hots v15(january) - i
hots v15(january) - i
15 JANUARY 2014 Kursus i-THINK Kohort ke-2, JPN Negeri Sembilan LAPORAN KHAS LEARNING CHALLENGING 08 KURSUS 18 PENGUKUHAN i-THINK THE FUTURE WITH NEGERI KELANTAN 21st CENTURY SKILLS PEOPLE IB YANG 20 BENGKEL MENYEMARAKKAN SEMANGAT HOTS MESSAGE 04 06 08 10 12 16 18 20 21 22 23 24 02 Hot & Happening Next Generation Teaching & Learning Tools Kursus Pengukuhan i-THINK Negeri Kelantan Kursus i-THINK Kohort ke-2, JPN Negeri Sembilan Nick Says: Getting the Habit! Galeri Challenging the future with 21st century skills Bengkel IB yang menyemarakkan semangat The Headlines Temuramah dengan pemenang peraduan HOTS Peraduan HOTS Main Mind PERADUAN HOTS 1 SAMSUNG GALAXY TAB 3 Apa Khabar i-THINKers! Kami ingin mengucapkan Selamat Tahun Baru kepada semua dan semoga dalam tahun 2014 anda dapat mencapai segala cita-cita kamu. Kepada murid-murid selamat kembali ke sekolah selepas tamatnya cuti sekolah. Salam Gong Xi Fa Cai juga kepada mereka yang akan menyambut Tahun Baru Cina pada 31 Januari ini. Pada akhir tahun lepas, sebanyak 500 buah sekolah lagi telah menjalani kursus program i-THINK dan kami ingin mengucapkan selamat datang ke dunia Peta Pemikiran dengan kaedah dan teknik pembelajaran baru yang menarik dan berkesan. Dalam isu HOTS ini terdapat beberapa artikel yang menarik mengenai Seminar Kreativiti Dan Inovasi Kurikulum 2013 (SKIK) yang dianjurkan oleh Bahagian Pembangunan Kurikulum (KPM). Sebuah artikel dari Nick Symes dan butiran Persidangan Habits of Mind yang dianjurkan oleh Universiti Putra Malaysia. Satu lagi artikel mengenai MYP IB Seminar for Governors and Senior Leaders. Kami berharap artikel-artikel ini berguna kepada murid,guru-guru dan ibu bapa dan jika terdapat komen atau maklumbalas dari anda kami amat berbesar hati untuk menerbitkanya pada isu yang akan datang. HOTS juga mengalu-alukan pendapat, komen dan maklumbalas dari murid, guru-guru dan ibu bapa dan digalakkan menghantar dalam bentuk klip video pendek, testimoni atau pengalaman dan sumbangan lain ke atau Terima Kasih! UNTUK DIMENANGI Lihat muka surat 23 untuk menyertainya [email protected] Hello i-THINKers! Wishing everyone a Happy New Year and welcome back to school. All students should renew their energy to study hard so that you will have a brighter future. Also Gong Xi Fa Cai greetings to those who will be celebrating Chinese New Year on January 31. This year, another 500 schools will adopt the i-THINK programme and we would like to welcome you to the world of Thinking Maps and a new learning method which is exciting and effective. In this issue of HOTS there are some interesting articles on the SKIK seminar sponsored by the Ministry of Education, an article from Nick Symes from England, details of the Habits of Mind conference organised by Univeristi Putra Malaysia and the International Baccalaureate conference. We hope these articles will be useful to students, teachers and parents and we would be happy to publish your comments on these stories so please feel free to write or email us. HOTS would also like to hear the opinion of students, teachers and parents on i-THINK and education issues, please send all inquiries video clips, testimonials or experiences and other contributions to or Happy i-THINKing! 03 HOT & HAPPENING Tahun Melawat Malaysia 2014 Tahun ini adalah Tahun Melawat Malaysia (TMM) dan semua rakyat Malaysia digesa melaksanakan peranan mereka dalam menjayakan program ini. Malaysia dikurniakan penduduk yang berbilang kaum dengan sajian yang membangkitkan selera, lokasi percutian indah dan Bandar raya moden yang menjadi tarikan kepada pelancong asing. Pelbagai acara kebudayaan, kesenian, tempat bersejarah, tarikan keindahan alam semula jadi serta keunikan makanan menanti kehadiran pelancong dari seluruh dunia sepanjang tahun ini. Bertemakan “Celebrating 1Malaysia, Truly Aisa” TMM 2014 menyasarkan pulangan pendapatan RM76 bilion menerusi kehadiran 28 juta pelancong. Dengan pelbagai acara menarik menanti pelancong sepanjang tahun, TMM 2014 akan menonjolkan tarikan dan kekayaan budaya dan warisan negara melalui pelbagai kumpulan etnik yang hidup dengan penuh harmoni. Royal Langkawi International Regatta yang dijadual bermula pada 13 hingga 18 Januari merupakan antara atucara awal bagi program TMM 2014, diikuti sambutan Rumah Terbuka Tahun Baharu Cina 2014 dan Festival Layang-Layang Sedunia yang akan mengambil tempat pada Februari. Selain itu acara seperti “Colors of 1Malaysia”, satu acara tahunan menampilkan warisan pelbagai budaya di negara ini, Grand Prix F1 di Sepang, Festival muzik dunia di Sarawak dan carnival juala Mega di seluruh negara sedia menanti kehadiran pelancong. Setiap negeri juga mengadakan acara-acara yang unik bagi menarik pelancong. PlayStation 4 New Games List for 2014 The Sony PlayStation 4 will have a huge number of games ready for release in 2014, which should please millions of fans who recently got their hands on the latest PS4 console. The PlayStation 4 launched on November 15, 2013, and was released with just a limited number of new games. However, that deficiency is set to be resolved in a big way in 2014 as a stream of sure-fire game hits will become available. Samsung Galaxy S5 To Be Launched In February 2014 Samsung plans to launch its new Galaxy S5, making it the latest entry into the South Korean smartphone maker's Galaxy line-up, in February 2014. Production of the new smartphone, which is anticipated to be launched in metal and plastic versions, started in January 2014. According to reports, the top version will feature a metal chassis and flexible screen, while the lower-end variant would come with a plastic casing and a normal screen. Anticipated features of the new device include a Super AMOLED 5in display, a 16-Megapixel camera and 3GB of RAM, in addition to a 4,000MaH battery. 04 Among the games are Killzone Shadow Fall "The Shadow Pack," Call of Duty: Ghosts "Free Fall Map," Call of Duty: Ghosts Digital Hardened Edition "Free Fall Map," Assassin's Creed IV Black Flag "Exclusive Aveline Figurehead," Assassin's Creed IV Black Flag Gold Edition "Exclusive Aveline Figurehead," and Battlefield 4 "China Rising Expansion" and an impressive list of titles to be released in the coming months. In October, the South Korean firm launched the world's first curved screen smartphone, dubbed Galaxy Round, which features a flexible 5.7-inch high definition display and would facilitate checking information including the date, time, battery life and missed calls while the home screen is turned off. Organised by Animation International (M) Sdn Bhd, the 100 Doraemon Malaysia Secret Gadgets Expo will be held at Viva Home Expo Hall 1 & 2, Kuala Lumpur from now to 23 March 2014. This exhibition will be Malaysia's largest celebration, showcases 100 unique Doraemon figures along with 100 different pieces from his well-known repertoire of secret gadgets in honor of this beloved anime character and will give fans the opportunity to gather and reminisce about their childhood Doraemon memories. 05 LAPORAN KHAS Next Generation Teaching & Learning Tools Catherine Saldutti, the president of EduChange Inc. & Founder of Teachers for Learners from the United States of America shares her experience of interacting with Malaysian educators. It was a tremendous privilege to speak to so many Malaysian educators and leaders at the SKIK 2013 Conference in Kuala Lumpur in November. I am happy to count all of them as new colleagues! This article provides a summary of the principles my USA-based team used to design a “next generation” teaching and learning tool. My team is responding to some pressing global problems in literacy across the curriculum. These problems include a high percentage of learners who: • struggle with academic & technical language (terminology) • are non-native speakers of the language taught in schools • struggle to demonstrate understanding of concepts, especially in STEM 06 We find that the most interesting innovations arise from practices, principles and people borrowed from different fields that combine to create a powerful solution. To address the above problems, we borrowed the principles of “infrastructure” from the fields of civil and structural engineering, and gained inspiration from our own human body’s skeletal system. What do bridges, roads, waterways and the human skeleton have to do with teaching and learning? Delving into some of the basic principles provides interesting connections… Infrastructure in a society: provides basic needs; connects people, goods and services; mobilises people to advance the society; and gives access to all people (equity). Additionally, high quality societal infrastructure is both stable and flexible at the same time. People don’t always need to follow the same path or route, they can connect with each other for a variety of purposes, and those with many different needs all can benefit from the same systems and structures. Hmmm…these are the same principles we desire for teaching and learning tools! How can we design tools for teachers and students that create opportunities for HOTS? We engineered instructional infrastructure that does the following: • Uses a simple colour-shape system that connects content/concepts within and across disciplines • Provides stable access to academic & technical language through several years of school, and may even be used at university and corporate training levels • Demonstrates multi-lingual, multi-cultural, multi-disciplinary, and pedagogical flexibility • Bridges the physical and digital worlds with hands-on manipulatives and a mobile app • Mobilises learners to actively engage each other in HOTS Another key principle that engineers use is called “enabling environments.” These are the systems, rules and strategies necessary for society to enjoy maximum benefits from physical infrastructure. In classrooms, teachers can create environments that enable creativity, communication, collaboration and other 21st century skills. And professional development will enable teachers! To learn about our innovation, called Concept Construxions®, please visit or contact our Malaysian partner, Mr. Siva Sothinathan of Grey Matter Education, at [email protected] 07 LAPORAN KHAS KELANTAN teknik dan strategi penyoalan aras tinggi dan aplikasi KBAT dalam pengajaran dan pembelajaran (PdP). Kursus Pengukuhan i-THINK Negeri Kelantan Kursus Pengukuhan Program i-THINK telah dijalankan bagi 30 buah sekolah rintis di negeri Kelantan dalam fasa kedua. Program ini dianjurkan oleh Jabatan Pendidikan Negeri Kelantan (JPNK) dengan pembiayaan daripada pihak Agensi Inovasi Malaysia (AIM). Antara objektif utama kursus ialah untuk membudayakan pelaksanaan program i-THINK dalam landasan yang betul, memperkasakan penggunaan peta pemikiran yang tepat dalam kalangan guru dan murid-murid serta mewujudkan kemahiran berfikir aras tinggi (KBAT) dalam pelaksanaan proses pengajaran dan pembelajaran di bilik darjah. Secara keseluruhannya kursus ini telah berjaya mencapai objektif yang telah ditetapkan. Sehubungan itu, mesyuarat pasca-nilai diadakan di Sekolah Kebangsaan Gemang, Jeli, Kelantan pada 7 November 2013 bagi membincangkan perancangan seterusnya untuk tahun hadapan dalam menentukan kelangsungan program ini supaya dapat diperkembang dan dibudayakan di sekolah-sekolah di negeri Kelantan. Kandungan kursus meliputi pengenalan dan konsep i-THINK, kajian kes, pembelajaran kolaboratif, a pengajar. rang tenag ra salah seo ta Dr. Sidek, an Fasa satu telah diadakan pada 28 Oktober 2013 di Pejabat Pendidikan Daerah Bachok, Kelantan. Ia melibatkan 16 buah sekolah dengan 80 orang peserta terdiri dari kalangan pentadbir sekolah dan pasukan Pemandu program i-THINK sekolah dari daerah Kota Bharu, Pasir Puteh, Bachok, Tumpat dan Pasir Mas. Manakala Fasa kedua pula telah diadakan pada 29 Oktober 2013 di Pejabat Pendidikan Daerah Kuala Krai, Kelantan. Ia melibatkan 14 buah sekolah dengan 70 orang peserta dari daerah Machang, Tanah Merah, Jeli, Kuala Krai dan Gua Musang. Ucapan alu-aluan oleh En. Azizi dari JPN Kelantan lan ra berkumpu ilakukan seca Kajian kes d 08 Penyamp erta pada pes rsus ke ain sijil ku 09 PEOPLE Kursus i-THINK Kohort ke-2, JPN Negeri Sembilan Peserta rasa bertuah dapat menimba ilmu Anita Sapura Shaari, pensyarah dari IPG Kampus Ilmu Khas yang terlibat sebagai jurulatih kursus i-THINK bagi 564 sekolah perluasan kohort ke-2 dibawah kendalian JPN Negeri Sembilan. Kursus tersebut telah berlangsung di Hotel Grand Puteri Klang. Pada 17 November hingga 6 Disember 2013, beberapa orang Jurulatih Kebangsaan Program i-THINK dari Institut Perguruan Guru Malaysia (IPGM), Institut Aminuddin Baki (IAB) dan Jabatan Pendidikan Negeri (JPN) telah dijemput oleh pihak Bahagian Pembangunan Kurikulum (BPK) untuk memberi ceramah bagi Kursus Pasukan Pemandu i-THINK 2013. 10 Kursus ini melibatkan beberapa orang guru termasuk guru besar dan pengetua dari 564 buah sekolah yang terpilih di Malaysia. Jurulatih Kebangsaan wajib menggunakan modul yang disediakan oleh Bahagian Pembangunan Kurikulum tetapi boleh menambah contoh-contoh lain sekiranya sesuai. Antara isi kandungan modul yang perlu dikongsikan bersama guru-guru, guru besar dan pengetua ialah tentang KBAT dalam sistem persekolahan, lapan Peta Pemikiran, bingkai rujukan, aplikasi lapan Peta Pemikiran, teknik-teknik penyoalan, aplikasi teknik penyoalan, pembinaan soalan KBAT kepimpinan dalam membudayakan KBAT, kepimpinan menangani perubahan, kepimpinan perancangan, kepimpinan pemantauan, pelan tindakan dan refleksi keseluruhan kursus. Sebagai contoh, kehadiran peserta kursus dari Negeri Sembilan adalah memuaskan. Refleksi daripada Menurut pandangan kebanyakan peserta kursus ialah mereka, mereka melahirkan rasa bertuah KBAT mencabar kerana dapat menimba banyak input murid-murid untuk baru sepanjang berkursus seperti menyelesaikan pelaksanaan KBAT dalam sistem suatu masalah persekolahan. kehidupan sebenar dengan menggunakan pembelajaran daripada pelbagai disiplin. Selain itu, mereka menyatakan KBAT di dalam bilik darjah boleh diperkukuhkan melalui Program i-THINK dan boleh membentuk murid berfikir secara kreatif dan kritis. Mereka juga memberi pandangan positif bahawa lapan Peta Pemikiran yang diperkenalkan akan digunakan dalam pengajaran dan pembelajaran mereka bagi sesi 2014. 11 LEARNING Nick Says: Nick Symes, the Director of Overseas Operations of Thinking Schools International, UK, gives an overview of Habits of Mind (HOM). Please also find a link to access a handbook on HOM which will be useful to students, teachers and even parents. Getting the Habit! Even if you aren’t from a Showcase School you can still benefit from this article. Keep reading – there is much to learn! What are Habits of Mind? 12 Have a look at the list of Habits of Mind below. I have tried to give a simple explanation of each one, but you may be able to think of better ways of doing this. As you look at each one, ask yourself some questions: • What does this mean to me? • How good am I at this sort of behaviour? • How good are my students at this sort of behaviour? Persisting Managing impulsivity Listening with understanding and empathy Thinking flexibly Metacognition Striving for accuracy Here I am, sitting thousands of kilometres away from all of you in Malaysia, and I was wondering how the Habits of Mind programme is going on. In order to help all of you in the i-THINK Showcase Schools where Habits of Mind training has taken place, here are a few helpful tips and possible strategies. Put briefly, they are a collection of 16 intelligent learning behaviours. They are a set of dispositions developed by Professor Arthur Costa and Bena Kallick that resulted from research undertaken that sought to answer the following question: What are the learning behaviours that successful learners employ that less successful learners do not? Examples please? Let’s be clear about what we mean by a successful learner – this does not necessarily just mean someone with lots of qualifications. But it does mean a learner who knows how to behave intelligently when they DON'T know the answer. Surely, this is at the heart of becoming an independent, lifelong learner and something that we would hope that all our students can become. When students leave school, they will no longer have you – the teacher – to help, guide and assess them. They will be on their own and they will need to be selfmanaging, self-modifying, selfassessing and self-reflective, all valuable assets for an effective, independent learner. Questioning and posing problems Applying past knowledge to new situations Thinking and communicating with clarity and precision Gathering data through all the senses Creating, imagining, innovating Responding with wonderment and awe Taking responsible risks Finding humour Thinking interdependently Remaining open to continuous learning Continuing with a task even though the outcome is not immediately clear Thinking before you act Trying hard to understand the thoughts and feelings of others Changing your mind, suggesting another way, considering all ideas Thinking about your thinking. Being aware of your own thoughts, feelings and actions Wanting to be exact, to do the best you can and to master the given task Developing strategies to solve problems Applying what you already know to a new situation When speaking or writing, trying to communicate accurately and clearly Using all your senses: sight, hearing, touch, taste, smell Producing original ideas through imagination Finding the world fascinating, mysterious, intriguing and phenomenal! Being adventurous. Moving outside your comfort zone Being playful. Looking at the funny side of things. Laughing at yourself! Working with and learning from others. Being an active participant in a productive group Being open to learning new things. Admitting that you don’t know the answer. Enjoying learning new things Help - there are 16! Do we have to do all of them? Where do we start? Don’t panic! The first step is for a group of teachers in your school to look at all 16, understand what each intelligent learning behaviour means to you - and then identify which Habits of Mind do your students NOT do well and would most benefit from doing better. You will probably end up with a priority list of a maximum of 5. So we come up with a list of 5. Does this mean that we can forget the other 11? No it doesn’t! But it gives you a starting point. I will return to this point later. 13 LEARNING What next? And then? I would suggest that you look at your list of 5 (or maybe it is less than that) and pick out the one that is top of your priority list. This is where you are going to start This is where the planning comes in. Let’s imagine that top of your list is persistence. Your students give up too easily. They don’t stick at it, they don’t keep trying. So, this is the Habit of Mind that you are going to start with and you are going to plan a whole school approach to persistence. How do we develop a whole school approach to persistence? Let me first emphasise that there is no one way of doing this. It is up to the school and the creativity of the teachers. But, I will share a few ideas that my colleagues and I have seen work in other schools around the world. Preparing the environment • Create a drive team that can plan and lead the work • But make sure that all the teachers are aware of what is going to be happening and – most importantly – the reasons why i.e. to help develop independent, lifelong learners • Gather together as many resources as you can that relate to persistence. • Pictures that feature or exemplify persistence • Stories of famous people that have exhibited persistence • Fiction stories in which persistence features • Video clips – YouTube is great – I came across this one today just by putting in the word persistence into the Youtube search engine watch?v=lJ3C9SP8xRE • Those of you in the drive teams from the Showcase Schools, remember the clip from Castaway where Tom Hanks makes fire – brilliant! And really good for exploring the strategies that he used to maintain his persistence 14 • Think about how you would “launch” the focus on persistence. Put up displays around the school that feature persistence – using the pictures you have collected, banners about persistence, simple encouraging explanations of persistence like “Stick at it!”, “Don’t give up!”, “Keep trying!” By doing this you are really emphasising the focus for everyone in your school. Introducing and understanding • Think about how the students will be introduced to and develop an understanding of persistence. • There needs to be occasions that specifically focus on persistence– perhaps an assembly, followed up with a particular lesson • Use one of the stories that you have collected and follow this up with discussions • Or use one of the video clips and again, follow this up with discussions • The importance of the discussions is to allow students to construct their own understanding of what is meant by persistence • Once they have developed their understanding, then ask the students to reflect on how they rate themselves at persistence – are they: - Novice (completely new to it, rarely do it, give up very easily) - Apprentice (do it, but have to really think about it and sometimes still perhaps give up too easily) - Practitioner (do it, and in many different situations) - Expert (the appropriate use of persistence is almost automatic behaviour) • Then ask them to think about the situations where they find persisting easier – and perhaps more difficult. Why is there a difference? What strategies do they use when they are successful? Could they use these strategies in the situations where they find it more difficult (This links with another Habit of Mind – Applying past knowledge to new situations) • Ask the students to think about the occasions when being persistent would be really helpful (however difficult it might be!). And occasions when being persistent is not a good idea • Encourage the students to write their own rubrics – so their own definitions of how a novice at persistence might behave, apprentice, practitioner, expert • Students should reflect on what strategies might help them to be more persistent. Some examples: - Not giving in to distractions (Managing impulsivity) - Thinking of another way through a challenging situation (Thinking flexibly – Questioning and posing problems) - Striving for accuracy NB Remember the question further up. So – we come up with a list of 5. Does this mean that we can forget the other 11? Notice what is happening here – you can link in other behaviours to the one that is the focus, in this case persistence, but I have just cited 4 other Habits of Mind that might help with persistence. So they have not been forgotten! The outcome from the section above should be that the each student should have constructed their own understanding of persistence and what it means for her/him. Now they are ready for the next step – applying their understanding. Applying • Students are then going into their ordinary classroom lessons and activities where the teachers will be backing up the focus on persistence. Ideas that might help: • In lessons. make sure that there is explicit reference to persistence • Where possible, introduce examples of persistence relevant to the subject setting • Where tasks demand it, tell the students that they will be judged not only their work but also on how persistent they were • Give verbal and written feedback. “I really liked the way you stuck at that task. I know you found it difficult – but you persisted.” Or – “I like the way you persisted at that task. How did you do that? What did you do that helped you?” • Develop subject based rubrics – persistence in science, persistence in BM, persistence in maths etc • At the end of a lesson, where appropriate, ask students to reflect on how persistent they were. Is there anything else we need to think about? Yes! Probably lots! But let’s focus on four only. i) How long should we keep the focus on one Habit of Mind before moving on to another? Always a difficult question! Perhaps 2 to 3 weeks. But when you move on to another Habit of Mind, don’t think that you have “done” persistence and can then forget about it. Students need to continue to reflect on this behaviour and know when – and how – they can use it effectively and teachers need to facilitate this ii) Teachers as role models Teachers have to model the behaviour. They have to lead from the front and set good examples. That can be difficult sometimes – we are all human! Perhaps for a teacher to admit to their students “I should have been more persistent in that situation” can be quite a powerful admission and may encourage the students to strive harder iii) Sharing good practice How are you going to share good practice? a. A teacher has a brilliant idea and tries it out – it works. How is that idea going to be shared with others? We learn from each other and sharing really helps to expand ideas b. A student really excels at being persistence. Interview them and record the interview – share it with others – and add it to your resource bank for future years. Might there be an opportunity to display student outcomes that exhibit persistence. I recently saw a huge architectural map of a school completed by an 11 year old student – it took him months. It is now on display as an example of persistence – as well as other Habits of Mind. (Striving for accuracy. Taking responsible risks. Questioning and posing problems etc) iv) Parents Let the parents know what you are doing and the reasons why. There’s a lot to think about here! Yes there is – and I wish you all good luck, good thinking and good Habits! 15 GALERI IMBAS KEMBALI SEKITAR SEMINAR SEMINAR KREATIVITI DAN INOVASI KURIKULUM 2013 (SKIK) 16 SEMINAR FOR GOVERNORS AND SENIOR LEADERS 17 LEARNING CHALLENGING THE FUTURE WITH 21st CENTURY SKILLS Universiti Putra Malaysia in collaboration with The Institute For Habits of Mind and The Art Costa Institute of Thinking, Singapore is proud to have organised the first Habits of Mind Conference in Malaysia. The International Conference on Habits of Mind 2013 (ICHOM 2013) brought together experts in the field of thinking to share their knowledge on not only good thinking habits but also how to develop good thinkers. The conference was a follow up to the 14th International Conference on Thinking held in Kuala Lumpur in 2009, hosted and organised by Universiti Putra Malaysia. She said developing thinking skills among students was one of the main challenges faced by today’s teachers and educators and good teaching was not just about achieving specific curriculum objectives but also about developing general thinking skills and learning behavior. She said teachers needed to be enthusiastic about developing skills in “teaching for thinking” and integrating them into their lessons to create “thinking classrooms”, and developing policies to bring about “thinking schools”. “Thinking skills should also be continuously embedded into the education system from the The Prime Minister’s wife Datin Seri foundation years until tertiary and beyond. Thinking skills are essential Rosmah Mansor in her keynote address at the opening ceremony of because we need to foster a capable and efficient generation ICHOM 2013 entitled “Inculcating who can see beyond boundaries, Thinking Skills: Starting Them limitations and self-interest, and to Young” said good teachers are be able to take on the complexities those who are able to nurture a of tomorrow’s challenges,” she said. generation of high order thinkers. 18 ICHOM 2013 was a platform for the meeting of great thinkers and innovative minds from across the globe that brought together leaders, thinkers and practitioners who were interested in working together to nurture citizens of tomorrow with effective thinking skills. Among the speakers who spoke on a number of different areas with the context of Habits of Mind were Professor Art Costa, an emeritus professor of education at California State University and founding director of the Institute for Habits of Mind, Dr Bena Kallick, co-founder of The Institute for Habits of Mind, Dr Marilee Adams, an author and adjunct professor at American University’s School of Public Affairs and Professor Dato’ Dr Ibrahim Ahmad Bajunid, Deputy Vice Chancellor INTI-Laureate International Universities and Professor of Management, Education and the Social Sciences. The conference was a good opportunity for participants to: • Receive latest knowledge by well-known experts in the field of thinking • Bring together experts and novices in the field of thinking to network and share experiences and knowledge on habits of the mind • Showcase innovative approaches to thinking and creativity across disciplines. 19 NEWS PEOPLE Bengkel IB yang menyemarakkan semangat g SMK Pantai, Sahar Misron, Pengetua Cemerlan tentang MYP Labuan, berkongsi pengalaman r Leaders. IB Seminar for Governors and Senio Bengkel International Baccalaureate (IB) yang diadakan pada 30 dan 31 Oktober 2013 melibatkan para peserta yang terdiri daripada wakil-wakil Jabatan Pendidikan Negeri, Pengetua dan wakil PIBG daripada 10 sekolah yang terlibat dengan Program IB. Pada pandangan saya bengkel tersebut memberi manfaat dan faedah serta kefahaman yang lebih jelas dan terperinci dan telah mencapai objektif yang ditentukan. Sesungguhnya peranan Persatuan Ibu Bapa dan Guru, ibu bapa dan masayarakat sekitar sekolah amat penting untuk menentukan jaya tidaknya Program IB di Malaysia secara am, dan khususnya di 10 buah sekolah terlibat. Bengkel ini boleh menyemarakkan semangat dan menjana sokongan PIBG dan ibu bapa untuk menyokong program ini di sekolah masing-masing. 20 Di samping itu, bengkel ini menjadi medan bertukartukar buah fikiran dan pandangan sesama peserta dari sudut pandangan yang berbeza terutama tentang peranan pihak ibu bapa dan masyarakat termasuk agensi kerajaan dan swasta yang lain untuk menyokong pelaksanaannya di 10 sekolah yang telah dikenal pasti dan dipilih oleh Kementerian Pelajaran Malaysia. Kekuatan bengkel ini juga terletak pada para penceramahnya yang berpengalaman dan mahir tentang Program IB ini. Maklumat yang disampaikan tepat dan dapat menjawab Published: Sunday November 10, 2013 Training students to think Malay improvsia capable in PIS ing its pos ition A 2015 BY REBECCA RAJAENDRAM Second ary scho dengan yakin dan berautoriti segala persoalan yang dikemukakan oleh para peserta dalam bengkel ini. Para peserta juga diberi kesempatan menterjemahkan dalam bentuk sesi pembentangan segala permasalahan dan impian serta pelbagai kemungkinan untuk melaksanakan program ini. Kekuatan bengkel ini juga terletak pada pengurusan dan keurusetiaannya yang diterajui oleh Agensi Inovasi Malaysia yang berjaya melaksanakan tugas dan tanggungjawab dengan teratur, berkesan, penuh mesra bagi memastikan kelancaran bengkel ini. Makan minumnya juga memenuhi selera dan cita rasa kebanyakan peserta, manakala penginapannya cukup selesa sekali. GOOD teachers are those who are able to nurture a generation of high order thinkers. However, developing thinking skills among students is one of the main challenges faced by today’s teachers and educators, said the Prime Minister’s wife Datin Seri Rosmah Mansor. “Good teaching is not just about achieving specific curriculum objectives but also about developing general thinking skills and learning behaviour,” she said in her keynote address at the opening ceremony of the International Conference on Habits of Mind (ICHOM) 2013. She said teachers needed to be enthusiastic about developing skills in “teaching for thinking” and integrating them into their lessons to create “thinking classrooms”, and developing policies to bring about “thinking schools”. “Thinking skills should also be continuously embedded into the education system from the foundation years until tertiary and beyond,” she added. She also said that the Government is determined to develop a range of important higher-order thinking skills among students through the Malaysia Education Blueprint 2013-2025 that was recently launched. “The Blueprint focuses on upgrading the quality of teachers through continuous professional development and the development of a peer-led culture of excellence among teachers. “Teachers will develop world-class capabilities, including thinking methodologies that are needed to facilitate the desired holistic student outcomes and they should gain more enjoyment and fulfilment from their jobs.” She added that the passive lecture format of teaching used now, would have to give way to more effective methods to prepare children for the 21st century. Rosmah reiterated the importance of today’s youth in being able to distil fact from fiction and good from bad, in a world where social media is widely used to disseminate information. This, she said, will enable them to make the right decisions for a better future. “Thinking skills are essential because we need to foster a capable and efficient generation who can see beyond boundaries, limitations and self-interest, and to be able to take on the complexities of tomorrow’s challenges,” she said. Rosmah also launched Thinking That Changes Lives, a book written by Marilee Adam from the Inquiry Institute, the United States (USA). ICHOM 2013, was organised by Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM) together with The Institute for Habits of Mind, USA and The Art Costa Institute of Thinking, Singapore. It served as a platform for leading experts in the field of thinking to share their knowledge and for participants to develop good thinking skills. 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Apakah pendapat anda mengenai program i-THINK? Program i-THINK membuatkan saya berfikir di luar kotak. 2. Apa yang anda lakukan pada masa lapang anda? Menyiapkan tugasan yang diberi oleh guru dan mengulangkaji pelajaran. 3. Apakah permainan yang anda suka? Bola baling. 4. Apakah yang anda suka buat hari Isnin hingga Jumaat selepas sekolah? Saya suka pergi ke kelas tambahan. 5. Apakah yang anda suka buat pada hujung minggu? Bersiar-siar bersama keluarga sekiranya semua kerja sekolah telah diselesaikan. 22 6. Apakah cita-cita anda dan bagaimana anda merancang untuk mencapainya? Menjadi seorang Doktor. Oleh kerana itu saya mesti berusaha dan belajar lebih gigih. Tugas seorang Doktor termasuk membantu orang ramai yang mengalami masalah kesihatan dan saya ingin memberikan perkhidmatan tersebut. 7. Artis muzik manakah anda suka? Kumpulan KRU. 8. Apakah makanan yang anda suka dan mengapa? Mee Hoon Tom Yam. Semestinyalah sebab ia sedap dan menepati selera saya. 9. Apa yang membuatkan anda sabar menjawab semua soalan dalam peraduan ini? Kesabaran itu penting dalam membuat sesuatu perkara untuk berjaya 10. Apakah inspirasi yang dorong anda untuk menulis slogan tersebut? Rasa ingin mencuba dan untuk menang. 11. Siapakah ikon model anda? Angkasawan Negara Datuk Dr. Sheikh Muszaphar Shukor. 12. Siapakah inspirasi terbesar dalam hidup anda dan mengapa? Siti Aishah Yaacob kerana walaupun dilahirkan sebagai orang kekurangan upaya (OKU) beliau mempunyai kebolehan melukis dengan kaki dan menggunakan bakat tersebut untuk mencari rezeki. 13. Jika ada satu perkara yang anda mahu lakukan untuk rakyat Malaysia, apakah itu? Saya mahu melibatkan diri dalam persatuan atau menjadi sukarelawan atau membuat penyelidikan berkaitan ubat yang dapat menyembuhkan penyakit. 14. Adakah pendidikan penting bagi orang-orang muda dan mengapa ia penting? Ya, pelajaran amat berguna kerana dengan adanya ilmu kita dapat melengkapkan diri dengan kemahiran yang baru dan menjamin masa depan yang lebih baik. PERADUAN HOTS Murid murid mempunyai peluang untuk memenangi sebuah Samsung Galaxy Tab 3 dalam peraduan ini. Hantarkan jawapan dan maklumbalas anda ke [email protected] Sila lukis satu Peta Alir yang memberikan jawapan kepada soalan-soalan yang diberikan di bawah. Pelajar dikehendaki menghantar jawapan yang betul bagi Soalan 1 ke [email protected] untuk mendapatkan Soalan seterusnya. Setiap jawapan yang betul akan dibalas dengan soalan susulan sehingga Peta Alir selesai. Setelah pelajar melengkapkan Peta Alir, tuliskan slogan tidak lebih daripada 30 patah perkataan mengenai pendapat anda tentang program i-THINK. Tarikh tutup peraduan ini adalah pada 28 Februari 2014. Soalan 1 Apakah peristiwa bermakna yang berlaku pada 31 Ogos 1957 Soalan 2 Soalan 3 Soalan 4 Soalan 5 Soalan 6 Soalan 7 Soalan 8 Soalan 9 Soalan 10 Soalan 11 Soalan 12 Soalan 13 Soalan 14 SLOGAN Tulis slogan tidak lebih daripada 30 patah perkataan mengenai pendapat anda tentang program i-THINK. Tarikh tutup peraduan ini dilanjutkan kepada 28 Februari 2014. Murid-murid yang mengambil bahagian dalam Peraduan HOTS ini dikehendaki menghantar semua jawapan dan slogan sebelum akhir tarikh ini dan seorang murid akan memenangi satu Samsung Galaxy Tab 3. 23 MAIN MIND Questions to make your brains go on overdrive? Answer all questions correctly and creatively to stand a chance of winning a 4G thumb drive. Soalan-soalan ini mungkin mengelirukan. Jawab soalan-soalan berikut dengan betul dan menarik dan anda berpeluang untuk memenangi sebuah Pemacu Kilat 4G. Soalan 1: Bagaimana anda boleh mengukur berat seekor gajah tanpa menggunakan skala? Soalan 2: Which is worse, when a good friend moves away, or losing touch with a good friend who lives right near you? Soalan 3: Bolehkah anda menangis di dalam air? Soalan 5: Soalan 4: Apakah vertebrata yang terkecil di dunia? You would have noticed small boats inside bottles in souvenir shops, How do they get the boats in the glass bottles? Sila hantarkan sebarang komen dan jawapan anda ke [email protected]. 24 Penerbit HOTS: Agensi Inovasi Malaysia (AIM) 3501, Level 3, Quill Building 3, Jalan Teknokrat 5, 63000 Cyberjaya, Selangor. Tel: +603 8319 3116 Faks: +603 8319 3499 Emel: [email protected]
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