CMEA Audition Repertoire - The Canton, CT K
CMEA Audition Repertoire - The Canton, CT K
CMEA Audition Repertoire 2013-2014 Studentsmust prepareall etudesand/or excerptsof etudesfor the region audition. All-State pieces shouldbe preparedin their entirety unlessotherwiseindicated. Pleasenote that in order to ensureconsistentand fair adjudication,all studentsmust usethe same edition (or samepublic domain copy in a few cases)of a given solo. Studentsmust use the requirededition of the books/piecesindicated.The publishers/distributorsare listed to help you locate a given etudebook or piece. All studentsare requiredto perform his/her solo for adjudicationusing the original copy ofthe piece. Studentsfailing to use the original copy will be disqualifredfrom the festival. Studentsmay audition in as many areasas they choose;however,vocal studentsmay audition on one voice part only - Female:Sopranoor Alto, Males: Tenor or Bass.Directors must submit their student'sensemblepreferenceduring registration;however,the final decisionfor ensemble placementrestswith the appropriatefestival committees. CMEA PoliciesRegarding StudentsWith A Disability of thestudent'smusicdirectorto notifytheRegionDirectorof any It is theresponsibility modifications requiredfor studentswho havean Indiyidualized Education Program (IEP) or 504plan in anticipationof the CMEA sponsoredAdjudicationor Festivalprocesses.Any requestfor modificationsmustbe made30 daysprior to the CMEA sponsoredevent.It is also the responsibilityof that student'sschooldistrict tofund any costsincuted by such modifications. Therepertoirelist is subjectto changedueto publishersmakingany selectionunavailable. Checkthe CMEA Websitefor CMEA owesits immensegratitude to Jay at Foundry Music ( for ertramile efforts in correcting and updating CMEA about repertoite availability. If you haveanyquestionsor problemsobtaininga selectionfrom this repertoirelist, pleasecontactKen Shelleyat: [email protected] PleaseNote: o Students will still performfrom an original,from CMEA approvedpublic domaincopies, or from memory. o Any musicpurchased onlinevia ePrintor a similarservicemustprovideproof of purchase . Pleasenotethatthis repertoirehasbeenclarifiedand,in somecasesalteredunderthe Pleasebe surethatyou andyour studentsare of the CMEA membership. recommendations familiarwith theup-to-dateinformation.Thankyou to the manyCMEA memberswho lent theirinput. 2013-2014vocAl REQUTREMENTS Quarter Note:92 Startingpitches for the required scaleare notatedbelow for eachvoice part. SopranoG & D Alto D and G Tenor G and D Bass D and G This scaleis to be sungtwice from memoryusingeithersolfeggioor a neutralsyllable- Onetime on the lowerstartingpitchandonetime on thehigherstartingpitchasindicatedabove. The ConnecticutACDA ExecutiveBoard,with input from additionalchoral directors,hasconsidered, discussed,andapprovedthe following proceduresfor the sight-readingportion ofthe Adjudication Festival.CMEA StudentAffairs Commissionalsoapprovedtheseprocedures The following is designedto assistteachersin preparingstudentsfor this componentof the adjudicationaswell as offering a systematicadministrationof this part of the adjudication. 1. All singerswill readthe samesingle-linemelody. 2. Studentsmay electto sing the melodyfrom eitherthe bassor trebleclefversions;both will be available. Singersmay chooseto sing solf-dgesyllables,numbers,or any neutral syllable. Adjudicators will neither reward nor punish a studentfor his/her choice. 4 . The examplewill be 8 measureslong. 5 . The exampleselectedwill be in one of thesemajorkeys: C, F, G, D, A, B-flat, E-flat. 6 . The example may utilize note/rest values from sixteenth through whole in value, including a J. dotted notes. or 414. from: 618,212,214,314 7 . Themeterwill be selected (which MAY OTMAY NOT BE THE STARTING B . The adjudicatorwill provide the pitch "do" PITCH) and a tempo of beating unit : J 6. g. The studentwill have 60 secondsto practice.During this time studentsmay audiate,hum, or sing quietly to him/herself. Adjudicators will offer no prompts. 10.AdJuiication will be applied ONLY to the final version,NOT to the 60-secondpracticetime. 2013-2014RegionVocal Solos Read carefully - There are changes to the rcpertoire and accompaniment recordings. Regionvocal auditionswill include the requiredsolo, scales,and sight-reading(with the exceptionof studentsperforming for commentsonly). Selectionscome either from the Medium High (Sopranoand Tenor) and Medium Low (Alto and Bass)editions of Twenty-FourItalian Songsand Arias, publishedby G. Schirmer/HalLeonard OR from public domain selectionsfound on the CT-Festor CMEA websites.Located on the websiteare the accompanimentrecordingsfor this year's audition.All singerswill perform their audition from one ofthese recordings.The G. Schirmerrecordinpswill nolbe usedthis vear. As always.solos must be performedin Italian and in the orinted kev for the voice tvpe. Note: Performancenoteswill be availableon CTFestincluding translations,IPA, etc. NotesunderCTFest. FYI: The 24ItalianSongsandArias coppight haslapsed.SeePerformance Soprano SebbenCrudele (Caldara/ed.Shelley) The scoreand recording for this shouldbe obtainedfrom the CTfest website.SeeCTFestwebsite for a PDF and accompanimentrecording. Alto Alma del core From the Twenty-four Italian Songsand Arias - Schirmer(with the SchirmerCD accompaniment) Tenor Danza, Danza (Durante/ed, Shelley) The scoreand recording for this shouldbe obtainedfrom the CTfest website.The CMEA PDF and recordingallows for breathingtime - particularly after the low note at the top of the last page of the song.Pay particular attentionto the provided breathmarks. Bass Chi vuol la zingarella?(Paisiello/ed.Shelley) This is a newly addedpublic domain song. SeeCTFestwebsite for a PDF and accompaniment recordins. 2013-2014All-S tate Vocal Auditions Studentsselected for the all-stateauditionon voicewill preparetheirpart from a prescribedselection chosenfrom the comingyear'sAll-Stateconcertrepertoirein a MusicMinus Oneformat(MMO). Four versions(eachversionmissingonevoicepart)will be availablethroughthe CMEA websiteat www.cmea.orsin the fall. This will be the official MMI usedfor the auditions. How LovelyAre the Messengersfrom Mendelssohn'soratorio Eliiah. Findthepublicdomainmusicusedto createtheMMO recordingon theCTFestwebsite. 2013-2014String Requirements scales,and sight-reading(with the exceptionof 1. All stringauditionswill includethe requiredetude(s)/solo, play the violin scalebut with threeoctaves are to the studentsperformingfor commentsonly). -6larprsl.s andtwo hands. 2. All stringplayersmustprovidethe adjudicators(2) with a working copy oftheir solo. Ifthis is a photocopy,it will be retainedand destroyedfollowing the audition. 3. Cadenzasare not required for any string solo. Region Scales All scalesmustbe memorized.Studentsshouldperformscalesusingthe pafternshownbelow.Stringplayersshoulduse separaleDows octave indications . . V iolins c a l e sa n d a rp e g g i o s- 3 o c ta v e s Viola scalesand arpeggios- 3 octaves REGIONtempo is quarternote = 60. Cello scales and arpeggios- 3 octaves Bass scales and arpeggios- 2 octaves ALL-STATEtempo is quarternote = 72. Instrument Violin c Major & Bb MelodicMinor F Major & D MelodicMinor Viola E Major & C MelodicMinor Bb Major & G MelodicMinor Cello E Major & C MelodicMinor Bb Major & G MelodicMinor Bass G Major & c D Major & D MelodicMinor R e o i onS cal es MelodicMinor RegionalString Solos Violin Lafolia(5mvts.)byCorelli- G.Schirmer/Ha' will performthefirst five Leonard Note: Students . Allegro.and Adagio. Allegretto. Andante. movemenls: will not performthelast AllegroModerato. Students Cadenza.) Adagio,AllegroModerato, threemovements: Viola Suitesfor the Preludefrom SuiteI in G Major .-.Six - G. Bach Viola (originallyfor violoncello)by Leonard Note;pr"yir'" Schirmer/Ftar wdtten, not the optional ossfa. "i-a' "r Cello SonataNo. I (F maj), movements1 AND 2 from the book r'vo sonotasuv vu.""iio -rni.-utionui Edition Bass Etude Ff frorn 30 Etudes.forthe String Bass by Simandi- Carl Fischer Harp Srudtdi Media Di/ficolta #l5 by Ettori Pozzoli- Ricordi All-State Scales A[_State String Solos Xj:111r" 4 in D major,Mvt.l, byMozart- G. "". Leonard Schirmer/Hal Viola Sonatain E-flat, Mvt. l, by Brahms- Henle/Hal Leonard Cello ;:: i":HTi"l,X,";lil;Y"t I ' bvBoccherini Bass concertofor Double Bass(F Major)' Mvt' l ' by capuzzi- Boosey& Hawkes/HalLeonard Harp - Editions I ,2, and3 by J.M Damase Ritournelles I-lenryLemoineNofe: This is a specialimport edition. It will take 6 to 8 lyeeksto receivean order 2013-2014Wind Requirements All woodwindandbrassauditionswill includethe requiredetude(s)or solo,major scales, chromaticscale,and sight-reading. uired for any woodwind or brasssolo. 2 Cadenzas are not I All scales will be memorized. The chromaticscale must be oerformedslurred ascendinoand descendinoin its entiretv. usinq the followinorhvthmicoattern: One of the majorscales indicatedbelow must be performed,to be selectedby the adjudicator. lt will be performedtonoued ascendingand descendingusing the rhythmicpattem below, followedby the arpeggioin the same number of octaves is ihe scale. M.M. - 60 Instrument Piccolo A u d i ti o n Region& All-State All-Stateonly Flut e Region& All-State All-Stateonly Oboe Region& All-State All-Stateonly Bassoon Region& All-State All-Stateonly B b Clar inet Region& All-State All-Stateonly Bas sClar inet Region& All-State All-Stateonly Alto Saxophone& BaritoneSaxophone TenorSaxophone Region& All-State All-Stateonly Region& All-State All-Stateonly Trumpet Region& All-State All-Stateonly FrenchHorn Region& All-State All-Stateonly Trombone& Euphonium BassTrombone Region& All-State All-Stateonly Region& All-State All-Stateonly Tuba Region& All-State All-Stateonly S cal es and N umber of Octaves c-1 Ab-2 c-3 Ab-2 F-2 Db-1 F-2 Db-2 c-2 F-1 Ab-1 Db-z c-2 F-2 Ab-z Db-2 c-2 F-3 Ab-2 Db-2 Bb-2 cb-2 Bb-2 Gb-2 Bb-1 Gb-1 Bb-2 Gb-z Bb-z Gb-3 c-2 F-2 Bb-2 Ab-z Db-1 Gb-2 C hrom at ic Eb-2 c-2 D-2 A-2 E-2 CbtB-z Eb-2 c-2 D-2 A-2 E-2 CbtB-z Eb-1 c-1 D-2 A-1 E-1 Cb/B-1 Eb-2 G-2 D-2 A-2 E-2 CbtB-2 Eb-2 c-3 D-2 A-2 E-3 CbtB-2 Eb-1 c-2 D-1 A-2 E-2 CbtB-2 c-2 F-2 Bb-2 Eb-2 c-1 D-2 A-1 Ab-1 Db-2 Gb-1 E-2 CbtB-2 c-2 F-2 Bb-2 Eb-2 c-1 D-2 A-1 Ab-1 Db-z Gb-1 E-2 CbtB-2 c-2 F-1 Bb-2 Eb-1 c-2 D-1 A-2 Ab-z Db-1 Gb-1 E-1 CbtB-2 c-2 F-2 Bb-2 Eb-2 c-2 D-2 A-2 Ab-2 Db-2 Gb-2 E-2 CbtB-2 c-1 F-2 Bb-2 Eb-1 c-2 D-1 A-2 Ab-2 Db-1 Gb-2 E-1 Cb/B-1 c-1 F-2 Bb-2 Eb-1 c-2 D-1 Ab-2 Db-1 Gb-z E-1 Cb/B-1 c-1 F-2 Bb-2 Eb-1 G-2 D-1 Ab-z Db-1 cb-2 E-1 Cb/B-1 A-2 Region: F-F 2 octaves All-State:D-Bb 2+ octaves Region: A-A 2 octaves All-State:C-C 3 octaves C-C 2 octaves F-F 2 octaves Region: C-C 2 octaves All-State:E-G 3+ octaves Region: G-G 2 octaves All-State:E-C 2+ octaves Region: C-C 2 octaves All-State:B-F 2+ octaves Region: C-C 2 octaves All-State:B-F 2+ octaves C-C 2 octaves G-G 2 octaves Bb-Bb 2 octaves Region: G-G 2 octaves All-State:F-Bb 2+ octaves A-2 Bb-Bb 2 octaves RegionWoodwind Etude List Piccolo Etude2: Andantino(Gariboldi,p.2) AND Etude3: Allegro (Kohler, p.21) - Melodious& ProgressiveStudies.forFlute - Book I -by Robert Cavally - SouthernMusic lHal Leonard Flute Etude4 (Kohler,p.22) AND Etude 6; Largo Cantabile (Garlbaldi, p. 6) Melodious & ProgressiveStudies.forFlute Book I -by RobertCavally - Southern Music/Hal Leonard Oboe Etude l2 Allegro Furioso (C?1.4,\i{it:quarter note :72) AM Etude 33 Adagio (eighth note : 72) - from 1B FamousStudiesfor Oboe or Saxophone(1" OboePart), Opus 31 by W. Ferling,revisedby Albert Andraud- Southern Music/Hal Leonard.i\"bls.'Studentsmust play BOTH etudesand shouldplay measure1 through the Fine. Bassoon Etude I4 Menuetto, Variations I, II, and III from 30 Classical Studiesfor Bassoon, Waterhous e - ljniversall Carl Fischer B-flat Clarinet Etude13AM Etude26 - 32Etudes -for Clarinet by C Rose (rev, ed. #WFBS)- Carl Fischer BassClarinet Etude 7 - AdvancedStudiesJbr Bass ()larinet Rhoadsand Alto Clarinet - Weissenborn/ SouthernMusic/Hal Leonard All Saxophones Etude I3 - TwentySevenMelodious& Rhythmical Exercises- J. L. Small - Carl Fischer Atl-S tate Woodwind Solos Piccolo Concerto in A minor, RV 445, movements1 AIVD 2 by Vivaldi - InternationalEdition Flute Sonata V in E minor, movements1 AND 2by Bach - SouthernlHalLeonard B-flat Clarinet SonataOp. 167, movements1 AI{D Zby Saint Saens- DurandlHaLLeonard BassClarinet SerenadeBasque - by Hoffmann - Belwin/Alfred Alto Saxophone Oboe Sonutu,movement1 by Poulenc- Chester Music/Hal Leonard Bassoon Sonata in F minor, movement2by TelemannInternationalEdition Sonata Opus 29 by Muczynski - G. SchirmetlHal Leonard Tenor Saxophone Sonata,movements1 AI'{D 2by Schmidt- Western International Baritone Saxophone Sonuta,movements1 AI{D 2 by AndersonSouthern/HalLeonard RegionalsBrassEtudes Trumpet Trombone Melodious Etude 6 (All) - Uenaious Etudes for Trumpet,Clark-O'Loughlin(Carl Fischer Etude 4 froiJ'MelodiousEtudesfor Trombone, Bookl, Rochut(Carl Fischer) AND VizzuttiRhythmicEtude4 (All) Tr.umpet quarternote: 152- TheAllen.Vizzu.ti Method,Book3, Melodicstudies'vizzuti (Atfred) Bass Trombone Efude l0 ftom43 Bel CantoStudies,Bordogni fieduc/RobertKing) Euphonium French Horn Etudes 65 AND 67 from 200NewMelodic and GradualStudies for Horn. Book I -by (ieduc/RobertKing) Maxime-Alphonse hude I 1 fromMelodiousetudesfor Trombone, BookI, Rochut(Carl Fischer) Tuba Etude 8 from 43 Bel CantoStudies,Bordogni (Leduc/RobertKing) All StateBrassSolos Trumpet Sonatifor Trumpet& Piano,mvtlAND mvt 2, by Ewazen- SouthemMusic/Hal Leonard French Horn Concerto No. I, Op. l I,mtt 1,by Strauss International Trombone Morceau Symphonique,by GuilmantAlfred BassTrombone SuiteIII: Saraband,Bourree1, and (transcribedfor Gigue,by BachlMarsteller 1-3 Suites for Violincello)trombone.from SouthemMusic Euphonium The Beautiful Colorado, by Deluca - Carl Fischer Tuba Study No. 48 from 70 Studiesfor B-flat Tuba, Vol. II,bY Blazhevich- RobertKing 2013-2014P ercussionRequirements @winginstrumentsforauditions:timpaniwithastool,snarewithadjustable stand,4 octavemarimbawith graduatedbars,and concertbassdrum. StudentsMUST performtheir auditionson thesesuppliedinstruments. 2. CMEA will also providea tambourine,cymbals,andmatchedpair of concertbassdrum mallets;however, studentsmay chooseto performwith their own tambourine,cymbals,or bassdrum malletsifthey so choose. 3. StudentsMUST providethe following: appropriatemarimbamallets,snaresticks,and appropriatetimpani mallets. Scalesfor malletplayers scalesandsight-reading. 4. All malletauditionswill includethe requiredetude/solo, can be foundbelow. 5. All snareauditionswill includethe rudimentsand accessoryexercisesfound below. will be requiredto sight-read. 6. All percussionists Scales Al l s c aleswill be m e m o ri z e d . The c hr om at ics ca l emu s t b e p e rfo rm e dl e g a toa scendi ngand descendi ng,usi ngthe fol l ow i ngrhythmi cpatte r n: One of the nine majorscalesmust be performed,to be selectedby the will be performedtonouedascending usingthe rhythmicpatternbelow,followedby the arpeggioin the samenumberof octavesas the scale. and descending M.M. = 60 Instrument S cal es and N umber of Octaves Audition Region& All-State C-2 Ab-2 All-Stateonly M alletP er c us s io n C hro m at ic Bb-2 Eb-2 G-2 D-2 A-2 F-2 Db-2 Gb-2 E-2 CblB-z C-C 2 octaves CMEA SnareDrum Rudiments ftn1i '-i I r,ir .? ] r 'i,i r-t-rll r= i1ii ll ip i f r-r 1 l - El:rr:rrr;cP'l'] j .7 13 stroke RLLRRLLR RRLLR RRI-LRRLLR RRLLRRL RRI -LR Flatn* FlamAccent F i a mT a p :- -_;,tl::.:l|; Fl amacue 3 -tl-F Lr.r.r.r.r- J-. r LR R R I I I R L R R t R L LR L R L R ffr*g* Drag L I .R RRL j*tton tu Q rnnlc v " ' 5 ' * Qeferytecr ra ," LLRLRRRLRL Lt.R L R L R R L R LR Exercises PercussionAccessorY ': 96 \ a) I PP f \ g \ p , .- al mf --'1-- p j= \ \ "tr bU a4 CRASHCYMBALS = _T -f p rnf 3 -3 - 3 t p ..l "tr - ,. - I .ff-p : RegionalPercussionSolo All-S tate PercussionSolos Snare Etude lSfrom Portraits in Rhythm:50 Studies for SnareDrum. By Anthony J Cirone Alfred Snare pour Caisse-Claire Etude3,from DouzeEtudes - Leduc/Robert - Jacques King Del6cluse Mallets Sonatinafor Violin in D Major, by Telemann' from Masterpiecesfor Marimba arr. Thomas McMillan - Music of the Masters Series- Alfred Mallets "spiritualFantasi a," by J. Quickfrom Soloist Leonard Folio RubanlCHal Timpani Metro Line Seven,pages16-17,from FundamentalSolosfor Timpani, by PetersAlfred Timpani "CircusOvertureSideShow,"by W. Schuman from TheCompleteTimpaniMethod,by - Alfred Friese/Lepak 2013-2014 Regional Jazz Requirements I. 2. 3. 4. All jazz wind auditionswill includethe requiredetude,improvisation,and sight-reading. Scalesarenot required. If the solo hasan accompanimentCD, studentswill not play with a recordingduring the audition. Studentswill performthe improvisationwith the CD accompaniment(seebelow for details). RegionalJazz Wind Improvisation All wind players will improvisea solo using the specrfiudAebersoldplay-along track listed below. Studentswilt ptay the melody/br one chorus,improviseforfour choruses,and.finishby playing the melodyfor one chorus. Take the "A" Train Duke Ellington Vol. 12 - Track 9 - Aebersold RegionalJazz Wind Solos Alto Saxophone -Etude 8 (quarternote 152-160)from AdvancedJazz Conceptionfor Sax by Niehausavailablefrom ProfessionalDrum ShopOR Aebersold Tenor Saxophone Etude 4 (quarternote : 176-184) from AdvancedJazz Conceptionfor Sax by Niehausavailablefrom ProfessionalDrum Shop OR Aebersold Baritone Saxophone Etude 8 (quarternote : 752-160)from AdvancedJazz Conceptionfor Sax by Niehausavailablefrom ProfessionalDrum Shop OR Aebersold Trumpet Bird Blues from Jazz Conception- Trumpetby Snidero- AdvanceMusic NOTE: Playersauditioningfor lead trumpet: I . Plav the etudeas written. 2. Plav measures25-35 Trombone It's lYobody for Me from EffectiveEtudes.for Jazzby JavislCarubia- Kendor Music BassTrombone It's Nobodyfor Me from ElJbctiveEtudesfor Jazzby Javis/Carubia- Kendor Music NOTE: Players interestedin auditioningfor basstrombone: l. Play the etudeas written 2. Plav measures55 to the end down one octave RegionalJazz Rhythm Solos 1. Al1 rhythm sectionauditionswill include the requiredsolo, improvisation, and sight-reading. Pleaseread instructionsfor eachinstrumentseparately. 2. Scalesarenot required. 3. Solo etudeswill be performed without CD accompaniment. 4. Guitar, bass,and piano studentswill perform improvisation WITH recordedaccompaniment. Drummerswill imoroviseWITHOIJT recordedaccompaniment. Jazz Guitar "Rose" from JazzConception- Guitar by Snidero- Advance/Aebersold 1. Playsoloaswdtten. 2. Usingchordchangesfrom the samesolo,compthroughthe entireetude,in the styleof thepiece, with no melody,asif backingup a soloiston anotherinstrument.For the first chorus,compin the compwith freerhythmicinterpretation. Basiestyle.For remainingchoruses, FreddieGreen/Count 3. Theportionof the auditionwill be performedwithoutrecordedaccompaniment. 4. Studentsmustprovidetheir own patchcordsandguitar tuner. AND "Grease"(B-flat blues)from Jau Conception Guitar by Snidero- Advance/Aebersold 1. Usethis trackasa play-alongfor improvisation total. 2. Improviseright from the beginningofthe trackfor 4 choruses 3. Thisportionof theauditionwill be performedwith recordedaccompaniment. 4. NOTE: If you tum the balanceon stereoto the left, the sololine will be eliminatedallowingyou to bethesoloist. JazzPiano "Rose" from Ja47,Conception- Piano by Snidero- Advance/Aebersold 1. Playsoloaswritten. 2. Usingchordchangesfrom the samesolo,compthroughthe entiresolousingbothhands,in the styleofthe piece,with no melody,asifbacking up a soloiston anotherinstrument. 3. Theportionofthe auditionwill be performedwithoutrecordedaccompaniment. AND (B-flat Piano by Snidero- Advance/Aebersold from laa Conception blues) "Grease" (NOTE: Do not use "PianoComping"Book) play-along for improvisation 1. Usethis trackasa total. 2. Improviseright from the beginningofthe trackfor 4 choruses hand. in left Improvise solo in right hand, comp 3. 4. Thisportionof the auditionwill be performedwith recordedaccompaniment. 5. NOTE: If you tum thebalanceon stereoto the left, the sololine will be eliminatedallowingyou to bethesoloist. JazzBass "Rose" from ,.IazzConception- Bassby Snidero- Advance/Aebersold Do not use"BassLines" book 1. Playsoloaswritten. 2. Usingchordchanges from the samesolo,createan originalwalkingbassline overthe entireetude, style,asifbacking up a soloiston anotherinstrument. in theappropriate 3. Thisportionof the auditionwill be performedwithoutrecordedaccompaniment. 4. Bassplayersmay auditionon acousticor electricbass- AND - Bass by Snidero - Advance/Aebersold (B-flat Blues) from Jazz Conception "Grease" 1. Use this track as a play-along for improvisation. 2. Improviseright from the beginning ofthe track for 4 chorusestotal. 3. This portion of the audition will be performedwith recordedaccompaniment' 4. NOTE: If you tum the balanceof your stereoto the left, the solo line will be eliminated allowing you to be the soloist. Jazz Drums "Rose" from "/azzConception - Drums by Snidero Advance/Aebersold 1. Play solo as written. Studentsshould play the selectionson page 38-39' 2. This portion of the audition will be performedwithout recordedaccompaniment. Improvisation Requirement 1. At quarternote : 110, trade fours for a total of 24 measures. 2. Play swing time for 4 measures,then solo for 4 measures. 3. Repeatthis sequencethree times for a total of 24 measures. 4. Repeatsteps#1-3 at quarternote: 200 SupDlementalJazz I)rums Requirement Be preparedto play the following: 1. 16 bars OF TIME in latin groove Style (bossanova or sambaare acceptable) 2. 8 bars OF TIME ina jazzballad STYLE using brushes(quarternote:60) 2013-1014All-State Jazz Wind Requirements 1. All j azz wind auditionswill includethe requiresolo, improvisation,and sight-reading. 2. Scalesarenot required. 3. If the solo etudehas an accompanimentrecording,studentwill not play alongwith the recordingdurine the audition. 4. Studentswill perform the improvisationwith the recordedaccompanimentas detailedbelow. All-StateJ azzW ind Improvisation - Published by Aebersold Modal Blues from Wl-b@!99!,Yol.2 1. Studentswill playthe melodyfor onechorus. choruses. 2. Next, studentswill improvisefor one-and-a-half 3. Studentswill finish the lastchorusby playrngthe secondhalf of themelody. 4. Studentswill endsolowith animprovised6 Bar FadeOul. All-State Jazz Wind Etudes Jazz Alto Sax - Celerity(Quarternote: 276)- from CharlieParkerOmnibook(E-flat)- Hal Leonard #4 #1 to Beat1 of Rehearsal Jazz Tenor Sax - Oleo(Quarternote:270) - Performfrom Rehearsal PlavRh)'thmChanses- Corybant from MastersofTenor Saxoohone Jazz Bari-Sax , Celerity(Q\arter note= 276)- from CharlieParkerOmnibook(E-flat) Hal Leonard Jazz Trumpet - LazyBird (Half note= 126)- from TheBestof LeeMorgan- CharlesColin Music Publications NOTE: Playerc interested in auditioning for lead trumoet: l. Play the 6tudeas wdtten. 2. Play the following up one octave:measrre 32 (Amai7,3 eighth pickup) to measure40 (Bbm7,2 eiqhth notes on beat 1) Jazz Trombone - CoffeePot (Half note : 144)- from The JJ JohnsonCollection- Hal Leonard Jazz Bass Trombone - A Doll (Quarternote: 100)- from JazzConception:BassTromboneby Snidero- Advance/Aebersold 2013-2014Jazz Rhythm SectionRequirements 1. All jazz rhythm sectionauditionswill include the requireddtude,improvisation, and sightreading.Pleasereadinstructionsfor eachinstrumentcarefully. 2. Scalesarenot required. 3. If the solo etudehas an accompanimentrecording,studentswill not play alongwith the recordingduring the audition. 4. Guitar,bass,andpiano studentswill perform the improvisationwith the recorded as describedbelow. Drummerswill perform their improvisationwithout accompaniment iment. recordedaccomDan All-State Jazz Rhythm Solos Jazz Guitar West Coust Blaes (Quarternote = 144) from The WesMonteomervGuitar Folio. Improvisationsand by SteveKahn- Aebersold Interpretations #5. 1. Playsoloaswrittenup to the Bar beforeRehearsal from the samesolo,compthroughthe entireetude,in the styleof thepiece, 2. Usingchordchanges with no melody asif backingup a soloiston anotherinstrument.For the first chorus,compin the FreddieGreen/CountBasiestyle. For remainingchoruses,compwith free rhythmic interpretation. 3. This portion of the audition will be performedwithout recordedaccompaniment. 4. Studentsmust providetheir own patchcordsand guitartuner. AND : Two Plus lwo (Half note 99) from JazzConcepliQ4by Snidero- Advance/Aebersold 1. Usethis trackasa play-alongfor improvisation. 2. Improviseoverthe entiresolo. 3. Thisportionof theauditionwill be performedwith recordedaccompaniment. 4. Note: If you tum the balanceof your stereoto the left, the sololine will be eliminatedallowing you to bethe soloist. JazzPiano Nightin Tunisia(Qtarternote= 168)from Bud Powell(JazzMasters)by Clifford Safane- Amsco Publications 1. Playsoloaswritten. 2. Usingthe chordchangesfrom the samesolo,compthroughthe entiresolousingbothhands,in the styleofthe piece,with no melody,asif backingup a soloiston anotherinstrument. 3. This portionof theauditionwill be performedwithoutrecordedaccompaniment. AND Two plus Two (Half note = 99) from Jazz conception by Snidero Advance/Aebersold 1 Use this track as a play-along for improvisation. 2. Improvise over the entire solo. 3. Improvise solo in right hand, comp in left hand 4. This portion of the audition will be performedwith recordedaccompaniment' 5. Note: If you tum the balanceof your stereoto the left, the solo line will be eliminatedallowing you to be the soloist. Jazz Bass by JimStinnet note= 156)fromTheMusicof PaulChambers Visitation(Quarter 2"" Chorus. end of the the through 1. Playsoloaswrittenfrombeginning 2. Using the chord changesfrom the samesolo, createan original walking bassline over the entire solo, in the appropriatestyle, as if backing up a soloist or anotherinstrument' 3. This portion of the audition will be performedwithout recordedaccompaniment. 4. Bassplayersmay audition on acousticor electric bass. AND Two Plus lwa (Half note = 99) from Jazz Conceptionby Snidero- Advance/Aebersold 1. Use this track as a play-along for improvisation. 2. Improvise over the entire solo. 3. This portion of the audition will be performedwith recordedaccompaniment' 4. Note: If you tum the balanceof your stereoto the left, the solo line will be eliminated allowing you to be the soloist. Jazz Drums note: 200)fromTheUltimateDrumsetReadinsAntholoevfor the BasieStraightAhead(Quarher - AlfredPublications by SteveHoughton WorkingDrummer 1. Playsoloaswdtten. 2. Theportionof the auditionwill be performedwithoutrecordedaccompaniment' ImprovisationRequirement 1. At quarternote: I 10,tradefoursfor a total of 24 measures. thensolofor measures. 2. Playswingtime for 4 measures, 3 timesfor a total of 24 measures. 3. Repeatthis sequence quarter note = 200 1-3 at 4. Repeatsteps SupplementalJ azzDrum Requirement Be preparedto playthe following l. 16barsOF TIME in a Latin grooveSTYLE (bossanovaor sambaareacceptable) 2. 8 barsOF TIME ina jazzballadSTYLE usingbrushes(quarternote:60)