PUBLIC SERVICE BOARD MEETING AGENDA ITEM REGULAR MEETING Wednesday, August 14, 2013 SUBJECT Bid Number 51-13, Eastside Planned Service Area 24-Inch and 16-Inch Water Line (Pellicano Drive from Sunfire to Aircoupe) – Re-Bid BACKGROUND The project is being built to serve the continued growth in east El Paso. The project consists of 24-inch and 16-inch water mains, steel casing via bore, fittings, butterfly valves, gate valves, combination air-vacuum valves, blow-off valves, cathodic protection system, pavement restoration and traffic control. EVALUATION PROCESS The EPWU received nine bids for this project on July 18, 2013. The bidders were SAAB Site Contractors, Bain Enterprises, Smithco Construction, CMD Endeavors, Spartan Construction of New Mexico, Morrow Enterprises, S. J. Louis Construction, Danny Sander Construction, and Total Mechanical. The bids ranged from $1,008,737.10 to $1,737,160.00 or 5.0% to 80.8% above the Engineer’s estimate of $960,794.87. The apparent low bidder was SAAB Site Contractors with a bid of $1,008,737.10. The project consulting engineer, ARCADIS U.S., evaluated the qualifications of the responsive low bidder and determined that SAAB Site Contractors meets the Minimum General Requirements as well as the Minimum Project Specific Criteria as required in the bid documents. The EPWU Project Management Section reviewed the Engineer’s Evaluation Matrix for the apparent low bidder and recommends award of the contract to SAAB Site Contractors, as the lowest, responsive, responsible bidder, in the amount of $1,008,737.10. FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS Sufficient funds are available in CIP#4050A, Account Number 1212-050, and the funding sources are the Improvement Fund in the amount of $157,105.10 and Commercial Paper in the amount of $851,632.00. PROPOSED ACTION REQUESTED Award Bid Number 51-13, Eastside Planned Service Area 24-Inch and 16-Inch Water Line (Pellicano Drive from Sunfire to Aircoupe) – Re-Bid, to the lowest, responsive, responsible bidder, SAAB Site Contractors L.P., in the amount of $1,008,737.10 and authorize the use of Commercial Paper in the amount of $851,632.00. SUPPORTING DOCUMENTATION PROVIDED: Bid Tabulation Resolution Bid Number 51-13, Eastside Planned Service Area 24-Inch and 16-Inch Water Line (Pellicano Drive from Sunfire to Aircoupe) – Re-Bid Page 1 of 1
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