
Where Education Meets Rescue
Annual Report 2008
Pit Bull Rescue Central
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Our Vision:
Pit Bull Rescue Central envisions a compassionate world where pit
bulls and pit bull mixes reside in responsible, loving homes and
where their honor and positive image is restored and preserved.
Our Mission:
As an organization, Pit Bull Rescue Central (PBRC) will:
Help relieve suffering of and prevent cruelty to dogs identified as
pit bulls and mixes thereof, through the public dissemination of
educational information
Help reduce the number of homeless pit bulls and mixes thereof,
through the public dissemination of educational information
Facilitate the rescue and placement of homeless dogs identified
primarily as pit bulls and mixes thereof, into responsible homes
Participate in fundraising in order to provide caretakers of pit
bulls and mixes thereof, with the means to:
1. seek veterinary treatment
2. spay or neuter
3. provide food, shelter, and other basic necessities
4. assist a dog to prevent it from being treated in a cruel
or inhumane fashion
This is Petunia from NJ, she’s 3 years old and was adopted from a rescue organization.
Petunia was taken to the vet to be treated for a torn ACL. However, during surgery, the vet
discovered evidence of previous untreated damage and bone spurs. PBRC donated $250
towards Petunia’s surgery and we received the following from Petunia’s owner Terri:
“I just wanted to give you a quick update. Petunia went to the vet yesterday. Her incision
healed well and the stitches have been removed. She has not been using her leg as much as
she should be: she unfortunately discovered that she can move faster if she only uses 3 legs.
It has been a challenge to keep her from running and rough housing with the kids and our
other dog. Over the weekend she started using her leg more and we have started some
physical therapy of slow uphill walks. The vet said it is going to take a few weeks for the
cartilage to heal, but he said her joint felt good and he was happy with her progress. She is
still in a bit of pain, but that primarily seems to come towards the end of the day. Again, I just
wanted to express my appreciation for your assistance. Petunia is her happy self again.”
“I just
wanted to
express my
for your
Petunia is
her happy
self again”
Pit Bull Rescue Central
Message from the Board of Directors:
2008 was another busy year for PBRC and its volunteers. The need
for our services continues to grow – more dogs in need of homes,
more people in need of financial assistance for veterinary care as well
as spay and neuter. With the economy facing so many challenges, it’s
no wonder. We are pleased that we have been able to help so many
dogs and those who care for and about them.
We are able to help, thanks to you. Both current and new supporters
allowed our organization to do its work throughout the year. The
Poppymart online auction in September was the biggest yet! No
matter how donations reach PBRC, we are so grateful for the
continued and generous support of our friends. You make it all
We hope you enjoy this review of 2008. We look forward to a
successful 2009 as we work together to improve the lives of the dogs
we love.
The PBRC Board of Directors
Through no fault of his own, Newman has had a few homes in his short 15 months
of life . He is a good boy and just looking for the right family to call his own! He
knows basic commands and walks well on leash. He LOVES a good game of tug!
If you are looking for a handsome, fun, and goofy boy than look no further.
Newman is listed on PBRC and patiently awaiting his forever home in Washington
PBRC Board of Directors 2008:
President – Holly Bukes
Vice President – Dawn Carroll
Secretary – Stephanie Feldstein
Treasurer – Alexis Kelly
Director—Sarah Finney
Director – Sharon Medearis
Director – Marcy Setter
Co-Directors – Pam Fradkin, Chris Cook
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Pit Bull Rescue Central
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Daily Operations:
PBRC continues as an all-volunteer organization with 35 individuals
across the U.S., Canada and abroad conducting daily business.
Volunteers reviewed and processed over 5,300 applications for
adoption in 2008. At the end of 2008, there were over 2,100 dogs listed
on the site, an increase of 200 listings from the previous year. Traffic
to the website increased, averaging 240,000 hits each day and, thanks
to our reliable technical team, downtime was minimal.
In 2008, PBRC volunteers answered over 2,100 email inquiries from
the general public. The majority of inquiries are submitted from
people throughout the United States, but PBRC also receives e-mail
from Canada and other countries. Our volunteers respond to
questions about the American Pit Bull Terrier and related topics such
as breed specific legislation, adoption, rescue, insurance, and training
to name a few. The average response time for volunteers to reply to
these public inquiries is less than one day. PBRC volunteers continue
to provide accurate and current information to public e-mail inquiries
as one of the many services we offer. To reach our volunteers, please
e-mail us at [email protected]
Dear PBRC,
We are forever grateful for your efforts, kindness, graciousness and tremendous
generosity. Angel and Sandro have recovered well from perfect (spay & neuter)
surgeries. They received star treatment thanks to the communication PBRC had
with clinic staff beforehand. You have helped improve our family’s lives for years
to come. Thank you. - Angela
“ We are
grateful for
You have
improve our
family’s lives
for years to
Pit Bull Rescue Central
Education and Public Relations:
2008 once again brought many opportunities for PBRC to educate the
public through media interviews. We were contacted throughout the
year for factual information regarding breed specific legislation and
breed information. We are always happy to oblige!
Last summer we started the major project of reviewing and updating
our website content to be more current with information, resources
and training techniques. We have updated several sections, but the
project is anticipated to continue well into 2009 due to the vast
amount of content of which PBRC’s website is comprised.
We wrote and released two issues of our newsletter, The Bully Buzz
with a guest column by author Karen Delise. We had another great
turnout for our annual “I Pittie, the Fool” contest with 101 entries and
395 votes for the winner. Our Halloween contest was just as
successful with 94 entries and 809 votes. Both were a lot of fun for all
who participated.
We continue to expand and explore varied internet venues to enable
us to reach new people. You can find us currently on:
Myspace – We have 1500 friends and counting! Myspace helps us
spread our message to new people everyday.
Facebook – We added a facebook page this year and have close to
500 friends.
Our blog has been very popular this year and we strive to update
the content several times a week.
We added another blog just for fun and entertainment. Pitter
Patter is sure to brighten your day with its fun pit bull photos and
witty captions. http://pbrcpitterpatter.blogspot.com/
Roxy was left homeless after her owners went through a divorce. She is excellent
with children as her best friend in her previous home was a little girl. She is well
tempered and very lovable. She loves going on walks, cuddling, and spending
those quiet moments with her people on the couch. Roxy is looking for a new
home to call her own in South Dakota!
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Pit Bull Rescue Central
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How is PBRC able to provide financial aid to so many dogs in need,
to make sure pit bulls are getting spayed and neutered, to support
rescue organizations and promote adoptable dogs, and to create so
many up-to-date educational resources for owners, rescuers, and the
public? The answer is YOU.
Support from individuals - through tax-deductible donations,
fundraisers, product purchases from our affiliate companies, and the
amazingly generous supporters of Facebook Causes - accounts for the
vast majority of PBRC’s income.
The PoppyMart online auction continues to grow each year. Thanks
to our wonderful auction donors, PoppyMart 2008 had a fantastic
selection of quality dog products, unique gifts, and excellent pit bull
items that drew in over $15,000 from the winning bidders!
PoppyMart not only raises money for the dogs during the auction, it
also often leads to ongoing fundraiser opportunities with our
sponsors. Christine Head donated one of her beautiful vintage-style
artistic prints again this year, and continued to create fresh, amazing
designs to offer year-round. PBRC’s reading list expanded after
PoppyMart, too, when we started offering Demo, The Story of a
Junkyard Dog, a graphic novel for all ages with a great message,
signed by the author and pawtographed by the real Demo!
donated… is
to the dogs
whose lives
are touched
by our
Of course, many of our partnerships benefit both homeless dogs and
the dogs in your home. Paco Collars created a design in PBRC’s
name, with the proceeds of each sale benefiting our programs. Idawg
sells dog coats that are sized to fit the needs of our muscular pooches,
and we were excited to run a fundraiser that promoted their great
product, raised money for PBRC, and gave our supporters a discount.
Other treats with a purpose added to our store this year included
Chelsy’s toys, US Bones, and Best Bully Sticks.
PBRC was pleased to offer special edition Poppy money – custom
made million dollar bills with adorable pit bull images –to donors
during our holiday season “Million Dollar Campaign.” This fun
premium was a way to let PBRC supporters know just how much
their donations are worth. Every dollar donated to PBRC, whatever
the campaign or time of year, is invaluable to the dogs whose lives
are touched by our programs. You make it all possible!
Pit Bull Rescue Central
Spay/Neuter Committee:
What a busy year 2008 was for the Spay/Neuter Committee! At the
completion of 2008, Spay/Neuter Committee volunteers had
processed 495 applications for assistance. This was almost a 100%
increase over applications received in 2007. Our extensive research
and networking enabled us to assist in locating options and solutions
for applicants and inquiries. Additional surgeries were also funded
through the support of spay/neuter events held in February during
Spay Day USA 2008. The work of the committee benefitted dogs
throughout the U.S. and Canada.
In commemoration of Spay Day USA, the committee promoted a
special "Celebrate the Pit Bull" gift pack during the month of
February. As a result, our monthly applications received in February
doubled as did completed spay and neuters!
The committee’s work also includes the dissemination of information
regarding health and behavior benefits of spay/neuter, as well as
continuing to educate the public on the overpopulation crisis that
leads to increased suffering of our breed.
MudBud was diagnosed with parvo at just 9 weeks old! Her owner Becky turned to
PBRC for a donation towards her medical treatment.
Becky - "I just want to thank you again for your generous donation to our puppy,
MudBud. She is continuing to recover from parvo after a 6-day hospital stay. We
just love her so much and I can't tell you how thankful we are for the wonderful
work that you do through your web site. Thank you again from the bottom of our
MudBud is a year old now and doing extremely well. Her owner says she is the best
pet they have ever had!
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Pit Bull Rescue Central
Medical Fund Committee:
2008 proved to be a very busy year for PBRC’s Medical Fund
Committee. The Medical Fund Committee processed 627 applications
from rescues, fosters, shelters, and owners seeking financial assistance
for the care of their pit bulls and pit bull mixes. Financial requests ran
the gamut of needs from vaccinations to orthopedic procedures and
cancer treatment. Donations to individual owners and rescuers
increased substantially from 2007. In 2008, the Medical Fund
Committee gave financial assistance to over 150 cases!
In 2008, the following disbursements were made:
Owners - $ 17,545.85
Rescuers - $17,315.08
Shelters - $250.00
Vegas may look tough but he's a big baby. He absolutely loves people - those he
knows and strangers alike. He is a big lap dog! Vegas is very laid back and loves the
couch. He is very motivated by food! Vegas loves car rides, walks in the park and a
lot of attention from his human friends. Vegas is anxiously awaiting adoption in
Volunteer Committee:
PBRC's Volunteer Committee is kept busy assisting PBRC volunteers,
processing incoming volunteer applications and adding new
volunteers as needed. In an internet-based, volunteer-run
organization, these duties keep us very busy! To achieve our goals to
help the breed and their advocates, PBRC depends on the skills and
backgrounds of our volunteers. The Volunteer Committee makes
sure that PBRC'S many committees have the volunteers they need to
function effectively.
The Volunteer Committee is also responsible for planning our yearly
meeting/gathering. Volunteers donate their time and pay their own
way to attend this event. This year we held another successful
meeting, where the face-to-face time allowed ideas to flow! The
Volunteer Committee is proud to have helped assemble such a
dedicated group of volunteers who not only volunteer with PBRC 365
days a year, but find the time to volunteer in their local communities.
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Pit Bull Rescue Central
Megan Alexander, Sheb (Gulsebnem) Bishop, Holly Bukes, Dawn
Carroll, Rob Chesser, Ami Ciontos, Amanda Clase, Chris Cook, Amy
Dengler, Sanya Dunn, Arlene Larsson, Melinda Fayette, Stephanie
Feldstein, Sarah Finney, Pam Fradkin, Georganne Gundlach, Amy
Hendrickson, Andrea Jones, Alexis Kelly, Andrea Kilkenney,
Lynnette Lynde, Tiffany McBee, Amy McGarrigle, Sharon Medearis,
Nely Mendoza, Pauline Mercier, Cynthia Polite, Ilene Reid, Josh
Schneiderman, Marcy Setter, Sue Scime, Arianna Silva, Gina Taei,
Merry Young, Melissa Zarda
Current PBRC Volunteers:
2008 Income & Expenses
Incom e Sources 2008
D o na t io ns
F undra is ing
P ro je c t s
3 1%
M e rc ha ndis e
19 %
S pa y/ N e ut e r
A s s is t a nc e
O pe ra t io na l
F und R ai si ng
Pr o ject s
E duc a t io n/
O ut re a c h
Expenses 2008
A nim a l C a re
A s s is t a nc e
Pit Bull Rescue Central
PoppyMart 2008 Donors: Alexis Kelly, Ameme Designs, Amie Glaskow,
Amiela Ciontos, Andrea Jones, Animal Farm Foundation, Animal World,
Ann Arbor Biscuit Co., Arlene Ehrlich, Aspen Pet, Ballard Home Comforts,
BARK Magazine, Bark Natural Pet Care, Batzi Belt, CindPete Inc, Big Dog
Spa, Big Paw Designs, Blue Acres Farm, Blue Dog Bakery, Boomer Ball,
Bracelets for Bullies, Brigit Macomber, Broken Hearts Mended Souls Rescue,
Calling All Dogs, Caroline Coile, Cathy Schine, CD Pits, Central Missouri
Humane Society, Chelsy's Toys, Cheryl Padgett, Christine Head, Christine
Winship, Cinimon Clark, Clarity Art and Design, Coastal Pet, Collar Crazy,
Collar Mania, Crazy Dog Lady, Cynthia Polite, Dawn Anas, Dawn Carroll,
Deborah Wood, Dixies Pet Project, Dog ID Collar, Doggonegood.com,
dogscooter.com, Dogswell , Drs. Foster & Smith, ecookbooks, Elissa
Boguslawski, Ella's Lead, Flying Panda, Gigi Henderson, Glass by Rox,
Goughnuts, Hello Bully, Holly Bukes, Horse Creations, Idawg Clothing,
Isabella Cane, Itzadog, LLC, Janet Beres, Jennifer Beres, Jenny Short, Joanie
Beasley, Jon Bozak, Josh Schneiderman, K-9 Cool Hats, Kamala
Dolphin-Kingsley, Karen Delise, Karma Charms, Kerry O'Connor, La
Fondue, Light Affection, Lynnette Lynde, Mansfield Design, Maria Daines,
Michael Palmer, Michelle Kamrowski, Minimum, Inc., Mollie Dog Design,
Moody Pet, Nancy Leedy, Nancy Schutt, Nicker Stickers, Nupro, Orders at
the Store, Our Pack, Paco Collars, Pampered Pet Nook, Park Pet Supply,
Paws Pet Boutique, Pawz to Ponder, Pet Luggage Tag, Pet Sport USA,
Petsakes, Pit bull hot sauce, Pretty N Pit, Pug Café, Rainwater Photography,
Red Dog House, Renea Erickson, Retro Pets, Ria Hills, Ron Krajewski,
Rottweiler Bros Farm, ShiDog Films, Sticky Pets, Susan Bonard-Bygrave,
Tammy Townsend, Teckelklub, Tiffany McBee, TFH/Nylabone, The
Memories Place, The Musical Rainbow, The Mutt Mats Company, The Pit
Bull Place, The Rusty Dog, These Creatures, This Great Designer, Tickled
Pink Jewelry, Traer Scott, Treats Unleashed, Vanex Industries (Jerk-Ease) ,
Victoria Williams, Waggle Tags, Wallace the Pit Bull, Willow Creek Press,
Wonderbull Designs, Wooliedales, Yvonne Adkins, ZenPuppy, Zentek
2008 Donors: Adam Tischer, Aimee R. Smith, Aimee Smith, Alan Ross,
Alecia Armeli, Alex & Natalie Ramo, Alexia Baldascini, Alexis Kelly, Alice
Roszczewski, Allison Michaelle Gerlach, Amanda Lang, Amber, Amia
Dellamura, Amy Austin, Amy Holland, Amy Hutchens, Amy Sarver, Amy
Telsey, Andrea Kilkenny, Andrew Sugrim, Angela Lorenzetti, Angela Moll,
Angela Pieretti, Angela White, Ann Paradiso, Anna Kubick, Anne Burke,
Anne Lesjak, Antoinette Ellis, April M. Smith, Ariel Katz, Arlene & Roger
Parker, Arlene Ehrlich, Aroshini Peiris, Ashley Porche, Audrey L. Hann,
Avril Ward, Ayala Ron, Barry Morgan, Ben Crawford, Bethany & Mark
Novis, Bethany Hillinger, Bonita D. Brandt, Brady Fontenot, Brent &
Kimberley Gilbertson, Brian Charbonneau, Brian Holub, Brian Rappaport,
Brie Messier, Brittany Hester, Bruce & Sandra Burzynski, Cameron Holm,
Carla And Jamie Samans, Carol Miller, Caroline Harwood,
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Pit Bull Rescue Central
2008 Donors continued: Carolyn Maguire, Carrie B Valderas, Chanda
Shields, Chess Smythe, Chicago Urban Tails LLC, Christie Hodges,
Christina Tellez, Christina Davis, Christine M. Perez, Christopher Villalba,
Christopher Walker, Cindy Witte, City Of Seattle, Cletus Thomas, Colette R.
Mclennan, Constance Trittan, Courtney Rae Rogers, Courtney Swain, Cow
Dog Udder Tugs, Craig Foster, Crissida Brown, Crystal Bissonnette, Cynthia
Arters, Cynthia Chase, Cynthia Mcniss Arters & Gene E. Arters, Cynthia
Steves, Dana Krug, Daniel Joassaint, Daniel Scott Meyers, Darlene
Falzarano, Dawn & Douglas Clayton, Dean Howard, Debbie Hecht,
Deborah & Mark
Macconnell, Deborah Carden, Deborah Lepp, Debra
Cruz, Debra Haddad, Denise Weber, Diana Dragoo, Diana Harder, Diane
Dazio, Diane J. Reid, Diane Liga, Dina Hitchcock, Discover Financial,
Discover Financial Services, Dixies Pet Project, Donald Wikymacky Jr.,
Donna Marshall, Dori Einhorn, Dori Schriebman, E Anne Matthews, Edlyn
West, Edward & Bonnie Imler, Edward Gomeau, Edward Hahn, Eileen
Finkelstein, Elizabeth Holshouser, Emily Cox, Eric O'Keefe, Eric Striffler,
Erica Bosco, Erin Neal, Erin P. Hunt, Erinn Graham, Ethel T. Perkoski,
Eugene G. Grace & Jolinda A. Grace, Flavia Downs, Forest Oil Corp,
Gabrielle Vandenbosch, Gail Levin, Georgia Esposito, Gerald & Kathleen
Spain, Gigi Henderson, Gina Alvarez, Golden Spread Sales Co., Gougnuts,
Inc., Gracie Foundation, Grancell, Lebovitz, Stander, Barnes & Reubens,
Gulsebnem Bishop, Heather Davis, Hege Anita Ruud, Heidi & David
Pickett, Henry Shomacher, Hollie Walsh, Holly Bukes, Homrich & Berg, Inc.
, Howard & Cindi Goldberg, Huppert Family, Igive, Ilana Worthington, Ilya
Frishman, Jacklyn R Whitehead, Jacqueline Bailey, Jacquelyn Block, James &
Elaine Bradley, James A. Donovan, James F. Vordtriede, James Hunt, James
Mcmillan, James Williams, Jamie Ishii, Jamie Line, Jane Wulff, Janet
Ludwig, Janet Torressen, Janice Kirschwing, Jarda, Jason Davidson, Jason
Robbins, Jeanne Farrington, Jeff Hahne, Jeffrey Gross, Jeffrey Powell, Jeni
Pringle, Jennier Smith, Jennifer Piepszak, Jennifer Poulliotte, Jennifer
Sample, Jeremy Scanlon & Heather Prince, Jessica Kerr, Jessica Pascal,
Jessica Roubitchek, Jessica Troop, Jill Ashley, Jill Newhagen, Jillian Braun,
Jim & Judy Mcgowan, Jin Glover, Jo Lynn Edwards, Joanna C. Beza, Joanne
& Gary Kaplan, Joanne Hackett, Jodi Jaffe, Jodi Major, Jody Lynn, Jody
Short, Jonathan Burroughs, Jonathan Vehar & Susan Rossetti, Joseph
Masters, Judith M. Meccariello & Richard J. Meccariello, Judith Schneider,
Julie Caplinger, Just Give, Kalpana Rao, Karen Cieleska, Karen Fischer,
Karen Krebs, Karen Shaw, Karen Vetrano, Kathi & Mark Doidge, Kathleen
Davis, V.M.D., Kathryn Welteroth, Kathy Brown, Kelly Cerf
Grace & Tony Michael Liquori Grace, Kelly Credille, Kelly M. Credille,
DVM & Robert L. Maier, DVM, Kendra Pettit, Kenia Brown, Kerry Lach,
Kevin Dequattro (Founder) Givebackamerica, Kimberly Walsh, Kirsten
Reed, Kristie Marie Anreassen, Kristina Beard, Laura Gray, Laura
Ledenbach Swayze, Laurel Silvia, Lauren, Lawrence A. Kren & Heather L.
Kren, Leah Robley, Lee Parsons, Leona Li, Lesley Shores, Leslie C. Fox,
Leslie Rivlin, Lillian & Harry Kuell, Linda Halfman, Linda L. Serfass, Linda
S. Paddock, Linda Vandever, Lindsay Whitaker, Linkshare Corp, Lisa Daly,
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Pit Bull Rescue Central
2008 Donors continued: Lisa Freeman, Lisa O'Keefe, Lori A. Schmid, Luke
Peterson, Lyndsey Welding, Lynn Frischmann, M. Ambrose, Mara Mrvos,
Marcie Livesay, Maria Caprara, Maria M. Sans, Marianne H. Roth, Marilyn
Zielinski, Mark Babb, Mark Sears, Marlene K., Marty Mathieson, Matt
Boswell, Matt Morris, Matthew Muller, Max Anton, Megan Leonard, Megan
Lessard, Melanie Zimmerman, Melinda Fayette Hurle, Mentor Charitable
Fund, Mia Kandirakis, Michael & Christine Hill, Michael Bartholetti,
Michael Costello, Michael D. Grace, Michael Pittman, Michael Stone,
Michael Zielinski, Michelle & Michael O'Byrne, Michelle Crawley, Michelle
Dziak, Michelle Harrington, Michelle Hutchings-Medina, Michelle Smith,
Microsoft Giving Campaign, Misty Bartel, Molly Mcgowan, Morgan
Stanley, Mr & Mrs. Alan Bailey, Mr & Mrs. Hank Hansen, Mr. & Mrs. Ray
Pallan, Mrs. Esther Kolbjornsen, Mrs. Ethel Mulligan National Church
Supply Company, Nely Mendoza, Network For Good, Nicholas A. &
Suzanne L. Tamberrino, Nicholas Juliano, Nicole Bezik, Nicole Wright, Nina
K. Mistry, Noah & Joyce Wood, Oreil & David Quinlan, P. West, Paco
Collars, Pam Fradkin, Pamela & Robert Edgar, Pamela Omdahl, Patrica
Clark, Paul Schlichting, Paul Snyder, Paula Stulgo, Paulene Perry, Pauline
Mercier, Paws Pet Boutique, Perry Dawson, Peter Fairman, Phillip Kenny,
Rachel Kurek, Rachel Norwood, Razelle Cogen, Rebecca Hall, Rebecca
Rawnsley, Regina Dinga, Richard Euliss, Richard Newberry, Richard White,
Rick & Jessie Wolnik, Robert Howard, Robin & Nora Martherus, Robin
Monserrat, Rocket Sportbike, Ron & Betty Bartlett, Ronald Gabianelli Jr.,
Ronald Rogalski, Ronda & Brian Snyder, Rose Alvarado, Rowan Sandor,
Roy & Nancy Williamson, Ruthe Magaziner, S. C. M. Hoogewerf-Mccomb,
S. Michelle Lee, Sam Spencer, Sandra Brooke, Sanya Dunn, Sara Schafer,
Sara Scoco, Sarah Froebel, Sarah Patterson, Saul Rurka, Scott Leete, Scott
Schlossberg, Scott Taylor, Sean O'Connor, Shannan Ryan, Shannon Lewis,
Shanto Roy, Sharon Dumais, Sonia Comfort, Sonia Dautovich, Spleena
Spunk, Stacy Richards, Stephanie Feldstein, Stephanie Ulmer, Steve Clark,
Steve Schlossberg, Susan & Harold Becker, Susan E. Macaione, Susan
Simons, Susi Allen, Sylvia Anzualda, Tad Franklin, Talasi Thomason, Tara
Diab, Tara Skau, Teresa Kaye Rayburn, Thomas Webb, Tiffany Daniels,
Timothy Hoelscher, Timothy Smith, Tina Addington, Tina Moore, Tivona
Schneider, Toby Cordoso, Tomi & Angelo Dicapua, Tony Cohen, Tonya
Patin, Trip Thomas, Truda Steinnagel, United Health Group-Employee
Giving, United Way, Valerie Wilson, Valorie Hayes, Vicki Britton, Vicky
Williams, Victoria A. Williams, Violet Glaze, Vytas K. Viesulas, Waggle
Tags, Waggle Tags, Wendy Hahne, Whitney Macpherson, William & Joanne
Kriston, William & Flora Hewlitt Foundation, William G. Warren, William
Kemp, William Rahaim, Yanira Thompson, Yuliya Sysoyeva, Yvonne & Rick
Adkins, Zachary Walizer , Our Supporters through Facebook Causes
Tyson is a very loving dog with an open, warm personality. He loves everyone he
meets. He’s also very high energy and will require daily exercise, play, and training
to keep him engaged and happy. Tyson is available for adoption in Providence,
Rhode Island.
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Pit Bull Rescue Central
The Year Ahead:
Although our chosen path is filled with challenge, the PBRC team
looks forward to the year ahead. We want to thank all of you for your
continued support of Pit Bull Rescue Central. We also thank you for
being there for the dogs. We know that in today’s environment all
pit bull owners, foster parents, shelter workers, rescuers and
volunteers must work tirelessly and endlessly to bring dignity, love
and respect back into these dogs’ lives.
Pit Bull Rescue Central, Inc.
a 501(c)3 Organization
PO Box 335
Fulton, MO 65251
[email protected]
[email protected]
To View More
Adoptable dogs visit:
All of the dogs pictured in this annual report were either listed for
adoption on our site or were assisted financially through PBRC’s Fund.

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PIT BULL RESCUE CENTRAL waiting for his adoptive home in California.

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