office holiday schedule - St. Clement Catholic Church
office holiday schedule - St. Clement Catholic Church
P : Fr. Thomas J. Anastasia P V : Fr. Eugene Gancarz Fr. Rafael Martos St. Clement Catholic Church [email protected] MASS SCHEDULE/ HORARIO DE MISAS Saturday Vigil Mass/Misa Vigilia: 4:00pm in English Sunday Masses/Misas del Domingo: 7:00am and 10:30am in English 8:15am y 6:00pm en Español Morning Prayer/Oración por la mañana: Monday - Friday 7:30am (Chapel) Lunes - Viernes a las 7:30am (Capilla) Daily Masses/Misa diaria: 8:00am (Mon.- Fri. / lunes-viernes) 6:30pm - Todos los Miércoles en Español First Saturday Mass/ Primer Sábado del mes: 9:00am followed by Adoration 9:30am-2:00pm/ Misa a las 9:00am seguida por Adoración de 9:30am-2:00pm Holy Day Masses/Misas de Día Santo: Please call parish office for schedule/ Favor de llamar a la oficina para el horario Sacrament of Reconciliation/ Sacramento de Reconciliación: 2:45pm - 3:30pm Saturday/Sábado Rosary/Rosario: 5:30pm Wednesday evening/ Miércoles por la tarde Our Mother of Perpetual Help Novena/ Novena a Nuestra Madre de Perpetuo: Every Wednesday at 6:00pm/ Cada miércoles a las 6:00pm Novena of Sacred Heart of Jesus/ Novena al Sagrado Corazón de Jesús: Following 8:00am Mass every Friday/ Después de la Misa de 8am cada viernes 1104 North Alexander Street Plant City, Florida 33563 Phone: (813) 752-8251 Fax: (813) 759-2721 Office Hours: Mon.-Fri. 8am-4:30pm San Jose Mission: 3224 San Jose Mission Drive Dover, FL 33527 Fourth Sunday of Advent December 19, 2010 They shall name him Emmanuel, Which means “God is with us.” — Ma hew 1:23 Scripture and Reading . . . Week of December 20, 2010 Monday Is 7:10-14; Lk 1:26-38 Tuesday St. Peter Canisius Sg 2:8-14 or Zeph 3:14-18a; Lk 1:39-45 Wednesday 1 Sm 1:24-28; Lk 1:46-56 Thursday St. John of Kanty Mal 3:1-4, 23-24; Lk 1:57-66 Friday The Vigil of Christmas 2 Sm 7:1-5, 8b-12, 14a, 16; Lk 1:67-79 Saturday The Na vity of the Lord Vigil: Is 62:1-5; Ps 89; Acts 13:1617, 22-25; Mt 1:1-25 [18-25] Midnight: Is 9:1-6; Ps 96: Ti 2:114 Dawn: Is 62-11-12; Ps 97; Ti 3:4-7; Lk 2:15-20 Day Is 52:7-10; Ps 98; Heb 1:1-6; Jn 1:1-18 [1-5, 9 -14] Sunday Sir 3:2-7, 12-14; Ps 128; Col 3:1221 [12-17]; Mt 2:13-15, 19-23 New Parishioners . . . We welcome new parishioners and winter visitors. St. Clement Parish believes in Stewardship the giving to God, a share of our Time, Talent and Treasure. Please register at the office when you first come to the Parish. FROM THE PASTOR Dear Friends in Christ, Bishop Lynch introduced me a few years ago to a blogger from Philadelphia, who also writes for the London publica on called The Tablet. His name is Rocco Palmo and his keen insights on all things related to the Catholic Church have o en made their way into my homilies. Mr. Palmo has recently wri en that the fes vi es of Our Lady of Guadalupe are of such considerable size that he considers them American Catholicism’s Super Bowl or at least our biggest party of the year. What I observed last weekend was true devo on for Our Lady and authen c piety that included sacrifice as a part of a deep spiritual commitment. The statue of Our Lady of Guadalupe is in need of replacement. It is my hope that a family, probably an extended family will make themselves known to me of their desire to memorialize a new statue of Our Lady of Guadalupe for our parish. When a statue is memorialized, that simply means that a small plaque is placed in a discreet loca on on the statue to let people know that it was donated “in memory of a deceased loved one” or “by the Garcia family” for example. My request is challenging in more ways than one. Perhaps most will consider the amount of the dona on $ 10,000.00 to be the most challenging part of my request. Please call the office and speak with me directly if you would like to respond to this challenge. Next weekend is Christmas and the Feast of the Holy Family. While it is true that most people today come to Church on Christmas Eve rather than Christmas Day, we will nevertheless be having two Christmas day Masses 10:30am in English and 1:00pm in Spanish. Bishop Lynch has reminded all pastors in the diocese that any liturgical celebra on which takes place this year on Saturday December 25th should commemorate Birth of Our Lord, not the Feast of the Holy Family. Consequently there will be no Vigil Mass at 4:00pm next Saturday for the Feast of the Holy Family. We human beings are creatures of habit so to break from this habit might be a challenge but I believe that it will be good to have our 4pm regulars come on Sunday for worship at 10:30am or 7:00am. I apologize for the inconvenience but this decision was the call of Bishop Lynch and taken out of my hands. Peace in Christ, Fr. Tom J. Anastasia, Pastor DUE TO THE EARLY BULLETIN DEADLINE, THE OFFERTORY REPORT FOR THE WEEKEND OF DECEMBER 12TH WILL BE AVAILABLE AT A LATER DATE. Page 2 MASS SCHEDULE & INTENTIONS Monday, December 20 8:00am †Bobby Lee Corie Tuesday, December 21 8:00am †Ruth Muench Wednesday, December 22 8:00am 6:30pm Voca ons †Clarita Sanchez (Misa en Español) Thursday, December 23 8:00am Holy Souls in Purgatory Friday, December 24 8:00am Members of the Parish (Fr.Eugene) 4:00pm †Gene Bond (Fr.Tom) 7:00pm †Manuel De Jesus Palma (Fr.Eugene) 12midnight Duong Family (Fr.Tom) Saturday, December 25 10:30am 1:00pm Sunday, December 26 7:00am †Sally Coffey (Fr. Tom) †Miguel Mar nez (Fr. Rafael) Members of the Parish Fr. Rafael 8:15am †Na vidad Cervantes Fr. Rafael - (Misa en Español) 10:30am †John & Ted Lockhart Fr. Tom 6:00pm Sagrado Corazon de Jesus Fr. Eugene - (Misa en Español) Nativity of the Lord CHRISTMAS MASS SCHEDULE Friday, December 24th 4:00pm - Children’s Mass in English 7:00pm - Mass in Spanish 12:00am - Midnight Mass Bilingual Saturday, December 25th 10:30am - Mass in English 1:00pm Mass in Spanish Please note: Bishop Lynch has determined that NO VIGIL MASS on Christmas night for the Feast of the Holy Family shall take place. Pray For . . . Pray the Rosary daily, for Voca ons to the Priesthood, and for the Sick of our Parish, especially for: Julian Mathew Delgado Joyce Ragan Floyd Hall Tom Stewart Monica Garcia Wilda Norris Robert Campbell, Melissa Dearing Marion Louise Heckerman Susie DeFrancesco Frank Romano Claudia Davis Cindy Parker and Diane Ode e Flo Be y Ketchersid, Alyssa Dick Pitman Jeanne Pikora Darlene Welch Jay Johnson, Isabel Juana Acevedo Kathy St. Mar n Pray for the Repose of the Souls of: Barbara Eckenrod Tom Salvato Don Zajac Brenda Robles Stephanie Hoer Carmen Reyes Jennie Jordan-Gamble Please pray for the safe return of all the brave men and women serving our country, especially the parishioners of St. Clement, for those who have died for their country in me of war. If you would like to add a name to the Prayer list, please call the parish office at 752-8251 or email to: [email protected] Page 3 ADVENT PENETANTIAL SERVICES IN THE AREA: MY BROTHER’S KEEPER Monday, December 20 St. Stephen in Valrico, FL at 7:00pm St. Joseph in Lakeland, FL at 7:30pm Tuesday, December 21 Resurrec on in Lakeland, FL at 7:00pm HOLIDAY BULLETIN SCHEDULE January 2nd issue Informa on by Monday, Dec. 20th at 8am MINISTRY LEADER Fr. Rafael Martos & Deacon Manuel San ago My Brother’s Keeper food pantry helps the needy of our parish and community with food and clothing. They are open on Friday’s from 9:00am - 12:00pm Deadline for non-holiday bulle ns is Monday at 8am. Please send informa on to [email protected] JUBILEE MASS OF THANKSGIVING Sunday, February 13, 2010 at 3:00pm The Jubilee Mass of Thanksgiving with Bishop Robert Lynch honoring all couples throughout the diocese who will celebrate their silver anniversary, or 50 or more years of marriage during 2011, will take place at St. Jude Cathedral on Sunday, February 13th at 3:00pm. A recep on with light hors d’oeuvres will follow. You must pre-register by contac ng the parish office at (813) 752-8251 no later than Monday, January 24th. ST CLEMENT EARLY CHILDHOOD CENTER Now Enrolling for Spring Three-Year old Class (813) 754-1237 St. Clement ECC offers a faith-filled, developmentally appropriate and nurturing Catholic environment for children ages three and four. St. Clement ECC is fully accredited by NAC and is a Gold Seal School. Registra on is now taking place for our three morning three-year old class. This class will begin in January. Space is limited and will be offered on a first come first serve basis. Please contact the school office for more informa on. OFFICE HOLIDAY SCHEDULE The office will be closed at 12:00 noon on Thursday, December 23rd thru Monday, December 27th for the Christmas Holidays! We will re-open on Tuesday, December 28th at 8:00am. Have a Safe & Merry Christmas! Page 4 Sacraments Bap sm : To have a child bap zed at St. Clement, parents are expected to be registered, ac ve par cipants in their worshipping community of faith by regular a endance at Sunday Mass. Parents who wish to have their child bap zed are asked to preregister for the two required prepara on classes. Reconcilia on (Confession): The Sacrament of Reconcilia on is offered on Wednesdays from 5:30-6:15pm and Saturdays from 2:45pm-3:30pm. Eucharist: Eucharist is celebrated daily in the Chapel. If you are homebound and would like to receive the Eucharist on a weekly basis, please call Bill Muench, Pastoral Care Coordinator, at (813) 752-8251, ext. 304. Children who wish to be prepared to receive their First Communion are prepared through Wed. Faith Forma on. For more informa on, contact Cathy Rosales at 813-752-8251, ext. 306 Confirma on: Confirma on is the sacrament that completes ini a on into the Church. In this sacrament the confirmed is enriched for a life of discipline by the gi of the Holy Spirit conferred. Young people, typically in grade 8, are prepared for this sacrament though the Wed. Faith Forma on. For more informa on contact Karen Hurst at (813) 7528251, ext. 303. Marriage: Congratula ons on your engagement. Call the parish office to meet with the priest six months in advance of wedding and before se ng the date. Anoin ng of the Sick: Anoin ng of the sick is celebrated when someone is seriously ill or before major surgical procedures. If you or a loved one would like to receive this sacrament, please call the parish office at (813) 752-8251 and press 8 and you will be transferred to our answering service. Ordina on: All Chris ans are called to ministry by virtue of their bap sm. Ordained priests are bap zed men who are called by the Church to serve the community in priestly service. If you wonder if the Holy Spirit might be calling you to this voca on contact the Voca on Office at the Diocese at (727) 344-1611, ext. 347. TOUR ITALY, SWITZERLAND, FRANCE & MONACO 12 Days w/ Fr. Tom May 30-June 10, 2011 Discover the beauty of the Italian Lake District a er arriving in the cosmopolitan city of Milan where you’ll have a rare viewing of Leonardo Da Vinci’s famous “Last Supper” pain ng. Enjoy the relaxing drive across the Italian border into Southern Switzerland to visit the enchan ng village of Lugano. Take a train to the mountain village of Zerma – the gateway to the Ma erhorn – one of the most photographed mountains in the world. Spend some me visi ng the village where only electric cars and horsedrawn carriages are allowed. Visit Turin back in Italy and con nue into France to enchan ng Monte Carlo where Princess Grace and Prince Rainier are buried at the Cathedral of St. Nicholas. The city of Nice, France is known as the Grand Dame of the French Riviera resort ci es situated on the beau ful Bay of Angels. Experience a tour of the old town as well as the medieval village of St. Paul de Vence. Explore the region Vincent Van Gogh and Paul Cezanne did some of their most famous pain ngs the Aix-enProvence, the ex-capital of France. Conclude your tour in St. Tropez on the Cote d’Azur region of southeastern France. All for $ 3279. per person not including ps, taxes, and airlines fuel surcharges. Please call the parish office at (813) 752-8251 for a color brochure. Page 5 FOR MORE Youth Ministry Meetings are every Wednesday from 6:30pm – 7:45 pm in Cronin Hall (8th Grade and High School ) December 19 & 20 Christmas Project Food Baskets Youth Mass 2nd Sunday of the month Please bring canned and boxed food each week for My Brother’s Keeper!!! 8:15am - Spanish 10:30am - English THE DYNAMIC CATHOLIC INSTITUTE ( together with St. Clement Catholic Church, has brought you an incredible gift. Following each of the masses on Friday, December 24th, every family at St. Clement Church will receive a complimentary copy of the best-selling book, R CATHOLICISM! INFORMATION CONTACT: Karen Hurst at (813) 752-8251 ext. 303 Keep up to date via our website: www.youth. LOOKING FOR THE PERFECT GIFT FOR YOUR SPOUSE? Make this the best year ever. Give your spouse a weekend away just for the two of you. Rediscover and renew the Passion and Romance in your marriage. To purchase your Gi Cer ficate, contact Dave & Lucy Snyder at (8130 684-6579. Does God really have a plan for your life? Is Catholicism still relevant? What does this mean for our relationships and our families? Get these answers… And so much more! For more information on Matthew Kelly or the work of The Dynamic Catholic Institute, please visit **The next available WWME weekend in this diocese is February 5-7, 2011 For informa on call (813) 270-7832 Sponsored by: Worldwide Marriage Encounter Page 6 Escritura y Lectura . . . Semana de 20 de diciembre Lunes Is 7:10-14; Lc 1:26-38 Martes San Pedro Canisio Cant 2:8-14 or Sof 3:14-18a; Lc :39-45 Miércoles 1 Sm 1:24-28; Lk 1:46-56 Jueves San Juan de Kanty Mal 3:1-4, 23-24; Lc 1:57-66 Viernes La Noche Buena 2 Sm 7:1-5, 8b-12, 14a, 16; Lc 1:67-79 Sábado La Na vidad del Señor Vigilia: Is 62:1-5; Ps 89; Hch 13:16 -17, 22-25; Mt 1:1-25 [18-25] Medianoche: Is 9:1-6; Sal 96: Ti 2:1-14 Alborada: Is 62-11-12; Sal 97; Ti 3:4-7; Lc 2:15-20 Día Is 52:7-10; Sal 98; Heb 1:1-6; Jn 1:118 [1-5, 9-14] Domingo Sir 3:2-7, 12-14; Sal 128; Col 3:1221 [12-17]; Mt 2:13-15, 19-23 Nuevos Feligreses . . . Le damos la bienvenida a los DE PARTE DEL PARROCO Queridos Amigos en Cristo, El Obispo Lynch me presentó hace unos años a un blogger de Philadelphia, que también escribe para la publicación de Londres llamado “The Tablet.” Su nombre es Rocco Palmo y sus puntos de vista en todo lo relacionado con la Iglesia Católica muy a menudo a llegado a mis homilías. El Sr. Palmo ha escrito recientemente que las fes vidades de la Virgen de Guadalupe son de tamaño considerable, que los considera el Super Bowl del Catolicismo Americano o por los menos nuestra fiesta mas grande del año. . Lo que observé el pasado fin de semana fue verdadera devoción a la Virgen y piedad autén ca, que incluye el sacrificio como parte de un compromiso espiritual profundo. La estatua de Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe está en necesidad de reemplazo. Es mi esperanza de que una familia, probablemente una familia extendida, se de a conocer a mi, su deseo de conmemorar una nueva estatua de Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe en nuestra parroquia. Cuando la estatua es recordada, eso simplemente significa que una pequeña placa se coloca en un lugar discreto en la estatua para que la gente sepa que fue donada "en memoria de un ser querido fallecido" o "por la familia García", por ejemplo. Mi pe ción es di cil en más de un sen do. Tal vez lo más tendrá en cuenta el importe de la donación de $ 10,000.00 para ser la parte más di cil de mi solicitud. Por favor llame a la oficina para hablar conmigo directamente si desea responder a este desao. El próximo fin de semana es Navidad y la Fiesta de la Sagrada Familia. Es muy cierto que hoy en día la mayoría de la gente viene a la Iglesia en la víspera de Navidad en lugar de el día de Navidad, sin embargo, aun tendremos dos Misas el día de Navidad a las 10:30am en Ingles y 1:00pm en Español. El Obispo Lynch ha recordado a todos los pastores de la diócesis que toda celebración litúrgica que se celebra este año el sábado 25 de diciembre conmemorara el nacimiento de Nuestro Señor, no la fiesta de la Sagrada Familia. En consecuencia, no habrá Misa Vigilia a las 4:00 pm el próximo sábado para la fiesta de la Sagrada Familia. Nosotros, los seres humanos somos criaturas del hábito y para romper con este hábito, puede ser un reto, pero creo que será bueno para que nuestros regulares de la Misa de las 4:00pm venga el domingo para a la Misa de las 7:00am.or 10:30am. Pido disculpas por la moles a, pero esta decisión fue el llamado del Obispo Lynch y fuera de mis manos. La Paz en Cristo, Pr. Tom J. Anastasia, Pastor Misa por Armonía Racial Domingo, 16 de enero, 2011 a las 10:30am Page 7 HORARIO DE OFICINA PARA DIAS FESTIVOS La oficina estará cerrada el miércoles, 23 de diciembre a las 12:00pm hasta el lunes, 27 de diciembre para los días fes vos de Navidad. SERVICIO DE PENITENCIA EN EL AREA: Lunes, Diciembre 20 San Stephen en Valrico, FL - 7:00pm San José en Lakeland, FL - 7:30pm Estaremos abiertos el martes, 28 de diciembre a las 8:00am. Que Pasen una Feliz Navidad MISA DE JUBILEO EN ACCION DE GRACIAS Domingo, 13 de febrero del 2011 a las 3:00pm La Misa de Jubileo en Acción de Gracias con el Obispo Robert Lynch honrar a todas las parejas en toda la diócesis que celebran sus bodas de plata, o 50 o más años de matrimonio durante el año 2011, se llevará a cabo en la Catedral de San Judas el domingo, 13 de febrero a las 3:00 pm. Una recepción con hors d'oeuvres seguirá. Usted debe registrarse por avanzado contactando a la oficina parroquial al (813) 7528251 no más tarde del lunes, 24 de enero. Martes, Diciembre 21 Iglesia de la Resurrección ,Lakeland, FL - 7:00pm Servicios Sociales…. CONSULADO MOVIL EN TAMPA El Consulado de México ofrecerá sus servicios en Tampa quincenalmente con un horario de atención al publicó de 10:00am - 2:00pm Haga cita para tramites de pasaporte y/o matricula consular en el servicio de MEXITEL al 1-877-639-4835 En la siguiente dirección: University Área Community Development Corpora on, Inc 14013 North 22nd Street •Tampa, FL 33613 FECHAS DE BAUTIZOS Registraciones para los bau zos son M V 8 -12 . Para mas información, favor de llamar a Maria De Jesús al 752-8251, ext. 317los martes o viernes de 8am-12pm. FECHAS DE BAUTIZO FECHAS DE CLASES Diciembre 18 Diciembre 10 Enero 15 Enero 7 Enero 29 Enero 21 CARIDADES CATÓLICAS OFRECE SERVICIO DE INMIGRACIÓN TODOS LOS TERCER MIÉRCOLES DEL MES de 2:00pm - 5:00pm en la oficina de alado de salón social. Para más información, favor de llamar al (813) 631-4397. Page 8 La Natividad del Señor 2011 FORD ESCAPE Sorteo de Vehículo HORARIOS DE MISAS PARA NAVIDAD Viernes, Diciembre 24 4:00pm - Misa de Niños en Ingles 7:00pm - Misa en Español 12:00am - Misa de Medianoche Bilingüe BOLETOS YA ESTAN EN VENTA Sorteo tomara lugar el 13 de marzo, 2011 1er premio - 2011 Ford Escape 2do premio - $500.00 3er premio - $250.00 Sábado, Diciembre 25 10:30am - Misa en Ingles 1:00pm - Misa en Español Tenga en cuenta: El Obispo Lynch ha determinado que NO HABRA MISA Vigilia en la noche de Navidad para la Fiesta de la Sagrada Familia. Donación por boleto: $10.00 por 1 o $25.00 por 3 No necesita estar presente para ganar. Youth Ministry Los jóvenes y jóvenes adultos se reúnen todos los viernes de 7:00pm-8:30pm en el salón social (Grado 8 y High School) December 19 & 20 Christmas Project Food Baskets Please bring canned and boxed food each Youth Mass nd 2 Sunday of the month 8:15am - Spanish 10:30am - English PARA MAS INFORMACION, CONTACTE A: Myriam Reyna al (813) 752-8251 ext. 323 Keep up to date via our website: www.youth. week for My Brother’s Keeper!!! Page 9 Page 10 ST. CLEMENT CHURCH MINISTRY DIRECTORY/ DIRECTORIO DE MINISTERIOS Office Hours/Horas de oficina: Mon.-Thu. 8:00AM - 4:30PM Phone: (813) 752-8251 Fax: (813) 759-2721 Pastor: Fr. Tom J. Anastasia, ext. 307 Parochial Vicars: Fr. Eugene Gancarz, ext. 324 Fr. Rafael Martos, ext. 316 Deacons: Neil Legner & Manuel Santiago Kevin Orth PASTORAL CARE/ CUIDADO PASTORAL Hospital, Homebound & Nursing Home Visits Bill Muench ..................... 752-8251 Parish Nurse Janet Maze, RN ............. 752-8251 Respite Care Mary Kay Fullenkamp . 707-6449 LITURGICAL LIFE/ VIDA LITURGICA Altar Linen Care Fran Aton ........................ 759-0848 Altar Servers Deacon Neil Legner ...... 412-2250 Edel Stephens-Eng. ....... 754-8528 Blanca Caudillo-Sp. ...... 967-6497 Choirs Piedad Mendoza ............335-1908 Extraordinary Ministers of Comm. Bill Parolini ..................... 986-2059 Greeters Nancy DiBella .............754-2255 Liturgy ............................... 752-8251 Readers Michaelyn Moscinski ..... 752-9312 Teresa Hernandez-Sp .. 659-2819 Sacristans Janice Putvin .................. 752-8251 Ushers Joe Moore ...................... 754-5889 SPIRITUAL LIFE/ VIDA ESPIRITUAL Cursillistas Fernando Guerrero ...... 545-5374 Heart of Jesus Prayer Group Bill Muench ..................... 752-8251 Page 10 PARISH STAFF: Personal Parroquial EXTENSION#: Karen Hurst, Eng. Youth Group Coordinator Janet Maze, RN, Parish Nurse Piedad Mendoza, Music Director Bill Muench, Pastoral Care Coordinator Pat O’Gara, Bookkeeper/Business manager Janice Putvin, Migrant Ministry Coordinator Miriam Reyna, Sp. Youth Group Coordinator EXTENSION#: # de extensión 323 311 315 304 318 305 323 # de extensión Cathy Rosales, Faith Formation Coordinator Judy Smith, Housekeeper Erin Stone, Parish Secretary Maureen Ringley, ECC Director Carol Rodriguez, Cronin Hall /Volunteer Coordinator Ray Rosado Sr., Maintenance 306 --301 319 ----- SPIRITUAL LIFE (Cont’d) PARISH LIFE (Cont’d) Juan XXIII Efren Salmeron .............. 486-7620 Marian Movement of Priests Jean Parr ........................ 752-8251 Prayer Chain Gayle Iacovino .............. 719-8408 Grupo de Oración Santiago Madrigal ....... 759-9436 St. Elizabeth Prayer Group Lorraine Renaud ............ 707-1004 St. Patrick Bible Study Wendy Hetrick .............. 757-6398 (20 member small community) St. Michael Bible Study Bill Muench ...................... 752-8251 Golf Classic Carol Rodriguez ........... 757-6234 Gardening Mary Ann Fontaine ..... 752-0665 Grupo de Jóvenes Mario y Miriam Reyna. 752-8251 Knights of Columbus Joe Moore ..................... 754-5889 Migrant Ministry Janice Putvin .................. 752-8251 Multicultural Ministry Mary Fisher.................... 763-0642 My Brother’s Keeper (Food Pantry) Fr. Rafael Martos ......... 752-8251 Our Lady of Guadalupe Committee Maria Chavez ............... 478-1752 Religious Article Store Judy Zaring ................... 754-3777 PARISH LIFE/ VIDA PARROQUIAL Bingo Frank Romano ................ 986-3348 Council of Catholic Women Ceil Heermann ............... 659-0068 Dialogo Matrimonial (Spanish) Estela Cruz ...................... 719-8526 Elix y Lucy Castro .......... 468-0144 Early Childhood Center Maureen Ringley ........... 754-1237 Finance Council - Members Fr. Tom Anastasia - Pastor Ken Jones - Chairman Roxana Chavez Jose Fernandez Rich Fulmer Jack Gill Mario Reyna Email your questions or concerns to [email protected] and your questions will be addressed at the next Finance Council meeting. Open before/after weekend Masses Sew & Sew’s Marsha Szymanski ....... 754-1089 Scholarship Committee Mary Ann Fontaine/ Carol Rodriguez ........... 757-6234 Strawberry Shortcake Project Barbara Caccamisi ...... 754-3102 Quinceañera Preparation (Spanish) Angelina Arroyo ........... 541-8456 Teresa Cienfuegos…863-370-7014 Welcome Carol Rodriguez ........... 757-6234 FORMATION/ FORMACION Adult Formation Ministry Judy Zink ........................ 659-0956 RCIA Judy Zink ........................ 659-0956 RICA en Español Ramon De Jesus ........... 719-1768 Page 10 Bulletin # 514027 St. Clement Church 1104 N. Alexander St. Plant City, Fl. 33563 Contact: Erin Stone 813-752-8251 Dell Computer XP Professional Publisher 2003 KM 5530—Kyocera all in one COMMENTS: