Annual Report - Pit Bull Rescue Central


Annual Report - Pit Bull Rescue Central
Where Education Meets Rescue
Annual Report 2007
Pit Bull Rescue Central
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Our Vision:
Pit Bull Rescue Central envisions a compassionate world where pit
bulls and pit bull mixes reside in responsible, loving homes and
where their honor and positive image is restored and preserved.
Our Mission:
As an organization, Pit Bull Rescue Central (PBRC) will:
Help relieve suffering of and prevent cruelty to dogs identified as
pit bulls and mixes thereof, through the public dissemination of
educational information
Help reduce the number of homeless pit bulls and mixes thereof,
through the public dissemination of educational information
Facilitate the rescue and placement of homeless dogs identified
primarily as pit bulls and mixes thereof, into responsible homes
Participate in fundraising in order to provide caretakers of pit
bulls and mixes thereof, with the means to:
1. seek veterinary treatment
2. spay or neuter
3. provide food, shelter, and other basic necessities
4. assist a dog to prevent it from being treated in a cruel
or inhumane fashion
Charlotte was a victim of domestic violence and substance abuse, who found herself
homeless and living on the beach. She found Hoonani who was also homeless and they
became inseparable companions. Hoonani acted as Charlotte’s protector during those lonely,
scary nights living in the elements and as her friend. With the help of public assistance and
strong determination, Charlotte was able to build a life for herself and Hoonani. Charlotte
took Hoonani to the vet after noticing that her ears were very swollen. Hoonani was
diagnosed with aural hematomas and heartworm disease. Charlotte turned to PBRC’s fund
committee for financial help to treat Hoonani’s ailments and received a $250 donation
towards her care. Today Charlotte reports that Hoonani is doing well. "She's gained some
weight, which I was told would happen since she was spayed. She is a house dog again since
the thought of losing her was a bit much for us to even consider. … Since the ordeal she's
become a more loving dog. She never liked to be hugged and cuddled and she never did the
"licking your facing" thing either but since the over night hospital stay she's really been
different. She has no problem showing that she cares. Thank you all sooooooooo much for
helping me save Hoonani."
acted as
lonely, scary
nights living
in the
and as her
Pit Bull Rescue Central
Message from the Board of Directors:
In 2007, PBRC stepped into the world of e-advocacy with pages on
several virtual networking sites such as MySpace and Facebook. We
also started a popular blog. These projects brought our own website
even more exposure. In addition, with the national spotlight on the
evils of dog fighting over much of the year, we saw increased traffic
to the site as well as increased media inquiries.
Not surprisingly this all resulted in more requests for assistance, more
general mail, more dogs listed for adoption and even more adoption
applications! We do hope that there is a silver lining in the cloud of
the horrific crimes against dogs brought to the national spotlight in
2007 – increased compassion for these animals.
We hope you enjoy this review of PBRC 2007. We look forward to a
very successful 2008 as we work together to improve the lives of the
dogs we love.
The PBRC Board of Directors
Wilbur has been listed on PBRC for over a year now! He is deaf, but you would
never know it from his happy, goofy attitude. He loves his toys and to cuddle with
his humans. He is patiently awaiting a home in Virginia.
PBRC Board of Directors 2007:
President – Holly Bukes
Vice President – Dawn Carroll
Secretary – Stephanie Feldstein
Treasurer – Alexis Kelly
Director of Fundraising – Dawn Carroll/Amiela Ciontos
Director Education/Outreach – Marcy Setter
Director of Volunteers – Pam Fradkin, Amy McGarrigle, Chris Cook
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Pit Bull Rescue Central
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Daily Operations:
PBRC remains an all-volunteer organization with 33 individuals
across the U.S., Canada and abroad conducting daily business.
Volunteers reviewed and processed nearly 6,900 applications for
adoption in 2007, an increase of 1,300 over last year. General inquiries
also increased with an average of 175 emails to the site per month;
most received same-day responses. The website generated over
200,000 hits each day and, thanks to our savvy technical team,
virtually no downtime was experienced.
Our custom-designed dog-listing application has been up and
running for over a year. At the end of 2007, there were 1,900 listings
hosted on the site, an increase of over 600 listings from the previous
year. The web team managed an abundance of technical support
cases due to programming bugs and user-friendliness issues. Overall,
the application performed well with very little downtime.
Modifications and improvements are needed, however, and the
application is under review.
The website continues to expand with fun and educational content.
Pages added this year include information on crating and rotating pit
bulls, winterizing your pit bull, adding a second pit bull, toddlers and
dogs, a terms of use page, a feature dog page and a tribute gallery.
Links were added to various online media including Facebook,
MySpace, YouTube and PBRC's blog. Poppy's Place was updated to
match the look of the rest of the site. The web team strives to keep the
site as up to date as possible through daily maintenance.
Dodger, a rescued Pit Bull, was diagnosed with an abdominal mass that needed to
be removed. His owner Mary contacted the PBRC fund committee for financial
assistance with the surgery. Dodger’s situation quickly progressed to a
life-threatening emergency that required a spleenectomy. Surgery was successful
but the histopath results showed cancer. Dodger is now receiving chemotherapy
and continues to do well! Dodger’s mom Mary sent in a nice thank you: “You are
all so nice and you have really helped me not only with the donation for Dodger,
but your cheerfulness, hope and kindness through all of this - thank you!”
“You are all
so nice and
you have
really helped
me not only
with the
donation for
Dodger, but
hope and
through all of
this - thank
Pit Bull Rescue Central
Education and Public Relations:
During 2007 PBRC merged its Marketing and Education committees
into one committee in order to be more effective in its efforts.
This year brought PBRC several media opportunities. We were asked
to do several on air interviews with CNN, MSNBC, Court TV, Fox
News and the Nancy Grace show to name a few. Volunteers were
interviewed for both newspaper and magazine articles, and appeared
on several Radio shows. We also did our first Podcast with Good
Dog Podcasts regarding pit bulls and BSL. (July 17th)
We had many accomplishments this year! Our volunteers wrote and
published two editions of Bully Buzz. We held two online contests,
“Pittie the Fool” and a “Howl-o-ween” costume contest. “Pittie the
Fool” had 124 entries and over 600 votes. The “Howl-o-ween”
contest brought in 119 entries and a huge voter turnout. Both contests
were a lot of fun and enjoyed by volunteers and supporters alike.
PBRC also moved into the 21st century this year by expanding our
presence on the internet.
The PBRC Blog is updated weekly with articles ranging from
humorous to educational.
Our MySpace page has almost 600 friends now, allowing us to
educate a whole new audience.
We have a Youtube page with volunteer created videos available
for education and also to increase exposure for adoptable dogs on
our site.
We also have a Dogster page with several pup pals.
An exciting surprise for PBRC this year, our 2008 Happy Endings
calendar appeared in a Special Holiday Edition of People Magazine!
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Pit Bull Rescue Central
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Maude may be an oldie, but she is a goody! She has been awaiting a home in New
York since July of 2006. Maude is obedience trained and loves her chew toys!
Older dogs can make wonderful companions and Maude would love to have a
family to share her golden years with!
PoppyMart 2007 brought many happy bidders who won amazing
donated items…raising more than $11,000 to help pit bulls! In
addition to our loyal donors who keep us going, there were three
wonderful sources of support that raised thousands of dollars for
PBRC this past year.
The first is author Ken Foster. Last year, he offered signed copies of
his book “The Dogs Who Found Me” for sale as a fundraiser on our
website. When the sequel, “Dogs I Have Met,” was released this year,
Ken again generously offered signed copies for sale through
PBRC. Ken is a compelling author and a great friend to the dogs!
The second individual we’d like to acknowledge is artist Christine
Head who first donated her “Break the Chains of Cruelty” poster to
PoppyMart. After the Poppymart auction, she entered into a
partnership with PBRC to sell her limited edition vintage style posters
– “Break the Chains of Cruelty” and “Pitini” – through our
website. Christine’s posters were immensely popular, successfully
spreading her “Art with a Heart” to the pit bull rescue world!
Last but not least, PBRC has always been a pioneer in the “virtual”
world. Early on we created a strong online community and, despite
our volunteers being scattered across the country, we were able to
connect with people and their dogs to make a difference in their lives
through education, financial aid, and other resources. This past year
the online community came together to help PBRC, with an
unexpected show of generosity, in the form of Facebook
donors. Facebook users took it upon themselves to create a
community of pit bull lovers that donated over $15,000 to support
PBRC’s work.
We want to extend our heartfelt thanks to everyone who supported
PBRC by participating in our fundraisers, shopping in PoppyShop,
and donating to our work. We couldn’t do it without you!
“Thanks to
couldn’t do
it without
you! ”
Pit Bull Rescue Central
Spay/Neuter Committee:
2007 found the PBRC Spay/Neuter Committee devoted to extending
their efforts to disseminate information regarding health and
behavior benefits of spay/neutering, as well as continuing to educate
the public on the overpopulation crisis that leads to increased
suffering of our breed. Our extensive research and networking
enabled us to assist in finding options and solutions for the majority
of applicants and inquiries. The information and resources were
shared through updates to the Spay/Neuter web pages and the
commitment of the Spay/Neuter Committee Volunteers in answering
email inquiries. The work of the committee benefited dogs
throughout the U.S. and Canada.
At the completion of 2007, our Spay/Neuter Committee had
processed 257 applications for assistance. Additional surgeries were
funded through our Affiliate Program and support of spay/neuter
events throughout the year. In recognition of Spay Day USA, the
committee issued a call to action to our supporters. Through use of
PBRC's extensive e-mail list, the committee composed and distributed
a list of ways that everyone could help by promoting and advocating
for spaying and neutering in their communities.
The committee utilized creative and innovative technology and media
to facilitate an effective impact on the pit bull community as a whole.
Tuwa was rescued from a shelter by her mom Paula three years ago. She was
diagnosed in February 2007 with a mast cell tumor which she had removed with
PBRC’s help. At the end of 2007, Paula found a mass in Tuwa’s mouth which
turned out to be a plasmacytoma that had to be removed. PBRC’s Fund Committee
came through again with a donation to Tuwa’s surgery as Paula, her owner, was on
social security disability benefits and was not able to work. In Paula’s words “I can
not thank you guys enough. It is so painful having a sick pet and not being able to
care for her.”
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Pit Bull Rescue Central
Medical Fund Committee:
This past year was a busy one for PBRC’s Medical Fund Committee.
Numerous requests came in from rescues, fosters and owners seeking
financial assistance for the care of their pit bulls and pit bull mixes.
Financial requests ran the gamut of needs from boarding costs to
orthopedic procedures and cancer treatment. The Committee
guidelines were also reviewed and updated to provide for the best
use of the donations we receive while still keeping PBRC’s mission in
the forefront. In 2007, the Medical Fund Committee gave financial
assistance to over a hundred cases!
In 2007, the following disbursements were made:
To Individual Owners - $11,605.33
To Rescuers - $13,367.53
To Shelters - $500.00
Brisco stayed by his owner Kristina’s side after she was in a horrible car accident
that left her wheelchair bound for months. Now Kristina is fighting for Brisco’s life
as he was diagnosed with Lymphoma in December. Kristina turned to PBRC’s Fund
Committee for financial help with Brisco’s chemotherapy. Brisco is doing very well
with his treatment and hopefully will be cancer free soon!
Volunteer Committee:
Being an internet-based organization allows for a broad variety of
volunteers whose diverse interests enhance PBRC and the work it
does. Our volunteers are hard at work 365 days a year, processing
adoption, medical and spay/neuter applications, attending and
offering seminars in their communities, and disseminating accurate
information about the breed. We are proud to have volunteers across
the country and internationally, all with varied backgrounds and
skills. One way we keep the work flowing is to have a once a year
meeting/gathering. The value of this face-to-face meeting is felt by
all. Our volunteers donate their time to attend this yearly event and
pay their own way. This year it was off to California for some sun and
fun along with work on our continued mission. With the common
goal of helping pit bulls and their advocates, and the support of each
other, our talented group of volunteers is able to accomplish a lot!
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Pit Bull Rescue Central
Megan Alexander, Holly Bukes, Dawn Carroll, Rob Chesser, Ami
Ciontos, Amanda Clase, Chris Cook, Sanya Dunn, Arlene Ehrlich,
Melinda Fayette, Stephanie Feldstein, Sarah Finney, Pam Fradkin,
Georganne Gundlach, Amy Hendrickson, Andrea Jones, Alexis Kelly,
Andrea Kilkenney, Lynnette Lynde, Tiffany McBee, Amy McGarrigle,
Sharon Medearis, Nely Mendoza, Pauline Mercier, Cynthia Polite,
Ilene Reid, Josh Schneiderman, Marcy Setter, Sue Scime, Arianna
Silva, Gina Taei, Merry Young and Melissa Zarda.
2007 Income & Expenses
Support & Income Sources 2007
Expenses 2007
E duc a t i on/ Out r e a c h
Fund R a i s i ng
P r oj e c t s
Ope r a t i ona l
Spa y / N e ut e r
A s s i s t a nc e
A ni ma l C a r e
A s s i s t a nc e
Pit Bull Rescue Central
PoppyMart 2007 Donors: Alexis Kelly, Amanda Clase, Ameme Designs,
Amiela Ciontos, Amy Hendrickson, Andrea Jones & Josh Schneiderman,
Animal Farm Foundation, Animal World, Animals & the Afterlife,
Anonymous Donors, Arctic Paws, B.A. Barker, Barker & Meowsky,
Barkology, Barron's Educational Books, Big Dog Spa, Big Paw Designs,
Bio-Derm Labs Inc., Bio-Groom, Blocky Dogs, Blue Acres Farm, Blue Dog
Bakery, Boomer Ball, Boston VA Nursing Staff, Bow Tie Publishing,
Braveheart Rescue, Broken Hearts Mended Souls Rescue,,
Calling All Dogs, Carol Lea Benjamin, Celebration Flags, Central MO
Humane Society, Chelsy's Toys, Cheryl Padgett, Chris Cook, Christine
Head, Christine Winship, CindPete Inc - Home of the BatziBelt, Collar
Crazy, Collar Mania, Crazy Dog Lady, Cynthia Polite, Dawn Carroll,, Dog Collectibles, Dog ID Collar, Dog in a Shell, Dog
Sweaters by Elaine, Doggone Good, Dogswell, Dogwise, Drs. Foster &
Smith,, Ella's Lead, Ernest Ferguson Jr, Fauxpaws
Production, Flying Panda, Furry Angel Memorial Candle, Gigi Henderson,
Goughnuts, Grrreen by Paper Russells, HealthForce Nutritionals, Helping
Udders , Holly Bukes, Homeopet, Horse Creations, Idawg Clothing, If it
Barks, Janet Beres, Janet Berger, Jennifer Beres, Jessica’s Biscuit, John Beres,
K9 Top Coat, Kamala Dolphin Kingsley, Karen Delise, Kong Co, Kristalas
Imports, Kuranda Dog Beds, Larry Polite, Luanne Rice, Lynette Lynde,
Mailboxes and Stuff, Mansfield Design, Maria Daines, Megan Alexander,
Merry Young, Messy Dog Gallery, Michael Palmer, Michelle Kamrowski,
Moody Pet, Muddy Paw Wash, No Voice Unheard, Nylabone, Owen and
Olivia, Park Pet Supply, Paws Pet Boutique, Pei PerCo., Pet Expertise, Pet
Sport USA, Petsakes, Pit Bull Hot Sauce,, Pretty N Pit,
Primal Spirit Foods, Rachael Hale, Raku Jewelry by Melissa L Rickman,
Renea Erickson, Retro Pets, Ron Krajewski, Royal Treatment Pet Care, Sam
Allen Photography, San Francisco SPCA, Sarah Finney, Shaggy Lamb Dog
Boots, Sleeping Bear Co., Susan Bonard-Bygrave, Suzanne Reid, Sweet
Candles (Scent-Sations, Inc), Sylvan & Sons, Tails Aloft, The Barkery, The
Mutt Mats Company, The Pit Bull Place, The Studio of Ken Bailey, This
Great Designer, Tickled Pink Jewelry, Tiffany McBee, Tracy Yarlott-Davis &
Leslie Sullivan, Treats Unleashed, Valley Vet, Vermont Teddy Bear
Company, Willow Creek Press, Wonderbull Designs, Yvonne Adkins,
2007 Donors: Abby Crosby, Aileen Roder, Alex Krooglik, Allison Wilkins,
Amanda Patton, Amanda Pellis, Amber Leigh O'Sullivan, Amber
Lohbrandt, Ameme Designs, Amy Dulan, Anastasia Villescas, Andrea
Wright, Angela Parsons, Ann Paradiso, Annie Wilson, April Smith, Arlene
Ehrlich, Asher & Associates/Marlena Ascher, Ashley Dallas, Aslihan Kizil
Yalli, Barbara Kamper, Barry Morgan, Benjamin Christensen, Benjamin
DeWalt, Betty Davidson, Beverly Burbank, Bonita D. Brandt, Bonnie Farrell,
Brandi Keady, Brian A LaFramboise, Briana Walker, Brigid Cleary, Bryan
Heron, C.A. Newman PhotoGraphics, Carla & Jamie Samans, Carol Clase,
Carole Swartz,Carrie Valderas, Cathy Evans, Charles Calton,
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Pit Bull Rescue Central
2007 Donors continued: Charles Gordon, Chelsea Schoonbaert, Cheryl
Hardy, Cheryl Hulstine, Chess Smythe, Chris Hitt & Carolyn Briggs, Christa
Loustalot, Christina Menikides, Christopher P. Perkins, Christy Garrett,
Clayton Kamsung Goo, Cynthia Polite, Cynthis McNiss-Arters, Dale Stull
Demy, Dan Napier, Daniel Joassaint, Darcy Mareno, Dave Dula, David
Couillard, David Hinman, David Morefield, Deborah Levenson, Deborah
Stone, Deena Ponce, Denis Virgilio, Denna Ponce, Diana Woebcke, Dina
Hitchcock, Donna L (DVM) and Craig R. Johnson, Donna Marshall, Dorothy
Gaeschke Wilson, E Ann Matthews, Edward Robins, Eileen Honan, Elena &
William Cunningham, Elizabeth Alvey, Elizabeth Hudson, Elizabeth Irwin,
Elizabeth Madden, Elizabeth Pino, Elvira LaRocca, Eric Anderson, Erica
Santiago, Erin J Frahm, Eugene & Jolinda Grace, Evan Boles, Eve & James
Sauve', Tracy Reynolds, Flavia P. Downs, Frank DiMatteo, G. Vandenbosch,
Gail Levin, Gigi Henderson, Gina A. Tamburri, Group Fore Flying Oanda
Gifts, Gulsebnem Bishop, Gwen Morgan, Gwendolyn Gibbish, Heather
Cunningham, Heather Johannsen, Heather Leonardo, Heather Mancuso,
Helene Manos, Howard & Cindi Goldberg, Ivanka Andrews, Jackie Gaskill,
James & Elaine Bradley, James & Judith McMillan, James Notzen & Phoebe
Hall, Jamie Jones, Jane C. Barbato, Janet Jennings & Jeff W. McPhail, Janie
Connolly, Jason Ward, Jeanette McConechy, Jeffrey Gross, Jena McFall,
Jennifer Beres, Jennifer Hartsfield, Jennifer L Jacoby, Jennifer M. Joseph,
Jeremy Scanlon & Heather Prince, Jesse Ellis, Jessica Monteith, Jessica
Thompson, Jessica Troop, Jody Mills, John & Kristi Perri, John & Sarah
Beres, John Angle, Jonathan Ditton, Joseph Montana, Judith Marcellot, Judy
Klanke, Julia L Wahl, Julia Lynn Thompson, Julie Peil, Julie Pitt, June
Ulffers, Kai K. Kunnapas, Karen Wilkie, Karl Borling, Karon Lyden-Keller,
Karyn Zoldan, Katcha Sanderson, Katherine Evans, Katherine Layman,
Kathleen Killen, Kathleen Ryan, Kathleen Seling, Kathleen Ward, Kathry G
Marshall, Kathy Del Rosario, Kathy Evans, Katrina Ashby, Kayleigh Hill,
Keely Zochowski, Kelley McAtee, Kelly Wolff, Kim Brown, Kim Dyess of
Grancell, Lebovitz, Stander, Barnes & Reubens, Kim Fioranelli, Konrad
Sherinian, Kristen Morgan, Kristi Pettit, Kristy Rhodes, Laura Cotton, Laura
Homza, Laura Trcka, Laurel Rummer & Will Christensen, Lauren Capone,
Lauren Kraut, Lauren Raffel, Laurie MacAdam, Lawrence & Heather Kren,
Layne Protheroe, Leona Li, Lesley Ray, Leslie C. Fox, Leslie Hasvold, Linda
Dunn, Lindsay Lawer, Lindsey Sime, Lisa Cepluch, Lisa Freeman/Chelsy's
Toys, Lisa Garmon, Lisa Madsen, Lisa O'Keefe, Liz Zacharski, Lola Perazzo,
Loreli Quintero, Lorilie Miller, Lorraine Rooker, Lucky 7 Tattoo & PiercingR. Corey Boobar & Kathleen A. Langley, Lynn R Terelle & Laura J Graham,
Madison Settlement Services, Maria Sless, Marianne H. Roth, Marie Malin,
Marilyn C Harnois, Marilyn Zielinski, Mark Koesel, Mary Ann Lesko, Mary
Kiefer, Mary Mewherter, Mary Teti, Matt & Jessica Masters, Matt & Sharon,
Matt Burris, Matthew & Patricia Swain, Melanie Stephenson, Melissa Colon,
Melissa Giovagnoli, Michael Stone, Michael Swift, Michele Burling, Michele
Leon, Michele Ursino, Michelle Nguyen, Mikel D. Miller-Helping Udders,
Inc, Milton & Janet Bukes, Mission Fish, Monica Rocha, Monique Mancilla,
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Pit Bull Rescue Central
2007 Donors continued: Nancy A. Maxfield, Nicole Wright, Nimesh Shah,
North Jersey Guinea Pig and Hamster Rescue, Pam Fradkin, Pamela Black,
Paul Prusas, Paul Schlichting, Pauline Mercer, Perry Dawson, Pete Milano,
Peter Byworth, Phillip Kenny, Project Agape, Raymond Tackett, Rebecca
Ann Hurley, Richard & Cynthia Hodgson, Robert Perona, Robert Scavone
Jr, Roberta M. Munroe, Robin Monserrat, Rochelle Biffart, Rocket Sportbike,
Ronald Matsui, Ronnie Steinau, Rosmira Yepes, Ruthe Magaziner, Ryan
Louth, Samantha Dukeman, Sanya Dunn, Scott Leete, Scott Taylor, Shana
Funderbunk, Shane Vasquez, Sheri Cormie, Sherri Vanduzer, Shutesbury
Elementary School, Parent Teacher Org, Sonya Sweat, Stacy Beall, Stephanie
Doss, Stine Marconini Bjerke, Susan & Harold Becker, Susan Bustamante,
Susan O'Neil, Tanya Lamarre, Taylor Hogue, Taylor Made Jewelry Designs,
The Neel Foundation, The Opal Group, Thomas A. Casaus, Tim
Chamberlin, Timothy Smith, Tommy DePasquale IV, Toni Wallace, Tracy
Yarlott-Davis, Trisha Koontz, Troy Pugesek, Valerie LeBouthillier, Vaughn
Orthodontic Lab, Vicki Goldberg, Victoria Byerley, Victoria Cohen, Victoria
Ettlinger, Vishakha Doshi, WPG Solutions, Yvonne & Rick Adkins.
The Year Ahead:
The PBRC team looks forward to the year ahead!
Toward the end of 2007, the PBRC board conducted a rather extensive
survey of its volunteers. We hope to improve and expand our
volunteer program in thoughtful and effective ways during this
coming year. There are many people who would like to join the effort
and we’d like to find ways to get as many people engaged as we can.
Between the online networking opportunities and developing some
offline outreach, we would like to spread our message and by doing
so hope to gain additional advocates for pit bulls and help for the
challenges ahead. Watch for the biggest Poppymart online auction to
date in 2008!
PBRC’s Board of Directors extends it gratitude to PBRC’s loyal,
dedicated and hardworking core of volunteers. We also extend our
thanks to our donors and supporters, without which we could not
continue to operate.
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Pit Bull Rescue Central
Pit Bull Rescue Central, Inc.
a 501(c)3 Organization
PO Box 335
Fulton, MO 65251
[email protected]
[email protected]
To View More
Adoptable dogs visit:
All of the dogs pictured in this annual report were either listed for
adoption on our site or were assisted financially through PBRC’s Fund.

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