of The Parish Each weekend one of the four Masses will be for “THE PEOPLE OF THE PARISH”. These intentions will rotate so that all Masses will be covered. “GEE, I DIDN’T KNOW THAT!” St. Luke, one of the writers of the four Gospels was a doctor. Various writers of Church history often referred to Luke as DR. LUKE. When he joined St. Paul in his missionary journeys Luke saw that many were in need of spiritual healing as well as physical healing. He spoke of Jesus as a Doctor to all those without hope! NO EUCHARISTIC ADORATION ON THANKSGIVING, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 26TH. Please consider attending Mass that morning at 8:45am. N E W L E C T O R W O RK S H O P BOOKS … These new books are available for pick-up in the room where the lectors sign-in for Mass. Sign your name and pick-up your copy. Begin using these books next weekend November 28th-29th, the start of the Advent Season. RELIGIOUS CHRISTMAS STAMPS ARE NOW AVAILABLE AT THE POST OFFICE. USE THESE WHEN MAILING YOUR CHRISTMAS CARDS. ..K EEP CH RIS T IN CHRISTMAS! HOW ABOUT A “HOLY WATER FONT” AS A CHRISTMAS GIFT? Our Lady of the Angels Holy Water fonts are available in the Parish Office for $7.00. LIGHTING THE ADVENT CANDLE Parishioners are invited to light the ADVENT CANDLE (S) as Mass begins. You will be invited to come forward by the lector after the opening hymn and light the appropriate candle (s). This will be on the weekends of Nov. 28th-29th; Dec. 5th-6th; Dec. 12th-13th; and Dec. 19th-20th. Choose your mass, Saturday, 4:00pm, Sunday 8:00am, 10:00am, or 12:00pm Noon. Call the Parish Office at 313-3813000. OUR RETURN GIFT TO GOD SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 15, 2015 COLLECTION . . . . . $8,092.00 TO MEET BUDGET . . . . $10,482.00 NUMBER OF ENVELOPES 325 PLEASE REMEMBER OUR LADY OF THE ANGELS IN YOUR WILL Page 4 SCRIPTURE READING WEEK OF NOVEMBER 22, 2015 RELIGIOUS ED CLASS NEWS Sunday ~ Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe Dn 7:13-14; Ps 93; Rv 1:5-8; Jn 18:33b-37 For all your information needs please follow up on Facebook at “Our Lady of the Angels-Faith Formation.” Monday ~ Saint Clement I, Pope and Martyr; Saint Columban, Abbot; Blessed Miguel Agustin Pro, Priest and Martyr Dn 1:1-6, 8-21; Dn 3; Lk 21:1-4 All updates will be posted to this page along with our Church bulletin. We are trying to make it easy for parents to be informed as to everything going on in and about Religious Formation. This also includes the RCIA, all Sacraments, etc… Tuesday ~ Saint Andrew Dung-Lac, Priest, and Companions, Martyrs Dn 2:31-45; Dn 3; Lk 21:5-11 Wednesday ~ Saint Catherine of Alexandria, Virgin and Martyr Dn 5:1-6, 13-14, 16-17, 23-28; Dn 3; Lk 21:12-19 If you have any questions at any time please contact Karen. Thursday ~ Dn 6:12-28; Dn 3; Lk 21:20-28 Friday ~ Dn 7:2-14; Dn 3; Lk 21:29-33 Saturday ~ Dn 7:15-27; Dn 3; Lk 21:34-36 Sunday ~ First Sunday of Advent Jer 33:14-16; Ps 25; 1 Thes 3:12—4:2; Lk 21:25-28, 34-36 IN THE JOURNEY BOOK For Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe, November 22, 2015. Readings are on Page 1028. For the First Sunday of Advent, November 29, 2015. Readings are on Page 860. BLESS THESE CHILDREN BAPTIZED AT OUR LADY OF THE ANGELS ON SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 22, 2015 BY: FATHER DARIUSZ ADEN CHRISTOPHER PRESNELL Son of Joseph Martin Presnell III and Michelle Line Presnell (St. Onge). ADDISON KAY RAMIREZ daughter of Francesco Ramirez and Emilie Ramirez (Chrzanowski). IZABELLA MARIE VACHA daughter of Matthew Perry Vacha and Emily Marie Vacha (Raab). Thank you for Potluck! Lots & Lots of hands, feet, smiles and loving hearts were needed to prepare, serve, and clean-up this great harvest dinner. A very big Thanksgiving “Thank you” and a very special blessing to each and every person who made this dinner a great success! Grand Prize Winners! Our Grand Prize winners for the quilt raffle was Ruth Williams, she also won a Christmas tree crafted by our very own Pam Schierschmidt! Our other Christmas tree winners were: Mary Lee Mark Garcia Mary Stitt Olive Jacques Melissa Linnean D & A Doute Jane Dewald The Youthful Corner Youth Group Calendar Nov 22 ~ Youth Group 6:30-8pm ~ PC Nov 29 ~ No Youth Group Dec 6 ~ Breakfast w/ Santa Dec 13 ~ Youth Group 6:30-8pm ~ PC Dec 20 ~ Youth Group 6:30-8pm ~ PC Dec 27 ~ NO YOUTH GROUP Thought for the Week: Whatever happens, remember two thing: God doesn’t abandon anyone. The more you feel alone, neglected, scorned, unappreciated, and the more you will be near to give up under the weight of a severe injustice, the more you will feel an endless, mysterious force that will sustain you, that will make you able to have good and vigorous intentions, and you will be astonished by its strength when serenity will return. This strength is God! - - St. Joseph Moscati An open invitation: Are you awesome? Have you always been awesome? Do you wish you could meet other awesome people just like you? Well look no further then Our Lady of the Angels Youth Group. We are the keepers of awesomeness. But we need you to stop by and add to this amazing phenomenon. So if you are between the ages of 10 to 18 and looking for great friends, good people, lots of fun and amazing events then stop by the Youth Loft Sunday nights from 6:30 to 8pm. And begin your awesome journey into fulfilling your faith. See you there! If you have any questions please feel free to contact Youth Leader: Tom Kupovits (313-229-1197) Please pray for the Youth of the Parish Thank you & God Bless you! Marie Gdowski Christian Service Coordinator THANK YOU The advertisements that appear in this bulletin completely defray all publishing costs which the Church would otherwise incur. Please patronize the sponsors on the back of this bulletin and thank them for their kind generosity. Noon on Wed. Nov. 25th Thursday & Friday November 26th & 27th Will re-open Monday, November 30th Page 5 2015 HOLIDAY SEASON Children’s Choir Practice Practice will be held after the 10am Mass on Sunday, November 22nd & 29th. This Thursday, Americans will be celebrating Thanksgiving, one of our country’s greatest national holidays when we are reminded to give praise and homage to God for our many, many blessings. These blessings include our homes and families as well as our Church parish where we are given an opportunity to help people who are less fortunate than we are. Helping others is considered a blessing because it gives us an opportunity to share what we can with others who might not enjoy this Holiday Season without the generosity of someone else. Our Thanksgiving Outreach program is an example of the good we can do to assure other families have a festive meal with all the trimmings on this special day because our pastor, Fr. D. has generously agreed that the collection taken up at the Mass on Thursday, November 26th be donated to the parish pantry. The funds we receive will be used for the Thanksgiving Outreach program as well as for the Christmas Holiday Season. Once again, we are asking for your support to help as many needy families as possible enjoy a wonderful Thanksgiving meal. We look forward to seeing many of you at Mass on Thursday and wish all of you a very wonderful Thanksgiving celebration. Please know how much we appreciate your generosity to help those who come to us for food. We hope to make this Thanksgiving as memorable as possible for the many families who need our help as well as for all of you who count helping others as a blessing. Food Pantry Committee We would also request that all food donations be checked for the expiration dates because our policy is not to give food that has expired. Thanksgiving Greetings to my parish family… How wonderful it is, that we have this Holiday to take time to be thankful for all of the blessings we have in life! We, in this parish, have many things to be grateful for. As Music Ministry leader, I have been blessed with a wonderful group of people who I consider to be a large part of my being. The regular 10:00am choir, the Contemporary group who covers the Noon Masses, the faithful group that is at almost every 8:00am Sunday Mass, and of course the Children’s choir, all have a special and unique presence in my heart. As a parish, we should give Thanks for all of the individual talents these folks possess and share freely with each of us. Personally, I am thankful for a multitude of things our Lord has blessed me with; My Wife )who willingly puts up with me for being involved in too much), My Children and their Spouses (who are great examples of what love means), My Grandchildren (who are the Light of my Life, and of course can do no wrong), My Parish Family (who are a great support of the Ministry I have been blessed with), A wonderful Pastor (who stays out of my way yet stands behind me in my decisions), and most of all: My Faith in God (that gets me through any situation life can throw at me). FOOD PANTRY DONATIONS Cash and checks are needed to buy perishable items. Checks should be made out to: Our Lady of the Angels SVdP THE FOOD PANTRY IS IN NEED OF: TOILET PAPER!! PURIFICATORS AND FINGER TOWELS LAUNDRY VOLUNTEERS Nov. 8th - 15th… Stella Mosella Nov. 22nd … Lorraine McFee Nov. 29th - Dec. 6th … Barbara Zub Dec. 13th … Joan Beaton It continues to amaze me that the “Things” I am grateful for are never really “Things” but people I love and admire! Dec. 20th - Dec. 27th … Shirley Ghena I pray that all of you can appreciate, and be Thankful for all the “Things” you have been blessed with! Yours in song… Nick Jan. 17th - Jan. 24th … Marvel Boyd Jan. 3rd - Jan. 10th … Joan Beaton Jan 31st … Joan Beaton Page 6 PRAYER REQUEST LIST We believe in the power of prayer! The names submitted will continue on the list for approximately one month. If you wish to extend that period, please call the parish office. Dear God, We place our worries in Your hands. We place our sick under Your care and humbly ask that You restore Your servants to good health once more. . . Sue & Roy Aho, Suzanne Aloe, Bobby Belknap, Dolores Bencsik, Virginia Biggott, Pam Black, Mary Jane Budai, Lois Burke, Stella Butkiewicz, Cecile Byrne, Beverly Campbell, Rose Campbell, Madeline Carpenter, Maxine Cichon, Robert Colasinski, Ron Coogan, William Cupp, Shari Cybert, Jennifer D’Agustino, Connie Dadabbo, Katherine Davis, Dorothy Dauphinais, Annmary Demyan, Charles Derrick, Winifred Drotar, Joan Dubiel, Louise Dushefski, Mike Ferguson, Andrea Ferrise, Linda Fiscelli, John Fitzgerald, Ray Fleszar, Connie Formosa, William Garbacz, Bunny Garchar, Lindy Giacomantonio, Pat Gibson, Tom Gillen, Tim Hellrung, Harold Hiensberger, Angela Honeycutt, Gerald Honeycutt, Michael Hornyak, Jr., Charlie Hughes, Mary Katherine Hughes, Sally Hughes, Catherine Humbles, Octavia James, Don & Cesidia Johnson, Donald J. Jones, Sylvia Kapelanski, Lillian Kapera, Liz Katz, Jessica Kilbourn, Peter & Maria Kiliaris, Daniel Kirksey, Lucy Korval, Leon & Nancy Kroeger, Mary Alice Krzyzaniak, Greg Lahiff, Suzanne Lakkis, Daniel Lambert, Maryann Lapinski, Dolores Locher, Collin Lovely, Rose Machowicz, Mary Lynn Makin, Jeanne Manard, Frank Mancina, George Mancos, Violet Manis, Tom Marcero, D. Martin, Michael Martin, Al Martinez, Jerry McFee, Lisa Menna, Bob Merriman, Audrie Meszaras, Norm Mietkiewicz, Karyn Milewski, Helen Miller, Karen Mitchell, Donald Modrzynski, Margaret D. Molnar, Liam Morley, Mary Morris, John Mosella, Sr., Rosemarie Mulka, Melissa Murray, Ann Naylor, Jeff Neese, Anna & Joseph Nowak, Joseph O’Donnell, Rita Oleksiak, Elaine Oswald, Michael Paillon, Marty & Mary Lou Pakledinaz, Kathy Parish, Canuta Perez, Sonya Peterson, Angelo Pizzo, Helen Plitt, Jim Poirier, Lisa Powaser, Ann Putz, Charles Quinn, Michael Radocaj, Jr., Marge Raymond, Maxine Raymond, Tamra Ream, Rowan Reinhard, Deloris Reminder, Priscilla Reminder, Ann Renaud, Christopher Renaud, Mary Reynolds, Charles Risch, Dan Robb, Rick Roy, Ryan Robertson, Kathy Rushlow, Nick Saenz, Lisa Sant, Dominick & Angelina Savano, Mary Ann Savanyo, Mary Schiffert, Gloria Schratz, John Scorzelli, Leona Scott, Lucy Senech, Georgian Shasko, Pat Sheridan, Stan Silka, Daniel Paul Smith, Diane Smith, Matthew Smith, Margaret Snyder, Nick Signs, Ryan Sparks, George Steele, Pattie Stevens, Edna Stokes, Jameson Sullivan, Joseph Sweetman, Eddie Switaj, Homer Taylor, Mary Jo Terry, Dan & Madeline Tesin, Ronald Tonge, Elizabeth Toppi, Terri Tunney, Florence Vallad, George Van Denberg, Mike Vasas, Eleanor Vereb, James Vickroy, Elizabeth & Sherwood Vivoda, James Walcott, Barbara Walega, Celia Wardowski, Terry Whitaker, Ruth Williams, Fr. Gene Wojtewicz, Donna Wood, David Zocher NURSE MINISTRY NOTES Members of OLOA Parish Nurse Ministry would like to wish everyone a Blessed and Happy Thanksgiving. A beautiful way to start the day would be to attend the Thanksgiving Mass and truly express gratitude for the blessings in our lives. Some of us may have experienced some “tough times” in the past year, but we can be thankful that the Lord is always with us and will walk beside us in times of trial.. When we are seated at the Thanksgiving table on Thursday, before we begin to eat, say a prayer of gratitude and also remember those family members and friends who cannot be with us and those who are no longer with us. Pray for the homeless who, through unfortunate circumstances do not have a permanent place to rest their heads at night. Also remember the members of our military whose service allows us the freedom to celebrate. We do have so much to be thankful for. May God Bless the Our Lady of the Angels family. Please remember the information session regarding Advance Directives to be held Saturday, December 5th, from 2-3:30pm in the St. Elizabeth Room. Ann Caulfield Cook, PhD and Licensed Medical Social Worker will discuss and explain Advance Directives and guide us through the process. Also present, a representative from Michigan Memorial will be available to discuss pre-planning. Please join us for this important event. You can call the Parish Office at 313-381-3000 to reserve a seat so that we may plan, but a reservation is not necessary. There will be no Parish Nurse Ministry meeting in the month of December. ST. FRANCES CABRINI Day trippin’ with Tuesday Travelers FRANKENMUTH AT CHRISTMAS! Looking for unique Christmas gifts or decorations, or a special holiday outing with friends? Join the Tuesday Travelers December 1st for a day in downtown Frankenmuth, decorated in its holiday finest. We’ll start the day at 7:30am with coffee and breakfast snacks at the Rectory Office; the bus leaves at 8 o’clock. We will be back to Cabrini by 6:45pm. The First stop is Bronner’s CHRISTmas Wonderland, which is even more dazzling during the holiday season with thousands of unique decorations and gift ideas. On the grounds is a recreation of the chapel where “Silent Night” was first performed. We’ll head over to the Bavarian Inn for lunch (well known for chicken and noodles) and then shop along Main Street. If you just want to stroll through the quaint city center, there is plenty more to see. From Main Street, we’ll motor over to River Place, which features even more boutique shopping Mac’s Fudge, Yankee Candle Co., Thunder Bay Trading Co., Aspen Silver Co. We will not be visiting the outlet mall. The cost for this trip is $59, which includes breakfast snacks and lunch at the Bavarian Inn. The bus departs from the Church parking lot, but please park in the playground lot on Laurence and Englewood. Bring yourself, bring a friend, gather a group together … we always enjoy the day together! To reserve your spot stop by the Rectory Office with payment or call Therese Tardiff, 313-381-5601 if you would like more information. Page 7 DONATIONS FOR OUR CHRISTNET GUESTS Our Lady of the Angels will host 30 homeless men and women from January 10, 2016. The majority of our guests are men. The following items are most-helpful Thermal Bottoms & Tops (M, L, XXL, XXXL) Hooded Sweatshirts, Sweatshirts, Sweatpants Men’s & Women’s (L, XL, XXL, XXXL) Jeans Women / Men’s Flannel P.J. Pants (M, L, XL, XXL) New Men’s Boxers (M, L, XL, XXL) Thermal Socks White Undershirts (L, XL, XXL) * Backpacks / Duffel Bags Small Suitcase on Wheels New or Gently used Twin size Blankets, Towels, Wash Clothes Your donations will be accepted in ChristNet Tubs in the Narthex Questions? Peggy Vennebush 313-928-5407 ~ Susan Kozar 313-388-5192 Personal Care Items Travel Size Hand sanitizer, Q-tips, Shaving Cream, Deodorant, Tissues Foot & Hand Warmers, Chap-stick, Combs / Hairbrushes Foot Powder, Toothbrushes, Emery Boards Large Bottles Body Wash ~ Shower Gel _______________________________________________________________________ DID YOU SIGN A CHRISTNET POSTCARD to provide needed supplies for the week. You’ll get your card in the Mail in January. Thanks for signing up! Please Help Raise Money For Fish & Loaves!!! Fish & Loaves is the largest Client Choice Pantry in Michigan!! It is located in Taylor and serves families from Allen Park, Brownstown, Dearborn Heights, Romulus Southgate, Taylor and Woodhaven. Fish & Loaves assisted 16,460 clients in 2014 by distributing 2 million pounds of food. The Fish & Loaves Pantry is funded through grants, donations, and fundraising efforts such as the Meijer Simply Give Campaign. What: Meijer 2015 Holiday Simply Give Campaign When: November 1st, 2015 - January 2nd, 2016 Where: Taylor Meijer - 14640 Pardee Rd., Taylor, MI How Does It Work? During the dates listed above, customers present a Meijer Simply Give card to cashier and purchase for $10. Once purchased, Meijer will convert the donation card into a Meijer food-only gift card and donate it directly to Fish & Loaves. Fish & Loaves will benefit ONLY if our supporters purchase the cards at the Taylor Meijer on Pardee. Where Do I Get A Card? Meijer Simply Give cards will be placed on kiosks throughout the Taylor Meijer Store so that customers may pick them up while they shop. If you would like us to drop off some of these special cards please contact us at (313) 5710413. HOW CAN WE HELP? You can support Fish & Loaves in this campaign by spreading the word about the Meijer Holiday Simply Give Program. Your efforts in helping our shared mission of “Ensuring No One Goes Hungry” are greatly appreciated!!! Advent Schedule at Our Lady of the Angels Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception (Dec. 8th) Morning Mass at 8:45 AM Evening Mass at 7:00 PM Penance Services Private Confessions As always there is confession every Saturday at 3:00 PM. Communal Penance Service There are Several choices for Communal Penance Services: Dec. 5 (Saturday) - 1:00PM @ St. Sebastian, Drbn Hgts. Dec. 15 (Tuesday) - 7:00PM @ St. André Bessette, Ecorse Dec. 16 (Wednesday) - 2:00 & 7:00PM @ Sacred Heart, Drbn Dec. 17 (Thursday) - 7:00 PM @ St. Roch, Flat Rock Dec. 19 (Saturday) - 12:00PM @St. Frances Cabrini, AP Dec. 21 (Monday) - 7:00PM @ St. Vincent Pallotti, Wyandotte Other Advent Events: Dec. 4 - Advent by Candlelight (7:00 PM - Parish Center) Dec. 5 - Advent by Candlelight (7:00 PM - Parish Center) Dec. 6 - Breakfast with Santa (9:00 AM - Noon in Parish Center) Dec. 20 - Music Filled with Christmas Spirit & Sing Along (4:00 PM in Church with Choir & Nick Urbiel) Advent Inspirations: Our Lady of the Angels Advent Books Little Blue Book: For Advent and Christmas includes reflections on: Advent and Christmas Scriptures and on various traditions and customs. Christmas Masses: Christmas Eve: 4:00 PM, 6:00 PM, and Midnight Mass Christmas Day: 10:00 AM Mass Parish Office Closed: December 24th through December 28th December 31st through January 4th Page 8 OUR LADY OF THE ANGELS 6442 PELHAM ROAD TAYLOR, MI 48180 CATHOLIC SERVICES APPEAL THANKSGIVING Thanksgiving is a good time to reflect on our many blessings. The Archdiocese of Detroit is especially thankful for those who give generously each year to the Catholic Services Appeal. The Work of Christmas Howard Thurman When the song of the angels is stilled, When the star in the sky is gone, When the kings and princes are home, When the shepherds are back with their flocks, The work of Christmas begins: To find the lost, To heal the broken, To feed the hungry, To release the prisoner, To rebuild the nations, To bring peace among people, To make music in the heart. It’s that wonderful time of year again! It is time for our Annual Christmas Giving Tree. Our Giving Tree will be in the Narthex Nov. 21st - Dec. 13th filled with gift tags so as to give everyone time to shop! Our Giving Tree is Our Lady of the Angels way of sharing Christmas gifts with families struggling, without employment, layoffs, illnesses or for whatever the case may be? Each family is interviewed to determine their level of need! The gifts are for children in foster care, in our area, with Catholic Social Service. We also provide baskets for seniors through another outreach. We also adopt residents at Day House, a Catholic worker home for homeless women and children. This year we will also have a giving tree for our veterans, we will salute our veterans by having a tree for them! Please return the gifts no later than December 13th, 2015 with the tag you took taped to the gift! You can return the gifts back to the Church or in the rectory office! Any questions about your gift tag please contact: Peggy Vennebush 313-928-5407 or Marie Gdowski 313-381-3000, Stella Mosella 313-388-8970 Debbie Watson 313-806-4753 Join Us For Breakfast With Santa! Sunday, December 6, 2015 8:30am to 12pm Get your picture taken With our very own Santa! Adults $8 Donation Children age 3 to 10 $4 Donation Children under 3 FREE Includes Picture! Proceeds go directly to our very own St. Vincent de Paul Food Pantry. Join us for a delicious breakfast and get your picture with Santa suitable for turning into Christmas cards, Gifts, and Ornaments! Have a great breakfast with good company and help the Food Pantry. Bring the Family! 25th Annual Christmas Craft Show St. Thomas a’Becket Church 555 S. Lilley Rd., Canton SE corner of Cherry Hill & Lilley Saturday, December 5, 2015 9:00am - 4:00pm Bake Sale and Lunch Available Admission $2.00 Under 12 FREE SHADES OF IRELAND We would like to invite you to join us in our ‘Shades of Ireland’ adventure from September 24th - October 3rd, 2016 as we discover the sights of the beautiful country of Ireland. An orientation meeting will be held Monday, November 30th, 2015 at 7:00pm in the St. Elizabeth Room at Our Lady of the Angels, 6442 Pelham Rd., Taylor, MI 48180. For more information, please call the office at 313-381 - 3 0 00 o r se nd a n e ma il t o [email protected] please type in the subject line: SHADES OF IRELAND. Your gift to the CSA touch the lives of thousands of Catholics each day through CSA-funded programs, services and ministries. The good work of the Central Services departments of Communications, Development and Stewardship, Evangelization, Catechesis and Schools, and Parish Life and Services is funded with gifts to the CSA. If you have yet to donate to this year’s Catholic Services Appeal, please prayerfully consider your blessings and make the most generous pledge possible. For more information about CSA-funded programs, ministries, and services, please go to We know our festival isn’t until June 2016, but we need a chairman to run the Mexican Food Booth. This is a wonderful opportunity for a family or group of friends to help our parish and festival while spending some quality time together. We are also in need of artists to help make our sponsor ads and various other signage. You do not need to be a Van Gogh or a Michelangelo. If you have basic drawing skills or are a budding art student, we need YOU! You can work at your leisure from the comfort of your home. If you are interested in either of these fabulous opportunities to work with a dedicated and energetic group of volunteers, please call 313-802-9038 for details. It’s a couple of days out of the 365 you get every year. You just might find you like it! Thank you! Page 9 Dear Lord Jesus and Mary Mother of God, hold all these brave souls in the palm of your hand; comfort them and their families. Send angels of protection, love and comfort to all the service men and women still at war. Bring them home safely and comfort to all the service men and women still at war. Bring them home safely and comfort their families. We ask this through Christ, Our Lord. Amen. Petty Officer, Patrick C. Dauphinais SSG Lepine, Christopher COL David Fleckenstein ~ Army LT Michael A. Molnar ~ Navy Daniel J. Lyson ~ Navy CPT Glen Dowling MST Sgt Brian Dimock Joshua Maloney ~ Australian Army David Maloney ~ Australian Army Justin Dean ~ Marines SSG Andrew Guingona Sp. Airman Matthew Atton ~ Air Force CPL Gregory Ruoss ~ Marines Joseph Galbraith PVT Joseph Kimes ~ Army Samuel Stahl ~ U.S. Marines SR Wilson, Andrew C. ~ Navy Donald Johnson ~ Korea CPL Marshall Ohlert ~ U.S. Marines TRY MARRIACE ENCOUNTER FOR A CHANGE!!! Looking for a new way to let your spouse know you love them in the midst of your jobs, carpooling the kids, and trying to keep up with your house and yard? Tell him or her they’re still #1 in you life… share a worldwide Marriage Encounter weekend with each other. The next weekend is Dec. 4th-6th Holiday Inn Express, Troy. Apply online at, email [[email protected]] Did you know that couples who attend a WWME Weekend: - Experience only a 2% divorce rate - Live the true meaning of the Sacrament of Marriage - Become more involved in their Church - Renew the Church through discipleship with other couples - Support and appreciate their parish and their parish priests. All couples are welcome on a WWME weekend regardless of ability to donate. MAKING SENSE OF DEMENTIA Presented by Carol Waarala MSW,LMSW SATURAY, JANUARY 9, 2016 9-11:30 AM When a person develops dementia of the Alzheimer’s type, it is often labeled as a memory disease. And why is memory failing - because the brain is failing. This brain failure is caused by a neurological disease that is gradual and progressive, affecting each person in a different way, and will cause damage throughout the brain. This means that the brain that controlled all our senses will change and be compromised and this will impact our abilities and quality of life. As dementia damages our five senses, which helped us process information our whole life, we experience changes in sight, hearing/balance, touch, taste, and smell. These changes diminish the way we communicate and cause us to disengage with others and with life. Often times, this disengagement appears as though there is no longer a person there. So how do you connect w it h so meo ne w it h d e me nt ia ? THROUGH THOSE SAME FIVE SENSES. The senses are super resilient, but often need some stimulation from others to awaken them. Hosted by: ST. TIMOTHY PARISH 2901 Manning, Trenton 48193 Contact: Therese Kramer * 734-6765115 * [email protected] Sponsored by The Downriver Vicariate with HOPE Dementia Ministry LLC For more information contact Judy Petterle 734-446-6584 [email protected] * HAS YOUR CHILD EXPERIENCED LOSS THROUGH DEATH, DIVORCE, SEPARATION OR ABANDONMENT? RAINBOWS - Guiding Kids Through Life’s Storms - is a program that guides children through these life issues. PURPOSE - While a death, divorce or separation in a family appears to be an adult problem, it has a profound impact on the children it touches. There is a real need for caring adults to be present for these children to help them work through their grief and provide a safe place for them to meet new friends who have shared similar experiences. Even those who appear to be coping can be struggling inside with conflicting emotions. Getting those emotions out is one step toward healing. Rainbows is a not-for-profit organization open to children of all ages and religious denominations who are experiencing any change in their family life. It offers weekly peer support group meetings with 3 to 6 children of the same age range with a trained facilitator. AIM - ● The aim of Rainbows is to furnish the participants with an understanding of the changes in their family. ● To assist children in building a stronger sense of self-esteem. ● To direct children toward acceptance of what has taken place. Rainbows meeting will be held on Wednesdays, January-March 7 to 8PM. An information meeting for parents, children and adolescents will be held on January 6, 2016, enter at the first classroom door to the right of the Parish Office. The actual sessions begin on January 13, 2016. - For more information and to register your children, call (313) 381-3000. A New Session Begins in January For Children And Adolescents, Preschool-Grade 12 at Our Lady of the Angels Church - 6442 Pelham, Taylor 48180. ADVENT / CHRISTMAS CONCERT ~ Friday, December 4th ~ 7:30pm St. Paul of Tarsus, 41300 Romeo Plank Road, Clinton Township 48038 Symphonia Chorale will be performing their holiday program entitled “We Wish You Christmas,” Musical works by Beethoven, Victoria, Rutter, Thompson, Forrest. Concert starts at 7:30pm under the direction of Mr. Justin Umbarger. Adults $12, Children $5 (12 and under). For tickets or call 586-764-6486. Page 10 Advent by Candlelight Hostess a Table 2015 Registration Deadline: November 23, 2015 (No registrations will be honored after this date) Advent by Candlelight is an evening for adult parishioners, friends and family to gather and prepare for a meaningful Christmas. This event will be celebrated Thursday, December 3rd and Friday, December 4th at 7:00pm. You can be a hostess for 2015 Advent by Candlelight. What you need to do — ● Choose a date to hostess. ● Bring ○ Tablecloth ○ place settings - paper, plastic or china for 8-10 guests (invite your own or the committee will seat people at your table) ○ Centerpiece ○ Dessert (bought or homemade). Instructions will be sent for set-up times and procedures. Join us for a peaceful beginning to your Christmas preparations by calling Linda Bollman 313-386-1146 to reserve your table. Make checks payable to Monica Griffin. Advent by Candlelight - 2015 Be a guest. This is your invitation to attend Advent by Candlelight, Thursday, December 3rd or Friday, December 4th. Meet new people. Join us for the reflective evening. Fill out the reservation form-in the Church paper or at the Parish Office, include $5 and arrive by 6:30pm to view the lovely tables. We will have a place for you. 2015 Advent By Candlelight Reservations (Registration deadline is November 23rd. No registrations will be honored after that date) _______ Thursday, December 3rd _______ Friday, December 4th Include names of everyone attending: Name:_______________________ Phone:_______________________ Name: ______________________ Phone:_______________________ Name:_______________________ Phone:_______________________ Retreat Center Offers “Married Couples’ Evening of Recollection” A “Married Couples’ Evening of Recollection” will be held December 8th (Tuesday) and March 9th (Wednesday) at St. Paul of the Cross Passionist Retreat & Conference Center, Detroit. Couples may choose either evening which will begin at 5:30pm and end at 9pm. Led by the St. Paul Ministry Team, the evening includes conferences, personal time for quiet reflection, and Prayer Service. To register for one of the evenings, contact Lynnette Marshall at 313-286-2800 or online at [email protected]. Registration fee is $35 a couple including dinner. St. Paul of the Cross Passionist Retreat & Conference Center is located at 23333 Schoolcraft, Detroit (eastbound I-96 service drive) between Telegraph and Outer Drive. Please return in collection basket, reservation box in Narthex or Parish Office with $5.00 per person (checks payable to Monica Griffin). No tickets are issued. Seaway Chorale & Orchestra under the direction of Anthony Lai CHRISTMAS PRESENTS Friday, December 4th at 7:30pm Saturday, December 5th at 7:30pm Flat Rock Community Auditorium 25600 Seneca, Flat Rock TICKETS ON SALE NOW Adults / Senior $10 pre-sale $12 at the door Students $5 734-675-2459 1-866-967-8167 734-675-3548 This Week in our Parish Events and Activities Our Lord Jesus Christ; King of the Universe November 22 Masses: 8:00am, 10am, 12 noon 10am ~ R.C.I.A. ~ St. Ann 10am ~ Pre-School ~ School 10am ~ Christian Service ~ St. Eliz 6:30-8pm ~ Youth Group ~ PC GIVING TREE IN NARTHEX Monday, November 23 8:45am ~ Mass 10-11:45am ~ Food Pantry 7:00pm ~ Bible Study ~ St. Jos 7:30pm ~ Men’s Prayer Group ~ St. Ann Tuesday, November 24 8:45am~ Mass 9:30am ~ Bible Study ~ St. Jos NO Chair Fitness NO REL. ED 7pm ~ Council meeting ~ St. Jos Wednesday, November 25 NO MASS OR PRAYER SERVICE OFFICE CLOSES AT NOON 7pm ~ Rainbows meeting ~ St. Ann Thursday, November 26 THANKSGIVING 8:45am ~ Mass OFFICE CLOSED Friday, November 27 8:45am ~ Mass OFFICE CLOSED Saturday, November 28 3pm ~ CONFESSIONS 4pm ~ Mass GIVING TREE ~ NARTHEX St. Kateri Tekakwitha Parish Gift and Book Shop 16101 Rotunda Drive, Dearborn (between Greenfield and Southfield) Parish phone: 313-336-3227 Tuesdays during Advent: 10:00am to 6:30pm Also open before and after weekend Masses Saturdays: 3 - 4pm and 4:45 - 5:30pm Sundays: 10am - 12:30pm Our shop carries Advent and Christmas items, contemporary religious themed jewelry and gifts, medals, rosaries, statues, and books for both children and adults. We stock boxed Christmas cards and other affordable religious greeting cards for all occasions. In acknowledgement of our patron saint, St. Kateri (the first Native American saint) we have handcrafted Native American items Page 11 *SCLERODERMA SUPPORT GROUP* Meets the Third Friday of Every Month at 11am-1pm. *Guest Speakers +Refreshments + Handouts. *Support Group Leader - Annie Valle [email protected], 313-291-2055 *Meeting Location: Our Lady of the Angels Church 6442 Pelham, Taylor, MI 48180. *Join us! Century 21 Virginia Vartanian Serving SE MI and Beyond Call (734) 748-3224 virginiavartian.century21 e-mail: [email protected] BULLETIN BOARD Ace of Spades Progressive Raffle Ticket Price: $1.00 HOUSE CLEANING REASONABLE RATES PARISH MEMBER 313-627-4710 St. Alfred Parish Center Drawing held every Thursday night at 7pm ~ 24175 Baske Street, Taylor If the Ace of Spades is not selected by the weekly drawn winner, a consolation prize is awarded and the jackpot grows again! Catholic Faith Formation Night Lectio Divina: The Art of Praying with Scripture Tickets not selected do not carry over week to week! Purchased tickets are good for one week. Monday, Nov. 30, 2015 7:00 - 8:00pm Miss a week - No Problem! Losing Tickets are discarded and new purchases begin for next Thursday’s drawing. Fr. John Kopson, Presenter You can jump in and play any week! Tickets can be purchased * After all weekend Masses *St. Alfred Parish Office during business hours * Alliance Catholic Credit Union *Leon’s Family Restaurant - Telegraph Questions: Bob 734-552-9752 We encourage you to bring a Bible and a friend too! All are welcome! Church of the Divine Child Gathering Room 1055 N. Silvery Lane Dearborn, MI 48128 313-277-3110