uniondale union free school district
uniondale union free school district
UNIONDALE UNION FREE SCHOOL DISTRICT 933 GOODRICH STREET, UNIONDALE, NEW YORK 11553 2499 Website. http.//district. uniondaleschools.org BOARD OF EDUCATION JAMES M. SHARPE I/I, President NEVILLE G. GEORGES, Vice President BRUNO A. CUBAS, Trustee TERRI M. MANGUM, PH.D., Trustee EMERSON MOTT, Trustee GEORGINO JOASIL, Student Member WILLIAM K. LLOYD, PH.D. Superintendent of Schools 516-560-8824 • FAX 516-414- 5675 E-MAIL: [email protected] DISTRICT CLERK SELMA RUBIN 516-560-8945 • FAX 516-918-1060 TO: Selma Rubin FROM: John LaBare, Director of Facilitie DATE: April 25, 2014 RE: Bid Award Recommendations ADMINISTRATION RHONDA A. TAYLOR Assistant Superintendent for Curriculum and Instruction 516-560-8825 • FAX 516-560-8917 BANCROFTBURKE Assistant Superintendent for Business Affairs 516-560-8801 • FAX 516-539-1743 MYRTLE E. DICKSON Assistant Superintendent for Human Resources 516-560-8822 • FAX 516-560-8927 Please accept this memo as a request to place on the May 6th Board of Education Agenda the Bid Award recommendations as attached for the Nassau County Director of School Facilities purchase consortium. Attachment JL:kf UNIONDALE UNION FREE SCHOOL DISTRICT 933 GOODRICH STREET, UNIONDALE, NEW YORK 11553-2499 Website. http.//district. uniondaleschools org BOARD OF EDUCATION JAMES M. SHARPE III, President NEVILLE G. GEORGES, Vice President BRUNO A. CUBAS, Trustee TERRI M. MANGUM, PH.D., Trustee EMERSON MOTT, Trustee GEORGINO JOASIL, Student Member DISTRICT CLERK SELMA RUBIN 516-560-8945 • FAX 516-918-1060 WILLIAM K. LLOYD, PH.D. Superintendent of Schools 516-560-8824 • FAX 516-414-5675 E-MAIL: [email protected] ADMINISTRATION RHONDA A. TAYLOR Assistant Superintendent for Curriculum and Instruction 516-560-8825 • FAX 516-560-8917 BANCROFTBURKE Assistant Superintendent for Business Affairs 516-560-8801 • FAX 516-539-1743 MYRTLE E. DICKSON Assistant Superintendent for Human Resources 516-560-8822 • FAX 516-560-8927 To whom it may concern: EXTRACT OF MINUTES FROM THE BOARD OF EDUCATION MEETING HELD ON TUESDAY, JUNE 10, 2014, AT 7 PM WITH THE FOLLOWING BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT AND VOTING: Mr. James M. Sharpe, III, President, Neville G. Georges, Vice-President, Bruno Cubas, Dr. Terri M. Mangum, Emerson Mott, Trustees: Upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools motion was made by Emerson Mott, seconded by Bruno Cubas, and unanimously carried; WHEREIN: Approval is granted for the following bid award recommendations based on lowest responsible bidders: • • • • Swimming Pool Repairs - Commercial Clearwater Company Tennis Court Repairs- The Landtek Group Running Track Repairs-The Landtek Group Playground Surfacing Repair-Laser Industries Selma Rubin, District Clerk Bid Award Recommendation's based on Lowest responsible Bidder's Award To: Commercial Clearwater Company PO Box 909 Plandome, New York 11030 Swimming Pool Repairs Emergency Service Call - $ _195.00_ Hourly Emergency Rate (Service within 4-hour time frame of initial call being placed to office) Non-Emergency Routine Service Call $ _ 95.00 Acid Wash of Tiles $_1.10_ labor per sq. ft. Tile Work Repairs $ _12.00_ labor per sq. ft. Grout Repairs $ _ 5.00_ labor per sq. ft. Marble Dusting (Gunite on plaster pools) $ _9.25_ labor per sq. ft. Hourly Service Rate Percentage % Markup Added to Wholesale Cost _18 % This agreement shall remain in effect for period July 1, 2014 thru June 30, 2015. NEWSDAY T OF PUBLICATION UNIONDALE SCHOOL DISTRICT 933 GOODRICH ST. UNIONDALE, NY 11553-2400 STATE OF NEW YORK) SS.: COUNTY OF SUFFOLK) Legal Notice No. 17244560 r. lopes of Newsday LLC, Suffolk County, N.Y., being duly is, and at the time of publication of the annexed Notisworn, says that such person ce was a duly authorized custodian of records of Newsday LLC, the publishe published in the County of Suffolk, County of Nas r of NEWSDAY, a newspaper sau, C ty of Queens, and elsewhere in the State of New York and other plac es, and t at the Notice of which the annexed is a true copy, was published in the foll wing editions/ counties of said newspaper on the following dates: SWORNto before me this 10 Day of April, 2014. Guy P. Wasser Notary Public, State of New No. 01WA6045924 Commission Expires 10/20/2 Qualifi k 4 in Suffolk Coun 2014 Legal Notice 17244560 SWIMMING POOL REPAIR COOPERATIVE BID #100 Uniondale Union Free School District Legal Notice Notice is hereby given that separate bid, submitted in sealed envelopes for Swimming Pool Repair will be received and publicly read by the Uniondale Union Free School District on Thursday April 24th at 10:30 a.m. In the Administrative offices at 933 Goodrich Street Uniondale, NY 11553. Participating school dis tricts shall include: PlainviewOld Bethpage CSD Bethpage UFSD Great Neck UFSD Hempstead UFSD Hewlett -Wood mere UFSD Jericho UFSD Long Beach PSD Syosset UFSD Uniondale UFSD Westbury UFSD All bids must be submitted to the Business Office on or before the date of opening in sealed envelopes, bearing on the outside, the name and address of the bidder. PLEASE MARK ENVELOPE "SEALED BID NO. 100." Detailed specifications are available in the Business Office purchasing department on any weekday commencing Monday, April 14, 2014. For questions regarding the bid you may call John Labare, CDF at 516-560-8815 The Board of Education reserves the right to award all or a part of this bid or to reject all bids or to make awards which are in the best interest of the school district. Date: April 14, 2014 By Order of the Board of Education Uniondale Union Free School District UNIONDALE UFSD 933 GOODRICH STREET UNIONDALE, NY 11553 JOHNLABAREDIRECTOR OF BUILDING AND GROUNDS NEWSDAY PROOF Customer: UNIONDALE SCHOOL DISTRICT Contact: Ad Number: 17244560 Start Date:04/10/2014 Price: $264.00 Printed By: C900 Size: 1 x 69 Phone: 5165608847 End Date: 04/10/2014 Times: 1 Class: 11100 Date: 04/08/2014 Signature of Approval: Zones: Section: CL ELLEN Date: Uniondale Union Free School District BID #100 " No other governmental agencies or sub -divisions are authorized to utilize this cooperative bid". SWIMMING POOL REPAIR Plainview-Old Bethpage Central School District Bethpage Union Free School District Great Neck UFSD Hempstead UFSD Hewlett-Woodmere UFSD Jericho UFSD Long Beach PSD Syosset UFSD Uniondale UFSD Westbury UFSD This Document Contains: Billing Instructions Form of Proposal General Conditions Instructions to Bidders Insurance Requirements Specifications Title VI Compliance Non-Collusive Bidding Certification Notice to Bidders Outside Contractor Notification Outside Contractor's Work Report Participating School Districts' Contact Info Prevailing Wage Rate Schedule Statement of Bidder's Qualifications Toxic Substances Vendor Performance Survey Form The Board of Education, Uniondale Union Free School District, request a price, submitted as a sealed bid, for the item listed above, or its equal, in accordance with the specifications set forth herein at the time, and on the date and at the place indicated below: Time: 10:30 a.m. Date: April 24, 2014 Place: Uniondale Union Free School District 933 Goodrich Street Uniondale, NY 11553 Administrative Offices Uniondale Union Free School District No other governmental agencies or sub-divisions are authorized to utilize this cooperative bid". SWIMMING POOL REPAIR Bid Proposal Form Emergency Service Call (Service within 4-hour time frame of initial call being placed to office) $ ?G i , c 0 Hourly Emergency Rate Non-Emergency Routine Service Call $ 1 ) c . C,) Hourly Service Rate Acid Wash of Tiles $ t o 10 labor per sq. ft. Tile Work Repairs $t2_uv Grout Repairs $ S u v labor per sq. ft. Marble Dusting (Gunite on plaster pools) $ 'I _ a ( labor per sq. ft. labor per sq. ft. 911 POOL.COM COMMERCIAL CLEARWATER COMPANY INC. % Markup Added to Wholesale Cost Service • Supplies • Sales P.O. Box 909 • Plandome, New York 11030 516-294-7985 This agreement shall remain in effect for period July 1, 2014 thru June 30, 2015. BIDDER'SNAME: ADDRESS: ^t^^^3 c ► 3 'r t ' 0 z; V DATE: CL".tv^1 & /?,:^ , TELEPHONE NO.: SIGNATURE & TITLE: APPLY CORPORATE SEAL 1 4"x'7' /'C l/e- 1 ^"? 6 • `'^ 5 ? NASSAU COUNTY DIRECTORS OF SCHOOL FACILITIES PURCHASING CONSORTIUM STATEMENT OF BIDDER 'S QUALIFICATIONS it, 1. Name Of Bidder 2. Type of business entity 3. If the Bidder is a corporation, state the date and place of the incorporation. .AL 'd VO 1-k 4. For how many years has the Bidder done business under its present name? 5. List the persons who are directors, officers, owners, managerial employees or partrs in the Bidder's business. /.4 '1 ck-LF-, 6a. Have any of the persons listed in No. 5 owned /operated/been shareholders of any other companies? If so, please state their names and whether they owned /operated/been shareholders and the names of those companies. 6b. If the answer to No. 6a is affirmative, list said persons and the names of their previous affiliations. 7. Has any director, officer, owner or managerial employee ever had their professional license suspended or revoked? If yes, list their names, professional license held, which said license was revoked or suspended and the date of the revocation of suspension. 8. During the three-year period preceding the submission of this bid, has the Bidder been found guilty of any OSHA violations? If the answer is yes, describe the nature of the OSHA violation and provide an explanation of remediation or other steps taken regarding such violations(s). 9. During the five-year period preceding the submission of this bid, has the Bidder been charged with any claims pertaining to unlawful intimidation or discrimination against any employee by reason of race, creed, color, disability, sex or natural origin and/or violations of an employee's civil rights or equal employment opportunities? If yes, list the persons making such claim against Bidder, a description of the claim, the status of the claim, and disposition (if any) has been made regarding such claim. 10. During the five-year period preceding the submission of this bid, has the Bidder been named as a party in any lawsuit in an action involving a claim for personal injury or wrongful death arising from performance of work related to any project in which it has been engaged? If yes, list all such lawsuits, the index number associated with said suit and the status of the lawsuit at the time of the submission of this bid. 11. During the five-year period preceding the submission of this bid, has the Bidder been the subject of proceedings before the Department of Labor for alleged violations of the Labor Law as it relates to the payment of prevailing wages and/or supplemental payment requirements? If the answer to this question is yes, please list each such instance of the commencement of a Department of Labor proceeding, for which project such proceeding was commenced, and the status of the proceeding at the time of the submission of this bid. 12. During the five-year period preceding the Bidder's submission of this bid, has the Bidder been the subject of proceedings involving allegations that it violated the Workers' Compensation Law including but not limited to the failure to provide proof of Worker's Compensation or Disability Coverage and/or any lapses thereof? If the answer to this violation and the status of the claimed violation at the time of the submission of this bid is yes, please provide an explanation. 13. Has the Bidder, its officers, directors, owner and/or managerial employees been convicted of a crime or been the subject of a criminal indictment during the five year period preceding the submission of this bid? If the answer is yes, list the name of the individual convicted or indicted, the charge against the individual and the date of disposition of the charge. 14. During the five-year period preceding the Bidder's submission of this bid, has the Bidder been charged with and/or found guilty of any violations of federal, state or municipal environmental and/or health laws, code, rules or regulations? If yes, list the nature of the charge against the Bidder, the date of the charge, and the status of the charge at the time ofnspkmission of this bid. 15. Has the Bidder bid on any project for the period September 1, 2003 to present? If yes, list the projects bid on, whether said bid was awarded to the Bidder and the expected date of commencement for this work for said project. For those projects listed, if the Bidder was not awarded the contract, state whether the Bidder was the lowest monetary Bidder. JaWi t= pva I'A/e 6rezVia l 1`3^ 1Z /` 16. Does the Bidder have any projects ongoing at the time of the submission of this bid? If yes, list the projects on which the Bidder is currently working, the percentage complete and the expected date of completion of said project. 14,10 17. Has the Bidder ever been terminated from a project by the owner? If the answer is yes, list the projects on which the Bidder was terminated, the nature of the termination (convenience, suspension for cause) and the date of said termination. 18. List of similar projects - 4 years or older. U^yvo ))fa 2-0- 5- if ((u a - 4pI L. n20/- .. 0-1 . lac e A ,iiDie P-) `fP::=n- c ?Gc-1 e) '- f`4 f-V j-UA inJte'zt PL^' e Ak(d WLSd'xA ^tZ - Swcrtt 19. List of all projects - 5 years or older. 0191- ?fr t-?PAK -- CC' rO 3-e 2 012 - /iUSM-14-- Ab it ivt^ic ^l^ Gicl ' [- eat C'^Stn ac c Ywetr n V(I Sworn to before me this Day of ` , 20+3 j tiil Ma-1 e MARGIOTTA, CECI,LJA NOTARY PUBLIC-STATE- OF NEW YORK No.. ,01 MA6209002 Qualified in Nassau County ',Commission Expires July 13, 20/j cho r 1e } icfz r^ cp^^ Ctf -o r L) V--r C e c^^. ^, r cz I^^ ?O 1qeC&qJ' `fo6ey r O 14E^ S c {y v t2- - It^i ^alzt^vs^r / C 4 v la e ac t^C^ ► e 'e is Uniondale Union Free School District No other governmental agencies or sub -divisions are authorized to utilize this cooperative bid". SPECIFICATIONS FOR SWIMMING POOL REPAIRS MINIMUM QUALIFICATION CONTRACTOR Successful contractor must possess a minimum of five years experience in commercial institutional swimming pool repairs and be fully licensed, insured as required in the Town of Oyster Bay, County of Nassau, and State of New York. Contractor must be able to obtain a Performance Bond. Contractor must provide a work force capable of operating with a minimum of three (3) Full Time Mechanics. All jobs are to be completed by a skilled Journeyman - Mechanic, Journeyman (use the appropriate labor rate for these titles). The contractor will also operate at least three (3) service vehicles properly stocked with all necessary basic items required for swimming pool repair. DISTRICT'S RIGHT TO WORK AND/OR COMPLETE THIS CONTRACT Uniondale Union Free School District and/or cooperative member district reserves the right to complete this contract or have it completed by others after delivery of a three day notice to the contractor, when in the opinion of the Director of School Facilities & Operations; the contractor does not man the job or causes undue delay of work. The cost to the District to complete the project will be deducted from monies otherwise due the contractor. SPECIFIC OPERATION PROCEDURE A. It shall be the responsibility of the contractor to perform all work in strict accordance with the local, state, and federal regulations. Any deficiencies which may contribute to hazardous conditions must be reported to the Director of School Facilities & Operations immediately. B. Since the types of jobs will be varied and, in some cases the result of an emergency, the successful contractor must answer any call within 2 hours to discuss with District representative the scope, plan, specifications and general estimate of the job. The contractor shall supply the school district with necessary information required to make immediate contact with the owner, crew foreman or his designee, such as; mobile phone number, pager numbers for foreman and mechanics usually assigned to school district work. C. Work must begin within 48 hours unless otherwise directed by the District representative. D. Emergency operations must commence immediately for temporary relief of the situation. E. If the District provides the material for the job, the cost of labor will be computed on a cost per man -hour basis. The contractor will keep an accurate time record of the men working on a specific job and it shall be submitted with each billing. The Director of School Facilities & Operations will verify each billing. Each participating district is responsible for their purchase orders to be issued by their specific district designee. F. Materials may be purchased either by the District or the contractor as determined by the Director of School Facilities & Operations. In the event the bidder is designated to supply the materials for a job, the bidder, will bid on a percentage of mark-up over his cost. The contractor's records and bills shall be available upon demand by a District representative. The cost of materials and labor will be listed separately on this billing. G. If a motor and/or equipment are to be removed from the site, the contactor must provide a written estimate on the cost of the repair inclusive of all parts and labor before commencing the work. Uniondale Union Free School District SPECIFICATIONS FOR SWIMMING POOL REPAIRS (cont'd) CONTRACT DOCUMENTS On request, bidders are required to submit copies of drawings and specifications, including all modifications thereof, necessary for the proper execution of the work. FINAL DECISIONS The Director of School Facilities & Operations shall have the right to interpret the true meaning and intention of specifications, verbal or written; but should any controversies or disputes arise over such interpretations, his decision shall be binding and final. The Board reserves the right to bid special work projects separate and apart from this bid as determined by the Director of School Facilities & Operations. OBLIGATION OF BIDDER At the time of the opening of bids, each bidder will be presumed to have read and is familiar with the Contract Documents including all addenda. The failure or omission of any bidder to receive or examine any form, instrument or document, shall in no way relieve any bidder from any obligation in respect to his bid. These instructions are to be considered an integral part of all proposals. COMPLIANCE WITH TITLE VI OF THE CIVIL RIGHTS ACT OF 1964 AND THE REGULATIONS OF THE DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH, EDUCATION AND WELFARE ISSUED THEREUNDER Each contractor or vendor submitting a bid in which he offers to supply the services and/or materials requested by the Board of Education shall comply with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the regulations of the Department of Health, Education and Welfare issued thereunder and any additions or amendments thereto: Failure to comply with any of the provisions of said Civil Rights Act will be grounds for cancellation and termination of the Contract by the school district without penalty or damages because of said cancellation and termination. Any monies owed by the school district for goods delivered or work completed prior to the cancellation and termination of the contractor shall be paid. (FOR CORPORATE BIDDERS ONLY) CERTIFIED COPY OF RESOLUTION AUTHORIZES THE SUBMISSION OF BID Resolved that Name of Corporation Officer Title p t a -'C , be authorized to sign and Name of Corporation submit the bid or proposal of this corporation for the following project: J/o 14 /00°^ /z^"C,°'2.. Project Description And to include in such bid or proposal the certificate as to non-collusion required by Section 103-d of the General Municipal Law as the act and deed of such corporation and for any inaccuracies of misstatements in such certificate this corporate bidder shall be liable under the penalties of perjury. Page 1 of I Toxic Substances Part 820 of Title 12 of the Official Compilation of Codes, Rules, and Regulations of the state of New York (Cited as NYCRR 820) and Article 28 of the New York State Labor Law § 876. Notice requirements Subject to the limitations set forth in section eight hundred seventy-seven of this article, any manufacturer, importer, producer or formulator of any toxic substance shipped or transported or sold for any use within the state must provide, upon request, the following information: (a) the name or names of the toxic substance, including the generic or chemical name; (b) the trade name of the chemical and any other commonly used name; (c) the level at which exposure to the substance is determined to be hazardous, if known; (d) the acute and chronic effects of exposure at hazardous levels; (e) the symptoms of such effects; (f) the potential for flammability, explosion and reactivity of such substance; (g) appropriate emergency treatment; (h) proper conditions for safe use and exposure to such toxic substance; and (i) procedures for cleanup of leaks and spills of such toxic substance. Check One: ( Toxic substances information is enclosed for items included in this bid proposal. ( ) No toxic substances are present in items included in this bid proposal. Firm Name: ^k^°^'r Signed: Print Name: 17l- . Title: Date: This completed sheet must be returned with your bid file:///C:/Users/rbeale/AppData/Local/Temp/Temp 1 _2014-2015%20Swimming%20Poo1%... 4/22/2014 IRAN I)(VES' rMEN'r ACT COM PLIANCE RIDER FOR SCHOOL wsTR(CTS The Iran Divestment Act of 2012, effectiv e as of April 12, 2012, is codified at State Finance Law ("SFL") § 16S-a and General Municip al Law ("GML") § 103-g. The Iran Div estm ent Act, with certain exceptions, prohibits municipaliti es, including the District, from entering into contracts with persons engaged in investment activities in the energy sector of Iran. Pur suant to the terms set forth in SFL § 165-a and GML §10 3-g, a person engages in investment activities in the energy sector of Iran if, (a) The person provides goods or services of twenty million dollars or more in the energy sector of Iran, including a person that provides oil or. liquefied natural gas tank ers, or products used to construct or maintai n pipelines used to transport oil or liqu efied natu ral gas, for the energy sector of Iran; or (b) The person is a financial institution that extends twenty million dollars or more in credit to another person, for forty-five days or more, if that person will use the credit to provide goods or services in the energy sector in Iran and is identified on a list created purs uant to paragraph (b) of subdivision three of Sec tion 165-a of the SFL and maintained by the Commissioner of the Office of General Serv ices. A bid or proposal shall not be con sidered for award nor shall a ny award be made where the bidder or proposer fails to submit a signed and verified bidder's certifica tion. Each bidder or proposer must certify that it is not on the list of entities engaged in investment activities in Iran created pursuant to para graph (b) of subdivision 3 of Section 165 -a of the SFL. In any case where the bidder or proposer cannot certify that it is not on such Iist, the bidder or proposer shall so state and shall furnish with the bid or proposal a signed statemen t which sets forth in detail the reasons why such state ment cannot be made. The District may awa rd a bid to a bidder who cannot make the certificate on a case by case basis if: (1) The investment activities in Iran wer e made before the effective date of this section (i.e., April 12.2012), the investment activ ities in Iran have not been expanded or renewed after the effective date of this section and the person has adopted, pub licized and is implementing a formal plan to cease the investment activities in Iran and to refrain from engaging in any new investments in Iran ; or (2) The District makes a determination that the goods or services are necessa ry for the District to perform its functions and that, absent an exemption, the District would be unable to obtain the goods or serv ices for which the contract is offe red. Such determination shall be made in writing and shall be a public document. 142273 PROPOS ER'S CF.RTWFIc ATION O F COMPLIA NCE WITI IRAN VESTMENT ,%c r O F 2917. In accordance with General Municipal Law §103 -g, which generally prohibits the School District from entering into contracts with persons engaged in investment activities in the energy sector of Iran, the bidder/proposer submits the tollowing certi fication: [Please Check One] Proposer's Certification By submission of this bid or proposal, each bidd er/proposer and each person signing on behalf of any bidder/proposer certifies, and in the case of a joint bid each party thereto certifies as to its own organization, under pena lty of perjury, that to the best of its knowledge and belief, that each bidder/proposer is not on the list created by the Office of General Services (OGS) pursuant to paragraph (b) of subdivision 3 of Section 165-a of the State Finance Law. q 1 am unable to certify that my name and the name of the bidder/proposer does not appear on the list created pursuant to paragraph (b) of subd ivision 3 of Section 165-a of the State Finance Law. I have attached a signed statemen t setting forth in detail why I cannot so certify. Dated: 2 c/ , New York 201,x' Name of Bidder/Proposer Signature of Authorized Official Printed or Typed Name of Official and Title Sworn to before me this day of 1, 20/ Notary Public Dated: i4_'68I MARGIOTTA. CECILIA NOTARY PUBLIC-STATE OF NEW YORK No, 01 MA6209002 Qualified in Nassau County My Commission Expires July 13, 20/_ Page 1 of 5 HYDROCHLORIC ACID, 33 - 40% MSDS Number. H3880 * * * * * Effective Dare: 01/19/06 * * * * * Srrperce/ec: 09/24104 tMva.*.. rte, 906404M cwuurrae:,.ima.^6m **$.w MSDS Maferiai Sefety Data Sheet 7 «nwwft.po .rc. CAM IM: 613 s**f6i 0-Awus.sl C-ft .e.*.c ra*naa*s Aow: AG61ntla.dt BM1csr, c+c.( ®^ 512Uintkrodt CHFMICAIS tt2RsdSef+ oodCen* f, NJ 08006 A*eminr .yaws0anithwb m ea^braaM.e^,q^eaie LTgA7$i +obi. aMkM6.a¢oaASmanâOi.O *maacmA.xaa. 5**s 41 5354b5 )!a asuwnes. HYDROCHLORIC ACID, 33 - 40% 1. Product Identification Synonyms: Muriatic acid: hydrogen chloride, aqueous CAS No.: 7647-01.0 Molecular Weight: 36.46 Chemical Formula: HCI Product Codes: 972,5994,6900,7831.9529,9530.9534,9535,9536,9538,9539.9540,9544, J.T.Baker.5367,5537,5575,5800,5814,5821,5839.5861,5862,5894,5962,5 9548 H999, V078, V628 Mallinckrodt: 2062, 2515.2612, 2624.2626.3861, 5583.5587, H61 I, H613, H987, H992, 2. Composition/Information on Ingredients Ingredient CAS Nc Hydrogen Chloride Water 7.47-01-0 1732-28-5 Perce n t 33 - 40 60 - 67 Hazardous Yes No 3. Hazards Identification Emergency Overview POISON! DANGER CORROSIVE. LIQUID AND MIST CAUSE SEVERE BURNS OR INHALED. INHALATION MAY CAUSE LUNG DAMAGE. TO ALL BODY TISSUE. MAY BE FATAL IF SWALLOWED SAF-T-DATA(tm) Ratings (Provided here for your convenience) Health Rating: 3 -Severe (Poison)~^^_^^~ Flammability Rating: 0 - None Reactivity Rating: 2 - Moderate Contact Rating: 4 - Extreme (Corrosive) PROPER GLOVES Lab Protective Equip: GOGGLES & SHIELD: LAB COAT & APRON: VENT HOOD: Storage Color Code: White (Corrosive) Potential Health Effects Inhalation: throat, and upper respiratory tract, and in severe cases. pulmonary edema, Corrosive! Inhalation of vapors can cause coughing, choking, inflammation of the nose. circulatory failure, and death. Ingestion: throat, esophagus and gastrointestinal tract May cause nausea. Corrosive! Swallowing hydrochloric acid can cause immediate pain and burns of the mouth, vomiting, and diarrhea. Swallowing may be fatal. Skin Contact: deep ulcers and discolor skin. Corrosive! Can cause redness, pain, and severe skin bums. Concentrated solutions cause Eye Contact; bums and permanent eye damage. Corrosive! Vapors are irritating and may cause damage to the eyes. Contact may cause severe Chronic Exposure. seldom occur due to the corrosive properties of the acid. Long-term exposure to concentrated vapors may cause erosion of teeth. Long term exposures Aggravation of Pre-existing Conditions; of this substance. Persons with pre-existing skin disorders or eye disease may be more susceptible to the effects httn://www.itbaker.com/msds/englishhtmi/H3880.htm 9/4/2007 Page 2 of 5 HYDROCHLORIC ACID, 33 - 40% 4. First Aid Measures Inhalation: Get medical attention immediately. Remove to fresh air. If not breathing, give artificial respiration. If breathing is difficult, give oxygen. Ingestion: anything by mouth to an unconscious person. Get medical DO NOT INDUCE VOMITING! Give large quantities of water or milk if available. Never give attention immediately. Skin Contact: shoes. Wash clothing before to case or contact, immediately flush skin with plenty of water for at least 15 minutes while removing contaminated clothing and reuse. Thoroughly clean shoes before reuse. Get medical attention immediately. Eye Contact: Immediately flush eyes with plenty of water for at least 15 minutes, lifting lower and upper eyelids occasionally. Get medical attention immediately. 5. Fire Fighting Measures Fire: Extreme heat or contact with metals can release flammable hydrogen gas. Explosion: Not considered to be an explosion hazard. Fire Extinguishing Media: If involved in a fire, use water spray. Neutralize with soda ash or slaked lime. Special Information: apparatus with full facepiece operated in the pressure demand In the event of a fire, wear full protective clothing and NIOSH-approved self-contained breathing involving hydrochloric acid. Stay away from ends of tanks. Cool or other positive pressure mode. Structural firefighter's protective clothing is ineffective for fires tanks with water spray until well after fire is out 6. Accidental Release Measures 8. Isolate hazard area, Keep unnecessary and unprotected Ventilate area of leak or spill. Wear appropriate personal protective equipment as specified in Section (soda ash, lime), then absorb with an inert material (e. fig.. personnel from entering. Contain and recover liquid when possible. Neutralize with alkaline material materials, such as saw dust. Do not flush to sewer! US Regulations vermiculite, dry sand, earth), and place in a chemical waste container. Do not use combustible The toll free number for the US Coast Guard National (CERCLA) require reporting spills and releases to soil, water and air in excess of reportable quantities. Response Center is (800) 424-8802. for spills of this product. J. T. Baker NEUTRASORB® or TEAM®'Low Na' acid neutralizers are recommended 7. Handling and Storage from physical damage. Keep out of direct sunlight and away from Store in a cool, dry, ventilated storage area with acid resistant floors and good drainage. Protect When diluting, the acid should always be added slowly to water purposes. other for it use and container out wash not Do materials. incompatible and heat, water, cause uncontrolled boiling and splashing. When opening can acid to added Water acid. the to water add never and water hot use Never amounts. and in small of this material may be hazardous when empty since Containers present. being gas hydrogen of possibility the of because tools non-sparking use metal containers, product. the for listed precautions and warnings all observe liquid); they retain product residues (vapors, 8. Exposure Controls/Personal Protection Airborne Exposure Limits: For Hydrochloric acid: - OSHA Permissible Exposure Limit (PEL): 5 ppm (Ceiling) - ACGIH Threshold Limit Value (TLV): 2 ppm (Ceiling). A4 Not classifiable as a human carcinogen Ventilation System: Airborne Exposure Limits. Local exhaust ventilation is A system of local and/or general exhaust is recommended to keep employee exposures below the dispersion of it into the general work area. Please refer to the generally preferred because it can control the emissions of the contaminant at its source, preventing most recent edition, for details. ACGIH document, Industrial 1•e,ui/ wion. A Manual of Recnrnmentle&Yraciiear, Personal Respirators (NIOSH Approved): up to 50 times the exposure limit or the maximum use If the exposure limit is exceeded, a full facepiece respirator with an acid gas cartridge may be worn is lowest. For emergencies or instances where the exposure levels concentration specified by the appropriate regulatory agency or respirator supplier, whichever purifying respirators do not protect workers in oxygen-deficient are not known, use a full-facepiece positive-pressure, air-supplied respirator. WARNING: Air atmospheres. Skin Protection: as needed in areas of unusual exposure to prevent skin Rubber or neoprene gloves and additional protection including impervious boots, apron, or coveralls. contact. Eye Protection: Maintain eye wash fountain and quick-drench facilities in work area. Use chemical safety goggles and/or a full face shield where splashing is possible. 9. Physical and Chemical Properties Appearance: Colorless, fuming liquid. httr)://www.itbaker.com/msds/englishhtml /H3880 .htm 9/4/2007 rage 3 of ^ HYDROCHLORIC ACID, 33 - 40% Odor: Pungent odor of hydrogen chloride. Solubility: Infinite in water with slight evolution of heat. Density: I.18 pH: For HCL solutions: 0.1 (I.0 N), 1.1 (0.1 N). 2.02 (0.01 N) % Volatiles by volume (a) 21C (70F): too Boiling Point: 53C (127F) Azcotrope (20.2%) boils at 109C (228F) Melting Point: -74C (-10I F) Vapor Density (Air-1): No information found. Vapor Pressure (mm Hg): 190 Q 25C (77F) Evaporation Rate (BuAe=1): No information found. 10. Stability and Reactivity Stability: Stable under ordinary conditions of use and storage. Containers may burst when heated. Hazardous Decomposition Products: heat and toxic and corrosive fumes. Thermal When heated to decomposition, emits toxic hydrogen chloride fumes and will react with water or steam to produce oxidative decomposition produces toxic chlorine fumes and explosive hydrogen gas. Hazardous Polymerization: Will not occur. Incompatibilities: bases, metals, metal oxides, A strong mineral acid, concentrated hydrochloric acid is incompatible with many substances and highly reactive with strong and formaldehyde. hydroxides, amines. carbonates and other alkaline materials. Incompatible with materials such as cyanides, sulfides, sulfites, Conditions to Avoid: Heat, direct sunlight. 11. Toxicological Information investigated as a tumorigen, mutagen, reproductive effector. Inhalation rat LC50: 3124 ppm/I H: oral rabbit LD50: 900 mg/kg (Hydrochloric acid concentrated): ----°--\Cancer Lists \--------------------------------------------------------NT? carcinogen--Ingredient -----------------------------------Hydrogen Chloride i 764':-J1-3 Water ;773r-t9-5) K;iown Anticipated IARC Category ----No No ---- ------------3 None No No 12. Ecological Information Environmental Fate: into groundwater. When released into the soil, this material is not expected to biodegrade. When released into the soil, this material may leach Environmental Toxicity: This material is expected to be toxic to aquatic life. 13. Disposal Considerations facility. Processing, use or Whatever cannot be saved for recovery or recycling should be handled as hazardous waste and sent to a RCRA approved waste federal disposal regulations. contamination of this product may change the waste management options. State and local disposal regulations may differ from Dispose of container and unused contents in accordance with federal, state and local requirements. 14. Transport Information Domestic (Land, D.O.T.) Proper Shipping Name: HYDROCHLORIC ACID Hazard Class: 8 UN/NA: L N 1789 Packing Group: IT Information reported for product/size: 475LB International (water. I.M.O.) http://www.itbaker.com/msds/englishhtml/H3880.htm 9/4/2007 Page 4 of ) HYDROCHLORIC ACID, 33 - 40% Proper Shipping Name: HYDROCHLORIC ACID Hazard Class: 8 UN/NA: UN1789 Packing Group: I I Information reported for product/size: 475LB 15. Regulatory Information Risk and Safety Phrases: Symbol: C Risk: 34-37 Safety: (l/2-)26-45 --------------------\Chemical Inventory status - cart ,\------TSCA EC Ingredient Yes Yes Hydrogen Chloride (7647-01-0. Water (7'131-15-5( Yes Yes Japan Australia Yes Yes Yes "Fe: 2\ ---------------------------------------- \Chemical Inventory Status - Part --Canada-Phil. NDSL DSL Korea Ingredient ----------------------------------------------------------- Yes Yes Hydrogen Chloride {7647-01-0) Water (7732-13-5) Yes Yes No No Yes Yes - Part 1\--------------------\Federal, state & International legulatiens ------ SARA 313------SARA 302Ingredient -------------°-------------------------Hydrogen Chloride i764'1-01-0) Water 17732-15-5) RQ --5100 No TPQ '---M. No List ---Yes No Chemical Catg. -------------rte No n s - Part 2\ -----------------------\Federal, States Internat i onal Regulatio -TSCA-RCRAStd; 261.33 CERCLA Ingredient --------------------------------------------------No No 5000 Hydrogen Chloride )7647-n1-0} No No No Water (773;-1O-`h) '-es CDTA: No TSCA 12th': No Chemical Weapons Convention: Fire: No Pressure: No es Chronic: Acute: Yes SPFA 311/312: Liquid) ;Mixture / Reactivity: No Australian Hazchem Code: 2R Poison Schedule: None allocated. WHMIS: n Products Regulations (CPR) and the MSDS contains all of the informatio This MSDS has been prepared according to the hazard criteria of the Controlled required by the CPR. 16. Other Information NFPA Ratings: Health: 3 Flammability: 0 Reactivity: I Label Hazard Warning: OR BURNS TO ALL BODY TISSUE. MAY BE FATAL IF SWALLOWED POISON! DANGER! CORROSIVE. LIQUID AND MIST CAUSE SEVERE . DAMAGE LUNG CAUSE MAY ION INHALED. INHALAT Label Precautions: Do not get in eyes, on skin, or on clothing. Do not breathe vapor or mist Use only with adequate ventilation. Wash thoroughly after handling. Store in a tightly closed container. Remove and wash contaminated clothing promptly. Label First Aid: and shoes. Wash clothing plenty of water for at least 15 minutes while removing contaminated clothing In case of contact, immediately flush eyes or skin with Never give anything by mouth to an unconscious person. If inhaled. water. of quantities large Give G. VOMITIN INDUCE NOT DO , before reuse. If swallowed immediately. is difficult, give oxygen. In all cases get medical attention remove to fresh air. If not breathing, give artificial respiration. If breathing Product Use: Laboratory Reagent. Revision Information: MSDS Section(s) changed since last revision of document include: 16. Disclaimer: # Mt,YP40Ah ##+etrtamtt######$ ii#S##99# # P#i+P##4ea # f4ansPePnO0iWp4ieFC P#iiiF####4i##$ # ii#i#$PRi#% ##### or accuracy. makes no representation as to its comprehensiveness but faith good in herein contained n informatio the Mallinckrodt Baker, Inc. provides by a properly trained person using this product. material the of handling ary precaution te appropria This document is intended only as a guide to the purpose. independent judgment in determining its appropriateness for a particular Individuals receiving the information must exercise their OR WARRANTIES, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING S NTATION REPRESE NO MAKES INC. MALLINCKRODT BAKER. TO TY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE WITH RESPECT WITHOUT LIMITATION ANY WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILI REFERS. ACCORDINGLY, ATION INFORM THE WHICH TO T PRODUC THE THE INFORMATION SET FORTH HEREIN OR OF OR RELIANCE UPON THIS RESPONSIBLE FOR DAMAGES RESULTING FROM USE MALLINCKRODT BAKER, INC. WILL NOT BE INFORMATION. httn - //ww-w -itbaker.com/msds/englishhtml/'H3880 .htm 9/4/2007 LOOZ/t,/6 w1w088£H/iuzT SIIWua/spsuz/uzoa•aa4uglt•mmm//xt cl (,v*S71) 0091-459 (41 E) :jagwnH auogd d kp3e5:8411mH IMU2WUOIIAU :Aq paju xx****xxxxx ***##*# x**#t#*###a#txx*##tttt *ttttttttt# xattttaaat#ttttaataattaaaasat.aataaaaaattaaaa 5 jo g aftd %O t - £ £ `QI3V DMOIHDO2IQAH