organic - SPEX CertiPrep
organic - SPEX CertiPrep
CERTIFIED REFERENCE M AT E R I A L S SPEX CertiPrep was founded in 1954 to provide superior Certified Reference Materials for spectroscopy and chromatography. Since that time, we have made it our business to supply certified reference materials for many different types of instrumentation. We have a full line of AA, ICP, ICP-MS, IC, GC, GC/MS, LC, LC/MS, HPLC, and many other products that can be used in laboratories around the world. Based in Metuchen, NJ our products have sold across the US and around the world. For over 50 years, we have built our reputation by providing chemists and environmental scientists with products that exhibit Quality, Reliability, and Convenience. Your Science is Our Passion.® UL and A2LA Stamp of Approval: - Quality System complies with ISO 9001:2008 - Certified by UL-DQS ORGANIC SPEX CertiPrep is the industry leader for over 60 years in the CRM marketplace meeting the needs of laboratories worldwide with innovation and research. - Standards Manufactured to meet the requirements of ISO 17025:2005 and ISO Guide 34-2009 - Accredited by A2LA Instrumentation used with our SPEXOrganics: Features of SPEXOrganics: - Over 2,500 different single-component standards available in concentrations of 1,000µg/mL - Custom standards at higher or lower concentrations are also available - Standards packaged in 1mL ampules up to 1L bottles - Wide selection of stock multi-component standards available; visit our web site for further details - Concentration of components guaranteed - Stability of each standard guaranteed - Isotopically labeled standards available for Internal Standards, Surrogate and Isotope Dilution analysis - GC, Gas Chromatography (FID, ECD, PID, TCD) - GC/MS, Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry (IE, CI) - HPLC, High Performance Liquid Chromatography - LC/MS, High Performance Liquid Chromatography- Mass Spectrometry Value of SPEXOrganics: - SPEX CertiPrep provides the highest quality of standards available - Impurities are assessed by GC/MS to ppm levels and outlined in our Certificate of Analysis - Uncertainty of standard is reported on the Certificate of Analysis - Weights used are traceable to NIST - Manufactured by chemists having an average of 20 years experience to ensure highest quality - Custom Packaging readily available - Custom blends manufactured upon request based on your individual needs UK Address: US Address: Accredited by A2LA for ISO 17025 and Guide 34, and Certified by UL-DQS for ISO 9001. SPEX CertiPrep, Inc. 203 Norcross Avenue Metuchen, NJ 08840 Tel: 1-800-LAB-SPEX Fax: 732-603-9647 E-mail: [email protected] Web: ©2016 SPEX CertiPrep. All Rights Reserved. SPEX Europe 2 Dalston Gardens Stanmore Middlesex, HA7 1BQ UK Tel: +44 (0) 20 8204 6656 Fax: +44 (0) 20 8204 6654 E-mail: [email protected] Web: SPEX Europe is a trading name of SPEX CertiPrep Ltd. Product Offerings Pharmaceutical Residual Solvent Standards Guidelines set by the International Conference on Harmonization (ICH), United States Pharmacopeia (USP) and European Pharmacopeia (EP) mandate manufacturing solvents used in the pharmaceutical industry be regulated due to their toxic and/or environmentally hazardous nature. SPEX CertiPrep offers the highest quality Pharmaceutical Residual Solvent Certified Reference Materials for use by the pharmaceutical industry. Biodiesel Standards Biodiesel has emerged as the frontrunner in the alternative fuel industry. Biodiesel is created by esterification of oils. To meet the demands of this industry, SPEX CertiPrep offers Biodiesel Certified Reference Materials designed to save time and money by eliminating the need to prepare in-house standards. Pesticide Standards Human and environmental pesticide exposure over the past few decades has ledto increased monitoring and oversight of these chemicals. Analytical laboratories require accurate pesticide standards to measure the pesticide levels in the environment. At SPEX CertiPrep, we help streamline your testing process by creating pesticide standards to suit your analytical needs. Bisphenol-A (BPA) and Phthalate Standards Bisphenol-A (BPA) and phthalates can be found in many consumer products including children’s products. Since studies have linked these chemicals to serious health and developmental concerns, regulations have been enacted to ban or restrict these chemicals in certain products. SPEX CertiPrep has been involved from the beginning in creating standards and developing methodology for these compounds. We proudly offer a full line of BPA and phthalate standards for the analytical testing industry. US EPA Drinking Water Methods The US EPA has created many methods to safeguard the environment and human health. Some of the most important of these methods test drinking water for a multitude of potential contaminants including nitrosamines (Method 521), organic compounds (Method 525), selected pesticides and flame-retardant compounds (Method 527), explosives and related compounds (Method 529), and chloroacetanilide and other acetamide herbicide degradates (Method 535). SPEX CertiPrep offers standards for use with all the current EPA methodologies. LCMS The technique of LC/MS has become an important analytical tool in a laboratories’ arsenal. Many LCMS scientists have had to settle for standards originally designed for other analytical techniques. SPEX CertiPrep has many stock standards designed for and tested by LCMS! From catalog LCMS standards to custom mixes we can manufacture standards intended for LCMS use. QuEChERS The field of agricultural pesticide testing has changed rapidly in the last few years. The once new and novel extraction and clean-up methods called QuEChERS has become a standard methodology in the laboratory. SPEX CertiPrep offers many products to support your laboratories QuEChERS methods from extraction and dispersive clean-up kits to internal standards and pesticides standards. Our kits support both the AOAC and EN methodologies. Cannabis In analytical chemistry, it is rare for a totally new field of study to come into the industry. The past two years have seen the rise of just such a new analytical field – Cannabis testing. As this new industry emerges standards are needed to ensure potency, develop medicinal profiles, identify strains and product lines, monitor environmental contaminants and measure pesticide levels. SPEX CertiPrep is a leader in providing standards to this new industry with Certified Reference Materials and standards for potency, terpene content, residual solvents and pesticide contamination in cannabis products. ECS ECS specializes in single and multi-component Certifi ed Reference Materials, designed for GC/MS, for the analysis of Volatile and Semi-Volatile Organics. These mixes are designed to be utilized with today’s EPA Methods for 624/8240, 8260, 524.2 and 625/8270.
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